Exhibit 10.1


   THIS AGREEMENT made the 29th day of November, 2004 by and
between Alvaro Cadena and Graham Corporation ("Graham" or the
"Company"), in consideration for the mutual promises contained
herein, as follows:

  1. Retirement from Positions.  Effective November 29, 2004,
     Mr. Cadena retires from the positions of President, Chief
     Executive Officer and Director of Graham Corporation and
     from all offices and directorships held with any
     subsidiaries and affiliates of Graham.  Mr. Cadena will
     receive base salary earned through that date and accrued

  2. Interim Employment Period.  The Company will continue to
     employ Mr. Cadena, as a senior advisor to Graham, through his
     retirement as an employee at the close of business on December
     31, 2004, at the same base salary and with the same benefits as
     he had immediately prior to November 29, 2004. Mr. Cadena will
     receive base salary earned through December 31, 2004 and
     accrued benefits including the cash value of any unused
     vacation time. It is understood and agreed by the parties that
     Mr. Cadena will be entitled to a Company matching payment to
     his 401 (k) account in respect of the year 2004 to the extent
     provided by the terms of the Graham Corporation Incentive
     Savings Plan.

  3. Consultancy.  Beginning January 1, 2005 and continuing
     until Mr. Cadena reaches the age of 65, the Company will
     retain Mr. Cadena as an independent consultant, upon the following
     terms and conditions:

       a. The Company will pay a consultation fee for the
          first year beginning January 1, 2005 at a rate equal
          to Mr. Cadena's annual rate of base compensation as
          in effect on December 31, 2004 ("Base Amount"); for
          the second calendar year at 50% of the Base Amount;
          for the third calendar year at 40% of the Base Amount
          and for the fourth calendar year at 30% of the Base
          Amount.  Payment in each calendar year shall be in
          equal monthly installments of the amount payable for
          that year, except for compensation for the first
          year, which shall be paid in eighteen (18) equal
          monthly installments commencing in January 2005.
          Payment of final six (6) installments of the first
          year compensation in calendar year 2006 shall not
          affect the Company's obligation to pay monthly
          installments of compensation for the second year in
          2006 as provided above.

       b. As a consultant, Mr. Cadena's services shall be as
          requested by the President and CEO of the Company from
          time to time and at the convenience of Mr. Cadena, his
          status being that of an independent contractor.  Mr. Cadena
          shall be available to perform consulting services for
          one hundred eighty (180) days in the first calendar
          year; ninety (90) days in the second calendar year;
          seventy-two (72) days in the third calendar year and
          fiftyfour (54) days in the fourth calendar year.

       c. While Mr. Cadena provides consulting services on the
          premises of the Company, the Company will provide
          office space and secretarial service.  In addition,
          the Company shall reimburse Mr. Cadena for the
          reasonable expenses of travel to and from Batavia, New York,
          in connection with the performance of his duties as consultant
          and for all reasonable out-of-town travel and other reasonable
          out-of-town expenses incurred by him on trips taken at the direction
          of the Company.  Nothing in this section or in this Agreement
          requires Mr. Cadena to undertake any such travel, to which he may
          agree or may decline, in his sole discretion.

       d. In his capacity as consultant, Mr. Cadena shall not be
          required to perform any services while he is ill, disabled or on

       e. The Company will hold harmless and indemnify Mr. Cadena, his
          executors, administrators or assigns, for any amount which he is
          or becomes legally obligated to pay because of any claim or claims
          made against him because of any act or omission or neglect or
          breach of duty, including any actual or alleged error or mis
          statement or misleading statement, which he commits or suffers
          while acting in his capacity as consultant to the Company and
          solely because of his service as a consultant (collectively, the
          "Covered Liabilities").  The payments which the Company will be
          obligated to make hereunder shall include, inter alia, damages,
          judgments, settlements and costs, cost of investigation and costs
          of defense of legal actions, claims or proceedings and appeals
          therefrom, and costs of attachment or similar bonds; provided
          however, that the Company shall not be obligated to pay fines or
          other obligations or fees imposed by law or otherwise which it is
          prohibited by applicable law from paying as indemnity or for any
          other reason.  The Company shall have no obligation to indemnify
          Mr. Cadena for any of the Covered Liabilities arising in
          consequence of any illegal acts or omissions on the part of Mr.
          Cadena during his service as a consultant to the Company.

       f. The Company's obligation to pay the consultancy fee referred
          to herein shall terminate automatically upon Mr. Cadena's death
          and such obligation shall not be deemed to run to the Consultant's
          spouse, estate, heirs, successors, or to any other party, except
          with respect to accrued and unpaid compensation at the time of

Mr. Cadena acknowledges that the Company's undertaking to engage him as a
consultant, upon the terms hereinabove described, is offered freely and
without obligation in consideration for Mr. Cadena entering into this
Agreement and General Release (the "Agreement"), including a release of all
claims for age discrimination pursuant to the Age Discrimination in Employment
Act and any local age discrimination laws.

  4. Medical and Dental Benefits.  Until Mr. Cadena reaches age 65 the
     Company shall continue to provide him with the same medical and dental
     benefits to which he would have been entitled had he continued until age
     65 as an officer and employee of the Company, and in the same manner.
     If before Mr. Cadena attains the age of 65 the Company changes its
     medical or dental benefits in a way that would have affected Mr. Cadena
     had he remained an officer and employee of the Company, any such such
     change shall apply to him.   In no case shall the medical and dental
     benefits so provided be less in terms of coverage than what the Company
     provides to its president and chief executive officer.

  5. Life Insurance.  No later than December 31, 2004 Mr. Cadena may
     elect to convert the company-paid term life insurance policy
     currently provided for him to a policy owned by him.  Mr. Cadena
     will be responsible for paying all premiums on such policy
     commencing with the effective date of the conversion.  The Company
     will pay Mr. Cadena five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) in each
     calendar year through the calendar year in which he reaches age
     65, which Mr. Cadena may apply toward the payment of life
     insurance premiums.

  6. Stock Options.  For purposes of all stock option agreements
     between the Company and Mr. Cadena with respect to stock options
     currently exercisable by him, expiration shall be as provided for
     in the case of retirement and Mr. Cadena's retirement shall be
     deemed effective at the close of business on December 31, 2004.
     Consequently, all currently exercisable Stock Options granted to
     Mr. Cadena by the Company shall remain exercisable for either two
     or three years, in accordance with the terms of each stock option
     agreement respectively, as described on Schedule A annexed hereto.

  7. Retirement.  The terms and conditions of Mr. Cadena's
     entitlement to benefits under the Retirement Income Plan of Graham
     Corporation ("Retirement Plan") are and will be as set forth in
     such plan and are not amended by this Agreement.  It is
     acknowledged and agreed that for purposes of the Retirement Plan
     Mr. Cadena's last day as an employee of the Company is December
     31, 2004.

  8. Confidentiality.  Mr. Cadena understands and agrees that he
     may not use or disclose any proprietary information of Graham
     including, but not limited to product and service information,
     financial and pricing information, data processing and
     communication information, marketing and business plans and other
     know-how and trade secrets regarding the business of Graham,
     including but not limited to any knowledge or information with
     respect to confidential or secret processes, formulas,
     discoveries, inventions, machinery, plans, design information of
     any kind, devices or material of the Company or any of its
     subsidiaries or affiliates or with respect to any confidential or
     secret engineering development or research work of the Company or
     any of its subsidiaries or affiliates or with respect to any other

     confidential or secret aspect including, without limitation, any
     lists of the customers of the Company or any of its subsidiaries
     or affiliates, all of which are valuable to Graham and constitutes
     confidential information.

  9. Non-Competition.  Mr. Cadena agrees that during the period
     of his consultancy and for a period of 12 months thereafter, he
     will not, except upon the Company's prior written consent,
     directly or indirectly, own, manage, operate, join, control, or
     participate in, or derive any benefit whatsoever from or be
     connected as an officer, employee, consultant, partner,
     stockholder (other than as stockholder in a corporation listed on
     a national securities exchange) or otherwise in any business or
     enterprise which is engaged in the manufacture or sale and design
     of vacuum and heat transfer equipment or pumps for process
     industries which is in competition with the business of the
     Company, nor shall he render assistance or advice to any person,
     firm or enterprise which is so engaged.

 10. Remedies.  Mr. Cadena acknowledges that in the event of a breach
     of sections 6 or 7 of this Agreement, monetary damages alone may
     not offer adequate protection of the Companies rights or
     sufficient remedy to the Company and that the Company therefore
     has the right to bring an action in a court of competent
     jurisdiction to obtain injunctive relief in order to secure its
     rights under sections 6 and 7.

 11. Release by the Company.  The Company, intending to be
     DISCHARGES Mr. Cadena from any and all causes of actions, suits,
     debts, claims, liabilities, obligations and demands whatsoever, in
     law or in equity that the Company might have as of the date hereof
     (or might have had prior to the date hereof) against Mr. Cadena,
     of whatever kind or nature, whether known or unknown, in respect
     of his employment with the Company, provided, however, that
     notwithstanding any other provision hereof,  the Company does not
     waive claims with respect to or arising out of any illegal acts or
     omissions on the part of Mr. Cadena during his service and in his
     capacity as an officer or director of the Company.

 12. Release by Mr. Cadena.  Mr. Cadena, intending to be legally
     bound, on behalf of himself and his heirs, executors, assigns,
     affiliates, representatives and agents, hereby IRREVOCABLY
     directors, officers, employees, agents or successors from any and
     all claims, of whatever kind or nature, whether known or unknown,
     arising out of his employment with or departure from the Company,
     including, but not limited to:  (i) claims Mr. Cadena may have
     under any federal, state or local labor, employment,
     discrimination, human rights, civil rights, wage/hour, pension, or
     tort law, statute, order, rule, regulation or public policy,
     including but not limited to, those arising under the Age
     Discrimination in Employment Act, the Older Workers Benefit
     Protection Act, the National Labor Relations Act, the Fair Labor
     Standards Act, the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, the
     Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990, the Civil Rights Acts of
     1964 and 1991, the Civil Rights Act of 1866, the Employee
     Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, the Rehabilitation Act of

     1973, the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, and the Equal Pay
     Act of 1963, (ii) those arising under common law and (iii) any
     other local, state or federal law or regulation as of the date
     this Agreement is signed, provided, however, that notwithstanding
     any other provision hereof,  Mr. Cadena does not waive claims: (a)
     with respect to enforcement of this Agreement; (b) with respect to
     vested benefits which he may have under any employee benefit plans
     maintained by the Company and in which he is a participant; or (c)
     that may arise after the date this Agreement is executed and which
     are based upon Graham's acts or omissions after that date.

 13. Acknowledgement of Effect of Release.  Mr. Cadena
     acknowledges and confirms that he understands that, by signing
     respect of his employment with the Company.  Mr. Cadena further
     acknowledges and confirms that he understands that, by signing
     EMPLOYMENT ACT, AS AMENDED, 29 U.S.C.  621 et seq., which
     statute may provide him with substantial rights and protections.

 14. Prior Agreements.  All stock option agreements between the
     Company and Mr. Cadena in effect on the date hereof shall remain
     effective in accordance with their respective terms, as the same
     may be affected by Section 5 of this Agreement.  Agreements
     between the Company and Mr. Cadena with respect to indemnifying
     him for acts or omissions committed while an  officer or director
     of the Company similarly shall remain effective in accordance with
     their respective terms.  Otherwise this Agreement shall expressly
     supercede and render void any and all prior agreements between Mr.
     Cadena and the Company, including without limitation the
     Employment Agreement dated September 26, 1996 and the Senior
     Executive Severance Agreement dated July 28, 1995.

 15. Cooperation.  Mr. Cadena agrees that, during the period during
     which he is paid as a consultant to the company as contemplated in
     Section 3 of this Agreement, he shall cooperate with Graham in
     investigating, preparing or testifying with
     respect to any threatened or pending claim, action or proceeding,
     whether investigative, administrative, civil or criminal, involving
     or affecting Graham.  Mr. Cadena will receive no additional
     compensation for his time, but will be reimbursed for his reasonable
     expenses in connection with these activities in accordance with
     Graham's expense reimbursement policies and procedures.

 16. Advice of Counsel.  Mr. Cadena acknowledges that the Company has
     advised him to consult with his own legal counsel in connection
     with the review, negotiation and execution of this Agreement and
     that neither the Company nor any of its directors, officers,
     employees or representatives has made any statement to Mr. Cadena
     that he has construed, or is relying upon, as legal, tax or
     financial advice.  Mr. Cadena confirms that he has had sufficient
     time and opportunity to consult with an attorney representing him
     prior to executing this Agreement.

 17. Time for Review; Revocation.  Mr. Cadena acknowledges and
     confirms that: (a)  he had at least 21 days from the date this
     Agreement was given to him within which to consider whether to
     enter into this Agreement; however, after having an opportunity to
     consult with legal counsel, he has freely and voluntarily elected
     to execute and deliver this Agreement prior to the expiration of
     such 21-day consideration period; (b) he may revoke this Agreement
     within seven (7) days after he executes it by providing written
     notification of such revocation to the Company's Chairman; (c)
     this Agreement will not be enforceable, unless and until the seven
     day revocation period has expired without being revoked.  Mr.
     Cadena further acknowledges that by entering into this Agreement,
     he understands all of the provisions thereof and its binding legal
     effect and is voluntarily entering into this Agreement.

 18. Entire Agreement.  This Agreement constitutes the entire
     agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter
     hereof and supersedes any and all prior agreements or
     understandings between the parties, except as otherwise provided
     herein with respect to stock option agreements.

 19. Notices.  Any notices required or permitted hereunder shall
     be in writing and may be delivered by U.S. Mail, by facsimile
     (with the original sent by U.S. Mail), by a courier service of
     national reputation or personally.  Notice shall be deemed given
     upon receipt.  Notice shall be sent:

            If  to Mr. Cadena:
                 32 Founders Green
                 Pittsford, N.Y.  14534
                 Fax:  585-218-4162

            If to the Company:
                 Graham Corporation
                 20 Florence Avenue
                 Batavia, N.Y. 14020
                 Attention:  Chairman of the Board
                 Fax:  585-343-1177

            with a copy to:
                 Smith Law Office, P.C
                 7 State Street
                 Pittsford, N.Y.  14534
                 Attention:  William A. Smith, Jr., Esq.
                 Fax:  585-385-1886

 20. Severability and Enforcement.  The provisions in this
     Agreement are severable, and if any provision is determined by a
     court of competent jurisdiction to be prohibited or unenforceable,
     the remaining provisions shall nevertheless be binding and
     enforceable.  This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted
     in accordance with the laws of the State of New York, without
     regard to the of conflict of laws provisions thereof.

 21. Amendment.  This Agreement may be amended only by a writing
     executed by the Company and by Mr. Cadena.


           IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have executed this agreement as
of the day and year first above written.

                                   /s/ Alvaro Cadena
                                   Alvaro Cadena

                                   GRAHAM CORPORATION

                                by /s/ Jerald D. Bidlack
                                   Jerald D. Bidlack
                                   Chairman of the Board


                                                          Schedule A

                           SCHEDULE A
                     DATED NOVEMBER 29, 2004


                                      OPTIONS     ORIGINAL     11/29/04
- ----       ----  -------  --------  ----------- ----------    ----------
10/23/97   1995   7,500    $21.438       7,500   10/23/07      11/29/06
10/26/98   1995   6,000     $7.500       6,000   10/26/08      11/29/06
10/28/99   1989   7,015     $7.750       7,015   10/28/09      11/29/06
 11/2/00   1995   6,000    $11.000       6,000    11/2/10      11/29/07
 7/26/01   1995   6,000    $11.700       6,000    7/26/11      11/29/07
10/31/02   2000   6,000     $7.500       6,000   10/31/12      11/29/07
10/24/03   1995   2,400     $8.800       2,400   10/24/13      11/29/07
10/24/03   2000   3,600     $8.800       3,600   10/24/13      11/29/07
                 ------                 ------

       TOTALS    44,515                 44,515
