Exhibit 3.5
                       HEALTHCARE USA INC.

          The undersigned,  for  the  purposes  of  restating the
Certificate of Incorporation  of  Healthcare USA Inc. (originally
incorporated  under  the  name  Great  Western  Hospital  Corp.),
originally filed with  the  Secretary  of  State  of the State of
Delaware on January 5, 1981, do execute this Restated Certificate
of Incorporation pursuant to Sections 245 of the Delaware General
Corporation Law of  the  State  of Delaware ("General Corporation
Law") and do hereby certify as follows:

          FIRST:      The name of  the  Corporation is HEALTHCARE

          SECOND:     Its  registered  office  in  the  State  of
Delaware is located at  306  South  State  Street  in the City of
Dover, County of Kent.   The  name  and address of its registered
agent is  United  States  Corporation  Company,  306  South State
Street, Dover, Delaware 19901.

          THIRD:      The  nature  of  the  business  or  objects
purposes to be transacted, promoted or carried on are:

          To engage  in  any  lawful  act  or  activity for which
corporations may be organized  under  the General Corporation Law
of Delaware.

          FOURTH:     The total number  of  shares of stock which
the Corporation  shall  have  authority  to  issue  is Twenty-six
Million (26,000,000), Twenty-five  Million  (25,000,000) of which
shall be shares of  Common  Stock  of  the  par value of One Cent
($0.01) each,  and  One  Million  (1,000,000)  of  which shall be
shares of Preferred Stock of the  par value of One Dollar ($1.00)

          The  designations,  powers,  preferences  and  relative
participating,  optional  or   other   special  rights,  and  the
qualifications,  limitations  or  restrictions  thereof,  of  the
shares of each class are as follows:

                         PREFERRED STOCK

          The Preferred Stock shall  be  of  the par value of One
Dollar ($1.00) per share and may  be  issued from time to time in
one or more  series,  each  of  such  series  to have such voting
powers, designations,  preferences,  and  relative participating,
optional  or  other  special   rights,  and  the  qualifications,
limitations or restrictions thereof, as are stated and expressed

herein or  in  a  resolution  or  resolutions,  providing for the
issuance of such series,  adopted  by  the  Board of Directors is
hereby expressly empowered,  subject  to  the  provisions of this
ARTICLE FOURTH, to  provide  for  the  issuance  of the Preferred
Stock from time to time  in  series  and  to fix by resolution or
resolutions providing for the issuance of such series:

          (a)   The number of  shares  to  constitute such series
and the designation thereof;

          (b)   The voting rights,  full  or  limited, if any, to
which holders of shares of  any  series  of Preferred Stock my be

          (c)   The dividend rate of  the  shares of such series,
and whether or not such dividends shall be cumulative;

          (d)   Whether or not the shares of such series shall be
redeemable and, if redeemable, the redemption price and the terms
and conditions thereof;

          (e)   The amount, if any, which  the shares of any such
series shall be entitled  to  receive, before any distribution or
payment shall be made  to  holders  of  the  Common Stock, in the
event of  any  liquidation,  dissolution  or  winding  up  of the
affairs of the  Corporation,  whether voluntary or involuntarily,
or of any proceedings  resulting  in  any distribution of all, or
substantially all, of its assets to its stockholders;

          (f)   Whether or not the shares of such series shall be
subject to the operation  of  retirement  or  sinking funds to be
applied to the purchase or redemption of such shares and, if such
funds are established, the  annual  amount  thereof and the terms
and provisions relative to the operation thereof;

          (g)   Whether or not the shares of such series shall be
convertible into, or exchangeable for,  shares of any other class
or classes of any other series of  the same or any other class of
stock of  the  Corporation  and,  if  convertible, the conversion
price or prices or rate  or  rates  of conversion or exchange and
terms of adjustments, if  any,  upon  such conditions as shall be
stated in said resolution or resolutions; and

          (h)   Such   other    designations,   preferences   and
relative, participating,  optional  or  other  special rights and
qualifications, limitations  or  restrictions  thereof  as it may
deem  advisable  and  shall  be  stated  in  said  resolution  or

                          COMMON STOCK

          The Common Stock shall  have  a  par  value of One Cent
($0.01) per share.  Upon  any liquidation, dissolution or winding
up of the Corporation, and after payment, if required, shall have
been made in full to the holders of any share of Preferred Stock

which may be issued and  outstanding,  pursuant to the terms upon
which such Preferred Stock was  issued, the holders of the Common
Stock shall be entitled to share  pro rata in the distribution of
any and all assets remaining  to  be paid or distributed, and the
holders of the Preferred  Stock  shall  not  be entitled to share
therein.  Subject to any rights of the Preferred Stock, dividends
may be paid upon the  Common  Stock,  as and when declared by the
Board of Directors, out of  any funds or assets legally available

          FIFTH:      In furtherance and not in limitation of the
powers conferred by statute, the  Board of Directors is expressly

          To  make,  alter   or   repeal   the   By-Laws  of  the

          To authorize and  cause  to  be  executed mortgages and
liens upon the real and personal property of the Corporation.

          To set apart out of any of the funds of the Corporation
available for dividends  a  reserve  or  reserves  for any proper
purpose and to abolish any such reserve in the manner in which it
was created.

          When and as authorized  by  the affirmative vote of the
holders of a majority of  the stock issued and outstanding having
voting power given at  a  Stockholders'  meeting, duly called for
that purpose, or when  authorized  by  the written consent of the
holders of a majority of the voting stock issued and outstanding,
to sell, lease or exchange all  of the property and assets of the
Corporation,  including   its   good   will   and  its  corporate
franchises,  upon  such  terms   and   conditions  and  for  such
consideration, which may be in  whole  or in part shares of stock
in, and/or securities of,  any other corporation or corporations,
as its Board of Directors  shall  deem expedient and for the best
interests of the Corporation.

          SIXTH:      Meetings  of   Stockholders   may  be  held
outside the State of Delaware,  if  the  By-Laws so provide.  The
books of the Corporation  may  be  kept (subject to any provision
contained in the statutes) outside  the State of Delaware at such
place or places as may  be  designated  from  time to time by the
Board of Directors or in the By-Laws of the Corporation.

          SEVENTH:    The  Corporation  reserves   the  right  to
amend, alter, change or  repeal  any  provision contained in this
Certificate of  Incorporation,  in  the  manner  now or hereafter
prescribed by statute, and all rights conferred upon Stockholders
herein are granted subject to this reservation.

          EIGHTH:     Whenever  a  compromise  or  arrangement is
proposed between this Corporation and  its creditors or any class
of them and/or between  this  Corporation and its Stockholders or
any class of them, any court of equitable jurisdiction within the

State of Delaware may,  on  the  application  in a summary way of
this Corporation or of any  creditor or Stockholder thereof or on
the application of any  receiver  or receivers appointed for this
Corporation under the provisions of Section 291 of Title 8 of the
Delaware Code or on the application of trustees in dissolution or
of any receiver or receivers appointed for this Corporation under
the provisions of Section  279  of  Title  8 of the Delaware Code
order a meeting of the creditors or class of creditors, and/or of
the Stockholders or class of Stockholders of this Corporation, as
the case may be, to be summoned  in such manner as the said court
directs.  If a  majority  in number representing three-fourths in
value of the  creditors  or  class  of  creditors,  and/or of the
Stockholders or class of Stockholders of this Corporation, as the
case may be, agree to  any  compromise  or arrangement and to any
reorganization of  this  Corporation  as  a  consequence  of such
compromise or arrangement, the said compromise or arrangement and
the said reorganization  shall,  if  sanctioned  by  the court to
which the said application has  been  made, be binding on all the
creditors or class or  creditors,  and/or  of the Stockholders or
class of Stockholders, of this  Corporation,  as the case may be,
and also on this Corporation.

          NINTH:      1.    In addition  to  whatever stockholder
vote may be required by  law,  the affirmative vote or consent of
the holders of fifty-one percent  (51%) of all shares (as defined
in subparagraph 2(c)  of  this  ARTICLE  NINTH)  of  stock of the
Corporation  [but  without  considering  as  outstanding  and not
counting the vote of  any  shares owned beneficially, directly or
indirectly, by any other entity  (as defined in subparagraph 2(a)
of  this  ARTICLE  NINTH)],  entitled  to  vote  in  elections of
directors, considered for the  purposes  of this ARTICLE NINTH as
one class, shall be  required  for  the adoption or authorization

          (A)   a   business    combination    (as   defined   in
subparagraphs 2(d)(i),  2(d)(ii)  and  2(d)(iii)  of this ARTICLE
NINTH) with such other entity if,  (i)  as of the record date for
the determination of Stockholders  entitled to notice thereof and
to vote thereon  or  consent  thereto,  or (ii) immediately prior
thereto, such other entity is;

          (B)   a   business    combination    (as   defined   in
subparagraph 2(d)(iv) of this ARTICLE NINTH) if (i) on the record
date for determination of stockholders entitled to notice thereof
and to vote thereon or consent thereto, or (ii) immediately prior
thereto, such other entity is:

the beneficial owner  (as  defined  in  subparagraph 2(b) of this
ARTICLE NINTH), directly  or  indirectly,  of twenty-five percent
(25%)  or  more  of  the  outstanding  shares  of  stock  of  the
Corporation entitled to vote in elections of directors considered
for the purpose of this ARTICLE NINTH as one class; provided that
such fifty-one  percent  (51%)  voting  requirement  shall not be
applicable if:
               (a)  The cash or fair market value of other
   consideration to be received per share by common

   Stockholders  of  the   Corporation  in  such  business
   combination is at  least  an  amount  equal to that sum
   which bears the same or greater percentage relationship
   to the market price  of  the Corporation's Common Stock
   immediately prior to the  announcement of such business
   combination as the  highest  per share price (including
   brokerage commissions, dealer manager and/or soliciting
   dealers' fees) which such  other entity has theretofore
   paid for any of the  shares of the Corporation's Common
   Stock already owned by it  bears to the market price of
   the Common Stock  of  the Corporation immediately prior
   to (i) the announcement  of  an  intention by the other
   entity to acquire  shares  of  the Corporation's Common
   Stock, or (ii) the  commencement  of acquisition of the
   Corporation's  Common  Stock   by  such  other  entity,
   whichever occurs first;
               (b)  The cash or fair market value of other
   consideration  to  be  received  per  share  by  Common
   Stockholders  of  the   Corporation  in  such  business
   combination (i) is not less  than the highest per share
   price (including brokerage  commissions, dealer manager
   and/or soliciting  dealers'  fees)  paid  by such other
   entity  in  acquiring  any   of  its  holdings  of  the
   Corporation's Common Stock, and  (ii)  is not less than
   the aggregate earnings per share of Common Stock of the
   Corporation  for  the   four  full  consecutive  fiscal
   quarters  immediately  preceding  the  record  date for
   solicitation of  votes  on  such  business combination,
   multiplied by the then  average price earnings multiple
   (if any) of such  other  entity  for the twenty trading
   days immediately prior to  said record date as reported
   in The Wall Street Journal, or if not so reported, then
   as would be  customarily  computed  and reported in the
   financial community;
               (c)  After such other entity has acquired a
   twenty-five percent (25%) or greater interest and prior
   to the consummation  of  such business combination, (i)
   such other entity shall have taken steps to ensure that
   the Corporation's Board  of  Directors  included at all
   times  representation  by  continuing  director(s)  (as
   defined in  subparagraph  2(e)  of  this ARTICLE NINTH)
   proportionate to the stockholdings of the Corporation's
   public common  Stockholders  not  affiliated  with such
   other entity (with a  continuing director to occupy any
   resulting fractional board  position); (ii) there shall
   have been no reduction in the rate of dividends payable
   on the Corporation's  Common  Stock  except as may have
   been  approved  by  the   unanimous  vote  of  all  the
   directors;  (iii)  such  other  entity  shall  not have
   acquired any newly issued  shares of stock, directly or
   indirectly,   from   the   Corporation   (except   upon
   conversion of  convertible  securities  acquired  by it
   prior to obtaining a twenty-five percent (25%) or

   greater interest or as  a  result  of  a pro rata stock
   dividend or stock  split);  and  (iv) such other entity
   shall not have  acquired  any  additional shares of the
   Corporation's outstanding Common Stock except as a part
   of the transaction which  results  in such other entity
   acquiring  its  twenty-five  percent  (25%)  or greater
               (d)  Such other  entity  shall not have (i)
   received the  benefit,  directly  or indirectly (except
   proportionately  as  a   stockholder),  of  any  loans,
   advances,  guarantees,   pledges   or  other  financial
   assistance or tax credits  provided by the Corporation,
   or (ii)  made  any  major  change  in the Corporation's
   business  or  equity   capital  structure  without  the
   unanimous approval of all the directors, in either case
   prior to the consummation of such business combination;
               (e)  A  proxy  statement  responsive to the
   requirements of  the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934
   shall  be  mailed   to   public   Stockholders  of  the
   Corporation for the  purpose  of soliciting Stockholder
   approval of such business combination and shall contain
   in the  forepart  thereof,  in  a  prominent place, any
   recommendations   as    to    the    advisability   (or
   inadvisability) of the  business  combination which the
   continuing directors, or  any  of  them,  may choose to
   state and, if  deemed  advisable  by  a majority of the
   continuing  directors,  an   opinion   of  a  reputable
   investment banking firm  as  to  the  fairness (or lack
   thereof) of the terms of such business combination from
   the point of view  of the remaining public Stockholders
   of the Corporation and the Corporation (such investment
   banking firm  to  be  selected  by  a  majority  of the
   continuing directors and  to  be  paid a reasonable fee
   for their services by  the  Corporation upon receipt of
   such opinion).

         The provisions of this ARTICLE NINTH shall also apply to
a business combination with  any  other  entity which at any time
has been the beneficial  owner,  directly  or indirectly, of more
than twenty-five percent (25%) of the outstanding shares of stock
of the corporation  entitled  to  vote  in elections of directors
considered for the purposes of  this  ARTICLE NINTH as one class,
notwithstanding the fact that  such  other entity has reduced its
stockholdings below twenty-five percent  (25%)  of  (i) as of the
record date for  the  determination  of  stockholders entitled to
notice of and to vote on or consent to the business combinations,
or (ii)  immediately  prior  to  such  business combination, such
other entity is an "affiliate"  of the Corporation (as defined in
subparagraph 2(a) of this ARTICLE NINTH).

         2.    As used in this ARTICLE NINTH:

               (a)   the term  "other  entity"  shall include any
corporation, person or  other  entity  and  any other entity with
which it or its  "affiliate"  or  "associate" (as defined in this
subparagraph   2(a))   has    any   agreement,   arrangement   or
understanding,  directly  or  indirectly,   for  the  purpose  of
acquiring,  holding,  voting  or   disposing   of  stock  of  the
Corporation, or which is  an  "affiliate" or "associate" as those
terms  are  defined  in  Rule  12b-2  of  the  General  Rules and
Regulations under  the  Securities  Exchange  Act  of  1934 as in
effect on December  30,  1980,  together  with the successors and
assigns of such persons  which  acquired, directly or indirectly,
shares of the Corporation's  Common  Stock  in any transaction or
series of transactions  not  involving  a  public offering of the
Corporation's stock within the  meaning  of the Securities Act of

               (b)   the other entity (as defined in subparagraph
2(a) of this ARTICLE NINTH) shall  be deemed to be the beneficial
owner of any shares of  stock  of the Corporation which the other
entity has the right  to  acquire  pursuant  to any agreement, or
upon exercise  of  conversion  rights,  warrants  or  options, or

               (c)   the outstanding shares of any class of stock
of the  Corporation  shall  include  shares  deemed owned through
application of clause (b) above  but  shall not include any other
shares which may be issuable  pursuant  to any agreement, or upon
exercise of conversion rights, warrants or options, or otherwise;

               (d)   the   term   "business   combination"  shall
                     (i)   any  merger  or  consolidation  of the
Corporation with or into any other entity;

                     (ii)  any sale or lease or exchange or other
disposition  (in  one   transaction   or   a  series  of  related
transactions) of all or  substantially  all  of the assets of the

                     (iii) any sale or lease or exchange or other
disposition  (in  one   transaction   or   a  series  of  related
transactions)  to  the  Corporation  or  any  subsidiary  of  the
Corporation of any assets (except assets having an aggregate fair
market value of  less  than  $1,000,000)  in  exchange for voting
securities (or securities  convertible  into  or exchangeable for
voting securities, or  options,  warrants  or  rights to purchase
voting securities or securities  convertible into or exchangeable
for voting securities) of  the  Corporation  or any subsidiary of
the Corporation; or

                     (iv)  any  reclassification  of  securities,
recapitalization or other transaction designed to decrease the

number of holders of the Corporation's voting securities;

               (e)   the term "continuing  director" shall mean a
person who  was  a  member  of  the  Board  of  Directors  of the
Corporation elected by the public  Stockholders prior to the time
that such other entity acquired in excess of ten percent (10%) of
the stock of the Corporation entitled  to vote in the election of
directors,  or  a  person  recommended  to  succeed  a continuing
director by a majority of continuing directors;

               (f)   for purposes of  subparagraphs 1(a) and 1(b)
of this ARTICLE  NINTH,  the  term  "fair  market  value or other
consideration shall be as determined  in  good faith by the Board
of Directors of the Corporation and concurred in by a majority of
continuing directors; and

               (g)   for the  purpose  of  subparagraphs 1(a) and
1(b) of this ARTICLE  NINTH  the  term "other consideration to be
received" shall include Common  Stock of the Corporation retained
by its existing public  stockholders  in  the event of a business
combination with such other  entity  in  which the Corporation is
the surviving corporation.

         3.    A majority of the  continuing directors shall have
the power and duty to determine  for the purposes of this ARTICLE
NINTH, on the basis  of  information  known  to them, whether (a)
such other entity beneficially  owns twenty-five percent (25%) or
more of  the  outstanding  shares  of  stock  of  the Corporation
entitled to vote in election  of  directors, (b) the other entity
(as defined in subparagraph  2(a)  of  this  ARTICLE NINTH) is an
"affiliate" or "associate"  (as  defined  in subparagraph 2(a) of
this ARTICLE NINTH) of another  entity,  (c) the other entity (as
defined in  subparagraph  2(a)  of  this  ARTICLE  NINTH)  has an
agreement, arrangement or  understanding  with another entity, or
(d)  the  assets  being  acquired  by  the  Corporation,  or  any
subsidiary thereof, have an  aggregate  fair market value of less
than $1,000,000.

         4.    Nothing contained in  this  ARTICLE NINTH shall be
construed to relieve the other entity (as defined in subparagraph
2(a) of this ARTICLE NINTH) from any fiduciary obligation imposed
by law.

         5.    Notwithstanding  any   other   provision   of  the
Certificate of Incorporation of this Corporation, no amendment to
the Certificate  of  Incorporation  of  this    corporation shall
amend, alter, change  or  repeal  any  of  the provisions of this
ARTICLE NINTH,  unless  the  amendment  effecting such amendment,
alteration, change or repeal  shall  receive the affirmative vote
or consent of  the  holders  of  fifty-one  percent  (51%) of all
outstanding shares  of  stock  of  the  Corporation  [but without
considering as outstanding and  not  counting  the vote of shares
owned beneficially, directly or  indirectly,  by any other entity
(as defined in subparagraph 2(a) of this ARTICLE NINTH)] entitled

to vote in election of  directors, considered for the purposes of
this paragraph of this ARTICLE  NINTH as one class; provided that
this paragraph of this ARTICLE NINTH shall not apply to, and such
fifty-one percent (51%)  vote  or  consent  shall not be required
for, any  amendment,  alteration,  change  or  repeal unanimously
recommended to the Stockholders by  the Board of Directors of the
Corporation if all of  such  directors  are  persons who would be
eligible to serve as "continuing directors" within the meaning of
subparagraph 2(e) of this ARTICLE NINTH.

         TENTH:      Special meetings of  the Stockholders may be
called by a majority of the members of the Board of Directors, or
by the persons who hold not less than thirty percent (30%) of the
outstanding shares of any class  of  stock of the Corporation and
entitled to vote on any proposal  to be submitted at said special

         ELEVENTH:   (a)   The  number   of   directors   of  the
Corporation shall  be  the  number  fixed  by,  or  in the manner
provided in,  the  By-Laws.    The  Board  of  Directors shall be
divided into three classes as  nearly  equal in number as may be,
with the term of office of one  class expiring each year.  At the
first annual  meeting  of  Stockholders,  directors  of the first
class shall be elected to hold  office for a term expiring at the
next succeeding annual  meeting,  directors  of  the second class
shall be elected to hold office for a term expiring at the second
succeeding annual meeting and directors  of the third class shall
be elected to  hold  office  for  a  term  expiring  at the third
succeeding  annual  meeting.      At   each   annual  meeting  of
Stockholders after the first meeting, successors to the directors
whose terms shall then expire shall be elected to hold office for
terms expiring at  the  third  succeeding  annual meeting, except
that any director elected  to  a directorship newly created since
the last annual meeting shall  hold  office  for the same term as
the other directors of the class  to which such director has been
assigned.  When the  number  of  directors  is changed, any newly
created directorships or any  decrease  in directorships shall be
so assigned among the classes by a majority of the directors then
in office, though less  than  a  quorum,  or  by a sole remaining
director, so as to make all  classes as nearly equal in number as
may be possible.   To  the  extent  of  any inequality within the
limits of the foregoing, the class  or classes caused to have the
greatest or greater number of directorships shall be the class or
classes then having the  last  date  or  the  later dates for the
expiration of its or  their  terms.   Any vacancy occurring among
the directors may be filled  by  a majority of the directors then
in office, though less  than  a  quorum,  or  by a sole remaining
director, and each director  elected  to  fill such vacancy shall
hold office for  the  unexpired  term  in  respect  of which such
vacancy occurred; (b) directors shall  be subject to removal only
for cause; and  (c)  directors  need  not  be  elected by written
ballot unless otherwise provided in the By-Laws.

         The affirmative vote  of  the  holders of the two-thirds
(2/3) of the outstanding shares of any class of stock of the

Corporation entitled to vote  in  the election of directors shall
be required to amend this ARTICLE ELEVENTH.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the  undersigned hereby certify that
this Restated Certificate  of  Incorporation  was duly adopted in
accordance with the  provisions  of  Sections  245 of the General
Corporation Law; hereby certify that this Restated Certificate of
Incorporation only restates and  integrates  and does not further
amend  the  provisions   of   the  Corporation's  Certificate  of
Incorporation as theretofore  amended  or  supplemented, and that
there  is  no  discrepancy   between  those  provisions  and  the
provisions of  this  Restated  certificate  of Incorporation; and
hereby execute and acknowledge the foregoing Restated Certificate
of Incorporation on this 10th day of July, 1985.

                             /s/ Harlan W. Loomas 
                           Harlan W. Loomas,
                           Chief Executive Officer


  /s/  Charles S. Fiedler  
Charles S. Fiedler,
Assistant Secretary

                    CERTIFICATE OF MERGER OF 

                      MHP ACQUISITION CORP.


                       HEALTHCARE USA INC.

         The undersigned corporation organized and existing under
and by virtue of  the  General  Corporation  Law  of the State of


         FIRST:      That the name of  the state of Incorporation
                     of each of  the  constituent corporations of
                     the merger is as follows:

        Name                 State of Incorporation

        HealthCare USA Inc.         Delaware

        MHP Acquisition Corp.       Delaware

        SECOND:    That a plan  and  agreement  of merger between
the parties to the merger  has been approved, adopted, certified,
executed and acknowledged by each of the constituent corporations
in accordance with the requirements  of subsection (c) of Section
251 of the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware.

        THIRD:     That the name of  the surviving corporation of
the merger is HealthCare USA Inc.

        FOURTH:    The Restated  Certificate  of Incorporation of
the surviving corporation, with  such  amendments as are effected
by the merger, shall be as follows:
                   FIRST:    The  name  of   the  corporation  is
        HealthCare USA Inc.
                   SECOND:   The address of the registered office
        of the corporation in the  State of Delaware is 410 South
        State Street, in the City of  Dover, County of Kent.  The
        name of the registered  agent  of the corporation at such
        address is Incorporating Services, Ltd.
                   THIRD:    The purpose of the corporation is to
        engage  in  any   lawful   act   or  activity  for  which
        corporations  may   be   organized   under   the  General
        Corporation Law of the State of Delaware.

                   FOURTH:   The total number  of shares of stock
        which the  corporation  is  authorized  to  issue  is one
        hundred thousand (100,000) shares of common stock, having
        a par value of one cent ($0.01) per share.
                   FIFTH:    The  business  and  affairs  of  the
        corporation shall be managed  by  the board of directors,
        and the directors need  not  be  elected by ballot unless
        required by the by laws of the Corporation.
                   SIXTH:    In furtherance and not in limitation
        of the powers  conferred  by  the  laws  of  the State of
        Delaware, the board of  directors is expressly authorized
        to adopt, amend or repeal the by-laws.
                   SEVENTH:  The corporation  reserves  the right
        to amend  and  repeal  any  provision  contained  in this
        Certificate of Incorporation in  the manner prescribed by
        the laws of the  State  of  Delaware.   All Rights herein
        conferred are granted subject to this reservation.

         FIFTH:      That  the  executed  plan  and  agreement of
merger is on  file  at  the  principal  place  of business of the
surviving corporation.   The  address  of  the principal place of
business of the surviving corporation is 701 South Parker Street,
Suite 6000, Orange, California 92660.

         SIXTH:      That a copy  of  the  plan  and agreement of
merger will be furnished by the surviving corporation, on request
and  without  cost   to   any   stockholder  of  any  constituent

         SEVENTH:    The effective time ("Effective Time") of the
merger shall be 12.01 A.M.  Eastern  Daylight Time, on October 1,

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being the President
and  Secretary  of   HealthCare   USA   Inc.,  have  caused  this
Certificate of Merger to be  executed this 30th day of September,

                                 HEALTHCARE USA INC.

                                 BY   /s/ Ernest Park    


By:  /s/  Charles S. Fiedler  

                        REGISTERED OFFICE
                            * * * * *

         HEALTHCARE  USA  INC.,   a   corporation  organized  and

existing under and by  virtue  of  the General Corporation Law of

the State of Delaware,


         The present registered agent of the corporation is

Incorporating Services. Ltd. and the present registered office of

the corporation is in the county of Kent.

         The Board of Directors of HEALTHCARE USA INC.

adopted the following resolution on the 1st day of October, 1986.

         Resolved, that the  registered  office of HEALTHCARE USA
         INC. in  the  state  of  Delaware  be  and  it hereby is
         changed to Corporation Trust Center, 1209 Orange Street,
         in the City of Wilmington, County of New Castle, and the
         authorization of the  present  registered  agent of this
         corporation be and the same is hereby withdrawn, and THE
         CORPORATION  TRUST  COMPANY,  shall  be  and  is  hereby
         constituted and appointed  the  registered agent of this
         corporation at the address of its registered office.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF:    HEALTHCARE  USA  INC.  has caused

this statement to be signed  by  Bruce Pollack, its President and

attested by Alan  Bloom,  its  Secretary  this  13th day of July,


                                  By:  /s/  Bruce Pollack   

                                     Bruce Pollack, President


By:  /s/  Alan Bloom   

   Alan Bloom, Secretary

                      CERTIFICATE OF MERGER
                   MAXICARE HEALTH PLANS, INC.
                          WITH AND INTO
                       HEALTHCARE USA INC.
                (Pursuant to Sections 252 and 303
                 of the General Corporation Law
                   of the State of Delaware.)

         The  undersigned  corporation,  organized  and  existing

under and by virtue of  the  General Corporation Law of the State

of Delaware,


         FIRST:      That the name and  state of incorporation of

each of the constituent corporations of the merger is as follows:

         Names                          States of Incorporation

         MAXICARE HEALTH PLANS, INC.    California

         HEALTHCARE USA INC.            Delaware

         SECOND:     An Agreement  and  Plan  of  Merger has been

approved, adopted, certified,  executed  and acknowledged by each

of  the   constituent   corporations   in   accordance  with  the

requirements of Sections 252  and  303 of the General Corporation

Law of the State of Delaware.

         THIRD:      Provision  for  the   merger  of  the  above

referenced corporations is contained in  an order date August 31,

1990 of  the  United  States  Bankruptcy  Court  for  the Central

District of California in In  re Family Health Services, Inc., et

al., Case Nos. SA 89-01549 JW, SA 89-01550 JW through SA 89-01594

JW, SA 89-02535 JW and SA 89-02536 JW.

         FOURTH:     The name  of  the  surviving  corporation is

Healthcare USA Inc.

         FIFTH:      Upon  the  merger  becoming  effective,  the

Restated Certificate of Incorporation of Healthcare USA Inc., the

surviving corporation, shall be  amended  in its entirety to read

as set forth in Exhibit A.

         SIXTH:      The executed Agreement and Plan of Merger is

on file at  the  principal  place  of  business  of the surviving

corporation.  The address of  the  principal place of business of

the surviving corporation  is  5250  West  Century Boulevard, Los

Angeles, California 90045.

         SEVENTH:    A copy of the executed Agreement and Plan of

Merger will be furnished by  the surviving corporation on request

and  without  cost   to   any   shareholder  of  any  constituent


                              HEALTHCARE USA INC.

                              By:  /s/ Robert S. Amador
                                 Robert S. Amador


By:   /s/ Alan D. Bloom
    Alan D. Bloom

               EXHIBIT A

                       HEALTHCARE USA INC.

         HealthCare  USA  Inc.,   a   corporation  organized  and
existing under the laws of the State of Delaware hereby certifies
as follows:

         1.    The name of the corporation is HealthCare USA Inc.
(the "Corporation").  The Corporation was originally incorporated
under  the  name  of  Greatwest  Hospitals,  Inc.    The original
Certificate of Incorporation  of  the  Corporation was filed with
the Secretary of State  of  the  State  of Delaware on January 5,

         2.    This   Restated   Certificate   of   Incorporation
restates and integrates and further  amends the provisions of the
Certificate of Incorporation of this Corporation by:
         Amending Article FIRST;
         Amending Article SECOND;
         Amending Article THIRD;
         Amending Article FOURTH;
         Deleting Article FIFTH and adding a new Article FIFTH;
         Deleting Article SIXTH and adding a new Article SIXTH;
         Deleting Article SEVENTH and adding a new Article
         Deleting Article EIGHTH and adding a new Article EIGHTH;
         Deleting Article NINTH and adding a new Article NINTH;
         Deleting Article TENTH and adding a new Article TENTH;
         Deleting Article ELEVENTH and adding a new Article

         3.    The   text   of   the   Restated   Certificate  of
Incorporation as heretofore amended or supplemented is hereby and
further amended and restated to read in its entirety as follows:

         FIRST:    Name.     The  name  of   the  Corporation  is

Maxicare Health Plans, Inc.

         SECOND:   Registered Office.        The  address  of the

Corporation's registered office in the  State of Delaware is 1209

Orange Street Corporation Trust Center in the City of Wilmington,

  County  of  New  Castle,  Delaware  19801.    The  name  of its

registered  agent  at  such  address  is  The  Corporation  Trust


         THIRD:    Purpose.    The  purpose of the Corporation is

to engage in any  lawful  act  or activity for which corporations

may be organized under the  General  Corporation Law of the State

of Delaware (the "GCL").

         FOURTH:   Capital Stock.

             A.    Authorized Capital Stock.     The total number

of shares of all classes  of  capital stock which the Corporation

shall  have  the   authority   to   issue   is  Eighteen  Million

(18,000,000) shares with a  par  value  of  $0.01 per share.  All

such shares are of one class  and are shares of Common Stock (the

"Common Stock").


             B.    Voting Rights.      Each  holder  of shares of

Common Stock shall be  entitled  to  one  vote in respect of each

share of such stock held by him or her of record.

             C.    Non-voting Capital Stock.     This Corporation

shall not authorize or issue any non-voting capital stock.

         FIFTH:    Board of Directors.


             A.    Number of Directors.   The number of directors

which shall constitute the board of directors of the Corporation

 (the "Board") shall be  fixed  in  accordance with the Bylaws of

the Corporation.

             B.    Classification of Board.

                   (i)       The  Board  shall  be  divided  into

three classes, Class I, Class II and Class III.  Each class shall

have as nearly equal in number of directors as possible, with the

term of office of the directors  of one class expiring each year;

provided however, that the directors initially serving to Class I

shall serve a term ending on  the date of the annual meeting next

following the  end  of  the  calendar  year  1991,  the directors

initially serving in Class II  shall  serve  a term ending on the

date of the second annual  meeting  next following the end of the

calendar year 1991, and the  directors initially serving in Class

III shall serve for a term ending on the date of the third annual

meeting next following the end of the calendar year 1991.  Except

as specified in  Section  C  of  this  Article FIFTH, below, each

director shall serve for a term  ending  on the date of the third

annual meeting following the annual meeting at which the class of

directors  of  which  such  director  is  a  member  was elected.

Election of directors need  not  be  by written ballot unless the

Bylaws of the Corporation shall otherwise provide.

                   (ii)      Upon any  change  in  the authorized

number of directors, the Board  shall apportion any newly created

directorships to, or reduce the number of directorships in, such

 class or classes  as  shall,  so  far  as possible, equalize the

number of directors in each  class.   If consistent with the rule

that the three classes of  directors  shall be as nearly equal in

number of directors as possible, the Board shall allocate any new

directorships to the available class  whose term of office is due

to expire at the earliest date following such allocation.

                   (iii)     Notwithstanding  any   provision  of

this Section B of this  Article  FIFTH, each director shall serve

for  a  term  continuing   until   the   annual  meeting  of  the

stockholders at which  the  term  of  the  class  to which he was

elected expires and until his  successor is elected and qualified

or until his earlier death, resignation or removal.

             C.    Vacancies on Board.    Any vacancies occurring

in the Board for any  reason, and any newly created directorships

resulting from any increase  in  the  number of directors, may be

filled by the Board, acting  by  a majority of the directors then

in office, although less  than  a  quorum or by the stockholders,

and any director  so  chosen  shall  hold  office  until the next

election of the class  for  which  such  director shall have been

chosen and until his successor shall be elected and qualified.

             D.    Removal of  Directors.      A  director may be

removed by the holders of a  majority of the shares then entitled

to vote at an election of  directors, but only for cause.  Except

as may otherwise be provided by law, such cause for removal shall

 exist only if the director has been (i) convicted of a felony by

a court  of  competent  jurisdiction  and  such  conviction is no

longer subject to  direct  appeal,  (ii)  adjudged  by a court of

competent jurisdiction  to  be  liable  for  gross  negligence or

misconduct in the performance of his duty to the Corporation in a

matter of substantial  importance  to  the  Corporation, and such

adjudication is no  longer  subject  to  direct  appeal, or (iii)

adjudged  by  a  court   of   competent  jurisdiction  to  be  an

incompetent, with the appointment of a guardian to administer the

director's affairs, and such adjudication is no longer subject to

direct appeal.

         SIXTH:    Amendment of Bylaws.    The Board is expressly

authorized  to  adopt,  amend   or   repeal  the  Bylaws  of  the


         SEVENTH:  Elimination of Certain Liability of Directors.

A director  of  this  Corporation  shall  not  be  liable to this

Corporation or its stockholders  for  monetary damages for breach

of fiduciary duty as a  director, to the fullest extent permitted

by Section 102(b) of the GCL as  it currently exists or as it may

hereafter be amended.  No amendment to, or modification or repeal

of, this Article SEVENTH shall apply to or have any effect on the

liability or alleged liability of any director of the Corporation

for or  with  respect  to  acts  or  omissions  of  such director

occurring prior to such amendment, modification or repeal.

         EIGHTH:   Indemnification   and   Insurance.         The

Corporation shall  indemnify  its  directors, officers, employees

and agents in  accordance  with  the  provisions  of this Article


             A.    Right to  Indemnification.     The Corporation

shall indemnify, to the fullest extent now or hereafter permitted

under the GCL, any person who was  or is a party or is threatened

to be  made  a  party  to  any  threatened,  pending or completed

action,   suit   or    proceeding,   whether   civil,   criminal,

administrative or investigative,  including  an action brought by

or in the right of the Corporation, by reason of the fact that on

or after March 16, 1989, he or she is or was a director, officer,

employee or agent of the Corporation (or was a director, officer,

employee or agent of  Maxicare  Health  Plans, Inc., a California

corporation  ("MHP"),  prior  to  the  merger  of  MHP  into  the

Corporation),  or  is  or  was  serving  at  the  request  of the

Corporation or MHP as a  director,  officer, employee or agent of

another corporation, partnership,  joint  venture, trust or other

enterprise.  Notwithstanding  anything  to the contrary contained

herein and except as  otherwise  provided by law, the Corporation

may, but shall have  no  obligation  to, indemnify any present or

former director, officer, employee or agent of the Corporation or

MHP in accordance with this  Article  EIGHTH for any action, suit

or preceding which arose or may arise out of or in connection

 with such individual's  acts  or  failure  to act which occurred

prior to March 15, 1989.

             B.    Authorization.    Except as otherwise provided

by law,  any  indemnification  under  Section  A  of this Article

EIGHTH    (unless  ordered  by  a  court)  shall  be  made by the

Corporation only  as  authorized  in  the  specific  case  and in

accordance with the provisions of Section 145 of the GCL.

             C.    Expenses.      Expenses  (including  attorneys

fees)  incurred by an  officer  or director in defending a civil,

criminal,  administrative  or   investigative   action,  suit  or

proceeding for which indemnification  may be provided pursuant to

Section A of this  Article  EIGHTH  above  shall, so long as such

officer or director is serving in  such capacity at the time such

action, suit or proceeding is brought, be paid by the Corporation

in advance of  the  final  disposition  of  such  action, suit or

proceeding upon receipt of an undertaking  by or on behalf of the

officer or director to repay  such  amount if it shall ultimately

be determined that he or she is not entitled to be indemnified by

the Corporation as authorized in this ARTICLE EIGHTH.

             D.    Nonexclusivity.      The  indemnification  and

advancement of expenses provided by, or granted pursuant to, this

Article EIGHTH shall not be  deemed exclusive of any other rights

to which those seeking indemnification or advancement of expenses

may be entitled under any agreement, vote of stockholders or

  disinterested  directors,  statute,  court  decision, insurance

policy or otherwise,  now  or  hereafter  in  effect,  both as to

action in  a  person's  official  capacity  and  as  to action in

another capacity while holding office, and shall continue as to a

person who has  ceased  to  be  a  director, officer, employee or

agent and shall inure to the  benefit of the heirs, executors and

administrators of such a person.

             E.    Insurance.  The  Corporation  may purchase and

maintain insurance on  behalf  of  any  person  who  is  or was a

director, officer, employee or agent of the Corporation, or is or

was serving at  the  request  of  the  Corporation as a director,

officer, employee or  agent  of another corporation, partnership,

joint venture, trust or  other  enterprise, against any liability

asserted against him or her and incurred in any such capacity, or

arising out of his  or  her  status  as  such, whether or not the

Corporation would have the power  to indemnify the person against

such liability under the provisions of this Article EIGHTH or the


             F.    Other  Agreements.      Without  limiting  the

generality of  the  foregoing,  the  Corporation  shall  have the

express authority to  enter  into  such  agreements  as the Board

deems appropriate for the  indemnification  of former, present or

future  directors,  officers,   employees   and   agents  of  the

Corporation in connection with  their  service  to or status with

the Corporation or any other corporation, entity or enterprise

with whom such person is  serving  at the express written request

of the Corporation.

         NINTH:    Compromise   Arrangements.         Whenever  a

compromise or arrangement  is  proposed  between this Corporation

and its  creditors  or  any  class  of  them  and/or between this

Corporation and its stockholders or  any class of them, any court

or equitable jurisdiction within  the  State  of Delaware may, on

the application in a summary  way  of  this Corporation or of any

creditor or stockholder  thereof  or  on  the  application of any

receiver or receivers  appointed  for  this Corporation under the

provisions of Section 291 of Title  8  of the Delaware Code or on

the application of trustees in  dissolution or of any receiver or

receivers appointed for this  Corporation under the provisions of

Section 279 of Title 8  of  the  Delaware Code order a meeting of

the creditors or class  of  creditors, and/or of the stockholders

or class of stockholders of this Corporation, as the case may be,

to be summoned in such a manner  as the said court directs.  If a

majority in number  representing  three-fourths  in  value of the

creditors or class of  creditors,  and/or  of the stockholders or

class of stockholders this Corporation, as the case may be, agree

to any compromise  or  arrangement  and  to any reorganization of

this  Corporation  as  a   consequence   of  such  compromise  or

arrangement, the  said  compromise  or  arrangement  and the said

reorganization shall, if sanctioned  by  the  court to which said

application has been made, be  binding on all of the stockholders

or class of stockholders of this Corporation, as the case may be,

and also on this Corporation.

         TENTH:    Amendments  of  Certificate  of Incorporation.

The Corporation reserves  the  right  to  amend, alter, change or

repeal any  provision  contained  in  this  Amended  and Restated

Certificate of  Incorporation,  in  the  manner  now or hereafter

prescribed by statute, and all rights conferred upon stockholders

herein are granted subject  to this reservation.  Notwithstanding

the foregoing or any other provision of this Restated Certificate

of  Incorporation  or   the   Bylaws   of   the  Corporation  and

notwithstanding the  fact  that  some  lesser  percentage  may be

specified by law, the provisions  set forth in this Article TENTH

and in Articles SEVENTH and  EIGHTH  hereof, may not be repealed,

rescinded, altered  or  amended  in  any  respect,  and  no other

provision or provisions  may  be  adopted  which impair(s) in any

respect the operation or effect  of any such provision, except by

the affirmative vote  of  the  holders  of  not  less than eighty

percent (80%) of the  voting  power  of all outstanding shares of

Voting Stock regardless of class  and voting together as a single

voting  class,  and,  where  such   actions  is  proposed  by  an

Interested Stockholder  (as  such  capitalized  terms are defined

below), the affirmative vote of the  holders of a majority of the

voting power of  all  then  outstanding  shares  of Voting Stock,

regardless of class and voting together as a single voting class,

other  than  shares  held  by  the  Interested  Stockholder which

proposed (or the Affiliate  or  Associate of which proposed) such

action, or any Affiliate or Associate of such Interested

  Stockholder;  provided,  however,  that  where  such  action is

approved by a majority of the Disinterested Directors (as defined

below), the affirmative vote of a majority of the voting power of

all outstanding shares of  Voting  Stock, regardless of class and

voting class, shall be required for approval of such action.

         ELEVENTH: Certain  Definitions.      As   used  in  this

Certificate of  Incorporation,  the  following  capitalized terms

shall have the following meanings:

             A.    "Affiliate"  or  "Associate"  shall  have  the

respective meanings ascribed to such  terms  in Rule 12b-2 of the

General Rules and Regulations  under  the Securities Exchange Act

of 1944, as in effect on January 1, 1990.

             B.    A person shall be  a "beneficial owner" of any

Voting Stock:

         (i)       which such person or  any of its Affiliates or

Associates beneficially owns, directly or indirectly; or

         (ii)      which such person or  any of its Affiliates or

Associates has (a) the  right  to  acquire (whether such right is

exercisable immediately  or  only  after  the  passage  of time),

pursuant to an  agreement,  arrangement  or understanding or upon

the exercise of conversion  rights,  exchange rights, warrants or

options, or otherwise; provided, however, that a person shall not

be deemed the beneficial owner of securities tendered pursuant to

a tender or exchange offer made by or on behalf of such person or

any of such person's Affiliates or Associates until such tendered

securities are accepted for  purchase;  or  (b) the right to vote

pursuant  to   any   agreement,   arrangement  or  understanding;

provided,  however,  that  a  person  shall  not  be  deemed  the

beneficial owner of any security if the agreement, arrangement or

understanding to vote  such  security  (aa)  arises solely from a

revocable proxy or consent solicitation  made pursuant to, and in

accordance with, the Securities Exchange  Act of 1944, as amended

(the "Exchange Act")  and  (bb)  is  not  also then reportable on

Schedule 13D under the Exchange Act (or a comparable or successor

report); or

         (iii)     which  is  beneficially   owned,  directly  or

indirectly, by any other person with  which such person or any of

its Affiliates or  Associates  has  any agreement, arrangement or

understanding  for  the  purpose  of  acquiring,  holding  voting

(except to the extent  permitted  by  the proviso of subsection B

(ii) of Article TENTH above) or disposing of any shares of Voting


             C.    A "Disinterested  Director"  is  any member of

the Board who is not an Interested Stockholder or an Affiliate or

Associate of any  Interested  Stockholder  and  either  (i) was a

member of  the  Board  immediately  prior  to  the  time that the

Interested Stockholder became an  Interested Stockholder, or (ii)

was elected or nominated to  succeed a Disinterested Director, or

to join the Board  of  Directors  by  a majority of Disinterested

Directors then on the Board.

             D.    "Interested Stockholder" shall mean any person

(other than the Corporation, any  corporation of which a majority

of  each  class  of   equity   security  is  owned,  directly  or

indirectly, by the Corporation  (a "subsidiary"), or any employee

benefit plan or employee  stock  plan  of  the Corporation or any

subsidiary,  or  any  person   or  entity  organized,  appointed,

established or holding Voting Stock  for or pursuant to the terms

of any such plan) who or which:

             (i)   is   the   beneficial   owner,   directly   or

         indirectly, or more than 10%  of the voting power of the

         outstanding Voting Stock; or

             (ii)  is an Affiliate of this Corporation and at any

         time within the two-year period immediately prior to the

         date in question was  the  beneficial owner, directly or

         indirectly, of 10% or  more  of  the voting power of the

         then outstanding Voting Stock; or

             (iii) is an assignee  of  or has otherwise succeeded

         to any shares of  Voting  Stock  which  were at any time

         within the two-year period immediately prior to the date

         in  question  beneficially   owned   by  any  Interested

         Stockholder,   if  such  assignment  or succession shall

         have occurred in the  course  of a transaction or series

         of transactions not  involving  a public offering within

         the meaning of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.

For the purposes of determining whether a person is an Interested

Stockholder, the number of shares of Voting Stock deemed to be

 outstanding shall include shares  of which such person is deemed

to be a beneficial owner, but  shall not include any other shares

of Voting Stock which may  be issuable pursuant to any agreement,

arrangement or  understanding,  or  upon  exercise  of conversion

rights, warrants or options, or otherwise.

         E.  A  "person"   shall   mean   any  individual,  firm,

corporation or other entity.


                   MAXICARE HEALTH PLANS, INC.
              STATE OF DELAWARE ON DECEMBER 5, 1990

         Maxicare Health Plans, Inc., a corporation organized and
existing under and by  virtue  of  the General Corporation Law of
the State of Delaware,


         1.    The name  of  the  corporation  is Maxicare Health
Plans, Inc.   The  corporation  was originally incorporated under
the name of Greatwest  Hospitals,  Inc.  The original Certificate
of Incorporation was filed  with  the  Secretary  of State of the
State of Delaware on January 5, 1981.

         2.    A Restated Certificate  of Incorporation was filed
with the Secretary of State of  Delaware on December 5, 1990, and
said Restated  Certificate  requires  correction  as permitted by
subsection (f) of Section 103  of  The General Corporation Law of
the State of Delaware.

         3.    The  inaccuracy   or   defect   of  said  Restated
Certificate to be corrected is as follows:

         The number "1991"  contained in the seventh,
         tenth and twelfth  lines of subsection B.(i)
         of Article Fifth of the Restated Certificate
         should  be  deleted  and  the  number "1990"
         should be inserted in lieu thereof.

         4.    As corrected, said Article Fifth shall read in its
entirety as follows:

         "FIFTH:       Board of Directors.

         A.     Number  of   Directors.      The  number  of
                directors which  shall  constitute the board
                of  directors   of   the   Corporation  (the
                "Board") shall be  fixed  in accordance with
                the Bylaws of the Corporation.

         B.     Classification of Board.

                       (i)  The Board shall  be divided into
                three classes, Class I, Class II and Class

III.  Each class  shall  have  as  nearly equal in number of
directors as  possible,  with  the  term  of  office  of the
directors of one class expiring each year; provided however,
that the directors initially serving  to Class I shall serve
a term  ending  on  the  date  of  the  annual  meeting next
following the end of  the  calendar year 1990, the directors
initially serving in Class II  shall  serve a term ending on
the date of the second annual meeting next following the end
of the  calendar  year  1990,  and  the  directors initially
serving in Class III shall  serve  for  a term ending on the
date of the third annual  meeting  next following the end of
the calendar year 1990.  Except as specified in Section C of
this Article FIFTH, below,  each  director shall serve for a
term  ending  on  the  date  of  the  third  annual  meeting
following the annual meeting at which the class of directors
of which such director is a member was elected.  Election of
directors need not be by written ballot unless the Bylaws of
the Corporation shall otherwise provide.

                       (ii)    Upon   any   change   in  the
                authorized number  of  directors,  the Board
                shall    apportion    any    newly   created
                directorships to,  or  reduce  the number of
                directorships in, such  class  or classes as
                shall,  so  far  as  possible,  equalize the
                number  of  directors  in  each  class.   If
                consistent  with  the  rule  that  the three
                classes  of  directors  shall  be  as nearly
                equal in  number  of  directors as possible,
                the   Board    shall    allocate   any   new
                directorships to  the  available class whose
                term of  office  is  due  to  expire  at the
                earliest date following such allocation.

                       (iii) Notwithstanding  any  provision
                of this  Section  B  of  this Article FIFTH,
                each  director  shall   serve   for  a  term
                continuing until the  annual  meeting of the
                stockholders at which the  term of the class
                to which he  was  elected  expires and until
                his successor  is  elected  and qualified or
                until  his  earlier  death,  resignation  or

         C.     Vacancies on Board.  Any vacancies occurring
                in the Board for  any  reason, and any newly
                created directorships resulting from any

increase in the number  of  directors,  may be filled by the
Board, acting by a majority of the directors then in office,
although less than a quorum  or by the stockholders, and any
director so chosen shall hold office until the next election
of the class for which  such director shall have been chosen
and until his successor shall be elected and qualified.

         D.     Removal of  Directors.    A  director may be
                removed by the holders  of a majority of the
                shares then entitled to  vote at an election
                of directors, but only for cause.  Except as
                may otherwise be provided by law, such cause
                for removal shall exist only if the director
                has been  (i)  convicted  of  a  felony by a
                court  of  competent  jurisdiction  and such
                conviction is  no  longer  subject to direct
                appeal,  (ii)   adjudged   by   a  court  of
                competent  jurisdiction  to  be  liable  for
                gross  negligence   or   misconduct  in  the
                performance of his  duty  to the Corporation
                in a manner of substantial importance to the
                Corporation,  and  such  adjudication  is no
                longer subject  to  direct  appeal, or (iii)
                adjudged   by    a    court   of   competent
                jurisdiction to be  an incompetent, with the
                appointment of a  guardian to administer the
                director's affairs, and such adjudication is
                no longer subject to direct appeal."

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Maxicare Health Plans, Inc. has
caused this Certificate to be  signed  on  its behalf by Peter J.
Ratican, its Chairman of the  Board of Directors, Chief Executive
Officer and President,  and  attested  to  by  Alan D. Bloom, its
Secretary, this 15th day of May, 1991.

                            MAXICARE HEALTH PLANS, INC.

                            By: /s/  Peter J. Ratican    
                               Peter J. Ratican, Chairman
                               of the Board of Directors,
                               Chief Executive Officer and


By: /s/  Alan D. Bloom   
   Alan D. Bloom

                   MAXICARE HEALTH PLANS, INC.
                             * * * *

         MAXICARE HEALTH PLANS, INC., a corporation organized and
existing under the laws of Delaware.


         FIRST:      That this  corporation  was  incorporated on
the 5th day of January, 1981, pursuant to the General Corporation
Law of the State of Delaware.

         SECOND:     That  this  corporation   owns  all  of  the
outstanding shares of the  stock  of HEALTHAMERICA CORPORATION, a
corporation  incorporated  on  the  1st  day  of  October,  1980,
pursuant to the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware. 

         THIRD:      That  this  corporation,  by  the  following
resolutions of its Board of Directors, adopted and filed with the
minutes of the Board on the 5th day of December, 1990, determined
to and did merge into itself said HEALTHAMERICA CORPORATION.

         RESOLVED, that MAXICARE HEALTH PLANS, INC. merge, and it
hereby does merge into itself said HEALTHAMERICA CORPORATION, and
assumes all of its obligations; and

         FURTHER RESOLVED, that the  merger shall be effective on
December 31, 1990 for accounting purposes only.

         FURTHER RESOLVED,    that  the  proper  officers of this
corporation be and they hereby are directed to make and execute a
Certificate of Ownership and Merger  setting  forth a copy of the
resolutions to merge  said  HEALTHAMERICA CORPORATION, and assume
its  liabilities  and  obligations,  and  the  date  of  adoption
thereof, and to cause the same  to be filed with the Secretary of
State and a certified copy recorded in the office of the Recorder
of Deeds of New  Castle  County  and  to  do  all acts and things
whatsoever, whether  within  or  without  the  State of Delaware,
which may  be  in  anywise  necessary  or  proper  to effect said

         FOURTH:     Anything herein or elsewhere to the contrary
notwithstanding, this merger  may  be  amended  or terminated and
abandoned by the  Board  of  Directors  of MAXICARE HEALTH PLANS,
INC. at any time prior to the  date of filing the merger with the
Secretary of State.

caused this Certificate to be signed by Peter Ratican, its

President and attested by Alan  Bloom its Secretary, this 4th day
of November, 1991.

                                    MAXICARE HEALTH PLANS, INC.

                                    BY   /s/  Peter Ratican    
                                       Peter Ratican, President


By   /s/  Alan Bloom    
   Alan Bloom, Secretary

                    CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT
                   MAXICARE HEALTH PLANS, INC.

         Maxicare Health Plans, Inc., a corporation organized and
existing under and by  virtue  of  the General Corporation Law of
the State of Delaware does hereby certify:

         1.    That at a  meeting  of  the  Board of Directors of
Maxicare Health  Plans,  Inc.,  resolutions  were adopted setting
forth  a  proposed  amendment  of  the  Restated  Certificate  of
Incorporation of said Corporation, declaring said amendment to be
advisable and  calling  a  meeting  of  the  stockholders of said
Corporation for consideration  thereof.    The resolution setting
forth  the  proposed  amendment  approved  the  amendment  of the
Restated  Certificate  of  Incorporation  of  the  Corporation by
changing  the  Article  thereof  numbered  "Fourth"  so  that, as
amended, said  Article  shall  be  and  read  in  its entirety as


         A.    Authorized  Capital  Stock.    The  Corporation is
               authorized to issue  two  classes  of shares to be
               designated  Common  Stock   and  Preferred  Stock,
               respectively.   The  Corporation  is authorized to
               issue 40,000,000 shares of Common Stock, par value
               $.01 and 5,000,000 shares  of Preferred Stock, par
               value $.01, which  shall  be  issued  from time to
               time in  series,  and  of  which  2,500,000 shares
               shall  be  designated   as   Series  A  Cumulative
               Convertible  Preferred   Stock   (the   "Series  A
               Stock").  The  rights, preferences, privileges and
               restrictions of  the  Series  A  Stock  and of the
               respective holders thereof  shall  be as set forth
               in this Article  Fourth.    Except with respect to
               the shares of  its  Preferred  Stock designated as
               Series A  Stock,  the  Board  of  Directors of the
               Corporation   (the   "Board   of   Directors")  is
               authorized  to  determine  and  alter  the rights,
               preferences, privileges  and  restrictions granted
               to and imposed upon  any series of Preferred Stock
               with respect  to  any  wholly  unissued  series of
               Preferred Stock, and to  fix  the number of shares
               of  any  series   of   Preferred   Stock  and  the
               designation of any series of Preferred Stock.  The
               Board  of   Directors,   within   the  limits  and
               restrictions stated in any resolution or

resolutions of  the  Board  of  Directors  originally  fixing the
number  of  shares  constituting  any  series,  may  increase  or
decrease (but not below the number  of shares of such series then
outstanding) the number of shares of any series subsequent to the
issuance of shares of that series.

         B.    Voting Rights.

               (1)   Common Shares.  Each  holder of Common Stock
               shall be entitled to  one  vote in respect of each
               share of such stock held by such holder of record.

               (2)   Series A Stock.   Except as may be otherwise
               provided in these terms  of  the Series A Stock or
               by law, the  Series  A  Stock  shall vote together
               with the Common Stock  as a single class (together
               with all other classes and  series of stock of the
               Corporation that are entitled  to vote as a single
               class  with  the  Common  Stock)  on  all  actions
               submitted  to  a  vote  for,  or  consent  by, the
               holders of  the  Common  Stock.    Each  holder of
               Series A Stock shall be entitled to such number of
               votes in respect of such  stock as shall equal the
               number of shares  of  Common  Stock into which the
               shares of Series A  Stock  held  by such holder of
               record are then convertible.

               (3)   Required Vote for Changes  to Series A Stock
               Rights.  So long as  any  shares of Series A Stock
               remain  outstanding,  the  Corporation  will  not,
               either directly or indirectly or through merger or
               consolidation with or  into any other corporation,
               without the affirmative vote  at a meeting, or the
               written consent with or  without a meeting, of the
               holders  of  at  least  sixty-six  and  two-thirds
               percent  (66-2/3%)  in  number  of  shares  of the
               Series A  Stock  then  outstanding,  (i) create or
               issue,  or  increase  the  authorized  number  of,
               shares of any class or  classes or series of stock
               ranking prior to the  Series  A Stock either as to
               dividends or upon  liquidation,  (ii) amend, alter
               or repeal any of the provisions of the Certificate
               of  Incorporation  of  the  Corporation (including
               this Article Fourth) so as to affect adversely the
               preferences,  special  rights  or  powers  of  the
               Series   A   Stock,   or   (iii)   authorize   any
               reclassification of the Series A Stock.

         C.    Dividends.

               (1)   Series A Stock  Preference.   The holders of
               the Series A Stock shall be entitled to receive,

when, as and if declared  by  the  Board of Directors, and out of
funds  of  the  Corporation  legally  available  therefor, annual
dividends of $2.25 per  share  (the  "Dividend Rate"), payable in
cash, in quarterly installments  commencing on the first Dividend
Date (as defined below) after the date of initial issuance of the
Series A Stock, but in no  event  earlier than June 30, 1992, and
continuing quarterly thereafter on  the  last  day of each March,
June September and December (each a "Dividend Date") on which any
shares of Series A Stock  are  outstanding.  Such dividends shall
be payable to holders of record  of Series A Stock as they appear
on the stock books of  the  Corporation  on such record date, not
more than sixty (60) days  nor  less than ten (10) days preceding
the Dividend Date, as shall  be  fixed  by the Board of Directors
therefor.  Such dividends on the Series A Stock shall accrue from
day to day,  whether  or  not  earned  or  declared, and shall be
cumulative from the date  of  initial  issuance  of the shares of
Series A  Stock  (the  "Original  Issue  Date")  so  that if such
dividends in respect of any previous quarterly dividend period at
said Dividend Rate shall not  have  been paid on, or declared and
set  apart  for  all  shares  of,  Series  A  Stock  at  the time
outstanding, the deficiency shall  be  fully paid on, or declared
and set apart for payment on,  each outstanding share of Series A
Stock before the Corporation  declares  or  pays any dividend on,
makes any distribution to holders of, or repurchases or otherwise
acquires for value shares of  Common  Stock or any other stock of
the Corporation ranking junior to  the Series A Stock.  Dividends
on Series A Stock payable  for  any partial dividend period shall
be calculated on the  basis  of  a  360-day year of twelve 30-day
months.  Accrued but unpaid dividends shall not bear interest.

               (2)   Partial Payment of  Series A Stock Dividend.
               If the Board of  Directors shall declare a payment
               of a dividend and the amount declared for dividend
               payment is insufficient  to  permit the payment of
               the full preferential amounts  required to be paid
               to the holders of Series  A Stock, then the entire
               amount  declared  for  dividend  payment  shall be
               distributed  ratably  among  the  holders  of  the
               Series A Stock.

         D.    Liquidation.

               (1)   Series A Stock  Preference.    The shares of
               Series A Stock shall rank prior to the shares of

Common Stock and  any  other  class  of  stock of the Corporation
ranking junior to the Series  A Stock upon liquidation, including
any other series of Preferred  Stock (such Common Stock and other
stock collectively referred to hereinafter as "Junior Liquidation
Stock"), so that upon any  liquidation, dissolution or winding up
of the Corporation, whether voluntary or involuntary, the holders
of the Series A Stock  then  outstanding shall first be entitled,
before any  distribution  or  payment  is  made  upon  any Junior
Liquidation  Stock,  to  be  paid   out  of  the  assets  of  the
Corporation  available  for  distribution  to  its  stockholders,
whether from capital,  surplus  or  earnings,  an amount equal to
$25.00 per share plus, in the case of each share, an amount equal
to all  accrued  but  unpaid  dividends  thereon  (whether or not
earned or declared) and  any  other dividends declared but unpaid
thereon, computed to  the  date  fixed  for distribution thereof.
Such amount payable with respect to  each share of Series A Stock
being  sometimes  referred  to  as  the  "Liquidation  Preference
Payment" and with respect to  all  shares of Series A Stock being
sometimes referred to  as  the "Liquidation Preference Payments."
If upon  such  liquidation,  dissolution  or  winding  up  of the
Corporation, whether voluntary or  involuntary,  the assets to be
distributed  among  the  holders  of  Series  A  Stock  shall  be
insufficient to permit payment in full to the holders of Series A
Stock of the  Liquidation  Preference  Payments,  then the entire
assets  of  the  Corporation  to  be  so  dis-tributed  shall  be
distributed ratably  among  the  holders  of  Series  A  Stock in
accordance with the respective amounts  that would be  payable on
such shares if all  amounts  payable  thereon  were paid in full.
Upon any  such  liquidation,  dissolution  or  winding  up of the
Corporation, immediately  after  the  holders  of  Series A Stock
shall have been paid in full the Liquidation Preference Payments,
the holders of Series A Stock will not be entitled to any further
participation in any  distribution  of  assets by the Corporation
and the remaining  net  assets  of  the Corporation available for
distribution to  its  stockholders  shall  be distributed ratably
among the holders of Junior Liquidation Stock.  Written notice of
such liquidation, dissolution  or  winding  up, stating a payment
date and the place where  said  payments  shall be made, shall be
given by  the  Corporation  by  facsimile,  personal  delivery or
overnight courier and confirmed  by  registered or certified mail
(return receipt requested), or by first class

mail (postage prepaid) not less than 20 days prior to the payment
date stated therein, to the holders  of record of Series A Stock,
such notice to  be  addressed  to  each  holder  at such holder's
address as shown by the records of the Corporation.

               (2)   Consolidation or  Merger.   A consolidation,
               merger  or  other   business  combination  of  the
               Corporation  into  or  with  any  other  entity or
               entities (whether or  not  the  Corporation is the
               surviving  entity),  a  sale,  transfer  or  other
               conveyance   by   the   Corporation   of   all  or
               substantially  all  of  its  assets,  or  a  sale,
               transfer   or   other   conveyance   of   all   or
               substantially all of  the outstanding Common Stock
               in   any   transaction   or   related   series  of
               transactions  shall  not   be   deemed   to  be  a
               liquidation,  dissolution  or  winding  up  of the
               Corporation within the  meaning  of the provisions
               of this Section D.

         E.    Optional  Redemption.    At   the  option  of  the
               Corporation, the  Corporation  may,  from  time to
               time  following  the   third  anniversary  of  the
               Original Issue Date,  redeem  from  each holder of
               shares of Series A Stock all or a pro rata portion
               of the  shares  of  Series  A  Stock  held by such
               holder pursuant to the following terms:

               (1)   Redemption Price and  Payment.  The Series A
               Stock to be redeemed  shall  be redeemed by paying
               in cash therefor  an  amount  equal  to $25.00 per
               share plus, in the  case  of each share, an amount
               equal to all accrued  but unpaid dividends thereon
               (whether or not earned  or declared) and any other
               dividends  declared   but   unpaid   thereon  (the
               "Optional Redemption Price"), computed to the date
               set  for  redemption   by   the  Corporation  (the
               "Optional Redemption Date").    Such payment shall
               be made in full on the Optional Redemption Date to
               the holders entitled thereto.

               (2)   Redemption While Dividends  Unpaid.  If full
               cumulative dividends on  the  Series  A Stock have
               not been  paid  through  the  most recent Dividend
               Date, the Series A  Stock  may  not be redeemed in
               part  and  the  Corporation  may  not  purchase or
               acquire any shares of the Series A Stock otherwise
               than pursuant to a purchase or exchange offer made
               on the same terms to  all  holders of the Series A

               (3)   Redemption Mechanics.

                     (a)   At least 20 but  not more than 30 days
               prior to  the  Optional  Redemption  Date, written
               notice (the "Optional Redemption Notice") shall be
               given by  the  Corporation  by facsimile, personal
               delivery or  overnight  courier  and  confirmed by
               registered  or  certified   mail  (return  receipt
               requested)  or  by   first   class  mail  (postage
               prepaid) to each holder of record (at the close of
               business on the  business  day  next preceding the
               day on  which  the  Optional  Redemption Notice is
               given) of Series A  Stock notifying such holder of
               the redemption and  specifying  the  amount of the
               Optional Redemption Price, the Optional Redemption
               Date,  the  place  where  the  Optional Redemption
               Price shall be payable and the number of shares of
               such holder's Series  A  Stock  to be redeemed, if
               any.   The  Optional  Redemption  Notice  shall be
               addressed to each holder  at such holder's address
               as shown by the records of the Corporation.

                     (b)   If an  Optional  Redemption Notice has
               been given pursuant to  this  Section E and if, on
               or before the Optional  Redemption Date, the funds
               necessary for the  redemption  shall have been set
               aside by the Corporation,  separate and apart from
               its other funds, in trust for the pro rata benefit
               of  the  holders  of  the  shares  so  called  for
               redemption,   then,   notwithstanding   that   any
               certificates  for  those   shares  have  not  been
               surrendered  for  cancellation,  on  the  Optional
               Redemption    Date,    unless    the   Corporation
               subsequently   shall   default   in   making,   be
               restrained  from  making  by   a  court  or  other
               governmental order or decree, or otherwise fail to
               make timely  payment  of  the  Optional Redemption
               Price on such shares  (in  which case this Section
               E(3)(b) shall be of no effect as to any shares not
               timely redeemed), dividends  shall cease to accrue
               on the shares of  Series  A  Stock to be redeemed,
               and from and after  the  close  of business on the
               Optional  Redemption  Date  the  holders  of those
               shares shall cease to be stockholders with respect
               to those  shares,  shall  have  no  interest in or
               claims against the  Corporation by virtue thereof,
               and shall  have  no  voting  or  other rights with
               respect to the shares, except the right to receive
               the Optional Redemption  Price upon surrender (and
               endorsement, if  required  by  the Corporation) of
               their  certificates,  and  such  shares  shall not
               thereafter be transferred on the books of the

Corporation or  be  deemed  to  be  outstanding  for  any purpose

                     (c)   If on or before an Optional Redemption
               Date (but no later  than  the close of business on
               the day prior to the Optional Redemption Date) the
               Corporation shall deposit,  in  a trust fund, with
               any bank or trust company organized under the laws
               of the  United  States  of  America  or  any state
               thereof having a  combined  capital and surplus of
               at least  $250,000,000  (the  "Optional Redemption
               Agent")  moneys  sufficient   to   redeem  on  the
               Optional Redemption Date  the  shares  of Series A
               Stock   to    be    redeemed,   with   irrevocable
               instructions and authority  to Optional Redemption
               Agent,  on  behalf  and  at  the  expense  of  the
               Corporation, to  pay,  on  the Optional Redemption
               Date or prior to that date, the full amount of the
               consideration   (consisting    of   the   Optional
               Redemption Price) payable  to  the  holders of the
               Series A Stock upon the redemption, upon surrender
               (and endorsement, if required by the Corporation )
               of their certificates,  then,  from  and after the
               close of  business  on  the  date  of such deposit
               (although prior to  the  Optional Redemption Date)
               (the "Deposit Date"), unless the Corporation shall
               subsequently default in making, be restrained from
               making by a court  or  other governmental order or
               decree, or otherwise fail to make, or the Optional
               Redemption Agent is  restrained in connection with
               legal proceedings in  which  the  Corporation is a
               party from making, timely  payment of the Optional
               Redemption Price  on  such  shares  (in which case
               this Section E(3)(c) shall  be  of no effect as to
               any shares not timely redeemed), the deposit shall
               be deemed to constitute full and final payment for
               the shares of Series A Stock to be redeemed to the
               holders  thereof  and,  notwithstanding  that  any
               certificates  for  those   share   have  not  been
               surrendered  for  cancellation,  on  the  Optional
               Redemption Date dividends shall cease to accrue on
               the shares of Series  A  Stock to be redeemed, and
               at the close of  business  on the Deposit Date the
               holders  of  those   shares   shall  cease  to  be
               stockholders  with  respect  to  those  shares and
               shall have no  interest  in  or claims against the
               Corporation by virtue  thereof  and  shall have no
               voting or other rights with respect to the shares,
               except  the   right   to   receive   the  Optional
               Redemption Price,  without  interest thereon, upon
               surrender (and  endorsement,  if  required  by the
               Corporation) of their certificates, and the shares
               evidenced  thereby  shall   no  longer  be  deemed
               outstanding for any purpose.

               (4)   Election to Convert  in  Lieu of Redemption.
               Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  if  an  Optional
               Redemption Notice shall  have  been given pursuant
               to this Section  E  and  any  holder  of shares of
               Series  A  Stock  shall,  prior  to  the  close of
               business  on  the  fifth  (5th)  day  prior  to an
               Optional Redemption Date,  give  written notice to
               the Corporation of  and  otherwise comply with the
               procedure required pursuant to Section G below for
               the conversion of any or all of the shares held by
               the holder, then  the  redemption shall not become
               effective as to the shares to be converted and the
               conversion shall become  effective  as provided in
               Section G below;  provided,  however,  that if the
               Corporation shall default in making, be restrained
               from making by a court or other governmental order
               or decree,  or  otherwise  fail  to  make,  or the
               Optional Redemption Agent,  if  any, is restrained
               in connection with legal  proceedings in which the
               Corporation is a party from making, timely payment
               of the Optional  Redemption  Price,  any notice of
               conversion  that  was  given  to  the  Corporation
               subsequent to the date of such Optional Redemption
               Notice may, at the  option  of the holder who gave
               such conversion notice,  be  revoked  and be of no
               effect and the  Corporation  shall  return to such
               holder  all  certificates  representing  shares of
               Series  A  Stock  which  were  converted  by  such
               holder's  revoked   conversion   notice  upon  the
               holder's surrender  of  all  certificates, if any,
               representing Common Stock issued to such holder as
               a result of the conversion.

               (5)   Reversion of Redemption  Funds.   Subject to
               applicable escheat laws,  any moneys necessary for
               redemption  set   aside   or   deposited   by  the
               Corporation and unclaimed at  the end of two years
               from the Optional Redemption  Date shall revert to
               the general funds of  the Corporation, after which
               reversion the holders of such shares so called for
               redemption but not  surrendered shall look only to
               the general funds  of  the Corporation for payment
               of the amounts payable  upon such redemption.  Any
               interest  accrued  on   funds   so  set  aside  or
               deposited  shall  belong  to  the  Corporation and
               shall be paid to it from  time to time.  Any funds
               which have been  deposited  by the Corporation, or
               on  its  behalf,   with   a  redemption  agent  or
               segregated and held  in  trust  by the Corporation
               for the redemption of shares converted into Common
               Stock on  or  prior  to  the  date  fixed for such
               redemption shall (subject to any right of the

holder of such shares to  receive the dividend payable thereon as
provided in Section G(3)  below) immediately upon such conversion
be returned to the Corporation, or  if  then held in trust by the
Corporation, shall be discharged from such trust.

         F.    Redemption by the Holder.

               (1)   Share Acquisition  or  Business Combination.
               In the event that (i)  any "person" (as defined in
               Section 13(d) of  the  Securities  Exchange Act of
               1934, as amended (the  "Exchange Act") becomes the
               "beneficial owner" (as defined in Rule 13d-3 under
               the Exchange Act) of  all  or substantially all of
               the Common Stock (a  "Share Acquisition"), or (ii)
               the Corporation is a party  to  the sale of all or
               substantially all  of  its  assets  (a "Sale"), or
               (iii) the Corporation is a party to a combination,
               merger or consolidation  in  which  the holders of
               the  Corporation's  outstanding   Series  A  Stock
               immediately  prior  to   the  transaction  do  not
               immediately thereafter (x)  if  the Corporation is
               the  surviving  entity,   continue  to  hold  such
               shares,  without  material  change  in  the rights
               preferences or priorities accorded thereto, or (y)
               if the Corporation  is  not  the surviving entity,
               receive  in  exchange  for  such  shares preferred
               stock in  the  surviving  entity  of substantially
               equivalent rights,  preferences  and priorities (a
               "Business  Combination"),  then   each  holder  of
               Series A  Stock,  subject  to  the  conditions set
               forth in this Section F,  shall have the option to
               require  the  Corporation  to  redeem  all  of the
               shares of Series A Stock  owned by such holder for
               an amount equal to $25.00  per share, plus, in the
               case of each share, an amount equal to all accrued
               but  unpaid  dividends  thereon  (whether  or  not
               earned  or  declared)  and  any  other  dividends,
               declared but unpaid thereon,  computed to the date
               fixed for redemption  (such  amount is hereinafter
               referred to  as  the  "Holder  Redemption Price").
               For the purposes  of  this  Section  F, any of the
               events described in clauses (i), (ii) and (iii) of
               this Subsection F(1) is a "Change of Control".

               (2)   Holder Redemption Mechanics.

                     (a)   Within five days after the Corporation
               has knowledge that Share Acquisition has occurred,
               or no later than  50  days  prior to the effective
               date  of  a  Sale   or  Business  Combination,  as
               applicable, the  Corporation  shall  send  to each
               holder of Series A Stock (at such holder's address
               as shown by the records of the Corporation) a form

of written demand  to  be  used  by  such  holder to exercise the
holder's right of redemption (a "Demand Form") and a notice which
shall (i) disclose the  occurrence  of  the Change of Control and
the right of the holder to require the Corporation to redeem all,
but not less than all, of  the  holder's shares of Series A Stock
pursuant to this  Subsection  F(2)  if  the  holders  of at least
seventy-five percent  (75%)  of  the  then  outstanding shares of
Series A Stock shall so demand, and (ii) state (A) the date fixed
for redemption (the "Holder Redemption  Date"), the amount of the
Holder Redemption Prices and the  name  and address of any entity
authorized by the  Corporation  to  pay  any amounts payable upon
redemption (the "Paying Agent"), (B)  that  no shares of Series A
Stock will be redeemed  unless  the  holders of at least seventy-
five percent (75%) of the  then  outstanding Series A Stock elect
to have their shares redeemed,  (C)  that  the shares of Series A
Stock to be redeemed must be  surrendered to the Paying Agent, if
any, or  to  the  Corporation  to  receive  the Holder Redemption
Price, and (D)  the  date  by  which  the  holder must notify the
Corporation if such holder  elects  to require the Corporation to
make the redemption (the "Demand Form Due Date") which date shall
be no later than the  close  of  business  on the date that is 30
days from the date the notice  of  the Change of Control and form
Demand Form is given  to  holders  of  Series A Stock pursuant to
this Subsection  F(2).    For  the  purposes  hereof,  the Holder
Redemption Date shall be a  date  which  is no later than 55 days
after the Corporation has knowledge  that a Share Acquisition has
occurred, or the day immediately prior to the effective date of a
Sale or Business Combination, as applicable.

                     (b)   By the close  of  business  on the day
               prior  to   the   Holder   Redemption   Date,  the
               Corporation shall deposit  with  the Paying Agent,
               if any, or set aside,  separate and apart from its
               other funds, in trust for  the pro rata benefit of
               the  holders  of  the  shares  of  Series  A Stock
               subject to redemption,  funds sufficient to redeem
               on the Holder Redemption Date all of the shares of
               Series A  Stock  outstanding  on  the  date of the
               delivery of the notice referred to above.

                     (c)   Each holder  of  Series  A Stock which
               elects to require the Corporation to redeem on the
               Holder Redemption Date all of the shares of Series
               A Stock that such holder owns shall deliver to the
               Corporation by the Demand Form Due Date a

completed Demand Form relating to the shares of Series A Stock to
be redeemed.  In the event that,  and only in the event that, the
holders of  at  least  seventy-five  percent  (75%)  of  the then
outstanding shares of Series  A  Stock  shall  have so elected to
redeem their shares, the  Corporation  shall  (i) within five (5)
days after the  Demand  Form  Due  Date,  give  to each holder of
Series A Stock (at such holder's  address as shown by the records
of the Corporation) a notice  stating  that a redemption has been
requested by holders of  at  least  seventy-five percent (75%) of
the then outstanding shares of Series A Stock and providing other
instructions regarding the manner  and procedure for surrendering
the  Series  A  Stock  share  certificates  to  be  redeemed  and
receiving the Holder Redemption  Price  therefor, and (ii) at the
close of business on  the  Holder  Redemption Date, redeem at the
Holder Redemption Price each of the  shares of Series A Stock for
which  a  completed  Demand  Form   has  been  delivered  to  the
Corporation by the holder of  such shares for redemption pursuant
to this Subsection F(2).  Notwithstanding that any certificate of
holders of Series A Stock who have delivered to the Corporation a
Demand Form has not been  surrendered for redemption, (unless the
Corporation shall subsequently  default  in making, be restrained
from making by a court or  other governmental order or decree, or
otherwise fail to  make,  or  the  Paying  Agent is restrained in
connection with legal  proceedings  in  which  the Corporation is
party from making, timely payment  of the Holder Redemption Price
on such shares surrendered, in  which case this sentence shall be
of no effect as to any  shares not timely redeemed) on the Holder
Redemption Date pursuant to  this  Subsection F(2), all dividends
shall cease to accrue  on  such  shares  of  Series A Stock to be
redeemed, and at the close  of  business on the Holder Redemption
Date the holders who have  delivered  to the Corporation a Demand
Form shall cease to  be  stockholders  with respect to the shares
they hold and shall  have  no  interest  in or claims against the
Corporation by virtue  thereof  except  the  right to receive the
Holder Redemption Price, without interest thereon, upon surrender
(and  endorsement,  if  required  by  the  Corporation)  of  such
holders' Series A Stock share certificates.  Following payment of
the Holder Redemption  Price  for  all  shares  of Series A Stock
required to be redeemed pursuant to this Subsection F(2), if any,
or if any moneys necessary for the redemption remain deposited or
set aside and unclaimed on the second anniversary

of  the  corresponding   Holder   Redemption   Date,  or  if  the
Corporation  determines  for  any  reason  that  the contemplated
Change of Control will  not  occur,  all funds remaining from the
amounts previously deposited with  the  Paying  Agent, if any, or
set aside by the  Corporation,  and  all interest earned thereon,
shall belong and be  immediately  released  to the Corporation as
part of its  general  funds.    If  any  certificates relating to
shares of Series  A  Stock  shall  be  surrendered  to the Paying
Agent, if any, or the Corporation in connection with a redemption
required to be made under this Subsection F(2) and for any reason
whatsoever the relevant  Sale  or  Business  Combination does not
become effective, then the Corporation  shall, or shall cause the
Paying Agent, if  any,  to  return  the  certificates promptly to
their respective original holders.

                     (d)   For the  purposes  of  this Subsection
               F(2), any notice required  to  be given or sent by
               the Corporation to the  holders  of Series A Stock
               shall be  given  or  sent  by  facsimile, personal
               delivery or  overnight  courier  and  confirmed by
               registered  or  certified   mail  (return  receipt
               requested),  or  by   first  class  mail  (postage

               (3)   Election for Holder Redemption.  An election
               by  a  holder  of  Series  A  Stock  to  have  the
               Corporation redeem the  shares  of  Series A Stock
               pursuant to  Subsection  F(2)  above  shall become
               irrevocable by the holder at the close of business
               on the relevant  Holder Redemption Date; provided,
               however, that if the required number of holders of
               Series A Stock do not  elect as of the Demand Form
               Due Date to have  shares redeemed pursuant to this
               Section F  and  maintain  such  elections in force
               through  the  close  of  business  on  the  Holder
               Redemption Date, then all  such elections shall be
               deemed cancelled.

               (4)   Provisions  for  Holder   Redemption.    The
               Corporation  shall  not   complete   any  Sale  or
               Business Combination  unless  proper provision has
               been made to  satisfy  its  obligations under this
               Section F.

         G.    Conversion.  The  holders  of  the  Series A Stock
               shall have conversion rights as follows:

               (1)   Right to Convert.

                     (a)   Each share of Series  A Stock shall be
               convertible into Common Stock, at the option of

the holder thereof,  without  payment of additional consideration
by such holder except as  otherwise  provided herein, at any time
after the date of issuance of  such  share and on or prior to the
fifth (5th) day prior to an  Optional Redemption Date, if any, as
may have been fixed  in  any  Optional  Redemption Notice, at the
office of the Corporation or any  transfer agent for the Series A
Stock, at the initial  conversion  rate  of 2.7548 fully paid and
nonassessable shares of Common Stock  for  each share of Series A
Stock (calculated  as  to  each  conversion  to  the  nearest one
hundredth of a share of  Common  Stock), subject, however, to the
adjustments described in this Section  G.   (The number of shares
of Common Stock into which  each  share  of Series A Stock may be
converted is hereinafter referred  to  as the "Conversion Rate".)
In the event of a call for redemption by the Corporation pursuant
to Section E hereof, with respect to any shares of Series A Stock
which are convertible  into  Common  Stock, the conversion rights
shall terminate as to the shares of Series A Stock designated for
preceding the Optional Redemption Date, unless default is made in
payment of the Optional Redemption Price.

                     (b)   No fractional  shares  of Common Stock
               shall be issued upon  conversion of Series A Stock
               and any fractional interest  in  a share of Common
               Stock resulting from  a  conversion  of a share or
               shares of Series A Stock shall be (i) cancelled if
               the resulting fractional  interest  is equal to or
               less than  one-half  (1/2)  of  a  share of Common
               Stock, or (ii) rounded up  to the next whole share
               of Common Stock if the resulting fraction interest
               is greater  than  one-half  (1/2)  of  a  share of
               Common Stock.  If more  than one share of Series A
               Stock shall be  surrendered  for conversion at one
               time by the same holder, the number of full shares
               of Common  Stock  issuable  upon  their conversion
               shall be computed  on  the  basis of the aggregate
               number of shares of  Series A Stock surrendered by
               such holder for conversion.

               (2)   Mechanics of Conversion.   Before any holder
               of Series A Stock shall be entitled to convert the
               same into shares of Common Stock, the holder shall
               surrender   the    certificate   or   certificates
               therefor, duly endorsed,  at  the principal office
               of the Corporation  or  of  any transfer agent for
               the Series A Stock,  and shall give written notice
               to the Corporation at  such office that the holder
               elects to convert  the  same,  stating therein the
               number of shares of Series A Stock being

converted.  The Corporation  shall  promptly issue and deliver at
such office  to  such  holder,  or  to  such  holder's nominee or
nominees, a certificate or certificates  for the number of shares
of Common Stock to  which  the  holder  shall  be entitled.  Such
conversion shall be deemed to have been made immediately prior to
the close of business on the date of such surrender of the shares
of Series A Stock  to  be  converted,  and  the person or persons
entitled to receive the shares of Common Stock issuable upon such
conversion shall be treated for all purposes as the record holder
or holders of such shares of Common Stock on such date.

               (3)   Effect  of  Conversion  on  Dividends.   The
               holders of shares of  Series  A Stock at the close
               of business on a record date prior to the Dividend
               Date shall  be  entitled  to  receive the dividend
               payable  on  those  shares  on  the  corresponding
               Dividend Date,  notwithstanding  the conversion of
               the shares after the  dividend payment record date
               or the  Corporation's  default  in  payment of the
               dividend due  on  the  Dividend  Date.   Except as
               provided  above,  the  Corporation  shall  make no
               payment  or  adjustment  for  accrued  and  unpaid
               dividends on shares of  Series A Stock, whether or
               not in arrears, on  conversion  of those shares or
               for dividends on the shares of Common Stock issued
               upon the conversion.

               (4)   Adjustments  to   Conversion   Rate.     The
               Conversion Rate  shall  be  subject  to adjustment
               from time to time as follows:

                     (a)   In the  event  the  Corporation at any
               time or from time to time after the Original Issue
               Date (i) pays a  dividend  or makes a distribution
               on its Common Stock in shares of its Common Stock,
               or (ii) effects  a  subdivision  or combination of
               its outstanding  Common  Stock  into  a greater or
               lesser number  of  shares  without a proportionate
               and corresponding  subdivision  or  combination of
               its outstanding Series A  Stock,  then and in each
               such  event   the   Conversion   Rate   in  effect
               immediately prior to such event shall be increased
               or decreased proportionately so that the holder of
               any   shares   of   Series   A   Stock  thereafter
               surrendered for  conversion  shall  be entitled to
               receive the number of shares of Common Stock which
               such holder would have owned or have been entitled
               to receive after the  happening  of such event had
               the  Series   A   Stock   shares   been  converted
               immediately prior to the  happening of such event.
               An adjustment made pursuant to this Section

G(4)(a) shall become  effective  immediately  after  the close of
business on  the  record  date  in  the  case  of  a  dividend or
distribution except as provided in  Section G(5) below, and shall
become effective immediately after the effective date in the case
of a subdivision or combination.  If any dividend or distribution
is not  fully  paid  or  made  on  the  date  fixed therefor, the
Conversion Rate shall be  recomputed  accordingly as of the close
of business on such corresponding  record date and thereafter the
Conversion Rate shall  be  adjusted  pursuant  to this Subsection
G(4)(a) as of the  time  of  actual  payment of such dividends or

                     (b)   In the  event  the  Corporation at any
               time or from time to time after the Original Issue
               Date  shall  issue  rights,  options  or  warrants
               (other than  stock  options  granted to employees,
               officers or directors  of  the Corporation) to all
               holders of  its  Common  Stock  entitling  them to
               subscribe for or purchase  Common Stock at a price
               per share less than  the  Current Market Price (as
               defined in Subsection G(4)(d) below) of the Common
               Stock  at  the  date  of  pricing  of  the rights,
               options or warrants, the Conversion Rate in effect
               immediately prior to the  date  of pricing of such
               rights, options or  warrants  shall be adjusted by
               multiplying such Conversion Rate  by a fraction of
               which the numerator shall  be the number of shares
               of Common Stock outstanding on the date of pricing
               of the rights, options or warrants plus the number
               of additional shares  of  Common Stock offered for
               subscription  or  purchase,   and   of  which  the
               denominator  shall  be  the  number  of  shares of
               Common Stock outstanding on the date of pricing of
               the rights, options or warrants plus the number of
               shares  of  Common   stock   which  the  aggregate
               offering price of  the  total  number of shares of
               Common  Stock  so   offered  for  subscription  or
               purchase  would  purchase  at  the  Current Market
               Price at such  date  of  pricing.   The adjustment
               provided for in  this  Subsection G(4)(b) shall be
               made  successively   whenever   any  such  rights,
               options or warrants  are  issued, and shall become
               effective immediately  after  the  date  of issue,
               except as provided in  Subsection  G(5) below.  In
               determining  whether   any   rights,   options  or
               warrants entitle the  holders  of the Common Stock
               to subscribe  for  or  purchase  shares  of Common
               Stock at less than  the  Current Market Price, and
               in  determining  whether  any  rights,  options or
               warrants entitle the  holders  of the Common Stock
               to subscribe for or purchase shares of Common

Stock at less than the  Current  Market Price, and in determining
the aggregate offering price  of  the  shares  of Common Stock so
offered, there  shall  be  taken  into  account any consideration
received by the Corporation for such rights, options or warrants,
the value  of  such  consideration,  if  other  than  cash, to be
computed at the then fair  market  value thereof as determined by
the Board (whose good  faith  determination shall be conclusive).
If any or all  of  such  rights,  options  or warrants are not so
issued or expire or terminate  without having been exercised, the
Conversion Rate then in effect shall be appropriately readjusted.

                     (c)   In  the  event  the  Corporation shall
               distribute to all holders  of its Common Stock any
               shares of capital stock  of the Corporation (other
               than Common Stock) or evidences of indebtedness or
               assets (excluding cash  dividends or distributions
               paid from retained earnings of the Corporation) or
               rights or warrants  to  subscribe  for or purchase
               any of its securities (excluding those referred to
               in Subsection G(4)(b)  above)  then,  in each such
               case, the  Conversion  Rate  in effect immediately
               prior  to  the  date  of  the  distribution  by  a
               fraction  of  which  the  numerator  shall  be the
               Current Market Price  of  the  Common Stock on the
               record date used  in  determining distributions in
               the case of  any  distribution of stock, evidences
               of indebtedness  or  assets,  or  on  the  date of
               pricing in the case  of any distribution of rights
               or warrants, and of which the denominator shall be
               the Current Market  Price  of  the Common Stock on
               the  applicable  record   date   or  pricing  date
               mentioned above less  the  then  fair market value
               (as  determine  by  the  Board,  whose  good faith
               determination shall be  conclusive) of the portion
               of the capital  stock  or  assets  or evidences of
               indebtedness so distributed,  or  of the rights or
               warrants so distributed, with respect to one share
               of Common  Stock.    Such  adjustment shall become
               effective immediately after  the applicable record
               date or, in the  case  of  rights or warrants, the
               date of issuance, except as provided in Subsection
               G(5) below.  If any  such distribution is not made
               or if any or all of such rights or warrants expire
               or terminate  without  having  been exercised, the
               Conversion   Rate   then   in   effect   shall  be
               appropriately readjusted.

                     (d)   For  the  purpose  of  any computation
               under Subsections  G(4)(b)  or  G(4)(c) above, the
               "Current Market Price" of the Common Stock at any

date shall be the average  of  the  last reported sale prices per
share for the  ten  consecutive  Trading  Days (as defined below)
preceding the date of such  computation.   The last reported sale
price for each day shall be  (i)  the last reported sale price of
the Common Stock on  the  National  Market System of the National
Association  of  Securities  Dealers,  Inc.  Automated  Quotation
System (the  "NASDAQ  National  Market  System"),  or any similar
system of  automated  dissemination  of  quotations of securities
prices then in common use, if so quoted, or (ii) if not quoted as
described in clause (i), the  mean  between  the high bid and low
asked quotations for the Common Stock as reported by the National
Quotation Bureau Incorporated if  at least two securities dealers
have inserted both bid and ask quotations for the Common Stock on
at least five of the then  preceding days, or (iii) if the Common
Stock  is  listed  or  admitted   for  trading  on  any  national
securities exchange, the  last  sale  price,  or  the closing bid
price if no sale occurred,  of  the Common Stock on the principal
securities exchange on which the Common  Stock is listed.  If the
Common Stock is quoted on a national securities or central market
system, in lieu of a  market or quotation system described above,
the last reported sale  price  shall  be determined in the manner
set forth in clause (ii) of the preceding sentence if bid and ask
quotations are reported but  actual  transactions are not, and in
the manner set forth in clause (iii) of the preceding sentence if
actual transactions are reported.   If none of the conditions set
forth above is met, the  last  reported  sale price of the Common
Stock on any day or the average of such last reported sale prices
for any period shall be  the  fair  market value of such class of
stock as determined  by  a  member  firm  of  the  New York Stock
Exchange, Inc. selected by the  Corporation.   As used herein the
term "Trading Days" means (x)  if  the  Common Stock is quoted on
the NASDAQ  National  Market  System  or  any  similar  system of
automated dissemination of quotations  of securities prices, days
on which trades may be made on  such system, or (y) if not quoted
as described in clause (x), days on which quotations are reported
by the National  Quotation  Bureau  Incorporated,  or  (z) if the
Common Stock is listed  or  admitted  for trading on any national
securities  exchange,  days  on  which  such  national securities
exchange is open for business.

                     (e)   No adjustment  in  the Conversion Rate
               shall be  required  unless  such  adjustment would
               require a change of at least one percent (1%) in

the Conversion  Rate;  provided,  however,  that  any adjustments
which by reason of this Subsection G(4)(e) are not required to be
made shall be  carried  forward  and  taken  into  account in any
subsequent adjustment.   All  calculations  under  this Section G
shall be made to the nearest cent or to the nearest one hundredth
of a share, as the case may be.

               (5)   Deferred Actions in Event of Adjustment.  In
               any case in which this  Section G provides that an
               adjustment  shall   become  effective  immediately
               after a record date  for an event, the Corporation
               may  defer  until  the  occurrence  of  the  event
               issuing to the  holder  of  any  share of Series A
               Stock converted after  the  record date and before
               the occurrence of the  event the additional shares
               of Common Stock  issuable  upon  the conversion by
               reason of  the  adjustment  required  by the event
               over and above the Common Stock issuable upon such
               conversion before giving effect to the adjustment.

               (6)   No Impairment.  The Corporation will not, by
               amendment   of   its   Restated   Certificate   of
               Incorporation  or   through   any  reorganization,
               transfer   of   assets,   consolidation,   merger,
               dissolution, issue or  sale  of  securities or any
               other voluntary action, avoid or seek to avoid the
               observance or performance of  any  of the terms to
               be observed or performed hereunder by Corporation,
               but will at all times  in good faith assist in the
               carrying out of all the provisions of this Section
               E and in the taking  of  all such action as may be
               necessary or appropriate  in  order to protect the
               conversion rights of the  holders  of the Series A
               Stock against impairment.

               (7)   Certificate as  to  Adjustments.    Upon the
               occurrence of each  adjustment  or readjustment of
               the Conversion Rate  pursuant  to  this Section G,
               the Corporation,  at  its  expense  shall promptly
               compute  such   adjustment   or   readjustment  in
               accordance with the  terms  hereof and prepare and
               promptly furnish to each  holder of Series A Stock
               (at such holder's  address  as  then  shown on the
               records of the Corporation) and any transfer agent
               of  the  Series  A   Stock  a  certificate  of  an
               executive officer of the Corporation setting forth
               such adjustment or readjustment and the Conversion
               Rate   in   effect   after   such   adjustment  or
               readjustment, and showing in detail the facts upon
               which such  adjustment  or  readjustment is based.
               The Corporation shall, upon the written request at
               any time of any holder of Series A Stock, furnish

or cause  to  be  furnished  to  such  holder  a like certificate
setting forth (i)  such  adjustment  and  readjustments, (ii) the
Conversion Rate at the time  in  effect,  and (iii) the number of
shares of Common Stock and the  amount, if any, of other property
which at the time would be received upon the conversion of Series
A Stock.

               (8)   Notices of Record Date.  In the event of any
               taking by the Corporation of record of the holders
               of any  class  of  securities  for  the purpose of
               determining the holders  thereof  who are entitled
               to receive (i)  any  dividend  (other  than a cash
               dividend  out  of   retained  earnings)  or  other
               distribution, (ii) any  other securities, warrants
               or rights convertible into or entitling the holder
               thereof to receive  shares  of Common Stock, (iii)
               any right to subscribe  for, purchase or otherwise
               acquire any shares of  stock  of  any class or any
               other securities or  property,  or  (iv) any other
               right issued by,  or  property of, the Corporation
               (including, without limitation,  rights arising in
               connection  with  the   voluntary  or  involuntary
               dissolution,  liquidation  or  winding  up  of the
               Corporation),  the  Corporation  shall  deliver by
               facsimile, personal delivery  or overnight courier
               and  confirmed  by  registered  or  certified mail
               (return receipt requested), or by first class mail
               (postage prepaid) to each holder of Series A Stock
               and to any transfer  agent  for Series A Stock, at
               least twenty (20)  days  prior  to the record date
               specified therein, a notice specifying the date on
               which any  such  record  is  to  be  taken for the
               purpose of such  dividend, distribution or rights,
               and the  amount  and  character  of such dividend,
               distribution  or  rights,   and   the  amount  and
               character of such  dividend, distribution or right
               or  the  date   on   which  the  reclassification,
               consolidation, merger,  statutory  share exchange,
               sale, transfer,  change  of  control, dissolution,
               liquidation or winding  up  is  expected to become
               effective, and the date as of which it is expected
               that holders of  Common  Stock  of record shall be
               entitled to exchange their  shares of Common Stock
               for securities or  other property deliverable upon
               the   reclassification,   consolidation,   merger,
               statutory share  exchange,  sale, transfer, change
               of control,  dissolution,  liquidation  or winding
               up.  Failure to give any such notice or any defect
               in the notice  shall  not  affect  the legality or
               validity  of  the  proceedings  described  in this
               Subsection G(8).

               (9)   Reservation   of    Stock    Issuable   Upon
               Conversion.  The  Corporation  shall  at all times
               reserve and keep available out of its authorized

but unissued shares of  Common  Stock  solely  for the purpose of
effecting the conversion of  the  shares  of  the Series A Stock,
such number of its shares of  Common  Stock as shall from time to
time be sufficient to  effect  the  conversion of all outstanding
shares of the Series A Stock;  and  if  at any time the number of
authorized but  unissued  shares  of  Common  Stock  shall not be
sufficient to  effect  the  conversion  of  all  then outstanding
shares of the  Series  A  Stock,  the  Corporation will take such
corporate action  as  may,  in  the  opinion  of  its counsel, be
necessary to  increase  its  authorized  but  unissued  shares of
Common Stock to such number of  shares as shall be sufficient for
such purpose.

               (10)  Reorganization or Reclassification.  In case
               of any reclassification  or  change of outstanding
               shares of Common Stock (other than a change in par
               value,  or  as  a   result  of  a  subdivision  or
               combination), or in  case  of any consolidation of
               the Corporation with, or merger of the Corporation
               with or into, any  other  entity that results in a
               reclassification, change,  conversion, exchange or
               cancellation of outstanding shares of Common Stock
               or any sale  or  transfer  of all or substantially
               all of the assets  of the Corporation, each holder
               of shares of Series A Stock then outstanding shall
               have the right thereafter to convert the shares of
               Series A Stock  held  by  the  holder  (in lieu of
               receiving the shares  of  Common Stock immediately
               theretofore  receivable  upon  conversion  of such
               shares of Series A Stock) into the kind and amount
               of securities, cash  and  other property which the
               holder would have  been  entitled  to receive upon
               such   reclassification,   change,  consolidation,
               merger, sale or  transfer  if  the holder had held
               the Common Stock  issuable  upon the conversion of
               the shares of Series  A Stock immediately prior to
               the   reclassification,   change,   consolidation,
               merger, sale or transfer.

         H.    Status of Redeemed  or  Cancelled  Series A Stock.
               Upon any  conversion  or  redemption  of shares of
               Series A Stock, the  shares  of  Series A Stock so
               converted or  redeemed  shall  have  the status of
               authorized and unissued shares of Preferred Stock,
               the number of shares  of Preferred Stock which the
               Corporation shall  have  authority  to issue shall
               not be decreased  by  the conversion or redemption
               of shares of Series A Stock.  The shares of Series
               A Stock not redeemed pursuant to the provisions of
               this Article Fourth  shall  remain outstanding and
               entitled to  all  rights  and preferences provided

         I.    Miscellaneous Rights and Restrictions of Series A

               (1)   The Corporation  will  endeavor  to list the
               shares of Common  Stock  required  to be delivered
               upon conversion of  the  Series  A Stock, prior to
               their  delivery,  upon  each  national  securities
               exchange,  if  any,  upon  which  the  outstanding
               Common Stock is listed at the time of delivery.

               (2)   The  Corporation  will   pay   any  and  all
               documentary stamp  or  similar  issue  or transfer
               taxes payable in respect  of the issue or delivery
               of shares of  Common  Stock  on  conversion of the
               Series A Stock pursuant hereto; provided, however,
               that the Corporation shall  not be required to pay
               any tax which  may  be  payable  in respect of any
               transfer involved  in  the  issue  or  delivery of
               shares of Common Stock  in  a name other than that
               of  the  holder  of  the  Series  A  Stock  to  be
               converted and no such  issue or delivery of shares
               of Common Stock in a  name  other than that of the
               holder of the Series A Stock to be converted shall
               be made unless and until the person requesting the
               issue or delivery has  paid to the Corporation the
               amount of any such  tax  or has established to the
               satisfaction of the  Corporation  that the tax has
               been paid.

               (3)   The holders of the  Series  A Stock will not
               have any  preemptive  right  to  subscribe  for or
               purchase any shares or  any other securities which
               may be issued by the Corporation.

               (4)   If any  right,  preference  or limitation of
               the Series A Stock  set  forth in this Certificate
               of Incorporation is invalid, unlawful or incapable
               of being enforced by reason  of any rule or law or
               public policy, all  other  rights, preferences and
               limitations  set  forth  in  this  Certificate  of
               Incorporation which  can  be  given effect without
               the  invalid,  unlawful  or  unenforceable  right,
               preference  or   limitation  shall,  nevertheless,
               remain in full  force  and  effect,  and no right,
               preference or limitation herein set forth shall be
               deemed  dependent  upon   any  other  such  right,
               preference  or  limitation   unless  so  expressed

         J.    Non-Voting Common Stock.    This Corporation shall
               not  authorize  or  issue  any  non-voting  Common

               Except as may  otherwise  be  required  by law, no
               other  designations,  preferences,  limitations or
               relative rights, were  established for the benefit
               of  the   Series   A   Stock   other   than  those
               specifically set forth  in  the amendment approved
               by the  Board  of  Directors  and  in the Restated
               Certificate of Incorporation.

         2.    That thereafter,  pursuant  to  resolution  of its
               Board  of  Directors,  a  special  meeting  of the
               stockholders of said  Corporation  was duly called
               and held, upon  notice  in accordance with Section
               222 of the General Corporation Law of the State of
               Delaware at which meeting  the necessary number of
               shares as required by  statute were voted in favor
               of the Amendment.

         3.    That said Amendment was duly adopted in accordance
with the provisions of Section 242 of the General Corporation Law
of the State of Delaware.

               IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  said  Maxicare Health Plans,
Inc. has caused this certificate  to  be made and signed by Peter
J. Ratican, its President, and attested  to by Alan D. Bloom, its
Secretary, this 9th day of March, 1992.

                               MAXICARE HEALTH PLANS, INC.

                           By:   /s/  Peter J. Ratican     
                                   Peter J. Ratican


By:    /s/  Alan D. Bloom    
    Alan D. Bloom, Secretary



                       HCS COMPUTER, INC.


                   MAXICARE HEALTH PLANS, INC.

                          * * * * * * 

            MAXICARE HEALTH PLANS,  INC., a corporation organized

and existing under the laws of Delaware,


            FIRST:    That  this  corporation was incorporated on

the 5th day of January, 1981,  pursuant to the Corporation Law of

the State of Delaware.

            SECOND:    That  this  corporation  owns  all  of the

outstanding  shares  of  the  stock  of  HCS  COMPUTER,  INC.,  a

corporation  incorporated  on  the  14th  day  of  August,  1980,

pursuant to the Corporations Law of the State of California.

            THIRD:     That  this  corporation,  by the following

resolutions of its Board of  Directors, duly adopted at a meeting

held on the 30th  day  of  October,  1992,  determined to and did

merge into itself said HCS COMPUTER, INC.:

            merge, and it  hereby  does merge into itself
            said HCS COMPUTER,  INC.,  and assumes all of
            its obligations; and

            FURTHER RESOLVED,  that  the  merger shall be
            effective on October 1, 1992 for tax purposes


has caused this certificate  to  be  signed by Peter Ratican, its

President, and attested by  Alan  Bloom, its Secretary, this 30th

day of October, 1992.

                                  MAXICARE HEALTH PLANS, INC.

                                  By:  /s/  Peter Ratican     
                                     Peter Ratican, President


By:  /s/  Alan Bloom    
   Alan Bloom, Secretary


                   Certificate of Designation
                    Series B Preferred Stock
                   Maxicare Health Plans, Inc.

                 (Pursuant to Section 151 of the
                Delaware General Corporation Law)

         Maxicare Health Plans, Inc., a corporation organized and
existing under  the  General  Corporation  Law  of  the  State of
Delaware (the "Corporation") hereby  certifies that the following
resolution was duly  adopted  by  the  Board  of Directors of the
Corporation as required by Section 151 of the General Corporation
Law of the State of Delaware at a meeting duly called and held on
February 24, 1998.

         RESOLVED, that pursuant to  the authority granted to and
vested  in  the  Board  of   Directors  of  this  Corporation  in
accordance with  the  provisions  of the Certificate of Amendment
of Restated Certificate of  Incorporation, the Board of Directors
hereby creates a series of  Series  B Preferred Stock, with a par
value of $0.01 per  share,  of  the Corporation and hereby states
the designation and  number  of  shares,  and  fixes the relative
rights, preferences and limitations  thereof  (in addition to the
provisions set forth in the  Certificate of Amendment of Restated
Certificate  of  Incorporation   which   are  applicable  to  the
Preferred Stock of all classes and series) as follows:

         Section 1.   Designation, Par  Value  and  Amount.   The
shares of such series shall  be designated as "Series B Preferred
Stock" (hereinafter referred to  as  "Series B Preferred Stock"),
the shares of such series  shall  be  with par value of $0.01 per
share, and the number of shares constituting such series shall be
500,000, provided, however, that, if more than a total of 500,000
shares of  Preferred Stock shall be issuable upon the exercise of
Rights (the "Rights")  issued  pursuant  to the Rights Agreement,
dated  as  of  February  24,  1998  between  the  Corporation and
American Stock Transfer and  Trust  Company,  as Rights Agent (as
amended from time to time) (the "Rights Agreement"), the Board of
Directors of the  Corporation,  pursuant  to  Section  151 of the
General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware, shall direct by
resolution  or  resolutions   that   a  certificate  be  properly
executed, acknowledged and filed  providing  for the total number
of shares of Series B Preferred  Stock authorized to be issued to
be increased (to the extent  that the Certificate of Amendment of
Restated  Certificate  of  Incorporation  then  permits)  to  the
largest number of whole shares  (rounded  up to the nearest whole
number) issuable upon exercise of the Rights. 

         Section 2.   Dividends and Distributions.

              (a)  Subject to the  prior  and  superior rights of
              the  holders  of  any   shares  of  any  series  of
              Preferred Stock ranking  prior  and superior to the
              shares of Series B  Preferred Stock with respect to
              dividends,  the  holders  of  shares  of  Series  B
              Preferred Stock shall be entitled to receive, when,
              as and if declared by the Board of Directors out of
              assets   legally   available   for   the   purpose,
              commencing after the first issuance of a share or a
              fraction of a share of Series B Preferred Stock, an
              amount per  share  (rounded  to  the  nearest cent)
              equal to 500 times  the  aggregate per share amount
              of all cash dividends,  and 500 times the aggregate
              per share amount (payable  in kind) of all non-cash
              dividends or other  distributions declared and paid
              to each share of Common  Stock, par value $0.01 per
              share  of  the  Corporation  (the  "Common Shares')
              (other than a dividend  payable in shares of Common
              Stock  or   a   subdivision,   or   combination  or
              consolidation of the  outstanding  shares of Common
              Stock (by reclassification  or  otherwise).  In the
              event the Corporation shall  at any time declare or
              pay any dividend  on  the  Common  Stock payable in
              shares of Common Stock,  or effect a subdivision or
              combination  or  consolidation  of  the outstanding
              shares  of  Common  Stock  (by  reclassification or
              otherwise than by payment  of  a dividend in shares
              of Common Stock) into a greater or lesser number of
              shares of Common Stock, then  in each such case the
              amount to  which  holders  of  shares  of  Series B
              Preferred Stock were  entitled immediately prior to
              such event shall  be  adjusted  by multiplying such
              amount by a fraction, the numerator of which is the
              number  of  shares   of  Common  Stock  outstanding
              immediately after such event and the denominator of
              which is the number of  shares of Common Stock that
              were outstanding immediately prior to such event.

              (b)  The Corporation  shall  declare  a dividend or
              distribution on  the  Series  B  Preferred Stock as
              provided in paragraph  (a)  above immediately after
              it  declares  a  dividend  or  distribution  on the
              Common Stock  (other  than  a  dividend  payable in
              shares of Common Stock).

         Section 3.   Voting  Rights.    The  holders  of  shares
of   Preferred   Stock   shall    have   the   following   voting

              (a)  Except as provided in  paragraph  (c)  of this
              Section  3  and   subject   to  the  provision  for
              adjustment hereinafter  set  forth,  each  share of
              Series B Preferred Stock shall entitle the holder

thereof to 500 votes on  all  matters  submitted to a vote of the
stockholders of the Corporation.    In  the event the Corporation
shall at any time declare or pay any dividend on the Common Stock
payable in shares of  Common  Stock,  or  effect a subdivision or
combination or consolidation of  the outstanding shares of Common
Stock (by reclassification  or  otherwise  than  by  payment of a
dividend in shares  of  Common  Stock)  into  a greater or lesser
number of shares of  Common  Stock,  then  in  each such case the
number of votes per share to  which holders of shares of Series B
Preferred Stock were  entitled  immediately  prior  to such event
shall be adjusted by multiplying  such  number by a fraction, the
numerator of  which  is  the  number  of  shares  of Common Stock
outstanding immediately after such  event  and the denominator of
which  is  the  number  of  shares  of  Common  Stock  that  were
outstanding immediately prior to such event.

              (b)  Except as otherwise provided herein or by law,
              the holders of shares  of  Series B Preferred Stock
              and the holders  of  shares  of  Common Stock shall
              vote together as one class on all matters submitted
              to a vote of stockholders of the Corporation.

              (c)  Except as set  forth  herein  (or as otherwise
              required by applicable  law),  holders  of Series B
              Preferred Stock shall  have  no  general or special
              voting rights.

         Section 4.   Reacquired Shares.  Any  shares of Series B
Preferred  Stock   purchased   or   otherwise   acquired  by  the
Corporation  in  any  manner  whatsoever  shall  be  retired  and
canceled promptly after the acquisition thereof.  All such shares
shall upon  their  cancellation  become  authorized  but unissued
shares of Preferred Stock and  may  be  reissued as part of a new
series  of  Preferred  Stock  to  be  created  by  resolution  or
resolutions of the Board of  Directors, subject to the conditions
and restrictions on issuance set forth herein, in the Certificate
of Amendment of  Restated  Certificate  of  Incorporation, in any
other Certificate of  Amendment  creating  a  series of Preferred
Stock or as otherwise required by law.

         Section 5.   Liquidation,  Dissolution  or  Winding  Up.
Subject to the prior and superior rights of holders of any shares
of any series of  preferred  stock  ranking prior and superior to
the shares of Series  B  Preferred  Stock  with respect to rights
upon  liquidation,  dissolution  or   winding  up  (voluntary  or
otherwise), no  distribution  shall  be  made  to  the holders of
shares of stock ranking  junior  (either  as to dividends or upon
liquidation, dissolution or winding up, including but not limited
to the Common  Stock)  to  the  Series  B Preferred Stock unless,
prior thereto the holders of  the  Series B Preferred Stock shall
have received $100.00 per share (the "Series B Liquidation

Preference").    Following,  the  full  amount  of  the  Series B
Liquidation Preference, the holders  of  Series B Preferred Stock
and holders  of  Common  Stock  shall  receive  their ratable and
proportionate share of the remaining  assets to be distributed in
the ratio for each share  of  Preferred Stock an amount 500 times
the amount distributed for each share of Common Stock.

         Section 6.   Consolidation, Merger,  etc.    In case the
Corporation  shall   enter   into   any   consolidation,  merger,
combination or other transaction  in  which  the shares of Common
Stock  are  exchanged  for   or   changed  into  other  stock  or
securities, cash and/or any other property, then in any such case
the shares of Series B Preferred  Stock shall at the same time be
similarly exchanged or changed in an amount per share (subject to
the provision for adjustment hereinafter  set forth) equal to 500
times the aggregate amount of  stock, securities, cash and/or any
other property (payable in kind), as  the case may be, into which
or for which each share of  Common Stock is changed or exchanged.
In t he event the  Corporation  shall  at any time declare or pay
any dividend on  the  Common  Stock  payable  in shares of Common
Stock, or effect a subdivision or combination or consolidation of
the outstanding shares  of  Common  Stock (by reclassification or
otherwise than by  payment  of  a  dividend  in  shares of Common
Stock) into a greater or lesser number of shares of Common Stock,
then in each such  case  the  amount  set  forth in the preceding
sentence with respect  to  the  exchange  or  change of shares of
Series B Preferred Stock  shall  be  adjusted by multiplying such
amount by a fraction  the  numerator  of  which  is the number of
shares of Common Stock  outstanding  immediately after such event
and the denominator of which  is  the  number of shares of Common
Stock that were outstanding immediately prior to such event.

         Section 7.   Redemption. 

              (a)  The Corporation shall  have  the right, at any
              time,   in  its  absolute  and  sole  discretion to
              redeem all  but  not  less  than  all  of  Series B
              Preferred Stock. The  Corporation shall effect each
              such redemption by giving notice of its election to
              redeem by at least twenty (20) days advance notice,
              given  by  certified  or  registered  mail,  to the
              holder of shares of Series B Preferred Stock at the
              address appearing in the Corporation's register for
              the Series B Preferred  Stock. The redemption price
              per share of Series B  Preferred Stock shall be 500
              shares  of  Common  Stock,   subject  to  the  same
              adjustment as provided for in Section 3(a) hereof.

              (b)  The Common Stock shall  be  paid to the holder
              of shares  of  Series  B  Preferred  Stock redeemed
              within 30  business  days  of  the  delivery of the
              notice  of   such   redemption   to  such  holders;
              provided, however, that  the  Corporation shall not
              be obligated to deliver any portion of such Common

Stock unless either  the  certificates  evidencing  the shares of
Series  B  Preferred   Stock   redeemed   are  delivered  to  the
Corporation or its  transfer  agent  for  the  Series B Preferred
Stock, or the holder  notifies  the  Corporation or such transfer
agent that such certificates have  been lost, stolen or destroyed
and executes an agreement  satisfactory  to  the Corporation  and
such  transfer  agent  to  indemnify  the  Corporation  and  such
transfer agent from any  loss  incurred  by it in connection with
such certificates. 

         Section 8.   Ranking.   The  Preferred  Stock shall rank
junior to all other  series  of the Corporation's Preferred Stock
as to the payment  of  dividends  and the distribution of assets,
unless the terms of any such series shall provide otherwise.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  this  Certificate of Designation is
executed on behalf  of  the  Corporation  by  its Chief Executive
Officer and attested  by  its  Secretary  as  of  the 24th day of
February, 1998.

       /s/  Peter J. Ratican      
Name:    Peter J. Ratican 
Title:   Chief Executive Officer


       /s/  Alan D. Bloom         
Name:   Alan D. Bloom 
Title:  Secretary

                    CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT 
                   MAXICARE HEALTH PLANS, INC.

         Maxicare  Health  Plans,  Inc.  (the  "Corporation"),  a
corporation organized and  existing  under  and  by virtue of the
General Corporation Law of  the  Sate  of Delaware (the "Delaware
Law"), does hereby certify as follows:

         FIRST:  That the  Board  of Directors of the Corporation
adopted the following resolutions  at  a  duly noticed meeting of
the Board of Directors at which  a quorum was present and voting,
which  resolutions   set   forth   proposed   amendments  to  the
Certificate of Incorporation  of  the Corporation, declaring said
amendments to be advisable and  directing that such amendments be
submitted  for   consideration   by   the   stockholders  of  the
Corporation in accordance with  the  requirements of the Delaware
Law.  The resolutions  setting  forth the proposed amendments are
as follows:

         RESOLVED, that, the Board of Directors hereby adopts and
         recommends to the  shareholders  of  the Corporation for
         their approval, as  advisable,  the following amendments
         to the Corporation's Certificate of Incorporation;

         RESOLVED   FURTHER,   that    Article   FIFTH   of   the
         Corporation's Certificate of Incorporation be amended to
         delete the existing Section  "A"  thereof and to replace
         such Section "A" with the following:

         "A.  Number of Directors.    From  the effective date of
              this  amendment   until   the   conclusion  of  the
              Corporation's 1999  Annual  Meeting of Stockholders
              (the "Amendment Termination  Date"),  the number of
              directors  who  shall   constitute   the  board  of
              directors of the Corporation (the "Board") shall be
              nine (9); thereafter,  the  number of directors who
              shall  constitute  the  Board  shall  be  fixed  in
              accordance with the Bylaws of the Corporation.";

         RESOLVED FURTHER,  that,  a  new  Article  THIRTEENTH be
         added to the  Corporation's Certificate of Incorporation
         as follows:

              "Article THIRTEENTH: Written Consents and Special            
               Meetings of Stockholders.

                   A.   Sunset Provision.  The provisions of this
                        Article THIRTEENTH shall terminate and be
                        of  no   force   and   effect  after  the
                        Amendment Termination Date.

                   B.   Written  Consents.    From  the effective
                        date   of   this   amendment   until  the
                        Amendment Termination  Date (the "Written
                        Consent  Period"),  the  stockholders  of
                        this Corporation  shall  not  be  able to
                        take  any  action   by  written  consent.
                        During   the   Written   Consent  Period,
                        stockholders may only  take  action at an
                        annual    or     special    meeting    of

                   C.   Special Meetings of Stockholders.  During
                        the Written  Consent Period, stockholders
                        of  this  Corporation  may  not  call any
                        special  meetings   of  stockholders  and
                        special meetings of stockholders may only
                        be called by the Board as provided for in
                        the Bylaws of this Corporation."

         SECOND:   That thereafter,  pursuant  to  resolutions of
its Board of Directors,  at  the  Corporation's duly noticed 1998
Annual Meeting of  Stockholders,  a  majority  of the outstanding
stock entitled to vote  thereon, consisting of the Corporation's,
$.01 par value per  share  common  stock,  voted  in favor of the
aforementioned amendments  to  the  Corporation's  Certificate of
Incorporation as required by the Delaware Law.

         THIRD:    That  said  amendments  to  the  Corporation's
Certificate of Incorporation were duly adopted in accordance with
the provisions of Section 242 of the Delaware Law.

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  Corporation  has  caused this
certificate to be signed by Peter J. Ratican, its Chief Executive
Officer, and Alan D. Bloom, its Secretary, this 30th day of July,

                             BY:  /s/ Peter J. Ratican   
                                      Peter J. Ratican
                                  Chief Executive Officer


     /s/ Alan D. Bloom    
      Alan D. Bloom