Securities and Exchange Commission
                       Washington, DC  20549
                             Form 8-K
                          Current Report
              Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the
                   Securities Exchange Act 1934
                 Date of Report September 22, 1998
                 (Date of earliest event reported)
                      CalEnergy Company, Inc.
      (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

    Delaware                  1-9874                     94-2213782
(State of other          (Commission File              (IRS Employer
 jurisdiction of              Number)                Identification No.)

 302 South 36th Street, Suite 400, Omaha, NE         68131 
    (Address of principal executive offices)        Zip Code

Registrant's Telephone Number, including area code:    (402) 341-4500

 (Former name or former address, if changed since last report)

Item 5.  Other Events

     On September 22, 1998, the Registrant announced that it closed
the  sale of $1.4 billion aggregate principal amount of its  Senior
Notes and Bonds.

      Also  on  September 22, 1998, the Registrant and  MidAmerican
Energy   Holdings  Company  announced  that  they  have  filed   an
Application for Review of Proposal for Reorganization with the Iowa
Utilities Board (IUB) in conjunction with their proposed merger.

      Certain information included in this report contains forward-
looking   statements  made  pursuant  to  the  Private   Securities
Litigation Reform Act of 1995 ("Reform Act").  Such statements  are
based  on  current expectations and involve a number of  known  and
unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause the actual results
and  performance  of the Registrant to differ materially  from  any
expected  future results or performance, expressed or  implied,  by
the forward-looking statements.  In connection with the safe harbor
provisions  of  the  Reform  Act,  the  Registrant  has  identified
important  factors  that  could  cause  actual  results  to  differ
materially    from   such   expectations,   including   development
uncertainty,   operating   uncertainty,  acquisition   uncertainty,
uncertainties  relating to doing business  outside  of  the  United
States,    uncertainties   relating   to   geothermal    resources,
uncertainties  relating  to  domestic  and  international  (and  in
particular,  Indonesian)  economic  and  political  conditions  and
uncertainties  regarding  the impact  of  regulations,  changes  in
government   policy,   industry   deregulation   and   competition.
Reference is made to all of the Registrant's SEC Filings, including
the   Registrant's  Report  on  Form  8-K  dated  March  6,   1998,
incorporated  herein  by  reference,  for  a  description  of  such
factors.   The Company assumes no responsibility to update forward-
looking information contained herein.

Item 7.  Financial Statements and Exhibits

Exhibit 1 - Press Release dated September 22, 1998
Exhibit 2 - Joint Press Release dated September 22, 1998


     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934,  the  Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed  on
its behalf by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                   CalEnergy Company, Inc.

                                    By: \s\ Douglas L. Anderson
                                        Douglas L. Anderson
                                        Assistant Secretary and
                                        Assistant General Counsel

Dated: September 22, 1998

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                         EXHIBIT 1

Craig M. Hammett - Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer 402-341-4500
Craig Allen - Manager, Investor Relations                         402-341-4500
Patti J. McAtee-Director, Corporate Communications                402-341-4500
Kate Inverarity - Brunswick                                       212-333-3810

 CalEnergy Announces Closing of $1.4 Billion Senior Note and Bond Offering
      OMAHA,  NE,  September  22, 1998:   CalEnergy  Company,  Inc.
("CalEnergy"  or the "Company") (NYSE:  CE; PCX and LSE)  announced
today  that it closed the sale of $1.4 billion aggregate  principal
amount  of its Senior Notes and Bonds having the following interest
rates, principal amounts and maturities:  $215 million of its 6.96%
Senior  Notes due 2003, $260 million of its 7.23% Senior Notes  due
2005,  $450  million of its 7.52% Senior Notes due  2008  and  $475
million  of its 8.48% Senior Bonds due 2028.  The Senior Notes  and
Bonds  are subject to optional redemption at any time at  par  plus
payment  of a make-whole premium.  The Senior Notes and Bonds  were
rated  BB+,  Ba1 and BB+ by Standard & Poor's, Moody's and  Duff  &
Phelps,  respectively, and CalEnergy's long term  senior  debt  has
been  placed  on  credit  watch with positive  implications  for  a
possible  upgrade by all three rating agencies following completion
of the pending MidAmerican Energy merger.

      Approximately $830 million in net proceeds of the Senior Note
and  Bond Offering, together with approximately $600 million in net
proceeds  from  an  expected equity offering later  this  year  and
approximately  $740 million in net proceeds from an  expected  non-
recourse financing later this year, are expected to be used to fund
the  pending MidAmerican Energy merger.  Approximately $543 million
of  the  net  proceeds  of the Senior Note  and  Bond  Offering  is
expected to be used to refinance the Company's outstanding 10  1/4%
Senior Discount Notes, which become callable on January 15, 1999.

      Craig  Hammett,  Senior Vice President  and  Chief  Financial
Officer,  stated "The closing of this financing on these  favorable
terms  will  facilitate the pending consummation of the MidAmerican
merger.   Today's  financing  will  also  permit  the  Company   to
refinance   certain   of   CalEnergy's  outstanding   debt   at   a
significantly lower interest rate."

      Credit Suisse First Boston Corporation, Lehman Brothers  Inc.
and  Goldman, Sachs & Co. served as managers of the Senior Note and
Bond Offering.

      CalEnergy  is a global energy company that manages  and  owns
interests   in  over  5,000  net  megawatts  of  power   generation
facilities  in  operation, construction and development  worldwide.
The  Company  develops  and produces energy from  diversified  fuel
sources   including  geothermal,  natural  gas  and  hydroelectric.
Through  its  subsidiary Northern Electric, CalEnergy supplies  and
distributes  electricity and gas to 2.0 million  customers  in  the
United Kingdom.  CalEnergy conducts business in the U.S., U.K., the
Philippines, Indonesia, Poland and Australia, and employs more than
4,200  people  worldwide.  For the year ended  December  31,  1997,
CalEnergy generated revenues of over $2.2 billion and had assets of
approximately $7.5 billion.

      This  press release contains forward-looking statements which
are  based  on  current  expectations  and  involve  a  number   of
uncertainties.   Reference  is made to all  of  the  Company's  SEC
filings, including the Company's Report on Form 8-K dated March  6,
1998,  incorporated herein by reference, for a description of  such
                               # # #

                             EXHIBIT 2

For Immediate Release

      CalEnergy and MidAmerican File for IUB Merger Approval

OMAHA,  NEBRASKA  and  DES MOINES, IOWA,  September  22,  1998  ---
CalEnergy Company, Inc. (NYSE: CE) and MidAmerican Energy  Holdings
Company  (NYSE:  MEC)  today announced  that  they  have  filed  an
Application for Review of Proposal for Reorganization with the Iowa
Utilities  Board  (IUB) in conjunction with their proposed  merger.
The   merger  agreement  is  also  subject  to  approval   by   the
shareholders of both companies, for which special meetings will  be
called  later this year.  Completion of the merger is  expected  to
occur by the end of the first quarter of 1999.

The  Application  with the IUB is the last major regulatory  filing
that the companies expect to make.  To date, filings have been made
with  Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, the Nuclear  Regulatory
Commission,  the  Department  of  Justice  and  the  Federal  Trade
Commission.  These filings, along with CalEnergy's closing of  $1.4
billion  in  debt  securities today, are  continued  steps  to  the
completion of the merger of the companies.

CalEnergy  and MidAmerican formally announced plans to  merge  last
month.    The  combined  enterprise  will  have  total  assets   of
approximately $13 billion, total annual revenues of more than  $4.2
billion   and  will  serve  over  3.3  million  retail   customers.
CalEnergy  expects the transaction to be accretive to its  earnings
in the first full year of combined operations.

CalEnergy  is  a  global  energy  company  that  manages  and  owns
interests   in  over  5,000  net  megawatts  of  power   generation
facilities  in  operation, construction and development  worldwide.
Through  its  U.K. subsidiary, CalEnergy supplies  and  distributes
electricity and gas to approximately 2.0 million customers  in  the
United  Kingdom.   CalEnergy  produces  and  develops  energy  from
diversified  fuel  sources including geothermal,  natural  gas  and
hydroelectric.  CalEnergy conducts business in the U.S., U.K.,  the
Philippines, Indonesia, Poland and Australia, and employs more than
4,200  people  worldwide.   In the year ended  December  31,  1997,
CalEnergy generated revenues of over $2.2 billion and had assets of
approximately $7.5 billion.  CalEnergy's headquarters are based  in
Omaha,  Nebraska.  Information about CalEnergy is available on  the
Internet at


CalEnergy and MidAmerican
September 22, 1998
Page -2-

MidAmerican,  Iowa's  largest  energy  company,  provides  electric
service  to  648,000 customers and natural gas service  to  619,000
customers  in  Iowa, Illinois, Nebraska and South Dakota.   Company
headquarters  are in Des Moines, Iowa.  In the year ended  December
31,  1997, MidAmerican generated revenues of over $1.9 billion  and
had  assets  of  approximately  $4.3  billion.   Information  about
MidAmerican     is     available     on     the     Internet     at

This  press release contains forward-looking statements  which  are
based   on   current   expectations  and  involve   a   number   of
uncertainties.   Reference  is made to all  of  the  Company's  SEC
filings, including the Company's Report on Form 8-K dated March  6,
1998,  incorporated herein by reference, for a description of  such

Press Contacts:
MidAmerican Energy Holdings Company
 Kevin Waetke, Manager, Media Relations            (515) 281-2785
CalEnergy Company, Inc.
 Patti McAtee, Director, Corporate Communications  (402) 231-1519
 Craig Allen, Manager, Investor Relations          (402) 231-1673
 Kate Inverarity, Brunswick                        (212) 333-3810
                               # # #