is made between
  Berendes/Dr. Venator Gbr,
  consisting of
  a. Mr. Guido M. Berendes, Dipl. Ing.,
     of Farberstrasse 100, 40223 Dusseldorf
  b. Mr. Arwed Venator, Dr. jur., 
     of Bugenbeck 112/114, 45470 Mulheim an der Ruhr
                    - LESSOR -
  and the Firm of
  BGS Systems, GmbH,
  of Steinhof 39, 40699 Erkrath
                    -THE TENANT-
  The Lessor is erecting on the ground site entitled Steinhof
  3-5a, Erkrath, an office park, the first section of which
  (Buildings V to VII) is complete, and the second and third
  sections of which (Buildings I - IV) are still in the
  process of construction.
  The tenant wishes to rent premises on the Third Floor of
  Building III (Steinhof 5) with a net floor area of approx.
  420 square meters.
  In this matter the following
  has been concluded:
  (1) The Lessor shall lease to the Tenant
  The area situated on the top floor of the Building III
  (Steinhof 5) such area being edged in green in the
  accompanying Ground Plan, having a net floor area of approx.
  420 square meters.
  12  vehicle parking spaces in the underground garage, the
  precise position of which the Lessor shall determine in
  accordance with 315 BGB [Federal German Code].
  Use may be made of the general areas and facilities intended
  for communal use.
  (2)     These premises shall be let exclusively for use as
  office accommodation by the Tenant.  Any change in the
  purpose of the lease shall require the express permission of
  the Lessor, and the Tenant shall enjoy no claim upon such
  permission.  Any alteration in the purpose of the lease
  undertaken without this permission shall provide the Lessor
  with grounds for immediate termination of contract.
  (3)     The description of the property and its fittings
  is based on
  the Ground Plan for the Third floor of Building III, as
  contained in Appendix 1 of this Contract
  the Building specification and Specification of fittings, as
  set out in Appendix 2 of this Contract.
  (4)  Discrepancies from anything determined in Appendices 1
  - 2 can only be allowed with the permission of the Tenant.
  (1)     The Tenancy shall begin on 1 January 1997. The keys to
  the premises shall be handed over at the latest on 16
  December 1996.  Any delays in handing over shall not entitle
  the Tenant to raise any claim - especially claims for
  damages against the Lessor.
  (2)     This Lease is fixed for five years, to commence on the
  day of handing over, in accordance with Section 1.
  (3)     The Tenant is entitled, by means of a written
  declaration to be made to the Lessor by registered post at a
  term of six months before the expiry of the fixed
  contractual period, to require one extension of the
  leasehold for a period of a further five years, retaining
  all contractual agreements.
  (4)     The Leasehold Premises are subject to the Building
  Specification (Appendix 2 of this Contract), and to the Room
  Schedule, which is still to be drawn up, but about which the
  Parties are in agreement as to its essential contents.
  (5)     When the finished Leasehold Premises are handed over, a
  Memorandum of Transfer shall be drawn up to be signed by
  both Parties.  In this Memorandum the Tenant shall confirm
  such transfer of the Leasehold Premises.  The Tenant may
  only refuse to take the premises over if essential
  deficiencies are present, such as to cause major impairment
  of their agreed purpose.  In general the Memorandum of
  Transfer shall list any deficiencies and final work which
  the lessor must still undertake.  Such work shall be carried
  out by the lessor within an appropriate time.  Moreover the
  Memorandum of Transfer must contain a measurement of area,
  which shall form the basis for assessing the rental payment.
  (1)     The monthly net rental payment for the premises leased
  on the Third Floor of Building III shall be DM 19.00 per
  square meter of net floor area:  taking an expected net
  floor area of approx. 420 square meters, this will therefore
  be DM 7,980.00
  (2)     The monthly net rental payment for the 12 leased
  vehicle parking spaces in the underground garage shall be DM
  80.00 per parking lot, amounting to a total therefore of DM
  (3)     In addition to the net rental payment stated above, the
  Tenant shall bear the running costs as set out in Appendix
  III to Section 27 of the Second Accounting Order of the New
  Buildings Leasehold Order, which is part of this Contract as
  Appendix 3.  The Parties to this Contract hereby agree that
  the cost schedule for living accommodation mentioned has
  been drawn up and must therefore be understood in an
  extended sense, corresponding to commercial use.  Should new
  public charges be introduced or new running costs arise, the
  Tenant shall be charged with these in the same way, insofar
  as this does not exclude statutory regulations.  Insofar as
  these additional overheads to be born by the Tenant are not
  charged to him directly, an allocation shall be levied. 
  Such a levy will be made for heating and hot water according
  to consumption, as set out in the hot water order.   Insofar
  as a levy according to consumption or direct levy is not
  made, a levy shall be made in the proportion which these
  leasehold premises hold to the total leasehold premises
  available in the whole Property.  In goodwill the Lessor
  will apportion the charges by a fair calculation in
  accordance with Section 315 BGB (Federal German Code). 
  Should the Tenancy end during the accounting period, then
  without the Tenant having any claim to receive an account in
  advance of the end of the accounting period - an
  intermediate reading of the measuring equipment shall be
  carried out.  Should an intermediate reading not be carried
  out, then the charges shall be divided by the Lessor between
  the Tenant and the subsequent Tenant or the Lessor himself
  in accordance with a fair calculation.
  The Tenant shall bear the costs of the administration of the
  building by way of the apportioned levy.  The levy shall be
  made in the proportion which these leasehold premises hold
  to the total leasehold premises available in the whole
  Property.  Monthly advance payments will be claimed for the
  additional charges born by the Tenant amounting to DM 3.00
  per square meter of area occupied.  The monthly advance
  payments are payable together with the rent.  Subsidiary
  charges shall be accounted annually by 30 Subsidiary charges
  shall be accounted annually by 30 June of the following
  year.  The accounted sum is payable within two weeks after
  receipt of the invoice.  The Lessor is entitled - and, at
  the request of the Tenant shall have the duty - to adjust
  the advance payments to the probable trend of the subsidiary
  charges themselves.  An adjustment shall take place in any
  case to the balance of the previous year.
  (4)     In addition to rental payment and subsidiary charges
  the Tenant shall pay the turnover tax levied upon them at
  the rate in statutory force for the time being.
  (5)     The probable monthly rent will amount to:
     Office Premises               DM  7,980.00
     Vehicle parking spaces in
       underground garage          DM    960.00
     Advance subsidiary charges    DM  1,260.00
     Turnover tax (currently 15%)  DM  1,530.00
     Total                         DM 11,730.00
  The rental payment, the advance payment for subsidiary
  charges, and the turnover tax levied on these shall be
  payable in advance by the fifth calendar day of every month
  and shall be transferred free of charge to Account Number
  915 515 5 of the Nationalbank AG, Mulheim an der Ruhr (Bank
  Sorting Code 362 200 30).  In the case of delay the Tenant
  shall be liable to additional late payment charges of at
  least 6% above the current discount rate of the German
  Federal Bank.  Ingoing payments which fail to repay all the
  Lessor's unpaid demands shall be applied firstly to the
  interest, then to the subsidiary charges (firstly to the
  earlier, then to the later), and lastly to the basic rent
  (firstly to the earlier, then to the later), even if the
  Tenant has directed a different repayment.
  (6)     The rental is further assured as follows:
  If the index of prices for average cost of living according
  to the Federal Office of Statistics, Wiesbaden, (households
  of four people consisting of workers and employed persons
  with a middle-range income, basis: 1985 = 100) changes by
  10% or more up or down compared to its state when the
  Leasehold Premises were handed over to the tenant, or
  compared to its state when it formed the basis of the last
  adjustment, the rental shall alter accordingly.
  Such information shall be based on the monthly publications
  of the currently continuing index of the Federal Office of
  Statistics, Wiesbaden.
  The rental payment shall alter at the same time as the index
  prices for the average cost of living alters.  In the case
  of a rise the Lessor, in the case of a fall the Tenant shall
  give notice of the change and present an account.  If notice
  is not given, or not given in time, this shall not be taken
  to mean that the claim for adjustment has been abrogated. 
  The amended rental shall be paid retrospectively; any
  difference shall be reimbursed retrospectively; however, the
  Contracting Parties shall hereby be deemed to be in arrears
  only after the relevant account has been presented and only
  after a proper term of notice has expired.
  Should the Federal Office of Statistics cease to continue
  the agreed price index wholly or in part, then a subsequent
  index of a suitable kind shall be used in its place, or an
  index which guarantees the value of the rental to the same
  extent as the original regulatory index, such guaranty being
  the intention of the Parties.
  The above value-assurance stipulation requires the approval
  of the competent State Central Bank, which the Lessor shall
  Should this approval be refused, or should the agreed value-
  assurance stipulation be invalid for any other reason, then
  its place shall be taken by a regulation which in its
  financial import shall approach the intention of the agreed
  value assurance stipulation as nearly as possible.
  (1)     All decorative repair in the premises shall be
  undertaken by the Tenant at his own expense during the term
  of the Lease.  This includes the following work:  painting
  walls and ceilings, painting radiators and pipes, painting
  interior doors, as well as the interior parts of windows and
  external doors, care and maintenance of floors.
  At the termination of the Lease the Tenant shall undertake
  all decorative repair completely.
  Decorative repair must be carried out in a professional
  manner.  Should the Tenant fail to fulfill his obligations,
  then the Lessor, assuming that he has made requirement of
  the Tenant to carry out such work without result, may demand
  reimbursement of the costs attendant on carrying out the
  (2)     Minor repairs over and beyond the Lessor's duty of
  guaranty up to the sum of DM 500.00 in each case shall be
  born by the Tenant, but not more than DM 3,000.00 per year
  of the Lease.  This sum shall be subject to amendment in
  accordance with the regulation contained in the value
  assurance stipulation as set out in Section 3, Par. 7.
  (3)     The Tenant may undertake building alterations to the
  premises only if he has obtained the Lessor's written
  permission in advance.
  (4)     The Tenant shall bear the risk of glass breakage.
  (5)     The Tenant shall be liable for damage caused by his
  servants, employees or customers.
  (1)     The Tenant may provide the leasehold area or parts
  thereof with his own furnishings and equipment, such as
  electrical installations and telephone equipment.  He shall
  thereby adhere to the proper spacial availability.
  (2)     At the close of the Tenancy the Tenant may take away
  the furnishings and equipment which he has provided.  He
  shall put all things into their original order.  Should at
  the close of the Tenancy a mutual interest prevail to leave
  any furnishings and equipment belonging to the Tenant in the
  Leasehold premises, then the Parties to this Contract will
  reach an agreement regarding these items at the close of the
  The Tenant will draw attention to his trade to the usual
  extent by affixing suitable advertisements in the area of
  the building entrance, the lift and the entrance to the
  Floor.  With respect to the character of the building a
  uniform design must be adopted corresponding to regulations
  laid down by the Lessor.  Any costs arising from alterations
  shall be born by the Tenant.
  The Tenant shall undertake the duty of traffic safety in the
  area of the leasehold premises, indemnifying the Lessor.
  The Tenant shall be entitled to sublet in the context of the
  stipulation of use in Section 1.  such subletting shall not
  affect the Tenant's liability in accordance with this
  Contract.  The Lessor shall be entitled to refuse permission
  to sublet if the Sub-tenant is insolvent, or if there are
  other reasons why the Sub-tenant is not acceptable to the
  The Tenant cannot offset any claims which he may have
  against the Lessor against the Lessor's claims for rental
  payment, and therefore cannot assert any right to retention,
  unless the Tenant's claims in question are unopposed or
  determined at law.
  A reduction of rental is only permissible if the claim to
  reduction has been recognized or has been determined at law
  with respect to its reason and size.
  (1)     The Leasehold premises shall be returned to the lessor
  at the termination of the Tenancy in contractually proper
  condition and taking into account the regulation in Section
  (2)     If so demanded by the Lessor, the Tenant shall at this
  time put everything into its original order.
  (3)     Paragraph 368 of the BGB (Federal German Code) shall
  not apply.  Any use of the Leasehold Premises after
  termination of the Lease shall not lead to an extension of
  the Tenancy for an indefinite time.
  (1)     The Lessor or his agent may enter the leasehold
  premises at suitable intervals and at good notice, in order
  to ascertain their condition or to read measuring equipment.
  (2)     Should the Lessor intend to sell the Premises, or
  should the Lease be terminated, then the Lessor or his
  agent, together with the Parties interested in sale or
  leasing, shall be entitled to view the premises on weekdays
  between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., having given good notice.
  The Lessor shall b entitled to transfer his rights and
  duties in this contract to a Third Party.  In the case of
  the property being alienated, the Lessor's liability to
  fulfill this contract shall end upon the alienation of the
  property.  Section 571, Paragraph 2 of the BGB (Federal
  German Code) shall not apply.
  The same shall hold in the case of either of the Lessor's
  shareholders transferring his shareholding to a Third Party.
  The liabilities of the departing shareholder under this
  contract shall end with his departure from the Company at
  Civil Law, the Company being the Lessor.
  The Tenant's employees and visitors have the right to enter
  the leasehold premises at any time.
  (1)     As a guaranty of all the Lessor's claims against the
  Tenant arising from this Contract, the Tenant shall pay a
  surety amounting to three months' rental payments (plus
  subsidiary charges and value added tax), estimated at DM
  This surety shall be paid within two weeks of this Leasehold
  Contract being concluded, at latest before the Leasehold
  Premises are handed over.  As long as it has not been paid
  the Tenant has no right to claim transfer of the Leasehold
  Premises.  The Lessor shall place this surety at interest,
  as a savings credit with a statutory notice of withdrawal,
  in a credit institution of his choice.  The interest shall
  be credited to the sum held as surety.
  (2)     In place of a cash surety the Tenant may provide an
  absolute guaranty from a German credit institution
  registered as a customs and revenue guarantor to the same
  amount, in which the guarantor institution pledges to pay
  the sum at guaranty to the Lessor at first demand if the
  latter shall show that the Tenant has not fulfilled his
  obligations under the Leasehold Contract.  Any facility to
  free the guarantor by means of deposit must be excluded.
  (3)     The surety or bank guaranty shall be repaid without
  delay following termination of the Leasehold Contract, as
  soon as the Leasehold Premises have been returned in order
  and in their proper contractual condition and no demands
  under the Leasehold Contract are outstanding.
  (1)     The Lessor may terminate the Leasehold Contract for
  good reason.   Good reason shall mean particularly:  if the
  Tenant is in arrears in payment of rent or subsidiary
  charges amounting to a sum greater than two month's rent, 
  if proceedings in bankruptcy, or proceedings in legal
  composition for the avoidance of bankruptcy, have been
  initiated upon the Tenant's assets, or if an application has
  been made for such initiation, or if the Tenant has ceased
  (2)     The Tenant may terminate this Leasehold Contract for
  good reason, if proceedings in bankruptcy, or proceedings in
  legal composition for the avoidance of bankruptcy, have been
  initiated upon the estate of the Lessor, or if application
  has been made for such initiation.
  16.     HOUSE RULES
  (1)     The Tenant shall have a duty to the Lessor and to the
  other Tenants and users of the whole building to maintain
  good order in the building and to practice mutual
  (2)     To maintain good order in the building, and for the use
  of communal facilities, the Lessor may draw up house rules. 
  No regulations contained in this contract can be altered by
  any regulations contained in such house rules.
  (1)     Should any regulation contained in this Contract be or
  become inoperative, then the efficacy of the whole Contract
  shall not be affected.  In such a case the Parties to the
  Contract will replace the inoperative regulation by a
  legally operative rule which approaches most nearly to the
  intended commercial purpose of the inoperative regulation. 
  The same procedure shall be undertaken if any individual
  stipulations cannot be carried out or if any omissions shall
  be found in this Contract.
  (2)     No subsidiary agreements have been made with respect to
  his Contract.  Amendments and additions to this Contract, or
  its suspension, must be in writing.  Any amendment to this
  stipulation of written procedure must also be in writing.
  (3)     The place of fulfillment and of jurisdiction shall be
  Dusseldorf, insofar as this can be effectually signed.
     The following are integral parts of this Contract:
  Appendix 1   Ground Plan of the Third Floor of Building IV
  Appendix 2   Building Specification and Specification of
  Appendix 3   Appendix III to Section 27 of the Second
  Accountancy Order to the New          Buildings Leasehold Order
  Dusseldorf, 24 March 1996        /s/ Berendes/Dr. Venator

Erkrath, 22 March 1996        BGS Systems GmbH
