Exhibit 2.1
A.Prot. 1994/178


Negotiated at Basel/Switzerland this 28th (twenty-eighth) day of
November 1994 (nineteen hundred and ninety-four).

Before me, the undersigned Notary Public

at Basel/Switzerland appeared today:

1.   Mrs. Dorothea G. Kettendorf, in-house counsel, born August
     1, 1949, German citizen, with business address at
     Altendorfer Strasse 103, D-45143 Essen and private domicile
     at Walter Hohmann Strasse 17, 45128 Essen identified by her

     acting not in her own name but in the name and on behalf of 

     Fried. Krupp AG Hoesch-Krupp, a German corporation with head
     office at Essen, registered with the Commercial Register at
     the Commercial Court of Essen under No. HRB 9633 and
     Dortmund under No. HRB 10455, according the attached power
     of attorney dated November 25, 1994, 

2.   Dr. Wolfhard Kuppers, attorney, born July 28, 1961, German
     citizen, with business address Trinkausstrasse 7, D-40213
     Dusseldorf and private domicile at Herderstrasse 92, D-40237
     Dusseldorf, identified by his German identity card 

     acting not in his own name but in the name and on behalf of

     a)   Cincinnati Milacron Kunststoffmaschinen Europa GmbH, a
          German corporation with head office at Malterdingen,
          registered with the Commercial Register at the
          Commercial Court of Emmendingen under No. HRB 914,
          according to the attached power of attorney dated
          November 22, 1994 and according to the attached extract
          from the Commercial Register dated November 10, 1994,

     b)   Cincinnati Milacron B.V., a Dutch corporation with head
          office at Vlaardingen, registered with the Register of
          the Kamer van Koophandel en Fabrieken voor Rotterdam en
          de Beneden-Maas under No. 209768, according to the
          attached power of attorney dated November 23, 1994 and
          the attached extract from the aforementioned Register
          dated November 4, 1994. (as far as Mr. Jan van Nooijen
          should not have the power to bind the company with his
          single signature, Mr. Kuppers is acting as attorney
          without power of representation and insofar retaining
          the right of obtaining approval)

Both parties asked for notarization in the English language. As
the acting notary speaks English and has satisfied himself that
both parties have command over the English language, the
submission of a certified translation or the assistance of a
sworn interpreter was waived.

The persons appeared asked for the Notarization of the following:

                        STOCK PURCHASE AGREEMENT


Fried. Krupp AG Hoesch-Krupp, a German corporation of Essen and

          - hereinafter referred to as "Seller" -

on the one side


Cincinnati Milacron Kunststoffmaschinen Europa GmbH, a German
corporation of Malterdingen


Cincinnati Milacron B.V., a Dutch corporation of Vlaardingen

          - hereinafter collectively referred to as "Buyer"-

on the other side.


A.   Krupp Widia GmbH, a German corporation of D-45143 Essen
     (KW), is engaged in the business of manufacturing,
     assembling, selling and distributing tools and wear parts of
     sintered carbide and other hard materials, of magnets and of
     medical engineering. The business of KW is carried out
     within KW itself, within subsidiaries of KW and within
     subsidiaries or divisions of Seller or other Seller's
     subsidiaries which from a functional point of view are
     subordinated to KW. Such subsidiaries and divisions of
     Seller shall become subsidiaries of KW before Closing.

B.   Seller owns all 100 % of the shares of capital stock of KW.

C.   Buyer desires to purchase from Seller as set forth in Art.
     1.1, and Seller desires to sell to Buyer, essentially all
     stock of KW which at the time of Closing shall own the
     shares of the subsidiaries defined in Art. 2.2 below
     (hereinafter collectively referred to as KW group) - except
     for the specific treatment of the shares in Krupp Widia
     Nederland B.V. set out in this Agreement - thereby disposing
     of its world-wide business regarding tools and wear parts of
     sintered carbide and other hard materials and of magnets,
     upon the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.

Therefore, in consideration of the premises and the mutual
covenants and agreements set forth herein, the parties agree as

Ar                               ticle 1
SA                      LE AND PURCHASE OF STOCK

1.1  Shares being sold and assigned

     Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement,
     Seller hereby sells and assigns, at the price and on the
     terms set forth herein, shares of KW in an aggregate nominal
     value of DM 124,900,000.-- to Buyer as follows.

     Buyer hereby accepts this sale and assignment:

     -    Seller causes KW to assign to Cincinnati Milacron B.V.
          upon Closing, but immediately before the assignment set
          out below takes effect, all shares in Krupp Widia
          Nederland B.V. against payment to KW in the amount of
          DM 3,728,000.-- equalling the  book value of Krupp
          Widia Nederland B.V. on the books of KW 

     -    and Seller assigns to Cincinnati Milacron Kunst-
          stoffmaschinen Europa GmbH shares in KW in the nominal
          amount of DM 124,900,000.--.

     Prior to Closing Seller shall cause the shares in KW to be
     divided in such a way as to allow for the transfers
     stipulated in this agreement.

     It is understood between the parties that at Closing KW will
     have acquired the shares of Krupp Widia France S.A., Krupp
     Widia U.K. Ltd. and the Widia Division of Krupp Hispania
     S.A. which are presently held by Seller or other Krupp
     subsidiaries, the Widia Division of Krupp Hispania S.A.
     prior to Closing having been formed as a separate legal

     It is further understood between the parties that the
     separate assignment of the shares in Krupp Widia Nederland
     B.V. is effected for structural reasons and that regarding
     any other obligation of either party, and for purposes of
     all representations, warranties, covenants and indemnities,
     this Agreement shall be read as if no such separate
     assignment had taken place.

1.2  Consideration

     In full payment for the shares under Art. 1.1 at Closing
     Buyer shall deliver, or cause to be delivered, the "Net
     Transfer Price" as defined below in immediately available
     funds plus interest at the rate of 6 percent p.a. as from
     January 1, 1995.

     The Net Transfer Price shall be calculated by adding to the
     Purchase Price of
                                   DM 149,900,000.--
     -    the amount received by KW for the sale of its shares of
          KruppMedizintechnik GmbH pursuant to Art. 4.2 b)  DM   
     -    the amount received by KW for the sale of its shares of
          HW Hartmetall und Werkzeugtechnik
          Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH pursuant to Art. 4.2c)
                                   DM      50,000.--
          and subtracting from such sum 

     -    the amounts due from KW in consideration of achieving
          the group structure pursuant to Art. 4.2 a)

     -    KW France                DM  10,480,000.--
     -    KW U.K.                  DM     383,000.--
     -    Div. Hispania
          (incl. Herko)                 DM   3,810,000.--

     -    the amount of the Forecasted Result of KW  for 1994 as
     set out in Art. 1.5                                              
     DM  25,000,000.--

     Leading to a Net Transfer Price of      DM 113,277,000.--    

1.3  Effective Date
     The transactions contemplated herein shall have economic
     effect as from December 31, 1994/January 1, 1995 (the
     "Effective Date"), and all product sales and other
     transactions between the Effective Date and Closing shall be
     deemed to be for the account of Buyer as though having
     occurred subsequent to Closing. 

1.4  Closing

     a)   The transfer and assignment of the shares ("Closing")
          shall be effective not immediately upon signing of this
          document, but shall be effective as of the payment of
          the Net Transfer Price which will take place at Closing
          to occur on the day the following conditions are
          fulfilled if such day is the first day of a month or
          otherwise the next first day of a month or on any other
          day the parties may agree upon, provided that Closing
          shall not take place before February 1, 1995:

          -    The German Federal Cartel Office has approved this
               transaction or the transaction is deemed to have
               been approved as a result of a failure of the
               Federal Cartel Office to object;

          -    the supervisory board of Seller has approved the
               execution of this Agreement;

          -    the boards of Buyer and their corporate parent
               have ratified the execution of this Agreement.

          Upon Closing simultaneously the parties shall
          -    execute the transfer deed necessary for the
               separate purchase of Krupp Widia Nederland B.V. as
               stipulated in Art. 1.1, essentially along the
               lines of Schedule 1.4.1;
          -    the Buyer shall pay the Net Transfer Price plus
               interest in accordance with Art. 1.2;

          -    the Seller shall transfer to Bankers Trust a share
               in KW in the nominal amount of DM 100,000.--
               against payment of a consideration in the amount
               of DM 100,000.-- essentially along the lines of
               Schedule 1.4.2.

     b)   The parties assume that all governmental approvals
          required for countries in which the KW group is active
          or marketing its products and all minority shareholders
          consents, if any, will have been obtained by May 31,
          1995. Should the German Federal Cartel Office not have
          approved or not be deemed to have approved the
          acquisition of the KW group in total relative to
          Germany by that date, then this is agreed to have such
          a severe impact that this Agreement is considered to be
          null and void. Should, however, other markets
          (including India) be affected, then the parties shall
          seek to find an alternative solution which accomplishes
          the purpose of this Agreement taking into account the
          interest of all parties. Should for any reason Closing
          not have occured by May 31, 1995, either party may
          terminate this Agreement by written notice, provided
          however, that no party may terminate which is in a
          breach of this Agreement, if such breach caused the de-
          lay of Closing. Any such termination shall not
          terminate any rights or remedies a party may have
          against the other for any breaches of this Agreement.

     c)   At Closing Seller shall confirm to Buyer in writing
          that the transfer and assignment of the shares in KW
          provided for herein has taken place.

     d)   Each party shall without undue delay provide the other
          party with a written confirmation after such
          approval/ratification by the Boards on its part as set
          forth in Art. 1.4 a). 

     e)   Notarial charges, as well as any applicable land
          transfer tax and the costs for obtaining governmental
          approvals in connection with the implementation of this
          Agreement shall be borne by Buyer.

          All costs, taxes (including transfer taxes) and
          notarial fees, if any, for making Krupp Widia France
          S.A., Krupp Widia U.K. Ltd. and the Widia Division of
          Krupp Hispania S.A. subsidiaries of KW and any other
          transfers set out in Art. 4.2 a), b), c) and e) shall
          be borne by Seller.

          Each party shall bear the costs and expenses of its own
          legal, tax and other advisers.

     f)   Seller shall procure that as at Closing all members of
          the supervisory board of KW nominated by Seller and
          being employed by Seller or any of its affiliates shall
          resign if and to the extent this is desired by Buyer.
          The same principle shall apply if directors or
          employees of Seller or any of its affiliates have been
          appointed non-executive board members of any other
          member of the KW group.

     g)   If required by Buyer and to the extent legally
          possible, Seller shall procure that all auditors which
          may have been appointed for any member of the KW group
          in respect of years after 1994 will resign no later
          than at Closing.

     h)   Seller shall use its best endeavours to obtain or to
          assist Buyer in obtaining all necessary approvals of
          governmental authorities and any relevant third parties
          in and outside Germany.

1.5  Forecasted Result of the KW Group for 1994

     Seller shall by means of an offset against the Purchase
     Price assume the forecasted result of the KW group for the
     business year 1994 in the amount of a loss of
     DM 25,000,000.-- (the "Forecasted Result 1994"), this amount
     being the estimated pre tax result plus an additonal loss
     figure in the amount of DM 741,000.--. The Forecasted Result
     1994 shall not take into account the sale of Krupp Widia
     Nederland B.V. to Cincinnati Milacron B.V.. 

     The Forecasted Result 1994 is shown in Schedule 1.5 and has
     been calculated with the care of a prudent businessman
     knowledgable about the business of KW and in accordance with
     the Applicable Accounting Principles as defined in Art. 2.3
     on a basis consistent with past practice. The facts and
     assumptions upon which the Forecasted Result 1994 has been
     based were collected in good faith and, to Seller's best
     knowledge, are fair, accurate and complete.

     Seller undertakes not to take any action until the Effective
     Date that would cause any special charges to be included in
     the consolidated balance sheet of the KW group for the
     fiscal year 1994 except for those set forth in the Schedule
     1.5, whereas the restructuring of the KW group as
     contemplated in this agreement shall not be considered to
     cause special charges.

Art                              icle 2

Seller makes the following representations and warranties to
Buyer, whereby the phrase "to Seller's best knowledge" shall mean
"to the best knowledge of Seller after reasonable inquiry and to
the best knowledge of the management and executives of the KW
group listed in Schedule 2".

2.1  Organization and Good Standing

     a)   KW is a corporation duly organized, validly existing
          and in good standing under the laws of Germany. KW has
          full corporate power and authority to own or lease its
          properties and to carry on its business as now being
          conducted. KW is duly qualified or licensed to do
          business as a foreign corporation in all jurisdictions
          in which the present conduct of its business requires
          such qualification or licensing.

          The above shall apply correspondingly to all other
          companies within the KW group.

     b)   The copies of the Articles of Incorporation (Satzung),
          shareholders agreements and Bylaws (Geschaftsordnung)
          of KW and any other member of the KW group, each as
          currently in effect, delivered to Buyer and listed in
          Schedule 2.1, are complete and correct. There are no
          voting trust agreements, sub-participation agreements,
          silent participation agreements or "Unternehmensver-
          trage" within the meaning of Section 291 et seq. AktG,
          except for the domination and profit and loss transfer
          agreement with Krupp Medizintechnik GmbH which will be
          terminated as per Effective Date.

     c)   Schedule 2.1.2 sets forth the consents of all third
          parties and governmental bodies required on the part of
          Seller, KW or the other members of the KW group to
          consummate the transactions contemplated by this
          Agreement. Except to the extent of the required
          consents listed on Schedule 2.1.2, this Agreement and
          the consummation of the transactions contemplated
          hereby do not and will not conflict with the Articles
          of Incorporation or Bylaws of KW or any other member of
          the KW group or conflict with or result in a default
          under (with or without the giving of notice or the
          lapse of time) any contract, mortgage, indenture or
          agreement of Seller, KW or any other member of the KW

2.2  Title to Shares

     Seller has, and will at Closing, have good and marketable
     title to all of the shares in KW, free and clear of all
     liens, claims, encumbrances and restrictions. Seller has
     full and unrestricted legal right, power and authority to
     transfer such shares to the Buyer. The shares in the
     aggregate nominal amount of DM 125,000,000.-- constitute all
     the shares in KW and no other shares have been issued and
     are outstanding. All these shares are validly issued, have
     been paid in in full and have not been repaid.

     As fully described in Schedule 2.2.1, KW will at Closing
     hold either directly or indirectly or will enjoy as
     beneficial owner (Treugeber) the shares as described below
     in the following subsidiaries free and clear of all liens,
     claims, encumbrances and restrictions (except as disclosed
     in Schedule 2.2.1), all of which are validly issued, fully
     paid in and nonassessable and have not been repaid:
     Widia Heinlein GmbH, Lichtenau:              100 %
     Meturit AG, Zug:                             100 %
     Krupp Widia Nederland B.V., Woerden:         100 %
     Widia Iberica S.A., Vitoria             
     (former division of Krupp Hispania S.A.):    100 %
     Herko Vitoria S.A., Vitoria:                 100 %
     Krupp Widia U.K. Limited, High Wycombe:      100 %
     Krupp Widia S.P.A., Milano:                  100 %
     Krupp Widia Vertriebsgesellschaft m.b.H.,
     Perchtoldsdorf:                              100 %
     Krupp Widia Svenska AB, Stockholm:           100 %
     Krupp Widia S.E. Asia (Pte.) Limited,
     Singapore:                                   100 %
     Krupp Widia Korea Limited, Seoul:            100 %
     Krupp Widia Japan Limited, Kobe:             100 %
     Krupp Widia France S.A., Vernouillet:        100 %
     Widia (India) Limited, Bangalore:             51 %
     Widaroc India Limited, Bangalore
     (shares held by Widia (India) Limited):      100 %
     Widaroc India Limited in the process of
     being merged upon Widia (India) Limited
     without affecting the shareholding of
     Meturit AG in Widia (India) Limited

     The shares in Meturit AG, Krupp Widia U.K. Limited and Krupp
     Widia France S.A. which will be only beneficially held by KW
     are set out in Schedule 2.2.2. The trustees identified in
     that Schedule can be freely instructed and directed by KW
     under appropriate trust agreements.
     At Closing there will be no outstanding or authorized
     options, warrants, purchase agreements, subscription or pre-
     emptive rights, conversion rights, exchange rights or other
     contracts or commitments that could require KW or any member
     of the KW group to issue, sell or otherwise cause to become
     outstanding any of their shares of capital stock.

2.3  Financial Statements

     Buyer has received audited financial statements for KW as
     well as audited financial statements for the subsidiaries
     enumerated in Art. 2.2 and unaudited consolidated balance
     sheets of the KW group all as of December 31, 1992 and 1993,
     except for Krupp Widia Svenska AB and the Widia division of
     Krupp Hispania S.A. for which unaudited financial statements
     were given to Buyer. In addition, Buyer has received un-
     audited interim financial statements of the KW group as of
     June 30, 1994 and September 30, 1994.

     The financial statements for the German companies and the
     consolidated balance sheet have been prepared in accordance
     with the "Rules for preparing financial statements within
     the Krupp group" which rules are in compliance with GOB
     (generally accepted accounting principles in Germany)
     (collectively referred to as the "Applicable Accounting
     Principles"). The year end financial statements for the
     foreign subsidiaries satisfy the locally applicable
     generally accepted accounting principles. All these
     financial statements accurately reflect the net asset
     position, financial position and earnings position on the
     basis of the Applicable Accounting Principles which shall
     have been applied on a basis consistent with past practice
     (except as disclosed in Schedule 2.3).

2.4  Taxes

     KW and all other companies of the KW group have duly filed
     all required tax returns. Up to December 31, 1993, a tax
     union referring to corporate tax, municipal trade tax and
     turnover tax existed between the Seller and KW. The
     Beherrschungs- und Gewinnabfuhrungsvertrag between Seller
     and KW has been terminated as of December 31, 1993 so that
     the corporation tax union has expired on such date. The
     V.A.T. tax union will expire on Closing. 

     If by a tax inspection or in some other way additional taxes
     (including, but not limited to, tax deductions at source -
     "Steuerabzugsbetrage" -, supplementary claims -
     "Nebenforderungen" - and surcharges - "Zuschlage") or
     contributions (including social security contributions) or
     other public duties are imposed on KW or any of the
     companies of the KW group for the period up to December 31,
     1994 such tax demands in excess of provisions in the balance
     sheets as at December 31, 1993 shall be fulfilled by the
     Seller; Buyer and the respective member of the KW group
     shall be indemnified from such imposition. Tax refunds and
     refunds for social security contributions for the period
     until December 31, 1994 shall be passed on to Seller upon
     receipt by KW or any of its subsidiaries unless
     corresponding entitlements have been capitalized in the
     balance sheets as at December 31, 1993.

     Buyer ensures that KW will give the opportunity to Seller or
     Seller's advisers, who are subject to professional secrecy,
     to participate in all tax inspections for the period up to
     December 31, 1994  as appropriate to safeguard Seller's tax
     position. Buyer shall also ensure that KW shall inform
     Seller of the start of such tax inspections without delay.

     If no agreement can be reached on the outcome of a tax
     inspection Buyer shall, at the request of Seller, ensure
     that KW or the appropriate member of the KW group
     respectively appeal against the tax assessment and if
     necessary enter into litigation at the direction of Seller.
     The costs of such legal recourse shall be borne by Seller.

2.5  Compliance with Laws

     To the best of Seller's knowledge, the conduct and operation
     by KW or any other company within the KW group of its
     business have been and are in conformity in all material
     respects with all applicable laws and regulations, and the
     management of the respective company has not received any
     notice asserting or suggesting a failure, or potential
     failure, to comply with or conform to any such law.
     Furthermore, to the best of Seller's knowledge, the soil and
     the buildings which are owned or used by the KW group in
     Germany, Holland, Spain, France and India (but excluding
     soil and buildings used and not owned by the KW group in
     Essen, Germany) are not polluted or contaminated and do not
     contain hazardous substances at a level going beyond what
     local laws and regulations permit as at Closing.

2.6  Title to and Condition of Assets
     KW and all other companies within the KW group have good and
     marketable title to the assets held by it, free and clear of
     all liens, pledges, encumbrances, charges, easements,
     restrictions or rights or interests or other of any kind,
     subject only to reservation of title rights of suppliers and
     security interests of banks where the sums payable to such
     suppliers or banks have been fully accounted for in the
     books of KW or companies of the KW group.

     All land, buildings, machinery and equipment, production
     technology, know how and industrial property rights used for
     the conduct of the business are either held by a company
     within the KW group or can be used according to agreements
     and such machinery and equipment is in good working
     condition and adequate and suitable for the KW group
     business, except for ordinary wear and tear.  

     The major patents and trademarks used by the KW group and
     required for the conduct of the business as currently
     conducted are listed as of May 1994 in Schedule 2.6. An
     updated Schedule 2.6 which shall also include all license
     agreements will be submitted by Seller to Buyer without
     undue delay after signature and at the latest by December
     15, 1994. All these major patents and trademarks are either
     owned by and duly registered in favour of KW or will be
     owned by and duly registered in favour of KW by Closing.
     Except as set forth in Schedule 2.6, none of the members of
     the KW group have to Seller's best knowledge infringed upon
     the patent or trademark rights of any third parties and to
     Seller's best knowledge no company of the KW group has
     received any written notifications alleging such
     infringement. Except as set forth in Schedule 2.6, to
     Seller's best knowledge no third parties are infringing, or
     since January 1, 1994 have infringed, upon the patent or
     trademark rights of any of the members of the KW group.

     The KW group sold under this Agreement includes all of
     Seller's direct or indirect business in relation to tools
     and wear parts of sintered carbide, of cermets, of ceramics,
     of diamond, of cubic boron nitride (cbn) and of other hard
     materials with similar properties and in relation to

2.7  Contracts, Defaults

     All contracts of KW and the other members of the KW group
     which are in force at the Effective Date or at Closing have
     been entered into on normal commercial terms (i.e. such
     terms have been agreed in the interest of KW as if between
     parties not being related to each other). All contracts and
     commitments which have a total remaining contractual value
     as from the Effective Date of more than DM 100,000.00 or the
     equivalent in any other currency, have a term beyond
     December 31, 1995 and cannot be terminated to expire as at
     such date without having to pay a compensation for early
     termination, and all contracts and commitments which have a
     total remaining contractual value of DM 500,000.00 will be
     listed by Seller in Schedule 2.7.1 submitted to Buyer
     without undue delay after signature, and at the latest by
     December 15, 1994.

     KW has received no notice of default, and to Seller's best
     knowledge, neither KW nor any other member of the KW group
     is in default on any contract, agreement, instrument,
     obligation, commitment or understanding of any kind or
     nature that could have a material adverse effect on KW or
     the respective member of the KW group.

2.8  Conduct of Business since January 1, 1994

     In the period of January 1, 1994 until the date of this
     Agreement the KW group shall have conducted its business in
     accordance with the rules of ordinary course of business as
     set out in Section 347 para. 1 HGB (Commercial Code) and shall not
     have sold or otherwise disposed of any of its assets except
     as in the ordinary course of its business, except as stated
     in this Agreement and its Schedules. Except as set forth in
     this Agreement or in Schedule 2.8, to the Seller's best
     knowledge no member of the KW group has since January 1,
     1994 declared or paid any dividend or other distribution to
     any of its shareholders outside the KW group or purchased or
     redeemed any of its shares. In January 1994 KW has sold its
     shares in Krupp Widia Belgium S.A. for no less than its book
     value and has also entered into a distribution agreement
     with that former subsidiary. Since January 1, 1994, all
     transactions, payments and agreements between any of the
     companies of the KW group, on the one hand, and Seller or
     any of its subsidiaries (other than the companies of the KW
     group), on the other hand, have been concluded on an arm's
     length basis, except as set forth in Schedule 2.8 or if they
     are to the advantage of KW group.

2.9  Restricting Agreements

     Neither KW nor any other member of the KW group has entered
     into any agreements, undertakings or commitments which would
     in any way prevent or restrict KW group in continuing or
     further developing its business currently conducted in
     Germany or any other country or would prevent or restrict
     its ability to compete with other companies, except as
     regards Widia (India) Limited as specified in Schedule 2.9
     and except as contained in exclusive distributorship or
     agency agreements.

     Accordingly, inter alia, there are no agreements,
     undertakings or commitments which would in any way prevent
     or restrict KW group in scaling down or even closing down
     existing operations nor have any subsidies been granted that
     are included in the assets as at the Effective Date and have
     to be given back or repaid in such event.

     Seller will continue its purchases of products from the KW
     group provided KW group remains competitive in price,
     delivery, quality and performance.

2.10 Employment Matters
     KW employs not more than approx. 1,400 people, and there is
     therefore no legal restraint which would restrict Buyer from
     abolishing the fully co-determined supervisory board at KW.

     All the employees of the KW group are employed on terms and
     conditions customary in the industry. To the best of the
     knowledge of the management of KW, the German employees are
     not paid according to a tariff which is lower than the
     tariff in which they should be registered under the
     applicable bargaining agreement.

     The main terms and conditions of all contracts with managing
     directors of KW and with equivalent key personnel in other
     members of the KW group are correctly set out in Schedule
     2.10.1, which Schedule the Buyer will keep in strict

     Since the Effective Date no commitment has been entered into
     to increase the salaries, wages or other benefits of
     employees, managing directors or other personnel of the KW
     group except as in line with increases required under
     existing bargaining agreements or increases granted in
     normal commercial practice.

     The principles of all benefits (other than normal salaries
     and wages and the provision of company cars) to employees,
     directors or other personnel of the KW group, such as
     pensions, are correctly laid down in Schedule 2.10.2; where
     certain employees, directors or other personnel are
     receiving or have been promised significant benefits in
     addition to those they would be entitled to under these
     principles, these additional benefits have also been
     disclosed in Schedule 2.10.2.

     No employee has moved from the Seller or any of its
     affiliates to KW nor has an agreement to that effect been
     made since July 1, 1993, except as disclosed in Schedule

     The pension commitments of KW and of Widia Heinlein GmbH
     have been fully provided for in the financial statements as
     at December 31, 1993 in accordance with the Richttafeln 1982
     of Dr. Heubeck using an interest rate of 6 % p.a. in accor-
     dance with Section 6 a of the German "Einkommensteuergesetz".
     There are no pension commitments or other benefits for which
     any other company of the KW group is or will be liable,
     except as disclosed in Schedule 2.10.4.

2.11 Litigation

     Unless otherwise listed in Schedule 2.11, no initiation of
     any law suits with a value of DM 100,000 or more,
     administrative proceedings or investigations against KW or
     any other member of the KW group affecting the business has
     been notified to, or to the best knowledge of Seller
     threatened to, KW or the respective group member, nor are
     any circumstances known to the management of KW that would
     make the initiation of any such law suits, administrative
     proceedings or investigations appear likely to occur. For
     the financial risks associated with the law suits known as
     of December 31, 1993 accruals were made in the financial
     statement as at December 31, 1993 in accordance with the
     Applicable Accounting Principles and previous practice.

     In respect of the legal disputes with Schlumberger, the
     litigation will be conducted by KW as directed by Seller and
     Seller assumes all responsibility herefor including all
     costs and expenses, except that KW shall give necessary
     support with its own resources without charging any non-out-
     of pocket costs therefor, provided such support is
     reasonably requested in due course. Any moneys received by
     KW from Schlumberger for legal costs and expenses borne by
     Seller shall be for the account of Seller. Any moneys pay-
     able by KW to Schlumberger shall equally be for the account
     of Seller. In view thereof the provision in the balance
     sheet of KW as at December 1993 for this case in the amount
     of DM 300,000.-- shall be treated as an intercompany
     liability of KW to Seller which shall be cleared in
     accordance with Art. 8 and which shall not affect the Net
     Transfer Price according to Art. 1.2.

2.12 Absence of Material Adverse Changes

     Except as set forth in Schedule 2.12 and in this Agreement,
     since December 31, 1993, there has been no material adverse
     change in the properties, business, assets, operations,
     prospects, results of operations or financial condition of
     the members of the KW group, taken as a whole.

2.13 U.S. Aspects

     As of September 30, 1994, the assets of the KW group located
     in the United States ("U.S."), if any, had an aggregate book
     and fair market value of less than $ 15,000,000 and the
     sales in the U.S. from the operations of the KW group were
     less than $ 25,000,000 during the 12 month period ended Sep-
     tember 30, 1994.

2.14 Debt

     Seller will discontinue the cash clearance system with the
     KW group as per the Effective Date. From the Effective Date
     to the Closing Date, Seller shall secure for the KW group
     financing for working capital, either directly or through
     one or more banking institutions, on a short-term basis on
     customary banking terms at prevailing market interest rates
     for such financing (or at a rate of 6.0 % per annum, if such
     financing is provided directly by Seller). Within 15
     business days from Closing, Buyer shall assume any such
     third-party financing, and shall secure the discharge of
     Seller from any continuing obligations with respect to such
     financing. Buyer and Seller shall settle all amounts owing
     with respect to interim financing provided by Seller or its
     affiliates at the latest within 15 business days from
     Except for trade receivables and liabilities for goods and
     services incurred in the ordinary course of business on
     normal commercial terms (as described in Art. 2.7), as of
     the Effective Date the sum of intercompany receivables,
     third party receivables, cash of the KW group and Forecasted
     Result 1994 shall be equal to or exceed the sum of inter-
     company liabilities and third party liabilities of the KW
     group, whereby (i) intercompany receivables and liabilities
     shall refer to the relationship between KW group on the one
     side and Seller and its affiliates other than the KW group
     on the other side and (ii) the intercompany liabilities from
     purchase prices for companies and divisions according to
     Art. 4.2 a), b) and c), the transfer of accruals for
     pensions according to Art. 9, the transfer regarding the
     Schlumberger litigation according to Art. 2.11 and the sale
     of the real estate according to Art. 4.2 e) shall not be

     The indebtedness of the KW group in India on the Effective
     Date is the sole obligation of Widia (India) Limited and/or
     Widaroc India Limited and is not guaranteed by, or otherwise
     the direct or indirect obligation, of any other company of
     the KW group.

2.15 Restructuring

     A 1993 & 1994  restructuring of the business of the KW group
     has been effected in compliance with the restructuring plan
     communicated to Buyer in August 1993. The following
     objectives in such plan have been achieved:

     -    reduction of personnel to 1960 or below of total
          employees excluding India,

     -    no significant reduction in fixed assets other than set
          out in the aforementioned restructuring plan and

     -    no adverse effect on (i) the capabilities and the
          facilities of the KW group with respect to research and
          development, (ii) the  manufacturing capabilities
          and/or (iii) the breadth of the product lines.

     The KW group companies have entered into all necessary
     agreements with, and have received all necessary approvals
     of, works councils, governmental bodies, unions and other
     competent bodies to allow for the completion of all
     personnel reductions contemplated by the 1995 operating plan
     of the KW group communicated to Buyer in November 1994; and
     none of these agreements has been violated by any of the KW
     group companies.

     The costs of the 1993 and 1994 restructuring and the
     personnel reductions contemplated by the 1995 operating plan
     have been adequately reflected or reserved for in the
     calculation of the Forecasted Result 1994 to be assumed by
     the Seller under Section 1.5.

                                Article 2a

Schedule 2a sets forth the consents of all third parties and
governmental bodies required on the part of Cincinnati Milacron
Inc., the ultimate parent company of Buyer, Cincinnati Milacron
Marketing Company, the parent company of Cincinnati Milacron
Kunststoffmaschinen GmbH or Buyer to consummate the transactions
contemplated by this Agreement. Except to the extent of the
required consents listed on Schedule 2a, this Agreement and the
consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby do not and
will not conflict with the Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws of
Cincinnati Milacron Inc., Cincinnati Milacron Marketing Company
or Buyer or conflict with or result in a default under (with or
without the giving of notice or the lapse of time) in any con-

tract, mortgage, indenture or agreement of Cincinnati Milacron
Inc., Cincinnati Milacron Marketing Company or Buyer.

                                 Article 3
                               DUE DILIGENCE

Commencing upon announcement of the signing of this Agreement,
Seller shall and shall cause all members of the KW group and
their employees to provide Buyer, its officers, employees, agents
and representatives (i) full access to all books, records,
auditors workpapers (provided the auditors agree thereto), files,
agreements and computer databases and information pertaining to
the business of the KW group or their assets and liabilities (as
well as the right to duplicate the same to the extent reasonably
requested by Buyer (subject to the confidentiality undertakings
of Buyer)) and (ii) reasonable access (taking into account the
interest of the KW group) to all the plants, facilities, offices
and other assets of the KW group and all officers, management
personnel, employees, contractors and consultants of the KW
group, in each case as Buyer shall reasonably deem appropriate
for its due diligence review of the KW group business, provided
however that Buyer shall during the month of December 1994 limit
its due diligence (i) to accounting, tax and finance, human
resources, legal matters, India, facilities and environmental
matters and (ii) to the time until December 15, 1994 and that in
the month of January 1995 full due diligence may be performed in
the last three weeks of the month.

Buyer shall notify Seller in writing without undue delay  of any
facts discovered by Buyer which Buyer has concluded are
inconsistent with any representation and warranty herein together
with an initial assessment by Buyer of the impact it attributes
to such findings, (no notification being required for findings if
the aggregate amount attributed is less than DM 500,000.--);
provided, however, that any notification shall be made without
prejudice to any rights or remedies Buyer may have under Art. 2,
5 or 7 and failure to notify does not affect such rights and
remedies but shall make the party due to notify fully responsible
for any damages caused by any such failure to notify the
indemnifying party.

Upon Seller's request Buyer and Seller shall meet prior to
Closing in good faith with the objective to agree on the
underlying facts of Buyer's findings and assessment and an
appropriate remedy, if any. Failing such agreement both Buyer and
Seller may rescind this Agreement by giving written notice to the
other, but only if the aggregate value Buyer has attributed to
the impact of its findings exceeds an amount of DM 5,000,000.--. 

If Buyer during the course of its due diligence becomes aware of
events or conditions which would have a material adverse effect
on the KW group, Buyer shall without undue delay inform Seller
thereof and Buyer shall have a right to rescind this Agreement by
giving written notice to Seller if no agreement between Seller
and Buyer on a solution is found in good faith discussions until
two days before Closing.

                                 Article 4

Pending the Closing, and except as otherwise consented to or
approved by Buyer in writing:

4.1  Regular Course of Business

     Seller shall cause each company of the KW group to operate
     its business strictly in the ordinary course of KW's
     business and as previously conducted and to use its best
     efforts to keep available to Buyer the services of the KW
     group's present key employees - in particular Seller shall
     not solicit any of such key employees - and to preserve for
     Buyer and each company of the KW group the goodwill of its
     suppliers, customers and others having business relations
     with each company of the KW group. In conformity herewith,
     Seller shall cause each company of the KW group to refrain
     from doing any of the following without Buyer's prior
     written consent:

     a)   making any changes in employee compensation, bonuses or
          benefits, other than customary annual adjustments;

     b)   creating, assuming, incurring, paying or discharging
          any claim, lien, encumbrance or liability other than in
          the ordinary course of business;

     c)   purchasing, selling, assigning, leasing, exchanging or
          otherwise disposing of assets of the KW group other
          than in the ordinary course of business;

     d)   entering into, renewing, extending, modifying,
          terminating,  waiving any right under or incurring any
          additional liability under any material contract or
          commitment involving more than DM 100,000 and
          commencing in or extending into a period after the
          Effective Date (other than purchase orders or sales of
          inventory in the ordinary course of business);

     e)   declaring or paying any dividends or other dis-
          tributions to any of its shareholders outside the KW
          group or purchasing or redeeming any of its shares;
     f)   making any investment in or loan to Seller or any of
          its affiliates or any third party:

     g)   making any expenditure for, or incurring any
          obligations in respect of fixed assets, fixtures and
          other capital items (except those expenditures and
          obligations occurring in the ordinary course of
          business not exceeding DM 100,000 on any individual

     h)   entering into any consulting agreement including

     i)   entering into licensing or selling agreements on any
          inventions, know how or other intellectual property.

4.2  Disposal of Shares in Subsidiaries

     a)   Seller procures that prior to Closing the KW group will
          have been formed according to the structure set out in
          the recitals to this Agreement, the costs therefor to
          be borne directly by Seller. The claims of Seller or
          its affiliates against KW for consideration in respect
          of the acquisition of the subsidiaries or divisions of
          Seller or Seller's affiliates shall be recorded as an
          intercompany liability of KW to Seller as follows:

          -    KW France           DM 10,480,000.--
          -    KW U.K.             DM    383,000.--
          -    Div. Hispania
               (incl. Herko)       DM  3,810,000.--

          which intercompany liability shall be cleared in
          accordance with Art. 8. The aforementioned claims of
          Seller or its affiliates shall reduce the Net Transfer
          Price according to Art. 1.2.

     b)   Seller will ascertain that prior to Closing KW shall
          have disposed of all its shares in Krupp Medizintechnik
          GmbH at a price of DM 3,000,000.-- and of all its
          shares in HW Hartmetall- und Werkzeugtechnik
          Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH at a price of  
          DM 50,000.--. The proceeds of such sales actually
          received by KW shall be recorded as an intercompany
          liability of Seller to KW which shall be cleared in
          accordance with Art. 8. The aforementioned proceeds
          received by KW shall increase the Net Transfer Price
          according to Art. 1.2. Any costs and negative tax
          effects for the KW group and any indemnity,
          misrepresentation, price adjustment or other claims
          asserted by the purchasers or other third parties (plus
          costs related thereto) resulting of such sales shall be
          borne directly by Seller.

     c)   Seller shall procure that prior to Closing KW shall
          have disposed of all its shares in Krupp Informatik
          GmbH, Krupp Entwicklungszentrum GmbH and Krupp Widia
          Corporation. The price for the shares in Krupp
          Informatik GmbH and Krupp ntwicklungszentrum GmbH,
          collectively, shall be DM 312,000.-- and the price for
          the shares in Krupp Widia Corporation shall be
          DM 452,000.--. The proceeds of such sale shall be
          treated as an intercompany liability of Seller to KW
          but shall not affect the Net Transfer Price according
          to Art. 1.2. Any costs and negative tax effects, if
          any, for the KW group and any indemnity, misrepresenta-
          tion, price adjustment or other claims asserted by the
          purchaser or any third party (plus costs related
          thereto) resulting from such sales shall be borne
          directly by Seller.

     d)   It is known to Buyer that KW is party to a domination
          and profit and loss sharing agreement (the Domination
          Agreement) with Krupp Medizintechnik GmbH (KMT) by
          which KW has undertaken to take over the profits and
          losses of KMT at the end of each fiscal year. The
          Domination Agreement shall be terminated by mutual
          agreement as at December 31, 1994. Buyer will ascertain
          that KW divests itself of any rights resulting from the
          Domination Agreement including but not limited to the
          right to collect a profit of KMT and agrees to take
          such steps as may be necessary to secure Seller's right
          to any such profit. In turn Seller undertakes to
          indemnify and to hold KW harmless against any claim
          that may arise against KW and any cost or loss KW may
          suffer as a consequence of the existence of the
          Domination Agreement or the related tax union. 
     e)   Seller will ascertain that after the Effective Date and
          prior to Closing the real estate leaseholds
          (Erbbaurechte) including the buildings constituting
          hall 10 and 19 located in Essen and shown in Schedule
          4.2 e) currently not used and formerly used as two
          production sites are sold and transferred to Seller at
          book value equalling DM 7,365,000 as of the Effective
          Date against effective cash payment. 

                                 Article 5

Each and every obligation of Buyer under this Agreement to be
performed on or before Closing shall be subject to the satis-

faction, on or before Closing, of each of the following con-

ditions, unless otherwise waived in writing by Buyer (it being
understood that Closing does not constitute a waiver of any
rights resulting from the absence of such condition):

5.1  Representations and Warranties True

     The representations and warranties of Seller contained in
     this Agreement and in all agreements referred to herein or
     contemplated hereby shall be, in all material respects, true
     and complete as of the date of Closing as though such re-
     presentations and warranties were made at and as of such
     date, except for changes permitted or contemplated by the
     terms of this Agreement.
5.2  Performance

     Seller shall have performed and complied in all material
     respects with all agreements, obligations and conditions
     required by this Agreement and in all agreements referred to
     herein or contemplated hereby to be performed or complied
     with by them or it on or prior to Closing.

                                 Article 6

Each and every obligation of Seller under this Agreement to be
performed on or before Closing shall be subject to the
satisfaction, on or before Closing, of each of the following
conditions, unless otherwise waived in writing by Seller (it
being understood that Closing does not constitute a waiver of any
rights resulting from the absence of such condition):

     6.1  Representations and Warranties True

          The representations and warranties of Buyer contained
          in this Agreement and in all agreements referred to
          herein or contemplated hereby shall be, in all material
          respects, true and complete as of the date when made
          and as of Closing as though such representations and
          warranties were made at and as of such date, except for
          changes permitted or contemplated by the terms of this

6.2  Performance

     Buyer shall have performed and complied in all material
     respects with all agreements, obligations and conditions
     required by this Agreement and all agreements referred to
     herein or contemplated hereby to be performed or complied
     with by him on or prior to Closing.

                                 Article 7

7.1  Survival of Representations and Warranties

     The representations and warranties of each party contained
     herein shall be true as of the Effective Date and as of the
     Closing Date and shall survive until December 31, 1996;
     provided that in respect of the representations regarding
     taxes and social security contributions the expiry date
     shall not be until 6 months after the assessment by the
     respective governmental authority has become final and
     binding and provided further that in respect of the warranty
     under Art. 2.2, the representations and warranties shall not
     expire until 10 years after the date of this Agreement and
     in respect of the warranty under Art. 2.5, second sentence
     the representations and warranties shall not expire until 4
     years after the date of this Agreement.

     The aforementioned expiry dates are deadlines (Aus-
     schlussfristen) within which Buyer making a claim must have
     sent a written notification of the claims  explaining the
     grounds herefor in reasonable detail. All remedies of Buyer
     become time-barred 6 months after the deadline until which
     the notification letter had to be sent, it being understood
     that this 6 months period is stalled with respect to those
     claims Seller remedies in accordance with Art. 7.2 until
     Seller notifies Buyer in writing that Seller's remedial
     action has been completed.

7.2  Notice of claims

     Without delay upon discovery of any misrepresentation
     contained in any of the Articles of this Agreement Buyer
     shall give Seller written notice of such claims and a
     statement in reasonable detail of the reasons therefor,
     provided, however, that failure to notify Seller shall not
     release Seller from its obligations under this Agreement
     with respect to such misrepresentation, but Buyer shall be
     fully responsible for any damages to Seller caused by any
     such failure to so notify Seller as required above. Unless
     remedial action has been initiated by Seller within 30 days
     following receipt of such claim letter and has been
     successful within a reasonable period of time, Buyer shall
     be entitled to indemnities as per Art. 7.3. 

7.3  Indemnities

a)   By the Seller

     Seller agrees to indemnify and hold Buyer harmless from and
     against any and all claims, demands, losses, costs,
     expenses, obligations, liabilities, actions, suits, damages,
     including without limitation, interest and penalties,
     counsel fees (all such claims, demands, losses, costs,
     expenses, etc., being referred to herein collectively as
     "Claims") and all amounts paid in settlement of any such
     Claims which may be asserted against Buyer or any company of
     KW group or which Buyer or any company of KW group shall
     incur or suffer, and which arise out of or result from 

     (i)       the breach of any representation, warranty or
               agreement of Seller contained herein 

     (ii)      the environmental condition or contamination of
               any facility, site, location or business owned,
               operated or leased by the KW group prior to the
               Closing Date and disposed of by the KW group on or
               prior to the Closing;

     (iii)     any off-site disposal, treatment, storage,
               transportation, release or threatened release of
               any hazardous or waste materials by the KW group
               prior to the Closing; it being understood that
               Seller shall cause KW to seal and properly dispose
               of all containers etc, for hazardous or waste
               materials used by any of the KW group companies
               (such disposal to be at sites properly licensed if
               required therefor and such sites not to be sites
               owned or occupied by any KW group company)
               immediately prior to Closing;

     (iv)      any actual or alleged health or safety claim of
               employees or former employees relating to the
               production or use of any product or item produced
               by the KW group prior to the Closing;

     (v)       any claims arising from the promotion agreement
               dated September 30, 1963 concluded with SAK
               Industries Private Company (SAK) or any additional
               agreements entered into with SAK or SAK's position
               as a shareholder in Widia India Limited and raised
               by SAK Industries Private Company against Buyer or
               any company of the KW group and resulting from or
               alleged to result from the transactions con-
               templated by this Agreement or actions or
               omissions by Seller or Meturit AG prior to

     Any compensation in relation to breach of warranties shall
     be settled as instructed by Buyer.

b)   By the Buyer

     Buyer agrees to indemnify and hold Seller harmless from and
     against any and all claims, demands, losses, costs,
     expenses, obligations, liabilities, actions, suits, damages,
     including without limitation, interest and penalties,
     counsel fees (all such claims, demands, losses, costs, ex-
     penses, etc., being referred to herein collectively as
     "Claims") and all amounts paid in settlement of any such
     Claims, which may be asserted against Seller or which Seller
     shall incur or suffer, and which arise out of or result from
     the breach of any representation, warranty or agreement of
     Buyer contained herein, or from the operation of KW after
     Closing (it being understood that any health or safety claim
     of employees or former employees with respect to the
     production or use of any product  or item produced by the KW
     group before the Closing does not arise from the operation
     of KW after Closing).

c)   Defense of All Claims

     Promptly after receipt of notice of the commencement of any
     action, or the assertion by any third party of any Claim
     with respect to which Buyer or Seller is entitled to
     indemnification, the party receiving the notice shall
     promptly notify the other party in writing of the
     commencement of such action or the assertion of such Claims,
     provided however, that failure to so notify shall not
     relieve the indemnifying party of its obligation to
     indemnify but shall make the other party fully responsible
     for any damages caused by any such failure to the
     indemnifying party. The indemnifying party, at its option,
     may elect to take charge of and control the defense of any
     Claim, provided that the indemnifying party shall agree to
     pursue the defense of such Claim in good faith by
     appropriate actions or proceedings promptly taken or
     instituted and diligently pursued and has acknowledged
     liability under Art. 7.3 in writing. The indemnifying party
     has to give reasonable consideration to the legitimate busi-
     ness interest of the other party and their business. If the
     indemnifying party elects to assume the defense of any such
     action in accordance with the second preceding sentence, the
     indemnified party shall be nevertheless entitled to
     participate (at its own expense) in said defense. In all
     cases, the parties shall at all times reasonably cooperate
     with each other in the defense of a Claim and shall make
     their respective personnel and relevant records reasonably
     available to the other for purposes of defense of a Claim.

7.4  Liability Limitation

     In no event, shall one party be responsible to the other for
     indirect and consequential damage, except if there is a
     breach of Art. 2.2 or 2.8 and except in the cases where KW
     should dispose of its technology in breach of Art. 4.1 c) or
     should enter into material contracts or commitments outside
     its ordinary course of business in breach of Art. 4.1 d).

     Neither party shall have an obligation towards the other
     under a warranty or related statutory claim unless and until
     the aggregate amount of such claims against such party
     exceeds DM 1,000,000 or the equivalent in any other
     currency, and if so, then the whole amount shall be payable
     to the other party.

     Except for the warranty in Art. 2.5 and Art. 7.3 (a), the
     liability with regard to Contamination is exclusively dealt
     with in Art. 7.6.

     Neither Seller nor Buyer make any representations or
     warranties except for those expressly stated in this

7.5  Previous Disposals of Subsidiaries

     Seller shall indemnify KW group against all liabilities and
     risks resulting from the disposal of former subsidiaries or
     divisions of the KW group where such disposal has occurred
     in the past or shall occur according to this Agreement.
     Seller shall also indemnify KW group against all guarantees,
     letters of comfort or similar parent-company liabilities,
     where such liabilities may still exist on top of or in
     support of obligations of such former subsidiaries or

7.6  Potential Contamination Outside Essen

     The parties agree that Buyer shall carry out forthwith a
     cursory survey of the production facilities (land and
     building) of the KW group in Lichtenau, Holland, Spain,
     France and India as soon as possible. If on the basis of
     such a preliminary survey Buyer concludes that there is a
     risk of pollution, contamination or existence of hazardous
     substances at a level going beyond what local laws and
     regulations permit as at Closing (hereinafter referred to as
     Contamination), then the parties shall jointly retain
     appropriate experts to give an opinion on appropriate
     cleanup measures and shall assess the costs which are likely
     to be incurred by them. The costs of these experts shall be
     shared equally between Seller on the one part and Buyer on
     the other part.

     The aggregate costs, as defined below in this Art. 7.6, in
     connection with Contamination of the aforementioned first
     four sites concerned and India pro rata to the share of KW
     (51 %) shall be shared equally by Seller on the one part and
     Buyer or the respective company of the KW group, as the case
     may be, on the other part up to a maximum of DM 9,000,000.--
     exclusive of V.A.T. or the equivalent in any other currency
     Costs in excess of DM 9,000,000.-- are to be borne by Buyer
     or the respective company of the KW group, as the case may

     The remedies of Buyer in respect of potential Contamination
     outside Essen are governed by Art. 7.3 and this Art. 7.6, to
     the exclusion of other clauses of this Agreement and
     provisions of statutory law. However, should Seller be in
     breach of the warranty in the second sentence of Art. 2.5,
     Seller shall fully bear the costs for cleaning up
     Contamination that in breach of the second sentence of Art.
     2.5 was not disclosed and the costs thus to be borne by
     Seller shall not be credited under the cost sharing scheme
     which will otherwise be applicable under this Art.7.6.

     Costs shall mean costs for reinstatement of land, buildings
     and water to the prescribed standard in each case or, if
     such a provision does not exist, to the minimum standard
     acceptable to the authority concerned, but only to the
     extent that such Contamination is attributable to an event
     which occured prior to Closing. Where this necessitates work
     on an installation or building the Costs include expenses
     for reinstating the standard of the installation or building
     prior to the clean-up work. The term "Cost" refers in each
     case to the actual cost of cleaning and reinstatement,
     including external costs for the necessary consultants,
     including further external legal expertise for such in
     conjunction with possible court proceedings and negotiations
     with authorities. Where damage is caused by a contaminating
     event that occured prior to Closing, the Costs also include
     claims that may be made by an employee, some other third
     party or an authority against any company of the KW group
     and/or Buyer by reason of injury or damage to person or

     For the purpose of this Art. 7.6 all costs are to be
     disregarded which are reimbursed from insurance companies.
     It is further agreed that all decontamination work shall be
     carried out by Buyer and/or the respective company of the KW
     group only after appropriate consultation with Seller in
     order to keep Seller duly informed and give Seller the
     opportunity to suggest more efficient or less expensive
     methods of reinstatement or to recommend other firms or
     experts who may be able to undertake the work at lower cost.

7.7  Potential Contamination in Essen

     Seller acknowledges and confirms that neither Buyer nor any
     member of the KW group shall have any liability or
     responsibility for any contamination at, or the
     environmental condition of, the Essen properties and Seller
     shall indemnify Buyer and its affiliates (including the KW
     group) against any claims with respect to such properties,
     provided however, that any contamination caused by Buyer
     after Closing shall be for account of Buyer. 

7.8  Undetermined Contamination

     Should there be contamination which cannot be reasonably
     shown to have occurred before or after Closing such
     contamination shall be allocated to the time before Closing
     and after Closing pro rata temporis of the time Seller
     and/or the KW group has used such property before Closing
     (percentage to be allocated to time before Closing) and KW
     has used such property after Closing (percentage to be
     allocated to time after Closing).

                                   Art                              icle 8
INT                       ERCOMPANY LIABILITIES
The parties shall procure that as at Closing the following
intercompany liabilities between Seller or its affiliates and the
KW group, except for trade receivables and liabilities for goods
and services incurred in the ordinary course of business, shall
be listed by Seller in a schedule to be produced for Closing and
the balance shall be settled in cash whether due or not. 

                    Intercompany Liabilities

                                        of KW to Seller     of Seller to KW

Net Receivables of KW group                                  10,600,000.--*

Net Loans to KW from
 Seller subsidiaries                       7,200,000.--*    

Purchase Price for
Krupp Medizintechnik, Art. 4.2 b)                              3,000,000.--

HW Hartmetall, Art. 4.2 b)                                        50,000.--

Krupp Entwicklungszentrum, Art. 4.2 c)                           300,000.--

Krupp Informatik, Art. 4.2 c)                                     12,000.--

Krupp Widia Corp. (USA), Art. 4.2 c)                             452,000.--

KW France, Art. 4.2 a)                    10,480,000.--     

KW U.K., Art. 4.2 a)                         383,000.--     

Div. Hispania (incl. Herko),
Art. 4.2 a)                                3,810,000.--     

Transfer Accruals for 
Pensions (1983), Art. 9                   13,105,000.--*
Schlumberger Litigation, Art. 2.11            300,000.--    

*Estimate; actual value to be specified at Closing.

The parties undertake to ensure that the settlement of the balance of the
intercompany liabilities will be acknowledged by the Seller and its
affiliates and the companies of the KW group and that all respective
companies will be relieved from the respective liabilities thereby.

All obligations resulting from guarantees, letters of comfort or similar
parent-company liabilities given by Seller in favour of the KW group
described in Schedule 8 (status as of October 31, 1994) or such liabilities
given after October 31, 1994 shall be assumed by Buyer and Buyer shall use
all commercially reasonable efforts (including the offer of a bank
guarantee) to secure that Seller or such Seller's affiliates are relieved
without delay from any and all obligations under such guarantees and the

All obligations resulting from guarantees, letters of comfort or similar
parent-company liabilities given by the KW group in favor of Seller, its
affiliates or any former subsidiary or division of the KW group shall be
assumed by Seller and Seller shall use all commercially reasonable efforts
(including the offer of a bank guarantee) to secure that the KW group
members are released without delay from any and all obligations under such
guarantees and the like.

Article 9

It is known to Buyer that Seller and KW have by mutual consent terminated
the provision in Article IV, 4 c of the agreement on contribution to
capital dated May 25, 1983 with effectiveness as per the Effective Date.

Therefore Seller assumes the current obligations resulting from pension
commitments or assumed pension rights concerning those employees who
already left the company before June 1, 1983. Seller shall hold Buyer and
KW harmless of any claims under such pension obligations. 

Buyer agrees that the capitalized values of such pension rights calculated
in accordance with the Richttafel 1982 of Dr. Heubeck using an interest
rate of 6 percent p.a. in accordance with Section 6 a of the German "Einkommen-

steuergesetz" will be transferred to Seller as per the Effective Date by
assuming such amount as an intercompany liability of KW to Seller to be
cleared in accordance with Art. 8 and not affecting the Net Transfer Price
according to Art. 1.2.

Article 10

10.1      Seller or its subsidiaries have rendered EDP and other services
          for and delivered electricity, heat and other utilities to KW as
          listed in Schedule 10. Seller warrants that these services will
          be upheld until Closing. Seller shall procure that KW may
          purchase any or all of these services until December 31, 1995,
          subject to the right of KW to terminate the obligation to
          purchase any or all of these services at one or more earlier
          dates by giving 3 months' prior written notice to the end of a
          calendar quarter in respect of any service or delivery which it
          wishes to be terminated earlier. Seller undertakes (i) to
          transfer to KW any software used in rendering the aforementioned
          services should KW decide to terminate the services without extra
          charge to KW if the software was specifically developed for KW
          and (ii) to license to KW to the extent legally permissible and
          against a market license fee any other such software.

          Seller will ascertain that the services and utilities are made
          available to KW under separate agreements until December 31, 1995
          if KW so desires and at the same conditions and at the same
          quality standards as existed between Seller or its subsidiaries
          and KW before Closing, subject to regular price increases as
          between Seller and its affiliates, provided however, that if
          Buyer and KW are unable to replace such services or utilities
          prior to December 31, 1995, and if so requested by Buyer, those
          services and utilities shall be extended beyond December 31, 1995
          to the extent necessary at market terms and conditions.  Seller
          has the right to transfer the obligation to deliver these
          services or utilities to third parties provided they are
          technically reliable. Seller will ascertain that until December
          31, 1995 no disadvantages for KW will result out of such trans-

             These provisions do not apply in case Seller or its subsidiaries
             are not allowed to render certain services or utilities due to
             the fact that KW is no longer a member of the Krupp-group. Seller
             will in those cases assist KW in its negotiations with third
             parties in order to achieve conditions similar to those between
             Seller or its subsidiaries prior to Closing.

10.2    The parties shall agree on the terms of 

             -    an acceptable rental agreement relating to the real estate
                  located in Essen  and shown in Schedule 10.2.1, and
             -    an acceptable leasehold agreement relating to the real
                  estate located in Essen  and shown in Schedule 10.2.2

             to be entered into between KW and Seller.

10.3    A number of employees of KW currently rent their private
        accomodation from Seller or one of Seller's affiliates. Seller
        shall procure that the sale of shares of KW hereunder will in no
        way affect their existing tenancy agreements.

                                  Article 11

Seller warrants that certain insurable risks of KW group are covered as of
the date hereof through Closing by insurance policies, as shown on Schedule
11. The insurance policy against product liability risks is on an
occurrence basis.

It is known to Buyer that the inclusion of KW in insurance coverage
provided for the whole Krupp group will automatically lapse at Closing in
respect of the fire insurance. In respect of all other insurance policies
which are not exclusively in the name of KW, the parties shall discuss
between the date of this Agreement and Closing upon which terms these
policies can be maintained for a transitional period.

Any payments received from insurance companies by Seller after the
Effective Date in respect of insured risks of the KW group shall be passed
on to KW.

If a major incident which has a critical impact on the ability to continue
the KW business happens at the plant in Essen  or at any other
manufacturing facility prior to Closing and the damage inflicted upon KW is
not fully covered by insurance, then Buyer has the right to withdraw from
closing the transaction contemplated hereunder.
                                  Article 12
                              NAME AND TRADEMARK
The parties agree that Seller will, prior to Closing, as directed by Buyer,
change KW's name in a way that the name part Krupp is deleted. The same
shall apply for all other companies of the KW group. Buyer agrees to
refrain from using the trademark KRUPP with or without the three interlaced
rings and Seller agrees to refrain from using the trademark WIDIA with or
without the three interlaced triangles. Seller warrants that KW or any
company of the KW group as of Closing will not have granted any right to
third parties (not belonging to the KW group) to use the trademark WIDIA
with or without the three interlaced triangles, except as set out in
Schedule 12.

Seller will procure that the name of Krupp Widia (Schweiz) and any other
company that carries the name Widia and is not transferred to Buyer as a
member of the KW group will be changed in a way that the name part Widia is

Notwithstanding what is stated above, KW shall have the right to use
existing catalogues, packaging material etc. containing the name part Krupp
within 6 months from Closing, provided that KW shall use stickers - the
wording of which to be mutually agreed - as appropriate to indicate that KW
is no longer a member of the Seller's group. The same shall apply vice-
versa with catalogues of Seller which still list members of the KW group as
if they were members of Seller's group.

Products on stock at the date of Closing may be sold by KW group without
any time limit even though the products may be marked to show that they are
Krupp Widia products and therefore also refer to the name part Krupp.
However, as soon as possible after Closing KW shall take requisite
precautions so that the products manufactured in the future no longer bear
any reference to "Krupp". Should any customer or third party make a claim
against Seller based on the fact that after Closing products have been
marketed and sold which still bear reference to "Krupp", then Buyer shall
procure that Seller will be fully indemnified against all and any such

After Closing, Seller and its affiliates shall refrain from using the name

                                   Article 13
                            NON-COMPETE UNDERTAKING

13.1    Until December 31, 1998 Seller and its affiliates shall neither
        directly nor indirectly develop, manufacture, market, sell,
        purchase or otherwise deal with any such products that compete
        with the products within the current product range of the KW
        group, provided however, that the parties agree that the
        activities described on Schedule 13 as and to the extent
        presently conducted by the entity described on Schedule 13 shall
        not be prohibited by this Agreement. 

             This non-compete undertaking shall not preclude Seller or any of
             Seller's affiliates from acquiring a controlling interest in a
             company or a group of companies with a business competitive to
             the business of KW group in relation to tools and wear parts of
             sintered carbide, of cermets, of ceramics, of diamond, of cubic
             boron nitride (cbn) or of other hard materials with similar
             properties or in magnets, provided that such competitive business
             accounts for less than 10 % of such company's or group's total
             sales and the purpose of such acquisition is not to acquire such
             competitive business, subject, however, to the following
             conditions: If Seller makes such an acquisition, it shall without
             delay give written notice thereof to Buyer and submit to Buyer a
             written offer binding for 3 months to purchase at the discounted
             earnings value of such competitive business  and shall during
             such 3 month deal exclusively with Buyer. In the event that Buyer
             does not accept the offer within the 3 months or is hindered from
             consummating the transaction due to antitrust reasons, then this
             Art. 13 shall not apply in respect of the anciliary competitive
             business thus acquired.

13.2    Until December 31, 1996 Seller and its affiliates shall not
        solicit any employees of the KW group without the prior written
        consent of Buyer.

                                   Article 14
                            MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS

14.1    Further Assurances

             Each party agrees to make its best effort to cause the conditions
             herein set forth to be satisfied at or prior to Closing. Each of
             the parties agree to execute and deliver any and all further
             agreements, documents or instruments necessary to effectuate this
             Agreement and the transactions referred to herein or contemplated
             hereby or reasonably requested by the other party to perfect or
             evidence their rights hereunder. Each party further agrees to
             make all reasonable efforts to cooperate with the other in post-
             Closing matters that may arise in regard to taxes and the like
             and to provide the KW group with the benefits of all contracts or
             permits which may be affected by the change of control of the KW

             Seller shall use its best efforts to assist and to cause Seller's
             independent auditors to assist (and render the audit opinion on
             the financial statements described below) Buyer in preparation of
             such audited financial statements for the KW group as are neces-
             sary to enable Buyer to comply with the reporting requirements of
             Form 8-K and Regulation S-X promulgated under the Securities and
             Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, in the United States. Buyer
             shall be responsible and pay for all fees to Seller's independent
             auditors for such assistance; provided, however, that to the
             extent that Seller's independent auditors efforts in respect of
             the above financial statements are also applicable to the
             preparation and certification of the Seller's regular year end
             financial statements, such efforts shall be for the account
             of and shall be paid by Seller.

14.2    Notices

             All notices made pursuant to this Agreement shall be valid only
             if made by a person authorised to receive notices as per below by
             Buyer or the Seller, as the case may be, and sent by registered
             mail, return receipt requested or facsimile, to the parties at
             the addresses set forth below, or as set forth in any notice of
             change of address given in writing in the manner prescribed
             herein to all other parties.

             If to Buyer:   Cincinnati Milacron Inc.
                            4701 Marburg Avenue
                            Cincinnati, Ohio 45209
                            Attn.: General Counsel
                            Facsimile No: 001-513-841-7166
             If to Seller:  Fried. Krupp AG Hoesch-Krupp
                            Altendorfer Strasse 103
                            D-45143 Essen
                            Attn.: General Counsel
                            Facsimile No: (011-49-)201-188-2233.

14.3    Choice of Law

             This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance
             with the substantive laws of Germany. 

14.4    Assignment

             This Agreement may not be assigned by any party without the prior
             written consent of the other party.

14.5    Waiver

             No waiver of any term, provision or condition of this Agreement,
             whether by conduct or otherwise, in any one or more instances,
             shall be deemed to be or be construed as a further or continuing
             waiver of any such term, provision or condition or as a waiver of
             any other terms, provisions or conditions of this Agreement.

14.6    Severability

             The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this
             Agreement in any jurisdiction shall not invalidate or render
             unenforceable such provision in any other jurisdiction or any
             other provision herein. Any invalid or unenforceable provision
             shall be replaced by such reasonable provision as comes closest
             to what the parties wanted or would have wanted to apply in
             accordance with the meaning and purpose of this Agreement if they
             had considered such invalidity or unenforceability when entering
             into this transaction. This shall also apply to the identifi-
             cation of an obligation in terms of amount or time (period or
             date). The parties further agree that they will lay down in
             writing and in a proper form the rule applicable pursuant to the
             aforegoing sentences by formally amending this Agreement.

14.7    Confidentiality

             a)   The parties shall hold in confidence the information
                  contained in this Agreement as per the secrecy agreement
                  previously concluded between them.

             b)   Seller undertakes to and Seller shall cause its affiliates
                  to, keep strictly secret all confidential matters, in
                  particular all business and trade secrets and confidential
                  know-how, of Seller or its affiliates relating to or trans-
                  ferred with the operations of the KW group and not to
                  disclose such matters and secrets to any third party, nor to
                  cause such disclosure by third parties, nor to abet or
                  justify such disclosure. Each party shall also keep strictly
                  secret all confidential information received from the other
                  party during the negotiations of this Agreement.

14.8    Announcements

                  Buyer and Seller shall cooperate in the preparation of any
                  announcements regarding the transaction contemplated by this
                  Agreement. Except as required by applicable law (in which case
                  such announcing party shall prior thereto advise the other
                  party), no party shall issue any announcement regarding the
                  transactions contemplated hereby without the prior consent 
                  of the other, which consent shall not be unreasonably 

14.9    Entire Agreement

                  This Agreement (including all attachments) constitutes the 
                  entire understanding between the parties with respect 
                  to the subject matter hereof, supersede all negotiations, 
                  prior discussions and preliminary agreements. Neither 
                  party gives any warranty or accepts any liability in 
                  addition to those expressly stated in this Agreement. 
                  This Agreement may not be changed except by written 
                  instrument executed by all parties. The headings of this
                  Agreement are not a part of this Agreement but are 
                  for convenience purposes only.

14.10   Scrap
             Seller shall cause KW to secure, that all payments received by KW
             from RSR Rohstoff- Stahlhandel und Recycling GmbH under an
             Agreement dated September 30, 1994 and related to the sale of
             scrap (which was not taken into account in calculating the
             Forecasted Result 1994) should be passed on to Seller minus all
             payments made by KW resulting from the above referred agreement.
             These payments shall not exceed DM 2,000,000.--. Should claims
             resulting from the above referred agreement be raised against KW
             after KW has passed on the payments received under such
             agreement, Seller shall hold KW harmless thereof up to an amount
             of DM 2,000,000.--. Art. 7.3 c) shall apply accordingly.

14.11   Arbitration

             Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement
             shall be finally settled by arbitration in accordance with the
             rules of conciliation and arbitration of the Deutsche Institution
             fur Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit e.V. by three arbitrators designated
             in conformity with those rules. The arbitrators shall have the
             power to rule on their competence and on the validity of the
             agreement to submit to arbitration. The arbitration shall be
             conducted in English. Judgement upon any award rendered may be
             entered in any court for judicial acceptance of the award or an
             order of enforcement as the case may be.

            The proceedings shall take place and the award shall be given in
            Dusseldorf, Germany.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF this Notarial Deed including the schedules hereto has
been read aloud to the persons appeared. The schedules 4.2 e, 10.2.1 and
10.2.2 have been shown to the persons appeared. The persons appeared then
confirmed and approved this Deed and its schedules and signed this Deed.
All this was done in the presence of me, the Notary Public, who also signed
this Deed and affixed my official Seal.

Basel, the 28th (twenty-eighth) day of November 1994 (nineteen hundred and

W. Kuppers
St. Cueni, Notary

A.Prot. 1994/178