SPLIT-DOLLAR AGREEMENT

     THIS AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is made and entered into and shall be
effective as of the 18th day of January, 1997 by and between TRANSFINANCIAL
HOLDINGS, INC. (The "Employer") and TIMOTHY P. O'NEIL (the "Employee).


     WHEREAS, Employee is now, and has agreed to continue as, an executive
officer of Employer, and

     WHEREAS, Employer has agreed to provide a supplemental benefit to Employee
upon his death, disability or retirement, and as otherwise provided herein, and

     WHEREAS, the parties hereto desire to set forth all of the terms of their
agreement with respect to such supplemental benefit.

     NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants
and agreements hereinafter contained, the parties hereto do hereby agree as


     1.   For as long as Employee is insurable under the life insurance policy
          hereinafter referred to, and is an executive officer of Employer, and
          until the earlier of Employee's retirement, permanent disability or
          death, Employer agrees to timely and promptly pay (or provide to
          Employee the funds with which to pay) the installment premiums on a
          life insurance policy (the "Policy") selected by, insuring the life
          of, and owned by, Employee, with an initial death benefit in the
          amount of $532,968.  Subject to the provisions of this Agreement,
          Employee shall, at all times, have the right to designate the
          beneficiary or beneficiaries to whom the death benefits of the Policy
          shall be payable.

     2.   Employee shall be eligible to retire from employment with Employer
          upon having completed 10 years employment with Employer and having
          attained at least age 50, or at such other time as Employee shall
          become permanently disabled.  For purposes of this agreement, Employee
          shall be deemed permanently disabled if, by a mental or physical
          incapacity, it is impossible for Employee to perform, for 180
          consecutive days or more, the duties and services being provided to
          Employer by Employee immediately prior to such disability.  Such
          determination shall be made by a licensed medical doctor designated by
          the Employer and reasonably acceptable to Employee, or on evidence
          that the Employee is eligible for Social Security disability payments.
          Permanent disability shall exclude disability arising from chronic or
          excessive use of intoxicants, drugs or narcotics, or intentionally
          self-inflicted injury or self-induced sickness.

     3.   a.  If the Employee's employment with the Employer terminates for any
          reason other than retirement, death, permanent disability or discharge
          by Employer without cause, except as provided in sub paragraph b.
          hereof Employee shall, without further consideration, assign to
          Employer all of his rights in, and full ownership of, the Policy, and
          all of Employee's rights under this Agreement shall terminate and be
          of no further force or effect.  For purposes hereof, the term "cause"
          shall mean a material breach of the provisions of this Agreement;
          breach of Employee's duty of loyalty or other fiduciary duty to
          Employer; fraud against Employer or misappropriation of Employer's
          assets; theft; or conviction of a crime involving drug abuse,
          violence, dishonesty or theft.

          b.   Notwithstanding the provisions of sub paragraph a. hereof, if
          Employee's employment shall terminate other than by retirement,
          permanent disability, death or discharge with or without cause,
          Employee shall be entitled, for each period of twelve months from the
          date of hire, to 10% of the excess, if any, of the cash surrender
          value of the Policy, at the date of such termination over the
          aggregate cost of the Policy therefore incurred by Employer in the
          payment of premiums therefore, which latter amount shall be
          immediately due and payable to Employer.

     4.   Upon the death of the Employee, or the earlier surrender and
          cancellation of the Policy by him subsequent to his retirement,
          permanent disability or termination without cause, Employer shall be
          promptly paid, from the death benefits or cash surrender value of the
          Policy, the lessor of the cash surrender value of the policy or the
          aggregate cost theretofore incurred by it in the payment of the
          premiums therefor.  In such event, all portions of the death benefits
          or cash surrender value of the Policy, in excess of the amount due to
          the Employer, shall be the property of and shall be distributed to
          Employee or such beneficiary or beneficiaries as he shall have
          designated. Employee may not, without Employer's prior written
          consent, cancel or surrender the policy prior to his retirement,
          permanent disability or discharge without cause.

     5.   Employee hereby agrees, upon issuance of the Policy, to deliver the
          same to Employer, to grant to Employer a security interest in the
          Policy, and the cash surrender value and death benefits payable
          thereunder, to secure the obligation to repay to Employer the amount
          provided in Paragraphs 3.b and 4 hereof.  The Employee further agrees,
          upon the issuance of such policy, to make, execute and deliver to
          Employer and to the issuer of the Policy such documents as Employer or
          such issuer may reasonably request to evidence and perfect such
          collateral assignment. Prior to assignment of the Policy to Employer
          pursuant to Paragraph 3, hereof, the Employer's only rights in the
          Policy shall be those of a secured creditor.

     6.   Employee shall not take any action which would have the effect of
          lessening or prejudicing Employer's rights pursuant to Paragraphs 3.b,
          4 and 5 hereof, and, specifically, Employee shall not borrow against
          the Policy unless he shall contemporaneously pay, from such
          borrowings, to Employer the amount then due it hereunder for premiums
          theretofore paid.

     7.   Prior to the assignment of the Policy pursuant to Paragraph 3 hereof,
          the Employee shall have the sole right to surrender or cancel the
          policy, but no such surrender or cancellation may be made, without the
          prior written consent of the Employer, prior to retirement, death,
          permanent disability or discharge without cause.

     8.   This Agreement contains the entire understanding and agreement of the
          parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof, and may not
          be amended, altered or modified except by a subsequent written
          instrument signed by the parties hereto.

     9.   This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the
          parties hereto and their respective successors, heirs, personal
          representatives and beneficiaries.  This Agreement, and the rights and
          benefits hereof, shall not be assigned, transferred, pledged, conveyed
          or encumbered in any way by Employee, and shall not be subject to
          execution, attachment or similar process.

     10.  This Agreement shall be subject to and construed in accordance with
          the laws of the state of Kansas.
     11.  The issuer of the Policy is not a party to this Agreement, and none of
          the terms and provisions hereof shall be in any way binding upon it.
          Such issuer's obligations shall be only as stated in the Policy.  A
          copy of any communication between either of the parties hereto and the
          issuer of such Policy shall be promptly delivered to the other party
          hereto. Such delivery, and any other notice or communication to either
          of the parties hereto, may be personally made to such party, or
          forwarded by United States mail, postage pre-paid, addressed to the
          Employer at its principal executive office, and to Employee at the
          last known address shown on the records of the employer.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement as of
the day and year first above written.

                              TRANSFINANCIAL HOLDINGS, INC.

                              By:   /s/Roy R. Laborde

                                                 Roy R. Laborde

                              By:   /s/Timothy P. O'Neil

                                               Timothy P. O'Neil