Scudder State Tax Free Trust

                                                         Two International Place
                                                     Boston, Massachusetts 02110

                                                                October 28, 1996

To the Shareholders:

     A Special  Meeting of  Shareholders  of  Scudder  State Tax Free Trust (the
"Trust"),  consisting of Scudder New York Tax Free Money Fund,  Scudder New York
Tax Free  Fund,  Scudder  Massachusetts  Tax Free  Fund,  Scudder  Massachusetts
Limited Term Tax Free Fund, Scudder Ohio Tax Free Fund and Scudder  Pennsylvania
Tax Free Fund (each a "Fund," collectively the "Funds"),  is to be held at 11:45
a.m.,  eastern time,  on Tuesday,  December 10, 1996, at the offices of Scudder,
Stevens & Clark,  Inc., 13th Floor, Two International  Place,  Boston, MA 02110.
Shareholders  who are unable to attend this meeting are strongly  encouraged  to
vote by proxy,  which is customary  in corporate  meetings of this kind. A Proxy
Statement regarding the meeting,  proxy card(s) for your vote at the meeting and
an envelope--postage prepaid--in which to return your proxy are enclosed.

     At the Special Meeting the shareholders of each Fund will elect Trustees of
the Trust,  consider  the  ratification  of the  selection  of Coopers & Lybrand
L.L.P.  as  the  Funds'  independent  accountants,   consider  the  approval  of
amendments to the Trust's Amended and Restated Declaration of Trust and consider
the approval of the amendment and/or addition of certain fundamental  investment
policies.  The  shareholders  of Scudder New York Tax Free Money  Fund,  Scudder
Massachusetts Tax Free Fund, Scudder Ohio Tax Free Fund and Scudder Pennsylvania
Tax Free Fund will  consider  approving  new  Investment  Management  Agreements
between  each  Fund  and  Scudder,  Stevens  &  Clark,  Inc.  In  addition,  the
shareholders  present  will  hear  a  report  on the  Funds.  There  will  be an
opportunity to discuss matters of interest to you as a shareholder.

     Your Fund's Trustees  recommend that the shareholders  vote in favor of the
foregoing matters.

                                                                /s/David S. Lee
                                                                David S. Lee

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                              SCUDDER STATE TAX FREE TRUST

                       Notice of Special Meeting of Shareholders

To the Shareholders of
Scudder State Tax Free Trust:

Please take notice that a Special  Meeting of  Shareholders of Scudder State Tax
Free Trust, consisting of Scudder New York Tax Free Money Fund, Scudder New York
Tax Free  Fund,  Scudder  Massachusetts  Tax Free  Fund,  Scudder  Massachusetts
Limited Term Tax Free Fund, Scudder Ohio Tax Free Fund and Scudder  Pennsylvania
Tax Free Fund (each a "Fund,"  collectively the "Funds"),  has been called to be
held at the  offices  of  Scudder,  Stevens  &  Clark,  Inc.,  13th  Floor,  Two
International  Place,  Boston, MA 02110 on Tuesday,  December 10, 1996, at 11:45
a.m., eastern time, for the following purposes:

(1)  To elect nine  Trustees to hold office  until their  respective  successors
shall have been duly elected and qualified;

(2) To ratify or reject the action taken by the Trustees in selecting  Coopers &
Lybrand L.L.P. as independent accountants for the Funds;

(3) To approve or disapprove  the amendment of the Trust's  Amended and Restated
Declaration  of Trust to provide for the  establishment  of separate  classes of
shares and to allow the Trustees to fix the minimum account size;
(4)  To  approve  or  disapprove  the  amendment   and/or  addition  of  certain
fundamental policies;

(5) For  Scudder New York Tax Free Money Fund,  Scudder  Massachusetts  Tax Free
Fund, Scudder Ohio Tax Free Fund and Scudder Pennsylvania Tax Free Fund only: To
approve or disapprove new Investment Management Agreements between each Fund and
Scudder, Stevens & Clark, Inc.

And for  shareholders  of all Funds,  to  transact  such other  business  as may
properly come before the meeting or any adjournments thereof.

Holders of record of shares of beneficial  interest of the Funds at the close of
business  on October  14,  1996 are  entitled  to vote at the meeting and at any
adjournments thereof.

                                                       By Order of the Trustees,
                                                  THOMAS F. MCDONOUGH, Secretary
October 28, 1996                                  

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
IMPORTANT--We urge you to sign and date the enclosed proxy card(s) and return it
in the enclosed addressed envelope which requires no postage and is intended for
your convenience.  Your prompt return of the enclosed proxy card(s) may save the
Trust the necessity and expense of further  solicitations  to ensure a quorum at
the Special Meeting.  If you can attend the meeting and wish to vote your shares
in person at that time, you will be able to do so.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                          SCUDDER STATE TAX FREE TRUST

                             TWO INTERNATIONAL PLACE
                           BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02110
                                 PROXY STATEMENT

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

For Shareholders of all Funds:
(1)Election of Trustees                                                  page 2
(2)Ratification or rejection of independent accountants                  page 9
(3)Approval or disapproval of the amendment of the Trust's Amended and
        Restated Declaration of Trust                                    page 10
(4)Approval or disapproval of certain amendments and/or additions
        to certain investment restrictions                               page 12

For Shareholders of Scudder New York Tax Free Money Fund, 
Scudder  Massachusetts Tax Free Fund, Scudder Ohio Tax Free Fund 
and  Scudder  Pennsylvania  Tax Free Fund: 

(5)Approval or disapproval of new Investment Management
        Agreements                                                       page 21
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


This Proxy Statement is furnished in connection with the solicitation of proxies
by the Board of Trustees of Scudder  State Tax Free Trust (the  "Trust") for use
at the Special Meeting of  Shareholders  (the "Meeting") of Scudder New York Tax
Free Money Fund, Scudder New York Tax Free Fund, Scudder  Massachusetts Tax Free
Fund,  Scudder  Massachusetts  Limited Term Tax Free Fund, Scudder Ohio Tax Free
Fund and Scudder  Pennsylvania  Tax Free Fund (each a "Fund,"  collectively  the
"Funds")  to be held at the  offices of  Scudder,  Stevens & Clark,  Inc.,  13th
Floor, Two International Place, Boston, MA 02110, on Tuesday,  December 10, 1996
at 11:45 a.m., eastern time, and at any adjournments thereof.

This Proxy  Statement,  the Notice of Special  Meeting of  Shareholders  and the
proxy  card(s) are first being mailed to  shareholders  on or about  October 28,
1996.  All properly  executed  proxies  received in time for the Meeting will be
voted as specified  in the proxy or, if no  specification  is made,  in favor of
each proposal referred to in the Proxy Statement. Any shareholder giving a proxy
has the power to revoke it by mail  (addressed  to the Secretary of the Funds at
the principal  executive office of the Funds, Two International  Place,  Boston,
Massachusetts  02110) or in person at the Meeting,  by  executing a  superseding
proxy or by submitting a notice of revocation to the Funds.

The  presence  at  any  shareholders'   meeting,  in  person  or  by  proxy,  of
shareholders  entitled to cast a majority of the votes entitled to be cast shall
be  necessary  and  sufficient  to  constitute a quorum for the  transaction  of
business.  For purposes of determining  the presence of a quorum for transacting
business at the Meeting,  abstentions and broker  "non-votes" will be treated as


shares that are present but which have not been voted.  Broker  "non-votes"  are
proxies  received  by the Funds  from  brokers  or  nominees  when the broker or
nominee has neither  received  instructions  from the beneficial  owner or other
persons  entitled to vote nor has  discretionary  power to vote on a  particular
matter. Accordingly, shareholders are urged to forward their voting instructions

Abstentions and broker  non-votes will not be counted in favor of, but will have
no other effect on, the vote for proposals (1) and (2) that require the approval
of a plurality  and  majority,  respectively,  of shares  voting at the Meeting.
Abstentions  and  broker  non-votes  will  have the  effect  of a "no"  vote for
proposals  (3), (4) and (5) that require the approval of a specified  percentage
of the outstanding  shares of each or all of the Funds or of such shares present
at the Meeting.

Shareholders  may only vote on matters  which concern the Fund or Funds in which
they hold shares.  Some of the proposals  relate to the Trust of which the Funds
are a part. In the case of proposals on behalf of the Trust, shares of all funds
in the  Trust  will vote  together.  Holders  of record of shares of  beneficial
interest of the Funds at the close of business on October 14, 1996 (the  "Record
Date"),  will be entitled  to one vote per share on all  business of the Meeting
and any adjournments thereof.

Shares of the Funds outstanding on the Record Date were as follows:

Fund                                                          Shares
- ----                                                          ------
Scudder New York Tax Free Money Fund                        55,919,177
Scudder New York Tax Free Fund                              17,528,296
Scudder Massachusetts Tax Free Fund                         23,442,163
Scudder Massachusetts Limited Term Tax Free Fund             5,442,340
Scudder Ohio Tax Free Fund                                   6,563,562
Scudder Pennsylvania Tax Free Fund                           5,676,172

Each Fund provides periodic reports to all shareholders which highlight relevant
information, including investment results and a review of portfolio changes. You
may receive an  additional  copy of the most recent annual report for each Fund,
without charge, by calling (800) 225-2470 or writing each Fund at P.O. Box 2291,
Boston, Massachusetts 02107-2291.

                            (1) ELECTION OF TRUSTEES

Persons  named in the  accompanying  proxy  card(s)  intend,  in the  absence of
contrary  instructions,  to vote all  proxies  in favor of the  election  of the
nominees  listed below as Trustees of the Trust to serve until their  successors
are duly  elected  and  qualified.  All  nominees  have  consented  to stand for
election  and to serve if elected.  If a nominee  should be unable to serve,  an
event not now anticipated, the proxies will be voted for such person, if any, as
shall be designated by the Board of Trustees to replace such nominee.  The Board
of Trustees  recommends that the  shareholders  vote in favor of the election of
the nominees listed below.

Information Concerning Nominees

The  following  table  sets forth  certain  information  concerning  each of the
nominees as a Trustee of the Trust. With the exception of E. Michael Brown, each
of the nominees is now a Trustee of the Trust.  Unless otherwise noted,  each of


the nominees has engaged in the principal occupation or employment listed in the
following  table for more  than  five  years,  but not  necessarily  in the same
capacity. For the purposes of this table the following abbreviations will apply:
Scudder New York Tax Free Money Fund  ("NYTFM"),  Scudder New York Tax Free Fund
("NYTF"),  Scudder  Massachusetts Tax Free Fund ("MTF"),  Scudder  Massachusetts
Limited  Term Tax Free Fund  ("MLTTF"),  Scudder  Ohio Tax Free Fund ("OTF") and
Scudder Pennsylvania Tax Free Fund ("PTF").

                         Present Office with the Trust, if                
                          any; Principal Occupation or                         Shares              
                        Employment and Directorships in    Year First      Beneficially            
                                 Publicly Held              Became           Owned on            Percent of
   Name (Age)                      Companies               a Trustee      August 31, 1996(1)       Class   
   ----------                      ---------               ---------      ------------------       -----   
                                                                           Fund     Shares  
                                                                           ----     ------ 

David S. Lee (62)*#    President;  Managing  Director  of    1983          NYTFM      10(2)       less than 1/4 of 1%
                       Scudder,  Stevens  & Clark,  Inc.;                  NYTF       14,619(3)   less than 1/4 of 1%
                       Trustee   Emeritus,   New  England                  MTF        8,776(4)    less than 1/4 of 1%
                       Medical Center.  Mr. Lee serves on                  MLTTF      0           less than 1/4 of 1%
                       the  boards  of an  additional  25                  OTF        0           less than 1/4 of 1%
                       funds managed by Scudder.                           PTF        0           less than 1/4 of 1%

Henry P. Becton, Jr.   President  and  General   Manager,    1990          NYTFM      1,001       less than 1/4 of 1%
(52)                   WGBH    Educational     Foundation                  NYTF       93          less than 1/4 of 1%
                       (public   television  and  radio);                  MTF        119         less than 1/4 of 1%
                       Director,   Becton  Dickinson  and                  MLTTF      117         less than 1/4 of 1%
                       Company;  The  Providence  Journal                  OTF        76          less than 1/4 of 1%
                       Company;  The Public  Broadcasting                  PTF        74          less than 1/4 of 1%
                       Service   and   several    private
                       companies.  Mr.  Becton  serves on
                       the  boards of an  additional  ten
                       funds managed by Scudder.

E. Michael Brown (56)* Managing   Director   of  Scudder,     --           NYTFM      0           less than 1/4 of 1%
                       Stevens & Clark,  Inc.  Mr.  Brown                  NYTF       0           less than 1/4 of 1%
                       serves   on  the   boards   of  an                  MTF        0           less than 1/4 of 1%
                       additional  three funds managed by                  MLTTF      0           less than 1/4 of 1%
                       Scudder.                                            OTF        0           less than 1/4 of 1%
                                                                           PTF        0           less than 1/4 of 1%


                         Present Office with the Trust, if                
                          any; Principal Occupation or                         Shares              
                        Employment and Directorships in    Year First      Beneficially            
                                 Publicly Held              Became           Owned on            Percent of
   Name (Age)                      Companies               a Trustee      August 31, 1996(1)       Class   
   ----------                      ---------               ---------      ------------------       -----   
                                                                           Fund     Shares  
                                                                           ----     ------ 

Dawn-Marie Driscoll    Executive   Fellow,   Center   for    1987          NYTFM      525         less than 1/4 of 1%
(49)                   Business Ethics,  Bentley College;                  NYTF       49          less than 1/4 of 1%
                       President,   Driscoll  Associates;                  MTF        111         less than 1/4 of 1%
                       Director   of   several    private                  MLTTF      44          less than 1/4 of 1%
                       companies.   Prior  to  1990,  law                  OTF        40          less than 1/4 of 1%
                       partner  (Palmer & Dodge) and Vice                  PTF        39          less than 1/4 of 1%
                       President  of  Corporate   Affairs
                       and  General  Counsel,   Filene's.
                       Ms.  Driscoll serves on the boards
                       of   an   additional   ten   funds
                       managed by Scudder.

Peter B. Freeman (64)# Corporate  Director  and  Trustee;    1986          NYTFM      1,000       less than 1/4 of 1%
                       Trustee,     Eastern     Utilities                  NYTF       168         less than 1/4 of 1%
                       Associates    (electric    utility                  MTF        72          less than 1/4 of 1%
                       holding    company);     Director,                  MLTFF      83          less than 1/4 of 1%
                       Providence     Journal     Company                  OTF        0           less than 1/4 of 1%
                       (multi-media  company);  Director,                  PTF        0           less than 1/4 of 1%
                       AMICA    Life    Insurance    Co.;
                       Director,   AMICA   Insurance  Co.
                       Formerly   President   of   Fields
                       Point  Management  Co.  and Goelet
                       Estate  Co.  (private   investment
                       management     companies);     and
                       Chairman,  Rhode Island  School of
                       Design.  Mr. Freeman serves on the
                       boards of an  additional  21 funds
                       managed by Scudder.

Dudley H. Ladd (52)*   Managing   Director   of   Scudder    1987          NYTFM      0           less than 1/4 of 1%
                       Stevens  & Clark,  Inc.  Mr.  Ladd                  NYTF       0           less than 1/4 of 1%
                       serves   on  the   boards   of  an                  MTF        0           less than 1/4 of 1%
                       additional  nine funds  managed by                  MLTTF      0           less than 1/4 of 1%
                       Scudder.                                            OTF        0           less than 1/4 of 1%
                                                                           PTF        0           less than 1/4 of 1%


                         Present Office with the Trust, if                
                          any; Principal Occupation or                         Shares              
                        Employment and Directorships in    Year First      Beneficially            
                                 Publicly Held              Became           Owned on            Percent of
   Name (Age)                      Companies               a Trustee      August 31, 1996(1)       Class   
   ----------                      ---------               ---------      ------------------       -----   
                                                                           Fund     Shares  
                                                                           ----     ------ 
Dr. Wesley W. Marple,  Professor  of Business  Education,    1983          NYTFM      0           less than 1/4 of 1%
Jr. (64)#              Northeastern University,  teaching                  NYTF       98          less than 1/4 of 1%
                       financial      management      and                  MTF        20,117      less than 1/4 of 1%
                       investment    banking;    Trustee,                  MLTTF      100         less than 1/4 of 1%
                       Eastern    Utilities    Associates                  OTF        76          less than 1/4 of 1%
                       (electric      utility     holding                  PTF        82          less than 1/4 of 1%
                       company).  Dr.  Marple  serves  on
                       the  boards of an  additional  ten
                       funds managed by Scudder.

Daniel Pierce (62)*#   Chairman    of   the   Board   and    1991          NYTFM      0           less than 1/4 of 1%
                       Managing   Director   of  Scudder,                  NYTF       0           less than 1/4 of 1%
                       Stevens & Clark,  Inc.;  Director,                  MTF        16,887(5)   less than 1/4 of 1%
                       Fiduciary  Trust Company (bank and                  MLTTF      28,008      less than 1/4 of 1%
                       trust   company)   and   Fiduciary                  OTF        4,368(6)    less than 1/4 of 1%
                       Company   incorporated  (bank  and                  PTF        0           less than 1/4 of 1%
                       trust company).  Mr. Pierce serves
                       on the boards of an  additional 47
                       funds managed by Scudder.

Jean C. Tempel (53)    General  Partner,  TL  Ventures (a    1994          NYTFM      5,007       less than 1/4 of 1%
                       venture  capital fund);  Director,                  NYTF       465         less than 1/4 of 1%
                       Cambridge   Technology   Partners,                  MTF        810         less than 1/4 of 1%
                       Inc.  (a  systems  integration  on                  MLTTF      927         less than 1/4 of 1%
                       client/server    platform    co.);                  OTF        381         less than 1/4 of 1%
                       Director,   Sonesta  International                  PTF        373         less than 1/4 of 1%
                       Hotels, Inc.; Director,  Centocor,
                       Inc.        (diagnostic        and
                       pharmaceutical       biotechnology
                       co.);  Director of several private
                       companies.    Prior    to    1993,
                       President       of       Safeguard
                       Scientifics,  Inc.  and  Executive
                       Vice     President    and    Chief
                       Operating  Officer  of The  Boston
                       Company.  Ms. Tempel serves on the
                       boards of an  additional  11 funds
                       managed by Scudder.


            All Trustees and Officers as a group           Percent of Class
            ------------------------------------           ----------------
            NYTFM                        173,385             Less than 1%
            NYTF                          15,492             Less than 1%
            MTF                           48,557             Less than 1%
            MLTTF                         29,279             Less than 1%
            OTF                            4,941             Less than 1%
            PTF                              568             Less than 1%

- ---------------------------

*    Persons  considered  by the Trust and its  counsel  to be  persons  who are
     "interested  persons"  (which as used in this proxy statement is as defined
     in the Investment  Company Act of 1940, as amended (the "1940 Act")) of the
     Trust or of the Funds' investment adviser,  Scudder,  Stevens & Clark, Inc.
     (the  "Adviser" or  "Scudder").  Messrs.  Lee,  Brown,  Ladd and Pierce are
     deemed to be "interested  persons"  because of their  affiliation  with the
     Funds'  investment  adviser,  or because  they are officers of the Funds or

#    Messrs.  Lee,  Freeman,  Marple  and Pierce  are  members of the  Executive
     Committee of the Trust.

(1)The information as to beneficial  ownership is based on statements  furnished
   to the Funds by the nominees and Trustees. Unless otherwise noted, beneficial
   ownership is based on sole voting and investment power.

(2)Mr.  Lee's  total  shares in Scudder New York Tax Free Money Fund are held in
   fiduciary capacity as to which he shares investment and voting power.

(3)Mr.  Lee's  total  shares  in  Scudder  New York  Tax  Free  Fund are held in
   fiduciary capacity as to which he shares investment and voting power.

(4)Mr.  Lee's total  shares in Scudder  Massachusetts  Tax Free Fund are held in
   fiduciary capacity as to which he shares investment and voting power.

(5)Mr.  Pierce's  total in Scudder  Massachusetts  Tax Free Fund includes  6,749
   shares  owned by members of his family and 8,603  shares  held in a fiduciary
   capacity as to which he shares investment and voting power.

(6)Mr.  Pierce's  total  shares  in  Scudder  Ohio Tax  Free  Fund are held in a
   fiduciary capacity as to which he shares investment and voting power.

The Trustees and Officers of the Trust may also serve in similar  capacities for
other Funds managed by Scudder.

Scudder may be deemed to be the beneficial  owner of shares in certain  accounts
for  which  Scudder  acts as  investment  adviser,  but  Scudder  disclaims  any
beneficial ownership in such shares as listed below:

                                                                                      Percentage of the
                                                                   Shares in the         outstanding 
Fund                                                                  aggregate             shares
- ----                                                                  ---------             ------
Scudder New York Tax Free Money Fund                                   2,040,150             3.58%
Scudder New York Tax Free Fund                                         1,011,103             5.80%
Scudder Massachusetts Tax Free Fund                                    2,209,345             9.52%
Scudder Massachusetts Limited Term Tax Free Fund                         440,595             8.09%
Scudder Ohio Tax Free Fund                                               281,661             4.32%
Scudder Pennsylvania Tax Free Fund                                       678,590            11.98%


As of  August  31,  1996,  2,251,898  shares  in  the  aggregate.  9.71%  of the
outstanding shares of the Scudder  Massachusetts Tax Free Fund, were held in the
nominees of Fiduciary Trust Company. Fiduciary Trust Company may be deemed to be
the  beneficial  owner of certain of these shares,  but disclaims any beneficial
ownership therein.

As of August 31, 1996, 276,008 shares in the aggregate. 5.07% of the outstanding
shares of the Scudder Massachusetts Limited Term Tax Free Fund, were held in the
nominees of Fiduciary Trust Company. Fiduciary Trust Company may be deemed to be
the  beneficial  owner of certain of these shares,  but disclaims any beneficial
ownership therein.

To the best of the Trust's  knowledge,  as of August 31,  1996,  no person owned
beneficially more than 5% of any of the Fund's  outstanding  voting  securities,
except as stated above.

Responsibilities of the Board -- Board and Committee Meetings

The Board of Trustees is  responsible  for the general  oversight of each Fund's
business. A majority of the Board's members are not affiliated with the Adviser.
These "Independent  Trustees" have primary responsibility for assuring that each
Fund is managed in the best interests of its shareholders.

The  Board of  Trustees  meets at  least  quarterly  to  review  the  investment
performance of each Fund and other operational  matters,  including policies and
procedures designated to assure compliance with various regulatory requirements.
At least annually,  the Independent Trustees review the fees paid to the Adviser
and its affiliates for investment advisory services and other administrative and
shareholder  services.  In this regard, they evaluate,  among other things, each
Fund's investment  performance,  the quality and efficiency of the various other
services  provided,  costs  incurred  by the  Adviser  and its  affiliates,  and
comparative  information  regarding fees and expenses of competitive funds. They
are assisted in this process by the Funds' independent public accountants and by
independent legal counsel selected by the Independent Trustees.

All of the Independent Trustees serve on the Committee of Independent  Trustees,
which nominates  Independent  Trustees and considers other related matters,  and
the Audit Committee, which selects the Funds' independent public accountants and
reviews accounting policies and controls. In addition, Independent Trustees from
time to time have  established  and  served  on task  forces  and  subcommittees
focusing on particular  matters such as investment,  accounting and  shareholder
service issues.

The Independent Trustees met 16 times during 1995, including Board and Committee
meetings and meetings to review the Fund's contractual arrangements as described
above. As a group, the Independent  Trustees had a 98.75%  attendance record for
all such meetings.

Executive Officers

In  addition  to Mr.  Lee, a Trustee  who is also an  Officer of the Trust,  the
following persons are Executive Officers of the Trust:


                                            Present Office with the Trust;              Year First Became
       Name (Age)                       Principal Occupation or Employment (1)           an Officer (2)
       ----------                       ----------------------------------               ----------    
Donald C. Carleton (62)              Vice President; Managing Director of                     1987
                                     Scudder, Stevens & Clark, Inc.

Philip G. Condon (46)                Vice President; Managing Director of                     1995
                                     Scudder, Stevens & Clark, Inc.

Jerard K. Hartman (63)               Vice President; Managing Director of                     1986
                                     Scudder, Stevens & Clark, Inc.

Thomas W. Joseph (57)                Vice President; Principal of Scudder,                    1986
                                     Stevens & Clark, Inc.

Thomas F. McDonough (49)             Vice President and Secretary; Principal of               1984
                                     Scudder, Stevens & Clark, Inc.

Pamela A. McGrath (42)               Vice President and Treasurer; Managing                   1990
                                     Director of Scudder, Stevens & Clark, Inc.

Edward J. O'Connell (51)             Vice President and Assistant Treasurer;                  1990
                                     Principal of Scudder, Stevens & Clark, Inc.

Jeremy L. Ragus (44)                 Vice President; Principal of Scudder,                    1995
                                     Stevens & Clark, Inc.

Rebecca Wilson (34)                  Vice President; Assistant Vice President of              1995
                                     Scudder, Stevens & Clark, Inc.

Coleen Downs Dinneen (35)            Assistant Secretary; Vice President of                   1992
                                     Scudder, Stevens & Clark, Inc.

(1)Unless  otherwise  stated,  all Executive  Officers have been associated with
   Scudder  for more than  five  years,  although  not  necessarily  in the same

(2)The  President,  Treasurer  and  Secretary  each hold office until his or her
   successor has been duly elected and  qualified,  and all other  officers hold
   office at the pleasure of the Trustees.

Compensation of Trustees

The Independent  Trustees receive the following  compensation from the Trust: an
annual  trustee's  fee of $12,000;  a fee of $300 for  attendance  at each Board
meeting,  audit  committee  meeting,  or other  meeting held for the purposes of
considering  arrangements  between the Funds and the Adviser or any Affiliate of
the Adviser;  $100 for any other committee  meeting  (although in some cases the
Independent  Trustees have waived committee  meeting fees); and reimbursement of
expenses  incurred  for  travel  to  and  from  Board  Meetings.  No  additional
compensation  is paid to any  Independent  Trustees for travel time to meetings,
attendance  at  directors'  educational  seminars  or  conferences,  service  on
industry or  association  committees,  participation  as speakers at  directors'
conferences,  service on special trustee task forces or subcommittees or service
as lead or liaison  trustee.  Independent  Trustees do not receive any  employee
benefits such as pension, retirement, or health insurance.

The Independent Trustees also serve in the same capacity for other funds managed
by the Adviser.  These funds differ  broadly in type and  complexity and in some


cases have  substantially  different Trustee fee schedules.  The following table
shows the aggregate  compensation  received by each  Independent  Trustee during
1995 from the Trust and from all Scudder Funds as a group.

                                  Scudder State Tax Free Trust*                All Scudder Funds
                                  -----------------------------                -----------------
Henry P. Becton, Jr.                     $ 15,800                       $  82,800           (15 funds**)
Dawn-Marie Driscoll                      $ 16,100                       $  92,800           (16 funds)
Peter B. Freeman                         $ 16,100                       $ 126,750           (26 funds***)
Wesley W. Marple, Jr.                    $ 16,100                       $  93,100           (15 funds**)
Jean C. Tempel                           $ 16,100                       $  92,200           (15 funds**)

*  Scudder State Tax Free Fund  consists of six mutual  funds:  Scudder New York
   Tax Free Money Fund,  Scudder New York Tax Free Fund,  Scudder  Massachusetts
   Tax Free Fund, Scudder Massachusetts Limited Term Tax Free Fund, Scudder Ohio
   Tax Free Fund and Scudder Pennsylvania Tax Free Fund.

** This amount does not include  membership  on the Board of Scudder  High Yield
   Bond Fund, which commenced operations on June 28, 1996.

***This  amount  does not  include  membership  on the  Board  of  Institutional
   International Equity Portfolio, which commenced operations on April 3, 1996.

Members of the Board of Trustees who are employees of Scudder or its  affiliates
receive no direct compensation from the Trust,  although they are compensated as
employees of Scudder,  which in turn  receives an  investment  advisory fee from
each Fund.

Required Vote

Election of each of the listed  nominees for Trustee  requires  the  affirmative
vote of a plurality of the votes cast at the Meeting in person or by proxy.  The
Board of  Trustees  recommends  that  shareholders  vote in favor of each of the


At a meeting  held on August 13,  1996,  all  members of the Board of  Trustees,
including a majority of the  Independent  Trustees,  selected  Coopers & Lybrand
L.L.P.  as  independent  accountants  for  Scudder New York Tax Free Money Fund,
Scudder New York Tax Free Fund,  Scudder  Massachusetts  Tax Free Fund,  Scudder
Ohio Tax Free Fund and  Scudder  Pennsylvania  Tax Free Fund for the fiscal year
ending March 31, 1997,  and Scudder  Massachusetts  Limited Term Tax Free Fund's
independent  accountants for the fiscal year ending October 31, 1997, to examine
the Funds' books and accounts  and to certify the Funds'  financial  statements.
Coopers & Lybrand L.L.P. are independent  accountants and have advised the Trust
that they have no direct  financial  interest  or  material  indirect  financial
interest in the Trust. One or more  representatives  of Coopers & Lybrand L.L.P.
are expected to be present at the Meeting,  will have an  opportunity  to make a
statement if they desire to do so and are expected to be available to respond to
appropriate questions.

The  financial  statements  for the fiscal year ended March 31, 1996 for Scudder
New  York  Tax Free  Money  Fund,  Scudder  New  York  Tax  Free  Fund,  Scudder
Massachusetts Tax Free Fund, Scudder Ohio Tax Free Fund and Scudder Pennsylvania
Tax Free Fund were  audited by Coopers & Lybrand  L.L.P.  Scudder  Massachusetts
Limited Term Tax Free Fund's  financial  statements for the fiscal period ending


October 31, 1995 were also  audited by Coopers & Lybrand  L.L.P.  In  connection
with its  audit  services,  Coopers  &  Lybrand  L.L.P.  reviews  the  financial
statements included in the Funds' annual and semiannual reports.

Required Vote

Ratification   of  the  selection  of  independent   accountants   requires  the
affirmative  vote of a majority of the votes cast at the Meeting in person or by
proxy. The Board of Trustees  recommends that shareholders  ratify the selection
of Coopers & Lybrand L.L.P.
as independent accountants.


The Trustees propose that the Trust's Amended and Restated  Declaration of Trust
be amended to permit the division of shares of beneficial  interest of each Fund
into  separate  classes,  and to allow the  Trustees to fix the minimum  account
size. The principal  purpose of the proposed  amendments is to give the Trustees
additional flexibility to adapt to changing market conditions.  If this proposal
is approved,  the Amended and Restated  Declaration  of Trust will be amended as
shown in Exhibit A to this Proxy Statement.

Different Classes of Shares

The Trust, a Massachusetts  business trust, has authorized capital consisting of
an unlimited number of shares of beneficial interest of $.01 par value per share
(the  "Shares").  Under the  Amended  and  Restated  Declaration  of  Trust,  as
currently in effect, the Trustees have the authority to issue two or more series
of Shares (each a "Series") and to designate the relative rights and preferences
between  the  different  Series.  Thus under the current  Amended  and  Restated
Declaration of Trust, shareholders of each Series have an interest in a separate
portfolio  of assets,  but all the shares are of one class and have equal rights
as to voting, dividends and liquidations.

Division of the Shares into  different  classes  (each a "Class")  would  permit
Shares  of  different  Classes  to be  distributed  by  different  methods,  and
shareholders  of different  Classes might bear different  expenses in connection
with such  methods  of  distribution.  Shareholders  of  different  Classes of a
particular  Series would  continue to have an interest in the same  portfolio of
assets. For example,  the Shares of one Class might be made available through an
administrative  agreement  with a bank,  while the Shares of another Class might
continue to be available directly through Scudder Investor  Services,  Inc. (the
"Distributor").  In such an  instance,  the bank  might be  compensated  for its
services  through payment by the Fund of an  administrative  fee, which would be
allocated  only to the Shares of the Class  available  through  the bank.  Thus,
shareholders  who purchased their shares through the Distributor  would not bear
the expense of making Shares  available  through the bank. In the future,  there
may be other  considerations which would make it advisable to divide shares into
different Classes.

The Trustees have no present  intention of taking the action necessary to effect
the  division of Shares into  separate  Classes,  nor of changing  the method of
distribution of Shares of the Funds,  although the Funds may take such action in


the future without further shareholder approval. If the Shares were divided into
Classes  and it was  proposed  that  one or more  Classes  bear  expenses  of an
activity  primarily  intended  to  result in the sale of  Shares,  the vote of a
majority of the outstanding  voting  securities of the affected Class or Classes
would be  required  to approve a "Rule 12b-1 plan" to permit the bearing of such

Because  allocation  of  expenses  among  different  Classes  could  affect  the
calculation  of net asset value per Share,  the  proposed  amendment  would also
revise  provisions of the Amended and Restated  Declaration of Trust relating to
such  calculations.  The proposed  amendment would also state  explicitly that a
shareholder  of a particular  Series or Class thereof is not entitled to bring a
derivative  or  class  action  on  behalf  of any  other  Series  or  Class  (or
shareholders of any other Series or Class) of the Trust.

No sales  commission  or load is charged to the  investor on Shares sold through
the  Distributor.  No 12b-1 plan is  currently in effect and,  accordingly,  the
Funds do not bear any of the expenses of distribution.

Minimum Account Size

If the value of a  shareholder's  account falls below the minimum size of $1,000
currently  set forth in the  Amended  and  Restated  Declaration  of Trust,  the
Trustees  have the  authority  to cause  that  account  to be  redeemed  and the
proceeds  sent to the  shareholder.  The  proposed  amendment to the Amended and
Restated  Declaration  of Trust  would  permit the  Trustees  to fix the minimum
account size without seeking shareholder approval of an amendment to the Amended
and Restated Declaration of Trust.

The Trustees have  determined  that the cost to the Funds of servicing  accounts
above the current  minimum  account size  outweighs the benefits to the Funds of
such accounts,  and they have  determined that it is in the Funds' best interest
to increase the minimum account size. Therefore,  effective January 1, 1997, the
initial  investment and the minimum  account balance will increase to $2,500 for
regular  accounts and $1,000 for fiduciary  accounts such as IRAs. Such a change
may decrease the amount of a Fund's assets.

Required Vote

Approval of the  amendments to the Trust's  Amended and Restated  Declaration of
Trust  requires the  affirmative  vote of a majority of the  outstanding  voting
securities of each Fund. If Proposal 3 is not approved by the shareholders  with
respect to the  shares  entitled  to vote,  the  current  Amended  and  Restated
Declaration  of Trust will  continue in full force and effect for the time being
pending consideration by the Trustees of such further action as they may deem to
be in the best interest of the  shareholders.  The Board of Trustees  recommends
approval of the  amendments to the Trust's  Amended and Restated  Declaration of



As described in the  following  proposals,  the Trustees are  recommending  that
shareholders  approve a number of changes to each applicable Fund's  fundamental
investment restrictions.  Generally, the purpose of these proposed changes is to
increase each Fund's  investment  flexibility  and to bring each Fund's policies
more in line with those of many other Scudder funds.

The adoption of any of these  proposals is not contingent on the adoption of any
other proposal.

Shareholders  may only vote on matters  which concern the Fund or Funds in which
they hold shares.

Required Vote

Approval of each of these proposals  requires the affirmative vote of a majority
of the outstanding  voting  securities of each applicable Fund, which as used in
this  Proposal  means,  for each  Fund (1) the  holders  of more than 50% of the
outstanding  shares of the Fund or (2) the  holders of 67% or more of the shares
present if more than 50% of the shares are  present at a meeting in person or by
proxy,  whichever is less.  The Trustees  have  considered  various  factors and
believe  that  these  proposals  are  in  the  best  interests  of  each  Fund's
shareholders.  If a proposal is not approved,  that Fund's  present  fundamental
investment  restriction  will remain in effect and a  shareholder  vote would be
required  before a Fund could engage in  activities  prohibited by a fundamental

The Trustees  recommend that shareholders vote in favor of the amendment of each
Fund's investment restrictions as described in Proposals 4A-4I below.

4A.Approval  Or  Disapproval  Of  Amendments  To  Each Of The  Following  Fund's
   Investment Restriction With Respect To Borrowing:

     Scudder New York Tax Free Money Fund
     Scudder Massachusetts Tax Free Fund
     Scudder Massachusetts Limited Term Tax Free Fund
     Scudder Ohio Tax Free Fund
     Scudder Pennsylvania Tax Free Fund

The Trustees are recommending that each preceding Fund's fundamental  investment
restriction relating to borrowing be clarified and rephrased consistent with the
equivalent  policies of other funds  managed by Scudder.  Upon  approval of this
proposal, to conform to applicable state requirements, the Trustees will adopt a
non-fundamental  restriction which would permit a Fund to borrow only from banks
and would limit  borrowings to 5% of total assets taken at market value.  Should
state   restrictions   change,  the  Trustees  would  be  able  to  change  this
non-fundamental policy without shareholder approval.

The current restriction states as follows for each Fund listed below:

     Scudder Massachusetts Tax Free Fund
     Scudder Massachusetts Limited Term Tax Free Fund
     Scudder New York Tax Free Money Fund
     Scudder Ohio Tax Free Fund
     Scudder Pennsylvania Tax Free Fund


      "The Fund may not. . .

     borrow money except from banks or pursuant to reverse repurchase agreements
     as a temporary measure for extraordinary or emergency purposes (the Fund is
     required to maintain asset coverage (including  borrowings) of 300% for all
     borrowings)  and no  purchases  of  securities  will  be  made  while  such
     borrowings  exceed 5% of the Fund's assets (with regard to Scudder New York
     Tax Free Money Fund,  the payment of interest on borrowing by the Fund will
     reduce income).

If this proposal is approved,  the Trustees  intend to replace this  restriction
for each of the Funds with the following fundamental investment restriction:

     "The Fund may not. . .

     borrow money,  except as a temporary measure for extraordinary or emergency
     purposes  or except  in  connection  with  reverse  repurchase  agreements;
     provided that the Fund maintains asset coverage of 300% for all borrowings;

And each Fund would also adopt the following non-fundamental policy:

"The Fund may not. . .

     borrow  money in excess of 5% of its total assets  (taken at market  value)
     except for temporary or emergency purposes, borrow other than from banks or
     in connection with reverse repurchase agreements."

4B.Approval  Or  Disapproval  Of  Amendments  To  Each Of The  Following  Fund's
   Investment Restriction With Respect To Investments In Real Estate:

     Scudder New York Tax Free Money Fund
     Scudder Massachusetts Tax Free Fund
     Scudder Massachusetts Limited Term Tax Free Fund
     Scudder Ohio Tax Free Fund
     Scudder Pennsylvania Tax Free Fund

The Trustees are recommending that each preceding Fund's fundamental  investment
restriction  relating to  investments  in real estate be revised to grant a Fund
the  maximum  flexibility  in  light of  current  regulatory  requirements.  The
proposed  policies are consistent  with the  equivalent  policies of other funds
managed by Scudder.

The current restriction states as follows for each Fund listed below:

     Scudder New York Tax Free Money Fund
     Scudder Massachusetts Tax Free Fund
     Scudder Massachusetts Limited Term Tax Free Fund
     Scudder Ohio Tax Free Fund

"The Fund will not. . .

     purchase  and sell real  estate  (though  it may  invest in  securities  of
     companies  which  deal in real  estate and in other  permitted  investments
     secured by real estate) or  commodities or  commodities  contracts,  except
     futures  contracts,  including  but not limited to contracts for the future
     delivery of securities and contracts based on securities indices."


The current restriction states as follows for the Fund listed below:

     Scudder Pennsylvania Tax Free Fund

"The Fund will not. . .

     purchase  and sell real  estate  (though  it may  invest in  securities  of
     companies  which  deal in real  estate and in other  permitted  investments
     secured by real estate) or commodities or commodities contracts."

The proposed  amendments  would provide  maximum  flexibility  to invest in real
estate  related  securities,  as well as  reserve  for each Fund the  freedom of
action  to hold  and sell  real  estate  acquired  as a  result  of each  Fund's
ownership of securities.

The proposed amended fundamental  investment  restriction  regarding real estate
would read as follows for each of the Funds:

"The Fund may not. . .

     purchase  or sell  real  estate  (except  that the Fund may  invest  in (i)
     securities of companies  which deal in real estate or  mortgages,  and (ii)
     securities secured by real estate or interests  therein,  and that the Fund
     (except  for  Scudder  New York Tax Free Money  Fund)  reserves  freedom of
     action to hold and to sell real  estate  acquired as a result of the Fund's
     ownership of securities)."

To the extent each Fund invests in real  estate-related  securities,  it will be
subject to the risks  associated  with the real estate  market.  These risks may
include  declines  in the value of real  estate,  changes  in  general  or local
economic  conditions,  overbuilding,   difficulty  in  completing  construction,
increased  competition,  changes in zoning laws, increases in property taxes and
operating  expenses,  and variations in rental income.  Generally,  increases in
interest rates will increase the costs of obtaining financing,  which may result
in a decrease  in the value of such  investments.  Finally,  management  of real
estate,  even on a temporary or emergency basis,  requires  different skills and
experience than managing a pool of securities.

4C.Approval  Or  Disapproval  Of an  Addition  To Each Of The  Following  Fund's
   Investment Restriction With Respect To Investments In Commodities:

     Scudder New York Tax Free Money Fund
     Scudder Massachusetts Tax Free Fund
     Scudder Massachusetts Limited Term Tax Free Fund
     Scudder Ohio Tax Free Fund
     Scudder Pennsylvania Tax Free Fund

In addition, each Fund will adopt a new fundamental policy to separately address
the purchase of commodities.  The new fundamental  policy regarding  commodities
would read as follows for each of the Funds:

"The Fund may not. . .

     purchase or sell  physical  commodities  or contracts  relating to physical

The proposed new fundamental policy regarding commodities amends the restriction
to refer exclusively to physical  commodities,  as  distinguished,  for example,


from financial  futures,  so that transactions in what may technically be deemed
to be  commodities  (such  as  certain  financial  futures  contracts  including
interest  rate futures and  municipal  bond  interest  rate  futures  contracts,
derivatives  contracts,  and other similar instruments which may be developed in
the future) would not be subject to the  restriction.  Each state specific fund,
other than the Scudder  Pennsylvania Tax Free Fund,  currently has the authority
to invest in futures contracts,  including  financial futures.  The proposed new
restriction would expand investment  authority only for the Scudder Pennsylvania
Tax Free Fund.  It would also make each  Fund's  restrictions  more  precise and
explicit.  Each  Fund has no  current  intention  to  invest in any new types of
derivatives,  although the amended  restriction will provide greater flexibility
to do so in the future as new types of derivatives are developed.

4D.Approval  Or  Disapproval  Of An  Amendment To Each Of The  Following  Fund's
   Investment Restriction Relating To Underwriting Securities:

     Scudder New York Tax Free Money Fund
     Scudder Massachusetts Tax Free Fund
     Scudder Massachusetts Limited Term Tax Free Fund
     Scudder Ohio Tax Free Fund
     Scudder Pennsylvania Tax Free Fund

The Trustees are recommending that each preceding Fund's fundamental  investment
restriction  relating to  underwriting  securities  be clarified  and  rephrased
consistent with the equivalent  policies of other funds managed by Scudder.  The
proposed amendment would replace the current restriction,  which states for each
Fund listed below that:

     Scudder Massachusetts Tax Free Fund
     Scudder Massachusetts Limited Term Tax Free Fund
     Scudder Ohio Tax Free Fund
     Scudder Pennsylvania Tax Free Fund

"The Fund may not. . .

     act as underwriter of the securities issued by others, except to the extent
     that the purchase of securities in accordance with its investment objective
     and policies  directly  from the issuer  thereof and the later  disposition
     thereof may be deemed to be underwriting."

The current restriction states as follows for the Fund listed below:

     Scudder New York Tax Free Money Fund

"The Fund may not. . .

     act as underwriter of the securities issued by others, except to the extent
     that it may be deemed to be an underwriter in connection  with the purchase
     of  securities  in accordance  with its  investment  objective and policies
     directly from the issuer thereof and the later  disposition  thereof may be
     deemed to be underwriting."

The proposed amended  fundamental  investment  restriction would read as follows
for each of the Funds:

"The Fund may not. . .


     act as an underwriter of securities issued by others,  except to the extent
     that it may be deemed an underwriter in connection  with the disposition of
     portfolio securities of the Fund."

4E.Approval  Or  Disapproval  Of An  Amendment To Each Of The  Following  Fund's
   Investment Restriction With Respect To Making Loans By Purchasing Securities

     Scudder New York Tax Free Money Fund
     Scudder Massachusetts Tax Free Fund
     Scudder Ohio Tax Free Fund
     Scudder Pennsylvania Tax Free Fund

The Trustees are recommending that each preceding Fund's fundamental  investment
restriction  relating to making loans be clarified and rephrased consistent with
the  equivalent  policies  of other  funds  managed  by  Scudder.  The  proposed
amendment  would  replace the current  restriction,  which  states for each Fund
listed below that:

     Scudder Massachusetts Tax Free Fund
     Scudder Ohio Tax Free Fund
     Scudder Pennsylvania Tax Free Fund

"The Fund may not. . .

     make loans to other persons, except to the extent that the purchase of debt
     obligations in accordance  with its  investment  objective and policies and
     the entry  into  repurchase  agreements  may be  deemed  to be  loans.  The
     purchase of all of a publicly offered issue of debt obligations or all or a
     portion of non-publicly  offered debt  obligations may be deemed the making
     of a loan for this purpose, but, although not a policy which may be changed
     only by a vote of the shareholders, management expects that such securities
     would seldom exceed 25% of the net assets of the Fund."

The current restriction states as follows for the Fund listed below:

     Scudder New York Tax Free Money Fund

"The Fund may not. . .

     make loans to other persons, except to the extent that the purchase of debt
     obligations in accordance  with its  investment  objective and policies and
     the entry  into  repurchase  agreements  may be  deemed  to be  loans.  The
     purchase of all of a publicly offered issue of debt obligations or all or a
     portion of non-publicly  offered debt  obligations may be deemed the making
     of a loan for this purpose, but, although not a policy which may be changed
     only by a vote of the shareholders, management expects that such securities
     would seldom exceed 25% of the net assets of the Fund. These securities are
     not expected to comprise a major portion of the Fund's investments."

The proposed amended  fundamental  investment  restriction would read as follows
for each of the Funds:

"The Fund may not. . .


     make loans to other persons, except (a) loans of portfolio securities,  and
     (b) to the extent the entry into repurchase  agreements and the purchase of
     debt securities in accordance with its investment objectives and investment
     policies may be deemed to be loans."

4F.Approval  Or  Disapproval  Of An  Amendment To Each Of The  Following  Fund's
   Investment Restriction Regarding The Issuance Of Senior Securities:

     Scudder New York Tax Free Money Fund
     Scudder Massachusetts Tax Free Fund
     Scudder Massachusetts Limited Term Tax Free Fund
     Scudder Ohio Tax Free Fund
     Scudder Pennsylvania Tax Free Fund

The  Trustees  are  recommending  that the  fundamental  investment  restriction
relating  to the  issuance  of senior  securities  be  clarified  and  rephrased
consistent with the equivalent  policies of other funds managed by Scudder.  The
proposed amendment would replace the current restriction,  which states for each
Fund listed below that:

     Scudder Massachusetts Tax Free Fund
     Scudder Ohio Tax Free Fund
     Scudder Pennsylvania Tax Free Fund

"The Fund may not. . .

     issue senior  securities,  except as appropriate  to evidence  indebtedness
     which the Fund is permitted to incur pursuant to investment restriction (2)
     and except for shares of any additional  series which may be established by
     the Trustees."

The current restriction states as follows for the Fund listed below:

     Scudder New York Tax Free Money Fund

"The Fund may not. . .

     issue senior  securities,  except as appropriate  to evidence  indebtedness
     which the Fund is permitted to incur pursuant to investment restriction (1)
     and except for shares of any additional  series which may be established by
     the Trustees."

The current restriction states as follows for the Fund listed below:

     Scudder Massachusetts Limited Term Tax Free Fund

"The Fund may not. . .

     issue senior  securities,  except as appropriate  to evidence  indebtedness
     which the Fund is permitted to incur pursuant to investment restriction (2)
     and  except for  shares of any other  series  which may have been or may be
     hereafter established by the Trustees."

The Trustees  propose that this policy be amended to read as follows for each of
the Funds:

"The Fund may not. . .

     Issue senior  securities,  except as appropriate  to evidence  indebtedness
     which it is  permitted  to incur,  and except  for  shares of the  separate
     classes or series of the Trust, provided that collateral  arrangements with
     respect to currency-related contracts,  futures contracts, options or other
     permitted investments,  including deposits of initial and variation margin,
     are not considered to be the issuance of senior  securities for purposes of
     this restriction."


4G.Approval  Or  Disapproval  Of  Amendments  To  Each Of The  Following  Fund's
   Investment Restriction With Respect To Concentration Of Its Assets:

     Scudder New York Tax Free Money Fund
     Scudder New York Tax Free Fund
     Scudder Massachusetts Tax Free Fund
     Scudder Massachusetts Limited Term Tax Free Fund
     Scudder Ohio Tax Free Fund
     Scudder Pennsylvania Tax Free Fund

The Trustees are  recommending  that each of the  preceding  Fund's  fundamental
investment restriction with respect to concentration of its assets be revised to
make it clear  that a Fund may invest  more than 25% of its total  assets in the
securities of agencies or instrumentalities of the U.S. government.  The current
restriction states as follows for each Fund listed below:

     Scudder New York Tax Free Money Fund
     Scudder Massachusetts Tax Free Fund
     Scudder Massachusetts Limited Term Tax Free Fund
     Scudder Ohio Tax Free Fund
     Scudder Pennsylvania Tax Free Fund

"The Fund may not. . .

     purchase (i) pollution  control and  industrial  development  bonds or (ii)
     securities which are not municipal  obligations if the purchase would cause
     more than 25% in the  aggregate  of the market value of the total assets of
     the Fund at the time of such  purchase to be invested in the  securities of
     one or more issuers having their principal business  activities in the same

The current restriction states as follows for the Fund listed below:

     Scudder New York Tax Free Fund

"The Fund may not. . .

     purchase (a) private  activity bonds,  or (b) securities  which are neither
     municipal  obligations nor securities of the U.S. Government,  its agencies
     or instrumentalities,  if in either case the purchase would cause more than
     25% of the market value of its total assets at the time of such purchase to
     be invested in the securities of one or more issuers having their principal
     business  activities  in the  same  industry  (for  the  purposes  of  this
     restriction,  telephone  companies  are  considered  to  be  in a  separate
     industry from gas and electric public utilities,  and wholly-owned  finance
     companies  are  considered  to be in the industry of their parents if their
     activities  are related  primarily to  financing  the  activities  of their

The  proposed  amended  fundamental  restriction,   which  makes  certain  other
clarifying changes, would read as follows for each of the Funds:

"The Fund may not. . .

     purchase  securities  if such  purchase  would  cause  more than 25% in the
     aggregate  of the market  value of the total assets of the Fund at the time
     of such  purchase to be invested in the  securities  of one or more issuers


     having their principal business  activities in the same industry,  provided
     that there is no limitation in respect to investments in obligations issued
     or guaranteed by the U.S. Government or its agencies or  instrumentalities,
     (and in the case of Scudder  New York Tax Free  Money  Fund,  in  municipal
     obligations issued by governments or political subdivisions of governments,
     or in  certificates of deposit or bankers'  acceptances  issued by domestic

Scudder  recommended  this  amendment to the Trustees to make it clear that each
Fund may invest in the  securities of the agencies or  instrumentalities  of the
U.S.  government  without  regard to the 25% limit.  Scudder  believes  that the
current  restriction  does not prevent a Fund from investing in such  securities
without  limit,   because  the  government   issuers,   including  agencies  and
instrumentalities  of a  governmental  issuer,  are not members of any industry.
However,  the  proposed  amendment  is being made to avoid any  ambiguity in the
future, as well as to make that provision of the restriction consistent with the
equivalent policies of other funds managed by Scudder.  Because private activity
bonds are  considered  representative  of the  industry  in which the obligor is
engaged,  no explicit  reference to private  activity  bonds is  necessary.  The
omission in the amended  policy of any reference to private  activity bonds does
not  imply  a  change  to the  Fund's  fundamental  policy  limiting  to 25% its
investments in issuers engaged in the same industry.  

4H.Approval  Or  Disapproval  Of Amendments To The Following  Fund's  Investment
   Restriction With Respect To Diversification:

     Scudder New York Tax Free Money Fund

The Trustees are recommending that the preceding Fund's  fundamental  investment
restriction with respect to diversification be modified to give the Fund greater
flexibility to obtain  commitments  from third parties to assure that particular
portfolio   securities  satisfy  the  Fund's  credit,   maturity  and  liquidity

The SEC has proposed  extensive  changes to the  principal  rule  governing  the
operations of money market  funds--Rule  2a-7  ("Rule")  under the 1940 Act. The
Rule is intended to help assure that money  market  funds can  maintain a stable
net asset  value.  It  contains  extensive  restrictions  in  addition  to those
concerning diversification, including quality and maturity standards.

The two current restrictions state as follows:

     "The Fund may not...

     with respect to 50% of the total assets of the Fund, invest more than 5% of
     its  total  assets  in  the  securities  of any  one  issuer,  except  U.S.
     Government  securities,  and with respect to 100% of the value of the total
     assets of the Fund,  the Fund may not invest  more than 25% of the value of
     its total assets in the securities of any one issuer;


     with respect to 50% of the total assets of the Fund purchase the securities
     of any  issuer if such  purchase  would  cause  more than 10% of the voting
     securities of such issuer to be held by the Fund."

The  proposed  amended  fundamental  restriction,  would read as follows for the

     "The Fund may not...


     with respect to 50% of the total assets of the Fund, invest more than 5% of
     its  total  assets  in  the  securities  of any  one  issuer,  except  U.S.
     Government  securities,  and with respect to 100% of the value of the total
     assets of the Fund,  the Fund may not invest  more than 25% of the value of
     its total assets in the securities of any one issuer;


     with respect to 50% of the total assets of the Fund purchase the securities
     of any  issuer if such  purchase  would  cause  more than 10% of the voting
     securities of such issuer to be held by the Fund,  provided that the amount
     of the total assets of the Fund that may be invested in the  securities  of
     any one issuer will,  instead,  be limited in accordance  with federal law,
     regulation and regulatory  interpretation applicable to money market funds,
     as amended from time to time."

The Trustees have  determined  that it would be in the best interest of the Fund
to operate in  accordance  with the Rule,  as amended.  The  Trustees  have also
determined  that the  diversification  standards of the Rule,  rather than those
stated above,  should govern the activities of the Fund. The modification to the
diversification  policy  will  give  the  Fund  greater  flexibility  to  obtain
commitments  from third parties to assure that particular  portfolio  securities
satisfy the Fund's credit, maturity and liquidity standards.

Scudder believes that the protections of the Rule, including its diversification
and other requirements can fairly be characterized as stricter overall than what
is  otherwise  required by the 1940 Act. The Rule is designed  specifically  for
money market funds and imposes what is considered  to be strict but  appropriate
regulation of those funds. The Rule should govern the operation of such funds to
the  extent   that  the   specific   Rule  might   conflict   with  the  general
diversification  requirements  applicable  to all  mutual  funds  regardless  of
investment  objectives  and  policies.   Therefore,   a  change  in  the  Fund's
diversification policy to be consistent with the Rule will provide the Fund with
desirable  flexibility  (within the parameters of a very restrictive Rule), will
permit the Fund to operate more  effectively,  and will be  consistent  with the
investment  objectives  of the Fund and with the best  interests of the Fund and
its shareholders.

4I.  Approval   Or   Disapproval   Of  A   Change   To  The   Following   Fund's
     Subclassification  From  A  Diversified  To  A  Non-Diversified  Investment
     Company Under The 1940 Act.

     Scudder New York Tax Free Fund

The Trustees are recommending that the preceding Fund's  fundamental  investment
restriction  regarding  diversification  be  changed  so that the Fund  would be
classified as a non-diversified  investment  company under the 1940 Act in order
to provide greater flexibility in managing the Fund's portfolio.

The Fund is currently  classified as a diversified  investment company under the
1940 Act. As such,  the Fund is subject to more  restrictive  limitations on the
percentage  of its assets  that it may invest in the  securities  of  individual
issuers than is a non-diversified  investment  company.  Because of its focus on
New  York  tax-exempt  investments,  the  Fund  has a  more  limited  number  of
investment  options  available  to it  than  a  fund  that  does  not  focus  on
investments from a single state.  Consequently,  the Fund may have substantially
greater  difficulty in adhering to 1940 Act  diversification  requirements  than


would a fund  that  does not  focus on  investments  from a  single  state.  The
Trustees  believe that the Fund's  investment  flexibility  will  increase,  and
performance could benefit, by changing the Fund's  classification under the 1940
Act to non-diversified.  Scudder currently  anticipates any restructuring of the
Fund's portfolio will occur  gradually.  Each of the other state specific funds,
is already classified as "non-diversified."

Under the 1940 Act, a diversified  investment  company must have at least 75% of
the value of its total  assets  represented  by cash and cash  items  (including
receivables),  U.S.  Government  securities,   securities  of  other  investment
companies,  and other  securities  limited  in  respect  of any one issuer to an
amount  not  greater  in value  than 5% of the value of the total  assets of the
investment  company,  and to  not  more  than  10%  of  the  outstanding  voting
securities of the issuer. A non-diversified  investment  company is not required
to meet these restrictions.

The Fund would  continue,  however,  to be subject  to other,  less  restrictive
diversification  requirements  in order to  qualify  as a  regulated  investment
company under  Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 as amended (the
"Code").  Under the Code, to qualify as a regulated investment company, the Fund
generally must,  among other things,  diversify its holdings so that, at the end
of each quarter of its taxable year, (i) at least 50% of the market value of the
Fund's assets is represented  by cash  (including  cash items and  receivables),
U.S.  Government  securities,  and other securities,  with such other securities
limited,  in respect of any one issuer,  for purposes of this  calculation to an
amount not greater  and (ii) not more than 25% of the value of its total  assets
is  invested in the  securities  of any one issuer  (other than U.S.  Government

If the Fund becomes a  non-diversified  investment  company  under the 1940 Act,
investment in the Fund may present greater risks to investors than an investment
in a diversified  investment company. The investment return on a non-diversified
investment  company  typically is dependent  upon the  performance  of a smaller
number of  securities,  and the Fund's  assumption  of larger  positions  in the
securities of a smaller number of issuers will affect the net asset value of the
Fund's shares to a greater extent than that of a diversified  investment company
in  the  event  of  changes  in the  financial  condition,  or in  the  market's
assessment, of the issuers.

If the  shareholders of the Fund approve this proposal,  the Fund's  fundamental
investment  diversification  policy would be amended to  eliminate  the 1940 Act
diversification requirements, and would read as follows:

"The Registrant may not...

Purchase  any  security  (other than  obligations  of the U.S.  Government,  its
agencies  or  instrumentalities)  if as a  result  (a)  more  than  25%  of  the
Registrant's  total  assets would then be invested in  securities  of any single
issuer,  or (b) 25% or more  of the  Registrant's  total  assets  would  then be
invested  in  securities  of issuers in any one  industry or group of similar or
related industries,  provided, however, that the foregoing restriction shall not
be deemed to prohibit  the Fund from  purchasing  the  securities  of any issuer
pursuant to the exercise of rights distributed to the Fund by the issuer, except
that no such  purchase may be made if as a result the Fund will fail to meet the
diversification requirements of the Code.



Scudder  acts as  investment  manager to Scudder  New York Tax Free Money  Fund,
Scudder  Massachusetts  Tax Free Fund,  Scudder  Ohio Tax Free Fund and  Scudder
Pennsylvania Tax Free Fund pursuant to Investment Advisory Agreements dated June
1, 1987 for each of the Funds (the  "present  Agreements")  between the Trust on
behalf of each Fund, and Scudder.

The  Trustees  recommend  that  shareholders  approve  the  proposed  Investment
Management  Agreements  (the  "proposed  Agreements")  in place  of the  present
Agreements.  At a meeting held on August 13, 1996 the  Trustees,  including  the
Independent  Trustees,  approved the terms of the proposed  Agreements and their
adoptions  subject to  approval  by  shareholders  of the  relevant  Funds.  The
proposed and present  Agreements are substantially the same,  including the same
fee schedule.  Set forth below is a description of certain  differences  between
the present Agreements and the proposed Agreements,  as well as a description of
those  provisions  which  are the same  under  both  the  proposed  and  present
Agreements. A form of a proposed Agreement is attached hereto as Exhibit B.

In  approving  the  proposed  Agreements  and  recommending  their  approval  by
shareholders,  the Independent  Trustees,  considering the best interests of the
shareholders  of each Fund,  took into  account all such  factors as they deemed
relevant. Among such factors were the nature, quality and extent of the services
furnished  by Scudder to each Fund;  the  necessity of Scudder  maintaining  and
enhancing  its ability to retain and  attract  capable  personnel  to serve each
Fund; the increased  complexity of the securities  market; the investment record
of Scudder in managing each Fund;  Scudder's  profitability with respect to each
Fund and the other  investment  companies  managed by Scudder  before  marketing
expenses paid by Scudder;  possible  economies of scale;  comparative data as to
investment performance, advisory fees and expense ratios; Scudder's expenditures
in developing  worthwhile  and innovative  shareholder  services for each of the
Funds;  improvements  in the  quality  and  scope  of the  shareholder  services
provided  to each  Fund's  shareholders;  the  risks  assumed  by  Scudder;  the
advantages  and possible  disadvantages  to each Fund of having an adviser which
also serves  other  investment  companies  as well as other  accounts;  possible
benefits  to Scudder  from  serving as adviser  and from  affiliates  of Scudder
serving as principal  underwriter,  transfer agent and fund accounting  agent of
each Fund; current and developing conditions in the financial services industry,
including  the entry into the industry of large and well  capitalized  companies
which are spending, and appear to be prepared to continue to spend,  substantial
sums to  engage  personnel  and to  provide  services  to  competing  investment
companies; the financial resources of Scudder and the continuance of appropriate
incentives to assure that Scudder will continue to furnish high quality services
to each Fund; and various other factors.

Description of the Agreements

Under  the  present  Agreements,  Scudder  regularly  provides  each  Fund  with
investment research, advice and supervision and furnishes an investment program.
Under the proposed  Agreements,  Scudder will provide each Fund with  continuing
investment management. Under both agreements, Scudder determines what securities
shall be purchased,  held, or sold, and what portion of each Fund's assets shall
be held uninvested,  subject to the Trust's Amended and Restated  Declaration of


Trust,  By-Laws,  investment  policies and restrictions,  the 1940 Act, and such
policies and instructions as the Trustees of the Trust may determine.

In addition to the provision of portfolio management services and the payment of
each Fund's  office  rent,  under the  proposed  Agreements  Scudder will render
significant  administrative  services (not otherwise  provided by third parties)
necessary  for  each  Fund's  operations  as  an  open-end   investment  company
including,  but not limited to, preparing  reports to and meeting  materials for
the  Trust's  Board of Trustees  and  reports and notices to Fund  shareholders;
supervising,  negotiating  contractual  arrangements  with,  and  monitoring the
performance of various  third-party  service providers to each Fund (such as the
Funds'  transfer  and  pricing  agents,   fund  accounting   agent,   custodian,
accountants  and others);  preparing  and making  filings with the SEC and other
regulatory  agencies;  assisting  in the  preparation  and  filing of the Fund's
federal,  state and local tax returns;  preparing and filing each Fund's federal
excise tax  returns;  assisting  with  investor  and public  relations  matters;
monitoring  the valuation of portfolio  securities  and the  calculation  of net
asset  value;  monitoring  each  registration  of  shares  of  each  Fund  under
applicable federal and state securities laws;  maintaining each Fund's books and
records to the extent not otherwise  maintained  by a third party;  assisting in
establishing  accounting  policies of each Fund;  assisting in the resolution of
accounting and legal issues;  establishing  and monitoring the Fund's  operating
budgets;  processing  the payment of each Fund's bills;  assisting each Fund in,
and  otherwise  arranging  for the payment of dividends  and  distributions  and
otherwise  assisting  each Fund in the conduct of its  business,  subject to the
direction and control of the Trust's Board of Trustees.  The Trustees believe it
is desirable to include the  responsibility  for providing these services in the
proposed Agreement.

Under both the proposed and the present Agreements, each Fund is responsible for
other expenses,  including  organization expenses;  clerical salaries;  fees and
expenses   incurred  in  connection  with   membership  in  investment   company
organizations;  brokers'  commissions;  legal, auditing and accounting expenses;
payment for portfolio  pricing  services to a pricing  agent,  if any; taxes and
governmental  fees; the fees and expenses of the transfer  agent;  and any other
expenses, including clerical expenses, of issuance,  redemption or repurchase of
shares;  the expenses of and fees for  registering or qualifying  securities for
sale;  the fees and expenses of Independent  Trustees;  the cost of printing and
distributing  reports and notices to shareholders;  and the fees and expenses of
each Fund's  custodians.  Each Fund may arrange to have third parties assume all
or part of the expenses of sale, underwriting and distribution of shares of each
Fund. Each Fund is also responsible for expenses of shareholders'  meetings, the
cost of  responding to  shareholders'  inquiries,  and its expenses  incurred in
connection with  litigation,  proceedings and claims and the legal obligation it
may have to indemnify officers and Trustees of each Trust with respect thereto.

Under the proposed Agreements, details of Fund expenses have been included. Each
Fund is responsible for maintenance of books and records which are not otherwise
required to be maintained by the Funds'  custodian or other agents of the Trust;
telephone,  facsimile,  postage  and  other  communications  expenses;  any dues
incurred by a Fund in connection  with  membership  in investment  company trade
organizations;  payment  for  valuation  services  to pricing  agents;  costs of
acquiring or  disposing  of any  portfolio  securities  of a Fund;  printing and
distributing  reports,  notices  and  dividends  to  shareholders;  expenses  of
printing and mailing  Prospectuses  and Statements of Additional  Information of


each Fund and supplements thereto; costs of stationery; any litigation expenses;
indemnification of Trustees and officers of the Trust and costs of shareholders'
meetings and other expenses.

Under both  Agreements,  Scudder pays the  compensation and expenses of officers
and  executive  employees  of  each  Fund  affiliated  with  Scudder  and  makes
available, without expense to each Fund, the services of such trustees, officers
and employees as may be duly elected officers or Trustees of the Trust,  subject
to their individual consent to serve and to any limitations imposed by law. Each
Fund is responsible  for the fees and expenses of Trustees not  affiliated  with
Scudder.  The proposed  Agreement  also states that Scudder will pay each Fund's
share of payroll taxes. The proposed  Agreement also specifically  provides that
each Fund  will pay the  expenses,  such as travel  expenses,  of  Trustees  and
officers of the Trust who are  directors,  officers or employees of Scudder,  to
the extent that such  expenses  relate to attendance at meetings of the Board of
Trustees  of  the  Trust  or  any  committees   thereof  held  outside   Boston,
Massachusetts or New York, New York. During the fiscal year ended March 31, 1996
for Scudder New York Tax Free Money Fund,  Scudder  Massachusetts Tax Free Fund,
Scudder  Ohio  Tax  Free  Fund  and  Scudder  Pennsylvania  Tax  Free  Fund,  no
compensation,  direct or otherwise (other than through fees paid to Scudder) was
paid or became  payable by any Fund to any of its  officers or Trustees who were
affiliated with Scudder.

The present  Agreement  provides  that each Fund may use a name derived from the
name "Scudder,  Stevens & Clark,  Inc.," only so long as such Agreement,  or any
extension,  renewal  or  amendment  thereof,  remains in  effect.  The  proposed
Agreement provides that each Fund is granted a nonexclusive right and sublicense
to use the "Scudder"  name and mark as part of the Trust's name, and the Scudder
Marks in connection with the Trust's investment products and services.

The proposed and present  Agreements  further  provide that Scudder shall not be
liable for any act or  omission,  error of judgment or mistake of law or for any
loss suffered by each Fund in connection  with matters to which such  Agreements
relate,  except a loss  resulting from willful  misfeasance,  bad faith or gross
negligence  on the part of  Scudder  in the  performance  of its  duties or from
reckless  disregard  by  Scudder  of  its  obligations  and  duties  under  such

In reviewing the terms of the proposed and present Agreements and in discussions
with Scudder  concerning such  Agreements,  the  Independent  Trustees have been
represented,  at each Fund's  expense,  by  independent  counsel,  Ropes & Gray.
Counsel for the Funds is Willkie Farr & Gallagher.

Both Agreements  provide that Scudder be paid a monthly fee, payable in dollars,
at an  annual  rate of 0.50 of 1% of  Scudder  New York Tax  Free  Money  Fund's
average daily net assets and 0.60% of 1% for each of Scudder  Massachusetts  Tax
Free Fund,  Scudder Ohio Tax Free Fund and Scudder  Pennsylvania Tax Free Fund's
average  daily net assets.  Scudder has agreed not to impose all or a portion of
its management fee and to take other action, to the extent necessary to maintain
the  annualized  expenses of Scudder New York Tax Free Money Fund,  Scudder Ohio
Tax Free Fund and  Scudder  Pennsylvania  Tax Free Fund at not more than 0.60 of
1%, 0.50 of 1% and 0.50 of 1% of average daily net assets,  respectively,  until
July 31, 1997.  Under the proposed  Agreements  the Adviser shall be entitled to
receive during any month such interim  payments of the fee, not to exceed 75% of
the amount of the fee then accrued on the books of the Fund and unpaid.  For the
fiscal  year ended  March 31,  1996 for  Scudder  New York Tax Free Money  Fund,


Scudder Ohio Tax Free Fund and Scudder  Pennsylvania Tax Free Fund,  Scudder did
not impose its  management  fees  amounting to $142,485,  $314,079 and $308,030,
respectively,  and the fee imposed aggregated  $134,788,  $172,284 and $145,682,

If approved by the  shareholders  of each Fund,  the  proposed  Agreements  will
become  effective on the day  following  such  approval and will remain in force
until  September  30,  1998,  and the present  Agreements  will  terminate.  The
proposed  Agreements would continue in effect  thereafter by its terms from year
to year  only so long as its  continuance  is  specifically  approved  at  least
annually by the vote of a majority of the Independent Trustees cast in person at
a meeting called for the purpose of voting on such approval,  and either by vote
of the Trustees, or a majority of each Fund's outstanding voting securities,  as
defined  below.  The proposed  Agreements  may be terminated on 60 days' written
notice,  without penalty, by the Trustees,  by the vote of the shareholders of a
majority of each  Fund's  outstanding  voting  securities,  or by  Scudder,  and
automatically terminates in the event of its assignment.  The current Agreements
require annual  approval of its  continuance  and contains the same  termination
provisions as the proposed Agreements.

Any or all of the present Agreements will continue in effect if this Proposal is
not approved by the  shareholders  of a Fund. The present  Agreements  were last
approved by the Trustees on August 13, 1996.

Required Vote

Approval of the proposed Agreements on behalf of Scudder New York Tax Free Money
Fund,  Scudder  Massachusetts  Tax Free  Fund,  Scudder  Ohio Tax Free  Fund and
Scudder  Pennsylvania  Tax Free Fund requires the affirmative vote of a majority
of shareholders of each of the Fund's outstanding  voting  securities,  which as
used in this  Proposal  means (1)  holders  of more than 50% of the  outstanding
shares of each Fund or (2) the  holders of 67% or more of the shares  present if
more than 50% of the  shares  are  present  at a meeting  in person or by proxy,
whichever is less. The Board of Trustees  recommends  that the  shareholders  of
each Fund vote in favor of the approval of the proposed Agreements.

Investment Adviser

Scudder is one of the most  experienced  investment  counsel firms in the United
States.  It was established in 1919 as a partnership  and was  restructured as a
Delaware  corporation  in 1985.  The  principal  source of  Scudder's  income is
professional  fees  received  from  providing   continuing   investment  advice.
Scudder's subsidiary,  Scudder Investor Services, Inc. (the "Distributor"),  Two
International  Place,  Boston, MA 02110,  acts as the principal  underwriter for
shares of registered open-end investment companies.  Scudder provides investment
counsel for many individuals and institutions,  including  insurance  companies,
endowments, industrial corporations and financial and banking organizations.

Scudder is a Delaware  corporation.  Daniel Pierce* is the Chairman of the Board
of Scudder.  Edmond D. Villani# is the President and Chief Executive  Officer of
Scudder.  Stephen R. Beckwith#,  Lynn S. Birdsong#,  E. Michael Brown*, Nicholas
Bratt#,  Mark S. Casady*,  Linda C. Coughlin*,  Margaret D. Hadzima*,  Jerard K.
Hartman#,  Richard A. Holt@,  Dudley H. Ladd*,  John T.  Packard+++,  Kathryn L.
Quirk#,  Cornelia M. Small# and Stephen A. Wohler* are the other  members of the


Board of Directors of Scudder.  The  principal  occupation  of each of the above
named individuals is serving as a Managing Director of Scudder.

All of the  outstanding  voting and nonvoting  securities of Scudder are held of
record by Stephen R. Beckwith, Juris Padegs, Daniel Pierce and Edmond D. Villani
in  their  capacity  as  the  representatives  (the  "Representatives")  of  the
beneficial owners of such securities,  pursuant to a Security Holders' Agreement
among  Scudder,   the  beneficial  owners  of  securities  of  Scudder  and  the
Representatives.    Pursuant   to   the   Security   Holders'   Agreement,   the
Representatives  have the right to reallocate shares among the beneficial owners
from  time  to  time.  Such  reallocation  will  be at net  book  value  in cash
transactions.  All Managing Directors of Scudder own voting and nonvoting stock;
all Principals own nonvoting stock.

In  addition  to  acting  as  investment   manager  to  individuals   and  other
organizations,  Scudder, or an affiliate, acts as investment adviser to numerous
investment companies including the investment company listed below which is also
an open-end investment company or mutual fund.

                                      Total Net Assets           
                                            as of                       Management Compensation      
                                      September 30, 1996             on an Annual Basis Based on the  
               Name                     (000 omitted)               Value of Average Daily Net Assets   
               ----                     -------------               ---------------------------------   
Scudder California Tax Free Trust         $359,500         Scudder  California  Tax Free Fund:  0.625 of 1%;
                                                           0.60  of 1% on  net  assets  in  excess  of  $200
                                                           million.  Scudder California Tax Free Money Fund:
                                                           0.50 of 1%.

Trustees,  officers  and  employees  of  Scudder  from  time  to time  may  have
transactions  with various  banks,  including the Funds'  custodian  bank. It is
Scudder's  opinion that the terms and conditions of those  transactions will not
be influenced by existing or potential custodial or other Fund relationships.

Scudder Fund Accounting Corporation ("SFAC"), a subsidiary of Scudder,  computes
net asset  value for each of the  Funds.  Scudder  Massachusetts  Tax Free Fund,
Scudder Ohio Tax Free Fund and Scudder  Pennsylvania Tax Free Fund each pay SFAC
an annual  fee equal to 0.024% of the first $150  million  of average  daily net
assets, 0.0070% of such assets in excess of $150 million,  0.004% of such assets
in excess of $1 billion,  plus holding and transaction charges for this service.
Scudder  New York Tax Free Money Fund pays SFAC an annual fee equal to 0.020% of
the first $150  million of average  daily net assets,  0.0060% of such assets in
excess of $150  million,  0.0035% of such assets in excess of $1  billion,  plus
holding and transaction charges for this service. For the period ended March 31,
1996,  the  amount  charged to Scudder  New York Tax Free  Money  Fund,  Scudder
Massachusetts Tax Free Fund, Scudder Ohio Tax Free Fund and Scudder Pennsylvania
Tax  Free  Fund by SFAC  aggregated  $30,000,  $58,015,  $36,000,  and  $36,000,

- ---------------------------
*  Two International Place, Boston, Massachusetts
#  345 Park Avenue, New York, New York
0  101 California Street, San Francisco, California
@ Two Prudential Plaza, 180 West Stetson,  Suite 5400, Chicago,  Illinois 

Brokerage Commissions on Portfolio Transactions

To the maximum extent feasible Scudder places orders for portfolio  transactions
through the  Distributor  (a  corporation  registered as a  broker/dealer  and a


subsidiary  of  Scudder),  which in turn places  orders on behalf of each of the
Funds with issuers,  underwriters or other brokers and dealers.  The Distributor
receives  no  commissions,  fees or  other  remuneration  from any Fund for this
service.  Allocation of portfolio transactions is supervised by Scudder.  During
the fiscal  years ended  October 31, 1995 and March 31, 1996,  respectively,  no
brokerage commissions were paid by any of the Funds.

                             ADDITIONAL INFORMATION

Other Matters

The Board of  Trustees  does not know of any  matters to be  brought  before the
Meeting  other  than those  mentioned  in this Proxy  Statement.  The  appointed
proxies  will vote on any other  business  that comes  before the Meeting or any
adjournments thereof in accordance with their best judgment.

Please  complete and sign the enclosed  proxy card and return it in the envelope
provided  so that the  Meeting  may be held and  action  may be taken,  with the
greatest  possible number of shares  participating,  on the matters described in
this Proxy Statement. This will not preclude your voting in person if you attend
the Meeting.


Proxies will be solicited by mail and may be solicited in person or by telephone
or facsimile  by Officers of the Trust,  personnel of Scudder or an agent of the
Funds for compensation.  The expenses connected with the solicitation of proxies
and with any further  proxies which may be solicited will be borne by the Funds.
The Funds will  reimburse  banks,  brokers and other persons  holding the Funds'
shares  registered in their names or in the names of their  nominees,  for their
expenses  incurred in sending proxy  material to and obtaining  proxies from the
beneficial owners of such shares.

In the event that  sufficient  votes in favor of the  proposals set forth in the
Notice of Special  Meeting are not received by December  10,  1996,  the persons
named as appointed proxies on the enclosed proxy card(s) may propose one or more
adjournments of the Meeting to permit further  solicitation of proxies. Any such
adjournment  will require the  affirmative  vote of the holders of a majority of
the  shares  present in person or by proxy at the  session of the  meeting to be
adjourned.  The persons named as appointed proxies on the enclosed proxy card(s)
will vote in favor of such adjournment  those proxies which they are entitled to
vote in favor of the proposal for which further solicitation of proxies is to be
made. They will vote against any such  adjournment  those proxies required to be
voted against such proposal.  The costs of any such additional  solicitation and
of any adjourned session will be borne by the Funds.

Shareholder Proposals

Shareholders  wishing to submit proposals for inclusion in a proxy statement for
any  subsequent  shareholders'  meeting  should send their written  proposals to
Thomas F. McDonough, Secretary of the Trust, c/o Scudder, Stevens & Clark, Inc.,
Two International Place,  Boston,  Massachusetts 02110, within a reasonable time
before the solicitation of proxies for such  shareholders'  meeting.  The timely
submission of a proposal does not guarantee its inclusion.

                                               By Order of the Board of Trustees
Two International Place                        THOMAS F. MCDONOUGH
Boston, Massachusetts 02110                    Secretary
October 28, 1996


                                                                       EXHIBIT A

                                  DECLARATION OF TRUST

                  Article I, Section 1.2, subsections (k), (m) and (r):

(k) "Series" individually or collectively means the two or more Series as may be
established and designated from time to time by the Trustees pursuant to Section
5.11 hereof.  Unless the context  otherwise  requires,  the term "Series"  shall
include Classes into which shares of the Trust,  or of a Series,  may be divided
from time to time.

(m)  "Shares"  means the equal  proportionate  units of interest  into which the
beneficial  interest in the Trust shall be divided from time to time,  including
the Shares of any and all Series and  Classes  which may be  established  by the
Trustees, and includes fractions of Shares as well as whole Shares. "Outstanding
Shares"  means those shares shown from time to time on the books of the Trust or
its Transfer Agent as then issued and outstanding,  but shall not include Shares
which have been redeemed or  repurchased  by the Trust and which are at the time
held in the treasury of the Trust.

(r) "Class" means the two or more Classes as may be  established  and designated
from time to time by the Trustees pursuant to Section 5.13 hereof.

                  Article V, Sections 5.1, 5.9 and 5.13:

Section 5.1. Beneficial  Interest.  The interest of the beneficiaries  hereunder
shall be divided into  transferable  Shares of beneficial  interest,  all of one
class,  except as provided in Section 5.11 and Section  5.13  hereof,  par value
$.01 per share. The number of Shares of beneficial interest authorized hereunder
is unlimited. All Shares issued hereunder including, without limitation,  Shares
issued in  connection  with a dividend in Shares or a split of Shares,  shall be
fully paid and non-assessable.

Section 5.9. Voting Powers.  The Shareholders  shall have power to vote only (i)
for the election of Trustees as provided in Section  2.12;  (ii) for the removal
of Trustees as provided in Section  2.13;  (iii) with respect to any  investment
advisory or management  contract entered into pursuant to Section 3.2; (iv) with
respect to termination of the Trust as provided in Section 8.2; (v) with respect
to any  amendment of this  Declaration  to the extent and as provided in Section
8.3;  (vi)  with  respect  to any  merger,  consolidation  or sale of  assets as
provided in Section 8.4; (vii) with respect to incorporation of the Trust or any
Series to the extent and as provided in Section  8.5;  (viii) to the same extent
as the stockholders of Massachusetts business corporation as to whether or not a
court action,  proceeding or claim should or should not be brought or maintained
derivatively  or as a class action on behalf of the Trust or any Series or Class
thereof  or  the  Shareholders  (provided,  however,  that  a  Shareholder  of a
particular Series or Class shall not be entitled to a derivative or class action
on behalf of any other  Series or Class (or  Shareholder  of any other Series or
Class) of the Trust);  (ix) with  respect to any plan  adopted  pursuant to Rule
12b-1 (or any  successor  rule) under the 1940 Act; and (x) with respect to such
additional matters relating to the Trust as may be required by this Declaration,
the By-laws or any registration of the Trust as an investment  company under the
1940 Act with the  Commission  (or any successor  agency) or as the Trustees may
consider necessary or desirable.  Each whole Share shall be entitled to one vote


as to any matter on which it is entitled to vote and each fractional Share shall
be entitled to a proportionate fractional vote, except that the Trustees may, in
conjunction with the  establishment of any Series or Class of Shares,  establish
or reserve the right to establish  conditions  under which the several Series or
Classes shall have separate voting rights or, if a Series or Class would not, in
the sole judgment of the  Trustees,  be  materially  affected by a proposal,  no
voting rights.  There shall be no cumulative voting in the election of Trustees.
Until Shares are issued,  the  Trustees may exercise all rights of  Shareholders
and may take any action  required by law, this  Declaration or the By-laws to be
taken  by  Shareholders.   The  By-laws  may  include  further   provisions  for
Shareholders' votes and meetings and related matters.

Section  5.13.  Class  Designation.  The  Trustees,  in  their  discretion,  may
authorize  the  division  of the  Shares  of the  Trust,  or,  if any  Series be
established,  the  Shares  of any  Series,  into  two or more  Classes,  and the
different Classes shall be established and designated, and the variations in the
relative rights and preferences as between the different  Classes shall be fixed
and determined,  by the Trustees;  provided,  that all Shares of the Trust or of
any  Series  shall be  identical  to all  other  Shares of the Trust or the same
Series,  as the  case  may be,  except  that  there  may be  variations  between
different classes as to allocation of expenses, right of redemption, special and
relative  rights as to dividends  and on  liquidation,  conversion  rights,  and
conditions  under which the several  Classes shall have separate  voting rights.
All references to Shares in this Declaration shall be deemed to be Shares of any
or all Classes as the context may require.

If the  Trustees  shall divide the Shares of the Trust or any Series into two or
more Classes, the following provisions shall be applicable:

(a) All  provisions  herein  relating to the Trust,  or any Series of the Trust,
shall apply equally to each Class of Shares of the Trust or of any Series of the
Trust, except as the context requires otherwise.

(b) The number of Shares of each Class  that may be issued  shall be  unlimited.
The Trustees may classify or reclassify any unissued  Shares of the Trust or any
Series or any Shares  previously issued and reacquired of any Class of the Trust
or of any Series into one or more Classes that may be established and designated
from time to time. The Trustees may hold as treasury Shares (of the same or some
other  Class),  reissue  for such  consideration  and on such  terms as they may
determine,  or cancel any Shares of any Class  reacquired  by the Trust at their
discretion from time to time.

(c)  Liabilities,   expenses,   costs,  charges  and  reserves  related  to  the
distribution of, and other identified expenses that should properly be allocated
to, the Shares of a particular  Class may be charged to and borne solely by such
Class  and  the  bearing  of  expenses  solely  by a  Class  of  Shares  may  be
appropriately  reflected  (in a manner  determined  by the  Trustees)  and cause
differences in the net asset value attributable to, and the dividend, redemption
and liquidation rights of, the Shares of different  Classes.  Each allocation of
liabilities,  expenses,  costs,  charges and reserves by the  Trustees  shall be
conclusive and binding upon the Shareholders of all Classes for all purposes.

(d) The  establishment and designation of any Class of Shares shall be effective
upon the execution of a majority of the then  Trustees of an instrument  setting
forth such establishment and designation and the relative rights and preferences
of such Class, or as otherwise provided in such instrument. The Trustees may, by
an instrument executed by a majority of their number,  abolish any Class and the


establishment  and  designation  thereof.  Each  instrument  referred to in this
paragraph shall have the status of an amendment to this Declaration.

                  Article VI, Section 6.6:

Section 6.6.  Redemption  of  Shareholder's  Interest.  The Trust shall have the
right at any time without  prior notice to the  shareholder  to redeem Shares of
any shareholder for their then current net asset value per Share if at such time
the  shareholder  owns Shares  having an aggregate  net asset value of less than
$1,000 an amount set from time to time by the Trustees subject to such terms and
conditions  as the  Trustees  may  approve,  and subject to the  Trust's  giving
general  notice to all  shareholders  of its  intention  to avail itself of such
right, either by publication in the Trust's registration  statement,  if any, or
by such other means as the Trustees may determine.

                  Article VII, Section 7.1:

Section 7.1. Net Asset Value. The value of the assets of the Trust or any Series
of the Trust shall be determined by appraisal of the  securities of the Trust or
allocated to such  Series,  such  appraisal to be on the basis of the  amortized
cost of such securities in the case of money market securities,  market value in
the case of other  securities,  or by such  other  method  as shall be deemed to
reflect  the fair  value  thereof,  determined  in good  faith  by or under  the
direction of the Trustees.  From the total value of said assets,  there shall be
deducted  all  indebtedness,  interest,  taxes,  payable or  accrued,  including
estimated  taxes on unrealized  book profits,  expenses and  management  charges
accrued  to  the  appraisal  date,  net  income  determined  and  declared  as a
distribution  and all other items in the nature of liabilities  attributable  to
the Trust or such Series or Class thereof which shall be deemed appropriate. The
resulting  amount which shall represent the total net assets of the Trust or the
Series  shall be  divided  by the  number of Shares or the Trust or such  Series
outstanding  at the time and the quotient so obtained  shall be deemed to be the
net  asset  value  of the  Shares.  The net  asset  value  of a Share  shall  be
determined  by dividing  the net asset  value of the Class,  or, if no Class has
been established,  of the Series, or, if no Series has been established,  of the
Trust,  by the number of Shares of that Class,  or Series,  or of the Trust,  as
applicable, outstanding. The net asset value of Shares of the Trust or any Class
or Series of the Trust shall be determined pursuant to the procedure and methods
prescribed or approved by the Trustees in their  discretion  and as set forth in
the most recent Registration Statement of the Trust as filed with the Securities
and Exchange  Commission  pursuant to the  requirements of the Securities Act of
1933, as amended,  the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, and the Rules
thereunder.  The net asset value of the Shares shall be determined at least once
on each business day, as of the close of trading on the New York Stock  Exchange
or as of such other time or times as the Trustees shall determine. The power and
duty to make the daily  calculations  may be  delegated  by the  Trustees to the
Investment  Adviser,  the Custodian,  the Transfer Agent or such other Person as
the  Trustees  may  determine by  resolution  or by  approving a contract  which
delegates  such duty to another  Person.  The  Trustees  may  suspend  the daily
determination of net asset value to the extent permitted by the 1940 Act.


                                                                       EXHIBIT B
                              Scudder State Tax Free Trust
                                Two International Place
                              Boston, Massachusetts 02110

                                                          _______________ , 1996

Scudder, Stevens & Clark, Inc.
345 Park Avenue
New York, New York 10154

                            Investment Management Agreement
                               Scudder _____________ Fund

Ladies and Gentlemen:

     Scudder  State Tax Free  Trust  (the  "Trust")  has been  established  as a
Massachusetts business trust to engage in the business of an investment company.
Pursuant to the Trust's  Amended and Restated  Declaration of Trust,  as amended
from  time-to-time  (the  "Declaration"),  the Board of Trustees has divided the
Trust's shares of beneficial interest,  par value $.01 per share, (the "Shares")
into  separate  series,  or funds,  including  Scudder  _____________  Fund (the
"Fund").   Series  may  be  abolished  and  dissolved,   and  additional  series
established, from time to time by action of the Trustees.

     The  Trust,  on  behalf of the Fund,  has  selected  you to act as the sole
investment  manager of the Fund and to provide certain other  services,  as more
fully set forth  below,  and you have  indicated  that you are willing to act as
such  investment  manager  and to  perform  such  services  under  the terms and
conditions hereinafter set forth.  Accordingly,  the Trust on behalf of the Fund
agrees with you as follows:

     1.  Delivery of  Documents.  The Trust engages in the business of investing
and  reinvesting the assets of the Fund in the manner and in accordance with the
investment  objectives,  policies and  restrictions  specified in the  currently
effective Prospectus (the "Prospectus") and Statement of Additional  Information
(the "SAI") relating to the Fund included in the Trust's Registration  Statement
on Form N-1A, as amended from time to time, (the "Registration Statement") filed
by the Trust under the  Investment  Company Act of 1940, as amended,  (the "1940
Act") and the  Securities  Act of 1933,  as  amended.  Copies  of the  documents
referred to in the preceding  sentence have been  furnished to you by the Trust.
The Trust has also furnished you with copies properly certified or authenticated
of each of the following additional documents related to the Trust and the Fund:

(a)  The Declaration dated December 8, 1987, as amended to date.
(b)  By-Laws of the Trust as in effect on the date hereof (the "By-Laws").
(c)  Resolutions of the Trustees of the Trust and the  shareholders  of the Fund
     selecting  you as  investment  manager  and  approving  the  form  of  this

(d)  Establishment  and  Designation of Series of Shares of Beneficial  Interest
     dated December 9, 1987 relating to the Fund.

The Trust will furnish you from time to time with copies,  properly certified or
authenticated,  of all amendments of or  supplements,  if any, to the foregoing,
including the Prospectus, the SAI and the Registration Statement.

     2. Sublicense to Use the Scudder  Trademarks.  As exclusive licensee of the
rights to use and  sublicense  the use of the "Scudder" and "Scudder,  Stevens &
Clark," trademarks (together, the "Scudder Marks"), you hereby grant the Trust a
nonexclusive right and sublicense to use (i) the "Scudder" name and mark as part
of the Trust's name (the "Fund Name"),  and (ii) the Scudder Marks in connection
with the Trust's investment products and services, in each case only for so long
as this Agreement, any other investment management agreement between you and the
Trust,  or any  extension,  renewal or  amendment  hereof or thereof  remains in
effect,  and  only  for so long  as you are a  licensee  of the  Scudder  Marks,
provided  however,  that you agree to use your best  efforts  to  maintain  your
license to use and sublicense the Scudder Marks.  The Trust agrees that it shall
have no right to  sublicense or assign  rights to use the Scudder  Marks,  shall
acquire no interest in the Scudder Marks other than the rights  granted  herein,
that all of the Trust's uses of the Scudder  Marks shall inure to the benefit of
Scudder Trust Company as owner and licensor of the Scudder Marks (the "Trademark
Owner"),  and that the Trust  shall not  challenge  the  validity of the Scudder
Marks or the Trademark Owner's ownership thereof.  The Trust further agrees that
all services and products it offers in  connection  with the Scudder Marks shall
meet commercially  reasonable  standards of quality, as may be determined by you
or the Trademark Owner from time to time, provided that you acknowledge that the
services and products the Trust rendered  during the one-year  period  preceding
the date of this Agreement are acceptable. At your reasonable request, the Trust
shall  cooperate with you and the Trademark  Owner and shall execute and deliver
any and all  documents  necessary  to maintain  and protect  (including  but not
limited to in  connection  with any trademark  infringement  action) the Scudder
Marks and/or enter the Trust as a registered user thereof.  At such time as this
Agreement or any other  investment  management  agreement  shall no longer be in
effect  between you (or your  successor)  and the Trust,  or you no longer are a
licensee of the Scudder Marks,  the Trust shall (to the extent that, and as soon
as, it  lawfully  can) cease to use the Fund Name or any other  name  indicating
that it is  advised  by,  managed  by or  otherwise  connected  with you (or any
organization which shall have succeeded to your business as investment  manager)
or the Trademark Owner. In no event shall the Trust use the Scudder Marks or any
other name or mark confusingly similar thereto  (including,  but not limited to,
any name or mark that  includes  the name  "Scudder")  if this  Agreement or any
other investment advisory agreement between you (or your successor) and the Fund
is terminated.

     3. Portfolio Management Services. As manager of the assets of the Fund, you
shall  provide  continuing  investment  management  of the assets of the Fund in
accordance with the investment  objectives,  policies and restrictions set forth
in the  Prospectus  and SAI; the  applicable  provisions of the 1940 Act and the
Internal  Revenue Code of 1986, as amended,  (the "Code")  relating to regulated
investment  companies and all rules and  regulations  thereunder;  and all other
applicable  federal and state laws and  regulations of which you have knowledge;
subject  always to policies  and  instructions  adopted by the Trust's  Board of
Trustees.  In connection  therewith,  you shall use reasonable efforts to manage


the  Fund so that  it will  qualify  as a  regulated  investment  company  under
Subchapter M of the Code and regulations issued thereunder.  The Fund shall have
the  benefit of the  investment  analysis  and  research,  the review of current
economic  conditions and trends and the  consideration of long-range  investment
policy generally  available to your investment advisory clients. In managing the
Fund in accordance with the  requirements set forth in this section 3, you shall
be entitled to receive and act upon advice of counsel to the Trust or counsel to
you. You shall also make available to the Trust promptly upon request all of the
Fund's  investment  records and ledgers as are  necessary to assist the Trust to
comply with the  requirements of the 1940 Act and other  applicable laws. To the
extent required by law, you shall furnish to regulatory  authorities  having the
requisite  authority any  information or reports in connection with the services
provided pursuant to this Agreement which may be requested in order to ascertain
whether the operations of the Trust are being  conducted in a manner  consistent
with applicable laws and regulations.

     You shall determine the securities, instruments,  investments,  currencies,
repurchase  agreements,   futures,  options  and  other  contracts  relating  to
investments  to be purchased,  sold or entered into by the Fund and place orders
with broker-dealers,  foreign currency dealers,  futures commission merchants or
others pursuant to your  determinations and all in accordance with Fund policies
as expressed in the Registration Statement.  You shall determine what portion of
the Fund's  portfolio  shall be invested in securities and other assets and what
portion, if any, should be held uninvested.

     You shall furnish to the Trust's Board of Trustees  periodic reports on the
investment  performance of the Fund and on the  performance of your  obligations
pursuant to this  Agreement,  and you shall supply such  additional  reports and
information  as the  Trust's  officers  or Board of  Trustees  shall  reasonably

     4.  Administrative  Services.  In  addition  to  the  portfolio  management
services specified above in section 3, you shall furnish at your expense for the
use of the Fund such office  space and  facilities  in the United  States as the
Fund  may  require  for its  reasonable  needs,  and you (or one or more of your
affiliates designated by you) shall render to the Trust administrative  services
on behalf of the Fund necessary for operating as an open-end  investment company
and not  provided by persons not parties to this  Agreement  including,  but not
limited to, preparing  reports to and meeting materials for the Trust's Board of
Trustees and reports and notices to Fund shareholders;  supervising, negotiating
contractual  arrangements  with, to the extent  appropriate,  and monitoring the
performance of, accounting agents, custodians, depositories, transfer agents and
pricing agents,  accountants,  attorneys,  printers,  underwriters,  brokers and
dealers,  insurers and other  persons in any capacity  deemed to be necessary or
desirable to Fund  operations;  preparing and making filings with the Securities
and Exchange  Commission  (the "SEC") and other  regulatory and  self-regulatory
organizations,  including,  but not limited to, preliminary and definitive proxy
materials,  post-effective amendments to the Registration Statement, semi-annual
reports on Form N-SAR and  notices  pursuant  to Rule 24f-2  under the 1940 Act;
overseeing the tabulation of proxies by the Fund's transfer agent;  assisting in
the preparation  and filing of the Fund's federal,  state and local tax returns;
preparing and filing the Fund's  federal  excise tax return  pursuant to Section
4982 of the Code;  providing  assistance  with  investor  and  public  relations
matters;  monitoring the valuation of portfolio  securities,  the calculation of
net asset  value;  monitoring  the  registration  of  Shares  of the Fund  under


applicable  federal  and state  securities  laws;  maintaining  or causing to be
maintained for the Fund all books, records and reports and any other information
required under the 1940 Act, to the extent that such books,  records and reports
and other information are not maintained by the Fund's custodian or other agents
of the Fund;  assisting in  establishing  the  accounting  policies of the Fund;
assisting in the resolution of accounting  issues that may arise with respect to
the Fund's  operations and consulting with the Fund's  independent  accountants,
legal counsel and the Fund's other agents as necessary in connection  therewith;
establishing and monitoring the Fund's operating expense budgets;  reviewing the
Fund's  bills;  processing  the  payment of bills that have been  approved by an
authorized person; assisting the Fund in determining the amount of dividends and
distributions  available to be paid by the Fund to its  shareholders,  preparing
and  arranging  for the  printing  of  dividend  notices  to  shareholders,  and
providing  the  transfer and  dividend  paying  agent,  the  custodian,  and the
accounting agent with such information as is required for such parties to effect
the payment of dividends and distributions; and otherwise assisting the Trust as
it may reasonably request in the conduct of the Fund's business,  subject to the
direction  and  control  of the  Trust's  Board  of  Trustees.  Nothing  in this
Agreement  shall be deemed to shift to you or to diminish the obligations of any
agent of the Fund or any other  person  not a party to this  Agreement  which is
obligated to provide services to the Fund.

     5.  Allocation  of Charges and Expenses.  Except as otherwise  specifically
provided in this section 5, you shall pay the  compensation  and expenses of all
Trustees,  officers and executive  employees of the Trust  (including the Fund's
share of payroll  taxes) who are  affiliated  persons of you, and you shall make
available,  without expense to the Fund, the services of such of your directors,
officers and employees as may duly be elected officers of the Trust,  subject to
their  individual  consent to serve and to any  limitations  imposed by law. You
shall provide at your expense the  portfolio  management  services  described in
section 3 hereof and the administrative services described in section 4 hereof.

     You shall not be required to pay any  expenses of the Fund other than those
specifically  allocated  to you in this  section 5. In  particular,  but without
limiting the generality of the foregoing,  you shall not be responsible,  except
to the extent of the reasonable  compensation of such of the Fund's Trustees and
officers as are  directors,  officers or employees of you whose  services may be
involved,  for the following expenses of the Fund:  organization expenses of the
Fund  (including  out-of-pocket  expenses,  but not  including  your overhead or
employee  costs);  fees  payable  to you  and  to any  other  Fund  advisors  or
consultants;  legal expenses;  auditing and accounting expenses;  maintenance of
books and records which are required to be maintained by the Fund's custodian or
other  agents of the  Trust;  telephone,  telex,  facsimile,  postage  and other
communications  expenses;  taxes and governmental  fees; fees, dues and expenses
incurred by the Fund in connection with  membership in investment  company trade
organizations;  fees and expenses of the Fund's  accounting  agent,  custodians,
subcustodians,  transfer  agents,  dividend  disbursing  agents and  registrars;
payment  for  portfolio  pricing  or  valuation   services  to  pricing  agents,
accountants,  bankers and other specialists, if any; expenses of preparing share
certificates  and, except as provided below in this section 5, other expenses in
connection  with the  issuance,  offering,  distribution,  sale,  redemption  or
repurchase of securities  issued by the Fund;  expenses relating to investor and
public  relations;  expenses and fees of registering or qualifying Shares of the


Fund for sale;  interest  charges,  bond premiums and other  insurance  expense;
freight,  insurance  and other  charges in  connection  with the shipment of the
Fund's portfolio  securities;  the  compensation and all expenses  (specifically
including travel expenses relating to Trust business) of Trustees,  officers and
employees  of the  Trust  who  are not  affiliated  persons  of  you;  brokerage
commissions or other costs of acquiring or disposing of any portfolio securities
of the  Fund;  expenses  of  printing  and  distributing  reports,  notices  and
dividends to  shareholders;  expenses of printing and mailing  Prospectuses  and
SAIs of the Fund and supplements  thereto;  costs of stationery;  any litigation
expenses;  indemnification  of  Trustees  and  officers  of the Trust;  costs of
shareholders' and other meetings; and travel expenses (or an appropriate portion
thereof) of Trustees  and officers of the Trust who are  directors,  officers or
employees  of you to the  extent  that such  expenses  relate to  attendance  at
meetings  of the Board of  Trustees  of the Trust or any  committees  thereof or
advisors thereto held outside of Boston, Massachusetts or New York, New York.

     You  shall  not be  required  to pay  expenses  of any  activity  which  is
primarily intended to result in sales of Shares of the Fund if and to the extent
that (i) such expenses are required to be borne by a principal underwriter which
acts  as the  distributor  of the  Fund's  Shares  pursuant  to an  underwriting
agreement which provides that the  underwriter  shall assume some or all of such
expenses,  or (ii) the Trust on behalf of the Fund shall have  adopted a plan in
conformity  with Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act providing  that the Fund (or some
other party) shall assume some or all of such expenses. You shall be required to
pay such of the foregoing  sales  expenses as are not required to be paid by the
principal  underwriter  pursuant  to  the  underwriting  agreement  or  are  not
permitted to be paid by the Fund (or some other party) pursuant to such a plan.

     6. Management Fee. For all services to be rendered, payments to be made and
costs to be assumed by you as provided in sections 3, 4 and 5 hereof,  the Trust
on behalf of the Fund  shall  pay you on the last day of each  month the  unpaid
balance of a fee equal to the excess of (a) for Scudder  Massachusetts  Tax Free
Fund, Scudder Ohio Tax Free Fund and Scudder Pennsylvania Tax Free Fund, 1/12 of
 .60 of 1 percent of the  average  daily net assets as defined  below of the Fund
for such month,  or (a)(i) for Scudder New York Tax Free Money Fund, 1/12 of .50
of 1 percent of the  average  daily net assets as defined  below of the Fund for
such month;  over (b) the greater of (i) the amount by which the Fund's expenses
exceed the lowest applicable  expense limitation (as more fully described below)
or (ii)  any  compensation  waived  by you  from  time to time  (as  more  fully
described below). You shall be entitled to receive during any month such interim
payments  of your fee  hereunder  as you shall  request,  provided  that no such
payment  shall  exceed 75 percent of the amount of your fee then  accrued on the
books of the Fund and unpaid.

     The  "average  daily net  assets" of the Fund shall mean the average of the
values  placed on the Fund's net assets as of 4:00 p.m.  (New York time) on each
day on which the net asset value of the Fund is determined  consistent  with the
provisions of Rule 22c-1 under the 1940 Act or, if the Fund lawfully  determines
the value of its net assets as of some other time on each  business  day,  as of
such time.  The value of the net assets of the Fund shall  always be  determined
pursuant to the applicable  provisions of the Declaration  and the  Registration
Statement.  If the  determination of net asset value does not take place for any
particular  day,  then for the  purposes of this section 6, the value of the net
assets of the Fund as last determined shall be deemed to be the value of its net
assets as of 4:00 p.m. (New York time), or as of such other time as the value of


the net assets of the Fund's  portfolio may be lawfully  determined on that day.
If the Fund  determines  the value of the net assets of its portfolio  more than
once on any day, then the last such  determination  thereof on that day shall be
deemed to be the sole determination thereof on that day for the purposes of this
section 6.

     You agree that your  gross  compensation  for any fiscal  year shall not be
greater  than an amount  which,  when added to the other  expenses  of the Fund,
shall cause the  aggregate  expenses  of the Fund to equal the maximum  expenses
under the lowest  applicable  expense  limitation  established  pursuant  to the
statutes or regulations of any  jurisdiction in which the Shares of the Fund may
be qualified for offer and sale.  Except to the extent that such amount has been
reflected in reduced payments to you, you shall refund to the Fund the amount of
any payment  received in excess of the limitation  pursuant to this section 6 as
promptly as  practicable  after the end of such fiscal year,  provided  that you
shall not be required to pay the Fund an amount greater than the fee paid to you
in respect of such year pursuant to this  Agreement.  As used in this section 6,
"expenses"  shall  mean  those  expenses  included  in  the  applicable  expense
limitation having the broadest  specifications thereof, and "expense limitation"
means a limit  on the  maximum  annual  expenses  which  may be  incurred  by an
investment  company  determined  (i) by  multiplying  a fixed  percentage by the
average,  or by multiplying more than one such percentage by different specified
amounts of the average, of the values of an investment  company's net assets for
a  fiscal  year or (ii) by  multiplying  a  fixed  percentage  by an  investment
company's net investment income for a fiscal year. The words "lowest  applicable
expense  limitation"  shall be construed  to result in the largest  reduction of
your  compensation  for any fiscal  year of the Fund;  provided,  however,  that
nothing in this Agreement shall limit your fees if not required by an applicable
statute or regulation referred to above in this section 6.

     You may waive all or a portion of your fees provided for hereunder and such
waiver shall be treated as a reduction in purchase price of your  services.  You
shall be  contractually  bound hereunder by the terms of any publicly  announced
waiver of your fee, or any limitation of the Fund's expenses,  as if such waiver
or limitation were fully set forth herein.

     7.  Avoidance  of  Inconsistent  Position;   Services  Not  Exclusive.   In
connection with purchases or sales of portfolio securities and other investments
for the account of the Fund, neither you nor any of your directors,  officers or
employees  shall act as a principal or agent or receive any  commission.  You or
your agent shall arrange for the placing of all orders for the purchase and sale
of  portfolio  securities  and other  investments  for the Fund's  account  with
brokers or dealers selected by you in accordance with Fund policies as expressed
in the  Registration  Statement.  If any occasion should arise in which you give
any advice to clients of yours  concerning the Shares of the Fund, you shall act
solely as  investment  counsel for such  clients and not in any way on behalf of
the Fund.

     Your services to the Fund  pursuant to this  Agreement are not to be deemed
to be exclusive  and it is  understood  that you may render  investment  advice,
management and services to others. In acting under this Agreement,  you shall be
an independent contractor and not an agent of the Trust.

     8. Limitation of Liability of Manager. As an inducement to your undertaking
to render services  pursuant to this Agreement,  the Trust agrees that you shall
not be liable under this  Agreement  for any error of judgment or mistake of law
or for any loss  suffered  by the Fund in  connection  with the matters to which
this Agreement relates,  provided that nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed


to protect or purport to protect  you against any  liability  to the Trust,  the
Fund or its  shareholders  to which you would  otherwise be subject by reason of
willful  misfeasance,  bad faith or gross  negligence in the performance of your
duties,  or by reason of your reckless  disregard of your obligations and duties
hereunder. Any person, even though also employed by you, who may be or become an
employee of and paid by the Fund shall be deemed,  when acting  within the scope
of his or her employment by the Fund, to be acting in such employment solely for
the Fund and not as your employee or agent.

     9. Duration and Termination of This Agreement.  This Agreement shall remain
in force  until  September  30,  1998,  and  continue in force from year to year
thereafter,  but only so long as such  continuance is  specifically  approved at
least annually (a) by the vote of a majority of the Trustees who are not parties
to this Agreement or interested persons of any party to this Agreement,  cast in
person at a meeting called for the purpose of voting on such  approval,  and (b)
by the  Trustees of the Trust,  or by the vote of a majority of the  outstanding
voting  securities of the Fund. The aforesaid  requirement  that  continuance of
this Agreement be  "specifically  approved at least annually" shall be construed
in a  manner  consistent  with  the  1940  Act and  the  rules  and  regulations

     This  Agreement  may be  terminated  with  respect to the Fund at any time,
without the payment of any penalty, by the vote of a majority of the outstanding
voting  securities  of the Fund or by the Trust's  Board of Trustees on 60 days'
written notice to you, or by you on 60 days' written  notice to the Trust.  This
Agreement shall terminate automatically in the event of its assignment.

     10.  Amendment of this  Agreement.  No provision of this  Agreement  may be
changed,  waived,  discharged or terminated orally, but only by an instrument in
writing  signed by the party  against whom  enforcement  of the change,  waiver,
discharge or termination is sought,  and no amendment of this Agreement shall be
effective  until  approved by the vote of a majority of the  outstanding  voting
securities  of the  Fund  and by the  Trust's  Board of  Trustees,  including  a
majority of the  Trustees who are not parties to this  Agreement  or  interested
persons of any party to this  Agreement,  cast in person at a meeting called for
the purpose of voting on such approval.

     11. Limitation of Liability for Claims.  The Declaration,  a copy of which,
together with all amendments  thereto, is on file in the Office of the Secretary
of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts,  provides that the name "Scudder State Tax
Free  Trust"  refers to the  Trustees  under  the  Declaration  collectively  as
Trustees and not as individuals  or  personally,  and that no shareholder of the
Fund, or Trustee,  officer,  employee or agent of the Trust, shall be subject to
claims  against  or  obligations  of the  Trust  or of the  Fund  to any  extent
whatsoever, but that the Trust estate only shall be liable.

     You are hereby  expressly  put on notice of the  limitation of liability as
set forth in the Declaration  and you agree that the obligations  assumed by the
Trust on behalf of the Fund pursuant to this  Agreement  shall be limited in all
cases to the Fund and its  assets,  and you shall not seek  satisfaction  of any
such  obligation  from the  shareholders  or any  shareholder of the Fund or any
other series of the Trust,  or from any Trustee,  officer,  employee or agent of
the Trust.  You  understand  that the rights and  obligations  of each Fund,  or
series,  under the  Declaration  are separate and distinct from those of any and
all other series.


     12.  Miscellaneous.  The  captions  in  this  Agreement  are  included  for
convenience  of  reference  only  and  in no  way  define  or  limit  any of the
provisions  hereof or  otherwise  affect  their  construction  or  effect.  This
Agreement may be executed  simultaneously in two or more  counterparts,  each of
which shall be deemed an original,  but all of which together  shall  constitute
one and the same instrument.

     In interpreting the provisions of this Agreement, the definitions contained
in Section 2(a) of the 1940 Act  (particularly  the  definitions  of "affiliated
person,"  "assignment" and "majority of the outstanding voting securities"),  as
from  time  to  time  amended,  shall  be  applied,  subject,  however,  to such
exemptions as may be granted by the SEC by any rule, regulation or order.

     This  Agreement  shall  be  construed  in  accordance  with the laws of the
Commonwealth of  Massachusetts,  provided that nothing herein shall be construed
in a manner inconsistent with the 1940 Act, or in a manner which would cause the
Fund to fail to comply with the requirements of Subchapter M of the Code.

     This Agreement shall supersede all prior investment  advisory or management
agreements entered into between you and the Trust on behalf of the Fund.

     If you are in  agreement  with the  foregoing,  please  execute the form of
acceptance  on the  accompanying  counterpart  of this  letter and  return  such
counterpart to the Trust,  whereupon this letter shall become a binding contract
effective as of the date of this Agreement.

                                   Yours very truly,

                                   Scudder State Tax Free Trust             
                                   on behalf of Scudder _______________ Fund
                                   By:  ______________________________      

The foregoing Agreement is hereby accepted as of the date thereof.

                                   SCUDDER, STEVENS & CLARK, INC.

                                   By:   ______________________________
                                         Managing Director



PROXY                                        SCUDDER STATE TAX FREE TRUST                                         PROXY
                                    THIS PROXY IS SOLICITED ON BEHALF OF THE TRUSTEES
                                   Special Meeting of Shareholders--December 10, 1996

     The undersigned hereby appoints Peter B. Freeman, David S. Lee and Dudley H. Ladd and each of them, the proxies for
the  undersigned,  with the power of  substitution  to each of them, to vote all shares of Scudder State Tax Free Trust,
which the undersigned is entitled to vote at the Special Meeting of Shareholders,  to be held at the offices of Scudder,
Stevens & Clark,  Inc.,  13th Floor,  Two  International  Place,  Boston,  MA 02110, on December 10, 1996 at 11:45 a.m.,
eastern time, and at any adjournments thereof.

Unless otherwise specified in the squares provided,  the undersigned's vote will be cast FOR each item listed below.

1.   The election of Trustees; FOR all nominees listed below                      WITHHOLD
                               (except as marked to the contrary below) /__/      to vote for all nominees listed below  /__/

     Nominees:  David S. Lee, Henry P. Becton, Jr., E. Michael Brown,  Dawn-Marie Driscoll,  Peter B. Freeman, Dudley H.
     Ladd, Wesley W. Marple, Jr., Daniel Pierce and Jean C. Tempel

     (INSTRUCTION: To withhold authority to vote for any individual nominee, please strike a line through that nominee's

2.   Ratification of the selection of Coopers & Lybrand as independent             FOR /__/  AGAINST /__/  ABSTAIN /__/

3.   To approve the amendment of the Trust's Amended and Restated Declaration of   FOR /__/  AGAINST /__/  ABSTAIN /__/
     Trust to provide for the establishment of separate classes of shares and to
     allow the Trustees to fix the minimum account size.

                                    Please continue voting and sign on reverse side
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4.   To approve the amendment of certain fundamental investment polices.           FOR each policy    FOR /__/  ABSTAIN /__/
                                                                                   listed below (except
                                                                                   as marked by crossing out)

Please cross out the number of any policy change(s) you do not wish to approve:    (4A)  (4B) (4C) (4D)  (4E) (4F)  (4G)  (4H)  (4I)

5.   To approve a new Investment  Management  Agreement  between each of Scudder   FOR /__/  AGAINST /__/  ABSTAIN /__/
     New York Tax Free Money Fund, Scudder  Massachusetts Tax Free Fund, Scudder
     Ohio Tax Free Fund and  Scudder  Pennsylvania  Tax Free  Fund and  Scudder,
     Stevens & Clark, Inc.

     To transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting or any adjournments thereof.

                                                                             (Signature of shareholder)         
                                                                           (Signature of joint owner, if any)    
                                                                       Date                            , 1996  