1996 STOCK OPTION PLAN OF
                              SJNB FINANCIAL CORP.


The Plan was  adopted by the Board on March 27,  1996,  effective  as of May 22,
1996. The Plan replaces the SJNB Financial Corp. 1992 Employee Stock Option Plan
and the SJNB Financial Corp. 1992 Director Stock Option Plan.

The purpose of the Plan is to promote the  long-term  success of the Company and
the creation of shareholder  value by (a)  encouraging Key Employees to focus on
critical long-range objectives,  (b) encouraging the attraction and retention of
Key  Employees  with  exceptional  qualifications  and (c) linking Key Employees
directly to shareholder  interests through  increased stock ownership.  The Plan
seeks to achieve  this  purpose  with  grants of Options,  which may  constitute
incentive stock options or nonstatutory stock options.

The Plan shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the
State of California (except their choice-of-law provisions).


2.1  COMMITTEE COMPOSITION. The Plan shall be administered by the Committee. The
     Committee  shall  consist  exclusively  of two  or  more  directors  of the
     Company, who shall be appointed by the  Board. In addition, the composition
     of the Committee shall satisfy:

         (a)      Such  requirements  as the Securities and Exchange  Commission
                  may establish for  administrators  acting under plans intended
                  to qualify for exemption  under Rule 16b-3 (or its  successor)
                  under the Exchange Act; and

         (b)      Such   requirements  as  the  Internal   Revenue  Service  may
                  establish for outside directors acting under plans intended to
                  qualify for exemption under section 162(m)(4)(C) of the Code.

         The Board  may also  appoint  one or more  separate  committees  of the
         Board, each consisting of two or more directors of the Company who need
         not satisfy the foregoing requirements.  Such committees may administer
         the Plan with respect to Key  Employees  who are not subject to section
         16 of the Exchange Act or section 162(m) of the Code, may grant Options
         under the Plan to such Key  Employees  and may  determine  all terms of
         such Options.

2.2      COMMITTEE  RESPONSIBILITIES.  The  Committee  shall (a)  select the Key
         Employees who are to receive  Options under the Plan, (b) determine the
         type, number, vesting requirements and other features and conditions of
         such Options,  (c) interpret the Plan and (d) make all other  decisions
         relating to the  operation of the Plan.  The  Committee  may adopt such
         rules or guidelines as it deems  appropriate to implement the Plan. The
         Committee's determinations under the Plan shall be final and binding on
         all persons.


3.1      BASIC  LIMITATIONS.  The aggregate  number of Options awarded under the
         Plan shall not exceed 310,000,  subject to Section 3.2. No grants shall
         be made under the  Predecessor  Plan after May 22, 1996. The limitation
         of this Section 3.1 shall be subject to adjustment  pursuant to Article

3.2      ADDITIONAL  SHARES.  If an  Option  granted  under  this  Plan  or  the
         Predecessor Plan is forfeited or terminates for any other reason before
         being  exercised in full, then the Common Shares  corresponding  to the
         unexercised  portion of such  Option  shall  become  available  for new
         grants under this Plan.


4.1      GENERAL  RULESOnly Key Employees  shall be eligible for  designation as
         Optionees by the  Committee.  Key Employees  who are Outside  Directors
         shall only be eligible  for the grant of the NSOs  described in Section
         4.2 and for making an election described in Article 8.

4.2       OUTSIDE  DIRECTORS.  Any other provision of the Plan  notwithstanding,
          the participation of Outside  Directors  in the Plan  shall be subject
          to the following conditions:

         (a)      Outside Directors shall receive no Options except as described
                  in this Section 4.2 and Article 8.

         (b)      Each  Outside  Director who serves as a member of the Board on
                  June  1,  1996,  shall  receive  a  one-time  grant  of an NSO
                  covering  5,000 Common  Shares  (subject to  adjustment  under
                  Article 7). Such NSO shall be granted on June 1, 1996.

         (c)      Each  Outside  Director who serves as a member of the Board on
                  March 1 of any year after 1996 shall  receive an NSO  covering
                  5,000 Shares (subject to adjustment under Article 7).

         (d)      Each NSO granted to an Outside Director under this Section 4.2
                  shall  become  exercisable  in four  installments  at 12-month
                  intervals  over  the  48-month  period  following  the date of
                  grant.  The  first  installment  shall  consist  of 40% of the
                  Common  Shares  subject  to such  NSO,  and each of the  three
                  subsequent  installments  shall  consist  of 20% of the Common
                  Shares  subject  to such NSO.  All NSOs  granted to an Outside
                  Director  under this Section 4.2 shall become  exercisable  in
                  full in the event of:

                  (i)    The  termination  of such  Outside  Director's  service
                         because of death,  total and  permanent  disability  or
                         retirement at or after age 70; or

                  (ii)   A Change in Control with respect to the Company.

         (e)      The  Exercise  Price  under  all NSOs  granted  to an  Outside
                  Director  under this Section 4.2 shall be equal to 100% of the
                  Fair  Market  Value  of a Common  Share on the date of  grant,
                  payable in one of the forms  described in Sections  6.1,  6.2,
                  6.3 and 6.4.

         (f)      All NSOs granted to an Outside Director under this Section 4.2
                 shall terminate on the earliest of:

                  (i)      The 10th anniversary of the date of grant;

                  (ii)     The date three months after the  termination  of such
                           Outside  Director's service for any reason other than
                           death or total and permanent disability; or

                  (iii)    The date 12  months  after  the  termination  of such
                           Outside  Director's service because of death or total
                           and permanent disability.

4.3      INCENTIVE  STOCK OPTIONS.  A Key Employee who owns more than 10% of the
         total combined voting power of all classes of outstanding  stock of the
         Company or any of its Parents or Subsidiaries shall not be eligible for
         the  grant of an ISO  unless  the  requirements  set  forth in  section
         422(c)(6) of the Code are satisfied.


5.1      STOCK OPTION AGREEMENT. Each grant of an Option under the Plan shall be
         evidenced  by a Stock  Option  Agreement  between the  Optionee and the
         Company.  Such Option shall be subject to all  applicable  terms of the
         Plan and may be  subject to any other  terms that are not  inconsistent
         with the Plan.  The Stock Option  Agreement  shall specify  whether the
         Option is an ISO or an NSO. The  provisions of the various Stock Option
         Agreements  entered into under the Plan need not be identical.  Options
         may be granted in  consideration  of a cash payment or in consideration
         of a reduction in the  Optionee's  other  compensation.  A Stock Option
         Agreement may provide that new Options will be granted automatically to
         the Optionee  when he or she  exercises  the prior Options and pays the
         exercise price in the form described in Section 6.2.

5.2      NUMBER OF SHARES.  Each Stock Option Agreement shall specify the number
         of Common  Shares  subject  to the  Option  and shall  provide  for the
         adjustment of such number in accordance with Article 7. Options granted
         to any Optionee in a single  calendar year shall in no event cover more
         than 100,000  Common Shares,  subject to adjustment in accordance  with
         Article 7.

5.3      EXERCISE PRICE.  Each Stock Option Agreement shall specify the Exercise
         Price;  provided that the Exercise Price under an ISO shall in no event
         be less than  100% of the Fair  Market  Value of a Common  Share on the
         date of grant.  In the case of an NSO,  a Stock  Option  Agreement  may
         specify  an   Exercise   Price  that  varies  in   accordance   with  a
         predetermined formula while the NSO is outstanding.

5.4      EXERCISABILITY  AND TERM. Each Stock Option Agreement shall specify the
         date  when  all  or  any   installment  of  the  Option  is  to  become
         exercisable.  The Stock Option Agreement shall also specify the term of
         the Option;  provided  that the term of an ISO shall in no event exceed
         10 years from the date of grant.  A Stock Option  Agreement may provide
         for accelerated  exercisability  in the event of the Optionee's  death,
         disability or retirement or other events and may provide for expiration
         prior to the end of its term in the  event  of the  termination  of the
         Optionee's service.

5.5      EFFECT IF CHANGE IN CONTROL.  The Committee may determine,  at the time
         of granting an Option or  thereafter,  that such  Option  shall  become
         fully exercisable as to all Common Shares subject to such Option in the
         event that a Change in Control occurs with respect to the Company.

5.6      MODIFICATION  OR ASSUMPTION OF OPTIONS.  Within the  limitations of the
         Plan, the Committee may modify, extend or assume outstanding options or
         may accept the cancellation of outstanding  options (whether granted by
         the  Company  or by  another  issuer)  in  return  for the grant of new
         options for the same or a different number of shares and at the same or
         a  different   exercise  price.  The  foregoing   notwithstanding,   no
         modification  of an Option shall,  without the consent of the Optionee,
         alter or impair his or her rights or obligations under such Option.


6.1      GENERAL RULE.  The entire  Exercise  Price of Common Shares issued upon
         exercise  of  Options  shall be  payable  in cash at the time when such
         Common Shares are purchased, except as follows:

         (a)      In the case of an ISO granted  under the  Plan, payment  shall
                  be  made  only  pursuant  to  the  express  provisions of the 
                  applicable   Stock   Option   Agreement.   The Stock   Option 
                  Agreement  may specify that payment may be made in any form(s)
                  described in this Article 6.

         (b)      In the case of an NSO,  the  Committee  may at any time accept
                  payment in any form(s)  described in this  Article 6.

6.2      SURRENDER OF STOCK.  To the extent that this Section 6.2 is applicable,
         payment  for all or any part of the  Exercise  Price  may be made  with
         Common  Shares  which have  already been owned by the Optionee for more
         than six  months.  Such  Common  Shares  shall be valued at their  Fair
         Market Value on the date when the new Common Shares are purchased under
         the Plan.

6.3      EXERCISE/SALE  To the  extent  that  this  Section  6.3 is  applicable,
         payment  may be  made  by the  delivery  (on a form  prescribed  by the
         Company) of an irrevocable direction to a securities broker approved by
         the  Company to sell  Common  Shares and to deliver  all or part of the
         sales proceeds to the Company in payment of all or part of the Exercise
         Price and any withholding taxes.

6.4       EXERCISE/PLEDGE.  To the extent that this  Section 6.4 is  applicable,
          payment  may be  made by the  delivery  (on a form  prescribed  by the
          Company) of an  irrevocable  direction  to pledge  Common  Shares to a
          securities broker or lender approved by the Company, as security for a
          loan,  and to deliver all or part of the loan  proceeds to the Company
          in payment of all or part of the  Exercise  Price and any  withholding

6.5       PROMISSORY  NOTE. To the extent that this  Section 6.5  is applicable,
          payment may be made with a  full-recourse  promissory note.

6.6       OTHER  FORMS OF  PAYMENT.   To  the  extent  that this  Section 6.6 is
          applicable,  payment may be made in any other  form that is consistent
          with applicable laws, regulations and rules.


7.1       ADJUSTMENTS.  In the event of a subdivision of the outstanding  Common
          Shares,  a  declaration  of a  dividend  payable in Common  Shares,  a
          declaration  of a dividend  payable in a form other than Common Shares
          in an amount that has a material effect on the price of Common Shares,
          a combination or  consolidation  of the outstanding  Common Shares (by
          reclassification  or otherwise) into a lesser number of Common Shares,
          a recapitalization,  a spin-off or a similar occurrence, the Committee
          shall  make  such  adjustments  as it, in its sole  discretion,  deems
          appropriate in one or more of (a) the number of Options  available for
          future grants under Article 3, (b) the limitation set forth in Section
          5.2, (c) the number of NSOs to be granted to Outside  Directors  under
          Section  4.2,  (d)  the  number  of  Common  Shares  covered  by  each
          outstanding  Option or (e) the Exercise  Price under each  outstanding
          Option.  Except as provided in this Article 7, an Optionee  shall have
          no rights by reason of any issue by the  Company of stock of any class
          or securities  convertible into stock of any class, any subdivision or
          consolidation  of shares of stock of any  class,  the  payment  of any
          stock  dividend  or any other  increase  or  decrease in the number of
          shares of stock of any class.

7.2      REORGANIZATIONS.  In the event that the  Company is a party to a merger
         or other  reorganization,  outstanding  Options shall be subject to the
         agreement  of merger or  reorganization.  Such  agreement  may provide,
         without  limitation,  for the assumption of outstanding  Options by the
         surviving  corporation  or its parent,  for their  continuation  by the
         Company (if the Company is a surviving  corporation),  for  accelerated
         vesting and accelerated expiration, or for settlement in cash.


8.1      EFFECTIVE  DATE.  No provision of this Article 8 shall be effective 
         unless and until the Board has  determined to implement such provision.

8.2      ELECTIONS TO RECEIVE NSOs. An Outside Director may elect to receive his
         or her annual  retainer  payments  and meeting fees from the Company in
         the form of cash or NSOs,  or a combination  thereof,  as determined by
         the Board.  Such NSOs shall be issued under the Plan. An election under
         this Article 8 shall be filed with the Company on the prescribed form.

8.3      NUMBER AND TERMS OF NSOs.  The number of NSOs to be granted to Outside
         Directors  in  lieu  of  annual  retainers and  meeting fees that would
         otherwise be paid in cash shall be  calculated in a manner  determined
         by the Board.  The terms of such  NSOs shall  also be determined by the


9.1      RETENTION  RIGHTS.  Neither the Plan nor any Option  granted  under the
         Plan  shall be  deemed  to give any  individual  a right to  remain  an
         employee or  director of the  Company,  a Parent or a  Subsidiary.  The
         Company and its Parents and Subsidiaries reserve the right to terminate
         the service of any  employee  or director at any time,  with or without
         cause,  subject  to  applicable  laws,  the  Company's  certificate  of
         incorporation and by-laws and a written employment agreement (if any).

9.2      SHAREHOLDERS' RIGHTS. An Optionee shall have no dividend rights, voting
         rights or other  rights as a  shareholder  with  respect  to any Common
         Shares  covered by his or her Option  prior to the  issuance of a stock
         certificate  for such Common  Shares.  No adjustment  shall be made for
         cash  dividends  or other  rights for which the record date is prior to
         the date when such certificate is issued,  except as expressly provided
         in Article 7.

9.3      REGULATORY  REQUIREMENTS.  other provision of the Plan notwithstanding,
         the  obligation  of the Company to issue  Common  Shares under the Plan
         shall be subject to all applicable laws, rules and regulations and such
         approval  by  any  regulatory  body  as may be  required.  The  Company
         reserves  the right to restrict,  in whole or in part,  the delivery of
         Common Shares  pursuant to any Option prior to the  satisfaction of all
         legal  requirements  relating to the issuance of such Common Shares, to
         their  registration,  qualification  or listing or to an exemption from
         registration, qualification or listing.


10.1     BASIC RULE. Plan to the contrary notwithstanding, in the event that the
         independent   auditors  most  recently   selected  by  the  Board  (the
         "Auditors") determine that any payment or transfer by the Company under
         the Plan to or for the benefit of an Optionee  (a  "Payment")  would be
         nondeductible by the Company for federal income tax purposes because of
         the provisions  concerning "excess parachute  payments" in section 280G
         of the Code, then the aggregate  present value of all Payments shall be
         reduced (but not below zero) to the Reduced  Amount;  provided that the
         Committee, at the time of granting an Option or at any time thereafter,
         may  specify in writing  that such  Option  shall not be so reduced and
         shall not be subject to this  Article 10. For  purposes of this Article
         10, the "Reduced  Amount"  shall be the amount,  expressed as a present
         value,  which  maximizes  the  aggregate  present value of the Payments
         without causing any Payment to be  nondeductible by the Company because
         of section 280G of the Code.

10.2     REDUCTION OF PAYMENTS If the Auditors  determine that any Payment would
         be  nondeductible  by the Company  because of section 280G of the Code,
         then the Company shall promptly give the Optionee notice to that effect
         and a copy  of the  detailed  calculation  thereof  and of the  Reduced
         Amount, and the Optionee may then elect, in his or her sole discretion,
         which and how much of the Payments  shall be  eliminated or reduced (as
         long as after such election the aggregate present value of the Payments
         equals the Reduced  Amount) and shall  advise the Company in writing of
         his or her  election  within 10 days of receipt  of notice.  If no such
         election is made by the Optionee  within such 10-day  period,  then the
         Company  may  elect  which  and  how  much  of the  Payments  shall  be
         eliminated  or reduced (as long as after such  election  the  aggregate
         present  value of the  Payments  equals the  Reduced  Amount) and shall
         notify the  Optionee  promptly of such  election.  For purposes of this
         Article 10, the present value shall be  determined  in accordance  with
         section 280G(d)(4) of the Code. All determinations made by the Auditors
         under  this  Article  10 shall be  binding  upon  the  Company  and the
         Optionee  and  shall be made  within 60 days of the date when a Payment
         becomes payable or transferable.  As promptly as practicable  following
         such determination and the elections  hereunder,  the Company shall pay
         or transfer to or for the benefit of the  Optionee  such amounts as are
         then  due to him or her  under  the  Plan  and  shall  promptly  pay or
         transfer  to or for the  benefit of the  Optionee  in the  future  such
         amounts as become due to him or her under the Plan.

10.3     OVERPAYMENTS  AND UNDER  PAYMENTS.  As a result of  uncertainty  in the
         application  of  section  280G of the  Code at the  time of an  initial
         determination by the Auditors  hereunder,  it is possible that Payments
         will have been made by the Company  which should not have been made (an
         "Overpayment")  or that  additional  Payments  which will not have been
         made  by  the  Company  could  have  been  made  (an   "Underpayment"),
         consistent  in each case with the  calculation  of the  Reduced  Amount
         hereunder. In the event that the Auditors,  based upon the assertion of
         a deficiency by the Internal Revenue Service against the Company or the
         Optionee which the Auditors  believe has a high probability of success,
         determine that an Overpayment has been made, such Overpayment  shall be
         treated  for all  purposes  as a loan to the  Optionee  which he or she
         shall repay to the Company,  together with  interest at the  applicable
         federal  rate  provided in section  7872(f)(2)  of the Code;  provided,
         however, that no amount shall be payable by the Optionee to the Company
         if and to the  extent  that such  payment  would not  reduce the amount
         which is subject to taxation  under  section  4999 of the Code.  In the
         event that the Auditors  determine that an  Underpayment  has occurred,
         such Underpayment  shall promptly be paid or transferred by the Company
         to or for the benefit of the  Optionee,  together  with interest at the
         applicable federal rate provided in section 7872(f)(2) of the Code.

10.4     RELATED  CORPORATIONS.  For  purposes  of  this  Article  10, the term
         "Company" shall  include  affiliated  corporations  to  the  extent
         determined by the Auditors  in accordance  with  section 280G(d)(5) of 
         the Code.


11.1     GENERAL. To the extent required by applicable federal,  state, local or
         foreign  law,  an  Optionee  or  his  or  her   successor   shall  make
         arrangements  satisfactory  to the Company for the  satisfaction of any
         withholding tax obligations that arise in connection with the Plan. The
         Company  shall not be  required to issue any Common  Shares  until such
         obligations are satisfied.

11.2     SHARE WITHHOLDING.  The Committee may permit an Optionee to satisfy all
         or part of his or her  withholding or income tax  obligations by having
         the  Company  withhold  all or a  portion  of any  Common  Shares  that
         otherwise  would be  issued to him or her or by  surrendering  all or a
         portion of any Common Shares that he or she previously  acquired.  Such
         Common  Shares  shall be valued at their Fair Market  Value on the date
         when taxes otherwise would be withheld in cash. Any payment of taxes by
         assigning  Common Shares to the Company may be subject to restrictions,
         including  any  restrictions  required by rules of the  Securities  and
         Exchange Commission.


Except as provided in Article 11, an Option  granted under the Plan shall not be
anticipated,  assigned,  attached,  garnished,  optioned,  transferred  or  made
subject to any creditor's  process,  whether  voluntarily,  involuntarily  or by
operation of law. An Option may be exercised during the lifetime of the Optionee
only by him or her or by his or her guardian or legal representative. Any act in
violation of this Article 12 shall be void.  However,  this Article 12 shall not
preclude  an  Optionee  from  designating  a  beneficiary  who will  receive any
outstanding  Options in the event of the Optionee's death, nor shall it preclude
a transfer of Options by will or by the laws of descent and distribution.


13.1     TERM OF THE PLAN The Plan,  as set forth  herein,  was adopted on March
         27, 1996, subject to the approval of the Company's  shareholders at the
         1996 annual meeting.  The Plan shall become  effective on May 22, 1996.
         The Plan shall remain in effect until it is  terminated  under  Section
         13.2, except that no ISOs shall be granted after May 21, 2006.

13.2     AMENDMENT  OR  TERMINATION.  The  Board  may,  at any  time and for any
         reason,  amend or terminate  the Plan,  except that the  provisions  of
         Section 4.2 relating to the amount,  price and timing of Option  grants
         to Outside  Directors shall not be amended more often than permitted by
         Rule 16b-3 under the  Exchange  Act. An  amendment of the Plan shall be
         subject  to the  approval  of the  Company's  shareholders  only to the
         extent  required by applicable  laws,  regulations or rules. No Options
         shall be granted  under the Plan  after the  termination  thereof.  The
         termination of the Plan, or any amendment thereof, shall not affect any
         Option previously granted under the Plan.


14.1     "Board" means  the Company's  Board of  Directors, as  constituted from
         time to time.

14.2     "Change in Control" shall mean the occurrence of any of the following

         (a)      Approval  by the  shareholders  of the  Company of a merger or
                  consolidation  of the Company with or into  another  entity or
                  any other corporate reorganization, if either:

                  (A)     The Company is not the continuing or surviving entity;

                  (B)      More  than 50% of the  combined  voting  power of the
                           Company's  securities  outstanding  immediately after
                           such merger, consolidation or other reorganization is
                           owned by  persons  who were not  shareholders  of the
                           Company    immediately    prior   to   such   merger,
                           consolidation or other reorganization;

         (b)      A change in the composition of the Board, as a result of which
                  fewer than one-half of the  incumbent  directors are directors
                  who either:

                  (A)      Had been directors of the Company 24 months prior to 
                           such change; or

                  (B)      Were elected, or nominated for election, to the Board
                           with the affirmative  votes of at least a majority of
                           the directors  who had been  directors of the Company
                           24 months  prior to such change and who were still in
                           office at the time of the election or nomination; or

         (c)      Any "person" (as such term is used in sections 13(d) and 14(d)
                  of the Exchange Act) by the acquisition or aggregation of 
                  securities is or becomes the beneficial  owner,  directly or 
                  indirectly,  of securities of the Company  representing 25% or
                  more of the combined voting power of the Company's then  
                  outstanding securities  ordinarily (and apart from rights 
                  accruing under special  circumstances)  having the right to
                  vote at  elections  of directors (the "Base  Capital  Stock");
                  except that any change in the  relative beneficial  ownership
                  of the Company's  securities by any person resulting solely 
                  from a reduction in the aggregate number of outstanding shares
                  of Base  Capital  Stock, and any decrease  thereafter  in such
                  person's  ownership  of securities, shall be disregarded until
                  such person  increases  in any manner, directly or indirectly,
                  such person's beneficial ownership of any securities of the 

14.3     "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

14.4     "Committee" means a committee of the Board, as described in Article 2.

14.5     "Common Share" means one share of the common stock of the Company.

14.6     "Company" means SJNB Financial Corp., a California corporation.

14.7     "Exchange Act" means the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

14.8      "Exercise  Price"  means the amount for which one Common  Share may be
          purchased  upon exercise of an Option,  as specified in the applicable
          Stock Option Agreement.

14.9      "Fair Market Value" means the market price of Common Shares,determined
           by the Committee as follows:
         (a)      If the Common Shares are traded  over-the-counter  on the date
                  in question but are not classified as a national market issue,
                  then the Fair Market  Value shall be equal to the mean between
                  the last reported  representative  bid and asked prices quoted
                  by the Nasdaq system for such date;

         (b)      If the Common Shares are traded  over-the-counter  on the date
                  in question and are  classified  as a national  market  issue,
                  then  the  Fair  Market  Value  shall  be  equal  to the  last
                  transaction price quoted by the Nasdaq system for such date;

         (c)      If the Common  Shares are  traded on a stock  exchange  on the
                  date in question, then the Fair Market Value shall be equal to
                  the  closing  price  reported  by  the  applicable   composite
                  transactions report for such date; and

         (d)      If none of the foregoing  provisions is  applicable,  then the
                  Fair Market Value shall be determined by the Committee in good
                  faith on such basis as it deems appropriate.

         Whenever  possible,  the  determination  of Fair  Market  Value  by the
         Committee  shall be based on the prices reported in the Western Edition
         of The Wall Street Journal.  Such determination shall be conclusive and
         binding on all persons.

14.10    "ISO" means an incentive stock option described in section 422(b)of th
14.11    "Key Employee" means (a) a common-law employee of the Company, a Parent
         or a  Subsidiary  or (b) an  Outside  Director.  Service  as an Outside
         Director  shall be considered  employment for all purposes of the Plan,
         except as provided in Sections 4.2 and 4.3.

14.12    "NSO" means a stock option not described in sections 422 or 423 of the
14.13    "Option" means an ISO or NSO granted under the Plan and entitling the
          holder to purchase one Common Share.
14.14    "Optionee" means an individual or estate who holds an Option.

14.15    "Outside  Director" shall mean a member of the Board who is not a 
          common-law  employee of the Company, a Parent or a Subsidiary.

14.16    "Parent" means any corporation  (other than the Company) in an unbroken
         chain  of  corporations  ending  with  the  Company,  if  each  of  the
         corporations  other than the Company owns stock  possessing 50% or more
         of the total  combined  voting  power of all classes of stock in one of
         the other  corporations  in such chain. A corporation  that attains the
         status of a Parent on a date  after the  adoption  of the Plan shall be
         considered a Parent commencing as of such date.

14.17    "Plan" means this 1996 Stock Option Plan of SJNB Financial Corp., as
         amended from time to time.

14.18    "Predecessor  Plan" means the SJNB Financial  Corp. 1992 Employee Stock
          Option Plan and 1992 Director Stock Option Plan.

14.19    "Stock Option Agreement" means the agreement between the Company and an
         Optionee  which  contains  the  terms,   conditions  and   restrictions
         pertaining to his or her Option.

14.20    "Subsidiary"  means any  corporation  (other  than the  Company)  in an
         unbroken chain of corporations  beginning with the Company,  if each of
         the corporations  other than the last corporation in the unbroken chain
         owns stock possessing 50% or more of the total combined voting power of
         all classes of stock in one of the other  corporations in such chain. A
         corporation that attains the status of a Subsidiary on a date after the
         adoption of the Plan shall be considered a Subsidiary  commencing as of
         such date.


To record the adoption of the Plan by the Board, the Company has caused its duly
authorized officer to affix the corporate name and seal hereto.

SJNB Financial Corp.

S/J. Kenny
James R. Kenny
President &
Chief Executive Officer