Restatement #3 Effective:
					       October 16, 1990 &
					       January 28, 1992
					 Restatement #4 Effective:
						 August 1, 1995


1.          Purpose.  The purpose of this Plan is to advance the interests of
	    Stratus Computer, Inc. (the "Company") by providing an opportunity
	    to selected employees and directors of the Company and its
	    subsidiaries (including foreign subsidiaries) to purchase common
	    stock of the Company through the exercise of options granted under
	    this Plan.  By encouraging such stock ownership, the Company seeks
	    to attract, retain and motivate employees and directors of
	    experience and ability.  It is intended that this purpose will be
	    effected by the granting of non-qualified stock options as
	    provided herein.

2.          Amendment and Restatement of Prior Plan.  The Stratus Computer,
	    Inc. Non-qualified Stock Option Plan initially adopted on November
	    27, 1984 (the "Plan") continues as previously amended and restated
	    effective October 16, 1990 ( Restatement Number 2 ) and most
	    recently on January 28, 1992 ( Restatement Number 3 ) to extend
	    the termination date of the Plan until December 31, 2004.  This
	    Restatement Number Four of the Plan reflects further Amendments to
	    the Plan, the sole purpose of which is to cause the Plan to comply
	    with the requirements of Rule 16b-3 promulgated under Section 16
	    of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as Amended ( Rule 16b-3 ).

3.          Effective Date.  The Plan originally became effective as of
	    November 27, 1984.  This restatement of the Plan became effective
	    on August 1, 1995, the date the last amendment incorporated in
	    this restatement was adopted by the Board.

4.          Stock Subject to the Plan.  The number of shares that may be
	    granted under this Plan shall not exceed in the aggregate
	    9,380,200 shares of the Common Stock, $.01 par value, of the
	    Company ("the "Shares"); provided, however, that such maximum
	    number of Shares shall be reduced by the number of any Shares that
	    are made subject to options (which have not subsequently expired
	    or been terminated before exercise) pursuant to the Stratus
	    Computer,  Inc. Stock Option Plan (January 1983).  Any Shares
	    subject to an option which for any reason expires or is terminated
	    unexercised as to such Shares may again be the subject of an
	    option under the Plan.  In addition any Shares purchased by an
	    optionee upon exercise of an option under this Plan that are
	    subsequently repurchased by the Company pursuant to the terms of
	    such option may again be the subject of an option under the Plan. 
	    The Shares delivered upon exercise of options under this Plan may,
	    in whole or in part, be either authorized but unissued Shares or
	    issued Shares reacquired by the Company.

5.          Administration.  This Plan shall be administered by a committee
	    consisting of two (2) or more members of the Board of Directors of
	    the Company (the  Board ), all of whom are  disinterested persons 
	    as defined under Rule 16b-3 (the "Committee").  Subject to the
	    provisions of this Plan, the Committee shall have full power to
	    construe and interpret the Plan and to establish, amend and
	    rescind rules and regulations for its administration.  Any
	    decisions made with respect thereto shall be final and binding on
	    the Company, the optionee and all other persons.

6.          Eligible Participants.  Options may be granted to such employees
	    and directors of the Company or of any of its subsidiaries as are
	    selected by the Committee.

7.          Options Granted to Outside Directors.  The provisions of this
	    paragraph 7 govern the granting and terms of options for
	    nonemployee members of the Board ("Outside Directors").  These
	    provisions supersede all other provisions of the Plan to the
	    extent such other provisions are inconsistent with this Paragraph
	    7.  For purposes of this Paragraph 7, "Shares" shall mean the
	    total number of Shares available under the Plan as such number may
	    be affected by stock splits or combinations, stock dividends, and
	    similar recapitalizations.

	    (a)   any options granted to an Outside Director shall have a term
		  of ten (10) years and shall be immediately exercisable in
		  full or in part.

	    (b)   The following vesting and repurchase provisions shall be
		  imposed upon any Shares purchased by an Outside Director
		  upon exercise of any option granted under the Plan:

	    (i)         The number of "Vested Shares" subject to the option
			shall be determined as follows:  Twenty percent (20%)
			of the Shares subject to the option shall become
			Vested Shares on the first anniversary of the
			effective date of the option agreement.  An additional
			five percent (5%) of such Shares shall  become Vested
			Shares at the end of each consecutive three-month
			period thereafter, so long as the Director continues
			to perform services for the Company, until the fifth
			anniversary of such effective date at which time one
			hundred percent (100%) of such Shares will be Vested
			Shares.  If the Director's performance of services for
			the Company ceases by reason of death or disability
			(as determined by the Committee), an additional thirty
			percent (30%) of such Shares shall become Vested
			Shares (or, if more than seventy percent (70%) of such
			Shares had previously become Vested Shares, the
			balance of such Shares shall become Vested Shares). 
			If, at the time the Outside Director ceases to perform
			services for the Company or any of its subsidiaries,
			the Outside Director owns Shares acquired pursuant to
			the option that are not Vested Shares, the Company
			shall have the right, but not the obligation, to
			repurchase such nonvested Shares for a purchase price
			equal to the option price per share at which the
			Outside Director acquired such Shares.  All Shares
			issued upon exercise of such an option will bear an
			appropriate legend which describes this restriction.

	    (ii)        Upon notice from the Company of exercise of its
			repurchase rights described in this paragraph 7(d),
			certificates for the Shares to be repurchased shall be
			transferred by the holder to the Company against
			payment by the Company of the purchase price.  If the
			Company shall fail to exercise its repurchase rights
			within thirty (30) days after being notified of the
			Outside Director's cessation of services or sixty (60)
			days after the acquisition of Shares pursuant to such
			option, whichever occurs later, the repurchase rights
			of this paragraph with respect to such Shares shall

	    (iii)       No Shares subject to repurchase rights pursuant to the
			provisions of this paragraph 7(d) shall be transferred
			unless the transferee acknowledges to the Company in
			writing that such Shares are subject to such rights.

	    (iv)        If the holder of Shares subject to such repurchase
			rights fails to comply with any of the provisions of
			this paragraph, the Company, at its election and in
			addition to its other remedies, may suspend the right
			to receive dividends on such Shares, or may refuse to
			register on its books any transfer of such Shares or
			otherwise to recognize any transfer or change of
			ownership of such Shares, until the provisions of this
			paragraph are complied with to the satisfaction of the

	    (v)         The Company may, at its election, cause the
			certificate or certificates for any Shares issued
			pursuant to the option, so long as such Shares are
			subject to the right of repurchase by the Company
			pursuant to this paragraph, to be held in escrow by an
			agent chosen by the Company, which escrow agent may
			be, without limitation, an officer of the Company or
			the stock transfer agent of the Company.  The escrow
			agent shall furnish the registered holder of the
			Shares represented by such escrowed certificate(s) a
			written agreement to deliver,  free of escrow, (i) a
			certificate or certificates for any such Shares that
			are Vested Shares and (ii) amounts equal to the
			purchase price paid for any such Shares repurchased by
			the Company pursuant to this paragraph.

	    (c)   Each Outside Director shall be granted an annual stock
		  option award of 3,000 shares at the fair market value of the
		  Company s stock on the date of each annual shareholder
		  meeting and each new Outside Director shall be awarded a
		  onetime stock option grant of 6,000 shares at the fair
		  market value of such Company s stock on the date he or she
		  first joins the Board.

8.          Duration of the Plan.  This Plan shall terminate on December 31,
	    2004, unless terminated earlier pursuant to Paragraph 11 hereof,
	    and no options may be granted thereafter.

9.          Terms and Conditions of Options.  Subject to the provisions of
	    Paragraph 7 concerning options granted to Outside Directors,
	    options granted under this Plan shall be evidenced by stock option
	    agreements in such form and not inconsistent with the Plan as the
	    Committee shall approve from time to time, which agreements shall
	    evidence the following terms and conditions:

	    (a)   Price.  Each option agreement shall specify the purchase
		  price per share of stock payable upon the exercise of the
		  option granted thereunder, which price shall not be less
		  than 50% of the fair market value of one share on the date
		  of grant in the case of options granted to individuals whose
		  transactions in Company stock could subject the individual
		  to suit under Section 16(b) of the Securities Exchange Act
		  of 1934 ( Section 16 Persons ).

	    (b)   Number of Shares.  Each option agreement shall specify the
		  number of Shares to which it pertains.

	    (c)   Exercise of Options.  Except as provided in Paragraph 7 each
		  option shall be exercisable for the full amount or for any
		  part thereof and at such intervals or in such installments
		  as is specified in the option agreement pertaining thereto;
		  provided, however, that no option shall be exercisable with
		  respect to any shares later than ten (10) years after the
		  date of grant of such option.

	    (d)   Notice of Exercise and Payment.  Each option hereunder shall
		  be exercisable only by delivery of a written notice to the
		  Company's Treasurer or any other officer of the Company
		  designated by the Committee to accept such notices on its
		  behalf, specifying the number of Shares for which it is
		  exercised.  If said Shares are not at that time effectively
		  registered under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, the
		  optionee shall include with such notice a letter, in form
		  and substance satisfactory to the Company, confirming that
		  the Shares are being purchased for the optionee's own
		  account for investment and not with a view to  distribution. 
		  Payment shall be made in full at the time the option is
		  exercised.  Payment shall be made (i) by cash or check, (ii)
		  if permitted by the Committee, by delivery and assignment to
		  the Company of Shares of Company stock having a fair market
		  value (as determined by the Committee) equal to the option
		  price, (iii) only with respect to optionees who are Section
		  16 Persons, and if permitted by the Committee, by promissory
		  note, or (iv) by a combination of (i), (ii) and (iii) (if

	    (e)   Withholding Taxes; Delivery of Shares.  The Company's
		  obligation to deliver Shares of Common Stock upon exercise
		  of the option, in whole or in part, shall be subject to the
		  optionee's satisfaction of all applicable federal, state and
		  local income and employment tax withholding obligations. 
		  The optionee may satisfy the obligation, in whole or in
		  part, by electing to have the Company withhold Shares of
		  Common Stock having a value equal to the amount required to
		  be withheld.  The value of Shares to be withheld shall be
		  based on the fair market value of the Shares on the date the
		  amount of tax to be withheld is to be determined (the "Tax
		  Date").  The optionee's election to have Shares withheld for
		  this purpose will be subject to the following restrictions: 
		  (1) the election must be made prior to the Tax Date, (2) the
		  election must be irrevocable, (3) the election will be
		  subject to the right of the Committee to disapprove the
		  election, and (4) if a participant is a Section 16 Person,
		  such election must comply in all respects with the
		  requirements of Rule 16b-3.

	    (f)   Termination of Options.  Each option shall terminate and may
		  no longer be exercised if the optionee ceases for any reason
		  to be an employee or director of the Company or any of its
		  subsidiaries, subject to the following provisions:

		  (i)   if the optionee's employment or service as a director
			shall have been terminated for any reason other than
			cause, death or disability, the optionee may at any
			time within a period of thirty (30) days after such
			termination of employment or service as a director, if
			and to the extent permitted by the option agreement,
			exercise the option to the extent it was exercisable
			on the date of termination of the optionee's
			employment or service as a director;

		  (ii)  if the optionee's employment or service as a director
			shall have been terminated because of disability
			within the meaning of Section 22(e) (3) of the
			Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the
			 Code ), the optionee may at any time within a period
			not longer than one (1) year and one day after such
			termination of employment or service as a director, if
			and to the extent permitted by the option agreement,
			exercise the option to the extent that the option was
			exercisable on the date of termination of the
			optionee's employment or service as a director; and

		  (iii) if the optionee dies at a time when he might have
			exercised the option,  then his estate, personal
			representative or beneficiary to whom it has been
			transferred pursuant to Paragraph 8(h) hereof may at
			any time within a period not longer than one (1) year
			after the optionee's death, if and to the extent
			permitted by the option agreement, exercise the option
			to the extent the optionee might have exercised it at
			the time of this death; provided, however, that no
			option may be exercised to any extent by anyone after
			the date of expiration of the option.

	    (g)   Rights as Shareholder.  The optionee shall have no rights as
		  a shareholder with respect to any Shares covered by his
		  option until the purchase thereof.

	    (h)   Non-Transferability.  No option shall be transferable by the
		  optionee otherwise than by will or the laws of descent or
		  distribution, and each option shall be exercisable during
		  his lifetime only by him.

	    (i)   Repurchase of Shares by the Company.  Subject to the
		  provisions in Paragraph 7, any Shares purchased by an
		  optionee upon exercise of an option may in the discretion of
		  the Committee be subject to repurchase by the Company if and
		  to the extent specifically set forth in the option agreement
		  pursuant to which the Shares were purchased.

9.          Stock Dividends; Stock Splits; Stock Combinations;
	    Recapitalizations.  Appropriate adjustment shall be made in the
	    maximum number of Shares of Common Stock subject to the Plan and
	    to the number of Shares of Common Stock fixed in Section 7(c)
	    above, to give effect to any stock dividends, stock splits, stock
	    combinations, recapitalizations and other similar changes in the
	    capital structure of the Company.  Appropriate adjustment shall be
	    made in the number, kind, and option price of Shares covered by
	    any outstanding option hereunder to give effect to any stock
	    dividends, stock splits, stock combinations, recapitalizations and
	    other similar changes in the capital structure of the Company
	    after the date such option is granted.

10.         Merger; Sales of Assets; Dissolution.  In the event of a change of
	    the Common Stock resulting from a merger or similar reorganization
	    as to which the Company is the surviving corporation, the number
	    and kind of Shares which thereafter may be optioned and sold under
	    the Plan and the number and kind of Shares then subject to options
	    granted hereunder and the price per share thereof shall be
	    appropriately adjusted in such manner as the Board may deem
	    equitable to prevent substantial dilution or enlargement of the
	    rights available or granted hereunder.  Except as otherwise
	    determined by the Board of Directors, a merger or a similar
	    reorganization which the company does not survive, or a sale of
	    all or substantially all of the assets of the Company, shall cause
	    every option outstanding hereunder to terminate, to the  extent
	    not then exercised, unless any surviving entity agrees to assume
	    the obligations hereunder.

11.         Termination or Amendment of Plan.  The Board may at any time
	    terminate the Plan or make such changes in or additions to the
	    Plan as it deems advisable without further action on the part of
	    the Shareholders of the Company provided:

	    (a)   that no such termination or amendment shall adversely affect
		  or impair any then outstanding option without the consent of
		  the optionee holding such option;

	    (b)   that any such amendment which:

		  (i)   increases the maximum number of Shares subject to the
			Plan (subject to the provisions of Section 9);

		  (ii)  changes the class of person eligible to participate in
			the Plan; or

		  (iii) materially increases the benefits accruing to
			participants under the Plan shall be subject to
			approval by the shareholders of the Company within one
			(1) year from the effective date of such amendment and
			shall be null and void if such approval is not
			obtained; and

	    (c)   that Section 7(c) of the Plan may not be amended or modified
		  more than once in any six-month period.