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                                  UNITED STATES
                             Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 8-K

                                 CURRENT REPORT

     Pursuant to Section 13 to 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

        Date of Report (date of earliest event reported): April 21, 1997

                           MOLECULAR BIOSYSTEMS, INC.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

                          Delaware 1-10546 36-30878632
              (State or other juris- (Commission file (IRS employer
            diction of incorporation) number) identification number)

              10030 Barnes Canyon Road, San Diego, California 92121
                    (Address of principal executive offices)

       Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (619) 452-0681

Item 5. Other Events.

     (1)  Stay of Action by the FDA

     On April 21, 1997,  United  States  District  Judge Paul L. Friedman of the
United  States  District  Court for the  District of  Columbia  entered an order
enjoining  the United  States  Food and Drug  Administration  (the  "FDA")  from
continuing  any  approval  or  review  procedures   relating  to  the  Company's
pre-market    approval    application   ("PMA")   for   FS069,   the   Company's
second-generation  contrast agent for cardiac ultrasound imaging,  until 10 days
after the FDA resolves the merits of citizen petitions previously filed with the
FDA  by  plaintiffs,  Bracco  Diagnostics,  Inc.,  DuPont  Merck  Pharmaceutical
Company,  ImaRx  Pharmaceutical  Corp.  and Sonus  Pharmaceuticals,  Inc.  These
citizen petitions  requested the FDA to regulate all ultrasound imaging contrast
agents either as drugs (as the plaintiffs' contrast agents under development are
currently  classified)  or as medical  devices (as the Company's  ALBUNEX(R) and
FS069 are  currently  classified).  On February  24,  1997,  the FDA's  advisory
Radiological  Devices  Panel had  recommended  approval of the  Company' PMA for

     As  described  in Judge  Friedman's  opinion  accompanying  his order,  the
purpose of the order is to grant "a limited  injunction  to preserve  the status
quo  pending a decision  by the FDA as to how to treat all  ultrasound  contrast
agents,  whether  as  medical  devices  or as drugs,  or to  provide a  rational
explanation  for the  different  treatment  of the  products  at  issue."  Judge
Friedman's order thus  identically  enjoins the FDA from continuing any approval
or review  procedures  relating to any of the  plaintiffs'  respective  products
until 10 days  after the FDA  resolves  the merits of the  plaintiffs'  citizens

     A copy of the Company's press release with respect to the stay of action by
the FDA is attached to this Report as Exhibit 10.1.

     (2) Brand Name Announced for FS069

     On May 7, 1997, the Company and Mallinckrodt,  Inc., jointly announced that
if and when  approved for sale by the FDA,  FS069 will be marketed in the United
States under the brand name, "OPTISON(TM)." Mallinckrodt,  Inc. is the Company's
licensee for marketing and  distributing  ALBUNEX(R) and OPTISON(TM)  throughout
the world (except for Japan, Korea and Taiwan).

     A copy of  Mallinckrodt's  press release with respect to the brand name for
FS069 is attached to this Report as Exhibit 10.2.

     (3) Patent Matters

     The Company has become aware of several  United  States  patents  issued to
other  companies  covering  various  attributes  of   perfluorocarbon-containing
imaging agents such as OPTISON(TM). Certain of these companies also are pursuing
foreign  patent  protection.  Some of these  companies are  developing or may be
developing   ultrasound   contrast   imaging  agents  that  would  compete  with

     The patents and patent  applications  of these  other  companies  involve a
number of complex legal and factual  issues that are currently  unresolved.  The
Company  believes  that  there may be a  substantial  overlap  among many of the
claims in their patents and that it is likely that there will be  administrative
proceeding or  litigation  in the United  States and abroad to adjudicate  their
conflicting  rights. The Company believes that it could become a party to one or
more of these  actions,  which could take  several  years to conclude  and could
result in a substantial cost to the Company.

     The Company believes that, for a variety of reasons, its  commercialization
of  OPTISON(TM)  will not  infringe  any valid patent held by one of these other
companies. Depending upon the particular patent claim, these reasons include (i)
differences  between  OPTISON(TM)  and  the  subject  of  the  claim,  (ii)  the
invalidity of the claim due to the existence of prior art,  (iii) the inadequacy
of the claim's  specifications and (iv) lack of enablement.  The Company intends
to  challenge  the  validity  of any such  patent  granted  to one of the  other
companies if the patent is asserted  against the  Company,  and the Company will
enforce its own patents if any product of one of the other  companies  infringes
the Company's patent claims.

     If any patent granted to one of the other companies is asserted against the
Company, litigation or administrative proceedings may be necessary to defend the
Company  against  infringement  claims or to determine the  priority,  scope and
validity of the other  company's  proprietary  rights.  Any such  litigation  or
administrative  proceedings  could result in a substantial  cost to the Company;
and  given  the  complexity  of the  legal  and  factual  issues,  the  inherent
vicissitudes and uncertainty of litigation,  and other factors,  there can be no
assurance of a favorable outcome.  An unfavorable  outcome could have a material
adverse  effect on the Company's  business,  financial  condition and results of
operations.  Moreover,  there  can be no  assurance  that,  in the  event  of an
unfavorable  outcome,  the  Company  would be able to  obtain a  license  to any
proprietary rights that may be necessary to commercialize OPTISON(TM), either on
acceptable  terms or at all.  If the Company  were  required to obtain a license
necessary to commercialize OPTISON(TM), the Company's failure or inability to do
so would have a material  adverse  effect on the Company's  business,  financial
condition and results of operations.


     Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

     Date:  May 9, 1997

     Molecular Biosystems, Inc.

     By  /s/ Gerard A. Wills
         Gerard A. Wills
         Vice President, Finance
            and Chief Financial Officer

                                  Exhibit Index

Exhibit            Description                                             Page

10.1               Press release (April 22, 1997)                             6
10.2               Press release (May 7, 1997)                                8