
Dear (name):

I  am  pleased to advise you that the Committee (the "Committee")
of  the  Board  of  Directors  of  CUC  International  Inc.  (the
"Corporation") which administers the Corporation's 1994 Directors
Stock  Option Plan (the "Plan") on November __, 199_   authorized
the  granting to you under the Plan of a non-statutory option  to
purchase  11,250 shares of common stock, $.01 par value,  of  the
Corporation (the "Common Stock") at a price of $____________  per
share (the "Exercise Price"), which the Committee believes to  be
the fair market value of the Common Stock on that date.

Terms not defined herein shall have the meaning set forth in  the

1.   Your option may be exercised under the following terms:

          (a)   This option shall not be transferable except:  by
          will  or the laws of descent and distribution; pursuant
          to  a  domestic  relations order,  as  defined  in  the
          Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the  "Code")
          or  Title I of the Employee Retirement Security Act  or
          the  rules  thereunder; or as a  gift  to  your  family
          members, trusts for the benefit of your family  members
          or charities or other not-for-profit organizations.

          (b)   Subject  to  the  provisions  of  paragraphs  (e)
          through  (i) hereof, this option may be exercisable  by
          you as follows:
                You  may purchase some or all of the Common Stock
          for  which options are herein  granted on or after  the
          date hereof.

          Your right to exercise this option shall be cumulative.

                This option shall expire on the tenth anniversary
          of the date hereof.

          (c)   If  required  by the Corporation,  prior  to  the
          delivery  to  you  of  a  certificate  or  certificates
          representing  the shares of Common Stock  purchased  by
          you  upon  the exercise of the option, you  shall  have
          deposited with the Corporation a non-disposition letter
          (restricting disposition by you of the shares of Common
          Stock)   in  form  satisfactory  to  counsel  for   the
          Corporation.  In no case may you sell the Common  Stock
          purchased by you upon the exercise of this option until
          at least six months after the date hereof.

          (d)   In  the  event of a stock split, stock  dividend,
          recapitalization,        reorganization,        merger,
          consolidation, extraordinary dividend, split-up,  spin-
          off, combination, stock repurchase, exchange of shares,
          warrants  or  rights offering to purchase  stock  at  a
          price  substantially below fair market value  or  other
          similar corporate event affecting the Common Stock, the
          number  and  kind of shares subject to this option  and
          the   Exercise   Price  shall  be  equitably   adjusted
          (including   by  payment  of  cash  to  you)   in   the
          discretion of the Committee, as defined in the Plan, in
          order  to  preserve the benefits or potential  benefits
          intended to be made available to you under this option.
          The   determination  of  the  Committee  as   to   what
          adjustments  shall  be made, and  the  extent  thereof,
          shall  be  final.  Unless otherwise determined  by  the
          Committee,  such adjustments shall be  subject  to  the
          same  vesting schedule and restrictions to  which  this
          option  is  subject.  No fractional  shares  of  Common
          Stock  shall be reserved or authorized or made  subject
          to this option by any such adjustment.

          (e)   In the event that the term of your membership  on
          the Board of Directors expires because you (i) lose  an
          election for a position on the Board of Directors, (ii)
          resign  from the Board of Directors prior to  attaining
          age  65 or (iii) fail to seek election to the Board  of
          Directors for a term commencing prior to your attaining
          age 62 (in any case, other than on account of death  or
          physical  or  mental  disability),  this  option  shall
          remain  exercisable until the earlier to occur  of  the
          expiration  of one month after the expiration  of  your
          term  or the stated expiration date of this option,  at
          which time this option shall expire.

          (f)   In the event that the term of your membership  on
          the  Board of Directors expires because you (i)  resign
          after age 65 or (ii) fail to seek election to the Board
          of Directors for a term commencing after you attain age
          62,  this  option  shall remain exercisable  until  the
          earlier to occur of the expiration of five years  after
          the  expiration  of your term or the stated  expiration
          date  of  this option, at which time this option  shall

          (g)   In the event that the term of your membership  on
          the  Board  of  Directors expires  because  you  become
          physically or mentally disabled (unless such expiration
          is  described in paragraph (f) above) or you  die,  the
          options  granted to you under this letter shall  remain
          exercisable   until  the  earlier  to  occur   of   the
          expiration  of  one year after the expiration  of  your
          term  or the stated expiration date of such option,  at
          which time such options shall expire.

          (h)   In the event that you are removed from the  Board
          of  Directors by the shareholders of the Corporation or
          by the Board of Directors, options granted to you shall
          expire    immediately    upon    such    removal     or


          (i)   In  the  event  you  are  appointed  a  "director
          emeritus" by the Board of Directors, and you  cease  to
          be  a  director emeritus because of physical or  mental
          disability  or death, the provisions of paragraph  1(g)
          shall  apply;  if  you cease to be a director  emeritus
          because  of  removal  by the Board  of  Directors,  the
          provisions  of paragraph 1(h) shall apply; and  if  you
          cease  to be a director emeritus for any other  reason,
          the provisions of paragraph 1(f) shall apply.

2.   You may pay for shares purchased pursuant hereto as follows:

          (a)   You may pay the Exercise Price per share in  cash
          or by certified check at the time of exercise;

          (b)  Provided that at the time of exercise Common Stock
          is  publicly  traded and quoted regularly in  the  Wall
          Street  Journal, you may pay for the shares by delivery
          of  already-owned shares of Common Stock owned  by  you
          free  and  clear of any liens, claims, encumbrances  or
          security interests, which Common Stock shall be  valued
          (a) if listed on a national securities exchange, at the
          average  closing  price for the ten (10)  trading  days
          immediately  preceding  the date  of  exercise  or  (b)
          otherwise  at the average of the closing  bid  and  ask
          quotations published in the Wall Street Journal for the
          ten (10) trading days immediately preceding the date of
          exercise; or

          (c)   You may pay for the shares by any combination  of
          the methods set forth in (a) and (b) above.

When  you wish to exercise your stock option in whole or in part,
please  refer to the provisions of this letter and correspond  in
writing  with the Secretary of the Corporation.  This is  not  an
incentive stock option under Section 422A of the Code.

Very truly yours,

E. Kirk Shelton
President and Chief Operating Officer