
           This  Agreement is made as of the 19th day of January,
2005 by and among Graham Corporation, a Delaware corporation (the
"Company"), and William C. Johnson ("Agent") with reference to the
following facts:

           The  Agent is currently serving as President  and  Chief
Executive  Officer of the Company and as a member of its  Board  of
Directors ("Board") and the Company wishes the Agent to continue in
such  capacity.  The Agent is willing, under certain circumstances,
to continue in such capacity.

           In addition to the indemnification to which the Agent is
entitled  pursuant  to  the Certificate  of  Incorporation  of  the
Company,  and as additional consideration for the Agent's  service,
the  Company has, in the past, furnished at its expense  directors'
and  officers' liability insurance protecting the Agent in connection
with such service.

           In  order to induce the Agent to continue to serve as  a
Director and Officer for the Company and in consideration  for  his
continued service, the Company hereby agrees to indemnify the Agent
as follows:

          1.   The Company will pay on behalf of the Agent, and his
executors,  administrators or assigns, any amount which  he  is  or
becomes  legally  obligated to pay because of any claim  or  claims
made  against  him  because of any act or omission  or  neglect  or
breach  of  duty,  including any actual or  alleged  error  or  misstatement
or  misleading  statement, which  he  has  committed  or suffered,  or  which
he commits or suffers, while  acting  in  his capacity  as a Director or
Officer of the Company and  any  of  its subsidiaries and solely because of
his status as a Director or Officer.  The  payments  which the Company will be
obligated  to  make hereunder  shall  include, inter alia, damages,  judgments,
settlements  and  costs,  cost  of investigation (excluding  salaries  of
officers or employees of the Company) and costs of defense of legal actions,
claims or proceedings and appeals therefrom, and costs  of attachment or
similar bonds; provided however, that  the  Company shall not be obligated to
pay fines or other obligations  or  fees imposed  by  law or otherwise which
it is prohibited by  applicable law from paying as indemnity or for any other

           2.    If a claim under this Agreement is not paid by the
Company, or on its behalf, within ninety days after a written claim
has  been  received by the Company, the claimant may  at  any  time
thereafter  bring  suit against the Company to recover  the  unpaid
amount  of  the claim and if successful in whole or  in  part,  the
claimant  shall  be  entitled  to  be  paid  also  the  expense  of
prosecuting such claim.

           3.    In the event of payment under this Agreement,  the
Company shall be subrogated to the extent of such payment to all of
the  rights  of  recovery  of  the Agent,  who  shall  execute  all
documents required and shall do everything that may be necessary to
secure  such  rights,  including the execution  of  such  documents
necessary  to enable the Company effectively to bring suit to enforce
such rights.

          4.   The Company shall not be liable under this Agreement
to  make any payment in connection with any claim made against  the

               (a)  for which payment is actually made to the Agent
under  a  valid and collectible insurance policy, except in respect
of any excess beyond the amount of payment under such insurance;

                (b)   for  which the Agent is entitled to indemnity
and/or payment by reason of having given notice of any circumstance
which might give rise to a claim under any policy of insurance, the
terms  of  which have expired prior to the effective date  of  this

                (c)   for  which  the Agent is indemnified  by  the
Company otherwise than pursuant to this Agreement;

               (d)  based upon or attributable to the Agent gaining
in  fact  any  personal profit or advantage to  which  he  was  not
legally entitled;

                (e)   for  an accounting of profits made  from  the
purchase  or sale by the Agent of securities of the Company  within
the meaning of Section 16(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
and  amendments thereto or similar provisions of any state  statute
or common law; or

                (f)  brought about or contributed to by illegal  or
dishonest  conduct  on  the  part  of  the  Agent  seeking  payment
hereunder; however, notwithstanding the foregoing, the Agent  shall
be  protected under this Agreement as to any claims upon which suit
may  be  brought  against him by reason of  any  alleged  dishonest
conduct  on his part, unless a judgment or other final adjudication
thereof  adverse to the Agent shall establish that he (i) committed
acts  of  active  and  deliberate  dishonesty,   with  (ii)  actual
dishonest purpose and intent, which acts were material to the cause
of action so adjudicated.

           5.    No  costs, charges or expenses for which indemnity
shall  be  sought hereunder shall be incurred without the Company's
consent, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.

           6.   The Agent, as a condition precedent to his right to
be  indemnified  under this Agreement, shall give  to  the  Company
notice  in writing as soon as practicable of any claim made against
him  for  which  indemnity  will or  could  be  sought  under  this
Agreement.   Notice  to  the  Company  shall  be  directed  to  the
Secretary of the Company, c/o 20 Florence Avenue, Batavia, New York
14020 (or to such other address as to the Company may designate  in
writing  to the Agent); notice shall be deemed received if sent  by
prepaid mail properly addressed, the date of such notice being the
date postmarked.  In addition, the Agent shall give the Company  such
information and cooperation  as  it  reasonably  may require and as
shall be within the Agent's power.

           7.    Costs  and  expenses (including  attorneys'  fees)
incurred  by  the Agent in defending or investigating  any  action,
suit,  proceeding or investigation shall be paid by the Company  as
they  are  incurred  in advance of the final  disposition  of  such
matter;  provided, however, that the Agent must pay to the  Company
the  amount of any such costs and expenses for which the Agent  has
been  indemnified with respect to such matter, if it is  ultimately
determined by a court of final adjudication that the Agent  is  not
entitled  to  indemnification under the terms  of  this  Agreement.
Notwithstanding  the  foregoing or  any  other  provision  of  this
Agreement, no indemnification for costs and expenses shall be  made
by  the Company if a determination is reasonably and promptly  made
(1)  by  the  Board by a majority vote of a quorum of disinterested
directors,  or  alternatively, (2) if so directed by  a  quorum  of
disinterested directors, by independent legal counsel; or (3) if  a
quorum of disinterested directors is not obtainable, by independent
legal  counsel, that, based upon the facts known to  the  Board  or
such  independent counsel at the time such determination  is  made,
(a)  the Agent acted in bad faith or in a manner that he or she did
not  believe  to be in or not opposed to the best interest  of  the
Company, or (b) with respect to any criminal proceeding, the  Agent
believed  or  had  reasonable  cause to  believe  his  conduct  was
unlawful,  or (c) the Agent deliberately breached his duty  to  the
Company or its stockholders.

           8.    In the event that the indemnification provided for
herein is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unavailable
to  the  Agent in whole or part, the Company  shall  contribute to the
payment of the Agent's liabilities in an amount that is  just  and
equitable in the circumstances, taking into  account, among other things,
payments by other directors and officers of the Company  or  its
subsidiaries for their respective liabilities  in consequence  of the event
or events which gave rise to the  Agent's liability.  The Company and the
Agent agree that, in the absence of personal  enrichment, acts of intentional
fraud  or  dishonesty  or criminal conduct on the part of the Agent, it would
not be just and equitable  for  the  Agent to contribute to the payment  of
Losses arising out of any action, suit, proceeding or investigation in  an
amount  greater  than five percent (5%) of the aggregate  cash  compensation
paid  to  the Agent for service as  an  officer  of  the Company  during  the
12 months preceding the commencement  of  such action, suit, proceeding or

           9.    This  Agreement may be executed in any  number  of
counterparts,  all  of  which taken together shall  constitute  one


           10.   Nothing herein shall be deemed to diminish or  oth
erwise  restrict  the  Agent's right to indemnification  under  any
provision  of  the certificate of incorporation or by-laws  of  the
Company or under Delaware law.

          11.  This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in
accordance with the law of the State of Delaware, without regard to
the conflict of laws provisions thereof.

           12.  This Agreement shall be binding upon all successors
and  assigns  of the Company (including any transferee  of  all  or
substantially  all  of its assets and any successor  by  merger  or
operation  of  law) and shall inure to the benefit  of  the  heirs,
personal representatives and estate of Agent.

           13.   If  any provision or provisions of this  Agreement
shall  be  held  to  be invalid, illegal or unenforceable  for  any
reason  whatsoever (i) the remaining provisions of  this  Agreement
(including  without limitation, all portions of any  paragraphs  of
this  Agreement containing any such provision held to  be  invalid,
illegal  or  unenforceable,  that are not  by  themselves  invalid,
illegal  or  unenforceable) shall not in any  way  be  affected  or
impaired  thereby,  and (ii) to the fullest  extent  possible,  the
provisions  of  this agreement (including, without limitation,  all
portions  of  any paragraph of this Agreement containing  any  such
provision  held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable,  that  are
not   themselves  invalid,  illegal  or  unenforceable)  shall   be
construed  so  as to give effect to the intent of the parties  that
the Company provide protection to Agent to the fullest
enforceable extent.

           IN  WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this
Agreement  to  be duly executed and signed as of the day  and  year
first above written.

                                   GRAHAM CORPORATION

                                   By: /s/Jerald D. Bidlack
                                       Jerald D. Bidlack,

                                       WILLIAM C. JOHNSON

                                       /s/William C. Johnson