Washington, D.C.  20549
                            FORM 10-Q
 (Mark One)

[X]  Quarterly  Report Pursuant to Section 13  or  15(d)  of  the
     Securities Exchange Act of 1934

For the quarterly period ended April 30, 1996
[  ]  Transition Report Pursuant to Section 13 or  15(d)  of  the
      Securities Exchange Act of 1934

For the transition period from          to

                Commission File Number:  1-10308

                     CUC International Inc.
     (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

           Delaware                          06-0918165
(State or other jurisdiction of           (I.R.S. Employer
incorporation or organization)          Identification No.)

       707 Summer Street
     Stamford, Connecticut                       06901
(Address of principal executive offices)       (Zip Code)

                        (203) 324-9261
(Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

                         Not applicable
(Former  name, former address and former fiscal year, if  changed
since last report.)

Indicate  by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed  all
reports  required  to be filed by Section  13  or  15(d)  of  the
Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding  12  months
(or  for such shorter period that the registrant was required  to
file  such  reports),  and (2) has been subject  to  such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days.  Yes  X    No    .

                    THE PRECEDING FIVE YEARS:

Indicate  by  check  mark whether the registrant  has  filed  all
documents and reports required to be filed by Sections 12, 13  or
15(d)  of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 subsequent  to  the
distribution  of securities under a plan confirmed  by  a  court.
Yes        No     .

Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the issuer's
classes of common stock, as of the latest practicable date.
Common  Stock, $.01 par value - 191,537,342 shares as of May  31,



PART I. FINANCIAL INFORMATION                               PAGE

Item 1.   Financial Statements (Unaudited)

Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets - April 30, 1996
and January 31, 1996.                                       3

Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income - Three months
ended April 30, 1996 and 1995.                              4

Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows -
Three months ended April 30, 1996 and 1995.                 5

Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.       6

Independent Accountants' Review Report.                     8

Item   2.  Management's  Discussion  and  Analysis  of  
           Financial Condition and Results of Operations    9


Item  4.   Submission  of Matters to a Vote of  Security 
           Holders                                         13

Item 6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K                  14

SIGNATURES                                                 17

INDEX TO EXHIBITS                                          18
PART I.  FINANCIAL  INFORMATION                            
(In thousands)                                             
                                           April 30, January 31,
                                             1996        1996
Assets                                    (Unaudited)
Current Assets                                                  
  Cash and cash equivalents                 $286,344    $269,987
  Receivables                                305,380     297,842
  Prepaid membership materials                42,302      39,061
  Prepaid expenses, deferred taxes                              
    and other                                105,702     100,104
        Total Current Assets                 739,728     706,994
Membership solicitations in process           61,663      60,713
Deferred membership acquisition costs        278,001     273,102
Contract renewal rights and intangible                          
  assets - net of accumulated
  amortization of $97,448 and $92,415        281,545     276,047
Properties, at cost, less accumulated                           
  depreciation of $77,698 and $73,575         65,491      61,441
Deferred income taxes and other               40,243      36,111
                                          $1,466,671  $1,414,408
Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity                            
Current Liabilities                                             
  Accounts payable and accrued expenses     $101,107    $124,902
  Federal and state income taxes payable      12,887      24,943
        Total Current Liabilities            113,994     149,845
Deferred membership income, net              523,233     513,219
Zero coupon convertible notes - net of                          
  unamortized original issue discount                           
  of $178 and $588                            14,709      14,410
Other                                          9,164       9,722
Shareholders' Equity                                            
   Common stock-par value $.01 per share;                       
     authorized 400 million shares;                              
     issued 194,381,429 shares
     and 191,820,896 shares                    1,944       1,918
  Additional paid-in capital                 370,389     323,704
  Retained earnings                          482,657     434,407
  Treasury stock, at cost, 3,868,011                            
    shares and 3,410,631 shares             (48,161)    (30,998)
  Foreign currency translation               (1,258)     (1,819)
Total Shareholders' Equity                   805,571     727,212
                                          $1,466,671  $1,414,408
See notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.
              (In thousands, except per share amounts)                        
                                              Three Months Ended
                                                  April 30,
                                               1996       1995
   Membership and service fees and other    $390,026    $325,114
     Total Revenues                          390,026     325,114
     Operating                               105,801      89,186
     Marketing                               151,962     128,520
     General and administrative               54,408      48,709
     Interest income, net                      (805)       (348)
Total Expenses                               311,366     266,067
INCOME  BEFORE  INCOME  TAXES                 78,660      59,047
Provision for income taxes                    30,410      23,001
NET  INCOME                                  $48,250     $36,046
Net Income Per Common Share                    $0.25       $0.19
Weighted Average Number of                                      
Common and Dilutive Common                                      
Equivalent Shares Outstanding                196,736     192,371
See notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.

                        (In thousands)        
                                                   APRIL 30,
THREE MONTHS ENDED                             1996        1995
OPERATING  ACTIVITIES:                                          
Net income                                   $48,250     $36,046
Adjustments to reconcile net income to                          
  net cash provided by (used in)                                
  operating activities:
    Membership acquisition costs            (122,372)    (83,874)
    Amortization of membership                                  
      acquisition costs                      117,473      97,205
    Deferred membership income                 9,776     (10,762)
    Membership solicitations in process         (950)     (4,659)
    Amortization of contract renewal           5,033       4,503
      rights and excess cost
    Deferred income taxes                     (2,007)      3,784
    Amortization of original issue                              
      discount on convertible notes              406         426
      Depreciation                             4,287       3,765
      Changes in working capital items, net of acquisitions:
        Increase in receivables               (7,538)    (13,725)
       (Increase) decrease in prepaid                           
          membership materials                (3,241)      2,130
        Increase in prepaid expenses          (5,598)    (11,323)
        Net decrease in accounts payable                        
          & accrued expenses and federal                        
          & state income taxes payable       (13,235)    (20,746)
        Other, net                            (1,987)     (2,852)
Net cash provided by (used in) operating                        
activities                                    28,297         (82)
INVESTING  ACTIVITIES:                                          
Acquisitions, net of cash acquired           (10,668)    (51,172)
Acquisitions of properties                    (7,962)     (7,617)
Net cash used in investing activities        (18,630)    (58,789)
FINANCING  ACTIVITIES:                                          
Issuance of Common Stock                       5,463      10,017
Repayments of long-term obligations            1,227         378
Net cash provided by financing activities      6,690      10,395
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash                        
equivalents                                   16,357     (48,476)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of                       
period                                       269,987     209,054
Cash and cash equivalents at end of                             
  period                                    $286,344    $160,578
See notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.


The   accompanying  unaudited  condensed  consolidated  financial
statements  have  been  prepared  in  accordance  with  generally
accepted  accounting principles for interim financial information
and  with  the  instructions  to Form  10-Q  and  Rule  10-01  of
Regulation  S-X.   Accordingly, they do not include  all  of  the
information   and   footnotes  required  by  generally   accepted
accounting principles for complete financial statements.  In  the
opinion  of  management, all adjustments  (consisting  of  normal
recurring  accruals) considered necessary for a fair presentation
have been included.  Operating results for the three months ended
April 30, 1996 are not necessarily indicative of the results that
may  be  expected  for  the year ending January  31,  1997.   For
further  information,  refer  to  the  financial  statements  and
footnotes thereto included in the Company's Form 10-K filing  for
the  year  ended  January  31, 1996.  The condensed  consolidated
financial  statements at April 30, 1996 and for the three  months
ended  April  30,  1996  and 1995 are unaudited,  but  have  been
reviewed  by independent accountants and their report is included
herein.   Certain  balance  sheet amounts  were  reclassified  to
conform with the April 30, 1996 presentation.


During  February  1996,  the Company entered  into  two  separate
Agreements  and Plans of Merger to acquire Davidson & Associates,
Inc.   ("Davidson")   and   Sierra   On-Line,   Inc.   ("Sierra")
(collectively, the "Software Mergers").  Under the terms  of  the
respective  agreements, the Company plans to  issue  .85  of  one
share  of  its  common stock, par value $.01 per  share  ("Common
Stock")  for  each  share  of Davidson common  stock  issued  and
outstanding and 1.225 shares of  its Common Stock for each  share
of Sierra common stock  issued and outstanding, immediately prior
to  the respective effective dates of the Software Mergers.   The
consummations  of  the Software Mergers are  subject  to  certain
customary  closing  conditions, including  the  approval  of  the
holders  of  Davidson  and  Sierra  common  stock,  respectively.
Additionally,  the  Boards of Directors of  Davidson  and  Sierra
have the right (but are not required) to terminate the respective
merger agreements if the average price per share of the Company's
Common  Stock  in  specified periods prior  to  their  respective
stockholders'  meetings  is  below $29.  Neither  transaction  is
contingent  upon the consummation of the other transaction.   The
transactions will be accounted for under the pooling-of-interests
method of accounting and are expected to be completed during  the
second quarter of fiscal 1997.

During April 1996, the Company entered into an Agreement and Plan
of Merger to acquire Ideon Group, Inc. ( the "Ideon Merger").  In
the  Ideon  Merger,  each share of Ideon  Group,  Inc.  ("Ideon")
common  stock  outstanding on the effective  date  of  the  Ideon
Merger  will be converted into Common Stock at a value of  $13.50
per  share,  subject to certain adjustments if the average  stock
price  of  a  share of Common Stock falls outside of a  specified
range.   The  consummation  of the Ideon  Merger  is  subject  to
certain  customary closing conditions, including the approval  of
the  holders  of  Ideon common stock.  The Company  expects  upon
closing  of the Ideon Merger to reserve for costs to be  incurred
related  to the Ideon Merger, which will include integration  and
transaction   costs  as  well  as  costs  relating   to   certain
outstanding  litigation matters previously discussed  in  Ideon's
public filings.  This transaction will be accounted for under the
pooling-of-interests method of accounting and is expected  to  be
completed during the second or third quarter of fiscal 1997.



Net income per share, assuming the conversions of the zero coupon
convertible  notes during the three months ended April  30,  1996
occurred  at  the  beginning of such  period,  would  not  differ
significantly  from the Company's actual earnings per  share  for
such period.


The  Company's  effective  tax  rate  differs  from  the  Federal
statutory rate principally because of state income taxes and non-
deductible  amortization of the excess of cost  over  net  assets

             Independent AccountantsO Review Report

Shareholders and Board of Directors
CUC International Inc.

We have reviewed the accompanying condensed consolidated balance
sheet of CUC International Inc. as of April 30, 1996, and the
related condensed consolidated statements of income and cash
flows for the three-month periods ended April 30, 1996 and 1995.
These financial statements are the responsibility of the
CompanyOs management.

We conducted our reviews in accordance with standards established
by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. A
review of interim financial information consists principally of
applying analytical procedures to financial data, and making
inquiries of persons responsible for financial and accounting
matters. It is substantially less in scope than an audit
conducted in accordance with generally accepted auditing
standards, which will be performed for the full year with the
objective of expressing an opinion regarding the financial
statements taken as a whole. Accordingly, we do not express such
an opinion.

Based on our reviews, we are not aware of any material
modifications that should be made to the accompanying condensed
consolidated financial statements referred to above for them to
be in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

We have previously audited, in accordance with generally accepted
auditing standards, the consolidated balance sheet of CUC
International Inc. as of January 31, 1996, and the related
consolidated statements of income, shareholders' equity and cash
flows for the year then ended, not presented herein, and in our
report dated March 19, 1996, we expressed an unqualified opinion
on those consolidated financial statements. In our opinion, the
information set forth in the accompanying condensed consolidated
balance sheet as of January 31, 1996, is fairly stated, in all
material respects, in relation to the consolidated balance sheet
from which it has been derived.

                                            ERNST & YOUNG LLP

Stamford, Connecticut
May 22, 1996

                    AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS

              Three Months Ended April 30, 1996 vs.
                Three Months Ended April 30, 1995

The  Company's overall membership base continues  to  grow  at  a
rapid  rate  (from 36.9 million members at April 30, 1995  to  48
million  members  at  April  30,  1996),  which  is  the  largest
contributing factor to the 20% increase in revenues (from  $325.1
million for the quarter ended April 30, 1995 to $390 million  for
the  quarter ended April 30, 1996).  While the overall membership
base  increased by approximately 1.5 million members  during  the
quarter,  the  average  annual fee collected  for  the  Company's
membership  services  increased by 1%.  The Company  divides  its
memberships  into  three  categories: individual,  wholesale  and
discount  program memberships. Individual memberships consist  of
members  that pay directly for the services and the Company  pays
for  the  marketing costs to solicit the member  primarily  using
direct   marketing  techniques.  Wholesale  memberships   include
members  that pay directly for the services to their sponsor  and
the  Company does not pay for the marketing costs to solicit  the
members.   Discount  program memberships are  generally  marketed
through  a direct sales force, participating merchant or  general
advertising and the related fees are either paid directly by  the
member  or  the  local retailer.  All of these  categories  share
various   aspects  of  the  Company's  marketing  and   operating

Compared  to  the  previous  year's  first  quarter,  individual,
wholesale and discount program memberships grew by 16%,  20%  and
61%, respectively, including members which came from acquisitions
completed during fiscal 1996 (members resulting from acquisitions
being  "Acquired  Members").  Discount program  memberships  have
incurred  the largest increase from Acquired Members, principally
from  Advance  Ross Corporation, acquired in fiscal  1996,  which
provides  local  discounts to consumers.  For the  quarter  ended
April 30, 1996, individual, wholesale and discount coupon program
memberships   represented  63%,  14%   and   23%   of   revenues,
respectively.  The Company maintains a flexible marketing plan so
that it is not dependent on any one service for the future growth
of the total membership base.

As   the   Company's  services  continue  to  mature,  a  greater
percentage  of  the total individual membership base  is  in  its
renewal years.  This results in increased profit margins for  the
Company  due  to  the significant decrease in  certain  marketing
costs incurred on renewing members.  Improved response rates  for
new  members also favorably impact profit margins.   As a result,
operating  income  before interest and taxes  ("EBIT")  increased
from  $58.7  million to $77.9 million, and EBIT margins  improved
from 18.1% to 20%.

Individual   membership  usage  continues  to   increase,   which
contributes to additional service fees and indirectly contributes
to  the Company's strong renewal rate.  Historically, an increase
in overall membership usage has had a favorable impact on renewal
rates.  The Company records its deferred revenue net of estimated
cancellations  which  are anticipated in the Company's  marketing

              AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS (continued)

              Three Months Ended April 30, 1996 vs.
                Three Months Ended April 30, 1995

Operating  costs  increased 19% (from  $89.2  million  to  $105.8
million).  The major components of the Company's operating  costs
continue   to   be  personnel,  telephone,  computer  processing,
participant  insurance premiums (the cost of obtaining  insurance
coverage for members) and travel cash awards.  Travel members are
entitled  to receive cash awards based on travel booked with  the
Company.   For  the  quarter ended April 30, 1996,  these  awards
represent less than 5% of total operating costs.  The increase in
overall operating costs is due principally to the variable nature
of  many  of  these  costs and, therefore, the  additional  costs
incurred   to   support  the  growth  in  the  membership   base.
Historically,  the Company has seen a direct correlation  between
providing  a  high level of service to its members  and  improved
Marketing costs decreased as a percentage of revenue (from 40% to
39%).   This  decrease  is primarily due to improved  per  member
acquisition costs and an increase in renewing members. Membership
acquisition costs incurred increased 46% (from $83.9  million  to
$122.4  million)  as a result of the increased  marketing  effort
which  resulted  in an increased number of new members  acquired.
Marketing   costs   include   the  amortization   of   membership
acquisition  costs  and  other marketing costs,  which  primarily
consist   of   membership  communications  and  sales   expenses.
Amortization  of  membership acquisition costs increased  by  21%
(from  $97.2  million to $117.5 million).  Other marketing  costs
increased  by  10% (from $31.3 million to $34.5 million).   These
increases resulted primarily from the costs of servicing a larger
membership  base.   The  marketing functions  for  the  Company's
consumer  services  are  combined for its various  services  and,
accordingly, there are no significant changes in marketing  costs
by service.

The  Company routinely reviews all renewal rates and has not seen
any  material  change over the last year in the  average  renewal
rate.  Renewal rates are calculated by dividing the total  number
of  renewing members not requesting a refund during their renewal
year by the total members up for renewal.

General  and  administrative costs decreased as a  percentage  of
revenue (from 15% to 14%).  This is principally the result of the
Company's ongoing ability to control overhead.  Interest  income,
net,  increased from $.3 million to $.8 million primarily due  to
the  reduced level of amortization associated with the  Company's
zero  coupon  convertible notes and the net interest income  from
the  increased  level  of  cash  generated  by  the  Company  for

              AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS (continued)

Membership Information

The  following chart sets forth the approximate number of members
and net additions for the respective periods.
                                                   Net New Member
                              Number of               Additions
Period                         Members             for the Period
Quarter Ended April 30, 1996   48,015,000              1,535,000
Year Ended January 31, 1996    46,480,000             12,630,000*
Quarter Ended April 30, 1995   36,850,000              3,000,000**
Year Ended January 31, 1995    33,850,000              3,000,000

 *Includes approximately 8 million Acquired Members.
**Includes approximately 1.7 million Acquired Members.

The membership acquisition costs incurred applicable to obtaining
a new member, for memberships other than coupon book memberships,
generally  approximate  the  initial  membership  fee.    Initial
membership fees for coupon book memberships generally exceed  the
membership  acquisition costs incurred applicable to obtaining  a
new member.

Membership  cancellations processed by certain of  the  Company's
clients  report  membership information  only  on  a  net  basis.
Accordingly, the Company does not receive actual numbers of gross
additions   and   gross  cancellations  for  certain   types   of
memberships.  In calculating the number of members,  the  Company
has  deducted its best estimate of cancellations which may  occur
during  the  trial  membership periods offered in  its  marketing
programs.   Typically  these periods  range  from  one  to  three

Liquidity And Capital Resources; Inflation; Seasonality

Funds  for  the Company's operations and acquisitions  have  been
provided through cash flow from operations.  The Company also has
a  credit  agreement, dated March 26, 1996,  with  certain  banks
signatory  thereto;  The  Chase Manhattan  Bank,  N.A.,  Bank  of
Montreal,  Morgan  Guaranty Trust Company of  New  York  and  The
Sakura Bank, Limited, as Co-Agents; and The Chase Manhattan Bank,
N.A.,  as  Administrative  Agent (the "Credit  Agreement").   The
Credit  Agreement  provides for a $500 million  revolving  credit
facility  with  a variety of different types of  loans  available
thereunder.   The  Credit  Agreement contains  certain  customary
restrictive  covenants  including, without limitation,  financial
covenants and restrictions on certain corporate transactions, and
also  contains  various  event of default  provisions  including,
without  limitation,  defaults arising from  certain  changes  in
control  of  the Company.  The amount of borrowings available  to
the  Company under the Credit Agreement was $500 million at April
30,  1996, as there were no borrowings under the Credit Agreement
at that date.  The Credit Agreement is scheduled to expired March
26, 2001.

              AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS (continued)

Liquidity   And   Capital   Resources;   Inflation;   Seasonality

The Company invested approximately $10.7 million in acquisitions,
net  of  cash acquired, during the three months ended  April  30,
1996.   These  acquisitions have been fully integrated  into  the
Company's  operations.  The Company is not aware of  any  trends,
demands or uncertainties that will have a material effect on  the
Company's liquidity.  The Company anticipates that cash flow from
operations and the Credit Agreement will be sufficient to achieve
its current long-term objectives.

The Company does not anticipate any material capital expenditures
for  the  next year.  Total capital expenditures were $8  million
for the three months ended April 30, 1996.

The  Company intends to continue to review potential acquisitions
that   it  believes  would  enhance  the  Company's  growth   and
profitability.  Any acquisitions paid for in cash will  initially
be  financed  through excess cash flow from  operations  and  the
Credit  Agreement.  However, depending on the financing necessary
to complete an acquisition, additional funding may be required.

To  date, the overall impact of inflation on the Company has  not
been  material.  Except for the cash receipts from  the  sale  of
coupon book memberships, the Company's business is generally  not
seasonal.   Most cash receipts from these coupon book memberships
are  received in the fourth quarter and, to a lesser  extent,  in
the first and the third quarters of each fiscal year.

For  the  three  months  ended  April  30,  1996,  the  Company's
international  businesses  represented  less  than  5%  of  EBIT.
Operating   in   international  markets  involves  dealing   with
sometimes  volatile  movements in currency  exchange  rates.  The
economic  impact  of  currency exchange  rate  movements  on  the
Company  is complex because it is linked to variability  in  real
growth, inflation, interest rates and other factors.  Because the
Company  operates  in a mix of membership services  and  numerous
countries, management believes currency exposures are fairly well
diversified.   To  date,  currency  exposure  has  not   been   a
significant  competitive  factor at the  local  market  operating
level.   As international operations continue to expand  and  the
number   of  cross-border  transactions  increases,  the  Company
intends to continue monitoring its currency exposures closely and
take prudent actions as appropriate.



Matters  as specified in the Company's Proxy Statement dated  May
3,  1996,  a  copy of which has previously been  filed  with  the
Securities and Exchange Commission, were considered and  approved
by the Company's shareholders at the annual shareholders' meeting
held on June 5, 1996. The results of such matters are as follows:

Proposal 1:   To  elect  Messrs. T. Barnes Donnelley, Christopher
              K.  McLeod  and  Stanley M. Rumbough,  Jr.  to  the
              Board  of  Directors of  the Company,  each  for  a
              term to expire at the 1999 Annual  Meeting.

       Results:               Total Vote For     Total Vote Withheld
     T. Barnes Donnelley       161,779,934           487,560
     Christopher K. McLeod     161,780,685           486,809
     Stanley M. Rumbough, Jr.  161,696,624           570,870
 The  terms  of office as a director of each of Bartlett  Burnap,
 Walter  A.  Forbes, Stephen A.Greyser, Burton C. Perfit,  Robert
 P. Rittereiser and E. Kirk Shelton continued after the meeting.

Proposal 2:   To  amend  the  Company's Restated  Certificate  of
              Incorporation to increase the number of  shares  of
              Common Stock authorized for issuance.

     Results:        For             Against         Abstain
                 156,774,873        4,560,166         932,455

Proposal 3:    To amend the Company's 1992 Directors Stock Option

     Results:         For            Against         Abstain
                  139,888,891      21,179,183       1,199,420

Proposal 4:    To amend the Company's 1994 Directors Stock Option

     Results:         For            Against         Abstain
                   139,317,819     21,728,586       1,221,089

Proposal 5:    To  ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as
               the  Company's Independent Auditors for the fiscal
               year ending January 31, 1997.

     Results:         For            Against         Abstain
                   161,874,573        102,457         290,464



 (a) Exhibit
     No.                      Description

          3.1   Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation
          of the Company, as filed June 5, 1996.

          10.1-10.16    Management Contracts, Compensatory Plans and

          10.1  Form of Employment Contract with E. Kirk  Shelton
          and Christopher K. McLeod, dated  February 1, 1987,  as
          amended November 1, 1991 (filed as Exhibit 10.1 to  the
          Company's  Annual Report on Form 10-K  for  the  fiscal
          year ended January 31, 1994).*

          10.2  Amendment  to Employment Contract  with  E.  Kirk
          Shelton, dated February 1, 1996 (filed as Exhibit  10.2
          to  the  Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K  for  the
          fiscal year ended January 31, 1996).*

          10.3  Amendment to Employment Contract with Christopher
          K. McLeod, dated February     1, 1996 (filed as Exhibit
          10.3  to  the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K  for
          the fiscal year ended January 31, 1996).*

          10.4  Employment Contract with Walter A. Forbes,  dated
          January 1, 1987, as amended January 1, 1991, January 1,
          1993 and October 1, 1993 (filed as Exhibit 10.2 to  the
          Company's  Annual Report on Form 10-K  for  the  fiscal
          year  ended  January 31, 1994) (the "Forbes  Employment

          10.5  Fourth Amendment to Forbes Employment  Agreement,
          dated as of June 1, 1994 (filed as Exhibit 10.3 to  the
          Company's  Form  10-Q  for the period  ended  July  31,

          10.6 Agreement with Cosmo Corigliano, dated February 1,
          1994  (filed  as  Exhibit 10.6 to the Company's  Annual
          Report  on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended  January
          31, 1995).*

          10.7  Amendment   to  Agreement with Cosmo  Corigliano,
          dated  February 21, 1996 (filed as Exhibit 10.7 to  the
          Company's  Annual Report on Form 10-K  for  the  fiscal
          year ended January 31, 1996).*

          10.8  Agreement with Amy N. Lipton, dated  February  1,
          1996  (filed  as  Exhibit 10.8 to the Company's  Annual
          Report  on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended  January
          31, 1996).*

          10.9 Form of Employee Stock Option under the 1987 Stock
          Option  Plan  (filed as Exhibit 10.6 to  the  Company's
          Form 10-Q for the period ended April 30, 1995).*



           10.10      Form of Director Stock Option for 1990  and
           1992  Directors Stock Options Plans (filed as  Exhibit
           10.4  to  the Company's Annual Report for  the  fiscal
           year  ended January 31, 1991, as amended December  12,
           1991 and December 19, 1991).*

           10.11        Form  of Director Stock Option  for  1994
           Directors Stock Option Plan, as amended.

           10.12        1987 Stock Option Plan, as amended (filed
           as  Exhibit  10.9 to the Company's Form 10-Q  for  the
           period ended April 30, 1995).*

           10.13        1990  Directors  Stock  Option  Plan,  as
           amended  (filed  as Exhibit 10.10.  to  the  Company's
           Form 10-Q for the period ended April 30, 1995).*

           10.14  1992 Directors Stock Option Plan, as amended.

           10.15  1994 Directors Stock Option Plan, as amended.

           10.16         Restricted  Stock  Plan  and   Form   of
           Restricted  Stock  Plan Agreement  (filed  as  Exhibit
           10.24 to the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K  for
           the  fiscal  year ended January 31, 1991,  as  amended
           December 12, 1991 and December 19, 1991).*

           10.17       Credit  Agreement, dated as of  March  26,
           1996,   among:  CUC  International  Inc.;  the   Banks
           signatory  thereto;  The Chase Manhattan  Bank,  N.A.,
           Bank  of  Montreal, Morgan Guaranty Trust  Company  of
           New  York,  and The Sakura Bank, Limited as Co-Agents;
           and  The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A., as Administrative
           Agent  (filed as Exhibit 10.17 to the Company's Annual
           Report  on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended January
           31, 1996).*

           10.18         Agreement  and  Plan  of  Merger,  dated
           October  17,  1995,  among  CUC  International   Inc.,
           Retreat  Acquisition  Corporation  and  Advance   Ross
           Corporation  (filed  as Exhibit  2  to  the  Company's
           Registration  Statement on Form S-4, Registration  No.
           33-64801, filed on December 7, 1995).*

           10.19   Agreement   and Plan of Merger,  dated  as  of
           February   19,   1996,  by  and   among   Davidson   &
           Associates,  Inc., CUC International Inc. and  Stealth
           Acquisition  I  Corp. (filed as Exhibit  2(a)  to  the
           Company's Report on Form 8-K filed March 12, 1996).*

           10.20       Agreement and Plan of Merger, dated as  of
           February 19, 1996, by and among Sierra On-Line,  Inc.,
           CUC  International  Inc. and Larry  Acquisition  Corp.
           (filed  as  Exhibit  2(b) to the Company's  Report  on
           Form 8-K filed March 12, 1996).*



           10.21       Agreement and Plan of Merger, dated as  of
           April  19,  1996, by and among Ideon Group, Inc.,  CUC
           International Inc. and IG Acquisition Corp. (filed  as
           Exhibit  10.21 to the Company's Annual Report on  Form
           10-K for the fiscal year ended January 31, 1996).*

          11.   Statement re:  Computation of Per Share  Earnings

          15.    Letter   re:      Unaudited  Interim   Financial

(b)  During  the quarter ended April 30, 1996, the Company  filed
     the following Current Reports on Form 8-K:

     (1) Current Report on Form 8-K, filed on February 21,  1996,
         reporting an Item 5 ("Other Events") event.
     (2) Current Report on Form 8-K, filed on February 22,  1996,
         reporting an Item 5 ("Other Events") event.
     (3) Current  Report  on Form 8-K, filed on March  12,  1996,
         reporting an Item 5 ("Other Events") event.
     (4) Current  Report  on Form 8-K, filed on April  22,  1996,
         reporting an Item 5 ("Other Events") event.

      *Incorporated by reference


Pursuant  to the requirements of the Securities Exchange  Act  of
1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed  on
its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                               CUC INTERNATIONAL INC.

Date:  June 14, 1996              By:   WALTER  A.  FORBES
                                        Walter A. Forbes -
                                        Chief Executive Officer
                                        and Chairman of the Board
                                        (Principal Executive Officer)

Date:  June 14, 1996              By:   COSMO CORIGLIANO
                                        Cosmo  Corigliano  - Senior Vice
                                        President  and Chief Financial
                                        Officer  (Principal  Financial
                                        and Accounting Officer)

                        INDEX TO EXHIBITS
     No.                 Description                   Page

    3.1  Amended   and   Restated  Certificate   of
          Incorporation  of the Company,  as  filed
          June 5, 1996.
  10.1-10.16 Management   Contracts,   Compensatory
                Plans and Arrangements
    10.1 Form  of Employment Contract with E.  Kirk
          Shelton and Christopher K. McLeod,  dated
          February 1, 1987, as amended November  1,
          1991  (filed  as  Exhibit  10.1  to   the
          Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K  for
          the fiscal year ended January 31, 1994).*
    10.2 Amendment to Employment Contract  with  E.
          Kirk  Shelton,  dated  February  1,  1996
          (filed  as  Exhibit 10.2 to the Company's
          Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal
          year ended January 31, 1996).*
    10.3 Amendment  to  Employment  Contract   with
          Christopher K. McLeod, dated February  1,
          1996  (filed  as  Exhibit  10.3  to   the
          Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K  for
          the fiscal year ended January 31, 1996).*
    10.4 Employment   Contract   with   Walter   A.
          Forbes, dated January 1, 1987, as amended
          January  1,1991,  January  1,  1993   and
          October 1, 1993 (filed as Exhibit 10.2 to
          the Company's Annual Report  on Form 10-K
          for  the  fiscal year ended  January  31,
          1994)     (the     "Forbes     Employment
    10.5 Fourth   Amendment  to  Forbes  Employment
          Agreement,  dated  as  of  June  1,  1994
          (filed  as  Exhibit 10.3 to the Company's
          Form  10-Q for the period ended July  31,
    10.6 Agreement  with  Cosmo  Corigliano,  dated
          February  1, 1994 (filed as Exhibit  10.6
          to the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-
          K  for the fiscal year ended January  31,
    10.7 Amendment   to   Agreement   with    Cosmo
          Corigliano,  dated  February   21,   1996
          (filed  as  Exhibit 10.7 to the Company's
          Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal
          year ended January 31, 1996).*
    10.8 Agreement   with  Amy  N.  Lipton,   dated
          February  1, 1996 (filed as Exhibit  10.8
          to the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-
          K  for the fiscal year ended January  31,
    10.9 Form  of  Employee Stock Option under  the
          1987  Stock Option Plan (filed as Exhibit
          10.6  to the Company's Form 10-Q for  the
          period ended April 30, 1995).*

                  INDEX TO EXHIBITS (continued)

     No.                 Description                   Page

    10.10 Form  of  Director Stock Option for  1990
           and  1992 Directors Stock Options  Plans
           (filed  as Exhibit 10.4 to the Company's
           Annual Report for the fiscal year  ended
           January  31,  1991, as amended  December
           12, 1991 and December 19, 1991).*
    10.11 Form  of  Director Stock Option for  1994
           Directors Stock Option Plan, as amended.
    10.12 1987   Stock  Option  Plan,  as   amended
           (filed  as Exhibit 10.9 to the Company's
           Form 10-Q for the period ended April 30,
    10.13 1990  Directors  Stock  Option  Plan,  as
           amended (filed as Exhibit 10.10. to  the
           Company's Form 10-Q for the period ended
           April 30, 1995).*
    10.14 1992  Directors  Stock  Option  Plan,  as
    10.15 1994  Directors  Stock  Option  Plan,  as
    10.16 Restricted   Stock  Plan  and   Form   of
           Restricted  Stock Plan Agreement  (filed
           as Exhibit 10.24 to the Company's Annual
           Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal  year
           ended   January  31,  1991,  as  amended
           December  12,  1991  and  December   19,
    10.17 Credit Agreement, dated as of  March  26,
           1996, among: CUC International Inc.; the
           Banks   signatory  thereto;  The   Chase
           Manhattan  Bank, N.A., Bank of Montreal,
           Morgan  Guaranty Trust  Company  of  New
           York, and the Sakura Bank, Limited as Co-
           Agents;  and  The Chase Manhattan  Bank,
           N.A., as Administrative Agent (filed  as
           Exhibit  10.17  to the Company's  Annual
           Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal  year
           ended January 31, 1996).*
    10.18 Agreement  and  Plan  of  Merger,   dated
           October    17,    1995,    among     CUC
           International Inc., Retreat  Acquisition
           Corporation and Advance Ross Corporation
           (filed  as  Exhibit 2 to  the  Company's
           Registration  Statement  on  Form   S-4,
           Registration  No.  33-64801,  filed   on
           December 7, 1995).*
    10.19 Agreement   and Plan of Merger, dated  as
           of  February  19,  1996,  by  and  among
           Davidson   &   Associates,   Inc.,   CUC
           International    Inc.    and     Stealth
           Acquisition  I Corp. (filed  as  Exhibit
           2(a) to the Company's Report on  Form 8-
           K filed March 12, 1996).*
    10.20 Agreement  and Plan of Merger,  dated  as
           of  February  19,  1996,  by  and  among
           Sierra  On-Line, Inc., CUC International
           Inc.  and Larry Acquisition Corp. (filed
           as  Exhibit 2(b) to the Company's Report
           on Form 8-K filed March 12, 1996).*
                  INDEX TO EXHIBITS (continued)
    No.                 Description                  Page
    10.21 Agreement  and Plan of Merger,  dated  as
           of  April  19, 1996, by and among  Ideon
           Group, Inc., CUC International Inc.  and
           IG  Acquisition Corp. (filed as  Exhibit
           10.21 to the Company's Annual Report  on
           Form  10-K  for  the fiscal  year  ended
           January 31, 1996).*
    11.   Statement  re:  Computation of Per  Share
           Earnings (Unaudited)
    15.   Letter  re:  Unaudited Interim  Financial

*Incorporated by reference