Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
                      Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No. )

Filed by the Registrant [X]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ]

Check the appropriate box:
[X] Preliminary Proxy Statement            [  ] Confidential, for Use of the
                                                Commission Only (as permitted by
                                                Rule 14a-6(e)(2))

[  ] Definitive Proxy Statement
[  ] Definitive Additional Materials
[  ] Soliciting Material under Rule 14a-12

                        Farmers Capital Bank Corporation
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X] No fee required
[ ] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

     1)   Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

     2)   Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

     3)   Per unit  price  or other  underlying  value of  transaction  computed
          pursuant to Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the
          filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

     4)   Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

     5)   Total fee paid:

[ ]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[ ]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
     Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee
     was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration
     statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

     1) Amount Previously Paid:

     2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

     3) Filing Party:

     4) Date Filed:

                              202 WEST MAIN STREET
                            FRANKFORT, KENTUCKY 40601

                             TO BE HELD MAY 11, 2004

     The Annual Meeting of Shareholders of Farmers Capital Bank Corporation will
be held at the main office of Farmers  Bank & Capital  Trust Co.,  125 West Main
Street, Frankfort, Kentucky, on Tuesday, May 11, 2004 at 11:00 a.m., local time,
to consider and act upon the following matters:

     1.   The election of four Directors for three-year  terms ending in 2007 or
          until their successors have been elected and qualified;

     2.   Approval of the Corporation's 2004 Employee Stock Purchase Plan; and

     3.   Such other business as may properly come before the meeting.

     Only  shareholders of record at the close of business on April 1, 2004 will
be entitled to receive notice of and to vote at this meeting, or any adjournment
thereof. The stock transfer books will not be closed.

     It is desirable that as many shareholders as possible be represented at the
meeting.  Consequently,  whether  or not you now  expect to be  present,  please
execute  and return  the  enclosed  proxy.  You may revoke the proxy at any time
before the authority therein is exercised.

                                 By order of the Board of Directors,

                                 /s/ C Douglas Carpenter
                                 C. Douglas Carpenter
                                 Vice President, Secretary
                                 and Chief Financial Officer

Frankfort, Kentucky
April 1, 2004

                             YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT


                              202 WEST MAIN STREET
                            FRANKFORT, KENTUCKY 40601

                                 PROXY STATEMENT
                    ANNUAL SHAREHOLDERS' MEETING-MAY 11, 2004


     The  Board  of  Directors  of  Farmers   Capital  Bank   Corporation   (the
"Corporation")  solicits  your  proxy for use at the 2004  Annual  Shareholders'
Meeting (the "Meeting").  The Meeting will be held at the main office of Farmers
Bank & Capital  Trust Co.  ("Farmers  Bank"),  125 West Main Street,  Frankfort,
Kentucky,  on Tuesday, May 11, 2004 at 11:00 a.m., local time. The persons named
as proxies in the form of proxy,  G.  Anthony  Busseni and Frank W. Sower,  Jr.,
have been designated as proxies by the Board of Directors.

     When the enclosed  proxy is executed and returned  before the Meeting,  the
shares  represented  thereby will be voted at the Meeting as specified  thereon.
Any person executing the enclosed proxy may revoke it prior to the voting at the
Meeting by giving notice of revocation to the Secretary of the  Corporation  (C.
Douglas Carpenter), by filing a proxy bearing a later date with the Secretary or
by attending the Meeting and voting his or her shares in person.

     This Proxy  Statement  and the  accompanying  form of proxy are first being
sent to shareholders on or about April 1, 2004.


     Voting  rights  are  vested   exclusively  in  the  holders  of  shares  of
Corporation  Common Stock.  A  shareholder  is entitled to one vote per share of
Corporation  Common  Stock  owned on each  matter  coming  before  the  Meeting.
Shareholders  being present at the Meeting in person or by proxy  representing a
majority of the outstanding shares of Corporation Common Stock will constitute a

     If shares are held in "street name" through a broker or other nominee,  the
broker or nominee may not be permitted to execute voting discretion with respect
to matters  to be acted upon at the  Meeting.  Shares  represented  by a limited
proxy,  such as  where a  broker  may not vote on a  particular  matter  without
instructions  from the beneficial  owner and no instructions  have been received
(i.e., "broker nonvote"),  will be counted to determine the presence of a quorum
but will not be deemed present for other purposes and will not be the equivalent
of a "no" vote on a proposition. Shares represented by a proxy with instructions
to abstain on a matter  will be  counted in  determining  whether a quorum is in
attendance  and in determining  the number of shares present at the Meeting.  An
abstention is not the equivalent of a "no" vote on a proposition.

     The  affirmative  vote of a  plurality  of the votes cast at the Meeting is
required for the election of Directors. A "plurality" means that the individuals
with the  largest  number of votes are  elected as  Directors  up to the maximum
number  of  Directors  (i.e.,  four) to be  chosen at the  Meeting.  A  properly
executed  proxy  whereby  authority  is withheld  from one or more  Nominees for
Directors will not be voted with respect to the Director or Directors indicated,
although  it will be counted  for  purposes of  determining  whether  there is a

     The affirmative vote of the holders of shares of Corporation  Common Stock,
having a majority of the votes present in person or  represented by proxy at the
Meeting  and  entitled  to vote on the  matter,  is  necessary  to  approve  the
Corporation Employee Stock Purchase Plan (Proposal No. 2)

Only  shareholders  of record at the close of  business on April 1, 2004 will be
entitled to receive notice of and to vote at the Meeting. On March 1, 2004 there
were  6,727,380  shares of  Corporation  Common Stock  issued,  outstanding  and
entitled to vote.


     The following  table gives  information as to all persons or entities known
to the Corporation to be beneficial owners of more than five percent (5%) of the
shares of  Corporation  Common Stock.  Unless  otherwise  indicated,  beneficial
ownership includes both sole voting power and sole investment power.

                                   Amount and Nature
                                   of Beneficial
                                   Ownership of
Name and Address                   Common Stock as of             Percent
of Beneficial Owner                March 1, 2004                 of Class
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Farmers Bank & Capital             479,623 1                      7.13 2
Trust Co., as Fiduciary
125 West Main Street
Frankfort, KY 40601

     1    The shares indicated are held by the Trust Department of Farmers Bank,
          a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Corporation,  in fiduciary capacities
          as trustee,  executor,  agent or otherwise.  Of the shares  indicated,
          Farmers  Bank has the sole right to vote 381,880  shares,  or 5.68% of
          the  outstanding  shares,  and shared  voting  rights with  respect to
          26,288 shares,  or 0.39% of the outstanding  shares.  It has no voting
          rights  with  respect to 71,455  shares,  or 1.06% of the  outstanding

          In addition, of the shares indicated, Farmers Bank has sole investment
          power with respect to 321,890 shares, or 4.78% of outstanding shares,
          shared investment power with respect to 36,898 shares, or 0.55% of the
          outstanding shares, and no investment power with respect to 120,835,
          shares or 1.80% of the shares outstanding.

     2    Based on 6,727,380 shares of Corporation  Common Stock  outstanding as
          of March 1, 2004.

                                 PROPOSAL NO. 1

                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

     In accordance with the Corporation's  Articles of Incorporation,  the Board
of Directors is  classified  into three classes as nearly equal in number as the
then total number of Directors  constituting the whole Board permits. Each class
is to be elected to  separate  three (3) year terms with each term  expiring  in
different  years. At each annual meeting the Directors or Nominees  constituting
one class are  elected  for a three (3) year term.  The term of those  Directors
listed  immediately below expires at the annual meeting on May 13, 2004 and this
class  contains the Nominees to be elected to serve until the annual  meeting of
shareholders  in 2007.  Any vacancies that occur after the Directors are elected
may be filled by the Board of Directors in accordance with law for the remainder
of the full term of the vacant Directorship.

     The Board of Directors  intends to nominate  for election as Directors  the
four (4) persons listed below, all of whom are presently serving as Directors of
the  Corporation  with the exception of Cecil D. Bell,  Jr. (though Mr. Bell was
previously a Corporation  Director from 1997 through 2000).  It is the intention
of the  persons  named in the  proxy to vote for the  election  of all  Nominees
named.  If  any  Nominee(s)  shall  be  unable  to  serve,   which  is  not  now
contemplated,  the proxies will be voted for such  substitute  Nominee(s) as the
Board of Directors recommends. Nominees receiving the four (4) highest totals of
votes cast in the  election  will be elected as  Directors.  Proxies in the form
solicited hereby which are returned to the Corporation will be voted in favor of
the four  (4)  Nominees  specified  below  unless  otherwise  instructed  by the
shareholder.  Abstentions  and shares not voted by  brokers  and other  entities
holding shares on behalf of beneficial  owners will not be counted and will have
no effect on the outcome of the election.

     In accordance with rules of the National  Association of Securities Dealers
("NASD"),  all of the Nominees for Director and Incumbent Directors listed below
meet the NASD definition of "independent" except Mr. Hillard and Mr. Busseni.

     The following tables set forth information with respect to each Nominee for
Director,  and with respect to Incumbent Directors who (by virtue of the classes
in which they serve) are not Nominees for re-election at the annual meeting.

Name                       Has Served as       Position and Offices             Business Experience
and Age                    Director Since 1    with Corporation  2              during the Past Five Years
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Lloyd C. Hillard, Jr.      1996                Director; President,             President and CEO of
(57)                                           CEO and Director of              First Citizens Bank
                                               First Citizens Bank
                                               ("First Citizens");
                                               Director of FCB Services
                                               Inc. ("FCB Services")

Harold G. Mays             1996                Director                         President of H.G. Mays
(69)                                                                            Corp. (asphalt paving

Robert Roach, Jr.          1998                Director                         Retired Teacher; Frankfort
(65)                                                                            City Commissioner

Cecil D. Bell, Jr.3        N/A                 Chairman of                      Farmer
(63)                                           the Board of Directors
                                               of Farmers Bank and
                                               Trust Company ("Farmers

Name                       Has Served as      Position and Offices              Business Experience
and Age                    Director Since 1   with Corporation  2               During the Past Five Years
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Gerald R. Hignite          2002                Director; Director of            President of Curneal &
(59)                                           First Citizens                   Hignite Insurance, Inc.
                                                                                (general insurance
                                                                                agency) since January 2001
                                                                                (previously Vice President
                                                                                from 1997-2001)

G. Anthony Busseni         1996                Director; President and          President, CEO and
(56)                                           CEO of the Corporation;          Director of Farmers Bank
                                               Director of Farmers Bank,        from 1999-2002; President,
                                               United Bank & Trust Co.          CEO and Director of
                                               ("United Bank") Lawrenceburg     Farmers Georgetown prior
                                               National Bank ("Lawrenceburg     to 1999
                                               Bank"), Farmers Georgetown,
                                               First Citizens, Kentucky
                                               Banking Centers, Inc. and FCB
                                               Services; Chairman of the
                                               Board of Leasing One
                                               Corporation; Chairman of the
                                               Board of Farmers Capital
                                               Insurance Corporation

Shelley S. Sweeney         2002                Director                         President, Swell Properties,
(62)                                                                            Inc. (residential real estate
                                                                                rental company)

Michael M. Sullivan        1999                Director; Director of            Retired Senior Vice
(66)                                           FCB Services                     President, FCB Services

Name                       Has Served as       Position and Offices             Business Experience
and Age                    Director Since 1    with Corporation 2               During the Past Five Years
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Frank W. Sower, Jr.        1996                Chairman of the Board            Retired Appeals
(64)                                           of Directors                     Officer, Internal Revenue

J. Barry Banker 4          1996                Director                         President of Stewart Home
(52)                                                                            School (private, special needs

Dr. John D. Sutterlin 5    2003                Chairman of the Board            Retired Dentist
(63)                                           of Directors of Farmers Bank

Dr. Donald J. Mullineaux   2003                Director                         Professor, University of
(58)                                                                            Kentucky,  College of
                                                                                Business and Economics

- -----------------------------------------------------

1    Refers to the year in which the Nominee or the continuing Director became a
     Director of the Corporation.

2    All  corporations  listed in this  column  other than the  Corporation  are
     subsidiaries of the Corporation.

3    Mr. Bell previously served as a Corporation Director from 1997 to 2000.

4    J. Barry  Banker is the  son-in-law  of Dr.  John P.  Stewart,  an Advisory
     Director (and the Chairman  Emeritus) of the Corporation.  The foregoing is
     the only "family relationship" between any Director (or Advisory Director),
     Executive  Officer,  or person  nominated or chosen to become a Director or
     Executive  Officer  of  the  Corporation.  "Family  relationship"  means  a
     relationship  by blood,  marriage  or  adoption  not more remote than first

5    Dr. Sutterlin previously served as a Corporation Director from 1998 through

     None of the Nominees or  continuing  Directors is a Director of any company
with  a  class  of  securities  registered  with  the  Securities  and  Exchange
Commission  pursuant  to Section 12 of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934 or
subject  to the  requirements  of  Section  15(d) of that  Act,  or any  company
registered as an investment company under the Investment Company Act of 1940.

     In addition to the Nominees and continuing  Directors  listed in the tables
above,  Charles T.  Mitchell,  E. Bruce Dungan and Dr. John P. Stewart  serve as
Advisory Directors to the Corporation. Effective January 1, 2004, the retirement
policy for Directors of the  Corporation  provides that a Director  shall retire
effective as of the end of his elected term next following the date on which the
Director  attains age 70. Prior to January 1, 2004, any such Director  could, at
the discretion of the Board of Directors, become an Advisory Director. Effective
January 1, 2004, the three Advisory Directors listed above may continue to serve
in such capacity at the discretion of the Board of Directors,  but otherwise the
status of Corporation Advisory Director has been eliminated.



     There are  three  standing  committees  of the  Board of  Directors  of the
Corporation:  the Retirement Committee, the Audit Committee and the Compensation

     The Retirement Committee consists of G. Anthony Busseni and Harold G. Mays.
E. Bruce Dungan and Charles T. Mitchell,  each of whom is an Advisory  Director,
serve as advisors to this committee. The Committee establishes investment policy
and monitors  investment  results for the  Corporation  Salary Savings Plan (the
"Savings  Plan").  It also,  from  time to time,  recommends  amendments  to the
Savings Plan to the Board of Directors.  During 2003, the  Retirement  Committee
met five times.

     The Audit Committee  consists of J. Barry Banker,  Frank W. Sower, Jr., and
Robert  Roach,  Jr.,  with  Charles  T.  Mitchell  serving as an advisor to this
committee.  All members of the Audit  Committee are  "independent  directors" as
defined by the rules of the NASD.  The Board of  Directors  has  determined  (in
accordance with Securities and Exchange  Commission  Regulation S-K 401(h)) that
J. Barry Banker  satisfies  the  qualifications  of  "financial  expert" and Mr.
Banker accordingly has been designated as the Audit Committee  financial expert.
The Audit Committee is empowered to:

1.   Monitor the integrity of the Corporation's  financial reporting  processing
     and systems of internal controls regarding finance,  accounting,  and legal
2.   Select  the   Corporation's   independent   auditor  and  determine   their
3.   Monitor  the  independence  and  performance  of the  independent  auditor,
     management and the internal audit  department;  and 4. Provide an avenue of
     communication among the independent auditor, management, the internal audit
     department and the Board of Directors.

     The Audit Committee was in compliance with its written charter during 2003.
The Board does not limit the number of audit  committees for other  corporations
on which its audit committee  members may serve.  None of the committee  members
currently serve on another audit committee for a  publicly-held  entity.  During
2003 the Audit Committee met five times.

     The  Compensation  Committee  consists of J. Barry Banker,  Frank W. Sower,
Jr., and Shelley S. Sweeney,  with Charles T. Mitchell  serving as an advisor to
this committee.  The Committee recommends to the Board of Directors the salaries
of all Executive Officers, including the Chief Executive Officer, and recommends
awards to be made (if any) under the  Corporation  Stock Option Plan,  which was
approved by  shareholders in 1998. The  Compensation  Committee met twice during

     There were six  meetings of the Board of  Directors  during  2003,  and all
Directors  attended at least 75% of the total  number of Board  meetings and the
meetings of the committees to which they  belonged.  The Board of Directors does
not have a  specific  policy  for  Directors  attending  the  Annual  Meeting of
Shareholders. All but one Director attended the prior year's annual meeting.


NOMINATIONS OF DIRECTORS:  The Corporation has no standing nominating committee.
The  independent  members of the Board of Directors  determine  the Nominees for
Director to be presented  for  election  based upon their review of all proposed
nominees  for  the  Board,   including  those  proposed  by  shareholders.   The
independent members of the Board of Directors select qualified  candidates based
upon the  criteria  set forth below and review  their  recommendations  with the
Board,  which  decides  whether  to invite  the  candidate  to be a nominee  for
election to the Board.

     Board members must possess the acumen,  education and  experience to make a
significant  contribution  to the Board and bring a diverse  range of skills and
perspectives to satisfy the perceived  needs of the Board at a particular  time.
Board  members  must  have the  highest  ethical  standards,  a strong  sense of
professionalism,   independence  and  an  understanding  of  the   Corporation's
business.  Additionally,  Board members must have the aptitude and experience to
fully  appreciate  the legal  responsibilities  of a director and the governance
processes  of a  public  company,  a  willingness  to  commit,  as well as have,
sufficient time to discharge their duties to the Board and such other factors as
the  independent  members of the Board of  Directors  determine  are relevant in
light of the needs of the Board and the Corporation.

     For a shareholder to submit a candidate for a consideration  as a Director,
a shareholder  must notify the  Corporation's  secretary.  To be considered  for
nomination and inclusion in the Corporation's proxy statement at the 2005 Annual
Meeting,  a shareholder  must notify the  Corporation's  secretary no later than
December 1, 2004 (the date 120 days prior to the first  anniversary  of the date
of the 2004 annual meeting proxy statement).  Notices should be sent to: Farmers
Capital Bank  Corporation,  202 West Main  Street,  Frankfort,  Kentucky  40601,
Attention: C. Douglas Carpenter, Secretary.

CODE OF ETHICS:  Ethical business conduct is a shared value of the Corporation's
Board of Directors,  management and employees.  The Corporation's Code of Ethics
applies  to the  Board  of  Directors  as well as all  employees  and  officers,
including the  principal  executive  officer,  principal  financial  officer and
principal accounting officer.

     The Code of Ethics covers all areas of professional conduct, including, but
not limited to, conflicts of interest, disclosure obligations,  insider trading,
confidential  information,  as well as  compliance  with  all  laws,  rules  and
regulations applicable to the Corporation's business. The Corporation encourages
all employees,  officers and directors to promptly  report any violations of the
Code  to  the  appropriate  persons  identified  in  the  Code.  A  copy  of the
Corporation's Code of Ethics is available through the Investor Relations section
of the Corporation's website at the following address:

EXECUTIVE  SESSIONS OF THE BOARD:  Non-management  directors  meet in  executive
sessions without  management.  "Non-management"  directors are all those who are
not  Corporation  officers,   and  include  directors,   if  any,  who  are  not
"independent"  by virtue of a material  relationship  with the  Corporation or a
family  relationship.  Executive sessions are led by a "Presiding  Director." An
executive session is held in conjunction with regularly scheduled Board meetings
at least  twice per year and  other  sessions  may be  called  by the  Presiding
Director in his or her own  discretion or at the request of the Board.  Frank W.
Sower, Jr. has been designated as the Presiding Director.

COMMUNICATIONS  WITH THE BOARD: The Board of Directors has established a process
for  shareholders  to  communicate  with the  Board or an  individual  director.
Shareholders may contact the Board or an individual Director by writing to their
attention  at the  Corporation's  principal  executive  offices at 202 West Main
Street, Frankfort,  Kentucky 40601, Attention: C. Douglas Carpenter,  Secretary.
Each communication intended for the Board of Directors or an individual director
will be forwarded to the specified party.

                          STOCK OWNERSHIP OF MANAGEMENT

     The table below gives  information as to the shares of  Corporation  Common
Stock beneficially owned by all Directors (and Nominees), Advisory Directors and
Executive  Officers,  and by all  such  persons  as a  group.  Unless  otherwise
indicated, all shares are owned directly and the named persons possess both sole
voting power and sole investment power.

                                Amount and Nature of Beneficial
                                Ownership of Corporation Common     Percent of
Name                             Stock as of March 1, 2004 1, 2     Class 1, 2
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

J. Barry Banker                            5,063 3                      .08

Cecil D. Bell, Jr.                         2,000                        .03

G. Anthony Busseni                        20,054 4                      .30

W. Benjamin Crain                          2,118                        .03

E. Bruce Dungan                           75,251 5                     1.12

Allison Gordon                             9,004 6                      .12

Gerald R. Hignite                            600 7                      .01

Lloyd C. Hillard, Jr.                     20,948 8                      .29

Harold G. Mays                             5,865 9                      .09

Charles T. Mitchell                       31,600 10                     .47

Dr. Donald J. Mullineaux                     100                        .00

Robert Roach, Jr.                         20,000                        .30

Frank W. Sower, Jr.                       58,866 11                     .88

Dr. John P. Stewart                       52,300 12                     .78

Michael M. Sullivan                      172,359 13                    2.56

Dr. John D. Sutterlin                     60,300 14                     .90

Shelley S. Sweeney                       194,382 15                    2.89

All Directors (and Nominees),            685,124                      10.21
Advisory Directors and Executive
Officers as a group

1    All entries are based on  information  provided to the  Corporation  by its
     Directors, Advisory Directors and Executive Officers.

2    Includes beneficial ownership of the following numbers of shares respecting
     which the named persons may be deemed to be  beneficial  owners as a result
     of rights they may exercise to acquire beneficial  ownership within 60 days
     of March 1, 2004:

                G. Anthony Busseni             19,000
                Lloyd C. Hillard, Jr.          15,500
                Allison Gordon                  6,786

     The  above-referenced  shares for the named persons are deemed  outstanding
     for  purposes  of  computing  the  percentage  of  outstanding   shares  of
     Corporation  common stock owned by such persons (and for all Directors [and
     Nominees],  Advisory  Directors and Executive  Officers as a group) but are
     not deemed to be  outstanding  for purposes of computing the  percentage of
     any other person.

3    Includes  3,400 shares held by Farmers Bank in trust for Mr.  Banker's wife
     and 120 shares held by Mr. Banker for each of his three children.

4    Includes 648 shares held for Mr. Busseni in the Corporation  Employee Stock
     Ownership Plan (the "ESOP").

5    Includes  42,500 shares owned by Mr. Dungan's wife and 1,551 shares held by
     the ESOP for his benefit.

6    Includes 373 shares owned  jointly with Ms Gordon's  husband and 345 shares
     held by the ESOP for her benefit.

7    Includes 400 shares owned by Mr. Hignite's wife.

8    Includes 130 shares held for Mr.  Hillard by the ESOP, 200 shares held in a
     self-directed  IRA for the benefit of Mr. Hillard's wife, 1,825 shares held
     in a  self-directed  IRA for his  benefit,  and 450 shares held in a profit
     sharing trust for the benefit of his wife.

9    Includes  5,865  shares  held by H. G. Mays Corp.  of which Mr. Mays is the
     President and principal shareholder.

10   Includes 8,000 shares owned by Mr.  Mitchell's  wife and 4,954 shares in an
     IRA established by Mr. Mitchell with Farmers Bank serving as trustee.

11   Includes  36,466  shares held jointly by Mr.  Sower,  his brother,  John R.
     Sower,  and his sister,  Lynn S. Bufkin,  as co-trustees for various trusts
     established  for  the  benefit  of  Mr.  Sower's  children  and  the  other
     grandchildren of Mr. Sower's parents.

12   Includes  41,500 shares held by Dr. Stewart as trustee for his own benefit,
     and 6,800  shares  held in trust by Farmers  Bank for the benefit of two of
     Dr. Stewart's children.

13   Includes 15,560 shares held by Mr.  Sullivan's wife,  51,000 shares held by
     the Sullivan Family Partnership  respecting which Mr. Sullivan and his wife
     are partners,  1,140 shares held by Mr. Sullivan as trustee of a charitable
     remainder  trust,  and 779  shares  held  by the  ESOP  for Mr.  Sullivan's

14   Includes 17,900 shares held in an Individual  Retirement Plan Trust for Dr.
     Sutterlin's benefit.

15   Includes 153,640 shares held in trust for Ms Sweeney's benefit.

                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION


     The  following  table  sets  forth all  compensation  for  services  in all
capacities to the Corporation and its subsidiaries  during the last three fiscal
years for the Corporation's  Chief Executive Officer and the Corporation's other
four highest-paid Executive Officers (including for these purposes three persons
not employees of the Corporation but of certain Corporation subsidiaries).

                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                      Long Term Compensation
                  Annual Compensation                             Awards                  Payouts
Name                                                 Annual       Restricted                            All Other
and                                                  Compen-      Stock      Securities   LTIP          Compen-
Principal                                            sation       Awards     Underlying   Payouts       sation 1
Position          Year      Salary ($)  Bonus($)     ($)          ($)        Options(#)   ($)            ($)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

G. Anthony
Busseni,          2003      250,673                                                                     17,080
President &       2002      225,807                                                                     16,813
CEO               2001      160,020                                                                     12,812

Lloyd C.
Hillard, Jr.,
President &       2003      132,221                                                                     10,378
CEO First         2002      125,620                                                                     9,826
Citizens          2001      121,120                                                                     9,497

Rickey D.
President &       2003      146,100                                                                     12,634
CEO Farmers       2002      119,756                                                                     10,123
Bank              2001       85,097                                                                      7,283

Bruce W.
Executive Vice    2003      127,130                                                                     10,526
President         2002      112,623                                                                      9,571
Farmers Bank      2001      104,634                                                                      8,950

Allison B.
Gordon,           2003      100,300                                                                      7,697
Senior            2002      103,320                                                                      7,344
Vice President    2001       95,560                                                                      7,039
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1    In 2003, includes (a) Corporation's  contributions to the Pension Plan (Mr.
     Busseni $8,000,  Mr. Hillard $4,800, Mr. Harp $5,844, Mr. Brooks $4,869 and
     Ms Gordon $3,560);  (b)  Corporation's  contributions to the Salary Savings
     Plan (Mr. Busseni $8,000,  Mr. Hillard $4,800,  Mr. Harp $5,844, Mr. Brooks
     $4,869  and Ms  Gordon  $3,560);  and (c) the cost of group  term  life and
     long-term  disability  insurance  premiums  paid  by the  Corporation  (Mr.
     Busseni  $1,080,  Mr.  Hillard $778,  Mr. Harp $946, Mr. Brooks $788 and Ms
     Gordon $577).


                                                    Number of Securities                 Value of Unexercised
                     Shares                   Underlying Unexercised Options at         In-the-Money Options at
                    Acquired        Value           December 31, 2003 (#)               December 31, 2003 ($) 2
                   on Exercise     Realized  -----------------------------------      --------------------------
Name                   (#)          ($) 1     Exercisable         Unexercisable       Exercisable  Unexercisable
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

G. Anthony Busseni    1,000        9,540         19,000                   0             180,690              0
Lloyd C. Hillard, Jr. 1,000        7,920         17,000                   0             161,670              0
Rickey D. Harp            0            0          1,715                 285              16,310          2,710
Bruce W. Brooks       2,110       22,071          9,890                   0              94,054              0
Allison B. Gordon     1,000       11,750          7,785               1,715              74,035         16,310

1    The value realized from exercising options is calculated by multiplying the
     number of underlying shares by the difference  between the value of a share
     at exercise date and the option exercise price ($24.50).

2    The value of unexercised  in-the-money options is calculated by multiplying
     the number of underlying shares by the difference between the closing price
     of the  Corporation's  Common Stock on the NASDAQ  SmallCap  Market tier at
     fiscal year-end  ($34.01) and the option exercise price.  These values have
     not been realized.
- --------------------------------


     During  2003,  Directors  of the  Corporation  received a quarterly  fee of
$1,500.  Frank W.  Sower,  Jr.  received  an  additional  $2,000 per quarter for
serving as Chairman of the Board.  Directors  received  $250 for  attending  any
specially-called  board  meetings.  In  addition,  Directors  received  $250 per
meeting for serving on the Retirement  Committee and the Compensation  Committee
and $500 for serving on the Audit  Committee.  In addition to the sums set forth
above,  Directors and Advisory  Directors received a year-end fee of $4,000. The
Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation did not receive any director fees for
serving as a Director of the Corporation or any  subsidiaries.  Prior to January
1,  2004,  Advisory  Directors  were  paid in the  same  manner  and  amount  as
Directors.  Effective January 1, 2004,  Advisory Directors will receive a fee of
$750 for each quarterly meeting attended,  a fee of $125 for a  specially-called
board meeting  attended,  $125 for each  Retirement  Committee and  Compensation
Committee  meeting attended and $250 for each Audit Committee  meeting attended.
The fee structure for Directors, including the Chief Executive officer, will not
change in 2004.


     Section 16(a) of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended ("Section
16"),  requires the Corporation's  Directors and certain officers and beneficial
owners of Corporation Common Stock  (collectively,  the "reporting  persons") to
file  with the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  (the  "SEC")  reports  of
ownership and changes in ownership of  Corporation  Common Stock.  The reporting
persons are required to furnish the Corporation with copies of all reports filed
pursuant to Section 16.

     Based  solely  upon a review of such  reports  received  by it, or  written
representations  from  certain  reporting  persons  that no Form 5 reports  were
required for those persons,  the Corporation  believes that, during fiscal 2003,
all filing obligations applicable to the reporting persons were complied with.


     The   Compensation   Committee  is  composed  of  three   members  who  are
independent, outside Directors. Among other duties, the Committee is responsible
for  developing  and making  recommendations  to the Board  with  respect to the
Corporation's executive compensation. All decisions by the Committee relating to
the  compensation  of the  Company's  Executive  Officers,  including  the Chief
Executive  Officer,  are reviewed and given final  approval by the full Board of
Directors.  During  2003,  no decisions of the  Committee  were  modified in any
material way or rejected by the Board of Directors.

     The Corporation's  executive compensation objective is to link compensation
with corporate and  individual  performance  in a manner that,  recognizing  the
marketplace  practices of other bank holding companies,  will attract and retain
executives who can achieve the short and long-term goals of the Corporation. The
compensation  policy is to provide for competitive base salaries,  which reflect
individual  levels of  responsibility  and  performance,  and  annual  incentive
payments (no annual incentive  payments have been made in the periods  presented
above),  which are based upon the annual  performance of the  Corporation.  This
executive  compensation  is  also  intended  to  provide  an  incentive  for the
Corporation's   Executive  Officers  to  pursue  the  long-term  best  financial
interests of the Corporation and its shareholders.  Consistent with this, during
1997, the Corporation  awarded stock options to certain  employees and Executive
Officers  (which  awards  were  ratified  by  shareholders  at the  1998  annual

     The Chief Executive Officer  recommends to the Compensation  Committee both
the total pool for annual base salary increases for the Corporation's  Executive
Officers and the individual annual base salaries for each Executive Officer. The
recommendations  by the Chief  Executive  Officer  for the pool for 2003  salary
increases and the base salaries for the Executive  Officers were accepted by the
Compensation Committee without objection, and the Committee's recommendations on
those matters were, in turn, approved by the Corporation's Board of Directors.

     The 2003  salary  for Mr.  Busseni,  the  Chief  Executive  Officer  of the
Corporation,  was set by the  Compensation  Committee  in an  amount  considered
competitive  with the salary levels for Chief  Executive  Officers of comparable
institutions  and in light of the  recent  performance  of the  Corporation.  In
determining salary levels at comparable institutions,  the Committee did not use
consultants  or market  surveys  but relied  instead on its own  experience  and
knowledge of market conditions.  The Committee's recommendation on Mr. Busseni's
2003 salary was  approved by the  Corporation's  Board of  Directors.  Executive
compensation  is not  directly  linked to  corporate  performance.  A previously
established incentive compensation plan was not in place for 2003.

                            Frank W. Sower, Jr., Compensation Committee Chairman
                            J. Barry Banker
                            Shelley S. Sweeney


     The following  graph sets forth a comparison  of the  five-year  cumulative
total  returns  among the common  shares of the  Corporation,  the NASDAQ Market
Index ("broad  market  index") and MG Industry Group Index ("peer group index").
Cumulative  shareholder return is computed by dividing the sum of the cumulative
amount of dividends for the  measurement  period and the difference  between the
share price at the end and the beginning of the measurement  period by the share
price at the  beginning  of the  measurement  period.  The  broad  market  index
comprises all domestic  common shares traded on the NASDAQ  National  Market and
the  NASDAQ  SmallCap  Market.  The peer  group  index  consists  of 67  banking
companies in the  Southeastern  United States.  The  Corporation is among the 67
companies included in the peer group index.

Measurement Period          Farmers Capital     NASDAQ             MG
(Fiscal Year Covered)       Bank Corporation    Market Index       Group Index
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FYE 12/31/99                   $  82.97          $ 176.37           $  83.17
FYE 12/31/00                      78.79            110.86              84.91
FYE 12/31/01                     108.30             88.37             106.79
FYE 12/31/02                     101.84             61.64             114.29
FYE 12/31/03                     108.27             92.68             145.92

Total return assumes reinvestment of dividends.
Assumes $100.00 invested on December 31, 1998.


     Prior to April 1, 2003, the Corporation and its  subsidiaries  maintained a
Pension Plan and a Salary  Savings  Plan.  The Pension  Plan had two  components
which were the Money Purchase Pension Plan and the Employee Stock Ownership Plan
(the "ESOP").  Effective April 1, 2003, the Money Purchase  component was merged
with the Salary Savings Plan.


     The Corporation and its subsidiaries  maintain an ESOP for their employees,
including the Executive Officers of the Corporation.  The ESOP is managed by the
Trust  Department of Corporation  subsidiary  Farmers Bank (the "Fund Manager").
Employees  who have  attained the age of 21 and who have  completed  one year of
service are  eligible to  participate  in the ESOP.  For purposes of the ESOP, a
year of service is a  twelve-month  period in which an  employee  works at least
1,000 hours.

     The Corporation may at its discretion contribute amounts (up to the maximum
imposed by federal law) to the ESOP, which will be allocated to all participants
in the ratio that each  participant's  compensation  bears to all  participants'
compensation.  Such  discretionary  contributions  will be  utilized to purchase
shares of  Corporation  Common Stock to be held in the  participants'  accounts.
During 2003, the Corporation made no contributions to the ESOP.

     The ESOP's  vesting  schedule  is as  follows:  two years of  service,  20%
vested;  three years of service,  40% vested; four years of service, 60% vested;
five years of service, 80% vested; and six years of service, 100% vested.


     The  Corporation and its  subsidiaries  maintain a Salary Savings Plan (the
"Savings  Plan") for their  employees,  including the Executive  Officers of the
Corporation,  who have  attained  the age of 21 and have  completed  one year of
service with the  Corporation or its  subsidiaries.  For purposes of the Savings
Plan, a year of service is a  twelve-month  period in which an employee works at
least 1,000 hours.  The Savings Plan is  administered  by the Fund Manager.  The
Savings Plan provides for three types of contributions, as follows:

     1.   Voluntary tax-deferred contributions made by the participant;

     2.   Matching contributions made by the Corporation; and

     3.   Discretionary Corporation contributions.

     A participant  is permitted to make  tax-deferred  voluntary  contributions
under a salary reduction agreement.  This deferral of compensation is subject to
certain  limitations,  one of which is the limit imposed by the Internal Revenue
Code of 1986, as amended,  upon the dollar amount of the deferral. In 2003, such
limit was $12,000,  though participants who had reached age 50 were permitted in
2003 to make an additional catch-up contribution of $2,000.

     All  contributions  made by a  participant  up to 4% of such  participant's
compensation are matched by the Corporation.

     The Corporation may, in its sole discretion,  make additional contributions
to the  Savings  Plan on  behalf  of  participants.  The  Corporation  made a 4%
discretionary   contribution   to  the  Savings  Plan  in  2003.   Discretionary
contributions   are  allocated  among   participants  in  the  ratio  that  each
participant's   compensation   bears   to   all   participants'    compensation.
Participant's  contribution  to the Savings  Plan is  considered  as part of the
participant's   compensation   for  purposes  of  computing  the   Corporation's
contribution to the Savings Plan.

         Participants are presented with various investment alternatives related
to the Savings Plan. Those alternatives include various stock and bond mutual
funds that vary from traditional growth funds to more stable income funds.
Corporation Common Stock is not an available investment alternative in the
Savings Plan.

     The benefits that a participant  can ultimately  expect to receive from the
Savings Plan are based upon the amount of the annual  contributions  made by the
Corporation and the employee to his or her account together with the accumulated
value of all earnings on those contributions.  The Savings Plan participants are
immediately vested in 100% of their contributions, and Corporation contributions
vest on a schedule that mirrors that of the ESOP enumerated above.


     The Audit Committee is made up of three non-employee  Directors and has the
advisory  services of an Advisory  Director.  All members of the Audit Committee
are  "independent   directors"  as  defined  by  the  rules  of  the  NASD.  The
Corporation's  Board of  Directors  has adopted a written  charter for the Audit

     Crowe  Chizek  and  Company  LLC  ("Crowe   Chizek"),   the   Corporation's
independent  auditor has provided the Audit Committee with written  assurance of
its independence  (as required by Independence  Standards Board Standard No. 1).
The Audit  Committee  also met with Crowe Chizek and  discussed  Crowe  Chizek's
independence,  the  results  of its  audit  and  other  matters  required  to be
discussed by applicable  accounting  standards  (including Statement on Auditing
Standards 61).

     The Audit Committee has considered whether the provision of services to the
Corporation by Crowe Chizek,  beyond those rendered in connection with the audit
and  review  of  financial  statements,   is  compatible  with  maintaining  the
independence of such firm.

     The Audit  Committee has reviewed and discussed with management the audited
financial statements that will appear in the 2003 Annual Report to Shareholders.

     The  Audit  Committee  recommended  to the  Board  of  Directors  that  the
financial  statements for 2003 be included in the Annual Report on Form 10-K for
filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

     The Audit  Committee  has  pre-approved  by policy that  management  of the
Corporation may consult with the primary  independent auditor concerning certain
additional  services  outside  of the audit  and tax work that was  specifically
approved in the  engagement  letter for those  services.  Included were services
such as:

     1.   Consultation regarding financial accounting and reporting standards,
     2.   Discussions  related  to  accounting  for a proposed  acquisition,
     3.   Discussions concerning internal control matters,
     4.   Discussions regarding regulatory requirements,
     5.   Consultation concerning tax planning strategies, and
     6.   Assistance with tax examinations.

     The fees for services provided by the primary  independent  auditor,  Crowe
Chizek for 2003 and KPMG LLP for 2002 were as follows:

          Audit fees - Fees for the financial statement audit, and the review of
          the Corporation's  Form 10-Q's were $123,500 for 2003 and $123,500 for

          Audit  related  fees - Aggregate  fees for all  assurance  and related
          services  were $32,670 for 2003 and $25,700 for 2002.  These fees were
          incurred for audits of ancillary programs and benefit plans. An amount
          of $8,370 is  included  in the 2003  total  which was  preapproved  by
          policy as described above.

          Tax fees - Fees related to tax  compliance,  advice and planning  were
          $9,165 for 2003 and none for 2002.  An amount of $4,165 is included in
          the 2003 total which was preapproved by policy as described above.

          All other fees - None for 2003 and none for 2002.

     All services provided by the Corporation's  primary  independent auditor in
2002 and 2003 were approved by the Audit Committee.

                                      J. Barry Banker, Audit Committee Chairman
                                      Frank W. Sower, Jr.
                                      Robert Roach, Jr.


     The bank  subsidiaries of the Corporation have had and expect in the future
to have banking  transactions  in the ordinary course of business with Directors
and Executive  Officers of the  Corporation and their  associates.  All loans to
such persons or their associates have been on the same terms, including interest
rates  and  collateral  on  loans,  as those  prevailing  at the  same  time for
comparable transactions with others, and have not involved more than normal risk
of collectability or other unfavorable features.

     Farmers Bank leases the second floor and basement of a building  located at
201 West Main Street,  Frankfort,  Kentucky,  to the Charles T. Mitchell Company
and received payment of $36,833 for 2003. Mr. Charles T. Mitchell is an Advisory
Director of the Corporation and is a former partner (now retired) in the Charles
T. Mitchell Company.

                                 PROPOSAL NO. 2


     The Farmers  Capital Bank  Corporation  2004 Employee  Stock  Purchase Plan
("the Plan") was adopted by the Corporation's  Board of Directors on January 26,
2004. Approval of the Plan by the shareholders of the Corporation is required in
order for purchases of  Corporation  Common Stock under the Plan to benefit from
the favorable tax treatment  afforded such plans  pursuant to Section 423 of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended . The complete text of the Plan is set
forth in Appendix A.  Capitalized  terms in the following  discussion shall have
the meanings assigned such terms in the Plan.

     The  purpose  of the Plan is to provide a means by which  employees  of the
Corporation  and  employees  of  certain  Related  Corporations  may be given an
opportunity to purchase shares of Common Stock (such purchase  opportunities are
referred to as "Purchase  Rights") at a discounted  price and without payment of
brokerage costs or other fees. The  Corporation,  by means of the Plan, seeks to
retain the services of such employees,  to secure and retain the services of new
employees and to provide  incentives  for such persons to exert maximum  efforts
for the success of the Corporation and its subsidiaries.

     The Plan  provides  that  the Plan  will be  administered  by the  Board of
Directors of the Corporation unless and until the Board delegates administration
of the Plan to a Committee which the Board of Directors may establish.  The Plan
affords  the  Board  (or any  such  designated  Committee)  complete  power  and
discretion (i) to determine when and how Purchase Rights will be granted and the
provisions of each Offering of such Purchase Rights,  (ii) to amend the Plan and
(iii) to construe and interpret the Plan and Purchase  Rights  granted under the

     The Plan provides that,  subject to  adjustments  upon changes in shares of
Common Stock (such as in the case of merger,  recapitalization,  stock dividends
and the like),  the shares of Common Stock that may be sold pursuant to Purchase
Rights granted under the Plan shall not exceed in the aggregate 50,000 shares of
Common  Stock,  as such  aggregate  number of shares may be  increased  annually
commencing  January 1, 2006 in amounts equal to the lesser of (i) one percent of
the shares of Common Stock  outstanding on each January 1, (ii) 20,000 shares of
Common Stock or (iii) such number of shares of Common Stock as determined by the
Board  (such  number  to be in no event  equal  to or  greater  than the  number
resulting from either computation in (i) or (ii above).

     Under the Plan, the Board may from time to time grant  Purchase  Rights for
the purchase of shares of Common  Stock to Eligible  Employees in an Offering on
Offering Dates selected by the Board.  Under the Plan,  each such Offering is to
comply with the applicable  requirements of the Code and the period during which
any Offering shall be effective shall not exceed  twenty-seven  months beginning
with the subject Offering Date.

     With respect to  eligibility  to participate in the Plan, the Plan provides
that  Purchase  Rights may be granted only to employees  of the  Corporation  or
employees of a Related Corporation,  which is defined under the Plan to mean any
parent corporation or subsidiary corporation of the Corporation. Under the Plan,
no Employee shall be eligible to be granted Purchase Rights under the Plan until
the Employee has been an Employee of the  Corporation  or a Related  Corporation
for a period  prescribed  by the Board of  Directors  (not to exceed two years).
Moreover,  the Plan  permits the Board of  Directors to provide that no Employee
will be eligible to be granted  Purchase Rights unless on the Offering Date such
Employee's  customary employment with the Corporation or the Related Corporation
is more than twenty hours per week and more than five months per calendar year.

     Pursuant to limitations prescribed by the Code, no Employee is eligible for
the grant of Purchase Rights if,  immediately after any such Purchase Rights are
granted,  such Employee owns stock  possessing five percent or more of the total
combined voting power of the Corporation or any Related  Corporation.  Moreover,
an Eligible  Employee may be granted Purchase Rights under the Plan only if such
Purchase Rights, together with any other rights granted under all Employee stock
purchase plans of the Corporation, do not permit the Eligible Employee the right
to purchase  stock of the  Corporation  at a rate which exceeds  $25,000 in Fair
Market Value of the Common Stock.

     The Plan provides that on each Offering Date each Eligible  Employee  shall
be  granted a right to  purchase  up to that  number  of shares of Common  Stock
purchasable  with a maximum  dollar amount not exceeding 15% of such  Employee's
Earnings. The purchase price for Common Stock under any Purchase Right shall not
be less than the lesser of (i) an amount  equal to 85% of the Fair Market  Value
of the shares of Common  Stock on the  subject  Offering  Date or (ii) an amount
equal to 85% of the Fair  Market  Value of the  shares  of  Common  Stock on the
applicable Purchase Date.

     Under the Plan,  Employees may  participate  by delivering a  participation
agreement to the Corporation  within the time specified in any subject Offering,
which  agreement  will  authorize  payroll  deductions  of  up  to  the  maximum
percentage  specified  by the Board of each  Participant's  Earnings  during the
subject  Offering.  Payroll  deductions  will be credited to an account for such
Participant  under the Plan. At any time during an Offering,  a Participant  may
terminate his payroll  deductions  under the Plan and withdraw from the Offering
by delivering to the Corporation a notice of withdrawal.

     The Plan  provides that Purchase  Rights  granted  pursuant to any Offering
under the Plan shall terminate immediately upon the Participant ceasing to be an
Employee for any reason, at which point the Corporation shall distribute to such
terminated Employee all of his accumulated payroll deductions (without interest)
which  have not been used to acquire  shares of Common  Stock.  Purchase  Rights
granted under the Plan are not  transferable by a Participant  except by will or
the laws of descent and distribution or by a beneficiary designation made during
the Participant's lifetime.

     The Plan  provides  that on any  Purchase  Date  during an  Offering,  each
Participant's accumulated payroll deductions shall be applied to the purchase of
shares  of Common  Stock up to the  maximum  number  of  shares of Common  Stock
permitted  pursuant to the terms of the Plan and the  applicable  Offering.  Any
amount of accumulated  payroll deductions  remaining in a Participant's  account
after the purchase of shares will be held in such Participant's  account for the
purchase of shares of Common Stock under the next Offering under the Plan unless
such Participant withdraws from (or is not eligible to participate in) such next

     With respect to the tax consequences to an Employee participating under the
Plan,  there are no income tax  consequences  to an Employee upon the grant of a
Purchase  Right or upon the  exercise of said right.  If the  Employee  sells or
disposes of Common Stock purchased  pursuant to the Plan after the expiration of
the statutory  holding period (i.e., the later of (i) two years from the date of
the grant of the  subject  Purchase  Right or (ii) one year from the date of its
exercise),  the Employee will be required to recognize  ordinary income equal to
the lesser of (i) the  difference  between the fair  market  value of the Common
Stock on the date of the grant of the Purchase  Right and the exercise  price of
the Purchase  Right or (ii) the  difference  between the amount  realized on the
disposition  of the stock and the  exercise  price of the  Purchase  Right.  Any
additional  gain or loss  recognized  on the  disposition  of the stock  will be
short-term or long-term capital gain or loss.

     With respect to the tax consequences for the Corporation from the Plan, the
Corporation  may not deduct the  difference  between  the fair  market  value of
Common Stock  purchased  under the Plan and the Purchase Right exercise price if
the Purchase Right is executed  properly  pursuant to Section 423 of the Code as
described above.



     On October 28,  2002,  the Audit  Committee  determined  and  approved  the
replacement  of KPMG LLP with Crowe  Chizek as its  independent  accountant  for
2003. KPMG LLP's services terminated at the completion of its audit and issuance
of its related report on the  Corporation's  financial  statements filed on Form
10-K for the year ended  December  31,  2002.  The  change in the  Corporation's
independent accountant was the result of a competitive bidding process involving
several accounting firms.

     In  connection  with the audits of the two fiscal years ended  December 31,
2002, and the subsequent  interim period,  there have been no disagreements with
KPMG  LLP on  any  matter  of  accounting  principles  or  practices,  financial
statement  disclosure,  or auditing scope or procedure or any reportable events.
KPMG LLP's audit reports on the financial  statements of the  Corporation  as of
and for the years ended December 31, 2002 and 2001 contained no adverse  opinion
or disclaimer  of opinion and were not qualified or modified as to  uncertainty,
audit scope or accounting principles.

     The Audit  Committee  will  recommend to the Board of Directors  that Crowe
Chizek  be  reappointed  as the  Corporation's  independent  auditor  for  2004.
Representatives of Crowe Chizek are expected to be present at the Annual Meeting
of Shareholders,  and they will have an opportunity to make a statement, if they
so desire, and will be available to respond to questions.


     It  is  presently   contemplated  that  the  2005  Annual  Meeting  of  the
Shareholders will be held on or about May 10, 2005. In order for any shareholder
proposal to be included in the proxy  material of the  Corporation  for the 2005
Annual Meeting of Shareholders, the Secretary of the Corporation must receive it
no later than  December  1,  2004.  It is urged  that any  proposals  be sent by
certified mail, return receipt requested.

     Shareholders' proxies to be solicited by the Corporation in connection with
its 2005  Annual  Meeting  of  Shareholders  will  confer  on the  proxyholders'
discretionary  authority to vote on any matter presented at that meeting, unless
notice that the matter is to be presented at the 2005 meeting is provided to the
Corporation no later than February 17, 2005.


Bylaws of the  Corporation do not contain any  requirement  for  shareholders to
provide advance notice of proposals or nominations they intend to present at the

     EXPENSES.  The expense of this solicitation of proxies will be borne by the

     SOLICITATIONS.  Solicitations will be made by the use of mails, except that
proxies  may  be  solicited  by  telephone  by  Directors  and  Officers  of the
Corporation.  The Corporation does not expect to pay any other  compensation for
the  solicitation  of proxies,  but will  reimburse  brokers  and other  persons
holding Corporation Common Stock in their names, or in the name of nominees, for
their expenses in sending proxy materials to their principals.

     NO APPRAISAL RIGHTS.  Under Kentucky law, there are no appraisal or similar
rights of dissenters with respect to any matter to be acted upon at the meeting.

                                 OTHER BUSINESS

     The Board of Directors  does not presently know of any matters that will be
presented for action at the Meeting. However, if any other matters properly come
before the Meeting,  the holders of proxies  solicited by the Board of Directors
of the Corporation will have the authority to vote the shares represented by all
effective proxies on such matters in accordance with their best judgment.

                                          By Order of the Board of Directors,

                                          /s/ C Douglas Carpenter
                                          C. Douglas Carpenter
                                          Vice President, Secretary
                                          and Chief Financial Officer

Frankfort, Kentucky
April 1, 2004

                                   APPENDIX A

                          EMPLOYEE STOCK PURCHASE PLAN
                        2004 EMPLOYEE STOCK PURCHASE PLAN


     1.   PURPOSE.

     (a)  The  purpose of the Plan is to provide a means by which  Employees  of
          the Corporation and certain  designated  Related  Corporations  may be
          given an  opportunity  to purchase  shares of the Common  Stock of the

     (b)  The Corporation, by means of the Plan, seeks to retain the services of
          such Employees, to secure and retain the services of new Employees and
          to provide  incentives  for such persons to exert maximum  efforts for
          the success of the Corporation and its Related Corporations.

     (c)  The  Corporation  intends that the Purchase  Rights  granted under the
          Plan be considered  options  issued under an Employee  Stock  Purchase

     2.   DEFINITIONS.

     (a)  "Board" means the Board of Directors of the Corporation.

     (b)  "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

     (c)  "Committee"  means a committee  appointed  by the Board in  accordance
          with Section 3(c) of the Plan.

     (d)  "Common Stock" means the common stock,  $.125 per share par value,  of
          the Corporation.

     (e)  "Corporation"  means  Farmers  Capital  Bank  Corporation,  a Kentucky

     (f)  "Corporate Transaction" means the occurrence,  in a single transaction
          or in a  series  of  related  transactions,  of any one or more of the

          (i)  a  sale,   lease,   license  or  other   disposition  of  all  or
               substantially all of the consolidated assets of the Company;

          (ii) a sale or other  disposition  of at least ninety percent (90%) of
               the outstanding securities of the Company;

          (iii)a merger,  consolidation or similar  transaction  following which
               the Company is not the surviving corporation; or

          (iv) a merger,  consolidation or similar  transaction  following which
               the Company is the surviving corporation but the shares of Common
               Stock outstanding immediately preceding the merger, consolidation
               or similar  transaction  are  converted or exchanged by virtue of
               the  merger,  consolidation  or  similar  transaction  into other
               property, whether in the form of securities, cash or otherwise.

     (g)  "Director" means a member of the Board.

     (h)  "Eligible  Employee" means an Employee who meets the  requirements set
          forth in the Offering for  eligibility to participate in the Offering,
          provided  that  such  Employee   also  meets  the   requirements   for
          eligibility to participate set forth in the Plan.

     (i)  "Employee" means any person,  including Officers and Directors, who is
          employed  for  purposes  of  Section  423(b)(4)  of  the  Code  by the
          Corporation or a Related  Corporation.  Neither  service as a Director
          nor  payment  of a  director's  fee  shall  be  sufficient  to make an
          individual an Employee of the Corporation or a Related Corporation.

     (j)  "Employee  Stock  Purchase  Plan"  means a plan that  grants  Purchase
          Rights intended to be options issued under an "employee stock purchase
          plan," as that term is defined in Section 423(b) of the Code.

     (k)  "Exchange Act" means the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

     (l)  "Fair Market  Value" means the value of a security,  as  determined in
          good faith by the Board.  If the security is listed on any established
          stock exchange or traded on the NASDAQ  National  Market or the NASDAQ
          SmallCap  Market,  the  Fair  Market  Value  of the  security,  unless
          otherwise  determined  by the Board,  shall be the closing sales price
          (rounded  up where  necessary  to the  nearest  whole  cent)  for such
          security (or the closing bid, if no sales were  reported) as quoted on
          such  exchange or market (or the  exchange or market with the greatest
          volume of trading in the relevant  security of the Corporation) on the
          Trading Day prior to the relevant  determination  date, as reported in
          The Wall  Street  Journal  or such  other  source as the  Board  deems

     (m)  "Offering"  means the grant of Purchase  Rights to purchase  shares of
          Common Stock under the Plan to Eligible Employees.

     (n)  "Offering  Date" means a date selected by the Board for an Offering to

     (o)  "Officer" means a person who is an officer of the  Corporation  within
          the  meaning  of  Section  16 of the  Exchange  Act and the  rules and
          regulations promulgated thereunder.

     (p)  "Participant"  means an  Eligible  Employee  who holds an  outstanding
          Purchase Right granted pursuant to the Plan.

     (q)  "Plan" means this Farmers Capital Bank Corporation 2004 Employee Stock
          Purchase Plan.

     (r)  "Purchase Date" means one or more dates during an Offering established
          by the Board on which Purchase  Rights granted under the Plan shall be
          exercised and as of which purchases of shares of Common Stock shall be
          carried out in accordance with such Offering.

     (s)  "Purchase  Period" means a period of time specified within an Offering
          beginning on the Offering Date or on the next day following a Purchase
          Date within an Offering and ending on a Purchase  Date,  at the end of
          which there  shall be  purchased  shares of Common  Stock on behalf of
          Participants. An Offering may consist of one or more Purchase Periods.

     (t)  "Purchase  Right"  means an option to purchase  shares of Common Stock
          granted pursuant to the Plan.

     (u)  "Related  Corporation"  means any  parent  corporation  or  subsidiary
          corporation of the Corporation,  whether now or hereafter existing, as
          those terms are defined in Sections 424(e) and (f),  respectively,  of
          the Code.

     (v)  "Securities Act" means the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.

     (w)  "Trading  Day" means any day the  exchange(s)  or  market(s)  on which
          shares of Common Stock are listed, whether it be any established stock
          exchange,  the NASDAQ National  Market,  the NASDAQ SmallCap Market or
          otherwise, is open for trading.


     (a)  The  Board  shall  administer  the Plan  unless  and  until  the Board
          delegates  administration to a Committee, as provided in Section 3(c).
          Whether or not the Board has delegated administration, the Board shall
          have  the  final  power to  determine  all  questions  of  policy  and
          expediency that may arise in the administration of the Plan.

     (b)  The Board (or the  Committee)  shall have the power,  subject  to, and
          within the limitations of, the express provisions of the Plan:

          (i)  To determine when and how Purchase  Rights to purchase  shares of
               Common Stock shall be granted and the provisions of each Offering
               of such Purchase Rights (which need not be identical);

          (ii) To designate from time to time which Related  Corporations of the
               Corporation shall be eligible to participate in the Plan;

          (iii)To construe and  interpret the Plan and Purchase  Rights  granted
               under the Plan,  and to  establish,  amend and  revoke  rules and
               regulations for the administration of the Plan. The Board, in the
               exercise  of this power,  may  correct  any  defect,  omission or
               inconsistency in the Plan, in a manner and to the extent it shall
               deem necessary or expedient to make the Plan fully effective;

          (iv) To amend the Plan as provided in Section 15; and

          (v)  Generally, to exercise such powers and to perform such acts as it
               deems necessary or expedient to promote the best interests of the
               Corporation  and its  Related  Corporations  and to carry out the
               intent  that the Plan be treated as an  Employee  Stock  Purchase

     (c)  The Board may  delegate  administration  of the Plan to a Committee of
          the  Board  composed  of one  (1) or more  members  of the  Board.  If
          administration is delegated to a Committee,  the Committee shall have,
          in  connection  with  the  administration  of  the  Plan,  the  powers
          theretofore  possessed  by  the  Board,  subject,   however,  to  such
          resolutions,  not inconsistent with the provisions of the Plan, as may
          be adopted  from time to time by the Board.  The Board may abolish the
          Committee  at any time and revest in the Board the  administration  of
          the Plan. If administration is delegated to a Committee, references to
          the Board in this Plan and in the Offering  document shall  thereafter
          be deemed to be to the Board or the Committee, as the case may be.


     (a)  Subject to the provisions of Section 14 relating to  adjustments  upon
          changes in stock, the shares of Common Stock that may be sold pursuant
          to  Purchase  Rights  granted  under the Plan  shall not exceed in the
          aggregate  fifty  thousand  (50,000)  shares of Common Stock,  plus an
          annual  increase to be added on the first day of each  calendar  year,
          commencing on January 1, 2006 and ending on (and including) January 1,
          2014,  equal to the  lesser of (i) one  percent  (1%) of the shares of
          Common  Stock  outstanding  on each  January  1  (rounded  down to the
          nearest whole share and  calculated on a fully  diluted  basis,  [i.e.
          assuming the exercise of all outstanding stock options and warrants to
          purchase  shares of Common  Stock]);  (ii)  twenty  thousand  (20,000)
          shares  of Common  Stock];  or (iii)  such  number of shares of Common
          Stock as determined by the Board,  which number shall be less than the
          number  resulting  under  either (i) or (ii).  If any  Purchase  Right
          granted under the Plan shall for any reason  terminate  without having
          been  exercised,  the shares not purchased  under such Purchase  Right
          shall again become available for issuance under the Plan.

     (b)  The shares of Common Stock subject to the Plan may be unissued  shares
          or  shares  that have been  bought  on the open  market at  prevailing
          market prices or otherwise.


     (a)  The  Board  may from time to time  grant or  provide  for the grant of
          Purchase  Rights to purchase  shares of Common Stock under the Plan to
          Eligible Employees in an Offering  (consisting of one or more Purchase
          Periods) on an Offering Date or Offering  Dates selected by the Board.
          Each  Offering  shall be in such form and shall contain such terms and
          conditions  as the Board shall deem  appropriate,  which shall  comply
          with  the  requirement  of  Section  423(b)(5)  of the  Code  that all
          Employees  granted  Purchase Rights to purchase shares of Common Stock
          under the Plan shall have the same  rights and  privileges.  The terms
          and conditions of an Offering shall be  incorporated by reference into
          the Plan and treated as part of the Plan.  The  provisions of separate
          Offerings  need not be  identical,  but each  Offering  shall  include
          (through  incorporation of the provisions of this Plan by reference in
          the document  comprising  the Offering or otherwise) the period during
          which the Offering  shall be effective,  which period shall not exceed
          twenty-seven  (27) months  beginning  with the Offering  Date, and the
          substance  of the  provisions  contained  in  Sections  6  through  9,

     (b)  If a Participant  has more than one Purchase Right  outstanding  under
          the Plan,  unless  he or she  otherwise  indicates  in  agreements  or
          notices delivered hereunder: (i) each agreement or notice delivered by
          that  Participant  shall  be  deemed  to  apply  to  all of his or her
          Purchase Rights under the Plan, and (ii) a Purchase Right with a lower
          exercise price (or an  earlier-granted  Purchase  Right,  if different
          Purchase Rights have identical  exercise prices) shall be exercised to
          the  fullest  possible  extent  before a Purchase  Right with a higher
          exercise  price  (or a  later-granted  Purchase  Right,  if  different
          Purchase Rights have identical exercise prices) shall be exercised.

     6.   ELIGIBILITY.

     (a)  Purchase  Rights may be granted only to  Employees of the  Corporation
          or, as the  Board may  designate  as  provided  in  Section  3(b),  to
          Employees  of a Related  Corporation.  Except as  provided  in Section
          6(b), an Employee shall not be eligible to be granted  Purchase Rights
          under the Plan unless, on the Offering Date, such Employee has been in
          the employ of the Corporation or the Related Corporation,  as the case
          may be, for such continuous period preceding such Offering Date as the
          Board  may  require,  but in no event  shall  the  required  period of
          continuous employment be greater than two (2) years. In addition,  the
          Board may  provide  that no  Employee  shall be eligible to be granted
          Purchase  Rights under the Plan unless,  on the  Offering  Date,  such
          Employee's  customary  employment  with the Corporation or the Related
          Corporation is more than twenty (20) hours per week and more than five
          (5) months per calendar year.

     (b)  The Board may provide  that each  person who,  during the course of an
          Offering, first becomes an Eligible Employee shall, on a date or dates
          specified in the Offering  which  coincides with the day on which such
          person  becomes  an  Eligible  Employee  or which  occurs  thereafter,
          receive a Purchase  Right under that  Offering,  which  Purchase Right
          shall  thereafter  be  deemed  to be a part  of  that  Offering.  Such
          Purchase  Right shall have the same  characteristics  as any  Purchase
          Rights  originally  granted under that Offering,  as described herein,
          except that:

          (i)  the date on which such  Purchase  Right is  granted  shall be the
               "Offering   Date"  of  such  Purchase  Right  for  all  purposes,
               including  determination  of the exercise  price of such Purchase

          (ii) the period of the Offering  with respect to such  Purchase  Right
               shall begin on its Offering Date and end coincident  with the end
               of such Offering; and

          (iii)the  Board may  provide  that if such  person  first  becomes  an
               Eligible  Employee  within a specified  period of time before the
               end of the  Offering,  he or she shall not receive  any  Purchase
               Right under that Offering.

     (c)  No Employee  shall be eligible  for the grant of any  Purchase  Rights
          under the Plan if,  immediately  after any such  Purchase  Rights  are
          granted, such Employee owns stock possessing five percent (5%) or more
          of the total combined voting power or value of all classes of stock of
          the  Corporation or of any Related  Corporation.  For purposes of this
          Section 6(c),  the rules of Section  424(d) of the Code shall apply in
          determining the stock ownership of any Employee,  and stock which such
          Employee  may  purchase  under all  outstanding  Purchase  Rights  and
          options shall be treated as stock owned by such Employee.

     (d)  As specified by Section  423(b)(8) of the Code,  an Eligible  Employee
          may be granted  Purchase  Rights under the Plan only if such  Purchase
          Rights,  together  with any other  rights  granted  under all Employee
          Stock Purchase Plans of the Corporation and any Related  Corporations,
          do not permit such Eligible Employee's rights to purchase stock of the
          Corporation  or any  Related  Corporation  to accrue  at a rate  which
          exceeds twenty five thousand dollars ($25,000) of Fair Market Value of
          such stock  (determined at the time such rights are granted and which,
          with respect to the Plan,  shall be determined as of their  respective
          Offering  Dates)  for each  calendar  year in which  such  rights  are
          outstanding at any time.

     (e)  Officers of the Corporation and any designated Related Corporation, if
          they  are  otherwise   Eligible   Employees,   shall  be  eligible  to
          participate  in  Offerings   under  the  Plan.   Notwithstanding   the
          foregoing, the Board may provide in an Offering that Employees who are
          highly   compensated   Employees   within   the   meaning  of  Section
          423(b)(4)(D) of the Code shall not be eligible to participate.


     (a)  On each Offering Date, each Eligible Employee, pursuant to an Offering
          made under the Plan,  shall be granted a Purchase Right to purchase up
          to that  number of shares of Common  Stock  purchasable  either with a
          percentage  or with a maximum  dollar  amount,  as  designated  by the
          Board, but in either case not exceeding  fifteen percent (15%) of such
          Employee's  Earnings (as defined by the Board in each Offering) during
          the period that begins on the Offering Date (or such later date as the
          Board  determines  for a  particular  Offering)  and  ends on the date
          stated in the  Offering,  which date shall be no later than the end of
          the Offering.

     (b)  The Board shall  establish  one (1) or more  Purchase  Dates during an
          Offering  as of  which  Purchase  Rights  granted  under  the Plan and
          pursuant to that  Offering  shall be exercised and purchases of shares
          of Common Stock shall be carried out in accordance with such Offering.

     (c)  In connection  with each Offering made under the Plan, the Board shall
          specify a  maximum  number  of  shares  of  Common  Stock  that may be
          purchased  by  any  Participant  on  any  Purchase  Date  during  such
          Offering.  In connection  with each Offering made under the Plan,  the
          Board may specify a maximum aggregate number of shares of Common Stock
          that may be purchased by all  Participants  pursuant to such Offering.
          In addition,  in connection with each Offering that contains more than
          one Purchase Date, the Board may specify a maximum aggregate number of
          shares of Common Stock that may be purchased  by all  Participants  on
          any given Purchase Date under the Offering.  If the aggregate purchase
          of shares of Common Stock  issuable upon  exercise of Purchase  Rights
          granted  under the Offering  would  exceed any such maximum  aggregate
          number, then, in the absence of any Board action otherwise, a pro rata
          allocation of the shares of Common Stock available shall be made in as
          nearly a uniform manner as shall be practicable and equitable.

     (d)  The  purchase  price of shares of Common  Stock  acquired  pursuant to
          Purchase  Rights  granted  under  the Plan  shall be not less than the
          lesser of:

          (i)  an amount equal to  eighty-five  percent (85%) of the Fair Market
               Value of the shares of Common Stock on the Offering Date; or

          (ii) an amount equal to  eighty-five  percent (85%) of the Fair Market
               Value of the shares of Common  Stock on the  applicable  Purchase


     (a)  An Eligible  Employee may become a Participant in the Plan pursuant to
          an Offering by delivering a participation agreement to the Corporation
          within  the  time  specified  in the  Offering,  in  such  form as the
          Corporation may provide.  Each such agreement shall authorize  payroll
          deductions of up to the maximum  percentage  specified by the Board of
          such  Participant's  Earnings (as defined in each Offering) during the
          Offering.  The payroll  deductions made for each Participant  shall be
          credited to a bookkeeping  account for such Participant under the Plan
          and shall be deposited with the general funds of the  Corporation.  To
          the  extent  provided  in  the  Offering,  a  Participant  may  reduce
          (including to zero) or increase such payroll deductions. To the extent
          provided  in the  Offering,  a  Participant  may  begin  such  payroll
          deductions after the beginning of the Offering. A Participant may make
          additional  payments  into  his or her  account  only if  specifically
          provided  for in the  Offering  and  only if the  Participant  has not
          already had the maximum permitted amount withheld during the Offering.

     (b)  At any time during an Offering, a Participant may terminate his or her
          payroll  deductions  under the Plan and withdraw  from the Offering by
          delivering  to the  Corporation a notice of withdrawal in such form as
          the  Corporation  may provide.  Such  withdrawal may be elected at any
          time  prior to the end of the  Offering,  except  as  provided  in the
          Offering. Upon such withdrawal from the Offering by a Participant, the
          Corporation  shall  distribute to such  Participant  all of his or her
          accumulated  payroll  deductions  (reduced to the extent, if any, such
          deductions  have been used to acquire  shares of Common  Stock for the
          Participant)  under the Offering,  without interest (unless  otherwise
          specified in the Offering),  and such  Participant's  interest in that
          Offering shall be automatically terminated. A Participant's withdrawal
          from  an  Offering  shall  have  no  effect  upon  such  Participant's
          eligibility to participate in any other  Offerings under the Plan, but
          such  Participant  shall be  required  to deliver a new  participation
          agreement in order to  participate in subsequent  Offerings  under the

     (c)  Purchase Rights granted  pursuant to any Offering under the Plan shall
          terminate immediately upon a Participant ceasing to be an Employee for
          any  reason  or  for  no  reason   (subject  to  any   post-employment
          participation  period  required by law) or other lack of  eligibility.
          The  Corporation  shall  distribute  to such  terminated  or otherwise
          ineligible  Employee all of his or her accumulated  payroll deductions
          (reduced  to the extent,  if any,  such  deductions  have been used to
          acquire  shares  of  Common  Stock  for the  terminated  or  otherwise
          ineligible  Employee)  under the Offering,  without  interest  (unless
          otherwise specified in the Offering).

     (d)  Purchase  Rights granted under the Plan shall not be transferable by a
          Participant  otherwise  than  by  will  or the  laws  of  descent  and
          distribution,  or by a beneficiary  designation as provided in Section
          13 and, during a Participant's lifetime,  shall be exercisable only by
          such Participant.

     9.   EXERCISE.

     (a)  On  each  Purchase  Date  during  an  Offering,   each   Participant's
          accumulated   payroll   deductions  and  other   additional   payments
          specifically  provided for in the  Offering  (without any increase for
          interest)  shall be applied to the  purchase of shares of Common Stock
          up to the maximum number of shares of Common Stock permitted  pursuant
          to the terms of the Plan and the applicable Offering,  at the purchase
          price  specified  in the  Offering.  Fractional  shares  may  (in  the
          discretion of the Corporation) be issued upon the exercise of Purchase
          Rights granted under the Plan.

     (b)  If  any  amount  of  accumulated   payroll  deductions  remains  in  a
          Participant's account after the purchase of shares of Common Stock and
          such remaining amount is less than the amount required to purchase one
          share of Common Stock on the final Purchase Date of an Offering,  then
          such remaining amount shall be held in each such Participant's account
          for the  purchase of shares of Common  Stock  under the next  Offering
          under the  Plan,  unless  such  Participant  withdraws  from such next
          Offering,  as  provided  in  Section  8(b),  or  is  not  eligible  to
          participate in such Offering,  as provided in Section 6, in which case
          such amount shall be distributed to the  Participant  after said final
          Purchase Date,  without  interest (unless  otherwise  specified in the
          Offering).  If any amount of accumulated payroll deductions remains in
          a  Participant's  account after the purchase of shares of Common Stock
          and such remaining  amount is equal to the amount required to purchase
          one (1) or more  whole  shares of Common  Stock on the final  Purchase
          Date of the Offering,  then such remaining amount shall be distributed
          in full to the Participant at the end of the Offering without interest
          (unless otherwise specified in the Offering).

     (c)  No Purchase  Rights  granted  under the Plan may be  exercised  to any
          extent  unless  the  shares  of Common  Stock to be  issued  upon such
          exercise  under  the Plan are  covered  by an  effective  registration
          statement  pursuant to the  Securities Act and the Plan is in material
          compliance  with all  applicable  federal,  state,  foreign  and other
          securities  and other laws  applicable  to the Plan.  If on a Purchase
          Date during any Offering  hereunder the shares of Common Stock are not
          so  registered  or the  Plan is not in such  compliance,  no  Purchase
          Rights  granted  under the Plan or any Offering  shall be exercised on
          such Purchase  Date,  and the Purchase Date shall be delayed until the
          shares of Common Stock are subject to such an  effective  registration
          statement and the Plan is in such compliance, except that the Purchase
          Date  shall  not be  delayed  more than  twelve  (12)  months  and the
          Purchase Date shall in no event be more than  twenty-seven (27) months
          from the Offering  Date.  If, on the Purchase  Date under any Offering
          hereunder, as delayed to the maximum extent permissible, the shares of
          Common  Stock  are  not  registered  and  the  Plan  is  not  in  such
          compliance,  no Purchase Rights granted under the Plan or any Offering
          shall be exercised and all payroll  deductions  accumulated during the
          Offering  (reduced to the extent,  if any, such  deductions  have been
          used to acquire  shares of Common Stock) shall be  distributed  to the
          Participants,  without  interest  (unless  otherwise  specified in the


     (a)  During the terms of the Purchase  Rights  granted under the Plan,  the
          Corporation  shall  ensure  that the amount of shares of Common  Stock
          required to satisfy such Purchase Rights are available.

     (b)  The Corporation shall seek to obtain from each federal, state, foreign
          or other regulatory  commission or agency having jurisdiction over the
          Plan such  authority  as may be  required  to issue and sell shares of
          Common Stock upon  exercise of the Purchase  Rights  granted under the
          Plan.  If, after  reasonable  efforts,  the  Corporation  is unable to
          obtain from any such  regulatory  commission  or agency the  authority
          that  counsel  for the  Corporation  deems  necessary  for the  lawful
          issuance  and sale of  shares  of Common  Stock  under  the Plan,  the
          Corporation  shall be relieved from any liability for failure to issue
          and sell shares of Common Stock upon exercise of such Purchase  Rights
          unless and until such authority is obtained.


     Proceeds  from the sale of shares  of Common  Stock  pursuant  to  Purchase
     Rights  granted  under  the  Plan  shall  constitute  general  funds of the


     A  Participant  shall not be deemed to be the  holder of, or to have any of
     the rights of a holder with respect to,  shares of Common Stock  subject to
     Purchase  Rights granted under the Plan unless and until the  Participant's
     shares of Common Stock  acquired upon exercise of Purchase  Rights  granted
     under  the Plan  are  recorded  in the  books  of the  Corporation  (or its
     transfer agent).


     (a)  A Participant  may file a written  designation of a beneficiary who is
          to receive any shares of Common Stock and/or  cash,  if any,  from the
          Participant's   account   under   the  Plan  in  the   event  of  such
          Participant's  death subsequent to the end of an Offering but prior to
          delivery to the Participant of such shares of Common Stock or cash. In
          addition,   a  Participant  may  file  a  written   designation  of  a
          beneficiary who is to receive any cash from the Participant's  account
          under  the Plan in the  event of such  Participant's  death  during an

     (b)  The Participant may change such designation of beneficiary at any time
          by written  notice.  In the event of the death of a Participant and in
          the absence of a beneficiary  validly designated under the Plan who is
          living at the time of such Participant's  death, the Corporation shall
          deliver  such shares of Common  Stock  and/or cash to the  executor or
          administrator of the estate of the Participant, or if no such executor
          or  administrator   has  been  appointed  (to  the  knowledge  of  the
          Corporation),  the Corporation,  in its sole  discretion,  may deliver
          such shares of Common Stock and/or cash to the spouse or to any one or
          more  dependents  or  relatives of the  Participant,  or if no spouse,
          dependent or relative is known to the Corporation,  then to such other
          person as the Corporation may designate.


     (a)  If any  change is made in the  shares of Common  Stock  subject to the
          Plan,  or  subject  to any  Purchase  Right,  without  the  receipt of
          consideration  by  the  Corporation  (through  merger,  consolidation,
          reorganization,  recapitalization,  reincorporation,  stock  dividend,
          dividend  in  property  other  than  cash,  stock  split,  liquidating
          dividend,  combination  of  shares,  exchange  of  shares,  change  in
          corporate  structure or other transaction not involving the receipt of
          consideration  by the  Corporation),  the Plan shall be  appropriately
          adjusted in the  type(s),  class(es)  and maximum  number of shares of
          Common Stock  subject to the Plan  pursuant to Section  4(a),  and the
          outstanding   Purchase   Rights   granted  under  the  Plan  shall  be
          appropriately adjusted in the type(s), class(es), number of shares and
          purchase limits of such outstanding  Purchase Rights.  The Board shall
          make such adjustments,  and its determination shall be final,  binding
          and conclusive.  (The conversion of any convertible  securities of the
          Corporation  shall not be treated as a "transaction  not involving the
          receipt of consideration by the Corporation.")

     (b)  In the event of a Corporate  Transaction,  then:  (i) any surviving or
          acquiring   corporation   may  continue  or  assume   Purchase  Rights
          outstanding under the Plan or may substitute similar rights (including
          a right to acquire the same  consideration paid to stockholders in the
          Corporate  Transaction) for those  outstanding under the Plan, or (ii)
          if any  surviving  or  acquiring  corporation  does  not  assume  such
          Purchase  Rights or does not  substitute  similar  rights for Purchase
          Rights outstanding under the Plan, then the Participants'  accumulated
          payroll deductions  (exclusive of any accumulated interest that cannot
          be applied  toward the  purchase  of shares of Common  Stock under the
          terms of the  Offering)  shall be used to  purchase  shares  of Common
          Stock immediately prior to the Corporate Transaction under the ongoing
          Offering,  and the  Participants'  Purchase  Rights  under the ongoing
          Offering shall terminate immediately after such purchase.


     (a)  The  Board at any  time,  and from  time to time,  may amend the Plan.
          However, except as provided in Section 14 relating to adjustments upon
          changes in securities  and except as to  amendments  solely to benefit
          the  administration  of the  Plan,  to take  account  of a  change  in
          legislation or to obtain or maintain  favorable tax,  exchange control
          or regulatory  treatment for  Participants  or the  Corporation or any
          Related  Corporation,  no amendment shall be effective unless approved
          by the  stockholders  of the  Corporation  to the  extent  stockholder
          approval  is  necessary  for the Plan to satisfy the  requirements  of
          Section 423 of the Code, or other applicable laws or regulations.

     (b)  It is expressly  contemplated that the Board may amend the Plan in any
          respect the Board deems  necessary or  advisable to provide  Employees
          with  the  maximum  benefits  provided  or to be  provided  under  the
          provisions  of the Code  and the  regulations  promulgated  thereunder
          relating to Employee  Stock  Purchase  Plans  and/or to bring the Plan
          and/or   Purchase  Rights  granted  under  the  Plan  into  compliance

     (c)  The rights and  obligations  under any Purchase  Rights granted before
          amendment  of the Plan shall not be impaired by any  amendment  of the
          Plan except (i) with the  consent of the person to whom such  Purchase
          Rights  were  granted,  (ii) as  necessary  to comply with any laws or
          governmental  regulations,  or (iii) as  necessary  to ensure that the
          Plan and/or  Purchase  Rights  granted  under the Plan comply with the
          requirements of Section 423 of the Code.


     (a)  The Board in its  discretion  may suspend or terminate the Plan at any
          time. Unless sooner  terminated,  the Plan shall terminate at the time
          that all of the shares of Common Stock reserved for issuance under the
          Plan, as increased and/or adjusted from time to time, have been issued
          under the terms of the Plan.  No Purchase  Rights may be granted under
          the Plan while the Plan is suspended or after it is terminated.

     (b)  Any  benefits,  privileges,  entitlements  and  obligations  under any
          Purchase  Rights  granted  under the Plan  while the Plan is in effect
          shall not be impaired by suspension or  termination of the Plan except
          (i) as  expressly  provided  in the  Plan or with the  consent  of the
          person to whom such Purchase Rights were granted, (ii) as necessary to
          comply with any laws, regulations,  or listing requirements,  or (iii)
          as necessary to ensure that the Plan and/or  Purchase  Rights  granted
          under the Plan  comply  with the  requirements  of Section  423 of the


     The Plan shall become effective as determined by the Board, but no Purchase
     Rights granted under the Plan shall be exercised  unless and until the Plan
     has been approved by the stockholders of the Corporation within twelve (12)
     months before or after the date the Plan is adopted by the Board.


     (a)  The  Plan and  Offering  do not  constitute  an  employment  contract.
          Nothing in the Plan or in the  Offering  shall in any way alter the at
          will nature of a  Participant's  employment  or be deemed to create in
          any way whatsoever  any  obligation on the part of any  Participant to
          continue in the employ of the Corporation or a Related Corporation, or
          on the part of the  Corporation  or a Related  Corporation to continue
          the employment of a Participant.

     (b)  The  provisions  of the  Plan  shall  be  governed  by the laws of the
          Commonwealth  of Kentucky  without  reference to its rules  respecting
          choice of law or conflicts of law.

                                FARMERS CAPITAL
                                BANK CORPORATION

                            NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING
                              AND PROXY STATEMENT

                               ANNUAL MEETING OF
                                  MAY 11, 2004


Solicited  by the Board of  Directors  in  accordance  with the notice of Annual
Meeting of  Shareholders  and Proxy Statement dated April 1, 2004 for the Annual
Meeting of Shareholders to be held May 11, 2004.

The  undersigned  shareholder  hereby  appoints G. Anthony  Busseni and Frank W.
Sower, Jr., or any of them with full power of substitution,  to act as proxy for
and to vote the stock of the  undersigned at the Annual Meeting of  Shareholders
of Farmers  Capital Bank  Corporation to be held at Farmers Bank & Capital Trust
Co.,  125 West Main Street,  Frankfort,  Kentucky on Tuesday,  May 11, 2004,  at
11:00 a.m., local time, notice of which meeting and accompanying Proxy Statement
being hereby acknowledged as having been received by the undersigned, and at any
adjournment  or  adjournments  thereof,  as  fully as the  undersigned  would be
entitled to vote if then and there  personally  present.  Without  limiting  the
general  authorization and power hereby given, the above proxies are directed to
vote as follows:

     1.   The election of the following Nominees as Directors of the Corporation
          as set forth in the Board of Director's Proxy  Statement:  1) Lloyd C.
          Hillard,  Jr., 2) Harold G. Mays,  3) Robert  Roach,  Jr., 4) Cecil D.
          Bell, Jr.;

     2.   Approval of the Corporation's 2004 Employee Stock Purchase Plan; and

     3.   The transaction of such other business as may properly come before the

                                PROXY REPLY CARD

This Proxy when properly executed will be voted in the manner directed herein by
the shareholder. If no specific direction is given, this proxy will be voted FOR
all the Nominees referred to in Item 1 (including any substitute  Nominee in the
case of unavailability) and FOR the proposal referred to in Item 2.

        []        FOR ALL NOMINEES
        []        WITHHOLD ALL NOMINEES

        []        FOR THE PROPOSAL
        []        AGAINST THE PROPOSAL
        []        ABSTAIN


This proxy is solicited  by the Board of  Directors  and will be voted as stated


I hereby vote my shares (listed below) as indicated on the reverse side.

Please sign your name below exactly as it appears on your stock  certificate(s).
Joint owners must each sign. When signing as attorney, executor,  administrator,
trustee or guardian, please give your full title.

                             Date                                       2004
                                                 Signature of Shareholder(s)