Washington, D.C. 20549

                                  FORM 10-Q


                 For the quarterly period ended June 30, 1996



                        Commission File Number 0-23976

                          FIRST NATIONAL CORPORATION
            (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

                             Virginia 54-1232965
               (State or other jurisdiction of (I.R.S. Employer
            incorporation or organization) Identification Number)

               100 West King Street, Strasburg, Virginia 22657
             (Address of principal executive offices) (Zip Code)

      Registrant's telephone number, including area code (540) 465-9121

(Former  name,  former  address and former  fiscal year,  if changed  since last

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 Months (or for such  shorter  period that the  registrant  was
required  to file  such  reports),  and  (2) has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days. Yes X No

Indicate the number of shares of each of the issuer's  classes of common  stock,
as of the latest practicable date:

                     Class: Common stock, $5.00 par value
                   Outstanding as of July 31, 1996: 772,812

                          FIRST NATIONAL CORPORATION


Part 1.  Financial Information

     Item 1.    Financial Statements                      Page No.

          Consolidated Statements of Income                  3

          Consolidated Balance Sheets                        5

          Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows              6

          Consolidated Statements of Changes in
             Stockholders' Equity                            7

          Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements         8

      Item 2.   Management's Discussion and Analysis of
          Results of Operations and Financial Condition     11

Part II.          Other Information

      Item 1      Legal Proceedings                         13

      Item 4.     Submission of Matters to a vote of
                  Security Holders                          13

      Item 6.     Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K          13

      Signature                                             14

                          FIRST NATIONAL CORPORATION
                          (In Thousands of Dollars)
                          (Except Per Share Amounts)

                                                Three Months Ended
                                       June 30, 1996        June 30, 1995

Interest Income
Interest and Fees on Loans                  $2,096               $1,831
Interest on Federal Funds Sold                  30                   13
Interest on Deposits in Banks                    5                    0
Interest and Dividends on Investment Securities
Available for Sale
    Taxable                                    327                  384
    Non Taxable                                 97                   59
Held to Maturity
    Taxable                                     60                  169
                                            ------               ------
Total Interest Income                       $2,615               $2,456

Interest Expense
Interest on Savings  Deposits and Interest
Bearing Demand Deposits                       $340                 $387
Interest on Time Deposits of $100,000 or more  146                  124
Interest on All Other Time Deposits            725                  630
Interest on Federal Funds Purchased             0                     8
Interest on Note Payable                        23                   50
                                            ------               ------
Total Interest Expense                      $1,234               $1,199
                                            ------               ------
Net Interest Income                         $1,381               $1,257
                                            ------               ------
   Provision for Loan Losses                    30                    0
                                            ------               ------
     Net Interest Income After Provisions
        for Loan Losses                     $1,351               $1,257

Other Operating Income
    Service Charges                            118                  122
    Gains on Securities Available for Sale       1                   99
    Other Operating Income                      84                   82
                                            ------               ------
Total Non-interest Income                     $203                 $303

Other Operating Expenses
    Salaries and Employee Benefits             549                  547
    Occupancy Expense                           52                   53
    Equipment Expense                          127                  118
    Other Operating Expenses                   338                  367
                                            ------               ------
Total Operating Expenses                    $1,066               $1,085

Income Before Income taxes                    $488                 $475

Income Taxes                                   139                  109
                                            ------               ------
Net Income                                    $349                 $366
                                            ======               ======
Per Share Data
Net Income                                   $0.45                $0.47
                                            ======               ======
Cash Dividends                                0.15                 0.13
                                            ======               ======
The Accompanying Notes Are An Integral Part Of These Statements


                          FIRST NATIONAL CORPORATION
                          (In Thousands of Dollars)
                          (Except Per Share Amounts)

                                                 Six Months Ended

                                        June 30, 1996        June 30, 1995

Interest Income
Interest and Fees on Loans                    $4,127               $3,575
Interest on Federal Funds Sold                    43                   25
Interest on Deposits in Banks                     13                    6
Interest and Dividends on Investment Securities
  Available for Sale
      Taxable                                    656                  767
      Non Taxable                                196                  122
   Held to Maturity
      Taxable                                    138                  339
                                              ------               ------
Total Interest Income                         $5,173               $4,834

Interest Expense
Interest on Savings  Deposits and Interest
     Bearing Demand Deposits                    $789                 $695
Interest on Time Deposits of $100,000 or more    292                  260
Interest on All Other Time Deposits            1,339                1,243
Interest on Federal Funds Purchased                2                   13
Interest on Note Payable                          51                   96
                                              ------               ------
    Total Interest Expense                    $2,473               $2,307
                                              ------               ------
Net Interest Income                           $2,700               $2,527
                                              ------               ------
    Provision for Loan Losses                     60                    0
                                              ------               ------
     Net Interest Income After Provisions
        for Loan Losses                       $2,640               $2,527

Other Operating Income
    Service Charges                              232                  248
    Trust Income                                   0                    3
    Gains (Losses) on Securities
     Available for Sale                            1                  (31)
    Other Operating Income                       168                  228
                                              ------               ------
Total Non-interest Income                       $401                 $448

Other Operating Expenses
Salaries and Employee Benefits                 1,104                1,069
Occupancy Expense                                112                  101
Equipment Expense                                250                  212
Other                                            629                  701
                                              ------               ------
Total Operating Expenses                      $2,095               $2,083

Income Before Income taxes                      $946                 $892

Income Taxes                                     270                  272
                                              ------               ------
Net Income                                      $676                 $620
                                              ======               ======
Per Share Data
Net Income                                     $0.88                $0.80
                                              ======               ======
Cash Dividends                                  0.30                 0.26
                                              ======               ======
The Accompanying Notes Are An Integral Part Of These Statements


                          FIRST NATIONAL CORPORATION
                         CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                          (In Thousands of Dollars)

                                         June 30, 1996      December 31, 1995

Cash and due from banks                    $3,049                $4,314
Federal Funds Sold                          1,324                     0
Investment Securities
   Available for Sale                      27,726                30,543
   Held to Maturity                         3,729                 6,276
Loans Net of Unearned Discount             94,208                86,887
   Less: Allowance for Loan Losses            952                   901
                                          -------               -------
       Net Loans                           93,256                85,986
                                          -------               -------

Bank Premises and Equipment                 2,901                 3,089
Interest Receivable                           833                   840
Other Real Estate                             979                   804
Other Assets                                  917                   669
                                         --------              --------
   Total Assets                          $134,714              $132,321
                                         ========              ========
   Demand Deposits
       Non-Interest Bearing               $13,652               $12,946
       Interest Bearing                    17,104                16,715
   Savings Deposits                        32,219                29,153
   Certificates of Deposit of
       $100,000 and over                   10,506                11,054
   All Other Time Deposits                 44,915                46,038
                                         --------              --------
       Total Deposits                    $118,396              $115,906
                                         --------              --------

Federal Funds Purchased                         0                   382
Federal Home Loan Bank Advance              1,491                 1,500
Accrued Expenses                              808                   625
                                         --------              --------
       Total Liabilities                 $120,695              $118,413
                                         --------              --------

Stockholders' Equity
   Common Stock, Par Value $5 per Share;
    Authorized 2,000,000 Shares,
    772,243 and 771,698 Shares
    Issued and Outstanding                 $3,861                $3,859
   Surplus                                  1,099                 1,090
   Unrealized Gain (Loss) on
    Securities Available for Sale, Net       (273)                   71
   Undivided Profits                        9,332                 8,888
                                         --------              --------
       Total Stockholders' Equity         $14,019               $13,908
                                         --------              --------
       Total Liabilities and
          Stockholders' Equity           $134,714               $132,321
                                         ========               ========
The Accompanying Notes Are An Integral Part of These Statements


                          FIRST NATIONAL CORPORATION
                          (In Thousands of Dollars)

                                                          SIX MONTHS ENDED
                                                     June 30, 1996  June 30, 1995

Net Income                                                 $676           $620
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net
   cash provided by operating activities:
   Depreciation and amortization                            254            218
   Provision for loan losses                                 60              0
   Change in assets and liabilities:
      (Increase) decrease in interest receivables             7            (17)
      (Increase) decrease in other assets                  (251)           120
      Increase in accrued expenses                          183            231
                                                         ------         ------
Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities                  $929           $967
                                                         ------         ------

Proceeds from sale of securities-available for sale      $1,001         $3,212
Proceeds from maturities and principal payments
 on securities-available for sale                         3,727          1,099
Purchases of securities-available for sale               (2,269)        (2,003)
Proceeds from maturities and principal payments
 on securities-held to maturity                           2,346            612
Purchases of securities-held to maturity                      0           (253)
Proceeds on sale of bank premises and equipment               0              4
Purchases of bank premises and equipment                   (232)          (734)
Net (increase) in loans                                  (7,321)        (4,950)
(Increase) in federal funds sold                         (1,324)        (1,906)
                                                         ------         ------
Net Cash (Used in) Investing Activities                 ($4,072)       ($4,919)
                                                         ------         ------

Net increase in demand deposits, NOW accounts,
   and savings accounts                                   4,161          7,365
Net (decrease) in certificates of deposit                (1,671)        (2,909)
Net increase (decrease) in long-term borrowings              (9)             0
Net proceeds from issuance of common stock                   11              2
Cash dividends paid                                        (232)          (200)
Net increase (decrease) in federal funds purchased         (382)             0
                                                         ------         ------
Net Cash Provided by Financing Activities                $1,878         $4,248
                                                         ------         ------
Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents        ($1,265)          $296
                                                         ======         ======

Beginning                                                 4,314          3,028
                                                         ------         ------

Ending                                                   $3,049         $3,324
                                                         ======         ======
Cash payments for:
   Interest                                                $724           $805
                                                         ======         ======
   Income Taxes                                            $208           $315
                                                         ======         ======
The Accompanying Notes Are An Integral Part of These Statements


                          FIRST NATIONAL CORPORATION
                          (IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS)
                    Six Months Ended June 30 1996 and 1995

                                                           Gain / Loss on
                                        Common                Available    Retained
                                         Stock      Surplus    For Sale    Earnings    Total
Balances, December 31, 1994             $3,855       $1,076      ($831)     $8,036    $12,136

Issuance of 75 shares of common stock
    employee stock options                   0            2        ---         ---          2

Net Income                                  ---          ---       ---         619        619

Unrealized Gain  on Securities Available
    for Sale                                ---          ---       801         ---        801

Cash Dividends                              ---          ---       ---        (200)      (200)
                                        -------      -------   -------     -------    -------
Balances, June 30, 1995                  $3,855       $1,078      ($30)     $8,455    $13,358
                                        =======      =======   =======     =======    =======

Balances , December 31, 1995              $3,859      $1,090        $71      $8,888   $13,908

Issuance of 545 shares of common Stock
    dividend reinvestment plan                 2           9        ---         ---        11

Net Income                                   ---         ---        ---         676       676

Increase In Unrealized loss on securities
    available for sale                       ---         ---       (344)        ---      (344)

Cash dividends                               ---         ---        ---        (232)     (232)
                                        --------    --------    -------     -------   -------
Balances, June 30, 1996                   $3,861      $1,099      ($273)     $9,332   $14,019
                                        ========    ========    =======     =======   =======  
The Accompanying Notes Are An Integral Part of These Statements


                          FIRST NATIONAL CORPORATION


Note 1.Interim Financial Statements

       The  accompanying  consolidated  financial  statements of First  National
Corporation  and  its   subsidiaries   have  not  been  audited  by  independent
accountants,  except for the balance  sheet at December 31, 1995. In the opinion
of the company's  management,  the financial  statements reflect all adjustments
necessary to present  fairly the results of operations for the six month periods
ended June 30, 1996 and 1995, the company's  financial position at June 30, 1996
and December 31, 1995,  and the cash flows for the six month  periods ended June
30, 1996 and 1995. These adjustments are of a normal recurring nature.

Note  2.Securities  as of June 30, 1996 and  December  31,  1995 are  summarized

                                                 (000 Omitted)

                                               June 30, 1996                 December 31, 1995
                                                         Unrealized                         Unrealized
                                        Book     Market  Gain (Loss)    Book      Market   Gain (Loss)
Securities Available For Sale

   U. S. Treasury Securities              $0        $0         $0       $1,003    $1,007        $4
   U. S. Agency Securities            20,447    20,092       (355)      21,449    21,505        56
   Obligation of State and
     Political Subdivisions            6,624     6,565        (59)       6,693     6,961       268
   Other Securities                    1,069     1,069          0        1,052     1,070        18
                                     -------   -------     ------      -------   -------    ------
Total Securities Available for Sale  $28,140   $27,726      ($414)     $30,197   $30,543      $346
                                     =======   =======     ======      =======   =======    ======

Securities Held to Maturity

   U. S. Treasury Securities              $0       $0          $0           $0        $0        $0
   U. S. Agency Securities             3,729    3,702        ($27)       6,076     6,082         6
   Obligation of State and Political
       Subdivisions                        0        0           0            0         0         0
   Other Securities                        0        0           0            0         0         0
                                     -------   ------      ------      -------    ------     ----- 
Total Securities Held to Maturity     $3,729   $3,702        ($27)      $6,076    $6,082        $6
                                     =======   ======      ======      =======    ======     =====


                          FIRST NATIONAL CORPORATION


Note 3. The consolidated  loan portfolio,  stated at face amount, is composed of
the following:

                                                       (000 Omitted)

                                               June 30, 1996   December 31, 1995
   Real estate loans:
     Construction and land development               $2,624           $3,990
     Secured by farm land                               880              898
     Secured by 1-4 family residential               39,537           42,236
     Other real estate loans                         16,270           13,549
   Loans to farmers (except those secured
            by real estate)                             628              574
   Commercial and industrial loans
           (except those secured by real estate)     11,243            5,843
   Loans to individuals for personal expenditures    21,461           20,288
   All other loans                                    3,122            1,172
                                                    -------          -------
            Total loans                             $95,765          $88,550
   Less unearned income reflected in loans            1,557            1,663
                                                    -------          -------
             Loans, net of unearned income          $94,208          $86,887
                                                    =======          =======
   The Bank had loans in a nonaccrual category of $120,320 on December 31, 1995
and $57,000 on June 30, 1996.

Note 4.   Allowance for Loan Losses

                   Analysis of the Allowance for Loan Losses
                            For the Six Months Ended
                                (000 Omitted)

                                              June 30, 1996    June 30, 1995
   Balance at Beginning of Period                   $901         $1,155

   Charge-Offs                                        23             36

   Recoveries                                         14             23
                                                  ------         ------
   Net Charge-Offs                                     9             13

   Provision for Loan Losses                          60              0
                                                  ------         ------
   Balance at End of Period                         $952         $1,142
                                                  ======         ======


                          FIRST NATIONAL CORPORATION


Note 5.   New Accounting Pronouncements

   Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards  No. 121,  "Accounting  for the
Impairment of Long-Lived  Assets and for  Long-Lived  Assets to be Disposed of,"
establishes   standards  for  the  impairment  of  long-lived  assets,   certain
identifiable  intangibles,  and goodwill  related to those assets to be held and
used and for  long-lived  assets  and  certain  identifiable  intangibles  to be
disposed  of.  This  Statement  requires  that  long-lived  assets  and  certain
identifiable  intangibles  to be held  and used by an  entity  be  reviewed  for
impairment  whenever  events  or  changes  in  circumstances  indicate  that the
carrying amount of an asset may not be  recoverable.  The Statement is effective
for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 1995. The Statement did not have a
material impact on the Corporation.

   Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 122, "Accounting for Mortgage
Servicing  Rights," amends SFAS No. 65, "Accounting for Certain Mortgage Banking
Activities," to require that a mortgage banking enterprise recognize as separate
assets rights to service  mortgage  loans for others,  however  those  servicing
rights are  acquired.  A mortgage  banking  enterprise  that  acquires  mortgage
servicing  rights  through  either the purchase or origination of mortgage loans
and sells or  securitizes  those loans with  servicing  rights  retained  should
allocate the total cost of the mortgage loans to the mortgage  servicing  rights
and the loans  (without the mortgage  servicing  rights) based on their relative
fair values if it is  practicable  to estimate  those fair values.  If it is not
practicable to estimate the fair values of the mortgage servicing rights and the
mortgage  loans  (without the  mortgage  servicing  rights),  the entire cost of
purchasing  or  originating  the  loans  should  be  allocated  to the  mortgage
servicing rights.
The Statement did not have a material impact on the Corporation.

   Statement  of  Financial   Accounting  Standards  No.  123,  "Accounting  for
Stock-Based   Compensation"   establishes  financial  accounting  and  reporting
standards for stock-based  employee  compensation plans. Those plans include all
arrangements  by which  employees  receive  shares  of  stock  or  other  equity
instruments of the employer or the employer  incurs  liabilities to employees in
amounts based on the price of the employer's stock.  Examples are stock purchase
plans,  stock options,  restricted stock, and stock  appreciation  rights.  This
Statement  also  applies to  transactions  in which an entity  issues its equity
instruments to acquire goods or services from  nonemployees.  Those transactions
must be accounted for based on the fair value of the  consideration  received or
the fair value of the equity  instruments  issued,  whichever  is more  reliably
   This  Statement  defines  a fair  value  based  method of  accounting  for an
employee stock option or similar  equity  instrument and encourages all entities
to adopt that method of accounting for all of their employee stock  compensation
plans.  However,  it also allows an entity to  continue to measure  compensation
cost for those  plans  using the  intrinsic  value  based  method of  accounting
prescribed by APB Opinion 25,  "Accounting  for Stock Issued to Employees."  The
fair value based method is  preferable  to the Opinion 25 method for purposes of
justifying a change in accounting  principle  under APB opinion 20,  "Accounting
Changes."  Entities  electing to remain with the  accounting  of Opinion 25 must
make pro forma disclosures of net income and, if presented,  earnings per share,
as if the fair value based method of  accounting  defined in this  Statement had
been applied.
   The  Statement is effective  for fiscal years  beginning  after  December 15,
1995. The disclosures must include the pro forma effects of other awards granted
in fiscal years  beginning after December 31, 1994. The Statement did not have a
material impact on the Corporation.


                          FIRST NATIONAL CORPORATION



   Net  income  for the first half of 1996 was $676  thousand  compared  to $620
thousand in the same period of 1995.  There was an increase in interest  expense
when the two periods are  compared  which was less than the increase in interest
income during this period which was the result of an increasing  loan  portfolio
which  was  funded  by  savings  deposits  and cash  flows  from the  investment
portfolio.  This  resulted in an increase in net  interest  income  dollars even
though the net interest margin was unchanged.

   Total assets grew $2.4 million  during the first six months of 1996. The loan
portfolio  led the way by growing $7.3 million or 8.4% during this period.  Both
other real estate and other assets grew during this  quarter,  by $175  thousand
and $248  thousand  respectively.  Federal  funds sold  increased  $1.3 million.
Funding for these  increases  was  provided,  in large part,  by the  securities
portfolio  which  decreased  $5.2  million.  There was also an increase in total
deposits of $2.5 million which rounded out the funding mix.

Yields, Rates and Net Interest Margin

   While  interest  rates have risen  during  the  second  quarter of 1996,  the
decline in yield on the loan  portfolio  which  moved down from 9.15% in 1995 to
8.80% in 1996 was the result of a management  decision to accept lower  yielding
loans in an attempt to expand the portfolio. This decline in loan yield combined
with a decline in yield on securities  caused the yield on total earning  assets
to decline  from 8.42% in 1995 to 8.22% this year.  Due to an increase in volume
in lower cost deposit  products the cost of interest  bearing  liabilities  held
relatively  steady and only increased from 4.67% in 1995 to 4.69% in 1996.  This
decline in yield on earning assets in  conjunction  with level costs on interest
bearing liabilities caused the interest rate spread to narrow from 3.49% in 1995
to 3.59% in 1996 and as a result the net  interest  margin  also  declined  from
4.46% to 4.37%.

Future Operations

   While the bank has opened a new  branch  office  during  each of the last two
years, there are no plans to continue in this manner. Management, instead, plans
to improve the support departments for the existing branch network by remodeling
the  Strasburg  office and by  erecting  a new  building  adjacent  to the "main
office"  building  which will house all the  operations  departments of the bank
under one roof. Construction was started during the second quarter and should be
completed around the end of first quarter of 1997.

   While  the  bank  will   continue  to   concentrate   on  the  expansion  and
diversification the loan portfolio, management is in the process of developing a
program to provide alternative  financial products,  mutual funds, bonds, common
stock and  investment  products  other than bank deposits to both bank customers
and noncustomers.


                          FIRST NATIONAL CORPORATION

                                                    Six Months Ended June 30,
                                               1996                           1995

                                              Annual                         Annual
                                   Average    Income/  Yield/        Average   Income/   Yield/
                                   Balance    Expense   Rate         Balance   Expense    Rate
Balances at correspondent banks -
    interest bearing               $183,733    $13,859  15.09%       $201,651     $6,059  6.01%

   Taxable                       25,974,838    793,265   6.11%     33,354,611  1,105,425  6.63%
   Tax-exempt (1)                 6,744,814    297,585   8.82%      3,739,800    184,665  9.88%
                                -----------  ---------  -----     -----------  --------- -----
      Total Securities           32,719,652  1,090,850   6.67%     37,094,411  1,290,090  6.96%

Loans (net of earned income):(2)
   Taxable                       93,423,660  4,103,417   8.78%     77,630,960  3,548,054  9.14%
   Tax-exempt (1)                   664,563     35,336  10.63%        804,528     40,926 10.17%
                                -----------  ---------  -----     -----------  --------- -----
      Total Loans                94,088,223  4,138,753   8.80%     78,435,488  3,588,980  9.15%
Federal funds sold and 
   repurchase agreements          1,683,159     42,548   5.06%        918,624     25,328  5.51%
                                -----------  ---------  -----     -----------  --------- -----
   Total earning assets         128,674,767  5,286,010   8.22%    116,650,174  4,910,457  8.42%
Less: allowance for Loan Losses    (923,855)                       (1,138,817)
Total nonearning assets           5,521,707                         7,640,322
                               ------------                      ------------
   Total Assets                $133,272,619                      $123,151,679
                               ============                      ============


Interest bearing deposits:

   Checking                      $9,834,647   $106,764   2.17%    $8,919,277    $111,548  2.50%
   Money market savings           7,658,747    129,194   3.37%     7,405,529     126,860  3.43%
   Regular savings               29,574,115    681,983   4.61%    20,214,280     455,749  4.51%
   Certificates of deposit:
      Less than $100,000         45,401,444  1,209,495   5.33%    48,244,202   1,243,749  5.16%
      $100,000 and more          10,637,776    292,336   5.50%     9,458,357     260,428  5.51%
                                -----------  ---------  -----     ----------   --------- -----
Total interest bearing deposits 103,106,729  2,419,772   4.69%    94,241,645   2,198,330  4.67%

Federal funds purchased              46,912      1,894   8.07%     3,371,871     108,342  6.43%
Long term borrowings              1,496,158     51,551   6.89%             0           0   N\A
                                -----------  ---------  -----     ----------  ---------- -----
Total interest bearing
    liabilities                 104,649,799  2,473,217   4.73%    97,613,516   2,306,672  4.73%

Noninterest bearing liabilities
   Demand deposits               13,679,571                       12,493,749
   Other liabilities              1,124,187                          952,728
                                -----------                      -----------
Total liabilities               119,453,557                      111,059,993
Stockholders' equity             13,819,062                       12,091,686
                                -----------                      -----------
Total liabilities and
   stockholders' equity        $133,272,619                     $123,151,679
                                ===========                      ===========
Net Interest income                         $2,812,793                        $2,603,785
                                             =========                         =========
Interest rate spread                                     3.49%                            3.69%
Interest expense as a percent of average
   earning assets                                        3.84%                            3.95%
Net interest margin                                      4.37%                            4.46%

(1) Income and yields are reported on a taxable-equivalent basis assuming
    a federal tax rate of 34% in 1995 and 1996.
(2) Loans placed on a nonaccrual status are reflected in the balances.


                          First National Corporation
                          PART II. OTHER INFORMATION

Item 1. Legal Proceedings

      As of June 30, 1996  neither the  corporation  nor the bank was a party to
any legal proceedings.

Item 2.  Not Applicable

Item 3.  Not Applicable

Item 4.  Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders

      No matters were submitted to a vote of security  holders during the second
      quarter of 1996.

Item 5.  Not Applicable

Item 6. Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

(a)  Exhibits:

       2.   Plan of acquisition, reorganization, arrangement, liquidation
            or succession.

            Not applicable

        3 (i)  Articles of Incorporation
          (ii) Bylaws

            There have been no amendments during the quarter.

       4.   Instruments defining the rights of security holders, including

            Not applicable

      10.   Material contracts

            Not applicable

      11.   Statement re computation of per share earnings.

            Not applicable

      15.   Letter re unaudited interim financial information.

            Not applicable


                          First National Corporation
                          PART II. OTHER INFORMATION

      18.   Letter re change in accounting principles.

            Not applicable

      19.   Report furnished to security holders.

            Not applicable

      22.   Published report regarding matters submitted to vote of security

            Not applicable

      23.   Consent of experts and counsel.

            Not applicable

      24.   Power of attorney

            Not applicable

      27.   Financial Data Schedule

            See second document in filing

      99.   Additional Exhibits

            Not applicable

(b).  Reports on form 8-K



Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
Registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                                     First National Corporation

Date         August 14, 1996                           Dana A. Froom
            -----------------                 ---------------------------------
                                                   Dana A. Froom, Comptroller
                                              (Principal Accounting Officer and
                                                   Duly Authorized Officer)
