STIFEL FINANCIAL CORP.
      Stifel Financial Corp., a Delaware Corporation, ("Company")
and James D. Sumption ("Executive") hereby agree as follows:

       WHEREAS,  Executive  has  heretofore  performed   valuable
services  for  the  Company  and its  wholly-owned  subsidiaries,
Stifel,  Nicolaus & Company, Incorporated, and  Pin  Oak  Capital
Ltd.,  and the Company desires to encourage Executive to  perform
such services in the future;

      NOW,  THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises  and  the
mutual covenants herein contained, the parties agree as follows:

     Section 1. Definitions
     As  used  in this Agreement, the following terms shall  have
     the following meanings:
     A.   "Award" means the award provided for in Section 2.
     B.   "Board  of Directors" means the  Board of Directors  of
          the Company.
     C.   "Change  of  Control" means (1) the purchase  or  other
          acquisition, within the meaning of Section 13(d) of the
          Securities Exchange Act of 1934, in one or a series  of
          transactions  by a person or a group of persons  acting
          in concert, of beneficial ownership in more than twenty-
          five  percent of the then outstanding voting  stock  of
          the  Company,  (2)  the  receipt  of  proxies  for  the
          election  of  directors in opposition  to  management's
          slate  of  nominees which proxies aggregate  more  than
          forty  percent of the then outstanding voting stock  of
          the Company, or (3) the sale or issuance of such number
          of   shares   of  voting  stock  of  the  Company   for
          consideration of other than cash in any transaction  or
          series  of related transactions which constitutes  more
          than  twenty-five  percent of  the  outstanding  voting
          power  of  the  Company  after giving  effect  to  such
          issuance or sale.
     D.   "Date of Award" means August 1, 1992.
     E.   "Permanent   Disability"  means  total   inability   of
          Executive,  because  of  bodily  injury  or  mental  or
          physical  disease, to carry out his  duties  as  Senior
          Vice  President  of  the Company's Subsidiary,  Stifel,
          Nicolaus & Company, Incorporated, for a period  of  six
          consecutive months.
     F.   "Stock"  means Common Stock of the Company,  par  value
          fifteen cents ($0.15) per share.

     G.   "Subsidiary"  means any  corporation,  other  than  the
          Company, in an unbroken chain of corporations beginning
          with the Company if, at the relevant date specified  in
          Section  4,  each of the corporations, other  than  the
          last  corporation  in the unbroken  chain,  owns  stock
          possessing fifty percent or more of the total  combined
          voting  power  of all classes of stock in  one  of  the
          other corporations in such chain.
     Section 2. Award
      Subject  to  the terms of this Agreement, the  Company  has
awarded  to  Executive  and there shall be issued  to  Executive,
12,000 shares of Stock, effective as of the Date of Award.
     Section 3. Restrictions
      Except as hereinafter provided, Executive shall sell to the
Company,  and the Company shall purchase from Executive,  all  of
the  shares  of  Stock awarded hereunder, and as  to  which  this
restriction  shall  not  have lapsed as  provided  in  Section  4
hereof, at a purchase price of five cents ($.05) per share in the
event   of,   and  within  thirty  days  following,   Executive's
termination of employment for any reason.

     Section 4. Lapse of Restrictions
      The  restrictions imposed by Section 3 shall lapse and  the
shares  of  Stock  shall  vest  in  Executive  on  the  following
specified  dates provided Executive shall have been  continuously
employed by the Company or a Subsidiary or the successor  to  all
or substantially all of the business operations of the Company or
a Subsidiary from the Date of the Award to each such date:

     A.    On  July 31, 1993, the restrictions shall lapse as  to
       2,400 shares of Stock subject to the Award;
     B.   On July 31, 1994, the restrictions shall lapse as to an
       additional  2,400 shares of Stock subject  to  the  Award;
     C.   On July 31, 1995, the restrictions shall lapse as to an
       additional 2,400 shares of Stock subject to the Award;
     D.   On July 31, 1996, the restrictions shall lapse as to an
       additional 2,400 shares of Stock subject to the Award;
     E.   On July 31, 1997, the restrictions shall lapse as to an
       additional 2,400 shares of Stock subject to the Award;
provided,  however, that in the event of a Change of  Control  of
the  Company  or the death or Permanent Disability of  Executive,
the  restrictions  shall lapse for 100% of the  total  number  of
shares  of  Stock  subject to the Award  not  then  free  of  the

      For  purposes of this Section 4, a leave of absence granted
to  Executive  with the approval of the Board of Directors  shall
not  be  deemed  to cause Executive to cease to  be  continuously
employed by the Company or by a Subsidiary.

     Section 5. Legend
     Each certificate of Stock representing the shares subject to
the Award shall bear a legend referring to this Agreement and the
fact  that  such  shares are nontransferable and subject  to  the
restrictions  hereunder until such restrictions have  lapsed  and
the legend has been removed. The Company shall cause certificates
without  such legend to be issued, upon Executive's request,  for
any  shares  of  Stock subject to the Award as,  and  when,  such
restrictions lapse as provided in Section 4.

     Section 6. Shares Non-Transferable
      Shares of Stock awarded hereunder shall not be transferable
by  Executive until after the removal of the legend described  in
Section 5 with respect to such shares. Executive recognizes  that
the  shares  of Stock will not be registered under the Securities
Act  of  1933,  as  amended (the "1933 Act), in  reliance  on  an
exemption  thereunder  for transaction  not  involving  a  public
offering,  or under the laws of any state. Executive is acquiring
such  shares of Stock for Executive's own account for  investment
purposes  only.  Prior to any proposed transfer of  such  shares,
unless there is in effect a registration statement under the 1933
Act  covering the proposed transfer, Executive shall give written
notice  to  the Company of Executive's intention to  effect  such
transfer.  Each such notice shall describe in detail  the  manner
and  circumstances of the proposed transfer, and  shall,  if  the
Company  so  requests, be accompanied (except in transactions  in
compliance  with Rule 144 under the 1933 Act) by  either  (i)  an
unqualified  written  opinion  of  legal  counsel  who  shall  be
reasonably satisfactory to the Company, addressed to the  Company
and   reasonably  satisfactory  in  form  and  substance  to  the
Company's  counsel, to the effect that the proposed  transfer  of
such  shares may be effected without registration under the  1933
Act  and  applicable state securities laws, or (ii) a "no action"
letter  from the Securities and Exchange Commission to the effect
that  the  transfer of such shares without registration will  not
result  in  a  recommendation by the staff of the Securities  and
Exchange  Commission that action be taken with  respect  thereto,
whereupon Executive would be entitled to transfer such shares  in
accordance with the terms of the notice delivered by Executive to
the  Company.  Each certificate evidencing any such shares  shall
bear the following restrictive legend:


     Section 7. Adjustment in Certain Events
      If  there  is  any change in the Stock by reason  of  stock
dividends,  split-ups, mergers, consolidations,  reorganizations,
combinations  or exchanges of shares or the like, the  right  and
obligation of the Company to purchase provided for in  Section  3
hereof shall extend not only to the Stock awarded hereunder,  but
also  to  all  stock  and  other property received  by  Executive
pursuant to any such event with respect to Stock that is  subject
to  Section  3  hereof  without any  increase  in  the  aggregate
consideration as provided in Section 3.

      Any  additional shares issued in connection  by  reason  of
stock     dividends,    split-ups,    mergers,    consolidations,
reorganizations, combinations or exchanges of shares or the like,
with respect to shares remaining restricted, shall also bear  the
restrictive legend noted in Sections 5 and 6 of this Agreement.

     Section 8. Amendment
      This  Agreement  may be amended by mutual  consent  of  the
parties hereto by written agreement.

     Section 9. Governing Law
      This  Agreement  shall  be construed  and  administered  in
accordance with the laws of the State of Missouri.

      IN  WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company and Executive have  caused
this  Agreement to be executed on this 31st day of August,  1993,
effective as of August 1, 1992.

          By:  /s/  Gregory F. Taylor
                    Gregory F. Taylor
                    President and Chief Executive Officer
          By:  /s/  James D. Sumption
                    James D. Sumption