Washington, DC. 20549

                                    FORM 8-K

                             Current Report Pursuant
                          to Section 13 or 15(d) of the
                         Securities Exchange Act of 1934

    Date of report (Date of earliest event reported) October 23, 1996

                               UNOCAL CORPORATION
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                (State or Other Jurisdiction of Incorporation)

           1-8483                                    95-3825062
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Commission File Number)                    (I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)

2141 Rosecrans Avenue, Suite 4000, El Segundo, California            90245
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Address of Principal Executive Offices)                              (Zip Code)

                                 (310) 726-7600
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              (Registrant's Telephone Number, Including Area Code)

Item 5.           Other Events

On October 23, 1996, the following news release was issued:


         El Segundo,  Calif., Oct. 23, 1996 -- Unocal Corporation today reported
third quarter 1996 net earnings of $171  million,  or 69 cents per common share,
reflecting  increased  worldwide  natural gas  production,  higher crude oil and
natural gas sales  prices,  and improved  margins for the  company's  West Coast
petroleum refining and marketing unit.

         The results  compare with net earnings of $59 million,  or 20 cents per
common share,  in the third quarter a year ago.  Unocal's total revenues for the
quarter were $2.6 billion, up from $2.0 billion in the same period of 1995.

         Earnings from operations in the third quarter,  excluding special items
(detailed in the attached  tables),  were $153  million,  or 61 cents per common
share.  This  compares with  adjusted  earnings of $50 million,  or 17 cents per
common share, last year.

         "The solid third quarter performance  reflects the success of our focus
on key strategic  areas in the United States and Southeast  Asia," said Roger C.
Beach,  Unocal chairman and chief executive  officer.  "We capitalized on higher
natural gas prices with increased gas production levels in our Louisiana/Gulf of
Mexico, Thailand and Indonesia operations."

         Sales prices for crude oil and natural gas continued above 1995 levels.
Worldwide  natural gas production  grew nearly 6 percent from the second quarter
1996 and nearly 11 percent from a year ago (excluding California).

         "Our third quarter  natural gas production from the  Louisiana/Gulf  of
Mexico area grew 6 percent  from 700 million  cubic feet per day (mmcfd) in 1995
to nearly 740 mmcfd this year," Beach said.  "Looking forward,  we expect to see
further growth in gas  production  during the fourth quarter when net production
from our Thailand operations should average more than 640 mmcfd."


         The improved earnings from oil and gas operations were offset partially
by higher dry hole costs that resulted from  increased  exploration  drilling in
the U.S.

         Beach noted that  Unocal's 76 Products  Company unit also  continued to
post  higher  sales  volumes  and  increased  refinery  production  of light oil
products.  "While third quarter 1996 product  margins  remained  above  year-ago
levels, they were significantly down from the second quarter," Beach said. "This
decline has continued into the fourth quarter,  and we have maintained our focus
on  operating   efficiency  and  cost  control  to  help  counter  the  fiercely
competitive  conditions  that have  developed  in  California,  which is our key

         Refinery  production  averaged  258,000  barrels per day (b/d), up from
243,000  b/d last  year  despite  curtailments  in coker  operations  at the San
Francisco  Refinery  during part of the quarter.  Third quarter  marketing sales
volumes of light oil products rose 14 percent from last year's levels.

         Production and product sales volumes of  agricultural  products,  while
down from the second quarter  because of seasonal  demand,  continued well above
year-ago levels.

         Cash flow from operations in the third quarter,  before working capital
changes,  was $449  million,  up from $309 million last year.  This  improvement
reflects the improved operating earnings.

         Total debt fell to $3.07  billion,  down $636  million  from the end of
1995. Our  debt-to-total  capitalization  ratio was 48 percent at the end of the
third quarter 1996, down from 56 percent at year-end 1995.

         For the nine months,  Unocal's net earnings were $533 million, or $2.08
per common share. This compares with $211 million, or 75 cents per common share,
for the first nine months of 1995.  Nine-months  revenues were $7.57 billion, up
from $6.20 billion last year.

         Adjusted earnings from operations, excluding special items (detailed in
the  attached  tables),  were $478  million,  or $1.85 per  common  share.  This
compares with adjusted  earnings of $205 million,  or 72 cents per common share,
for the first nine months of 1995.


NEWS RELEASE                                                                    

CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED EARNINGS STATEMENT                                                                     UNOCAL CORPORATION

                                                                              For the Three Months              For the Nine Months
                                                                              Ended September 30                Ended September 30
Dollars in millions except per share amounts                                 1996             1995            1996             1995
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Total revenues (a) .............................................           $2,611           $2,005           $7,573           $6,201
Costs and other deductions (a) .................................            2,360            1,899            6,708            5,839
Earnings before income taxes ...................................              251              106              865              362
Income taxes ...................................................               80               47              332              151
Net earnings ...................................................           $  171           $   59           $  533           $  211
Dividends on preferred stock ...................................               --                9               18               27
Net earnings applicable to common shares .......................           $  171           $   50           $  515           $  184

Earnings per common share assuming no dilution (b)..............           $ 0.69           $ 0.20           $ 2.08           $ 0.75

Earnings per common share assuming full dilution (c)............           $ 0.65           $ 0.22           $ 2.03           $ 0.80

(a)   Includes consumer excise taxes of.........................           $  279           $  228           $  765           $  665
(b)   Based on weighted average common shares
      outstanding  (in millions)................................              249              247              248              246
(c)   During 1995, the effect of assumed conversion
      of preferred stock is antidilutive.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                                                                                       Sep. 30              Dec. 31
Millions of dollars                                                                                     1996                   1995
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Cash and cash equivalents ..........................................................                  $  225                  $   94
Other current assets ...............................................................                   1,387                   1,482
Investments and long-term receivables ..............................................                   1,105                   1,101
Properties - net ...................................................................                   6,949                   7,109
Other assets .......................................................................                     143                     105
         Total assets ..............................................................                  $9,809                  $9,891

Current portion of long-term debt ..................................................                  $  119                  $    8
Other current liabilities ..........................................................                   1,337                   1,308
Long-term debt and capital lease obligations .......................................                   2,951                   3,698
Deferred Income taxes ..............................................................                     678                     722
Other deferred credits and liabilities .............................................                   1,391                   1,225

Convertible preferred securities ...................................................                     522                    --

Stockholders' equity ...............................................................                   2,811                   2,930
         Total liabilities and equity ..............................................                  $9,809                  $9,891

                                    Table 1


NEWS RELEASE                                                                    

CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOWS                                                                               UNOCAL CORPORATION

                                                                                    For the Three Months        For the Nine Months
                                                                                      Ended September 30         Ended September 30
Millions of dollars                                                                  1996         1995           1996          1995
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

       Cash flow from operations ...........................................       $  449         $ 309        $1,299       $   862
       Working capital and other changes related to operations .............           57             9          (100)         (186)
             Net cash provided by operating activities .....................          506           318         1,199           676

       Capital expenditures  (includes dry hole costs) .....................         (318)         (371)         (940)         (967)
       Proceeds from asset sales ...........................................           46             2           585           130
             Net cash (used) in investing activities .......................         (272)         (369)         (355)         (837)

       Net increase/(decrease) in long-term debt
             and capital lease obligations .................................         (171)          129          (560)          305
       Dividends paid ......................................................          (59)          (57)         (176)         (174)
       Other ...............................................................           12            17            23            50
             Net cash provided/used in financing activities ................         (218)           89          (713)          181

Increase in cash and cash equivalents ......................................           16            38           131            20
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period ...........................          209           130            94           148
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period .................................       $  225         $ 168        $  225       $   168


                                                                            For the Three Months               For the Nine Months
                                                                            Ended September 30                  Ended September 30
Millions of dollars                                                       1996             1995               1996             1995
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Domestic Exploration & Production ..........................              $ 92             $ 139             $ 327            $ 345

Foreign Exploration & Production ...........................               101                79               317               256

76 Products Company ........................................                68               106               157               261

Geothermal & Power Operations ..............................                39                13                91                34

Diversified Businesses .....................................                 8                26                26                48

Corporate & Unallocated ....................................                10                 8                22                23
       Total ...............................................              $318             $ 371             $ 940             $ 967

                                    Table 2


NEWS RELEASE                                                                    

RESULTS OF OPERATIONS FOR                                                                                     UNOCAL CORPORATION
                                                                            For the Three Months            For the Three Months
                                                                          Ended September 30, 1996        Ended September 30, 1995
                                                                          United                       United
Millions of dollars                                                       States   Foreign   Total     States      Foreign    Total
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Sales (includes intercompany sales)
        Crude oil and condensate ...........................             $ 161     $ 142     $ 303      $ 167       $111      $ 278
        Natural gas ........................................               196       142       338        135        111        246
        Natural gas liquids ................................                18         4        22         16          3         19
        Other ..............................................                 1         0         1          0          0          0
                Total ......................................               376       288       664        318        225        543
Other Revenue ..............................................                 5         8        13         39          4         43
Gain(loss) on assets sales .................................                 3        18        21         (5)         4         (1)
                Total revenues .............................               384       314       698        352        233        585

Production costs ...........................................                65        66       131         93         43        136
Exploration expenses .......................................                 8        22        30          6         24         30
Dry hole costs .............................................                38        12        50         22          6         28
Depreciation, depletion & amortization .....................               112        61       173        117         49        166
Other operating expenses ...................................                38         9        47         36         21         57
        Results of operations before income tax ............             $ 123      $144     $ 267      $  78       $ 90      $ 168

                                                                         For the Nine Months                 For the Nine Months
                                                                       Ended September 30, 1996           Ended September 30, 1995
                                                                       United                           United
                                                                       States     Foreign   Total       States     Foreign    Total
Sales (includes intercompany sales)
        Crude oil and condensate .............................         $  496       $415    $  911    $   523       $363     $  886
        Natural gas ..........................................            623        397     1,020        429        320        749
        Natural gas liquids ..................................             51         15        66         51         13         64
        Other ................................................              3          0         3          2          0          2
                Total ........................................          1,173        827     2,000      1,005        696      1,701
Other Revenue ................................................             10         21        31         51         21         72
Gain loss on asset sales......................................            118         24       142          4         11         15
                Total revenues ...............................          1,301        872     2,173      1,060        728      1,788

Production costs .............................................            230        169       399        302        129        431
Exploration expenses .........................................             19         59        78         26         57         83
Dry hole costs ...............................................             49         18        67         27         19         46
Depreciation, depletion & amortization .......................            342        207       549        374        172        546
Other operating expenses .....................................            113         40       153         98         50        148
        Results of operations before income tax ..............         $  548       $379    $  927    $  233        $301     $  534

                                    Table 3



RESULTS OF OPERATIONS FOR                                                                                     UNOCAL CORPORATION
                                                                             For the Three Months            For the Three Months
                                                                             Ended June 30, 1996             Ended June 30, 1995
                                                                          United                         United
Millions of dollars                                                       States    Foreign    Total     States    Foreign    Total
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Sales (includes intercompany sales)
        Crude oil and condensate ...........................               $ 154     $ 150     $ 304     $ 182      $ 126     $ 308
        Natural gas ........................................                 201       128       329       154        102       256
        Natural gas liquids ................................                  18         5        23        17          5        22
        Other ..............................................                   1         0         1         1          0         1
                Total ......................................                 374       283       657       354        233       587
Other Revenue ..............................................                   2         5         7         5          9        14
Gain(loss) on asset sales  .................................                 111         0       111        (3)         1        (2)
                Total revenues .............................                 487       288       775       356        243       599

Production costs ...........................................                  72        49       121       103         46       149
Exploration expenses .......................................                   7        20        27        10         15        25
Dry hole costs .............................................                   1         3         4         5         11        16
Depreciation, depletion & amortization .....................                 103        84       187       139         48       187
Other operating expenses ...................................                  34        20        54        33         15        48
        Results of operations before income tax ............               $ 270     $ 112     $ 382      $  66     $ 108      $ 174

                                                                        For the Three Months                 For the Three Months
                                                                        Ended March 31, 1996                 Ended March 31, 1995
                                                                    United                            United
Millions of dollars                                                 States      Foreign    Total      States       Foreign    Total
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Sales (includes intercompany sales)
        Crude oil and condensate ...........................        $181        $123        $304        $174        $126        $300
        Natural gas ........................................         226         127         353         140         107         247
        Natural gas liquids ................................          15           6          21          18           5          23
        Other ..............................................           1           0           1           1           0           1
                Total ......................................         423         256         679         333         238         571
Other Revenue ..............................................           3           8          11           7           8          15
Gain on asset sales        .................................           4           6          10          12           6          18
                Total revenues .............................         430         270         700         352         252         604

Production costs ...........................................          93          54         147         106          40         146
Exploration expenses .......................................           4          17          21          10          18          28
Dry hole costs .............................................          10           3          13           0           2           2
Depreciation, depletion & amortization .....................         127          62         189         118          75         193
Other operating expenses ...................................          41          11          52          29          14          43
        Results of operations before income tax ............        $155        $123        $278        $ 89        $103        $192

                                    Table 4


NEWS RELEASE                                                                   

RESULTS OF OPERATIONS FOR                                                                                       UNOCAL CORPORATION
                                                                             For the Three Months              For the Nine Months
                                                                              Ended September 30                Ended September 30
Millions of dollars                                                            1996         1995              1996             1995
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Sales (includes intercompany sales)
         Gasoline .................................................         $   510         $   404         $ 1,473         $ 1,168
         Jet ......................................................             102              69             294             184
         Diesel ...................................................             174             122             454             293
         Other products ...........................................             207             154             580             589
         Excise tax ...............................................             250             228             735             665
                  Total ...........................................           1,243             977           3,536           2,899
Other Revenue .....................................................              31              26              93              74
                  Total revenues ..................................           1,274           1,003           3,629           2,973

Raw materials .....................................................             514             406           1,485           1,235
Product purchases .................................................             216             140             559             434
Manufacturing & operating expense .................................             117             113             355             355
Selling, administrative & general .................................              75              68             237             208
Depreciation & amortization .......................................              36              28             107              80
Excise tax ........................................................             250             228             735             665
Other expense .....................................................               7              10              23              31
                  Total expenses ..................................         $ 1,215         $   993         $ 3,501         $ 3,008

         Results of operations before income tax ..................         $    59         $    10         $   128         $   (35)

                                                                             For the Three Months              For the Three Months
                                                                                Ended June 30                     Ended March 31
Millions of dollars                                                          1996            1995             1996             1995
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Sales (includes intercompany sales)
         Gasoline ...............................................         $   558         $   410          $   405          $   354
         Jet ....................................................              81              55              111               60
         Diesel .................................................             150              96              130               75
         Other products .........................................             202             226              171              209
         Excise tax .............................................             250             228              235              209
                  Total .........................................           1,241           1,015            1,052              907
Other Revenue ...................................................              37              25               25               23
                  Total revenues ................................           1,278           1,040            1,077              930

Raw materials ...................................................             504             470              467              359
Product purchases ...............................................             187             128              156              166
Manufacturing & operating expense ...............................             123             114              115              128
Selling, administrative & general ...............................              87              72               75               68
Depreciation & amortization .....................................              39              26               32               26
Excise tax ......................................................             250             228              235              209
Other expense ...................................................               8              12                8                9
                  Total expenses ................................         $ 1,198         $ 1,050          $ 1,088          $   965

         Results of operations before income tax ................         $    80         $   (10)         $   (11)         $   (35)

                                    Table 5



                                                                                                               UNOCAL CORPORATION

                                                                                For the Three Months            For the Nine Months
                                                                                 Ended September 30             Ended September 30
                                                                                 1996           1995            1996           1995
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Net daily production
       Crude oil and condensate (thousand barrels daily):
          United States  (a) .......................................            86.1           123.6            98.9           126.4
               Far East  (b) .......................................            82.2            81.9            82.4            84.6
               Other ...............................................            27.2            29.6            27.6            30.3
                      Total Foreign ................................           109.4           111.5           110.0           114.9
    Worldwide ......................................................           195.5           235.1           208.9           241.3

Natural gas (million cubic feet daily):
          United States  (a) .......................................           1,099           1,077           1,091           1,109
               Far East  (b) .......................................             667             577             626             597
               Other ...............................................              63              55              71              48
                      Total Foreign ................................             730             632             697             645
    Worldwide ......................................................           1,829           1,709           1,788           1,754

Natural gas liquids (thousand barrels daily)  (a) ..................            19.3            20.2            19.6            21.4

Geothermal (million kilowatt-hours daily) ..........................            21.0            17.7            17.3            16.0

Average sales prices
       Crude oil and condensate (per barrel):
          United States ....................................         $   20.01         $   14.83         $   18.31         $   15.17
               Far East ....................................         $   18.89         $   15.26         $   18.32         $   16.11
               Other .......................................         $   19.89         $   15.12         $   18.53         $   15.84
                      Total Foreign ........................         $   19.21         $   15.21         $   18.39         $   16.01
    Worldwide ..............................................         $   19.62         $   14.98         $   18.34         $   15.51

Natural gas (per mcf):
          United States ....................................         $    2.09         $    1.43         $    2.20         $    1.49
               Far East ....................................         $    2.27         $    2.05         $    2.23         $    2.00
               Other .......................................         $    2.05         $    1.21         $    1.82         $    1.14
                      Total Foreign ........................         $    2.25         $    1.97         $    2.18         $    1.94
    Worldwide ..............................................         $    2.15         $    1.64         $    2.20         $    1.66

 (a)   Includes production from California upstream properties of:   
          Crude oil and condensate                                         1.0              28.7              10.9              29.4
          Natural gas                                                        0                58                17                64
          Natural gas liquids                                              0.0               0.7               0.2               1.1

 (b)   Includes host country share in Indonesia of:
          Crude oil and condensate                                        26.4              33.0              26.8              31.7
          Natural gas                                                       29                20                26                23

                                    Table 6



OPERATING HIGHLIGHTS  (continued                                                                                UNOCAL CORPORATION


                                                                                        For the Three Months     For the Nine Months
                                                                                        Ended September 30       Ended September 30
                                                                                         1996         1995         1996         1995
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Input to crude oil processing units (thousand barrels daily) ...................          229          220          231          207

Refinery production  (thousand barrels daily)
          EPA gasoline .........................................................           31          120           52          107
          CARB  gasoline .......................................................           90            0           64            0
          Jet fuel, kerosene and heating oil ...................................           33           29           36           21
          Diesel fuel ..........................................................           19           14           21           12
          CARB  Diesel fuel ....................................................           27           27           24           24
          Other products  (lubricants, gas oils, etc.) .........................           58           53           61           62
                    Total ......................................................          258          243          258          226

Petroleum product sales  (thousand barrels daily)
       Marketing  (a)
          EPA gasoline .........................................................           27          116           67          116
          CARB  gasoline .......................................................          103            0           64            0
          Diesel fuel ..........................................................           15           12           14           12
          CARB  Diesel fuel ....................................................           20           17           16           15
          Other  (includes lube oil, kerosene and fuel oil) ....................            7            7            7            7
                    Total ......................................................          172          152          168          150

       Product supply and refinery  (b)
          EPA gasoline .........................................................            4           31            9           23
          CARB  gasoline .......................................................           21            0           12            0
          Jet fuel .............................................................           38           32           40           29
          Diesel fuel ..........................................................           14           14           14           10
          CARB  Diesel fuel ....................................................           15           11           12            6
          Other products (includes petroleum coke, gas oil, etc.) ..............           34           35           36           42
                    Total ......................................................          126          123          123          110

                                    Total petroleum product sales ..............          298          275          291          260

Agricultural products production volumes  (thousand tons)
          Ammonia ..............................................................          360          296        1,089          988
          Urea .................................................................          275          242          845          806
          Other products .......................................................          149          169          494          583

Agricultural products sales volumes  (thousand tons)
          Ammonia ..............................................................          206          106          574          500
          Urea .................................................................          198          247          779          773
          Other products .......................................................          302          255          971          962

(a)  Primarily sold through retail channels
(b)  Primarily sold through wholesale or commercial channels

                                    Table 7


NEWS RELEASE                                                                 

EARNINGS BY BUSINESS SEGMENT                                                                                  UNOCAL CORPORATION

                                                                                         3rd Quarter of 1996     3rd Quarter of 1995
Millions of dollars                                                                      Before-tax  After-tax  Before-tax After-tax
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   Exploration and Production
      United States ....................................................................     $ 123      $  77      $  78      $  49
      Foreign ..........................................................................       144        100         90         50

   Refining, Marketing and Transportation
      76 Products ......................................................................        59         37         10         12

GEOTHERMAL AND POWER OPERATIONS ........................................................        15          6         13          6

      Agricultural Products ............................................................        31         20          5          3
      Carbon and Minerals ..............................................................        15         13         15         13
      Pipelines ........................................................................        17         14         19         15
      Other ............................................................................        16         10          3          2

      Administrative and general expense ...............................................       (33)       (21)       (34)       (22)
      Net interest expense .............................................................       (62)       (37)       (68)       (50)
      Environmental and litigation expense .............................................       (60)       (37)       (16)       (10)
      Other ............................................................................       (14)       (11)        (9)        (9)
            Total ......................................................................     $ 251      $ 171      $ 106      $  59
EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION - this segment is engaged in the exploration for, and
   the  production  and  marketing  of, crude oil,  condensate,  natural gas and
   natural gas liquids.

   76  PRODUCTS  COMPANY  - this  segment  is  principally  responsible  for the
       company's  West  Coast  petroleum  refining  operations,   marketing  and
       transportation  of refined  petroleum  products and the manufacturing and
       marketing of petroleum coke.

GEOTHERMAL AND POWER - this segment is involved in the exploration  for, and the
   production   and  sale  of  geothermal   resources  for  the   generation  of

   AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS - manufactures and markets  nitrogen-based  fertilizers
      for wholesale markets to the western United States and to the Pacific Rim.
   CARBON AND MINERALS - produces and markets  petroleum coke (other than on the
      West Coast), graphites, solvents and specialty minerals.
   PIPELINES - principally includes the company's equity interests in affiliated
      pipeline companies. 
   OTHER- includes  the  development  and   sale of real  estate  assets and the
      company's    equity  interest  in The  UNO-VEN   Company,  a refining  and
      marketing partnership in the midwestern United States.

                             Table 8




SPECIAL ADJUSTMENTS                                                                                            UNOCAL CORPORATION

                                                                             3rd Quarter of 1996              3rd Quarter of 1995
Dollars in millions except per share amounts                              Before-tax         After-tax      Before-tax    After-tax
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Reported earnings ..................................................          $ 251           $ 171           $ 106           $  59
Less: Special items
            UNITED STATES
               Asset Sales .........................................              4               3              (1)             (1)
               Florida and Alaska OCS settlement ...................             --              --              29              18
               Asset Sales .........................................             18              37               1              --
         76 PRODUCTS
               Asset Sales .........................................              1               1              --              --
               Litigation provision ................................             (2)             (2)             --              --
               Other ...............................................              4               3              --              --
               Asset Sales .........................................             --              --               2               2
                 Asset sales .......................................             13               8              --              --
               Asset Sales .........................................              1              --              --              --
               Environmental provision .............................            (20)            (12)             (2)             (1)
               Litigation provision ................................            (31)            (20)             (7)             (5)
               Other ...............................................             --              --              --              (4)
     Total special items ...........................................            (12)             18              22               9
ADJUSTED EARNINGS ..................................................          $ 263           $ 153           $  84           $  50
Less: Dividends on preferred stock .................................                             --                               9
ADJUSTED NET EARNINGS APPLICABLE TO COMMON SHARES ..................                            153                              41
ADJUSTED NET EARNINGS PER COMMON SHARE .............................                          $0.61                           $0.17

                                    Table 9


NEWS RELEASE                                         

EARNINGS BY BUSINESS SEGMENT                                                                                     UNOCAL CORPORATION 

                                                                       3rd Quarter of 1996                    3rd Quarter of 1995
Millions of dollars                                                     Before-tax        After-tax         Before-tax     After-tax
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   Exploration and Production
      United States ............................................           $ 119            $  74            $  50            $  32
      Foreign ..................................................             126               63               89               50

   Refining, Marketing and Transportation
      76 Products ..............................................              56               35               10               12

GEOTHERMAL AND POWER OPERATIONS ................................              15                6               11                4

      Agricultural Products ....................................              31               20                5                3
      Carbon and Minerals ......................................              15               13               15               13
      Pipelines ................................................              17               14               19               15
      Other ....................................................               3                2                3                2

      Administrative and general expense .......................             (33)             (21)             (34)             (22)
      Net interest expense .....................................             (62)             (37)             (68)             (50)
      Environmental and litigation expense .....................              (9)              (5)              (7)              (4)
      Other ....................................................             (15)             (11)              (9)              (5)
            Total ..............................................           $ 263            $ 153            $  84            $  50

                                    Table 10


NEWS RELEASE                                                                

EARNINGS BY BUSINESS SEGMENT                                                                                    UNOCAL CORPORATION

                                                                         First Nine Months of 1996        First Nine Months of 1995
Millions of dollars                                                       Before-tax     After-tax           Before-tax    After-tax
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      United States ............................................           $ 548            $ 341            $ 233            $ 145
      Foreign ..................................................             379              232              301              163

   Refining, Marketing and Transportation
      76 Products ..............................................             128               80              (35)              (5)

GEOTHERMAL AND POWER OPERATIONS ................................              33               15               39               21

      Agricultural Products ....................................             113               73               88               55
      Carbon and Minerals ......................................              52               40               55               40
      Pipelines ................................................              64               51               63               50
      Other ....................................................              21               13               14                9

      Administrative and general expense .......................             (87)             (55)             (91)             (57)
      Net interest expense .....................................            (197)            (135)            (199)            (140)
      Environmental and litigation expense .....................            (136)             (84)             (92)             (57)
      Other ....................................................             (53)             (38)             (14)             (13)
            Total ..............................................           $ 865            $ 533            $ 362            $ 211

                                    Table 11



SPECIAL ADJUSTMENTS                                                                                             UNOCAL CORPORATION

                                                                              First Nine Months of 1996    First Nine Months of 1995
Dollars in millions except per share amounts                                   Before-tax      After-tax      Before-tax   After-tax
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Reported earnings ......................................................         $ 865          $ 533          $ 362          $ 211
Less: Special items
             Asset Sales ...............................................             8              5              8              5
             Sale of  California oil and gas  properties* ...............          110             68             --             --
             Asset write-downs .........................................            --             --            (13)            (8)
             Florida and Alaska OCS settlement .........................            --             --             29             18
             Asset Sales ...............................................            24             41              6              3
       76 PRODUCTS
             Asset Sales ...............................................             1              1             --             --
             Sale of  California oil and gas  properties ...............             4              2             --             --
             Litigation ................................................            (3)            (2)            --             --
             Environmental .............................................            --             --             --             --
             Asset write-downs .........................................            (6)            (4)            --             --
             Other .....................................................            11              7             --             --
             Asset Sales ...............................................            --             --              9              7
          ASSET SALES
               Pipeline ................................................            12              7             --             --
               Agricultural Products ...................................            --             --              6              4
               Other ...................................................            13              8              2              1
             Asset Sales ...............................................             2              1             29             18
             Environmental provision ...................................           (62)           (38)           (31)           (19)
             Litigation provision ......................................           (51)           (32)           (27)           (17)
             Asset write-downs .........................................            --             --             (3)            (2)
             Other .....................................................           (11)            (9)            --             (4)
     Total special items ...............................................            52             55             15              6
ADJUSTED EARNINGS ......................................................         $ 813          $ 478          $ 347          $ 205
Less: Dividends on preferred stock .....................................                           18                            27
ADJUSTED NET EARNINGS APPLICABLE TO COMMON SHARES ......................                          460                           178
ADJUSTED NET EARNINGS PER COMMON SHARE .................................                        $1.85                         $0.72

* Net of provision for environmental remediation of $17 million before-tax and $10 milion after-tax.

                                    Table 12


NEWS RELEASE                                              

EARNINGS BY BUSINESS SEGMENT                                                                                     UNOCAL CORPORATION

                                                                         First Nine Months of 1996         First Nine Months of 1995
Millions of dollars                                                        Before-tax     After-tax         Before-tax    After-tax
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      United States ............................................           $ 430            $ 268              209            $ 130
      Foreign ..................................................             355              191              295              160

   Refining, Marketing and Transportation
      76 Products ..............................................             121               76              (35)              (5)

GEOTHERMAL AND POWER OPERATIONS ................................              33               15               30               14

      Agricultural Products ....................................             113               73               82               51
      Carbon and Minerals ......................................              52               40               55               40
      Pipelines ................................................              52               44               63               50
      Other ....................................................               8                5               12                8

      Administrative and general expense .......................             (87)             (55)             (91)             (57)
      Net interest expense .....................................            (197)            (135)            (199)            (140)
      Environmental and litigation expense .....................             (23)             (14)             (34)             (21)
      Other ....................................................             (44)             (30)             (40)             (25)
            Total ..............................................           $ 813            $ 478            $ 347            $ 205

                                    Table 13



Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                           UNOCAL CORPORATION

Dated:  October 23, 1996               By:   /s/ CHARLES S. MCDOWELL
                                                Charles S. McDowell
                                                Vice President and Comptroller
                                                (Duly Authorized Officer and
                                                Principal Accounting Officer)
