Item 7. Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
        and Results of Operations   

Management's Financial Discussion
Stifel Financial Corp. and Subsidiaries

Business Environment

Stifel  Financial  Corp.  and  subsidiaries (the  "Company"),  through  its
principal  subsidiary,  Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Incorporated  ("Stifel,
Nicolaus"),  provides  securities brokerage and investment  management  and
advisory  services  primarily to individuals, provides  investment  banking
services  to  municipal  and corporate clients,  and  trades  fixed  income
securities  and  over-the-counter equity  securities.   Century  Securities
Associates,  Inc.  ("CSA"),  a  wholly owned  subsidiary  of  the  Company,
provides  administration  services  to  independent  registered  investment
executives.   Additionally,  Pin Oak Capital  Ltd.  ("Pin  Oak")  and  Todd
Investment Advisors, Inc. ("Todd"), both wholly owned subsidiaries  of  the
Company,  provide fee-based investment advisory services to both individual
and institutional clients.

These  business activities are sensitive to a variety of factors, including
the securities trading volume, the volatility and price level of securities
markets,  the  demand  for  investment  banking  services,  the  level  and
volatility  of  interest  rates,  and  investor  sentiment.   Many  of  the
Company's  activities  have fixed operating costs  which  do  not  decrease
proportionately with reduced levels of activity.  Although the  Company  is
building   its   fee-based  money  management  business   and   continually
controlling  recurring  operating expenses, sustained  periods  of  reduced
transaction activity or loss of clients may adversely affect profitability.

The  Company faces increasing competition from other financial institutions
such as commercial banks, thrifts, and investment firms.  Certain financial
services, traditionally provided only by securities firms, are increasingly
being provided by these other financial institutions.

The business environment for the securities industry during 1995 was one of
the  most prosperous in recent years.  More investors, larger holdings, and
more   active  participants  fueled  record  market  activity  and  prices.
Individuals continued to evolve from savers to investors as lower  interest
rates and slow growth in the U.S. economy boosted the equity markets.

Historically,  a  significant  source of the Company's  investment  banking
revenues  originated from Oklahoma municipal securities issuances.   During
1994, the Company's municipal investment banking business was significantly
impaired  by  the negative publicity surrounding a formal investigation  by
the  Securities and Exchange Commission into certain municipal bond  issues
managed by the Company's Oklahoma public finance department.  During  1995,
this investigation was completed and resulted in the Company consenting  to
a   final   judgement  whereby,  among  other  things,  the  Company   paid
approximately  $1.1 million in disgorgement and prejudgement  interest  and
$250,000  in  fines.   However,  also during 1995,  the  municipal  finance
industry  continued to experience pressure on its profit margins due  to  a
decline  in  the number of underwritings and the narrowing of  underwriting
spreads.  Additionally, in December of 1994, the Company was approached  by
a  group  of investors (primarily former employees of the Company) offering
to  purchase the Company's operations in Oklahoma and several retail  sales
offices  in Texas.  On May 25, 1995, the sale was consummated with  Capital
West  Financial Corporation ("Capital West").  (See Note Q to the Notes  to
Consolidated Financial Statements filed herein.)

Additionally,  in late 1994, after enduring adverse market  conditions  and
significant  costs  associated  with  litigation  in  Oklahoma,  it  became
necessary  to  downsize certain areas of the Company.  As a result,  during
the fourth quarter of 1994, management and the Board of Directors developed
and  began  implementation  of  a plan to restructure  certain  operations,
primarily  related  to  retail sales operations  and  certain  home  office
management and product support functions.  Prior to its completion in 1995,
the  plan resulted in the closing or downsizing of 31 office locations  and
termination of approximately 70 officers and employees.

During  1995,  the Company focused on its retail investment  and  fee-based
money  management  services and intends to increase its reliance  on  these
services  for its revenues.  With the divestiture of the Company's Oklahoma
division, management is placing far less reliance on municipal finance as a
significant source of revenues.  During 1995, municipal finance fee revenue
totaled  $1.6 million compared to $4.0 million and $16.1 million  for  1994
and 1993, respectively.

Results of Operations

In  1993,  the Company changed its fiscal year-end from the last Friday  in
July  to  a calendar year-end.  Accordingly, results of operations for  the
transition   period  cover  a  five-month  period.   The  following   table
summarizes  amounts and percentages of changes in the major  categories  of
revenues and expenses for the periods indicated:

                                               Year Ended                     Year Ended                  Five Months Ended
                                      December 31,  December 31,      December 31,  December 31,      December 31,  December 31,
                                          1995   vs.    1994              1994   vs.    1993              1993   vs.    1992
Increase (Decrease)                                                                 (Unaudited)                     (Unaudited)
Amounts in thousands                     Amount      Percentage          Amount      Percentage          Amount      Percentage
- --------------------                ------------    ------------      ------------    ------------    ------------   -----------
  Commissions                         $   2,885         11.4 %          $  (2,989)      (10.5)%         $   1,941         19.4 %
  Principal transactions                 (3,587)       (15.9)                (665)       (2.9)             (1,969)       (17.5)
  Investment banking                       (295)        (2.5)             (18,316)      (60.5)               (266)        (2.4)
  Interest                                2,084         19.1                1,602        17.2                 (44)        (1.1)
  Sale of investment company shares      (1,358)       (14.0)              (2,459)      (20.3)              1,392         39.6
  Sale of unit investment trusts           (908)       (33.2)                (992)      (26.6)                508         59.5
  Sale of insurance products                (98)        (4.4)                (175)       (7.3)                767        155.0
  Other                                   2,711         32.1                2,360        38.8                (749)       (21.6)
                                      ---------       --------          ---------       -------         ---------        -------
                                      $   1,434          1.5 %          $ (21,634)      (18.7)%         $   1,580          3.5 %
                                      =========       ========          =========       =======         =========        =======
  Employee compensation and benefits  $  (3,465)        (5.7)%          $ (11,567)      (16.0)%         $   3,543         13.7 %
  Commissions and floor brokerage           199          9.4                 (290)      (12.0)                (75)        (8.1)
  Communications and office supplies       (394)        (4.9)                 864        12.0                 345         12.6
  Occupancy and equipment rental         (1,513)       (16.1)               1,599        20.5                 150          4.7
  Promotional                              (844)       (29.4)                (200)       (6.5)                143         13.1
  Interest                                2,174         35.4                1,340        27.9                (549)       (23.7)
  Provision for litigation and 
    bad debts                              (857)       (34.7)               1,560       172.0                (632)       (57.4)
  Restructure charge                     (2,672)      (100.0)               2,672       * N.M.                  0            0
  Other operating expenses               (1,722)       (19.6)               1,498        20.5                  36          1.1
                                      ---------       --------          ---------       -------         ---------        -------
                                      $  (9,094)        (8.8)%          $  (2,524)       (2.4)%         $   2,961          7.3 %
                                      =========       ========          =========       =======         =========        =======

*Not meaningful

1995 As Compared to 1994

For  1995,  the  Company had net income of $644,000, or  $.14  per  primary
share,  on  revenues of $95,360,000.  During the twelve-month period  ended
December  31, 1994, the Company had a net loss of $5,503,000, or $1.23  per
primary share, on revenues of $93,926,000.

Revenues  for  1995  increased in commissions, interest income,  and  other
revenue.   Revenues declined in principal transactions, sale of  investment
company   shares,   unit   investment  trusts,  and   insurance   products.
Commissionable  revenues  (commissions,  principal  transactions,  sale  of
investment company shares, unit investment trusts, and insurance  products)
decreased  in  the aggregate $3,066,000 (4.9%) in 1995.  This decrease  was
primarily due to the reduction in the number of Investment Executives which
resulted  from the sale of the Company's Oklahoma-based operations  and  to
the net loss of Investment Executives, primarily in the early part of 1995,
due to the restructuring plan of 1994.

The  number  of  Investment Executives decreased by 79 (21.8%)  to  283  at
December  31,  1995, from 362 at December 31, 1994.  Despite this  decline,
average  production per Investment Executive increased $13,000  to $194,000
from  $181,000.  Management is continuing its effort to recruit  Investment
Executives with above industry average performance records.

Principal  transactions decreased $3,587,000 (15.9%)  to  $18,980,000  from
$22,567,000 largely as a result of decreased fixed income trading activity.
Investment  banking  decreased only slightly in 1995,  $295,000  (2.5%)  to
$11,674,000  from  $11,969,000.   Public finance-related  income  decreased
significantly, $2,342,000 (58.8%) to $1,638,000 from $3,980,000, due to the
negative  publicity  surrounding  the  SEC's  investigation  into   certain
municipal  finance  underwritings by the  Company's  Oklahoma  City  public
finance department and the reduced number of transactions by municipalities
experienced  industry-wide.  These decreases were offset by an increase  in
corporate   finance-related  investment  banking  revenue  which  increased
$3,803,000  (279.6%) to $5,163,000 from $1,360,000 largely as a  result  of
increased  public  offerings, particularly for financial  institutions  and
real  estate  investment  trusts (REITs).  In  addition,  underwriting  and
syndicate participation fees and profits on trading new underwriting issues
decreased  $1,757,000 primarily as a result of the aforementioned decreased
municipal finance activity.

Interest   income   increased  $2,084,000  (19.1%)  to   $13,002,000   from
$10,918,000,  and  net  interest (interest income  less  interest  expense)
decreased  $90,000.   The  revenue increase  is  primarily  due  to  higher
customer  borrowings which resulted from increased retail investor activity
experienced industry-wide.  Because of the generally corresponding increase
in  borrowings  by  the  Company  to finance  the  purchase  of  marketable
securities and underwrite new securities issues, the net interest retention
percentage decreased from 43.8% to 36.1%.

Other  revenue increased $2,711,000 (32.1%) to $11,159,000 from  $8,448,000
primarily  as  a result of increases in managed account fees, money  market
distribution  fees,  clearing  revenues, and  realized  gains  on  sale  of
investments,   which   increased  approximately  $1.0  million,   $800,000,
$500,000,  and  $400,000,  respectively.  Managed  account  fees  increased
because  of  the introduction of the managed account program in late  1994.
Management expects the managed account fees to continue to grow, which  are
generated  by  charging a fixed rate for managing investment portfolios  of
customers.  Realized gain on sale of investments increased primarily due to
sales  of  investments  held by the Company's venture  capital  subsidiary.
Money  market  distribution  fees increased because  of  higher  levels  of
customer  funds invested in money market funds and the Company's switch  to
omnibus processing of these funds.  Clearing revenues increased as a direct
result of the clearing for Capital West Securities, Inc., the broker-dealer
subsidiary of Capital West, which began in June 1995.

Total   expenses   decreased   $9,094,000  (8.8%)   to   $94,053,000   from
$103,147,000.   With the exception of commissions and floor  brokerage  and
interest expense, all expense categories decreased for the year as a result
of  the  sale  of  the  Oklahoma-based operations and  the  downsizing  and
restructuring plan implemented in the fourth quarter of 1994.  The  Company
charged $2,672,000 to operations related to this plan in the fourth quarter
of 1994.  There were no expenses related to that plan charged to operations
in 1995.

Employee   compensation  and  benefits  decreased  $3,465,000   (5.7%)   to
$57,187,000    from   $60,652,000.    Investment   Executives'    aggregate
compensation decreased $1,891,000 directly attributable to the decrease  in
aggregate revenue production.  Profitability and production-based incentive
compensation  increased  $2,132,000  due  to  increased  profitability  and
achievement   of   production  goals.   Salaries  and  benefits   decreased
$4,581,000  (17.8%) to $21,210,000 from $25,791,000.  Total  full-time  and
part-time  salaried employees decreased by 93 to 417 from 510.  Commissions
and floor brokerage increased $199,000 (9.4%) to $2,319,000 from $2,120,000
as  a  result of increased agency commissions.  Communications  and  office
supplies,   occupancy  and  equipment  rental,  and  promotional   expenses
decreased $394,000 (4.9%) to $7,651,000 from $8,045,000, $1,513,000 (16.1%)
to  $7,884,000  from  $9,397,000, and $844,000 (29.4%) to  $2,024,000  from
$2,868,000, respectively.

Interest expense increased $2,174,000 (35.4%) to $8,312,000 from $6,138,000
due  primarily to increased levels of short-term borrowings by the  Company
and its customers and increased average borrowing rates.  The average level
of  short-term  borrowings  from banks for  the  year  was  $61,440,000  as
compared  to  $58,953,000 for 1994.  The average interest rate charged  for
these  borrowings was 6.57% for 1995 as compared to 4.90%  for  1994.   The
Company's  borrowings  increased due to decreased available  capital  which
resulted primarily from the operating loss in 1994.

Other  operating  expenses decreased $1,722,000 (19.6%) to $7,066,000  from
$8,788,000.  Included in the caption "Other operating expenses"  are  legal
fees  which  increased  $600,000 due to continuing  litigation  surrounding
certain  municipal bond issues and transactions completed by the  Company's
former  Oklahoma City-based public finance department.  Management  expects
legal fees to decrease in 1996.

Provision  for  litigation  and  bad debts decreased  $857,000  (34.7%)  to
$1,610,000  from  $2,467,000 in 1994.  The provision in  1995  includes  an
amount for doubtful collection related to notes and advances receivable  of
former  employees  and provision for settlements of  Oklahoma  suits.   The
larger  provision  in 1994 included doubtful collection  of  employee  note
receivables and advances of $1,976,000.

1994 As Compared to 1993

For  1994,  the Company had a net loss of $5,503,000, or $1.23 per  primary
share,  on  revenues of $93,926,000.  During the twelve-month period  ended
December  31, 1993, the Company had net income of $6,231,000, or $1.47  per
primary  share,  on  $115,560,000 in revenues.   This  $21,634,000  (18.7%)
decrease  in  total  revenues was the result of the aforementioned  general
market conditions and the changes in the Company's operations.

Revenues declined from 1993 in every major revenue category except interest
income  and investment advisory fees.  Commissionable revenue (commissions,
principal  transactions, sale of investment company shares, unit investment
trusts,  and  insurance  products) in the  aggregate  decreased  $7,280,000
(10.4%)  from 1993.  This decrease occurred despite significant efforts  to
upgrade  and  add  to  the retail sales force.  Every major  commissionable
product  area  had decreased revenues from 1993 levels.  The taxable  fixed
income,  syndicate, and mutual fund areas were off by 11%,  45%,  and  20%,
respectively,  primarily  due to the generally  decreased  market  activity
caused  by  increasing  interest  rates.   Principal  transactions,   which
includes  inventory  gains  and  losses as  well  as  commissionable  sales
credits, was lower in 1994 primarily due to losses in the Company's  equity
inventories   and   substantially  lower  profits  in  the   fixed   income
inventories.   These  decreased  trading results  occurred  in  traditional
products,  as  the  Company does not carry complex derivative  products  or
significant amounts of low-priced equities (penny stocks).

In  terms  of both amount and percentage, the largest decrease in  revenues
during  1994  occurred in the investment banking area.  Investment  banking
revenues,  which  includes  managed fixed income and  equity  underwriting,
financial  advisory,  placement,  and  mergers  and  acquisition  services,
decreased  $18,316,000 (60.5%) from 1993 levels.  Reflecting the historical
cyclicality  and  volatility  of  the securities  markets,  the  investment
banking  area  of the Company had one of its worst years in 1994  following
its  best year ever in 1993.  This trend was generally consistent industry-

The most significant reason for the Company's decrease in this area was the
sharp  fall-off in business in the municipal finance sector.   1993  saw  a
record  level of activity as municipal issuers took advantage  of  low  and
declining  interest  rates to refinance and restructure outstanding  issues
and  issue new debt.  1994 saw a reversal of that interest rate trend which
eliminated  the benefits of refundings that were unable to be  accomplished
earlier and made new issuances more costly.

In  addition to the significantly less favorable conditions in the industry
generally, the Company suffered additional decreases in business because of
the  activities  related  to  its  Oklahoma  City-based  municipal  finance
operation.   Historically,  the Company has been  a  major  underwriter  of
Oklahoma  municipal  issues.  In 1994, in addition to the  generally  lower
issuances of municipal debt, the Company's revenue generation from Oklahoma
issues  decreased  substantially  in part  because  of  negative  publicity
relating  to  the  SEC's  investigation of  the  Company's  involvement  in
transactions  in certain Oklahoma municipal securities.  During  1994,  the
negative publicity related to the investigation significantly impaired  the
ability  of  the Company to generate investment banking revenues  from  its
Oklahoma  operations and was a significant factor in the Company's decision
to  pursue the sale of both its retail and investment banking businesses in

Although affected somewhat by the negative publicity from Oklahoma,  it  is
encouraging  to note that the St. Louis-based municipal investment  banking
group  performed better than the industry in general during 1994.   Whereas
industry sources reported a 44% decline in municipal issuances in 1994, the
St. Louis-based group's revenues were off only 11%.

Interest  income  increased $1,602,000 (17.2%), and net interest  (interest
income less interest expense) increased $261,000.  The revenue increase  is
due to two factors:  higher average customer borrowings and higher interest
rates  charged  to  customers resulting from the increases  caused  by  the
Federal   Reserve's  interest  rate  hikes.   Because  of   the   generally
corresponding  rise in both rates charged to customers  and  the  Company's
borrowing rates, the net interest retention percentage decreased from 48.5%
in 1993 to 43.8% in 1994.

Other  revenues, which consists primarily of investment advisory  fees  and
account  service fees, increased $2,360,000 (38.8%).  The most  significant
component of this increase was from investment advisory fees.  On  December
28, 1993, the Company acquired Todd Investment Advisors, Inc. ("Todd"),  an
asset  management  company located in Louisville, Kentucky.   During  1994,
Todd's fees added $1,661,000 to the Company's investment advisory business.

Total   expenses   decreased  $2,524,000  (2.4%)   from   $105,671,000   to
$103,147,000.  While employee compensation and benefits, a major  component
of  total  expenses,  decreased significantly,  almost  all  other  expense
categories  increased.   In  addition,  the  Company  charged  to  expenses
$2,672,000  in the fourth quarter related to a restructuring and downsizing
plan  approved by the Parent Company's Board of Directors (see  Note  P  of
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements filed herein).

Employee  compensation  and  benefits  decreased  $11,567,000  (16%)   from
$72,219,000  to  $60,652,000  largely as a  result  of  decreased  variable
compensation  which  decreased  $14,770,000  (29.2%)  from  $50,506,000  to
$35,736,000  as  a  direct result of decreased commissionable  revenue  and
profitability.   The  decrease  was partially  offset  by  an  increase  in
salaries  and benefits which increased $3,997,000 (18.3%) from  $21,813,000
to  $25,810,000  as a result of the additional home office revenue  support
staff and the opening of new branch locations.  The additions were made  to
facilitate revenue growth and to continue the firm's efforts to expand  its
retail branch system and to increase administrative expertise in key areas.

Commission and floor brokerage decreased $290,000 (12%) from $2,410,000  to
$2,120,000 as a result of decreased commissionable revenue.

Communication  and  supplies and occupancy and equipment  rental  increased
$864,000  (12%)  from  $7,181,000 to $8,045,000 and $1,599,000  (21%)  from
$7,798,000 to $9,397,000, respectively, as a direct result of 13 additional
branch offices opened in 1994.

Travel   and  promotion  decreased  $200,000  (6.5%)  from  $3,068,000   to
$2,868,000 as a result of the decreased general business environment.

Interest expense increased $1,340,000 (27.9%) from $4,798,000 to $6,138,000
as  a  result  of the Company's increased borrowing rates.   The  Company's
short-term  borrowings  bore interest at a weighted  average  of  6.81%  at
December 31, 1994, compared to a weighted average of 3.79% at December  31,

Other  expenses increased $1,498,000 (20.5%) from $7,290,000 to  $8,788,000
largely  as  a result of the increase in professional fees which  increased
$1,407,000  primarily  as a result of the ongoing  SEC  investigation  into
certain  municipal  bond issues managed by the Oklahoma  City-based  public
finance department.

Provision  for litigation and bad debt increased $1,560,000  largely  as  a
result  of  reserving for doubtful collection of employee notes  receivable
and advances of $2,467,000.

In  the  fourth  quarter,  the Company charged to expenses  $2,672,000  for
restructuring  and  downsizing  unprofitable and  potentially  unprofitable
areas  of  the  firm.   Included  in the costs  are  $1,400,000  net  lease
commitments  for  31  closed  and reduced office  locations;  $875,000  for
approximately 70 terminated employees' severance and extended benefits, and
reserve   for  uncollectible  notes  receivable;  $206,000  for   leasehold
improvements  related  to  closed offices;  and  $191,000  for  contractual
commitments.  The plan of restructuring and downsizing was completed during

Five  Months  Ended  December  31, 1993 Compared  With  Five  Months  Ended
December 31, 1992

Results  of operations for the five-month transition period ended  December
31,  1993,  compared  to the same five-month period of  the  previous  year
reflected favorable market conditions experienced by the industry as  total
revenues increased slightly to $46,455,000 from $44,875,000, a modest  3.5%
increase  over  a  strong five-month period of the  previous  year.   Total
expenses,  however,  were  up  7.3%  or  $2,961,000  to  $43,395,000   from
$40,434,000 reflecting the costs associated with management's commitment to
growth  and  the  pursuit of other sources of revenues to  mitigate  market
downturns.  Accordingly, net income after tax decreased $807,000  (30%)  to
$1,915,000 from $2,722,000 for the five-month transition period compared to
the previous year's five-month period.

Commissionable  revenue  (commissions,  principal  transactions,  sales  of
investment company shares, unit investment trusts, and insurance  products)
for  the  five-month transition period ended December 31,  1993,  increased
$2,639,000  (10%) to $28,793,000 from $26,154,000 as a result of  favorable
markets  for  equity  products, mutual funds, life insurance,  and  annuity
products.   The  increase also resulted from an increase in the  number  of
experienced  full-time Investment Executives, which  increased  to  375  at
December 31, 1993, from 355 at December 31, 1992.

Sale  of  investment  company  shares  (mutual  funds)  increased  40%   to
$4,906,000 from $3,514,000 in 1992's five-month period as a result  of  the
continued  demand for this product as retail investors sought  alternatives
to   low   interest-bearing   depository  products   offered   by   banking
institutions.  The increase was also reflective of the continued demand for
these products industry-wide.

Principal   transactions  decreased  17%  to  $9,313,000  from  $11,282,000
primarily  as  a  result  of a decrease in sales of  taxable  fixed  income
products,  principally mortgage-backed securities,  which  were  made  less
attractive because of low coupon rates.

Sales of insurance products increased 155% to $1,263,000 from $496,000 from
the  previous five-month period largely as a result of the increased demand
for  annuity and life insurance products precipitated by the 1993  tax  law

Sales  of  unit investment trusts increased 59% to $1,362,000 from $854,000
in the same period of the previous year largely as a result of management's
continued  emphasis  to  provide  proprietary  offerings  and  the   retail
investor's continued demand for this product.

Other  revenues decreased 22% to $2,720,000 from $3,469,000 in the previous
year  largely as a result of the recognition of a one-time gain of $850,000
on the sale of a partnership investment in November 1992.

Investment  banking revenue decreased $266,000 (2.4%) from  the  comparable
five-month period in 1992.  Indications are that the public finance portion
of investment banking, which was the most significant portion of investment
banking  and which experienced excellent business conditions over the  past
two years, may not reach levels achieved historically in future periods.

Total  expenses increased largely as a result of the increase  in  employee
compensation and benefits which increased $3,543,000 (13.7%) to $29,421,000
from  $25,878,000.   The  variable portion  of  compensation  and  benefits
increased  $2,100,000 to $16,300,000 from $14,200,000 as  a  result  of  an
increase  in  commissionable revenues and bonuses paid for  production  and
profitability of certain functions.

Salaries  and  the  other  fixed  portions  of  compensation  and  benefits
increased  $1,400,000 (17%) to $9,500,000 from $8,100,000 as  a  result  of
annual  salary adjustments (approximately 6% firm-wide), increases  in  the
number of branch offices, an increase in the number of Investment Executive
trainees  whose  salaries are fixed during their training  period,  and  an
increase  in  the  number of professional staff in  key  areas  of  revenue
production  and  direct  support such as investment banking,  trading,  and
research.   In  addition, staff was added to bolster the  firm's  focus  on
developing alternative sources of revenues.

Communication and supplies, rent and depreciation, and travel and promotion
increased  $345,000 to $3,090,000 from $2,745,000, $150,000  to  $3,333,000
from  $3,183,000, and $143,000 to $1,231,000 from $1,088,000, respectively,
as  a  result of the increase in the number of branch offices opened during
the period.  The Company added four offices over the previous year's total.

Interest  expense  decreased $549,000 to $1,763,000 from  $2,312,000  as  a
result of more favorable borrowing rates.

Provision  for bad debt and litigation decreased $632,000 to $473,000  from
$1,105,000 due largely to a decrease in the amount of settlements paid  for
claims by customers which decreased $600,000 from the $1,200,000 in 1994.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

The Company's assets are highly liquid, consisting mainly of cash or assets
readily convertible into cash.  These assets are financed primarily by  the
Company's equity capital, customer credit balances, short-term bank  loans,
proceeds  from  securities  lending, long-term  notes  payable,  and  other
payables.  Changes in securities market volumes, related customer borrowing
demands,  underwriting activity, and levels of securities inventory  affect
the amount of the Company's financing requirements.

During  the  year  ended  December  31, 1995,  cash  and  cash  equivalents
decreased $581,000.  Cash used for operating activities totaled $21,192,000
due  primarily  to  increases  in operating  receivables  as  a  result  of
increased  borrowing  by  customers and a decrease  in  operating  payables
resulting mainly from a decline in stock loaned.

The decrease in cash used for operating activities was funded by short-term
borrowings which increased by $20,800,000.

During  1994,  Stifel,  Nicolaus  obtained a  revolving  subordinated  note
agreement  in the amount of $5,500,000.  The note will be used  to  finance
underwritings  should  the  need  arise.  At  December  31,  1995,  Stifel,
Nicolaus  had  an  advance of $50,000 against this  revolving  subordinated

The  Company  has $3,002,000 in receivables from Investment Executives  and
other  employees who terminated employment with the Company.   The  Company
intends  to vigorously pursue collection of these receivables and does  not
anticipate  that  the  outcome of these activities  will  adversely  affect
liquidity or capital resources.

Management believes that funds from operations and available informal short-
term  credit  arrangements of $118,550,000 at December 31,  1995,  and  the
available  revolving subordinated debt of $5,450,000 at December 31,  1995,
will  provide  sufficient  resources to meet its  present  and  anticipated
financing needs.

Stifel,   Nicolaus   &  Company,  Incorporated,  the  Company's   principal
broker/dealer  subsidiary,  is  subject  to  certain  requirements  of  the
Securities  and  Exchange Commission with regard to liquidity  and  capital
requirements   (see   Note  E  of  the  Notes  to  Consolidated   Financial
Statements).   At December 31, 1995, Stifel, Nicolaus had  net  capital  of
approximately   $20,112,000,  which  exceeded  the  minimum   net   capital
requirements by approximately $16,550,000.


The Company's assets are primarily monetary, consisting of cash, securities
inventory, and receivables.  These monetary assets are generally liquid and
turn  over  rapidly  and, consequently, are not significantly  affected  by
inflation.  However, the rate of inflation affects various expenses of  the
Company,  such  as employee compensation and benefits, communications,  and
occupancy and equipment, which may not be readily recoverable in the  price
of its services.

Recent Accounting Pronouncements

The  Company adopted Statement of Financial Accounting Standards  No.  109,
"Accounting  for Income Taxes," in the five-month transition  period  ended
December  31,  1993.  The standard requires, among other  provisions,  that
companies  adjust their deferred tax asset or liability to reflect  current
rates  and recognize the effect of the change in operations.  The  adoption
of  this  new  standard  did not have a material impact  on  the  Company's
consolidated financial statements.

The   Company  deals  in  listed  options  and  other  products   such   as
collateralized  mortgage obligations which derive  their  values  from  the
price  of  some  other security or index.  The Company  does  not  deal  in
complex  derivative financial instruments, such as futures,  forwards,  and
swaps, and therefore has no disclosure requirements in accordance with  the
Financial  Accounting  Standard Board's Statement  119,  "Disclosure  About
Derivative Financial Instruments and Fair Value of Financial Instruments."

The  Financial  Accounting Standards Board (FASB) has issued Statements  of
Financial  Accounting Standards (SFAS) 121, "Accounting for the  Impairment
of  Long-Lived  Assets  to Be Disposed of," and SFAS 123,  "Accounting  for
Stock-Based  Compensation," both effective in fiscal years beginning  after
December 15, 1995.  Management does not believe adoption of these standards
will  have  a  material  impact  on  the Company's  consolidated  financial

Item 8. Financial Statements and Supplementary Data
(a) Financial Statements

Report Of Independent Accountants
Stifel Financial Corp. and Subsidiaries

Report of Independent Accountants

Stockholders and Board of Directors
Stifel Financial Corp.
St. Louis, Missouri

We  have  audited  the  accompanying consolidated statements  of  financial
condition  of  Stifel Financial Corp. and Subsidiaries as of  December  31,
1995  and  1994,  and  the related consolidated statements  of  operations,
stockholders' equity, and cash flows for the years ended December 31,  1995
and  December 31, 1994, the five-month transition period ended December 31,
1993, and the year ended July 30, 1993.  These financial statements are the
responsibility  of  the  Company's management.  Our  responsibility  is  to
express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits.

We  conducted  our  audits in accordance with generally  accepted  auditing
standards.  Those standards require that we plan and perform the  audit  to
obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free
of  material  misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test  basis,
evidence   supporting  the  amounts  and  disclosures  in   the   financial
statements.   An  audit  also includes assessing the accounting  principles
used  and  significant estimates made by management, as well as  evaluating
the  overall financial statement presentation.  We believe that our  audits
provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In  our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly,
in  all  material respects, the consolidated financial position  of  Stifel
Financial Corp. and Subsidiaries as of December 31, 1995 and 1994, and  the
consolidated results of their operations and their cash flows for the years
ended  December  31, 1995 and December 31, 1994, the five-month  transition
period  ended  December  31, 1993, and the year ended  July  30,  1993,  in
conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

                                           /s/  Coopers & Lybrand L.L.P.

St. Louis, Missouri
February 25, 1996

                                           Consolidated Statements Of Operations
                                          Stifel Financial Corp. and Subsidiaries

                                                                                    Five-Month Transition
                                                Year Ended          Year Ended          Period Ended       Fiscal Year Ended
(In thousands, except per share amounts)     December 31, 1995   December 31, 1994    December 31, 1993      July 30, 1993
- ----------------------------------------     -----------------   -----------------  ---------------------  -----------------
  Commissions                                   $  28,292            $  25,407            $  11,949            $  26,456
  Principal transactions                           18,980               22,567                9,313               25,201
  Investment banking                               11,674               11,969               10,885               30,551
  Interest                                         13,002               10,918                4,057                8,851
  Sale of investment company shares                 8,316                9,674                4,906               10,741
  Sale of unit investment trusts                    1,828                2,736                1,362                3,220
  Sale of insurance products                        2,109                2,207                1,263                1,614
  Other                                            11,159                8,448                2,720                6,837
                                                ---------            ---------            ---------            ---------
                                                   95,360               93,926               46,455              113,471

  Employee compensation and benefits               57,187               60,652               29,421               68,657
  Commissions and floor brokerage                   2,319                2,120                  845                2,485
  Communications and office supplies                7,651                8,045                3,090                6,836
  Occupancy and equipment rental                    7,884                9,397                3,333                7,648
  Promotional                                       2,024                2,868                1,231                2,925
  Interest                                          8,312                6,138                1,763                4,838
  Provision for litigation and bad debts            1,610                2,467                  473                1,237
  Restructuring charge                                - -                2,672                  - -                  - -
  Other operating expenses                          7,066                8,788                3,239                7,575
                                                ---------            ---------            ---------            ---------
                                                   94,053              103,147               43,395              102,201
                                                ---------            ---------            ---------            ---------
Income (loss) before income taxes                   1,307               (9,221)               3,060               11,270
                                                ---------            ---------            ---------            ---------
  Provision (Benefit) for Income Taxes
    Current                                           (73)              (1,983)               1,352                4,223
    Deferred                                          736               (1,735)                (207)                   9
                                                ---------            ---------            ---------            ---------
                                                      663               (3,718)               1,145                4,232
                                                ---------            ---------            ---------            ---------
  Net income (loss)                             $     644            $  (5,503)           $   1,915            $   7,038
                                                =========            =========            =========            =========

Earnings (Loss) Per Common Share and
Share Equivalents 
  Net income (loss) per share:
    Primary earnings (loss) per share           $    0.14            $   (1.23)           $    0.42            $    1.60
    Fully diluted earnings (loss) per share     $    0.14            $   (1.23)           $    0.38            $    1.33

See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

                         Consolidated Statements Of Financial Condition
                            Stifel Financial Corp. and Subsidiaries
(In thousands)                                           December 31, 1995     December 31, 1994
- --------------                                           -----------------     -----------------
  Cash and cash equivalents                                  $  6,344              $  6,925
  Cash segregated for the exclusive benefit of customers          776                 1,316
  Receivable from brokers and dealers:
    Securities failed to deliver                                1,790                 3,105
    Deposits paid for securities borrowed                       4,912                 3,530
    Settlement balances with clearing organizations             9,722                15,198
                                                             --------              --------  
                                                               16,424                21,833
                                                             --------              --------
  Receivable from customers, less allowance for doubtful
    accounts of $805 and $1,071, respectively                 156,904               139,899
  Securities owned, at market value:
    U.S. Government obligations                                 6,529                 4,642
    State and municipal obligations                             7,111                13,231
    Corporate obligations                                       2,394                 3,240
    Corporate stocks                                            3,487                 2,206
                                                             --------              --------
                                                               19,521                23,319
                                                             --------              --------
  Memberships in exchanges, at cost (approximate
    market value:  $1,904 and $1,655, respectively)               513                   513
  Office equipment and leasehold improvements, at cost,
    less allowances for depreciation and amortization of
    $12,517 and $13,518, respectively                           3,015                 4,779
  Goodwill, net of accumulated amortization of $827
    and $574, respectively                                      3,985                 4,290
  Notes and non-securities receivable from employees,
    net of allowance for doubtful receivables of
    $3,002 and $2,561, respectively                             4,328                 5,620
  Current income tax receivable                                   254                 1,515
  Deferred tax asset                                            3,902                 4,638
  Miscellaneous other assets                                   10,809                 7,561
                                                             --------              --------
    TOTAL ASSETS                                             $226,775              $222,208
                                                             ========              ========

                   Consolidated Statements Of Financial Condition (continued)
                            Stifel Financial Corp. and Subsidiaries

(In thousands, except share amounts)                     December 31, 1995     December 31, 1994
- ------------------------------------                     -----------------     -----------------
Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity
  Short-term borrowings from banks                           $ 86,450              $ 65,650
  Payable to brokers and dealers:
    Securities failed to receive                                2,572                 2,991
    Deposits received from securities loaned                   20,555                43,405
                                                             --------              --------
                                                               23,127                46,396
                                                             --------              --------
  Payable to customers, including free credit balances
    of $21,079 and $15,601, respectively                       31,806                24,369
  Market value of securities sold, but not yet purchased        2,744                 4,252
  Drafts payable                                               17,867                14,576
  Accrued employee compensation                                 9,526                 9,110
  Obligations under capital leases                                774                 1,029
  Accounts payable and accrued expenses                         8,876                11,030
  Long-term debt                                               10,760                11,520
                                                             --------              --------
    Total                                                     191,930               187,932
                                                             --------              --------
  Commitments and Contingencies (Notes D, H, and I)
                                                             --------              --------
  Subordinated note                                                50                    50
                                                             --------              --------
Stockholders' equity:
  Preferred stock - $1 par value; authorized 
    3,000,000 shares; none issued
  Common stock - $.15 par value; authorized 10,000,000
    shares; issued 4,540,890 and 4,324,951 shares,
    respectively; outstanding 4,357,665 and 4,085,615
    shares, respectively                                          681                   649
  Additional paid-in capital                                   19,622                18,491
  Retained earnings                                            15,754                17,016
                                                             --------              --------
                                                               36,057                36,156
                                                             --------              --------
    Treasury stock, at cost
      183,225 and 239,336 shares, respectively                  1,162                 1,732
    Unamortized expense of restricted stock awards                100                   198
                                                             --------              --------
    Total Stockholders' Equity                                 34,795                34,226
                                                             --------              --------
    TOTAL LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY               $226,775              $222,208
                                                             ========              ========

See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

                                           Consolidated Statements Of Cash Flows
                                          Stifel Financial Corp. and Subsidiaries
                                                                                    Five-Month Transition
                                                Year Ended          Year Ended          Period Ended       Fiscal Year Ended
(In thousands)                               December 31, 1995   December 31, 1994    December 31, 1993      July 30, 1993
- --------------                               -----------------   -----------------  ---------------------  -----------------
Cash Flows From Operating Activities   
  Net income (loss)                              $     644           $( 5,503)            $   1,915            $   7,038
  Noncash items included in earnings:            
    Depreciation and amortization                    1,990              2,572                   880                2,020
    Provision for litigation and bad debts           1,610              2,467                   473                1,237
    Unrealized (gain) loss on investments              (57)               (96)                  - -                  440
    Bonus notes amortization                         1,033              1,134                   321                  600
    Deferred compensation                              468                538                   202                  429
    Amortization of restricted stock awards                     
      and stock benefits                                84                107                    65                  177
    Deferred tax provision (benefit)                   736             (1,735)                 (207)                   9
    Restructuring charge                               - -              2,672                   - -                  - -
                                                 ---------          ---------             ---------            ---------
                                                     6,508              2,156                 3,649               11,950
  Gain on sale of memberships in exchanges             - -                - -                  (179)                 - -
  (Increase) decrease in operating receivables:
    Customers                                      (17,005)            13,474               (36,058)             (11,047)
    Brokers and dealers                              5,409             (4,548)               (3,063)               4,997
  Increase (decrease) in operating payables:
    Customers                                        7,437            (11,955)                8,158                4,722
    Brokers and dealers                            (23,268)            21,873                (9,607)               7,899
  Decrease (increase) in assets:
    Cash and U.S. Government securities
      segregated for the exclusive benefit        
      of customers                                     540                (54)                   (2)               1,993
    Securities owned                                 3,798             63,191               (48,489)                 898
    Notes receivable from officers and employees    (1,190)            (5,427)                 (788)              (1,148)
    Miscellaneous other assets                      (2,125)            (1,779)                 (497)              (  768)
  (Decrease) increase in liabilities:
    Securities sold, not yet purchased              (1,508)               345                (2,542)               3,105
    Drafts payable, accounts payable and
      accrued expenses, and accrued employee
      compensation                                     212             (1,919)               (5,568)               4,127
                                                 ---------          ---------             ---------            ---------        
  Cash (Used For) Provided By                                                        
    Operating Activities                           (21,192)            75,357               (94,986)              26,728
                                                 ---------          ---------             ---------            ---------

                                     Consolidated Statements Of Cash Flows (continued)
                                          Stifel Financial Corp. and Subsidiaries
                                                                                    Five-Month Transition
                                                Year Ended          Year Ended          Period Ended       Fiscal Year Ended
(In thousands)                               December 31, 1995   December 31, 1994    December 31, 1993      July 30, 1993
- --------------                               -----------------   -----------------  ---------------------  -----------------
Cash (Used For) Provided By
    Operating Activities -- 
    From Previous Page                           $ (21,192)          $  75,357            $ (94,986)           $  26,728
                                                 ---------           ---------            ---------            ---------
Cash Flows From Financing Activities   
  Net proceeds (payments) for short-term
    borrowings from banks                           20,800             (71,300)              97,275              (22,375)
  Proceeds from:
    Employee stock purchase plan                       755                 613                  628                  378
    Exercised stock options                            124                  81                  111                  268
    Subordinated borrowings                            - -                  50                  - -                  - -
    Dividend reinvestment plan                          10                   1                  - -                  - -
  Payments for:
    Settlement of long-term debt                      (760)                - -                  - -                  - -
    Purchases of stock for treasury                   (547)             (1,417)              (1,329)                (302)
    Restricted stock awards                            - -                 - -                  (34)                 (81)
    Principal payments under                                    
      capital lease obligation                        (256)               (710)                (264)                (591)
    Cash dividends                                    (500)               (356)                (218)                (561)
                                                 ---------           ---------            ---------            ---------
  Cash Provided By (Used For)
    Financing Activities                            19,626             (73,038)              96,169              (23,264)
                                                 ---------           ---------            ---------            ---------
Cash Flows From Investing Activities     
  Proceeds from:
    Sale of office equipment, leasehold
      improvements, and a building                     910                  24                   23                   16
    Sale of investments                              1,694                  32                  509                1,103
    Sale of memberships in exchanges                   - -                 - -                  840                  - -
  Payments for:
    Acquisition of office equipment, leasehold
      improvements, and a building                 (1,179)              (1,734)                (752)              (1,634)
    Acquisition of investments                       (440)                (258)                (250)              (1,021)
    Acquisition of subsidiary                         - -                  - -               (1,981)                 - -
                                                ---------            ---------            ---------            ---------
  Cash Provided By (Used For) 
    Investing Activities                              985               (1,936)              (1,611)              (1,536)
                                                ---------            ---------            ---------            ---------
  (Decrease) increase in cash and cash
    equivalents                                      (581)                 383                 (428)               1,928
  Cash and cash equivalents -
    beginning of year                               6,925                6,542                6,970                5,042
                                                ---------            ---------            ---------            ---------
  Cash and cash equivalents -
    end of period                               $   6,344            $   6,925            $   6,542            $   6,970
                                                =========            =========            =========            =========

                                     Consolidated Statements Of Cash Flows (continued)
                                          Stifel Financial Corp. and Subsidiaries
                                                                                    Five-Month Transition
                                                Year Ended          Year Ended          Period Ended       Fiscal Year Ended
(In thousands)                               December 31, 1995   December 31, 1994    December 31, 1993      July 30, 1993
- --------------                               -----------------   -----------------  ---------------------  -----------------
Supplemental disclosures of cash flow 
    Interest payments                            $   8,237           $   5,897            $     984            $   4,424
    Income tax payments                          $     372           $     118            $   2,080            $   6,619
Schedule of Noncash Investing and 
  Financing Activities
    Assumption of debt for acquisition of Todd         - -                 - -            $   1,520                  - -
    Fixed assets acquired under capital lease          - -           $     808            $     257                  - -
    Stock dividends distributed                  $   1,406           $   1,287                  - -            $   2,009

See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

                                           Stifel Financial Corp. and Subsidiaries
                                      Consolidated Statements Of Stockholders' Equity

                                                          Additional                                    Expense of
                                          Common Stock      Paid-In    Retained     Treasury Stock      Restricted
(In thousands, except share amounts)    Shares    Amount    Capital    Earnings    Shares    Amount   Stock Awards     Total
- ------------------------------------- ------------- ------- ----------- -------- ---------- ---------------- ------- -------
Balance at July 31, 1992              3,923,315     $587    $14,968     $18,068  (342,012)  $(1,874)         $(152)  $31,597
- ------------------------------------- ------------- ------- ----------- -------- ---------- ---------------- ------- -------
Cash dividends -- common stock
  ($.15 per share)                                                         (561)                                        (561)
Purchase of treasury shares                                                       (41,468)     (302)                    (302)
Employee benefit plans                                           53               132,201       725                      778
Stock options exercised                                          (2)               47,019       270                      268
Restricted stock awards granted                                  17                21,000       115           (132)      - -
Amortization of restricted
  stock awards                                                                                                 177       177
Net income for the year                                                   7,038                                        7,038
5% stock dividend                       196,033       30      2,052      (2,082)   (9,163)                               - -
- ------------------------------------- ------------- ------- ----------- -------- ---------- ---------------- ------- -------
Balance at July 30, 1993              4,119,348      617     17,088      22,463  (192,423)   (1,066)          (107)   38,995
- ------------------------------------- ------------- ------- ----------- -------- ---------- ---------------- ------- -------
5% stock dividend --
  fractional shares                        (109)                 (1)         (1)                                          (2)
Cash dividends -- common
  stock ($.055 per share)                                                  (215)                                        (215)
Purchase of treasury shares                                                      (137,771)   (1,329)                  (1,329)
Employee benefit plans                                          163               144,416       907                    1,070
Stock options exercised                                         (17)               19,050       128                      111
Restricted stock awards granted                                  21                12,600       100           (122)       (1)
Amortization of restricted
  stock awards                                                                                                  30        30
Net income for the period                                                 1,915                                        1,915
Stock bonuses issued                                             15                 3,675        20                       35
- ------------------------------------- ------------- ------- ----------- -------- ---------- ---------------- ------- -------
Balance at December 31, 1993          4,119,239      617     17,269      24,162  (150,453)   (1,240)          (199)   40,609
- ------------------------------------- ------------- ------- ----------- -------- ---------- ---------------- ------- -------
Cash dividends -- common
  stock ($.09 per share)                                                   (356)                                        (356)
Purchase of treasury shares                                                      (188,964)   (1,417)                  (1,417)
Employee benefit plans                                           88                72,883       614                      702
Stock options exercised                                         (34)               13,884       115                       81
Restricted stock awards granted                                 (87)               24,500       194           (107)      - -
Amortization of restricted
  stock awards                                                                                                 108       108
Stock benefits                                                                         60         1                        1
Dividend reinvestment                                                                 151         1                        1
Net loss for the year                                                    (5,503)                                      (5,503)
5% stock dividend                       205,712       32      1,255      (1,287)  (11,397)                               - -
- ------------------------------------- ------------- ------- ----------- -------- ---------- ---------------- ------- -------
Balance at December 31, 1994          4,324,951      649     18,491      17,016  (239,336)   (1,732)          (198)   34,226
- ------------------------------------- ------------- ------- ----------- -------- ---------- ---------------- ------- -------
Cash dividends -- common
  stock ($.12 per share)                                                   (500)                                        (500)
Purchase of treasury shares                                                       (88,656)     (547)                    (547)
Employee benefit plans                                         (195)              132,173       948                      753
Stock options exercised                                         (36)               22,425       159                      123
Restricted stock awards granted                                 (14)               13,000        96            (82)      - -
Restricted stock awards forfeited                                 3               (16,125)      (96)            79       (14)
Amortization of restricted
  stock awards                                                                                                 101       101
Dividend reinvestment                                            (1)                2,019        10                        9
Net income for the year                                                     644                                          644
5% stock dividend                       215,939       32      1,374      (1,406)   (8,725)                               - -
- ------------------------------------- ------------- ------- ----------- -------- ---------- ---------------- ------- -------
Balance at December 31, 1995          4,540,890     $681    $19,622     $15,754  (183,225)  $(1,162)         $(100)  $34,795
- ------------------------------------- ------------- ------- ----------- -------- ---------- ---------------- ------- -------

See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

Notes To Consolidated Financial Statements
Stifel Financial Corp. and Subsidiaries

Note A -- Accounting and Reporting Policies

Nature of Operations

Stifel Financial Corp. ("the Parent"), through its wholly owned
subsidiaries, principally Stifel, Nicolaus & Company,
Incorporated ("Stifel, Nicolaus"), collectively referred to as
("the Company"), is principally engaged in retail brokerage,
securities trading, investment banking, investment advisory, and
related financial services throughout the United States.
Although the Company has offices throughout the United States,
its major geographic area of concentration is in the Midwest.
The Company's principal customers are individual investors, with
the remaining client base composed of corporations,
municipalities, and institutions.

Basis of Presentation

The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of the
Parent and its wholly owned subsidiaries, principally Stifel,
Nicolaus.  Stifel, Nicolaus is a broker-dealer registered under
the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.  All material intercompany
balances and transactions are eliminated in consolidation.

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with
generally accepted accounting principles requires management to
make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts
of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and
liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the
reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting
period.  Actual results could differ from those estimates.

Where appropriate, prior years' financial information has been
reclassified to conform with the current year presentation.

In 1993, the Company changed its fiscal year-end to a calendar
year-end.  Accordingly, results of operations for the transition
period cover a five-month period (22 weeks).  Previously, the
Company's full fiscal year was the 52- or 53-week period ending
the last Friday in July.  The year ended July 30, 1993 contained
52 weeks.

For purposes of presenting the consolidated statements of cash
flows, the Company has defined cash equivalents as short-term,
highly liquid investments with maturities of 90 days or less
other than those held for sale in the ordinary course of

Security Transactions

Security transactions are recorded on a trade date basis.

Trading and investment securities owned and securities sold but
not yet purchased are carried at market value, and unrealized
gains and losses are reflected in operations.  Securities held
for investment, which are included in other assets, are carried
at the lower of historical cost or market for the Parent.
Investment securities of the subsidiaries are carried at market
value or fair value as determined by management.

Securities failed to deliver and receive represent the contract
value of securities that have not been delivered or received by
settlement date.

Receivable from customers includes amounts due on cash and margin
transactions.  The value of securities owned by customers and
held as collateral for these receivables is not reflected in the
consolidated statements of financial condition.

Customers' security transactions, including sales of investment
company shares and unit investment trusts, are recorded on a
settlement date basis with related commission income and expense
recorded on a trade date basis.

Securities accounts of officers and directors are included in
amounts receivable from and payable to customers, since they are
subject to the normal terms and regulations as to payment and, in
the aggregate, are not significant.

Fair Value

The Company's financial instruments are carried at fair value or
amounts that approximate fair value.  Securities inventory and
securities sold but not yet purchased are valued using quoted
market or dealer prices.  Customer receivables, primarily
consisting of floating-rate loans collateralized by margin
securities, are charged interest at rates similar to other such
loans made throughout the industry.  The Company's remaining
financial instruments are generally short-term in nature, and
their carrying values approximate market value.  The Company has
estimated the fair value of its long-term debt using the
discounted cash flow analysis of payments.  At December 31, 1995,
the estimated fair value of the notes was $11,814,000.

Income Taxes

During the transition period ended December 31, 1993, the Company
adopted Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 109,
"Accounting for Income Taxes."  This standard required a change
from the "deferred method of accounting for income taxes" to the
"asset and liability" method of accounting for income taxes.

Under the asset and liability method, deferred tax assets and
liabilities are recognized based on the differences between the
financial statement carrying amounts and their respective tax
bases using enacted tax rates in effect in the years in which the
differences are expected to reverse.  The cumulative effect of
this change in accounting for income taxes was not material to
the consolidated financial statements.


Investment banking revenue is recorded as follows:  management
fees on offering date, selling concessions on trade date,
underwriting fees upon completion of the underwriting, and other
investment banking revenue upon the completion of the service.

Amortization of capital leases is computed on a straight-line
basis over the estimated useful life of the asset.  Leasehold
improvements are amortized over the lesser of the economic useful
life of the improvement or the term of the lease.  Depreciation
of office equipment is computed on a straight-line basis for
equipment purchased prior to January 1, 1994, and an accelerated
method for equipment purchased thereafter.

Goodwill recognized in business combinations accounted for as
purchases is being amortized over 15 to 40 years on a straight-
line basis.

Earnings (loss) per share of common stock is based upon the
weighted average number of common shares and share equivalents
outstanding during the periods.  Common share equivalents include
dilutive stock options under the treasury stock method (see Note
G) and dilutive shares from Senior Convertible Notes under the if
converted method (see Note J).

Note B -- Short-Term Borrowings From Banks

In the normal course of business, Stifel, Nicolaus borrows from
various banks on a demand basis with securities pledged as
collateral.  Available credit arrangements with banks totaled
$205,000,000 at December 31, 1995, of which $118,550,000 was
unused.  There were no compensating balance requirements under
these arrangements.  The Company's short-term borrowings bore
interest at a weighted average rate of 6.63% and 6.81% at
December 31, 1995 and 1994, respectively.  Certain short-term
borrowings were collateralized by Company-owned securities valued
at approximately $20,844,000 on a settlement date basis.  Short-
term borrowings used to finance receivables from customers were
collateralized by customer-owned securities valued at
approximately $125,275,000 at December 31, 1995.  The value of
these customer-owned securities is not reflected in the
consolidated statement of financial condition (see Note A).

Note C -- Subordinated Note

Stifel, Nicolaus has a revolving subordinated note agreement in
the amount of $5,500,000 which terminates January 31, 1997.  The
agreement, approved by the New York Stock Exchange, Inc. (the
"NYSE"), allows Stifel, Nicolaus to borrow up to this amount and
would be available for the computation of adjusted net capital
under the Uniform Net Capital Rule of the Securities and Exchange
Commission (the "SEC").  To the extent that borrowings under this
agreement are required for Stifel, Nicolaus' continued compliance
with minimum net capital requirements, such borrowings may not be
repaid.  The rights of the note holders to receive any payment
from Stifel, Nicolaus under the terms of the note are
subordinated to the claims of all present and future creditors of

Stifel, Nicolaus which arise prior to maturity.  Under the terms
of the note agreement, Stifel, Nicolaus must meet various
financial requirements specified in the agreement.

Stifel, Nicolaus is charged an annual commitment fee in an amount
equal to 1/2 of 1% of the average daily balance of the unused
portion of the amount available under the agreement.  Such fee is
payable quarterly.  During the year, Stifel, Nicolaus charged to
operations $23,000 for this fee.

At December 31, 1995, Stifel, Nicolaus had an advance outstanding
against the revolving subordinated note agreement of $50,000.
Interest on this advance is paid quarterly based upon the prime
rate (8.5% at December 31, 1995).  Future advances, if any, would
be charged interest based on the published "LIBOR" rate in effect
during the term the advance is outstanding.

Note D -- Commitments and Contingencies

In the normal course of business, Stifel, Nicolaus enters into
underwriting commitments.  Settlement of transactions relating to
such underwriting commitments which were open December 31, 1995,
had no material effect on the consolidated financial statements.

In connection with margin deposit requirements of The Options
Clearing Corporation (the "OCC"), Stifel, Nicolaus has on deposit
with OCC a standby letter of credit amounting to $1,000,000 and
has pledged cash and customer-owned securities valued at
$18,995,762.  At December 31, 1995, the amounts on deposit
satisfied the minimum margin deposit requirement of $17,568,161.

Pursuant to the provisions of Rule 15c3-3 of the Securities and
Exchange Commission, Stifel, Nicolaus is required to maintain a
Special Reserve Bank Account for the exclusive benefit of
customers ("15c3-3 Accounts").  Deposits to the 15c3-3 Accounts are 
required in the amount of the excess of total customer-related credits
over total customer-related debits, as defined.  Withdrawals from 
these 15c3-3 Accounts may be made to the extent of the excess of the
account balance over deposit requirements.  At December 31, 1995, no
deposit was required; however, Stifel, Nicolaus had cash and
qualified securities in the amount of $776,286 on deposit in its
15c3-3 Accounts.

The future minimum rental commitments at December 31, 1995, with
initial or remaining non-cancellable lease terms in excess of one
year for office space and equipment are as follows (see Note M):

                                                                  Operating Leases
                                                                      Minimum            Future
                                                     Lease         Payments Under    Minimum Rental
Year Ending December 31        Capital Leases     Commitments     Related Sublease     Commitment
- -----------------------        --------------     -----------     ----------------     ----------
1996                              $325,000        $ 4,383,000        $(431,000)       $ 3,952,000
1997                               303,000          2,653,000         (325,000)         2,328,000
1998                               238,000          1,690,000         (127,000)         1,563,000
1999                                     0          1,458,000          (66,000)         1,392,000
2000                                     0          1,328,000           (3,000)         1,325,000
Thereafter                               0          2,798,000                0          2,798,000
                                  --------        -----------        ---------        -----------
Minimum Commitments               $866,000        $14,310,000        $(952,000)       $13,358,000
  Less Interest                     92,000        ===========        =========        ===========
Net Present Value of Capital
  Lease Obligations               $774,000

Rental expense for the calendar years ended 1995 and 1994, the
five-month transition period ended December 31, 1993, and the
fiscal year ended July 30, 1993, amounted to approximately
$3,986,000, $4,596,000, $1,685,000, and $4,021,000, respectively.

Office equipment, under capital leases, with a recorded cost of
approximately $766,000, collateralizes the above capital lease
obligations and is included in the consolidated statements of
financial condition in the caption of "Office equipment and
leasehold improvements."

The Company purchased equipment for approximately $440,000 in the
first quarter of 1995.  During the fourth quarter of 1995,
management determined that certain of that equipment with a
carrying value of approximately $248,000, which was originally
intended for use in operations, was not immediately required and
therefore recorded a $195,000 charge to fourth quarter operations
to write the equipment down to net recoverable value based on
outside dealer quotes.

Depreciation expense for capitalized leases and owned furniture
and equipment for the calendar years 1995 and 1994, the five-
month transition period ended December 31, 1993, and the fiscal
year ended July 30, 1993, amounted to approximately $1,732,000,
$2,192,000, $795,000, and $1,808,000, respectively.

Note E -- Net Capital Requirements and Dividend Restrictions

Stifel, Nicolaus is subject to the Uniform Net Capital Rule of
the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "rule") which
requires the maintenance of minimum net capital, as defined.
Stifel, Nicolaus has elected to use the alternative method
permitted by the rule which requires maintenance of minimum net
capital equal to the greater of $250,000 or 2 percent of
aggregate debit balances arising from customer transactions, as
defined.  The rule also provides that equity capital may not be
withdrawn or cash dividends paid if resulting net capital would
be less than 5 percent of aggregate debits.

At December 31, 1995, Stifel, Nicolaus had net capital of
$20,111,930, which was 11.3 percent of aggregate debit balances
and $16,549,640 in excess of minimum required net capital.  At
December 31, 1995, the net assets of Stifel, Nicolaus were
$35,727,712, of which $24,571,507 was restricted as to the
payment of dividends.  In addition, there are restrictions in the
Parent's long-term note agreement on payment of dividends by the
Parent to its stockholders based on the amount of the Company's
cumulative consolidated net income, as defined.  At December 31,
1995, $1,864,000 was available for payment of future dividends
under such provisions.

Note F -- Employee Benefit Plans

The Company has a profit sharing plan and an employee stock
purchase plan (the "ESPP") covering qualified employees as
defined in the plans.  Contributions to the profit sharing plan
were based upon a company match of 50% of the employees' first
$500 in annual contributions for the calendar years 1995 and 1994
and the five-month transition period ended December 31, 1993.
Contributions prior to the transition period were discretionary.
Under the ESPP, the Company contributes 15% of the purchase price
of employee stock purchases of the Parent's stock.

The Company also has an employee stock ownership plan (the
"ESOP") covering qualified employees as defined in the plan.
Employer contributions are made to the ESOP as determined by the
Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors of the Parent on
behalf of all eligible employees based upon the relationship of
individual compensation (up to a maximum of $150,000) to total
compensation.  At December 31, 1995, the plan held and has
allocated 247,172 shares of Stifel Financial Corp. common stock
valued at $1,637,515.

The following approximate amounts were charged to operations for
the periods indicated:

                                                Five Months
                       Calendar Years Ended        Ended       Fiscal Year Ended
                         1995        1994    December 31, 1993    July 30, 1993

Employee Stock 
  Purchase Plan       $ 92,600    $112,500        $92,000           $ 94,000
Profit Sharing Plan    165,900     185,000         91,000            442,000
Employee Stock 
  Ownership Plan           - -         - -         91,000            442,000

Restricted stock awards were made to certain key employees during
fiscal years 1989, 1993, the five-month transition period, and
calendar years 1995 and 1994.  The shares are restricted as to
resale over a five-year service period for awards made in 1989
commencing in 1989, a three- to five-year service period for
awards made in 1993 commencing in 1993, a three- to five-year
service period for awards made in the transition period
commencing in the transition period, a three- to five-year
service period for awards made in 1994 commencing in 1994, and a
three-year service period for awards made in 1995 commencing in
1995.  The restrictions lapse with respect to 20 percent of such
shares in fiscal 1991 and 1992 and 30 percent of such shares in
fiscal 1993 and the five-month transition period for awards made
in 1989.  For all other awards, restrictions lapse ratably over
the three- and five-year service periods.

The deferred cost of the restricted stock awards is amortized on
a straight-line basis.  The Company charged to operations for the
calendar years 1995 and 1994, the five-month transition period,
and fiscal year 1993, approximately $86,000, $108,000, $30,000,
and $177,000, respectively.

Stifel, Nicolaus also has a deferred compensation plan available
to Investment Executives.  The amounts charged to operations
related to this plan were approximately $468,000, $539,000,
$202,000, and $429,000 for the calendar years 1995 and 1994, for
the five-month transition period, and for fiscal year 1993,

Note G -- Stock Option Plans

Under the Company's 1983 and 1985 Incentive Stock Option Plans,
the Company may grant options up to an aggregate of 450,000
shares to key employees.  Under the Company's 1987 non-qualified
stock option plan, the Company may grant options up to an
aggregate of 100,000 shares.  All options under these plans are
granted at market value and expire 10 years from the date of
grant.  The Company has also granted stock options to external
board members under a non-qualified plan.  These options were
granted at market value and are exercisable one year from date of
grant and expire 10 years from date of grant.  Activity, adjusted
for stock dividends distributed, under all plans for the calendar
years ended 1995 and 1994, the five-month transition period ended
December 31, 1993, and for the year ended July 30, 1993,

respectively, is set forth on the following table.  All amounts
and prices have been adjusted to reflect the 5 percent stock
dividends declared September 9, 1992, September 14, 1993, January
24, 1995, and January 23, 1996.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                   Shares Under    Option Price
                                                         Option           Range
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Outstanding at July 31, 1992 (263,188 exercisable)      401,127   $4.32 - 11.10
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Granted                                                   7,230    4.94 -  6.15
Exercised                                               (54,437)   4.32 -  7.25
Cancelled                                                (4,055)   4.94 - 11.10
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Outstanding at July 30, 1993 (316,613 exercisable)      349,865   $4.32 -  9.36
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Granted                                                  69,183    6.15 -  8.96
Exercised                                               (21,003)   4.83 -  5.96
Cancelled                                                (2,178)   4.32 -  4.94
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Outstanding at December 31, 1993 (315,977 exercisable)  395,867   $4.32 -  9.36
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Granted                                                  50,336    5.44 -  6.92
Exercised                                               (15,308)   4.83 -  7.25
Cancelled                                               (36,831)   4.32 -  6.46
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Outstanding at December 31, 1994 (285,119 exercisable)  394,064   $4.32 -  9.36
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Granted                                                  31,763    5.33 -  6.31
Exercised                                               (23,545)   4.83 -  5.66
Cancelled                                               (69,960)   4.32 -  8.95
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Outstanding at December 31, 1995 (250,200 exercisable)  332,322   $4.32 -  9.36
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

All option plans are administered by the Compensation Committee
of the Board of Directors of the Parent which has the authority
to interpret the Plans, determine to whom options may be granted
under the Plans, determine the terms of each option, and cancel,
with the consent of an optionee, any option previously granted to
such optionee and to grant a new option in place thereof.

Note H -- Legal Proceedings

The Company is a defendant in several lawsuits and arbitrations
which arose from its usual business activities.  Some of these
lawsuits and arbitrations claim substantial amounts, including
punitive damage claims.  While results of litigation and
arbitration cannot be predicted with certainty, management, based
on opinions of outside counsel, has provided for actions most
likely of adverse disposition and believes that the effects of
resolution of such litigation and arbitration beyond the amounts
provided will not have a material adverse effect on the Company's
consolidated financial position.  However, depending upon the
period of resolution, such effects could be material to the
financial results of an individual operating period.  It is

reasonably possible that certain of these lawsuits and
arbitrations could be resolved in the next year, and management
does not believe such resolutions will result in losses
materially in excess of the amounts previously provided.

During 1995, the SEC completed a formal investigation into
possible violations of the federal securities laws in connection
with certain municipal bond issues managed by the Company's
former Oklahoma City public finance department where the Company
was the managing or co-managing underwriter.  This investigation
resulted in the Company consenting to a final judgement of
permanent injunction whereby, among other things, the Company
paid approximately $1.1 million in disgorgement and prejudgement
interest, and $250,000 in fines.

Additionally, the Company is named in lawsuits filed by The
Oklahoma Turnpike Authority ("OTA") and The State of Oklahoma.
The OTA suit seeks $6.5 million in compensatory damages and an
unspecified amount of punitive damages.  The State of Oklahoma
seeks $7.6 million in compensatory damages and that these damages
be trebled.  The OTA suit alleges that an undisclosed fee paid to
the Company by a third party for the placement of a forward
purchase contract in an advance refunding escrow for the proceeds
of the 1992 OTA $660 million refinancing should have been paid to
the OTA.  The State of Oklahoma suit alleges that the Company and
two former executives of the Company committed violations of the
Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations ("RICO") Act.
This suit alleges essentially the same facts as are alleged in
the OTA suit and were alleged by the SEC in its action against
the Company which was settled in August 1995 by the Company
without admitting or denying the allegations.  Management does not
believe the ultimate resolution of these matters will have a materially
adverse effect on the Company's financial position.

Note I -- Financial Instruments With Off-Balance-Sheet Credit Risk

In the normal course of business, the Company's activities
involve the execution, settlement, and financing of various
securities transactions.  These activities may expose the Company
to off-balance-sheet risk in the event the customer or other
party is unable to fulfill its contracted obligations.

A portion of the Company's customer activity involves the sale of
securities not yet purchased ("short sales") and the writing of
option contracts through margin accounts.  Such transactions may
expose the Company to significant off-balance-sheet risk in the
event collateral is not sufficient to cover losses which
customers may incur upon significant market changes.

The Company receives cash representing at least the market value
of securities loaned.  In the event the other party to these
transactions is unable to return the securities loaned, the
Company may be exposed to the risk of replacing the securities at
prevailing market prices.

The Company pledges customer securities as collateral for bank
loans and to satisfy margin deposits of clearing organizations
(see Note B and Note D).  In the event such party is unable to
return customer securities pledged as collateral, the Company may
be exposed to the risk of acquiring the securities at prevailing
market prices.

The Company, as a part of its normal brokerage activities,
assumes short positions in its inventory.  The establishment of
short positions exposes the Company to off-balance-sheet risk in
the event prices increase, as the Company may be obligated to
cover such positions.  The Company does not engage in proprietary
trading of volatile securities such as short options and futures.
At December 31, 1995, 74 percent of the value of the Company's
short positions consisted of equity securities, and the remainder
consisted of debt securities.

The Company controls off-balance-sheet risk by monitoring the
market value and marking to market securities on a daily basis
and by requiring adjustments of collateral levels in accordance
with industry regulations and internal policies.  The Company
establishes credit limits for margin trading and monitors
compliance with the applicable limits on a daily basis.
Securities collateralizing customer accounts are held by the
Company or held by other depository institutions, principally the
Depository Trust Company.

Concentrations of Credit Risk

The Company maintains margin and cash security accounts for its
customers located throughout the United States.  The majority of
the Company's customer receivables are serviced by branch
locations in Missouri and Illinois.

As a securities broker and dealer, a substantial portion of the
Company's transactions are collateralized.  The Company's
exposure to credit risk associated with the nonperformance in
fulfilling contractual obligations pursuant to securities
transactions can be directly impacted by volatile trading markets
which may impair the customers' or counterparties' ability to
satisfy their obligations to the Company.  The Company controls
its exposure to credit risk by continually monitoring its
counterparties' position, and where deemed necessary, the Company
may require a deposit of additional collateral and/or a reduction
or diversification of positions.

The Company maintains its cash deposits in various financial
institutions, several of which include amounts in excess of that
insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.

Note J -- Long-Term Debt

The Parent has outstanding $10,000,000 aggregate principal amount
of its 11.25 percent Senior Convertible Notes due September 1, 1997, 
through September 1, 2000 in equal installments.  The notes are 
convertible into shares of the Company's $.15 par value common stock
at any time prior to maturity, unless previously redeemed, at a conversion
price of $7.41 per share.  Under certain conditions, the notes
are redeemable in whole or in part at the option of the Parent by
payment of the principal and the accrued interest on the notes to
be redeemed plus a premium of 4.1 percent.  The premium decreases
approximately one percentage point each September 1 from 1996
through 1999.  The Company is required to maintain consolidated
tangible net worth (as defined by the note agreement) at an
amount not less than $22,000,000 as long as any amount remains
unpaid.  (Also see Note E.)

The Parent has outstanding $760,000 in promissory notes issued
for the purchase of Todd Investment Advisors, Inc.  The principal
of the notes is due on January 2, 1996, with interest at 3.83%
per annum of the unpaid balance.  Interest charged to operations
for these notes was $29,108 and $58,216 for calendar years 1995
and 1994, respectively.

Note K -- Preferred Stock Purchase Rights

On June 30, 1987, the Company's Board of Directors declared a
distribution of one preferred stock purchase right for each share
of the Company's common stock.  Each right will entitle the
holder to buy 1/100 of a share of a Series A Junior Participating
Preferred Stock at an exercise price of $40 per right.  The
rights become exercisable on the tenth day after public
announcement that a person or group has acquired 20 percent or
more of the Company's common stock or upon commencement or
announcement of intent to make a tender offer for 30 percent or
more of the outstanding shares of common stock without prior
written consent of the Company.  The rights may be redeemed by
the Company prior to becoming exercisable by action of the Board
of Directors at a redemption price of $.05 per right.  If the
Company is acquired by any person after the rights become
exercisable, each right will entitle its holder to purchase stock
of the acquiring company having a market value of twice the
exercise price of each right.  The rights were issued to
shareholders of record at the close of business on July 14, 1987,
and expire in July 1997.

Note L -- Income Taxes

The Company's provision (benefit) for income taxes consists of:

                  Year             Year         Five Months          Year
                 Ended            Ended            Ended            Ended
              December 31,     December 31,     December 31,       July 30,
                  1995             1994             1993             1993
              ------------     ------------     ------------       --------
   Federal      $(59,000)     $(1,601,000)       $1,092,000        $3,448,000
   State         (14,000)      (  382,000)          260,000           775,000
                ---------     ------------       ----------        ----------
                $(73,000)     $(1,983,000)       $1,352,000        $4,223,000
   Federal      $594,000      $(1,401,000)       $ (167,000)       $  (22,000)
   State         142,000         (334,000)          (40,000)           31,000
                --------      ------------       -----------       ----------- 
                $736,000      $(1,735,000)       $ (207,000)       $    9,000
                --------      ------------       -----------       -----------
                $663,000      $(3,718,000)       $1,145,000        $4,232,000
                ========      ============       ===========       ===========

The provision (benefit) for income taxes differs from the amount
computed by applying the statutory federal income tax rate to
(loss) income before income taxes for the following reasons:

                                            Year            Year          Five Months          Year
                                            Ended           Ended            Ended            Ended
                                         December 31,    December 31,     December 31,       July 30,
                                            1995            1994             1993             1993
                                         ------------    ------------     ------------       --------
Federal tax computed at statutory rates    $444,000      $(3,135,000)      $1,040,000       $3,832,000
State income taxes, net of federal                                       
  income tax benefit                         84,000         (450,000)         145,000          532,000
Tax-exempt interest, net of related        
  interest expense                          (62,000)        (143,000)          (7,000)        (237,000)
Goodwill amortization                        80,000           80,000            3,000           11,000
Meals and entertainment                      96,000          107,000           12,000           38,000
SEC fine                                     85,000            - -              - -              - -
Increase in cash surrender value of
  life insurance                            (27,000)           9,000          (20,000)           7,000
Other, net                                  (37,000)        (186,000)         (28,000)          49,000
                                           --------      -----------       ----------       ----------
Provision (benefit) for income taxes       $663,000      $(3,718,000)      $1,145,000       $4,232,000
                                           ========      ===========       ==========       ==========

The net deferred tax asset consists of the following temporary differences:
                                                  December 31,   December 31,
                                                      1995           1994
                                                  ------------   ------------
          Deferred Tax Asset
Receivables from customers, principally due to
  allowance for doubtful accounts                 $  314,000     $  417,000
Office equipment and leasehold improvements,
  principally book over tax depreciation             777,000        784,000
Deferred compensation                                693,000        669,000
Deferred revenue                                     171,000        217,000
Investments, principally due to valuation
  allowance                                          155,000        242,000
Provision for litigation and settlements             644,000      1,017,000
Receivables from officers and employees, 
  principally due to allowance for 
  doubtful accounts                                1,169,000        997,000
Accrued expenses                                     485,000        681,000
Other                                                  8,000          9,000
                                                  ----------     ----------
    Deferred Tax Asset                             4,416,000      5,033,000
                                                  ----------     ----------
          Deferred Tax Liability 
Intangible assets, principally tax over book
  amortization                                      (220,000)      (215,000)
Investment fee revenue installment receivable       (294,000)      (180,000)
                                                  ----------     ---------- 
    Total Gross Deferred Tax Liability              (514,000)      (395,000)
                                                  ----------     ----------    
        Net Deferred Tax Asset                    $3,902,000     $4,638,000
                                                  ==========     ==========

The Company believes that a valuation allowance with respect to
the realization of the total gross deferred tax asset is not
necessary.  Based on the Company's historical earnings, future
expectations of taxable income, and the future reversals of gross
deferred tax liability, management believes it is more likely
than not that the Company will realize the gross deferred tax

For years prior to the adoption of SFAS No. 109, "Accounting for
Income Taxes," the components of deferred income taxes are as follows:

                                                    Year Ended
                                                  July 30, 1993
Accruals currently not deductible                   $ 259,000
Depreciation and amortization                         (55,000)
Deferred compensation                                (143,000)
Bad debts                                              58,000
Unrealized gains and losses                            35,000
Other, net                                           (145,000)
Deferred income taxes                               $   9,000

Note M -- Related Party Transactions

Three directors and one former director of the Parent are
associated with firms which provide legal and consulting services
to the Company.  Additionally, several employees of Stifel,
Nicolaus, through their individual ownership or interest in a
corporation or partnership, provide leasing services primarily
for branch office space.  The Company charged to operations in
the aggregate approximately $1,283,000, $1,369,000, $315,000, and
$386,000 for calendar years 1995 and 1994, the five-month
transition period ended December 31, 1993, and the fiscal year 1993, 
respectively, for these services.

A director of the Parent has a general partnership interest in an
enterprise in which the Company also holds general and limited
partnership interests carried at approximately $623,000 at
December 31, 1995, and $530,000 at December 31, 1994.

The Company has receivables aggregating $1,976,000 at December
31, 1995 and 1994, from two former employees who were also
directors and officers of the Company.  These receivables arose
from employment contracts which were to be earned or forgiven if
performance criteria defined in the contracts were met.  In 1994,
the employees terminated with the Company.  The Company filed
suits to recover the balance of the receivables.

Note N -- Transition Period and Comparable Prior Year

The Company changed its fiscal year from the last Friday in July to a 
calendar year-end.  Comparative results of operations are shown below:

                                          Calendar Year Ended              Transition       Five Months Ended
                                  December 31, 1994  December 31, 1993    Period Ended      December 31, 1992
                                                        (unaudited)     December 31, 1993      (unaudited)
Commissions                            $ 25,407,000    $ 28,396,000       $ 11,949,000        $ 10,008,000
Principal transactions                   22,567,000      23,232,000          9,313,000          11,282,000
Investment banking                       11,969,000      30,285,000         10,885,000          11,151,000
Interest                                 10,918,000       9,316,000          4,057,000           4,101,000
Sale of investment company shares         9,674,000      12,133,000          4,906,000           3,514,000
Sale of unit investment trusts            2,736,000       3,728,000          1,362,000             854,000
Sale of insurance products                2,207,000       2,382,000          1,263,000             496,000
Other revenues                            8,448,000       6,088,000          2,720,000           3,469,000
                                       ------------    ------------       ------------        ------------
  Total Revenues                         93,926,000     115,560,000         46,455,000          44,875,000
                                       ------------    ------------       ------------        ------------
Employee compensation and benefits       60,652,000      72,219,000         29,421,000          25,878,000
Commissions and floor brokerage           2,120,000       2,410,000            845,000             920,000
Communications and office supplies        8,045,000       7,181,000          3,090,000           2,745,000
Occupancy and equipment rental            9,397,000       7,798,000          3,333,000           3,183,000
Promotional                               2,868,000       3,068,000          1,231,000           1,088,000
Interest                                  6,138,000       4,798,000          1,763,000           2,312,000
Provision for litigation and bad debts    2,467,000         907,000            473,000           1,105,000
Restructuring charge                      2,672,000               0                  0                   0
Other expenses                            8,788,000       7,290,000          3,239,000           3,203,000
                                       ------------    ------------       ------------        ------------
  Total Expenses                        103,147,000     105,671,000         43,395,000          40,434,000
                                       ------------    ------------       ------------        ------------
  Pre-tax income (loss)                  (9,221,000)      9,889,000          3,060,000           4,441,000
  Income tax provision (benefit)         (3,718,000)      3,658,000          1,145,000           1,719,000
                                       ------------    ------------       ------------        ------------
    Net income (loss)                  $ (5,503,000)   $  6,231,000       $  1,915,000        $  2,722,000
                                       ============    ============       ============        ============

Note O -- Acquisition

On December 28, 1993, the Company purchased all of the
outstanding stock of Todd Investment Advisors, Inc. (Todd), an
investment advisory firm registered with the SEC under the
Investment Advisory Act of 1940, for $1,780,000 in cash and
$1,520,000 in promissory notes, payable in two installments.  The
transaction was accounted for as a purchase and resulted in the
recognition of goodwill of approximately $3,201,000, which is
being amortized on a straight-line basis over a fifteen-year

Unaudited pro forma financial data for the combined operations,
assuming the transaction had taken place at the beginning of the
periods presented, follows:

                             Period Ended         Fiscal Year Ended
                           December 31, 1993        July 30, 1993
                           -----------------      -----------------
Revenue                        $47,251,000          $115,379,000
Net income                       1,945,000             7,102,000
Primary earnings per share            0.43                  1.61

Note P -- Plan of Restructuring

During the fourth quarter of 1994, the Board of Directors of the
Parent approved a restructuring and downsizing plan for the
Company to be implemented beginning in December 1994, which
involved the closing or downsizing of 31 office locations and
termination of approximately 70 officers and employees.  The plan
was completed during 1995.  Following is a summary of activity in the 
accounts related to the restructuring accrual recorded at December 31, 1994:

                                                      Balance                     Recorded       Balance
                                                    December 31,    Payments/       Through     December 31,
                                                       1994          Charges       Operations      1995
Net lease commitments for closed offices             $1,400,000    $  440,153      $ 64,387        $895,460
Severance pay, extended benefits, and receivables
  written off for terminated employees                  695,000       627,270         1,215          66,515
Contractual commitments                                 191,000        61,000       130,000             - -
Abandonment of leasehold improvements                   206,000       197,271           - -           8,729
                                                     ----------    ----------      --------        --------
Total                                                $2,492,000    $1,325,694      $195,602        $970,704
                                                     ==========    ==========      ========        ========

The severance pay accrual as of December 31, 1994, disclosed in
the above table has been amended from amounts previously reported
to reflect the reclassification of a $180,000 reserve for bonus
notes, which has been reclassified to conform to the 1995
presentation.  The balances at December 31, 1995 and December 31,
1994 are included in the statement of financial condition under
the caption Accounts payable and accrued expenses.

During the year, the Parent Company's Board of Directors reversed
its decision regarding the payment of certain philanthropic
commitments which had been accrued in 1994 as part of the
restructuring charge and included in "Contractual commitments"
above.  As a result of this decision, $130,000 related to accrued
contractual commitments was reversed and credited to operations
in 1995.

Note Q -- Sale of Oklahoma-Based Assets

On May 25, 1995, the Company sold the majority of the assets of
its Oklahoma-based operations to Capital West Financial
Corporation ("Capital West").  Capital West is primarily owned by
former employees of the Company.  Included in the sale were the
majority of the assets related to the Company's retail offices in
Oklahoma, several retail offices in Texas, and the Oklahoma-based
public finance, institutional trading, and sales departments.
The Company received cash, secured and senior notes, and warrants
to purchase a minority interest in Capital West.  In addition,
Capital West assumed or subleased certain office and equipment
lease obligations of the Company.  The sale resulted in the
reduction of approximately 70 investment executives and
approximately 50 support staff located in 26 branch offices.

The Company received secured and senior notes with a face amount
of $1,850,000 bearing interest at a 10% annual rate with the
final payments due May 24, 2000, in connection with the sale of
its Oklahoma-based assets.  The notes were recorded at a
discounted rate of 17%.  The Company has deferred recognition of
the gain on the sale in the amount of $570,120 and has deferred
recognition of any interest income related to the notes until
such time that Capital West has demonstrated the ability to
generate earnings and cash flow to fund interest and principal
payments when scheduled.  The notes receivable net of the
discount of $335,617 and deferred gain of $570,120 are included
in the statement of financial condition under the caption
"Miscellaneous other assets" at December 31, 1995.

Pro forma financial information assuming the transaction had
taken place at the beginning of the year is presented below:

Unaudited Pro Forma Combined Results of Operations
                                   Year Ended 
                                December 31, 1995
Revenue                            $85,845,916
Net income                         $   770,252
Net income per primary share       $      0.17

The above pro forma results do not purport to be indicative of
results which actually would have occurred had the sale been made
on January 1, 1995.

Note R -- Subsequent Event

On January 23, 1996, the Company's Board of Directors approved a
5 percent stock dividend to be distributed and $.03 per share
cash dividend to be paid on February 20, 1996, to shareholders of
record on February 6, 1996.  All shares issued and earnings per
share amounts included in the consolidated financial statements
and notes thereto have been retroactively adjusted to give effect
to the 5 percent stock dividend.

Note S -- Recent Accounting Pronouncements

The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) has issued
Statements of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) 121,
"Accounting for the Impairment of Long-Lived Assets to Be
Disposed of," and SFAS 123, "Accounting for Stock-Based
Compensation," both effective in fiscal years beginning after
December 15, 1995.  Management does not believe adoption of these
standards will have a material impact on the Company's
consolidated financial statements.

(b) Supplementary Financial Information

Quarterly Results
Stifel Financial Corp. and Subsidiaries

Quarterly Operating Results (Unaudited)

                                                  (Loss)                        Primary      Fully Diluted
                                                Earnings          Net            (Loss)          (Loss)
                                                 Before          (Loss)         Earnings        Earnings
                                Revenue       Income Taxes       Income         Per Share       Per Share
- --------------------------- ------------------ --------------- ---------------- ---------------- -------
Year 1995 By Quarter
First                       $21,895,000        $ (318,000)     $ (183,000)       $ (.04)         $(.04)
Second                       25,748,000           593,000         348,000           .08            .08
Third                        23,055,000           482,000         162,000           .04            .04
Fourth                       24,662,000           550,000         317,000           .07            .07
- --------------------------- ------------------ --------------- ---------------- ---------------- -------
Year 1994 By Quarter
First                       $25,827,000          $289,000        $179,000        $  .04          $ .04
Second                       22,746,000        (1,224,000)       (731,000)         (.16)          (.16)
Third                        23,573,000          (681,000)       (420,000)         (.10)          (.10)
Fourth                       21,780,000        (7,605,000)     (4,531,000)        (1.05)         (1.05)
- --------------------------- ------------------ --------------- ---------------- ---------------- -------
Transition Period 1993
First Quarter               $28,916,000        $2,540,000      $1,603,000        $  .35          $ .30
November and December        17,539,000           520,000         312,000           .07            .07
- --------------------------- ------------------ --------------- ---------------- ---------------- -------

During 1995, the Company filed quarterly reports on Form 10-Q with the 
Securities and Exchange Commission and reported quarterly results to 
shareholders.  The 1995 annual audit resulted in the Company recording several
adjustments which affected the previously reported results of operations for 
each quarter.  The quarterly results as adjusted are reflected in the 
preceding table.  Following is a summary of the adjustments by quarter and 
their effect on previously reported net income and earnings per share data.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Year Ended 1995 -- Increase/(Decrease)                   First Quarter    Second Quarter   Third Quarter   Fourth Quarter
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net income as previously reported                         $  68,000         $292,000         $241,000        $264,000
   Accrued revenues                                             - -              - -              - -          88,000
   Employee compensation and benefits                       (58,000)          10,000           10,000         108,000
   Valuation of investments                                (100,000)             - -              - -          25,000
   Allowance for doubtful receivables                      (280,000)         100,000              - -             - -
   Write-down of fixed assets                                   - -              - -              - -        (195,000)
   Other                                                        - -              - -              - -          87,000
   Deferred tax provision                                       - -              - -          (97,000)            - -
   Tax effect of above                                      187,000          (54,000)           8,000         (60,000)
                                                          ----------        --------         ---------       ---------
Net (loss) income as reported above                       $(183,000)        $348,000         $162,000        $317,000
                                                          ==========        ========         =========       =========
- --------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ----------------- --------------- ----------
Primary earnings per share as previously reported         $    .02          $   .07          $   .06         $   .06
Effect of adjustments                                         (.06)             .01             (.02)            .01
                                                          --------          -------          -------         -------
Primary (loss) earnings per share as reported above       $   (.04)         $   .08          $   .04         $   .07
- --------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ----------------- --------------- ----------
Fully diluted earnings per share as previously reported   $    .02          $   .07          $   .06         $   .06
Effect of adjustments                                         (.06)             .01             (.02)            .01
                                                          --------          -------          -------         -------
Fully diluted (loss) earnings per share as reported above $   (.04)         $   .08          $   .04         $   .07
- --------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ----------------- --------------- ----------