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_    _    _        CUC INTERNATIONAL INC.

          CUC International Inc., a Delaware corporation
(the "Company"), hereby adopts the CUC International Inc.
Executive Retirement Plan (the "Plan") effective as of
January 1, 1997.



1.1  The purpose of the Plan is to afford officers and other
     key employees of the Company, who will be responsible for
     the management, growth, success and protection of the
     Company's business, with a long-term incentive in order to
     create in such employees an increased interest in and a
     greater concern for the welfare of the Company and to reward
     those officers and key employees who have been responsible
     for the growth and success of the Company.  The Plan is
     intended to provide additional retirement security for the
     participants under the Plan and to constitute an unfunded
     retirement plan for a select group of management or highly
     compensated employees within the meaning of Title I of the
     Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended.

1.2  For purposes of the Plan, the following terms shall
     have the meaning set forth below:

     "Accrued Target Value" means that portion of the Target
     Value of a Participant described in Section 10.4.

     "Actuarial Assumption" means, for purposes of the Plan,
     an interest rate of 8% and the 1983 Group Annuity
     Mortality Table (male) as published by the Society of
     Actuaries, to be utilized to determine an Actuarial
     Equivalent benefit to be provided by the Target Value.

     "Actuarial Equivalent" means the use of Actuarial
     Assumptions to achieve a value equal to the Target
     Value or Adjusted Target Value, as the case may be.

     "Adjusted Target Value" means the Target Value of a
     Participant increased or decreased in value based upon
     an assumed interest rate of 8%, to reflect the deferral
     of the Commencement Date of a Participant as a result
     of the continued employment of the Participant with the
     Company or its Affiliates on or after the Retirement
     Date of the Participant or to determine the equivalent
     Target Value prior to the Participant's Retirement Date
     as required under Articles 3 and 5.

     "Affiliate" means a subsidiary or joint venture in
     which the Company owns directly or indirectly fifty
     percent (50%) or more of the equity interest (excluding
     preferred stock).

     "Beneficiary" means the beneficiary designated by the
     Participant, or deemed designated by the Participant,
     pursuant to Section 7.1.

     "Change in Control" means a change in ownership of the
     Company or any other action as described in Section

     "Commencement Date" means the first day of the month
     following a Participant's Retirement Date, or if the
     Participant is then employed by the Company or any of
     its Affiliates, the first day of the month following
     the Participant's termination of employment with the
     Company and all of its Affiliates.

     "Compensation Committee" means the Compensation
     Committee of the board of directors of the Company.

     "Employment Agreement" means an employment agreement
     between the Company or an Affiliate and a Participant,
     in effect at the time of any applicable determinations
     under the Plan.

     "Participant" means a key employee recommended by the
     Chief Executive Officer of the Company and selected by
     the Compensation Committee to participate in the Plan
     pursuant to Section 2.1.

     "Retirement Date" means the Retirement Date set by the
     Compensation Committee at the time a key employee first
     becomes a Participant under the Plan or any earlier
     date subsequently set by the Compensation Committee.

     "Target Value" means the target value of a
     Participant's retirement benefit as determined by the
     Compensation Committee at the date a key employee
     becomes a Participant of the Plan, or as thereafter may
     be increased by action of the Compensation Committee.

     "Total Disability" means any permanent mental or physi
     cal condition which (i) in the good faith judgment of
     the Compensation Committee prevents the Participant
     from reasonably discharging the duties of his or her
     position, (ii) is attested to in writing from time to
     time by a physician selected by the Compensation
     Committee and (iii) has continued for a period of at
     least twelve consecutive months.

     "Year of Participation" shall mean a twelve-month
     period of participation under the Plan during a period
     of employment with the Company or its Affiliates or
     while Totally Disabled.

     "Year of Vesting Service" means a twelve-month period
     of employment with the Company or any of its Affiliates
     or a period of Total Disability as defined in Section



2.1  Eligibility.  The Chief Executive Officer of the
     Company shall recommend to the Compensation Committee key
     employees of the Company for participation in the Plan.  The
     Compensation Committee shall make a determination of each
     such person who shall participate in the Plan and shall
     notify such person of participation in writing.  Each key
     employee so designated by the Compensation Committee is
     hereinafter referred to as a "Participant."

2.2  Designation of Vesting Requirement, Age for
     Commencement of Payment of Benefits and Target Value.  The
     Compensation Committee shall determine for each Participant
     at the time a key employee is selected as a Participant and
     shall advise each Participant in writing the number of Years
     of Service with the Company that shall be required to
     achieve vesting of the benefit provided for the Participant
     under the Plan, the age at which a Participant who is vested
     may commence to receive benefits under the Plan (provided
     the Participant has then terminated employment with the
     Company) and the Target Value of the Participant.



3.1  Vesting.  A Participant shall become vested in the
     benefit provided under the Plan after achieving the number
     of Years of Vesting Service initially set by the
     Compensation Committee upon the Participant becoming
     eligible for participation in the Plan, or such lesser
     number of Year of Vesting Service subsequently set by the
     Compensation Committee.  A Year of Vesting Service is a one-
     year period of employment of a Participant as an employee of
     the Company or an Affiliate, the computation of which shall
     commence with the initial date of employment of the
     Participant and terminate with the Participant's termination
     of employment with the Company and all of its Affiliates.
     Only a consecutive period of employment shall be considered,
     provided however, that if a Participant terminates
     employment and thereafter is re-employed within a period of
     one year, the period of absence shall be counted towards a
     Year of Vesting Service for purposes of the calculation of
     vesting.  Periods of Total Disability shall be included in
     calculating Years of Vesting Service.

3.2  Forfeiture.  Except as provided under Articles 5 and 6,
     upon a Participant's termination of employment for any
     reason other than death or Total Disability with the Company
     and all of its Affiliates prior to the vesting of the
     Participant under Section 3.1, above, the Participant's
     entire benefit under the Plan shall be forfeited.

3.3  Death.  Upon a Participant's death while employed by
     the Company or any of its Affiliates or while Totally
     Disabled, prior to becoming vested pursuant to Section 3.1,
     the Participant's entire benefit under the Plan shall be
     forfeited.  Upon a Participant's death whether before or
     after termination of employment with the Company and its
     Affiliates, but after becoming vested pursuant to Section
     3.1 and prior to the commencement of payment of benefits
     under Section 4.1, a benefit shall be payable under the Plan
     to the Participant's Beneficiary based upon the Adjusted
     Target Value of the Participant as of the date of death.
     The benefit shall be payable in equal installments over a
     period of 60 months, commencing as of the first day of the
     month following the Participant's death.

3.4  Total Disability.  If a Participant terminates
     employment by reason of Total Disability and thereafter
     ceases to be Totally Disabled prior to becoming vested under
     Section 3.1 and is not reemployed by the Company or its
     Affiliates, the Participant shall forfeit any benefit under
     the Plan.



4.1  Commencement.  A vested Participant upon attaining the
     Participant's Retirement Date shall be entitled to commence
     to receive as of the Commencement Date, a monthly retirement
     benefit for life equal to the Actuarial Equivalent of
     (a) the Target Value of the Participant if the Commencement
     Date is the first day of the month following the Retirement
     Date or (b) the Adjusted Target Value if the Commencement
     Date is any time thereafter.

4.2  Optional Form of Benefit.  A Participant may elect an
     Actuarial Equivalent optional form of benefit, with the
     approval of the Compensation Committee.  Such optional form
     may be any benefit payable over the life of a Participant
     with or without a survivor benefit for a designated
     Beneficiary of the Participant and with or without a payment
     for a period certain (e.g., benefit for life with a 50%
     survivor benefit for spouse or benefit for life with
     payments for ten (10) years certain in the event of prior



5.1  Minimum Benefit.  In the event of a termination of a
     Participant's employment with the Company and all Affiliates
     (whether prior to, on or after the vesting of the
     Participant under Section 3.1 above) (i) by the Company or
     the applicable Affiliate without Cause or (ii) by the
     Participant for Good Reason, notwithstanding any other
     provision of the Plan to the contrary, a Participant shall
     be deemed to have a vested Target Value of 75% of the
     Participant's Target Value and such amount shall be paid by
     the Company in a lump sum to the Participant within ten (10)
     business days following the date of the termination of the
     Participant's employment with the Company and Affiliates, in
     satisfaction of any benefit the Participant or the
     Participant's Beneficiary is otherwise entitled to under the
     Plan, except for any additional benefit payable under
     Section 5.4.

5.2  Termination of Employment for Cause.  For purposes of
     this Article 5, a termination of a Participant's employment
     by the Company or an Affiliate for "Cause" shall mean
     termination of the Participant's employment by the Company
     for "Cause" as determined under an Employment Agreement of
     the Participant, or if none, upon a good faith determination
     by the board of directors of the Company, by written notice
     to the Participant specifying the event relied upon for such
     termination, due to the Participant's serious, willful
     misconduct with respect to his duties of employment
     (including but not limited to conviction for a felony or
     perpetration of a common law fraud) which has resulted or is
     likely to result in material economic damage to the Company
     or any Affiliate and which, in any such case, is not cured
     (if such is capable of being cured) within thirty (30) days
     after written notice thereof to the Participant.

5.3  Termination of Employment for Good Reason.  For
     purposes of this Article 5, a termination of a Participant's
     employment by the Participant for "Good Reason" shall mean
     termination of the Participant's employment by the
     Participant due to "good reason" or  "constructive
     termination" as determined under an Employment Agreement of
     the Participant, or if none, due to a reduction of the
     Participant's aggregate base salary with the Company and
     Affiliates, or a material change by the Company or
     applicable Affiliate in the functions, duties or
     responsibilities of the Participant's position which would
     reduce the ranking or level, dignity, responsibility,
     importance or scope of such position; or any relocation of
     the Participant outside of the general Stamford, Connecticut
     area, in each case above, without the written consent of the
     Participant.  The Participant shall provide the Company a
     written notice which describes the circumstances being
     relied on for the termination of employment for Good Reason
     within ninety (90) days after the event giving rise to the
     notice.  The Company shall have thirty (30) days after
     receipt of such notice to remedy the situation prior to the
     termination of the Participant's employment for Good Reason.

5.4  Additional Benefit.  In the event of a termination of
     the Participant's employment resulting in the payment of a
     benefit under Section 5.1 above, the Company shall calculate
     the Actuarial Equivalent of the Participant's Target Value
     payable as a lump sum as of the date of the termination of
     the Participant's employment (the "Section 5.4 Actuarial
     Equivalent Benefit") within five (5) business days following
     the date of the termination of the Participant's employment.
     If the Section 5.4 Actuarial Equivalent Benefit is greater
     than the lump sum benefit payable under Section 5.1 above,
     the difference between the Section 5.4 Actuarial Equivalent
     Benefit and the lump sum benefit payable under Section 5.1
     above shall be paid by the Company in a lump sum to the
     Participant within ten (10) business days of the date of the
     termination of the Participant's employment.


                    CHANGE OF CONTROL

6.1  Minimum Benefit.  In the event of a Change in Control,
     notwithstanding any other provision of the Plan to the
     contrary, a Participant actively employed with the Company
     or an Affiliate shall be deemed to have a vested Target
     Value of 75% of the Participant's Target Value and such
     amount (on an unreduced basis) shall be paid by the Company
     in a lump sum to the Participant within ten (10) business
     days of the Change In Control, in satisfaction of any
     benefit the Participant or the Participant's Beneficiary is
     otherwise entitled to under the Plan.  Such payment shall be
     subject to the provisions of Section 6.2.

6.2  Excise Tax Limitation.  (i)  In the event that any
     payment or benefit received or to be received by the
     Participant pursuant to the terms of the Plan (the "Plan
     Payments") or of any other plan, arrangement or agreement of
     the Company or any Affiliate ("Other Payments" and, together
     with the Plan Payments, the "Payments") would, in the
     opinion of independent tax counsel selected by the Company
     and reasonably acceptable to the Participant ("Tax
     Counsel"), be subject to the excise tax (the "Excise Tax")
     imposed by Section 4999 of the Internal Revenue Code of
     1986, as amended (the "Code") or any successor provision, as
     determined as provided below, the Payments shall be reduced
     (but not below zero) until no portion of the Payments would
     be subject to the Excise Tax.  For purposes of this
     limitation, (a) no portion of the Payments the receipt or
     enjoyment of which the Participant shall have effectively
     waived in writing shall be taken into account, (b) only the
     portion of the Payments which in the opinion of Tax Counsel
     constitute a "parachute payment" within the meaning of
     Section 280G(b)(2) of the Code shall be taken into account,
     (c) the Payments shall be reduced only to the extent
     necessary so that the Payments would not be subject to the
     Excise Tax, in the opinion of Tax Counsel, and (d) the value
     of any noncash benefit or any deferred payment or benefit
     included in such Payments shall be determined by the Tax
     Counsel in accordance with the principles of Sections
     280G(d)(3) and (4) of the Code.  If any reduction in
     Payments is necessary to satisfy this Section 6.2, the
     Participant shall be entitled, at any time by written notice
     to the Company, to reduce the amount of any Payment other
     wise payable to him (including, without limitation, by
     waiving in whole or in part, any accelerated vesting on
     options previously granted the Participant), and to select
     from among the Payments those to be so reduced in order to
     satisfy the limitations of this Section 6.2 and the Company
     shall reduce the amount of such Payments accordingly.  Any
     stock options the vesting of which would have otherwise
     accelerated but for the provisions of this Section 6.2 shall
     continue to vest in accordance with their respective terms;
     and shall upon such vesting remain exercisable until the
     applicable expiration dates contained in the applicable
     stock option agreements pursuant to which such stock options
     were granted, whether or not the Participant's employment is

     (ii)  If it is established pursuant to an opinion of
     Tax Counsel or a final determination of a court or an
     Internal Revenue Service proceeding that, notwith
     standing the good faith of the Participant and the
     Company in applying the terms of this Section 6.2,
     any Payments paid to the Participant or for his
     benefit exceeded the limitation contained in this
     Section 6.2, then the Participant shall pay to the
     Company, within sixty (60) days of receipt of notice
     of such final determination or opinion, an amount
     equal to the sum of (a) the excess of the Payments
     paid to him or for his benefit over the maximum
     Payments that should have been paid to or for his
     benefit taking into account the limitations contained
     in this Section 6.2, and (b) interest on the amount
     set forth in clause (a) of this sentence at the
     applicable federal rate (as defined in Section
     1274(d) of the Code) from the date of his receipt of
     such excess until the date of such payment; provided,
     however, that (x) he shall not be required to make
     any payment to the Company pursuant to this Section
     6.2(ii), (1) if such final determination requires the
     payment by him of an Excise Tax by reason of any
     Payment or portion thereof or (2) in the case of the
     opinion of Tax Counsel, until the expiration of the
     application statute of limitations or a final
     determination of a court or an Internal Revenue
     Service proceeding that no Excise Tax is due and (y)
     he shall only be required to make a payment to the
     Company pursuant to this Section 6.2(ii) to the
     extent such payment is deductible (or excludable from
     income) for federal income tax purposes.

     (iii)  If it is established pursuant to an opinion of
     Tax Counsel or a final determination of a court or an
     Internal Revenue Service proceeding that, notwith
     standing the good faith of the Participant and the
     Company in applying the terms of this Section 6.2,
     any Payments paid to him or for his benefit were in
     an amount less than the maximum Payments which could
     be payable to him without such payments being subject
     to the Excise Tax, then the Company shall pay to him,
     within ninety (90) days of receipt of notice of such
     final determination or opinion, an amount equal to
     the sum of (a) the excess, if any, of the payments
     that should have been paid to him or for his benefit
     over the payments paid to or for his benefit and (b)
     interest on the amount set forth in clause (a) of
     this sentence at the applicable federal rate (as
     defined in Section 1274(d) of the Code) from the date
     of his non-receipt of such excess until the date of
     such payment.

     (iv)  The Company shall pay the Plan Payments at such
     times as set forth in Section 6.1 hereof; provided,
     however, that if the Company in good faith believes
     that any such payments shall be reduced under the
     provisions of this Section 6.2, the Company shall pay
     to the Participant at such time a good faith estimate
     of the reduced payments, the computation of which
     shall be given to him in writing together with a
     written explanation of the basis for making such
     adjustment.  The Company shall, within thirty (30)
     days of the otherwise applicable payment date, either
     (a) pay to the Participant the balance of the
     payments together with interest thereon at the
     applicable federal rate (as defined in Section
     1274(d) of the Code) or (b) deliver to him a copy of
     the opinion of Tax Counsel referred to in Section
     6.2(i) hereof, as applicable, establishing the amount
     of the reduced payments, along with the excess, if
     any, of the reduced payments over the estimate
     previously paid on account thereof, together with
     interest thereon at the applicable federal rate (as
     defined in Section 1274(d) of the Code).

     (v)  If the Participant and the Company are parties
     to any other agreement relating to excise tax
     liability under Section 4999 of the Code, and the
     provisions of such agreement conflict with the
     provisions of this Section 6.2, the provisions of
     such other agreement shall govern to the extent
     inconsistent with this Section 6.2.

6.3  Change in Control.  A "Change in Control" shall be
     deemed to have occurred if (i) a tender offer shall be made
     and consummated for the ownership of fifty-one percent (51%)
     or more of the outstanding voting securities of the Company,
     (ii) the Company or any subsidiary thereof shall be merged
     with or into or consolidated with another corporation and as
     a result of such merger or consolidation less than seventy-
     five percent (75%) of the outstanding voting securities of
     the surviving or resulting corporation shall be owned in the
     aggregate by the former shareholders of the Company, (iii)
     the Company shall sell substantially all of its assets to
     another corporation which is not a wholly-owned subsidiary
     of the Company, (iv) a person, within the meaning of Section
     3(a)(9) or of Section 13(d)(3) (as in effect on the date
     hereof) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,
     shall acquire twenty-five percent (25%) or more of the
     outstanding voting securities of the Company (whether
     directly, indirectly, beneficially or of record) or (v) any
     other event shall take place that a majority of the board of
     directors of the Company, in its sole discretion, shall
     determine constitutes a "Change in Control" for the purposes
     hereof.  For purposes hereof, ownership of voting securities
     shall take into account and shall include ownership as
     determined by applying the provisions of Rule 13d-3(d)(1)(i)
     (as in effect on the date hereof) pursuant to the Securities
     Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.



7.1  Designation of Beneficiary.  A Participant shall
     designate on a form provided by the Compensation Committee a
     beneficiary to receive any death benefit payable under the
     terms of the Plan.  In the event a Participant does not
     designate a beneficiary or the beneficiary dies prior to the
     death of the Participant, the beneficiary shall be deemed to
     the Participant's estate, except in the event of an optional
     form of benefit selected under Section 4.2 which provides
     for a survivor benefit to be paid for the life of a
     designated beneficiary, in which case no survivor benefit
     shall be payable after the death of the designated

7.2  Incapacity.  If a person to whom a benefit is payable
     is incompetent by reason of a physical or mental disability,
     the Compensation Committee, in its sole discretion, may
     cause the payments due to such person to made to another
     person for his or her benefit without any responsibility of
     the Compensation Committee to receipts of the application of
     such payment.  Such payment shall operate as a complete
     discharge of the obligations of such person under the Plan.

7.3  Withholding Taxes.  The Company may directly or
     indirectly withhold from any payments under this Plan all
     federal, state, city or other taxes that shall be required
     pursuant to any law or governmental regulation.



8.1  Claims Procedure.  If any Participant or his or her
     Beneficiary has a claim for benefits which is not being
     paid, such claimant may file with the Compensation Committee
     a written claim setting forth the amount and nature of the
     claim, supporting facts, and the claimant's address.  The
     Compensation Committee shall notify each claimant of its
     decision in writing by registered or certified mail within
     sixty (60) days after its receipt of a claim or, under
     special circumstances, within ninety (90) days after its
     receipt of a claim.  If a claim is denied, the written
     notice of denial shall set forth the reasons for such
     denial, refer to pertinent Plan provisions on which the
     denial is based, describe any additional material or
     information necessary for the claimant to realize the claim,
     and explain the claim review procedure under the Plan.

8.2  Claims Review Procedure.  A claimant whose claim has
     been denied or such claimant's duly authorized representative may
     file, within sixty (60) days after notice of such denial is
     received by the claimant, a written request for review of such
     claim by the Compensation Committee.  If a request is so filed,
     the Compensation Committee shall review the claim and notify
     the claimant in writing of its decision within sixty (60) days
     after receipt of such request.  In special circumstances, the
     Compensation Committee may extend for up to sixty (60) additional
     days the deadline for its decision.  The notice of the final
     decision of the Compensation Committee shall include the
     reasons for its decision and specific references to the Plan
     provisions on which the decision is based.  The decision of
     the Compensation Committee shall be final and binding on all



9.1  Quorum.  A majority of the members of the Compensation
     Committee shall constitute a quorum for any meeting of such
     committee held with respect to the Plan, and the acts of a
     majority of the members of either such committee, whether at
     a meeting or approved in writing without a meeting shall be
     valid acts of such committee.

9.2  Duties.  The Compensation Committee shall have the
     power and duty to do all things necessary or convenient to
     effect the intent and purposes of the Plan, whether or not
     such powers and duties are specifically set forth herein,
     and, by way of amplification and not limitation of the
     foregoing, the Compensation Committee shall have the power

        (1)  provide rules and regulations for the management,
             operation and administration of the Plan, and, from time to
             time, amend or supplement such rules and regulations;

        (2)  construe the Plan in its sole discretion to the fullest
             extent permitted by law, which shall be final and conclusive
             upon all parties hereto;

        (3)  correct any defect, supply any omission, or reconcile
             any inconsistency in the Plan in such manner and to such
             extent as it shall deem appropriate in its sole discretion
             to carry the same into effect including amendments to the

        (4)  establish actuarial principles and assumptions from
             time to time for use with respect to the Plan, to the extent
             not set forth in the Plan; and

        (5)  delegate all or any portion of the power to manage,
             operate and administer the Plan to any person that it so

9.3  Binding Authority.  The acts and determinations of the
     Compensation Committee or its duly authorized delegate
     within the powers conferred by the Plan shall be final and
     conclusive for all purposes of the Plan, and shall not be
     subject to any appeal or review except as provided herein.

9.4  Exculpation.  No member of the Compensation Committee
     shall be directly or indirectly responsible or otherwise
     liable for any action taken or any failure to take action as
     a member of the Compensation Committee, except for such
     action, default, exercise or failure to exercise resulting
     from such member's gross negligence or willful misconduct.
     No member of the Compensation Committee shall be liable in
     any way for the acts or defaults of any other member of the
     Compensation Committee, or any of its advisors, agents or

9.5  Indemnification.  The Company shall indemnify and hold
     harmless each member of the Compensation Committee against
     any and all expenses and liabilities arising out of his or
     her own activities relating to the Compensation Committee,
     except for expenses and liabilities arising out of a
     member's gross negligence or willful misconduct.

9.6  Information.  The Company shall furnish to the
     Compensation Committee all information the Compensation
     Committee may deem appropriate for the exercise of its
     powers and duties in the administration of the Plan.  The
     Compensation Committee shall be entitled to rely on any
     information provided by the Company without any
     investigation thereof.

9.7  Self-Interest.  No member of the Compensation Committee
     may act, vote or otherwise influence a decision of such
     committee relating to his or her benefits, if any, under the


                   GENERAL PROVISIONS

10.1 Non-Property Interest.  Any Participant who may have or
     claim any interest in or right to any compensation, payment
     or benefit payable hereunder shall rely solely upon the
     unsecured promise of the Company.  Nothing herein shall be
     construed to give to or vest in the Participant or any other
     person, now or hereafter, any right, title, interest or
     claim in or to any specific asset, fund, reserve, account,
     insurance or annuity policy or contract, or other property
     of any kind whatsoever owned by the Company, or in which the
     Company may have any right, title or interest, now or at any
     time in the future.

10.2 Disclosure.  The Compensation Committee shall make
     available to each Participant for examination at the
     principal office of the Company (or at such other location
     as may be determined by the Compensation  Committee), a copy
     of the Plan and such of its records, or copies thereof, as
     may pertain to any benefits of such Participant under the

10.3 Other Rights.  The Plan shall not affect or impair the
     rights or obligations of the Company or a Participant under
     any other contract, arrangement, or pension, profit sharing
     or other compensation plan.

10.4 Amendment or Termination.  Notwithstanding any other
     provision of the Plan, the Plan may at any time be amended,
     suspended or terminated by the Company, subject to prior
     written approval of the Compensation Committee in its sole
     discretion, except no such amendment, suspension or
     termination shall (a) reduce a Participant's vested Target
     Value (determined as of the date of such termination or
     amendment), or (b) if a Participant has not forfeited his or
     her benefit prior to the time of any such termination or
     amendment, shall reduce a participant's Target Value below
     the product of the Target Value, multiplied by a fraction,
     with the numerator a Participant's Years of Participation
     and the denominator a Participant's projected Years of
     Participation to the Participant's Retirement Date (the
     Participant's "Accrued Target Value").  In the latter case
     the Participant's Accrued Target Value shall be deemed the
     Participant's vested Target Value for the purpose of
     calculating the Participant's benefit under the Plan.
     Moreover, if the Compensation Committee has established any
     additional or revised terms and conditions of participation
     for any Participant, the Compensation Committee may, in its
     sole discretion, add to, amend or terminate any such terms
     and conditions upon prior written notice to the Participant,
     except no such amendment or termination shall reduce a
     Participant's vested Target Value or Accrued Target Value.

10.5 Severability.  If any term or condition of the Plan
     shall be invalid or unenforceable to any extent or in any
     application, then the remainder of the Plan, with the
     exception of such invalid or unenforceable provision, shall
     not be affected thereby, and shall continue in effect and
     application to its fullest extent.

10.6 No Employment Rights.  Neither the establishment of the
     Plan or any action of the Compensation Committee shall be
     held or construed to confer upon any Participant the right
     to a continuation of employment by the Company.  Subject to
     any applicable employment contract, the Company reserves the
     right to dismiss or otherwise deal with any Participant to
     the same extent as though the Plan had not been adopted.

10.7 Transferability of Rights.  No Participant or spouse of
     a Participant shall have any right to commute, encumber,
     transfer or otherwise dispose of or alienate any present or
     future right or expectancy which he may have at any time to
     receive payments of benefits hereunder, which benefits and
     the right thereto are expressly declared to be non-
     assignable and nontransferable, except to the extent
     required by law.  Any attempt to transfer or assign a
     benefit, or any rights granted hereunder, by a Participant
     or the spouse of a Participant shall, in the sole discretion
     of the Compensation Committee (after consideration of such
     facts as it deems pertinent), be grounds for terminating any
     rights of the Participant, his joint or contingent annuitant
     or beneficiary, to any portion of the Plan benefits not
     previously paid.

10.8 Governing Law.  The Plan shall be construed,
     administered, and enforced according to the laws of the
     State of Connecticut, except to the extent that such laws
     are preempted by the federal laws of the United States of

          IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has caused this
Plan to be adopted as of the effective date first set forth

                              CUC INTERNATIONAL INC.


                   CUC INTERNATIONAL INC.

               1996 Executive Retirement Plan

                   CUC INTERNATIONAL INC.

                     TABLE OF CONTENTS


ARTICLE 1      PURPOSE AND DEFINITIONS                     1


       2.1     Eligibility                                 3
       2.2     Designation of Vesting Requirement,
               Age for Commencement of Payment of
               Benefits and Target Value                   3

ARTICLE 3      VESTING AND FORFEITURES                     4

       3.1     Vesting                                     4
       3.2     Forfeiture                                  4
       3.3     Death                                       4
       3.4     Total Disability                            5

ARTICLE 4      BENEFITS                                    5

       4.1     Commencement                                5
       4.2     Optional Form of Benefit                    5

                      OR FOR GOOD REASON                   6

       5.1     Minimum Benefit                             6
       5.2     Termination of Employment for Cause         6
       5.3     Termination of Employment for
                   Good Reason                             6
       5.4     Additional Benefit                          7

ARTICLE 6      CHANGE OF CONTROL                           7

       6.1     Minimum Benefit                             7
       6.2     Excise Tax Limitation                       8
       6.3     Change in Control                          11

ARTICLE 7      MISCELLANEOUS                              11

       7.1     Designation of Beneficiary                 11
       7.2     Incapacity                                 12
       7.3     Withholding Taxes                          12

ARTICLE 8      CLAIMS                                     12

       8.1     Claims Procedure                           12
       8.2     Claims Review Procedure                    12

ARTICLE 9      ADMINISTRATION                             13

       9.1     Quorum                                     13
       9.2     Duties                                     13
       9.3     Binding Authority                          14
       9.4     Exculpation                                14
       9.5     Indemnification                            14
       9.6     Information                                14
       9.7     Self-Interest                              14

ARTICLE 10     GENERAL PROVISIONS                         15

      10.1     Non-Property Interest                      15
      10.2     Disclosure                                 15
      10.3     Other Rights                               15
      10.4     Amendment or Termination                   15
      10.5     Severability                               16
      10.6     No Employment Rights                       16
      10.7     Transferability of Rights                  16
      10.8     Governing Law                              17