Proxy Statement Pursuant to 14(a) of the Securities Exchange 
Act of 1934 (Amendment No. 2)

Filed by the Registrant (x)
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant ( )

Check the appropriate box:
( )   Preliminary Proxy Statement
( )   Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as 
      permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
(x) Definitive Proxy Statement
( )   Definitive Additional Materials
( )   Soliciting Material Pursuant to s240.14a-11(c) or 

              Integral Systems, Inc.
(Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement 
     if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

(x) No fee required.
( ) Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 
14a-6(I)(4) and 0-11.

1) Title of each class of securities to which 
transaction applies:

2) Aggregate number of securities to which 
transaction applies:

Per unit price or other underlying value of 
transaction computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 
0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the filing fee 
is calculated and state how it was determined):

3) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

4) Total fee paid:

( )   Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

( )   Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided 
by Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing 
for which the offsetting fee was paid previously.  
Identify the previous filing by registration statement
number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

1) Amount Previously Paid:
2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No:
3) Filing Party:
4) Date Filed:

                          INTEGRAL SYSTEMS, INC.
                       ANNUAL SHAREHOLDERS MEETING

                              COMPANY PROXY

The Company is making this proxy solicitation solely by mail and does not
intend to use any specially engaged employees or paid solicitors to
solicit proxies.  This proxy statement and form of proxy are being mailed to
shareholders on or about May 8, 1997.  No Director of Integral Systems,
Inc. has advised the Company that he or she intends to oppose any action
intended to be taken by the Company as set forth in this proxy.

   The undersigned shareholder hereby appoints Steven R. Chamberlain, Robert
P. Sadler, and Thomas L. Gough or each or any of  them, with full power of 
substitution, as proxy, to vote all shares of common stock of Integral
Systems, Inc. which the undersigned is entitled to vote at the Annual
Meeting of Shareholders to be held on Wednesday, JUNE 4, 1997 at
LAUREL, MARYLAND and at any and all adjournments thereof, for the
transaction of such business as may properly come before the meeting,
including the items set forth below.

The Company's Board of Directors recommends a vote for the following 


Steven R. Chamberlain, Thomas L. Gough, Dominic A. Laiti, R. Doss 
Robert P. Sadler, Bonnie K. Wachtel

               FOR {   }	             WITHHOLD {   }

    Additional information concerning the Board of Directors is 
contained on 
pages 3 and 4 of this proxy statement.

   You may withhold authority to vote for any individual nominee listed 


   The Company proposes to increase the number of shares of common stock which 
the Company is authorized to issue from the current level of 2 million shares
of common stock to 10 million shares of common stock (an increase of 8 million
shares of common stock).  Additional Information concerning the proposed
increase in the number of authorized shares is contained on page 5 of
this proxy statement.

   FOR {   }               WITHHOLD {   }            ABSTAIN {   }


   If the shareholders authorize the Company to increase the number of 
authorized shares of common stock, the Company proposes to issue additional
shares of common stock to its existing shareholders pursuant to a 3-for-
1 pro rata stock split. The additional shares of common stock would bear
the same voting, dividend and other rights as the shares of the Company's
common stock currently issued and outstanding. Additional Information
concerning the proposed issuance of additional shares of common
stock is contained on pages 5 and 6 of this proxy statement.

   FOR {   }                        WITHHOLD {   }            ABSTAIN {   

IN THEIR DISCRETION, the Proxies are authorized to vote upon such
other business as may come up before the meeting.

In order to revoke this proxy,the shareholder must deliver notice in writing
to Mrs. Diane Hyde, Integral Systems, Inc., 5000 Philadelphia Way,
Suite A. Lanham, MD 20706, Fax: 301-731-9606, which notice MUST BE
RECEIVED NO LATER THAN 5:00 P.M. ON May 30, 1997.


   In order for business to be transacted at the annual meeting, a quorum of 
shareholders must be present at the meeting, either in person or by proxy.
A quorum exists if the holders of stock having a majority of the voting
power of the stock entitled to vote at the meeting are present either
in person or by proxy.

   Each shareholder is entitled to ONE VOTE FOR EACH SHARE of stock owned.  
There are no cumulative voting rights for the election of directors or for any 
other matter.  Each of the measures that are the subject of this proxy shall
be decided by the majority of the votes cast by the shareholders present in 
person or by proxy.  Votes will be counted by the simple counting of votes 
the existenceof any majority for the purposes of determining whether or not a 
resolution is passed.

   The shares represented by this Proxy will be voted as directed by the 
shareholder.  If no direction is given, this Proxy will be voted FOR the
directors and proposal detailed in the proxy statement.  Shareholders of
record on MAY 7, 1997 are entitled to vote their shares.

   Please print your name, address and number of shares in the spaces indicated 
below, sign and date this form and return it by mail or by fax to:
Mrs. Diane Hyde, Integral Systems, Inc., 5000 Philadelphia Way, Suite A,
Lanham, Maryland 20706, Fax: (301) 731-9606



              NO. OF SHARES:

                  SIGNATURE:                  DATE:				

                     ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

Six directors are to be elected at the meeting, each to hold office until 
the next Annual Meeting or until a successor is duly elected and qualified.
The nominees for election as Directors are:

NAME                          OCCUPATION

Steven R. Chamberlain         Chairman of the Board, Chief 
                              Executive Officer, Integral Systems, Inc.

Thomas L. Gough, Jr.          President and Chief Operating 
                              Officer, Integral Systems, Inc.

Dominic A. Laiti              Independent Consultant, Former 
                              President and Director of 
                              Globalink, Inc.; former President 
                              of Hadron, Inc.

R. Doss McComas               Chairman/Chief Executive Officer 
                              of Plexsys, International, Vice 
                              President of Business Development 
                              for COMSAT RSI

Robert P. Sadler              Secretary/Treasurer, Vice 
                              President, Quality Control, 
                              Integral Systems, Inc.

Bonnie K. Wachtel             Vice President and General 
                              Counsel, Wachtel and Company, Inc.


STEVEN R. CHAMBERLAIN, 41, a company founder, has been Chairman of the 
Board and Chief Executive Officer since June, 1992, President since May, 
1988 and a Director since 1982.  He served as Vice President from 1982 
until he became President.  From 1978 to 1982, Mr. Chamberlain was employed 
by OAO Corporation where he progressed from  Systems Analyst to Manager 
the Offutt Air Force Base field support office.  Mr. Chamberlain holds a 
B.S. degree in Physics from Memphis State University and has done graduate 
work in Physics and Mathematics at Memphis State and the University of 

THOMAS L. GOUGH, JR., 48, became a member of ISI's staff in January, 1984. 
In March of 1996 he was elected to the Board of Directors of Integral 
Systems having served as President and Chief Operating Officer since June, 
1992.  For three years before being named President he served as Vice 
President and Chief Financial Officer.  Prior to joining ISI he was 
employed by Business and Technological Systems, Inc., serving initially as 
a Project Leader and later as the Software Systems Division Manager.  From 
1972 to 1977 he was employed by Computer Sciences Corporation where he 
progressed from programmer/analyst to section manager.  Mr. Gough earned 
a BS degree from University of Maryland where he majored in Information 
Systems Management in the School of Business and Public Administration.

DOMINIC A. LAITI, 65, was elected as a director of the company in July, 
1995.  Mr. Laiti is presently employed as an independent consultant and was 
President and Director of Globalink, Inc. from January, 1990 to December, 

1994.  He has over twenty-five (25) years of experience in starting, 
building and managing high-technology private and public companies with 
annual revenues from two million to over 120 million dollars.  Mr. Laiti 
was President of Hadron, Inc. from 1979 to 1989, Vice President of Xonics, 
Inc. from 1972 to 1979, and Vice President of KMS industries from 1968 to 
1972.  He is a former Director of United Press International, Saturn 
Chemicals Company, Hadron, Inc., Telecommunications Industries, Inc., 
MAXXAM Technology, Inc. and Jupiter Technology, Inc.

R. DOSS McCOMAS, 42, has been a director since July, 1995.  Mr. McComas is 
currently Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Plexsys International, 
a COMSAT RSI equity investment.  He also serves as the Vice President of 
Business Development for COMSAT RSI.  Previously at COMSAT RSI he has 
served in various capacities including: General Council, Vice President of 
Acquisitions, Strategic Planning and International Marketing, and Group 
Vice President responsible for international operations.  COMSAT RSI 
supplies products and services to the wireless, satellite, air traffic 
control and other specialized markets.  Mr. McComas has a B. A. degree from 
Virginia Polytechnic Institute, an M.B.A. from Mt. Saint Mary's College, 
and a J.D. from Gonzaga University.

ROBERT P. SADLER, 46, a company founder, has been Director, Secretary, and 
Treasurer since 1982.  In May, 1988 he was appointed Vice President of 
Administration, in June, 1992, he was appointed Vice President, Quality 
Control.  From 1976 to 1982, Mr. Sadler was employed at OAO Corporation 
where he progressed from Computer Analyst to Project Manager.  Mr. Sadler 
obtained a B.S. in Mathematics and a B.S. in Computer Sciences from 
Pennsylvania State University and a M.S. in Management of Information 
Systems Technology from George Washington University.

BONNIE K. WACHTEL, 41, has served as Director since May, 1988.  Since 1984, 
she has been Vice President, General Counsel, and a Director of Wachtel & 
Co., Inc., an investment banking firm in Washington, DC.  Ms. Wachtel 
serves as a Director of several corporations including VSE Corporation and 
Information Analysis, Inc.  She holds a B.A. and M.B.A. from the University 
of Chicago and a J.D. from the University of Virginia, and is a 
Certified Financial Analyst.

   The Board of Directors appointed Mr. Thomas L. Gough and Ms. Bonnie 
Wachtel to serve on the Stock Option Committee of the Board of Directors 
effective December 8, 1995.  The Stock Option Committee operates subject 
to the authority of the Board of Directors.  The Stock Option Committee's 
functions encompass making determinations relating to the terms and 
conditions, and the issuance, of stock options.  The Stock Option 
Committee formally convened once during the fiscal year ended September 30, 

   A total of four meetings were formally convened by the Board of 
Directors since the Annual Shareholders Meeting in March, 1996.


   The Company is currently authorized to issue up to 2 million shares 
of one class of common stock, par value $0.01 per share (the "Common 
Stock").  The Company is not authorized to issue additional classes of 
shares.  At March 31, 1997, the Company had 952,846 shares of Common 
Stock outstanding.

   The Company is seeking authority to increase the number of authorized 
shares of Common Stock from the current level of 2 million shares to 10 
million shares (an increase of 8 million shares).  The additional shares 
of Common Stock would bear the same rights with respect to voting, 
dividends, liquidation and other matters as all of the currently 
outstanding shares of the Company's Common Stock.

   The Company is seeking authority to increase the number of authorized 
shares of Common Stock in order to allow the Company to issue additional 
shares to existing shareholders in a pro rata 3-for-1 stock split, to 
provide the Company additional flexibility to raise additional capital, 
attract new talent to the Company and to facilitate potential mergers and 
acquisitions activities in which the Company may wish to engage in the 

   The increase in the number of authorized shares of Common Stock will 
not, in itself, have any effect on the rights of existing security holders 
of the Company.  For a description of the effects of the proposed 3-for-1 
stock split on existing security holders of the Company, see "Issuance of 
Additional Shares Pursuant to 3-for-1 Stock Split" below.  If the 
shareholders do not approve the increase in the authorized number of 
shares, the proposed stock split cannot be made; a vote against the 
increase in authorized shares may have the effect of a vote against the 
proposed stock split.

   The Company does not currently have nay plans to issue additional
shares of Common Stock except for the proposed 3-for-1 stock split
described below under "Issurance of Additional Shares Pursuant to
3-for-1 Stock Split".  Any future issuance of additional shares of
Common Stock, whether as a result of an effort to raise additional
capital, attract new talent, facilitate mergers and acquisitions
activities or otherwise, will be subject to the prior approval of
the Company's Board of Directors and, in some circumstances, of the
Company's shareholders.  While the definitive terms and conditions
of any such future transaction are presently unknown, it is possible
that certain such transactions could dilute the percentage share
ownership of the Company's existing shareholders.

   The Company is not in arrears in dividends with respect to any of the 
shares of its Common Stock.

   Information required by Item 13 of Schedule 14A is included in this 
proxy statement under the headings "Management's Discussion and Analysis 
of Financial Condition and Results of Operations", "Disagreements on 
Accounting and Financial Disclosure" and "Financial Statements".


   The Company is seeking authority to issue additional shares of Common 
Stock to existing shareholders pursuant to a 3-for-1 stock split (the 
"Stock Split"), if the shareholders authorize the Company to increase the 
number of authorized shares of Common Stock from the current level of 2 
million shares to 10 million shares (an increase of 8 million shares).  If 
the shareholders do not approve the increase in the authorized number of 
shares, the proposed stock split cannot be made.

   The newly-issued shares of Common Stock would bear the same rights 
with respect to voting, dividends, liquidation and other matters as all of 
the currently outstanding shares of the Company's Common Stock.

   If the Stock Split is approved, the Company would issue, on a pro 
rata basis to all existing shareholders of the Company at the time of the 
Stock Split, two additional shares of Common Stock for every one share of 
Common Stock held by a shareholder.  As of March 31, 1997, the Company had 
952,846 shares of Common Stock outstanding.  Giving effect to the Stock 
Split, the Company would have a total of 2,858,538 shares of Common Stock 
outstanding.  Because the Stock Split would be carried out on a pro rata 
basis, no dilution of ownership will result directly from the Stock 

   The Company is seeking authorization to issue additional shares 
pursuant to the Stock Split in order to increase liquidity in the trading 
market for the Company's Common Stock.  The Company's Common Stock is 
listed on NASDAQ under the symbol "ISYS".  The Company believes that the 
Stock Split, if approved, would increase liquidity in the trading market 
for the Company's Common Stock by increasing the number of shares available 
for trading.  However, the trading markets for equity securities, including
the market for the Company's Common Stock, are subject to a number of 
factors outside the control of the Company that can substantially impact 
price, liquidity, volume and other market characteristics.  No assurance 
can be made that an actual increase in the liquidity of the trading market 
for the Company's Common Stock will occur as a result of the Stock 

   The Company is not in arrears in dividends with respect to any of the 
shares of its Common Stock.

   Information required by Item 13 of Schedule 14A is included in this 
proxy statement under the headings "Management's Discussion and Analysis 
of Financial Condition and Results of Operations", "Disagreements on 
Accounting and Financial Disclosure" and "Financial Statements".



The following table sets forth compensation received by the Company's CEO 
and four highest paid executive officers who earned over $100,000 during 
the fiscal year ended September 30, 1996:


                      SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE
            Annual Compensation          Long-Term Compensation
                                         Awards         Payouts
                                     Annual Restricted               All 
Name and                             Compen- Stock             LTIP   
Principal                            sation  Award(s) Options/ Payouts 
Position          Year Salary($) Bonus($) ($)($) ($)    SAR (#) ($) ($) 
S. R. Chamberlain  1996 $114,179 $14,000               15,000           $11,486
                   1995 $108,577 $14,000                7,500           $10,502
                   1994 $105,998 $13,975                    0           $11,208

Thomas L. Gough    1996 $101,581 $ 8,000               10,000           $10,061
                   1995 $ 98,048 $11,000                    0           $ 9,318
                   1994 $ 93,645 $10,980                    0           $ 9,677

VP, Commercial 
Steven A. Carchedi 1996 $ 97,771 $12,000               10,000           $ 9,572
                   1995 $ 94,926 $12,000                2,000           $ 8,944
                   1994 $ 91,896 $ 9,479                    0           $ 9,479

VP, Engineering
Steven K. Kowal    1996 $ 97,771 $ 9,000                4,000           $ 9,572
                   1995 $ 94,926 $ 9,500                    0           $ 8,944
                   1994 $ 91,896 $ 9,479                    0           $ 9,452

VP, Asia Pacific
William I. Tittley 1996 $ 98,891 $26,456                1,000          $10,684
                   1995 $ 96,050 $ 7,000                5,000          $ 9,046
                   1994 $ 93,006 $ 6,018                    0          $ 9,779

(1) Employer Pension Contributions


                               INDIVIDUAL GRANTS
                              Percent of Total
                    Number of  Options/SARs
                      Options/   Granted to  
                        SARs       Employees  in Exercise/Base  
Name                  Granted    Fiscal Year  Price($)          Date
S. R. Chamberlain      15,000         18%    *$22.50            2001

Thomas L. Gough        10,000         12%     $23.50            2001

Steven A. Carchedi     10,000         12%    *$22.50            2001

Steven K. Kowal         4,000          5%     $21.50            2001

William I. Tittley      1,000          1%     $21.50            2001
*Average price



ISI's Board of Directors awards annual bonuses to officers and employees 
based on employee performance and profits.  Currently no formal plan exists 
for determining bonus amounts.


Integral Systems has in place a Profit Sharing and 401K Plan for the 
benefit of substantially all employees.  Contributions to the Profit 
Sharing Plan consist of discretionary amounts determined each year by the 
board of directors based upon net profits for the year and total 
compensation paid.  The 401K Plan allows employees to make elective 
deferrals not to exceed 10% of compensation.

Integral Systems also has a Money Purchase Plan, which allows the employer 
to contribute an additional 5% of eligible salaries.  This 5% contribution 
is mandatory.


There were 85,600 option shares granted in Fiscal Year 1996, 8,787 option 
shares exercised; 5,000 options were canceled.

   At the close of Fiscal Year 1996, there were a total of 117,987 options 
issued and outstanding.  On December 1, 1995, William I. Tittley, the 
Company's Vice President for Asia Pacific Operations, exercised options for 
2,700 shares.  On June 27, 1996, Donald F. Mack, Jr., the Company's Vice 
President of Engineering, exercised options for 1,000 shares.



(a)        (b)             (c)           (d)             (e)
                                          Number of 
                                          Securities      Value of
                                          Underlying      Unexercised
                                          Unexercised     In-the-Money
                                          Options/SARS    Options/SARs 
                                          FY-End #        FY-End ($)
           Shares Acquired                Exercisable     Exercisable
Name       on Exercise(#)  Value Realized Unexercisable   Unexercisbale

VP, Asia 
William I.
Tittley          2,700         $46,525        3,500           $65,875
                                         (unexercisbale)  (unexercisable)



Effective July 1, 1995, outside directors who are not full-time employees 
of the Company receive $5,000 per year for their services.  In addition, 
it is the company's practice to grant stock options up to 5,000 shares at 
fair market value to outside directors upon joining the Board.


The company has no compensatory plan or arrangement with respect to any 
individual named in the Cash Compensation Table which results or will 
result from the resignation, retirement or any other termination of such 
individual's employment with the Company or its subsidiaries or from a 
change in control of the Company or a change in the individual's 
responsibilities following a change in control.


No person, with the exception of those set forth in the table below, known 
to the Company owns beneficially more than 5% of the Company's outstanding 
shares of Common Stock as of September 30, 1996:


Common    Steven R. Chamberlain                 79,040      7.7%
          5000 Philadelphia Way, Suite A
          Lanham, MD  20706

Common    Thomas L. Gough                       37,850      3.7%
          5000 Philadelphia Way, Suite A
          Lanham, MD  20706

Common    Robert P. Sadler                      52,340      5.1%
          5000 Philadelphia Way, Suite A
          Lanham, MD  20706

Common    Donald F. Mack, Jr.                   11,350      1.1%
          5000 Philadelphia Way, Suite A
          Lanham, MD  20706

Common    William I. Tittley                     3,800       .4%
          5000 Philadelphia Way, Suite A
          Lanham, MD  20706

Common    Steven K. Kowal                       43,346      4.2%
          5000 Philadelphia Way, Suite A
          Lanham, MD  20706

   Common Steven A. Carchedi                    26,500      2.6%
          5000 Philadelphia Way, Suite A, 
          Lanham, MD  20706

   Common Bonnie K. Wachtel                      5,000       .5%

   Common Dominic A. Laiti                       5,000       .5%

   Common R. Doss McComas                        5,000       .5%

All Officers and Directors of Integral Systems as a group own 279,186 
shares representing 27% of the outstanding shares of the Company.


                 COMPARISON OF FISCAL YEAR 1996
                      TO FISCAL YEAR 1995

The components of the Company's income statement as a percentage of 
revenue are depicted in the following table for fiscal years 1996 and 
1995.  Certain classifications and presentations from fiscal year
1995 have been changed to be consistent with fiscal year 1996 formats.

                                       % of                       % of
                       1996          Revenue                    Revenue
                     (000's ommitted)            (000's ommitted)
Revenue               $11,217         100.0       $10,771         100.0

    Cost of Revenue     8,217          73.2         8,290          77.0
    Selling, General & 
    Admin.              1,758          15.7         1,434          13.3
    Bad Debt Expense      233           2.1             -             -
    Prod. Amortization    509           4.5           509           4.7
    Other                  -2             -           -38           -.3
    Income Taxes          179           1.6           195           1.8

Total Expenses         10,894          97.1        10,390          96.5

Net income               $323           2.9          $381           3.5


The Company's principal components of revenue for fiscal years 1996 
and 1995 are as follows:

                                           % of                 % of
                                 1996     Revenue      1995    Revenue
                           (000's omitted)          (000's omitted)

Government Revenue             $5,686      50.7        $6,239       57.9

Commercial Revenue
    EPOCH                       4,240      37.8         3,512       32.6
    OASYS/ DRS/ 
    Other                         629       5.6           753        7.0
    IMI                           662       5.9           267        2.5

    Total                       5,531      49.3         4,532       42.1

Total Consolidated Revenue    $11,217     100.0       $10,771      100.0

Consolidated revenue increased by approximately $450,000 between the 
fiscal year ended September 30, 1996 and the fiscal year ended 
September 30, 1995, principally because of new contract awards related 
to the sale of the Company's EPOCH product along with associated 
integration services.  Revenue increases from EPOCH related business 
more than offset a $550,000 decline in the Company's Government 
business.  The Government decline is believed to be temporary as new 
contracts in this segment received at the end of fiscal year 1996 
should provide for higher revenue levels (compared to both 1996 and 
1995) during fiscal year 1997.  Although less than 6% of consolidated 
Company revenues, Integral Marketing, Inc. (IMI) achieved 
approximately 150% of revenue growth in 1996 over 1995.

During fiscal year 1996, the Company derived approximately 49% of its 
revenues from the sale of its commercial products and related services 
as opposed to 42% of such revenue during the prior fiscal year.  The 
increase correlates to the Company's conscious effort to reduce its 
reliance on the Federal Government, and to utilize its recently 
developed software products to gain access to organizations in order 
to sell both its products and associated integration and support 

Although the Company believes that its full cadre of software products 
is important for its future growth and prosperity, to date the 
Company's largest product investment relates to the development of its 
EPOCH software, a COTS (commercial off-the-shelf) product for 
satellite command and control.  The Company believes that it is unique 
in its status as the only entity with COTS software capable of 
"flying" satellites built by any satellite manufacturer in the world. 
 In fact during April, 1996 the Company was awarded a strategically 
important contract, a copy of which has been filed herewith as an 
exhibit, from AT&T Corporation to provide its COTS products (and 
related integration services) to command and control a fleet of 
satellites composed of spacecraft from multiple manufacturers.  The 
preponderance of revenue to be derived from this contract is expected 
to be realized in fiscal year 1997.

During fiscal year 1996, the Company recorded approximately $4.2 
million of revenue for its EPOCH product and associated services 
compared to $3.5 million of revenue during fiscal year 1995.  The 1996 
EPOCH revenue total included approximately $465,000 of license revenue 
compared to approximately $345,000 of this revenue type recorded in 
1995. The Company's material agreements with Allied Signal Technical
Services Corporation with respect to a project for the 
Republic of China National Space Program Office, contain
licensing provisions.

Because license revenues have nominal marginal costs associated with 
them, this form of revenue is highly important to the Company's 
overall profitability.  Looking forward to fiscal year 1997, the 
Company is encouraged that its current contract backlog includes in 
excess of $500,000 of unearned license revenues for its EPOCH product. 

The principal balance of the Company's commercial revenues pertain to 
other proprietary products as follows: OASYS (Orbital Analysis 
System); DRS (DOMSAT Receive Station); and a collection of software 
pertaining to database and information system applications.  During 
1996, the Company recorded approximately $630,000 of revenue related 
to the sale of products and services under these programs compared to 
approximately $750,000 of revenue recorded last fiscal year. The 
decrease principally relates to the Company's decision to cease 
operations of its information and database software operation as a 
discreet profit center.  All software development costs associated 
with this line of business have been fully amortized as of September 
30, 1996.


Cost of revenue as a percentage of revenue for fiscal year 1996 was 
73.2% compared to 77.0% for fiscal year 1995.  The improvement in 
these ratios is principally attributable to gross margin gains in the 
Company's EPOCH operation as well as increased margins at IMI.

SG&A increased in both absolute terms (by approximately $325,000) and 
as a percentage of revenue (15.7% vs. 13.3%) in 1996 over 1995.  The 
increases reflect the Company's continued program to enhance and 
augment its selling efforts, including a very concerted effort (and 
expense) to sell its commercial products internationally.

During 1996 the Company recorded a non-recurring $233,000 bad debt 
expense attributable to a customer's inability to pay. Despite this 
reserve, the Company is vigorously pursuing collection of this 


Overall, net income as a percentage of revenue was 2.9% in fiscal year 
1996 compared to 3.5% in fiscal year 1995, while pretax income was 
approximately $75,000 lower in 1996 compared to 1995. Were it not for 
the bad debt expense described above, pretax income would have been 
28% greater in 1996 over 1995.  Further the Company's fourth quarter 
of fiscal year 1996 included its highest ever quarterly revenue total 
($3.9 million) and its second highest ever pretax profit level 
($448,000).  Because of its fourth quarter performance, its current 
and significant backlog, and contracts to be imminently received,  the 
Company believes that results for fiscal year 1997 will exceed those 
recorded in fiscal year 1996 for both revenue and profitability.


The Company has been profitable on an annual basis since inception and 
has been able to generate adequate cash flow from operations to fund 
its operating and capital expenses.  To supplement operating cash 
flows, the Company has access to a line of credit facility in the 
amount of $1.2 million which is currently unused. (See Note 5 of the 
Notes to Financial Statements).  During fiscal year 1996, the Company 
used approximately $146,000 for operating activities and used an 
additional $739,000 for investing activities, including approximately 
$432,000 for newly capitalized software development costs.

As a result of its current cash reserves, its unused line of credit, 
its current profitability and management's internal budgeting and
planning, the Company believes it will have adequate cash resources 
to meet its obligations for the foreseeable future. Although operating 
and investing activities consumed significant sums of cash during 
1996, the Company does not believe it will have to rely on external 
sources of cash (i.e. its line of credit) to fund its growth and 
future software development in fiscal year 1997.

In terms of capital purchases, historically the Company has funded 
such items through operating cash flow or capital lease. The Company 
currently has no plans for major capital purchases in the ensuing 
twelve month period, although the Company plans to continue to invest 
in the continued development and improvement of its principal software 
products, EPOCH and OASYS.

                        SEPTEMBER 30, 1996


Current assets

Cash and cash equivalents               $1,369,915
Accounts receivable                      4,849,886
Employee receivables                        24,200
Prepaid expenses                            59,956
Deferred income taxes                       73,913

Total current assets                     6,377,870

Property and equipment, at cost, net of 
 accumulated  depreciation
 and amortization of $446,769              399,108

Other assets 

Deposits                                     7,182
Software development costs, net of 
accumulated amortization of $1,463,779   1,295,514

Total assets                            $8,079,674


Current liabilities

Accounts payable - trade                  $786,701
Accrued expenses                         1,157,356
Billings in excess of revenue for 
contracts in progress                      128,925
Income tax payable                          48,060

Total current liabilities                2,121,042

Commitments and contingencies

Common stock, $.01 par value, 2,000,000 
 shares authorized, 952,533 shares
 issued and outstanding                      9,525
Additional paid-in capital                 825,311
Retained earnings                        5,123,796

Total stockholders' equity               5,958,632

Total liabilities and
 stockholders' equity                   $8,079,674




                                          1996          1995
Revenue                                   $11,217,148  $10,770,661

Cost of revenue
  Direct labor                              3,617,255    3,526,899
  Direct equipment and subcontracts         1,567,215    2,218,243
  Travel and other direct costs               302,373      159,992
  Overhead costs                            2,729,793    2,385,043

Total cost of revenue                       8,216,636    8,290,177

Gross margin                                3,000,512    2,480,484

Selling, general and administrative         1,758,248    1,434,296
Product amortization                          509,477      508,556
Bad debt expense                              232,708            -

Income from operations                        500,079      537,632

Other income (expense) 
  Interest income                              65,396       76,222
  Interest expense                             (2,320)      (2,529)
  Miscellaneous, net                          (60,787)     (35,139)

Income before income taxes                    502,368      576,186

Provision for income taxes                    179,351      195,483

Net income                                   $323,017     $380,703

Weighted average number of common shares      948,021      942,155

Earnings per share:

Net income                                       $.34         $.40


           FOR THE YEARS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1996 AND 1995


Balance, September 30, 1994 938,020 $9,380 $635,541 $4,420,076 $5,064,997

Stock options exercised       5,726     57   60,896          -     60,953

Net income                        -      -        -    380,703    380,703

Balance, September 30, 1995 943,746  9,437  696,437  4,800,779  5,506,653

Stock options exercised       8,787     88  128,874          -    128,962

Net income                        -      -        -    323,017    323,017

Balance, September 30, 1996 952,533 $9,525 $825,311 $5,123,796 $5,958,632


          FOR THE YEARS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1996 AND 1995


Cash flows from operating activities:
 Net income                                            $323,017    $380,703
 Adjustments to reconcile net income to
  net cash provided by operating activities:
     Depreciation and amortization                      705,793     677,207
     Change in deferred taxes                           (13,194)     20,805
     (Increase) decrease in:
       Accounts receivable                           (1,366,109) (1,090,207)
       Interest receivable                                    -      10,333
       Prepaid expenses and deposits                      4,549     (46,815)
       Employee receivable                              (24,200)          -
       Income tax receivable                                  -       6,361
       (Decrease) increase in: 
       Accounts payable - trade                         434,706     145,031
       Accrued expenses                                 282,108    (157,414)
       Billings in excess of revenue
       for contracts in progress                       (432,277)    337,288
       Income tax payable                               (60,421)    108,481

Total adjustments                                      (469,045)     11,070
Net cash (used) provided by operating activities       (146,028)    391,773

Cash flows from investing activities:
       Acquisition of property and equipment           (306,799)   (217,642)
       Software development costs                      (431,773)   (315,470)
       Sale of marketable securities                          -     403,100

       Net cash used in investing activities           (738,572)   (130,012)

Cash flows from financing activities:
       Proceeds from issuance of common stock           128,962      60,953

Net (decrease) increase in cash                        (755,638)    322,714

Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of year          2,125,553   1,802,839

Cash and cash equivalents, end of year               $1,369,915  $2,125,553


1.	Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

	Principles of Consolidation

	The accompanying consolidated financial statements include 
the accounts of Integral Systems, Inc. (the Company) and its wholly 
owned subsidiaries, Integral Marketing, Inc. (IMI) and InterSys, Inc. 
(InterSys).  All significant intercompany transactions have been 
eliminated in consolidation.

	Use of Estimates 

	The preparation of financial statements in conformity with 
generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make 
estimates and assumptions that affect certain reported amounts and 
disclosures.  Accordingly, actual results could differ from those 

	Revenue Recognition

	Revenue under cost-plus-fixed-fee contracts is recorded on 
the basis of direct costs plus indirect costs incurred and an allocable 
portion of the fixed fee.  Revenue from fixed-price contracts is 
recognized on the percentage-of-completion method, measured by the cost-
to-cost method for each contract.  Revenue from time and materials 
contracts is recognized based on fixed hourly rates for direct labor 
expended.  The fixed rate includes direct labor, indirect expenses and 
profits.  Material or other specified direct costs are recorded at 
actual cost.

	Contract costs include all direct material and labor costs 
and those indirect costs related to contract performance.  General and 
administrative costs are charged to expense as incurred.  Provisions for 
estimated losses on contracts in progress are made in the period in 
which such losses are determined.  Changes in job performance, job 
conditions, and estimated profitability, including final contract 
settlements, may result in revisions to costs and income and are 
recognized in the period in which the revisions are determined.  The 
Company's contracts vary in length from one to four years.

	The fees under certain government contracts may be increased 
or decreased in accordance with cost or performance incentive provisions 
which measure actual performance against established targets or other 
criteria.  Such incentive fee awards or penalties are included in 
revenue at the time the amounts can be reasonably determined.

	Unbilled accounts receivable represents revenue recognized in 
excess of amounts billed.  The liability, billings in excess of revenue 
for contracts in progress, represents billings in excess of revenue 

	Revenue from commissions for the sale of equipment is 
recognized when customer orders are submitted.  A reserve is made for 
possible reductions in or cancellations of customer orders.

	Depreciation and Amortization

	Property and equipment are stated at cost.  The Company 
follows the policy of providing depreciation and amortization by 
charges, on the straight-line method, to operating expenses at rates 
based on estimated useful lives as follows:

   	Classification	            Estimated Useful Lives

	Electronic equipment          3 Years
	Furniture and fixtures        5 Years
	Leasehold improvements        Life of lease
	Software                      3 Years

	Maintenance and repair costs are charged to expense as 
incurred.  Replacements and betterments are capitalized.  At the time 
properties are retired or otherwise disposed of, the property and 
related accumulated depreciation or amortization accounts are relieved 
of the applicable amounts and any gain or loss is credited or charged 
to income.

	Software Development Costs

	The Company has capitalized costs related to the development 
of certain software products.  In accordance with Statement of Financial 
Accounting Standards No. 86, capitalization of costs begins when 
technological feasibility has been established and ends when the product 
is available for general release to customers.  Amortization is computed 
on an individual product basis and has been recognized for those 
products available for market based on the products' estimated economic 
lives which average five years.  Due to inherent technological changes 
in software development, however, the period over which such capitalized 
costs is being amortized may have to be modified.

	Earnings Per Share

	Earnings per share computations are based on the weighted 
average number of common shares outstanding during each year and have 
been adjusted where appropriate for stock splits.  The exercise of 
outstanding stock options would not result in a material dilution of 
earnings per share.

	Cash Concentrations and Cash Equivalents

	The Company considers all highly-liquid debt instruments 
purchased with a maturity of three months or less to be cash 
equivalents.  Cash accounts are maintained primarily with one federally 
insured financial institution.  Balances usually exceed insured limits, 
but management does not consider this to be a significant concentration 
of credit risk.  Included in the cash balance is $89,057 held in a 
foreign bank account.


	Certain accounts in the prior year financial statements have 
been reclassified for comparative purposes to conform with the 
presentation in the current year financial statements.

2.	Accounts Receivable and Revenue

	Accounts receivable at September 30, 1996 consists of the 


Government - prime contracts        $669,556
Government - subcontractors          440,871
Commercial customers               1,655,615
  Subtotal                         2,766,042


Government - prime contracts         827,637
Government - subcontractors           91,269
Commercial customers               1,164,938
  Subtotal                         2,083,844

  Total                           $4,849,886

	Unbilled accounts receivable include amounts arising from the 
use of the percentage-of-completion or other methods of recognizing 
revenue that differ from contractual billing terms.  Substantially all 
unbilled receivables are expected to be collected in one year.

	During the years ended September 30, 1996 and 1995, 
approximately 51% and 58%, respectively, of the Company's revenue was 
from prime contracts and subcontracts with departments and agencies of 
the U.S. Government.  The remaining revenue consists of commercial 
contracts and sales of commercial products.  For each of the years ended 
September 30, 1996 and 1995, commercial revenue included one customer 
which provided revenue in excess of 10% of total revenue.

3.	Property and Equipment

	Property and equipment as of September 30, 1996, are as 
Electronic equipment             $728,956
Furniture and fixtures             54,898
Leasehold improvements             11,365
Software                           50,658

Total property and equipment      845,877

Less: accumulated depreciation
and amortization                 (446,769)


4.	Software Development

	Software development costs at September 30, 1996, consist of 
the following: 

Costs incurred                     $2,759,293
Less:  accumulated amortization    (1,463,779)
Total                              $1,295,514

The total amortization expense for the year ended September 30, 1996 is 

5.	Line of Credit

	The Company has a line of credit agreement with a bank at 
September 30, 1996 for $1,200,000.  Borrowings under the line of credit 
bear interest at the bank's prime lending rate plus one-quarter of one 
percentage point per annum.  Any accrued interest is payable monthly. 
 The line of credit is secured by the Company's billed accounts 
receivable.  The line also has certain financial covenants, including 
minimum net worth and liquidity ratios.  The line expires February 28, 
1998.  At September 30, 1996, the Company had no outstanding balance 
under the line of credit.

6.	Accrued expenses

	Accrued expenses at September 30, 1996, consist of the 

Accrued payroll                  $544,974
Accrued vacation                  253,950
Payroll taxes                     171,054
Retirement plan payable           158,897
Other                              28,481


7.	Commitments and Contingencies


	The Company is leasing office space for a five-year period 
that commenced March 15, 1994.  Future minimum lease payments through 
March 14, 1999 are as follows:

Years ending September 30,1997             $219,520
                          1998              226,048
                          1999              105,131


	Lease payments do not include operating expenses, which are 
adjusted annually, or utilities.  Rent expense was $254,327 and 
$248,944, for the years ended September 30, 1996 and 1995, respectively.

	Government Contracts

	A significant portion of the revenues of the Company 
represent payments made by the U.S. Government and by contractors that 
have prime contracts with the U.S. Government.  These revenues are 
subject to adjustment upon audit by the Defense Contract Audit Agency 
(DCAA).  Audits by the DCAA have been completed on the Company's 
contracts and subcontracts through the year ended September 30, 1994. 
 Management is of the opinion that any disallowances by the Government 
auditors, other than amounts already provided, will not materially 
affect the Company's financial statements.  

7. Commitments and Contingencies (continued)


	During the fiscal year ended September 30, 1996, the Company 
sold certain of its software products along with specified hardware to 
a U.S. Government agency.  The procurement required the Company to sell 
these items through an intermediary prime contractor.  The value of the 
contract to the Company was $232,708.

	The Company fully complied with the terms of its contract, 
and although the third party prime contractor has been paid in full by 
the U.S. Government, the Company has received no payments to date.  In 
August 1996, the Company filed a complaint in the Second Judicial 
District Court of the State of New Mexico against the prime contractor 
and its principal owner individually for breach of contract in an 
attempt to recover the value of its contract.  Based on discovery 
received, the Company subsequently filed a motion for summary judgment 
against the defendants.

	In September 1996, the defendants filed a counterclaim 
against the Company alleging defamation, intentional interference with 
contractual relations and the prima facie tort of extortion.  The 
Company believes the counterclaim is without merit and will not have a 
materially adverse effect on its financial statements.

	Although the Company has fully reserved the receivable due 
under this contract ($232,708), it continues to vigorously pursue all 
legal remedies available to it.

8.	Income Taxes

	For the years ended September 30, 1996 and 1995, the 
provision for income taxes consisted of the following:

                                    1996        1995
Current tax expense
Federal                         $154,910    $142,972
State                             37,635      31,706

                                 192,545     174,678
Deferred tax (benefit) 
expense                          (13,194)     20,805

Total provision                 $179,351    $195,483

At September 30, 1996, the tax effect of significant temporary 
differences representing deferred tax assets and liabilities are as 


Depreciation and amortization            $(36,827)
Vacation accrual                           99,040
Revenue reserve                            11,700

Net deferred income tax asset             $73,913

	The effective income tax rates differ from the statutory United 
income tax rate due principally to the following:

                                             1996     1995

Federal statutory rate                       34.0%    34.0%
State tax, net of federal
  income tax benefit                          4.6      4.6
Tax-exempt interest                             -     (0.8)
Tax deductible stock option compensation     (2.8)    (4.1)
Other, primarily change in estimate          (0.1)     0.2

Effective rate                               35.7%    33.9%

9.	Profit Sharing and Employee Benefits Plans

	The Company has a profit sharing and 401(k) plan for the benefit 
substantially all employees.  Profit sharing contributions consist of 
discretionary amounts determined each year by the Board of Directors of the 
Company based upon net profits for the year and total compensation paid. 
 The 401(k) feature allows employees to make elective deferrals not to 
exceed 10% of compensation.  Effective January 1, 1995, the separate profit 
sharing and 401(k) plans were combined into one plan.

	The Company also has a money purchase plan.  For the years ended 
September 30, 1996 and 1995, the money purchase plan obligated the Company to 
contribute 5% of eligible salaries under the plan.

	For the years ended September 30, 1996 and 1995, contributions to 
the plans totalled $473,552 and $455,269, respectively.

10.	Stock Option Plan

	Effective May 25, 1989, as amended on January 1, 1994, the Company 
established a stock option plan to create additional incentives for the 
Company's employees, consultants and directors to promote the financial 
success of the Company.  The Board of Directors has sole authority to 
select full-time employees, directors or consultants to receive awards 
of options for the purchase of stock under this plan.  The maximum number 
of shares of common stock which may be issued pursuant to the stock option 
plan is 200,000.  The price of the options is set at the stock's bid 
price on the date of the Board of Directors meeting at which the option is 
granted.  Options expire no later than ten years from the date of grant 
(five years for greater than ten percent owners) or when employment ceases, 
whichever comes first, and vest over three years.

	Stock option transactions under the plan for the years ended 
September 30, 1996 and 1995, are summarized as follows:

                                          1996       1995
Options outstanding, beginning of year    46,174     30,800
Granted                                   85,600     21,100
Exercised                                 (8,787)    (5,726)
Cancelled                                 (5,000)         -
Options outstanding, end of year         117,987     46,174

Option price range                        $21.50 to  $17.75 to
                                          $29.00     $26.00
Options exercisable, end of year          19,012     15,714
Options available, end of year            51,850    132,450

	The Company applies APB Opinion No. 25 in accounting for its stock option 
plan, and, accordingly, no compensation cost has been recognized for the 
plan.  FASB Statement No. 123, "Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation" 
(SFAS 123), is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 
1995.  Adoption of SFAS 123 is optional; however, proforma disclosures 
as if the Company adopted the cost recognition requirements under SFAS 123 
will be required in the Company's financial statements for its fiscal 
year ending September 30, 1997.

11.	Supplemental Cash Flow Information

	For the years ended September 30, 1996 and 1995, income taxes 
paid, net of refunds, were $410,076 and $81,012, respectively.  For the years
ended September 30, 1996 and 1995, interest expense incurred and paid was 
$2,320 and $2,529, respectively.

12.	Business Segment Information

	During the year ended September 30, 1996, the Company's operations included 
two reportable segments:  Satellite ground systems and electronic test 
instrumentation and equipment marketing.  

	The Company provides satellite ground systems - computer systems 
for satellite command and control, data processing, simulation, and flight 
software validation.  Customers for these systems include U.S. Government 
organizations such as National Aeronautics and Space Administration 
(NASA), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and the
U.S. Air Force, as well as commercial satellite operators, both domestic and 

	Through its wholly-owned subsidiary, IMI, the Company acts a manufacturer's 
representative, selling electronic test instrumentation and equipment to 
customers primarily in Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia. 
(The Company's other wholly-owned subsidiary, InterSys, provides 
consulting services for satellite design and procurement, but is 
presently inactive.)

12.	Business Segment Information (continued)

	Summarized financial information is as follows:

                                           1996        1995
Net sales
  Satellite ground systems             $10,555,371  $10,503,423
  Marketing                                661,777      267,238

Income before taxes
  Satellite ground systems                 343,797      615,413
  Marketing                                158,571      (39,227)

Identifiable assets
  Satellite ground systems               6,139,157    4,981,702
  Marketing                                405,351      163,918

Capital expenditures
  Satellite ground systems                 305,220      216,896
  Marketing                                  1,579          746

Depreciation and amortization
  Satellite ground systems                 192,838      165,551
  Marketing                                  3,478        3,100

	Identifiable assets of the respective segments include accounts 
receivable, property and equipment, and software development costs.  Cash
and cash equivalents and the remaining assets are considered corporate assets.  
There were no significant intercompany sales.


The Company's independent public accountants for the fiscal year ended 
September 30, 1996 and for the current fiscal year are Rubino & McGeehin 
Chartered of Rockville, Maryland.  Representatives of the Company's 
independent public accountants for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1996 
and for the current year are not expected to be present at the annual 
meeting, or to be available to respond to questions, but will have the 
opportunity to make a statement if they desire to do so.


In order for proposals by shareholders to be included in the Company's 
proxy statement, such proposals must be received by the Company not less 
than 120 calendar days in advance of the date of the Company's proxy 
statement released to shareholders in connection with the previous year's 
annual meeting, except that if no annual meeting was held during the 
previous year or the date of the Annual Meeting has been changed by more 
than 30 calendar days from the date contemplated at the time of the 
previous year's proxy statement, such a proposal must be received by the 
Company a reasonable time before the solicitation is made.

The last date on which a shareholder proposal for the 1998 annual meeting 
must be presented to the Company in order to be included in the 
Company's proxy statement for the 1998 annual meeting is December 29, 1997.


No reports on Form S-8 have been filed during the fiscal year 1996.

