Cincinnati, Ohio 45209


                    To be held April 27, 1999

 The  Annual  Meeting of the Shareholders of Milacron  Inc.  (the
"Company")  will  be held at the Queen City Club,  331  East  4th
Street,  Cincinnati, Ohio, 45202 on Tuesday, April 27,  1999,  at
9:00 A.M., E.D.T., for the following purposes:

 1. To elect four directors.

 2.   To  confirm  the  appointment  of  Ernst  &  Young  LLP  as
independent auditors of the Company for the fiscal year 1999.

 3.  To  approve  the Milacron Inc. 1999 Employee Stock  Purchase

 4.  To  transact such other business as may properly come before
the meeting.

 The  Board of Directors has fixed the close of business on March
12,  1999,  as  the record date for determining the  shareholders
entitled  to  notice  of  and  to  vote  with  respect  to   this

 The  Annual  Report of the Company for the year 1998, containing
financial statements, is enclosed.


                          By order of the Board of Directors,

                          Hugh C. O'Donnell, Vice President,
                          General Counsel and Secretary

       The date of this Proxy Statement is March 26, 1999.

                         Milacron Inc.

                     4701 Marburg Avenue

                     Cincinnati, OH 45209


                       PROXY STATEMENT


 The  Proxy  Statement is furnished to shareholders on  or  about
March  26,1999, in connection with the solicitation by the  Board
of  Directors  of  Milacron  Inc., a  Delaware  corporation  (the
"Company"),  4701  Marburg  Avenue,  Cincinnati,  Ohio  45209  of
proxies in the accompanying form to be used at the Annual Meeting
of Shareholders to be held on April 27, 1999, and any adjournment
thereof.  The shares represented by the proxies received pursuant
to  this solicitation and not revoked will be voted at the Annual
Meeting.  A  shareholder who has given a proxy may revoke  it  by
voting  in  person at the meeting, by giving a written notice  of
revocation  to  the  Secretary of  the  Company  at  the  address
indicated  above  or by giving a later dated proxy  at  any  time
before voting.

 If  a choice has been specified by a shareholder with respect to
any  matter  by  means  of the ballot on the  proxy,  the  shares
represented  by such proxy will be voted or withheld from  voting
accordingly.  If no choice is so specified, the  shares  will  be
voted FOR the election of the nominees for Director set forth  on
the  proxy,  FOR confirmation of Ernst & Young LLP as independent
auditors of the Company for the fiscal year 1999 and FOR approval
of the Milacron Inc. 1999 Employee Stock Purchase Plan.

 It  is important that your shares be represented at the meeting.
Whether  or not you plan to attend the meeting, please  sign  and
date   the  enclosed  proxy  and  return  it  promptly   in   the
accompanying envelope in order that your shares may be  voted  at
the meeting.

 Shareholders of record of the Company's Common Stock, par  value
$1.00  per  share  ("Common Stock"), and  of  its  4%  Cumulative
Preferred Stock, par value $100 per share ("Preferred Stock"), at
the  close of business on March 12, 1999, are entitled to  notice
of and to vote at the Annual Meeting and any adjournment thereof.
On  that  date, there were outstanding 60,000 shares of Preferred
Stock and 37,292,033 shares of Common Stock.

 Each  share  of  Preferred Stock is entitled to  24  votes.  The
Company's  Amended  Certificate  of  Incorporation,  subject   to
certain  exceptions,  provides that each share  of  Common  Stock
entitles  the  holder thereof to ten votes on each matter  to  be
considered  at  the  meeting, except  that  no  holder  shall  be
entitled  to  exercise more than one vote on any such  matter  in
respect of any share of Common Stock with respect to which  there
has been a change of beneficial ownership after February 1, 1996.
Based  on  the  information with respect to beneficial  ownership
possessed by the Company at the date of this Proxy Statement, the
holders  of more than half of the shares of Common Stock will  be
entitled to exercise ten votes per share at the meeting  and  the
holders  of  the  remainder of the outstanding shares  of  Common
Stock  will be entitled to one vote per share. The actual  voting
power of each holder of Common Stock will be based on information
possessed by the Company at the time of the meeting.

 Proxy  cards,  with text printed in black on  white  stock,  are
being furnished to individuals with this Proxy Statement to cover
shares  of  Common  Stock  with respect to  which  the  Company's
records  show  beneficial ownership as of February  1,  1996,  or
thereafter. Each of these cards has at the upper center  area  of
the  signature side an indication of the total vote to which  the
respective individual holder is entitled.

 Shares  of  Common Stock held of record in the names  of  banks,
brokers, nominees and certain other entities are covered by Proxy
cards  on white stock with a blue stripe.  A shareholder who  has
been  a  continuous beneficial owner since February 1,  1996,  is
entitled to ten votes for each share of Common Stock PROVIDED the
certification  form  on the Proxy card with the  blue  stripe  is
completed.  If this certification is not completed, a  change  of
beneficial  ownership will, for purposes of this Annual  Meeting,
be  deemed to have occurred after February 1, 1996, with  respect
to  all  the shares of Common Stock covered thereby, so that  the
holder  will be entitled to only one vote per share for all  such

 For  purposes of exercising the pass through voting  rights  for
participants  in  the  Company's  employee  benefit  plans,   and
Aeroquip  -  Vickers'  Savings  and  Profit  Sharing  Plan,  each
participant having shares of Common Stock credited to his or  her
account will receive a voting direction card on white stock  with
a  pink  stripe  (the  Company's plan) or  a  green  stripe  (the
Aeroquip  - Vickers' Plan) to be returned to the Trustee  of  the
respective benefit plan with voting instructions.

 The  holders  of  shares  of Common Stock  and  Preferred  Stock
entitling  them to exercise a majority of the total voting  power
of  the  Company's stock, present in person or by proxy,  at  the
Annual Meeting shall constitute a quorum.

Proxy Solicitation
 The  expense  of  printing and mailing proxy  material  will  be
borne  by the Company. In addition to the solicitation of proxies
by  mail, solicitation may be made by certain Directors, officers
and  other  employees of the Company in person, by  telephone  or
fax. No additional compensation to such persons will be paid  for
such solicitation.

 Arrangements  will also be made with brokerage firms  and  other
custodians,   nominees   and   fiduciaries   to   forward   proxy
solicitation material to certain beneficial owners of the  Common
Stock  and  Preferred Stock, and the Company will reimburse  such
brokerage   firms,  custodians,  nominees  and  fiduciaries   for
reasonable  out-of-pocket expenses incurred by them in connection
therewith. In addition, the Company has retained D.F. King & Co.,
Inc. to aid in the solicitation of proxies for a fee estimated at
$15,000, plus reasonable out-of-pocket expenses.

                      ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

 The  shares of the Preferred Stock and the shares of the  Common
Stock  vote  together  as  a single class  for  the  election  of
Directors.  The candidates receiving the greatest number of votes
up  to  the  number of Directors to be elected will  be  elected.
Votes  withheld on Directors as well as broker non-votes will  be
counted  toward  the establishment of quorum, but  will  have  no
effect on the election of Directors.

 Under  the  Company's  By-Laws, the Board  of  Directors  is  to
consist  of  a number fixed by the Board, and is not to  be  less
than nine nor more than fifteen members. Currently, the number of
Board members is set at ten, divided among three classes.

 The  persons  named as proxies on the enclosed Proxy  card  (the
"Proxy Committee") intend to vote (unless authority to do  so  is
withheld)  for  the  re-election for a three-year  term  of  four
Directors:  Neil  A. Armstrong, David L. Burner, Barbara  Hackman
Franklin  and  Joseph  A.  Pichler.  Mr.  Armstrong  will   reach
retirement  age under the Board's retirement policy  during  said
three-year term. The four nominees have consented to being  named
as such and to serve if elected.

 In  the unexpected event that, prior to the election, any one or
more  of  the  nominees  shall  be unable  to  serve,  the  Proxy
Committee will vote for the election of such substitute nominees,
and for such term or terms as the Board of Directors may propose,
and  in  no  event  may  proxies be  voted  for  more  than  four

 The  following  information is furnished with  respect  to  each
nominee  for  election as a Director and for  each  other  person
whose  terms  of  office as a Director will  continue  after  the


DARRYL F. ALLEN               Member:  Audit Committee
Director since 1993           Term expires 2000
Age 55

Mr.  Allen  is, and has been for more than the past  five  years,
Chairman,  President  and Chief Executive  Officer  of  Aeroquip-
Vickers,  Inc.,  Maumee,  Ohio,  a  world-wide  manufacturer  and
distributor  of  engineered components and  systems  for  markets
which  include  industrial, automotive,  aerospace  and  defense.
Director of Aeroquip-Vickers, Inc. and Fifth Third BANCOROP.

NEIL A. ARMSTRONG             Member:  Executive Committee
Director since 1980                    Audit Committee
Age 68                        Term expires 1999, nominee for
                              three year term

Mr. Armstrong is, and has been for more than the past five years,
Chairman  of  AIL  Systems, Inc., Deer Park, NY, manufacturer  of
electronic  components and systems. Director of The Cinergy  Co.,
USX Corporation, Cordant Technologies, Inc. and RTI International
Metals, Inc.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------

DAVID L. BURNER               Member:  Audit Committee
Director since 1998           Term Expires 1999, nominee for
Age 59                        three year term

Mr. Burner is the Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer
of  the  The  BFGoodrich Company, Richfield, Ohio, a provider  of
aircraft systems and services, and performance materials, and has
served  in that capacity since July, 1997. He was Chief Executive
Officer from December, 1996, to July, 1997, and President of  the
Company from December, 1995, to January, 1997. From 1987 to  1997
he  was  an  Executive  Vice President of  the  Company  and  the
President  &  COO  of  BFGoodrich Aerospace.  Director  of  Brush
Wellman, Inc. and The BFGoodrich Company.


BARBARA HACKMAN FRANKLIN      Member:  Audit Committee
Director since 1996                    Nominating and Corporate
Age 58                                 Governance Committee
                              Term expires 1999, nominee for
                              three year term

Ms.   Franklin   is   President  and  CEO  of  Barbara   Franklin
Enterprises,  Washington, D.C., an international  consulting  and
investment  firm, and has served in that capacity since  January,
1995.  Prior thereto, she was an independent director, consultant
and lecturer (1993-1995), and in 1992 she served as the 29th U.S.
Secretary of Commerce. Director of Aetna, Inc., The DOW  Chemical
Company, AMP Inc. and MedImmune, Inc.


HARRY A. HAMMERLY             Member:  Audit Committee
Director since 1992                    Nominating and Corporate
Age 65                                 Governance Committee
                              Term expires 2001

Mr.  Hammerly  had  served for more than five  years,  until  his
retirement  in 1995, as Executive Vice President of  3M  Company,
St.   Paul,   Minnesota,   a  world-wide   manufacturer   serving
industrial,   commercial,  health  care  and  consumer   markets.
Director  of Apogee Enterprises, Inc., BMC Industries,  Inc.  and
Brown & Sharpe Manufacturing.


DANIEL J. MEYER               Member:  Executive Committee
Director since 1985           Term expires 2001
Age 62

Mr.  Meyer  is, and has been for more than the past  five  years,
Chairman  and Chief Executive Officer of the Company. In January,
1998,  he  reassumed the additional office of President. Director
of  Firstar  Corporation, The E.W. Scripps  Company  and  Hubbell
- -----------------------------------------------------------------

JAMES E. PERRELLA             Member:  Personnel and Compensation
Director since 1993                    Committee
Age 63                                 Nominating and Corporate
                                       Governance Committee
                              Term expires 2000

Mr.  Perrella is Chairman, President and Chief Executive  Officer
of  Ingersoll-Rand  Company, Woodcliff Lake, New Jersey, a world-
wide  manufacturer  of  machinery and equipment  for  automotive,
construction,  energy and general industries, and has  served  in
that  capacity since November, 1993. Director of Becton Dickinson
and Company, Ingersoll-Rand Company and Rio Algom Ltd.


JOSEPH A. PICHLER             Member:  Executive Committee
Director since 1996                    Personnel and Compensation
Age 59                                 Committee
                              Term expires 1999, nominee for
                              three year term

Mr.  Pichler is, and has been for more than the past five  years,
Chairman  of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of The  Kroger
Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, a food retailer and manufacturer. Director
of Federated Department Stores, Inc. and The Kroger Co.


DR. JOSEPH A. STEGER          Member:  Executive Committee
Director since 1985                    Nominating and Corporate
Age 62                                  Governance Committee
                                       Personnel and Compensation
                              Term expires 2001

Dr. Steger is, and has been for more than the past five years,
President, University of Cincinnati.  Director of Crucible
Materials, Inc. and Provident Bancorp, Inc.

HARRY C. STONECIPHER          Member:  Personnel and Compensation
Director since 1991                    Committee
Age 62                                 Term expires 2000

Mr.  Stonecipher is President and Chief Operating Officer of  The
Boeing  Company, Seattle, Washington, a producer of military  and
commercial  jet  aircraft and helicopters as  well  as  missiles,
space launch vehicles, and electronic systems, and has served  in
that  capacity  since  August, 1997. He was President  and  Chief
Executive Officer of McDonnell Douglas Corporation from  1994  to
1997,  and  Chairman,  President and Chief Executive  Officer  of
Sundstrand Corporation, from 1991 to 1994. Director of The Boeing
Company,  Computer Management Sciences Inc. and Sentry  Insurance


Compensation and Benefits
 The Company compensates non-employee Directors by payment of  an
annual retainer of $30,000. All or a portion of this retainer may
be  deferred  into  a Company stock or a cash account  under  the
terms  of  the  Company's  Plan for the  Deferral  of  Directors'
Compensation, with it being required that a minimum of $5,000  be
payable in Company stock and credited to a deferred stock account
under   the  plan.  The  Company  also  compensates  non-employee
Directors  by  payment  of a fee of $1,500  for  each  Board  and
committee  meeting attended and a fee of $1,000 for participation
in  each  telephone meeting. Chairpersons of the Audit Committee,
Nominating  and Corporate Governance Committee and Personnel  and
Compensation Committee also receive an annual retainer of $2,000.
In addition, the Directors may elect to be covered by $100,000 of
group term life insurance.

 Awards  of restricted shares and stock options to Directors  are
provided  for  in the 1997 Long-Term Incentive  Plan.  As  a  new
member  of the Board, Mr. Burner received a grant of 1,000 shares
of  restricted  stock  under the Plan in fiscal  year  1998.  Ms.
Franklin   and  Messrs.  Allen,  Armstrong,  Hammerly,  Perrella,
Pichler,  Steger  and Stonecipher each received  a  stock  option
grant of 2,000 shares under the Plan in fiscal year 1998.

 The  Retirement Plan for Non-Employee Directors  was  closed  on
February  6,  1998  with  respect to all  non-employee  Directors
beginning their first term on the Board after said date. The non-
employee Directors who were not beginning their first term  after
February  6,  1998  were  given  the  election  to  continue   to
participate in the Retirement Plan for Non-Employee Directors  or
receive the current value of the Director's projected benefit  in
a  lump  sum  credited  to  a deferred stock  account  under  the
Company's  Plan for the Deferral of Directors' Compensation.  The
Retirement Plan for Non-Employee Directors has a six year vesting
requirement with monthly benefits paid for life. For non-employee
Directors  with  ten  or more years vested service,  the  benefit
under the Retirement Plan for Non-Employee Directors is equal  to
one  hundred percent of the Director's base retainer  as  of  the
last day of service. A reduced benefit is payable to non-employee
Directors with less than ten years vested service.

Meetings and Committees
 The  Board  of Directors held six meetings in fiscal year  1998.
Average attendance by Directors at the aggregate of the Board and
committee meetings was 98%. No Director attended fewer  than  89%
of  the aggregate of the meetings of the Board and the committees
on which they served.

 The  Board  of  Directors has established four  committees  with
specific responsibilities. The Executive Committee is composed of
four  members,  three  non-employee Directors  and  one  employee
Director.  The Committee meets only on call and may exercise,  in
the  intervals between meetings of the Board, powers of the Board
in the management of the business and affairs of the Company. The
Committee held no meetings in fiscal year 1998.

 The  Audit Committee is composed of five non-employee Directors.
The   Committee   recommends  to  the  Board  of  Directors   the
appointment of the independent auditors and meets with members of
management,  the independent auditors and the internal  auditors,
both  together  and  privately, to review  the  annual  financial
statements, audit coverage and results, the adequacy of  internal
accounting  controls and the quality of financial reporting.  The
Committee  also  oversees  the  Company's  compliance  with   its
policies   regarding  boycotts  and  questionable  payments   and
practices. The Committee held three meetings in fiscal year 1998.

 The  Personnel  and Compensation Committee is composed  of  four
non-employee Directors. The Committee recommends to the Board  of
Directors   the  compensation  of  the  Chairman,   reviews   the
compensation  of  all  corporate  officers,  reviews   management
manpower   planning  and  development  programs  and  administers
management incentive programs.  The Committee held three meetings
in fiscal year 1998.

 The  Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee  is  composed
of  four non-employee Directors. The Committee recommends to  the
Board of Directors the names of possible nominees for election to
the  Board.   The  Committee will consider any recommendation  by
shareholders of possible Director nominees submitted  in  writing
to the Committee in care of the Secretary of the Company no later
than  the close of business on the 10th day following the day  on
which  notice  of the date of the Annual Meeting of  Shareholders
was mailed.  Biographical data and the proposed nominee's written
consent to be named as a nominee must be included.  The Committee
also  recommends  the standing and special committees,  considers
matters relating to corporate governance, provides the Board with
materials on matters of Board behavior (i.e., ethics and policies
of   public   concern)   and  evaluates   the   performance   and
effectiveness  of the Board as a whole.  The Committee  held  two
meetings in fiscal year 1998.

Shareholder Meetings: Conducting Business and Notice
 At  any meeting of the shareholders, only such business shall be
conducted as shall have been brought before the meeting by or  at
the direction of the Board of Directors or by any shareholder who
is entitled to vote with respect thereto and who has given timely
notice  thereof  in writing to the Secretary of the  Company  not
later  than  the close of business on the 10th day following  the
day on which notice of the date of the meeting was mailed. Notice
requirements for shareholder proposals at the 2000 Annual Meeting
are provided for on page 16.

 The  following table gives information concerning the beneficial
owners  of  more  than five percent of the Company's  outstanding
shares of Common Stock and Preferred Stock as of March 12, 1999:

                         Common Stock

               Beneficial Owner    Shares    Percent of Outstanding



                                 Preferred Stock


Beneficial Owner                             Shares           Percent of Outstanding
State Street Bank and Trust Company          11,126           18.54
 P.O. Box 351
 Boston, MA 02101
 Trustee - Milacron Employee Benefit Plans
Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A.                    6,962           11.60
 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza
 New York, NY 10081
PNC Bank, National Association                5,701            9.50
 51 Mercedes Way
 Edgewood, NY 11717
Bank of New York                              4,403            7.34
 One Wall Street
 New York, NY 10286
Milacron Foundation                           3,913            6.52
 Cincinnati, OH 45209
 (D. F. Allen, N.A. Armstrong and
   D.J. Meyer, Trustees)
James A.D. Geier                              3,049(1)         5.08
 5729 Dragon Way - Suite 11A
 Cincinnati, OH  45227

Unless otherwise noted, the above-named individuals or entities
have sole voting and investment power.

(1) Mr. Geier's beneficial ownership includes 2,821 preferred
shares held in estates and trusts for the benefit of others with respect to which
Mr. Geier is a fiduciary or has shared voting power, and with respect to which
voting power may be delegated to the trustee.

Set forth in the following table is the beneficial ownership of
Common Stock and Preferred Stock as of March 12, 1999 for each of
the Directors and of the Officers named in the Summary
Compensation Table.  No Director or Officer owns more than one
percent of the class shown, except as set forth in the footnotes

Name                         Common Shares(1)    Preferred Shares
Darryl F. Allen(2)               19,359                  0
Neil A. Armstrong(2)             11,523                  0
David L. Burner(2)                3,008                  0
Barbara Hackman Franklin(2)       9,050                  0
Harry A. Hammerly(2)             19,447                  0
Daniel J. Meyer(3)              836,480                380
James E. Perrella(2)             19,541                  0
Joseph A. Pichler(2)             10,273                  0
Joseph A. Steger(2)              16,984                  0
Harry C. Stonecipher(2)          38,378                  0
Ronald D. Brown                 202,540                  0
James R. Christie               117,360                  0
Harold J. Faig                  241,328                  0
Alan L. Shaffer                 224,788                  0
All Officers and Directors
  As a Group (4)              2,291,808                380

(1)   The amounts shown include (a) the following shares that may
be acquired within 60 days pursuant to outstanding option grants:
Mr. Meyer 635,38 shares, Mr. Brown 164,368 shares, Mr. Christie
82,400 shares, Mr. Faig 196,486 shares, Mr. Shaffer 173,356
shares, 9,000 shares each for Messrs. Allen, Armstrong, Hammerly,
Perrella, Steger and Stonecipher, 6,000 shares each for Ms.
Franklin and Mr. Pichler, 2,000 shares for Mr. Burner and
1,702,096 shares for all Directors and Officers as a group; (b)
23,721 shares allocated to participant accounts under the
Company's Performance Dividend and Savings Plan as of December
31, 1998, according to information furnished by the Plan Trustee;
(c) 47,450 shares with shared voting or investment power, and
those held by certain members of the individuals' families as to
which beneficial ownership is disclaimed, and (d) credits of
stock units under the Company's deferred compensation plan as
follows: Mr. Meyer 18,474 units, Mr. Brown 6,489 units, Mr.
Christie 6,445 units, Mr. Faig 7,708 units, and Mr. Shaffer 7,894

(2) The amounts shown include credits of stock units under the
Company's deferred compensation plan for non-employee Directors
as follows: Mr. Allen 8,859 units, Mr. Armstrong 173 units, Mr.
Burner 8 units, Ms. Franklin 673 units, Mr. Hammerly 1 unit, Mr.
Perrella 6,041 units, Mr. Pichler 173 units, Mr. Steger 6,349
units and Mr. Stonecipher 3,878 units.

(3) Mr. Meyer's beneficial ownership is 2.24% of the common
shares outstanding.

(4) Directors' and Officers' beneficial ownership as a group is
6.14% of the common shares (21  persons) and .63% of the preferred
shares (1 person) outstanding.

Certain Transactions
During the period of fiscal 1998 and through March 12, 1999,
the Company had outstanding loans to executive officers under the
Company's Employee Stock Loan Program for the purposes of
exercising stock options and purchasing stock, and for paying
related withholding taxes due as a result of such purposes or the
lapse of restrictions on restricted stock, all under the
Company's long-term incentive programs as follows:  (1) loans to
Mr. D. J. Meyer, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer,
carrying interest rates ranging from 5.17% to 7.91% with the
largest aggregate amount of indebtedness outstanding at any time
during such period and the principal balance of all such loans
outstanding at the end of the period being $507,357;(2) loans to
Mr. A.L. Shaffer, Group Vice President, Industrial Products,
carrying interest rates of 7.78% and 6.45%, respectively, with
the largest aggregate amount of indebtedness outstanding at any
time during such period being $99,208, and the principal balance
of such loans outstanding at the end of the period being $87,408;
and (3) loans to Mr. H. J. Faig, Group Vice President, Plastics
Technologies, carrying interest rates of 5.98% and  5.84%,
respectively, with the largest aggregate amount of indebtedness
outstanding at any time during such period being $66,682 and the
principal balance of all such loans outstanding at the end of the
period being $65,160.

Stock Loan Programs
The Employee Stock Loan Program, approved by the Board of
Directors of the Company, is applicable to key employees who have
received stock options or grants of restricted stock pursuant to
the Company's Long-Term Incentive Plans.  This loan program
provides loans to employees up to the amount due in cash for the
exercise price of the stock options, and/or any required
withholding taxes as a result of exercising such options or the
lapse of restrictions on restricted stock awards. These loans are
to be repaid on terms of regular payments of not more than 10
years unless the related stock is divested by the employee prior
to said time, in which case all amounts owing become payable. The
interest rates for these loans are established from time to time
by the Personnel and Compensation Committee in compliance with
Internal Revenue Service guidelines.  The interest rate is the
applicable Federal rate in effect under Section 1274 (d) of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, as of the day in which
the loan is made. As of March 12, 1999 the interest rate was
5.23% per annum.

Annual Retirement Benefits
The calculation of estimated annual retirement benefits under
the Company's regular retirement plan (the "Retirement Plan"), is
based upon years of service and average earnings for the highest
five consecutive years of service.  Earnings include all cash
compensation, including amounts received or accrued under the
1996 Short-Term Management Incentive Program, but exclude
benefits or payments received under long-term incentive plans or
any other employee benefit plan.  The Retirement Plan is non-
contributory and limits the individual annual benefit to the
maximum level permitted under existing law.  The credited years of
service under the Retirement Plan for the executive officers
named in the Summary Compensation Table set forth below are: 29
for Mr. Meyer, 32 for Mr. Faig, 26 for Mr. Shaffer and 18 for Mr.
Brown.  Directors who are not officers or employees of the Company
are not eligible to participate in the Retirement Plan, but may
be eligible to participate in the Retirement Plan for Non-
Employee Directors described above.

The table below shows examples of pension benefits which are
computed on a straight life annuity basis before deduction of the
offset provided by the Retirement Plan, which depends on length
of service and is up to  one-half of the primary Social Security

Highest Consecutive                          Estimated Annual Pension for
Five-Year                              Representative Years of Credited Service
Average Compensation  10        15        20        25        30        35 or More
$   100,000          $ 15,000   $ 22,500  $ 30,000  $ 37,500  $ 45,000  $  52,500
    250,000            37,500     56,250    75,000    93,750   112,500    131,250*
    500,000            75,000    112,500   150,000*  187,500*  225,000*   262,500*
    750,000           112,500    168,750*  225,000*  281,250*  337,500*   393,750*
  1,000,000           150,000*   225,000*  300,000*  375,000*  450,000*   525,000*
  1,250,000           187,500*   281,250*  375,000*  468,750*  562,500*   656,250*
  1,500,000           225,000*   337,500*  450,000*  562,500*  675,000*   787,500*
  1,750,000           262,500*   393,750*  525,000*  656,250*  787,500*   918,750*

*Under existing law, payments of annual benefits in excess of
$130,000 may not be made by the Retirement Plan, but may be paid
directly by the Company as described in the following paragraph.

In an effort to attract and retain experienced executives, the
Board of Directors approved a program wherein certain officers
are guaranteed annual pensions of not less than 52.5% and not
more than 64.5% of their highest average pay in a consecutive
five-year period (subject to deduction of one-half of the primary
Social Security benefit and benefits, if any, from prior
employers).  Other officers are entitled upon retirement to a
pension benefit of not less than that to which they normally
would be entitled under the Retirement Plan if there were no cap
under existing law and not more than 60% of their highest average
pay in a consecutive three-year period.  In both cases, such
pensions include an amount payable under the Retirement Plan and
are not subject to the maximum limitation imposed on qualified
plans such as the Retirement Plan.

Executive Severance Agreements
The Company has entered into Executive Severance Agreements
(the "Severance Agreements") with Messrs. Meyer, Faig, Shaffer,
Brown and Christie as well as certain other executive officers
(the "Executives").  The Severance Agreements continue through
December 31, 1999 and provide that they are to be automatically
extended in one year increments (unless notice by the Company is
otherwise given) and, in any event, shall continue in effect for
a period of two years beyond the term provided if a Change in
Control of the Company occurs.

Generally, a "Change in Control" will be deemed to have
occurred if: (i) anyone acquires 20% or more of the outstanding
voting stock of the Company; (ii) the persons serving as
Directors of the Company as of October  29, 1998, and replacements
or additions subsequently approved by a majority of the Board,
cease to make up a majority of the Board; (iii) a merger,
consolidation or reorganization occurs after which the
stockholders of the Company own less than 66 2/3% of the
surviving corporation; (iv) the Company disposes of all or
substantially all of its assets; or (v) the stockholders of the
Company approve a plan of liquidation or dissolution of the

The Severance Agreements provide that Executives are entitled
to certain benefits following a Change in Control, including: (i)
the vesting of all equity-based awards and (ii) cash payments
equal to the value of each Executive's equity options, maximum
incentive award, earned but unpaid annual bonus and outstanding
long-term incentive awards. In the event of a qualifying
termination of an Executive following a Change in Control, an
Executive is entitled to additional benefits, including: (i) a
portion of the Executive's maximum incentive award then in
effect; (ii) a cash payment of three or two times (depending upon
whether or not a Tier I or Tier II Severance Agreement applies)
the sum of the Executive's base salary and highest bonus award;
(iii) special supplemental retirement benefits determined as if
the Executive had three or two years additional credited service
under the Company's retirement plans; and (iv) continuation of
all life, disability and accident insurance and medical plan
coverage for a period of three or two years.  Further,if any of
these payments would be subjected to the excise tax imposed on
excess parachute payments by the Internal Revenue Code, the
Company will "gross-up" the Executive's compensation for all such
excise taxes.


To Our Shareholders
The Company's Personnel and Compensation Committee of the Board
of Directors (the "Committee") annually reviews and recommends to
the full Board compensation levels for the officers of the
Company.  The Committee consists entirely of Board members who
are not employees of the Company.

The Committee's primary objective in establishing compensation
opportunities for the Company's officers is to support the
Company's goal of maximizing the value of shareholders' interest
in the Company over a period of time.  To achieve this objective,
the Committee believes it is critical to:

  -  Hire, develop, reward and retain the most competent
executives, and to provide compensation opportunities for
executives which are competitive in the marketplace, which
includes selected companies in the Performance Graph on page
13 for the S&P 500 and the S&P Machinery (Diversified)

  -  Encourage decision-making that enhances shareholder value.
The Committee believes that this objective is promoted by
providing short-term and long-term incentive opportunities
that are tied to performance measures which are payable in
cash and/or shares of Company stock.

  -  Provide incentive opportunities which link corporate
performance and executive pay.  The Committee believes in
paying executives competitive levels of incentive compensation
when annual results add to shareholder value and corporate
financial performance expectations are met.

  -  Promote a close identity of interests between management and
the Company's shareholders by rewarding positive results
through the payment of Company stock when appropriate.

The Committee reviews the compensation for all corporate
officers, including the individuals whose compensation is
detailed in the proxy statement.  This review is designed to
ensure consistency throughout the compensation process. The
Committee makes all decisions pertaining to the determination of
the Company's executive compensation plans which promote the
objectives detailed above.  The Committee believes that the
Company's current compensation programs support the Company's
business mission and contribute to the Company's financial
success.  The Committee considers the entire pay package when
establishing each component of pay.

The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 added Section
162(m) to the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.  Section
162(m) generally denies a publicly held corporation, such as the
Company, a federal income tax deduction for compensation in
excess of $1 million per year paid or accrued for each of its
chief executive officer and four other most highly compensated
executive officers. Certain "performance based" compensation is
not subject to the limitation of deductibility provided that
certain stockholder approval and independent director
requirements are met.   The Committee takes into account Section
162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code while reviewing its policies
with respect to the qualifying compensation paid to its executive


Base Salary
The Committee annually reviews each officer's base salary.  The
factors which influence Committee determinations regarding base
salary include:  job performance, level of responsibilities,
breadth of knowledge, prior experience, comparable levels of pay
among executives at regional and national market competitors,
which include selected companies in the Performance Graph on Page
13 for the S&P 500 and the S&P Machinery (Diversified) Indexes,
and internal pay equity considerations.  Base pay data is
compared with survey information compiled by independent
compensation consulting firms.  Increases to salary levels are
driven by individual performance.  Base salaries are targeted at
the market average, after adjusting for company size.

Annual Incentive Compensation
The Company's officers, including the CEO, are eligible for an
annual cash bonus under its 1996 Short-Term Management Incentive
Plan. The corporate and business unit performance measures for
bonus payments are based on Value Added whereby return on capital
must improve or exceed the cost of capital, thereby enhancing
shareholder value at the corporate and/or business unit levels.
The Committee, where appropriate and when Value Added is
achieved, also considers in its decision to award any annual cash
bonus, the accomplishment of financial objectives as well as non-
financial performance.

The 1996 Short-Term Management Incentive Plan provides a
balance between the short-term financial goals and long-term
objectives of the Company.  A corporate Value Added bonus was
paid for 1998 and each of the officers named in the Summary
Compensation Table received bonuses.  In addition, certain
business units also met or exceeded their Value Added performance
objectives and officers specifically responsible for these
operations received bonuses.

Annual incentive compensation is targeted to the median of the
companies surveyed.

Long-Term Incentive Compensation
The 1997 Long-Term Incentive Plan was approved by shareholders
and gives the Committee the authority and discretion to award
stock options, restricted stock and performance share awards
(collectively referred to as "Awards") to the Company's key
employees.  Awards are granted during the life of the Plan in line
with the Company's industry peer group and are designed to align
the interests of executives with those of the shareholders. Under
the 1997 Long-Term Incentive Plan, Awards were granted to the
Company's key employees including its officers.  Current stock and
option holdings of the officers are not considered when Awards
are granted.   Stock options have an exercise price equal to the
market price of the Common Stock on the date of grant and vest
over five years.   Restricted stock may not be sold or transferred
for a period of three years and, as a general rule, the
restricted stock is forfeited if the recipient does not remain in
the employ of the Company during the entire three year term.
Performance share grants are awarded in the form of restricted
shares which may be forfeited or increased, with any increase
paid in cash, depending on the growth rate of earnings per share
during the three year measurement period.  Performance share
grants related to the three year performance periods beginning in
1997 and 1998 will be forfeited unless a growth rate in earnings
per share of at least 12%, compounded annually, is achieved.
Performance share grants awarded in 1997 and 1998 will be
increased by 50% or 100% if growth rates of basic earnings per
common share of at least 15% or 18% respectively, compounded
annually, are achieved.   This approach to long term incentives
designed to focus executives on the creation of shareholder value
over the long term since the full breadth of the compensation
package cannot be realized unless basic earnings per common share
and the price of Common Stock increase over a number of years.

CEO Compensation
The compensation of the CEO reflects the same elements as those
used in determining the compensation of other corporate officers.
The Committee also considers the leadership and effectiveness of
the CEO in offering direction and strategic planning for the
Company and in dealing with major corporate problems and
opportunities. The CEO's base salary in 1998 was increased in
conjunction with the Company's growth, the Company's progress in
executing its strategic plan and the overall improvement of the
Company's profitability and prospects for continued growth.

In accordance with the respective terms of the 1996 Short-Term
Management Incentive Plan, a bonus of $727,969 was paid for 1998.
During fiscal 1998, a performance share grant of 8,884 shares and
stock options for 65,000 shares were awarded to Mr. Meyer under
the 1997 Long-Term Incentive Plan.   The stock option grant was
made on the basis of market practice as determined by independent
consultants, as described above.

                         The Personnel and Compensation Committee

                         James E. Perrella

                         Joseph A. Pichler

                         Joseph A. Steger

                         Harry C. Stonecipher

                                      Summary Compensation Table

                                       Annual Compensation(1)        Long Term Compensation
                                                                       Awards           Payouts
                                                             Other               Underlying
                                                             Annual   Restricted  Stock   LTIP         All Other
Name       Principal Position       Year  Salary($) Bonus($) Comp.($) Stock($)   Options(#) Payouts($) Comp.($) 
D.J.Meyer   Chief Executive Officer 1998  $699,970  $727,969  -       $250,418(2)  65,000   $0         $0
            Chief Executive Officer 1997   661,500   687,960  -        724,087(2)  60,000    0          0
            Chief Executive Officer 1996   615,000   631,800  -        157,921     60,000    0    157,921(3)

H.J.Faig    Group Vice President    1998  $298,870  $194,266  -       $107,141(2)  24,000   $0         $0
            Group Vice President    1997   280,100   161,069  -        305,698(2)  23,000    0          0
            Group Vice President    1996   264,600   146,089  -         67,951     25,000    0     67,951(3)

A.L.Shaffer Group Vice President    1998  $298,870  $162,824  -       $107,141(2)  24,000   $0         $0
            Group Vice President    1997   280,100   182,065  -        305,698(2)  23,000    0          0
            Group Vice President    1996   264,600   169,871  -         67,951     25,000    0     67,951(3)

R.D.Brown   Chief Financial Officer 1998  $276,600  $179,790  -       $ 95,781(2)  31,000   $0         $0
            Chief Financial Officer 1997   245,800   159,770  -        269,420(2)  19,800    0          0
            Chief Financial Officer 1996   226,800   145,600  -         58,250     25,000    0     58,250(3)

Christie(4) Vice President          1998  $252,900  $ 97,538  -       $ 90,482(2)  18,000   $0         $0
            Vice President          1997   238,730   174,106  -        261,660(2)  14,400    0          0

(1) Includes amounts earned in fiscal year.

(2)  On  February 7, 1997 and February 6, 1998,   the  Committee
made  awards  of  performance  share  grants  in  the  form   of
restricted stock, pursuant to the 1997 Long-Term Incentive  Plan
which  stipulates certain performance targets be met during  the
three  year  restriction period. Mr. Meyer  was  awarded  30,977
shares  (1997)  and 8,884 shares  (1998); Mr. Faig  was  awarded
13,078  shares (1997) and 3,801 shares (1998); Mr.  Shaffer  was
awarded  13,078  shares  (1997) and 3,801  shares  (1998);   Mr.
Brown  was awarded 11,526 shares (1997) and 3,398 shares (1998);
and  Mr.  Christie  was awarded 11,194 shares (1997)  and  3,210
shares  (1998).   The values of these shares are  based  on  the
closing  prices of $23.375 for the 1997 award and  $28.1875  for
the  1998  award  (closing prices on the  date  of  the  grant).
Dividends  are  paid on the restricted shares at the  same  time
and  the  same  rate  as dividends paid to the  shareholders  on
unrestricted  shares.  The restricted stock  will  be  forfeited
unless the compounded annual growth rate of the Company's  basic
earnings  per  common  share  over the  three  year  performance
period  commencing  January 1, 1997, for  the  1997  grant,  and
January  1,  1998,  for the 1998 grant, is  at  least  12%.  The
restricted  stock  grants  awarded in  1997  and  1998  will  be
increased  by a cash payment equal to 50% or 100%  of the  value
of  the  associated restricted stock grant at the  end  of  each
period,  if growth rates of basic earnings per common  share  of
at  least  15%  or 18%, respectively, compounded  annually,  are
achieved.   In the event that a change of control occurs  during
the  performance period, the restricted stock will be  forfeited
but  the  executive will receive a cash   payment in  an  amount
equal  to 200% of the value of the restricted stock at the  time
of the change of control.

(3)  Represents aggregate market value of shares of Common Stock
of  the  Company awarded as a result of the achievement  of  the
performance  goals  specified in the  Company's  1994  Long-Term
Incentive  Plan. The shares are deferred until  the  earlier  of
the  officer's  retirement  or  termination  from  the  Company.
Aggregate market value is based on the closing price of  $23.375
on February 7, 1997 (date of the grant)

(4)  Mr.  Christie  was elected an officer  of  the  Company  on
February 7,  1997.

NOTE:  The total number of restricted shares held by the  listed
officers  and  the  aggregate market value at  the  end  of  the
Company's  fiscal  year are as follows: Mr.  Meyer  held  52,197
shares  valued at $1,004,792; Mr. Faig held 22,153 shares valued
at  $426,445; Mr. Shaffer held 22,180 shares valued at $426,965;
Mr.  Brown  held  19,324  shares valued  at  $371,987;  and  Mr.
Christie  held  18,709 shares valued at $360,148. Dividends  are
paid  on  the  restricted shares at the same time and  the  same
rate  as  dividends  paid  to the shareholders  on  unrestricted
shares. Aggregate market value is based on the closing price  of
$19.25 at December 31, 1998.

                                  Option/SAR Grants in Last Fiscal

                Number of      % of Total
                Securities     Options
                Underlying     Granted to                                     Grant Date
                Options        Employees in      Exercise or      Expiration  Present
Name            Granted(1)(#)  Fiscal Year(2) Base Price(3)($/SH)   Date      Value(4)($)
____________    _____________  ______________ ________________________________________

D.J.Meyer        65,000        10.44%          $27.9062            2/06/08    $739,050
H.J.Faig         24,000         3.85           $27.9062            2/06/08     272,880
A.L.Shaffer      24,000         3.85           $27.9062            2/06/08     272,880
R.D.Brown        21,000         3.37           $27.9062            2/06/08     238,770
                 10,000         1.61           $22.4062            7/30/08      82,100
J.R. Christie    18,000         2.89           $27.9062            2/06/08     204,660

(1)  Up to 25% of each stock option grant may be exercised
beginning two years following the date of grant and an additional
25% may be exercised beginning in each subsequent year. The
purchase price per share of common stock covered by an option is
100% of the fair market value on the grant date.  Options expire
10 years after date of the grant.  In the event of a "change of
control" of the Company, all outstanding stock options become
immediately exercisable in full.
(2)  Based on 622,700 options, net of 11,000 cancellations,
granted to all employees in 1998.
(3) Fair market value on the date of grant.
(4) Black-Scholes Assumption Disclosure:
The estimated grant date present value reflected in the above
table is determined using the Black-Scholes model. The material
assumptions and adjustments incorporated in the Black-Scholes
model in estimating the value of the options reflected in the
above table include the following:
- - An exercise price on the option of $27.9062 and/or $22.4062,
equal to the fair market value of the underlying stock on the
date of grant;
- - An option term of 10 years;
- - An interest rate of 5.57% (for the February 6, 1998 grants) and
5.46% (for the July 30, 1998 grant) that represents the interest
rate on a U.S. Treasury security on the date of grant with a
maturity date corresponding to that of the option term;
- - Volatility of 29.441% (for the February 6, 1998 grants) and
27.997% (for the July 30, 1998 grant) calculated using daily
stock prices for the one-year period prior to the grant date; and
- - Dividends at the rate of $0.48 per share representing the
annualized dividends paid with respect to a share of common
stock at the date of grant.
The ultimate values of the options will depend on the future
market price of the Company's stock, which cannot be forecast
with reasonable accuracy.  The actual value, if any, an optionee
will realize upon exercise of an option will depend on the
excess of the market value of the Company's common stock over
the exercise price on the date the option is exercised.

                             Aggregated Option/SAR Exercises in Last Year
                               and Fiscal Year-End Option/SAR Values

                                                 Number of Securities                Value(1) of
               Number of                    Underlying Unexercised Options    Unexercised, In-the-Money
            Shares Acquired  Value             at Fiscal Year-End(#)       Options Held at Fiscal Year-End ($)
Name        on Exercise(#)  Realized($)      Exercisable      Unexercisable   Exercisable($)  Unexercisable($)

D.J.Meyer       14,968      $100,061         350,380          215,000         $1,176,717      $0
H.J.Faig         1,824        14,929          89,236           83,250            259,249       0
A.L.Shaffer      3,788        31,004          66,106           83,250             80,073       0
R.D.Brown        1,372         9,171          53,318           87,050             84,183       0
J.R.Christie         0             0          20,000           47,400                  0       0

(1) Based on a fair market value (average of high and low market
prices) of Common Stock on December 31, 1998 of $18.9062

                        PERFORMANCE GRAPH


                          12/91    12/92     12/93     12/94    12/95     12/96    12/97     12/98

Milacron Inc.             51.38    73.82     100       109.06   122.82    104.01   125.48    95.26
S&P 500                   84.45    90.88     100       101.36   139.32    171.22   228.27   293.38
S&P 500 Div.Mach.         66.23    67.54     100        97.40   120.17    149.68   197.93   164.78

(*)  Total  return  assumes reinvestment of dividends on a quarterly  basis  
and market  returns are adjusted for spin-offs and other special dividends 
for both the Company and the peer group companies.

                        PURCHASE PLAN

 The  Board  of Directors has concluded that it is desirable
for  the  shareholders  to  adopt  the  Milacron  Inc.  1999
Employee  Stock  Purchase  Plan  (the  "Plan").   The   Plan
provides  a means by which all employees of the Company  may
purchase  Common  Stock  of  the  Company  ("Common  Stock")
through  payroll  deductions.  The  Company  currently   has
approximately 11,778 employees.  The purpose of the Plan  is
to  encourage employees to acquire a proprietary interest in
the Company and further align  their interests with those of
the  other shareholders of the Company. For the Plan  to  be
effective,  it  must  be  approved  by  a  majority  of  the
shareholders  present, either in person  or  by  proxy,  and
entitled to vote.

 A  description  of the Plan is outlined  below.   The  full
text  of  the  Plan  appears as  Exhibit  A  to  this  proxy
statement,  and  the following outline is qualified  in  its
entirety by reference to such text.

Purchase of Common Stock
 Participants  may  purchase Common  Stock  through  payroll
deductions  during  an offering period ("Offering  Period").
An  Offering Period shall extend for not less than  one  nor
more  than  two  calendar quarters,  as  determined  by  the
Company's Benefit Plans Committee (the "Committee") prior to
the beginning of each Offering Period.

Purchase Price

 The purchase price for each share of Common Stock shall  be
a  percentage,  as  determined from  time  to  time  by  the
Committee, but in no event to be less than 85%, of the  Fair
Market  Value of such share on either (a) the first  day  of
the  Offering Period (the "Offering Date"), or (b) the  last
day  of the Offering Period (the "Purchase Date"), whichever
is  less ("Purchase Price").  For the first Offering Period,
the  Committee has determined that the Purchase Price  shall
be  100% of the Fair Market Value described in the preceding

Payroll Deduction/Plan Accounts

 On  each payday the amount deducted from each Participant's
payroll  will be credited to a Plan account ("Plan Account")
established for each Participant.  On the Purchase Date, the
amount  in the Plan Account will be used to purchase  Common
Stock (including fractional shares).

Brokerage Fees

 The Company shall bear all fees related to the purchase  of
Common   Stock,   and   issuance  of   share   certificates.
Participants  shall bear all fees related  to  the  sale  of
Common Stock purchased pursuant to this Plan.

Stock Retention Period/Registration of Shares

 The  Common  Stock (including fractional shares)  purchased
on behalf of a Participant will be registered in the name of
a  custodian  designated by the Company  to  hold  the  Plan
Accounts  ("Nominee").  Participants  may  not  sell  Common
Stock  purchased pursuant to the Plan for at least one  year
following the Offering Date of the Offering Period in  which
the  Common Stock was purchased ("Stock Retention  Period").
Stock  certificates shall not be issued to Participants  for
the  Common  Stock held on their behalf in the name  of  the
Nominee, but all rights of an owner of record of such Common
Stock,  including, without limitation, voting and  tendering
rights, shall belong to the Participant.

Cessation of Participation

 A  Participant  may elect to cease active participation  in
the  Plan.   In such event, all full shares of Common  Stock
for  which  the Stock Retention Period has lapsed  shall  be
registered in such individual's name and an amount equal  to
the  Fair Market Value of any fractional share shall be paid
to  the  Participant  in cash. Shares for  which  the  Stock
Retention Period has not lapsed shall continue to be held in
the name of the Nominee until the end of the Stock Retention
Period  or  until the Participant's complete termination  of
participation in the Plan.  Any payroll deductions  credited
to  the  individual's Plan Account shall be refunded without
interest.   A  Participant who elects to cease participation
in  the Plan may not resume participation in the Plan  until
after the expiration of one full Offering Period.

Effect of Termination of Employment/Termination of Plan

 In   the  event  of  the  termination  of  a  Participant's
employment  or the termination of the Plan, all full  shares
of  Common  Stock for which the Stock Retention  Period  has
lapsed  shall be registered in the individual's name and  an
amount  equal  to  the Fair Market Value of  any  fractional
share  shall be paid to the individual in cash.  Shares  for
which the Stock Retention Period has not lapsed shall revert
to  the Company and the Purchase Price for such shares shall
be  paid  to the individual in cash.  Any payroll deductions
credited to the individual's Plan Account shall be refunded,
without interest.


 No  Participant  shall have a right to purchase  shares  of
Common  Stock  pursuant to the Plan if (a) such  Participant
would  own Common Stock possessing 5% or more of the  voting
power  or value of the Common Stock of the Company,  or  (b)
the  rights  of  the  Participant to purchase  Common  Stock
(determined  at  the  Offering Date) under  the  Plan  would
accrue  at  a  rate that exceeds $25,000 for  each  calendar

Amendment or Termination of the Plan

 The  Plan  will become effective as of July  1,  1999,  and
shall  terminate on the earlier of (i) a date determined  by
the  Board of Directors, or (ii) the full use of the  shares
reserved  for  grant  pursuant to the Plan.   The  Board  of
Directors  may  amend the Plan, but no amendment  shall  (i)
increase  the number of shares of Common Stock that  may  be
issued pursuant to the Plan, or (ii) cause the Plan to  fail
to  meet  the  requirements of Section 423 of  the  Internal
Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.


 The  Plan  is administered by the Committee. The  Committee
has  the  authority  to  adopt  rules  and  regulations  for
carrying  out  the  Plan,  and to  interpret,  construe  and
implement the provisions of the Plan.

Shares of Stock Subject to the Plan

The  shares  which may be delivered under the Plan  may  not
exceed an aggregate of 500,000 shares of Common Stock.   The
deliverable  Common  Stock  may  be  either  authorized  but
unissued  shares of Common Stock or issued shares that  have
been reacquired by the Company.

Participant's Rights Unsecured

 The  right of any Participant to receive a distribution  of
amounts  held  in  his  or her Plan  Account  prior  to  the
purchase of shares under the provisions of the Plan shall be
an  unsecured  claim  against  the  general  assets  of  the
Company. The maintenance of Plan Accounts is for bookkeeping
purposes  only. The Company is not obligated to  acquire  or
set  aside  any particular assets for the discharge  of  its
obligations,  nor  is any Participant to have  any  property
rights in any particular assets held by the Company, whether
or  not  held  for  the  purpose of  funding  the  Company's

Income Tax Consequences

 The  Plan,  and the right of Participants to make purchases
thereunder,  is intended to qualify under the provisions  of
Section  423  of  the  Internal Revenue  Code  of  1986,  as
amended.  Under these provisions, no income will be  taxable
to  a  Participant until the shares purchased under the Plan
are  sold  or  otherwise disposed of.  Upon  sale  or  other
disposition of the shares, the Participant will generally be
subject to tax and the amount of the tax will depend on  the
holding  period.   If  the  shares  are  sold  or  otherwise
disposed  of more than two years from the first day  of  the
Offering  Period,  the Participant will  recognize  ordinary
income measured as the lesser of (a) the excess of the  fair
market  value  of  the shares at the time of  such  sale  or
disposition  over the Purchase Price or (b) an amount  equal
to  the excess of the fair market value of the shares as  of
the  beginning  of  the Offering Period  over  the  Purchase
Price.   Any  additional gain will be treated  as  long-term
capital  gain.  If the shares are sold or otherwise disposed
of  before  the  expiration  of  this  holding  period,  the
Participant   will   recognize  ordinary  income   generally
measured  as  the  excess of the fair market  value  of  the
shares  on  the  date  the  shares are  purchased  over  the
Purchase  Price.  Any additional gain or any  loss  on  such
sale  or disposition will be long-term or short-term capital
gain  or  loss, depending on the period of time  the  shares
were  owned.  The Participant's tax basis in the shares will
be  equal  to  the Purchase Price for the particular  shares
increased  by the amount taxable as ordinary income  on  the
sale  or  disposition of such shares.  The  Company  is  not
entitled to a deduction for amounts taxed as ordinary income
or  capital  gain to a Participant except to the  extent  of
ordinary  income recognized by Participants upon a  sale  or
disposition of shares prior to the expiration of the  above-
mentioned two-year holding period.

                        PURCHASE PLAN

                    INDEPENDENT AUDITORS

 The  Board of Directors has appointed Ernst & Young LLP  as
independent auditors of the Company and its subsidiaries for
the fiscal year 1999.

 While  there is no legal requirement that the selection  of
auditors  be  submitted to a vote of the shareholders,  such
procedure  has  been recommended by the Board  of  Directors
because  it  believes that the selection of auditors  is  of
sufficient  importance to justify shareholder  ratification.
In  the  event  that  the shareholders do  not  confirm  the
selection,  the  Board  of  Directors  will  reconsider  its
selection. Confirmation of the appointment will require  the
affirmative  vote  of the holders of shares  of  the  Common
Stock and the Preferred Stock entitled to cast a majority of
the  total number of votes represented by the shares of such
stock, voting together as a single class. Votes withheld  as
well  as  broker  non-votes  will  be  counted  toward   the
establishment  of  quorum, but will have no  effect  on  the
confirmation of the appointment of the auditors.





 In  order  for  shareholder proposals for the  2000  Annual
Meeting of Shareholders to be eligible for inclusion in  the
Company's  proxy  material, they must  be  received  by  the
Company  at its principal office in Cincinnati, Ohio,  prior
to  November  26, 1999. If any shareholder  who  intends  to
propose any other matter to be acted upon at the 2000 Annual
Meeting of Shareholders does not inform the Company of  such
matter by February 9, 2000, the persons named as proxies for
the 2000 Annual Meeting of Shareholders will be permitted to
exercise discretionary authority to vote on such matter even
if  the  matter is not discussed in the proxy statement  for
that meeting.

                       OTHER MATTERS

 The  Board  of  Directors does not intend  to  present  any
other  business at the meeting and knows of no other matters
which  will  be presented. No shareholder has  informed  the
Company of any intention to propose any other matter  to  be
acted  upon  at  the meeting. However, if any other  matters
come  before the meeting, it is the intention of the persons
named  as  proxies to vote in accordance with their judgment
on such matters.

                     By order of the Board of Directors

                     MILACRON INC.

                     Hugh C. O'Donnell

                     Vice  President,  General  Counsel  and

 Cincinnati, Ohio

 March 26, 1999

                                                   EXHIBIT A

                        MILACRON INC.


                          ARTICLE I

                     PURPOSE OF THE PLAN

 The  purpose  of  the  Milacron Inc.  1999  Employee  Stock
Purchase  Plan  (the  "Plan") is to encourage  employees  to
acquire  a  proprietary interest in the Company and  further
align  their  interests with those of the other shareholders
of  the  Company.   The Plan is intended to  qualify  as  an
"employee  stock  purchase plan" under Section  423  of  the
Internal Revenue Code.

                         ARTICLE II


Section  1.      Wherever  used in the Plan,  the  following
terms shall have the meanings indicated:

Board:  The Board of Directors of the Company.

Code:  The Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

Committee:  The Benefit Plans Committee of the Company.

Common Stock:  The common shares of the Company

Company:  Milacron Inc.

Compensation:   An Eligible Employee's annual components  of
compensation which shall be as set forth in Exhibit A.

Dividend Date:  The date on which a cash dividend on  Common
Stock held by the Nominee is paid.

Eligible  Employee:  Any  employee  of  the  Company  or   a

Fair  Market  Value:  With respect to shares of  the  Common
Stock, the average of the high and low quoted sale prices of
a  share  of  Common Stock on the applicable Offering  Date,
Purchase Date, Dividend Date or other date specified herein,
as  the  case  may  be, as reported on the  New  York  Stock
Exchange Composite Transactions Tape; provided that  (a)  if
on such Offering Date, Dividend Date or any other date other
than   the   Purchase  Date,  there  is  no  reported   sale
transaction  on  the  New  York  Stock  Exchange   Composite
Transactions Tape, Fair Market Value shall be determined  on
the  first subsequent date on which such a transaction shall
have occurred, and (b) if on such Purchase Date there is  no
such  transaction, Fair Market Value shall be determined  on
the  last  preceding date on which such a transaction  shall
have occurred.

Nominee:   The custodian designated by the Company  for  the
Plan Accounts held hereunder.

Offering Date:  The first day of each Offering Period.

Offering  Period:   With  respect to each  Participant,  the
period  of  time for which Participants may  elect  to  make
payroll  deductions  for the purpose  of  purchasing  Common
Stock pursuant to this Plan.

Participant:  An Eligible Employee who elects to participate
in  the  Plan  on  an Offering Date in accordance  with  the
provisions of the Plan. All Participants shall have the same
rights  and  privileges  except as  otherwise  permitted  by
Section 423 of the Code and the Plan.

Plan  Account:  The account established for each Participant
pursuant to the Plan.

Purchase Date:  The last day of each Offering Period.

Purchase  Price:   The  price  at  which  Participants   may
purchase shares of Common Stock in accordance with the Plan.

Stock  Retention  Period:   The  period  relative  to   each
purchased  share of Common Stock ending one  year  from  the
first day of the Offering Period related to the share.

Subsidiary:  A subsidiary corporation, as defined in Section
424  of the Code, which is designated by the Committee as  a
Subsidiary for purposes of the Plan.

                         ARTICLE III


 Section  1.  The Plan shall be administered by the  Benefit
Plans  Committee of the Company. The Committee is authorized
to  interpret the Plan and may from time to time adopt  such
rules  and regulations for carrying out the Plan as it deems
best.  All determinations by the Committee shall be made  by
the  affirmative vote of a majority of its members, but  any
determination reduced to writing and signed by a majority of
its  members shall be fully effective as if it had been made
by  a majority vote at a meeting duly called and held.   All
determinations  by the Committee pursuant to the  provisions
of  the  Plan, and all related orders or resolutions of  the
Committee  shall  be final, conclusive and  binding  on  all
persons,  including  the Company and  its  shareholders  and
Eligible Employees and Participants under the Plan.

                         ARTICLE IV


 Section 1.  Subject to the provisions of Section 2 of  this
Article  IV,  the maximum number of shares of  Common  Stock
which  may be issued or allocated pursuant to the Plan shall
be 500,000.

 Section  2.   In  the  event  of any  dividend  payable  to
holders  of  Common  Stock or any split  or  combination  of
Common  Stock, (a) the number of shares which may be  issued
under  this  Plan  shall  be  proportionately  increased  or
decreased,  as  the case may be, (b) the  number  of  shares
(including  shares subject to rights to purchase which  have
not   been   exercised)  thereafter  deliverable  shall   be
proportionately increased or decreased, as the case may  be,
and (c) the aggregate Purchase Price of shares shall not  be
changed.   In  the  event  of  any  other  recapitalization,
reorganization,  extraordinary dividend or  distribution  or
restructuring  transaction (including  any  distribution  of
shares  of  stock  of any Subsidiary or  other  property  to
holders  of shares of Common stock) affecting Common  Stock,
the  number  of  shares issuable under this  Plan  shall  be
subject to such adjustment as the Committee or the Board may
deem  appropriate,  and  the  number  of  shares  thereafter
deliverable (including shares subject to rights to  purchase
which  have  not  been exercised) and/or the Purchase  Price
shall be subject to such adjustment as the Committee or  the
Board  may  deem appropriate.  In the event of a  merger  or
share  exchange in which the Company will not survive as  an
independent, publicly owned corporation, or in the event  of
a  consolidation or of a sale of all or substantially all of
the  Company's  assets,  provision shall  be  made  for  the
protection  and  continuation of any outstanding  rights  to
purchase by the substitution, on an equitable basis, of such
shares  of stock, other securities, cash, or any combination
thereof, as shall be appropriate.

                          ARTICLE V


 Section  1.   Prior to each Offering Period  the  Committee
shall  determine  the duration for the  Offering  Period  by
determining the Offering Date and the Purchase  Date.   Each
Offering  Period  shall be not less than a calendar  quarter
nor more than two calendar quarters.

                         ARTICLE VI


 Section  1.   An Eligible Employee may become a Participant
for the Offering Period commencing on such Offering Date  by
filing  with  the  office  or  offices  designated  by   the
Committee  an  enrollment form prescribed by  the  Committee
authorizing  payroll deductions not less than  ten  business
days  prior to such Offering Date.  The enrollment form must
be  received  by the office designated by the Committee  not
later  than  ten business days prior to such Offering  Date.
By  enrolling in the Plan, a Participant shall be deemed  to
elect  to  purchase the maximum number of shares  (including
the  right  to  fractional shares calculated to  the  fourth
decimal  place)  of Common Stock that can be purchased  with
the  amount  of  the  Participant's  Compensation  which  is
withheld during the Offering Period.

 Section  2.   A Participant shall automatically participate
in  each  successive Offering Period in accordance with  the
Participant's  enrollment  form  until  the  time  of   such
Participant's  change of enrollment or withdrawal  from  the
Plan  as  hereinafter provided. A Participant shall  not  be
required  to  file any additional enrollment forms  for  any
such   successive  Offering  Period  in  order  to  continue
participation in the Plan.

 Section  3.  Each  Participant  shall  designate   on   the
enrollment form the percentage of Compensation which  he  or
she  elects  to  have  withheld for the purchase  of  Common
Stock,   which   may  be  any  whole  percentage   of   such
Participant's   Compensation.    The   total    amount    of
Compensation withheld during any calendar year in accordance
with  a  Participant's  election shall  be  subject  to  the
limitations  set  forth in Article IX.   A  Participant  may
reduce  (but  not increase) the rate of payroll  withholding
during  an  Offering Period by filing with the  Committee  a
form to be prescribed by it, at any time prior to the end of
such  Offering  Period for which such  reduction  is  to  be
effective.  Not more than one reduction may be made  in  any
Offering    Period    unless   otherwise    determined    by
nondiscriminatory  rules  adopted  by   the   Committee.   A
Participant  may  increase or decrease the rate  of  payroll
deduction  for any subsequent Offering Period by filing,  at
the  appropriate office provided for in Section  1  of  this
Article  VI, a new authorization for payroll deductions  not
less  than ten business days prior to the Offering Date  for
such subsequent Offering Period.

 Section  4.   The Purchase Price for each share  of  Common
Stock  to  be  purchased under the Plan in  respect  of  any
Offering  Period  shall be a percentage, as determined  from
time  to  time by the Committee but in no event to  be  less
than  85%, of the Fair Market Value of such share on  either
(a) the Offering Date in respect thereof or (b) the Purchase
Date in respect thereof, whichever is less.

 Section   5.   The  aggregate  Purchase  Price   shall   be
accumulated throughout the Offering Period solely by payroll
deductions which shall be applied automatically to  purchase
shares  of  Common  Stock  on the  Purchase  Date  for  such
Offering  Period. Payroll deductions shall commence  on  the
first  payday  following the applicable  Offering  Date  and
shall continue to the end of the Offering Period subject  to
prior decrease, withdrawal or termination as provided in the

 Section  6.   The Company will maintain a Plan  Account  on
its  books in the name of each Participant.  On each  payday
the  amount  deducted  from each Participant's  Compensation
will be credited to such Participant's Plan Account and such
aggregate amount will be allocated among amounts to be  used
to  purchase Common Stock. No interest shall accrue  on  any
such  payroll  deductions.  As of  the  Purchase  Date  with
respect  to  each Offering Period, the amount then  in  such
Plan  Account shall be applied to the purchase of the number
of shares (including the right to fractional shares computed
to  the  fourth  decimal place) determined by dividing  such
amount by the Purchase Price.

 Section 7.  The Company shall bear all fees related to  the
purchase   of   Common   Stock,  and   issuance   of   share
certificates,  pursuant  to this Plan.   Participants  shall
bear  all fees related to the sale of Common Stock purchased
pursuant to this Plan.

 Section  8.   The  shares of Common  Stock  (including  the
right  to  fractional  shares)  purchased  on  behalf  of  a
Participant shall initially be registered in the name  of  a
Nominee and remain in the name of the Nominee for the  Stock
Retention Period and thereafter until otherwise requested by
the  Participant. Stock certificates shall not be issued  to
Participants  for the Common Stock held on their  behalf  in
the name of the Nominee, but all rights accruing to an owner
of   record   of  such  Common  Stock,  including,   without
limitation, voting and tendering rights, shall belong to the
Participant for whose account such Common Stock is held.

 A  Participant may elect, after the Stock Retention Period,
to  have  some  or  all of the full shares of  Common  Stock
previously  purchased and registered  in  the  name  of  the
Nominee on his or her behalf registered in the name of  such
Participant by giving to the Company written notification of
such  election that specifies the number of full shares  (if
fewer  than  all)  to  be registered in  the  name  of  such
Participant.   In such case, the number of  full  shares  of
Common  Stock  held  by  the  Nominee  on  behalf  of   such
Participant  and  so  specified in the Participant's  notice
shall  be transferred to and registered in the name of  such
Participant as soon as administratively practicable.  In the
event  such  Participant requests certificates  for  only  a
portion of the Participant's shares of Common Stock held  by
the  Nominee, unless otherwise indicated by the  Participant
in  the  notification, certificates shall be provided  on  a
"First-in, First-out" basis.

 Section  9.   A  Participant  may  elect  to  cease  active
participation in the Plan at any time prior to the end of an
Offering  Period by filing with the Committee a form  to  be
prescribed by it. In such event, all full shares  of  Common
Stock  then  held for his or her benefit by the Nominee  for
which  the  Stock  Retention  Period  has  lapsed  shall  be
registered in such individual's name and an amount equal  to
the  Fair  Market Value (determined as of the  date  of  the
Company's  receipt  of notice from the Participant)  of  any
fractional share then held by the Nominee for the benefit of
such  Participant shall be paid to such individual, in cash,
as soon as administratively practicable, and such individual
shall  thereupon  cease  to  own  the  right  to  any   such
fractional  share. Shares held in the name  of  the  Nominee
shall  continue to be held in the name of the Nominee  until
the   end  of  the  Stock  Retention  Period  or  until  the
Participant's complete termination of participation  in  the
Plan  in accordance with Article VI.  Any payroll deductions
credited   to  such  individual's  Plan  Account  shall   be
refunded,   without   interest,  to  such   individual.    A
Participant  who elects to cease participation in  the  Plan
may  not  resume participation in the Plan until  after  the
expiration  of  one  full  Offering  Period  (following  the
Offering  Period  in which such cessation  of  participation
occurs). Thereafter, any such Participant may enroll in  the
Plan  by filing an enrollment form as provided in Section  1
of this Article VI.

 Section  10.  In  the  event that the aggregate  number  of
shares  of  Common  Stock which all  Participants  elect  to
purchase  during an Offering Period shall exceed the  number
of  shares remaining available for issuance under the  Plan,
the  number  of shares which each Participant  shall  become
entitled  to purchase during such Offering Period  shall  be
determined by multiplying the number of shares available for
issuance  by a fraction whose numerator shall be the  number
of shares such Participant has elected to purchase and whose
denominator  shall be the sum of the number of shares  which
all  Participants  have  elected to  purchase.  Any  amounts
deducted from a Participant's Compensation in excess of  the
amount  that  may be used to acquire shares of Common  Stock
shall be refunded to the Participant as soon as practicable.

 Section  11. By executing an enrollment form, a Participant
shall have authorized the Nominee to receive and collect all
cash  dividends or other distributions paid with respect  to
shares of Common Stock held on the Participant's behalf  and
to  use  such funds to purchase additional shares of  Common
Stock,  including the right to fractional shares, on  behalf
of  the Participant, that could be purchased by dividing the
amount  of such dividend or other distribution by  the  Fair
Market Value of Common Stock giving rise to the distribution
on  the Dividend Date. The cash value of any distribution in
property  shall  be determined by the Committee.  Any  stock
dividend  on  shares of Common Stock shall be  held  by  the
Nominee  for the benefit of the Participant on whose  behalf
the  shares of Common Stock giving rise to the dividend  are
held.  The  Nominee shall distribute to any Participant,  as
soon  as  practical,  any dividends received  on  shares  of
Common Stock, if the maximum share limitations set forth  in
Section  1 of Article IV prevent further issuances  of  such
shares.  A  Participant who elects to hold shares of  Common
Stock  previously registered in the name of the  Nominee  in
his  or her own name will cease to have the benefit of  this
Section  11  with  respect  to such  shares  when  they  are
registered in his or her own name.

 Section  12.   Each Participant is entitled to  direct  the
Nominee  as to the manner in which any Common Stock held  by
the  Nominee on behalf of such Participant is to  be  voted.
Participants  may vote fractional shares credited  to  their
Plan Accounts. The combined fractional shares shall be voted
to  the  extent  possible to reflect the directions  of  the
Participants holding fractional shares.

   Each  Participant (or, in the event of his or her  death,
his or her beneficiary) is entitled to direct the Nominee in
writing  as to the manner in which the Nominee shall respond
to a tender or exchange offer with respect to full shares of
such  Common  Stock,  and  the  Nominee  shall  respond   in
accordance with such directions.  If the Nominee  shall  not
have  received timely written directions as to the  response
to  such offer, the Nominee shall not tender or exchange any
Common Stock allocated to such Plan Accounts.

                         ARTICLE VII


 Section  1.   In  the  event  of  the  termination   of   a
Participant's   employment   for   any   reason,   including
retirement  or  death, or the failure of  a  Participant  to
remain an Eligible Employee, all full shares of Common Stock
then  held  for his or her benefit by the Nominee for  which
the Stock Retention Period has lapsed shall be registered in
such  individual's  name and an amount  equal  to  the  Fair
Market  Value (determined as of the date of the  termination
of  employment)  of any fractional share then  held  by  the
Nominee for the benefit of such Participant shall be paid to
such  individual,  in  cash,  as  soon  as  administratively
practicable,  and such individual shall thereupon  cease  to
own  the right to any such fractional share. Shares held  by
the  Nominee  for which the Stock Retention Period  has  not
expired  shall revert to the Company and the Purchase  Price
for  such  shares shall be paid to such individual in  cash.
Any  payroll  deductions credited to such individual's  Plan
Account  shall  be  refunded,  without  interest,  to   such
individual.  In the event of a Participant's death,  payment
hereunder  shall  be  made  to his  or  her  beneficiary  as
designated on a form prescribed by the Committee or, in  the
absence  of a valid beneficiary designation, to his  or  her
estate.  A transfer by a Participant from the Company  to  a
Subsidiary,  from  one  Subsidiary to  another,  or  from  a
Subsidiary to the Company shall not be considered  to  be  a
termination of employment.

                        ARTICLE VIII

                   RIGHTS NOT TRANSFERABLE

 Section 1.  The rights and interests of any Participant  in
the  Plan, including any right to purchase shares of  Common
Stock,  or in any Common Stock or moneys to which he or  she
may  be  entitled  under the Plan shall not be  transferable
otherwise than by will or the applicable laws of descent and
distribution  and  any  such  right  to  purchase  shall  be
exercisable,  only during the lifetime of such  Participant,
and  then only by such Participant.  If a Participant  shall
in  any  manner  attempt to transfer,  assign  or  otherwise
encumber his or her rights or interest under the Plan, other
than  by will, such attempt shall be deemed to constitute  a
cessation  of  participation in the Plan and the  provisions
included in Section 9 of Article VI shall apply.

                         ARTICLE IX


 Section  1.   Notwithstanding any provision herein  to  the
contrary,  no  Participant shall have a  right  to  purchase
shares  of  Common Stock pursuant to the Plan  if  (a)  such
Participant,  immediately after electing  to  purchase  such
shares, would own Common Stock possessing 5% or more of  the
total combined voting power or value of all classes of stock
of  the  Company or of any Subsidiary, or (b) the rights  of
such  Participant to purchase Common Stock  under  the  Plan
would  accrue at a rate that exceeds $25,000  of Fair Market
Value  of such Common Stock (determined at the time or times
such  rights are granted) for each calendar year  for  which
such  rights  are outstanding at any time.  For purposes  of
the foregoing clause (a), ownership of Common Stock shall be
determined by the attribution rules of Section 424(d) of the
Code  and Participants shall be considered to own any Common
Stock which they have a right to purchase under the Plan  or
any other stock option or purchase plan.

                          ARTICLE X


 Section 1.  Nothing in the Plan shall be construed to  give
any  Eligible  Employee  or  Participant  the  right  to  be
retained in the employ of the Company or a Subsidiary or  to
affect  the  right  of the Company or any  Subsidiary  or  a
Participant to terminate such employment at any time with or
without cause.

 Section  2.   A  Participant shall  have  no  rights  as  a
shareholder with respect to Common Stock which he or she may
have  a right to purchase under the Plan until the date such
shares are registered in the name of a Nominee on behalf  of
such Participant.

 Section  3.  Each right to purchase shares of Common  Stock
under  the Plan shall be subject to the requirement that  if
at  any time the Committee shall determine that the listing,
registration or qualification of such right to  purchase  or
the shares of any class of Common Stock subject thereto upon
any  securities exchange or under any state or federal  law,
or  the  consent or approval of any governmental  regulatory
body,  is  necessary or desirable as a condition of,  or  in
connection with, such right to purchase or the issue of  any
class  of  Common Stock pursuant thereto, then, anything  in
the  Plan to the contrary notwithstanding, no such right  to
purchase may be exercised in whole or in part, and no shares
of  such class of Common Stock shall be issued, unless  such
listing,  registration, qualification, consent  or  approval
shall   have  been  effected  or  obtained  free  from   any
conditions not reasonably acceptable to the Committee.

 Section  4.   All  instruments evidencing participation  in
the Plan shall be in such form, consistent with the Plan and
any  applicable  determinations  or  other  actions  of  the
Committee and the Board, as the Company shall determine.

 Section   5.    The  Committee  may  establish  appropriate
procedures   with   a  view  toward  obtaining   information
regarding  any  disqualifying disposition by any  person  of
shares  of  Common  Stock which may make  available  to  the
Company a tax deduction in respect of such disposition.

                         ARTICLE XI


 Section 1.  The Plan becomes effective as of July 1,  1999,
and  shall terminate on the earlier of (i) a date determined
by  the  Board  of Directors, or (ii) the full  use  of  the
shares  reserved  for grant pursuant to the  Plan,  provided
however,  that  the  Plan  shall be  null  and  void  unless
approved  at the 1999 annual meeting of the shareholders  of
the Company.

 Section  2.   The Board may, at any time and from  time  to
time,  amend  (including, but not limited to, amendments  to
the Plan to increase the Purchase Price described in Section
4  of Article VI), modify or terminate the Plan, but no such
amendment  or  modification  without  the  approval  of  the
shareholders shall:

   (a)  increase the maximum number (determined as  provided
 in  the Plan) of shares of any class of Common Stock  which
 may be issued pursuant to the Plan; or,

   (b)  cause  the Plan to fail to meet the requirements  of
 an  "employee stock purchase plan" under Section 423 of the

 Section  3.  Upon  the termination of the  Plan,  any  full
shares  of  Common Stock purchased for the  benefit  of  any
Participant under the Plan which are registered in the  name
of the Nominee shall be transferred to and registered in the
name  of  each  such Participant as soon as administratively
practicable.   Each such Participant shall  receive  a  cash
payment  in  lieu  of fractional shares equal  to  the  Fair
Market  Value of any fractional shares of Common Stock  held
by  the  Nominee on the date of the termination of the  Plan
for  the  benefit  of such Participant.   In  addition,  all
payroll  deductions  credited  to  such  Participant's  Plan
Account  shall  be  returned to such  Participant  in  cash,
without interest, and future payroll deductions shall cease.


4701 Marburg Avenue              This proxy is solicited on
Cincinnati, Ohio 45209           behalf of the Board of

Proxy for Annual Meeting of Shareholders To be Held April 27,

Darryl F. Allen, Harry A. Hammerly and Joseph A. Steger (each with
power   to  act  alone  and  power  of  substitution)  are  hereby
authorized  to represent and to vote all the shares of stock  held
of record by the undersigned at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders
to  be  held April 27, 1999, and any adjournment thereof,  on  all
business that may properly come before the meeting, including  the
election  of  directors, the confirmation of  the  appointment  of
auditors and the approval of the Milacron Inc. 1999 Employee Stock
Purchase Plan.

          Continued and to be signed on reverse

This proxy when properly executed will be voted as directed by the
undersigned shareholder. If no direction is made, this proxy will
be voted "FOR" all the nominees for director listed in Item (1)
below,"FOR" Item (2) below and "FOR" Item (3) below.

1.-Election of Directors
   FOR all nominees         WITHHOLD         NOMINEES: N.A.Armstrong,
(except as marked to   AUTHORITY for all     B.H. Franklin, J.A.Pichler
  the contrary)            nominees          and D.L. Burner (3 year term).
                                             (To withhold authority to
                                             vote for any individual
                                             nominee, write that
                                             nominee's name on the
                                             space provided below.)


2.-Confirm appointment of Ernst & Young LLP
   as independent auditors


3.-Approve the Milacron Inc. 1999 Employee Stock Purchase Plan

                                        Dated: .................1999

                                          Signature of Shareholder

                                         Signature of Shareholder
                                             (if held jointly)

                                        When signing as attorney,
                                        executor, administrator,
                                        trustee, or guardian, please
                                        give your full title as such.
                                        A proxy for shares held jointly 
                                        by two or more persons should 
                                        be signed by all.


                              MILACRON INC.

Voting Direction for Annual Meeting of Shareholders to be held April 27, 1999

          To: Putnam  Fiduciary  Trust Company, Trustee

As a Participant in the Milacron Performance Dividend and Savings 
Plan, I  hereby  direct Putnam  Fiduciary  Trust Company, Trustee, 
to exercise  the  votes attributable to the shares of common stock 
allocated to my account in  accordance  with  my directions on the 
reverse  side,  at  the Annual Meeting of Shareholders to be held 
April 27, 1999, and  any adjournment thereof, on all business that 
may properly come before the meeting, including the election of 
directors, the confirmation of  the appointment of auditors and 
approval of the Milacron Inc.
1999 Employee Stock Purchase Plan.

      Continued, and to be signed and dated on reverse side

This voting direction card, when properly executed will be voted    Please  X
as directed by the undersigned participant. If no direction is      mark your 
made, this direction card will be voted "FOR" all the nominees      votes as
for director listed in Item (1) below, "FOR" Item (2) below         indicated
and "FOR" Item (3) below.                                           in this


1.-Election of Directors         NOMINEES: N.A.Armstrong,
                                 B.H. Franklin, J.A. Pichler
                                 and D.L. Burner (3-year term).
FOR all nominees   WITHHOLD
(except as marked  AUTHORITY for     (To withhold authority to
to the contrary)   all nominees      vote for any individual
                                     nominee, write that
                                     nominee's name on the space
                                     provided below.)


2.-Confirm appointment of Ernst & Young
LLP as independent auditors.


3.-Approve the Milacron Inc. 1999 Employee Stock Purchase Plan


                                    Dated:................., 1999

                                     Signature of Participant

                                    Please sign your name exactly as
                                    it appears hereon.

                                   PLEASE COMPLETE, DATE, SIGN, AND RETURN 
                                   IN THE ENCLOSED POSTAGE-PAID ENVELOPE

MILACRON INC.                                                  PROXY
4701 Marburg Avenue             This proxy is solicited on behalf of 
Cincinnati, Ohio 45209          the Board of Directors

    Proxy for Annual Meeting of Shareholders To Be Held April 27, 1999

Darryl F. Allen, Harry A. Hammerly and Joseph A. Steger (each with
power   to  act  alone  and  power  of  substitution)  are  hereby
authorized  to represent and to vote all the shares of stock  held
of record by the undersigned at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders
to  be  held April 27, 1999, and any adjournment thereof,  on  all
business that may properly come before the meeting, including  the
election  of  directors, the confirmation of  the  appointment  of
auditors  and  approval of the Milacron Inc. 1999  Employee  Stock
Purchase Plan.

        (Continued and to be signed on reverse side)

This proxy when properly executed will be voted as directed by    Please  X
the undersigned participant. If no direction is made, this proxy  mark your
will be voted "FOR" all the nominees for director listed in Item  votes as
(1) below, "FOR" Item (2) below and "FOR" Item (3) below.         indicated
                                                                  in this


1.-Election of Directors      NOMINEES: N.A. Armstrong,
FOR all nominees   WITHHOLD             B.H. Franklin,
(except as marked  AUTHORITY for        J.A. Pichler and
to the contrary)   all nominees         D.L. Burner (3-year term).
                                        (To withhold
                                        authority to vote for any
                                        individual nominee,
                                        write that nominee's
                                        name on the space
                                        provided below.)


2.-Confirm appointment of Ernst & Young
LLP as independent auditors.


3.-Approve the Milacron Inc. 1999 Employee Stock Purchase Plan


                                  Dated:.................., 1999

                                    Signature of Shareholder

                                    Signature of Shareholder
                                   (if held jointly)

                                 Please sign your name exactly as
                                 it appears hereon. When signing
                                 as attorney, executor, administrator,
                                 trustee or guardian, please give
                                 your full title as such. If a
                                 corporation, please sign in full
                                 corporate name by authorized
                                 officer. If a partnership, please
                                 sign in partnership name by
                                 authorized person. A proxy for
                                 shares held jointly by two or more
                                 persons should be signed by all.


MILACRON INC.                                               PROXY
4701 Marburg Avenue          This proxy is solicited on behalf of
Cincinnati, Ohio 45209       the Board of Directors

  Proxy for Annual Meeting of Shareholders To Be Held April 27, 1999

Darryl F. Allen, Harry A. Hammerly and Joseph A. Steger (each with
power   to  act  alone  and  power  of  substitution)  are  hereby
authorized  to represent and to vote all the shares of stock  held
of record by the undersigned at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders
to  be  held April 27, 1999, and any adjournment thereof,  on  all
business that may properly come before the meeting, including  the
election  of  directors, the confirmation of  the  appointment  of
auditors  and  approval of the Milacron Inc. 1999  Employee  Stock
Purchase Plan.

IMPORTANT  VOTING  INSTRUCTIONS: A  shareholder  who  has  been  a
continuous beneficial owner since February 1, 1996 is entitled  to
ten votes for each such share PROVIDED the following certification
is completed. By signing, the undersigned: (A) instructs that this
proxy  be  voted  as  marked  and (B)  certifies  that  beneficial
ownership of Common Shares has been continuous as follows:

             Date Shares Acquired           Number of Shares
             Prior to February 2, 1996      ________________
             After February 1, 1996         ________________
               TOTAL SHARES                 ________________

If no certification is made, it will be deemed that beneficial
ownership of all Common Shares occurred after February 1, 1996.

          (Continued and to be signed on reverse side)

This proxy when properly executed will be voted as directed by     Please X
the undersigned participant. If no direction is made, this proxy   mark your
will be voted "FOR" all the nominees for director listed in Item   votes as
(1) below, "FOR" Item (2) below and "FOR" Item (3) below.          indicated
                                                                   in this

1.-Election of Directors          NOMINEES: N.A.Armstrong,
FOR all nominees   WITHHOLD                 B.H.Franklin,
(except as marked  AUTHORITY for            J.A.Pichler and
to the contrary)   all nominees             D.L.Burner (3-year
                                            (To withhold
                                            authority to vote for any
                                            individual nominee,
                                            write that nominee's
                                            name on the space
                                            provided below.)


2.-Confirm appointment of Ernst & Young
LLP as independent auditors.


3.-Approve the Milacron Inc. 1999 Employee Stock Purchase Plan


                              Dated:....................., 1999

                                   Signature of Shareholder

                                   Signature of Shareholder
                                     (if held jointly)
                              Please sign your name exactly as
                              it appears hereon. When signing as
                              attorney, executor, administrator,
                              trustee or guardian, please give
                              your full title as such. If a
                              corporation, please sign in full
                              corporate name by authorized
                              officer. If a partnership, please
                              sign in partnership name by
                              authorized person. A proxy for
                              shares held jointly by two or more
                              persons should be signed by all.


                           MILACRON INC.

Voting Direction for Annual Meeting of Shareholders to be held April 27, 1999

       To:  Vanguard Fiduciary Trust Company, Trustee

As  a  Participant  in  the Aeroquip-Vickers  Savings  and  Profit
Sharing  Plan,  I hereby direct Vanguard Fiduciary Trust  Company,
Trustee,  to  exercise the votes attributable  to  the  shares  of
common  stock  allocated  to  my account  in  accordance  with  my
directions  on  the  reverse  side,  at  the  Annual  Meeting   of
Shareholders  to  be  held  April 27, 1999,  and  any  adjournment
thereof,  on  all  business  that may  properly  come  before  the
meeting, including the election of directors, the confirmation  of
the appointment of auditors and approval of the Milacron Inc. 1999
Employee Stock Purchase Plan.

      Continued, and to be signed and dated on reverse side

This voting direction card when properly executed will be voted     Please X
as directed by the undersigned participant. If no direction is      mark your
made, this direction card will be voted "FOR" all the nominees      votes as
for director listed in Item (1) below, "FOR" Item (2) below and     indicated
"FOR" Item (3) below.                                               in this

1.-Election of Directors          NOMINEES: N.A.Armstong,
FOR all nominees   WITHHOLD                 B.H.Franklin,
(except as marked  AUTHORITY for            J.A.Pichler and
to the contrary)   all nominees             D.L.Burner (3-year
                                            (To withhold
                                            authority to vote for any
                                            individual nominee,
                                            write that nominee's
                                            name on the space
                                            provided below.)


2.-Confirm appointment of Ernst & Young
LLP as independent auditors.


3.-Approve the Milacron Inc. 1999 Employee Stock Purchase Plan


                              Dated:....................., 1999

                                   Signature of Participant


                              Please sign your name exactly as
                              it appears hereon.


                            APPENDIX II                   
                     GRAPHIC AND IMAGE MATERIAL
The following graphic and image material appear
in the registrant's Proxy Statement in the sections designated:

A photo of each director appears to the left of the printed
information about that individual.