Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                           (Amendment No. __)

Filed by the Registrant |X|
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant |_|
Check the appropriate box:
|_|  Preliminary Proxy Statement
|X|  Definitive Proxy Statement
|_|  Definitive Additional Materials
|_|  Soliciting Material Pursuant to ss. 240.14a-11(C) or ss. 240.14a-12

                     American Physicians Service Group, Inc.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

                     American Physicians Service Group, Inc.
                   (Name of Persons(s) Filing Proxy Statement)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

|X|  $125 per Exchange Act Rules 0-11(c)(1)(ii), 14a-6(I)(1), or 14a-6(I)(2).
|_|  $500 per each party to the controversy pursuant to Exchange Act 
      Rule 14a-6(I)(3).
|_|  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(I)(4) and 0-11.

         1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

         2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

         3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed 
               pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11:1

         4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

         1 Set forth the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and 
             state how it was determined.

|_| Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange  Act Rule
0-11(a)(2)  and  identify  the  filing  for  which the  offsetting  fee was paid
previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration  statement  number, or
the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

         1)  Amount Previously Paid:

         2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

         3)  Filing Party:

         4)  Date Filed:

                                   LOGO HERE
                           1301 Capital of Texas Highway
                                Austin, Texas  78746

                             To Be Held June 13, 1996

         Notice is hereby  given that the  Annual  Meeting  of  Shareholders  of
American  Physicians  Service Group,  Inc., a Texas corporation (the "Company"),
will be held at The Barton Creek  Conference  Center located at 8212 Barton Club
Drive,  Austin,  Texas 78735, on Thursday,  June 13, 1996 at 8:00 a.m.,  Austin,
Texas time, for the following purposes:

         (a)      To elect six directors to serve on the Board of Directors;

         (b)      To authorize the adoption of the 1995 Non-Employee Director
                     Stock Option Plan,as described in the accompanying Proxy 

         (c)      To authorize the adoption of the 1995 Incentive and 
                     Non-Qualified Stock Option Plan; and

         (d)      To transact such other business as may properly come before 
                     the meeting or any adjournment(s) thereof.

         The accompanying Proxy Statement contains information regarding,  and a
more  complete  description  of, the items of business to be  considered  at the

         Only shareholders of record at the close of business on April 26, 1996,
are entitled to notice of, and to vote at, the Annual Meeting of Shareholders or
any adjournment(s) thereof.

         You are cordially  invited and urged to attend the meeting,  but if you
are  unable  to  attend  the  meeting,  you are  requested  to sign and date the
accompanying  proxy  and  return  it  promptly  in the  enclosed  self-addressed
envelope.  If you  attend  the  meeting,  you may vote in  person,  if you wish,
whether  or not you have  returned  your  proxy.  In any  event,  a proxy may be
revoked at any time before it is exercised.

                       By Order of the Board of Directors

                          W. H. HAYES, VP and Secretary

Austin, Texas
May 2, 1996

                       1301 Capital of Texas Highway
                             Austin, Texas  78746

                               PROXY STATEMENT
                        ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                           To Be Held June 13, 1996

         This Proxy  Statement is sent to  shareholders  of American  Physicians
Service Group, Inc., a Texas corporation (the "Company"), in connection with the
solicitation  of proxies by the Board of Directors of the Company for use at the
Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders  of the Company to be held at The Barton  Creek
Conference  Center located at 8212 Barton Club Drive,  Austin,  Texas 78735,  on
Thursday, June 13, 1996 at 8:00 a.m., Austin, Texas time, and any adjournment(s)
thereof, for the purposes set forth in the accompanying Notice of Annual Meeting
of  Shareholders.  Solicitation  of  proxies  may be made in  person or by mail,
telephone,  or telecopy by  directors,  officers,  and regular  employees of the
Company. The Company may also engage the service of others to solicit proxies in
person or by telephone or  telecopy.  In addition,  the Company may also request
banking institutions,  brokerage firms, custodians, nominees, and fiduciaries to
forward  solicitation  material to the beneficial  owners of common stock of the
Company  held of record by such  persons,  and the Company  will  reimburse  the
forwarding  expenses.  The cost of  solicitation  of proxies will be paid by the
Company.  This Proxy  Statement and the enclosed form of proxy were first mailed
to shareholders on or about May 2, 1996.

                               ANNUAL REPORT

         Enclosed  is an  Annual  Report  to  Shareholders  for the  year  ended
December 31, 1995, including audited financial statements. Such Annual Report to
Shareholders  does not form any part of the  material  for the  solicitation  of

                             REVOCATION OF PROXY

         Any shareholder  returning the accompanying proxy may revoke such proxy
at any time prior to its exercise (a) by giving  written notice to the Secretary
of the Company of such  revocation,  (b) by voting in person at the meeting,  or
(c) by executing  and  delivering  to the Secretary of the Company a later dated


         The voting  securities  of the Company are shares of its common  stock,
$.10 par value (the  "Common  Stock"),  each share of which  entitles the holder
thereof to one vote on each matter  properly  brought  before the meeting.  Only
shareholders  of record at the close of business on April 26, 1996 are  entitled
to notice  of,  and to vote at,  the  Annual  Meeting  of  Shareholders  and any
adjournment(s)  thereof.  At April 26,  1996,  the Company had  outstanding  and
entitled to vote 4,002,204 shares of Common Stock.


         The following table sets forth certain information as of April 26, 1996
regarding the amount and nature of the  beneficial  ownership of Common Stock by
(a) each person who is known by the Company to be the  beneficial  owner of more
than five percent of the outstanding  shares of Common Stock,  (b) each director
and  nominee for  director of the  Company,  (c) each  executive  officer of the
Company named in the Summary  Compensation Table below, and (d) all officers and
directors of the Company as a group:

                                   Amount and Nature              Percent
 Name and Address of                  of Beneficial                 of
  Beneficial Owner                   Ownership(1)(2)               Class
                                     --------------                -----

Kenneth S. Shifrin................         384,858                  9.3
 1301 Capital of Texas Highway
 Austin, Texas 78746

Duane K. Boyd.........................     120,000                  3.0
Jack R. Chandler, M.D.................     100,093                  2.5
Richard J. Clark......................     111,696                  2.8
Samuel R. Granett.....................      13,301                   .3
W. H. Hayes...........................      59,999                  1.5
Jack Murphy...........................      55,000                  1.4
Robert L. Myer........................       --                      .0
William A. Searles.....................     31,000                   .8
Roger T. Scaggs........................      8,333                   .2

All officers and directors as
 a group (11 persons)(2)(3)............    884,280                 20.5

- --------------

      (1) Except as otherwise  indicated,  each  individual  has sole voting and
investment power with respect to all shares owned by such individual.

      (2) The number of shares  beneficially  owned by  officers  and  directors
includes the  following  number of shares  subject to options that are presently
exercisable  or exercisable  within 60 days after April 26, 1996:  Mr.  Shifrin,
133,333; Dr. Chandler, 33,333; Mr. Clark, 33,333; Mr. Hayes, 34,999; Mr. Murphy,
30,000;  Mr.  Searles,  30,000;  and Mr.  Scaggs,  8,333.  The  number of shares
beneficially  owned by all  directors  and  officers as a group,  including  the
above-named  directors,  includes  303,331  shares  subject to options  that are
presently exercisable or exercisable within 60 days after April 26, 1996.

      (3)     Includes the president and chairman of the board, if any, of 
               each of the Company's subsidiaries.


                            EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

Summary Compensation Table

      Set forth below is information concerning aggregate cash compensation paid
during each of the  Company's  last three  fiscal years to the  Company's  Chief
Executive  Officer  and each of the  Company's  other  most  highly  compensated
executive  officers  who  received  in excess of  $100,000 in salary and bonuses
during 1995.

                                                    Summary Compensation Table

                                                          Annual Compensation                 Long Term Compensation
                                                  --------------------------------------      -------------------
                                                                                Other Annual      Securities         All Other
                                                                                Compensation      Underlying         Compensation
Name and Principal Position      Fiscal Year       Salary($)     Bonus($)(1)       ($)(2)          Options(#)          ($)(3)       
- -----------------------------   --------------    -----------     -----------   -----------   -------------------    -----------
Kenneth S. Shifrin, CEO               1995            112,500          44,800            --                25,000          3,154
                                      1994            112,500          41,700            --                    --          3,049
                                      1993            112,500          35,000            --                    --          2,950
Samuel R. Granett, Senior VP          1995                 --              --       491,571                 7,500          3,154
                                      1994                 --          35,746       372,088                    --          3,080
                                      1993             18,350              --       764,950                    --          2,968
Duane K. Boyd, Senior VP              1995            150,000         121,000            --                    --          3,154
                                      1994            150,000          57,000            --                    --          3,080
                                      1993            150,000          90,000            --                    --          2,968
Roger T. Scaggs, Senior VP            1995            105,333          46,200            --                    --          2,970
                                      1994             96,000          45,317            --                25,000          2,970
                                      1993             93,855          10,000            --                    --          2,772

William H. Hayes, VP                  1995             87,620          19,300            --                25,000          3,154

                                      1994             83,160          17,900            --                25,000          3,042

                                      1993             80,850          15,000            --                20,000          2,950

- ---------------------------

      (1)     Reflects bonus paid during the fiscal year.
      (2)     Consists of commissions earned.
      (3)     Consists of Company contributions to the Company's 401(k) plan.


Options Granted During Last Fiscal Year

      The following table provides information related to options granted to the
named executive  officers during 1995. The Company does not have any outstanding
stock appreciation rights.

                        Option Grants in Last Fiscal Year

                                Individual Grants

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    Number of securities
                    underlying Options           Percent of total options granted to
Name                   granted (#)                  employees in fiscal year           Exercise price ($/Sh)      Expiration date
- -----------------   -------------------          -------------------------------       ---------------------      ----------------
Kenneth S.                 25,000                               20%                               $3.25                  06/15/00
Shifrin, CEO
Samuel R.
Granett, Senior             5,000                                4%                               $3.50                  08/31/00
VP                          2,500                                2%                               $9.63                  12/31/00
Duane K. Boyd,
Jr., Senior VP                 --                                --                                  --                       --
Roger T.  
Scaggs, Senior                 --                                --                                  --                       --
William H.                 25,000                               20%                               $3.25                  06/15/00
Hayes, VP

Option Exercises During 1995 and Option Values at December 31, 1995

      The following table provides information related to options exercised by 
the named executive officers during 1995 and the number and value of options 
held at December 31, 1995.  The Company does not have any outstanding stock 
appreciation rights.


                 Aggregated Option Exercises in Last Fiscal Year
                        and Fiscal Year-End Option Values

                                                                 Number of Securities Underlying
                                                                 Unexercised Options at Fiscal    Value of Unexercised In-the-Money
                                                                        Year End                    Options at Fiscal Year End
                                                                  ---------------------------       ---------------------------
                                   Shares Acquired     Value                                        Exercisable   Unexercisable
         Name                      on Exercise(#)    Realized($)  Exercisable(#)  Unexercisable(#)      ($)           ($)
- ----------------------------       ------------     ------------  -------------   -------------     -----------  --------------
Kenneth S. Shifrin, CEO                  --               --            225,000          25,000       1,856,250         159,375
Samuel R. Granett, Senior VP             --               --                 --           7,500              --          30,625
Duane K. Boyd, Senior VP               40,000          62,500           160,000              --       1,262,400              --
Roger T. Scaggs, Senior VP               --               --             58,333          16,667         455,956         122,919
William H. Hayes, VP                   21,000          40,688            26,666          48,334         192,570         328,130

- ---------------------------


      (1)     The Value of Unexercised In-the-Money Options is before any income
              taxes and was  calculated by  subtracting  the per share  exercise
              price of the  option  from the  closing  price  for the  Company's
              Common Stock on December 31, 1995  ($9.625)  and  multiplying  the
              difference  times the number of shares of Common Stock  underlying
              the option.

Compensation of Directors
- -------------------------
      Messrs. Murphy and Searles receive a fee of $1,000 for each meeting of the
 Board of Directors that they attend.  Messrs. Clark, Chandler and Shifrin do 
 not receive separate compensation for their services as directors.

                            CERTAIN TRANSACTIONS

      Until October 1994, the Company  retained Mr. Richard J. Clark, a director
of the Company,  to provide consulting services to the Company as an independent
contractor.  During  the year  ended  December  31,  1994,  Mr.  Clark  was paid
approximately  $63,000 for such services.  Mr. Clark was employed by the Company
in October 1994, terminating the consulting agreement.

                       SECTION 16 FILING REQUIREMENTS

      Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, requires
the Company's  directors  and  officers,  and persons who own more than 10% of a
registered class of the Company's equity securities,  to file initial reports of
ownership and reports of changes in ownership  with the  Securities and Exchange
Commission (the "SEC") and the NASDAQ Stock Exchange.  Such persons are required
by SEC  regulation to furnish the Company with copies of all Section 16(a) forms
they file.


      Based solely on review of the copies of such forms received by the Company
with respect to 1995, or written representations from certain reporting persons,
the Company  believes that all filing  requirements  applicable to its directors
and  officers  and  persons who own more than 10% of a  registered  class of the
Company's equity securities have been complied with, except that during 1995 one
report on Form 4 was filed late by each of Richard J. Clark and William A.
Searles.  Mr. Clark and Mr. Searles are directors of the Company.

                                  QUORUM; VOTING

      The presence,  in person or by proxy,  of the holders of a majority of the
outstanding shares of Common Stock entitled to vote is necessary to constitute a
quorum at the meeting. If a quorum is not present or represented at the meeting,
the shareholders  entitled to vote thereat,  present in person or represented by
proxy,  have the power to adjourn the meeting from time to time,  without notice
other  than an  announcement  at the  meeting,  until a  quorum  is  present  or
represented.  At any such  adjourned  meeting  at which a quorum is  present  or
represented,  any business may be transacted  that might have been transacted at
the meeting as originally notified.

      Cumulative  voting is not  permitted  in the  election of directors of the
Company. On all matters (including election of directors) submitted to a vote of
the shareholders at the meeting or any  adjournment(s)  thereof,  each holder of
Common  Stock will be entitled to one vote for each share of Common  Stock owned
of record by such shareholder at the close of business on April 26, 1996.
                              SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS

      Any shareholder of the Company meeting certain minimum stock ownership and
holding  period  requirements  may  present a proposal  for action at the annual
meeting of shareholders to be held in 1997.  Such  shareholder  must deliver the
proposal to the executive offices of the Company no later than January 15, 1997,
unless the Company  notifies the  shareholders  otherwise.  Only those proposals
that are proper for shareholder  action and otherwise  proper may be included in
the  Company's  proxy  statement.  The  Nominating  Committee  of the  Board  of
Directors will consider  nominations  for directors of the Company to be elected
at the Annual Meeting of  Shareholders  to be held in 1997 that are submitted in
writing  by  any   shareholder  of  the  Company  prior  to  January  15,  1997.
Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  all  shareholder  proposals  must  be  made in
compliance with the applicable provisions of the Bylaws of the Company.

                        ACTION TO BE TAKEN UNDER THE PROXY

      Proxies in the accompanying  form which are properly executed and returned
will be voted at the meeting and any adjournment(s) thereof and will be voted in
accordance with the instructions  thereon.  Any proxy upon which no instructions
have been indicated with respect to a specified  matter will be voted as follows
with  respect to such  matters:  (a) "FOR" the six  persons  named in this Proxy
Statement  as the Board of  Directors'  nominees  for  election  to the Board of
Directors, (b) "FOR" the adoption of the Company's 1995 Non-Employee Director


Stock Option Plan,  (c) "FOR" the adoption of the Company's  1995  Incentive and
Non-Qualified  Stlck  Option  Plan,  and (d) in the  transaction  of such  other
business as may properly come before the meeting or any adjournment(s)  thereof.
The Board of Directors knows of no matters, other than those stated above, to be
presented for consideration at the meeting. If, however,  other matters properly
come before the meeting or any  adjournment(s)  thereof,  it is the intention of
the persons  named in the  accompanying  proxy to vote such proxy in  accordance
with their judgment on any such matters.  The persons named in the  accompanying
proxy may also, if it is deemed to be advisable,  vote such proxy to adjourn the
meeting from time to time.

                           ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

      Pursuant  to  the  Company's  Bylaws,  the  Board  of  Directors  has,  by
resolution,  fixed the number of  directors at six,  and six  directors  will be
elected.  All  nominees  will be elected to hold  office  until the next  annual
meeting of  shareholders  of the Company and until his  successor is elected and
qualified.  Each nominee is  presently a director of the Company  and,  with the
exception of Mr. Clark, has served continuously since first becoming a director.
Mr. Clark has been a director since January 1990,  and had previously  served in
that capacity from 1978 to 1986.
 The Board of Directors held seven  meetings  during the year ended December 31,
1995, and each director  attended at least 75% of the aggregate of (a) the total
number of meetings of the Board of Directors held during the period for which he
served as a director and (b) the total number of meetings held by all committees
of the board on which he served.

                                                                 Director of
              Name                          Age                 Company Since

              Jack R. Chandler, M.D.        71                      1983
              Richard J. Clark              62                      1990
              Jack Murphy                   67                      1974
              Robert L. Myer                47                      1996 Nominee
              William A. Searles            53                      1989
              Kenneth S. Shifrin            47                      1987

      Mr. Shifrin has been Chairman of the Board since March 1990.  He has been 
President and Chief Executive Officer since March 1989 and was President and 
Chief Operating Officer from June 1987 to February 1989.  He has been a Director
of the Company since February 1987. From February 1985 until June 1987, 
Mr. Shifrin served as Senior Vice President - Finance and Treasurer.  He has 
been Chairman of the Board of Prime Medical Services, Inc. since October
1989.  Mr. Shifrin is a member of the Young Presidents' Organization.

      Dr. Chandler, a founder of the Company, has been a Director of the Company
since July 1983 and has served as Vice Chairman of the Board since February 
1985.  Dr. Chandler was Vice Chairman of American Physicians Insurance Exchange 
from August 1975 to April 1978 and was 


Chairman of its Board of Directors from April 1978 to April 1985.  Dr. Chandler
was a physician in private practice in San Antonio, Texas from 1956 until his 
retirement in 1985.  Dr. Chandler serves as a Director of Prime Medical 
Services, Inc.

      Mr. Clark has been a Director of the Company since  January,  1990 and had
previously served in that capacity from 1978 to 1986. Mr. Clark was Secretary of
the  Company  from  January  1977 to July  1983.  He was an  officer  of several
insurance-related  subsidiaries  of the  Company  from  1977 to  1986  and was a
consultant  to the Company in that area from 1986  through  September  1994.  In
October 1994,  Mr. Clark again became an employee of the Company.  Mr. Clark has
over 30 years experience in the insurance industry.

      Mr.  Murphy,  a founder of the  Company,  was  Chairman  of the Board from
February 1989 to March 1990 and previously  held that position from October 1974
to December  1987.  He has been a Director of the Company since October 1974 and
was President from October 1974 to January 1986.

      Mr. Myer is currently President and Chief Executive Officer of College 
Insurance Group, Inc., an insurance holding company which owns 100% of Annuity 
Service Corp. and Financial Assurance Life Insurance Company.  Annuity Service 
Corp. manages and administers qualified plan annuity and life insurance business
for several insurance companies.  Financial Assurance Life is a provider of 
annuity and life products.  Mr. Myer had previously founded and was President 
and Chief Executive Officer of the NAP Group of Companies.  The NAP Group of
Companies marketed and administered tax-deferred annuity and life insurance 

      Mr. Searles has been a director since July 1989.  He is an independent 
business consultant and from 1981 to 1989 was associated with Bear, Stearns & 
Co., Inc. (an investment banking firm), most recently as an Associate Director/
Limited Partner.  He currently serves as a Director of two other public 
companies:  Diversified Communications Industries, Ltd. and Prime Medical
Services, Inc.

      Should  any  nominee  named  herein  for the  office  of  director  become
unwilling or unable to accept  nomination  of election,  it is intended that the
persons acting under the proxy will vote for the election, in his stead, of such
other  persons as the Board of  Directors  of the Company may  recommend  or the
Board of  Directors  of the  Company  may reduce the number of  directors  to be
elected.  The Board of Directors has no reason to believe that any nominee named
above will be unwilling or unable to serve.

      The Board recommends a vote FOR each nominee for director.



      No family  relationships  exist  among the  officers or  directors  of the
Company.  Except as indicated above, no director of the Company is a director of
any company with a class of securities  registered pursuant to Section 12 of the
Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act"), or subject to
the requirements of Section 15(d) of the Exchange Act or any company  registered
as an investment company under the Investment Company Act of 1940.

      The Board of Directors has a standing audit committee which,  during 1995,
consisted of two directors, Mr. Murphy and Mr. Searles. The audit committee held
three  meetings  during the year ended  December 31, 1995, at which both members
were present. The audit committee meets with the Company's independent auditors,
reviews the financial  statements of the Company, and recommends to the Board of
Directors of the Company the selection of the Company's independent auditors for
each fiscal year.  The Board has a standing  compensation  committee  which,  in
1995,  consisted of two directors,  Mr. Murphy and Mr. Searles. The compensation
committee  held two  meetings  during  the year ended  December  31,  1995.  The
compensation  committee has primary  responsibility  for  determining  executive
compensation.  The Board also has a standing option committee which consisted of
two  directors,  Mr.  Murphy  and Mr.  Searles.  The option  committee  held two
meetings  during the year ended  December 31,  1995.  The option  committee  has
primary  responsibility  for recommending  option grants to key employees and to
directors who are not on the option committee.

      The Board of Directors has an executive committee currently  consisting of
Mr. Murphy and Mr. Shifrin.  The executive committee held no meetings during the
year ended December 31, 1994. The executive  committee has the authority to take
all actions that the Board of  Directors  of the Company has,  except in limited
circumstances  as described in the Bylaws of the Company and the Texas  Business
Corporation Act.

                          DIRECTOR STOCK OPTION PLAN

      On June 15, 1995,  the Company's  Board of Directors  adopted,  subject to
shareholder  approval,  the 1995  Non-Employee  Director  Stock Option Plan (the
"Director Plan").  The purpose of the Director Plan is to attract and retain the
services of the Company's experienced and knowledgeable outside directors and to
provide  additional  incentive for such persons to continue to work for the best
interests of the Company and its  shareholders.  The Director  Plan provides for
the issuance of options to purchase up to an aggregate of 200,000  shares of the
Company's Common Stock to the eligible outside  directors (as described  below).
Approval of the Director Plan requires the affirmative vote of a majority of the
votes cast, in person or by proxy, at the Annual Meeting.


      The Board recommends a vote FOR approval of the 1995 Non-Employee Director
Stock Option Plan.

      The  following  is a brief  summary of the  proposed  Director  Plan.  The
complete  text, is attached as Appendix A to this Proxy  Statement and reference
is made to such  Appendix  for a complete  statement  of the  provisions  of the
Director Plan.

      The  Director  Plan  provides  that on the  date on  which a  non-employee
Director  is  appointed  as a member  of the  Option  Committee  he or she shall
automatically  be granted an option to purchase 30,000 shares of Common Stock on
that day and on each anniversary of his/her appointment to the Option Committee.
Each  non-employee  Director who is also a member of the Option Committee on the
date of the  Company's  1995  Annual  Meeting  will be deemed to have been first
elected on such date.  Option  grants shall only be made to those  directors who
(i) are not otherwise  employees of the Company or any subsidiary on the date of
grant;  (ii) were not  employees of the Company,  or any  subsidiary at any time
during the period  commencing on the date of the last annual meeting through the
date of grant (the "Eligibility  Period");  and (iii) were members of the Option

                             NEW PLAN BENEFITS
                      1995 Non-Employee Director Plan

   Name and Position              Dollar Value (1)             Number of Units
      Non-Employee                     N/A                        60,000 (2)
     Director Group

(1)   All options  under the Director Plan will be granted at Fair Market Value.
      Accordingly, the dollar value benefit is based upon future appreciation in
      the Company's Common Stock and therefore is not presently determinable.

(2)   Represents options granted during the fiscal year 1995. In addition,  each
      non-employee  Director shall  automatically be granted options to purchase
      an additional 30,000 shares on each anniversary of his/her  appointment to
      the Option Committee;  provided that such option grants shall only be made
      to  those  directors  who (i)  are not  employees  of the  Company  or any
      subsidiary at any time during the Eligibility Period and (ii) were members
      of the Option Committee on the grant date.


      Options  under the  Director  Plan will be  automatically  granted to each
eligible  director as set forth above. The exercise price of the options will be
the fair market value (as determined under the plan) of the underlying shares on
the date of grant.  The options shall vest and become  exercisable as determined
by the Board of Directors.  All options under the Director Plan expire ten years
from the date of grant.  The number of shares  subject to the plan or any option
and the  exercise  price of such  options  are to be  adjusted  for any  merger,
consolidation, stock dividend or similar transaction.

      For outside  directors  receiving grants under the Director Plan,  options
may be exercised  within 90 days after such persons cease to serve as a director
of the Company.  The options  shall be  exercisable  by the optionee at any time
during the 90 day period,  provided the options were otherwise exercisable as of
the date of termination and have not expired by their own terms.

      No option shall be assignable or  transferable  by the optionee  except by
will or by the laws of descent and distribution,  and each option is exercisable
during an optionee's  lifetime only by the optionee and, at death, by his heirs,
executors or administrators.

      The Director Plan shall be  administered  by the Board of Directors of the
Company, which may, subject to certain limitations,  suspend, terminate or amend
the plan.

      The grant of options will not result in taxable income to an optionee or a
tax deduction for the Company.  The exercise of an option will result in taxable
ordinary income to the optionee and a  corresponding  deduction for the Company,
in each case equal to the difference between the fair market value of the shares
on the date the option was  granted  and the fair  market  value on the date the
option was exercised.

                                STOCK OPTION PLAN

      The Board of Directors has  determined  that it is in the best interest of
the Company to continue its practice of making stock options  available to those
employees  responsible for the continued growth of the Company's  business.  The
Board of Directors believes that providing such employees with an opportunity to
acquire a proprietary  interest in the Company creates an increased  interest in
and  greater  concern  for the  growth,  success  and  welfare  of the  Company.
Accordingly, the Board of Directors adopted the 1995 Incentive and Non-qualified
Stock  Option  Plan (the  "Plan")  on June 15,  1995,  and  directed  that it be
submitted  for  shareholder  consideration  and  approval.  Approval of the Plan
requires the  affirmative  vote of a majority of the votes cast, in person or by
proxy, at the Annual Meeting.

      The Board  recommends a vote FOR approval of the 1995  Incentive  and Non-
Qualified Stock Option Plan.


      The following is a brief summary of the proposed  Plan.  The complete text
is attached as appendix B to this proxy  Statement and reference is made to such
Appendix for a complete statement of the provisions of the Plan.

      The Plan  provides  for the  granting of options to purchase up to 800,000
shares of the  Company's  Common  Stock.  The Plan will be  administered  by the
Board's Option Committee whose members shall be  "disinterested  persons" within
the  meaning of federal  securities  laws.  Participants  under the Plan will be
selected by the Option  Committee upon the  recommendation  of  Management.  All
employees  will be eligible for selection to participate in the Plan. The Option
Committee  will  determine the number of shares to be optioned to any individual
under the Plan,  and options will vest and become  exercisable in the manner and
within the periods  specified  by the Option  Committee in its  discretion.  The
number and kind of shares subject to the Plan can be  appropriately  adjusted in
the event of any change in the capital  structure of the  Company.  Shareholders
will have no  pre-emptive  rights with regard to shares  issued  pursuant to the

      The Plan enables the Company to grant either "incentive stock options", as
defined in Section 422 of the  Internal  Revenue  Code of 1986,  as amended (the
"Code"),  or options that are note intended to be "incentive stock options".  No
options  may be granted  under the Plan later than June 15,  2005.  Any  options
granted  under the Plan must have an exercise  period of no more than ten years.
The  exercise  price  per share  for each  option  may not be less than the fair
market value on the date of grant,  determined as  prescribed  by the Code.  The
Plan provides  that payment for the portion  exercised may be made only in whole
at the time of exercise  of the option in cash or by  delivery of already  owned
shares of the  Company's  Common  Stock,  valued at its fair market value on the
exercise date.  Proceeds  received from optioned shares will be used for general
corporate  purposes.  To  the  extent  that  the  aggregate  fair  market  value
(determined as of the time such option is granted) of the common stock for which
any employee may have incentive  stock options vest in any calendar year exceeds
$100,000,  such excess incentive stock options shall be treated as non-qualified

      No option shall be assignable or  transferable  by the optionee  except by
will or by the laws of descent and distribution,  and each option is exercisable
during the  lifetime of an  optionee  only by the  optionee  and at death by his
heirs, executors or administrators.

      For optionees  receiving  grants under the Plan,  options may be exercised
within  90 days  after  such  persons  cease  to be  employed  by or cease to be
directors of the Company.  The options shall be  exercisable  by the optionee at
any  time  during  the  90 day  period,  provided  the  options  were  otherwise
exercisable  as of the date of  termination  and have not  expired  by their own

      The Board of  Directors,  subject  to  certain  exceptions,  may  suspend,
terminate or amend the Plan at its discretion.


      No  determination  has been made with  respect  to  future  recipients  of
options  under the Plan and it is not possible to specify the names or positions
of the persons to whom options may be granted,  or the number of shares,  within
the limitations of the Plan, to be covered by such options.

      Under currently applicable provisions of the Code, as amended, an optionee
will not be deemed to receive any income for federal  income tax  purposes  upon
the grant of any option  under the Plan,  nor will the  Company be entitled to a
tax deduction at that time.  Upon the exercise of a  non-incentive  option,  the
optionee will be deemed to have received  ordinary  income in an amount equal to
the difference  between the exercise price and the market price of the shares on
the exercise date. The Company will be allowed an income tax deduction  equal to
the excess of market  value of the shares on the date of exercise  over the cost
of such shares to the optionee.  No income will be recognized by the optionee at
the time of exercise of an incentive stock option. If the stock is held at least
one year  following  the  exercise  date and at least two years from the date of
grant of the option, the optionee will realize a capital gain or loss upon sale,
measured as the  difference  between the exercise  price and the sale price.  If
both of these holding period requirements are not satisfied, ordinary income tax
treatment  will apply to the amount of gain at sale or  exercise,  whichever  is
less. If the actual gain exceeds the amount of ordinary income,  the excess will
be  considered  short-term or long-term  capital gain  depending on how long the
shares are actually held. No income tax deduction will be allowed by the Company
with  respect  to  shares  purchased  by an  optionee  upon the  exercise  of an
incentive stock option,  provided such shares are held for the required  periods
as described above.

      Under the Code, as amended,  an option will generally be disqualified from
receiving  incentive  stock option  treatment if it is exercised more than three
months  following  termination  of  employment.  However,  if  the  optionee  is
disabled,   such  statutory  treatment  is  available  for  one  year  following
termination.  If the optionee dies while employed by the Company or within three
months thereafter, the statutory time limit is waived altogether. In no event do
these statutory  provisions extend the rights to exercise an option beyond those
provided by its terms.


      The Board of  Directors  of the  Company  selected  KPMG Peat  Marwick LLP
("Peat  Marwick") as independent  auditors for the year ended December 31, 1995.
Peat  Marwick  advised  the  Company  that,  in  accordance  with   professional
standards,  it would not perform any  non-audit  service  which would impair its
independence  for purposes of expressing  an opinion on the Company's  financial
statements.  A  representative  of Peat Marwick will attend the meeting with the
opportunity to make a statement if such representative desires to do so and will
be available to respond to appropriate  questions.  The Audit  Committee has not
yet made a recommendation of independent auditors for 1996.


                                OTHER MATTERS

      The Board of  Directors  of the Company does not intend to bring any other
matters  before  the  meeting  and does not know of any  matters  which  will be
brought  before the meeting by others.  However,  if any other matters  properly
come  before  the  meeting,  it is the  intention  of the  persons  named in the
accompanying  proxy to vote such proxy in accordance with their judgment on such

                                           By Order of the Board of Directors

                                           W. H. HAYES
                                           Vice President and Secretary

Austin, Texas
May 2, 1996


                                   Appendix A




                               A Texas Corporation

                               I. Purpose of Plan

         The 1995  NON-EMPLOYEE  DIRECTOR  STOCK  OPTION  PLAN (the  "Plan")  is
intended to promote the interests of American  Physicians Service Group, Inc., a
Texas corporation (the "Company"),  and its stockholders by helping to award and
retain  highly-qualified  independent directors,  and allowing them to develop a
sense  of  proprietorship  and  personal  involvement  in  the  development  and
financial  success of the  Company.  Accordingly,  the  Company  shall  grant to
directors  of the  Company  who are not  employees  of the Company or any of its
subsidiaries  ("Non-  Employee  Directors")  the option  ("Option")  to purchase
shares of the common stock,  $0.10 par value per share, of the Company  ("Common
Stock"),  as  hereinafter  set forth.  Options  granted under this Plan shall be
options which do not constitute  incentive stock options,  within the meaning of
section 422(b) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code").

                              II. Grant of Options

         Options  may be  granted  only  to  individuals  who  are  Non-Employee
Directors  of the  Company  and who  are  members  of the  Committee  under  the
Company's Incentive Stock Option Plan (the "Committee").  On the date on which a
Non-Employee  Director  is  first  elected  or  appointed  as a  member  of  the
Committee,  he or she (the  "Optionee")  shall be granted an Option to  purchase
30,000 shares of Common  Stock.  Each Optionee  shall be  automatically  granted
options to purchase 30,000 shares of Common Stock on each anniversary of his/her
appointment to the Committee. For purposes of this Article II, each Non-Employee
Director who is also a member of the Committee in office on the  effective  date
of this Plan shall be deemed to have been first elected at such date.

         If,  as of any  date  that  this  Plan  is in  effect,  there  are  not
sufficient  shares of  Common  Stock  available  under the Plan to allow for the
grant to each  Non-Employee  Director  of an  option  for the  number  of shares
provided herein,  this Plan shall terminate as provided in Article X hereof. All
Options  granted  under  this  Plan  shall be at the  option  price set forth in
Article V hereof and shall be subject to  adjustment  as provided in Article VII


                           III. Shares Subject to Plan

         The  aggregate  number of shares  of  Common  Stock  that may be issued
pursuant to Options  granted under this Plan shall not exceed  200,000 shares of
Common Stock (subject to adjustment as provided in Article VII). Such shares may
consist of authorized but unissued  shares of Common Stock or previously  issued
shares of Common  Stock  reacquired  by the  Company.  Any of such shares  which
remain  unissued  and  which  are not  subject  to  outstanding  Options  at the
termination  of this Plan shall  cease to be subject  to this Plan,  but,  until
termination  of this  Plan,  the  Company  shall at all times make  available  a
sufficient  number of shares to meet the  requirements of this Plan.  Should any
Option  hereunder  expire or terminate prior to its exercise in full, the shares
of Common  Stock  theretofore  subject to such Option may again be subject to an
Option  granted under this Plan to the extent  permitted  under Rule 16b-3.  The
aggregate  number of shares which may be issued under this Plan shall be subject
to  adjustment  as provided in Article VII hereof.  Exercise of an Option in any
manner  shall result in a decrease in the number of shares of Common Stock which
may  thereafter be available,  both for purposes of the Plan and for sale to any
one individual, by the number of shares as to which the Option is exercised.

                              IV. Option Agreements

         Each  Option  shall be  evidenced  by a written  agreement  in the form
attached hereto as Exhibit A.

                                 V. Option Price

         The purchase price for a share of Common Stock issued under each Option
granted  pursuant  to this Plan  shall be the fair  market  value for the Common
Stock at the time the Option is granted.  For all purposes  under the Plan,  the
fair market value of a share of Common Stock on a particular date shall be equal
to the average of the high and low sales prices of the Common Stock (i) reported
by the National Market System of NASDAQ on that date or (ii) if the Common Stock
is listed on a national stock exchange, reported on the stock exchange composite
tape on that date;  or, in either case,  if no prices are reported on that date,
on the last  preceding  date on which  such  prices of the  Common  Stock are so
reported.  If the  Common  Stock  is  traded  over  the  counter  at the  time a
determination  of its fair market  value is required to be made  hereunder,  its
fair  market  value  shall be  deemed  to be equal to the  average  between  the
reported  high and low or closing bid and ask prices of the Common  Stock on the
most recent date on which the Common Stock was publicly traded. In the event the
Common Stock is not publicly traded at the time a determination  of its value is
required to be made hereunder,  the determination of its fair market value shall
be made by the Committee in such manner as it deems appropriate.


                           VI. Options Nontransferable

         Each Option and all rights granted thereunder shall not be transferable
other  than by will or the  laws of  descent  and  distribution,  and  shall  be
exercisable  during  the  Optionee's  lifetime  only  by  the  Optionee  or  the
Optionee's  guardian or legal  representative;  provided,  however,  that on and
after the date the  Corporation  elects to have  this  Plan  governed  under the
amendments to Rule 16b-3  effective on or after May 1, 1991,  this Plan shall be
deemed to be amended to limit the  transferability  of  Options,  including  any
exceptions thereto, to the same extent provided by Rule 16b-3 as so amended.

                     VII. Recapitalization or Reorganization

         In the event of a stock split,  reverse  stock split,  stock  dividend,
combination  or  reclassification  of  the  Common  Stock,  an  appropriate  and
proportionate  adjustment  shall be made in the number of shares of Common Stock
for which Options may be granted pursuant to Article III hereof. A corresponding
change shall be made to the number and kind of shares,  and the  exercise  price
per share, of unexercised Options.

            VIII. Merger, Consolidation or Dissolution of Corporation

         Following the merger of one or more  corporations into the Corporation,
or any  consolidation  of the Corporation and one or more  corporations in which
the Corporation is the surviving corporation, the exercise of Options under this
Plan shall apply to the shares of the surviving corporation.

         Not  withstanding  any other  provision of this Plan, all Options under
this plan shall terminate on the dissolution or liquidation of the  Corporation,
or on any merger or  consolidation in which the Corporation is not the surviving

                                IX. Term of Plan

         This Plan shall be  effective  on approval by the  shareholders  of the
Corporation in the manner required by Rule 16b-3. Except with respect to Options
then outstanding,  if not sooner terminated under the provisions of Article VIII
or Article  X, the Plan shall  terminate  upon and no further  Options  shall be
granted as of the date the remaining  number of shares of Common Stock which may
be issued under the Plan  pursuant to Article IV is not  sufficient to cover the
Options required to be granted under Article III.


                      X. Amendment and Termination of Plan

         The Board in its  discretion  may terminate  this Plan at any time with
respect to any shares of Common  Stock for which  Options  have not  theretofore
been granted.  The Board shall have the right to alter or amend this Plan or any
part  hereof  from time to time;  provided,  that this Plan shall not be amended
more than once every six months, other than to comport with changes in the Code,
the Employee  Retirement  Income Security Act of 1974, as amended,  or the rules
thereunder;  and  provided,  further,  that no change in any  Option  heretofore
granted  may be made which would  impair the rights of an  Optionee  without the
consent of such Optionee; and provided, further, that the Board may not make any
alteration or amendment which would materially increase the benefits accruing to
participants under this Plan,  increase the aggregate number of shares which may
be  issued  pursuant  to the  provisions  of this  Plan,  change  the  class  of
individuals  eligible to receive  Options  under this Plan or extend the term of
this Plan, without the approval of the Stockholders of the Company.

                         XI. Compliance with Section 16

         It is  intended  that this  Plan and any  grant of an Option  made to a
person subject to Section 16 of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended
( the "1934 Act") meet all of the  requirements  of Rule 16b-3,  as currently in
effect or as hereinafter  modified or amended ("Rule 16b-3"),  promulgated under
the 1934 Act. If any provision of this Plan or any such Option would  disqualify
this Plan or such Option under,  or would otherwise not comply with, Rule 16b-3,
such provision or Option shall be construed or deemed amended to conform to Rule

                              By: ________________________________
                                  Chairman & Chief Executive Officer


                                   Appendix B




                               A Texas Corporation

                               I. Purpose of Plan

         The purpose of this 1995  Incentive  Stock Option Plan (this "Plan") is
to strengthen  American  Physicians Service Group, Inc. a Texas corporation (the
"Corporation"),  and its subsidiaries,  by providing stock options as a means to
attract, retain and motivate corporate personnel.

                               II. Administration

         This  Plan  shall be  administered  by a  committee  (the  "Committee")
composed of members  selected  by, and serving at the  pleasure of, the Board of
Directors of the Company (the "Board"). The Committee shall be constituted so as
to permit  the Plan to comply  with Rule  16b-3,  as  currently  in effect or as
hereinafter modified or amended ("Rule 16b-3"), promulgated under the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934,  as amended (the "1934 Act").  Consistent  with Rule 16b-3
each committee  member shall be a disinterested  person,  i.e., a person who has
not been granted any equity  security  pursuant to a plan of the  corporation or
any of its  affiliates  during  the one year prior to his  becoming a  committee
member or during the period he serves as a committee member. The Committee shall
have the sole  authority to select the persons  entitled to receive  Options (as
defined below) from among those  eligible  hereunder  (the  "Optionees")  and to
establish  the number of shares  that may be issued  under  each  Option to such
persons; provided,  however, that, notwithstanding any provision in this Plan to
the contrary,  the maximum number of shares of common stock,  $.10 par value per
share of the Company (the "Common Stock") that may be subject to Options granted
under the Plan to an individual Optionee during any calendar year may not exceed
150,000  (subject  to  adjustment  in the same  manner as provided in Article IX
hereof to prevent  dilution.) The limitation set forth in the preceding sentence
shall be applied in a manner which will permit compensation  generated under the
Plan to  constitute  "performance-based"  compensation  for  purposes of section
162(m)  of the  Internal  Revenue  Code  of  1986,  as  amended  ( the  "Code"),
including,  without limitation,  counting against such maximum number of shares,
to the  extent  required  under  section  162(m)  of  the  Code  and  applicable
interpretive  authority  thereunder,  any shares  subject  to  Options  that are
cancelled  or  repriced.  The  Committee  shall  have  the  power  to  make  all
determinations  necessary  for the  administration  of the Plan,  subject to the
restrictions on committee power set forth in Texas law.


                              III. Grant of Options

         The   Corporation  is  authorized  to  grant  incentive  stock  options
("Incentive  Stock  Options")  as defined in section 422 of the Code and options
that are not intended to be Incentive  Stock Options  (hereafter  "Non-Qualified
Stock Options" and, together with Incentive Stock Options,  the "Options").  Any
Option  granted  under this Plan shall be granted  within 10 years form the date
this Plan is  adopted,  or the date this Plan is  approved  by the  stockholders
pursuant to Article X,  whichever is earlier.  No option granted under this Plan
shall be  exercisable  by its terms  after the  expiration  of 10 years from the
grant of the Option.  Options may be granted  only to  individuals,  (a) who are
employees  (including  officers and  directors  who are also  employees)  of the
Company or any parent or  subsidiary  corporation  (as defined in section 424 of
the Code) of the  Company or (b) who are  directors  of the  Company who are not
members of the  Committee,  at the time the Option is  granted.  Options  may be
granted to the same individual on more than one occasion.

         Incentive  Stock  Options  may not be granted to persons  who own stock
possessing  more than 10  percent  of the  total  combined  voting  power of all
classes of stock of the  Corporation,  or of its parent or  subsidiary,  if any,
within the meaning of section 422(b)(6) of the Code, unless (i) at the time such
Option is granted the option  price is at least 110% of the fair market value of
the Common Stock subject to such Option and (ii) such Option by its terms is not
exercisable after the expiration of five years from the date of the grant.

         To the extent that the aggregate  fair market value of Common Stock (as
determined in good faith by the Committee at the time the Incentive Stock Option
is granted),  with respect to which  Incentive Stock Options are exercisable for
the first time by an  individual  during any calendar  year (under all incentive
stock option plans of the Corporation and any parent or subsidiary  corporation)
exceeds  $100,000,  such  excess  Incentive  Stock  Options  shall be treated as
Non-Qualified Stock Options.  The Committee shall determine,  in accordance with
applicable provisions of the Code, Treasury Regulations and other administrative
pronouncements   which  of  an  Optionee's  Incentive  Stock  Options  will  not
constitute  Incentive  Stock Options because of such limitation and shall notify
the  Optionee  of  such   determination  as  soon  as  practicable   after  such

                            IV. Stock Subject to Plan

         The  aggregate  number of shares  of  Common  Stock  that may be issued
pursuant to Options  granted under this Plan shall not exceed  800,000 shares of
Common Stock  (subject to adjustment as provided in article  VIII).  Such shares
may consist of  authorized  but unissued  shares of Common  Stock or  previously
issued  shares of Common stock  reacquired  by the  Company.  Any of such shares
which remain  unissued and which are not subject to  outstanding  Options at the
termination  of this Plan shall  cease to be subject  to this Plan,  but,  until
termination  of this  Plan,  the  Company  shall at all times make  available  a
sufficient  number of shares to meet the  requirements of this Plan.  Should any
Option  hereunder  expire or terminate prior to its exercise in full, the shares
of Common  Stock  theretofore  subject to such Option may again be subject to an
Option  granted under this Plan to the extent  permitted  under Rule 16b-3.  The
aggregate number of shares which may be issued under this


Plan shall be subject to adjustment as provided in Article VIII hereof. Exercise
of an Option in any manner shall result in a decrease in the number of shares of
Common Stock which may  thereafter be  available,  both for purposes of the Plan
and for sale to any one  individual,  by the  number  of  shares as to which the
Option is exercised.  Separate stock certificates shall be issued by the Company
for those shares acquired  pursuant to the exercise of an Incentive Stock Option
and for those  shares  acquired  pursuant to the  exercise of any  Non-Qualified
Stock Options.

                              V. Option Agreements

         Each  Option  shall be  evidenced  by a written  agreement  between the
Company and the Optionee ("Option Agreement") which shall contain such terms and
conditions as the Committee  deems  necessary,  including,  without  limitation,
terms and  conditions  relating to the  termination  of  Options.  The terms and
conditions of the respective Option Agreements need not be identical.  Moreover,
an Option Agreement may provide for the payment of the option price, in whole or
in part,  by the  delivery  of a number of shares of Common  Stock (plus cash if
necessary) having a fair market value equal to such option price.

                                VI. Option Price

         The purchase  price for a share of Common Stock subject to an Incentive
Stock  Option  granted  pursuant  to this  Plan  shall not be less than the fair
market value of the Common Stock subject to such  Incentive  Stock Option at the
time such Option is granted.  The purchase price for a share of the Common Stock
subject to a Non-Qualifying  Stock Option granted pursuant to this Plan shall be
not less than 100% of the fair market value of the Common Stock  subject to such
Non-Qualifying Stock Option on the date such Option is granted.

         For all  purposes  under the Plan,  the fair market value of a share of
Common Stock on a particular  date shall be equal to the average of the high and
low sales prices of the Common Stock (i) reported by the National  Market System
of NASDAQ on that date or (ii) if the Common Stock is listed on a national stock
exchange,  reported on the stock  exchange  composite  tape on that date; or, in
either case, if no prices are reported on that date, on the last  preceding date
on which such prices of the Common Stock are so reported. If the Common Stock is
traded over the counter at the time a determination  of its fair market value is
required to be made hereunder, its fair market value shall be deemed to be equal
to the average  between the reported  high and low or closing bid and ask prices
of the  Common  Stock on the most  recent  date on which  the  Common  Stock was
publicly  traded.  In the event the Common Stock is not  publicly  traded at the
time a  determination  of its  value  is  required  to be  made  hereunder,  the
determination  of its fair market  value shall be made by the  Committee in such
manner as it deems appropriate.


                          VII. Options Nontransferable

         Each Option and all rights granted thereunder shall not be transferable
other  than by will or the  laws of  descent  and  distribution,  and  shall  be
exercisable  during  the  Optionee's  lifetime  only  by  the  Optionee  or  the
Optionee's  guardian or legal  representative;  provided,  however,  that on and
after the date the  Corporation  elects to have  this  Plan  governed  under the
amendments to Rule 16b-3  effective on or after May 1, 1991,  this Plan shall be
deemed to be amended to limit the  transferability  of  Options,  including  any
exceptions thereto, to the same extent provided by Rule 16b-3 as so amended.

                    VIII. Recapitalization or Reorganization

         In the event of a stock split,  reverse  stock split,  stock  dividend,
combination  or  reclassification  of  the  Common  Stock,  an  appropriate  and
proportionate  adjustment  shall be made in the number of shares of Common Stock
for which Options may be granted  pursuant to Article Iv hereof. A corresponding
change shall be made to the number and kind of shares,  and the  exercise  price
per share, of unexercised Options.

             IX. Merger, Consolidation or Dissolution of Corporation

         Following the merger of one or more  corporations into the Corporation,
or any  consolidation  of the Corporation and one or more  corporations in which
the Corporation is the surviving corporation, the exercise of Options under this
Plan shall apply to the shares of the surviving corporation.

         Not  withstanding  any other  provision of this Plan, all Options under
this plan shall terminate on the dissolution or liquidation of the  Corporation,
or on any merger or  consolidation in which the Corporation is not the surviving

                            X. Effective Date of Plan

         This Plan shall be effective on approval by the affirmative vote of the
holders of a majority of the outstanding  shares of capital stock of the Company
present or represented  and entitled to vote thereon at a duly held  shareholder
meeting or by unanimous  written consent of the  stockholders of the Corporation
in the manner required by Rule 16b-3.

                      XI. Amendment or Termination of Plan

         The Board in its  discretion  may terminate  this Plan at any time with
respect to any shares of Common  Stock for which  Options  have not  theretofore
been granted.  The Board shall have the right to alter or amend this Plan or any
part hereof from time to time; provided, that no change in any Option heretofore
granted may be made which would  impair the rights of the  Optionee  without the
consent of such Optionee; and provided, further, that (i) the Board may not make
any alteration or


amendment which would decrease any authority granted to the Committee  hereunder
in contravention of Rule 16b-3 and (ii) the Board may not make any alteration or
amendment which would materially  increase the benefits accruing to participants
under the Plan,  increase  the  aggregate  number of shares  which may be issued
pursuant to the provisions of the Plan, change the class of individuals eligible
to receive  Options  under the Plan or extend the term of the Plan,  without the
approval of the Stockholders of the Company.

                         XII. Compliance with Section 16

         With  respect  to  persons  subject  to  Section  16 of the  1934  Act,
transactions  under  this  Plan are  intended  to  comply  with  all  applicable
conditions of Rule 16b-3 or its successors under the 1934 Act. To the extent any
provision of the Plan or action by the Committee fails to so comply, it shall be
deemed null and void, to the extent permitted by law and deemed advisable by the

                              By: __________________________________
                               Kenneth S. Shifrin, Chairman of the Board



The undersigned hereby (a) acknowledges  receipt of the Notice of Annual Meeting
of Shareholders of American Physicians Service Group, Inc. (the "Company") to be
held on June 13, 1996,  and the Proxy  Statement in connection  therewith,  each
dated May 2, 1996,  (b)  appoints  Kenneth S.  Shifrin and William H. Hayes,  or
either of them,  as Proxies,  each with the power to appoint a  substitute,  (c)
authorizes  the Proxies to represent  and vote,  as  designated  below,  all the
shares of Common  Stock of American  Physicians  Service  Group,  Inc.,  held of
record by the  undersigned  on April 26, 1996, at such annual meeting and at any
adjournment(s) thereof and (d) revokes any proxies heretofore given.

Election of Directors, Nominees:            (change of address)

Jack R. Chandler, M.D.,                 _________________________

Richard J. Clark,
Jack Murphy,

Robert L. Myer,                         _________________________

William A. Searles,

and Kenneth S. Shifrin.            (If you have written in the above space,
                                   please mark the corresponding box on the
                                   reverse side of this card.)

                                                                SEE REVERSE

                  Please mark your
                  votes as in this

                FOR    WITHHELD                          FOR    AGAINST  ABSTAIN
1 Election of                       2  Approval of
  Directors                            the 1995 Non-
 (see reverse)                         Employee Director
                ----   ------          Stock Option Plan  ____  ____     _____

                                    3 Approval of
For, except vote withheld             the 1995 Incentive
from The following nominee(s):        and Non-Qualified
                                      Stock Option Plan   ____  ____     _____

                                    4 In their discretion
                                      the Proxies are
                                      authorized to vote
                                      upon such other
                                      business as may
                                      properly come before
                                      the meeting or any

                                      Change of

         SIGNATURE(S)_________________________        DATE _________________

         SIGNATURE(S)_________________________        DATE _________________

          NOTE:   Please  sign your name  above  exactly  as it  appears on your
                  stock certificate,  date, and return promptly. When signing on
                  behalf of a corporation, partnership, estate, trust, or in any
                  other representative capacity, please sign name and title. For
                  joint accounts, each joint owner must sign.