As filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on February 26, 1997.

                                  SCHEDULE 14A
                                 (Rule 14a-101)


                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

                    Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a)
           of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No. ___)

Filed by the registrant                     [x]
Filed by a party other than the registrant   []

Check the appropriate box:

        [x]  Preliminary proxy statement
        []   Definitive additional materials
        []   Definitive additional materials
        []   Soliciting material pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12

                         THE WRIGHT MANAGED INCOME TRUST
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

                         THE WRIGHT MANAGED INCOME TRUST
                   (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement)

Payment of filing fee (check the appropriate box):

 [x]  No filing fee is required.

Wright Investors' Service Distributors, Inc.
Wright International Financial Center
Bridgeport, CT  06604-4720

                         THE WRIGHT MANAGED INCOME TRUST

                            Wright U.S. Treasury Fund
                       Wright U.S. Treasury Near Term Fund
                          Wright Total Return Bond Fund
                           Wright Current Income Fund
                     Wright U.S. Treasury Money Market Fund

Dear Fellow Shareholder:

I am writing to let you know that a special meeting of your Fund's  shareholders
will be held in April to vote on several  important  proposals  that affect your
fund and your  investment in it. As a shareholder,  you have the  opportunity to
voice your opinion on these matters. This package contains information about the
proposals and the materials to use when voting by mail.

Please take a few minutes to read the enclosed  materials  and cast your vote on
the proxy card(s) enclosed in the package. Please vote promptly. It is extremely
important, no matter how may shares you own.

This is an  opportunity  to voice your opinion on matters that affect your fund.
Voting  promptly helps save money.  If we do not receive  enough votes,  we must
resolicit shareholders in an attempt to increase voter participation.  This is a
costly  process  paid  for by  your  fund  and,  ultimately,  by you.  For  your
convenience, we have enclosed a postage-paid envelope.

All of the  proposals  for approval  have been  reviewed by your fund's Board of
Trustees,  whose primary role is to protect your interests as a shareholder.  In
the  Trustees'  judgement,  the  proposals  are  fair  and  reasonable  and they
recommend that you vote in favor of each proposal.

Proposals 1 and 2. The primary  purpose of these proposals is to permit the fund
to pool its assets with other mutual funds in an investment structure called the
master-feeder  fund  structure.  Pooling of assets is expected to give your fund
more  opportunity  for  decreased  operating  expenses  and  greater  investment

Proposal 3. This  proposal  will  permit your  Trustees to amend and restate the
Trust's governing document.  This will allow the Trustees greater flexibility in
managing  the day to day  affairs  of the Trust and  reduce  the need for future
shareholder  meetings which can be costly to your fund. The amended and restated
declaration  of trust will also  authorize  the  Trustees to adopt the  multiple
class distribution system for the Trust.

Proposal 4. If shareholders  approve this Proposal,  your fund's Rule 12b-1 plan
will be amended to permit the fund to pay the Trust's distributor a fee of 0.25%
of the fund's  average  annual net assets.  The fee is currently set at 0.20% of
such  assets.  The  Trustees  believe  that  the  change  in  the  rate  of  the
distribution  fee is likely to result in higher levels of sales and lower levels
of redemption of your fund's  shares.  This means that the fund will achieve net
positive cash flow

and increase the likelihood of gain in the fund's asset size. This Proposal
does not apply to the Wright U.S.  Treasury  Money Market Fund. 

Proposal 5 will permit  revision of the fund's  investment  restrictions to
conform them to the current  requirements of the Investment Company Act and more
modern industry practice.

Proposal 6 is to elect the  Trustees to the Board of Trustees to  supervise  the
Trust's  activities  and review  contractual  arrangements  with  companies that
provide the Trust with services.  Each nominee except [name] currently serves as
a Trustee for all the Wright funds.

Proposal 7 is to ratify the  selection  of  Deloitte & Touche LLP as the Trust's
independent public accountants for the current fiscal year.

Voting by mail is quick and easy.  Everything you need is enclosed.

I encourage  you to exercise  your right as a  shareholder  in the fund and vote
promptly.  To cast your vote, simply complete the proxy card(s) enclosed in this
package. Be sure to sign the card(s) before mailing in the postage-paid envelope

If you have any questions before you vote, please call us at 1-800-888-9471.  We
will  be glad  to  help  you get  your  vote  in  quickly.  Thank  you for  your
participation in this important initiative for your fund.


                                                              Peter M. Donovan


                         THE WRIGHT MANAGED EQUITY TRUST 

                     Wright Selected Blue Chip Equities Fund
                      Wright Junior Blue Chip Equities Fund
                        Wright Quality Core Equities Fund
                  Wright International Blue Chip Equities Fund

                         THE WRIGHT MANAGED INCOME TRUST 

                            Wright U.S. Treasury Fund
                       Wright U.S. Treasury Near Term Fund
                          Wright Total Return Bond Fund
                           Wright Current Income Fund
                     Wright U.S. Treasury Money Market Fund

                                24 Federal Street
                           Boston, Massachusetts 02110

                   Notice of Special Meetings of Shareholders
                            To Be Held April 15, 1997

         Special  Meetings of  Shareholders  of the series  (each,  a "Fund" and
together,  the "Funds") of The Wright Managed Equity Trust (the "Equity  Trust")
and The Wright  Managed  Income Trust (the "Income  Trust" and together with the
Equity Trust, the "Trusts") will be held at the principal offices of the Trusts,
24 Federal Street,  Boston,  Massachusetts,  02110,  on Tuesday,  April 15, 1997
commencing at 10:00 a.m.  (Boston time).  The Special  Meetings of the Funds are
expected to be held concurrently and are referred to together as the "meeting."

         The meeting is being held for the following purposes:

         1.       To consider and act upon a proposal to adopt a new  investment
                  policy to authorize  each Fund to invest all of its investable
                  assets in a  corresponding  series of an  open-end  management
                  investment company (each, a "Portfolio") having  substantially
                  the same investment  objective,  policies and  restrictions as
                  the Fund, and to adopt a supplemental  investment  restriction
                  to permit such investment;

         2.       To consider and act upon proposals to authorize each Trust, on
                  behalf  of  its   respective   Funds  that  are  investing  in
                  corresponding  Portfolios,  to vote as a holder of interest in
                  the Wright Blue Chip Master  Portfolio  Trust (the  "Portfolio
                  Trust") to (a) elect  Trustees  of the  Portfolio  Trust;  (b)
                  ratify  the  selection  of  Deloitte  &  Touche,  LLP  as  the
                  independent accountant of the Portfolio Trust; and (c) approve
                  the investment advisory agreement between the Portfolio Trust,
                  on  behalf  of  each  corresponding   Portfolio,   and  Wright
                  Investors' Service, Inc.

         3.       To consider and act upon a proposal to authorize  the Trustees
                  to adopt  an  Amended  and  Restated  Declaration  of Trust on
                  behalf of each Trust,  which will, among other things,  permit
                  the establishment of multiple classes of shares of the Funds.

         4.       To consider and act upon a proposal to approve an amendment
                  to each Fund's Rule 12b-1 distribution plan to set the
                  distribution fee payable under the plan at 0.25% the Fund's
                  average daily net asset value attributable to the Fund's 
                  existing shares. THIS PROPOSAL DOES NOT AFFECT WRIGHT U.S.

         5.       To consider and act upon a proposal to amend or eliminate
                  certain of each Fund's fundamental investment restrictions.

         6.       To consider and act upon a proposal to elect Trustees for each
                  Trust to hold office until their  respective  successors  have
                  been duly elected and qualified.

         7.       To consider and act upon a proposal to ratify the Trustees'
                  selection of Deloitte & Touche, LLP as the independent
                  auditors of each Trust.

         8.       To  consider  and  act  upon  any  matters  incidental  to the
                  foregoing  purposes and any other  matters  which may properly
                  come before the meeting or any adjourned session thereof.

         These  Proposals  are discussed in greater  detail in the  accompanying
Proxy Statement.

         The  meeting  is called  pursuant  to the  By-Laws of each  Trust.  The
Trustees  have fixed the close of business  on  February  21, 1997 as the record
date for the  determination  of the shareholders of each Fund entitled to notice
of and to vote at the meeting and any adjournment thereof.

                                        By Order of the Boards of Trustees

                                        H. Day Brigham, Jr., Secretary

March  , 1997




                         THE WRIGHT MANAGED EQUITY TRUST
                              (the "Equity Trust")

                     Wright Selected Blue Chip Equities Fund
                      Wright Junior Blue Chip Equities Fund
                        Wright Quality Core Equities Fund
                  Wright International Blue Chip Equities Fund

                         THE WRIGHT MANAGED INCOME TRUST
                              (the "Income Trust")

                            Wright U.S. Treasury Fund
                       Wright U.S. Treasury Near Term Fund
                          Wright Total Return Bond Fund
                           Wright Current Income Fund
                     Wright U.S. Treasury Money Market Fund

                           (collectively, the "Funds")

                                 PROXY STATEMENT 

                      For Special Meetings of Shareholders 

         A proxy is enclosed with the foregoing  Notice of the Special  Meetings
of the Shareholders of the Funds, to be held on Tuesday, April 15, 1997, for the
benefit of  shareholders  who do not expect to be present at the  meeting.  This
proxy is  solicited  on behalf of the Board of Trustees  of each  Trust,  and is
revocable  by the  person  giving it at any time prior to  exercise  by a signed
writing filed with the Funds'  transfer  agent,  First Data Investors  Services'
Group, P.O. Box 5153, Westborough,  Massachusetts  01551-5123,  by executing and
delivering  a later dated proxy,  or by attending  the meeting and voting his or
her shares in person. Each shareholder may specify the manner in which he or she
desires the proxy to be voted upon the matters  referred to in the proxy; in the
absence of such  specification,  the proxy will  authorize  the persons named as
attorneys,  or any of them,  to vote in favor of each such  matter.  This  proxy
material is first being mailed to shareholders on or about March , 1997.

         The Trustees  have fixed the close of business on February 21, 1997, as
the record  date  ("Record  Date")  for the  determination  of the  shareholders
entitled to notice of and to vote at the meeting and any adjournment(s) thereof.
Shareholders at the close of business on the Record Date will be entitled to one
vote for each full share held and to a proportionate  share of one vote for each
fractional  share held. The number of shares of beneficial  interest  (excluding
fractions  thereof) of each Fund  outstanding as of the Record Date is set forth

         The persons who held of record more than 5% of the  outstanding  shares
of a Fund as of the Record Date are set forth in EXHIBIT B. To the  knowledge of
each Trust, no other person owns (of record or beneficially) more than 5% of the
outstanding shares of a Fund.

         Although each Trust is participating separately in the meeting, proxies
are  being  solicited   through  the  use  of  this  combined  Proxy  Statement.
Shareholders  of Funds that are series of the same Trust will vote separately as
to those Proposals which uniquely affect their  respective Funds and together on
those Proposals that affect the Trust as a whole.  Voting by shareholders of one
Fund or Trust will not affect voting by shareholders of another Fund or Trust.


       Shareholders  of the Funds are being  asked to vote on the  Proposals as

      Proposal         Shareholders Entitled to Vote on Proposal

       1.              For each Trust:            Each Fund voting separately.
       2(a).           For Equity Trust:          Each of Wright Selected Blue
                                                  Chip Equities Fund, Wright
                                                  Junior Blue Chip Equities Fund
                                                  and Wright  International Blue
                                                  Chip   Equities   Fund  voting

                       For Income Trust:          Each of Wright U.S. Treasury
                                                  Fund, Wright U.S. Treasury
                                                  Near Term Fund and Wright
                                                  Current Income Fund
                                                  voting separately.

       2(b).           For Equity Trust:          Each of Wright Selected Blue
                                                  Chip Equities Fund, Wright
                                                  Junior Blue Chip Equities Fund
                                                  and Wright  International Blue
                                                  Chip   Equities   Fund  voting

                       For Income Trust:          Each of Wright U.S. Treasury
                                                  Fund, Wright U.S. Treasury
                                                  Near Term Fund and Wright
                                                  Current Income Fund
                                                  voting separately.

       2(c).           For Equity Trust:          Each of Wright Selected Blue
                                                  Chip Equities Fund, Wright
                                                  Junior Blue Chip Equities Fund
                                                  and Wright  International Blue
                                                  Chip   Equities   Fund  voting

                       For Income Trust:          Each of Wright U.S. Treasury
                                                  Fund, Wright U.S. Treasury
                                                  Near Term Fund and Wright 
                                                  Current Income Fund
                                                  voting separately.

       3.              For each Trust:            All Funds voting together.

       4.              For Equity Trust:          Each Fund voting separately.

                       For Income Trust:          Each Fund (except Wright U.S.
                                                  Treasury Money Market Fund)
                                                  voting separately.
       5(a).           For each Trust:            Each Fund voting separately.
       5(b).           For each Trust:            Each Fund voting separately.
       5(c).           For each Trust:            Each Fund voting separately.
       5(d).           For each Trust:            Each Fund voting separately.
       5(e).           For each Trust:            Each Fund voting separately.
       5(f).           For each Trust:            Each Fund voting separately.
       5(g).           For each Trust:            Each Fund voting separately.
       5(h).           For each Trust:            Each Fund voting separately.
       5(i).           For each Trust:            Each Fund voting separately.
       5(j).           For each Trust:            Each Fund voting separately.
       6.              For each Trust:            All Funds voting together.
       7.              For each Trust:            All Funds voting together.

         The Trustees know of no matter other than those  mentioned in Proposals
1 through 8 of the Notice which will be  presented at the meeting.  If any other
matter is properly presented at the meeting,  it is the intention of the persons
named as proxies in the enclosed  proxy to vote the proxies in  accordance  with
their judgment in regard to such matter.



                                   PROPOSAL 1.


         SUMMARY.  The  Trustees  have  approved,  and  are  submitting  to  the
shareholders of each Fund for approval,  the adoption of a new investment policy
for each  Fund to  permit  each  Fund to  invest  all of its  investable  assets
("Investable  Assets")  in the  corresponding  series (the  "Portfolio")  of The
Wright Blue Chip Master Trust (the "Portfolio Trust").  Each Portfolio will have
substantially  the same investment  objective,  policies and restrictions as its
corresponding  Fund. The adoption of the new  investment  policy by each Fund is
subject to approval by that Fund's shareholders. If this Proposal is approved by
a Fund's  shareholders,  the Trustees  will be  authorized to invest that Fund's
Investable Assets in the corresponding Portfolio, thereby converting the Fund to
the master-feeder fund structure.
 The Trustees  recommend that shareholders of each Fund vote to approve Proposal
1. The  Trustees  believe that a Fund's  conversion  to the  master-feeder  fund
structure may be advantageous to the shareholders of a Fund in several respects.
Please see  "Recommendation  of the Board of Trustees" below for a discussion of
the Trustees' recommendation.

         NEW INVESTMENT  POLICY. The Trustees recommend that the shareholders of
each Fund approve the adoption of a new investment  policy for that Fund,  i.e.,
to  authorize  the  investment  of all of the  Fund's  Investable  Assets in the
corresponding  Portfolio.  Each Portfolio is a series of the Portfolio  Trust, a
newly formed trust to be registered as an open-end management investment company
under the  Investment  Company Act of 1940,  as amended (the "1940  Act").  Each
Portfolio  has  substantially  the  same  investment  objective,   policies  and
restrictions  as the  corresponding  Fund.  Each Fund would seek its  investment
objective  by  investing  in the  corresponding  Portfolio,  rather than through
direct  investments  in  securities.  The  Portfolio  in turn  would  invest  in
securities  in  accordance   with  its   investment   objective,   policies  and
restrictions.  Interests  in the  Portfolios  are  not  available  for  purchase
directly by members of the general public.

         Each  Fund  will  convert  to  the  master-feeder   fund  structure  by
exchanging all of its Investable Assets (securities and cash) as well as certain
other  assets  (including  receivables  for  securities  sold  and  interest  on
securities)  for an  interest  in the  corresponding  Portfolio.  The value of a
shareholder's investment in a Fund will be the same immediately after the Fund's
investment in the corresponding Portfolio as immediately before that investment.
Of course,  the value of a  shareholder's  investment  in the Fund may fluctuate

         THE  INVESTMENT  ADVISER AND  ADMINISTRATOR.  The Winthrop  Corporation
("Winthrop")  is  currently  the  investment  adviser to each Fund  pursuant  to
investment advisory contracts (the "Existing Advisory  Agreements") between each
Trust,  on behalf of its Funds,  and Winthrop.  Pursuant to a service  agreement
between Winthrop and its wholly-owned  subsidiary,  Wright  Investors'  Service,
Inc.  ("Wright),  Wright,  acting under the general supervision of the Trustees,
furnishes each Fund with investment  advice and management  services.  Under the
Existing  Advisory  Agreements,  each Trust pays  advisory fees on behalf of its
Funds to Winthrop as set forth in the table on page __ of this Proxy  Statement.
To  the  extent  that a  Fund  invests  all  of  its  Investable  Assets  in the
corresponding  Portfolio,  the Fund would no longer directly require  investment
advisory  services.  For this reason,  if  shareholders  of a Fund adopt the new
investment  policy  described in this  Proposal and the Trustees  authorize  the
conversion of that Fund to the  master-feeder  fund structure,  Winthrop will no
longer  receive  advisory fee payments under the  applicable  Existing  Advisory
Agreement. However, the Existing Advisory Agreement will remain in effect.

         The Portfolio  Trust will enter into an investment  advisory  agreement
with Wright on behalf of the  Portfolios  (the  "Proposed  Advisory  Agreement")
pursuant to which Wright will provide investment advice and management  services

to each  Portfolio.  For its  services  under the Proposed  Advisory  Agreement,
Wright will be paid an advisory fee equal to and  calculated  in the same manner
as the  advisory fee  currently  being paid  pursuant to the  Existing  Advisory
Agreement as set forth in the table on page of this Proxy Statement. No increase
in the schedule of advisory fee rates is  proposed.  Each Fund will,  therefore,
indirectly  bear  its  proportionate  share  of the  advisory  fees  paid by the
corresponding  Portfolio  pursuant  to  the  Proposed  Advisory  Agreement.  For
information  about Wright and the identity of its directors,  see the discussion
under Proposal 2(c) of this Proxy Statement.

         Upon the  exchange  of its  Investable  Assets for an  interest  in the
corresponding  Portfolio,  each Trust, on behalf of its Funds,  will continue to
retain  the  services  of  Eaton  Vance   Management   ("Eaton   Vance")   under
administration   agreements  (the   "Administration   Agreements").   Under  the
Administration Agreements,  Eaton Vance supervises the overall administration of
each Fund. Eaton Vance's services include recordkeeping,  preparation and filing
of  documents  required  to comply with  federal and (to the extent  applicable)
state securities laws,  supervising the activities of the custodian and transfer
agent,  providing  assistance in connection with the Trustees' and shareholders'
meetings  and other  administrative  services  necessary  to conduct each Fund's
business.  Eaton  Vance  does not  provide  investment  management  or  advisory
services  to the Funds.  For its  services to the Funds,  Eaton  Vance  receives
monthly  administration  fees at the annual  rates (as a  percentage  of average
daily net assets) set forth in the table below.  If Proposal 1 is approved,  the
administration  fee for  each  Fund  would  be  based  upon  the  assets  of the
corresponding Portfolio attributable to the Fund. Accordingly, the Fund's actual
administration  fee paid  would not  change.  The  Trustees  of the  Trusts  may
determine in the future to alter, by increasing or decreasing,  the compensation
of Eaton Vance for its services under the Administration  Agreement, but have no
current intention to do so.

                         ANNUAL % ADMINISTRATION FEE RATES

                           Under      $100 Mil. to   $250 Mil. to       Over
                         $100 Mil.     $250 Mil.     $500 Mil.       $500 Mil.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Wright Managed Equity Trust
                           0.20%       0.06%        0.03%            0.02%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Wright Managed Income Trust
                           0.10%       0.04%        0.03%            0.02%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Wright U.S. Treasury Money Market Fund
                          0.07%       0.03%        0.03%            0.02%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         COMPARATIVE  EXPENSES.  The Table of Comparative  Expenses set forth on
EXHIBIT C to this Proxy Statement shows the actual expenses of each Fund for the
fiscal year ended December 31, 1996, and a pro forma adjustment thereof assuming
that each Fund had invested all of its  Investable  Assets in the  Portfolio for
the entire period then ended.  The pro forma  adjustment  includes the estimated
costs of converting a Fund to the master-feeder fund structure and the estimated
costs of this proxy  solicitation ($ ). The pro forma  adjustment  assumes that:
(i) there were no holders of interests in the corresponding Portfolio other than
the Fund;  and (ii) the average  daily net assets of the Fund and the  Portfolio
were equal to the actual average daily net assets of the Fund during the period.

         Wright  has  voluntarily  agreed to limit the  master-feeder  aggregate
annual  operating  expenses  of  each  Fund  and  the  corresponding   Portfolio
(excluding  brokerage  commissions,  taxes and  extraordinary  expenses)  to the

expense  limits  in  effect  as of the  date of each  Fund's  conversion  to the
master-feeder  fund structure.  Wright may discontinue or modify such limitation
in the future at its discretion, although it has no current intention to do so.

         If a Fund is  converted to the  master-feeder  fund  structure,  actual
Total  Operating  Expenses  to be  incurred  may vary from the pro  forma  Total
Operating Expenses indicated on the Table of Comparative Expenses due to changes
in a Fund's  expenses  and net asset  value  between  December  31, 1996 and the
conversion  date.  Assuming  that the Fund was the only holder of an interest in
the corresponding  Portfolio and that the Fund was fully invested  therein,  the
net asset value per share, distributions per share and net investment income per
share of the Fund would have been approximately the same on a pro forma basis as
the actual net asset value, distributions and net investment income per share of
the Fund during the period indicated on the Table of Comparative Expenses.

         TAX CONSIDERATIONS. Each Trust will obtain an opinion of counsel to the
effect that its contribution of a Fund's  Investable Assets to the corresponding
Portfolio  in exchange for an interest in the  Portfolio  will not result in the
recognition  of gain or  loss to the  Fund  for  federal  income  tax  purposes.
Management of each Trust  currently  intends to proceed with the transfers  only
upon the  availability  of an opinion of tax counsel.  There can be no assurance
that such an opinion will be available.

         As a separate  regulated  investment company under the Internal Revenue
Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"),  each Fund does not pay federal income or
excise  taxes  to the  extent  that  it  distributes  to  shareholders  its  net
investment  income and net realized  capital gains in accordance with the timing
and other  requirements  imposed by the Code. Under current law, as long as each
Fund  qualifies  as a  regulated  investment  company  for  federal  income  tax
purposes, the Funds are not liable for any income, corporate excise or franchise
taxes in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Each Portfolio will be organized and
intends  to conduct  its  operations  in a manner  such that it also will not be
required to pay any federal or Massachusetts income or excise taxes.

          DESCRIPTION OF THE PORTFOLIO TRUST.  Each Portfolio is a series of the
Portfolio  Trust,  a  master  trust  fund  organized  under  New York  law.  The
investment  objective of each Portfolio is the same as the investment  objective
of the  corresponding  Fund.  Each  Portfolio  seeks to achieve  its  investment
objective  through  investments  limited to the types of securities in which the
corresponding  Fund is authorized to invest.  The  investment  restrictions  and
policies of each  Portfolio  are such that each  Portfolio may not invest in any
security  or engage in any  transaction  which  would  not be  permitted  by the
investment  restrictions and policies of the corresponding Fund if the Fund were
to invest directly in such a security or engage directly in such a transaction.

     The investment  objectives of each Portfolio and its corresponding Fund are
not fundamental policies.  The approval of each Portfolio's investors (i.e., the
corresponding  Fund and other holders of interests in each  Portfolio)  would be
required to change any of the fundamental  investment  policies or restrictions;
however, any change in nonfundamental  investment policies or restrictions would
not require such  approval.  If a Portfolio  proposed to change  materially  its
investment objective, the Trustees of the corresponding Fund would either make a
corresponding  change to its investment  objective or withdraw its investment in
the  Portfolio.  Each  Fund  would be able to  withdraw  its  investment  in the
corresponding Portfolios at any time if the Trustees determine that it is in the
best  interests of a Fund to do so (including if the Fund's and the  Portfolio's
investment   objectives  were  not   substantially  the  same).  Upon  any  such
withdrawal,  the Trustees would  consider what action might be taken,  including
investing  all the  Investable  Assets of the  affected  Fund in another  pooled
investment entity having substantially the same investment objective as the Fund
or the retention of an investment  adviser to manage  directly the Fund's assets
in accordance with its investment objective (as is presently the case).

         Like each Fund, the  corresponding  Portfolio  determines its net asset
value on each day on which the New York Stock  Exchange  is open.  The net asset
value is  determined  as of the close of  regular  trading on the New York Stock
Exchange  (currently 4:00 p.m., New York City time).  Each Portfolio's net asset
value is computed by determining the value of the Portfolio's  total assets (the
securities it holds plus any cash or other assets,  including  interest  accrued
but  not yet  received),  and  subtracting  all of the  Portfolio's  liabilities
(including accrued expenses).

         Each Fund's net asset value is  determined  at the same time and on the
same days that the net asset value of the corresponding Portfolio is calculated.
Each Fund's net asset value per share is calculated by determining  the value of
the Fund's assets (e.g., its investment in the  corresponding  Portfolio and any
other assets),  subtracting  all of the Fund's  liabilities  (including  accrued
expenses),  and dividing the result by the total number of shares outstanding at
such time.

         Interests  in the  Portfolio  Trust have no  preemptive  or  conversion
rights, and are fully paid and non-assessable. The Portfolio Trust normally will
not hold meetings of holders of such interests except as required under the 1940
Act. The  Portfolio  Trust would be required to hold a meeting of holders in the
event that at any time less than a majority of its Trustees  holding office have
been elected by holders.  The Trustees of the Portfolio  Trust  continue to hold
office until their successors are elected and have qualified.  Holders holding a
specified  percentage of interests in the Portfolio  Trust may call a meeting of
holders in the  Portfolio  Trust for the  purpose of  removing  any  Trustee.  A
Trustee  of the  Portfolio  Trust may be  removed  upon a  majority  vote of the
interests  held by  holders  in the  Portfolio  Trust  qualified  to vote in the
election.  The 1940 Act  requires the  Portfolio  Trust to assist its holders in
calling such a meeting. Upon liquidation of a Portfolio, holders of interests in
the  Portfolio  would be  entitled  to share  pro rata in the net  assets of the
Portfolio available for distribution to holders.

         Each holder in a Portfolio is entitled to a vote in  proportion  to its
percentage interest in the Portfolio. Except as described below, whenever a Fund
is requested to vote on matters pertaining to the corresponding  Portfolio,  the
Fund  will  hold  a  meeting  of  its  shareholders  and  will  cast  its  votes
proportionately  as  instructed  by Fund  shareholders  that  voted  at the Fund
meeting.  Fund  shareholders who do not vote at the Fund meeting will not affect
the Fund's votes at the Portfolio  meeting.  The  percentage of the Fund's votes
representing  Fund  shareholders not voting will be voted by the Trustees of the
Trust in the same proportion as the Fund shareholders who do, in fact, vote.

         Subject to applicable  statutory and  regulatory  requirements,  a Fund
would not be required to request a vote of its shareholders  with respect to (a)
any proposal relating to the corresponding  Portfolio,  which proposal,  if made
with respect to the Fund,  would not require the vote of the shareholders of the
Fund, or (b) any proposal with respect to the  corresponding  Portfolio  that is
identical  in all  material  respects  to a proposal  that has  previously  been
approved by shareholders  of the Fund. Any proposal  submitted to holders in the
Portfolio  that  is  not  required  to  be  voted  on  by  shareholders  of  the
corresponding Fund would nonetheless be voted on by the Fund and by the Trustees
of the Portfolio Trust.

     Investments  in a  Portfolio  may  not be  transferred,  but a  holder  may
withdraw  all or any portion of its  investment  at any time at net asset value.
Each  holder in a  Portfolio,  including  the  corresponding  Fund,  will not be
individually  liable under the Portfolio  Trust's  declaration  of trust for the
obligations  of the  Portfolio,  but may lose the full amount of its interest in
the Portfolio to the extent the Portfolio's  liabilities  exceed its assets.  In
addition,  it is possible that holders in a Portfolio  might be held  personally
liable as partners for the  Portfolio's  obligations,  notwithstanding  that the
Portfolio  Trust's  declaration of trust disclaims such liability on the part of
any  holder.  However,  because  the  Portfolio  Trust's  declaration  of  trust
disclaims  interest holder  liability and provides for  indemnification  against
such  liability,  the  risk  of an  interest  holder  in a  Portfolio  incurring
financial loss on account of such liability is limited to circumstances in which
both inadequate  insurance  existed and the Portfolio  itself was unable to meet
its  obligations.  Thus, it is unlikely that a Fund

     would experience liability from the new investment structure itself. In any
event,  shareholders  of each Fund will  continue  to remain  shareholders  of a
Massachusetts  business trust, and the risk of shareholders  incurring liability
by reason of being shareholders of a Fund is remote.

         The Portfolio Trust has its own Board of Trustees, including a majority
of Trustees who are not "interested persons" (as defined in the 1940 Act) of the
Portfolio  Trust (the  "Independent  Trustees").  The  nominees  for election as
Trustees  of the  Portfolio  Trust are  identical  to the present  Trustees  and
nominees for election as Trustees of the Trusts and are listed in Proposal  2(a)
of this Proxy Statement. Pursuant to the Portfolio Trust's declaration of trust,
the Trustees  have the power to establish  and alter the number and the terms of
office of the Trustees (subject to certain removal procedures, including vote by
holders of  interests),  to appoint  successor  Trustees and to fill  vacancies,
including vacancies existing by reason of an increase in the number of Trustees,
provided  that always at least a requisite  majority  of the  Trustees  has been
elected by the holders of interests. Generally, meetings of holders of interests
of the Portfolio Trust for the purpose of electing Trustees will not be held.

Trust have approved,  subject to shareholder approval, a supplemental  provision
to be added to the investment  restrictions  of each Fund to permit each Fund to
invest its investable  assets in a corresponding  Portfolio.  Such an investment
might  otherwise be deemed to be prohibited by certain of the Funds'  investment
restrictions.  (See Investment  Restrictions (3), (5) and (7) in EXHIBIT D). The
Trustees  propose  that each Fund  adopt an  additional  fundamental  investment
policy as follows:


Trustees' Evaluation and Recommendation

         The Trustees  recommend that  shareholders of each Fund vote to approve
Proposal 1. The Trustees  believe,  based  primarily on their  discussions  with
Winthrop and Wright,  that the  master-feeder  fund  structure will permit other
collective  investment  vehicles having different  distribution  arrangements to
invest in the Portfolio  Trust.  Since certain of these other vehicles might not
otherwise  invest in the Funds due to tax and other reasons,  additional  assets
should be  attracted  to the  corresponding  Portfolios,  thus  increasing  each
Portfolio's asset base. This anticipated  larger asset base will be advantageous
to the shareholders of the  corresponding  Fund. The following and other factors
were  considered  by the  Board  in  approving  each  Fund's  conversion  to the
master-feeder fund structure.

         First,  because certain  expenses of operating an investment  portfolio
are relatively fixed, those expenses should decline as a percentage of net asset
value as a result of an increased  asset base  following  the  conversion to the
master-feeder fund structure.  Currently,  each Fund bears these expenses alone.
After the  conversion,  these expenses would be borne in whole or in part by the
corresponding  Portfolio and shared pro rata by the Fund and other investors, if
any, in that Portfolio.
         Second, to the extent that each Portfolio will have a larger asset base
than that of the corresponding  Fund, greater  diversification of its investment
portfolio  can be achieved  than is  currently  possible  for the Fund.  Greater
diversification  is  expected  to  benefit  shareholders  of the Fund and  other
investors  in the  corresponding  Portfolio  because it may reduce the  negative
effect which the adverse  performance of any one portfolio  security may have on
the performance of the entire investment portfolio.

         Third,  the larger  anticipated size of each Portfolio would permit the
purchase of  investments in larger  denominations  than the  corresponding  Fund
currently is able to purchase.

         Although  these benefits could be realized by the direct growth of each
Fund's  assets,  the Trustees  believe that growth is more likely to be achieved
through investments in the corresponding  Portfolio by entities in addition to a
Fund. There can,  however,  be no assurance that either an increase in assets of
each  Portfolio  or the  benefits  described  above will be realized and no such
benefits  are  anticipated  until  other  investors  invest  their  assets  in a

         The  Trustees  also  recognized  that  Wright  could  benefit  from the
proposed master-feeder fund structure because this structure could enable Wright
to increase its assets under management  through the development of new vehicles
to attract  investor assets to Wright.  These  additional  investors may include
other investment  companies or advisory accounts advised by Wright. In addition,
this structure could attract corollary  advisory and related fees to Wright with
less economic risk of limited success in early years.

         The Trustees believe that over time the aggregate per share expenses of
each Fund and the  corresponding  Portfolio should not be more than the expenses
that would be incurred by each Fund if it continued to retain the services of an
investment adviser and invested directly in securities, although there can be no
assurance  that  any  expense  savings  will  be  realized.  The  Trustees  also
considered risks associated with an investment in the  corresponding  Portfolio.
The Trustees believe that each Portfolio's  investment policies and restrictions
involve  substantially  the same risks as are associated with the  corresponding
Fund's direct investment in securities.

         In recommending that the shareholders  authorize the conversion of each
Fund to the master-feeder  fund structure,  the Trustees have taken into account
and evaluated the possible  effects that  increased  assets in the Portfolio may
have  on  the  expense  ratio  of  each  Fund  and  Wright's  voluntary  expense
limitation.  After carefully weighing the costs involved against the anticipated
benefits  of  converting  each Fund to the  master-feeder  fund  structure,  the
Trustees recommend that the shareholders of each Fund vote to approve
Proposal 1.

         Based on their  consideration,  analysis  and  evaluation  of the above
factors and other  information  deemed by them to be relevant to this  Proposal,
the Trustees,  including the Independent Trustees,  have concluded that it would
be in the best  interests  of each  Fund and its  shareholders  to  approve  the
adoption and implementation of a new investment policy and the supplement to the
investment  restrictions  to enable  each Fund to invest  all of its  Investable
Assets in a corresponding Portfolio.

     To  the  extent  required  by  applicable  law or  the  respective  Trust's
Declaration of Trust,  the approval by Fund  shareholders  of this Proposal will
authorize the Trustees of each Trust to implement each Fund's  conversion to the
master-feeder fund structure.  If this Proposal is approved by the shareholders,
and the Trustees are satisfied  with certain tax matters  discussed  above,  the
Trustees  intend to convert  Wright  Selected  Blue Chip Equities  Fund,  Wright
Junior Blue Chip Equities Fund,  Wright  International  Blue Chip Equities Fund,
Wright U.S.  Treasury  Fund,  Wright U.S.  Treasury  Near Term Fund,  and Wright
Current Income Fund (the "Feeder Funds") to the master-feeder  fund structure on
or about  the close of  business  on April 30,  1997 or such  later  date as the
Trustees may  approve.  The  Trustees  have no current  intention to convert the
other Funds (the "non-Feeder  Funds") to the master-feeder fund structure at the
present time. The Trustees  believe that there is a reasonable  expectation that
at least one other entity will invest with the Feeder Funds in the corresponding
Portfolios,  thereby  increasing  the  likelihood  that the  Feeder  Funds  will
experience  the  economic  benefits  of  conversion  to the  master-feeder  fund
structure.  The  Trustees  have  no  present  expectation  with  respect  to the
non-Feeder Funds, and for this reason,  do not recommend  conversion of the non-
Feeder Funds at this time.  Shareholder approval of

     this Proposal will authorize the Trustees to undertake such a conversion at
some other future date whether or not another  entity is expected to invest with
a non-Feeder Fund in a corresponding  Portfolio.  If the Trustees  authorize the
conversion  of  any  non-Feeder  Fund  at  a  future  date,   Wright  will  give
shareholders of the Fund 30 days' written notice of the proposed conversion.

Required Vote

         Approval  by the  shareholders  of a Fund of  Proposal 1  requires  the
affirmative  "vote of a majority  of the  outstanding  voting  securities"  (the
"Majority  Shareholder  Vote") of that Fund. Under the 1940 Act, this means that
to  be  approved,  the  Proposal  as it  relates  to a  Fund  must  receive  the
affirmative  vote of the lesser of (a) 67% of the shares of that Fund present at
the  meeting if the holders of more than 50% of the  outstanding  shares of that
Fund are present or represented by proxy at the meeting, or (b) more than 50% of
the  outstanding  shares of that Fund. In the event the  shareholders  of one or
more of the Funds fail to approve this Proposal, Winthrop would continue to act,
and receive  compensation for acting,  as the investment  adviser for that Fund,
which would continue to invest directly in securities.


                     PROPOSALS 2(a), 2(b) and 2(c)


         Shareholders  of the  Feeder  Funds are being  asked to vote on certain
matters  because the  Portfolio  Trust is  expected  to ask the Feeder  Funds as
initial  interest  holders  in the  corresponding  Portfolios  to  vote  on such
matters. Any vote is expected to take place just after the Feeder Funds' initial
investment in the  Portfolios.  Specifically,  it is expected that the Portfolio
Trust will ask its interest holders to vote to:

         (a)      Elect a Board of Trustees of the Portfolio Trust;
         (b)      Ratify the selection of Deloitte & Touche, LLP as the
                  independent accountants of the Portfolio Trust; and
         (c)      Approve the Proposed Advisory  Agreement between the Portfolio
                  Trust,  on  behalf  of  each  Portfolio,  and  the  investment
                  adviser, Wright.

         Each Trust on behalf of its respective Feeder Funds will cast its votes
on each matter in the same  proportions  as the votes cast by the Feeder  Funds'
shareholders. At the present time, it is anticipated that there will be at least
two holders of interests with respect to each  Portfolio.  However,  each Feeder
Fund is expected  initially  to own  substantially  all of the  interests in the
corresponding Portfolio.

     Proposal 2(a): Authorization to Elect Trustees of the Portfolio Trust

         Unless marked to the contrary,  the enclosed proxy card will be used to
authorize each Trust, on behalf of its respective  Feeder Funds, to vote for the
election of the eight (8) nominees  indicated below as Trustees of the Portfolio
Trust.  Each nominee  currently serves as a Trustee of each Trust.  Each Trustee
elected  will hold  office  until his  successor  is elected and  qualified,  as
provided  in the  Portfolio  Trust's  declaration  of trust.  Each  nominee  has
consented  to serve as a  Trustee  of the  Portfolio  Trust  if  elected  at the
meeting. If, for any reason, any nominee should not be available for election or

able to serve as a Trustee,  the proxies  will  exercise  their  voting power in
favor of the  substitute  nominee,  if any, as the Trustees may  designate.  The
Trustees  have no reason to believe  that it will be  necessary  to  designate a
substitute  nominee.  An asterisk  after a  nominee's  name  indicates  that the
nominee, if elected, will be an interested person of the Portfolio Trust.

        The following table sets forth each nominee's  principal  occupation or
employment during the past five years.

Name, Age and Position with the                      Principal Occupation or Employment
Portfolio Trust                                      During Last  Five Years
Peter M. Donovan*                                    President, Chief Executive Officer and Director of
(age 54)                                             Wright and Winthrop; Vice President, Treasurer and
Trustee                                              a Director of Wright Investors' Service Distributors,
H. Day Brigham, Jr.                                  Retired. Formerly, Vice President of Eaton Vance,
(age 70)                                             Boston Management Research ("BMR"), Eaton Vance
Trustee                                              Corporation ("EVC") and Eaton Vance and Director,
                                                     Eaton Vance and EVC.

Winthrop S. Emmet                                    Retired New York City Attorney at Law; Trust
(age 86)                                             Officer, First National City Bank, New York, NY
Trustee                                              (1963-1971).
Leland Miles                                         President Emeritus, University of Bridgeport (1987-
(age 73)                                             present); President, University of Bridgeport (1974-
Trustee                                              1987); Director, United Illuminating Company.
A.M. Moody III*                                      Senior Vice President, Wright and Winthrop;
(age 60)                                             President, Wright Investors' Service Distributors, Inc.

Lloyd F. Pierce                                      Retired Vice Chairman (prior to 1984 - President),
(age 78)                                             People's Bank, Bridgeport, CT; Member, Board of
Trustee                                              Trustees, People's Bank, Bridgeport, CT; Board of
                                                     Directors, Southern Connecticut Gas Company;
                                                     Chairman, Board of Directors, COSINE.

Raymond Van Houtte                                   President Emeritus and Counselor of The Tompkins
(age 73)                                             Country Trust Co., Ithaca, NY (since January 1989);
Trustee                                              President and Chief Executive Officer, The Tompkins
                                                     County Trust Company (1973-1988); President, New
                                                     York State Bankers Association  (1987-1988);  Director,
                                                     McGraw  Housing Company, Inc., Deanco, Inc., Evaporated   Metal
                                                     Products and Ithaco, Inc.

Remuneration of Trustees and Officers

         The following  table estimates the amount of compensation to be paid to
the Portfolio Trust's  Independent  Trustees for the fiscal year ending December
31,  1997.  In  addition,  each Trustee  will be  reimbursed  for  out-of-pocket
expenses  associated  with  attending  Trustee  meetings.  The non-  Independent
Trustees, Messrs. Donovan and Moody, and each officer of the Portfolio Trust are
interested  persons of Wright,  are  compensated by Wright or its affiliates and
will receive no compensation from the Portfolio Trust for their services.

                      Compensation from the Portfolio Trust 

                                                         Total Compensation
                                                         From All Funds in
Independent Trustee          Portfolio Trust                 Complex (1)

H. Day Brigham, Jr.          $                               $     0
Winthrop S. Emmet                                              6,250
Leland Miles                                                   5,000
Lloyd F. Pierce                                                6,250
Raymond Van Houtte                                             6,250

         (1) For the fiscal year ended December 31, 1996. The Wright Group of 
             Funds included 33 mutual funds as of December 31, 1996.

Executive Officers

     Prior to May 1, 1997,  it is expected  that the  Trustees of the  Portfolio
Trust will elect the following  persons as officers of the Trust:  Peter Donovan
as  President,  A.M.  Moody  III as  Vice  President,  Judith  Corchard  as Vice
President and James L. O'Connor as Treasurer.  Information about Mr. Donovan and
Mr. Moody,  who are nominees for election as Trustees,  is provided in the table
above.  Information about Ms. Corchard and Mr. O'Connor is provided in the table
on page of this Proxy Statement.

Required Vote

         Election  of  the  Trustees  of  the  Portfolio   Trust   requires  the
affirmative  vote of a plurality of the  outstanding  interests of the Portfolio
Trust voting together.


             Proposal 2 (b): Ratification of Selection of Accountants.

         The  Trustees  of the  Portfolio  Trust,  including  a majority  of the
Independent Trustees, have selected Deloitte & Touche, LLP to act as independent
public  accountants  for the  Portfolio  Trust for the Trust's  1997 fiscal year
ending December 31. Deloitte & Touche,  LLP has advised the Portfolio Trust that
it has no direct or indirect  financial  interest in the  Portfolio  Trust.  The
Trustees' selection is subject to ratification by the Portfolio Trust's holders,
including  the Feeder  Funds.  Because the Feeder Funds will vote in  accordance
with the  instruction  of their  shareholders,  the enclosed proxy card provides

space for instructions directing the proxies named therein to vote for, against,
or  abstain  from  ratifying  that  selection.  Deloitte  & Touche,  LLP will be
afforded  the  opportunity  to  be  available  at  the  meeting  to  respond  to
appropriate  questions  relating to the proposed  examination  of the  Portfolio
Trust's financial statements.

         The  Board  of  Trustees  of the  Portfolio  Trust,  including  all the
Independent  Trustees,  unanimously  recommend that  shareholders of each Feeder
Fund  ratify the  selection  of  Deloitte & Touche,  LLP as  independent  public
accountants of the Portfolio Trust.


           Proposal 2 (c): Approval of the Proposed Advisory Agreement
                     Between the Portfolio Trust and Wright

         Wright Investors' Service,  Inc. ("Wright"),  1000 Lafayette Boulevard,
Bridgeport Connecticut 06604, is expected to serve as investment adviser to each
Portfolio  pursuant to the Proposed  Advisory  Agreement  between Wright and the
Portfolio  Trust,  on behalf of each Portfolio,  and to manage each  Portfolio's
investments  and  affairs  subject to the  supervision  of the  Trustees  of the
Portfolio Trust. Wright is a Connecticut corporation incorporated in [ ], and is
registered as an investment  adviser under the Investment  Advisers Act of 1940.
Please see EXHIBIT E to this Proxy  Statement  for a list of each  Director  and
officer of Wright.

         Wright is a leading independent international investment management and
advisory  firm  which,  together  with  its  parent,  The  Winthrop  Corporation
("Winthrop"),  has more than 30 years' experience.  Its staff of over 150 people
includes  a highly  respected  team of 65  economists,  investment  experts  and
research   analysts.   Wright  manages   assets  for  bank  trust   departments,
corporations,  unions, municipalities,  eleemosynary institutions,  professional
associations,  institutional investors,  fiduciary organizations,  family trusts
and  individuals  as well as mutual  funds.  Wright  operates one of the world's
largest and most complete databases of financial  information on 13,000 domestic
and  international  corporations.  The  estate  of John  Winthrop  Wright is the
controlling  shareholder  of  Winthrop.  At the  end  of  1996,  Wright  managed
approximately $4 billion of assets.

     In  recommending  that the  shareholders  of each Feeder Fund authorize the
Portfolio  Trust on  behalf  of the  corresponding  Portfolios  to  approve  the
Proposed Advisory Agreement, the Trustees considered and evaluated,  among other
things, the staff and professional personnel of Wright, comparative fees charged
to  other  investment  companies  by  other  investment  advisers;   comparative
performance  results;  and expense ratio data comparing each Feeder Fund (as the
equivalent  of  the  corresponding   Portfolio  for  this  purpose)  with  other
investment  companies of similar size and with  similar  investment  objectives.
Before  making  this  recommendation,  the  Trustees  conducted  a review of the
various  documents,  reports and other  materials  submitted  to them by Wright,
information that they were familiar with as Trustees,  and information  obtained
from independent sources such as Lipper Analytical Services, Inc.

         TERMS OF THE  PROPOSED  ADVISORY  AGREEMENT.  The terms of the Proposed
Advisory  Agreement  are  substantially  the same as the  terms of the  Existing
Advisory Agreements,  except the identity of the investment adviser, the date of
execution and the initial term.  The following  description  of the terms of the
Proposed  Advisory  Agreement  is  qualified in its entirety by reference to the
copy of the  Proposed  Advisory  Agreement  attached to this Proxy  Statement as

         ADVISORY FEES AND EXPENSE  LIMITATION.  The rate at which advisory fees
are  payable  by the  Portfolio  Trust on  behalf  of each  Portfolio  under the
Proposed  Advisory  Agreement is the same as the rate at which the advisory fees

are  payable by the Trusts on behalf of the  respective  Feeder  Funds under the
Existing  Advisory  Agreements.  The advisory  fees under the Existing  Advisory
Agreements and under the Proposed Advisory  Agreement are payable by each Feeder
Fund or the corresponding  Portfolio,  as the case may be, at a rate equal on an
annual  basis to a stated  percentage  of the  average  daily net  assets of the
Feeder Fund or the Portfolio, as the case may be, as follows:

                                                                   ANNUAL % ADVISORY FEE RATES
                                                           $250 Mil.                                   Aggregate Fee Rate Paid for
                                Under $100  $100 Mil. to   to $500  $500 Mil. to  Over $1    Net Assets     the Fiscal Year
                                   Mil.      $250 Mil.      Mil.     $1 Billion   Billion    at 12/31/96     Ended 12/31/96
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Wright Selected Blue Chip         0.55%       0.69%         0.67%       0.63%      0.58%       $                         %
Equities Fund (WBC)
Wright Junior Blue Chip           0.55%       0.69%         0.67%       0.63%      0.58%
Equities Fund (WJBC)
Wright International Blue         0.75%       0.79%         0.77%       0.73%      0.68%
Chip Equities Fund (WIBC)
Wright U.S. Treasury Fund (WUSTB) 0.40%       0.46%         0.42%       0.38%      0.33%                                (1)
Wright U.S. Treasury Near         0.40%       0.46%         0.42%       0.38%      0.33%
 Term Fund (WNTB)
Wright Current Income Fund (WCIF) 0.40%       0.46%         0.42%       0.38%      0.33%

(1)      To enhance the net income of the Fund, Wright made a reduction of its advisory fee in the amount of $           or from
               % to     %.
          -----     ----

         Upon  conversion  of  each  Feeder  Fund  to  the  master-feeder   fund
structure,  the Feeder Fund will cease the payment of advisory fees to Winthrop.
The advisory  function  will be performed by Wright under the Proposed  Advisory
Agreement.  Thus, although a Feeder Fund will not directly pay any advisory fees
to Wright, it will indirectly bear its proportionate  share of the advisory fees
paid by the corresponding  Portfolio to Wright pursuant to the Proposed Advisory

         As discussed in Proposal 1, Wright has voluntarily  agreed to limit the
master-feeder   aggregate  annual  operating  expenses  of  each  Fund  and  the
corresponding   Portfolio   (excluding   brokerage   commissions,    taxes   and
extraordinary  expenses) to the expense  limits in effect as of the date of each
Fund's conversion to the master-feeder fund structure. Wright may discontinue or
modify  such  limitation  in the future at its  discretion,  although  it has no
current intention to do so.

         ADVISORY  SERVICES.  Pursuant to the Proposed  Advisory  Agreement  and
subject to the supervision and approval of the Trustees of the Portfolio  Trust,
Wright is responsible for providing  continuously an investment program for each
Portfolio,  consistent with each Portfolio's investment objective,  policies and
restrictions.  Specifically,  Wright will  determine

     what investments  shall be purchased,  sold or exchanged by each Portfolio,
if any,  and what  portion,  if any,  of each  Portfolio's  assets  will be held
uninvested and make changes in each  Portfolio's  investments.  Wright will also
manage,  supervise and conduct the other affairs and business of each  Portfolio
and  matters  incidental  thereto,  including  supervision  of each  Portfolio's
administrator, if any.

         APPROVAL AND  TERMINATION  PROVISIONS.  If approved by the  affirmative
vote of a "majority  of the  outstanding  voting  securities"  (as  described in
Proposal 1) of the Portfolio  ("Majority  Investor Vote"), the Proposed Advisory
Agreement will remain in full force and effect until February 28, 1999, and will
continue in full force and effect as to each Portfolio indefinitely  thereafter,
but only as long as such continuance is specifically  approved at least annually
(i) by a vote of a  majority  of the  Trustees  of the  Portfolio  Trust cast in
person at a meeting called for the purpose of voting on such  approval,  or (ii)
by a Majority Investor Vote for that Portfolio.  The Proposed Advisory Agreement
may be  terminated  at any time  without  penalty by a vote of a majority of the
Independent  Trustees of the Portfolio  Trust,  by a Majority  Investor Vote for
that  Portfolio or by Wright on 60 days' written  notice to the other party.  In
addition,  the  Proposed  Advisory  Agreement  will  terminate  immediately  and
automatically if assigned.

         STANDARD OF CARE. The Proposed Advisory Agreement further provides that
Wright  will  not be  liable  for any  loss  incurred  in  connection  with  the
performance  of its  duties,  or action  taken or  omitted  under  the  Proposed
Advisory  Agreement  in the absence of willful  misfeasance,  bad faith or gross
negligence  in the  performance  of its  duties  or by  reason  of its  reckless
disregard of its obligations and duties thereunder,  or for any losses which may
be  sustained  in the  acquisition,  holding  or sale of any  security  or other

         EXPENSES.  Subject to the  expense  limitation  discussed  above,  each
Portfolio  and the  corresponding  Feeder Fund, as the case may be, will each be
responsible  for its  respective  costs and expenses not expressly  stated to be
payable by Wright under the Proposed  Advisory  Agreement or the  administration
agreements with the administrator.  Among other expenses, the Portfolio will pay
investment advisory fees;  bookkeeping,  interest pricing and custodian fees and
expenses;  expenses of notices and reports to interest holders;  and expenses of
the Portfolio's administrator.  Each corresponding Feeder Fund will pay fees and
disbursements of the Feeder Fund's transfer agent and dividend  disbursing agent
or  registrar,   shareholder  servicing  fees  and  expenses;  and  expenses  of
prospectuses, statements of additional information and shareholder reports which
are furnished to shareholders. Each Feeder Fund and each corresponding Portfolio
will pay legal and auditing fees;  registration and reporting fees and expenses;
and Trustees' fees and expenses.  Expenses of the Trusts or the Portfolio  Trust
which relate to more than one of their  respective  series are  allocated  among
such series by Wright in an equitable manner, primarily on the basis of relative
net asset values.

Required Vote

         Approval of the Portfolio  Trust's  Proposed  Advisory  Agreement  with
Wright on behalf of each Portfolio requires a Majority  Shareholder Vote of each
Feeder  Fund.  In the event that the  shareholders  of one or more of the Feeder
Funds  fail to  approve  this  Proposal,  the  Trustees  of the  Trusts  and the
Portfolio Trust will consider what further action should be taken.


                                   PROPOSAL 3.


         SUMMARY  The   Declarations  of  Trust   (collectively,   the  "Current
Declarations")  of the  Equity  Trust  and the  Income  Trust  have not  changed
significantly  since they were last  amended and  restated in 1984.  The Current
Declarations  are proposed to be amended and restated (as amended and  restated,
the  "Amended  Declarations")  to provide the Trustees of each Fund with greater
flexibility to manage their  respective  Funds.  This enhanced  flexibility  may
result in more efficient operation of the Funds and lower costs.

         The Amended  Declarations will permit the Funds, upon  authorization by
the  Board of  Trustees,  to issue  and sell one or more  classes  of  shares of
beneficial  interest  of the Funds and any series of the  Trusts  created in the
future.  The Amended  Declarations will include all changes noted below that are
necessitated or made  appropriate by the proposed plan to implement the issuance
of multiple classes of shares.  In addition,  the Amended  Declarations  contain
more modern  provisions  than the Current  Declarations.  In connection with the
amendments to the Current  Declarations,  the Trustees will amend the By-Laws of
the  Trusts  to  conform   them  to  the  Amended   Declarations.   The  Amended
Declarations,  each of which is substantially in the form attached to this Proxy
Statement as EXHIBIT G, will become  effective on May 1, 1997 if approved by the
shareholders.  The  description  of the  Amended  Declaration  of  each  Fund is
qualified in its entirety by the full text of the proposed  Amended  Declaration
set forth as EXHIBIT G to this Proxy Statement.

         MULTIPLE CLASSES OF SHARES The Amended  Declarations  will specifically
authorize  the Trustees to create  multiple  classes of shares of each Fund.  If
Proposal 3 is approved,  the multiple  class  structure  will be  implemented by
designating  the currently  issued and  outstanding  shares of each Fund (except
Wright U.S. Treasury Money Market Fund ("Money Market Fund")) as Standard Shares
and authorizing one additional class of shares of each Fund (except Money Market
Fund and Wright Total Return Bond Fund), the Institutional Shares. At this time,
the  Trustees  intend to authorize  the  implementation  of the  multiple  class
distribution  system for all Funds,  except the Money Market Fund.  The Trustees
may at some future date authorize the implementation of multiple classes for the
Money  Market  Fund.  The Trustees  currently  intend to designate  the existing
shares of the Total Return Bond Fund as Standard  Shares,  but not authorize the
issuance of a second class of shares for this Fund.

         The  Standard  Shares will be offered for sale  without a front-end  or
deferred  sales  charge.  Standard  Shares will be offered for sale subject to a
Rule 12b-1  plan that  provides  for the  payment  of  distribution  fees to the
Distributor  as a percentage of the Fund's assets  attributable  to the Standard
Shares.  If  shareholders  approve the amendment to the Funds' Current Plans, as
described in Proposal 4, the fees payable  pursuant to each Fund's  Current Plan
will increase to 0.25% of the Fund's  average daily net assets  attributable  to
the Standard Shares.  If shareholders do not approve the amendment  described in
Proposal 4, the fees payable  pursuant to each Fund's Current Plan applicable to
Standard Shares will continue to be up to 0.20% of such assets.

         The  Institutional  Shares will be offered for sale without a front-end
or deferred  sales charge to certain  institutional  investors  able to meet the
high minimum investment requirement.

         The Trust has adopted a service plan (the "Service Plan" ) which allows
each Fund to  reimburse  the  Distributor  for  payments to  intermediaries  for
providing account  administration and personal and account maintenance  services
to their customers who are beneficial owners of shares. The services provided by
these  intermediaries  may include acting,  directly or through an agent, as the
sole  shareholder  of  record,   maintaining   account  records  for  customers,
processing  orders  to 

purchase, redeem or exchange shares for customers,  responding to inquiries
from  prospective  and  existing   shareholders  and  assisting  customers  with
investment  procedures.  The amount of the service fee payable under the Service
Plan with  respect  to each  class of shares  of the Fund may not  exceed  0.25%
annually of the average daily net assets attributable to the respective classes.

         The two classes of each Funds' shares would each represent interests in
the same series of shares and portfolio of  investments,  and would be identical
in all respects, except that (a) Standard Shares would be charged a distribution
fee under the Rule 12b-1 distribution  plan; (b) Institutional  Shares would not
have a Rule 12b-1 distribution plan; (c) Standard Shares shareholders would have
exclusive  voting rights with respect to the applicable Rule 12b-1  distribution
plan; (d) Standard Shares and Institutional  Shares may bear different  expenses
related to the cost of holding  shareholder  meetings  required by the exclusive
voting rights applicable to each class; (e)  Institutional  Shares would have no
voting  rights  with  respect to the Rule 12b-1  distribution  plans of Standard
Shares;  (f) although each class would have a Service Plan providing for maximum
fees of 0.25%,  the fees  actually  paid by each class may  differ;  (g) the two
classes would have different exchange privileges; and (h) the designation of the
two classes of shares would be different.

         Except for the class  designation  and the allocation of certain costs,
fees and voting rights as described above, each class of shares issued after May
1, 1997 will be  identical  in all other  respects to the  currently  issued and
outstanding shares of each Fund.

         Under a multiple  class  structure,  the  Distributor  could tailor its
marketing  and  distribution  activities  to a broader  segment of the investing
public and will be able to maintain and expand the sales activities and services
currently  provided  to  smaller  individual  customers,   while  simultaneously
expanding   their  marketing  and  sales   activities  to  attract   substantial
institutional  investors.  The Trustees believe that shareholders  would benefit
from the  availability  of a number of  distribution  options in a single  Fund.
Unless  the  Funds  have  the  ability  to make  the  multiple  class  structure
available,  the Funds will be at a  competitive  disadvantage  relative to other
mutual  funds  which  feature,  or are in the process of  implementing,  similar
distribution arrangements. To the extent that the Funds are able to maintain and
expand  their  current  shareholder  and asset  base  through a  multiple  class
structure,  the  shareholders  may  benefit  from the  adoption  of the  Amended

Material Differences Between the Current Declarations and the Amended

         Both Current Declarations are substantially  similar to each other. The
Amended Declarations are substantially  identical to each other. Set forth below
is a description of the material  differences among the Current Declarations and
the Amended Declarations.

              Current Declarations                 Amended Declarations

(i)  A Fund may involuntarily redeem   (i)  A Fund may involuntarily redeem
     shares if a shareholder account        shares if (a) the value of such
     does not have a value of at least      shares held is less than the
     $1,000.                                minimum amount as established by the
                                            Trustees or (b) the aggregate value
                                            of the assets of any series or class
                                            of shares  is less  than  the 
                                            minimum  amount  determined  by the
                                            Trustees  to be necessary for
                                            maintaining the series or class as
                                            a viable economic entity.

(ii) A Fund will terminate either upon  (ii)A Fund will terminate (a) either
     (a) the merger, consolidation or       upon (i) the affirmative vote of
     sale of all or substantially all of the   shareholders holding two-thirds 
     Fund's assets, if approved by the      of the Fund's shares outstanding and
     holders of two-thirds of the           entitled to vote at any share-
     outstanding shares of the Fund,        holder's meeting or (ii) by a 
     except that if the Trustees            written instrument, without a    
     recommend such sale of assets, the     meeting, consented to by the holders
     approval by the vote of a majority     of two-thirds of the Fund's        
     of the Fund's outstanding shares       outstanding shares, provided that if
     which are entitled to vote will be     such termination is recommended by 
     sufficient or (b) upon liquidation     the Trustees, a Majority Shareholder
     and distribution of the assets of      Vote shall be sufficient
     the Fund, if approved by a             authorization or (b) by a written
     majority of its Trustees or by the     instrument, majority of the
     vote of a majority of the Fund's       Trustees, to be followed by a
     outstanding shares.                    written notice to the shareholders
                                            stating that a majority of the
                                            Trustees has determined  that the 
                                            continuation  of the Trust or the
                                            Fund or a class thereof is not in 
                                            the best interest of the 

(iii) A Trust's Current Declaration may (iii) A Trust's Amended Declaration may
      be amended by a vote of a              be amended by written instrument
      majority of the Trustees and a         without a meeting signed by a
      majority of the outstanding shares     majority of Trustees and authorized
      of the Trust affected by the           by a Majority Shareholder Vote of
      amendment, or by any larger vote       those shareholders which are 
      that may be required by law in         affected by the amendment and 
      any particular case.  The Trustees     which are entitled to vote thereon.
      may amend each Trust's Current         A Trust's Amended Declaration may 
      Declaration without a shareholder      also be amended by a majority vote 
      vote if such amendments do not         of Trustees without approval or 
      have a material adverse effect on      consent of shareholders of the 
      the interests of shareholders or to    Trust, to,among other things, 
      conform the Current Declaration to     change the name of the Trust 
      the requirements of the law.           or make such other changes as do 
                                             not have a material adverse effect
                                             on the  financial  interests  of 
                                             shareholders  or to  conform  the
                                             Declaration to requirements of the
                                             law, except that no such amendment
                                             may impair the  exemption  from 
                                             personal liability of shareholders,
                                             Trustees, officers, employees or
                                             agents of the Trust or permit
                                             assessments upon shareholders.

(iv)   A Fund may merge, consolidate or  (iv)  A Fund or other series may merge,
       sell all or substantially all of its    consolidate or sell all or 
       assets as authorized by a majority      substantially all of its assets
       of the Trustees and by an               upon the authorization of the 
       affirmative vote or written consent     Trustees and without any 
       of shareholders holding two-thirds      authorization, vote or consent 
       of the Fund's shares outstanding        of the shareholders.
       and entitled to vote; provided
       however, that a vote or written
       consent of shareholders holding a
       majority of the Fund's shares
       outstanding and entitled to vote
       will be sufficient authorization if
       the merger, consolidation or sale is
       recommended by the Trustees.

(v)    No comparable provision        (v) In the event of a negative net income
                                          of any series or class of shares, the
                                          Trustees of a Trust (such as the
                                          Money Market Fund) may, among
                                          other things, offset each
                                          shareholder's pro rata amount of
                                          such negative amount from the
                                          accrued dividend account of each
                                          shareholder or reduce the number of
                                          outstanding shares of a Fund (such
                                          as the Money Market Fund) or class
                                          in each shareholder account.

(vi)   Each whole share of a Fund is  (vi)As determined by the Trustees,
       entitled to one vote as to any     without shareholder vote or consent,
       matter on which it is entitled to  on any voting matter, either each
       vote and fractional shares are     whole share of a Fund is entitled to
       entitled to a proportional vote.   one vote and fractional shares to a
       Each vote represents a pro rata    proportional vote, or each dollar of
       beneficial interest in the assets  net asset value of the Fund is
       allocated to that Fund.            entitled to one vote and fractional
                                          dollars to a proportional vote.

       In addition to the material differences  described above, there are other
substantive and stylistic  differences between the Amended  Declarations and the
Current  Declarations.  You are urged to review the form of Amended  Declaration
attached to this Proxy Statement as EXHIBIT G. Except as described in this Proxy
Statement,  approval of the Amended  Declarations  will not result in changes in
the Trustees,  officers,  investment programs and services or any operations and
services  of the  Trusts or their  respective  Funds that are  described  in the
Funds' current Prospectuses.

Trustees' Evaluation and Recommendation

       At a meeting of the Trustees of each Trust held on January 22, 1997,  the
Trustees  approved,  and voted to recommend to shareholders that they approve, a
proposal to amend and restate their respective Current  Declarations.  In taking
this  action  and  making  this  recommendation,  the  Trustees  considered  the
likelihood  that the  Amended  Declarations  will result in more  efficient  and
economical  operation of the Funds by giving the Trustees  more  flexibility  to
manage the Funds and adapt the  Amended  Declarations  to changes in  applicable
law, industry  developments and other changes.  This greater  flexibility should
reduce  the  need  for  costly  and  time-consuming   proxy   solicitations  and
shareholders' meeting.

Vote Required

       Approval  of  Proposal  3  with  respect  to  each  Trust   requires  the
affirmative  vote of a majority  of the  outstanding  voting  securities  of the
respective  Trust. If the proposed changes are not approved by the shareholders,
each Current Declaration will continue in its existing form. Alternatively,  the
Trustees may consider  submitting  to  shareholders  at a future  meeting  other
proposals to amend and restate the Current Declarations.


                                   PROPOSAL 4.

                           INCREASE DISTRIBUTION FEES

       On January  22,  1997,  the  Trustees  of each Fund  (except  Wright U.S.
Treasury  Money  Market  Fund),  including  all  of  the  Independent  Trustees,
approved,  and voted to recommend to each Fund's shareholders that they approve,
an amendment  to each Fund's  distribution  plan adopted  pursuant to Rule 12b-l
under the 1940 Act (each,  a "Current Plan" and together,  the "Current  Plans")
(as  amended,  the "Amended  Plans").  See EXHIBIT H for the form of the Amended
Plans.  The discussion of the Amended Plans in this Proxy Statement is qualified
in its entirety by reference to the form of the Amended Plans.

       SUMMARY. The amendment would increase the maximum amount payable pursuant
to each Current Plan from 0.20% to 0.25%  annually of each Fund's  average daily
net assets,  effective  May 1, 1997. In approving  the  amendment,  the Trustees
determined  that the increased fee is likely to result in higher levels of sales
and lower levels of  redemptions  of each Fund's shares than would  otherwise be
the case.  This in turn should assist in the goal of achieving net positive cash
flow into each Fund and an  increase  in a Fund's  asset  size.  There can be no
assurance,  however,  that a Fund will  achieve a net  positive  cash flow or an
increase in asset size.

       THE CURRENT PLANS.  The Current Plans sets forth the terms and conditions
on which each Fund pays distribution  fees and personal and account  maintenance
fees to Wright  Investors'  Service  Distributors,  Inc. (the  "Distributor") in
connection  with the provision by the  Distributor  of certain  services to each
Fund and its shareholders. The terms of the Current Plans authorize each Fund to
engage in any activity  primarily  intended to result in the sale of its shares.
Each Fund is authorized to engage in such activities directly,  or through other
persons with whom a Fund enters into  agreements.  See EXHIBIT I for information
about  fees paid by each  Fund to the  Distributor  for the  fiscal  year  ended
December  31,  1996,  and the  dates on which  each  Current  Plan was (i) first
approved by the Trustees and (ii) most recently approved.

       Distribution  fees are used to compensate  the  Distributor  for expenses
primarily intended to result in sales of shares of each Fund, including, but not
limited to, compensation paid to and expenses  (including  overhead) incurred by
officers,  Trustees,  employees or sales representatives of the Trust, including
telephone  expenses,  the  printing of  prospectuses  and reports for other than
existing  shareholders,  preparation and  distribution  of sales  literature and
advertising  of any type.  The expenses  covered by the Fund's Current Plans may
include payments to any separate distributors under agreement with the Funds for
activities primarily intended to result in the sale of the Funds' shares.

       Under the  Current  Plans,  each Fund  pays up to an  aggregate  of 0.20%
annually of its average daily net assets for distribution fees.

      THE AMENDED PLANS. Under the Amended  Plans, each Fund would pay up to an
aggregate of 0.25% annually of its average daily net assets for distribution and
personal and account  maintenance  services.  Under the Amended Plans, each Fund
would be authorized to pay for the following distribution services and expenses,
without  limitation:  compensation  to  and  expenses  incurred  by  dealers  or
wholesalers retained by the Distributor (collectively, the "Authorized Dealers")
and the officers,  employees and sales representatives of Authorized Dealers and
of the  Distributor;  allocable  overhead,  travel and telephone  expenses;  the
printing of prospectuses and reports for other than existing  shareholders;  the
preparation and distribution of sales literature and advertising;  and all other
expenses (other than personal and account maintenance

     services  as defined in the  Service  Plan)  incurred  in  connection  with
activities primarily intended to result in the sale of a Fund's shares.

       A  Comparative  Fee Table is set forth in EXHIBIT J showing the amount of
fees and  expenses  paid by each Fund under the Current  Plans and the amount of
fees and expenses  each Fund's  shareholders  would have paid  indirectly if the
Amended Plans had been in effect.  The  information  in the table is an estimate
based on actual expenses for each Fund's fiscal year ended December 31, 1996.

       The  expenditures  under the Current and Amended Plans are calculated and
accrued  daily and paid  monthly  or at such  other  intervals  as the  Trustees
determine.  Pursuant to the Amended  Plans,  the  Distributor  must  provide the
Trustees at least  quarterly  with a written  report of the amounts  expended by
each Fund under the Amended  Plans and the  purpose for which such  expenditures
were  made  together  with  such  other  information  as  from  time  to time is
reasonably  requested by the  Trustees.  The  Trustees  review such reports on a
quarterly  basis.  In the event the  Distributor  is not fully  compensated  for
payments made or other expenses  incurred by it under the Amended  Plans,  these
expenses are not carried forward from the date such expenses were incurred.  Any
fees paid to the Distributor  during a fiscal year and not expended or allocated
by the Distributor for actual or budgeted  distribution  and service  activities
during that year are not returned to the Funds.

       The  expenditures  made  pursuant  to the  Current  Plans and the Amended
Plans,  and the basis upon which such  expenditures  are made, are determined by
each Fund in accordance  with Rule l2b-1 under the 1940 Act (the "Rule") and the
Conduct Rules of the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. (the "NASD
Rules"). If any amendment to the Rule or the NASD Rules is adopted, the Trustees
will  consider  what,  if any,  modification  of the  Amended  Plans or a Fund's
distribution practices may be appropriate.

       The Amended Plans will continue in effect until February 28, 1998 and for
successive  annual periods  provided that each Amended Plan is approved at least
annually by a vote of the majority of the Trustees,  including a majority of the
Independent  Trustees who have no direct or indirect  financial  interest in the
operation of the Amended Plan or in any  agreement  related to the Amended Plan.
Each Fund may  terminate  its Amended  Plan at any time by vote of a majority of
the  Trustees,  a majority  of the  Independent  Trustees  who have no direct or
indirect  financial  interest in the  operation  of the  Amended  Plan or in any
agreement  related to the plan, or a Majority  Shareholder  Vote of the affected
Fund.  No material  amendment to an Amended Plan will be effective  unless it is
approved  by a vote of a majority of the  Trustees,  including a majority of the
Independent  Trustees who have no direct or indirect  financial  interest in the
operation of the Amended Plan or in any  agreement  related to the Amended Plan.
Each Amended Plan requires that amendments which would  materially  increase the
amount  of  the  payments  permitted   thereunder  be  approved  by  a  Majority
Shareholder Vote of the affected Fund.

Trustees' Evaluation and Recommendation

     In connection with their decision to approve the proposed Amended Plans and
to recommend to each Fund's  shareholders  that they do the same,  the Trustees,
including all of the Independent  Trustees,  reviewed all information which they
deemed  necessary  to arrive at an  informed  determination.  Among the  matters
considered by the Trustees  were:  (1) the  potential  costs and benefits of the
Amended Plans to  shareholders,  including the fact that higher payments made to
the Distributor  would increase the level of expenses  incurred by shareholders:
(2) whether the Amended Plans would assist the  Distributor in marketing  shares
of the Funds and reduce the level of share  redemptions;  (3) the  advantages to
the Funds and their  shareholders  that  might  result  from  growth in a Fund's
assets,  including  economies  of scale,  reduced  expense  ratios,  and greater
portfolio  diversification;  and (4) the fact that net  positive  cash flow into
each Fund could  facilitate  portfolio 

     management  by  eliminating  the  need  to  liquidate  favorable  portfolio
positions in order to generate sufficient cash to satisfy redemption requests.

       The Trustees found the fees to be paid under the Amended Plans reasonable
in view of the  services  that  the  Distributor  provides  and the  anticipated
expenses that the  Distributor  will incur in  distributing  and marketing  each
Fund's shares.  The Trustees  determined  that the higher Rule l2b-l fee payable
under the Amended Plans will enable the Distributor to compensate broker-dealers
in an amount  comparable to the  compensation  they receive in  connection  with
sales of shares of comparable mutual funds.

       The Trustees also recognized and considered that possible benefits may be
realized by Wright as a result of the proposed  amendment to the Current  Plans.
If a Fund's net assets grow more  rapidly as a result of the  implementation  of
the Amended Plans,  the  investment  advisory fees payable to Wright (which fees
are calculated as a percentage of a Fund's net assets) will also increase.

       As a  result  of their  consideration  of the  above  factors  and  other
relevant  matters,  the  Trustees  of each  Trust,  including  a majority of the
Independent  Trustees who have no direct or indirect  financial  interest in the
operation of the Amended Plans or in any agreement related to the Amended Plans,
concluded, in the exercise of their reasonable business judgment and in light of
their  fiduciary  duties under the 1940 Act,  that the  amendment to the Current
Plans was likely to benefit each Fund and its  shareholders and recommended that
the proposed  amendment be submitted to  shareholders  for their  approval.  The
amendment will not become  effective as to a particular  Fund unless approved by
that Fund's shareholders.

Required Vote

       Approval  of  this  proposal  by  a  Fund's   shareholders   requires  an
affirmative  Majority  Shareholder Vote of that Fund's  outstanding  shares.  If
shareholders of one or more of the Funds do not approve the Amended Plan(s) with
respect to such  Funds,  the  Current  Plan(s)  will  continue in effect and the
Trustees will consider what further action, if any, to take.


                                   PROPOSAL 5.


       The 1940 Act requires mutual funds  (including the Funds) to have certain
investment  restrictions which can be changed only by a shareholder vote. Mutual
funds may also elect to designate other  restrictions  which may be changed only
by a  shareholder  vote.  Both types of  restrictions  are often  referred to as
"fundamental" restrictions.  Some fundamental restrictions previously adopted by
the Funds reflect certain regulatory,  business or industry conditions which are
no longer in effect. Accordingly, the Trustees authorized a review of the Funds'
fundamental   restrictions   to  simplify,   standardize   and  modernize  those
restrictions that are required to be fundamental.  The Trustees have recommended
that the fundamental  restrictions be amended. Certain of the Funds' fundamental
investment  restrictions  are not now required by the 1940 Act or any regulatory
agency  to be  stated  policies  of a  Fund,  and  the  protections  that  those
restrictions  afford  the

Funds are found in other  statutory and regulatory  policies  applicable to
the  Funds  and  the  Trustees  have  recommended  that  these  restrictions  be
eliminated  as  fundamental  policies of the Funds.  If  approved,  the proposed
changes will not affect the current management of a Fund's portfolio.  Moreover,
the changes will be made regardless of whether the other Proposals in this Proxy
Statement are approved.  Disclosure  regarding the current policies may be found
in the Prospectus of each Fund.

       The numerical references to the Funds' investment restrictions correspond
to the paragraphs in EXHIBIT D. If Proposal 5 is approved,  the restrictions may
be reordered and renumbered.

                        Amendment to Certain Restrictions 

       The Trustees  propose that  Restrictions  (1),  (3),  (5), (6) and (7) be
amended to conform to the current  requirements  of the 1940 Act.  The  Trustees
propose  that  Restrictions  (8) and (9) be rewritten as described in EXHIBIT D,
but that the substantive provisions of these Restrictions not be amended.

       Restriction  (1)  concerning  borrowing  and  senior  securities  will be
amended to permit borrowing and the issuance of senior  securities to the extent
consistent  with the 1940 Act. The  positions of the staff of the  Commission on
borrowing  and  senior   securities  have  evolved  in  recent  years  with  the
development of new investment strategies, such as reverse repurchase agreements.
Each  Fund  would  like  the  ability  to  consider  the  use of new  investment
techniques  consistent with the 1940 Act as  interpretations of the 1940 Act are
further developed.

       Restriction  (3) will be  amended  to apply  each  Fund's  policy  of not
investing  more than 5% of total assets in the  securities of any one issuer and
more than 10% of such assets in the voting  securities of any one issuer to only
75% of the Fund's total assets. As currently stated,  restriction (3) applies to
100% of a Fund's  total  assets.  The  change  will  provide  each  Fund with an
opportunity,  with respect to 25% of its total assets, to purchase more than the
stated  percentages of a portfolio security if the investment adviser determines
that such a purchase would be of benefit to the Fund.

       Restriction  (5) will be amended to  reclassify  as  nonfundamental  each
Fund's  policies  with  respect  to short  sales  and the  purchase  and sale of
options.  There  is no  requirement  in the  1940 Act  that  these  policies  be
fundamental.  The current  restriction  on margin  purchases will be retained as
fundamental  and modified to clarify  that each Fund may obtain such  short-term
credits  as may be  necessary  for the  clearance  of  purchases  and  sales  of

       Restriction  (6) will be amended to clarify  that the Funds may engage in
the purchase or sale of financial  futures  contracts and options on futures and
are permitted to invest in securities  secured by real estate and  securities of
companies which invest or deal in real estate.  Restriction (6) will be restated
as two separate fundamental restrictions.

       Restriction  (7) is being  amended  to comply  with the  staff's  current
position that the asset limit  applicable to a Fund's  investments  in a certain
industry  to  permit  concentration  in that  industry  should be equal to or in
excess of 25% of the Fund's total assets.

                       Elimination of Certain Restrictions 

       The Trustees propose that Restrictions (2), (4), (10), and the portion of
Restriction   (5)   pertaining  to  warrants,   be  eliminated  as   fundamental
restrictions.  These  restrictions were at one time required under various state
"Blue Sky" laws and/or federal laws,  but are no longer  required to be policies
of a Fund.

       Restriction  (2)  prohibits  pledging,  mortgaging or  hypothecating  the
assets of a Fund to an extent  greater  than 1/3 of the total assets of the Fund
taken at  market  value.  State law no longer  requires  pledging  restrictions.
Restriction (1) (as proposed to be amended) sets forth each Fund's policies with
respect  to  borrowing  and  will  be  retained  as a  fundamental  restriction.
Restriction  (1) requires each Fund to comply with the  requirements of the 1940
Act with respect to any borrowing activity.

       Restriction   (4)  prohibits  a  Fund  from   purchasing  a  security  if
individuals  affiliated  with  the Fund own  beneficially  more  than 5% of that
security.  These  transactions are circumscribed by the 1940 Act's provisions on
affiliated transactions. The code of ethics of Winthrop and Wright requires them
to monitor transactions with each Fund.

       Restriction  (5) prohibits  the purchase of warrants.  Denying a Fund the
opportunity  to purchase  securities  represented by warrants may prevent a Fund
from capitalizing on an appropriate investment opportunity.

       Restriction  (10)  prohibits the purchase from or sale to any  affiliated
person, in a principal  transaction,  of portfolio securities of the Fund. These
principal  transactions  are  circumscribed  by the  1940  Act's  provisions  on
affiliated  transactions.  The code of ethics of Winthrop and Wright requires it
to monitor transactions with each Fund.

Trustees Evaluation and Recommendation

       The  Trustees  have  considered  various  factors and  believe  that this
Proposal  will increase  investment  management  flexibility  and is in the best
interests  of each Fund and its  shareholders.  By reducing  to a minimum  those
restrictions  that can be changed only by shareholder  vote,  each Fund would be
able to avoid the costs and delay associated with a future shareholder  meeting.
In addition,  the  Trustees  believe that the  investment  adviser's  ability to
manage the Funds' portfolios in a changing regulatory or investment  environment
will be enhanced and, accordingly, that investment management opportunities will
be increased.

Vote Required

     Approval  of Proposal 5 with  respect to each Fund  requires  the  Majority
Shareholder  Vote described in Proposal 1 above. If the Proposal is not approved
with respect to a Fund, that Fund's current fundamental restrictions will remain
in effect and a shareholder  vote will be required before the Fund can engage in
activities prohibited by a current fundamental restriction.


                                   PROPOSAL 6


       At a meeting on January 22, 1997,  the Trustees of each Trust,  including
the  Independent  Trustees,  voted to  approve,  and voted to  recommend  to the
shareholders of their  respective  Funds that they approve,  a proposal to elect
eight (8) Trustees (the "nominees") to the Boards of Trustees of the Trusts. All
of the nominees,  except Mr/Ms [name], currently serve as Trustees.  Information
concerning the nominees and other relevant information is discussed below.

       A shareholder  using the enclosed form of proxy may authorize the proxies
to vote for the nominees representing his or her shares or may withhold from the
proxies authority to vote for the nominees representing his or her shares. If no
contrary instructions are given, the proxies will vote FOR the nominees. Each of
the nominees has consented to his or her  nomination  and has agreed to serve if
elected. If, for any reason, any nominee should not be available for election or
able to serve as a Trustee,  the proxies  will  exercise  their  voting power in
favor of the  substitute  nominee,  if any, as the Trustees may  designate.  The
Trusts  have no reason to  believe  that it will be  necessary  to  designate  a
substitute nominee.

       The following  table sets forth each  nominee's  principal  occupation or
employment  during the past five years and the date each of them, except Mr./Ms.
[Name],  first  became a  Trustee  of each  Trust  and the  number  of shares of
beneficial interest of the Funds beneficially owned by each nominee, directly or
indirectly,  as of the Record Date. An asterisk after a nominee's name indicates
that the nominee is an interested person of the Trusts.

Name, Age and Position           Principal Occupation or                  First Became             Shares of Beneficial
with Each Trust                  Employment During Last                   a Trustee                Interest
                                 Five Years

Peter M. Donovan*                President, Chief Executive
(age 54)                         Officer and Director of Wright
President and Trustee            and Winthrop; Vice President,
                                 Treasurer and a Director of
                                 Wright Investors' Service
                                 Distributors, Inc.
H. Day Brigham, Jr.*             Retired.  Formerly, Vice
(age 70)                         President of Eaton Vance, BMR,
Vice President, Secretary        EVC and EV and Director, EV
and Trustee                      and EVC.

Winthrop S. Emmet                Retired New York City Attorney
(age 86)                         at Law; Trust Officer, First
Trustee                          National City Bank, New York,
                                 NY  (1963-1971).

Leland Miles                     President Emeritus, University of
(age 73)                         Bridgeport (1987-present);
Trustee                          President, University of
                                 Bridgeport (1974-1987); Director,
                                 United Illuminating Company.

A.M. Moody III*                  Senior Vice President, Wright
(age 60)                         and Winthrop; President, Wright
Vice President and               Investors' Service Distributors,
Trustee                          Inc.

Lloyd F. Pierce                  Retired Vice Chairman (prior to
(age 78)                         1984 - President), People's Bank,
Trustee                          Bridgeport, CT; Member, Board
                                 of Trustees, People's Bank,
                                 Bridgeport, CT; Board of
                                 Directors, Southern Connecticut
                                 Gas Company; Chairman, Board
                                 of Directors, COSINE

Raymond Van Houtte               President Emeritus and
(age 73)                         Counselor of The Tompkins
Trustee                          County Trust Co., Ithaca, NY
                                 (since  January  1989);   President  and  Chief
                                 Executive  Officer,  The Tompkins  County Trust
                                 Company (1973-1988);  President, New York State
                                 Bankers  Association   (1987-1988);   Director,
                                 McGraw Housing  Company,  Inc.,  Deanco,  Inc.,
                                 Evaporated Metal Products and Ithaco, Inc.


       The Board of  Trustees of each Trust held five  meetings  during the last
completed fiscal year and no Trustee attended fewer than 75% of the aggregate of
(1) the total  number of  meetings of the  Trustees  of each Trust;  and (2) the
total  number of meetings  held by all  committees  of the  Trustees on which he
served.  Messrs.  Emmet, Miles, Pierce and Van Houtte are members of the Special
Nominating  Committee of the Trustees of each Trust. The Committee's function is
selecting and nominating individuals to fill vacancies,  as and when they occur,
among those Trustees who are not Independent Trustees.  The Trusts do not have a
designated  audit  committee  since the full  Board of  Trustees  of each  Trust
performs the functions of such committee.

Executive Officers

       The table  below lists the  executive  officers of the Trust not named in
the table  above,  and the date on which each  officer  became an officer of the

Name, Age and Position                          Principal Occupation During the       First Became an
with Each Trust                                         Past Five Years               Officer of the Trust
- ---------------------------------------    ---------------------------------------    ---------------------------------------

Judith Corchard                            Executive Vice President,
(age 58)                                   Investment Management:  Senior
Vice President                             Investment Officer; Chairman of
                                           the Investment Committee and
                                           Director of Wright and Winthrop.

James L. O'Connor                          Vice President of Eaton Vance,
(age 52)                                   BMR and EV, Officer of various
Treasurer                                  investment companies managed
                                           by Eaton Vance or BMR.

Remuneration of Trustees and Officers

       The following table provides information  regarding the compensation paid
by the Trusts and the other investment  companies in the Wright Funds complex to
the  Independent  Trustees for their  services  for each  Trust's most  recently
completed fiscal year. The non-Independent  Trustees,  Messrs. Donovan,  Brigham
and Moody,  and each officer of the Trusts were  interested  persons of Winthrop
and  Wright,  were  compensated  by Wright or its  affiliates  and  received  no
compensation from the Trusts for their services.

             Aggregate Compensation From Each Trust for Last Fiscal Year

Independent Trustee         Equity Trust    Income Trust    Total Compensation
                                                             From All Funds in
Winthrop S. Emmet             $1,250          $1,250             $6,250
Leland Miles                   1,250           1,250              5,000
Lloyd F. Pierce                1,250           1,250              6,250
Raymond Van Houtte             1,250           1,250              6,250

Required Vote

       The election of the Trustees of each Trust requires the affirmative vote
of a  plurality  of the  outstanding  shares  of  the  respective  Trust voting

Trustees' Recommendation


                                   PROPOSAL 7

       The  Trustees  of each Trust,  including  a majority  of the  Independent
Trustees,  have selected  Deloitte & Touche,  LLP to act as  independent  public
accountants for the Trusts for each Trust's 1997 fiscal year ending December 31.
Deloitte & Touche,  LLP has advised the Trusts that it has no direct or indirect
financial  interest in either of the Trusts.  This  selection  is subject to the
ratification by the Trust's shareholders. The enclosed proxy card provides space
for instructions  directing the proxies named therein to vote for,  against,  or
abstain from ratifying that selection.  A  representative  of Deloitte & Touche,
LLP has been afforded the  opportunity to be available at the meeting to respond
to appropriate  questions  relating to the examination of the Trusts'  financial

Vote Required

       The  ratification  of Deloitte & Touche,  LLP as the  independent  public
accountants of each Trust requires the approval of a Majority  Shareholder  Vote
of each Trust's shareholders voting together as a class.

Trustees Recommendation

       The  Boards  of  Trustees,   including  all  the  Independent   Trustees,
unanimously  recommend  that  shareholders  ratify the  selection  of Deloitte &
Touche, LLP as independent public accountants of the Trusts.

                       NOTICE TO BANKS AND BROKER/DEALERS 

       Each Trust on behalf of its Funds has  previously  solicited  all Nominee
and  Broker/Dealer  accounts  as to the number of  additional  proxy  statements
required  to supply  owners of  shares.  Should  additional  proxy  material  be
required for  beneficial  owners,  please  forward such  requests to: First Data
Investor Services Group, Wright Group of Funds, Proxy Department, P.O. Box 9122,
Hingham, MA 02043-9717.

                             ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 

       The expense of  preparing,  printing and mailing this proxy  material and
the cost of soliciting proxies on behalf of the Boards of Trustees will be borne
ratably by the Funds.  Proxies will be solicited by mail and may be solicited in
person or by telephone or telegraph by the Trust's officers, by personnel of its
investment  adviser,  by the transfer agent, First Data Investor Services Group,
by  broker-dealer  firms or by a  professional  solicitation  organization.  The
expenses  connected with the  solicitation of these proxies and with any further
proxies  that  may be  solicited  by the  Trusts'  officers,  by the  investment
adviser's personnel,  by the transfer agent, First Data Investor Services Group,
or by broker-dealer firms, in person, by telephone or by telegraph will be borne
ratably by each Fund. The cost of the proxy solicitation is expected to be $ for
Equity  Trust  and  $  for  Income  Trust.   The  Funds  will  reimburse  banks,
broker-dealer  firms, and other persons holding shares registered in their names
or in the names of their nominees,  for their expenses incurred in sending proxy
materials to and obtaining proxies from the beneficial owners of such shares.

     All proxy  cards  solicited  by the Boards of  Trustees  that are  properly
executed and received by the Secretary  prior to the meeting,  and which are not
revoked,  will be voted at the meeting.  Shares represented by such proxies will
be voted in accordance with the  instructions  thereon.  If no  specification is
made on the proxy card, it will be voted FOR the matters  specified on the proxy
card. For each Trust, shares represented in person or by proxy (including shares
which  abstain  or do not vote  with  respect  to the  Proposals  presented  for
shareholder  approval)  will be counted for  purposes of  determining  whether a
quorum is present at the  meeting.  Abstentions  from  voting will be treated as
shares that are present and  entitled to vote for  purposes of  determining  the
number of shares  that are  present  and  entitled  to vote with  respect to all
Proposals,  but  will  not  be  counted  as a vote  in  favor  of any  Proposal.
Accordingly,  an  abstention  from  voting  has  no  effect  on  the  voting  in
determining whether Proposals 2(a) or 6 has been adopted but has the same effect
as a vote against the other Proposals.  If a broker or nominee holding shares in
"street  name"  indicates  on the  proxy  that it does  not  have  discretionary
authority  to vote as to a  Proposal,  those  shares will not be  considered  as
present and entitled to vote as to that Proposal.  Shareholders should note that
while  votes  to  abstain  and  "broker   non-votes"   will  be  counted  toward
establishing a quorum,  passage of any Proposal being  considered at the meeting
will  occur  only if a  sufficient  number of votes  are cast for the  Proposal.

Accordingly,  votes to abstain, broker non-votes and votes against will have the
same effect in determining whether a Proposal is approved.

       In the event that  sufficient  votes by the  shareholders  of any Fund in
favor of any  Proposal  set forth in the Notice of this meeting are not received
by the meeting date,  the persons  named as attorneys in the enclosed  proxy may
propose one or more  adjournments of the meeting to permit further  solicitation
of  proxies.  Any such  adjournment  will  require the  affirmative  vote of the
holders of a majority of the shares present in person or by proxy at the session
of the meeting to be  adjourned.  The persons named as attorneys in the enclosed
proxy  will  vote in favor of such  adjournment  those  proxies  which  they are
entitled to vote in favor of the  Proposal  for which  further  solicitation  of
proxies is to be made. They will vote against any such adjournment those proxies
required to be voted against such Proposal.  A shareholder  vote may be taken on
one or  more  of the  Proposals  in  this  Proxy  Statement  prior  to any  such
adjournment  if  sufficient  votes  have  been  received  and  it  is  otherwise
appropriate.  The  costs of any  additional  solicitation  and of any  adjourned
session will be borne ratably by the Funds.


       SUBMISSION  OF  SHAREHOLDER  PROPOSALS.  The  Trusts  do not hold  annual
shareholders'  meetings.  Shareholders wishing to submit proposals for inclusion
in a proxy  statement for a subsequent  shareholders'  meeting should send their
written  proposals to the Secretary of the respective  Trust, 24 Federal Street,
Boston,  Massachusetts  02110.  Proposals must be received in advance of a proxy
solicitation  to be  included  and the mere  submission  of a proposal  does not
guarantee  inclusion in the proxy statement  because certain federal  securities
law rules must be complied with.

                                                THE WRIGHT MANAGED EQUITY TRUST
                                                THE WRIGHT MANAGED INCOME TRUST
March  , 1997

                                                                EXHIBIT A

          Shares of Beneficial Interest Outstanding as of the Record Date

                         The Wright Managed Equity Trust

                         The Wright Managed Income Trust

                                                             EXHIBIT B

           Persons Owning More than 5% of Outstanding Shares of a Fund
                              as of the Record Date

                         The Wright Managed Equity Trust

                  Funds                                       5% Owners

                         The Wright Managed Income Trust

                  Funds                                       5% Owners

                                                                     EXHIBIT C

                                    Table of Comparative Expenses (Proposal 1)


                                               Wright                Wright                 Wright
                                         Selected Blue Chip     Junior Blue Chip     International Blue Chip
                                         Equities Fund (WBC)  Equities Fund (WJBC)     Equities Fund (WIBC)
                                          Actual   Proforma     Actual   Proforma     Actual   Proforma
                                         Expenses  Expenses    Expenses  Expenses    Expenses  Expenses
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Annualized Fund Operating Expenses
(as a percentage of average net assets)
Investment Adviser Fee                     0.63%    0.63%       0.54%     0.54%         0.77%     0.77%
Rule 12b-1 Distribution Expense
   (after expense limitation)              0.20%    0.20%       0.00%(1)  0.00%(2)      0.20%     0.20%
Other Expenses (including administration
   fees)(3)                                0.21%    0.22%       0.66%     0.66%(2)      0.33%     0.34%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Total Operating Expenses
       (after expense limitations)         1.04%    1.05%       1.20%(1)  1.20%(2)      1.30%     1.31%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(1) The Adviser and Distributor  have limited the Total Operating  Expense
of WJBC. Absent this agreement,  the Rule 12b-1  Distribution  Expense and Total
Operating  Expenses  of WJBC would be .20% and 1.41%,  respectively.  If credits
resulting from cash balances maintained with Investors Bank & Trust Company were
reflected in the table  above,  the Total  Operating  Expenses for WJBC would be

(2) The Adviser and Distributor intend to limit the Total Operating Expense of
WJBC. Absent this agreement the proforma Rule 12b-1 Distribution Expense, Other
Expenses and Total Operating Expense would be .20%,.67% and 1.42%. After credits
from cash balances maintained with Investors Bnak & Trust Company are reflected
in the proforma table the Total Operating Expenses would be 1.15%.

(3)  Administration fees for WBC, WJBC and WIBC were .12%,.20% and .12%, respectively.


                                  Wright                    Wright                    Wright             
                              U.S. Treasury              U.S. Treasury               Current         
                                 Fund                    Near Term Fund              Income Fund      
                                (WUSTB)                     (WNTB)                    (WCIF)              
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                Actual   Proforma       Actual   Proforma       Actual   Proforma   
                               Expenses  Expenses       Expenses  Expenses     Expenses  Expenses  
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Annualized Fund Operating Expenses
(as a percentage of average net assets)
Investment Adviser Fee (after
   fee limitation)              0.40%      0.40%(1)      0.42%     0.42%         0.40%     0.40%      
Rule 12b-1 Distribution Expense
   (after expense
   limitation)                  0.18%      0.18%(1)      0.20%     0.20%         0.20%     0.20%       
Other Expenses (including
   administration fees)(2)      0.36%      0.36%(1)      0.19%     0.20%         0.28%     0.29%       
     Total Operating Expenses      
     (after reductions)         0.94%      0.94%(1)      0.81%     0.82 %        0.88%     0.89%       
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(1) The Adviser and the Distributor have temporarily and voluntarily agreed
to limit the total  operation  expenses  of WUSTB.  Absent this  agreement,  the
Investment Adviser Fee, the Rule 12 b-1 Distribution Expense and Total Operating
Expenses would be .40%, .20% and .95% for WUSTB. If credits  resulting from cash
balances  maintained  with  Investors Bank & Trust Company were reflected in the
table above,  the Total Operating  Expenses for WUSTB and WNTB would be .87% and
 .81%, respectively.
The Adviser and Distributor intend to limit the total operating expense of
WUSTB. Absent this agreement the proforma Rule 12b-1 Distribution Expense, 
Other Expenses and Total Operating Expense would be .20%, .37% and .96%. After
credits from cash balances maintained with Investors Bank & Trust Company are
reflected in the proforma table the Total Operating Expense would be .90%.

(2)  Administration fees for WUSTB, WNTB, WTRB and WCIF were .10%, .08%, .09%
 and .10%, respectively.

Example of Fund Expenses

         The following is an illustration of the total transaction and operating
expenses  that an  investor  in each Fund would bear over  different  periods of
time, assuming an investment of $1,000, a 5% annual return on the investment and
redemption at the end of each period:

                                            Wright              Wright                 Wright               Wright
                                      Selected Blue Chip    Junior Blue Chip         Quality Core     International Blue Chip
                                         Equities Fund (WBC)  Equities Fund (WJBC)  Equities Fund(WQC)  Equities Fund (WIBC)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1Year                                           $ 11                $ 12              $ 11                 $ 13
3Years                                            33                  38                34                   41
5Years                                            57                  66                59                   71
10Years                                          127                 145               131                  157
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                           Wright              Wright              Wright             Wright              Wright
                        U.S. Treasury       U.S. Treasury       Total Return          Current          U.S. Treasury
                            Fund           Near Term Fund         Bond Fund         Income Fund      Money Market Fund
                           (WUSTB)             (WNTB)              (WTRB)             (WCIF)              (WTMM)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1 Year                      $ 10                 $ 8                 $ 8               $ 9                   $
3 Years                       30                  26                  26                28
5 Years                       52                  45                  46                49
10 Years                     115                 100                 103               108
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         The Example should not be considered a representation of past or future
expenses and actual  expenses  may be greater or less than those shown.  Federal
regulations  require the Example to assume a 5% annual return, but actual return
will vary.

                                                                EXHIBIT D

                        Amendments to Investment Restrictions

   No.   Current Restrictions                                     Amended Restrictions
         Each Fund may not:                                       Each Fund may not:
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   1     Borrow money in excess of 1/3 of the current market           Borrow  money or issue senior  securities  except
         value of the net assets of a Fund  (excluding  the amount     as permitted by the Investment Company Act of 1940.
         borrowed) and then only if such borrowing is incurred         In addition, a Fund may not issue bonds,debentures or
         as a temporary measure for extraordinary or emergency         senior equity securities, other than shares of
         purposes or to facilitate the orderly sale of portfolio       beneficial interest;
         securities to accommodate redemption requests; or 
         issue any securities of a Fund other than its shares of
         beneficial interest except as appropriate to evidence
         indebtedness which the Fund is permitted to incur.
         To the extent that a Fund purchases additional port-
         folio securities while such borrowings are outstanding,
         that particular Fund may be considered to be leverag-
         ing its assets, which entails the risks that the costs
         of borrowing may exceed the return from the securi-
         ties purchased.  (The Trust anticipates paying interest
         on borrowed money at rates comparable to a Fund's
         yield and the Trust has no intention of attempting to
         increase any Fund's net income by means of borrow-

   2     Pledge, mortgage or hypothecate its assets to an extent       No similar restriction.
         greater than 1/3 of the total assets of a Fund taken at

 3      Invest more than 5% of a Fund's total assets taken at           With respect to 75% of the total assets of a Fund,
        current market value in the securities of any one               purchase the securities of any issuer if such purchase
        issuer(1) or allow a Fund to purchase more than                 would cause more than 5% of its total assets (taken at
        10% of the voting securities of any one issuer;                 market value) to be invested in the securities of such
                                                                        issuer, or purchase securities of any issuer if such
                                                                        purchase would cause more than 10% of the total voting 
                                                                        securities of such issuer to be held by the Fund, except
                                                                        obligations issued or guaranteed by the U.S.Government,  
                                                                        its agencies or instrumentalities;

   4  Purchase  or retain  securities  of any  issuer if 5% of the       No similar restriction.
      issuers  securities  are  owned  by  those  officers  and
      Trustees of  the Trust or its  manager, investment adviser or
      administrator who own individually more than 1/2 of 1% of the issuer's

   5  Purchase securities on margin or make short sales                  Purchase securities on margin (but a Fund may obtain
      except sales against the box, write or purchase or sell            such short-term credits as may be necessary for the
      any put options, or purchase warrants;(2)                          clearance of purchase and sales of securities);

   6  Buy or sell real estate, commodities, or commodity                 Purchase  or sell real  estate, although a Fund may
      contracts unless acquired as a result of ownership of              purchase and sell securities which are secured by real
      securities;(3)(4)                                                  estate and securities of companies which invest or deal
                                                                         in real estate;

                                                                         Purchase or sell commodities or commodity contracts
                                                                         for the purchase or sale of physical commodities other
                                                                         than currency, excluding financial futures contracts
                                                                         and options on these financial futures contracts;

   7 Purchase any securities which would cause more                      Make an investment in any one industry if such invest-
     than 25% of the  market  value of a Fund's  total  assets           ment would cause investments in such industry to 
     at the time of such purchase to be invested in the                  equal or exceed 25% of the Fund's total assets taken   
     securities of issuers having their principal business               at market value at the time of such investment        
     activities in the same industry, provided that there is            (other than securities issued or guaranteed by
     no limitation in respect to investments in obligations              the U.S.Government or its agencies or instrumentalities);
     issued or guaranteed by the U.S. Government or its
     agencies or instrumentalities;(5)                                                                    

  8   Underwrite securities issued by other persons                      Underwrite or participate in the marketing of securities
      except insofar as the Trust may technically be                     of others;
      deemed an underwriter under the Securities Act
      of 1933 in selling a portfolio security;

  9   Make loans, except (i) through the loan of a portfolio              Make loans to any person except by (a) the acquisition
      security, (ii) by entering into repurchase agreements               of debt securities and making portfolio investments,
      and (iii) to the extent that the purchase of debt instru-           (b) entering into repurchase agreements,or (c) lending
      ments for a Fund in accordance with the Fund's in-                   portfolio securities;
      vestment objective and policies may be deemed to
      be loans;(6)

  10 Purchase from or sell to any of its Trustees or                       No similar restriction.
     officers, its manager, administrator or investment
     adviser, its principal underwriter, if any, or the officers or
     directors of said manager, administrator, investment adviser or
     principal underwriter, portfolio securities of any Fund.

  11 No similar restriction.                                               Notwithstanding the investment policies and restrictions
                                                                           of a Fund, a Fund may invest its assets in an
                                                                           open-end management investment company with
                                                                           substantially the  same investment objective, policies
                                                                           and restrictions as the Fund.


(1)    WUSTMM:  Restriction (3) contains an additional  clause --" (other than 
       securities issued or guaranteed by the U.S. Government or its agencies
       or instrumentalities).

(2)    WUST, WUSTNT, WTRB and WCI; Restriction (5) contains an additional clause
       --"except with respect to securities held by any Fund investing primarily
       in U.S.  government  securities or in securities the interest on which is
       exempt from federal income tax."

(3)    WIBC:  Restriction  (6) contains an additional  clause -- except that the
       Fund may  purchase and sell futures  contracts  on  securities,  indices,
       currency and other financial instruments and options on such contracts.

(4)    WUST,WUSTNT,WTRB,WCI and WUSTMM: Restriction (6) applies only to real estate.

(5)    WUST, WUSTNT, WTRB and WCI: Restriction (7) contains an additional clause
       -- "and utility companies,  gas, electric,  water and telephone companies
       are considered as separate  industries;  except that, with respect to any
       Fund which has a policy of being primarily  invested in obligations whose
       interest income is exempt from federal income tax, the restriction  shall
       be that the Trust will not  purchase  for that Fund either (i)  pollution
       control and industrial development bonds issued by non-governmental users
       or (ii)  securities  whose  interest  income is not exempt  from  federal
       income tax, if in either case the  purchase  would cause more than 25% of
       the market  value of the assets of the Fund at the time of such  purchase
       to be invested in the  securities  of one or more  issuers  having  their
       principal business activities in the same industry."

       WUSTMM: Restriction (7) contains an additional clause -- "and utility
       companies, gas, electric, water and telephone companies are considered separate industries."

(6)    WUST,  WUSTNT,  WTRB and WCI:  Restriction (9) does not permit loans of 
       portfolio  securities and repurchase agreements.

                                                                 EXHIBIT E

                         Wright Investors' Service, Inc.

Additional Information about Wright.

DIRECTORS  AND OFFICERS.  The following  table  provides  information  about the
directors  and  executive  officers  of  Wright. The  address for each is 1000
Lafayette Boulevard, Bridgeport, CT 06604-4720.

Name                                Principal Occupation or Employment

                                                              EXHIBIT F

                                     Form of
                          INVESTMENT ADVISORY CONTRACT

         CONTRACT  made this day of 1997,  between  [NAME OF TRUST],  a New York
trust  (the  "Trust"),  and  WRIGHT  INVESTORS'  SERVICE,  INC.,  a  Connecticut
corporation (the "Adviser"):

         1. Duties of the Adviser.  The Trust hereby  employs the Adviser to act
as investment  adviser for and to manage the investment and  reinvestment of the
assets of the Trust  and,  except as  otherwise  provided  in an  administration
agreement, to administer its affairs, subject to the supervision of the Trustees
of the Trust,  for the period and on the terms set forth in this  Contract.  The
Adviser will  perform  these duties with respect to any and all series of shares
("Portfolios")  which may be established by the Trustees pursuant to the Trust's
Declaration of Trust.  Portfolios  may be terminated  and additional  Portfolios
established from time to time by action of the Trustees of the Trust.

         The Adviser hereby accepts such employment, and undertakes to afford to
the Trust the advice and assistance of the Adviser's  organization in the choice
of investments and in the purchase and sale of securities for each Portfolio and
to  furnish  for the use of the  Trust  office  space and all  necessary  office
facilities,  equipment  and  personnel  for  servicing  the  investments  of the
Portfolios and for administering the Trust's affairs and to pay the salaries and
fees of all officers and Trustees of the Trust who are members of the  Adviser's
organization and all personnel of the Adviser  performing  services  relating to
research and investment activities. The Adviser shall for all purposes herein be
deemed to be an independent  contractor and shall, except as otherwise expressly
provided or  authorized,  have no authority to act for or represent the Trust in
any way or otherwise be deemed an agent of the Trust.

         The Adviser shall provide the Trust with such investment management and
supervision as the Trust may from time to time consider necessary for the proper
supervision of its  Portfolios.  As investment  adviser to the  Portfolios,  the
Adviser shall furnish  continuously  an investment  program and shall  determine
from time to time what securities shall be purchased, sold or exchanged and what
portion of each Portfolio's  assets shall be held uninvested,  subject always to
the  applicable   restrictions  of  the   Declaration  of  Trust,   By-Laws  and
registration  statement of the Trust under the  Investment  Company Act of 1940,
all as from time to time amended.  The Adviser is authorized,  in its discretion
and without prior  consultation  with the Trust, but subject to each Portfolio's
investment  objective,  policies  and  restrictions,  to  buy,  sell,  lend  and
otherwise  trade  in  any  stocks,  bonds,  options  and  other  securities  and
investment instruments on behalf of the Portfolios,  to purchase,  write or sell
options on securities, futures contracts or indices on behalf of the Portfolios,
to enter  into  commodities  contracts  on behalf of the  Portfolios,  including
contracts  for the  future  delivery  of  securities  or  currency  and  futures
contracts on securities or other indices,  and to execute any and all agreements
and  instruments and to do any and all things  incidental  thereto in connection
with the management of the  Portfolios.  Should the Trustees of the Trust at any
time, however,  make any specific  determination as to investment policy for the
Portfolios and notify the Adviser thereof in writing, the Adviser shall be bound
by such  determination for the period, if any, specified in such notice or until
similarly notified that such  determination has been revoked.  The Adviser shall
take,  on behalf of the  Portfolios,  all actions  which it deems  necessary  or
desirable  to  implement  the  investment  policies  of the  Trust  and of  each

         The  Adviser  shall  place  all  orders  for  the  purchase  or sale of
portfolio  securities  for the  account of a Portfolio  with  brokers or dealers
selected by the Adviser,  and to that end the Adviser is authorized as the agent
of the  Portfolio to give  instructions  to the custodian of the Portfolio as to
deliveries of securities  and payments of cash for the account of a Portfolio or

the Trust.  In connection  with the selection of such brokers or dealers and the
placing  of such  orders,  the  Adviser  shall use its best  efforts  to seek to
execute portfolio security  transactions at prices which are advantageous to the
Portfolios  and (when a disclosed  commission  is being  charged) at  reasonably
competitive  commission  rates.  In  selecting  brokers or dealers  qualified to
execute a  particular  transaction,  brokers or dealers may be selected who also
provide brokerage and research services and products (as those terms are defined
in Section  28(e) of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934) to the Adviser.  The
Adviser is expressly  authorized  to cause the  Portfolios  to pay any broker or
dealer  who  provides  such  brokerage  and  research  service  and  products  a
commission for executing a security transaction which is in excess of the amount
of commission  another  broker or dealer would have charged for  effecting  that
transaction  if the  Adviser  determines  in good  faith  that  such  amount  of
commission  is reasonable in relation to the value of the brokerage and research
services  provided  by such  broker or  dealer,  viewed in terms of either  that
particular transaction or the overall responsibilities which the Adviser and its
affiliates  have with respect to accounts  over which they  exercise  investment
discretion.  Subject to the requirement set forth in the second sentence of this
paragraph,  the Adviser is authorized to consider,  as a factor in the selection
of any broker or dealer with whom  purchase  or sale  orders may be placed,  the
fact that such broker or dealer has sold or is selling  shares of the  Portfolio
or the Trust or of other investment companies sponsored by the Adviser.

         2.  Compensation  of  the  Adviser.  For  the  services,  payments  and
facilities to be furnished hereunder by the Adviser, the Trust on behalf of each
Portfolio  shall pay to the  Adviser  on the last day of each  month a fee equal
(annually) to the percentage or percentages  specified in Annex A of the average
daily net assets of such Portfolio throughout the month,  computed in accordance
with the Trust's Declaration of Trust, registration statement and any applicable
votes of the Trustees of the Trust.

         In case of the  initiation or  termination  of the Contract  during any
month with respect to any Portfolio,  each  Portfolio's fee for that month shall
be reduced  proportionately  on the basis of the number of calendar  days during
which the  Contract is in effect and the fee shall be computed  upon the average
net assets for the business days the Contract is so in effect for that month.

         The Adviser  may,  from time to time,  waive all or a part of the above

         3. Allocation of Charges and Expenses.  It is understood that the Trust
will pay all of its expenses other than those expressly  stated to be payable by
the  Adviser  hereunder,  which  expenses  payable by the Trust  shall  include,
without  limitation  (i) expenses of  maintaining  the Trust and  continuing its
existence,  (ii)  registration of the Trust under the Investment  Company Act of
1940, (iii) commissions,  fees and other expenses connected with the purchase or
sale of securities, (iv) auditing,  accounting and legal expenses, (v) taxes and
interest,  (vi)  governmental  fees,  (vii)  expenses of issue,  repurchase  and
redemption  of interests,  (viii)  expenses of printing  offering  documents for
distributing   to   investors   (ix)   expenses   of  reports   and  notices  to
interestholders  and of  meetings  of  interestholders  and proxy  solicitations
therefor, (x) expenses of reports to governmental officers and commissions, (xi)
insurance  expenses,  (xii) fees,  expenses and  disbursements of custodians and
subcustodians  for all  services  to the  Trust  (including  without  limitation
safekeeping  of  funds  and  securities,  keeping  of  books  and  accounts  and
determination of net asset value),  (xiii) fees,  expenses and  disbursements of
transfer agents and registrars for all services to the Trust, (xiv) expenses for
servicing  interestholder  accounts,  (xv) any direct charges to interestholders
approved by the Trustees of the Trust, (xvi) compensation of and any expenses of
Trustees of the Trust who are not "interested"  Trustees as such term is defined
in the Investment  Company Act of 1940, (xvii) the administration fee payable to
the  Trust's  administrator,  and (xix)  such  nonrecurring  items as may arise,
including  expenses  incurred in connection  with  litigation,  proceedings  and
claims and the  obligation  of the Trust to indemnify  its Trustees and officers
with respect thereto.

         4. Other  Interests.  It is  understood  that  Trustees,  officers  and
interestholders  of the Trust are or may be or become  interested in the Adviser
as directors, officers, employees, stockholders or otherwise and that directors,
officers,  employees  and  stockholders  of the  Adviser are or may be or become
similarly  interested  in the  Trust,  and that  the  Adviser  may be or  become
interested in the Trust as an interestholder or otherwise. It is also understood
that directors,  officers,  employees and stockholders of the Adviser are or may
be  or  become  interested  (as  directors,   trustees,   officers,   employees,
stockholders  or otherwise) in other companies or entities  (including,  without
limitation,  other investment companies) which the Adviser may organize, sponsor
or acquire, or with which it may merge or consolidate, and which may include the
words "Wright" or "Wright Investors" or any combination thereof as part of their
names,  and that the Adviser or its  subsidiaries  or affiliates  may enter into
advisory or management  agreements or other contracts or relationships with such
other companies or entities.

         5. Limitation of Liability of the Adviser.  The services of the Adviser
to the Trust are not to be deemed to be  exclusive,  the  Adviser  being free to
render  services  to others  and  engage in other  business  activities.  In the
absence  of  willful  misfeasance,  bad  faith,  gross  negligence  or  reckless
disregard of  obligations  or duties  hereunder on the part of the Adviser,  the
Adviser shall not be subject to liability to the Trust or to any  shareholder of
the Trust for any act or omission in the course of, or connected with, rendering
services  hereunder or for any losses  which may be  sustained in the  purchase,
holding or sale of any security.

         6.  Sub-Investment  Advisers.  The  Adviser  may  employ  one  or  more
sub-investment  advisers  from  time to time to  perform  such of the  acts  and
services  of the  Adviser,  including  the  selection  of  brokers or dealers to
execute the Trust's  portfolio  security  transactions,  and upon such terms and
conditions  as may be agreed upon  between  the Adviser and such  sub-investment
adviser provided,  however, that any such subadvisory agreement shall be subject
to such  approval  by the  Trustees  and  shareholders  of the Trust as shall be
required under the Investment Company Act of 1940.

         7. Duration and  Termination  of this  Contract.  This  Contract  shall
become  effective  upon the date of its  execution,  and,  unless  terminated as
herein  provided,  shall remain in full force and effect as to each Portfolio up
to and including  February 28, 1999 and shall  continue in full force and effect
as to  each  Portfolio  indefinitely  thereafter,  but  only  so  long  as  such
continuance  after February 28, 1999 is specifically  approved at least annually
(i) by the  vote of a  majority  of the  Trustees  of the  Trust or by vote of a
majority of the outstanding  voting securities of that Portfolio and (ii) by the
vote of a majority of those Trustees of the Trust who are not interested persons
of the Adviser or the Trust, in each case cast in person at a meeting called for
the purpose of voting on such approval.

         Either party hereto may, at any time on sixty (60) days' prior  written
notice to the other,  terminate this Contract as to any  Portfolio,  without the
payment of any penalty, by action of its Board of Directors or Trustees,  as the
case may be,  and the Trust  may,  at any time upon such  written  notice to the
Adviser,  terminate  this  Contract as to any Portfolio by vote of a majority of
the  outstanding  voting  securities  of that  Portfolio.  This  Contract  shall
terminate automatically in the event of its assignment.

         8.  Amendments of the Contract.  This Contract may be amended as to any
Portfolio by a writing signed by both parties hereto,  provided that no material
amendment  to this  Contract  shall  be  effective  as to that  Portfolio  until
approved  (i) by the vote of a majority  of those  Trustees of the Trust who are
not  interested  persons of the Adviser or the Trust cast in person at a meeting
called for the purpose of voting on such approval and (ii) by vote of a majority
of the outstanding voting securities of that Portfolio.

           9. Limitation of Liability.  The Adviser  expressly  acknowledges the
provision  in the  Declaration  of  Trust of the  Trust  limiting  the  personal
liability of interestholders of the Trust, and the Adviser hereby agrees that it
shall have  recourse only to the Trust for payment of claims or  obligations  as
between the Trust and Adviser  arising out of this  Contract  and shall not seek
satisfaction  from the  interestholders  or any  interestholder of the Trust. No
Portfolio shall be liable for the obligations of any other Portfolio hereunder.

         10.  Certain  Definitions.   The  terms  "assignment"  and  "interested
persons" when used herein shall have the  respective  meanings  specified in the
Investment Company Act of 1940 as now in effect or as hereafter amended subject,
however,  to such  exemptions as may be granted by the  Securities  and Exchange
Commission by any rule, regulation or order. The term "vote of a majority of the
outstanding  voting  securities  of that  Portfolio"  shall mean the vote of the
lesser of (a) 67 per  centum or more of the shares of the  particular  Portfolio
present or represented by proxy at a meeting of interestholders of the Portfolio
if the  holders  of more  than 50 per  centum of the  outstanding  shares of the
particular  Portfolio are present or represented by proxy at the meeting, or (b)
more  than  50  per  centum  of the  outstanding  interests  of  the  particular
Portfolio,  or such  other  vote  as may be  required  from  time to time by the
Investment Company Act of 1940.

         11. Use of the Name "Wright". The Adviser hereby consents to the use by
the Trust of the name  "Wright" as part of the Trust's name and the name of each
Portfolio  should the Trust  desire to adopt such name in the future;  provided,
however,  that such consent  shall be  conditioned  upon the  employment  of the
Adviser or one of its  affiliates as the  investment  adviser of the Trust.  The
name  "Wright" or any  variation  thereof may be used from time to time in other
connections  and for other  purposes by the Adviser and its affiliates and other
investment  companies  that have obtained  consent to use the name "Wright." The
Adviser  shall  have the  right to  require  the  Trust to cease  using the name
"Wright" as part of the Trust's name and the name of each Portfolio if the Trust
ceases,  for any reasons,  to employ the Adviser or one of its affiliates as the
Trust's investment adviser. Future names adopted by the Trust for itself and its
Portfolios,  insofar as such  names  include  identifying  words  requiring  the
consent  of the  Adviser,  shall be the  property  of the  Adviser  and shall be
subject to the same terms and conditions.

[NAME OF TRUST]                              WRIGHT INVESTORS' SERVICE, INC.

By: _____________________________         By:_________________________________
         Authorized Officer                             Authorized Officer

                                                                       ANNEX A

                            ANNUAL ADVISORY FEE RATES

                                                                     ANNUAL % ADVISORY FEE RATES
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                              $100 Mil.       $250 Mil.      $500 Mil.
                                                 Under           to              to             to            Over
                                               $100 Mil.      $250 Mil.       $500 Mil.       $1 Bil.        $1 Bil.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Selected Blue Chip Equities Portfolio            0.55%          0.69%           0.67%          0.63%          0.58%
Junior Blue Chip Equities Portfolio              0.55%          0.69%           0.67%          0.63%          0.58%
International Blue Chip Equities Portfolio       0.75%          0.79%           0.77%          0.73%          0.68%
U.S. Treasury Portfolio                          0.40%          0.46%           0.42%          0.38%          0.33%
U.S. Treasury Near Term Portfolio                0.40%          0.46%           0.42%          0.38%          0.33%
Current Income Portfolio                         0.40%          0.46%           0.42%          0.38%          0.33%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                             EXHIBIT G

                              AMENDED AND RESTATED
                              DECLARATION OF TRUST
                           THE WRIGHT [NAME OF TRUST]
                                24 Federal Street
                           Boston, Massachusetts 02110

       DECLARATION OF TRUST made this day of , 1997 by the undersigned (together
with all other persons from time to time duly elected,  qualified and serving as
Trustees  in  accordance   with  the  provisions  of  Article  II  hereof,   the

       WHEREAS,  pursuant to a  declaration  of trust  executed and delivered on
[date] and amended and  restated on [date]  (the  "Original  Declaration"), the
Trustees  established  a trust  for the  investment  and  reinvestment  of funds
contributed thereto:

       WHEREAS, the Trustees divided the beneficial interest in the trust assets
into transferable shares of beneficial interest, as provided therein;

       WHEREAS, the Trustees declared that all money and property contributed to
the trust established thereunder be held and managed in trust for the benefit of
the holders,  from time to time,  of the shares of  beneficial  interest  issued
thereunder and subject to the provisions thereof;

       WHEREAS, the Trustees desire to amend and restate the Original

       NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the  foregoing  premises  and the
agreements  contained herein, the undersigned,  being all of the trustees of the
trust, hereby amend and restate the Original Declaration as follows:

                                    ARTICLE I

                              NAME AND DEFINITIONS

       Section 1.1.  Name. The name of the trust created hereby is The Wright
 [NAME OF TRUST] (the "Trust").

       Section  1.2. Definitions. Wherever they are used herein, the following 
 terms have the following  respective meanings.

       (a)    "Administrator" means the party, other than the Trust, to a 
contract described in Section 3.3 hereof.

       (b)    "By-Laws" means the By-Laws referred to in Section 2.5 hereof, as
 from time to time amended.

       (c)  "Class"  means any  division  or Class of Shares  within a Series or
Fund,  which  Class is or has been  established  within  such  Series or Fund in
accordance with the provisions of Article V.

       (d)    "Commission" has the meaning given it in the 1940 Act.

       (e) "Custodian"  means any Person other than the Trust who has custody of
any Trust  Property as required by Section  17(f) of the 1940 Act,  but does not
include a system  for the  central  handling  of  securities  described  in said
Section 17(f).

       (f)  "Declaration"  means this Declaration of Trust, as amended from time
to time. Reference in this Declaration of Trust to "Declaration,"  "hereof," and
"hereunder" shall be deemed to refer to this Declaration rather than exclusively
to the article or section in which such words appear.

       (g) "Fund" or "Funds,"  individually or collectively,  means the separate
Series  of  Shares  of the  Trust,  together  with the  assets  and  liabilities
belonging and allocated thereto.

       (h)    "His" shall include the feminine and neuter, as well as the
 masculine, genders.

       (i) The term  "Interested  Person" has the meaning  specified in the 1940
Act subject, however, to such exceptions and exemptions as may be granted by the
Commission in any rule, regulation or order.

       (j)    "Investment Adviser" means the party, other than the Trust, to an
 agreement described in Section 3.2 hereof.

       (k)    The "1940 Act" means the Investment Company Act of 1940 and the
 Rules and Regulations thereunder,  as amended
from time to time.

       (l) "Person" means and includes individuals, corporations,  partnerships,
trusts,  associations,  firms, joint ventures and other entities, whether or not
legal  entities,  as well as  governments,  instrumentalities,  and agencies and
political   subdivisions   thereof,   and   quasi-governmental    agencies   and

       (m)    "Principal Underwriter" means the party, other than the Trust, to
 a contract described in Section 3.1 hereof.

       (n)  "Prospectus"  means  the  Prospectus  and  Statement  of  Additional
Information  included  in the  Registration  Statement  of the  Trust  under the
Securities  Act  of  1933  as  such   Prospectus  and  Statement  of  Additional
Information  may be amended or  supplemented  and filed with the Commission from
time to time.

       (o) "Series"  individually or collectively  means such separately managed
component(s)  or Fund(s) of the Trust (or, if the Trust shall have only one such
component or Fund, then that one) as may be established and designated from time
to time by the Trustees pursuant to Section 5.5 hereof.

       (p)  "Shareholder"   means  a  record  owner  of  Outstanding  Shares.  A
Shareholder  of  Shares  of a Series  shall  be  deemed  to own a  proportionate
undivided  beneficial  interest in such Series  equal to the number of Shares of
each  Series of which he is the  record  owner  divided  by the total  number of
Outstanding  Shares of such Series.  A Shareholder of Shares of a Class within a
Series shall be deemed to own a proportionate  undivided  beneficial interest in
such Class equal to the number of Shares of such Class of which he is the record
owner divided by the total number of Outstanding  Shares of such Class.  As used
herein the term  "Shareholder"  shall,  when applicable to one or more Series or
Funds  or to one  or  more  Classes  thereof,  refer  to the  record  owners  of
Outstanding Shares of such Series,  Fund or Funds or of such Class or Classes of

       (q) "Shares" means the equal  proportionate  units of interest into which
the  beneficial  interest  in the  Trust  shall be  divided  from  time to time,
including the Shares of any and all Series or of any Class within any Series (as
the context may require) which may be established by the Trustees,  and includes
fractions of Shares as well as whole  Shares.  "Outstanding  Shares" means those
Shares shown from time to time on the books of the Trust or its  Transfer  Agent
as then issued and  outstanding,  but shall not include  Shares  which have been
redeemed  or  repurchased  by the  Trust  and  which are at the time held in the
treasury of the Trust.

       (r) "Transfer  Agent" means any Person other than the Trust who maintains
the  Shareholder  records of the Trust,  such as the list of  Shareholders,  the
number of Shares credited to each account, and the like.

       (s)  "Trust"  means The Wright  [NAME OF TRUST].  As used herein the term
Trust  shall,  when  applicable  to one or more  Series or Funds,  refer to such
Series or Funds.

       (t) The "Trustees" means the persons who have signed this Declaration, so
long as they shall continue in office in accordance  with the terms hereof,  and
all  other  persons  who now  serve  or may from  time to time be duly  elected,
qualified and serving as Trustees in accordance  with the  provisions of Article
II hereof and the By-Laws of the Trust, and reference herein to a Trustee or the
Trustees  shall  refer to such  person  or  persons  in this  capacity  or their
capacities as Trustees hereunder.

       (u)  "Trust  Property"  means  any and all  property,  real or  personal,
tangible  or  intangible,  which is owned or held by or for the  account  of the
Trust or the  Trustees,  including  any and all  assets of or  allocated  to any
Series or Class, as the context may require.

       (v)  Except as such term may be  otherwise  defined  by the  Trustees  in
connection  with any meeting or other action of  Shareholders  or in conjunction
with the  establishment  of any Series or Class of Shares,  the term "vote" when
used in connection with an action of Shareholders  shall include a vote taken at
a meeting of  Shareholders  or the  consent or consents  of  Shareholders  taken
without  such a  meeting.  Except as such term may be  otherwise  defined by the
Trustees in connection  with any meeting or other action of  Shareholders  or in
conjunction with the  establishment  of any Series or Class of Shares,  the term
"vote of a majority of the  outstanding  voting  securities" as used in Sections
8.2 and 8.4 shall have the same  meaning as is assigned to that term in the 1940

                                   ARTICLE II


       Section  2.1.  Management  of the Trust.  The business and affairs of the
Trust  shall be  managed  by the  Trustees  and they  shall  have all powers and
authority  necessary,  appropriate  or desirable to perform that  function.  The
number, term of office,  manner of election,  resignation,  filling of vacancies
and procedures  with respect to meetings and actions of the Trustees shall be as
prescribed in the By-Laws of the Trust.

       Section 2.2.  General Powers.  The Trustees in all instances shall act as
principals for and on behalf of the Trust and the applicable Series thereof, and
their acts shall bind the Trust and the  applicable  Series.  The Trustees shall
have full

 power and authority to do any and all acts and to make and execute any
and all contracts and instruments that they may consider necessary,  appropriate
or desirable in connection with the management of the Trust.  The Trustees shall
not be bound or  limited  in any way by present  or future  laws,  practices  or
customs in regards to trust  investments  or to other  investments  which may be
made by fiduciaries, but shall have full authority and power to make any and all
investments which they, in their uncontrolled  discretion,  shall deem proper to
promote,  implement or accomplish  the various  objectives  and interests of the
Trust and of its  Series of  Shares.  The  Trustees  shall  have full  power and
authority to adopt such accounting and tax accounting practices as they consider
appropriate  for the Trust and for any Series or Class of Shares.  The  Trustees
shall have  exclusive and absolute  control over the Trust Property and over the
business of the Trust to the same extent as if the Trustees were the sole owners
of the Trust Property and business in their own right, and with such full powers
of delegation as the Trustees may exercise from time to time. The Trustees shall
have power to conduct the business of the Trust and carry on its  operations  in
any and all of its  branches  and  maintain  offices both within and without The
Commonwealth  of  Massachusetts,  in any and all states of the United  States of
America,  in  the  District  of  Columbia,  and in any  and  all  commonwealths,
territories,  dependencies, colonies, possessions, agencies or instrumentalities
of the United States of America and of foreign  governments,  and to do all such
other  things as they  deem  necessary,  appropriate  or  desirable  in order to
promote or  implement  the  interests  of the Trust or of any Series or Class of
Shares  although  such  things  are  not  herein  specifically  mentioned.   Any
determination  as to what is in the best interests of the Trust or of any Series
or Class of Shares made by the  Trustees in good faith shall be  conclusive  and
binding upon all Shareholders. In construing the provisions of this Declaration,
the  presumption  shall be in favor of a grant of plenary power and authority to
the Trustees.

      The  enumeration of any specific power in this  Declaration  shall not be
construed as limiting the aforesaid general and plenary powers.

      Section 2.3.Investments.The Trustees shall have full power and authority:

       (a) To operate as and carry on the business of an investment company, and
exercise  all the  powers  necessary  and  appropriate  to the  conduct  of such

       (b) To acquire or buy,  and  invest  Trust  Property  in,  own,  hold for
investment  or  otherwise,  and to sell or  otherwise  dispose of, all types and
kinds of  securities  including,  but not  limited  to,  stocks,  profit-sharing
interests or  participations  and all other contracts for or evidences of equity
interests,  bonds,  debentures,  warrants  and  rights to  purchase  securities,
certificates of beneficial interest, bills, notes and all other contracts for or
evidences of indebtedness,  money market instruments including bank certificates
of deposit,  finance paper,  commercial  paper,  bankers'  acceptances and other
obligations,   and  all  other  negotiable  and  non-negotiable  securities  and
instruments,  however  named  or  described,  issued  by  corporations,  trusts,
associations or any other Persons,  domestic or foreign, or issued or guaranteed
by the United States of America or any agency or instrumentality thereof, by the
government of any foreign country, by any State,  territory or possession of the
United States, by any political  subdivision or agency or instrumentality of any
State or foreign country,  or by any other  government or other  governmental or
quasi-governmental  agency or  instrumentality,  domestic or foreign; to acquire
and dispose of  interests  in domestic or foreign  loans made by banks and other
financial  institutions;  to deposit any assets of the Trust in any bank,  trust
company or banking  institution or retain any such assets in domestic or foreign
cash or  currency;  to purchase  and sell gold and silver  bullion,  precious or
strategic  metals,  coins  and  currency  of all  countries;  to engage in "when
issued" and delayed delivery transactions;  to enter into repurchase agreements,
reverse  repurchase  agreements and firm  commitment  agreements;  to employ all
types and kinds of hedging techniques and investment management strategies;  and
to change the investments of the Trust and of each Series.

       (c) To acquire (by  purchase,  subscription  or  otherwise),  to hold, to
trade in and deal in, to acquire any rights or options to  purchase or sell,  to
sell or otherwise dispose of, to lend and to pledge any Trust Property or any of
the foregoing securities,  instruments or investments;  to purchase and sell (or
write) options on securities,  currency,  precious metals and other commodities,
indices, futures contracts and other financial instruments and assets, and enter
into closing and other transactions in connection  therewith;  to enter into all
types of commodities  contracts,  including without  limitation the purchase and
sale of futures  contracts on securities,  currency,  precious  metals and other
commodities,  indices and other financial  instruments and assets; to enter into
forward  foreign  currency  exchange  contracts and other  foreign  exchange and
currency  transactions  of all types and kinds;  to enter into  transactions  in
interest  rate,  currency and other swaps,  swaptions,  and interest  rate caps,
floors and  collars;  and to engage in all types and kinds of  hedging  and risk
management transactions.

       (d) To  exercise  all  rights,  powers and  privileges  of  ownership  or
interest in all  securities  and other  assets  included in the Trust  Property,
including  without  limitation  the right to vote thereon and otherwise act with
respect thereto; and to do all acts and things for the preservation, protection,
improvement and enhancement in value of all such securities and assets.

       (e) To  acquire  (by  purchase,  lease or  otherwise)  and to hold,  use,
maintain,  lease, develop and dispose of (by sale or otherwise) any type or kind
of property,  real or personal,  including domestic or foreign currency, and any
right or interest therein.

       (f) To borrow money and in this connection issue notes,  commercial paper
or other evidence of indebtedness; to secure borrowings by mortgaging,  pledging
or otherwise  subjecting as security all or any part of the Trust  Property;  to
endorse, guarantee, or undertake the performance of any obligation or engagement
of any other Person;  and to send all or any part of the Trust Property to other

       (g) To aid,  support or assist by further  investment or other action any
Person, any obligation of or interest in which is included in the Trust Property
or in the  affairs of which the Trust or any  Series has any direct or  indirect
interest;  to do all acts and things designed to protect,  preserve,  improve or
enhance the value of such  obligation  or  interest;  and to guarantee or become
surety on any or all of the contracts,  securities and other  obligations of any
such Person.

       (h) To carry on any other  business in  connection  with or incidental to
any of the foregoing  powers referred to in this  Declaration,  to do everything
necessary, appropriate or desirable for the accomplishment of any purpose or the
attainment  of any object or the  furtherance  of any power  referred to in this
Declaration,  either alone or in association with others,  and to do every other
act or thing  incidental or  appurtenant  to or arising out of or connected with
such business or purposes, objects or powers.

       The foregoing clauses shall be construed both as objects and powers,  and
shall not be held to limit or  restrict  in any manner the  general  and plenary
powers of the Trustees.

       Notwithstanding  any other provision herein, the Trustees shall have full
power in their discretion,  without any requirement of approval by Shareholders,
to invest part or all of the Trust Property (or part or all of the assets of any
Fund), or to dispose of part or all of the Trust Property (or part or all of the
assets of any Fund) and invest the proceeds of such  disposition,  in securities
issued by one or more other investment  companies registered under the 1940 Act.
Any such other  investment  company may (but need not) be a trust  (formed under
the laws of the State of New York or of any other state) which is  classified as
a partnership for federal income tax purposes.

       Section 2.4. Legal Title.  Legal title to all the Trust Property shall be
vested in the  Trustees  who from time to time shall be in office.  The Trustees
may hold any  security or other  Trust  Property  in a form not  indicating  any
trust,  whether in bearer,  unregistered or other negotiable form, and may cause
legal title to any security or other Trust Property to be held by or in the name
of one or more of the Trustees, or in the name of the Trust or any Series, or in
the name of a custodian,  subcustodian,  agent, securities depository,  clearing
agency,  system for the  central  handling  of  securities  or other  book-entry
system,  or in the name of a nominee or nominees of the Trust or a Series, or in
the  name  of a  nominee  or  nominees  of  a  custodian,  subcustodian,  agent,
securities  depository,  clearing  agent,  system for the  central  handling  of
securities  or other  book-entry  system,  or in the name of any other Person as
nominee.  The right,  title and interest of the  Trustees in the Trust  Property
shall vest automatically in each Person who may hereafter become a Trustee. Upon
the  termination  of the  term of  office,  resignation,  removal  or death of a
Trustee he shall automatically cease to have any right, title or interest in any
of the Trust Property,  and the right, title and interest of such Trustee in the
Trust Property shall vest automatically in the remaining Trustees.

       Section 2.5. By-Laws. The Trustees shall have full power and authority to
adopt  By-Laws  providing  for the  conduct  of the  business  of the  Trust and
containing  such  other  provisions  as  they  deem  necessary,  appropriate  or
desirable, and to amend and repeal such By-Laws. Unless the By-Laws specifically
require  that  Shareholders  authorize  or approve the  amendment or repeal of a
particular provision of the By-Laws, any provision of the By-Laws may be amended
or repealed by the Trustees without Shareholder authorization or approval.

       Section 2.6.  Distribution  and Repurchase of Shares.  The Trustees shall
have full  power and  authority  to issue,  sell,  repurchase,  redeem,  retire,
cancel, acquire, hold, resell, reissue, dispose of, transfer, and otherwise deal
in  Shares.  Shares  may be sold for  cash or  property  or other  consideration
whenever  and in such  amounts and manner as the Trustees  deem  desirable.  The
Trustees shall have full power to provide for the  distribution of Shares either
through one or more principal  underwriters or by the Trust itself, or both. The
Trustees  shall have full power and  authority to cause the Trust and any Series
and Class of Shares to finance  distribution  activities in the manner described
in Section 3.7, and to authorize  the Trust,  on behalf of one or more Series or
Classes  of Shares,  to adopt or enter  into one or more  plans or  arrangements
whereby  multiple Series and Classes of Shares may be issued and sold to various
types of investors.

       Section  2.7.  Advisory  Board.  The  Trustees  shall have full power and
authority to establish advisory boards and to appoint members thereto.  Any such
advisory board shall have the duties assigned to it by the Trustees and shall be
as set forth in the By-Laws.  The Trustees may terminate  any advisory  board in
their sole discretion.
       Section 2.8. Delegation. The Trustees shall have full power and authority
to delegate  from time to time to such of their number or to officers,  advisory
board members, employees or agents of the Trust or to other Persons the doing of
such things and the execution of such agreements or other instruments  either in
the name of the Trust or any Series of the Trust or the names of the Trustees or
otherwise as the Trustees may deem desirable or expedient.

       Section 2.9.  Collection and Payment.  The Trustees shall have full power
and  authority  to collect  all  property  due to the Trust;  to pay all claims,
including  taxes,  against the Trust or Trust  Property;  to prosecute,  defend,
compromise,  settle  or  abandon  any  claims  relating  to the  Trust  or Trust
Property; to foreclose any security interest securing any obligations, by virtue
of  which  any  property  is owed to the  Trust;  and to  enter  into  releases,
agreements and other instruments.

       Section 2.10. Expenses.  The Trustees shall have full power and authority
to incur on  behalf of the  Trust or any  Series or Class of Shares  and pay any
costs or expenses which the Trustees deem necessary,  appropriate,  desirable or
incidental to carry out,  implement or enhance the business or operations of the
Trust or any Series thereof, and to pay compensation from the funds of the Trust
to themselves as Trustees.  The Trustees shall determine the compensation of all

officers,  employees  and Trustees of the Trust.  The  Trustees  shall have full
power and  authority  to cause the Trust to charge  all or any part of any cost,
expense or expenditure  (including  without limitation any expense of selling or
distributing Shares) or tax against the principal or capital of the Trust or any
Series or Class of Shares,  and to credit all or any part of the profit,  income
or receipt  (including  without  limitation  any  deferred  sales charge or fee,
whether  contingent or otherwise,  paid or payable to the Trust or any Series or
Class of Shares on any  redemption  or repurchase of Shares) to the principal or
capital of the Trust or any Series or Class of Shares.

       Section 2.11. Manner of Acting. Except as otherwise provided herein or in
the By-Laws,  the Trustees and  committees of the Trustees shall have full power
and  authority to act in any manner which they deem  necessary,  appropriate  or
desirable to carry out,  implement or enhance the business or  operations of the
Trust or any Series thereof.

       Section 2.12.  Miscellaneous  Powers.  The Trustees shall have full power
and authority to: (a) distribute to Shareholders all or any part of the earnings
or profits,  surplus  (including  paid-in surplus),  capital  (including paid-in
capital) or assets of the Trust or of any Series or Class of Shares,  the amount
of such  distributions  and the  manner of  payment  thereof to be solely at the
discretion of the Trustees;  (b) employ, engage or contract with such Persons as
the  Trustees  may  deem  desirable  for  the  transaction  of the  business  or
operations of the Trust or any Series thereof; (c) enter into or cause the Trust
or any Series  thereof to enter into joint  ventures,  partnerships  (whether as
general  partner,  limited  partner or otherwise) and any other  combinations or
associations;  (d) remove  Trustees or fill vacancies in or add to their number,
elect and  remove  such  officers  and  appoint  and  terminate  such  agents or
employees or other Persons as they consider appropriate,  and appoint from their
own number, and terminate, any one or more committees which may exercise some or
all of the power and  authority of the  Trustees as the Trustees may  determine;
(e) purchase,  and pay for out of Trust Property,  insurance  policies which may
insure  such  of  the  Shareholders,   Trustees,  officers,  employees,  agents,
investment advisers,  administrators,  principal  underwriters,  distributors or
independent  contractors of the Trust as the Trustees deem  appropriate  against
loss or liability arising by reason of holding any such position or by reason of
any action taken or omitted by any such Person in such capacity,  whether or not
constituting  negligence,  or whether  or not the Trust  would have the power to
indemnify  such Person  against such loss or liability;  (f) establish  pension,
profit-sharing,  share  purchase,  and other  retirement,  incentive and benefit
plans  for any  Trustees,  officers,  employees  and  agents of the  Trust;  (g)
indemnify or reimburse any Person with whom the Trust or any Series  thereof has
dealings,  including without limitation the Investment  Adviser,  Administrator,
Principal  Underwriter,  Transfer  Agent and financial  service  firms,  to such
extent as the Trustees  shall  determine;  (h)  guarantee  the  indebtedness  or
contractual  obligations of other  Persons;  (i) determine and change the fiscal
year of the Trust or any Series  thereof  and the methods by which its and their
books,  accounts and records shall be kept;  and (j) adopt a seal for the Trust,
but the  absence of such seal shall not impair the  validity  of any  instrument
executed on behalf of the Trust or any Series thereof.

       Section  2.13.  Litigation.  The  Trustees  shall  have  full  power  and
authority,  in the  name  and  on  behalf  of the  Trust,  to  engage  in and to
prosecute,  defend,  compromise,  settle,  abandon,  or adjust by arbitration or
otherwise,  any  actions,  suits,  proceedings,  disputes,  claims  and  demands
relating to the Trust,  and out of the assets of the Trust or any Series thereof
to  pay or to  satisfy  any  liabilities,  losses,  debts,  claims  or  expenses
(including without limitation attorneys' fees) incurred in connection therewith,
including those of litigation,  and such power shall include without  limitation
the power of the Trustees or any committee thereof,  in the exercise of their or
its good faith  business  judgment,  to dismiss or terminate  any action,  suit,
proceeding,  dispute,  claim or demand,  derivative or otherwise  brought by any
Person,  including a Shareholder  in his own name or in the name of the Trust or
any Series thereof, whether or not the Trust or any Series thereof or any of the
Trustees  may be named  individually  therein or the  subject  matter  arises by
reason of business for or on behalf of the Trust or any Series thereof.

                                   ARTICLE III


       Section 3.1. Principal Underwriter.  The Trustees may in their discretion
from  time to time  authorize  the  Trust  to enter  into one or more  contracts
providing  for the sale of the Shares.  Pursuant to any such  contract the Trust
may  either  agree to sell the  Shares to the  other  party to the  contract  or
appoint  such other party its sales agent for such Shares.  In either case,  any
such contract shall be on such terms and conditions as the Trustees may in their
discretion determine;  and any such contract may also provide for the repurchase
or sale of Shares by such other party as principal or as agent of the Trust.

       Section 3.2.  Investment  Adviser.  The Trustees may in their  discretion
from  time to time  authorize  the  Trust to enter  into one or more  investment
advisory  agreements  with respect to one or more Series whereby the other party
or parties to any such  agreements  shall undertake to furnish the Trust or such
Series investment  advisory and research  facilities and services and such other
facilities and services,  if any, as the Trustees  shall consider  desirable and
all upon such  terms and  conditions  as the  Trustees  may in their  discretion
determine.  Notwithstanding any provisions of this Declaration, the Trustees may
authorize  the  Investment  Adviser,  in its  discretion  and  without any prior
consultation  with the Trust, to buy, sell, lend and otherwise trade and deal in
any and all securities,  commodity contracts and other investments and assets of
the  Trust  and of  each  Series  and to  engage  in and  employ  all  types  of
transactions  and  strategies  in  connection  therewith.  Any such action taken
pursuant to such agreement shall be deemed to have been authorized by all of the

       The Trustees may also  authorize  the Trust to employ,  or authorize  the
Investment Adviser to employ, one or more  sub-investment  advisers from time to
time to perform such of the acts and services of the Investment Adviser and upon
such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon between the  Investment  Adviser
and such sub-investment adviser and approved by the Trustees.

       Section 3.3.  Administrator.  The Trustees may in their  discretion  from
time to time  authorize  the  Trust  to enter  into  one or more  administration
agreements  with  respect to one or more  Series or  Classes,  whereby the other
party to such agreement shall undertake to furnish to the Trust or a Series or a
Class thereof with such  administrative  facilities  and services and such other
facilities and services, if any, as the Trustees consider desirable and all upon
such terms and conditions as the Trustees may in their discretion determine.

       Section  3.4.  Other  Service  Providers.   The  Trustees  may  in  their
discretion  from  time to time  authorize  the  Trust to enter  into one or more
agreements  with respect to one or more Series or Classes of Shares  whereby the
other party or parties to any such  agreements  will undertake to provide to the
Trust or Series or Class or  Shareholders  or  beneficial  owners of Shares such
services  as the  Trustees  consider  desirable  and all  upon  such  terms  and
conditions as the Trustees in their discretion may determine.

       Section 3.5.  Transfer Agents.  The Trustees may in their discretion from
time to time  appoint  one or more  transfer  agents for the Trust or any Series
thereof.  Any  contract  with a  transfer  agent  shall  be on  such  terms  and
conditions as the Trustees may in their discretion determine.

       Section 3.6. Custodian.  The Trustees may appoint a bank or trust company
having an aggregate capital, surplus and undivided profits (as shown in its last
published report) of at least $2,000,000 as the principal custodian of the Trust

(the  "Custodian") with authority as its agent to hold cash and securities owned
by the Trust and to release and deliver the same upon such terms and  conditions
as may be agreed upon between the Trust and the Custodian.

       Section 3.7. Plans of Distribution.  The Trustees may in their discretion
authorize  the Trust,  on behalf of one or more Series or Classes of Shares,  to
adopt or enter into a plan or plans of distribution  and any related  agreements
whereby the Trust or Series or Class may  finance  directly  or  indirectly  any
activity  which is  primarily  intended  to  result  in sales of  Shares  or any
distribution  activity  within the meaning of Rule 12b-1 (or any successor rule)
under  the  1940  Act.  Such  plan or  plans  of  distribution  and any  related
agreements  may contain such terms and  conditions  as the Trustees may in their
discretion determine,  subject to the requirements of the 1940 Act and any other
applicable rules and regulations.

       Section 3.8.  Affiliations.  The fact that:

       (i) any of the  Shareholders,  Trustees  or  officers  of the  Trust is a
shareholder, creditor, director, officer, partner, trustee or employee of or has
any interest in any Person or any parent or  affiliate of any such Person,  with
which a contract or agreement of the  character  described in Sections 3.1, 3.2,
3.3,  3.4, 3.5 or 3.6 above has been or will be made or to which  payments  have
been or will be made  pursuant  to a plan  or  related  agreement  described  in
Section 3.7 above, or that any such Person, or any parent or affiliate  thereof,
is a Shareholder of or has an interest in the Trust, or that

       (ii) any such Person also has similar contracts, agreements or plans with
other  investment  companies  (including,  without  limitation,  the  investment
companies referred to in the last paragraph of Section 2.3) or organizations, or
has other  business  activities  or  interests,  shall not affect in any way the
validity of any such contract,  agreement or plan or disqualify any Shareholder,
Trustee or officer of the Trust from  authorizing,  voting upon or executing the
same or create any liability or accountability to the Trust or its Shareholders.

                                   ARTICLE IV


       Section 4.1. No Personal  Liability of Shareholders,  Trustees,  Advisory
Board Members,  Officers and Employees.  No Shareholder  shall be subject to any
personal liability whatsoever to any Person in connection with Trust Property or
the acts, obligations or affairs of the Trust or any Series thereof. All Persons
dealing or contracting with the Trustees as such or with the Trust or any Series
thereof  shall have recourse only to the Trust or such Series for the payment of
their  claims or for the  payment  or  satisfaction  of claims,  obligations  or
liabilities  arising out of such  dealings or  contracts.  No Trustee,  advisory
board member, officer or employee of the Trust, whether past, present or future,
shall be subject to any personal  liability  whatsoever to any such Person,  and
all such Persons  shall look solely to the Trust  Property,  or to the assets of
one or more  specific  Series  of the Trust if the  claim  arises  from the act,
omission or other conduct of such  Trustee,  advisory  board member,  officer or
employee  with respect to only such Series,  for  satisfaction  of claims of any
nature  arising in connection  with the affairs of the Trust or such Series.  If
any Shareholder,  Trustee,  advisory board member, officer or employee, as such,
of the Trust or any Series thereof, is made a party to any suit or proceeding to
enforce any such liability of the Trust or any Series thereof,  he shall not, on
account thereof, be held to any personal liability.

       Section 4.2.  Trustee's Good Faith Action;  Advice of Others;  No Bond or
Surety.  The exercise by the Trustees of their powers and discretions  hereunder
shall be binding upon  everyone  interested.  A Trustee  shall not be liable for

errors  of  judgment  or  mistakes  of fact or law.  The  Trustees  shall not be
responsible or liable in any event for any neglect or wrongdoing of any advisory
board member, officer, agent, employee, consultant,  investment adviser or other
adviser,  administrator,  distributor  or  principal  underwriter,  custodian or
transfer, dividend disbursing,  shareholder servicing or accounting agent of the
Trust, nor shall any Trustee be responsible for the act or omission of any other
Trustee.  The Trustees may take advice of counsel or other  experts with respect
to the meaning and operation of this  Declaration  and their duties as Trustees,
and shall be under no liability for any act or omission in accordance  with such
advice or for failing to follow such advice.  In discharging  their duties,  the
Trustees, when acting in good faith, shall be entitled to rely upon the records,
books and  accounts of the Trust and upon  reports  made to the  Trustees by any
advisory  board  member,  officer,  employee,  agent,  consultant,   accountant,
attorney,  investment adviser or other adviser,  principal underwriter,  expert,
professional firm or independent  contractor.  The Trustees as such shall not be
required to give any bond, surety or other security for the performance of their
duties. No provision of this Declaration shall protect any Trustee or officer of
the Trust  against any  liability to the Trust or its  Shareholders  to which he
would otherwise be subject by reason of his own willful misfeasance,  bad faith,
gross negligence or reckless  disregard of the duties involved in the conduct of
his office.

       Section 4.3.  Indemnification.  The Trustees may provide,  whether in the
By-Laws or by contract,  vote or other action,  for the  indemnification  by the
Trust or by any Series  thereof of the  Shareholders,  Trustees,  advisory board
members,  officers and  employees of the Trust and of such other  Persons as the
Trustees in the exercise of their  discretion may deem appropriate or desirable.
Any such  indemnification  may be  mandatory or  permissive,  and may be insured
against by policies maintained by the Trust.

       Section  4.4. No Duty of  Investigation.  No  purchaser,  lender or other
Person dealing with the Trustees or any officer,  employee or agent of the Trust
or a Series  thereof shall be bound to make any inquiry  concerning the validity
of any  transaction  purporting  to be made by the Trustees or by said  officer,
employee or agent or be liable for the  application  of money or property  paid,
loaned,  or  delivered  to or on the order of the  Trustees or of said  officer,
employee or agent. Every obligation,  contract, instrument,  certificate, Share,
other security of the Trust or a Series thereof or undertaking,  and every other
act or  thing  whatsoever  executed  in  connection  with  the  Trust  shall  be
conclusively  presumed to have been  executed or done by the  executors  thereof
only in their capacity as Trustees  under this  Declaration or in their capacity
as officers, employees or agents of the Trust or a Series thereof. Every written
obligation,  contract,  instrument,  certificate,  Share,  other security of the
Trust or a Series  thereof or  undertaking  made or issued by the  Trustees  may
recite  that  the same is  executed  or made by them  not  individually,  but as
Trustees  under  the  Declaration,  and that the  obligations  of the Trust or a
Series  thereof  under  any  such  instrument  are not  binding  upon any of the
Trustees or Shareholders  individually,  but bind only the Trust Property or the
Trust Property of the  applicable  Series,  and may contain any further  recital
which they may deem appropriate,  but the omission of any such recital shall not
operate to bind the Trustees or Shareholders individually.

       Section 4.5.  Reliance on Records and  Experts.  Each  Trustee,  advisory
board member, officer or employee of the Trust or a Series thereof shall, in the
performance of his duties, be fully and completely  justified and protected with
regard to any act or any failure to act  resulting  from  reliance in good faith
upon the records,  books and accounts of the Trust or a Series thereof,  upon an
opinion or other advice of legal  counsel,  or upon reports made or advice given
to the  Trust or a Series  thereof  by any  Trustee  or any of its  officers  or
employees or by the Investment Adviser,  the Administrator,  the Custodian,  the
Principal Underwriter, Transfer Agent, accountants, appraisers or other experts,
advisers,  consultants or  professionals  selected with  reasonable  care by the
Trustees or officers of the Trust,  regardless  of whether the person  rendering
such report or advice may also be a Trustee, officer or employee of the Trust.

                                    ARTICLE V

                          SHARES OF BENEFICIAL INTEREST

       Section  5.1.  Beneficial  Interest.  The  interest of the  beneficiaries
hereunder  shall be divided  into  transferable  Shares of  beneficial  interest
without par value. The number of such Shares of beneficial  interest  authorized
hereunder  and the number of Shares of each Series or Class  thereof that may be
issued hereunder is unlimited.  The Trustees shall have the exclusive  authority
without the  requirement of Shareholder  authorization  or approval to establish
and  designate  one or more Series of Shares and one or more Classes  thereof as
the Trustees deem necessary,  appropriate or desirable. Each Share of any Series
shall represent a beneficial interest only in the assets of that Series. Subject
to the  provisions  of Section 5.5 hereof,  the Trustees may also  authorize the
creation of  additional  Series of Shares (the proceeds of which may be invested
in separate and independent  investment  portfolios)  and additional  Classes of
Shares  within  any  Series.  All Shares  issued  hereunder  including,  without
limitation,  Shares  issued in  connection  with a dividend or  distribution  in
Shares or a split in Shares, shall be fully paid and nonassessable.

       Section 5.2. Rights of Shareholders.  The ownership of the Trust Property
of every  description  and the right to conduct  any  business  of the Trust are
vested exclusively in the Trustees,  and the Shareholders shall have no interest
therein other than the beneficial  interest  conferred by their Shares, and they
shall  have no right to call for any  partition  or  division  of any  property,
profits,  rights or interests of the Trust or of any Fund nor can they be called
upon to share or  assume  any  losses  of the  Trust or of any Fund or suffer an
assessment of any kind by virtue of their ownership of Shares.  The Shares shall
be  personal  property  giving  only the rights  specifically  set forth in this
Declaration. The Shares shall not entitle the holder to preference,  preemptive,
appraisal,   conversion  or  exchange   rights,   except  as  the  Trustees  may
specifically determine with respect to any Series or Class of Shares.

       Section 5.3.  Trust Only.  It is the  intention of the Trustees to create
only the  relationship of Trustee and beneficiary  between the Trustees and each
Shareholder from time to time. It is not the intention of the Trustees to create
a general  partnership,  limited partnership,  joint stock association,  limited
liability company, corporation, bailment or any form of legal relationship other
than a  Massachusetts  business  trust.  Nothing  in this  Declaration  shall be
construed to make the  Shareholders,  either by themselves or with the Trustees,
partners or member of a joint stock association.

       Section 5.4.  Issuance of Shares.  The Trustees in their  discretion may,
from time to time and without  any  authorization  or vote of the  Shareholders,
issue Shares,  in addition to the then issued and outstanding  Shares and Shares
held in the  treasury,  to such party or parties and for such amount and type of
consideration,  including  cash or  property,  at such time or times and on such
terms as the Trustees may deem appropriate or desirable, except that only Shares
previously  contracted to be sold may be issued during any period when the right
of  redemption  is  suspended  pursuant to Section  6.9 hereof,  and may in such
manner acquire other assets (including the acquisition of assets subject to, and
in connection with the assumption of, liabilities) and businesses. In connection
with any  issuance  of Shares,  the  Trustees  may issue  fractional  Shares and
reissue and resell full and fractional Shares held in the treasury. The Trustees
may from  time to time  divide  or  combine  the  Shares of the Trust or, if the
Shares be divided into Series or Classes,  of any Series or any Class thereof of
the  Trust,  into a greater  or  lesser  number  without  thereby  changing  the
proportionate  beneficial  interests  in  the  Trust  or in the  Trust  Property
allocated or belonging  to such Series or Class.  Contributions  to the Trust or
Series  thereof may be accepted  for,  and Shares  shall be redeemed  as,  whole
Shares  and/or  fractional  Shares  as  the  Trustees  may in  their  discretion
determine. The Trustees may authorize the issuance of certificates of beneficial
interest to evidence the ownership of Shares.  Shares held in the treasury shall
not be voted nor  shall  such  Shares  be  entitled  to any  dividends  or other
distributions declared with respect thereto.

       Section  5.5.  Series  and  Class  Designations.   Without  limiting  the
exclusive  authority of the  Trustees set forth in Section 5.1 to establish  and
designate any further Series or Classes,  it is hereby  confirmed that the Trust
consists of the presently  Outstanding Shares of the following Series: [NAME THE
SERIES]  (the  "Existing  Series").  The  Existing  Series  consist of [NAME THE
CLASSES].  The Shares of any Series and  Classes  thereof  that may from time to
time be established  and  designated by the Trustees  shall be  established  and
designated, and the variations in the relative rights and preferences as between
the different Series and Classes shall be fixed and determined,  by the Trustees
(unless the Trustees  otherwise  determine  with respect to Series or Classes at
the time of establishing  and designating the same);  provided,  that all Shares
shall be identical  except that there may be variations so fixed and  determined
between different Series or Classes thereof as to investment objective, policies
and  restrictions,  sales charges,  purchase prices,  determination of net asset
value, assets,  liabilities,  expenses, costs, charges and reserves belonging or
allocated  thereto,  the price,  terms and manner of redemption  or  repurchase,
special  and  relative  rights  as  to  dividends  and   distributions   and  on
liquidation,   conversion  rights,  exchange  rights,  and  voting  rights.  All
references to Shares in this Declaration  shall be deemed to be Shares of any or
all Series or Classes as the context may  require.  As to any division of Shares
of the  Trust  into  Series  or  Classes,  the  following  provisions  shall  be

       (i) The  number of  authorized  Shares  and the  number of Shares of each
Series or Class thereof that may be issued shall be unlimited.  The Trustees may
classify or reclassify any unissued Shares or any Shares  previously  issued and
reacquired  of any Series or Class into one or more other  Series or one or more
other Classes that may be  established  and  designated  from time to time.  The
Trustees  may hold as  treasury  shares  (of the same or some  other  Series  or
Class),  reissue for such consideration and on such terms as they may determine,
or cancel  any Shares of any  Series or Class  reacquired  by the Trust at their
discretion from time to time.

       (ii) All  consideration  received  by the  Trust for the issue or sale of
Shares  of  a  particular  Series,  together  with  all  assets  in  which  such
consideration  is invested or reinvested,  all income,  earnings,  profits,  and
proceeds  thereof,  including  any proceeds  derived from the sale,  exchange or
liquidation  of  such  assets,  and any  funds  or  payments  derived  from  any
reinvestment  of  such  proceeds  in  whatever  form  the  same  may  be,  shall
irrevocably  belong to that Series for all purposes,  subject only to the rights
of  creditors  of such  Series  and  except  as may  otherwise  be  required  by
applicable  tax laws,  and shall be so  recorded  on the books of account of the
Trust. In the event that there are any assets,  income,  earnings,  profits, and
proceeds  thereof,  funds,  or payments  which are not readily  identifiable  as
belonging  to any  particular  Series,  the  Trustees  or their  delegate  shall
allocate  them among any one or more of the Series  established  and  designated
from time to time in such manner and on such basis as the Trustees in their sole
discretion  deem fair and  equitable.  Each such  allocation  by the Trustees or
their  delegate  shall be conclusive  and binding upon the  Shareholders  of all
Series for all purposes.  No holder of Shares of any Series shall have any claim
on or right to any assets allocated or belonging to any other Series.

       (iii) Any general  liabilities,  expenses,  costs, charges or reserves of
the Trust which are not readily  identifiable  as  belonging  to any  particular
Series shall be allocated  and charged by the Trustees or their  delegate to and
among any one or more of the Series established and designated from time to time
in such manner and on such basis as the Trustees in their sole  discretion  deem
fair and  equitable.  The assets  belonging to each  particular  Series shall be
charged with the liabilities, expenses, costs, charges and reserves of the Trust
so allocated to that Series and all liabilities,  expenses,  costs,  charges and
reserves  attributable  to that  Series  which are not readily  identifiable  as
belonging to any  particular  Class  thereof.  Each  allocation of  liabilities,
expenses, costs, charges and reserves by the Trustees or their delegate shall be
conclusive and binding upon the  Shareholders  of all Series and Classes for all
purposes.  The Trustees shall have full  discretion to determine which items are
capital;  and each such  determination  shall be conclusive and binding upon the
Shareholders.  The assets of a particular  Series of the Trust  shall,  under no
circumstances,  be  charged  with  liabilities,  expenses,  costs,  charges  and

reserves  attributable  to any other Series or Class  thereof of the Trust.  All
Persons  extending  credit to, or contracting with or having any claim against a
particular  Series of the Trust shall look only to the assets of that particular
Series for payment of such credit, contract or claim.

       (iv)  Dividends  and  distributions  on Shares of a particular  Series or
Class may be paid or  credited  in such  manner and with such  frequency  as the
Trustees may determine,  to the holders of Shares of that Series or Class,  from
such of the earnings or profits,  surplus (including  paid-in surplus),  capital
(including  paid-in capital) or assets belonging to that Series, as the Trustees
may deem  appropriate  or  desirable,  after  providing  for actual and  accrued
liabilities,  expenses,  costs,  charges and reserves belonging and allocated to
that Series or Class.  Such  dividends  and  distributions  may be paid daily or
otherwise pursuant to the offering prospectus relating to the Shares or pursuant
to a standing  vote or votes of the  Trustees  adopted only once or from time to
time or pursuant to other  authorization  or  instruction  of the Trustees.  All
dividends and  distributions on Shares of a particular  Series or Class shall be
distributed  pro rata to the  Shareholders of that Series or Class in proportion
to the number of Shares of that Series or Class held by such Shareholders at the
time of record  established  for the payment or crediting  of such  dividends or

       (v) Each  Share of a Series of the Trust  shall  represent  a  beneficial
interest in the net assets of such Series.  Each holder of Shares of a Series or
Class thereof  shall be entitled to receive his pro rata Share of  distributions
of income and  capital  gains made with  respect to such  Series or Class net of
liabilities,  expenses,  costs,  charges and reserves belonging and allocated to
such  Series or Class.  Upon  redemption  of his Shares or  indemnification  for
liabilities  incurred by reason of his being or having been a  Shareholder  of a
Series,  such Shareholder  shall be paid solely out of the funds and property of
such Series of the Trust.  Upon  liquidation or termination of a Series or Class
thereof of the Trust,  a  Shareholder  of such Series or Class  thereof shall be
entitled to receive a pro rata Share of the net assets of such  Series  based on
the net asset value of his Shares.  A Shareholder of a particular  Series of the
Trust shall not be entitled to commence or  participate in a derivative or class
action on behalf of any other Series or the  Shareholders of any other Series of
the Trust.

       (vi) On any  matter  submitted  to a vote  of  Shareholders,  the  Shares
entitled  to vote  thereon  and the manner in which such  Shares  shall be voted
shall be as set forth in the By-Laws or proxy materials for the meeting or other
solicitation  materials or as otherwise  determined by the Trustees,  subject to
any applicable  requirements of the 1940 Act. The Trustees shall have full power
and  authority to call  meetings of the  Shareholders  of a particular  Class or
Classes of Shares or of one or more  particular  Series of Shares,  or otherwise
call for the action of such Shareholders on any particular matter.

       (vii) Except as otherwise  provided in this Article V, the Trustees shall
have full  power and  authority  to  determine  the  designations,  preferences,
privileges,  sales charges,  purchase  prices,  assets,  liabilities,  expenses,
costs,  charges and reserves  belonging or allocated  thereto,  limitations  and
rights,  including  without  limitation  voting,   dividend,   distribution  and
liquidation  rights,  of  each  Class  and  Series  of  Shares.  Subject  to any
applicable  requirements  of the 1940 Act, the Trustees shall have the authority
to provide that the Shares of one Class shall be  automatically  converted  into
Shares of another  Class of the same Series or that the holders of Shares of any
Series or Class  shall have the right to convert or  exchange  such  Shares into
Shares of one or more other Series or Classes of Shares,  all in accordance with
such  requirements,  conditions  and  procedures  as may be  established  by the

       (viii) The establishment and designation of any Series or Class of Shares
shall be effective  upon the  execution by a majority of the then Trustees of an
instrument  setting forth such  establishment  and  designation and the relative
rights and preferences of such Series or Class, or as otherwise provided in such
instrument.  The  Trustees  may  by an  instrument  subsequently  executed  by a
majority of their number amend, restate or rescind any prior instrument relating

to the  establishment  and  designation  of  any  such  Series  or  Class.  Each
instrument  referred to in this paragraph  shall have the status of an amendment
to this  Declaration in accordance  with Section 8.4 hereof,  and a copy of each
such instrument shall be filed in accordance with Section 10.1 hereof.

       Section  5.6.   Assent  to  Declaration  of  Trust  and  By-Laws.   Every
Shareholder,  by virtue of having  become a  Shareholder,  shall be held to have
expressly  assented  and  agreed  to  all  the  terms  and  provisions  of  this
Declaration and of the By-Laws of the Trust.

                                   ARTICLE VI


       Section  6.1.  Redemption  of Shares.  (a)  Shares of the Trust  shall be
redeemable, at such times and in such manner as may be permitted by the Trustees
from time to time.  The Trustees shall have full power and authority to vary and
change the right of redemption  applicable to the various  Series and Classes of
Shares established by the Trustees. Redeemed or repurchased Shares may be resold
by the Trust. The Trust may require any Shareholder to pay a sales charge to the
Trust, the Principal  Underwriter or any other Person designated by the Trustees
upon  redemption or repurchase of Shares in such amount and upon such conditions
as shall be determined from time to time by the Trustees.

       (b) The Trust shall redeem the Shares of the Trust or any Series or Class
thereof at the price determined as hereinafter set forth, upon the appropriately
verified  written  application  of the record holder thereof (or upon such other
form of request as the Trust may use for the  purpose)  deposited at such office
or  agency  as may be  designated  from  time to time  for that  purpose  by the
Trustees.  The Trust may from time to time  establish  additional  requirements,
terms,  conditions and procedures,  not inconsistent with the 1940 Act, relating
to the redemption of Shares.

       Section  6.2.  Price.  Shares shall be redeemed at a price based on their
net asset value determined as set forth in Section 7.1 hereof as of such time as
the Trustees shall  prescribe.  The amount of any sales charge or redemption fee
payable  upon  redemption  of Shares may be deducted  from the  proceeds of such

       Section 6.3. Payment.  Payment of the redemption price of redeemed Shares
shall be made in cash or in property to the  Shareholder at such time and in the
manner,  not  inconsistent  with the 1940 Act, as may be specified  from time to
time in the then effective  Prospectus  relating to such Shares,  subject to the
provisions of Sections 6.4 and 6.9 hereof.  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  the
Trust or its agent may withhold from such redemption proceeds any amount arising
(i) from a  liability  of the  redeeming  Shareholder  to the Trust,  or (ii) in
connection with any federal or state tax withholding requirements.

       Section 6.4.  Effect of Suspension of  Determination  of Net Asset Value.
If, pursuant to Section 7.1 hereof,  the Trust shall declare a suspension of the
determination  of net asset value with  respect to Shares of the Trust or of any
Series or Class thereof,  the rights of Shareholders  (including those who shall
have applied for redemption pursuant to Section 6.1 hereof but who shall not yet
have  received  payment) to have Shares  redeemed and paid for by the Trust or a
Series shall be suspended  until the termination of such suspension is declared.
Any record holder who shall have his redemption  right so suspended may,  during
the period of such  suspension,  by appropriate  written notice at the office or
agency where his

application or request for  redemption was made,  withdraw his
application or request and withdraw any Share certificates on deposit.

       Section 6.5.  Repurchase by Agreement.  The Trust may  repurchase  Shares
directly,  or through the Principal  Underwriter or another agent designated for
the purpose,  by agreement  with the owner  thereof at a price not exceeding the
net asset  value  per share  determined  as of such time as the  Trustees  shall
prescribe.  The Trust may from time to time establish the  requirements,  terms,
conditions and procedures  relating to such  repurchases,  and the amount of any
sales  charge or  repurchase  fee  payable  on any  repurchase  of Shares may be
deducted from the proceeds of such repurchase.

       Section 6.6. Redemption of Shareholder's Interest. The Trustees, in their
sole discretion,  may cause the Trust to redeem all of the Shares of one or more
Series  or  Classes  thereof  held by any  Shareholder  if (a) the value of such
Shares held by such Shareholder is less than the minimum amount established from
time to time by the  Trustees  or (b) the  aggregate  value of the assets of any
Series or Class is less than the minimum amount determined by the Trustees to be
the  minimum  for  maintaining  and  operating  the  Series or Class as a viable
economic entity.

       Section  6.7.  Disclosure  of  Holding.  The  holders  of Shares or other
securities  of the Trust shall upon demand  disclose to the  Trustees in writing
such  information  with  respect to direct and  indirect  ownership of Shares or
other  securities of the Trust as the Trustees deem necessary to comply with the
provisions  of the  Internal  Revenue  Code  of  1986,  or to  comply  with  the
requirements of any other taxing authority.

       Section 6.8.  Reductions in Number of Outstanding  Shares Pursuant to Net
Asset Value Formula.  The Trust may also reduce the number of outstanding Shares
of the Trust or of any Series or Class  thereof  pursuant to the  provisions  of
Section 7.3.

       Section 6.9.  Suspension of Right of Redemption.  The Trust may declare a
suspension  of the  right of  redemption  or  postpone  the date of  payment  or
redemption for the whole or any part of any period (i) during which the New York
Stock Exchange is closed other than customary weekend and holiday closings, (ii)
during which trading on the New York Stock Exchange is restricted,  (iii) during
which an emergency  exists as a result of which  disposal by the Trust or a Fund
of securities owned by it is not reasonably  practicable or it is not reasonably
practicable  for the Trust or a Fund  fairly to  determine  the value of its net
assets,  or (iv) as the  Commission  may by order permit for the  protection  of
security holders of the Trust. Such suspension shall take effect at such time as
the Trust shall specify but not later than the close of business on the business
day next following the declaration of suspension,  and thereafter there shall be
no right of redemption  or payment on  redemption  until the Trust shall declare
the  suspension at an end,  except that the  suspension  shall  terminate in any
event on the first day on which said stock  exchange  shall have reopened or the
period specified in clauses (ii) or (iii) shall have expired (as to which in the
absence of an official ruling by the Commission,  the determination of the Trust
shall be conclusive).  In the case of a suspension of the right of redemption, a
Shareholder  may either  withdraw his  application  or request for redemption or
receive  payment based on the net asset value existing after the  termination of
the suspension.

                                   ARTICLE VII

                           DETERMINATION OF NET ASSET

       Section  7.1. Net Asset  Value.  The net asset value of each  outstanding
Share of the Trust or of each Series or Class  thereof  shall be  determined  on
such days and at or as of such time or times as the Trustees may determine.  Any
reference in this  Declaration to the time at which a determination of net asset
value is made shall  mean the time as of which the  determination  is made.  The
power and duty to  determine  net asset value may be  delegated  by the Trustees
from time to time to the Investment Adviser,  the Administrator,  the Custodian,
the  Transfer  Agent  or such  other  Person  or  Persons  as the  Trustees  may
determine.  The value of the assets of the Trust or any Series  thereof shall be
determined in a manner authorized by the Trustees.  From the total value of said
assets,  there shall be deducted all indebtedness,  interest,  taxes, payable or
accrued,  including  estimated  taxes on unrealized  book profits,  expenses and
management  charges  accrued  to the  appraisal  date,  amounts  determined  and
declared  as a dividend  or  distribution  and all other  items in the nature of
liabilities  which shall be deemed  appropriate,  as incurred by or allocated to
the Trust or any Series or Class  thereof.  The  resulting  amount,  which shall
represent the total net assets of the Trust or Series or Class thereof, shall be
divided  by the  number  of  Shares  of the  Trust or  Series  or Class  thereof
outstanding  at the time and the quotient so obtained  shall be deemed to be the
net asset value of the Shares of the Trust or Series or Class thereof. The Trust
may declare a suspension of the  determination  of net asset value to the extent
permitted by the 1940 Act. It shall not be a violation of any  provision of this
Declaration if Shares are sold,  redeemed or repurchased by the Trust at a price
other than one based on net asset  value if the net asset  value is  affected by
one or more errors  inadvertently made in the pricing of portfolio securities or
other  investments or in accruing or allocating  income,  expenses,  reserves or
liabilities.  No provision of this Declaration shall be construed to restrict or
affect  the right or  ability  of the Trust to  employ or  authorize  the use of
pricing  services,  appraisers  or any  other  means,  methods,  procedures,  or
techniques in valuing the assets or calculating  the liabilities of the Trust or
any Series or Class thereof.

       Section 7.2. Dividends and Distributions.  (a) The Trustees may from time
to time distribute ratably among the Shareholders of the Trust or of a Series or
Class thereof such proportion of the net earnings or profits, surplus (including
paid-in surplus), capital (including paid-in capital), or assets of the Trust or
such Series held by the Trustees as they may deem appropriate or desirable. Such
distributions  may be made in cash,  additional  Shares or  property  (including
without  limitation  any type of  obligations of the Trust or Series or Class or
any  assets  thereof),  and  the  Trustees  may  distribute  ratably  among  the
Shareholders  of the Trust or Series or Class thereof  additional  Shares of the
Trust or Series or Class  thereof  issuable  hereunder in such  manner,  at such
times, and on such terms as the Trustees may deem appropriate or desirable. Such
distributions  may be among  the  Shareholders  of the  Trust or Series or Class
thereof at the time of declaring a distribution or among the Shareholders of the
Trust or Series or Class thereof at such other date or time or dates or times as
the Trustees shall  determine.  The Trustees may in their  discretion  determine
that, solely for the purposes of such  distributions,  Outstanding  Shares shall
exclude Shares for which orders have been placed subsequent to a specified time.
The Trustees may always retain from the earnings or profits such amounts as they
may deem  appropriate  or desirable to pay the expenses and  liabilities  of the
Trust or a Series  or Class  thereof  or to meet  obligations  of the Trust or a
Series or Class  thereof,  together with such amounts as they may deem desirable
to use in the  conduct of its  affairs or to retain for future  requirements  or
extensions of the business or operations of the Trust or such Series.  The Trust
may adopt and offer to  Shareholders  such  dividend  reinvestment  plans,  cash
dividend  payout  plans or other  distribution  plans as the  Trustees  may deem
appropriate or desirable. The Trustees may in their discretion determine that an
account administration fee or other

similar  charge  may  be  deducted  directly  from  the  income  and  other
distributions paid on Shares to a Shareholder's account in any Series or Class.

       (b) The Trustees may prescribe, in their absolute discretion,  such bases
and times for  determining  the  amounts  for the  declaration  and  payment  of
dividends  and  distributions  as  they  may  deem  necessary,   appropriate  or

       (c)  Inasmuch  as the  computation  of net income  and gains for  federal
income  tax  purposes  may vary  from the  computation  thereof  on the books of
account,  the above  provisions  shall be  interpreted to give the Trustees full
power and authority in their  absolute  discretion to distribute  for any fiscal
year as dividends and as capital gains distributions,  respectively,  additional
amounts  sufficient  to enable the Trust or a Series  thereof to avoid or reduce
liability for taxes.

       Section 7.3. Constant Net Asset Value;  Reduction of Outstanding  Shares.
The  Trustees  may  determine  to maintain  the net asset value per Share of any
Series or Class at a designated constant amount and in connection  therewith may
adopt  procedures  not  inconsistent  with  the  1940  Act  for  the  continuing
declarations of income attributable to that Series or Class as dividends payable
in  additional  Shares of that Series or Class or in cash or in any  combination
thereof and for the handling of any losses attributable to that Series or Class.
Such  procedures  may provide that,  if, for any reason,  the income of any such
Series or Class determined at any time is a negative amount,  the Trust may with
respect to such Series or Class (i) offset each  Shareholder's pro rata share of
such negative amount from the accrued dividend account of such  Shareholder,  or
(ii) reduce the number of Outstanding Shares of such Series or Class by reducing
the number of Shares in the account of such  Shareholder  by that number of full
and  fractional  Shares  which  represents  the amount of such  excess  negative
income, or (iii) cause to be recorded on the books of the Trust an asset account
in the  amount of such  negative  income,  which  account  may be reduced by the
amount,  provided that the same shall thereupon become the property of the Trust
with  respect to such Series or Class and shall not be paid to any  Shareholder,
of dividends  declared  thereafter upon the Outstanding Shares of such Series or
Class on the day such negative income is  experienced,  until such asset account
is reduced to zero,  or (iv) combine the methods  described in clauses (i), (ii)
and (iii) of this  sentence,  in order to cause the net asset value per Share of
such  Series or Class to remain  at a  constant  amount  per  Outstanding  Share
immediately after such determination and declaration. The Trust may also fail to
declare a dividend  out of income for the purpose of causing the net asset value
of any such Share to be increased.  The Trustees  shall have full  discretion to
determine whether any cash or property received shall be treated as income or as
principal  and whether any item of expense shall be charged to the income or the
principal  account,  and  their  determination  made  in  good  faith  shall  be
conclusive  upon all  Shareholders.  In the case of stock  dividends  or similar
distributions received, the Trustees shall have full discretion to determine, in
the light of the particular circumstances,  how much if any of the value thereof
shall be treated as income, the balance, if any, to be treated as principal.

       Section 7.4. Power to Modify Foregoing  Procedures.  Notwithstanding  any
provisions contained in this Declaration,  the Trustees may prescribe,  in their
absolute  discretion,  such other means,  methods,  procedures or techniques for
determining  the per Share net asset  value of a Series or Class  thereof or the
income of the Series of Class  thereof,  or for the  declaration  and payment of
dividends and distributions on any Series or Class of Shares.

                                  ARTICLE VIII

                       DURATION; TERMINATION OF TRUST OR A

       Series 8.1. Duration. The Trust shall continue without limitation of time
but subject to the  provisions  of this Article  VIII.  The death,  declination,
resignation,  retirement,  removal or incapacity of the Trustees,  or any one of
them,  shall not  operate  to  terminate  or annul  the  Trust or to revoke  any
existing  agency  or  delegation  of  authority  pursuant  to the  terms of this
Declaration or of the By-Laws.

       Series  8.2.  Termination  of the Trust or a Series  or a Class.  (a) The
Trust or any Series or Class thereof may be terminated  by: (1) the  affirmative
vote of the holders of not less than  two-thirds of the Shares  outstanding  and
entitled to vote at any meeting of  Shareholders of the Trust or the appropriate
Series or Class thereof, or by an instrument or instruments in writing without a
meeting, consented to by the holders of two-thirds of the Shares of the Trust or
a Series or Class  thereof,  provided,  however,  that, if such  termination  is
recommended by the Trustees,  the vote of a majority of the  outstanding  voting
securities  of the Trust or a Series or Class  thereof  entitled to vote thereon
shall be sufficient  authorization;  or (2) by means of an instrument in writing
signed by a majority of the  Trustees,  to be  followed  by a written  notice to
Shareholders  stating that a majority of the Trustees  has  determined  that the
continuation  of the  Trust or a Series  or a Class  thereof  is not in the best
interest of the Trust, such Series or Class or of their respective Shareholders.
Such  determination  may (but need not) be based on factors or events  adversely
affecting the ability of the Trust, such Series or Class to conduct its business
and operations in an  economically  viable  manner.  Such factors and events may
include (but are not limited to) the inability of a Series or Class or the Trust
to maintain its assets at an  appropriate  size,  changes in laws or regulations
governing  the Series or Class or the Trust or  affecting  assets of the type in
which such Series or Class or the Trust invests, or political,  social, legal or
economic  developments  or trends  having an adverse  impact on the  business or
operations  of such Series or Class or the Trust.  Upon the  termination  of the
Trust or the Series or Class,

       (i) The Trust,  Series or Class shall carry on no business except for the
purpose of winding up its affairs.

       (ii) The  Trustees  shall  proceed  to wind up the  affairs of the Trust,
Series or Class and all of the powers of the  Trustees  under  this  Declaration
shall continue  until the affairs of the Trust,  Series or Class shall have been
wound up,  including  the power to fulfill or  discharge  the  contracts  of the
Trust,  Series or Class,  collect its assets,  sell, convey,  assign,  exchange,
transfer or otherwise dispose of all or any part of the remaining Trust Property
or assets  allocated or belonging to such Series or Class to one or more persons
at public or private sale for the consideration which may consist in whole or in
part of cash,  securities  or other  property of any kind,  discharge or pay its
liabilities, and do all other acts appropriate to liquidate its business.

       (iii)  After  paying  or  adequately  providing  for the  payment  of all
liabilities,  and upon  receipt  of such  releases,  indemnities  and  refunding
agreements  as they  deem  necessary  for their  protection,  the  Trustees  may
distribute  the  remaining  Trust  property  or the  remaining  property  of the
terminated  Series or Class, in cash or in kind or in any  combination  thereof,
among the  Shareholders  of the Trust or the Series or Class  according to their
respective rights.

       (b) After  termination of the Trust,  Series or Class and distribution to
the  Shareholders as herein  provided,  a majority of the Trustees shall execute
and lodge  among  the  records  of the  Trust  and file  with the  Massachusetts

Secretary  of State an  instrument  in  writing  setting  forth the fact of such
termination,  and the Trustees  shall  thereupon be discharged  from all further
liabilities  and duties with  respect to the Trust or the  terminated  Series or
Class,  and the rights and  interests  of all  Shareholders  of the Trust or the
terminated Series or Class shall thereupon cease.

       Section  8.3.  Merger,  Consolidation  or Sale of Assets  of a Series.  A
particular  Series  may  merge  or  consolidate  with  any  other   corporation,
association,  trust or other  organization or may sell, lease or exchange all or
substantially all of its property,  including its good will, upon such terms and
conditions and for such consideration when and as authorized by the Trustees and
without any  authorization,  vote or consent of the  Shareholders;  and any such
merger, consolidation,  sale, lease or exchange shall be deemed for all purposes
to have been accomplished under and pursuant to the statutes of the Commonwealth
of Massachusetts.  The Trustees may also at any time sell and convert into money
all the assets of a particular Series.  Upon making provision for the payment of
all  outstanding   obligations,   taxes,  and  other  liabilities,   accrued  or
contingent,  of  the  particular  Series,  the  Trustees  shall  distribute  the
remaining  assets of such Series among the Shareholders of such Series according
to their respective rights. Upon completion of the distribution of the remaining
proceeds or the remaining  assets,  the Series shall  terminate and the Trustees
shall take the action  provided in Section  8.2(b) hereof and the Trustees shall
thereupon be discharged from all further  liabilities and duties with respect to
such Series,  and the rights and interests of all Shareholders of the terminated
Series shall thereupon cease.

       Section 8.4. Amendments. The execution of an instrument setting forth the
establishment  and  designation  and the relative  rights and preferences of any
Series or Class of Shares (or amending,  restating or rescinding  any such prior
instrument)   in  accordance   with  Section  5.5  hereof  shall,   without  any
authorization,  consent or vote of the Shareholders, effect an amendment of this
Declaration.  Except as otherwise provided in this Section 8.4, if authorized by
the vote of a majority of the  outstanding  voting  securities  of the Trust the
financial  interests  of which  are  affected  by the  amendment  and  which are
entitled to vote thereon (which securities shall,  unless otherwise  provided by
the Trustees,  vote together on such amendment as a single class),  the Trustees
may amend this Declaration by an instrument signed by a majority of the Trustees
then in office.  No Shareholder  not so affected by any such amendment  shall be
entitled to vote thereon. The Trustees may (by such an instrument) also amend or
otherwise  supplement  this  Declaration  of Trust,  without any  authorization,
consent or vote of the Shareholders, to change the name of the Trust or any Fund
or to make such other changes as do not have a materially  adverse effect on the
financial  interests of  Shareholders  hereunder or if they deem it necessary or
desirable to conform this Declaration to the requirements of applicable  federal
or state laws or regulations or the requirements of the Internal Revenue Code of
1986,  but the  Trustees  shall not be liable  for  failing  to do so.  Any such
amendment or supplemental Declaration of Trust shall be effective as provided in
the instrument  containing  its terms or, if there is no provision  therein with
respect to  effectiveness,  upon the signing of such instrument by a majority of
the Trustees  then in office.  Copies of any  amendment  or of any  supplemental
Declaration of Trust shall be filed as specified in Section 9.1 hereof.  Nothing
contained in this Declaration  shall permit the amendment of this Declaration to
impair the exemption  from  personal  liability of the  Shareholders,  Trustees,
officers,  employees  and  agents  of the Trust or to  permit  assessments  upon

       Notwithstanding any other provision hereof, until such time as Shares are
issued and sold, this Declaration may be terminated or amended in any respect by
an instrument signed by a majority of the Trustees then in office.

                                   ARTICLE IX


       Section 9.1. Filing of Copies, References, Headings and Counterparts. The
original  or a copy of this  instrument,  of any  amendment  hereto  and of each
declaration  of trust  supplemental  hereto,  shall be kept at the office of the
Trust.  A  copy  of  this  instrument,  or any  amendment  hereto,  and of  each
supplemental  declaration  of  trust  shall  be  filed  with  the  Massachusetts
Secretary of State and with any other governmental  office where such filing may
from  time to time be  required.  Anyone  dealing  with the  Trust may rely on a
certificate  by a Trustee  or an  officer  of the Trust as to whether or not any
such amendments or  supplemental  declarations of trust have been made and as to
any matters in connection with the Trust hereunder,  and with the same effect as
if it were the original, may rely on a copy certified by a Trustee or an officer
of the Trust to be a copy of this instrument or of any such amendment  hereto or
supplemental declaration of trust.

       In this instrument or in any such amendment or  supplemental  declaration
of trust,  references to this instrument,  and all expressions such as "herein",
"hereof",  and  "hereunder",  shall be  deemed  to refer to this  instrument  as
amended or affected by any such supplemental  declaration of trust. Headings are
placed herein for convenience of reference only and in case of any conflict, the
text  of  this  instrument,  rather  than  the  headings,  shall  control.  This
instrument  shall be executed in any number of counterparts  each of which shall
be deemed an original, but such counterparts shall constitute one instrument.  A
restated Declaration, integrating into a single instrument all of the provisions
of the Declaration which are then in effect and operative,  may be executed from
time to time by a  majority  of the  Trustees  then in office and filed with the
Massachusetts  Secretary of State. A restated Declaration shall, upon execution,
be conclusive evidence of all amendments and supplemental declarations contained
therein and may hereafter be referred to in lieu of the original Declaration and
the various amendments and supplements thereto.

       Section 9.2.  Applicable  Law. The Trust set forth in this  instrument is
made in The Commonwealth of Massachusetts,  and it is created under and is to be
governed  by and  construed  and  administered  according  to the  laws  of said
Commonwealth.  The Trust shall be of the type  commonly  called a  Massachusetts
business  trust,  and without  limiting  the  provisions  hereof,  the Trust may
exercise all powers which are ordinarily exercised by such a trust.

       Section 9.3.  Provisions  in Conflict  with Law or  Regulations.  (a) The
provisions  of  this  Declaration  are  severable,  and  if the  Trustees  shall
determine,  with the advice of legal counsel,  that any of such provisions is in
conflict  with the 1940 Act,  the  Internal  Revenue  Code of 1986 or with other
applicable laws and regulations, the conflicting provision shall be deemed never
to have constituted a part of this  Declaration;  provided,  however,  that such
determination  shall  not  affect  any  of  the  remaining  provisions  of  this
Declaration  or render  invalid or improper any action taken or omitted prior to
such determination.

       (b) If any  provision  of  this  Declaration  shall  be held  invalid  or
unenforceable in any  jurisdiction,  such invalidity or  unenforceability  shall
attach only to such provision in such  jurisdiction  and shall not in any manner
affect such provisions in any other  jurisdiction or any other provision of this
Declaration in any jurisdiction.

       IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being all of the current Trustees of
the Trust, have executed this instrument this    day of    , 1997.

- --------------------------------          ------------------------------
Peter M. Donovan                           A.M. Moody III
as Trustee, and not individually           as Trustee, and not individually
1000 Lafayette Boulevard                   1000 Lafayette Boulevard
Bridgeport, CT  06604                      Bridgeport, CT 06604

- --------------------------------           ------------------------------
H. Day Brigham, Jr.                         Lloyd F. Pierce
as Trustee, and not individually            as Trustee, and not individually
24 Federal Street                           125 Gull Circle North
Boston, MA 02110                            Daytona, Beach, Fl 32119

- --------------------------------            ------------------------------
Winthrop S. Emmet                           Raymond Van Houtte
as Trustee, and not individually            as Trustee, and not individually
Box 327                                     One Strawberry Lane
West Center Road                            Ithaca, NY 14859
West Stockbridge, MA 01266

- --------------------------------           ------------------------------
Leland Miles
as Trustee, and not individually
Tide Mill Landing
2425 Post Road, Suite 10
Southport, CT  06490

                            THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT

County, Connecticut

Then personally  appeared the  above-named  Peter M. Donovan and A.M. Moody III,
being  Trustees then in office of The Wright [NAME OF TRUST],  who  acknowledged
the foregoing instrument to be their free act and deed.

                                       Before me,

                                      Helen B. Iwasczyszyn

                                      My Commission Expires     8/31/00


Suffolk County, Massachusetts

       Then  personally  appeared the  above-named H. Day Brigham, Jr., being a
Trustee  then in office of The Wright  [NAME OF  TRUST],  who acknowledged  the
foregoing instrument to be his free act and deed.

                                        Before me,

                                        Janet E. Sanders

                                        My Commission Expires

                                                             EXHIBIT H

                                     Form of

                        Standard Shares Distribution Plan


                                 [NAME OF TRUST]

         WHEREAS,  [Name of Trust]  (the  "Trust")  engages  in  business  as an
open-end  management  investment  company  and is  registered  as such under the
Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the "Act");

         WHEREAS, Wright Investors Service Distributors, Inc. the "Distributor")
acts as distributor  of the shares of beneficial  interest of the Trust's series
set forth in Schedule I (each, a "Fund" and together, the "Funds");

         WHEREAS, the Trust, on behalf of each Fund, intends to pay distribution
expenses with respect to the Funds' Standard Shares;

         WHEREAS,  the Trust has entered into a  distribution  contract with the
Distributor, whereby the Distributor renders services to the Trust in connection
with the offering and distribution of each Fund's Standard Shares; and

         WHEREAS,  the  Trustees  of the Trust have  determined  that there is a
reasonable  likelihood that adoption of this Standard Shares  Distribution  Plan
will benefit each Fund and the Fund's Standard Shares shareholders.

         NOW,   THEREFORE,   the  Trust  hereby  adopts  this  Standard   Shares
Distribution  Plan (the "Plan") on behalf of each Fund in  accordance  with Rule
12b-1 under the Act and containing the following terms and conditions:

         1 The Trust,  on behalf of each Fund,  is  authorized  to reimburse the
Distributor for  distribution  services  performed and expenses  incurred by the
Distributor in connection with each Fund's Standard  Shares.  The amount of such
compensation paid during any one year shall not exceed .25% of the average daily
net assets of a Fund  attributable  to the Standard  Shares.  Such  compensation
shall be calculated and accrued daily and paid monthly.

         2 Distribution  services and expenses for which the  Distributor may be
reimbursed by a Fund's Standard  Shares  pursuant to this Plan include,  without
limitation:  compensation  to and  expenses  incurred by dealers or  wholesalers
retained by the Distributor  (collectively,  the  "Authorized  Dealers") and the
officers,  employees and sales  representatives of Authorized Dealers and of the
Distributor;  allocable overhead, travel and telephone expenses; the printing of
prospectuses and reports for other than existing  shareholders;  the preparation
and  distribution of sales  literature and  advertising;  and all other expenses
(other than personal and account maintenance  services as defined in the Trust's
Service  Plan)  incurred in connection  with  activities  primarily  intended to
result in the sale of a Fund's Standard Shares.

         3 This Plan shall not take effect with respect to each Fund until after
it has been  approved by both (a) a majority of (i) those  Trustees of the Trust
who are not  "interested  persons" of the Trust (as defined in the Act) and have

no direct or indirect  financial  interest in the  operation of this Plan or any
agreements  related  to it (the  "Rule  12b-1  Trustees")  and  (ii)  all of the
Trustees then in office,  cast in person at a meeting (or  meetings)  called for
the purpose of voting on this Plan and (b) a majority of the outstanding  voting
Standard Shares of the Fund.

         4 Any  agreements  related  to this Plan  shall not take  effect  until
approved in the manner provided for approval of this Plan in paragraph 3(a).

         5 This Plan shall  continue in effect until  February 28, 1998 and from
year to year thereafter for so long as such continuance is specifically approved
at least annually in the manner  provided for approval of this Plan in paragraph

         6 The persons  authorized to direct the  disposition  of monies paid or
payable by a Fund  pursuant to this Plan or any related  agreement  shall be the
President or any Vice President of the Trust.  Such persons shall provide to the
Trustees and the Trustees shall review, at least quarterly,  a written report of
the amounts so expended and the purposes for which such expenditures were made.

         7 This Plan may be  terminated at any time with respect to each Fund by
vote of a majority of the Rule 12b-1  Trustees,  or by vote of a majority of the
outstanding voting Standard Shares of the Fund. If the Plan is terminated or not
continued by the Trustees and no successor  plan is adopted with respect to each
Fund, the Fund shall cease to make distribution payments to the Distributor with
respect to the Standard Shares.

         The term "vote of a majority of the outstanding  voting Standard Shares
of a Fund"  shall  mean the vote of the  lesser (a) 67 per centum or more of the
Fund's  Standard  Shares  present or  represented by proxy at the meeting if the
holders  of more  than 50 per  centum of the  outstanding  Standard  Shares  are
present or represented  by proxy at the meeting,  or (b) more than 50 per centum
of the Fund's  outstanding  Standard Shares,  or such other definition as may be
required from time to time pursuant to the Act.

         8 This Plan may not be amended to  increase  materially  the limit upon
distribution  expenses  provided in  paragraph 1 or to change the nature of such
expenses provided in paragraph 2 hereof unless such amendment is approved in the
manner provided for approval in paragraph 3 hereof.

         9 While this Plan is in effect,  the  selection  and  nomination of the
Rule 12b-1  Trustees  shall be  committed  to the  discretion  of the Rule 12b-1

         10 The  Trust  shall  preserve  copies  of this  Plan  and any  related
agreements and all reports made pursuant to paragraph 6 hereof,  for a period of
not less than six years from the date of this Plan, or of the agreements of such
reports, as the case may be, the first two years in an easily accessible place.

         11 It is the  opinion of the Trust's  Trustees  and  officers  that the
following  are not  expenses  primarily  intended  to result in the sale of each
Fund's  Standard  Shares:  fees and expenses of registering  the Standard Shares
under  federal or state laws  regulating  the sale of  securities;  and fees and
expenses of registering the Trust as a broker-dealer  or of registering an agent
of the Trust under federal or state laws regulating the sale of securities;  and
fees and  expenses of  preparing  and  setting in type the Trust's  registration
statement under the Securities Act of 1933.  Should such expenses be deemed by a
court or agency having  jurisdiction to be expenses primarily intended to result
in the sale of a Fund's Standard Shares, they

shall be  considered  to be expenses  contemplated  by and included in this
Distribution  Plan but not subject to the  limitation  prescribed in paragraph 1

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the Trust has executed this  Distribution  Plan on
___________, 1997.

                                             [NAME OF TRUST]



- ------------------------------

                                                                Schedule I

                             [Name of Trust]

[All affected series of the Trust]

                                                               EXHIBIT  I

                                           Current Rule 12b-1 Distribution Plans

                                                      Fees Paid        Fees Paid           Date             Date
                                                 to the Distributor     as a %         Current Plan     Current Plan
                                                        as of             of               First        Most Recently
                                                  December 31, 1996   Net Assets         Approved         approved
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Wright Selected Blue Chip Equities Fund              $ 456,819            .20%            8/02/84          1/22/97
Wright Junior Blue Chip Equities Fund                      --              --             8/02/84          1/22/97
Wright Quality Core Equities Fund                     $ 63,297            .16%            5/01/85          1/22/97
Wright International Blue Chip Equities Fund         $ 477,861            .20%            7/15/87          1/22/97
Wright U.S. Treasury Fund                             $ 75,732            .19%            8/02/84          1/22/97
Wright U.S. Treasury Near Term Fund                  $ 280,119            .20%            8/02/84          1/22/97
Wright Total Return Bond Fund                        $ 218,218            .20%            8/02/84          1/22/97
Wright Current Income Fund                           $ 129,541            .20%            2/02/87          1/22/97
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                EXHIBIT J

              Table of Comparative Rule 12b-1 Expenses (Proposal 4)

                                               Wright              Wright             Wright                 Wright
                                         Selected Blue Chip   Junior Blue Chip     Quality Core       International Blue Chip
                                         Equities Fund (WBC) Equities Fund (WJBC) Equities Fund (WQC)   Equities Fund (WIBC)
                                          Current   Amended   Current   Amended   Current   Amended      Current   Amended
                                           Plan      Plan      Plan      Plan      Plan      Plan         Plan      Plan
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Annualized Fund Operating Expenses
(as a percentage of average net assets)
Investment Adviser Fee                     0.63%     0.63%       0.54%   0.54%       0.45%    0.45%         0.77%    0.77%
Rule 12b-1 Distribution Expense
   (after expense limitation)(1)           0.20%     0.25%       0.00%   0.00%       0.16%    0.16%         0.20%    0.25%
Other Expenses (including administration
and shareholder service fees)(2)           0.21%     0.21%       0.66%   0.66%       0.46%    0.46%         0.33%    0.33%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Total Operating Expenses
       (after expense limitations)(1)      1.04%     1.09%       1.20%   1.20%       1.07%    1.07%         1.30%    1.35%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     (1) The Adviser and the Distributor have temporarily and voluntarily agreed
to limit the Total  Operating  Expenses of WJBC and WQC.  Absent this agreement,
the Rule 12b-1 Distribution Expense and Total Operating Expenses of WJBC and WQC
would be 0.20%  and  1.41%,  and  0.20%  and  1.11%,  respectively.  If  credits
resulting from cash balances maintained with Investors Bank & Trust Company were
reflected  in the table  above,  the Total  Operating  Expenses for WJBC and WQC
would be 1.15% and 1.05%, respectively.

With respect to the Amended Plan proforma, the Adviser and the Distributor
intend to limit the total operating expense of WJBC and WQC. Absent this agreement
the proforma Rule 12b-1 Distribution Expense and Total Operating Expense would 
be .25% and 1.45% respectively for WJBC, and .25% and 1.15% respectively for WQC.
After reflecting credits from cash balances maintained with Investors Bank & Trust
Company in the proforma table, the Total Operating Expenses for WJBC and WQC would be
1.15% and 1.05% respectively. 

(2)  Administration fees for WBC, WJBC, WQC and WIBC were 0.12%, 0.20%, 0.20% and 0.12%, respectively.

                                               Wright              Wright             Wright              Wright
                                            U.S. Treasury       U.S. Treasury      Total Return           Current
                                                Fund           Near Term Fund        Bond Fund          Income Fund
                                               (WUSTB)             (WNTB)             (WTRB)              (WCIF)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                          Current   Amended   Current   Amended   Current   Amended   Current   Amended
                                           Plan      Plan      Plan      Plan      Plan      Plan      Plan      Plan
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Annualized Fund Operating Expenses
(as a percentage of average net assets)
Investment Adviser Fee
   (after fee reduction)(1)                0.40%     0.40%       0.42%    0.42%      0.41%    0.41%       0.40%    0.40%
Rule 12b-1 Distribution Expense
   (after expense reduction)(1)            0.18%     0.18%       0.20%    0.25%      0.20%    0.25%       0.20%    0.22%
Other Expenses (including administration
   and shareholder service fees)(2)        0.36%     0.36%       0.19%    0.19%      0.22%    0.22%       0.28%    0.28%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Total Operating Expenses
     (after reductions)(1)                 0.94%     0.94%       0.81%    0.86%      0.83%     0.88%       0.88%    0.90%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     (1) The Adviser and the Distributor have temporarily and voluntarily agreed
to limit the Total  Operation  Expenses  of WUSTB.  Absent this  agreement,  the
Investment Adviser Fee, the Rule 12 b-1 Distribution Expense and Total Operating
Expenses would be 0.40%,  0.20% and 0.95% for WUSTB.  If credits  resulting from
cash balances  maintained  with Investors Bank & Trust Company were reflected in
the table above,  the Total  Operating  Expenses for WUSTB,  WNTB,WTRB  and WCIF
would be 0.87%, 0.81%,.82% and 0.87%,respectively.

The Adviser and Distributor intend to limit the total operating expense of 
WUSTB and WCIF. Absent this agreement the proforma Rule 12b-1 Distribution
Expense, Other Expenses and Total Operating Expense would be .25%,.35% and 1.00%
for WUSTB and .25%, .29% and .94& for WCIF. After credits from cash
balances maintained with Investors Bank & Trust Company are reflected in the
proforma table the Total Operating Expense would be .87% for WUSTB and .89% for WCIF.

(2)  Administration fees for WUSTB, WNTB, WTRB and WCIF were 0.10%, 0.08%, 0.09% and 0.10%, respectively.

Example of Fund Expenses

         The following is an illustration of the total transaction and operating
expenses  that an  investor  in each Fund would bear over  different  periods of
time, assuming an investment of $1,000, a 5% annual return on the investment and
redemption at the end of each period:

                                               Wright              Wright              Wright                  Wright
                                         Selected Blue Chip   Junior Blue Chip       Quality Core       International Blue Chip
                                         Equities Fund (WBC)  Equities Fund (WJBC)  Equities Fund (WQC)   Equities Fund (WIBC)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                          Current   Amended   Current   Amended   Current   Amended   Current   Amended
                                           Plan      Plan      Plan      Plan      Plan      Plan      Plan      Plan
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1Year                                       $ 11    $ 11       $ 12    $ 12      $ 11       $ 11      $ 13     $  14
3Years                                        33      35         38      38        34         34        41        43
5Years                                        57      60         66      66        59         59        71        74
10Years                                      127     133        145     145       131        131       157       162
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                               Wright              Wright             Wright              Wright
                                            U.S. Treasury       U.S. Treasury      Total Return           Current
                                                Fund           Near Term Fund        Bond Fund          Income Fund
                                               (WUSTB)             (WNTB)             (WTRB)              (WCIF)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                          Current   Amended   Current   Amended   Current   Amended   Current   Amended
                                           Plan      Plan      Plan      Plan      Plan      Plan      Plan      Plan
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1 Year                                   $ 10     $ 10       $ 8        $ 9       $ 8      $  9         $ 9     $  9
3 Years                                    30       30        26         27        26        28          28       29
5 Years                                    52       52        45         48        46        49          49       50
10 Years                                  115      115       100        106       103       108         198      111
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

regulations  require the Example to assume a 5% annual return, but actual return
will vary.

                                  Form of Proxy

                         THE WRIGHT MANAGED [NAME] TRUST
                                  (the "Trust")

                               Wright [NAME] Fund
                                  (the "Fund")


      The  undersigned,  revoking  previous  proxies,  hereby  appoint(s) H. Day
Brigham, James L. O'Connor and A.M. Moody III with full power of substitution in
each, to vote all the shares of beneficial interest of the above-referenced Fund
which the  undersigned  is (are)  entitled  to vote at the  Special  Meeting  of
Shareholders  (the  "Meeting")  of the  Fund to be held  at 24  Federal  Street,
Boston, Massachusetts,  on April 15, 1997 at 10:00 a.m., Boston time, and at any
adjournment  or  adjournments  All powers may be exercised by a majority of said
proxy holders or substitutes  voting or acting,  or, if only one votes and acts,
then by that one.  Receipt of the Proxy  Statement  dated March , 1997 is hereby
If not revoked, this proxy shall be voted:

                          PLEASE SIGN, DATE AND RETURN
                          PROMPTLY IN ENCLOSED ENVELOPE

                           Date            , 1997

     NOTE:  Signature(s)  should agree with name(s) printed herein. When signing
as attorney, executor, administrator, trustee or guardian, please give your full
title as such. If a corporation, please sign in full corporate name by president
or other authorized officer.  If a partnership,  please sign in partnership name
by authorized person.



5(a),  5(b),  5(c), 5(d), 5(e), 5(f), 5(g), 5(h), 5(i), 5(j), 6 and 7. AS TO ANY
JUDGEMENT.  Please vote by filling in the  appropriate  boxes  below,  as shown,
using blue or black ink or dark pencil. Do not use red ink.

           (1) To approve a new investment policy to permit the implementation
of a master-feeder fund structure.

                       FOR []             AGAINST[]           ABSTAIN[]  

           (2)    To authorize the Trust on behalf of the Fund to vote to:

                  (a) elect  eight (8) Trustees  of The Wright Blue Chip Master
                      Portfolio Trust ("Portfolio  Trust") to serve until their
                      successors  have been duly  elected  and  qualified.  The
                      nominees are:

                                Peter M. Donovan
                                H. Day Brigham, Jr.
                                Winthrop S. Emmet
                                Leland Miles
                                A. M. Moody, III
                                Lloyd F. Pierce
                                Raymond Van Houtte

                       FOR  []               FOR all   []          VOTE   []  
                       all of                the nominees        WITHHELD
                       the                   above except        for all the
                       nominees              those whose         nominees
                       named                 name(s)  are        named
                       above                 lined through       above
                                             or otherwise
                                             struck out

                  (b) ratify the  selection  of  Deloitte  & Touche,  LLP as the
                      independent accountants of the Portfolio Trust.

                       FOR  []                AGAINST []            ABSTAIN []

                  (c) to approve the investment  advisory  agreement between the
                      Portfolio Trust and Wright Investors' Service, Inc.

                       FOR  []                 AGAINST []            ABSTAIN [] 
           (3)         To approve an Amended and Restated Declaration of Trust
                       for the Trust.

                       FOR  []                 AGAINST []            ABSTAIN [] 

           (4)         To amend the Fund's Rule 12b-1 distribution plan to 
                       increase the distribution fee.

                       FOR  []                 AGAINST []             ABSTAIN[]

           (5)         To amend or eliminate certain of the Fund's fundamental
                       investment restrictions with respect to:.

                       (a)      Borrowing money.

                       FOR  []                  AGAINST []           ABSTAIN [] 

                       (b)      Pledging or mortgaging assets.

                       FOR  []                 AGAINST   []          ABSTAIN[] 

                       (c)      Diversification of assets.

                       FOR  []                 AGAINST   []          ABSTAIN [] 

                       (d)      Securities transactions with affiliated persons.

                       FOR  []                 AGAINST   []          ABSTAIN [] 

                       (e)      Margin transactions, short sales, options
                                transactions and warrants.

                       FOR  []                  AGAINST  []           ABSTAIN []

                       (f)      Buy or sell real estate and  commodities.

                       FOR  []                  AGAINST  []           ABSTAIN []

                       (g)      Concentration of assets.

                       FOR  []                  AGAINST  []           ABSTAIN []

                       (h)      Underwriting securities.

                       FOR  []                  AGAINST  []           ABSTAIN []

                       (i)      Making loans.

                       FOR  []                  AGAINST  []           ABSTAIN []

                       (j)      Securities transactions with affiliated persons.

                       FOR  []                  AGAINST   []          ABSTAIN []

               (6)    To  elect  eight  Trustees  to  hold  office  until  their
                      respective   successors   have  been  duly   elected   and
                      qualified. The nominees are:

                      Peter M. Donovan
                      H. Day Brigham, Jr.
                      Winthrop S. Emmet
                      Leland Miles
                      A. M. Moody, III
                      Lloyd F. Pierce
                      Raymond Van Houtte

                       FOR  []               FOR all      []        VOTE    [] 
                       all of                the nominees           WITHHELD
                       the                   above except           for all the
                       nominees              those whose            nominees
                       named                 name(s)  are           named
                       above                 lined through          above
                                             or otherwise
                                             struck out

               (7)     To approve the selection of Deloitte & Touche, LLP as
                       the independent auditor of the Trust.

                       FOR  []               AGAINST   []             ABSTAIN[]