As filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on July 8, 1998.

                                  SCHEDULE 14A
                                 (Rule 14a-101)


                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

                    Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a)
           of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No. ___)

Filed by the registrant                              |X|

Filed by a party other than the registrant           |_|

Check the appropriate box:

         |X|      Preliminary proxy statement

         |_|      Definitive additional materials

         |_|      Definitive additional materials

         |_|      Soliciting material pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12

                        THE WRIGHT EQUIFUND EQUITY TRUST
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

                        THE WRIGHT EQUIFUND EQUITY TRUST
                   (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement)

Payment of filing fee (check the appropriate box):

|X|      No filing fee is required




                                  July 27, 1998

Dear Shareholder:

Your fund's board of trustees has called a shareholder meeting for September 23,
1998 to ask you to approve a new investment  advisory agreement with your fund's
adviser,  Wright  Investors'  Service,  Inc. A new  agreement is required by the
federal law that  regulates  mutual funds because there has been a change to the
ownership  and  control  structure  of Wright's  parent  company,  The  Winthrop
Corporation,  as a result of the death of John  Winthrop  Wright.  The change in
control  has not  resulted  in any  changes to the  management  of  Wright,  the
advisory  services  that  Wright  provides  to  your  fund  or the  rate  of the
investment advisory fee that your fund pays to Wright.

This proposal has been reviewed by your fund's board of trustees,  whose primary
role is to  represent  and  protect  your  interests  as a  shareholder.  In the
trustees' judgment,  the proposal is fair and reasonable and they recommend that
you vote in favor of the proposal.

This package contains information about the proposal and the proxy materials for
you to use when voting by mail. Please review the enclosed  information and cast
your vote by completing  and  returning  the proxy card in the enclosed  postage
paid envelope.  Please vote promptly.  It is extremely important,  no matter how
many shares you own.  Voting  promptly saves money.  If we do not receive enough
votes, we must adjourn the shareholders' meeting and re-solicit  shareholders in
an attempt to increase voter participation. This is a costly process paid for by
your fund and, ultimately, by you.

To cast your vote,  simply complete the enclosed proxy card. Be sure to sign the
card before mailing in the postage paid envelope  provided.  Please do it now so
it will not be forgotten.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call Wright Investors'
Service  Distributors,  Inc. at  1-888-974-4482.  Ask to speak with Terry Moody.
Thank you.


                                                  Peter M. Donovan
                                               President and trustee

                             YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT 

 Please  execute the enclosed  proxy card and return it promptly in the postpaid




                         THE WRIGHT MANAGED EQUITY TRUST
                     Wright Selected Blue Chip Equities Fund
                      Wright Junior Blue Chip Equities Fund
                         Wright Major Blue Equities Fund
                  Wright International Blue Chip Equities Fund
                              (the "equity funds")

                         THE WRIGHT MANAGED INCOME TRUST
                            Wright U.S. Treasury Fund
                      Wright U.S. Government Near Term Fund
                          Wright Total Return Bond Fund
                           Wright Current Income Fund
                     Wright U.S. Treasury Money Market Fund
                              (the "income funds")

                        THE WRIGHT EQUIFUND EQUITY TRUST
                      Wright EquiFund -- Belgium/Luxembourg
                       Wright EquiFund -- Hong Kong/China
                            Wright EquiFund -- Japan
                            Wright EquiFund -- Mexico
                         Wright EquiFund -- Netherlands
                            Wright EquiFund -- Nordic
                              (the "country funds")

                  Catholic Values Investment Trust Equity Fund
                                  ("CVIT Fund")

                           (collectively, the "funds")

                                24 Federal Street
                           Boston, Massachusetts 02110




                   Notice of Special Meetings of Shareholders
                          To Be Held September 23, 1998

         A special meeting of shareholders of the series (each, a "fund") of The
Wright  Managed  Equity  Trust,  The Wright  Managed  Income  Trust,  The Wright
EquiFund Equity Trust and Catholic Values  Investment Trust  (collectively,  the
"trusts")  will be held at the  principal  offices  of the  trusts,  24  Federal
Street, Boston, Massachusetts, 02110, on Wednesday, September 23, 1998 beginning
at 10:00 a.m.  (Boston time).  The special meetings of the funds are expected to
be held concurrently and are referred to together as the "meeting."

         The meeting is being held for the following purpose:

          1.      To approve new investment advisory agreements between Wright
                  Investors' Service, Inc. and:

                  a.       The  Wright  Managed  Equity  Trust on behalf of each
                           equity fund. FOR EACH EQUITY FUND VOTING SEPARATELY.

                  b.       The  Wright  Managed  Income  Trust on behalf of each
                           income fund. FOR EACH INCOME FUND VOTING SEPARATELY.

                  c.       The Wright  EquiFund  Equity  Trust on behalf of each
                           country   fund.   FOR  EACH   COUNTRY   FUND   VOTING

                  d.       Catholic  Values  Investment  Trust.  FOR CVIT FUND
                           VOTING SEPARATELY.

          2.      To consider and act upon any matters  incidental to proposal 1
                  and any other  matters  which may  properly  come  before  the
                  meeting or any adjourned session of the meeting.

         Proposal 1 is discussed  in greater  detail in the  accompanying  proxy

         The  meeting  is called  pursuant  to the  by-laws of each  trust.  The
 trustees  have fixed the close of  business on July 17, 1998 as the record date
 for the  determination  of the  shareholders of each fund entitled to notice of
 and to vote at the meeting and any adjournment thereof.

                                       By Order of the Boards of Trustees,

                                        H. Day Brigham, Jr., Secretary

 Dated: July 27, 1998







Wright EquiFund -- Belgium/Luxembourg  Wright Selected Blue Chip Equities Fund
Wright EquiFund -- Hong Kong/China     Wright Junior Blue Chip Equities Fund
Wright EquiFund -- Japan               Wright Major Blue Chip Equities Fund
Wright EquiFund -- Mexico              Wright International Blue Chip Equities 
Wright EquiFund -- Netherlands         Fund
Wright EquiFund -- Nordic
                                         THE WRIGHT MANAGED INCOME TRUST
Catholic Values Investment Trust      Wright U.S. Government Near Term Fund
Equity Trust                          Wright Total Return Bond Fund
                                      Wright Current Income Fund
                                      Wright U.S. Treasury Money Market Fund

                           (collectively, the "funds")

                                24 Federal Street
                           Boston, Massachusetts 02110

                                 PROXY STATEMENT
                      For Special Meetings of Shareholders

         A proxy card is enclosed with the notice of the special  meeting of the
 shareholders  of the funds to be held on Wednesday,  September 23, 1998 for the
 benefit of  shareholders  who do not expect to be present at the  meeting.  The
 proxy  is  solicited  on  behalf  of the  boards  of  trustees  of  each  trust
 (collectively, the "trustees"), and is revocable by the person giving it at any
 time prior to exercise by a signed letter filed with the funds' transfer agent,
 First Data Investors Services' Group, P.O. Box 5153, Westborough, Massachusetts
 01551-5123,  by signing and delivering a later dated proxy, or by attending the
 meeting  and voting the shares in person.  Each  shareholder  may  specify  the
 manner in which he or she  desires  the proxy to be voted on proposal 1. In the
 absence of any  specification,  the proxy will  authorize  the persons named as
 attorneys,  or any of them, to vote in favor of proposal 1. This proxy material
 is first being mailed to shareholders on or about July 27, 1998.

         The  trustees  have fixed the close of business on July 17, 1998 as the
 record date for the determination of the shareholders entitled to notice of and
 to vote at the  meeting and any  adjournment(s)  thereof.  Shareholders  at the
 close of business on the record date will be entitled to one vote for each full
 share held and to a proportionate  share of one vote for each fractional  share
 held. The number of shares of beneficial interest (excluding fractions thereof)
 of each fund  outstanding  as of the record date is set forth in EXHIBIT A. The
 persons who held of record more than 5% of the outstanding  shares of a fund as
 of the record date are set forth in EXHIBIT B. To the  knowledge of each trust,
 no  other  person  owns  (of  record  or  beneficially)  more  than  5% of  the
 outstanding shares of a fund.

         Although  each trust is having its own  separate  meeting,  proxies are
 being solicited through the use of this combined proxy statement.  Shareholders
 of funds  that are series of the same  trust  will vote  separately  as to this
 proposal  because  it  uniquely  affects  their  respective  funds.  Voting  by
 shareholders  of one fund or trust will not affect  voting by  shareholders  of
 another fund or trust.




         As discussed in greater detail under proposal 1, the principal  purpose
 of the meeting is to approve a new investment  advisory  agreement between each
 trust on behalf of its respective funds and Wright  Investors'  Services,  Inc.
 ("Wright").  The new  agreement  will  permit  Wright to  continue  to  provide
 investment  advisory services to each fund following a change in control of the
 parent company of Wright.

         Shareholders  of the funds are being  asked to vote on the  proposal as

       proposal                  Shareholders Entitled to Vote on Proposal

 1. For each trust:                    Each fund voting separately.

         The trustees know of no matter other than that  mentioned in proposal 1
 which  will be  presented  at the  meeting.  If any other  matter  is  properly
 presented at the meeting,  it is the  intention of the persons named as proxies
 in the enclosed proxy to vote the proxies in accordance  with their judgment in
 regard to such matter.

                                   PROPOSAL 1


         The  Winthrop  Corporation  ("Winthrop")  is currently  the  investment
 adviser to each fund  (except  Catholic  Values  Investment  Trust  Equity Fund
 ("CVIT Fund")) under investment  advisory contracts (the "existing  contracts")
 between  each  trust,  on behalf of its funds,  and  Winthrop.  Under a service
 agreement between Winthrop and its wholly-owned  subsidiary,  Wright Investors'
 Service,  Inc., Wright,  acting under the general  supervision of the trustees,
 furnishes each fund with investment advice and management  services.  Wright is
 currently  the  investment  adviser to CVIT Fund under an  investment  advisory
 contract between Catholic Values Investment Trust and Wright (together with the
 existing contracts, the "existing advisory agreements"). Wright is incorporated
 in Connecticut and is registered as an investment  adviser under the Investment
 Advisers Act of 1940. Wright's and Winthrop's  principal offices are located at
 1000 Lafayette Boulevard, Bridgeport, Connecticut, 06604- 4720.

         Each fund is registered  and  regulated as an investment  company under
 the Investment  Company Act of 1940, as amended (the "1940 Act").  The 1940 Act
 provides that an investment  company's investment advisory agreement terminates
 automatically  upon its "assignment."  Under the 1940 Act, a direct or indirect
 transfer  of a  controlling  block  of the  voting  securities  of  any  entity
 controlling an investment  adviser is deemed to be an assignment.  As described
 further below, the ownership of Winthrop,  a controlling  entity of Wright, has
 changed and the existing  advisory  agreements  terminated  as a result of that

 The Change of Control

     Winthrop  was  founded  by Mr.  John  Winthrop  Wright  and began  offering
investment advisory services in 1961. Upon his death in 1996, Mr. Wright was the
only person who owned more than 25% (but less than 50%) of Winthrop's stock. The
1940 Act presumes  that owning 25% or more of a company's  stock gives the owner
"control" over the company. Since Mr. Wright's death, his stock has been held by
the estate of John Winthrop  Wright (the  "estate").  On June 11, 1998,  Mildred


 Wright,   in  accordance  with  her  authority  as  executrix  of  the  estate,
 transferred  Mr.  Wright's  stock  from the  estate  to Mr.  Wright's  intended
 beneficiary, The School for Ethical Education (the "distribution").

         The  School,   located  at  1000   Lafayette   Boulevard,   Bridgeport,
 Connecticut  06604,  was  founded  in  1995  by  Mr.  Wright  as a  non-profit,
 tax-exempt organization to promote ethical behavior. The School's mission is to
 promote  "ethics in action"  for the  creation of  positive  character  and the
 advancement  of  responsible  and  caring  communities.   The  School  provides
 post-secondary  courses for teachers and parents to teach  ethical  behavior in
 schools and communities.  The School is managed by its board of trustees, which
 has five members, three of whom are affiliated with Winthrop and Wright.

         As a result of the  distribution,  the School acquired more than 25% of
 Winthrop's  stock and there has been a change in the control of  Winthrop.  The
 following  table  describes  the  persons  who own  stock in  Winthrop  and the
 percentage that each person votes.

               Name                   Percentage of stock owned in
                                        The Winthrop Corporation
 The School for Ethical Education                 34.5%
 Mr. Peter Donovan                                18.6%
 WIS Holdings                                     16.9% (1)
 WIS Profit Sharing Plan                          13.2%
 All others                                       16.7%


         (1) WIS Holdings is a wholly-owned  subsidiary of Winthrop.  During her
 lifetime,  Mrs. Mildred Wright has the restricted right to direct voting of WIS
 Holdings stock.

         Mr. Donovan,  who owns Winthrop stock, and Mrs. Wright,  who has voting
 rights as to Winthrop stock, also serve as trustees of the School. The School's
 board of trustees, including Mr. Donovan and Mrs. Wright, collectively have the
 power to vote the Winthrop  stock owned by the School.  It is possible that Mr.
 Donovan and Mrs.  Wright could be  considered  to have voting rights as to more
 than 25% of the Winthrop stock and,  therefore,  to be  controlling  persons of
 Winthrop. However, as trustees of the School, each of them has only one vote on
 matters brought before the School's board of trustees, and Mr. Donovan and Mrs.
 Wright have not entered into any agreement to exercise voting power in concert.

     The trustees of the trusts have  considered the new ownership  structure of
Winthrop  and do not believe  that either Mr.  Donovan or Mrs.  Wright  controls
Winthrop.  However,  in  the  event  that  a  regulatory  authority  or a  court
determines  that Mr.  Donovan  or Mrs.  Wright  controls  Winthrop,  the vote by
shareholders to approve the new advisory  agreement with Wright will include any
possible transfer of control to Mr. Donovan and Mrs. Wright.

         To provide for continuity of investment  advisory services to the funds
 as a result of the distribution,  the trustees,  including the trustees who are
 not "interested"  persons of the trusts,  Wright or Winthrop (the  "independent
 trustees"),  at a special meeting held on June 24, 1998, voted to approve,  and
 recommended that each fund's  shareholders  approve, a new investment  advisory
 agreement (the


 "new advisory agreement") with Wright. Under the new advisory agreement, Wright
 will be the investment adviser and will continue to provide investment advisory
 services to the funds. Approval of the new advisory agreement will not increase
 the advisory fee rate paid by any fund.

 Material Terms of the new advisory agreements

         The material  terms of the new  advisory  agreement  are  substantially
 similar to those of the existing advisory agreements.  The following discussion
 of the new advisory  agreement  is only a summary of the form of the  agreement
 (the form is  identical  for each  fund)  attached  to the proxy  statement  as
 EXHIBIT  C. You  should  read the entire  form of  agreement.  The dates of the
 initial  approval and of the most recent  shareholder  approval of the existing
 advisory  agreements  and the aggregate  advisory fee paid by each fund in 1997
 are  set  forth  in  EXHIBIT  D.  The  trustees  of  each  trust  approved  the
 continuation of each existing advisory agreement on January 28, 1998.

         Advisory Services.  Under the new advisory agreement and subject to the
 supervision  and  approval  of the  trustees  of  each  trust,  Wright  will be
 responsible  for providing  continuously  an investment  program for each fund,
 consistent with each fund's  investment  objective,  policies and restrictions.
 Specifically,  Wright will determine what investments shall be purchased,  sold
 or exchanged by each fund,  if any,  and what  portion,  if any, of each fund's
 assets  will  be  held   uninvested  and  will  make  changes  in  each  fund's
 investments.  Wright will also manage,  supervise and conduct the other affairs
 and business of each fund and any incidental matters,  including supervision of
 each fund's administrator, if any.

         Approval,  Termination  and  Amendment  Provisions.  If approved by the
 affirmative  vote of a "majority  of the  outstanding  voting  securities"  (as
 described below) of the fund ("majority  shareholder  vote"),  the new advisory
 agreement will remain in full force and effect until February 28, 2000. The new
 advisory  agreement  will  continue  in full  force and  effect as to that fund
 indefinitely after that date, if this continuance is approved at least annually
 (i) by a vote of a majority  of the  trustees of the  respective  trust or by a
 majority  shareholder vote for that fund, and (ii) by the vote of a majority of
 the  independent  trustees  of the trust.  The new  advisory  agreement  may be
 terminated  at  any  time  without  penalty  by a  vote  of a  majority  of the
 independent  trustees of the respective  trust, by a majority  shareholder vote
 for that fund or by Wright on 60 days'  written  notice to the other party.  In
 addition,   the  new  advisory   agreement  will  terminate   immediately   and
 automatically  if assigned.  The new advisory  agreement  may not be materially
 amended without the approval of the trustees and the shareholders. An amendment
 would be material if it changed the duties and  responsibilities of the parties
 under the agreement or increased the fee paid to Wright.

         Standard of Care. The new advisory  agreement provides that Wright will
 not be subject to liability  for any act or omission in the course of rendering
 services under the agreement in the absence of willful  misfeasance,  bad faith
 or  gross  negligence,  or  for  any  losses  which  may  be  sustained  in the
 acquisition, holding or sale of any security or other investment.

         Expenses.  Each  fund  is  responsible  for  its  own  expenses  unless
 responsibility is expressly assumed by Wright under the new advisory  agreement
 or by  the  administrator  under  the  administration  agreement.  Among  other
 expenses, each fund pays investment advisory fees;  bookkeeping,  share pricing
 and custodian fees and expenses; expenses of the fund's administrator,  if any;
 fees and  disbursements  of the fund's  transfer agent and dividend  disbursing
 agent or  registrar,  shareholder  servicing  fees and  expenses;  expenses  of
 prospectuses,  statements of additional  information  and  shareholder  reports
 which are furnished to shareholders;  legal and auditing fees; registration and
 reporting  fees and expenses;  and trustees'  fees and expenses.  Expenses of a
 trust  which  relate to more than one of its series are  allocated  among these
 series in an equitable manner,


 primarily on the basis of relative net asset values. The new advisory agreement
 states that the trust is responsible for paying the charges and expenses of the
 independent public accountants and legal counsel to the trust and the trustees.
 This  change is in  keeping  with  similar  language  in more  modern  forms of
 advisory agreements.  Each trust currently pays the charges and expenses of its
 independent  public  accountants  and legal  counsel  and the  addition of this
 language is for clarification purposes only.

 Required Vote

         Approval of the new advisory  agreement  for a fund requires a majority
 shareholder  vote of that  fund.  Under the 1940  Act,  this  means  that to be
 approved for a fund,  the proposal  must  receive the  affirmative  vote of the
 lesser of (a) 67% of the  shares of that fund  present  at the  meeting  if the
 holders of more than 50% of the outstanding  shares of that fund are present or
 represented  by proxy at the meeting,  or (b) more than 50% of the  outstanding
 shares of that fund. If the  shareholders  of one or more funds fail to approve
 this proposal, the trustees will consider what further action should be taken.

         The  trustees  of the trusts,  including a majority of the  independent
 trustees,  recommend  that the  shareholders  of each fund vote to approve this

         The trustees  believe that the funds will  benefit from  continuing  to
 receive the high quality advisory services provided by Wright on the same terms
 as they are currently  provided.  The trustees considered the fact that the new
 advisory  agreements  are  substantially   similar  to  the  existing  advisory
 agreements  and that the  change in  control  of  Wright  will not  change  the
 advisory  services  provided to the funds.  The  trustees  believe that the new
 advisory  agreement and the fees provided for in the agreement are  reasonable,
 fair and in the best interests of each fund's shareholders.

 The Master/Feeder funds

         Each of the  following  funds (the "feeder  funds")  invests all of its
 assets  in a  corresponding  master  portfolio  that  has the  same  investment
 objective as the feeder  fund--Wright  Selected Blue Chip Equities Fund, Wright
 Junior Blue Chip Equities Fund, Wright  International  Blue Chip Equities Fund,
 Wright U.S.  Treasury Fund,  Wright U.S.  Government  Near Term Fund and Wright
 Current Income Fund.  Approval of the new advisory agreement by shareholders of
 each feeder fund will have two distinct results.

         Because a feeder fund requires no investment advisory services,  Wright
 and each feeder fund have agreed  that,  for so long as the feeder funds invest
 in the  corresponding  master  portfolios,  no services will be provided and no
 fees will be paid under each feeder fund's existing advisory agreement.  Wright
 provides  investment  advisory  services  to the  master  portfolios  under  an
 investment  advisory  agreement with the portfolios  (the  "portfolio  advisory
 agreement").  If shareholders of a feeder fund vote to approve the new advisory
 agreement,  that vote will serve to approve a new advisory agreement as to that
 fund.  As before,  Wright and the feeder funds will agree that,  for so long as
 the  feeder  funds  invest in the  portfolios,  no  advisory  services  will be
 provided to the feeder funds and no fees will be paid by the feeder funds under
 the new  advisory  agreement.  A vote by  shareholders  of each  feeder fund to
 approve the new advisory  agreement  will also serve to  authorize  each feeder
 fund's  trustees  to vote,  on behalf of the  feeder  funds,  to  approve a new
 portfolio advisory agreement with Wright.

                          NOTICE TO BANKS AND BROKER/DEALERS

         Each trust on behalf of its funds has previously  solicited all nominee
 and  broker/dealer  accounts as to the number of  additional  proxy  statements
 required  to  supply  beneficial  owners of  shares.  Should  additional  proxy
 material be required for  beneficial  owners,  please forward such requests to:
 First Data Investor  Services Group,  Wright Group of Funds,  Proxy Department,
 P.O. Box 9122, Hingham, MA 02043-9717.

                             ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 

         The expense of preparing,  printing and mailing this proxy material and
 the cost of  soliciting  proxies  on behalf of the boards of  trustees  will be
 borne  ratably  by the  funds.  Proxies  will be  solicited  by mail and may be
 solicited in person or by telephone  or telegraph by the trust's  officers,  by
 personnel of its investment adviser, by the transfer agent, First Data Investor
 Services  Group,  by  broker-dealer  firms  or by a  professional  solicitation

         Each trust may also arrange to have votes  recorded by telephone by the
 trust's  officers,  by personnel  of its  investment  adviser,  by the transfer
 agent,  First Data Investor  Services  Group,  by  broker-dealer  firms or by a
 professional  solicitation  organization.  The  telephone  voting  procedure is
 designed to  authenticate a shareholder's  identity,  to allow a shareholder to
 authorize   the  voting  of  shares  in  accordance   with  the   shareholder's
 instructions  and to confirm that the voting  instructions  have been  properly
 recorded.  If these  procedures were subject to a successful  legal  challenge,
 these votes would not be counted at the meeting.  A shareholder  will be called
 on a recorded line at the telephone  number in the transfer agent's records and
 could be asked for identifying  information.  The shareholder will be given the
 opportunity  to  authorize  the  proxies  to vote the shares  according  to the
 instructions  given over the telephone.  A confirmation of instructions will be
 sent to the  shareholder  with a special  telephone  number  for use to correct
 information that is incorrect.  The shareholder can revoke the proxy given over
 the telephone by attending the meeting and voting at the meeting.

         The expenses  connected with the solicitation of these proxies and with
 any further  proxies  that may be  solicited  by the trusts'  officers,  by the
 investment  adviser's  personnel,  by the transfer  agent,  First Data Investor
 Services  Group,  by  broker-dealer   firms  or  a  professional   solicitation
 organization,  in person, by telephone or by telegraph will be borne ratably by
 each fund. The cost of the proxy  solicitation is expected to be $_____ for The
 Wright Managed Equity Trust,  $____ for The Wright Managed Income Trust,  $____
 for The Wright EquiFund  Equity Trust and $____ for Catholic Values  Investment
 Trust. The funds will reimburse banks,  broker-dealer  firms, and other persons
 holding shares registered in their names or in the names of their nominees, for
 their  expenses  incurred in sending proxy  materials to and obtaining  proxies
 from the beneficial owners of such shares.

         All proxy cards  solicited by the boards of trustees  that are properly
 executed and received by the secretary prior to the meeting,  and which are not
 revoked, will be voted at the meeting.  Shares represented by such proxies will
 be voted in accordance with the  instructions  thereon.  If no specification is
 made on a  properly  executed  proxy  card,  it will be voted FOR the  proposal
 specified on the proxy card. For each trust, shares represented in person or by
 proxy  (including  shares  which  abstain  or do not vote with  respect  to the
 proposal  presented for  shareholder  approval) will be counted for purposes of
 determining whether a quorum is present at the meeting. Abstentions from voting
 will be treated as shares that are present and entitled to vote for purposes of
 determining  the number of shares that are  present  and  entitled to vote with
 respect to  proposal  1, but will not be counted as a vote in favor of proposal
 1. If a broker or nominee  holding  shares in "street  name"  indicates  on the
 proxy that it does not have  discretionary  authority to vote as to proposal 1,

 shares will not be considered as present and entitled to vote as to proposal 1.
 Shareholders  should note that while  votes to abstain  and "broker  non-votes"
 will be counted  toward  establishing  a quorum,  passage of the proposal being
 considered  at the meeting will occur only if a sufficient  number of votes are
 cast for the proposal. For this reason, votes to abstain,  broker non-votes and
 votes against will have the same effect in determining  whether the proposal is

         In the event that sufficient  votes by the  shareholders of any fund in
 favor of the  proposal set forth in the notice of this meeting are not received
 by the meeting date,  the persons named as attorneys in the enclosed  proxy may
 propose one or more adjournments of the meeting to permit further  solicitation
 of proxies.  Any such  adjournment  will  require the  affirmative  vote of the
 holders  of a  majority  of the  shares  present  in  person or by proxy at the
 session of the meeting to be  adjourned.  The persons named as attorneys in the
 enclosed proxy will vote in favor of such adjournment  those proxies which they
 are entitled to vote in favor of the proposal for which further solicitation of
 proxies  is to be made.  They  will vote  against  any such  adjournment  those
 proxies  required to be voted against the proposal.  A shareholder  vote may be
 taken on the proposal in this proxy statement prior to any such  adjournment if
 sufficient votes have been received and it is otherwise appropriate.  The costs
 of any  additional  solicitation  and of any  adjourned  session  will be borne
 ratably by the funds for whom the adjournment is called.


         Submission  of  Shareholder  proposals.  The trusts do not hold  annual
 shareholders' meetings. Shareholders who want to submit proposals for inclusion
 in a proxy statement for a subsequent  shareholders'  meeting should send their
 written  proposals to the secretary of the applicable trust, 24 Federal Street,
 Boston, Massachusetts 02110. Proposals must be received by the trust in advance
 of a proxy solicitation to be included.  The mere submission of a proposal does
 not  guarantee  inclusion  in  the  proxy  statement  because  certain  federal
 securities law rules must be complied with.

                                             THE WRIGHT MANAGED EQUITY TRUST
                                             THE WRIGHT MANAGED INCOME TRUST
                                             THE WRIGHT EQUIFUND EQUITY TRUST
                                             CATHOLIC VALUES INVESTMENT TRUST

 Dated:  July 27, 1998




                                                               EXHIBIT A

         Shares of Beneficial Interest Outstanding as of the Record Date

 The Wright Managed Equity Trust
         Wright Selected Blue Chip Equities Fund
         Wright Junior Blue Chip Equities Fund
         Wright Major Blue Chip Equities Fund
         Wright International Blue Chip Equities Fund

 The Wright Managed Income Trust
         Wright U.S. Treasury Fund
         Wright U.S. Government Near Term Fund
         Wright Total Return Bond Fund
         Wright Current Income Fund
         Wright U.S. Treasury Money Market Fund

 The Wright EquiFund Equity Trust 
         Wright EquiFund -- Belgium/Luxembourg
         Wright EquiFund -- Hong Kong/China 
         Wright EquiFund -- Japan 
         Wright EquiFund -- Mexico
         Wright EquiFund -- Netherlands 
         Wright EquiFund -- Nordic

 Catholic Values Investment Trust
         Catholic Values Investment Trust Equity Fund



                                                                EXHIBIT B

 Persons Owning More than 5% of Outstanding Shares of a Fund as of the Record

 The Wright Managed Equity Trust
         Wright Selected Blue Chip Equities Fund
         Wright Junior Blue Chip Equities Fund
         Wright Major Blue Chip Equities Fund
         Wright International Blue Chip Equities Fund

 The Wright Managed Income Trust
         Wright U.S. Treasury Fund
         Wright U.S. Government Near Term Fund
         Wright Total Return Bond Fund
         Wright Current Income Fund
         Wright U.S. Treasury Money Market Fund

 The Wright EquiFund Equity Trust
         Wright EquiFund -- Belgium/Luxembourg
         Wright EquiFund -- Hong Kong/China
         Wright EquiFund -- Japan
         Wright EquiFund -- Mexico
         Wright EquiFund -- Netherlands 
         Wrigh  EquiFund -- Nordic

 Catholic Values Investment Trust
         Catholic Values Investment Trust Equity Fund


                                                                  EXHIBIT C
                                     Form of
                          INVESTMENT ADVISORY CONTRACT

         CONTRACT  made  this day of 1998,  between  [NAME  OF  TRUSTS],  each a
 Massachusetts  business trust (the  "Trusts"),  on behalf of each series of the
 Trusts which the Adviser  (defined  below) and the Trusts shall agree from time
 to time are subject to this Contract, as set forth on Schedule A (collectively,
 the "Funds" and individually, the "Fund"), and WRIGHT INVESTORS' SERVICE, INC.,
 a Connecticut corporation (the "Adviser"):

         1. Duties of the Adviser.  Each Trust hereby employs the Adviser to act
 as investment  adviser for and to manage the investment and reinvestment of the
 assets of the Funds and,  except as  otherwise  provided  in an  administration
 agreement, to administer the Trust's affairs, subject to the supervision of the
 Trustees  of the  Trust,  for the  period  and on the  terms  set forth in this

         The Adviser hereby accepts such employment, and undertakes to afford to
 each Trust the advice  and  assistance  of the  Adviser's  organization  in the
 choice of investments  and in the purchase and sale of securities for each Fund
 and to furnish for the use of the trust office space and all  necessary  office
 facilities,  equipment and personnel for servicing the investments of the Funds
 and for  administering  the Trust's affairs and to pay the salaries and fees of
 all  officers  and  Trustees  of the Trust  who are  members  of the  Adviser's
 organization and all personnel of the Adviser  performing  services relating to
 research and investment  activities.  The Adviser shall for all purposes herein
 be  deemed to be an  independent  contractor  and  shall,  except as  otherwise
 expressly provided or authorized, have no authority to act for or represent any
 Trust in any way or otherwise be deemed an agent of the Trust.

         The Adviser  shall provide each Trust with such  investment  management
 and  supervision as the trust may from time to time consider  necessary for the
 proper  supervision  of its funds.  As  investment  adviser  to the Funds,  the
 Adviser shall furnish  continuously  an investment  program and shall determine
 from time to time what  securities  shall be  purchased,  sold or exchanged and
 what portion of each Fund's assets shall be held uninvested,  subject always to
 the applicable  restrictions of the Trust's  Declaration of trust,  By-Laws and
 registration  statement  under the  Securities  Act of 1933 and the  Investment
 Company  Act of  1940,  all as from  time  to  time  amended.  The  Adviser  is
 authorized,  in its discretion and without prior  consultation  with the trust,
 but subject to each Fund's investment objective,  policies and restrictions, to
 buy, sell,  lend and otherwise  trade in any stocks,  bonds,  options and other
 securities  and  investment  instruments  on behalf of the funds,  to purchase,
 write or sell options on securities,  futures contracts or indices on behalf of
 the  funds,  to enter  into  commodities  contracts  on  behalf  of the  Funds,
 including  contracts  for the future  delivery of  securities  or currency  and
 futures  contracts on securities or other  indices,  and to execute any and all
 agreements and instruments and to do any and all things  incidental  thereto in
 connection  with the management of the funds.  Should the Trustees of the Trust
 at any time, however,  make any specific  determination as to investment policy
 for the Funds and notify the Adviser  thereof in writing,  the Adviser shall be
 bound by such determination for the period, if any, specified in such notice or
 until similarly notified that such determination has been revoked.  The Adviser
 shall take,  on behalf of the Funds,  all actions  which it deems  necessary or
 desirable to implement the investment policies of the trust and of each Fund.

         The  Adviser  shall  place  all  orders  for  the  purchase  or sale of
 portfolio securities for the account of a Fund with brokers or dealers selected
 by the Adviser,  and to that end the Adviser is  authorized as the agent of the
 Fund to give instructions to the custodian of the Fund as to deliveries of



 securities  and  payments  of cash for the  account of a Fund or the Trust.  In
 connection  with the  selection  of such  brokers or dealers and the placing of
 such  orders,  the  Adviser  shall  use its  best  efforts  to seek to  execute
 portfolio  security  transactions at prices which are advantageous to the funds
 and (when a disclosed  commission is being  charged) at reasonably  competitive
 commission  rates.  In  selecting  brokers  or dealers  qualified  to execute a
 particular  transaction,  brokers or dealers may be selected  who also  provide
 brokerage  and  research  services  and products (as those terms are defined in
 Section  28(e) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934) to the  Adviser.  The
 Adviser is expressly  authorized to cause the Funds to pay any broker or dealer
 who provides such brokerage and research  service and products a commission for
 executing a security transaction which exceeds the amount of commission another
 broker or dealer  would have  charged for  effecting  that  transaction  if the
 Adviser  determines  in good faith that such amount of commission is reasonable
 in relation to the value of the  brokerage  and research  services  provided by
 such broker or dealer, viewed in terms of either that particular transaction or
 the overall  responsibilities  which the Adviser and its  affiliates  have with
 respect to accounts over which they exercise investment discretion.  Subject to
 the requirement set forth in the second sentence of this paragraph, the Adviser
 is authorized to consider, as a factor in the selection of any broker or dealer
 with whom  purchase or sale orders may be placed,  the fact that such broker or
 dealer  has sold or is  selling  shares of the  applicable  Fund or Trust or of
 other investment companies sponsored by the Adviser.

         2.  Compensation  of  the  Adviser.  For  the  services,  payments  and
 facilities  to be furnished  hereunder by the Adviser,  each Trust on behalf of
 each Fund  shall pay to the  Adviser  on the last day of each month a fee equal
 (annually)  to the  percentage  or  percentages  specified in Schedule B of the
 average  daily net  assets of such  Fund  throughout  the  month,  computed  in
 accordance with the Trust's  Declaration of Trust,  registration  statement and
 any applicable votes of the Trustees of the Trust.

         If the  Contract  is  initiated  or  terminated  during  any month with
 respect  to any  Fund,  each  Fund's  fee  for  that  month  shall  be  reduced
 proportionately  on the basis of the number of calendar  days during  which the
 Contract is in effect and the fee shall be computed upon the average net assets
 for the business days the Contract is so in effect for that month.

         The Adviser may,  from time to time,  agree not to impose all or a part
 of the above compensation.

         3.  Allocation of Charges and Expenses.  Each Trust will pay all of its
 expenses  other  than  those  expressly  stated to be  payable  by the  Adviser
 hereunder,   which  expenses  payable  by  the  Trust  shall  include,  without
 limitation (i) expenses of maintaining  the Trust and continuing its existence,
 (ii) registration of the Trust under the Investment  Company Act of 1940, (iii)
 commissions,  fees and other  expenses  connected  with the purchase or sale of
 securities,  (iv)  auditing,  accounting  and  legal  expenses,  (v)  taxes and
 interest,  (vi)  governmental  fees,  (vii)  expenses of issue,  repurchase and
 redemption of shares,  (viii)  expenses of registering and qualifying the Trust
 and its shares under  federal and state  securities  laws and of preparing  and
 printing   prospectuses  for  those  purposes  and  for  distributing  them  to
 shareholders   and  investors,   and  fees  and  expenses  of  registering  and
 maintaining registration of the Trust and of the Trust's principal underwriter,
 if any, as broker-dealer or agent under state securities laws, (ix) expenses of
 reports and notices to shareholders  and of meetings of shareholders  and proxy
 solicitations  therefor,  (x) expenses of reports to governmental  officers and
 commissions, (xi) insurance expenses, (xii) association membership dues, (xiii)
 fees,  expenses and  disbursements  of  custodians  and  subcustodians  for all
 services to the Trust (including  without  limitation  safekeeping of funds and
 securities,  keeping  of books  and  accounts  and  determination  of net asset
 value),   (xiv)  fees,  expenses  and  disbursements  of  transfer  agents  and
 registrars  for  all  services  to  the  Trust,  (xv)  expenses  for  servicing
 shareholder accounts,  (xvi) any direct charges to shareholders approved by the
 Trustees of the Trust,  (xvii)  compensation of and any expenses of Trustees of
 the Trust, (xviii) the administration fee payable to the Trust's administrator,
 (xix) the charges and expenses



 of the independent auditors,  (xx) the charges and expenses of legal counsel to
 the Trust and the Trustees,  (xxi) distribution fees, if any, paid by a Fund in
 accordance  with Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act,  and (xxii)  such  nonrecurring
 items as may arise,  including expenses incurred in connection with litigation,
 proceedings  and  claims  and the  obligation  of the  Trust to  indemnify  its
 Trustees and officers with respect thereto.

         4. Other  Interests.  It is  understood  that  Trustees,  officers  and
 shareholders of each Trust are or may be or become interested in the Adviser or
 any of its  affiliates  as  directors,  officers,  employees,  stockholders  or
 otherwise  and that  directors,  officers,  employees and  stockholders  of the
 Adviser or any of its affiliates are or may be or become  similarly  interested
 in the Trust,  and that the Adviser or any of its  affiliates  may be or become
 interested in the Trust as a shareholder  or otherwise.  It is also  understood
 that directors,  officers,  employees and stockholders of the Adviser or any of
 its  affiliates are or may be or become  interested  (as  directors,  trustees,
 officers, employees,  stockholders or otherwise) in other companies or entities
 (including,  without limitation,  other investment companies) which the Adviser
 or any of its affiliates may organize, sponsor or acquire, or with which it may
 merge or  consolidate,  and which may  include  the words  "Wright"  or "Wright
 Investors"  or any  combination  thereof as part of their  names,  and that the
 Adviser  or any  of its  affiliates  may  enter  into  advisory  or  management
 agreements or other  contracts or  relationships  with such other  companies or

         5. Limitation of Liability of the Adviser.  The services of the Adviser
 to each Trust are not to be deemed to be  exclusive,  the Adviser being free to
 render  services  to others and  engage in other  business  activities.  In the
 absence of  willful  misfeasance,  bad  faith,  gross  negligence  or  reckless
 disregard of  obligations or duties  hereunder on the part of the Adviser,  the
 Adviser shall not be subject to liability to any Trust or to any shareholder of
 the trust for any act or omission in the course of or connected with, rendering
 services  hereunder or for any losses  which may be sustained in the  purchase,
 holding or sale of any security.

         6.  Sub-Investment  Advisers.  The  Adviser  may  employ  one  or  more
 sub-investment  advisers  from  time to time to  perform  such of the  acts and
 services  of the  Adviser,  including  the  selection  of brokers or dealers to
 execute any Trust's portfolio security  transactions,  and upon those terms and
 conditions  as may be agreed upon  between  the Adviser and the  sub-investment
 adviser; provided,  however, that any subadvisory agreement shall be subject to
 approval by the Trustees.

         7. Duration and  Termination  of this  Contract.  This  Contract  shall
 become  effective upon the date of its  execution,  and,  unless  terminated as
 herein  provided,  shall  remain in full force and effect as to each Fund up to
 and including  February 28, 2000 and shall continue in full force and effect as
 to each  Fund  indefinitely  thereafter,  but only so long as such  continuance
 after February 28, 2000 is  specifically  approved at least annually (i) by the
 vote of a majority of the Trustees of the Trust or by vote of a majority of the
 outstanding  voting  securities of that Fund and (ii) by the vote of a majority
 of those Trustees of the Trust who are not interested persons of the Adviser or
 the Trust, in accordance with the requirements of the Investment Company Act of
 1940 as now in  effect  or as  hereafter  amended,  subject,  however,  to such
 exemptions as may be granted by the Securities  and Exchange  Commission by any
 rule, regulation, order or interpretive position.

         Either party hereto may, at any time on sixty (60) days' prior  written
 notice to the  other,  terminate  this  Contract  as to any Fund,  without  the
 payment of any penalty, by action of its Board of Directors or Trustees, as the
 case may be,  and a Trust  may,  at any time  upon such  written  notice to the
 Adviser,  terminate  this  Contract as to any fund by vote of a majority of the
 outstanding  voting  securities  of that Fund.  This Contract  shall  terminate
 automatically in the event of its assignment.



         8.  Amendments of the Contract.  This Contract may be amended as to any
 Fund by a writing  signed by both  parties  hereto,  provided  that no material
 amendment to this  Contract  shall be effective as to that Fund until  approved
 (i) by the vote of a majority of those  Trustees of the affected  Trust who are
 not  interested  persons  of the  Adviser  or the  Trust  and (ii) by vote of a
 majority of the outstanding  voting  securities of that fund in accordance with
 the requirements of the Investment  Company Act of 1940, as now in effect or as
 hereafter amended,  subject,  however,  to such exemptions as may be granted by
 the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  by any rule,  regulation,  order or
 interpretive position.

         9.  Limitation of Liability.  The Adviser  expressly  acknowledges  the
 provision  in the  Declaration  of Trust of each Trust  limiting  the  personal
 liability of shareholders  of the Trust,  and the Adviser hereby agrees that it
 shall  have  recourse  only to the  applicable  Trust for  payment of claims or
 obligations  as between the Trust and Adviser  arising out of this Contract and
 shall not seek  satisfaction  from the  shareholders  or any shareholder of the
 Trust.  No Trust or Fund shall be liable for the obligations of any other Trust
 or Fund hereunder.

         10.  Certain  Definitions.   The  terms  "assignment"  and  "interested
 persons" when used herein shall have the respective  meanings  specified in the
 Investment  Company  Act of 1940,  as now in  effect  or as  hereafter  amended
 subject,  however,  to such  exemptions as may be granted by the Securities and
 Exchange  Commission  by any rule,  regulation  or order.  The term  "vote of a
 majority of the outstanding voting securities of that Fund" shall mean the vote
 of the lesser of (a) 67 per cent or more of the shares of the  particular  fund
 present or represented by proxy at a meeting of shareholders of the fund if the
 holders of more than 50 per cent of the  outstanding  shares of the  particular
 Fund are present or  represented  by proxy at the meeting,  or (b) more than 50
 per cent of the  outstanding  interests of the  particular  Fund, or such other
 vote as may be  required  from time to time by the  Investment  Company  Act of

         11. Use of the Name "Wright". The Adviser hereby consents to the use by
 each Trust of the name  "Wright"  as part of the  Trust's  name and the name of
 each Fund should the Trust  desire to adopt such name in the future;  provided,
 however,  that such consent  shall be  conditioned  upon the  employment of the
 Adviser or one of its  affiliates as the investment  adviser of the Trust.  The
 name "Wright" or any  variation  thereof may be used from time to time in other
 connections  and for other purposes by the Adviser and its affiliates and other
 investment  companies that have obtained  consent to use the name "Wright." The
 Adviser  shall  have the  right to  require  a Trust  to cease  using  the name
 "Wright"  as part of the  Trust's  name and the name of its  Funds if the Trust
 ceases, for any reasons,  to employ the Adviser or one of its affiliates as the
 Trust's investment adviser.  Future names adopted by a Trust for itself and its
 funds, insofar as such names include identifying words requiring the consent of
 the  Adviser,  shall be the property of the Adviser and shall be subject to the
 same terms and conditions.

 [NAME OF TRUST]                                 WRIGHT INVESTORS' SERVICE, INC.

 By: ___________________________               By:_____________________________
         Authorized Officer                             Authorized Officer





                                                                 SCHEDULE A
                                 [Name of Trust]

                           [Funds Subject to Contract]




                                                               SCHEDULE B

                            ANNUAL ADVISORY FEE RATES

                                                                          ANNUAL % ADVISORY FEE RATES
                                                        Under        $100 Mil.      $250 Mil.      $500 Mil.
                                                      $100 Mil.         to              to             to          Over
                                                                     $250 Mil.      $500 Mil.       $1 Bil.       $1 Bil.
- --------------------------------------------------  ------------- --------------  -------------  -------------  ----------

 Wright Managed Equity Trust
    Wright Selected Blue Chip Equities
    Fund                                              0.55%           0.69%          0.67%          0.63%         0.58%
    Wright Junior Blue Chip Equities Fund             0.55%           0.69%          0.67%          0.63%         0.58%
    Wright Major Blue Chip Equities Fund              0.45%           0.59%          0.57%          0.53%         0.48%
    Wright International Blue Chip Equities
    Fund                                              0.75%           0.79%          0.77%          0.73%         0.68%

 Wright Managed Income Trust
    Wright U.S. Treasury Fund                         0.40%           0.46%          0.42%          0.38%         0.33%
    Wright U.S. Government Near Term Fund             0.40%           0.46%          0.42%          0.38%         0.33%
    Wright Total Return Bond Fund                     0.40%           0.46%          0.42%          0.38%         0.33%
    Wright Current Income Fund                        0.40%           0.46%          0.42%          0.38%         0.33%
    Wright U.S. Treasury Money Market Fund            0.35%           0.32%          0.32%          0.30%         0.30%

                                                                          ANNUAL % ADVISORY FEE RATES
                                                        Under        $500 Mil.
                                                      $500 Mil.         to             Over
                                                                      $1 Bil.        $1 Bil.
- --------------------------------------------------  ------------- --------------  -------------  

 Wright EquiFund Equity Trust
    Wright EquiFund -- Belgium/Luxembourg               0.75%         0.73%          0.68%
    Wright EquiFund -- Hong Kong/China                  0.75%         0.73%          0.68%
    Wright EquiFund -- Japan                            0.75%         0.73%          0.68%
    Wright EquiFund -- Mexico                           0.75%         0.73%          0.68%
    Wright EquiFund -- Netherlands                      0.75%         0.73%          0.68%
    Wright EquiFund -- Nordic                           0.75%         0.73%          0.68%

 Catholic Values Investment Trust
    Catholic Values Investment Trust
    Equity Fund                                         0.75%         0.73%          0.68%



                                                                     EXHIBIT D

                       TRUST                         Date of Initial        Most Recent         Aggregate Advisory
                                                     Approval of            Shareholder         Fee Paid as of
                                                     Advisory Contract      Approval Date       12/31/97
 Wright Managed Equity Trust
   Wright Selected Blue Chip Equities Fund                                                         $437,112
   Wright Junior Blue Chip Equities Fund                                                             24,483
   Wright Major Blue Chip Equities Fund                                                             118,332
   Wright International Blue Chip Equities                                                          716,225
 Wright Managed Income Trust
   Wright U.S. Treasury Fund                                                                         73,974
   Wright U.S. Government Near Term Fund                                                            172,837
   Wright Total Return Bond Fund                                                                    326,326
   Wright Current Income Fund                                                                        94,877
   Wright U.S. Treasury Money Market Fund                                                           329,000
 Wright EquiFund Equity Trust
   Wright EquiFund -- Belgium/Luxembourg                                                             48,012
   Wright EquiFund -- Hong Kong/China                                                                97,167
   Wright EquiFund -- Japan                                                                          79,721
   Wright EquiFund -- Mexico                                                                        229,596
   Wright EquiFund -- Netherlands                                                                    92,173
   Wright EquiFund -- Nordic                                                                         33,550
 Catholic Values Investment Trust
   Catholic Values Investment Trust Equity                                                             0



                                                               EXHIBIT E


     Wright  provides  advisory  services to Wright Selected Blue Chip Portfolio
 and Wright International Blue Chip Portfolio,  which have investment objectives
 similar  to those  of  Wright  Selected  Blue  Chip  Equities  Fund and  Wright
 International  Blue Chip Equities  Fund,  respectively.  Each  portfolio's  net
 assets and  advisory  fee rates as of  December  31,  1997 are set forth in the

                                                   Net Assets                   Advisory Fee Rate

                                                                     Under            $500 Million      Over
                                                                     $500 Million     to $1 Billion     $1 Billion
 Selected Blue Chip Portfolio                     $ 3,425,031        0.65%            0.60%             0.55%
 International Blue Chip Portfolio                  1,410,688        0.80%            0.75%             0.70%

     As a result of Wright's  voluntary  agreement  to reduce its  advisory  fee
 rate, the Portfolios  paid advisory fees at the following  rates as of December
 31, 1997:  Selected Blue Chip  Portfolio -- 0.14% and  International  Blue Chip
 Portfolio -- 0%.



                                                               EXHIBIT F


     The  following  table  sets  forth  the  payments  from the Funds to Wright
 Investors'  Service  Distributor,  Inc.  ("WISDI")  (an  affiliate  of  Wright)
 pursuant to the Funds' distribution and service plans for the fiscal year ended
 December 31, 1997.  No other  affiliate of Wright  received  payments  from the
 Funds during that period.

 TRUST                                          Payments to WISDI Pursuant to
                                                Distribution and Service Plans
 Wright Managed Equity Trust
   Wright Selected Blue Chip Equities Fund               $ 531,616
   Wright Junior Blue Chip Equities Fund                    28,379
   Wright Major Blue Chip Equities Fund                     19,391
   Wright International Blue Chip Equities                 589,982
 Wright Managed Income Trust
   Wright U.S. Treasury Fund                               148,895
   Wright U.S. Government Near Term Fund                   269,461
   Wright Total Return Bond Fund                           163,160
   Wright Current Income Fund                              166,583
   Wright U.S. Treasury Money Market Fund                   -0-
 Wright EquiFund Equity Trust
   Wright EquiFund -- Belgium/Luxembourg                     14,513
   Wright EquiFund -- Hong Kong/China                        32,389
   Wright EquiFund -- Japan                                  26,574
   Wright EquiFund -- Mexico                                 76,532
   Wright EquiFund -- Netherlands                            30,726
   Wright EquiFund -- Nordic                                  -0-
 Catholic Values Investment Trust
   Catholic Values Investment Trust Equity                    5,861


                                                                  EXHIBIT G

                         Wright Investors' Service, Inc.

                       Additional Information about Wright

     DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS.  The following table provides information about the
directors and executive officers of Wright.

 Name & Address                                         Principal Occupation or Employment

 H. Day Brigham, Jr.                                    Director, Wright Investors' Service, Inc. Retired as officer
 92 Reservoir Ave., Chestnut Hill, MA 02167             and/or director of Eaton Vance and its affiliates.
 Judith R. Corchard                                     Executive Vice President and Director,
 1000 Lafayette Blvd., Bridgeport, CT 06604             Wright Investors' Service, Inc.
 Peter M. Donovan                                       President, Chief Executive Officer and Director,
 1000 Lafayette Blvd., Bridgeport, CT 06604             Wright Investors' Service, Inc.
 Eugene J. Helm                                         Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer,
 1000 Lafayette Blvd., Bridgeport, CT 06604             Wright Investors' Service, Inc.
 Albert L. Meric, Jr.                                   Consultant and Director,
 1000 Lafayette Blvd., Bridgeport, CT 06604             Wright Investors' Service, Inc.
 George L. Rommel                                       Senior Vice President and Director,
 1000 Lafayette Blvd., Bridgeport, CT 06604             Wright Investors' Service, Inc.
 Vincent M. Simko                                       Senior Vice President, Secretary and Director,
 1087 Broad St., Bridgeport, CT 06604                   Wright Investors' Service, Inc.
 George Taylor                                          Director, Wright Investors' Service, Inc. Retired.
 179 Northwood Rd., Fairfield, CT 06432

 Mildred Gibson Wright                                  Chairman of the Board of Directors,
 1000 Lafayette Blvd., Bridgeport, CT 06604             Wright Investors' Service, Inc.



                              [Form of Proxy Card]

                         The Wright Managed Equity Trust
                         The Wright Managed Income Trust
                        The Wright EquiFund Equity Trust
                        Catholic Values Investment Trust
                                 (the "trusts")

                                24 Federal Street
                           Boston, Massachusetts 02110

This proxy is  solicited on behalf of the trustees of the trusts for the special
meeting of shareholders  (the "meeting") to be held at the offices of the trusts
on Wednesday,  September 23, 1998, at 10:00 a.m.,  Eastern time. By signing this
proxy card,  you appoint H. Day Brigham,  James  O'Connor and A. M. Moody,  III,
whether they act together or  separately,  attorneys  and proxies for you,  with
full power of substitution  and revocation to represent you and to vote all your
shares  of [fund]  which  you are  entitled  to vote at the  meeting  and at any
adjournments of the meeting.  By signing,  you acknowledge that you received the
notice  of the  special  meeting  of  shareholders  and the  accompanying  proxy
statement and instruct the attorneys and proxies to vote the shares as indicated
on this proxy card. In their discretion, the proxies are authorized to vote upon
other business that may come before the meeting. Signing this proxy card revokes
any proxy you previously gave.

that the  return  address,  located on the  reverse  side of the  mail-in  stub,
appears through the window of the envelope.

Please  indicate your vote by an "X" in the appropriate box on the reverse side.
This proxy, if properly signed, will be voted in the manner you directed. If you
make no direction,  this proxy will be voted FOR the  proposal.  Please refer to
the proxy statement for a discussion of the proposal.

       PLEASE MARK VOTES                            For     Against    Abstain
1.       Approval of the investment advisory        []        []         []
         agreement with Wright Investors'
         Service Inc.

Please be sure to sign and date this proxy card.       Date

Shareholder sign here                        Co-owner sign here         

     Please sign  exactly as your name appears on this proxy,  if joint  owners,
EITHER may sign this proxy. When signing as attorney,  executor,  administrator,
trustee, guardian or corporate officer, please give your full title.