
                               A Texas Corporation

                               I. Purpose of Plan

         The purpose of this 1995  Incentive  Stock Option Plan (this "Plan") is
to strengthen  American  Physicians Service Group, Inc. a Texas corporation (the
"Corporation"),  and its subsidiaries,  by providing stock options as a means to
attract,  retain  and  motivate  corporate  personnel.  On June  11,  1998,  the
shareholders of the Corporation  approved an amendment  increasing the number of
shares of Common  Stock  (as  defined  below)  which may be issued  pursuant  to
Options (as defined  below)  granted  under this Plan from 800,000 to 1,200,000.
This  Plan  was  originally  adopted  on June  13,  1996  and  incorporates  all
amendments  through  June  11,  1998.  Such  amendments  reflect  any  revisions
automatically  incorporated pursuant to the terms of the Plan which require that
the  provisions of the Plan remain  consistent  with Rule 16b-3 (as  hereinafter

                               II. Administration

         This  plan  shall  be  administered  by  an  administrative  body  (the
"Committee")  designated  by the  Board of  Directors  of the  Corporation  (the
"Board"). The Board may designate itself as the Committee or appoint two or more
non-employee  directors to a committee  which shall serve as the Committee.  The
Committee  shall be  constituted  so as to permit  the Plan to comply  with Rule
16b-3,  as  currently  in effect or as  hereinafter  modified or amended  ("Rule
16b-3"),  promulgated under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the
"1934 Act").  The Committee  shall have the sole authority to select the persons
entitled  to receive  Options  (as  defined  below)  from among  those  eligible
hereunder  (the  "Optionees")  and to establish the number of shares that may be
issued   under  each  Option  to  such   persons;   provided,   however,   that,
notwithstanding  any provision in this Plan to the contrary,  the maximum number
of shares of common stock,  $.10 par value per share of the Company (the "Common
Stock") that may be subject to Options  granted  under the Plan to an individual
Optionee during any calendar year may not exceed 150,000  (subject to adjustment
in the same manner as provided  in Article IX hereof to prevent  dilution.)  The
limitation  set forth in the  preceding  sentence  shall be  applied in a manner
which  will  permit   compensation   generated  under  the  Plan  to  constitute
"performance-based"  compensation for purposes of section 162(m) of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986, as amended ( the "Code"),  including,  without limitation,
counting  against such maximum  number of shares,  to the extent  required under
section 162(m) of the Code and applicable interpretive authority thereunder, any
shares  subject to Options that are canceled or repriced.  The  Committee  shall
have the power to make all  determinations  necessary for the  administration of
the Plan, 

subject to the restrictions on committee power set forth in Texas law.

                              III. Grant of Options

         The   Corporation  is  authorized  to  grant  incentive  stock  options
("Incentive  Stock  Options")  as defined in section 422 of the Code and options
that are not intended to be Incentive  Stock Options  (hereafter  "Non-Qualified
Stock Options" and, together with Incentive Stock Options,  the "Options").  Any
Option  granted  under this Plan shall be granted  within 10 years form the date
this Plan is  adopted,  or the date this Plan is  approved  by the  stockholders
pursuant to Article X,  whichever is earlier.  No option granted under this Plan
shall be  exercisable  by its terms  after the  expiration  of 10 years from the
grant of the Option.  Options may be granted  only to  individuals,  (a) who are
employees  (including  officers and  directors  who are also  employees)  of the
Company or any parent or  subsidiary  corporation  (as defined in section 424 of
the Code) of the Company or (b) who are non-employee directors of the Company at
the time the  Option is  granted  and who may be granted  options  hereunder  in
compliance with Rule 16b3. Options may be granted to the same individual on more
than one occasion.

         Incentive  Stock  Options  may not be granted to persons  who own stock
possessing  more than 10  percent  of the  total  combined  voting  power of all
classes of stock of the  Corporation,  or of its parent or  subsidiary,  if any,
within the meaning of section 422(b)(6) of the Code, unless (i) at the time such
Option is granted the option  price is at least 110% of the fair market value of
the Common Stock subject to such Option and (ii) such Option by its terms is not
exercisable after the expiration of five years from the date of the grant.

         To the extent that the aggregate  fair market value of Common Stock (as
determined in good faith by the Committee at the time the Incentive Stock Option
is granted),  with respect to which  Incentive Stock Options are exercisable for
the first time by an  individual  during any calendar  year (under all incentive
stock option plans of the Corporation and any parent or subsidiary  corporation)
exceeds  $100,000,  such  excess  Incentive  Stock  Options  shall be treated as
Non-Qualified Stock Options.  The Committee shall determine,  in accordance with
applicable provisions of the Code, Treasury Regulations and other administrative
pronouncements   which  of  an  Optionee's  Incentive  Stock  Options  will  not
constitute  Incentive  Stock Options because of such limitation and shall notify
the  Optionee  of  such   determination  as  soon  as  practicable   after  such

                            IV. Stock Subject to Plan

         The  aggregate  number of shares  of  Common  Stock  that may be issued
pursuant to Options granted under this Plan shall not exceed 1,200,000 shares of
Common Stock  (subject to adjustment as provided in article  VIII).  Such shares
may consist of  authorized  but unissued  shares of Common  Stock or  previously
issued  shares of Common stock  reacquired  by the  Company.  Any of such shares
which remain  unissued and which are not subject to  outstanding  Options at the
termination  of this Plan shall  cease to be subject  to this Plan,  but,  until
termination  of this  Plan,  the  Company  shall at all times make  available  a
sufficient  number of shares to meet 


the  requirements of this Plan.  Should any
Option  hereunder  expire or terminate prior to its exercise in full, the shares
of Common  Stock  theretofore  subject to such Option may again be subject to an
Option  granted under this Plan to the extent  permitted  under Rule 16b-3.  The
aggregate  number of shares which may be issued under this Plan shall be subject
to adjustment  as provided in Article VIII hereof.  Exercise of an Option in any
manner  shall result in a decrease in the number of shares of Common Stock which
may  thereafter be available,  both for purposes of the Plan and for sale to any
one  individual,  by the number of shares as to which the  Option is  exercised.
Separate  stock  certificates  shall be issued by the Company  for those  shares
acquired  pursuant to the  exercise of an  Incentive  Stock Option and for those
shares acquired pursuant to the exercise of any Non-Qualified Stock Options.

                              V. Option Agreements

         Each  Option  shall be  evidenced  by a written  agreement  between the
Company and the Optionee ("Option Agreement") which shall contain such terms and
conditions as the Committee  deems  necessary,  including,  without  limitation,
terms and  conditions  relating to the  termination  of  Options.  The terms and
conditions of the respective Option Agreements need not be identical.  Moreover,
an Option Agreement may provide for the payment of the option price, in whole or
in part,  by the  delivery  of a number of shares of Common  Stock (plus cash if
necessary) having a fair market value equal to such option price.

                                VI. Option Price

         The purchase  price for a share of Common Stock subject to an Incentive
Stock  Option  granted  pursuant  to this  Plan  shall not be less than the fair
market value of the Common Stock subject to such  Incentive  Stock Option at the
time such Option is granted.  The purchase price for a share of the Common Stock
subject to a Non-Qualifying  Stock Option granted pursuant to this Plan shall be
not less than 100% of the fair market value of the Common Stock  subject to such
Non-Qualifying Stock Option on the date such Option is granted.

         For all  purposes  under the Plan,  the fair market value of a share of
Common Stock on a particular  date shall be equal to the average of the high and
low sales prices of the Common Stock (i) reported by the National  Market System
of NASDAQ on that date or (ii) if the Common Stock is listed on a national stock
exchange,  reported on the stock  exchange  composite  tape on that date; or, in
either case, if no prices are reported on that date, on the last  preceding date
on which such prices of the Common Stock are so reported. If the Common Stock is
traded over the counter at the time a determination  of its fair market value is
required to be made hereunder, its fair market value shall be deemed to be equal
to the average  between the reported  high and low or closing bid and ask prices
of the  Common  Stock on the most  recent  date on which  the  Common  Stock was
publicly  traded.  In the event the Common Stock is not  publicly  traded at the
time a  determination  of its  value  is  required  to be  made  hereunder,  the
determination  of its fair market  value shall be made by the  Committee in such
manner as it deems appropriate.


                          VII. Options Nontransferable

         Incentive Stock Options and all rights granted  thereunder shall not be
transferable  other  than by  will or the  laws  of  descent  and  distribution.
Non-Qualified  Stock  Options  and all rights  granted  thereunder  shall not be
transferable other than by will or the laws or descent and distribution, or upon
the  express  prior  written  consent of the  Committee  in each  instance.  All
Incentive  Stock Options shall be exercisable  during the  Optionee's  lifetime,
only by the Optionee or the Optionee's guardian or legal representative.

                    VIII. Recapitalization or Reorganization

         In the event of a stock split,  reverse  stock split,  stock  dividend,
combination  or  reclassification  of  the  Common  Stock,  an  appropriate  and
proportionate  adjustment  shall be made in the number of shares of Common Stock
for which Options may be granted  pursuant to Article Iv hereof. A corresponding
change shall be made to the number and kind of shares,  and the  exercise  price
per share, of unexercised Options.

             IX. Merger, Consolidation or Dissolution of Corporation

         Following the merger of one or more  corporations into the Corporation,
or any  consolidation  of the Corporation and one or more  corporations in which
the Corporation is the surviving corporation, the exercise of Options under this
Plan shall apply to the shares of the surviving corporation.

         Not  withstanding  any other  provision of this Plan, all Options under
this plan shall terminate on the dissolution or liquidation of the  Corporation,
or on any merger or  consolidation in which the Corporation is not the surviving

                            X. Effective Date of Plan

         This Plan shall be effective on approval by the affirmative vote of the
holders of a majority of the outstanding  shares of capital stock of the Company
present or represented  and entitled to vote thereon at a duly held  shareholder
meeting or by unanimous  written consent of the  stockholders of the Corporation
in the manner required by Rule 16b-3.

                      XI. Amendment or Termination of Plan

         The Board in its  discretion  may terminate  this Plan at any time with
respect to any shares of Common  Stock for which  Options  have not  theretofore
been granted.  The Board shall have the right to alter or amend this Plan or any
part hereof from time to time; provided, that no change in any Option heretofore
granted may be made which would  impair the rights of the  Optionee  without the
consent of such Optionee; and provided, further, that (i) the Board may not make
any alteration or amendment  which would  decrease any authority  granted to the
Committee  hereunder in  contravention  of Rule 16b-3 and (ii) the Board may not
make any alteration or


amendment  which would  materially  increase the benefits
accruing to participants under the Plan, increase the aggregate number of shares
which may be issued pursuant to the provisions of the Plan,  change the class of
individuals eligible to receive Options under the Plan or extend the term of the
Plan, without the approval of the Stockholders of the Company.

                         XII. Compliance with Section 16

         With  respect  to  persons  subject  to  Section  16 of the  1934  Act,
transactions  under  this  Plan are  intended  to  comply  with  all  applicable
conditions of Rule 16b-3 or its successors under the 1934 Act. To the extent any
provision of the Plan or action by the Committee fails to so comply, it shall be
deemed null and void, to the extent permitted by law and deemed advisable by the

                                  AMERICAN PHYSICIANS SERVICE GROUP, INC.

                                  By: /s/ Kenneth S. Shifrin
                                      Kenneth S. Shifrin, Chairman of the Board,
                                      President and Chief Executive Officer
