1992 DIRECTORS STOCK OPTION PLAN
                     CUC INTERNATIONAL INC.

1.   PURPOSES  OF THE PLAN.  This stock option plan (the  "Plan")
     is  designed  to  provide an incentive to directors  of  CUC
     International Inc., a Delaware corporation (the "Company").

2.   STOCK  SUBJECT  TO  THE PLAN.  Options  may  be  granted  as
     provided  herein to purchase in the aggregate not more  than
     Six Hundred Seventy-Five Thousand (675,000) shares of Common
     Stock,  $.01  par  value per share, of the Company  ("Common
     Stock").   Each  individual who on August  28,  1992  was  a
     director (but not an employee) of the Company was granted on
     such  date options with respect to sixty-seven thousand five
     hundred   (67,500) shares of Common Stock.  Each  individual
     who  after  August 28, 1992 becomes a director (but  not  an
     employee) of the Company, on the date of his election to the
     Board  of  Directors, shall be granted an option to purchase
     sixty-seven thousand five hundred (67,500) shares of  Common
     Stock.  Such shares may, in the discretion of the Committee,
     consist  either  in  whole  or in  part  of  authorized  but
     unissued  shares of Common Stock or shares of  Common  Stock
     held  in the treasury of the Company.  The Company shall  at
     all  times  during  the term of the Plan  reserve  and  keep
     available such number of shares of Common Stock as  will  be
     sufficient  to satisfy the requirements of the  Plan.   Such
     options  shall be considered "non-qualified stock  options,"
     within the meaning of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986,  as
     amended  (the "Code").  No director to whom any options  are
     granted   hereunder  shall  be  eligible  to   receive   any
     additional options under the Plan.  Subject to the provision
     of  Paragraph 11, any shares subject to an option which  for
     any reason expires, is canceled or is terminated unexercised
     as  to  such shares shall again become available for  option
     under the Plan.

3.   ADMINISTRATION OF THE PLAN.  The Plan shall be  administered
     by a Committee (the "Committee") consisting of not less than
     two members of the Board of Directors, each of whom shall be
     a Non-Employee Director of the Company within the meaning of
     Rule  16b-3 or its successors under the Securities  Exchange
     Act  of 1934, as amended (the "34 Act").  A majority of  the
     members  shall  constitute  a quorum,  and  the  acts  of  a
     majority  of the members present at any meeting at  which  a
     quorum  is present, and any acts approved in writing by  all
     members  without  a  meeting,  shall  be  the  acts  of  the

     Subject to the express provisions of the Plan, the Committee
     shall  have the authority, in its sole discretion,  to  make
     all  determinations necessary or advisable for administering
     the  Plan; and, with the consent of the optionee, to  modify
     an option, provided such option as modified does not violate
     the  terms of the Plan.  The determinations of the Committee
     on  the  matters referred to in this Paragraph  3  shall  be

     No  member  of  the Committee shall be liable  for  anything
     whatsoever in connection with the administration of the Plan
     except  such  member's  own willful  misconduct.   Under  no
     circumstances  shall any member of the Committee  be  liable
     for  any  act  or  omission  of  any  other  member  of  the
     Committee.   In  their  performance of  its  functions  with
     respect to the Plan, the Committee shall be entitled to rely
     upon  information  and  advice furnished  by  the  Company's
     officers,  the Company's accountants, the Company's  counsel
     and  any  other party the Committee deems necessary  and  no
     member of the Committee shall be liable for any action taken
     or not taken in reliance upon any such advice.

4.   EXERCISE PRICE.  The exercise price of the shares of  Common
     Stock  under  each option shall be 100% of the  fair  market
     value  of  the  Common  Stock on the  date  of  grant.   The
     determination  of  the  Committee  shall  be  conclusive  in
     determining the fair market value of the stock.

5.   TERM OF OPTION.  The term of each option granted pursuant to
     the  Plan  shall  be  such term as  is  established  by  the
     Committee,  in its sole discretion, at the time such  option
     is granted.  Options shall be subject to earlier termination
     as hereinafter provided.

6.   EXERCISE  OF  OPTION.  An option or any part or  installment
     thereof shall be exercised by giving written notice  to  the
     Company  at  its  principal office (at  present  707  Summer
     Street, Stamford, Connecticut 06901), specifying the  number
     of  shares  as  to which such option is being exercised  and
     accompanied  by  payment in full of the  aggregate  exercise
     price  therefor (or the amount due on exercise if the  Stock
     Option Contract permits installment payments) (i) in cash or
     by  certified check, (ii) with previously acquired shares of
     Common  Stock  having  an aggregate exercise  price  of  all
     options being exercised, or (iii) any combination thereof.

     The Company shall have the right to deduct and withhold from
     any  cash otherwise payable to an optionee, or require  that
     an  optionee  make arrangements satisfactory to the  Company
     for  payment of, such amounts as the Company shall determine
     for  the  purpose  of satisfying its liability  to  withhold
     Federal,  state  or local income of FICA taxes  incurred  by
     reason of the grant or exercise of an option.

     Certificates  representing  the shares  purchased  shall  be
     issued as promptly as practicable, provided that the Company
     may  postpone issuing certificates for such shares for  such
     time  as  the  Company,  in its sole  discretion,  may  deem
     necessary or desirable in order to enable it to comply  with
     any  requirements of the Securities Act of 1933, as  amended
     ("Securities Act"), the 34 Act, any Rules or Regulations  of
     the  Securities  and Exchange Commission  promulgated  under
     either  the foregoing acts, the listing requirements of  any
     securities exchange on which the Company's Common Stock  may
     now  or  hereafter be listed, or any applicable laws of  any
     jurisdiction relating the authorization, issuance or sale of
     securities.  With respect to persons subject to  Section  16
     of  the  34  Act,  the Company reserves the right  to  defer
     distribution of share certificates issuable upon exercise of
     an  option  by  such person until at least six  months  have
     elapsed from the date of grant of the option.  The holder of
     an  option  shall not have the rights of a stockholder  with
     respect  to the shares covered by his option until the  date
     of  issuance of a stock certificate to him for such  shares;
     provided,  however,  that until such  stock  certificate  is
     issued,  any option holder using previously acquired  shares
     in payment of an option exercise price shall have the rights
     of  a  shareholder with respect to such previously  acquired
     shares.   In no case may a fraction of a share be  purchased
     or issued under the Plan.


          (a)   In  the  event  that the term  of  an  optionee's
          membership  on  the Board of Directors expires  because
          the  optionee (i) loses an election for a  position  on
          the Board of Directors, (ii) resigns from the Board  of
          Directors prior to attaining age 65 or (iii)  fails  to
          seek  election  to the Board of Directors  for  a  term
          commencing  prior to his attainment of age 62  (in  any
          case,  other  than on account of death or  physical  or
          mental  disability), options granted to  such  optionee
          shall  remain exercisable until expiration of one month
          after  the expiration of such optionee's term, at which
          time such options shall expire.

          (b)   In  the  event  that the term  of  an  optionee's
          membership on the Board of Directors expires because of
          the  optionee's resignation after age 65 or failure  to
          seek  election  to the Board of Directors  for  a  term
          commencing  after  his attainment of  age  62,  options
          granted to such optionee shall remain exercisable until
          the  expiration of five years after the  expiration  of
          such  optionee's term, at which time such options shall

          (c)   In  the  event  that the term  of  an  optionee's
          membership on the Board of Directors expires because of
          the  optionee's  physical or mental disability  (unless
          such  expiration is described in subsection (b) hereof)
          or death, options granted to such optionee shall become
          immediately  exercisable by his executor, administrator
          or  other  person at the time entitled by  law  to  his
          rights  under  the option and shall remain  exercisable
          until  the  expiration of one year after the expiration
          of  such  optionee's term, at which time  such  options
          shall expire.

          (d)   In the event that an optionee is removed from the
          Board  of Directors by the shareholders of the  Company
          or  by the Board of Directors, options granted to  such
          optionee shall expire immediately upon such removal  or

          (e)   For the purposes of this Section 7 only,  in  the
          case  of  an optionee who is appointed by the Board  of
          Directors as a "director emeritus" of the Company,  the
          "term"  of such optionee's "membership on the Board  of
          Directors" shall not be deemed to terminate  or  expire
          until  such time as such optionee ceases for any reason
          to  be  a  director emeritus of the Company.   If  such
          optionee  ceases to be a director emeritus  because  of
          physical  or mental disability or death, the provisions
          of Section 7(c) shall apply; if such optionee ceases to
          be  a director emeritus because of removal by the Board
          of  Directors,  the  provisions of Section  7(d)  shall
          apply;  if  such  optionee  ceases  to  be  a  director
          emeritus  for  any  other  reason,  the  provisions  of
          Section 7(b) shall apply.

8.   CHANGE IN CONTROL.  In the event of a change in control,  as
     hereinafter defined, options granted under this  Plan  shall
     become immediately exercisable, provided that such change in
     control occurs after the initial vesting of an option grant.
     A  "change  in control" shall be deemed to have occurred  if
     (i)  a  tender offer shall be made and consummated  for  the
     ownership   of  51%  or  more  of  the  outstanding   voting
     securities of the Company, (ii) the Company shall be  merged
     or  consolidated with another corporation and as a result of
     such   merger  or  consolidation  less  than  75%   of   the
     outstanding voting securities of the surviving or  resulting
     corporation  shall be owned in the aggregate by  the  former
     shareholders  of the Company, other than affiliates  (within
     the  meaning of the 34 Act) of any party to such  merger  or
     consolidation,  as  the same shall have existed  immediately
     prior  to  such merger or consolidation, (iii)  the  Company
     shall  sell  substantially  all of  its  assets  to  another
     corporation which is not a wholly owned subsidiary, or  (iv)
     a  person,  within  the  meaning of Section  3(a)(9)  or  of
     Section 13(d)(3) (as in effect on the date hereof) of the 34
     Act,  shall  acquire  25% or more of the outstanding  voting
     securities  of  the  Company (whether directly,  indirectly,
     beneficially or of record).  For purposes hereof,  ownership
     of  voting  securities  shall take into  account  and  shall
     include  ownership as determined by applying the  provisions
     of  Rule  13d-3(d)(1)(i) (as in effect on the  date  hereof)
     pursuant to the 34 Act.

9.   STOCK  OPTION CONTRACTS.  Each option shall be evidenced  by
     an appropriate Stock Option Contract, and shall contain such
     terms  and  conditions not inconsistent herewith as  may  be
     determined  by  the Committee, and which may provide,  among
     other  things,  that in the event of the  exercise  of  such
     option, unless the shares of Common Stock received upon such
     exercise  shall  have  been registered  under  an  effective
     registration statement under the Securities Act, such shares
     will  be  acquired for investment and not  with  a  view  to
     distribution thereof, and that such shares may not  be  sold
     except  in compliance with the applicable provisions of  the
     Securities Act.

     kind  of  shares  reserved  for issuance  hereunder  may  be
     equitably  adjusted, in the discretion of the Committee,  in
     the    event    of   a   stock   split,   stock    dividend,
     recapitalization,  reorganization,  merger,   consolidation,
     extraordinary  dividend,  split-up,  spin-off,  combination,
     stock  repurchase,  exchange of shares, warrants  or  rights
     offering  to  purchase stock at a price substantially  below
     fair market value or other similar corporate event affecting
     the stock, in order to preserve the benefits intended to  be
     made  available under the Plan.  In the event of any of  the
     foregoing,  the  number and kind of shares  subject  to  any
     outstanding  option granted pursuant to  the  Plan  and  the
     exercise  price  of  any  such  option  shall  be  equitably
     adjusted (including by payment of cash to the holder of such
     option)  in  the  discretion of the Committee  in  order  to
     preserve the benefits or potential benefits intended  to  be
     made  available to the holder of an option granted  pursuant
     to  the Plan.  The determination of the Committee as to what
     adjustments shall be made, and the extent thereof, shall  be
     final.  Unless  otherwise determined by the Committee,  such
     adjustments  shall be subject to the same  vesting  schedule
     and  restrictions to which the underlying option is subject.
     No  fractional shares of Company stock shall be reserved  or
     authorized or made subject to any outstanding option by  any
     such adjustment.

     adopted  by the Board of Directors on August 28,  1992.   No
     options  may  be  granted under the  Plan  after  the  tenth
     anniversary  of that date.  The Board of Directors,  without
     further approval of the Company's stockholders, may  at  any
     time suspend or terminate the Plan, in whole or in part,  or
     amend  it from time to time in such respects as it may  deem
     advisable.  No termination, suspension or amendment  of  the
     Plan shall, without the consent of the holder of an existing
     option  affected thereby, adversely affect his rights  under
     such option.

12.  TRANSFERABILITY OF OPTIONS.  Options granted under the  Plan
     shall  be transferable by the optionee only pursuant to  the
     following  methods:   by will or the  laws  of  descent  and
     distribution;  pursuant to a domestic  relations  order,  as
     defined  in  the Code or Title I of the Employee  Retirement
     Income  Security Act, or the rules thereunder; or as a  gift
     to family members of the optionee, trusts for the benefit of
     family members of the optionee or charities or other not-for-
     profit organizations.  Except to the extent provided in this
     Paragraph  and Paragraph 7(c), options may not be  assigned,
     transferred, pledged, hypothecated or disposed of in any way
     (whether  by  operation of law or otherwise), shall  not  be
     subject to execution, attachment or similar process, and may
     be  exercised during the lifetime of the holder thereof only
     by such holder.

13.  STOCKHOLDERS'  APPROVAL.   The  Plan  shall  be  subject  to
     approval  by  a majority of the Company's outstanding  stock
     entitled  to  vote  thereon at the next  annual  or  special
     meeting  of  its  stockholders to be held to  consider  such
     approval  and no options granted hereunder may be  exercised
     prior  to such approval, provided that the date of grant  of
     any  options granted hereunder shall be determined as if the
     Plan had not been subject to such approval.

14.  GOVERNING LAW.  The Plan and all rights hereunder  shall  be
     construed  in  accordance with and governed by the  internal
     laws of the State of Delaware.

15.  COMPLIANCE WITH RULE 16b-3.  All transactions under the Plan
     are  intended  to comply with all applicable  conditions  of
     Rule 16b-3 or its successors under the 34 Act, regardless of
     whether such conditions are set forth in the Plan.   To  the
     extent  any provision of the Plan or action by the Committee
     fails to so comply, it shall be deemed null and void, to the
     extent  permitted  by  law  and  deemed  advisable  by   the
1 Gives effect to October 21, 1996 stock split.