As filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on November 3, 2004

                                                        File No. 333-_______

                                  United States
                       Securities and Exchange Commission
                             Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM N-14


                       Pre-Effective Amendment No. _______
                       Post-Effective Amendment No. ______

                        (Check appropriate box or boxes)

                         THE WRIGHT MANAGED INCOME TRUST
               (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in Charter)

                                 (617) 482-8260
                        (Area Code and Telephone Number)

                  255 State Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02109
 (Address of Principal Executive Offices: Number, Street, City, State, Zip Code)

                                 Alan R. Dynner
                  255 State Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02109
                     (Name and Address of Agent for Service)

                       Copies to: Leonard A. Pierce, Esq.
                    Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP
                                 60 State Street
                           Boston, Massachusetts 02109

Approximate Date of Proposed Public Offering: As soon as practicable after the
effective date of this Registration Statement.

Calculation of Registration  Fee under the Securities Act of 1933: No filing fee
is due  because of reliance on Section  24(f) of the  Investment  Company Act of
1940,  as  amended,  which  permits  registration  of an  indefinite  number  of

Title of Securities Being Registered: Shares of beneficial interest of the

It is proposed that this filing will become effective on December 3, 2004
pursuant to Rule 488.

                              IMPORTANT INFORMATION

Dear  Shareholder:

I am  writing  to  inform  you about a  reorganization  that  will  affect  your
investment  in  Wright  U.S.  Government  Intermediate  Fund  ("U.S.  Government
Intermediate Fund"). Your fund's investment adviser,  Wright Investors' Service,
Inc.  ("Wright"),  manages  two  mutual  funds  that  focus  on U.S.  government
obligations,  your fund and Wright Current Income Fund ("Current  Income Fund"),
each a series of The Wright  Managed  Income Trust (the  "Trust").  The enclosed
prospectus  contains  information  about  the  reorganization  of your fund into
Current  Income Fund.  You will become a shareholder  of Current Income Fund and
will receive  shares of Current  Income Fund equal in value to the value of your
shares in U.S. Government  Intermediate Fund. The result will be that you become
a shareholder of a fund, the investment  goals and focus of which are similar to
your fund,  but which is larger in size.  Our hope is that this will  enable the
fund to invest more  efficiently  and to have the  potential to realize  expense
savings in the future.


In approving the reorganization,  the trustees of the Trust have determined that
the  reorganization  is in the best interests of your fund. The Trustees believe
that  reorganizing  your fund into  Current  Income  Fund  offers you  potential
benefits,  including  the  opportunity  to be part of a fund with a larger asset
size that may be better  positioned  in the  market to  increase  asset size and
achieve increased economies of scale. The larger portfolio of the combined funds
may enable it to achieve  better net prices on securities  trades.  In addition,
each fund incurs substantial operating costs for insurance,  accounting,  legal,
and custodial  services.  Because Wright  currently limits each fund's expenses,
the combination of the funds is not expected to reduce expenses  immediately but
should  increase  the  potential  for cost  savings  in the  future as the fixed
expenses  are spread  over a larger pool of assets,  reducing  expenses on a per
share basis. Without giving effect to the expense limitations, the combined fund
would have a lower expense ratio than your fund.


No increase in  management  fees will  result from the  reorganization.  Under a
written  agreement  in effect for the current  fiscal year,  Wright  limits your
fund's ordinary operating expense to 0.95%, after custodian reductions,  if any.
After the  reorganization,  Wright will apply the same expense limitation to the
combined fund, so your expenses will not increase above this limit. This expense
limitation  agreement is  voluntary,  and Wright may eliminate it in the future.
However,  because the combined fund will be larger, its gross expenses per share
will be lower than your fund's  gross  expenses.  That may benefit you if Wright
does terminate the expense limitation agreement in the future.


In accordance with the Trust's  organizational  documents and applicable law, NO
about December 28, 2004, U.S. Government  Intermediate Fund will transfer all of
its assets and  liabilities  to Current  Income  Fund,  and your  shares in U.S.
Government  Intermediate  Fund will be  exchanged  for shares of Current  Income
THIS  TRANSACTION.  The basis of your shares in Current  Income Fund will be the
same as the basis of your U.S.  Government  Intermediate Fund shares surrendered
in the exchange. You will receive confirmation of the transaction.

If you have any questions or need additional information,  please contact Wright
Investors' Service Distributors, Inc. at (800) 888-9471.


Peter Donovan
President and Trustee

                         THE WRIGHT MANAGED INCOME TRUST

                    Wright U.S. Government Intermediate Fund
                           Wright Current Income Fund

                                 December 3, 2004

                                255 State Street
                                Boston, MA 02109
                                 (800) 888-9471

This prospectus (the  "Prospectus")  is being furnished to you because you are a
shareholder  of Wright  U.S.  Government  Intermediate  Fund  ("U.S.  Government
Intermediate  Fund"), a series of The Wright Managed Income Trust (the "Trust").
In connection  with an Agreement  and Plan of  Reorganization,  U.S.  Government
Intermediate  Fund will be reorganized into another series of the Trust,  Wright
Current  Income Fund ("Current  Income Fund").  You will receive in exchange for
shares of U.S. Government  Intermediate Fund shares of Current Income Fund equal
in value to the value of your shares in U.S. Government  Intermediate Fund. This
Prospectus  is being  mailed on or about  December  6,  2004 to U.S.  Government
Intermediate  Fund's  shareholders  of  record as of the  close of  business  on
December 1, 2004 (the "Shareholders").

A copy of the funds' Annual  Report for the fiscal year ended  December 31, 2003
was  previously  mailed to the  shareholders  of the funds' on or about March 9,
2004. A copy of the funds' Semi-Annual Report for the period ended June 30, 2004
was previously mailed to the funds'  shareholders on or about September 1, 2004.
Additional  copies may be  obtained  without  charge by writing the Trust at 440
Wheelers Farms Road, Milford, Connecticut 06460 or calling (800) 888-9471.

No vote of the Shareholders  will be taken with respect to the matters described
in this Prospectus.  We are not asking you for a proxy and you are requested not
to send us a proxy.

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


Agreement and Plan of Reorganization....................................10


Board's Evaluation......................................................12

Ownership of Shares of the Funds........................................13


Available Information...................................................14

Form of Agreement and Plan of Reorganization............................15

Trust's Prospectus, dated May 1, 2004...................................16


     The following is a summary of more complete information  appearing later in
this Prospectus or incorporated  herein by reference.  You should read carefully
the  entire   Prospectus,   including   the  form  of  Agreement   and  Plan  of
Reorganization (the "Agreement") attached as Exhibit A.



                            U.S. Government Intermediate Fund                 Current Income Fund
======================= ========================================== ==========================================
Business                Each  fund is a  diversified  series  of the  Trust, an
                        open-end  investment  management  company organized as a
                        Massachusetts business trust.
======================= =====================================================================================

Net assets, as of                     $8,710,472                                    $26,693,113
September 30, 2004
======================= ========================================== ==========================================

Investment adviser      Wright Investors' Service, Inc. ("Wright"), the funds' investment adviser, selects
and portfolio managers  the funds' investments and oversees the funds' operations.

                        An investment  committee of senior officers controls the
                        investment  selections,  policies and  procedures of the
                        funds.  These  officers are  experienced  analysts  with
                        different areas of expertise, and have over 204 years of
                        combined service with Wright.  The investment  committee
                        consists of the following members:

                        COMMITTEE MEMBER                         TITLE                        JOINED WRIGHT IN

                        Peter M. Donovan, CFA       Chairman and Chief Executive Officer                1966
                                                    Chairman of the Investment Committee
                        Judith R. Corchard          Executive Vice President - Investment               1960
                                                    Senior Investment Officer
                        Jatin J. Mehta, CFA         Executive Vice President                            1969
                        Michael F. Flament, CFA     Senior Vice President - Investment
                                                    and Economic Analysis                               1972
                        James P. Fields, CFA        Senior Vice President - Fixed Income                1982
                        Amit S. Khandwala           Senior Vice President - International               1986
                        Stanley Kirtman             Executive Vice President - Equities                 2002
                        Charles T. Simko, Jr., CFA  Senior Vice President - Investment Research         1985
                        Anthony van Daalen, CFA     Senior Vice President - Fixed Income                2002

======================= ========================================================================================================
Investment objective    The fund seeks a high total return  with                 The fund  seeks a high  level  of  current
                         an emphasis on income.                                  income consistent with moderate
                                                                                 fluctuations of principal.
                        ========================================== ==============================================================
                        Each fund's investment  objective is non-fundamental and
                        may be  changed  by  the  trustees  without  shareholder
======================= ========================================== ==============================================================
Primary investments     The fund invests at least 80% of its                  The fund invests at least 80% of its
                        total assets in U.S. government                       total assets primarily in debt
                        obligations and maintains an average                  obligations issued or guaranteed by the
                        weighted maturity of from two to six                  U.S. government or any of its agencies
                        years depending on the economic outlook               or instrumentalities, mortgage-related
                        and expected trend of interest rates.                 securities of governmental or corporate
                        The fund will not invest in derivatives.              issuers and corporate debt securities.
                        U.S. government obligations in which the              U.S. government securities in which the

                       fund may invest include:                              fund may invest include:
                        o   direct obligations of the U.S.                    o   direct obligations of the U.S.
                            government, such as bills, notes and                  government, such as bills, notes and
                            bonds issued by the U.S. Treasury;                    bonds issued by the U.S. Treasury;
                        o   obligations of U.S. government                    o   obligations of U.S. government
                            agencies secured by the full faith                    agencies and instrumentalities
                            and credit of the U.S. Treasury,                      secured by the full faith and credit
                            such as securities, including                         of the U.S. Treasury, such as
                            pass-through securities, of the                       securities of the GNMA or the
                            Government National Mortgage                          Export-Import Bank;
                            Association or securities of the                  o   obligations secured by the
                            Export-Import Bank;                                   right to borrow from the U.S.
                        o   obligations secured by the                            Treasury; and
                            right to borrow from the U.S.                     o   obligations backed only by the
                            Treasury; and                                         credit of a government agency such
                        o   obligations backed only by the                        as the Federal Home Loan Bank,
                            credit of a government agency such                    Fannie Mae (Federal National
                            as the Federal Home Loan Bank,                        Mortgage Association) and Freddie
                            Fannie Mae (Federal National                          Mac (Federal Home Loan Mortgage
                            Mortgage Association) and Freddie                     Corporation).
                            Mac (Federal Home Loan Mortgage                   The corporate debt securities in which
                            Corporation).                                     the fund may invest include commercial
                                                                              paper and other short-term instruments
                                                                              rated A-1 by Standard & Poor's Ratings
                                                                              Group or P-1 by Moody's Investors
                                                                              Service, Inc. and comparable unrated
======================= ========================================== ==========================================

Investment strategies   Wright allocates the fund's assets based               Wright may allocate the fund's assets
                        on its view of the economic outlook and                among different market sectors (such as
                        expected trend in short-term interest                  agency securities, U.S. government and
                        rates. For example, the fund may invest                Treasury securities, and corporate debt
                        more heavily in shorter term securities                securities) with different maturities
                        when it expects an increase in interest                based on its view of the relative value
                        rates. In buying and selling securities                of each sector or maturity.
                        for the fund, Wright analyzes a
                        security's structural features, current
                        prices compared with its estimated
                        value, and the credit quality of its
                        issuer. The fund's average maturity as
                        of December 31, 2003 was 2.9 years and
                        its duration was 2.9 years.
                        ========================================== ==========================================

                        In buying and selling  securities for each fund,  Wright
                        analyzes a security's structural features, current price
                        compared with its  estimated  long-term  price,  and the
                        credit quality of the issuer.

======================= ========================================== ==========================================
Benchmark               Lehman U.S. Government Intermediate Bond              Lehman GNMA Backed Bond Index
======================= ========================================== ==========================================

Other investments       Each fund may purchase when-issued
                        securities and  make  contracts  to  purchase  or  sell
                        securities for a fixed  price at a future  date  beyond
                        customary settlement time. Alternatively, a fund may
                        enter into offsetting  contracts for the forward sale of
                        other securities that it owns.

                        Each fund may  invest in  mortgage  related  securities,
                        including collateralized mortgage obligations ("CMOs").

======================= =========================================== ==========================================

Temporary  defensive    During periods of unusual market conditions, when Wright
strategies              believes  that  investing for temporary defensive purposes
                        is appropriate, all or a portion of each fund's
                        assets  may be held in cash or  invested  in  short-term
                        obligations without limit. Although a fund would do this
                        to reduce  losses,  defensive  investments  may conflict
                        with  and  hurt  the  fund's   efforts  to  achieve  its
                        investment objective.

======================= =====================================================================================

Diversification         Each fund is diversified, which means that, with respect
                        to 75% of total assets,  the fund cannot invest (i) more
                        than 5% of total assets in securities of a single issuer
                        or (ii) in securities  representing more than 10% of the
                        outstanding voting securities of an issuer.

======================= =====================================================================================
Short-term trading      The funds do not intend to engage in trading for
                        short-term  profits.  However,  portfolio turnover rates
                        will vary.

======================= =====================================================================================
Derivatives             The fund may  invest in  mortgage  related  The fund may
                        invest in mortgage  related  securities,  including CMOs
                        but has never securities,  including CMOs and other done
                        so. derivative mortgage-related securities.

======================= ========================================== ==========================================



                      U.S. GOVERNMENT INTERMEDIATE FUND                      CURRENT INCOME FUND
============ ====================================================  ============================================
Sales charges  The shares of both funds have the same characteristics and fee structure.
and 12b-1
fees              o Shares are offered with no sales charges.
                  o Shares are subject to distribution and service fees of up to 0.25% of average daily net
============ ====================================================  ============================================

                       U.S. Government Intermediate Fund                    Current Income Fund
                   =========================================== ==============================================
================== ==========================================================================================
Buying shares      The procedures for buying shares of Current Income Fund are identical to those U.S.
                   Government Intermediate Fund. You may buy shares from any investment firm that has a
                   sales agreement with Wright Investors' Service Distributors, Inc. ("WISDI"), the funds'
                   distributor. You can buy shares at the public offering price, which is their net asset
                   value. You may use securities you own to purchase shares of a fund by delivering to the
                   funds' custodian securities that meet the fund's investment objectives and policies,
                   have easily determined market prices and are otherwise acceptable. Exchanged securities
                   must have a minimum aggregate value of $5,000. Securities are valued at the date they
                   are received by the funds.

                   Please  refer  to  your   Shareholder   Manual  for  detailed
                   instructions on how to buy fund shares.

================== ==========================================================================================
Minimum initial    The minimum initial investment for buying shares of Current Income Fund is identical to
investment         the minimum initial investment for U.S. Government Intermediate Fund. Your initial
                   investment must be at least $1,000. There is no minimum for subsequent investments.
================== ==========================================================================================
Exchanging shares  The procedures for exchanging shares of Current Income
                   Fund are identical to those of U.S.  Government  Intermediate
                   Fund.  Shares of the funds may be exchanged for shares of any
                   other   Wright  fund   described   in  the  funds'   combined
                   prospectus,  dated May 1, 2004.  Please read that  prospectus
                   carefully  before  requesting  an  exchange.  The exchange of
                   shares  results  in the  sale of one  fund's  shares  and the
                   purchase of another,  normally  resulting  in a gain or loss,
                   and is therefore a taxable event for you.

                   You are limited to four  "round-trip"  exchanges each year. A
                   round-trip  exchange is an exchange of one fund into  another
                   Wright fund and then back into the  original  fund.  You will
                   receive notice 60 days before the funds  materially  amend or
                   terminate the exchange privilege.
================== ==========================================================================================
Selling shares     The  procedures  for selling  shares of Current Income
                   Fund are identical to those of U.S.  Government  Intermediate
                   Fund.  You may  redeem  or sell  shares  of the  funds on any
                   business day. No  redemption  request will be paid until your
                   shares  have  been  paid for in  full.  If the  shares  to be
                   redeemed were purchased by check, the redemption payment will
                   be delayed until the check has been collected, which may take
                   up to 15 days from the date of purchase.  Telephone, mail and
                   internet   redemption   procedures   are  described  in  your
                   Shareholder Manual.

================== ==========================================================================================
Net asset  value   Each  fund's net asset value is the value of its
                   portfolio  of  securities  plus any  other  assets  minus its
                   operating  expenses  and any  other  liabilities.  The  funds
                   calculate  a net asset  value for each class of shares  every
                   day the New York Stock Exchange is open when regular  trading
                   closes (normally 4:00 p.m. Eastern time).
================== ==========================================================================================


Because the funds have similar investment  objectives,  investment  policies and
strategies,  the funds are subject to the same  principal  risks.  Although  the
principal  risks  are  the  same,  the  principal   risks  of  U.S.   Government
Intermediate  Fund are less than those of  Current  Income  Fund  because of the
different  investment  objective,  policies  and  strategies  of that fund.  The
combined  fund  will  have  an  investment   committee,   investment  objective,
investment  policies and  strategies  identical to those of Current Income Fund.
The general risks of bond funds are credit and interest rate risks.  Because the
U.S.  Government  Intermediate  Fund invests  substantially  in U.S.  government
obligations,  credit risk is less than other  types of bonds and Current  Income
Fund. Although greater than for U.S.  Government  Intermediate Fund, credit risk
for Current Income Fund is minimal to the extent that the fund  concentrates  in
mortgage-related  securities  whose timely  payment of interest and principal is
guaranteed by the U.S. government (such as Fannie Maes).  Current Income Fund is
currently, and has historically been, invested predominantly in such securities,
although it is not required to do so.  However,  this does not protect the funds
against  interest rate risk or guarantee the value of the funds'  shares.  Also,
mortgage-related  securities (such as Ginnie Maes) are subject to prepayment and
extension risks during times of falling or rising  interest  rates.  These risks
are defined to mean:

o   CREDIT OR DEFAULT RISK:  An issuer's  credit rating may be downgraded or the
    issuer may be unable to pay principal and interest obligations.

o   INTEREST  RATE RISK:  Bond  prices  fall when  interest  rates rise and vice
    versa.  The longer the duration of a bond, the greater the potential  change
    in price.

o   PREPAYMENT  RISK: When interest rates decline,  the issuer of a security may
    exercise an option to prepay the principal. This forces the fund to reinvest
    in lower yielding securities.

o   EXTENSION  RISK:  When  interest  rates  rise,  the life a  mortgage-related
    security is extended beyond the expected prepayment time, reducing the value
    of the security.

The funds  cannot  eliminate  risk or  assure  achievement  of their  investment
objectives and you may lose money.



Shareholders  of both funds pay various fees and  expenses,  either  directly or
indirectly.  U.S. Government  Intermediate Fund and Current Income Fund each pay
monthly  management fees equal to 0.45% of average daily net assets.  Both funds
also pay a 12b-1 fee at the same rate of 0.25% of average  daily net assets.  As
discussed  below,  the  pro  forma  expenses  of the  combined  fund  after  the
contractual   expense  limitation  will  be  0.95%,  which  is  U.S.  Government
Intermediate Fund's current contractual expense limitation.  The pro forma gross
expenses  (i.e.,  without  giving  effect  to the  expense  limitations)  of the
combined fund are lower than each fund's gross expenses.

The table  below shows the fees and  expenses  that you would pay if you were to
buy and hold shares of each fund. The expenses in the table  appearing below are
based on the expenses of each fund for the  twelve-month  period ended  December
31,  2003.  Future  expenses  may be greater  or less.  The table also shows the
estimated   ("pro   forma")   expenses  of  the  combined   fund   assuming  the
reorganization occurred on December 31, 2003.

                                                                                         Combined Fund
  SHAREHOLDER TRANSACTION                                                             (PRO FORMA FOR THE
 FEES (PAID DIRECTLY FROM         U.S. GOVERNMENT                                    PERIOD ENDED DECEMBER
     YOUR INVESTMENT)            INTERMEDIATE FUND         CURRENT INCOME FUND             31, 2003)
- ---------------------------- -------------------------- -------------------------- --------------------------
Maximum sales charge                   None                       None                       None
(load) when you buy shares
as a percentage of
offering price

Maximum deferred sales                 None                       None                       None
charge (load) as a
percentage of offering
price or the amount you
receive when you sell
shares, whichever is less

Redemption fee as a                    None                       None                       None
percentage of amount
redeemed, if applicable
- ---------------------------- -------------------------- -------------------------- --------------------------

- -------------------------- -------------------------- -------------------------- --------------------------

Management Fee                         0.45%                      0.45%                      0.45%

Distribution and Service               0.25%                      0.25%                      0.25%
(12b-1) Fee

Other Expenses                         0.96%                      0.42%                      0.40%
- ---------------------------- -------------------------- -------------------------- --------------------------
Total Annual Fund                      1.66%                      1.12%                      1.10%
Operating Expenses

Less:  Fee Waiver and                 (0.71)%                    (0.17)%                     0.15%
Expense Reimbursement
- ---------------------------- -------------------------- -------------------------- --------------------------
Net Operating Expenses                0.95%(1)                    0.95%(1)                   0.95%(1)

(1) The expenses in the table above reflect the  expense  limitation  in effect
through  the fiscal year  ending  December  31,  2004,  under  which  Wright has
contractually  agreed not to impose all or a portion of its  management fee and,
if necessary,  to limit other ordinary operating expenses to the extent required
to limit  expenses to 0.95% of average  daily net assets,  after  custodian  fee
reductions, if any. After the reorganization, Wright will apply the same expense
limitation to the combined fund.

         The hypothetical  example below helps you compare the cost of investing
in each fund. It assumes that:  (a) you invest $10,000 in each fund for the time
periods  shown,  (b) your  investment has a 5% return each year, (c) each fund's
operating expenses remain the same, and (e) you redeem your shares after the end
of each period.  Pro forma expenses are included assuming a reorganization  with
U.S. Government  Intermediate Fund and Current Income Fund. The examples are for
comparison  purposes only and are not a  representation  of either fund's actual
expenses or returns, either past or future.


     NUMBER OF YEARS         U.S. GOVERNMENT INTERMEDIATE                                COMBINED FUND
   YOU OWN YOUR SHARES                   FUND                 CURRENT INCOME FUND         (PRO FORMA)
=========================== ================================ ====================== ========================
Year 1                                 $97                            $97                      $97
Year 3                                $303                           $303                     $303
Year 5                                $525                           $525                     $525
Year 10                             $1,166                         $1,166                   $1,166
=========================== ================================ ====================== ========================


         Set forth below is performance information for each fund. The following
performance  information  indicates some of the risks of investing in each fund.
The bar charts  show how each fund's  total  return has varied from year to year
for each full calendar  year.  The third table shows average annual total return
(before and after taxes) for each fund over time with a  broad-based  securities
market index.  Past performance  before and after taxes does not indicate future
results.  You should note that the  investment  committee of the  combined  fund
after the reorganization will be the same as U.S. Government Intermediate Fund's
investment  committee.  However,  the investment  objective and policies of U.S.
Government  Intermediate Fund are similar, but not identical,  to the investment
objective,  policies and  strategies  of Current  Income Fund,  which causes the
funds to have different risk/return profiles.

                     (Year ended December 31)



- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10%           17.46%                                     10.31%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   0%                   4.35%    8.56%    6.51%   0.52%            7.18%    7.70%    1.73%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(10)%  -3.28%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       1994     1995     1996     1997    1998     1999     2000     2001    2002     2003

*Current Income Fund's  year-to-date  return as of September 30, 2004 was 2.36%.
During  the  period  shown  in the bar  chart,  Current  Income  Fund's  highest
quarterly  return was 5.61% for the quarter ended June 30, 1995,  and the lowest
quarterly return was -3.21% for the quarter ended March 31, 1994.

                     (Year ended December 31)



- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  20%              28.18%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10%                                                        12.61%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   0%                                9.08%   9.95%                      5.40%    8.07%      1.36%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(10)%    -8.62%            -1.26%                    -3.97%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
          1994     1995     1996     1997    1998     1999     2000     2001     2002       2003

**U.S.  Government  Intermediate  Fund's year-to-date return as of September 30,
2004 was  1.52%.  During  the period  shown in the bar  chart,  U.S.  Government
Intermediate  Fund's highest  quarterly  return was 10.40% for the quarter ended
June 30, 1995, and the lowest  quarterly return was -6.28% for the quarter ended
March 31, 1994.

                              AVERAGE ANNUAL TOTAL RETURN (DECEMBER 31, 2003)


                                                              1 Year             5 Years            10 Years
                                                              ------             -------            --------

     Before Taxes                                             1.73%               5.42%              5.97%
     After Taxes on Distributions (1)                        -0.13%               3.13%              3.47%
     After Taxes on Distributions and Sale of Fund
         Shares (1)                                          -0.13%               3.13%              3.47%

Lehman GNMA Backed Bond Index (2)                             2.85%               6.50%              6.92%


     Before Taxes                                             1.36%               4.54%              5.65%
     After Taxes on Distribution (1)                         -0.68%               2.26%              3.21%
     After Taxes on Distributions and Sale of Fund
         Shares (1)                                          -0.68%               2.26%              3.21%

Lehman U.S. Government Intermediate Bond Index (2)
                                                              2.29%               6.18%              6.32%

(1) After-tax  returns are calculated  using the historical  highest  individual
federal  marginal  income tax rates and do not  reflect  the impact of state and
local taxes. Actual after-tax returns depend on the investor's tax situation and
may differ from those shown.  The  after-tax  returns  shown are not relevant to
shareholders who hold their shares through  tax-deferred  arrangements,  such as
401(k) plans or individual retirement accounts.

 (2) The Lehman  GNMA  Backed  Bond Index,  an  unmanaged  index that  generally
indicates the  performance  of government  and  corporate  mortgage-backed  bond
markets,  and the Lehman U.S.  Government  Intermediate Bond Index, an unmanaged
index that  generally  indicates the  performance  of the U.S.  government  bond
market, are for reference only and do not mirror the funds' investments.



The  trustees of the Trust have  approved the form of  Agreement  regarding  the
reorganization of U.S. Government  Intermediate Fund into Current Income Fund, a
copy of which is  attached  to this  Prospectus  as  Exhibit A and  incorporated
herein by this reference.  The description of the Agreement  contained herein is
qualified in its entirety by the attached copy.


The Agreement provides for the reorganization on the following terms:

o        The  reorganization  is  scheduled to occur on the close of business on
         December 28, 2004,  but may occur on such later date as trustees of the
         Trust determine. U.S. Government Intermediate Fund will transfer all of
         its assets to Current  Income Fund, and Current Income Fund will assume
         all of your fund's  liabilities.  This will  result in the  addition of
         U.S.  Government  Intermediate  Fund's assets to Current  Income Fund's
         portfolio. The net asset value of both funds will be computed as of the
         close of regular  trading on the New York Stock  Exchange,  Inc. on the
         reorganization date.

o        Current  Income  Fund will issue to U.S  Government  Intermediate  Fund
         shares  in an  amount  equal  to the net  assets  attributable  to U.S.
         Government  Intermediate  Fund's shares.  As part of the liquidation of
         U.S.  Government  Intermediate  Fund,  these shares will immediately be
         distributed to shareholders of record of U.S.  Government  Intermediate
         Fund in proportion to their holdings on the  reorganization  date. As a
         result,  shareholders of U.S. Government  Intermediate Fund will become
         shareholders of Current Income Fund.

o        After the shares are issued, the existence of U.S. Government
         Intermediate Fund will be terminated.


The  trustees of the Trust  believe  that the  proposed  reorganization  will be
advantageous  to the  shareholders  of U.S.  Government  Intermediate  Fund  for
several reasons. The trustees considered the following matters, among others, in
approving the proposal:

         FIRST, after the  reorganization,  the combined fund will have an asset
size larger than that of U.S. Government  Intermediate Fund, which may allow the
combined fund to achieve  economies of scale in  investments  or expenses and be
better positioned in the market to increase asset size.

         SECOND, the combined fund will have similar, although different
investment policies and strategies as U.S. Government Intermediate Fund.
The combined fund will have the same investment committee and a similar
portfolio composition to that of U.S. Government Intermediate Fund.

         THIRD,  no increase in management fee, as a percentage of average daily
net assets, is expected as a result of the reorganization.

         FOURTH,  the pro forma gross expenses  (i.e.,  without giving effect to
the expense  limitation) of the combined fund will be lower than U.S. Government
Intermediate  Fund's current gross expenses.  Because of the expense limitation,
the pro forma net expenses (i.e.,  giving effect to the expense  limitation) are
the same for both funds.

         FIFTH, the reorganization will be accomplished on a tax free basis.

The board of  trustees of the Trust  considered  that Wright will pay all of the
expenses of the funds associated with the  preparation,  printing and mailing of
any shareholder communications,  including this Prospectus, and any filings with
the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  (the  "SEC") and other  governmental
agencies in connection with the reorganization.

The board of trustees of the Trust also  considered  that the funds'  investment
adviser and principal  distributor will benefit from the reorganization.  Wright
may be able to increase the combined  fund's  assets at a faster rate than would
otherwise  be possible if it  continued  to offer  Current  Income Fund and U.S.
Government  Intermediate  Fund  separately  and that the  combined  fund's gross
expenses are expected to be lower than your fund's gross expenses. Such a growth
in asset size benefits Wright by increasing its management fees and accelerating
the point at which  management  of the combined fund is profitable to Wright and
lower its cost to cap the funds' expenses.

The board of trustees of the Trust further  considered  that the  reorganization
presents an excellent  opportunity  for the  shareholders of each fund to become
investors  in a  combined  fund that has a larger  asset size than  either  fund
alone, without the obligation to pay commissions or other transaction costs that
a fund normally incurs when purchasing securities.  This opportunity provides an
economic benefit to both funds and their shareholders.


The reorganization is intended to result in no income,  gain or loss for federal
income tax purposes to Current Income Fund, U.S. Government Intermediate Fund or
the shareholders of U.S.  Government  Intermediate  Fund and will not take place
unless the funds receive a  satisfactory  opinion from Wilmer  Cutler  Pickering
Hale and Dorr LLP, substantially to the effect that the reorganization will be a
"reorganization"  within the meaning of Section  368(a) of the Internal  Revenue
Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code").

As a  result,  with  respect  to the  reorganization,  for  federal  income  tax

o   no gain or loss will be recognized by your fund upon (1) the transfer of all
    of its  assets  to  Current  Income  Fund  as  described  above  or (2)  the
    distribution   by  Current   Income  Fund  of  its  shares  to  your  fund's

o   no gain or loss will be recognized  by Current  Income Fund upon the receipt
    of your fund's assets solely in exchange for the issuance of Current  Income
    Fund shares to your fund and the  assumption of your fund's  liabilities  by
    Current Income Fund;

o   the basis of the assets of your fund acquired by Current Income Fund will be
    the same as the basis of those assets in the hands of your fund  immediately
    before the transfer;

o   the tax  holding  period of the  assets of your fund in the hands of Current
    Income Fund will include your fund's tax holding period for those assets;

o   you will not recognize gain or loss upon the exchange of your shares of your
    fund solely for Current Income Fund shares as part of the reorganization;

o   the  aggregate  basis of Current  Income Fund shares  received by you in the
    reorganization will be the same as the aggregate basis of the shares of your
    fund you surrender in exchange; and

o   the tax  holding  period of Current  Income  Fund  shares you  receive  will
    include the tax holding period of the shares of your fund that you surrender
    in  exchange,  provided  that the  shares  of your  fund were held by you as
    capital assets on the date of the exchange.

In  rendering  such  opinions,  counsel  shall rely upon,  among  other  things,
reasonable  assumptions  as well as  representations  of Current Income Fund and
your fund.

No tax ruling has been or will be received  from the  Internal  Revenue  Service
("IRS")  in  connection  with the  reorganization.  An opinion of counsel is not
binding on the IRS or a court,  and no assurance can be given that the IRS would
not assert, or a court would not sustain, a contrary position.

You should consult your tax adviser for the particular tax  consequences  to you
of the transaction,  including the applicability of any state,  local or foreign
tax laws.


         CONDITIONS  TO  CLOSING  THE  REORGANIZATION.  The  obligation  of U.S.
Government  Intermediate Fund to consummate the reorganization is subject to the
satisfaction of certain conditions,  including the performance by Current Income
Fund of all  its  obligations  under  the  Agreement,  and  the  receipt  of all
consents,  orders and permits  necessary to consummate the  reorganization  (see
Agreement, paragraph 7).

The  obligation  of Current  Income Fund to  consummate  the  reorganization  is
subject to the  satisfaction of certain  conditions,  including U.S.  Government
Intermediate  Fund's  performance of all of its obligations under the Agreement,
the receipt of certain documents and financial  statements from U.S.  Government
Intermediate Fund and the receipt of all consents,  orders and permits necessary
to consummate the reorganization (see Agreement, paragraph 8).

         The funds'  obligations  are also subject to the receipt of a favorable
opinion of Wilmer Cutler  Pickering  Hale and Dorr LLP as to the federal  income
tax consequences of the reorganization (see Agreement, paragraph 9).

         Termination  of  Agreement.  The  board of  trustees  of the  Trust may
terminate the Agreement at any time before the reorganization date, if the board
believes that proceeding with the reorganization would no longer be advisable.

         Expenses of the  Reorganization.  Wright will pay the  expenses of both
funds in connection  with the  reorganization,  including the costs of printing,
mailing, legal fees and audit fees.


         The following  table sets forth the  capitalization  of each fund as of
September 30, 2004, and the pro forma combined  capitalization  of both funds as
if the  reorganization  had occurred on that date.  When the  reorganization  is
consummated, the actual exchange ratios on the reorganization date may vary from
the exchange ratios indicated. This is due to changes in the market value of the
portfolio   securities  of  both  funds  between  September  30,  2004  and  the
reorganization  date,  changes in the  amount of  undistributed  net  investment
income and net realized capital gains of both funds during that period resulting
from income and  distributions,  and changes in the accrued  liabilities of both
funds during the same period.

                                            SEPTEMBER 30, 2004


                                U.S. GOVERNMENT       CURRENT INCOME
                               INTERMEDIATE FUND           FUND               PRO FORMA
                              ==================== ===================== =====================

Net Assets                        $8,710,472           $26,693,113           $35,403,585
Net Asset Value Per Share           $12.94                $10.27                $10.27
Shares Outstanding                  673,355             2,598,119             3,445,935
============================= ==================== ===================== =====================

         It is impossible to predict how many shares of Current Income Fund will
actually be received and distributed by U.S. Government Intermediate Fund on the
reorganization date. The table should not be relied upon to determine the amount
of Current Income Fund shares that will actually be received and distributed.

                          BOARD'S EVALUATION

         For the reasons  described  above,  the board of trustees of the Trust,
including a majority of the  trustees  who are not  "interested  persons" of the
Trust  within the  meaning of the  Investment  Company  Act of 1940,  as amended
("independent trustees"), approved the reorganization.  In particular, the board
of  trustees  of the Trust  determined  that the  reorganization  is in the best
interests of U.S.  Government  Intermediate  Fund and that the interests of U.S.
Government  Intermediate Fund's shareholders would not be diluted as a result of
the reorganization. Similarly, the board of trustees of the Trust, including the
independent  trustees,  approved the  reorganization on behalf of Current Income
Fund. They also determined that the  reorganization  is in the best interests of
Current Income Fund and that the interests of Current Income Fund's shareholders
would not be diluted as a result of the reorganization.


To the knowledge of each fund, as of September 30, 2004,  the following  persons
owned of record or beneficially 5% or more of the outstanding  shares of Current
Income Fund or U.S. Government Intermediate Fund:

                               Current Income Fund


                                          PERCENTAGE   ASSUMING COMPLETION OF THE REORGANIZATION*
========================================= ============ ===========================================
Charles Schwab & Co. Inc.                    7.39%                    5.57%**
Mutual Funds Dept.
San Francisco, CA  94104
========================================= ============ ===========================================
Jupiter & Co.                                6.49%                     4.89%
c/o Investors Bank & Trust
Boston, MA  02117
========================================= ============ ===========================================
Merctavish & Co.                             5.22%                     3.94%
Attn Trust Depy
Mercantile Trust & Savings
Quincy, IL  62306
========================================= ============ ===========================================

                             U.S. GOVERNMENT INTERMEDIATE FUND


      Shareholder Name and Address          Actual          Percentage owned in Combined Fund
                                          Percentage    Assuming Completion of the Reorganization*
========================================= ============ =======================================
Charles Schwab & Co. Inc.                   10.20%                    1.58%**
Mutual Funds Dept
San Francisco, CA  94104
========================================= ============ =======================================
FTC & CO                                     8.15%                     1.26%
Denver, CO  80217
========================================= ============ =======================================
First County Bank                            7.39%                     1.15%
Stamford, CT  06901
========================================= ============ =======================================
Hudson Savings Bank                          6.74%                     1.05%
Hudson, MA  01749
========================================= ============ =======================================

    *Percentage owned assuming completion of proposed reorganization.

   **Charles Schwab & Co. Inc. will own a total of 7.15% of the combined funds.

As of September 30, 2004,  the trustees and officers owned in the aggregate less
than 1% of the outstanding shares of the funds.


         The financial  statements and the financial highlights of the funds for
the fiscal year ended December 31, 2003 are  incorporated by reference into this
Prospectus  from the combined  prospectus of the funds,  dated May 1, 2004.  The
financial  statements  and financial  highlights for each fund as of and for the
year ended  December  31,  2003 have been  independently  audited by  Deloitte &
Touche LLP,  independent  registered  public accounting firm, as stated in their
reports  appearing in the statement of additional  information.  These financial
statements  and  financial  highlights  have been  included in reliance on their
reports given on their authority as experts in accounting and auditing.

                           AVAILABLE INFORMATION

         Each  fund  is  subject  to  the  informational   requirements  of  the
Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended and the  Investment  Company Act of
1940, as amended, and files reports, prospectuses and other information with the
SEC. These reports, prospectuses and other information filed by the funds can be
inspected and copied (for a duplication  fee at prescribed  rates) at the public
reference facilities of the SEC at 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C., and
at the Midwest  Regional Office (500 West Madison Street,  Suite 1400,  Chicago,
Illinois).  Copies  of these  materials  can also be  obtained  by mail from the
Public Reference Section of the SEC at 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington,  D.C.
20549, at prescribed rates. In addition, copies of these documents may be viewed
on-screen or downloaded from the SEC's Internet site at

                                                                Exhibit A


         THIS AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF REORGANIZATION  (the "Agreement") is made as
of this [ ] day of [_______],  2004,  between  Wright  Current  Income Fund (the
"Acquiring  Fund") and Wright U.S.  Government  Intermediate Fund (the "Acquired
Fund"),  each a series of The  Wright  Managed  Income  Trust (the  "Trust"),  a
business trust  organized under the laws of the  Commonwealth  of  Massachusetts
with its  principal  place of business at 255 State  Street,  Boston,  MA 02109.
Wright  Investors'  Service,  Inc. (the  "Adviser") is a party to this Agreement
solely for the purposes of its obligations set forth in paragraph 10.2.

         This  Agreement  is  intended  to  be  and  is  adopted  as a  plan  of
reorganization  within the meaning of Section  368(a)(1)(C) of the United States
Internal  Revenue  Code of  1986,  as  amended  (the  "Code")  and the  Treasury
regulations  promulgated  thereunder.  The reorganization (the "Reorganization")
will consist of (a) the  transfer of all of the assets of the  Acquired  Fund to
the  Acquiring  Fund in  exchange  solely  for (i) the  issuance  of  shares  of
beneficial  interest of the Acquiring Fund that  correspond to the shares of the
Acquired  Fund  equal  to  the  net  asset  value  represented  by  such  shares
(collectively,  the "Acquiring Fund Shares" and each, an "Acquiring Fund Share")
to the Acquired  Fund,  and (ii) the  assumption by the Acquiring Fund of all of
the liabilities of the Acquired Fund (the "Assumed Liabilities"), on the closing
date set forth  below (the  "Closing  Date"),  and (b) the  distribution  by the
Acquired Fund, on the Closing Date, or as soon thereafter as practicable, of the
Acquiring  Fund Shares to the  shareholders  of the Acquired Fund in liquidation
and  termination  of the  Acquired  Fund,  all upon  the  terms  and  conditions
hereinafter set forth in this Agreement.

         WHEREAS,  Acquiring  Fund and the Acquired  Fund are each series of the
same registered  investment  company  classified as a management  company of the
open-end type, and the Acquired Fund owns  securities  that generally are assets
of the character in which the Acquiring Fund is permitted to invest;

         WHEREAS, the Acquiring Fund is authorized to issue shares of beneficial

         WHEREAS,  the Board of Trustees of the  Acquiring  Fund has  determined
that the exchange of all of the assets of the Acquired Fund for  Acquiring  Fund
Shares and the assumption of the Assumed Liabilities of the Acquired Fund by the
Acquiring Fund are in the best interests of the Acquiring Fund shareholders;

         WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the Acquired Fund has determined that
the exchange of all of the assets of the Acquired Fund for Acquiring Fund Shares
and the  assumption  of the  Assumed  Liabilities  of the  Acquired  Fund by the
Acquiring Fund are in the best interests of the Acquired Fund shareholders.

         NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration of the premises and of the covenants
and agreements  hereinafter set forth,  the parties hereto covenant and agree as


         1.1 Subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement and
on the basis of the representations and warranties  contained in this Agreement,
the Acquired Fund agrees to transfer its assets as set forth in paragraph 1.2 to
the  Acquiring  Fund free and clear of all liens and  encumbrances  (other  than
those arising  under the  Securities  Act of 1933,  as amended (the  "Securities
Act"),  liens for taxes not yet due and payable or being contested in good faith
and contractual  restrictions on the transfer of the acquired  assets),  and the
Acquiring  Fund agrees in exchange  therefor:  (a) to issue to the Acquired Fund
the number of Acquiring Fund Shares, including fractional Acquiring Fund Shares,
determined  (to at least  two  decimal  places)  by  dividing  the  value of the
Acquired  Fund's net assets  attributable  to its shares and  transferred to the
Acquiring Fund,  computed in the manner and as of the time and date set forth in
paragraph  2.1, by the net asset value (the "NAV") of one Acquiring  Fund Share,
computed in the manner and as of the time and date set forth in  paragraph  2.2;
and (b) to assume the Assumed  Liabilities,  as set forth in paragraph 1.3. Such
transactions  shall take place at the closing provided for in paragraph 3.1 (the

         1.2 (a) The assets of the Acquired Fund to be acquired by the Acquiring
Fund shall consist of all of the Acquired Fund's  property,  including,  without
limitation,  all portfolio  securities and  instruments,  dividends and interest
receivables,  cash, goodwill,  contractual rights of the Acquired Fund all other
tangible and  intangible  property  owned by the Acquired  Fund and originals or
copies of all books and records of the Acquired Fund.

                  (b) The Acquired Fund has provided the  Acquiring  Fund with a
list of all of the Acquired Fund's securities and other assets as of the date of
this  Agreement.  The Acquiring Fund will,  within a reasonable  time before the
Closing Date, furnish the Selling Fund with a list of the securities, if any, on
the Selling  Fund's list  referred to above that do not conform to the Acquiring
Fund's investment objectives,  policies, and restrictions.  The Selling Fund, if
required by the  Acquiring  Fund,  will dispose of  securities  on the Acquiring
Fund's list before the Closing Date. In addition,  if it is determined  that the
portfolios of the Selling Fund and the Acquiring  Fund, when  aggregated,  would
contain  investments  exceeding certain percentage  limitations imposed upon the
Acquiring Fund with respect to such  investments,  the Selling Fund, if required
by the Acquiring Fund, will dispose of a sufficient  amount of such  investments
as may be necessary to avoid violating such  limitations as of the Closing Date.
The Acquired Fund reserves the right to sell any of these  securities  and other
assets  (except to the extent  sales may be  limited by  representations  of the
Acquired Fund made in connection  with the issuance of the tax opinion  provided
for in  paragraph  9.5 hereof) but will not,  without the prior  approval of the
Acquiring Fund,  acquire any additional  securities other than securities of the
type in which the  Acquiring  Fund is permitted to invest and shall not acquire,
without the consent of the Acquiring  Fund,  any  securities  that are valued at
"fair value" under the  valuation  procedures of either the Acquired Fund or the
Acquiring Fund.

         1.3 The  Acquired  Fund will  endeavor to  discharge  all the  Acquired
Fund's known  liabilities and  obligations  that are or will become due prior to
the  Closing  Date.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  any  liabilities  not  so
discharged  shall be assumed by the Acquiring  Fund,  which assumed  liabilities
shall include all of the Selling Fund's  liabilities,  debts,  obligations,  and
duties of whatever kind or nature,  whether absolute,  accrued,  contingent,  or
otherwise, whether or not arising in the ordinary course of business, whether or
not determinable at the Closing Date, and whether or not  specifically  referred
to in this Agreement.  The Acquired Fund shall prepare an unaudited statement of
assets and liabilities (the "Closing  Statement"),  as of the Valuation Date (as
defined in paragraph 2.1), in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting
principles  (the "GAAP")  consistently  applied from the prior  audited  period,
including a  calculation  of the net assets of the Acquired Fund as of the close
of business on the Closing  Date.  The  Acquiring  Fund shall assume the Assumed

         1.4 On the Closing Date or as soon  thereafter as is  practicable,  the
Acquired Fund shall  liquidate and  distribute  pro rata to the Acquired  Fund's
shareholders  of record  determined  as of the close of  business on the Closing
Date (the  "Acquired Fund  Shareholders")  the Acquiring Fund Shares it receives
pursuant  to  paragraph  1.1.  Such   liquidation  and   distribution   will  be
accomplished by the Acquired Fund instructing the Acquiring Fund to transfer the
Acquiring  Fund Shares then  credited to the account of the Acquired Fund on the
books  of the  Acquiring  Fund to open  accounts  on the  share  records  of the
Acquiring  Fund in the names of the Acquired Fund  Shareholders  (as provided to
the Acquiring  Fund by the Acquired  Fund) and  representing  the respective pro
rata number of the  Acquiring  Fund Shares due such  shareholders.  The Acquired
Fund shall promptly provide the Acquiring Fund with evidence of such liquidation
and  distribution.  All issued and outstanding  shares of the Acquired Fund will
simultaneously  be cancelled on the books of the Acquired  Fund,  although share
certificates representing interests in the Acquired Fund will represent a number
of Acquiring Fund Shares after the Closing Date as determined in accordance with
paragraph 1.1. The Acquiring Fund shall not issue certificates  representing the
Acquiring Fund Shares in connection with such exchange.

         1.5 Any transfer  taxes  payable upon  issuance of the  Acquiring  Fund
Shares in a name other than the registered holder of the Acquired Fund shares on
the books of the Acquired Fund as of the time of issuance  shall, as a condition
of such issuance and transfer, be paid by the person to whom such Acquiring Fund
Shares are to be issued and transferred.

         1.6 Any reporting  responsibility  of the Acquired Fund with respect to
the Acquired Fund is and shall remain the responsibility of the Acquired Fund up
to and including the Closing Date and such later date on which the Acquired Fund
is terminated.

         1.7 The Acquired Fund shall,  following the Closing Date and the making
of all distributions  pursuant to paragraph 1.4, be terminated under the laws of
the  Commonwealth  of  Massachusetts  and in accordance  with the Declaration of
Trust and By-Laws of the Acquired Fund.

2.       VALUATION

         2.1 The value of the assets of the Acquired  Fund to be acquired by the
Acquiring  Fund hereunder  shall be the value of such assets  computed as of the
close of regular  trading on the New York Stock  Exchange,  Inc.  on the Closing
Date (such time and date being hereinafter called the "Valuation  Date"),  using
the valuation  procedures set forth in the prospectus or statement of additional
information of the Acquired Fund as in effect on the date hereof.

         2.2 The  NAV of the  Acquiring  Fund  Shares  shall  be  calculated  in
accordance with the valuation procedures described in paragraph 2.1.

         2.3      All  computations  of value shall be made by Wright Investors'
 Service, Inc.,or its agent, in accordance with its regular practice as pricing
 agent for the Acquired Fund.


         3.1 The Closing Date shall be December 28, 2004,  or such later date as
the parties may agree to in writing.  All acts taking place at the Closing shall
be deemed  to take  place  simultaneously  as of the  close of  business  on the
Closing Date unless  otherwise  provided.  The Closing  shall be held as of 5:00
p.m.  (Eastern  time) at the offices of [Wilmer  Cutler  Pickering Hale and Dorr
LLP, 60 State Street, Boston, Massachusetts], or at such other time and/or place
as the parties may agree.

         3.2  Portfolio  securities  shall be presented by the Acquired  Fund to
Investors  Bank & Trust Company  ("IBT") as custodian for the Acquiring Fund for
examination no later than three business days preceding the Valuation  Date. The
Acquiring  Fund  may,  in its  sole  discretion,  reject  any  securities  if it
reasonably  believes that the ownership of such  securities by the Acquired Fund
or the  acquisition  of such  securities by the Acquiring Fund would violate the
investment  policies and  restrictions  of the Acquired  Fund and the  Acquiring
Fund.  The  portfolio  securities,  cash and due bills shall be delivered by the
Acquired Fund to IBT as custodian for the Acquiring  Fund for the account of the
Acquiring  Fund at the Closing duly endorsed in proper form for transfer in such
condition as to constitute  good delivery  thereof in accordance with the custom
of brokers.  The cash shall be delivered by wire in federal  funds to an account
of the Acquiring Fund specified by the Acquiring Fund.

         3.3 IBT,  custodian for the Acquired Fund,  shall deliver at or as soon
as possible  after the Closing a certificate  of an authorized  officer  stating
that:  (a) the Acquired  Fund's assets have been delivered in proper form to the
Acquiring  Fund  on the  Closing  Date  and  (b) all  necessary  transfer  taxes
including all applicable  federal and state stock transfer stamps,  if any, have
been paid, or provision for payment  shall have been made, in  conjunction  with
the delivery of portfolio securities.

         3.4 In the event that on the  Valuation  Date (a) the  primary  trading
market for portfolio  securities of the Acquired Fund shall be closed to trading
or trading  thereon  shall be  restricted  or (b)  trading or the  reporting  of
trading on such market  shall be disrupted so that  accurate  calculation  based
upon  available  market  prices  of the value of the net  assets of the  parties
hereto is  impracticable,  the Closing Date shall be  postponed  until the first
business  day after the day when  trading  shall  have been  fully  resumed  and
reporting shall have been restored.

         3.5 The  Acquired  Fund  shall  deliver  to the  Acquiring  Fund at the
Closing (or, if not reasonably  available at the Closing, as soon as practicable
thereafter) a list of the names, addresses,  taxpayer identification numbers and
backup withholding and nonresident alien withholding status of the Acquired Fund
Shareholders and the number and percentage ownership of outstanding shares owned
by each such  shareholder  immediately  prior to the  Closing,  certified by the
President,  Executive  Vice President or Treasurer of the Acquired Fund as being
an accurate record of the information (i) provided by Acquired Fund Shareholders
or (ii) derived from the Acquired  Fund's records by such officers or one of the
Acquired Fund's service providers.

         3.6  The  Acquiring   Fund  shall  issue  and  deliver  a  confirmation
evidencing  the  Acquiring  Fund Shares to be credited  to the  Acquired  Fund's
account on the Closing Date to the  Secretary of the Acquired  Fund,  or provide
evidence  satisfactory to the Acquired Fund that such Acquiring Fund Shares have
been credited to the Acquired Fund's account on the books of the Acquiring Fund.
At the  Closing,  each  party  shall  deliver  to the other  such bills of sale,
checks, assignments,  share certificates, if any, receipts or other documents as
such other party or its counsel may reasonably request.


         4.1 As soon as practicable  after the Closing,  the Acquired Fund shall
liquidate  the  Acquired  Fund  and  distribute  pro rata to the  Acquired  Fund
Shareholders the Acquiring Fund Shares received  pursuant to paragraph 1.1. Such
liquidation  and  distribution  will  be  accomplished  by the  transfer  of the
Acquiring  Fund  Shares  credited to the  account of the  Acquired  Fund to open
accounts on the share  records in the names of Acquired  Fund  Shareholders,  as
delivered to the  Acquiring  Fund prior to the Closing Date in  accordance  with
paragraph 3.5 and  representing  the  respective  pro rata  entitlement  of each
Acquired Fund Shareholder in the Acquiring Fund Shares held by the Acquired Fund
Shareholder at the time of the Closing.

         4.2  In  connection  with  such  liquidating  distributions,   (a)  the
Acquiring Fund shall not deliver  certificates  representing  its shares and (b)
the share transfer books of the Acquired Fund shall be permanently  closed as of
the Closing Date and  arrangements  satisfactory to the Acquiring  Fund,  acting
reasonably,  shall be made to  restrict  the further  transfer  of the  Acquired
Fund's shares.

         4.3 As soon as practicable  after the liquidation of the Acquired Fund,
the Acquired Fund shall  terminate its existence as a series of a business trust
under the laws of the Commonwealth of  Massachusetts  and in accordance with the
Declaration of Trust and By-Laws of the Acquired Fund.


         5.1 The Acquired Fund  represents  and warrants to the Acquiring  Fund,
which representations and warranties will be true and correct on the date hereof
and on the  Closing  Date as  though  made  on and as of the  Closing  Date,  as

                  (a) The  Acquired  Fund is a series of the  Trust,  which is a
business  trust  validly  existing  and in good  standing  under the laws of the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts and has the power to own all of its properties and
assets and, subject to approval by the Trust's Board of Trustees, to perform its
obligations  under this Agreement.  The Acquired Fund is not required to qualify
to do  business in any  jurisdiction  in which it is not so  qualified  or where
failure to qualify would not subject it to any material liability or disability.
The Acquired Fund has all necessary federal,  state and local  authorizations to
own all of its  properties  and assets and to carry on its business as now being

                  (b)  The  Acquired  Fund  is a  series  registered  investment
company classified as a management company of the open-end type, and the Trust's
registration  with the Securities  and Exchange  Commission  (the  "Commission")
under the Investment  Company Act of 1940 (the  "Investment  Company Act") is in
full force and effect;

                  (c) The Acquired Fund is not, and the execution,  delivery and
performance  of this  Agreement in respect of the Acquired Fund will not result,
in a violation of its  Declaration of Trust or By-Laws or in material  violation
of any  material  agreement,  indenture,  instrument,  contract,  lease or other
undertaking  with respect to the Acquired  Fund to which the Acquired  Fund is a
party or by which the Acquired Fund or its assets are bound;

                  (d) Except as  specifically  disclosed  on Schedule  5.1(d) or
included in the  calculation of NAV on the Valuation Date, the Acquired Fund has
no material  contracts or other  commitments  (other than this  Agreement)  with
respect to the Acquired Fund which will be terminated  with  liability to either
the Acquired Fund or to the Acquired Fund on or prior to the Closing Date;

                  (e)   No   litigation   or   administrative    proceeding   or
investigation of or before any court or governmental  body is presently  pending
or to its knowledge  threatened against the Acquired Fund or any of the Acquired
Fund's properties or assets,  except as previously  disclosed in writing to, and
acknowledged  in writing by, the Acquiring  Fund.  The Acquired Fund knows of no
facts which might form the basis for  institution of such  proceedings,  and the
Acquiring  Fund is not a party to or  subject  to the  provisions  of any order,
decree or  judgment  of any court or  governmental  body  which  materially  and
adversely affects the Acquired Fund's business or the Acquired Fund's ability to
consummate the transactions herein contemplated;

                  (f)  The  financial  statements  of the  Acquired  Fund  as of
December  31,  2003 and for the  fiscal  year then  ended  have been  audited by
Deloitte & Touche LLP, a registered  independent  public  accounting  firm, have
been prepared in accordance  with GAAP  consistently  applied and fairly reflect
the  financial  condition of the Acquired  Fund as of such date;  except for the
Assumed  Liabilities,  the Acquired  Fund will not have any known or  contingent
liabilities on the Closing Date;

                  (g) Since December 31, 2003, except as disclosed on a schedule
to this Agreement or specifically disclosed in the Acquired Fund's prospectus or
statement of additional  information as in effect on the date of this Agreement,
there has not been any material  adverse change in the Acquired Fund's financial
condition, assets, liabilities,  business or prospects, or any incurrence by the
Acquired  Fund  of  indebtedness,  except  for  normal  contractual  obligations
incurred in the ordinary course of business or in connection with the settlement
of  purchases  and  sales of  portfolio  securities.  For the  purposes  of this
subparagraph (g), a decline in NAV per share of the Acquired Fund arising out of
its normal investment operations or a decline in net assets of the Acquired Fund
as a result of redemptions shall not constitute a material adverse change;

                  (h) For each taxable year of its operation,  the Acquired Fund
has met the  requirements  of  Subchapter  M of the Code for  qualification  and
favorable  tax treatment as a regulated  investment  company and will qualify as
such as of the  Closing  Date with  respect to its  taxable  year  ending on the
Closing Date. The Acquired Fund has not taken any action,  or failed to take any
action,  which has caused or will cause the Acquired Fund to fail to qualify for
such favorable tax treatment as a regulated  investment  company under the Code.
The Acquired  Fund has not been  notified that any tax return or other filing of
the Acquired Fund has been reviewed or audited by any federal,  state,  local or
foreign taxing authority. Except as set forth on Schedule 5.1:

                           (A) The  Acquired  Fund shall have filed all federal,
                           state  and local tax  returns  required  by law to be
                           filed,  including all  information  returns and payee
                           statements,   and  all  tax   returns   for   foreign
                           countries,  provinces and other governing bodies that
                           have jurisdiction to levy taxes upon it;

                           (B) The  Acquired  Fund  shall  have paid all  taxes,
                           interest,  penalties,  assessments  and  deficiencies
                           which have  become due or which have been  claimed to
                           be due or  provision  shall  have  been  made for the
                           payment thereof;

                           (C) All  tax  returns  filed  or to be  filed  by the
                           Acquired Fund shall constitute  complete and accurate
                           reports  of the  respective  tax  liabilities  of the
                           Acquired Fund or, in the case of information  returns
                           and payee  statements,  the  amounts  required  to be
                           reported  accurately  set  forth all  material  items
                           required to be included or reflected in such returns;

                           (D) The  Acquired  Fund  has not and  will  not  have
                           waived  or  extended   any   applicable   statute  of
                           limitations  relating to the  assessment  of federal,
                           state, local or foreign taxes; and

                           (E) The Acquired  Fund has not been notified that any
                           examinations of the federal,  state, local or foreign
                           tax returns of the  Acquired  Fund are  currently  in
                           progress or threatened and no deficiencies  have been
                           asserted or assessed  against the Acquired  Fund as a
                           result of any audit by the Internal  Revenue  Service
                           or any state, local or foreign taxing authority,  and
                           no such deficiency has been proposed or threatened;

                  (i) All issued and  outstanding  shares of the  Acquired  Fund
are, and at the Closing Date will be, duly and validly  issued and  outstanding,
fully paid and  non-assessable.  To the Acquired  Fund's  knowledge,  all of the
issued and outstanding shares of the Acquired Fund will, at the time of Closing,
be held of record by the  persons and in the amounts set forth in the records of
the transfer agent as provided in paragraph 3.5. The Acquired Fund does not have
outstanding  any options,  warrants or other rights to subscribe for or purchase
any  shares  of  the  Acquired  Fund,  nor is  there  outstanding  any  security
convertible into any shares of the Acquired Fund;

                  (j) At the Closing Date,  the Acquired Fund will have good and
marketable  title to the assets to be transferred to the Acquiring Fund pursuant
to paragraph 1.1 and full right, power and authority to sell,  assign,  transfer
and deliver  such assets  hereunder,  and,  upon  delivery  and payment for such
assets,  the  Acquiring  Fund will acquire good and  marketable  title  thereto,
subject  to  no  restrictions  on  the  full  transfer   thereof,   except  such
restrictions as might arise under the Securities Act, other than as disclosed in
writing to, and acknowledged in writing by, the Acquiring Fund;

                  (k) The  Acquired  Fund has the power and  authority  to enter
into and perform its obligations under this Agreement.  The execution,  delivery
and  performance  of this  Agreement  has been duly  authorized by all necessary
action on the part of the Acquired  Fund's  Board of Trustees,  and assuming due
authorization,  execution and delivery by the  Acquiring  Fund,  this  Agreement
constitutes a valid and binding obligation of the Acquired Fund,  enforceable in
accordance with its terms, subject as to enforcement, to bankruptcy, insolvency,
reorganization,  moratorium  and other laws relating to or affecting  creditors'
rights and to general equity principles;

                  (l) Any information  furnished by the Acquired Fund for use in
registration  statements  and any  information  necessary  to compute  the total
return of the  Acquired  Fund shall be accurate  and  complete  in all  material
respects and shall comply in all material  respects with federal  securities and
other laws and regulations  applicable  thereto or the  requirements of any form
for which its use is intended;

                  (m)  Except  as set  forth  on  Schedule  5.1  and as  will be
obtained on or prior to the Closing Date, no consent, approval, authorization or
order of any court or governmental authority is required for the consummation by
the Acquired Fund of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement;

                  (n) To the Acquired  Fund's  knowledge,  all of the issued and
outstanding shares of beneficial interest of the Acquired Fund have been offered
for sale and sold in conformity with all applicable federal and state securities

                  (o) The  Acquired  Fund  currently  complies  in all  material
respects with and since its organization  has complied in all material  respects
with all applicable laws, rules adn regulations,  including without  limitation,
the requirements of, and the rules and regulations under, the Investment Company
Act, the  Securities  Act, the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 (the  "Exchange
Act"),  state "Blue Sky" laws and all other applicable federal and state laws or
regulations. The Acquired Fund currently complies in all material respects with,
and since its  organization  has complied in all  material  respects  with,  all
investment objectives,  policies, guidelines and restrictions and any compliance
procedures  established  by the Trust with  respect to the  Acquired  Fund.  All
advertising  and  sales  material  used by the  Acquired  Fund  complies  in all
material  respects  with and has  complied  in all  material  respects  with the
applicable  requirements of the Securities Act, the rules and regulations of the
Commission,  and, to the extent  applicable,  the Conduct  Rules of the National
Association of Securities  Dealers,  Inc. (the "NASD") and any applicable  state
regulatory authority.  All registration  statements,  prospectuses,  reports, or
other filings required to be made or filed with the Commission,  the NASD or any
state securities  authorities by the Acquired Fund have been duly filed and have
been  approved  or  declared  effective,  if such  approval  or  declaration  of
effectiveness is required by law. Such  registration  statements,  prospectuses,
reports,  and other filings under the  Securities  Act, the Exchange Act and the
Investment  Company Act (i) are or were in compliance  in all material  respects
with the  requirements of all applicable  statutes and the rules and regulations
thereunder and (ii) do not or did not contain any untrue statement of a material
fact or omit to state a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary
to make the statements therein, in light of the circumstances in which they were
made, not false or misleading;

                  (p) The Acquired Fund has previously provided to the Acquiring
Fund (and will at the Closing provide an update through the Closing Date of such
information) with data which supports a calculation of the Acquired Fund's total
return and yield for all periods since the  organization  of the Acquired  Fund.
Such data has been  prepared in  accordance  in all material  respects  with the
requirements of the Investment  Company Act and the  regulations  thereunder and
the rules of the NASD; and

                  (q) The prospectus of the Acquired Fund dated May 1, 2004, and
any amendments or  supplements  thereto,  previously  furnished to the Acquiring
Fund, did not as of their dates or the dates of their distribution to the public
contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact
required to be stated  therein or necessary to make the statements  therein,  in
light  of  the  circumstances   under  which  such  statements  were  made,  not

                  (r) The Acquired  Fund Tax  Representation  Certificate  to be
delivered by the Acquired Fund to the Acquiring Fund and Wilmer Cutler Pickering
Hale and Dorr LLP at the Closing  pursuant to paragraph 8.4 (the  "Acquired Fund
Tax Representation Certificate") will not on the Closing Date contain any untrue
statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact  necessary to make
the statements therein not misleading.

         5.2 The Acquiring  Fund  represents  and warrants to the Acquired Fund,
which representations and warranties will be true and correct on the date hereof
and on the  Closing  Date as  though  made  on and as of the  Closing  Date,  as

                  (a) The  Acquiring  Fund is a series of the Trust,  a business
trust  which is  validly  existing  and in good  standing  under the laws of the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts and has the power to own all of its properties and
assets and to perform its obligations  under this Agreement.  The Acquiring Fund
is not required to qualify to do business in any jurisdiction in which it is not
so  qualified or where  failure to qualify  would not subject it to any material
liability or disability. The Acquiring Fund has all necessary federal, state and
local authorizations to own all of its properties and assets and to carry on its
business as now being conducted;

                  (b)  The  Trust  is a  series  registered  investment  company
classified  as a  management  company  of the  open-end  type,  and the  Trust's
registration  with the Commission as an investment  company under the Investment
Company Act is in full force and effect;

                  (c) The prospectus and statement of additional  information of
the Acquiring Fund included in the Acquiring Fund's registration  statement that
will be in effect on the Closing Date will conform in all material respects with
the applicable requirements of the Securities Act and the Investment Company Act
and the rules and  regulations of the  Commission  thereunder and will not as of
its date and as of the Closing Date  contain any untrue  statement of a material
fact or omit to state  any  material  fact  required  to be  stated  therein  or
necessary to make the statements therein, in light of the circumstances in which
they were made, not misleading;

                  (d) The Acquiring Fund is not, and its execution, delivery and
performance of this Agreement will not result,  in violation of its  Declaration
of  Trust  or  By-Laws  or in  material  violation  of any  material  agreement,
indenture,  instrument, contract, lease or other undertaking with respect to the
Acquiring Fund to which it is a party or by which it is bound;

                  (e)   No   litigation   or   administrative    proceeding   or
investigation of or before any court or governmental  body is presently  pending
or to  its  knowledge  threatened  against  the  Acquiring  Fund  or  any of the
Acquiring Fund's properties or assets, except as previously disclosed in writing
to, and  acknowledged in writing by, the Acquired Fund. The Acquiring Fund knows
of no facts which might form the basis for the institution of such  proceedings,
and the  Acquiring  Fund is not a party to or subject to the  provisions  of any
order, decree or judgment of any court or governmental body which materially and
adversely affects the Acquiring Fund's business or its ability to consummate the
transactions contemplated herein;

                  (f)  The  financial  statements  of the  Acquired  Fund  as of
December  31,  2003 and for the  fiscal  year then  ended  have been  audited by
Deloitte & Touche LLP, a registered  independent  public  accounting  firm, have
been prepared in accordance  with GAAP  consistently  applied and fairly reflect
the  financial  condition of the Acquired  Fund as of such date;  except for the
Assumed  Liabilities,  the Acquired  Fund will not have any known or  contingent
liabilities on the Closing Date;

                  (g) Since December 31, 2003, except as disclosed on a schedule
to this Agreement or specifically disclosed in the Acquired Fund's prospectus or
statement of additional  information as in effect on the date of this Agreement,
there has not been any material  adverse change in the Acquired Fund's financial
condition, assets, liabilities,  business or prospects, or any incurrence by the
Acquired  Fund  of  indebtedness,  except  for  normal  contractual  obligations
incurred in the ordinary course of business or in connection with the settlement
of  purchases  and  sales of  portfolio  securities.  For the  purposes  of this
subparagraph (g), a decline in NAV per share of the Acquired Fund arising out of
its normal investment operations or a decline in net assets of the Acquired Fund
as a result of redemptions shall not constitute a material adverse change;

                  (h) The  Acquiring  Fund has the power and  authority to enter
into and perform its obligations under this Agreement.  The execution,  delivery
and  performance  of this  Agreement  has been duly  authorized by all necessary
action,  if any, on the part of the  Acquiring  Fund's Board of  Trustees,  and,
assuming due  authorization,  execution and delivery by the Acquired Fund,  this
Agreement  constitutes a valid and binding  obligation  of the  Acquiring  Fund,
enforceable  in  accordance  with  its  terms,  subject  as to  enforcement,  to
bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, moratorium and other laws relating to or
affecting creditors' rights and to general equity principles;

                  (i) The  Acquiring  Fund Shares to be issued and  delivered to
the Acquired Fund, for the account of the Acquired Fund  Shareholders,  pursuant
to the  terms  of this  Agreement,  will at the  Closing  Date  have  been  duly
authorized  and, when so issued and  delivered,  will be duly and validly issued
Acquiring Fund Shares and will be fully paid and  non-assessable;  the Acquiring
Fund  does not have  outstanding  any  options,  warrants  or  other  rights  to
subscribe for or purchase any Acquiring  Fund Shares,  nor is there  outstanding
any security convertible into any of the Acquiring Fund Shares;

                  (j) The  information to be furnished by the Acquiring Fund for
use in the prospectus and other  documents  which may be necessary in connection
with the transactions  contemplated hereby shall be accurate and complete in all
material  respects  and  shall  comply in all  material  respects  with  federal
securities and other laws and regulations applicable thereto or the requirements
of any form for which its use is intended;

                  (k) For each taxable year of its operation, the Acquiring Fund
has met the  requirements  of  Subchapter  M of the Code for  qualification  and
favorable tax treatment as a regulated  investment company and has elected to be
treated as such and will qualify as such as of the Closing  Date.  The Acquiring
Fund has not taken any action which has caused or will cause the Acquiring  Fund
to fail to  qualify  as a  regulated  investment  company  under the  Code.  The
Acquiring  Fund has not been notified that any tax return or other filing of the
Acquiring  Fund has been  reviewed or audited by any  federal,  state,  local or
foreign taxing authority. Except as set forth on Schedule 5.1:

                           (A) The Acquiring  Fund shall have filed all federal,
                           state  and local tax  returns  required  to be filed,
                           including   all   information   returns   and   payee
                           statements,   and  all  tax   returns   for   foreign
                           countries,  provinces and other governing bodies that
                           have jurisdiction to levy taxes upon it;

                           (B) The  Acquiring  Fund  shall  have paid all taxes,
                           interest,  penalties,  assessments  and  deficiencies
                           which have  become due or which have been  claimed to
                           be due or  provision  shall  have  been  made for the
                           payment thereof;

                           (C) All  tax  returns  filed  or to be  filed  by the
                           Acquiring Fund shall constitute complete and accurate
                           reports  of the  respective  tax  liabilities  of the
                           Acquiring Fund or, in the case of information returns
                           and payee  statements,  the  amounts  required  to be
                           reported  accurately  set  forth all  material  items
                           required to be included or reflected in such returns;

                           (D) The  Acquiring  Fund  has not and  will  not have
                           waived  or  extended   any   applicable   statute  of
                           limitations  relating to the  assessment  of federal,
                           state, local or foreign taxes; and

                           (E) The Acquiring Fund has not been notified that any
                           examinations of the federal,  state, local or foreign
                           tax returns of the  Acquiring  Fund are  currently in
                           progress or threatened and no deficiencies  have been
                           asserted or assessed  against the Acquiring Fund as a
                           result of any audit by the Internal  Revenue  Service
                           or any state, local or foreign taxing authority,  and
                           no such deficiency has been proposed or threatened;

                  (l) The  Acquiring  Fund  currently  complies in all  material
respects with and since its organization  has complied in all material  respects
with all applicable laws, rules and regulations,  including, without limitation,
the requirements of, and the rules and regulations under, the Investment Company
Act, the  Securities  Act, the Exchange Act, state "Blue Sky" laws and all other
applicable  federal and state laws or regulations.  The Acquiring Fund currently
complies in all material  respects with and since its  organization has complied
in all material respects with all investment  objectives,  policies,  guidelines
and  restrictions  and any compliance  procedures  established by the Trust with
respect to the Acquiring Fund, and, immediately prior to the closing,  will have
calculated  its  NAV  in  accordance  with  the  Acquiring  Fund's  registration

                  (m) The  Acquiring  Fund Shares to be issued  pursuant to this
Agreement shall on the Closing Date be duly registered  under the Securities Act
by a  Registration  Statement on Form N-14 of the Acquiring  Fund then in effect
and qualified for sale under the applicable state securities laws; and

                  (n) The  Acquiring  Fund Shares to be issued  pursuant to this
Agreement are duly authorized and on the Closing Date will be validly issued and
fully paid and  non-assessable  and will conform in all material respects to the
description thereof contained in the Acquiring Fund's Registration  Statement on
Form N-14. On the Closing Date, the Acquiring Fund shall not, except as provided
herein, have outstanding any warrants,  options,  convertible  securities or any
other type of right  pursuant to which any person could acquire  Acquiring  Fund

                  (o) The Acquiring  Fund Tax  Representation  Certificate to be
delivered by the Acquiring Fund to the Acquired Fund and Wilmer Cutler Pickering
Hale and Dorr LLP at Closing  pursuant to paragraph 7.3 (the "Acquiring Fund Tax
Representation  Certificate")  will not on the Closing  Date  contain any untrue
statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact  necessary to make
the statements therein not misleading.


         6.1  The  Acquired  Fund  and  the  Acquiring  Fund  will  operate  its
respective  business  in the  ordinary  course  between  the date hereof and the
Closing  Date.  It is  understood  that such  ordinary  course of business  will
include the declaration and payment of customary dividends and distributions and
any other  dividends  and  distributions  necessary or advisable  (except to the
extent  distributions  that are not customary may be limited by  representations
made in connection  with the issuance of the tax opinion  described in paragraph
9.5 hereof), in each case payable either in cash or in additional shares.

         6.2  Each  of the  Acquired  Fund  and  the  Acquiring  Fund  will  use
reasonable   efforts  to  promptly  prepare  and  file  with  the  Commission  a
Registration Statement on Form N-14 relating to the transactions contemplated by
this Agreement.

         6.3 The Acquired Fund  covenants  that the Acquiring  Fund Shares to be
issued  hereunder  are  not  being  acquired  for  the  purpose  of  making  any
distribution thereof other than in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

         6.4 The Acquired Fund will assist the Acquiring  Fund in obtaining such
information as the Acquiring Fund reasonably  requests concerning the beneficial
ownership of the Acquired Fund's shares.

         6.5 Subject to the provisions of this  Agreement,  each of the Acquired
Fund and the Acquiring Fund will take, or cause to be taken, all actions, and do
or cause to be done,  all things  reasonably  necessary,  proper or advisable to
consummate and make effective the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

         6.6 The  Acquired  Fund  shall  furnish  to the  Acquiring  Fund on the
Closing  Date the  Closing  Statement,  which  statement  shall be  prepared  in
accordance with GAAP consistently applied and shall be certified by the Acquired
Fund's Treasurer or Assistant Treasurer. As promptly as practicable,  but in any
case within 90 days after the Closing  Date,  the Acquired Fund shall furnish to
the Acquiring Fund, in such form as is reasonably  satisfactory to the Acquiring
Fund, a statement  of the earnings and profits of the Acquired  Fund for federal
income tax  purposes,  and of any capital loss  carryovers  and other items that
will be carried  over to the  Acquiring  Fund as a result of Section  381 of the
Code,  and which  statement  will be certified by the  Treasurer of the Acquired

         6.7 The Acquired Fund shall provide the Acquiring Fund with information
reasonably  necessary for the  preparation of a prospectus to be included in the
Acquiring  Fund's  Registration  Statement on Form N-14, in compliance  with the
Securities  Act, the Exchange Act and the  Investment  Company Act in connection
with the transactions contemplated herein.

         6.8 The Acquired Fund shall  maintain  errors and  omissions  insurance
covering  management  of the Acquired  Fund prior to and  including  the Closing

         6.9 Neither the  Acquired  Fund not the  Acquiring  Fund shall take any
action that is inconsistent with the  representations set forth in, with respect
to the Acquired Fund, the Acquired Fund Tax Representation Certificate, and with
respect  to  the  Acquiring   Fund,  the  Acquiring   Fund  Tax   Representation
Certificate,  to the extent such action would  prevent the  reorganization  from
qualifying as a "reorganization" under Section 368(a) of the Code.


         The  obligations  of the Acquired Fund to consummate  the  transactions
provided for herein shall be subject, at its election, to the performance by the
Acquiring  Fund of all of the  obligations to be performed by it hereunder on or
before  the  Closing  Date and,  in  addition  thereto,  the  following  further
conditions, unless waived by the Acquired Fund in writing:

         7.1 All  representations  and warranties  made in this Agreement by the
Acquiring Fund shall be true and correct in all material respects as of the date
hereof and, except as they may be affected by the  transactions  contemplated by
this Agreement, as of the Closing Date with the same force and effect as if made
on and as of the Closing Date;

         7.2 The  Acquiring  Fund shall have  delivered to the  Acquired  Fund a
certificate  executed in its name by its President,  Executive  Vice  President,
Treasurer or Assistant Treasurer,  in form and substance reasonably satisfactory
to the Acquired  Fund and dated as of the Closing  Date,  to the effect that the
representations  and warranties made in this Agreement by the Acquiring Fund are
true and correct in all material  respects at and as of the Closing Date, except
as they may be affected by the transactions contemplated by this Agreement; and

         7.3 The  Acquiring  Fund shall have  delivered to the Acquired Fund and
Wilmer Cutler  Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP an Acquiring Fund Tax  Representation
Certificate,  satisfactory to the Acquired Fund and Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale
and Dorr LLP,  substantially  in the form attached to this Agreement as Annex A,
concerning certain tax-related maters with respect to the Acquiring Fund.


         The  obligations of the Acquiring  Fund to consummate the  transactions
provided for herein shall be subject, at its election, to the performance by the
Acquired Fund of all of the its  obligations  hereunder on or before the Closing
Date and, in addition thereto, the following further conditions:

         8.1 All  representations  and warranties  made in this Agreement by the
Acquired Fund shall be true and correct in all material  respects as of the date
hereof and, except as they may be affected by the  transactions  contemplated by
this Agreement, as of the Closing Date with the same force and effect as if made
on and as of the Closing Date;

         8.2 The  Acquired  Fund shall have  delivered to the  Acquiring  Fund a
statement of the Acquired Fund's assets and liabilities  showing the federal tax
bases and holding  periods as of the Closing  Date,  certified  by the  Acquired
Fund's Treasurer or Assistant Treasurer;

         8.3 The Acquired Fund shall have delivered to the Acquiring Fund on the
Closing Date a certificate executed in its name by its President, Executive Vice
President,  Treasurer or Assistant  Treasurer,  in form and substance reasonably
satisfactory  to the  Acquiring  Fund and dated as of the Closing  Date,  to the
effect that the  representations  and warranties made in this Agreement are true
and correct in all material  respects at and as of the Closing  Date,  except as
they may be affected by the transactions contemplated by this Agreement; and

         8.4 The Acquired Fund shall have  delivered to the  Acquiring  Fund and
Wilmer Cutler  Pickering  Hale and Dorr LLP an Acquired Fund Tax  Representation
Certificate, satisfactory to the Acquiring Fund and Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale
and Dorr LLP,  substantially  in the form attached to this Agreement as Annex B,
concerning certain tax-related matters with respect to the Acquired Fund.


         If any of the  conditions set forth below do not exist on or before the
Closing  Date with  respect  to either  party  hereto,  the other  party to this
Agreement  shall, at its option,  not be required to consummate the transactions
contemplated by this Agreement:

         9.1 On the Closing Date, no action,  suit or other  proceeding shall be
pending  before  any  court or  governmental  agency  in which it is  sought  to
restrain or prohibit, or obtain damages or other relief in connection with, this
Agreement or the transactions contemplated herein;

         9.2 All consents of other  parties and all other  consents,  orders and
permits of federal,  state and local regulatory  authorities (including those of
the  Commission  and of  state  Blue  Sky  and  securities  authorities)  deemed
necessary  by  either  party  hereto  to permit  consummation,  in all  material
respects,  of the  transactions  contemplated  hereby shall have been  obtained,
except  where  failure to obtain  any such  consent,  order or permit  would not
involve a risk of a  material  adverse  effect on the  assets or  properties  of
either party hereto, provided that either party may for itself waive any of such

         9.3 The Acquiring Fund's Registration Statement on Form N-14 shall have
become  effective  under the  Securities  Act and no stop orders  suspending the
effectiveness  thereof shall have been issued and, to the best  knowledge of the
parties hereto,  no investigation or proceeding for that purpose shall have been
instituted or be pending, threatened or contemplated under the Securities Act;

         9.4 The  parties  shall  have  received a  favorable  opinion of Wilmer
Cutler  Pickering  Hale and Dorr LLP,  addressed to the  Acquiring  Fund and the
Acquired  Fund and  satisfactory  to the Acquiring  Fund and the Acquired  Fund,
substantially  to the effect that for federal income tax purposes,  on the basis
of the facts,  representations  and assumptions  set forth in such opinion,  the
acquisition  by the  Acquiring  Fund of all of the assets of the  Acquired  Fund
solely in exchange  for the  issuance of  Acquiring  Fund Shares to the Acquired
Fund and the assumption of all of the Assumed Liabilities by the Acquiring Fund,
followed  by the  distribution  by the  Acquired  Fund,  in  liquidation  of the
Acquired  Fund, of Acquiring  Fund Shares to the Acquired Fund  Shareholders  in
exchange  for  their  Acquired  Fund  shares  of  beneficial  interest  and  the
termination of the Acquired Fund,  will constitute a  reorganization  within the
meaning of Section 368(a) of the Code.  Notwithstanding  anything  herein to the
contrary,  neither Acquiring Fund nor Acquired Fund may waive the conditions set
forth in this paragraph 9.5; and

         9.5 The Acquired Fund shall have distributed to its shareholders,  in a
distribution  or  distributions  qualifying for the deduction for dividends paid
under Section 561 of the Code, all of its investment  company taxable income (as
defined in Section  852(b)(2) of the Code  determined  without regard to Section
852(b)(2)(D)  of the Code) for its taxable year ending on the Closing Date,  all
of the excess of (i) its  interest  income  excludable  from gross  income under
Section  103(a) of the Code over (ii) its deductions  disallowed  under Sections
265 and  171(a)(2) of the Code for its taxable year ending on the Closing  Date,
and all of its net capital  gain (as such term is used in Sections  852(b)(3)(A)
and  (C)  of  the  Code),   after  reduction  by  any  available   capital  loss
carryforward, for its taxable year ending on the Closing Date.


         10.1 Each party  hereto  represents  and  warrants  to the other  party
hereto that there are no brokers or finders  entitled to receive any payments in
connection with the transactions provided for herein.

         10.2 The Adviser will pay all expenses  incurred in connection with the
Reorganization   (including,   but  not  limited  to,  the  preparation  of  the


         11.1  The   parties   hereto   agree   that  no  party   has  made  any
representation,  warranty  or  covenant  not set forth  herein or referred to in
paragraphs  6.9 and 7.3 hereof and that this  Agreement  constitutes  the entire
agreement between the parties.

         11.2 The  representations,  warranties and covenants  contained in this
Agreement or in any document delivered pursuant hereto or in connection herewith
shall survive the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereunder.


         12.1 This  Agreement may be terminated at any time prior to the Closing
Date by: (a) the mutual  agreement of the Acquired Fund and the Acquiring  Fund;
(b) any party in the event that the other party hereto shall breach any material
representation,  warranty or  agreement  contained  herein to be performed at or
prior to the Closing Date and has not cured such breach  within 10 days after of
notice  thereof;  or (c) a condition  herein  expressed  to be  precedent to the
obligations of the terminating party has not been met and it reasonably  appears
that it will not or cannot be met.

         12.2 In the event of any such termination,  there shall be no liability
for damages on the part of any party hereto or the Trust's  Trustees or officers
to the other party,  but[,  except as provided in section 10 hereof,  each shall
bear the expenses  incurred by it incidental to the preparation and carrying out
of this Agreement.


         This Agreement may be amended,  modified or supplemented in such manner
as may be  mutually  agreed  upon in writing by the  authorized  officers of the
Acquired Fund and the Acquiring Fund.

14.      NOTICES

         Any notice,  report,  statement or demand  required or permitted by any
provision  of this  Agreement  shall be in writing and shall be given by prepaid
telegraph,  telecopy or certified  mail  addressed to the Acquired  Fund and the
Acquiring Fund at 440 Wheelers Farms Road, Milford, Connecticut 06460.


         15.1 The article and paragraph headings contained in this Agreement are
for  reference  purposes  only and shall not  affect in any way the  meaning  or
interpretation of this Agreement.

         15.2     This  Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts
each of which shall be deemed an original.

         15.3     This  Agreement  shall  be  governed  by  and  construed  in
 accordance  with  the  laws  of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

         15.4 This Agreement  shall bind and inure to the benefit of the parties
hereto  and their  respective  successors  and  assigns,  but no  assignment  or
transfer  hereof or of any  rights  or  obligations  hereunder  shall be made by
either  party  without the written  consent of the other party  hereto.  Nothing
herein  expressed or implied is intended or shall be construed to confer upon or
give any  person,  firm,  corporation  or other  entity,  other than the parties
hereto and their respective successors and assigns, any rights or remedies under
or by reason of this Agreement.

         15.5 It is expressly  agreed that the obligations of the Acquiring Fund
and the  Acquired  Fund  shall  not be  binding  upon  any of  their  respective
Trustees, shareholders,  nominees, officers, agents or employees personally, but
bind only the property of the Acquiring  Fund or the Acquired  Fund, as the case
may be, as provided in the  Declaration  of Trust of the Acquiring  Fund and the
Acquired Fund,  respectively.  The execution and delivery of this Agreement have
been  authorized by the Acquired  Trustees of each of the Acquiring Fund and the
Acquired Fund,  and this  Agreement has been executed by authorized  officers of
the  Acquiring  Fund and the  Acquired  Fund acting as such,  and  neither  such
authorization  by such Trustees nor such execution and delivery by such officers
shall be deemed to have been made by any of them  individually  or to impose any
liability  on any of them  personally,  but shall bind only the  property of the
Acquiring  Fund and the  Acquired  Fund,  as the case may be, as provided in the
Declaration of Trust of the Acquiring Fund and the Acquired Fund, respectively.

             [Remainder of page left blank intentionally.]

         IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  each  of the  parties  hereto  has  caused  this
Agreement to be executed by its President or Vice  President and attested by its
Secretary or Assistant Secretary.

Attested:                                      The Wright Managed Income Trust,
                                               on behalf of its series
                                               Wright Current Income Fund

By:  _________________________________      By: _______________________________

Name:                                                Name:
Title:                                               Title:

Attest:                                        The Wright Managed Income Trust,
                                               on behalf of its series
                                               Wright U.S. Government
                                                Intermediate Fund

By:   _________________________________     By:   _____________________________
Name:                                                Name:
Title:                                               Title:

                                                     Wright Investors' Service,
                                                     Inc. is a party to this
                                                     Agreement solely for the
                                                     purposes of paragraph 10.2

                                                 WRIGHT INVESTORS' SERVICE, INC.

                                            By:  ______________________________


                                     Annex A

                           WRIGHT CURRENT INCOME FUND

      This  certificate is being delivered in connection with the transaction to
be  effected  pursuant  to  the  Agreement  and  Plan  of  Reorganization   (the
"Agreement")  made as of  ________________,  2004 between  Wright Current Income
Fund ("Acquiring Fund"), and Wright U.S. Government Intermediate Fund ("Acquired
Fund"), each a series of The Wright Managed Income trust (the "Trust"). Pursuant
to the Agreement, Acquiring Fund will acquire all of the assets of Acquired Fund
in exchange  solely for (i) the assumption by Acquiring Fund of the  liabilities
of Acquired  Fund (the  "Acquired  Fund  Liabilities")  and (ii) the issuance of
shares of beneficial interest of Acquiring Fund (the "Acquiring Fund Shares") to
Acquired Fund,  followed by the distribution by Acquired Fund, in liquidation of
Acquired Fund, of the Acquiring Fund Shares to the shareholders of Acquired Fund
and the termination of Acquired Fund (the foregoing  together  constituting  the

      The undersigned  officer of the Trust,  after consulting with its counsel,
auditors and tax advisers  regarding the meaning of and factual  support for the
following  representations,  on behalf of Acquiring Fund,  hereby  certifies and
represents that the following statements are true, complete and correct and will
be true,  complete and correct on the date of the  transaction and thereafter as
relevant. Unless otherwise indicated, all capitalized terms used but not defined
herein shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Agreement.

1.   Acquiring Fund is a series of the Trust, a business trust established under
     the laws of the Commonwealth of  Massachusetts,  and Acquiring Fund is, and
     has been at all times, treated as a separate corporation for federal income
     tax purposes.

2.   Neither  Acquiring Fund nor any person treated as related to Acquiring Fund
     under Treasury  Regulation  Section  1.368-1(e)(3,)  nor any partnership of
     which Acquiring Fund or any such related person is a partner,  has any plan
     or  intention  to redeem or  otherwise  acquire any of the  Acquiring  Fund
     Shares received by shareholders of Acquired Fund in the transaction  except
     in the ordinary course of Acquiring  Fund's business in connection with its
     legal obligation under Section 22(e) of the Investment Company Act of 1940,
     as  amended  (the  "1940  Act"),  as  a  series  of a  registered  open-end
     investment company to redeem its own shares.

3.   After the transaction,  Acquiring Fund will continue the historic  business
     (as defined in Treasury Regulation Seciton  1.368-1(d)(2)) of Acquired Fund
     or will use all or a significant  portion of the historic  business  assets
     (as defined in Treasury Regulation Section  1.368-1(d)(3)) of Acquired Fund
     in a  business.  For this  purpose,  Acquiring  Fund  shall be  treated  as
     conducting the business and holding the assets of certain related entities,
     as described in Treasury Regulation Section 1.368-1(d)(4).

4.   Acquiring Fund has no plan or intention to sell or otherwise dispose of any
     assets  of  Acquired   Fund  acquired  in  the   transaction,   except  for
     dispositions made in the ordinary course of its business or to maintain its
     qualification as a regulated  investment  company under Subchapter M of the
     Internal  Revenue  Code of 1986,  as amended (the  "Code"),  and except for
     transfers of assets to certain  related  entities,  as described in Section
     368(a)(2)(C) of the Code or Treasury Regulation Section 1.368-2(k)(1).

5.   Any expenses of Acquired Fund incurred in connection with the transaction
     which are paid or assumed by Acquiring Fund will be expenses of Acquired
     Fund solely and directly related to the transaction in accordance with Rev.
     Rul. 73-54, 1973-1 C.B. 187.  Acquiring Fund will not pay or assume the
     expenses, if any, of Acquired Fund shareholders in connection with the

6.   There is no, and never has been any, indebtedness between Acquiring Fund
     and Acquired Fund.

7.   Acquiring Fund has properly elected to be treated as a regulated investment
     company under  Subchapter M of the Code,  has qualified for the special tax
     treatment afforded regulated  investment  companies under the Code for each
     taxable year since  inception,  qualifies for such treatment as of the date
     of the  transaction,  and intends to qualify for such  treatment  after the

8.   Acquiring Fund meets the requirements of an "investment company" in Sectio
     368(a)(2)(F) of the Code.

9.   Acquiring Fund is not under the jurisdiction of a court in a Title 11 or
     similar case within the meaning of Section 368(a)(3)(A) of the Code.

10.  Acquiring Fund does not now own and has never owned, directly or
     indirectly, any shares of Acquired Fund.

11.  As of the date of the  transaction,  the fair market value of the Acquiring
     Fund Shares  issued to Acquired Fund in exchange for the assets of Acquired
     Fund will be approximately  equal to the fair market value of the assets of
     Acquired  Fund  received  by  Acquiring  Fund,   minus  the  Acquired  Fund
     Liabilities assumed by Acquiring Fund.  Acquiring Fund will not furnish any
     consideration  in connection with the acquisition of Acquired Fund's assets
     other  than  the  assumption  of such  Acquired  Fund  Liabilities  and the
     issuance of such Acquiring Fund Shares.

12.  Acquired Fund  shareholders  will not be in control  (within the meaning of
     Sections  368(a)(2)(H)(i)  and 304(c) of the Code, which generally  provide
     that control means the  ownership of shares  possessing at least 50% of the
     total  combined  voting power of all shares that are entitled to vote or at
     least 50% of the total  value of all  shares) of  Acquiring  Fund after the

13.  The  transaction  is being  undertaken for valid and  substantial  business
     purposes,  including  capitalizing  on  potential  economies  of  scale  in
     expenses,  including  the  costs of  accounting,  legal,  transfer  agency,
     insurance,   custodial,   and  administrative   services,   and  increasing

14.  No  Acquired  Fund  shareholder  is acting as agent for  Acquiring  Fund in
     connection  with the  transaction.  Acquiring  Fund will not  reimburse any
     Acquired Fund  shareholder  for Acquired Fund shares such  shareholder  may
     have purchased or for other obligations such shareholder may have incurred.

      The  undersigned  officer  of the Trust is  authorized  to make all of the
representations  set forth herein,  and the undersigned is authorized to execute
this  certificate on behalf of Acquiring Fund. The  undersigned  recognizes that
Wilmer  Cutler  Pickering  Hale  and  Dorr LLP  will  rely  upon  the  foregoing
representations  in evaluating the United States federal income tax consequences
of the  transaction  and  rendering  its opinion  pursuant to Section 9.5 of the
Agreement. If, prior to the date of the transaction,  any of the representations
set forth herein  ceases to be accurate,  the  undersigned  agrees to deliver to
Wilmer Cutler  Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP  immediately a written notice to that

                                             The Wright Managed Income Trust,
                                             on behalf of its series
                                             Wright Current Income Fund

                                       By:   _____________________________
                                       Name: _____________________________
                                       Title: __________________________
 Dated:  _______________, 2004

                                     Annex B


         This  certificate is being delivered in connection with the transaction
to be  effective  pursuant  to the  Agreement  and Plan of  Reorganization  (the
"Agreement")  made as of  ___________ , 2004 between  Wright Current Income Fund
("Acquiring  Fund"),  and Wright U.S.  Government  Intermediate  Fund ("Acquired
Fund"), each a series of The Wright Managed Income Trust (the "Trust"). Pursuant
to the Agreement, Acquiring Fund will acquire all of the assets of Acquired Fund
in exchange  solely for (i) the assumption by Acquiring Fund of the  liabilities
of Acquired  Fund (the  "Acquired  Fund  Liabilities")  and (ii) the issuance of
shares of beneficial interest of Acquiring Fund (the "Acquiring Fund Shares") to
Acquired Fund,  followed by the distribution by Acquired Fund, in liquidation of
Acquired Fund, of the Acquiring Fund Shares to the shareholders of Acquired Fund
and the termination of Acquired Fund (the foregoing  together  constituting  the

         The  undersigned  officer  of the  Trust,  after  consulting  with  its
counsel,  auditors and tax advisers regarding the meaning of and factual support
for the following representations,  on behalf of Acquired Fund, hereby certifies
and represents that the following  statements are true, complete and correct and
will be true, complete and correct on the date of the transaction and thereafter
as relevant.  Unless  otherwise  indicated,  all capitalized  terms used but not
defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Agreement.

1.   Acquired Fund is a series of the Trust, a business trust  established under
     the laws of the  Commonwealth of  Massachusetts,  and Acquired Fund is, and
     has been at all times, treated as a separate corporation for federal income
     tax purposes.

2.   As of the date of the transaction, the fair market value of the Acquiring
     Fund Shares received by each shareholder that holds shares of Acquired Fund
    (the "Acquired Fund Shares") will be approximately equal to the fair market
     value of the Acquired Fund Shares with respect to which such Acquiring Fund
     Shares are received, and the aggregate consideration received by Acquired
     Fund shareholders in exchange for their Acquired Fund Shares will be
     approximately equal to the fair market value of all of the outstanding
     Acquired Fund Shares immediately prior to the transaction.  No property
     other than Acquiring Fund Shares will be distributed to shareholders of
     Acquired Fund in exchange for their Acquired Fund Shares, nor will any such
     shareholder receive cash or other property as part of the transaction.

3.   Neither Acquired Fund nor any person "related" to Acquired Fund (as defined
     in Treasury Regulation Section 1.368-1(e)(3)) nor any partnership in which
     Acquired Fund or any such related person is a partner has redeemed,
     acquired or otherwise made any distributions with respect to any shares of
     Acquired Fund as part of the transaction, or otherwise pursuant to a plan
     of which the transaction is a part, other than redemptions and
     distributions made in the ordinary course of Acquired Fund's business as a
     series of an open-end regulated investment company.  There is no plan or
     intention on the part of any shareholder of Acquired Fund that owns
     beneficially 5% or more of the Acquired Fund Shares and, to the best
     knowledge of management of Acquired Fund, there is no plan or intention on
     the part of the remaining shareholders of Acquired Fund, in connection with
     the transaction, to engage in any transaction with Acquired Fund, Acquiring
     Fund, or any person treated as related to Acquired Fund or Acquiring Fund
     under Treasury Regulation Section 1.368-1(e)(3) or any partnership in which
     Acquired Fund, Acquiring Fund, or any person treated as related to Acquired
     Fund or Acquiring Fund under Treasury Regulation Section 1.368-1(e)(3) is a
     partner involving the sale, redemption or exchange of any of the Acquired
     Fund Shares or any of the Acquiring Fund Shares to be received in the
     transaction, as the case may be.

4.   Acquired Fund assets transferred to Acquiring Fund will comprise at least
     ninety percent (90%) of the fair market value of the net assets and at
     least seventy percent (70%) of the fair market value of the gross
     assets held by Acquired Fund immediately prior to the transaction.  For
     purposes of this representation, amounts used by Acquired Fund to pay
     expenses of the transaction and all redemptions and distributions
     (except for redemptions in the ordinary course of business upon demand of
     a shareholder that Acquired Fund is required to make as a series of an
     open-end investment company pursuant to Section 22(e) of the
     Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, and regular, normal dividends)
     made by Acquired Fund immediately preceding the transaction are taken into
     account as assets of Acquired Fund held immediately prior to the

5.   As of the date of the  transaction,  the fair market value of the Acquiring
     Fund Shares  issued to Acquired Fund in exchange for the assets of Acquired
     Fund will be approximately  equal to the fair market value of the assets of
     Acquired  Fund   received  by  Acquiring   Fund  minus  the  Acquired  Fund
     Liabilities  assumed by Acquiring Fund.  Acquired Fund will not receive any
     consideration from the Acquiring Fund in connection with the acquisition of
     Acquired  Fund's  assets other than the  assumption  of such  Acquired Fund
     Liabilities and the issuance of such Acquiring Fund Shares.

6.   The  Acquired  Fund   Liabilities   assumed  by  Acquiring  Fund  plus  the
     liabilities,  if any,  to which the  transferred  assets are  subject  were
     incurred by Acquired Fund in the ordinary course of its business.

7.   The fair market value of the Acquired Fund assets  transferred to Acquiring
     Fund will equal or exceed the sum of the Acquired Fund Liabilities  assumed
     by  Acquiring  Fund  within the meaning of Section  357(d) of the  Internal
     Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code").

8.   Acquired Fund currently  conducts its historic  business within the meaning
     of Treasury  Regulation  Section  1.368-1(d)(2),  which  provides  that, in
     general, a corporation's historic business is the business it has conducted
     most recently,  but does not include a business that the corporation enters
     into  as  part  of a plan  of  reorganization.  The  Acquired  Fund  assets
     transferred to Acquiring  Fund will be Acquired  Fund's  historic  business
     assets  within the meaning of Treasury  Regulation  Section  1.368-1(d)(3),
     which provides that a corporation's historic business assets are the assets
     used in its historic business.

9.   Acquired Fund will distribute to its shareholders the Acquiring Fund Shares
     it receives pursuant to the transaction,  and its other properties, if any,
     and will be liquidated promptly thereafter.

10.  The expenses of Acquired Fund incurred by it in connection with the
     transaction which are to be assumed by Acquiring Fund, if any, will be only
     such expenses that are solely and directly related to the transaction
     in accordance with Rev. Rul. 73-54, 1973-1 C.B. 187.  Acquired Fund will
     not pay any expenses incurred by its shareholders in connection with the

11.  There is no, and never has been any, indebtedness between Acquiring Fund
     and Acquired Fund.

12.  Acquired Fund has properly elected to be treated as a regulated  investment
     company under  Subchapter M of the Code,  has qualified for the special tax
     treatment afforded regulated investment companies under Subchapter M of the
     Code  for  each  taxable  year  since  inception,  and  qualifies  for such
     treatment  for  its  taxable  year  ending  on  the  closing  date  of  the

13.  Acquired Fund meets the requirements of an "investment company" in Section
     368(a)(2)(F) of the Code.

14.  Acquired  Fund is not  under the  jurisdiction  of a court in a Title 11 or
     similar case within the meaning of Section 368(a)(3)(A) of the Code.

15.  Acquired Fund  shareholders  will not be in control  (within the meaning of
     Sections  368(a)(2)(H)(i)  and 304(c) of the Code, which generally  provide
     that control means the  ownership of shares  possessing at least 50% of the
     total  combined  voting power of all shares that are entitled to vote or at
     least 50% of the total  value of all  shares) of  Acquiring  Fund after the

16.  Acquired Fund shareholders will not have dissenters' or appraisal rights
     in the transaction.

17.  The  transaction  is being  undertaken for valid and  substantial  business
     purposes,  including  capitalizing  on  potential  economies  of  scale  in
     expenses,  including  the  costs of  accounting,  legal,  transfer  agency,
     insurance,   custodial,   and  administrative   services,   and  increasing

         The  undersigned  officer of the Trust is authorized to make all of the
representations  set forth herein,  and the undersigned is authorized to execute
this  certificate on behalf of Acquired Fund. The  undersigned  recognizes  that
Wilmer  Cutler  Pickering  Hale  and  Dorr LLP  will  rely  upon  the  foregoing
representations  in evaluating the United States federal income tax consequences
of the  transaction  and  rendering  its opinion  pursuant to Section 9.5 of the
Agreement. If, prior to the date of the transaction,  any of the representations
set forth herein  ceases to be accurate,  the  undersigned  agrees to deliver to
Wilmer Cutler  Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP  immediately a written notice to that

                                       The Wright Managed Income Trust,
                                       on behalf of its series
                                       Wright U.S. Government Intermediate Fund

                                   By: __________________________________
                                 Name: _________________________
                                Title: __________________________

Dated:  ______________ , 2004

                   TRUST'S PROSPECTUS, DATED MAY 1, 2004


MAY 1, 2004

The Wright Managed Equity Trust
   o Wright Selected Blue Chip Equities Fund
   o Wright Major Blue Chip Equities Fund
   o Wright International Blue Chip Equities Fund

The Wright Managed Income Trust
   o Wright U.S. Treasury Money Market Fund
   o Wright U.S. Government Near Term Fund
   o Wright U.S. Government Intermediate Fund
   o Wright Current Income Fund
   o Wright Total Return Bond Fund


- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         Wright Selected Blue Chip Equities Fund...........................2
         Wright Major Blue Chip Equities Fund..............................4
         Wright International Blue Chip Equities Fund......................6
         Wright U.S. Treasury Money Market Fund............................8
         Wright U.S. Government Near Term Fund............................10
         Wright U.S. Government Intermediate Fund.........................12
         Wright Current Income Fund.......................................14
         Wright Total Return Bond Fund....................................16

INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR ACCOUNT............................................18
         How the Funds Value Their Shares.................................18
         Purchasing Shares................................................18
         Selling Shares...................................................19
         Exchanging Shares................................................20
         Privacy Concerns.................................................20
         Market Timing and Excessive Trading Policy.......................20

DIVIDENDS AND TAXES.......................................................22

MANAGING THE FUNDS........................................................23

FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS......................................................25
         Wright Selected Blue Chip Equities Fund..........................25
         Wright Major Blue Chip Equities Fund.............................26
         Wright International Blue Chip Equities Fund.....................27
         Wright U.S. Treasury Money Market Fund...........................28
         Wright U.S. Government Near Term Fund............................29
         Wright U.S. Government Intermediate Fund.........................30
         Wright Current Income Fund.......................................31
         Wright Total Return Bond Fund....................................32


     Reading  this  prospectus  will help you decide if  investing in the Wright
     funds is right for you. Please keep this  prospectus for future  reference.
     Included in this prospectus are descriptions telling you about each fund's:

         what the fund seeks to achieve.

         how the fund  intends  to  achieve  its  investment  objective  and the
         strategies used by Wright  Investors'  Service,  the fund's  investment

         the risks associated with the fund's primary investments.

         decide if the fund is a suitable investment for you.

         the total return on your  investment,  including  income from dividends
         and  interest,  and the increase or decrease in price over various time

         what overall costs you bear by investing in the fund.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This prospectus offers a variety of equity, fixed income and money market mutual
funds designed to meet various  individual  investment  objectives.  You can use
them singularly or in any combination to meet your objectives.

- -----SIDE BAR TEXT-----

                              Fundamental Analysis and
                              "Bottom-up" vs "Top-Down"
     FUNDAMENTAL  ANALYSIS is the analysis of company  financial  statements  to
forecast future price movements using past records of assets,  earnings,  sales,
products,  management  and markets.  It differs from  technical  analysis  which
relies on price and volume  movements of stocks and does not concern itself with
company financial statistics.

     BOTTOM-UP   INVESTING  is  the  analysis  of  company   information  before
considering  the impact of industry  and  economic  trends.  It differs from the
"top-down" approach which looks first at the economy, then the industry and last
the company.

- -----END SIDE BAR TEXT-----

Securities  selected for investment in these funds are chosen mainly from a list
of  "investment  grade"  companies   maintained  by  Wright  Investors'  Service
("Wright" or the "Adviser").

All 25,000 global  companies  (covering 50 countries) in Wright's  database
are screened as new data becomes  available to determine any eligible  additions
or deletions to the list.

The  qualifications  for inclusion as "investment grade" are companies that meet
Wright's Quality Rating criteria.  This rating includes fundamental criteria for
investment acceptance, financial strength, profitability & stability and growth.

In addition,  securities,  which are not included in Wright's "investment grade"
list, may also be selected from companies in the fund's  specific  benchmark (up
to 20% of  the  market  value  of the  portfolio)  in  order  to  achieve  broad

Different  quality criteria may apply for the different funds. For example,
the  companies  in the Major  Blue Chip Fund would  require a higher  Investment
Acceptance rating than the companies in the Selected Blue Chip Fund.

- ----SIDE BAR TEXT----
                                  Blue Chip

Financial dictionaries define Blue Chip as a common stock of a company that has
a long record of profit growth and dividend payment and a reputation for quality
management, products and services. Wright further defines this to include
securities issued by companies that meet its qualitative standards.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CUSIP:     8235F107           Ticker Symbol:  WSBEX

The  fund  seeks  to  provide   long-term  total  return   consisting  of  price
appreciation and current income.

The fund invests at least 80% of its assets in a diversified portfolio of equity
securities of well-established companies. The portfolio investments are selected
primarily  from companies on the Adviser's  "investment  grade" list of Approved
companies.  The funds portfolio is  characterized as a blend of growth and value
stocks.  The market  capitalization of the companies is typically between $1-$10
billion at the time of the fund's  investment.  The Adviser  seeks to outperform
the Standard & Poor's 400 Index (S&P 400) by selecting stocks using  fundamental
company  analysis and company  specific  criteria such as valuation and earnings
trends.  The portfolio is then diversified  across  industries and sectors.  The
Adviser  believes that the resulting  diversified  portfolio has better  overall
fundamental  characteristics than the benchmark, i.e. earnings growth, financial
strength and profitability.

The fund's objective may be changed by the trustees without shareholde

Before you invest in any mutual fund, you should  understand the risks involved.
There are two basic risks  prevalent in mutual funds investing in common stocks,
such as the fund. They are:

    o Market  risk:  when the  prices of stocks  fall,  the value of the  fund's
      investments may fal
    o Management  risk:  Wright's  strategy may not produce
      the expected results, causing losses.

In addition to normal market and  management  risks,  fund  performance  will be
adversely  affected  if  mid-cap  stocks  fall out of favor  with the market and
returns trail the overall stock market, or selected companies remain undervalued
or experience an adverse event, such as an unfavorable earnings report.

The fund cannot  eliminate  risk or assure  achievement of its objective and you
may lose money.

You may be interested in the fund if you are seeking an actively  managed common
stock  investment  for total  investment  return and intend to make a  long-term
investment commitment.

The  information  on the next  page  shows the  performance  of the fund for the
ten-year period through December 31, 2003. These returns include reinvestment of
all dividends and capital gain distributions, and reflect fund expenses. As with
all mutual funds,  past performance  (before and after taxes) does not guarantee
future results.

Performance is for the stated time periods only. Due to market  volatility,  the
fund's current  performance may be lower or higher than the quoted returns.

The bar chart on the following  page  illustrates  the risk of investing in
the fund by showing how volatile the fund's  performance  has been for each full
calendar year for the past ten years.


- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  30%            30.34%           32.70%                                             30.06%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  20%                     18.57%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10%                                      0.14%            10.75%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   0%                                               5.75%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(10)%  -3.52%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(20)%                                                              -10.15%   -16.98%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        1994     1995     1996     1997    1998     1999     2000     2001      2002   2003

Best Quarter:18.72%(4th quarter 1998) Worst Quarter:-19.20%(3rd quarter 1998)

The fund's annual  return shown above does not reflect the impact of taxes.  The
table below shows before- and after-tax  performance.  The fund's average annual
return is compared  with that of the S&P  Mid-Cap  400,  an  unmanaged  index of
stocks in a broad  range of  industries  with  market  capitalizations  of a few
billion or less.  The  performance  of the S&P Mid-Cap  400,  unlike that of the
fund, reflects no deductions for fees, expenses or taxes.


                                                         1 Year         5 Years       10 Years
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                - Return before taxes                    30.06%           2.59%          8.45%
                - Return after taxes on distributions    29.66%           0.40%          5.88%
                - Return after taxes on distributions
                    and sales of fund shares             23.73%           0.40%          5.88%
              S&P Mid-Cap 400                            35.62%           9.21%         13.93%

- ----SIDE BAR TEXT----
                                AFTER-TAX RETURN

After-tax   performance  is  computed   two  ways:   "Return   after  taxes  on
distributions" assumes the payment of federal taxes on fund distributions before
their  reinvestment and "Return after taxes on  distributions and sales of fund
shares"  reflects the additional taxable impact of the realized gain or loss if
any,  from the sale of fund shares at the end of the holding  period. After-tax
returns are calculated using the highest individual federal income tax rates and
do not reflect the impact of state and local  taxes. Actual  after-tax  returns
depend on an  investor's  tax  situation  and may differ from those  shown. The
after-tax returns  shown are not  relevant to  investors  who hold their shares
through tax-deferred arrangements such as 401(k) plans or individual retirement


The table describes the fees and expenses you may pay if you buy and hold shares
of the fund.

Annual Fund Operating Expenses                                              Standard Shares
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(deducted directly from fund        Management fee                                  0.60%
 assets)                            Distribution and service (12b-1) fees           0.25%
 As a shareholder in the fund       Other expenses                                  0.74%
 you do not pay any sales charges, --------------------------------------------------------------
 redemption or exchange fees.       Total Operating Expenses                        1.59%
                                    Expense Reimbursement (1)                      (0.34%)
                                    NET OPERATING EXPENSES                          1.25%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(1) Under a written agreement in effect through the current fiscal year,Wright
    waives a portion of its advisory fee and/or distribution fee and assumes
    operating expenses to the extent necessary to limit expense ratios to 1.25%
    after custodian fee reductions, if any.


The following example allows you to compare the cost of investing in the fund to
the cost of  investing  in other  mutual funds by showing what your costs may be
over  time.  It  uses  the  same  assumptions  that  other  funds  use in  their
prospectuses:  $10,000 initial  investment,  5% total return for each year, fund
operating  expenses remain the same for each period and redemption after the end
of each period.
Your actual  costs may be higher or lower,  so use this  example for  comparison
only. Based on these assumptions your costs at the end of each period would be:

                   1 Year            3 Years           5 Years         10 Years
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    $127              $397              $686            $1,511

- -----SIDE BAR TEXT-------
                             Understanding Expenses

Annual fund  operating  expenses are paid by the fund. As a result,  you pay for
them indirectly because they reduce the fund's return. Fund expenses include the
fund's share of the portfolio's  expenses,12b-1  fees, an administration fee and
registration fees.

- -----END SIDE BAR TEXT-----

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CUSIP:  98235F305              Ticker Symbol:  WQCEX


The fund seeks total return, consisting of price appreciation plus income.


The fund invests at least 80% of its assets in a diversified portfolio of equity
securities  of  well-established  large  capitalization  companies.  The Adviser
currently  defines large companies as those with market values of $10 billion or
more at the time of the fund's investment.  The portfolio investments are chosen
primarily  from  companies on the Advisers  "investment  grade" list of Approved
companies.  The Adviser seeks to outperform the Standard & Poor's 500 Index (S&P
500) by selecting stocks using fundamental company analysis and company specific
criteria  such  as  valuation  and  earnings  trends.   The  portfolio  is  then
diversified  across  industries  and  sectors.  The  Adviser  believes  that the
resulting diversified  portfolio has better overall fundamental  characteristics
than the benchmark, i.e. earnings growth, financial strength and profitability.

The  fund's  objective  may be  changed  by  the  trustees  without  shareholder


Before you invest in any mutual fund, you should  understand the risks involved.
There are two basic risks  prevalent in mutual funds investing in common stocks,
such as the fund. They are:

    o MARKET  RISK:  when the  prices of stocks  fall,  the value of the  fund's
      investments may fall
    o MANAGEMENT  RISK: Wright's strategy may not produce the expected results,
      causing losses.

In addition to normal  market and  management  risk,  fund  performance  will be
adversely  affected  if large  capitalization  stocks fall out of favor with the
market  and their  returns  trail the  overall  stock  market.

The fund cannot  eliminate risk or assure  achievement of its objective and
you may lose money.


This fund may be suitable for investors  seeking a common stock  investment  for
total  investment  return or a core  equity  portfolio  for those  investing  in
several asset classes.


The  information  on the next  page  shows the  performance  of the fund for the
ten-year period through December 31, 2003. These returns include reinvestment of
all dividends and capital gain distributions, and reflect fund expenses. As with
all mutual funds,  past performance  (before and after taxes) does not guarantee
future results.

Performance is for the stated time periods only. Due to market  volatility,  the
fund's current  performance may be lower or higher than the quoted returns.

The bar chart on the following  page  illustrates  the risk of investing in
the fund by showing how volatile the fund's Standard Share  performance has been
for each full calendar year for the past ten years.


  40%                              33.86%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  30%                                       20.43%                                      23.20%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  20%             28.98%                             23.95%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10%                      17.63%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(10)%   -0.73%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(20)%                                                        -12.49%  -16.87%  -24.50%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
          1994     1995     1996     1997    1998     1999     2000     2001     2002    2003

Best quarter:23.71%(4th quarter 1998)   Worst quarter:-16.01%(3rd quarter 2002)

The fund's annual  return shown above does not reflect the impact of taxes.  The
table below shows before- and after-tax  performance.  The fund's average annual
return is compared  with that of the S&P 500, an  unmanaged  index of 500 widely
held common stocks that generally  indicates the performance of the market.  The
performance of the S&P 500, unlike that of the fund,  reflects no deductions for
fees, expenses or taxes.


                                             1 Year       5 Years      10 Years
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


  - Return before taxes                      23.20%        -3.47%        7.36%
  - Return after taxes on distributions      23.07%        -3.92%        4.80%
  - Return after taxes on distributions
     and sales of fund shares                18.50%        -3.92%        4.80%
    S&P 500                                  28.68%        -0.57%       11.07%

- ---SIDE BAR TEXT----
                              AFTER-TAX RETURN

After-tax   performance  is  computed   two  ways:   "Return   after  taxes  on
distributions" assumes the payment of federal taxes on fund distributions before
their  reinvestment and "Return after taxes on  distributions and sales of fund
shares"  reflects the additional taxable impact of the realized gain or loss if
any,  from the sale of fund shares at the end of the holding  period. After-tax
returns are calculated using the highest individual federal income tax rates and
do not reflect the impact of state and local  taxes. Actual  after-tax  returns
depend on an  investor's  tax  situation  and may differ from those  shown. The
after-tax returns  shown are not  relevant to  investors  who hold their shares
through tax-deferred arrangements such as 401(k) plans or individual retirement



The table describes the fees and expenses you may pay if you buy and hold shares
of the fund.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
deductly directly from fund assets)

As a shareholder in           Management fee             0.60%
the fund, you do not          Distribution and
pay any sales charges,        service (12b-1) fees       0.25%
redemption or exchange        Other Expenses             0.46%
fees.                        -------------------------------------------------
                              Total Operating Expenses   1.31%
                              Expense Reimbursement(1)  (0.06%)
                              NET OPERATING EXPENSES     1.25%

(1) Under a written  agreement in effect through the current fiscal year, Wright
  waives a portion of its  advisory  fee and/or  distribution  fees and  assumes
  operating  expenses to the extent  necessary to limit expense  ratios to 1.25%
  after custodian fee reductions, if any.


The following example allows you to compare the cost of investing in the fund to
the cost of  investing  in other  mutual funds by showing what your costs may be
over  time.  It  uses  the  same  assumptions  that  other  funds  use in  their
prospectuses:  $10,000 initial  investment,  5% total return for each year, fund
operating  expenses remain the same for each period and redemption after the end
of each period.

Your actual  costs may be higher or lower,  so use this  example for  comparison
only. Based on these assumptions your costs at the end of each period would be:

                  1 Year            3 Years           5 Years         10 Years
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   $127              $397              $686            $1,511

- -----SIDE BAR TEXT-----
                             UNDERSTANDING EXPENSES

Annual fund  operating  expenses are paid by the fund. As a result,  you pay for
them  indirectly  because they reduce the fund's return.  Fund expenses  include
management  fees,12b-1  fees  and  administrative  costs,  such  as  shareholder
recordkeeping  and reports,  custodian and pricing  services,  and  registration
- -----END SIDE BAR TEXT-----

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CUSIP:  98235F404            Ticker Symbol:  WIBCX


The fund seeks total return consisting of price appreciation plus income.


The fund invests at least 80% of its assets in a diversified portfolio of equity
securities of well-established non-U.S. companies. The portfolio investments are
chosen  primarily  from  companies on the Adviser's  "investment  grade" list of
Approved  companies.  Companies may be traded on the securities  market of their
own  country,  on  other  foreign  exchanges  or in the  U.S.  through  American
Depository  Receipts  (ADR's).   ADR's  represent  interest  in  the  underlying
security. The Adviser seeks to outperform the MSCI Developed World ex U.S. Index
by selecting  stocks using  fundamental  company  analysis and company  specific
criteria  such  as  valuation  and  earnings  trends.   The  portfolio  is  then
diversified  across  industries  and  sectors.  The  Adviser  believes  that the
resulting diversified  portfolio has better overall fundamental  characteristics
than the benchmark, i.e. earnings growth, financial strength and profitability.

The  fund's  objective  may be  changed  by  the  trustees  without  shareholder


Before you invest in any mutual fund, you should  understand the risks involved.
There are two basic risks  prevalent in mutual funds investing in common stocks,
such as the fund. They are:

    o Market  risk:  when the  prices of stocks  fall, the value of the  fund's
      investments may fall
    o Management  risk:  Wright's  strategy may not produce
      the expected results, causing losses.

In addition to market and  management  risks,  the fund is subject to additional
risks in  connection  with  investing  in  foreign  securities.  These  include:
currency  risk  (changes in foreign  currency  rates  reducing  the value of the
fund's assets), seizure, expropriation or nationalization of a company's assets,
less publicly  available  information,  and the impact of  political,  social or
diplomatic  events.  If an ADR is not sponsored by the issuer of the  underlying
security, there may be reduced access to information about the issuer.

The fund cannot  eliminate  risk or assure  achievement of its objective and you
may lose money.


The fund may be  suitable  for  investors  seeking a  diversified  portfolio  of
quality non-U.S.  equities  offering  ownership in some of the leading companies
throughout  the  world and who are not  adverse  to the  risks  associated  with
international  investing.  Also,  because  foreign  stock prices may not move in
concert with U.S. market prices, the fund may be a useful way for an investor to
diversify equity investments.


The  information in the table on the next page shows the performance of the fund
for the periods  indicated  through  December 31, 2003.  These  returns  include
reinvestment of all dividends and capital gain  distributions,  and reflect fund
expenses.  As with all mutual funds,  past performance  (before and after taxes)
does not guarantee future results.

Performance is for the stated time periods only. Due to market  volatility,  the
fund's current  performance may be lower or higher than the quoted returns.

The bar chart  illustrates the risk of investing in the fund by showing how
volatile the fund's  performance  has been by illustrating  the differences for
each full calendar year for the past ten years.


  30%                                              34.26%                             31.96%
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  20%                    20.73%
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10%           13.61%
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   0%                              1.54%   6.14%
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(10)%   -1.64%
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(20)%                                                      -17.58%          -14.51%
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(30)%                                                               -24.18%
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         1994     1995     1996     1997    1998     1999     2000     2001   2002      2003

Best quarter:30.24%(4th quarter 1999)  Worst quarter:-18.45%(3rd quarter 2002)

The fund's annual  return shown above does not reflect the impact of taxes.  The
table below shows before- and after-tax  performance.  The fund's average annual
return is compared with that of the MSCI Developed  World ex U.S.  Index.  While
the fund does not seek to match the returns of this index,  this unmanaged index
generally  indicates  foreign stock market  performance.  The performance of the
MSCI  Developed  World ex U.S.  Index,  unlike  that of the  fund,  reflects  no
deductions for fees, expenses, or taxes.


                                       1 Yr              5 Yrs          10 Yrs
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- - Return before taxes                   31.96%            -1.09%         3.25%
- - Return after taxes on distributions   31.59%            -1.74%         2.39%
- - Return after taxes on distributions
    and sales of fund shares            25.35%            -1.74%         2.39%
  MSCI Developed World ex U.S. Index    39.42%            -0.45%         4.73%

- ----SIDE BAR TEXT----
                            AFTER-TAX RETURN

After-tax  performance  is  computed  two  ways:  "Return  after  taxes  on
distributions" assumes the payment of federal taxes on fund distributions before
their  reinvestment and "Return after taxes on  distributions  and sales of fund
shares"  reflects the additional  taxable impact of the realized gain or loss if
any, from the sale of fund shares at the end of the holding  period.  After -tax
returns  are  shown  only  for  Standard  Shares  and  would  be  different  for
Institutional   Shares.After-tax   returns  are  calculated  using  the  highest
individual  federal  income tax rates and do not reflect the impact of state and
local taxes.  Actual after-tax returns depend on an investor's tax situation and
may differ from those shown.  The  after-tax  returns  shown are not relevant to
investors who hold their shares through tax-deferred arrangements such as 401(k)
plans or individual retirement accounts.



The table describes the fees and expenses you may pay if you buy and hold shares
of the fund.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(paid directly from   Maximum redemption fee
 your investment)   (% of redemption proceeds)   2.00%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* A redemtion fee applies if you redeem your shares within three months of
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(deductly directly from fund assets)

As a shareholder in                   Management fee            0.80%
the fund, you do not                  Distribution and
pay any sales charges                 service (12b-1) fees      0.25%
or exchange fees.                     Other Expenses            0.75%
                                      TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES  1.80%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


The following example allows you to compare the cost of investing in the fund to
the cost of  investing  in other  mutual funds by showing what your costs may be
over  time.  It  uses  the  same  assumptions  that  other  funds  use in  their
prospectuses:  $10,000 initial  investment,  5% total return for each year, fund
operating  expenses remain the same for each period and redemption after the end
of each period.

Your actual  costs may be higher or lower,  so use this  example for  comparison
only. Based on these assumptions your costs at the end of each period would be:

               1 Year            3 Years          5 Years          10 Years
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                $183              $566             $975             $2,116

- -----SIDE BAR TEXT-----
                             Understanding Expenses

Annual fund  operating  expenses are paid by the fund. As a result,  you pay for
them indirectly because they reduce the fund's return. Fund expenses include the
fund's share of the portfolio's  expenses,12b-1  fees, an administration fee and
registration fees.

- -----END SIDE BAR TEXT-----

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CUSIP:  982349706                                    Ticker Symbol:  WUSXX


The  fund  seeks  to  provide  as  high a rate of  current  income  as  possible
consistent with the  preservation  of capital and maintenance of liquidity.  The
fund also seeks to  maintain a stable net asset  value per share  price (NAV) of
$1.00 per share.


The fund  invests  at least 80% of its total  assets in  securities  of the U.S.
government  and its agencies that are backed by the full faith and credit of the
U.S.  government  (U.S.  Treasury  securities).  The fund limits it portfolio to
investments  maturing  in 13 months or less and  maintains  a  weighted  average
maturity of 90 days or less.  The fund may also invest in repurchase  agreements
which are  collateralized by U.S. Treasury  securities.  The fund may enter into
repurchase  agreements  only with large,  well-capitalized  banks or  government
securities dealers that meet Wright credit standards.

Wright monitors the daily interest rate yield curve and selects permissible
securities  for  investment,  taking  into  account the  securities'  yields and
maturities.  Longer  maturities are selected when interest rates are expected to
fall and shorter  maturities  are selected when  interest  rates are expected to

The fund may only invest in securities and engages only in investment  practices
to the extent that they are legal under applicable Federal law as of the date of
this Prospectus for Federal credit unions  described in the Federal Credit Union
Act and the National Credit Union Administration Regulations.

The fund reserves the right to hold up to 20% of its assets in cash or to invest
them  in  repurchase   agreements.   Repurchase  agreements  are  collateralized
short-term  (usually  overnight) debt used to invest cash.

The fund's objective may be changed by the trustees without shareholder


Although the fund invests  exclusively in U.S. Treasury bills,  notes and bonds,
an  investment  in the  fund is  neither  insured  nor  guaranteed  by the  U.S.
government,  the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation,  or any other government
agency.  There is no  guarantee  that the fund will be able to maintain a stable
net asset value of $1.00 per share. The rate of income will vary from day to day
generally reflecting market changes in short-term interest rates.

The fund cannot eliminate risk or assure achievement of its objective .


You may be  interested  in the fund if you  seek to earn  current  income  while
preserving  the  value of your  investment.  The fund may  serve as a  temporary
investment  vehicle.  You may  also be  interested  in the fund if you live in a
state or local jurisdiction that exempts the fund's dividends from taxes.


The information on the next page shows the fund's  performance for the indicated
periods through  December 31, 2003.  These returns  include  reinvestment of all
dividends and capital gain distributions, and reflect fund expenses. As with all
mutual funds, past performance does not guarantee future results.

Performance is for the stated time periods only. Due to market  volatility, the
fund's current  performance may be lower or higher than the quoted returns.

The bar chart shows how the fund's  performance  has varied by illustrating
the differences for each full calendar year for the past ten years.


- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   5%           5.34%                                       5.44%
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   0%  3.56%            4.85%    4.84%    4.73%    4.29%            3.70%   1.61%   0.60%
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       1994     1995     1996     1997    1998     1999     2000     2001   2002      2003

Best quarter:5.63%(4th quarter 2000) Worst quarter:0.48%(4nd quarter 2003)

The fund's 7-day yield on December 31, 2003,  was 0.46%.  For the fund's current
yield call (800) 232-0013 x4381.

The fund's average annual return is compared with that of 90-day Treasury bills.
While the fund does not seek to match the returns of 90-day Treasury bills, they
generally indicate the performance of money market instruments.

Average Annual Returns as of December 31, 2003

                                         1 Year        5 Years     10 Years
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              WTMM                        0.60%         3.11%        3.88%
              90-day Treasury bills       1.14%         3.44%        4.21%


The table describes the fees and expenses you may pay if you buy and hold shares
of the fund.

ANNUAL FUND OPERATING EXPENSES                       Money Market Shares
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(deductly directly from fund assets)

As a shareholder in            Management fee             0.35%
the fund, you do not          Distribution and
pay any sales charges,       service (12b-1) fees         none
redemption or exchange        Other Expenses              1.00%
fees.                        ----------------------------------------------
                             Total Operating Expenses     1.35%
                             Fee Waiver and Expense
                              Reimbursement(1)           (0.90%)
                             NET OPERATING EXPENSES       0.45%

(1)Under a written  agreement  in effect for the  current  fiscal  year,  Wright
   assumes operating expenses to the extent necessary to limit the expense ratio
   to 0.45% after custodian fee reductions, if any.


The following example allows you to compare the cost of investing in the fund to
the cost of  investing  in other  mutual funds by showing what your costs may be
over  time.  It  uses  the  same  assumptions  that  other  funds  use in  their
prospectuses:  $10,000 initial  investment,  5% total return for each year, fund
operating  expenses remain the same for each period and redemption after the end
of each period.

Your actual  costs may be higher or lower,  so use this  example for  comparison
only. Based on these assumptions your costs at the end of each period would be:

               1 Year            3 Years           5 Years         10 Years
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                $46              $144              $252             $567

- -----SIDE BAR TEXT-----
                             UNDERSTANDING EXPENSES

Annual fund  operating  expenses are paid by the fund. As a result,  you pay for
them  indirectly  because they reduce the fund's return.  Fund expenses  include
management  fees,12b-1  fees  and  administrative  costs,  such  as  shareholder
recordkeeping  and reports,  custodian and pricing  services,  and  registration
- -----END SIDE BAR TEXT-----

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CUSIP:  982349201             Ticker Symbol:  WNTBX


The fund seeks a high level of income,  which is normally  above that  available
from short-term money market instruments or funds.


The fund invests at least 80% of its total assets in U.S. government obligations
and maintains an average weighted maturity of between one and three years. U.S.
government obligations include:
    o direct obligations of the U.S. government, such as U.S. Treasury bills,
      notes and bonds
    o obligations of U.S. government agencies secured by the full faith and
      credit of the U.S. Treasury, such as securities, including
      pass-through securities, of the Government National Mortgage Association
      or securities of the Export-Import Bank
    o obligations secured by the right to borrow from the U.S. Treasury
    o obligations  backed only by the credit of a government  agency such as the
      Federal Home Loan Bank, Fannie Mae (Federal National Mortgage Association)
      and Freddie Mac (Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation).

Wright  allocates  assets among different market sectors and maturities based on
its view of the  economic  outlook and  expected  trend in  short-term  interest
rates. For example,  the fund may invest more heavily in shorter term securities
when it expects an increase in interest rates. In buying and selling  securities
for the fund, Wright analyzes a security's  structural  features,  current price
compared  with its  estimated  value and the credit  quality of its issuer.  The
fund's average  maturity as of December 31, 2003, was 1.4 years and its duration
was 1.4 years. The fund's benchmark is the Lehman U.S.  Government 1-3 Year Bond
Index. The fund's  objective may be changed by the trustees without  shareholder


The general risks of bond funds are credit and interest rate risks.  Because the
fund  invests in U.S.  government  obligations,  credit  risk is less than other
types of bonds.  However,  this does not protect the fund against  interest rate
risk or guarantee the value of the fund's  shares.  The fund's yield may decline
during times of falling interest rates. Also,  mortgage-related securities (such
as Ginnie Maes) are subject to prepayment  and  extension  risks during times of
falling or rising interest rates. These risks are defined to mean:

    o CREDIT OR DEFAULT RISK: An issuer's credit rating may be downgraded or the
      issuer may be unable to pay principal and interest obligations.

    o INTEREST  RATE RISK:  Bond prices fall when  interest  rates rise and vice
      versa. The longer the duration of a bond, the greater the potential change
      in price.

    o PREPAYMENT RISK: When interest rates decline, the issuer of a security may
      exercise an option to prepay the  principal.  This forces the portfolio to
      reinvest in lower yielding securities.

    o EXTENSION RISK:  When interest rates rise, the life of a  mortgage-related
      security is extended  beyond the expected  prepayment  time,  reducing the
      value of the security.

The fund cannot  eliminate  risk or assure  achievement of its objective and you
may lose money.

- ----SIDE BAR TEXT-----
                             UNDERSTANDING DURATION

Duration  measures how quickly the  principal and interest of a bond is expected
to be paid.  It is also used to  predict  how much a bond's  value will rise and
fall in response to small changes in interest  rates.  Generally,  the shorter a
fund's  duration is, the less its securities will decline in value when there is
an increase in interest rates.

- -----END SIDE BAR TEXT-----


You may be  interested  in the fund if you seek a higher level of income than is
available from money market  instruments  and can accept greater  fluctuation in
principal. Also, the fund may be suitable if you seek a total return alternative
to a money market investment.


The  information in the table on the next page shows the fund's  performance for
the  ten-year   period  through   December  31,  2003.   These  returns  include
reinvestment of all dividends and capital gain  distributions,  and reflect fund
expenses.  As with all mutual funds,  past performance  (before and after taxes)
does not guarantee future results.

Performance is for the stated time periods only. Due to market  volatility,  the
fund's current  performance may be lower or higher than the quoted returns.

The bar chart  illustrates the risk of investing in the fund by showing how
volatile the fund's  performance  has been for each full  calendar  year for the
past ten years.



- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10%             11.93%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  0%                        3.94%    5.93%   5.98%   1.91%    6.94%    6.82%     5.42%    0.61%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 (10)%   -3.09%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
          1994     1995     1996     1997    1998     1999     2000     2001     2002     2003

Best quarter:4.14%(2nd quarter 1995) Worst quarter:-2.60%(1st quarter 1994)

The fund's annual  return shown above does not reflect the impact of taxes.  The
table below shows before and after tax  performance.  The fund's average annual
return is compared with that of the Lehman U.S.  Government 1-3 Year Bond Index.
While the fund does not seek to match the returns of this Index,  this unmanaged
index generally  indicates the  performance of the U.S.  government bond market.
The Lehman U.S.  Government  1-3 Year Bond Index,  unlike the fund,  reflects no
deductions for fees, expenses, or taxes.


                                               1 Yr          5 Yrs       10 Yrs
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   -  Return before taxes                      0.61%         4.31%        4.57%
   -  Return after taxes on distributions     -0.53%         2.58%        2.51%
   -  Return after taxes on distributions
         and sales of fund shares             -0.53%         2.58%        2.51%
 Lehman U.S. Government 1-3 Year Bond Index    2.01%         5.51%        5.73%

- ----SIDE BAR TEXT----
                                AFTER-TAX RETURN

After-tax   performance  is  computed   two  ways:   "Return   after  taxes  on
distributions" assumes the payment of federal taxes on fund distributions before
their  reinvestment and "Return after taxes on  distributions and sales of fund
shares"  reflects the additional taxable impact of the realized gain or loss if
any,  from the sale of fund shares at the end of the holding  period. After-tax
returns are calculated using the highest individual federal income tax rates and
do not reflect the impact of state and local  taxes. Actual  after-tax  returns
depend on an  investor's  tax  situation  and may differ from those  shown. The
after-tax returns  shown are not  relevant to  investors  who hold their shares
through tax-deferred arrangements such as 401(k) plans or individual retirement



The table describes the fees and expenses you may pay if you buy and hold shares
of the fund.

ANNUAL FUND OPERATING EXPENSES                        Standard  Shares
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
(deductly directly from fund assets)

As a shareholder in               Management fee              0.45%
the fund, you do not              Distribution and
pay any sales charges,            service (12b-1) fees        0.25%
redemption or exchange            Other Expenses              0.58%
fees.                        ---------------------------------------------
                             Total Operating Expenses         1.28%
                             Expense Reimbursement(1)        (0.33%)
                             NET OPERATING EXPENSES           0.95%

(1)Under a written  agreement,  Wright  waives a  portion  of its  advisory  fee
   and/or  distribution  fees  and  assumes  operating  expenses  to the  extent
   necessary to limit expense ratios to 0.95% after custodian fee reductions, if


The following example allows you to compare the cost of investing in the fund to
the cost of  investing  in other  mutual funds by showing what your costs may be
over  time.  It  uses  the  same  assumptions  that  other  funds  use in  their
prospectuses:  $10,000 initial  investment,  5% total return for each year, fund
operating  expenses remain the same for each period and redemption after the end
of each period.

Your actual  costs may be higher or lower,  so use this  example for  comparison
only. Based on these assumptions your costs at the end of each period would be:

                1 Year            3 Years           5 Years         10 Years
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                 $97               $303              $525            $1,166

- -----SIDE BAR TEXT-----
                             Understanding Expenses

Annual fund  operating  expenses are paid by the fund. As a result,  you pay for
them indirectly because they reduce the fund's return. Fund expenses include the
fund's share of the portfolio's  expenses,12b-1  fees, an administration fee and
registration fees.

- -----END SIDE BAR TEXT-----

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CUSIP:  982349102              Ticker Symbol:  WGOBX


The fund seeks a high total return with an emphasis on income.


The fund invests at least 80% of its total assets in U.S. government obligations
and maintains an average weighted maturity of from two to six years depending
on the economic outlook and expected trend of interest rates. The fund will not
invest in derivatives.  U.S. government obligations include:

    o direct obligations of the U.S. government, such as U.S. Treasury bills,
      notes and bonds
    o obligations of U.S. government agencies secured by the full faith and
      credit of the U.S. Treasury, such as securities, including pass-through
      securities, of the Government National Mortgage Association or securities
      of the Export-Import Bank
    o obligations secured by the right to borrow from the U.S. Treasury
    o obligations  backed only by the credit of a government  agency such as the
      Federal Home Loan Bank, Fannie Mae (Federal National Mortgage Association)
      and Freddie Mac (Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation).

Wright  allocates  assets based on its view of the economic outlook and expected
trend in  short-term  interest  rates.  For  example,  the fund may invest  more
heavily in shorter  term  securities  when it expects an  increase  in  interest
rates.  In buying  and  selling  securities  for the  fund,  Wright  analyzes  a
security's structural features,  current price compared with its estimated value
and the credit quality of its issuer. The fund's average maturity as of December
31, 2003, was 2.9 years and its duration was 2.9 years.  The fund's benchmark is
the Lehman U.S. Government Intermediate Bond Index.

The  fund's  objective  may be  changed  by  the  trustees  without  shareholder


The general risks of bond funds are credit and interest rate risks.  Because the
fund invests substantially in U.S. government  obligations,  credit risk is less
than other  types of bonds.  However,  this does not  protect  the fund  against
interest rate risk or guarantee the value of the fund's shares. The fund's yield
may decline  during  times of falling  interest  rates.  Also,  mortgage-related
securities  (such as Ginnie Maes) are subject to prepayment and extension  risks
during  times of falling or rising  interest  rates.  These risks are defined to

    o CREDIT OR DEFAULT RISK: An issuer's credit rating may be downgraded or the
      issuer may be unable to pay principal and interest obligations.

    o INTEREST  RATE RISK:  Bond prices fall when  interest  rates rise and vice
      versa. The longer the duration of a bond, the greater the potential change
      in price.

    o PREPAYMENT RISK: When interest rates decline, the issuer of a security may
      exercise an option to prepay the  principal.  This forces the portfolio to
      reinvest in lower yielding securities.

    o EXTENSION RISK:  When interest rates rise, the life of a  mortgage-related
      security is extended  beyond the expected  prepayment  time,  reducing the
      value of the security.

The fund cannot  eliminate  risk or assure  achievement of its objective and you
may lose money.

- -----SIDE BAR TEXT-----
                             Understanding Duration

Duration  measures how quickly the  principal and interest of a bond is expected
to be paid. It is also used to predict how much a bond's value will rise or fall
in response to small changes in interest rates. Generally,  the shorter a fund's
duration  is,  the less its  securities  will  decline in value when there is an
increase in interest rates.

- -----END SIDE BAR TEXT-----


You may be  interested  in the fund if you are  looking  for a  higher  level of
income than a short-term U.S. Government bond fund.


The information  below shows performance of the ten-year period through December
31, 2003. From September 1995 to April 2002, the fund limited its investments to
U.S.  Treasury issues.  These returns include  reinvestment of all dividends and
capital gain distributions, and reflect fund expenses. As with all mutual funds,
past  performance  (before and after taxes) does not guarantee  future  results.

Performance is for the stated time periods only. Due to market  volatility,  the
fund's current performance may be lower or higher than the quoted returns.

The bar chart  illustrates  the risk of  investing  in the fund by  showing  how
volatile the fund's  performance  has been for each full  calendar  year for the
past ten years.



- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  20%              28.18%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10%                                                        12.61%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   0%                                9.08%   9.95%                      5.40%    8.07%      1.36%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(10)%    -8.62%            -1.26%                    -3.97%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
          1994     1995     1996     1997    1998     1999     2000     2001     2002       2003

Best quarter:10.40%(2nd quarter 1995) Worst quarter:-6.28%(1st quarter 1994)

The fund's annual  return shown above does not reflect the impact of taxes.  The
table below shows before and after tax  performance.  The fund's average annual
return is compared  with that of the Lehman U.S.  Government  Intermediate  Bond
Index.  While the fund does not seek to match the  returns  of the  index,  this
unmanaged index generally  indicates the performance of the U.S. government bond
market. The index, unlike the fund, reflects no deductions for fee, expenses, or


                                                    1 Year  5 Years 10 Years
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    -  Return before taxes                         1.36%      4.54%      5.65%
    -  Return after taxes on distributions        -0.68%      2.26%      3.21%
    -  Return after taxes on distributions
        and sales of fund shares                  -0.68%      2.26%      3.21%
   Lehman U.S. Government Intermediate Bond Index  2.29%      6.18%      6.32%

- ----SIDE BAR TEXT----
                                AFTER-TAX RETURN

After-tax   performance  is  computed   two  ways:   "Return   after  taxes  on
distributions" assumes the payment of federal taxes on fund distributions before
their  reinvestment and "Return after taxes on  distributions and sales of fund
shares"  reflects the additional taxable impact of the realized gain or loss if
any,  from the sale of fund shares at the end of the holding  period. After-tax
returns are calculated using the highest individual federal income tax rates and
do not reflect the impact of state and local  taxes. Actual  after-tax  returns
depend on an  investor's  tax  situation  and may differ from those  shown. The
after-tax returns  shown are not  relevant to  investors  who hold their shares
through tax-deferred arrangements such as 401(k) plans or individual retirement



The table describes the fees and expenses you may pay if you buy and hold shares
of the fund.

ANNUAL FUND OPERATING EXPENSES                      Standard  Shares
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(deductly directly from fund assets)

As a shareholder in            Management fee              0.45%
the fund, you do not          Distribution and
pay any sales charges,       service (12b-1) fees          0.25%
redemption or exchange        Other Expenses               0.96%
fees.                        -------------------------------------------------
                             Total Operating Expenses      1.66%
                             Expense Reimbursement(1)     (0.71%)
                             NET OPERATING EXPENSES        0.95%

(1)Under a written  agreement,  Wright  waives a portion of its advisory fee and
   assumes  operating  expenses  to the  extent  necessary  to limit the  fund's
   expense ratio to 0.95% after custodian fee reductions, if any.


The following example allows you to compare the cost of investing in the fund to
the cost of  investing  in other  mutual funds by showing what your costs may be
over  time.  It  uses  the  same  assumptions  that  other  funds  use in  their
prospectuses:  $10,000 initial  investment,  5% total return for each year, fund
operating  expenses remain the same for each period and redemption after the end
of each period.

Your actual  costs may be higher or lower,  so use this  example for  comparison
only. Based on these assumptions your costs at the end of each period would be:

             1 Year            3 Years           5 Years         10 Years
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               $97              $303              $525            $1,166

- -----SIDE BAR TEXT-----
                             Understanding Expenses

Annual fund  operating  expenses are paid by the fund. As a result,  you pay for
them indirectly because they reduce the fund's return. Fund expenses include the
fund's share of the portfolio's  expenses,12b-1  fees, an administration fee and
registration fees.

- -----END SIDE BAR TEXT-----

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CUSIP:  982349607             Ticker Symbol:  WCIFX


The  fund  seeks  a high  level  of  current  income  consistent  with  moderate
fluctuations of principal.


The fund invests at least 80% of its total assets  primarily in debt obligations
issued  or  guaranteed  by  the  U.S.  Government  or any  of  its  agencies  or
instrumentalities,  mortgage-related  securities  of  governmental  or corporate
issuers and corporate debt securities.  The U.S. Government  securities in which
the fund may invest include direct obligations of the U.S.  Government,  such as
bills,  notes,  and  bonds  issued  by the U.S.  Treasury;  obligations  of U.S.
Government agencies and  instrumentalities  secured by the full faith and credit
of the U.S.  Treasury,  such as  securities of GNMA or the  Export-Import  Bank;
obligations  secured  by the  right  to  borrow  from  the  U.S.  Treasury;  and
obligations  backed only by the credit of the government agency itself,  such as
securities of Federal Home Loan Bank, FNMA and FHLMC.

Corporate  debt  securities   include  commercial  paper  and  other  short-term
instruments  rated A-1 by  Standard  & Poor's  Ratings  Group or P-1 by  Moody's
Investors Service,  Inc. and comparable unrated  securities.  The fund reinvests
all principal payments. The fund seeks to outperform the Lehman GNMA Backed Bond

The  fund's  objective  may be  changed  by  the  trustees  without  shareholder


The general risks of bond funds are credit and interest rate risks.  Credit risk
is minimal to the extent the fund  concentrates in  mortgage-related  securities
whose  timely  payment of  interest  and  principal  is  guaranteed  by the U.S.
government.  However,  this does not protect the fund against interest rate risk
or guarantee  the value of the fund's  shares.  Securities  based on  underlying
loans are generally  subject to prepayment and extension risks.  These risks are
defined to mean:

    o Interest  rate risk:  Bond prices fall when  interest  rates rise and vice
      versa. The longer the duration of a bond, the greater the potential change
      in price.

    o Credit or default risk: An issuer's credit rating may be downgraded or the
      issuer may be unable to pay principal and interest obligations.

    o Prepayment risk: When interest rates decline, the issuer of a security may
      exercise  an option to  prepay  the  principal.  This  forces  the fund to
      reinvest in lower yielding securities.

    o Extension risk:  When interest rates rise, the life of a  mortgage-related
      security is extended  beyond the expected  prepayment  time,  reducing the
      value of the security.

Also, the fund's yield may decline during times of falling  interest rates.  The
fund cannot  eliminate  risk or assure  achievement of its objective and you may
lose money.


You may want to  invest in the fund if you are  seeking  a high  level of income
over a long  period of time.  The fund is  designed  for  investors  who want to
receive the kind of income that mortgage-related  securities provide, but do not
want to bother with the receipt or reinvestment of principal payments.


The  information in the table on the next page shows the fund's  performance for
the  ten-year   period  through   December  31,  2003.   These  returns  include
reinvestment of all dividends and capital gain  distributions,  and reflect fund
expenses.  As with all mutual funds,  past performance  (before and after taxes)
does not guarantee future results.

Performance is for the stated time periods only. Due to market  volatility,  the
fund's current  performance may be lower or higher than the quoted returns.

The bar chart  illustrates the risk of investing in the fund by showing how
volatile the fund's  performance  has been for each full  calendar  year for the
past ten years.



- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10%           17.46%                                     10.31%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   0%                   4.35%    8.56%    6.51%   0.52%            7.18%    7.70%    1.73%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(10)%  -3.28%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       1994     1995     1996     1997    1998     1999     2000     2001    2002     2003

Best quarter:5.61%(2nd quarter 1995) Worst quarter:-3.21%(1st quarter 1994)

The fund's annual  return shown above does not reflect the impact of taxes.  The
table below shows before- and after-tax  performance.  The fund's average annual
return is compared  with that of the Lehman  GNMA  Backed Bond Index.  While the
fund does not seek to match the  returns of the Lehman  GNMA  Backed Bond Index,
Wright believes that this unmanaged index generally indicates the performance of
government and corporate  mortgage-backed  bond markets.  The Lehman GNMA Backed
Bond Index,  unlike the fund,  reflects no  deductions  for fees,  expenses,  or


                                                 1 Year     5 Years    10 Years
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  -  Return before taxes                          1.73%      5.42%      5.97%
  -  Return after taxes on distributions         -0.13%      3.13%      3.47%
  -  Return after taxes on distributions
      and sales of fund shares                   -0.13%      3.13%      3.47%
 Lehman GNMA Backed Bond Index                    2.85%      6.50%      6.92%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ----SIDE BAR TEXT----
                                AFTER-TAX RETURN

After-tax  performance  is  computed  two  ways:  "Return  after  taxes  on
distributions" assumes the payment of federal taxes on fund distributions before
their  reinvestment and "Return after taxes on  distributions  and sales of fund
shares"  reflects the additional  taxable impact of the realized gain or loss if
any,  from the sale of fund shares at the end of the holding  period.  After-tax
returns  are  shown  only  for  Standard  shares  and  would  be  different  for
Institutional  shares.  After-tax  returns  are  calculated  using  the  highest
individual  federal  income tax rates and do not reflect the impact of state and
local taxes.  Actual after-tax returns depend on an investor's tax situation and
may differ from those shown.  The  after-tax  returns  shown are not relevant to
investors who hold their shares through tax-deferred arrangements such as 401(k)
plans or individual retirement accounts.



The table describes the fees and expenses you may pay if you buy and hold shares
of the fund.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(deductly directly from fund assets)

As a shareholder in           Management fee               0.45%
the fund, you do not          Distribution and
pay any sales charges,        service (12b-1) fees         0.25%
redemption or exchange        Other Expenses               0.42%
fees.                        --------------------------------------------------
                             Total Operating Expenses      1.12%
                             Expense Reimbursement(1)     (0.17%)
                             NET OPERATING EXPENSES        0.95%

(1)Under a written  agreement  in effect for the  current  fiscal  year,  Wright
   assumes operating expenses to the extent necessary to limit expense ratios to


The following example allows you to compare the cost of investing in the fund to
the cost of  investing  in other  mutual funds by showing what your costs may be
over  time.  It  uses  the  same  assumptions  that  other  funds  use in  their
prospectuses:  $10,000 initial  investment,  5% total return for each year, fund
operating  expenses remain the same for each period and redemption after the end
of each period.

Your actual  costs may be higher or lower,  so use this  example for  comparison
only. Based on these assumptions your costs at the end of each period would be:

               1 Year            3 Years          5 Years          10 Years
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                 $97              $303             $525             $1,166

- -----SIDE BAR TEXT-----
                             Understanding Expenses

Annual fund  operating  expenses are paid by the fund. As a result,  you pay for
them indirectly because they reduce the fund's return. Fund expenses include the
fund's share of the portfolio's  expenses,12b-1  fees, an administration fee and
registration fees.

- -----END SIDE BAR TEXT-----

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CUSIP:  982349300           Ticker Symbol:  WTRBX


The fund seeks a superior  rate of total  return,  consisting of a high level of
income plus price appreciation.


The fund  invests  at least  80% of its  total  assets  in U.S.  government  and
investment  grade  (rated "BBB" or higher or of  comparable  quality if unrated)
corporate  debt  securities.  These  securities  meet the Wright  Quality Rating
Standards.  Investment  selections  differ  depending  on the trend in  interest
rates. The fund looks for securities that in Wright's  judgment will produce the
best total return.

Wright allocates  assets among different  market sectors (such as U.S.  Treasury
securities,   U.S.  government  agency  securities  and  corporate  bonds)  with
different  maturities  based on its view of the relative value of each sector or
maturity.  There  are no limits  on the  minimum  or  maximum  weighted  average
maturity of the fund's portfolio or an individual  security.  As of December 31,
2003, the fund's average  maturity was 6.1 years and its duration was 4.3 years.
The fund seeks to outperform the Lehman U.S. Aggregate Bond Index.

Generally, the fund will sell an individual security if its rating is downgraded
below "BBB" by the major rating services such as Moody's or Standard and Poor's.

The  fund's  objective  may be  changed  by  the  trustees  without  shareholder


The general risks of bond funds are credit and interest  rate risks.  The fund's
risk  profile will vary,  depending  on the mix of its assets.  The fund reduces
credit risk by investing in U.S. government  obligations and investment grade or
higher corporate bonds. However, this does not protect the fund against interest
rate risk.  Interest rate risk is greater for long-term debt securities than for
short-term debt securities. These risks are defined to mean:

    o INTEREST  RATE RISK:  Bond prices fall when  interest  rates rise and vice
      versa. The longer the duration of a bond, the greater the potential change
      in price.

    o CREDIT OR DEFAULT RISK: An issuer's credit rating may be downgraded or the
      issuer may be unable to pay principal and interest obligations.

    o PREPAYMENT RISK: When interest rates decline, the issuer of a security may
      exercise  an option to  prepay  the  principal.  This  forces  the fund to
      reinvest in lower yielding  securities.  Corporate bonds may have a "call"
      feature  which  gives the  issuer  the right to redeem  outstanding  bonds
      before their scheduled maturity.

    o EXTENSION RISK:  When interest rates rise, the life of a  mortgage-related
      security is extended  beyond the expected  prepayment  time,  reducing the
      value of the security.

Also, the fund's yield may decline during times of falling  interest rates.  The
fund cannot  eliminate  risk or assure  achievement of its objective and you may
lose money.

- -----SIDE BAR TEXT-----
                             UNDERSTANDING DURATION

Duration  measures how quickly the  principal and interest of a bond is expected
to be paid.  It is also used to  predict  how much a bond's  value will rise and
fall in response to small changes in interest  rates.  Generally,  the shorter a
fund's  duration is, the less its securities will decline in value when there is
an increase in interest rates.

- -----END SIDE BAR TEXT-----


You may be interested in the fund if you seek a level of income  consistent with
total return by investing  in  intermediate  and longer term debt and can accept
price fluctuations.


The  information  on the  following  page shows the fund's  performance  for the
ten-year period through December 31, 2003. These returns include reinvestment of
all dividends and capital gain distributions, and reflect fund expenses. As with
all mutual funds,  past performance  (before and after taxes) does not guarantee
future results.

Performance is for the stated time periods only. Due to market  volatility,  the
fund's current  performance may be lower or higher than the quoted returns.

The bar chart  illustrates the risk of investing in the fund by showing how
volatile the fund's  performance  has been for each full  calendar  year for the
past ten years.



- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  20%           21.97%
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10%                                                        10.62%
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   0%                    0.90%    9.25%    9.56%                      4.96%   9.03%   3.25%
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(10)%  -6.55%                                      -3.91%
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       1994     1995     1996     1997    1998     1999      2000     2001    2002     2003

Best quarter:7.69%(2nd quarter 1995) Worst quarter:-4.76%(1st quarter 1994)

The fund's annual  return shown above does not reflect the impact of taxes.  The
table below shows before- and after-tax  performance.  The fund's average annual
return is  compared  with that of the  Lehman  U.S.  Aggregate  Bond  Index,  an
unmanaged index that is a broad  representation  of the  investment-grade  fixed
income market in the U.S. The Lehman U.S. Aggregate Bond Index, unlike the fund,
reflects no deductions for fees, expenses, or taxes.


                                             1 Year     5 Years     10 Years
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   - Return before taxes                      3.25%      4.66%       5.63%
   - Return after taxes on distributions      1.54%      2.54%       3.35%
   - Return after taxes on distributions
       and sales of fund shares               1.54%      2.54%       3.35%
 Lehman Aggregate Bond Index                  4.10%      6.62%       6.95%

- ----SIDE BAR TEXT----
                                AFTER-TAX RETURN

After-tax   performance  is  computed   two  ways:   "Return   after  taxes  on
distributions" assumes the payment of federal taxes on fund distributions before
their  reinvestment and "Return after taxes on  distributions and sales of fund
shares"  reflects the additional taxable impact of the realized gain or loss if
any,  from the sale of fund shares at the end of the holding  period. After-tax
returns are calculated using the highest individual federal income tax rates and
do not reflect the impact of state and local  taxes. Actual  after-tax  returns
depend on an  investor's  tax  situation  and may differ from those  shown. The
after-tax returns  shown are not  relevant to  investors  who hold their shares
through tax-deferred arrangements such as 401(k) plans or individual retirement

- ----END SIDE BAR TEXT-----


The table describes the fees and expenses you may pay if you buy and hold shares
of the fund.

ANNUAL FUND OPERATING EXPENSES                           Standard Shares
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(deductly directly from fund assets)

As a shareholder in            Management fee               0.45%
the fund, you do not           Distribution and
pay any sales charges,         service (12b-1) fees         0.25%
redemption or exchange         Other Expenses               0.47%
fees.                        -------------------------------------------------
                               Total Operating Expenses     1.17%
                               Expense Reimbursement(1)    (0.22%)
                               NET OPERATING EXPENSES       0.95%

(1)Under a written  agreement,  Wright  waives a  portion  of its  advisory  fee
   and/or  distribution  fees  and  assumes  operating  expenses  to the  extent
   necessary to limit expense ratios to 0.95% after custodian fee reductions, if


The following example allows you to compare the cost of investing in the fund to
the cost of  investing  in other  mutual funds by showing what your costs may be
over  time.  It  uses  the  same  assumptions  that  other  funds  use in  their
prospectuses:  $10,000 initial  investment,  5% total return for each year, fund
operating  expenses remain the same for each period and redemption after the end
of each period.

Your actual  costs may be higher or lower,  so use this  example for  comparison
only. Based on these assumptions your costs at the end of each period would be:

               1 Year            3 Years          5 Years          10 Years
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                 $97              $303             $525             $1,166

- -----SIDE BAR TEXT-----
                             UNDERSTANDING EXPENSES

Annual fund  operating  expenses are paid by the fund. As a result,  you pay for
them  indirectly  because they reduce the fund's return.  Fund expenses  include
management  fees,12b-1  fees  and  administrative  costs,  such  as  shareholder
recordkeeping  and reports,  custodian and pricing  services,  and  registration

- -----END SIDE BAR TEXT-----

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The price at which you buy,  sell or exchange fund shares is the net asset value
per share or NAV.

The NAV for each fund,  except  Wright  U.S.  Treasury  Money  Market  Fund,  is
calculated at the close of regular trading (normally 4:00 p.m. New York time) on
the New York Stock Exchange  (Exchange) each day the Exchange is open. It is not
calculated on days the Exchange is closed. The price for a purchase,  redemption
or  exchange  of fund  shares is the next NAV  calculated  after  your  order is

Wright U.S. Treasury Money Market Fund's NAV is normally  calculated three times
each day the Exchange is open.  Calculations  are made at noon, 3:00 p.m. and as
of the close of regular  trading on the  Exchange,  normally  4:00 p.m. (in each
case, New York time). The fund's  securities are valued at amortized cost, which
approximates market value.

The  other  funds  calculate  their  share  price  by  valuing  their  portfolio
securities  at the last current  sales price on the market where the security is
normally traded or the official  closing price in the case of securities  traded
on Nasdaq. If security  quotations are not readily available,  or the value of a
security has been materially  affected by events  occurring after the close of a
foreign  exchange,  Wright may value such securities at fair value in accordance
with procedures  adopted by the trustees.  A security that is fair valued may be
valued at a price  higher or lower than actual  market  quotations  or the value
determined by other funds using their own fair valuation procedures.

The value of all assets and  liabilities  expressed  in  foreign  currencies  is
converted  into U.S.  dollars at the most recent  market  rates quoted by one or
more major banks shortly before the close of the Exchange.  Foreign  markets may
be open on days when U.S. markets are closed and the value of foreign securities
owned by Wright  International  Blue Chip  Equities Fund may change on days when
shareholders  cannot purchase or redeem shares.

When  purchasing or redeeming fund shares,  your order must be communicated
to the  principal  underwriter  by a  specific  time  each day in order  for the
purchase price or the redemption price to be based on that day's net asset value
per  share.  An  investment  dealer  has a  responsibility  to  transmit  orders
promptly.  Each fund may accept purchase and redemption orders as of the time of
their   receipt   by   certain   investment   dealers   (or   their   designated

- -----SIDE BAR TEXT-----
                                 Determining NAV

     Share  price is  determined  by adding the value of a fund's cash and other
assets, deducting liabilities, and then dividing that amount by the total number
of shares outstanding.

- -----END SIDE BAR TEXT-----


The fund's  transactions in money market instruments  normally require immediate
settlement  in  federal  funds.  Accordingly,  purchase  orders for the fund are
executed at the NAV next  calculated  after  payment in cash or federal funds is
received. Shares purchased before 3:00 p.m. receive that day's dividends. Shares
purchased  between  3:00 p.m.  and 4:00 p.m.  start to earn  dividends  the next
business day.

If you pay by personal check, your purchase will be executed at the close of the
second business day in Boston. The minimum initial  investment is $1,000.  There
is no minimum for subsequent  investments.

Shares of each fund may be  purchased  without a sales  charge at NAV.  The
minimum  initial  investment  is $1,000.  There are no minimums  for  subsequent

WAIVER OF THE  MINIMUM  INITIAL  INVESTMENT:  The  minimums  may be  waived  for
investments by bank trust departments, 401(k) tax-sheltered retirement plans and
automatic  investment  program accounts.  The minimum initial investment will be
reduced  to $500 for  shares  purchased  through  certain  investment  advisers,
financial planners,  brokers or other intermediaries that charge a fee for their

- -----SIDE BAR TEXT-----
                                Paying for Shares

You  may pay for  shares  by  wire, check or Federal  Reserve  draft  payable
in U.S. dollars and drawn on U.S banks. Third party checks will not be accepted.
A charge is imposed on any returned checks.

- -----END SIDE BAR TEXT-----

  Authorized dealers, including investment dealers, banks or other institutions,
may impose investment  minimums higher than those imposed by the funds. They may
also charge for their services. There are no transaction charges if you purchase
your shares directly from the funds.

Procedures for Opening New Accounts: To help the government fight the funding of
terrorism  and money  laundering  activities,  federal law  requires the fund to
obtain,  verify and record  information  that identifies each person who opens a
fund  account.  When you open an  account,  you  will be  asked  for your  name,
address, date of birth and other identifying information.  You also may be asked
to produce a copy of your driver's license and other identifying documents. If a
person  fails to provide the  information  requested,  any  application  by that
person to open a new account will be rejected. Moreover, if unable to verify the
identity of a person based on  information  provided by that person,  additional
steps  may be  taken  including,  but  not  limited  to,  requesting  additional
information  from the person,  closing the  person's  account or  reporting  the
matter to the  appropriate  federal  authorities.

The  funds  have the right to reject any purchase  order,  or limit or suspend
the  offering of their shares.


    o If you are buying  shares  directly  from the funds,  please refer to your
      Shareholder Manual for additional instructions on how to buy fund shares.

    o If you buy  shares  through  bank  trust  departments  or other  fiduciary
      institutions, please consult your trust or investment officer.

    o If you buy  shares  through a  broker,  please  consult  your  broker  for
      purchase instructions.

    o If you buy shares through an account with a registered  investment adviser
      or financial planner, please consult your investment adviser or planner.

    o If you buy shares of the funds through a retirement  plan,  please consult
      your plan documents or speak with your plan administrator.


You may buy shares by delivering to the funds'  custodian  securities  that meet
that fund's  investment  objective and policies,  have easily  determined market
prices and are otherwise  acceptable.  Exchanged  securities must have a minimum
aggregate  value of  $5,000.  Securities  are  valued  as of the  date  they are
received by the funds.  If you want to exchange  securities  for fund shares you
should  furnish  a list with a full  description  of these  securities.  See the
Shareholder Manual for detailed instructions.


The funds have adopted a 12b-1 plan permitting them to pay a fee to finance
the distribution of their shares. Wright Investors' Service  Distributors,  Inc.
(WISDI),  the  principal  underwriter  and  distributor  of the  funds'  shares,
receives a  distribution  fee of 0.25% of the  average  daily net assets of each
fund's  average daily net assets.  Because this fee is paid on an ongoing basis,
it may cost you more than other types of sales charges over time.

- -----SIDE BAR TEXT-----
                                Service Plans

Each fund,  except for  Wright U.S. Treasury Money Market Fund, has adopted a
service  plan.  This plan allows each fund to  reimburse  WISDI for  payments to
intermediaries  for providing  account  administration  and personal and account
maintenance  services to shareholders of the funds.  The combined annual service
and 12b-1 plan fee may not exceed 0.25% of the average  daily net assets of each
class of shares.

- -----END SIDE BAR TEXT-----


You may redeem or sell shares of the funds on any  business  day. NO  REDEMPTION
OF PURCHASE. Telephone, mail and internet redemption procedures are described in
the Shareholder Manual.

- -----SIDE BAR TEXT-----
                           Redemption Proviso

In times of  drastic  economic  or market  conditions,  you may have  difficulty
selling  shares by telephone or the internet.  These  redemption  options may be
modified or terminated without notice to shareholders.

- -----END SIDE BAR TEXT-----

Redemption  requests received by the funds or their authorized agents in "proper
form"  before  4:00 p.m.  New York time will be  processed  at that  day's  NAV.
"Proper form" means that the fund has received your request, all shares are paid
for, and all  documentation  along with any required  signature  guarantee,  are
included.  The  funds  normally  pay  redemption  proceeds  by check on the next
business day to the address of record.  Payment will be by wire if you specified
this  option on your  account  application.  Wire  redemptions  from Wright U.S.
Treasury  Money  Market  Fund  received  before  noon  will  be  forwarded  that
afternoon.  If you redeem shares of Wright International Blue Chip Equities Fund
within  three  months after  purchase,  you will pay a redemption  fee of 2.00%.
These redemption fees may be waived on shares purchased for Wright's  investment
advisory clients and 401(k) or similar plans.

For more information about selling your shares, please refer to your Shareholder
Manual or consult your trust officer, adviser or plan administrator.


Although the funds expect to pay  redemptions in cash, they reserve the
right to  redeem  shares  in-kind  by  giving  shareholders  readily  marketable
portfolio  securities  instead of cash. This is done to protect the interests of
remaining shareholders. If this occurs, you will incur transaction costs and may
incur tax liability if you sell the securities.


If your account  falls below $500 a fund may  involuntarily  redeem your shares.
You will receive  notice 60 days before this  happens.  Your account will not be
redeemed if the balance is below the minimum due to investment losses.


Shares of the funds may be exchanged  for shares of any other fund  described in
this prospectus. The exchange of shares results in the sale of one fund's shares
and the  purchase  of  another,  normally  resulting  in a gain or loss,  and is
therefore  a  taxable  event  for  you.

You are  limited  to four  "round-trip" exchanges  each year.  A  round-trip
exchange  is an  exchange of one fund into another  Wright  fund, and then back
into the original  fund.  You will receive notice 60 days before the fund
materially  amends or  terminates  the  exchange privilege.

For more information on exchanging  shares please see the Shareholder  Manual or
consult your adviser.


We respect and protect your privacy.  We collect nonpublic personal  information
about you from the information we receive from you on application or other forms
and information about your  transactions with us, our affiliates,  or others. We
do not disclose any nonpublic personal information about our customers or former
customers to anyone  except as permitted by law.  However,  we may disclose your
name and address to affiliated  companies who perform marketing  services on our
behalf. We restrict access to nonpublic personal  information about you to those
employees who need to know that  information to provide  products or services to
you. We maintain  physical,  electronic,  and procedural  safeguards that comply
with federal  standards to guard your  nonpublic  personal  information.


Purchases  and  exchanges  should  be made for  investment  purposes  only.
Frequent  trades in your  account  or  accounts  controlled  by you can  disrupt
portfolio investment strategies and increase fund expenses for all shareholders.
To deter such  activity,  the funds and their agents reserve the right to refuse
any purchase or exchange request,  including those from any person or group who,
in the funds' view,  is likely to engage in excessive  trading.  In  determining
whether to accept or reject a purchase or exchange  request,  the funds consider
the historical  trading activity of the account making the trade, as well as the
potential   impact  of  any  specific   transaction   on  the  funds  and  their

The fund and its principal  underwriter  cannot ensure that they will be able to
identify all cases of market timing and excessive trading, although they believe
they have adequate procedures in place to attempt to do so. Inability to curtail
market timing could result in additional  transactional expenses and/or the fund
maintaining  a higher  level  of cash to fund  share  activity.  The fund or its
principal underwriter may also reject or cancel any purchase order (including an
exchange) from an investor or group of investors for any other reason. The funds
also  reserve  the right to suspend  redemptions  or postpone  payment  dates as
permitted by law.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Unless you tell us that you want to receive your distributions in cash, they are
reinvested  automatically in fund shares. The funds generally make two different
kinds of distributions:

      fund will distribute any net realized capital gains annually,  normally in
      December.  Capital gains are the main source of distributions  paid by the
      equity funds.

      HELD BY A FUND. Net  investment  income is the primary source of dividends
      paid by the bond and money market funds.

    The funds will distribute their investment income as follows:

                                                       Distributions of
      Fund                                        Net Investment Income
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     Wright Selected Blue Chip Equities Fun              Quarterly
     Wright Major Blue Chip Equities Fund                Quarterly
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Wright International Blue Chip Equities Fund        Annually
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Wright U.S. Treasury Money Market Fund     Declared Daily - Paid Monthly
     Wright U.S. Government Near Term Fund      Declared Daily - Paid Monthly
     Wright U.S. Government Intermediate Fund   Declared Daily - Paid Monthly
     Wright Current Income Fund                 Declared Daily - Paid Monthly
     Wright Total Return Bond Fund              Declared Daily - Paid Monthly

- -----SIDE BAR TEXT-----
                                TAX CONSIDERATIONS

Unless your investment is in a tax-deferred account you may want to avoid:

 o Investing  in a fund near the end of its  fiscal  year.  If the fund  makes a
   capital gains distribution you will receive some of your investment back as a
   taxable distribution.

 o Selling  shares  at a loss for tax  purposes  and then  making  an  identical
   investment  within 30 days before or after the sale. This results in a "wash
   sale" and you will not be allowed to claim a tax loss.

- -----END SIDE BAR TEXT-----


Selling or  exchanging  mutual fund shares  generally is a taxable event and may
result in a capital  gain or loss.  Distributions,  whether  received in cash or
additional fund shares, are subject to federal income tax.

             DISTRIBUTION                       TAX STATUS
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         Income  dividends                   Ordinary  income  or
                                          "qualified dividend income"(1)
         Short-term capital gains            Ordinary  income
         Long-term capital gains             Long-term capital gains

(1) Income  dividends  designated by a fund as "qualified  dividend  income" are
taxable to an individual  shareholder  at a maximum 15% U.S.  federal income tax
rate, provided that certain conditions,  including holding period  requirements,
are met by the fund and the shareholder.

Wright  International  Blue  Chip  Equities  Fund  may  be  subject  to  foreign
withholding  taxes or other  foreign  taxes on some of its foreign  investments.
This will reduce the yield or total return on those investments.

Your  investment in the funds could have  additional  tax  consequences.  Please
consult your tax advisor on state, local, foreign or other applicable tax laws.


Wright  Investors'  Service,   Inc.  is  a  leading  independent   international
investment  management  and  advisory  firm with more than 35 years  experience.
Wright manages  approximately  $2.2 billion of assets in portfolios of all sizes
and styles as well as a family of mutual funds. Wright developed  Worldscope(R),
one of the world's largest and most complete databases of financial information,
which currently includes more than 25,000 companies in more than 50 nations.

Wright manages the investments of the funds and portfolios. Wright is located at
440 Wheelers Farms Road,  Milford,  CT 06460. Wright receives a monthly advisory
fee for its services.  The table below lists the effective  annual  advisory fee
rates paid for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2003:

                                                          Fee Paid
     Fund                                   (as a % of average daily net assets)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Wright Selected Blue Chip Equities Fund                0.60%
     Wright Major Blue Chip Equities Fund                   0.60%
     Wright International Blue Chip Equities Fund           0.80%
     Wright U.S. Treasury Money Market Fund                 0.35%
     Wright U.S. Government Near Term Fund                  0.45%
     Wright U.S. Government Intermediate Fund               0.45%
     Wright Current Income Fund                             0.45%
     Wright Total Return Bond Fund                          0.45%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


An investment  committee of senior officers controls the investment  selections,
policies and  procedures  of the funds and the  portfolios.  These  officers are
experienced analysts with different areas of expertise,  and have over 204 years
of combined  service  with  Wright.  The  investment  committee  consists of the
following members:

    Committee Member                 Title                                  Joined Wright in
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Peter M. Donovan, CFA       Chairman and Chief Executive Officer                 1966
                               Chairman of the Investment Committee
   Judith R. Corchard          Executive Vice President - Investment Management     1960
                               Senior Investment Officer
   Jatin J. Mehta, CFA         Executive Vice President                             1969
   Michael F. Flament, CFA     Senior Vice President - Investment
                                and Economic Analysis                               1972
   James P. Fields, CFA        Senior Vice President - Fixed Income Investments     1982
   Amit S. Khandwala           Senior Vice President - International Investments    1986
   Stanley Kirtman             Executive Vice President - Equities                  2002
   Charles T. Simko, Jr., CFA  Senior Vice President - Investment Research          1985
   Anthony van Daalen, CFA     Senior Vice President - Fixed Income Investments     2002

The investment adviser, principal underwriter,  and each fund have adopted codes
of ethics governing personal  securities  transactions.  Under the codes, Wright
employees may purchase and sell securities subject to certain  pre-clearance and
reporting requirements and other procedures.

- -----SIDE BAR TEXT-----

Eaton Vance Management  ("Eaton  Vance")serves as the funds'  administrator
and is  responsible  for managing their daily  business  affairs.  Eaton Vance's
services  include  recordkeeping,  preparing  and filing  documents  required to
comply with federal and state securities laws, supervising the activities of the
funds'  custodian , providing  assistance in  connection  with the trustees' and
shareholders' meetings and other necessary administrative services.

- -----END SIDE BAR TEXT-----


The funds may sell a portfolio security  regardless of how long the security has
been held. The funds do not intend to engage in trading for short-term  profits.
However,  portfolio  turnover  rates will vary. In the past turnover  rates have
exceeded and in the future may exceed  100%.  A turnover  rate of 100% means the
securities  owned by a fund were replaced once during the year.  Higher turnover
rates  may  result  in higher  brokerage  costs to the  funds and in higher  net
taxable gains for you as an investor, and will reduce the funds' returns.


These  financial  highlights  will help you  understand  each  fund's  financial
performance for the periods indicated.  Certain  information  reflects financial
results for a single fund share.  Total return shows how much your investment in
the fund increased or decreased during each period,  assuming you reinvested all
dividends and distributions. Deloitte & Touche LLP, independent certified public
accountants,  audited this  information.  Their reports and the funds' financial
statements are  incorporated  herein by reference and are included in the funds'
annual report, which is available upon request.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                           Year Ended December 31,
FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS                                           2003(6)       2002(6)      2001(6)      2000(6)      1999
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Net asset value, beginning of year..........                  $  9.270     $  11.580    $  13.430    $  15.130    $ 17.630
                                                               --------     --------     --------     --------     --------
Income (loss) from investment operations:
     Net investment (loss) income(1) .......                  $ (0.023)    $  (0.046)   $  (0.045)   $  (0.041)   $  0.181
     Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)                     2.756        (1.831)      (1.322)       1.638       0.638
                                                               --------     --------     --------     --------     --------
         Total income (loss)
         from investment operations.........                  $  2.733     $  (1.877)   $  (1.367)   $   1.597    $  0.819
                                                               --------     --------     --------     --------     --------
Less distributions:
     Dividends from investment income.......                  $  -         $   -        $   -        $   -        $ (0.055)
     Distributions from capital gains.......                    (0.133)       (0.433)      (0.483)      (3.297)     (3.264)
                                                               --------     --------     --------     --------     --------
         Total distributions................                  $ (0.133)    $  (0.433)   $  (0.483)   $  (3.297)   $ (3.319)
                                                               --------     --------     --------     --------     --------
Net asset value, end of year................                  $ 11.870     $   9.270    $  11.580    $  13.430    $ 15.130
                                                               =========   ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========

Total return(2) ............................                    30.06%       (16.98%)     (10.15%)      10.75%       5.75%

Ratios/Supplemental Data(1):

     Net assets, end of year (000 omitted)..                  $  38,190    $  32,817    $  45,883    $  51,201    $ 74,547
     Ratio of net expenses to average net assets                 1.25%         1.26%(3)     1.26%(3)     1.26%(3)     1.16%(3)
     Ratio of net expenses after custodian fee
        reduction to average net assets.....                     1.25%         1.25%(3)(5)  1.25%(3)(5)  1.25%(3)(5)  1.15%(3)(5)

     Ratio of net investment income (loss) to average
        net assets..........................                    (0.23%)       (0.44%)      (0.38%)      (0.28%)     0.36%
     Portfolio turnover rate  ..............                      106%          119%(4)       67%(4)       55%(4)    106%(4)

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(1)The operating  expenses of the fund were reduced by an allocation of expenses
   to the  distributor  and/or  investment  adviser.  Had such  action  not been
   undertaken,  net investment income (loss) per share and the ratios would have
   been as follows:

                                                                2003          2002         2001         2000         1999

     Net investment income (loss) per share.                  $ (0.057)    $  (0.064)   $  (0.057)   $  (0.051)    $  0.151
                                                              ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========
     Ratios (As a percentage of average net assets):

         Expenses...........................                     1.59%         1.43%(3)     1.37%(3)     1.33%(3)     1.22%(3)
                                                              ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========
         Expenses after custodian fee reduction                  1.59%         1.42%(3)(5)  1.36%(3)(5)   1.32%(3)(5) 1.21%(3)(5)
                                                              ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========
         Net investment income (loss).......                    (0.57%)       (0.61%)      (0.49%)      (0.35%)       0.30%
                                                              ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(2)Total  investment  return is calculated  assuming a purchase at the net asset
   value on the first  day and a sale at the net asset  value on the last day of
   each period reported. Dividends and distributions,  if any, are assumed to be
   invested at the net asset value on the reinvestment date.
(3)Includes each fund's share of its corresponding portfolio's allocated expenses.
(4)Represents portfolio turnover rate of the fund's corresponding portfolio.
(5)Custodian fees were reduced by credits  resulting from cash balances the fund
   and/or the portfolio maintained with the custodian (Note 1D). The computation
   of net  expenses  to average  daily net  assets  reported  above is  computed
   without consideration of such credits.
(6)Certain per share amounts are based on average shares outstanding.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                           Year Ended December 31,
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS                                           2003(4)       2002(4)      2001(4)      2000(4)     1999(4)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Net asset value, beginning of year..........                  $  8.570     $  11.380    $  13.690    $  16.290     $ 13.670
                                                               --------     --------     --------     --------      --------

Income (loss) from investment operations:

     Net investment income (loss)(1) .......                  $  0.029     $   0.024    $  (0.009)   $  (0.001)    $  0.042
     Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)                     1.958        (2.812)      (2.301)      (2.005)       3.202
                                                               --------     --------     --------     --------      --------

         Total income (loss)
         from investment operations.........                  $  1.987     $  (2.788)   $  (2.310)   $  (2.006)    $  3.244
                                                               --------     --------     --------     --------      --------

Less distributions:

     Dividends from investment income.......                  $ (0.027)    $  (0.022)   $   -        $  (0.010)    $ (0.045)
     Distributions from capital gains.......                     -             -            -           (0.584)      (0.579)
                                                               --------     --------     --------     --------      --------

         Total distributions................                  $ (0.027)    $  (0.022)   $   -        $  (0.594)    $ (0.624)
                                                               --------     --------     --------     --------      --------

Net asset value, end of year................                  $ 10.530     $   8.570    $  11.380    $  13.690     $ 16.290
                                                               ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========

Total Return(3) ............................                    23.20%     (24.50%)       (16.87%)     (12.49%)      23.95%

Ratios/Supplemental Data(1):

     Net assets, end of year (000 omitted)..                  $  71,539    $  66,609    $  95,121    $ 135,262     $144,359
     Ratio of net expenses to average net assets                  1.25%        1.22%        1.13%        1.06%        1.05%
     Ratio of net expenses after custodian fee
        reduction to average net assets(2)(6)                     1.25%        1.22%        1.13%        1.06%        1.05%
     Ratio of net investment income (loss) to
        average net assets .................                      0.31%        0.25%       (0.08%)      (0.00%)(5)    0.27%
     Portfolio turnover rate................                       143%        130%           78%          88%          59%

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(1)For the years ended December 31, 2003,  and 1999,  the operating  expenses of
   the Fund were reduced by an allocation of expenses to the distributor  and/or
   investment  adviser.  Had such  action not been  undertaken,  net  investment
   income per share and the ratios would have been as follows:

                                                                2003                                                 1999
                                                              --------                                             -------

     Net investment income per share........                  $  0.024                                             $  0.034
                                                              ========                                            ==========
     Ratios (As a percentage of average net assets):

       Expenses.............................                     1.31%                                                1.10%
                                                              =========                                           ==========
       Expenses after custodian fee reduction(2)                 1.31%                                                1.10%

                                                              ==========                                          ==========
       Net investment income................                     0.26%                                                0.22%
                                                              ==========                                          ==========

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(2)Custodian fees were reduced by credits  resulting from cash balances the fund
   maintained  with the custodian  (Note 1D). The computation of net expenses to
   average daily net assets reported above is computed without  consideration of
   such credits.
(3)Total  investment  return is calculated  assuming a purchase at the net asset
   value on the first  day and a sale at the net asset  value on the last day of
   each period reported. Dividends and distributions,  if any, are assumed to be
   invested at the net asset value on the reinvestment date.
(4)Certain per share amounts are based on average shares outstanding.
(5)Amount represents less than (0.00%) of average net assets.
(6)Under a written  agreement,  Wright  waives a portion of its advisory fee and
   assumes operating expenses to the extent necessary to limit expense ratios to

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                           Year Ended December 31,
FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS                                           2003(4)       2002(4)      2001(4)      2000(4)     1999(4)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Standard shares:

Net asset value, beginning of year..........                    $ 9.840      $11.510      $15.180      $18.900     $16.020
                                                              ---------    ---------    ---------    ---------    ---------
Income (loss)  from investment operations:
     Net investment income (loss) ..........                    $ 0.073      $ 0.070     $ (0.023)     $ 0.135    $ (0.004)
     Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)                      3.044       (1.740)      (3.647)      (3.455)      5.181
                                                              ---------    ---------    ---------    ---------    ---------
         Total income (loss)
            from investment operations......                    $ 3.117     $ (1.670)    $ (3.670)    $ (3.320)    $ 5.177
                                                              ---------    ---------    ---------    ---------    ---------
Less distributions:

     Dividends from investment income.......                   $ (0.067)     $ -          $ -          $ -         $ -
     Distributions from capital gains.......                      -            -            -           (0.400)     (2.297)
                                                              ---------    ---------    ---------    ---------    ---------

         Total distributions................                   $ (0.067)     $ -          $ -         $ (0.400)   $ (2.297)
                                                              ---------    ---------    ---------    ---------    ---------

Net asset value, end of year................                    $12.890      $ 9.840      $11.510      $15.180     $18.900
                                                             ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========
Total return(1) ............................                     31.96%      (14.51%)     (24.18%)     (17.58%)     34.26%

Ratios/Supplemental Data
     Net assets, end of year (000 omitted)..                   $ 54,586     $ 50,835      $ 66,828     $110,868    $147,610
     Ratio of net expenses to average net assets                  1.80%        1.66%(2)      1.56%(2)      1.49%(2)    1.49%(2)
     Ratio of net expenses after custodian fee
       reduction to average net assets(5)                         1.80%        1.65%        -            -           -
     Ratio of net investment income (loss) to average
        net assets                                                0.81%        0.65%        (0.18%)        0.76%      (0.02%)
     Portfolio turnover rate  ..............                        77%          62%(3)        39%(3)        53%(3)     105%(3)

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(1)Total  investment  return is calculated  assuming a purchase at the net asset
   value on the first  day and a sale at the net asset  value on the last day of
   each period reported. Dividends and distributions,  if any, are assumed to be
   invested at the net asset value on the reinvestment date.
(2)Includes each fund's share of its corresponding Portfolio's allocated expenses.
(3)Represents portfolio turnover rate of the fund's corresponding portfolio.
(4)Certain per share amounts are based on average shares outstanding.
(5)Custodian fees were reduced by credits  resulting from cash balances the fund
   and/or the portfolio maintained with the custodian (Note 1D). The computation
   of net  expenses  to average  daily net  assets  reported  above is  computed
   without consideration of such credits.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                           Year Ended December 31,
FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS                                            2003         2002(5)       2001         2000        1999
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Net asset value, beginning of year.............            $   1.0000   $   1.0000   $   1.0000   $    1.0000  $    1.0000

Income from investment operations:
   Net investment income(1)   .................            $   0.0060       0.0130       0.0359        0.0530       0.0420
   Net realized gain on investments sold.......                   - (6)     0.0263(+)    0.0004           --           --
                                                              --------     --------     --------     --------      --------
   Total income from investment operations.....            $   0.0060   $   0.0393   $   0.0363   $    0.0530  $    0.0420

Less distributions:
   Distributions from net investment income....            $  (0.0060)  $  (0.0393)  $  (0.0359)  $   (0.0530) $   (0.0420)
   Distributions from net realized gain........                -           --           (0.0004)      --           --
                                                              --------     --------     --------     --------      --------
   Total distributions.........................            $  (0.0060)  $  (0.0393)  $  (0.0363)  $   (0.0530) $   (0.0420)
                                                              --------     --------     --------     --------     --------
Net asset value, end of year...................            $   1.0000   $   1.0000   $   1.0000   $    1.0000  $    1.0000
                                                              =========    =========    =========    =========    =========
Total return(2) ...............................                0.60%        1.61%        3.70%         5.44%        4.29%

Ratios/Supplemental Data(1):

   Net assets, end of year (000 omitted).......             $  13,097    $  17,369    $  18,584      $43,608      $62,527
   Ratio of net expenses to average net assets                  0.45%        0.46%        0.47%        0.46%        0.45%
   Ratio of net expenses after custodian fee
     reduction to average net assets(3)(4) ....                 0.45%        0.45%        0.45%        0.45%        0.45%
   Ratio of net investment income to average net assets         0.60%        1.28%        3.93%        5.33%        4.19%

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(1)During each of the above periods,  the investment adviser voluntarily reduced
   its fee and in certain  periods  was  allocated  a portion  of the  operating
   expenses.  Had such actions not been  undertaken,  net investment  income per
   share and the ratios would have been as follows:

                                                                2003          2002         2001         2000         1999

Net investment income (loss) per share.........            $  (0.0030)  $   0.0056   $   0.0330   $    0.0505  $    0.0402
                                                              =========    =========    =========    =========    =========
Ratios (as a percentage of average net assets):
   Expenses....................................                1.35%        1.18%        0.88%         0.71%        0.63%
                                                              =========    =========    =========    =========    =========
   Expenses after custodian fee reduction .....                1.35%        1.17%(3)     0.86%(3)      0.70%(3)     0.63%(3)
                                                              =========    =========    =========    =========    =========
   Net investment income (loss) ...............               (0.30%)       0.55%        3.52%         5.08%        4.01%
                                                              =========    =========    =========    =========    =========

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(2)Total  investment  return is calculated  assuming a purchase at the net asset
   value on the first  day and a sale at the net asset  value on the last day of
   each period reported. Dividends and distributions,  if any, are assumed to be
   reinvested at the net asset value on the reinvestment date.
(3)Custodian fees were reduced by credits  resulting from cash balances the fund
   maintained  with the custodian  (Note 1C). The computation of net expenses to
   average daily net assets reported above is computed without  consideration of
   such credits.
(4)Under a written  agreement  in effect for the  current  fiscal  year,  Wright
   waives  advisory  fees  and/or  assumes  operating  expenses  to  the  extent
   necessary to limit the expense ratio to 0.45% after custodian fee credits are
(5)Certain of the per share data are based on average shares outstanding.
(6)Represents less than 0.0000.
+  Per share amount is not in  accordance  with the net realized and  unrealized
   gain (loss) for the period  because of the timing of sales of fund shares and
   the  amounts per share of realized  and  unrealized  gains and losses at such

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                           Year Ended December 31,
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS                                            2003          2002         2001         2000        1999
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Net asset value, beginning of year..........                  $ 10.490     $  10.290    $  10.080    $   9.930     $ 10.270
                                                              --------     --------     --------     --------      --------
Income (loss) from investment operations:
   Net investment income(1)  ...............                  $  0.165     $   0.349    $   0.480(7) $   0.525     $  0.534
   Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)..                    (0.102)        0.200        0.195(7)     0.143       (0.343)
                                                              --------     --------     --------     --------      --------
     Total income from investment operations                  $  0.063     $   0.549    $   0.675    $   0.668     $  0.191
                                                              --------     --------     --------     --------      --------

Less distributions:
     Distributions from investment income...                  $ (0.303)    $  (0.349)   $  (0.465)   $  (0.518)    $ (0.531)
                                                              --------     --------     --------     --------      --------
     Total distributions....................                  $ (0.303)    $  (0.349)   $  (0.465)   $  (0.518)    $ (0.531)
                                                              --------     --------     --------     --------      --------
Net asset value, end of year................                  $ 10.250     $  10.490    $  10.290    $  10.080     $  9.930
                                                              =========    =========    =========    =========     ========
Total return(2) ............................                     0.61%        5.42%         6.82%        6.94%        1.91%

Ratios/Supplemental Data(1):

   Net assets, end of year (000 omitted)....                  $ 27,557     $ 33,839     $  36,025    $  39,198     $ 52,825
   Ratio of net expenses to average net assets                   0.95%        0.97%(3)      0.97%(3)     0.98%(3)     0.91%(3)

   Ratio of net expenses after custodian fee
      reduction to average net assets ......                     0.95%(6)     0.95%(3)(4)(6)0.95%(3)(4)(6)0.95%(3)(4)(6)0.90%(3)(4)
   Interest expense  .......................                     0.01%         -            -           -            -
   Ratio of net investment income to average
      net assets............................                     1.75%         3.10%        4.40%       5.27%        5.27%
   Portfolio turnover rate  ................                      165%           64%(5)       92%(5)      65%(5)       0%(5)

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(1)For  certain  periods  presented,  the  operating  expenses  of the fund were
   reduced by an allocation of expenses to the investment  adviser,  a reduction
   in  distribution   fees  by  the  principal   underwriter,   a  reduction  in
   administrator  fees,  or a  combination  thereof.  Had such  action  not been
   undertaken, net investment income per share and the ratios would have been as

                                                                2003          2002         2001         2000         1999

     Net investment income per share........                  $  0.134     $   0.323    $   0.452    $   0.511     $  0.526
                                                              =========    =========    =========    =========    =========
     Ratios (As a percentage of average net assets):

       Expenses ............................                     1.28%         1.20%(3)     1.22%(3)     1.13%(3)     0.99%(3)
                                                              =========    =========    =========    =========    =========
       Expenses after custodian fee reduction                    1.28%         1.18%(3)(4)  1.20%(3)(4)  1.10%(3)(4)  0.98%(3)(4)
                                                              =========    =========    =========    =========    =========
       Interest expense.....................                     0.01%         -            -            -            -
                                                              =========    =========    =========    =========    =========
       Net investment income................                     1.42%         2.87%        4.15%        5.13%        5.19%
                                                              =========    =========    =========    =========    =========
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(2)Total  investment  return is calculated  assuming a purchase at the net asset
   value on the first  day and a sale at the net asset  value on the last day of
   each year reported.  Dividends and  distributions,  if any, are assumed to be
   reinvested at the net asset value on the reinvestment date.
(3)Includes each fund's share of its corresponding portfolio's allocated expenses.
(4)Custodian fees were reduced by credits  resulting from cash balances the fund
   maintained  with the custodian  (Note 1C). The computation of net expenses to
   average daily net assets reported above is computed without  consideration of
   such credits.
(5)Represents portfolio turnover rate of the fund's corresponding portfolio.
(6)Under a written  agreement,  Wright  waives  all or a portion  of either  its
   advisory  and/or  distribution  fees and  assumes  operating  expenses to the
   extent necessary to limit expense ratios to 0.95% after custodian fee credits
   are applied.
(7)Reporting   guidelines   require  the  funds  to  disclose   the  effects  of
   implementing  the  change in  accounting  for  amortization  of  premium  and
   discount on debt  securities.  If  adjustments  were not made, net investment
   income per share would have been $0.491 and net realized and unrealized  gain
   (loss) per share would have been $0.184.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                           Year Ended December 31,
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS                                             2003         2002         2001         2000        1999
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Net asset value, beginning of year..........                  $ 13.790     $  13.630    $  13.750    $  12.890     $ 14.400
                                                              --------     --------     --------     --------      --------
Income (loss) from investment operations:
   Net investment income(1) ................                  $  0.422     $   0.575    $   0.651(7) $   0.737     $  0.722
   Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)..                    (0.235)        0.496        0.006(7)     0.842       (1.282)
                                                              --------     --------     --------     --------      --------
     Total income (loss)
     from investment operations.............                  $  0.187     $   1.071    $   0.657    $   1.579     $ (0.560)
                                                              --------     --------     --------     --------      --------
Less distributions:
   Distributions from investment income.....                  $ (0.451)    $  (0.605)   $  (0.701)   $  (0.719)    $ (0.716)
   Distributions from capital gains.........                    (0.506)       (0.306)      (0.076)       -           (0.234)
                                                              --------     --------     --------     --------      --------

     Total distributions....................                  $ (0.957)    $  (0.911)   $  (0.777)   $  (0.719)    $ (0.950)
                                                              --------     --------     --------     --------      --------

Net asset value, end of year................                  $ 13.020     $  13.790    $  13.630    $  13.750     $ 12.890
                                                              =========    =========    =========    =========    =========
Total return(2) ............................                     1.36%        8.07%         5.40%       12.61%      (3.97%)

Ratios/Supplemental Data(1):

   Net assets, end of year (000 omitted)....                  $  13,954    $  15,515    $  10,169    $  16,498     $ 31,192
     Ratio of net expenses to average net assets                  0.95%        1.01%(3)     1.02%(3)     0.97%(3)     0.92%(3)

     Ratio of net expenses after custodian fee
        reduction to average net assets.....                      0.95%(6)     0.95%(3)(4)(6)0.95%(3)(4)(6)0.95%(3)(4)(6)0.90%(3)(4)
     Interest expense.......................                      0.01%        -            -            -            -
     Ratio of net investment income
        to average net assets...............                     3.13%        3.95%        5.11%        5.55%        5.26%
   Portfolio turnover rate  ................                      167%          98%(5)       27%(5)       74%(5)        0%(5)

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 1)For each of the periods  presented,  the operating  expenses of the fund
were  reduced  by an  allocation  of  expenses  to the  investment  adviser or a
reduction in the investment adviser fee, a reduction in distribution fees by the
distributor,  a reduction in administrator fees, or a combination  thereof.  Had
such action not been  undertaken,  the net  investment  income per share and the
ratios would have been as follows:
                                                                2003          2002         2001         2000         1999
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Net investment income per share.............                  $  0.326     $   0.477    $   0.547    $   0.700   $  0.703
                                                              =========    =========    =========    =========    =========
Ratios (as a percentage of average net assets):

   Expenses ................................                     1.66%         1.62%(3)     1.84%(3)     1.26%(3)   1.06%(3)
                                                              =========    =========    =========    =========    =========
   Expenses after custodian fee reduction...                     1.66%         1.56%(3)(4)  1.77%(3)(4)  1.24%(3)(4)1.04%(3)(4)

                                                              =========    =========    =========    =========    =========
   Interest expense.........................                     0.01%         -            -            -            -
                                                              =========    =========    =========    =========    =========
   Net investment income....................                     2.42%         3.28%        4.29%        5.27%       5.12%
                                                              =========    =========    =========    =========    =========

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(2)Total  investment  return is calculated  assuming a purchase at the net asset
   value on the first  day and a sale at the net asset  value on the last day of
   each year reported.  Dividends and  distributions,  if any, are assumed to be
   reinvested at the net asset value on the reinvestment date.
(3)Includes each fund's share of its corresponding portfolio's allocated expenses.
(4)Custodian fees were reduced by credits  resulting from cash balances the fund
   and the portfolio maintained with the custodian (Note 1C). The computation of
   net expenses to average daily net assets  reported above is computed  without
   consideration of such credits.
(5)Represents portfolio turnover rate at the fund's corresponding portfolio.
(6)Under a written  agreement,  Wright  waives  all or a portion  of either  its
   advisory  and/or  distribution  fees and  assumes  operating  expenses to the
   extent necessary to limit expense ratios to 0.95% after custodian fee credits
   are applied.
(7)Reporting   guidelines   require  the  fund  to   disclose   the  effects  of
   implementing  the change in accounting  for the  amortization  of premium and
   discount on debt securities. If the adjustments were not made, net investment
   income per share would have been $0.713 and net realized and unrealized  gain
   (loss) per share would have been $(0.056).

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                           Year Ended December 31,
FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS                                            2003          2002        2001(4)      2000(4)     1999(4)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Standard Shares
Net asset value, beginning of year..........                  $ 10.810     $  10.580    $  10.460    $  10.090    $ 10.660
                                                              --------     --------     --------     --------     --------
Income (loss) from investment operations:
   Net investment income(1)  ...............                  $  0.417     $   0.565    $   0.616    $   0.631    $  0.620
   Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)..                    (0.235)        0.231        0.120        0.372      (0.570)
                                                              --------     --------     --------     --------     --------
       Total income from
          investment operations.............                  $  0.182    $   0.796    $   0.736    $   1.003    $  0.050
                                                              --------     --------     --------     --------     --------

Less distributions:
   Distributions from net investment income.                  $ (0.502)    $  (0.555)   $  (0.616)   $  (0.633)   $ (0.620)
   Tax return of capital....................                     -            (0.011)      --           --          --
                                                              --------     --------     --------     --------     --------
       Total distributions..................                  $ (0.502)    $  (0.566)   $  (0.616)   $  (0.633)   $ (0.620)
                                                              --------     --------     --------     --------     --------
Net asset value, end of year................                  $ 10.490     $  10.810    $  10.580    $  10.460    $ 10.090
                                                              =========    =========    =========    =========    =========
Total return(2) ............................                     1.73%         7.70%        7.18%       10.31%        0.52%

Ratios/Supplemental Data(1):

   Net assets, end of year (000 omitted)....                  $  36,332    $  59,077    $  54,966    $  68,015     $76,452
   Ratio of net expenses to average net assets                    0.95%        0.97%(3)     0.95%(3)(6)  0.95%(3)(6)  0.91%(3)

   Ratio of net expenses after custodian fee
     reduction to average net assets(6) ....                      0.95%        0.95%(3)(7)   --           --           --
   Interest expense.........................                      0.01%           --          --           --           --
   Ratio of net investment income
      to average net assets.................                      4.43%        5.28%        5.83%        6.22%       6.02%
   Portfolio turnover rate .................                        20%          36%(5)        4%(5)        6%(5)       0%(5)

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(1)For the years ended  December 31,  2003,  2002,  2001,  2000,  and 1999,  the
   operating  expenses of the fund were reduced by an  allocation of expenses to
   the  investment  adviser  or a  reduction  in  distribution  expense  by  the
   distributor.  Had such action not been undertaken,  net investment income per
   share and the ratios would have been as follows:

                                                                2003          2002         2001         2000         1999

     Net investment income per share........                  $  0.401     $   0.555    $   0.609    $   0.629     $  0.615
                                                              =========    =========    =========    =========     =========
     Ratios (As a percentage of average net assets):

       Expenses ............................                     1.12%         1.06%(3)     1.02%(3)     0.97%(3)     0.96%(3)
                                                              =========    =========    =========    =========     =========
       Expenses after custodian fee reduction(7)                 1.12%         1.04%(3)     --           --          --
                                                              =========    =========    =========    =========     =========
       Interest expense.....................                     0.01%         --           --           --          --
                                                              =========    =========    =========    =========     =========
       Net investment income................                     4.26%         5.19%        5.76%        6.20%        5.97%
                                                              =========    =========    =========    =========     =========
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(2)Total  investment  return is calculated  assuming a purchase at the net asset
   value on the first  day and a sale at the net asset  value on the last day of
   each period reported. Dividends and distributions,  if any, are assumed to be
   reinvested at the net asset value on the reinvestment date.
(3)Includes each fund's share of its corresponding portfolio's allocated expenses.
(4)Certain of the per share data are based on average shares outstanding.
(5)Represents portfolio turnover rate at the fund's corresponding portfolio.
(6)Under a written  agreement  in effect for the  current  fiscal  year,  Wright
   waives all or a portion of either its advisory and/or  distribution  fees and
   assumes operating expenses to the extent necessary to limit expense ratios to
   0.95% after custodian fee credits are applied.
(7)Custodian fees were reduced by credits  resulting from cash balances the fund
   and/or the portfolio  maintained with the custodian (Note 1C). The computation
   of net  expenses  to average  daily net  assets  reported  above is  computed
   without consideration of such credits.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                           Year Ended December 31,
FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS                                            2003          2002         2001         2000        1999
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net asset value, beginning of year..........                  $ 13.010     $  12.550    $ 12.630    $  12.100     $ 13.310
                                                              --------     --------     --------     --------      --------
Income (loss) from investment operations:
   Net investment income(1) ................                  $  0.483     $   0.639    $  0.709 (4)$   0.712     $  0.679
   Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)..                    (0.066)        0.461      (0.090)(4)    0.530       (1.190)
                                                              --------     --------     --------     --------      --------
     Total income (loss) from investment operations           $  0.417     $   1.100    $  0.619     $  1.242     $ (0.511)
                                                              --------     --------     --------     --------      --------
Less distributions:

   Distributions from investment income.....                  $ (0.557)    $  (0.640)   $  (0.699)   $  (0.712)    $ (0.680)
   Distributions from capital gains.........                     -            --            -            -           (0.019)
                                                              --------     --------     --------     --------      --------
     Total distributions....................                  $ (0.557)    $  (0.640)   $  (0.699)   $  (0.712)    $ (0.699)
                                                              --------     --------     --------     --------      --------
Net asset value, end of year................                  $ 12.870     $ 13.010     $ 12.550     $  12.630     $ 12.100
                                                              =========    =========    =========    =========    =========
Total return(2) ............................                     3.25%        9.03%        4.96%        10.62%      (3.91%)

Ratios/Supplemental Data(1):

   Net assets, end of year (000 omitted)....                  $ 42,317     $ 39,404     $ 50,620     $  65,775     $ 87,336
   Ratio of net expenses to average net assets                   0.95%        0.96%        0.96%         0.96%        0.90%

   Ratio of net expenses after custodian fee
     reduction to average net assets........                     0.95%(5)     0.95%(3)(5)  0.95%(3)(5)   0.95%(3)(5)  0.90%(3)

   Ratio of net investment income to average
      net assets............................                     3.67%        4.92%        5.44%        5.84%        5.36%
   Portfolio turnover rate..................                      131%          68%          38%          61%          31%

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(1)For the years ended  December 31, 2003,  2002,  2001 and 1999,  the operating
   expenses  of the fund  were  reduced  by an  allocation  of  expenses  to the
   investment  adviser,  and/or a  reduction  in  distribution  expenses  by the
   distributor.  Had such action not been undertaken,  net investment income per
   share and the ratios would have been as follows:

                                                                2003          2002         2001                      1999

   Net investment income per share..........                  $  0.455     $  0.621     $  0.701                   $  0.678
                                                              ==========   ==========   ==========               ==========
   Ratios (As a percentage of average net assets):

     Expenses...............................                     1.17%         1.09%        1.02%                     0.91%
                                                              ==========   ==========   ==========               ==========
     Expenses after custodian fee reduction.                     1.17%         1.08%(3)     1.01%(3)                  0.91%(3)
                                                              ==========   ==========   ==========               ==========
     Net investment income..................                     3.46%         4.78%        6.38%                     5.35%
                                                              ==========   ==========   ==========               ==========

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(2)Total  investment  return is calculated  assuming a purchase at the net asset
   value on the first  day and a sale at the net asset  value on the last day of
   each year reported.  Dividends and  distributions,  if any, are assumed to be
   reinvested at the net asset value on the reinvestment date.

(3)Custodian fees were reduced by credits  resulting from cash balances the fund
   maintained  with the custodian  (Note 1C). The computation of net expenses to
   average daily net assets reported above is computed without  consideration of
   such credits.

(4)Reporting   guidelines   require  the  funds  to  disclose   the  effects  of
   implementing  the  change in  accounting  for  amortization  of  premium  and
   discount on debt  securities.  If  adjustments  were not made, net investment
   income per share would have been $0.716 and net realized and unrealized  gain
   (loss) per share would have been $(0.097).

(5)Under a written  agreement,  Wright  waives  all or a portion  of either  its
   advisory  and/or  distribution  fees and  assumes  operating  expenses to the
   extent necessary to limit expense ratios to 0.95% after custodian fee credits
   are applied.


Additional  information about the funds'  investments is available in the funds'
semi-annual  and  annual  reports to  shareholders.  The  funds'  annual  report
contains a discussion of the market  conditions and investment  strategies  that
affected the funds' performance over the past year.

You may want to read the  statement  of  additional  information  (SAI) for more
information  on the  funds  and  the  securities  they  invest  in.  The  SAI is
incorporated  into this prospectus by reference,  which means that it is legally
considered  to be  part  of the  prospectus.  You can  get  free  copies  of the
semi-annual  and annual  reports and the SAI,  request other  information or get
answers to your questions about the funds by writing, calling, or e-mailing:

    Wright Investors' Service Distributors, Inc.
    440 Wheelers Farms Road
    Milford, CT 06460
    (800) 888-9471

Copies of documents  and  application  forms can be viewed and  downloaded  from
Wright's web site:

Text-only  versions of fund  documents can be viewed  on-line or downloaded
from the SEC's web site at  You can also  obtain  copies by
visiting the SEC's Public  Reference Room in Washington  DC. For  information on
the  operation of the Public  Reference  Room,  call (202)  942-8090.  Copies of
documents  may also be obtained  by sending  your  request  and the  appropriate
duplicating fee to the SEC's Public Reference Section, Washington, DC 20549-0102
or by  electronic  mail  at  Investment  Company  Act  file

     The Wright Managed Equity Trust..........................811-03489
     The Wright Managed Income Trust..........................811-03668

                           WRIGHT CURRENT INCOME FUND
                  (a series of The Wright Managed Income Trust)


                               December 3, 2004

         This Statement of Additional Information is not a prospectus. It should
be read in conjunction  with the related  Prospectus (also dated December 3,
2004),  which  covers  shares of Wright  Current  Income  Fund,  to be issued in
exchange for shares of Wright U.S.  Government  Intermediate Fund. Please retain
this Statement of Additional Information for further reference.

         The  Prospectus  is  available  to you  free  of  charge  (please  call

         FUND HISTORY...................................................2
         MANAGEMENT OF THE FUND.........................................2
         INVESTMENT ADVISORY AND OTHER SERVICES.........................3
         BROKERAGE ALLOCATION AND OTHER PRACTICES.......................3
         CAPITAL STOCK AND OTHER SECURITIES.............................3
         PURCHASE, REDEMPTION AND PRICING OF SHARES.....................3
         TAXATION OF THE FUND...........................................3
         CALCULATION OF PERFORMANCE DATA................................3
         FINANCIAL STATEMENTS...........................................3


         This Statement of Additional  Information is intended to supplement the
information   provided  in  the  Prospectus,   dated  December 3,  2004  (the
"Statement"),  relating to the proposed reorganization of Wright U.S. Government
Intermediate  Fund into Wright Current Income Fund,  each a series of The Wright
Managed Income Trust.


         The following  documents are incorporated  herein by reference,  unless
otherwise  indicated.  Shareholders will receive a copy of each document that is
incorporated  by reference  upon any request to receive a copy of this Statement
of Additional Information.

1.       Statement of additional information of The Wright Managed Income Trust,
         dated May 1, 2004 (the "SAI") (File No. 2-81915), as filed with the
         Securities and Exchange Commission on April 29, 2004 (Accession No.
         0000715165-04-000007), is incorporated herein by reference.

2.       Annual  Report of The Wright  Managed  Income Trust for the fiscal year
         ended  December  31,  2003  (File  No.811-3668),   as  filed  with  the
         Securities  and Exchange  Commission  on March 2, 2004  (Accession  No.
         0000940394-04-000233), is incorporated herein by reference.

4.       Semiannual Report of The Wright Managed Income Trust for the period
         ended June 30, 2004 (the "Semiannual Report") (File No. 811-3668), as
         filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on August 27, 2004
        (Accession No. 0000940394-04-000778), is incorporated herein by

                          ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT
                           WRIGHT CURRENT INCOME FUND


         For additional  information about Wright Current Income Fund generally,
see "Additional Information About the Trusts" in the SAI.


         For   additional   information   about  Wright  Current  Income  Fund's
investment  objective,  policies,  risks and  restrictions,  see "The Fund's and
their  Investment  Policies - The Wright Managed  Income Trust" and  "Investment
Policies and Other Information" in the SAI.


         For additional  information about Wright Current Income Fund's Board of
Trustees and officers, see "Management and Organization" in the SAI.


         For additional information,  see "Control Persons and Principal Holders
of Shares"  "Custodian and Transfer  Agent," and  "Independent  Certified Public
Accountants" in Wright Current Income Fund's SAI.


         For additional information, see "Investment Advisory and Administrative
Services,"  "Custodian and Transfer  Agent," and  "Independent  Certified Public
Accountants" in Wright Current Income Fund's SAI.


         For  additional  information  about the Wright  Current  Income  Fund's
brokerage allocation practices, see "Brokerage Allocation" in the SAI.


         For   additional   information   about  the  voting  rights  and  other
characteristics of shares of beneficial  interest of Wright Current Income Fund,
see "Pricing of Shares" in the SAI.


         For additional  information  about purchase,  redemption and pricing of
shares of Wright Current Income Fund, see "Pricing of Shares" in the SAI.


         For additional  information  about tax matters related to an investment
in Wright Current Income Fund, see "Taxes" in the SAI.


         For  additional  information  about the Wright  Current  Income  Fund's
principal  underwriter and distribution  plans, see "Principal  Underwriter" and
"Service Plans" in the SAI.


         For additional  information about the investment  performance of Wright
Current Income Fund, see "Investment Results" in the SAI.


         For additional  information,  see "Financial Statements" in the SAI and
the Semiannual Report.

                                     PART C

                                OTHER INFORMATION

                         THE WRIGHT MANAGED INCOME TRUST


No change from the  information  set forth in Item 25 of the most recently filed
Registration  Statement of The Wright Managed Income Trust (the "Registrant") on
Form N-1A under the  Securities  Act of 1933 and the  Investment  Company Act of
1940 (File Nos. 2-81915 and 811-03668) as filed with the Securities and Exchange
Commission  on  April  29,  2004  (Accession  No.  0000715165-04-000007),  which
information is incorporated herein by reference.


(1)(a)         Amended and  Restated  Declaration  of Trust dated April 28, 1997
               filed as Exhibit  (1) to  Post-Effective  Amendment  No.22 to the
               Registrant's  Registration Statement on Form N-1A filed April 29,
               1997 and incorporated herein by reference.

(1)(b)         Amended  Establishment  and  Designation of Series dated June 12,
               2003 filed as Exhibit (a)(3) to  Post-Effective  Amendment No. 33
               to the  Registrant's  Registration  Statement  on Form N-1A filed
               April 29, 2004 and incorporated herein by reference.

(2)            Amended and Restated By-Laws dated March 18, 1997 filed as
               Exhibit(2) to Post-Effective Amendment No.22 to the Registrant's
               Registration Statement on Form N-1A filed April 29, 1997 and
               incorporated herein by reference.

(3)            Not applicable.

(4)            Form of Agreement and Plan of Reorganization filed herewith as
               Exhibit A to the Prospectus included as Part A of this
               Registration Statement.

(5)            Reference is made to Exhibits (1) and (2) hereof

(6)(a)         Investment Advisory Contract dated September 23, 1998 with Wright
               Investors' Service, Inc., on behalf of Wright U.S.Treasury Money
               Market Fund, filed as Exhibit(d)(1) to Post-Effective Amendment
               No. 24 to the Registrant's Registration Statement on Form N-1A
               filed February 24, 1999 and incorporated herein by reference.

(6)(b)         Investment Advisory Contract dated September 1, 2000 with Wrigh
               Investors' Service, Inc.,on behalf of: Wright U.S. Treasury Fund,
               Wright U.S.  Government Near Term Fund, Wright Total Return Bond
               Fund and Wright Current Income Fund, filed as Exhibit (d)(2) to
               Post-Effective Amendment No. 28 to the Registrant's Registration
               Statement on Form N-1A filed February 28, 2001 and incorporated
               herein by reference.

(7)            Distribution Contract with MFBT Corporation dated December 19,
               1984 filed as Exhibit (6) to Post-Effective Amendment No. 20 to
               the Registrant's Registration Statement on Form N-1A
               filed February 29, 1996 and incorporated herein by reference.

(8)            Not applicable.

(9)            Custodian  Agreement  with  Investors  Bank & Trust Company dated
               December  19,  1990  filed as  Exhibit  (8)(a) to  Post-Effective
               Amendment No. 20 to the  Registrant's  Registration  Statement on
               Form N-1A filed  February  29, 1996 and  incorporated  herein by

(9)(b)         Amendment dated September 20, 1995 to Master Custodian  Agreement
               filed as Exhibit (8)(b) to Post-Effective Amendment No. 20 to the
               Registrant's  Registration  Statement on Form N-1A filed February
               29, 1996 and incorporated herein by reference.

(9)(c)         Amendment dated September 24, 1997 to Master Custodian  Agreement
               filed as Exhibit (g)(3) to Post-Effective Amendment No. 24 to the
               Registrant's  Registration  Statement on Form N-1A filed February
               24, 1999 and incorporated herein by reference.

(9)(d)         Extension  Agreement  dated  January  9,  2001  to the  Custodian
               Agreement  with Investors Bank & Trust Company dated December 19,
               1990 filed as Exhibit (g)(4) to  Post-Effective  Amendment No. 28
               to the  Registrant's  Registration  Statement  on Form N-1A filed
               February 28, 2001 and incorporated herein by reference.

(9)(e)         Amendment   Agreement  dated  June  16,  2003  to  the  Custodian
               Agreement  with Investors Bank & Trust Company dated December 19,
               1990 filed as Exhibit (g)(5) to  Post-Effective  Amendment No. 33
               to the  Registrant's  Registration  Statement  on Form N-1A filed
               April 29, 2004 and incorporated herein by reference.

(10)(a)        Rule 18f-3 Plan dated May 1, 1997 for Standard and  Institutional
               Shares filed as Exhibit (18) to  Post-Effective  Amendment No. 22
               to the  Registrant's  Registration  Statement  on Form N-1A filed
               April 29, 1997 and incorporated herein by reference.

(10)(b)        Standard  Shares  Distribution  Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under
               the  Investment  Company  Act of 1940  dated May 1, 1997 filed as
               Exhibit  (15)(c)  to  Post-Effective  Amendment  No.  22  to  the
               Registrant's  Registration Statement on Form N-1A filed April 29,
               1997 and incorporated herein by reference.

(11)           Opinion of Counsel (legality of securities being offered) filed
               herewith as Exhibit (11).

(12)           Form of opinion as to tax matters and consent filed herewith as
               Exhibit (12).

(13)(a)        Transfer  Agency  and  Services  Agreement  dated  June 14,  2002
               between the Registrant and Forum Shareholder Services, LLC, filed
               as  Exhibit  (h)(1)  to  Post-Effective  Amendment  No. 31 to the
               Registrant's  Registration Statement on Form N-1A filed April 29,
               2002 and incorporated herein by reference.

(13)(b)        Service Plan dated May 1, 1997 filed as Exhibit (9)(c) to Post-
               Effective Amendment No. 22 to the Registrant's Registration
               Statement on Form N-1A filed April 29, 1997 and
               incorporated herein by reference.

(13)(c)        Amended and Restated  Administration  Agreement  with Eaton Vance
               Management  dated February 1, 1998 filed as Exhibit  (5)(b)(1) to
               Post-Effective Amendment No. 23 to the Registrant's  Registration
               Statement  on Form N-1A  filed  April 29,  1998 and  incorporated
               herein by reference.

(13)(d)        Amendment   dated   June  6,  2000  to   Amended   and   Restated
               Administration   Agreement  with  Eaton  Vance  Management  dated
               February  1,  1998  filed as  Exhibit  (d)(4)  to  Post-Effective
               Amendment No. 28 to the  Registrant's  Registration  Statement on
               Form  N-1A on  February  28,  2001  and  incorporated  herein  by

(13)(e)        Amendment  dated  December  20,  2002  to  Amended  and  Restated
               Administration   Agreement  with  Eaton  Vance  Management  dated
               February  1,  1998,  filed as  Exhibit  (d)(5) to  Post-Effective
               Amendment No. 32 to the  Registrant's  Registration  Statement on
               Form N-1A on April 28, 2003 and incorporated herein by reference.

(14)           Consent of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm filed
               herewith as Exhibit (14).

(15)           Not applicable

(16)           Power of Attorney filed herewith as Exhibit (16).

(17)(a)        Code of Ethics filed as Exhibit (q) to Post-Effective Amendment
               No. 27 to the Registrant's Registration Statement on Form N-1A
               on April 28, 2000 and incorporated herein by reference.


(1) The undersigned Registrant agrees that prior to any public reoffering of the
securities  registered  through  the use of a  prospectus  which is part of this
Registration  Statement  by  any  person  or  party  which  is  deemed  to be an
underwriter within the meaning of Rule 145(c) of the Securities Act of 1933, the
reoffering  prospectus will contain the information called for by the applicable
registration form for the reofferings by persons who may be deemed underwriters,
in addition to the  information  called for by the other items of the applicable

(2) The undersigned  Registrant agrees that every prospectus that is filed under
paragraph  (1) above will be filed as part of an amendment  to the  Registration
Statement and will not be used until the  amendment is  effective,  and that, in
determining any liability under the Securities Act of 1933, each  post-effective
amendment shall be deemed to be a new registration  statement for the securities
offered therein, and the offering of the securities at that time shall be deemed
to be the initial bona fide offering of them.


         Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended,
this  Registration  Statement  on Form  N-14 has been  signed  on  behalf of the
Registrant, in the City of Milford and the State of Connecticut, on the 3rd day
of November, 2004.

                                            The Wright Managed Income Trust

                                            By: /s/ Peter M. Donovan
                                                    Peter M. Donovan

         Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Act of  1933,  this
Registration  Statement  has been signed below by the  following  persons in the
capacities and on the dates indicated.


             Signature                              Title                                Date

/s/ Peter M. Donovan                  President, Principal Executive           November 3, 2004
- ---------------------------           Officer and Trustee
Peter M. Donovan

James L. O'Connor        *            Treasurer, Principal Financial
- ---------------------------           and Accounting Officer
James L. O'Connor

H. Day Brigham, Jr.      *
- -----------------------               Trustee
H. Day Brigham, Jr.

- ----------------------                Trustee
James J. Clarke

Dorcas R. Hardy          *
- ----------------------                Trustee
Dorcas R. Hardy

Leland Miles             *
- --------------------                  Trustee
Leland Miles

A. M. Moody III          *
- --------------------                  Trustee
A. M. Moody III

Richard E. Taber         *
- --------------------                  Trustee
Richard E. Taber

*  By:   /s/ Peter M. Donovan                                                  November 3, 2004
         Peter M. Donovan, Attorney-in-Fact

                                  Exhibit Index

The following exhibits are filed as part of this Registration Statement:

Exhibit No.       Description

(12)              Form of Opinion as to Tax Matters and Consent

(14)              Consent of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

(16)              Power of Attorney