WASHINGTON D.C.  20549
                                  FORM 10-Q

(Mark One)
For  the  quarterly  period  ended              June 30, 1997


For the transition period from                  to

Commission file number                          0-12508

                             S&T BANCORP, INC.
      (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

                             Pennsylvania       25-1434426
      (State or other jurisdiction of           (I.R.S.EMPLOYER
      incorporation or organization)            Identification No.)

      800 Philadelphia Street, Indiana, PA      15701
      (Address of principal executive offices)  (Zip Code)

                             (412) 349-2900
      (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

                             Not Applicable
      (Former name, former address and former fiscal year, 
      if changed since last report.)
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports 
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities and Exchange
Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter periods 
that the registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been
subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days.  YES   X   NO

                             APPLICABLE ONLY TO CORPORATE ISSUERS: 

Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the issuer's classes 
of common stock, as of the latest practical date.

      Common Stock, $2.50 Par Value - 14,130,638 shares as of July 29, 1997



PART I.  FINANCIAL INFORMATION                                 Page No.
Item 1.  Financial Statements
         Condensed consolidated balance sheets - 
         June 30, 1997 and December 31, 1996                          3

         Condensed consolidated statements of income - 
         Three months ended June 30, 1997 and 1996                    4
         and six months ended June 30, 1997 and 1996
         Condensed consolidated statements of cash flows -  
         Six months ended June 30, 1997 and 1996                      5
         Notes to condensed consolidated financial statements       6-9
Item 2.  Management's discussion and analysis of financial 
           condition and results of operations                    10-17



Item 6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K                            18
SIGNATURES                                                           19


                                              June 30,       December 31,
                                                1997             1996
                                         (000's omitted except share data)
      Cash and due from banks                   $45,574          $40,710
      Interest-earning deposits         
          with banks                                102              109
      Federal funds sold                            800            6,465
      Available for sale                        412,978          449,801
      Held to maturity ( market value   
          $48,455 in 1997 and $51,343
          in 1996)                               47,523           50,260
      Total Securities                          460,501          500,061

  Loans, net of allowance for loan      
      losses of $19,970 in 1997 and     
      $18,729 in 1996                         1,215,553        1,181,407
      Premises and equipment                     19,678           20,038
      Other assets                               38,634           38,255
  TOTAL ASSETS                               $1,780,842       $1,787,045

          Noninterest-bearing demand           $166,587         $159,268
          Interest-bearing demand                35,063           52,659
          Money market                          260,611          230,143
          Savings                               189,496          198,195
          Time                                  629,014          630,102
              Total Deposits                  1,280,771        1,270,367
      Securities sold under repurchase  
           agreements                           106,735          114,205
      Federal funds purchased                         0              775
      Long-term borrowings                      111,618          136,618
      Other borrowed funds                          230              230
      Other liabilities                          42,885           38,732
  TOTAL LIABILITIES                           1,542,239        1,560,927
  SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                  
      Preferred stock, without par value,
           10,000,000 shares authorized
           and none outstanding
      Common stock $2.50 par value, 
           25,000,000 shares authorized
           and 14,857,019 issued                 37,142           37,142
      Additional paid in capital                 19,319           19,044
      Retained earnings                         166,548          157,982
      Net unrealized holding gains on 
           securities available for sale         28,502           25,197
      Treasury stock (726,396 shares at 
           June 30, 1997 and 746,003
           at December 31, 1996, at cost)       (12,678)         (13,017)
      Deferred compensation                        (230)            (230)
  TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                    238,603          226,118
  TOTAL LIABILITIES AND                 
      SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                   $1,780,842       $1,787,045

See Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements


                               For Three Months Ended    For Six Months Ended
                                       June 30,                  June 30,
                                       1997       1996          1997       1996
                                            (000's omitted except share data)
  INTEREST INCOME                                               
      Loans, including fees         $27,069     $24,368      $53,334    $48,590
      Deposits with banks                 2           1            4          3
      Federal funds sold                278         100          409        183
      Investment securities:
           Taxable                    6,043       6,810       12,640     13,256
           Tax-exempt                   581         739        1,191      1,503
           Dividends                    835         712        1,621      1,411
  Total Interest Income              34,808      32,730       69,199     64,946

           Interest-bearing demand      336         441          694        886
           Money market               1,756       1,442        3,374      2,805
           Savings                    1,115       1,283        2,247      2,566
           Time                       8,455       8,204       16,766     16,468
      Securities sold under repurchase 
           agreements                 1,688       1,765        3,304      3,436
      Federal funds purchased            65          96          240        174
      Long-term borrowings            1,615       1,135        3,438      2,400
      Other borrowed funds                4          18            8         39
  Total Interest Expense             15,034      14,384       30,071     28,774
  NET INTEREST INCOME                19,774      18,346       39,128     36,172
      Provision for loan losses         800       1,600        2,350      2,650
      PROVISION FOR LOAN LOSSES      18,974      16,746       36,778     33,522

      Trust fees                        777         689        1,409      1,381
      Service charges on deposit
         accounts                     1,090         974        2,143      1,876
      Net securities/other gains      2,038         624        3,540      1,117
      Other                             568         594        1,401      1,381
  Total Noninterest Income            4,473       2,881        8,493      5,755

      Salaries and employee benefits  6,268       5,371       11,963     10,844
      Occupancy expense, net            648         666        1,350      1,384
      Equipment expense, net          1,285         593        2,022      1,382
      Data processing                   648         445        1,135        927
      FDIC assessment                    62         114          118        211
      Other                           2,745       2,846        6,014      5,521
  Total Noninterest Expense          11,656      10,035       22,602     20,269
  INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAXES         11,791       9,592       22,669     19,008
      Applicable income taxes         3,478       2,471        6,615      4,950
  NET INCOME                         $8,313      $7,121      $16,054    $14,058

       Net Income                     $0.59       $0.51        $1.14      $1.00
       Dividends                       0.28        0.24         0.53       0.45
  Average Common Shares Outstanding  14,130      14,062       14,127     14,131

See Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements


                                                   Six Months Ended June 30
                                                    1997               1996
                                                          (000's omitted)
Operating Activities                                             
Net Income                                        $16,054            $14,058
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash
provided by operating activities:
  Provision for loan losses                         2,350              2,650
  Provision for depreciation and amortization       1,115                928
  Net amortizaton of investment security premiums     263                295
  Net accretion of loan and deposit discounts           0               (268)
  Net gains on sales of securities available
    for sale                                       (3,438)            (1,035)  
  Decrease (increase) in deferred income taxes         93               (345)
  Increase in interest receivable                     (24)              (220)
  Decrease in interest payable                       (252)              (573)
  Decrease in other assets                          1,321                949
  Decrease in other liabilities                      (260)            (1,171)
Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities          17,222             15,268

Investing Activities
Net redemption (increase in) interest-earning
  deposits with banks                                   7                 (1)
Net decrease in federal funds sold                  5,665                340
Proceeds from maturities of investment securities   2,731              3,020
Proceeds from maturities of securities available 
  for sale                                         67,696             58,685
Proceeds from sales of securities available 
  for sale                                         38,202             23,601
Purchases of investment securities                      0             (1,603)
Purchases of securities available for sale        (60,763)          (107,856)
Net increase in loans                             (39,640)           (29,686)
Proceeds from the sale of loans                     3,144             13,688
Purchases of premises and equipment                  (114)              (999)
Proceeds from the sale of premises and equipment     (641)               (28)
  Net Cash Used by Investing Activities            16,287            (40,839)

Financing Activities
Net increase in demand, NOW and
  savings deposits                                 11,492             17,010
Net (decrease) increase in certificates of deposit (1,088)             3,068
Net (decrease) increase in federal funds purchased   (775)             8,475
Net (decrease) increase in repurchase agreements   (7,470)            23,682
Repayments from FHLB long-term borrowings         (25,000)           (14,993)
Acquisition of treasury stock                          (4)            (7,270)
Sale of treasury stock                                619              1,103
Decrease in obligation under capital lease           (119)              (143)
Cash dividends paid to shareholders                (6,300)            (5,369)
Net Cash Used by Financing Activities             (28,645)            25,563

Increase (decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents    4,864                 (8)
Cash and Cash Equivalents at Beginning of Period   40,710             46,477
Cash and Cash Equivalents at End of Period        $45,574            $46,469

See Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

June 30, 1997
The accompanying unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements
give retroactive effect to the merger of Peoples Bank of Unity with and into
S&T Bancorp, Inc.  The merger which was consumated on May 2, 1997 resulted
in S&T issuing a total of 3,036,075 shares of common stock.  The merger
was accounted for on a pooling of interest basis and the financial
statements are presented as if the merger had been consummated for all the
periods presented, and have been prepared in accordance with generally
accepted accounting principles for interim financial information and
with the instructions to Form 10-Q and Article 10 of Regulation S-X.
Accordingly, they do not include all of the information and footnotes
required by generally accepted accounting principals for complete
financial statements.  In the opinion of management, all adjustments
(consisting of normal recurring accruals) considered necessary for
a fair presentation have been included.  Operating results for
the six month period ended June 30, 1997 are not necessarily 
indicative of the results that may be expected for the year ending
December 31, 1997.  For further information, refer to the consolidated
financial statements and footnotes thereto included in the annual report
on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1996.

Earnings per common share are based on the average number of shares of common
stock outstanding during the periods presented.

Financial Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 128 "Accounting for Earnings
per Share" (Statement No. 128), is effective in 1997 and provides specific
computation, presentation and disclosure requirements for earnings per share.
The statement's objective is to simplify the computation of earnings per share
and to make the U.S. standard for computing earnings per share more compatible
with the standards of other countries and with that of the International
Accounting Standards Committee.  Early adoption is not permitted and Statement 
No. 128 will not have a material affect on S&T's financial position or results
of operations.


The amortized cost and estimated market value of securities as of June 30
are as follows:

   1997                                 Available for Sale
                                          Gross      Gross    Estimated
                             Amortized  Unrealized Unrealized  Market
                               Cost       Gains     Losses      Value
                                           (000's omitted)

Obligations of U.S. government                       
  corporations and agencies   $246,188     $1,571    ($1,152)  $246,607
Collateralized mortgage 
  obligations of U.S. 
  government corporations
  and agencies                  17,218        220                17,438
U.S. Treasury securities        38,127      1,121         (3)    39,245
Corporate securities            11,752         47                11,799
Debt securities available
  for sale                     313,285      2,959     (1,155)   315,089
Marketable equity 
  securities                    45,697     42,116        (71)    87,742
Other securities                10,147                           10,147
Total                         $369,129    $45,075    ($1,226)  $412,978

   1997                                 Held To Maturity
                                          Gross      Gross    Estimated
                             Amortized  Unrealized Unrealized  Market
                               Cost       Gains     Losses      Value
                                       (000's omitted)
Obligations of states and                              
  political subdivisions       $42,568       $777       ($46)   $43,299
Corporate securities             1,998        201                 2,199
Debt securities held to
  maturity                      44,566        978        (46)    45,498
Other securities                 2,957                            2,957
Total                          $47,523       $978       ($46)   $48,455



The amortized cost and estimated market value of securities as of December 31 
are as follows:

          1996                        Available for Sale
                                        Gross     Gross     Estimated
                          Amortized   Unrealized Unrealized   Market
                            Cost        Gains     Losses       Value
                                         (000's omitted)

Obligations of U.S.
 government corporations                          
 and agencies             $234,632      $2,408   ($1,116)   $235,924
Collateralized mortgage
 obligations of U.S. 
 government corporations
 and agencies               51,503         408      (267)     51,644
U.S. Treasury securities    57,187       1,555                58,742
Corporate securities        14,463         143       (56)     14,550
Debt securities available
 for sale                  357,785       4,514    (1,439)    360,860
Marketable equity
 securities                 40,161      35,868      (224)     75,805
Other securities            13,136                            13,136
Total                     $411,082     $40,382   ($1,663)   $449,801

          1996                        Held To Maturity
                                        Gross     Gross     Estimated
                          Amortized   Unrealized Unrealized   Market
                            Cost        Gains     Losses       Value
                                      (000's omitted)
Obligations of states 
 and political 
 subdivisions               46,334         919       (52)     47,201
Corporate securities         1,998         216                 2,214
Debt securities held
 to maturity                48,332       1,135       (52)     49,415
Other securities             1,928                             1,928
      Total                $50,260      $1,135       (52)    $51,343

During the period ended June 30, 1997, there were $3,437,545 in realized
gains relative to securities available for sale.

The amortized cost and estimated market value of debt securities at June 30,
1997, by contractual maturity, are shown below:

                                      Amortized              Market
   Available for Sale                   Cost                  Value
   Due in one year or less             $15,034               $15,213
   Due after one year through 
    five years                          87,341                88,663
   Due after five years through 
    ten years                          202,219               202,436
   Due after ten years                   8,691                 8,777
         Total                        $313,285              $315,089


                                      Amortized                Market
   Held to Maturity                      Cost                  Value
                                             (000's omitted)
   Due in one year or less               $5,670                 $5,703
   Due after one year through 
     five years                          21,403                 21,928
   Due after five years through 
     ten years                           13,593                 13,904
   Due after ten years                    3,900                  3,963
         Total                          $44,566                $45,498

At June 30, 1997 and December 31, 1996 investment securities with a 
principal amount of $197,566,000 and $181,489,000 respectively, were 
pledged to secure repurchase agreements and public and trust fund 


The composition of the loan portfolio was as follows:

                          June 30, 1997          December 31, 1996
                                             (000's omitted)
     Real estate - construction         $39,030                $35,508
     Real estate - mortgages:
       Residential                      518,768                513,424
       Commercial                       269,789                250,132
     Commercial - industrial
       and agricultural                 272,115                246,731
     Consumer installment               135,821                154,341
     Gross Loans                      1,235,523              1,200,136
     Allowance for loan losses          (19,970)               (18,729)
     Total Loans                     $1,215,553             $1,181,407

Changes in the allowance for loan losses for the six months ended June 30 
were as follows:

                                        1997                   1996
                                                (000's omitted)
     Balance at beginning                                   
     of period                          $18,729                $16,695
     Charge-offs                         (1,524)                (3,333)
     Recoveries                             415                  1,578
     Net charge-offs                     (1,109)                (1,755)
     Provision for loan losses            2,350                  2,650
     Balance at end of period           $19,970                $17,590

At June 30, 1997 and December 31, 1996, the recorded investment in loans that are
considered to be impaired under FASB Statement No. 114, as amended by FASB Statement
No. 118, was $13,065,000 and $10,687,000, respectively, after cumulative charge-offs of
$3,690,000 at June 30, 1997 and $3,458,000 at December 31, 1996.  Of these impaired 
investments, $6,000,000 were on nonaccrual at June 30, 1997 and $6,487,000 at December 31, 
1996.  The average recorded investment in impaired loans at June 30, 1997 and December 31, 
1996 was $12,300,000 and $4,256,000, respectively.  S&T Bank has recorded an allowance
for loan losses for all impaired loans totaling $3,000,000 and $2,605,000 at
June 30, 1997 and December 31, 1996, respectively.  Interest income on impaired loans 
of $600,000 and $1,103,000 was recognized at June 30, 1997 and December 31, 1996,
respectively.  Of this interest income recognized on impaired loans, primarily
all was recognized using a cash basis method of accounting.


S&T, in the normal course of business, commits to extend credit and issue 
standby letters of credit.  The obligations are not recorded in S&T's 
financial statements.  Loan commitments and standby letters of credit 
are subject to normal credit underwriting policies and procedures and 
generally require collateral based upon management's evaluation of each 
customer's financial condition and ability to satisfy completely the terms 
of the agreement. S&T's exposure to credit loss in the event the customer 
does not satisify the terms of agreement equals the notional amount of the 
obligation less the value of any collateral.  Unfunded loan commitments 
totaled $259,653,000 and obligations under standby letters of credit totaled 
$51,644,000 at June 30, 1997.

At June 30, 1997, S&T had no marketable equity securities, totaling $1,212,952
at amortized cost and $1,872,177 at estimated market value, that were subject
to covered call option contracts.  The purpose of these contracts was to 
gererate fee income for S&T.


S&T, in the normal course of business, is subject to various legal 
proceedings in which claims for monetary damages are asserted.  No 
material losses are anticipated by management as a result of these 
legal proceedings.


The following discussion and analysis is presented so 
that shareholders may review in further detail the 
financial condition and results of  operations of S&T 
Bancorp, Inc. and subsidiaries (S&T).  This discussion
and analysis should be read in conjunction with the 
condensed consolidated financial statements and the 
selected financial data presented elsewhere in this 
report.   All prior period amounts have been restated 
to reflect the pooling of interests transaction with 
Peoples Bank of Unity (Peoples) which closed on May 2, 

Financial Condition

Total assets at June 30, 1997 were $1.8 billion, 
relatively unchanged from December 31, 1996.  Total 
assets averaged $1.8 billion in the first six months 
of 1997, a $68.4 million increase from the 1996 full 
year average.  Average loans increased $83.4 million 
and average securities and federal funds decreased $20.0  
million in the first six months of 1997 compared to the  
1996 full year averages.  Funding for this loan  growth  
was primarily provided by the $20.0 million decrease in 
securities and federal funds, a $19.0 million increase in 
average deposits, a $17.4 million increase in average  
retained earnings and  a $27.6 million increase in average 

Lending Activity

Total loans at June 30, 1997 were $1.2 billion, a 
$35.4 million or 2.9% increase from December 31, 1996.  
Average loans increased $83.4 million, or 7% to $1.2 
billion for the six months ended June 30,  1997 from 
the 1996 full year average.  Changes in the 
composition of the loan portfolio during 1997 included 
increases of $25.4 million of  commercial loans, $8.9 
million of residential mortgages and $19.6 million of 
commercial real estate loans, offset by a decrease of 
$18.5 million of installment loans.

Commercial real estate loans comprise 22% of the loan 
portfolio.  Although real estate loans can be an area 
of higher risk, management believes these risks are 
mitigated by limiting the percentage amount of 
portfolio composition, a rigorous underwriting review 
by loan administration and the fact that many of the 
commercial real estate loans are owner-occupied and/or 
seasoned properties that were refinanced from other

Residential mortgage lending continued to be a 
strategic area of focus during the first six months of
1997 through a centralized mortgage origination 
department, ongoing product redesign and the 
utilization of commission compensated originators.  
Management believes that if a downturn in the local 
residential real estate market occurs, the impact of 
declining values on the real estate loan portfolio 
will be negligible because of S&T's conservative 
mortgage lending policies.  These policies generally 
require a maximum term of twenty years for fixed rate 
mortgages and private mortgage insurance for loans 
with less than a 20% down payment.  At June 30, 1997 
the residential mortgage portfolio had a 28% 
composition of adjustable rate mortgages.

Installment loan decreases are primarily associated 
with significantly lower  volumes in the indirect auto
loan category and a $6.8 million sale of the student 
loan portfolio.   Pricing pressures have been 
unusually intense in the indirect market during the 
last twenty-one months and the decision was made to 
temporarily deploy investable funds into other higher 
yielding and lower risk earning assets.  In the second 
quarter of 1996, S&T implemented an indirect auto 
leasing program and currently has $4.3 million of 
outstanding auto leases.   Recent changes in 
government regulations have significantly decreased 
the profit potential of guaranteed student loans.  S&T 
will continue to distribute student loan applications 
for customer convenience, but will not fund or hold 
the loans.  

Loan underwriting standards for S&T are established by 
a formal policy administered by the S&T Bank Credit 
Administration Department, and subject to the periodic 
review and approval of the S&T Bank Board of 

Rates and terms for commercial real estate and 
equipment loans normally are negotiated, subject to 
such variables as economic conditions, marketability 
of collateral, credit history of the borrower and 
future cash flows.  The loan to value policy guideline 
for commercial loans is generally 75%.

The residential, first lien, mortgage loan to value 
policy guideline is 80%. Higher loan to value loans 
can be approved with the appropriate private mortgage 
insurance coverage.  Second lien positions are 
sometimes incurred with home equity loans, but 
normally only to the extent that the combined credit 
exposure for both first and second liens do not exceed
100% of loan to value.

A variety of unsecured and secured installment loan 
and credit card products are offered by S&T.  However, 
the bulk of the consumer loan portfolio is automobile 
loans.  Loan to value guidelines for direct loans are 
80% and 67% for new and used automobiles, 
respectively.  Loan to value policy guidelines for 
automobile loans purchased from dealers on a third 
party basis are 125% of dealer invoice for new 
automobiles and 125% of "black book" dealer value for 
used automobiles.

Management intends to continue to pursue quality loans 
in all lending categories within our market area in 
order to honor our commitment to provide the best 
service possible to our customers.  S&T's loan 
portfolio primarily represents loans to businesses and
consumers in our market area of  Western Pennsylvania 
rather than to borrowers in other areas of the country 
or to borrowers in other nations.  S&T has not 
concentrated its lending activities in any industry or 
group.  During the past several years, management has 
concentrated on building an effective credit and loan 
administration staff which assists management in 
evaluating loans before they are made and identifies 
problem loans early.

Security Activity

Average securities decreased $29.2 million in the 
first six months of 1997 compared to the 1996 full 
year average.  The decrease in the average investment 
portfolio was all related to decreases in average 
taxable securities and tax-exempt state and municipal 
securities average balances of $7.8 million.  The 
decrease in average taxable investment securities was 
principally comprised of $29.3 million of U.S. 
Treasury securities, $48.2 million of mortgage backed 
securities and $2.6 million in other corporate 
securities.  Offsetting these decreases were average 
increases of $51.8 million in U.S. Government Agency 
securities, $3.8 million of common stocks and $3.1 
million of Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB) stock.

During 1997 S&T sold $27.9 million of mortgaged backed 
securities and $6.0 million of U.S. agency securities 
classified as available for sale.  These sales were 
made as part of a balance sheet restructuring in order 
to integrate the investment and asset/liability 
management strategies of S&T and Peoples following the 
merger.  The equity securities sales of $4.3 million were  
made in order to maximize returns when market opportunities 
are presented.

The equity securities portfolio is primarily comprised 
of  bank holding companies, as well as preferred and 
utility stocks, to take advantage of the dividends 
received deduction for corporations.  During 1997, the 
equity portfolio yielded 10.7% on a fully taxable 
equivalent basis and had unrealized gains net of 
nominal unrealized losses, of  $42.0 million.  The 
equity securities portfolio consists of securities 
traded on the various stock markets and are subject to 
change in market value.  The FHLB capital stock is a 
membership and borrowing requirement and is acquired 
and sold at stated value.

S&T's policy for security classification included U.S. 
Treasuries, U.S. government agencies, mortgage-backed 
securities, CMOs and corporate equities as available 
for sale.  Municipal securities and other debt 
securities are classified as held to maturity.  At 
June 30, 1997, unrealized gains, net of unrealized 
losses for securities classified as available for sale 
were approximately $43.8 million.

Allowance for Loan Losses

The allowance for loan losses increased to $20.0 
million or 1.62% of total loans at June 30, 1997, as 
compared to $18.7 million or 1.56% of total loans at 
December 31, 1996.  The adequacy of the allowance for 
loan losses is determined by management through 
evaluation of the loss potential on individual 
nonperforming, delinquent and high-dollar loans, 
review of economic conditions and business trends, 
historical loss experience, growth and composition of 
the loan portfolio as well as other relevant factors.  

The balance of nonperforming loans, at June 30, 1997 
which includes nonaccrual loans past due 90 days or 
more, was $7.2 million, or 0.58% of total loans.  This 
compares to nonperforming loans of $10.3 million or 
0.86% of total loans at December 31, 1996.  The 
decrease is attributable to one commercial real estate 
loan that went into nonperforming status in the fourth 
quarter of 1996, was resolved in the first quarter of 
1997, and is now back in the performing category.  
Asset quality is a major corporate objective at S&T 
and management believes that the total allowance for 
loan losses is adequate to absorb probable loan 


Average total deposits increased by $19.0 million, or 
2% for the six months ended June 30, 1997 as compared 
to the 1996 average. Changes in the average deposit 
mix included a $7.5 million increase in 
time deposits, $13.4 million increase in money market 
accounts, $3.6 million in NOW accounts and a $5.5 
million increase in demand accounts, offset by a $11.0 
million decrease in savings accounts.

During the second half of 1995, S&T issued $25.0 
million of retail certificates of deposits through two
brokerage firms, further broadening the availability 
of reasonably priced deposit funds.  At  June 30, 
1997, there were $21.6 million of these brokered 
retail certificates of deposits outstanding.  In 
addition, money market accounts were recently repriced
in order to be more competitive with money funds
offered by brokerage firms.

Special rate deposits of $100 thousand and over were 
6% of total deposits at June 30, 1997 and 8% of total 
deposits at December 31, 1996 and primarily represent 
deposit relationships with local customers in
our market area.  

Management believes that the S&T deposit base is 
stable and that S&T has the ability to attract new 
deposits, mitigating a funding dependency on volatile 
liabilities.  In addition, S&T has the ability to 
access both public and private markets to raise 
long-term funding if necessary.


Average borrowings increased $27.6 million for the six 
months ended June 30, 1997 compared to the 1996 annual 
average and were comprised of retail repurchase 
agreements (REPO's), wholesale REPO's, federal funds 
purchased and long-term borrowings.  S&T defines 
repurchase agreements with its local, retail customers
as retail REPOS; wholesale REPOS are those transacted 
with other banks and brokerage firms with terms 
normally ranging from 1 to 14 days.

The average balance in retail REPOS increased 
approximately $6.0 million for the first six months of 
1997 compared to the full year 1996 average.    This  
increase is primarily attributable to new REPO sweep 
relationships in our cash management department.  S&T 
views retail REPOS as a relatively stable source of 
funds since most of these accounts are with local, 
long-term customers.  

Wholesale REPOS and federal funds purchased decreased 
$10.8 million for the first six months of 1997 
compared to the full year 1996 average.  The 
availability and more favorable pricings of other 
funding sources has allowed S&T to meet the funding 
demands of loan growth without depending upon large 
amounts of wholesale REPOS.  Core deposit increases, 
securities sales and the availability of reasonably 
priced longer term borrowings decreased  the usage of 
wholesale REPO fundings in 1997.

Average long-term borrowings have increased $32.4 
million in the first six months of 1997 as compared to 
the full year 1996 average.  At June 30, 1997, S&T had 
long-term borrowings outstanding of $38.1 million at a 
fixed rate and $73.5 million at an adjustable rate 
with the FHLB.  The purpose of these borrowings was to 
provide matched, fixed rate fundings for newly 
originated loans, to mitigate the risk  associated 
with volatile liability fundings and to take advantage 
of lower cost funds through the FHLB's Community 
Investment Program.  All other long-term borrowings 
are related to the funding of the S&T Employee Stock 
Ownership Plan (ESOP) loan.  The loan was used by the 
ESOP to acquire treasury stock from S&T.  This loan is 
recorded in the financial statements as other borrowed 
funds, offset by a reduction in shareholders' equity 
to reflect S&T's guarantee of the ESOP borrowing. The 
balance of the ESOP loan at June 30, 1997 was $0.2 
million.  The terms of this loan require annual 
principal payments and quarterly interest payments at 
a rate equal to 80% of the lender's prime rate.

Capital Resources

Shareholders' equity increased $12.5 million at June 
30, 1997, compared to December 31, 1996.  Net income 
was $16.1 million and dividends paid to shareholders 
were $7.9 million for the six months ended June 30, 
1997.  During the first six months of  1997, S&T paid 
39% of 1997 net income in dividends, equating to an 
annual dividend rate of $1.12 per share.

The book value of S&T's common stock increased from 
$16.02 at December 31, 1996 to $16.89 at June 30,1997.  
Equity associated with the available for sale 
securities portfolio increased $3.3 million during the 
first six months of 1997 due to stabilized interest 
rates and the resulting increase in values of debt and 
equity securities.  The market price of S&T's common 
stock was $33.50 per share at June 30, 1997, an 
increase from $30.75 per share at December 31, 1996.

S&T continues to maintain a strong capital position 
with a leverage ratio of 11.9% as compared to the 
minimum regulatory guideline of 3.0%. S&T's risk-based 
capital Tier I and Total ratios were 15.3% and 16.6% 
respectively, at June 30, 1997.  These ratios place 
S&T well above the Federal Reserve Board's risk-based 
capital guidelines of 4.0% and 8.0% for Tier I and 
Total, respectively.


Six months ended June 30, 1997 compared to
Six months ended June 30, 1996

Net Income

Net income increased to $16.1 million or $1.14 per 
share in the first six months of 1997 from $14.1 
million or $1.00 per share for  the same period of 
1996.  The significant improvement during the first 
six months of 1997 was the result of higher net 
interest income, increased noninterest income, higher 
security gains, partially offset by higher operating 

Net Interest Income

On a fully taxable equivalent basis, net interest 
income increased $2.8 million or 7% in the first six 
months of 1997 compared to the same period of 1996.  
The net  yield on interest-earning assets was 4.92% in 
the first six months of 1997 as compared to 4.88% in 
the same period of 1996.  

Net interest income was positively affected by a $87.0 
million, or 6% increase in average earning assets.
The bulk of funding for this asset growth was provided 
by deposits, borrowings and retained earnings.  The 
level and mix of funds is continually monitored by 
ALCO in order to mitigate the interest rate 
sensitivity and liquidity risks of the balance sheet.

In the first half of 1997, average loans increased 
$111.8 million, comprising most of the earning asset 
growth, offset by a decrease of $33.3 million in 
average securities.   The yields on average loans 
remained relatively unchanged and average securities 
increased by 19 basis points during the period. The  
yield increase for securities is partially a result of 
selling lower yielding investments as part of the 
People's merger portfolio and balance sheet 

Average interest bearing deposits provided $23.9 
million of the funds for the growth in loans 
and securities; cost of deposits totaled 4.26%, relatively
unchanged from 1996.  The cost of REPOS and other  
borrowed funds increased 5 basis points to 5.47%.

Also positively affecting net interest income was a 
$29.6 million increase to average net free funds.  
Average net free funds are the excess of  demand 
deposits, other non-interest bearing liabilities and
shareholders' equity over non-earning assets.

Maintaining consistent spreads between earning assets 
and costing liabilities is very significant to S&T's 
financial performance since net interest income 
comprises 89% of operating revenue.  A variety of 
asset/liablity management strategies were successfully
implemented within prescribed ALCO risk parameters 
that enabled S&T to maintain a net interest margin 
consistent with historical levels.

Provision for Loan Losses

The provision for loan losses decreased slightly to 
$2.4 million for the first six months of 1997 as 
compared to $2.7 million in the same period of 1996.  
The decrease was the result of management's assessment 
of economic conditions, credit quality statistics, 
loan administration effectiveness and other factors 
that would have an impact on future probable losses in 
the loan portfolio.  

Credit quality statistics are an important factor in 
determining the amount of provision expense.  Net loan
charge-offs totaled $1.1 million for the first six 
months of 1997 compared to $1.8 million for the same 
period 1996.  Nonperforming loans to total loans 
increased to 0.58% at June 30, 1997 as compared to 
0.34% at June 30, 1996.

Also affecting the amount of provision expense is loan 
growth.  Despite a $83.4 or 7% increase in average 
loans,  S&T's allowance for loan losses to total loans 
remained relatively constant at 1.62% at June 30, 1997
compared to 1.61% at June 30, 1996.

Noninterest Income

Noninterest income increased $2.7 million or 48% in 
the first six months of 1997 compared to the same 
period of 1996.  Increases included $0.3 million or 
14% in service charges and fees and $2.4 million in 
security gains.  Trust and other income 
remained constant during the first half of 1997.

The increase in service charges on deposit accounts 
was primarily the result of  expanding new cash 
management relationships and management's continual 
effort to implement reasonable fees for services 
performed and to manage closely the collection of 
these fees.

Security gains were taken on available for sale 
equities securities in the first six months of 1997 in 
order to maximize returns by taking advantage of 
market opportunities when presented. These
security gains helped to offset $2.2 million of merger 
related and nonrecurring expenses related to the  
acquisition of Peoples.  Unrealized gains, net of 
unrealized losses, in the available for sale equities
portfolio totaled $43.8 million at June 30, 1997.

Noninterest Expense

Noninterest expense increased $2.3 million or 12% at 
June 30, 1997 compared to June 30, 1996.  The increase 
is primarily attributable to $2.2 million of merger  
related and other nonrecurring expenses associated 
with the acquisition of Peoples during the second 
quarter of 1997. Merger related and other nonrecurring 
expenses included costs for severance and early 
retirement programs that eliminated 38 duplicate 
positions, the write-off and conversion of data 
processing systems, as well as legal, accounting and 
investment banker expenses.    

Recurring expense increases included $0.5 million 
resulting from normal year-end merit increases, offset 
by a $0.1 million decrease in FDIC insurance, a $0.2 
million reduction of goodwill amortization relating to 
a 1991 branch acquisition, a $0.1 million reduction in 
ongoing data processing costs and smaller decreases in 
several expense categories totaling $0.1 million.  
Average full -time equivalent staff decreased from 669 
to 665.  Severance and early retirement programs were 
implemented in May 1997, therefore the full effect of 
these programs are not yet fully reflected in the year 
to date full-time equivalent staff averages.

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) premium 
expense decreased by 44% at June 30, 1997 as compared 
to the same period last year as a result of 
recapitalization legislature passed in September 
1996.  S&T Bank currently pays an annual premium of 
$.013 per $100 on Bank Insurance Fund deposits and 
$.0648 per $100 on Savings Association Insurance Fund 
(SAIF) deposits, the lowest premium possible under the
FDIC's risk assessment program for determining deposit 
insurance premiums.  S&T Bank has $168.1 million of 
deposits subject to the SAIF.  These deposits are 
related to a thrift institution and branches acquired 
from the Resolution Trust Corporation in 1991.  

Federal Income Taxes

Federal income tax expense increased $1.7 million at 
June  30, 1997 as compared to June 30, 1996 primarily 
as a result of higher pre-tax income in 1997.  The 
effective tax rate for the first six months of 1997 
was 29%, which is below the 35% statutory rate due to 
benefits resulting from tax-exempt interest, 
excludable dividend income and low income housing tax 
credits (LIHTC).


Three months ended June 30, 1997 compared to
Three months ended June 30, 1996

Net Income

Net income increased to $8.3 million or $0.59 per 
share in the second quarter of 1997 from $7.1 million 
or $0.51 per share for  the same period of 1996, a 16% 
improvement.  This significant improvement is due to 
higher net interest income, lower provision expense, 
higher noninterest income, offset by significantly 
higher nonrecurring noninterest expense resulting from 
the acquisition of Peoples in May 1997.

Net Interest Income

On a fully taxable equivalent basis, net interest 
income increased $1.4 million or 7% in the second 
quarter of 1997 compared to the same period of 1996.  
This improvement in net interest income resulted from 
a higher level of earning assets while maintaining 
fairly consistent spreads.
Average earning assets increased by $75.5 million as 
compared to the second quarter of 1996, primarily as a
result $111.7 million of  loan growth.  Funding for 
this asset growth was provided by available for sale 
securities sales, deposits, borrowings and retained 

Net interest margin on a fully taxable equivalent 
basis was 4.97% for the second quarter of 1997, as 
compared to 4.92% for the same period of 1996.  The 
improvement in the net interest margin is primarily 
the result of the aforementioned balance sheet 
restructuring that increased earning asset yields.  
Funding costs and mix were also positively affected by 
this restructuring, as well as a $14.5 million 
increase in core deposits.   

Provision for Loan Losses

The provision for loan losses decreased to $0.8 
million for the second quarter of 1997 compared to 
$1.6 million in the same period of 1996.  Net loan 
charge-offs totaled $0.8 million for the second of 
1997 compared to $0.7 million for the same period 
1996.  The extra provision expense in 1996 was a 
result of an effort to maintain S&T's allowance for 
loan losses to total loans at a relatively consistant 
level with loan growth and management's assessment  of 
economic conditions , credit quality statistics, loan 
administration effectiveness and other factors that 
would have an impact on future probable losses in the 
loan portfolio.

Noninterest Income

Noninterest income increased $1.6 million or 55% in 
the second quarter of 1997 compared to the same period 
of 1996.  Increases included $1.4 million in 
security/nonrecurring gains, $0.1 million  in service 
charges and fees and $0.1 million in trust income.  
Other income remained constant during the second 
quarter of 1997.

The increase in service charges on deposit accounts 
was primarily the result of  expanding new cash 
management relationships and management's continual 
effort to implement reasonable fees for services 
performed and to manage closely the collection of 
these fees.  The increase in trust fees is 
attributable to a change in methodology and timing of 
tax preparation fees collected in the second quarter 
of 1997.

Security gains were taken on available for sale 
equities securities in the second of 1997 in order to 
maximize returns by taking advantage of market 
opportunities when presented.  The extra security 
gains helped to offset $1.8 million of merger related 
and nonrecurring expenses related to the acquisition 
of Peoples.

Noninterest Expense

Noninterest expense increased $1.6 million or 16% in 
the second quarter of 1997 as compared to 1996.  The 
increase is primarily attributable to the 
aforementioned merger related and other nonrecurring 
expenses associated with the acquisition of Peoples 
during the second quarter of 1997. 

Recurring noninterest expense changes included $0.2 
million for merit increases, offset by lower FDIC 
insurance expense,  the elimination of goodwill 
amortization from a 1991 branch acquisition and 
smaller expense reductions in several other categories 
of noninterest expense totaling $0.1 million.

Federal Income Taxes

Federal income tax expense increased $1.0 million at  
June  30, 1997 as compared to June 30, 1996 primarily 
as a result of higher pre-tax income in 1997.  The 
effective tax rate for the second quarter of 1997 was 
29%, which is below the 35% statutory rate due to 
benefits resulting from tax-exempt interest, 
excludable dividend income and low income housing tax 
credits (LIHTC).

Safe Harbor Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995

The statements in this Form 10-Q which are not 
historical fact are forward looking statements that 
involve risks and uncertainties, including, but not 
limited to, the interest rate environment, the effect 
of federal and state banking and tax regulations, the 
effect of economic conditions, the impact of 
competitive products and pricing, and other risks 
detailed in S&T's Securities and Exchange Commission 



Item 6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K                                

(a) Exhibits


(b) Reports on Form 8-K

        Form 8-K dated May 13, 1997

On May 2, 1997, S&T Bancorp, Inc. completed the merger of Peoples
Bank of Unity into its principal subsidiary, S&T Bank.  Peoples Bank of
Unity, had assets of $287 million, operated six offices in the eastern 
suburbs of Pittsburgh, including Plum Borough, Penn Hills, Monroeville,
Oakmont and Holiday Park.  All of these offices now operate under the
S&T Bank name.

Under the terms of the merger agreement, Peoples Bank shareholders
received 26.25 S&T common shares for each of the 115,660 outstanding
Peoples Bank common shares.  This resulted in a tax-free exchange,
and the merger was accounted for as a pooling-of-interest.  Based
upon the market price of S&T Bancorp common stock on May 2, 1997,
the transaction has a value of approximately $102 million.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the 
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                       S&T Bancorp, Inc.

Date:  August 14, 1997                 /s/ Robert E. Rout
                                       Robert E. Rout
                                       Senior Vice President
                                       and Chief Financial Officer)