Washington, D.C.  20549
                            FORM 10-Q

                 SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934



      For the transition period from           to          .

                Commission File Number:    0-17147

      (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

               Delaware                               04-2798638
(State or other jurisdiction of                       (I.R.S. Employer
incorporation or organization)                        Identification No.)

265 Franklin Street, Boston, Massachusetts                02110
(Address of principal executive offices)                  (Zip Code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code          (617) 439-8118

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15 (d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant
was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing
requirements for the past 90 days. Yes  X.  No.

                                 BALANCE SHEETS
                        May 31, 1995 and August 31, 1994

                                                   May 31         August 31
Real estate investments:
   Investment property held for sale             $ 4,720,000     $ 4,720,000
   Investment in operating property                        -         250,000
   Land                                            1,150,000       1,150,000
   Mortgage loans receivable                       9,185,000       9,185,000
                                                  15,055,000      15,305,000

Cash and cash equivalents                          2,270,731       1,853,703
Interest receivable                                   85,099          85,099
Tax and tenant security deposit escrows               71,654          71,153
Prepaid expenses                                       1,552          17,926
Deferred expenses, net                                14,336          17,081
                                                 $17,498,372     $17,349,962


Accounts payable - affiliates                $        19,373  $       19,373
Accounts payable and accrued expenses                 64,462          82,381
Tenant security deposits                              14,258          14,240
Partners' capital                                 17,400,279      17,233,968
                                                 $17,498,372     $17,349,962
                For the nine months ended May 31, 1995 and 1994
                                                     General       Limited
                                                     Partners      Partners

Balance at August 31, 1993                        $    7,063     $17,120,134
Net income                                            10,488       1,027,786
Cash distributions                                    (9,686)       (949,257)
BALANCE AT MAY 31, 1994                           $    7,865     $17,198,663

Balance at August 31, 1994                        $    8,142     $17,225,826
Net income                                            11,366       1,113,888
Cash distributions                                    (9,686)       (949,257)
BALANCE AT MAY 31, 1995                           $    9,822     $17,390,457

                            See accompanying notes.


                              STATEMENTS OF INCOME
           For the three and nine months ended May 31, 1995 and 1994
                                Three Months Ended       Nine Months Ended
                                       May 31,                  May 31,
                                 1995         1994         1995       1994

   Interest from mortgage
     loans                    $ 255,297    $ 255,297     $ 765,891  $ 765,891
   Land rent                     36,442       34,394       125,265    126,643
   Interest earned on short-
     term investments            31,964       16,740        81,673     44,469
   Other income                   9,995        6,319        23,524     19,070
                                333,698      312,750       996,353    956,073

   Management fees               22,601       22,601        67,804     67,804
   General and administrative    95,787       88,493       275,525    263,539
   Amortization of deferred
     expenses                       914          914         2,745      2,745
                                119,302      112,008       346,074    334,088

Operating income                214,396      200,742       650,279    621,985

Gain on sale of investment
   in operating property         61,079            -        61,079          -

Income from operations of
   investment property held
   for sale, net                117,662      129,655       413,896    416,289

NET INCOME                   $  393,137    $ 330,397    $1,125,254 $1,038,274
Net income per Limited
  Partnership Unit               $10.87       $  9.14       $31.12     $28.72

Cash distributions per Limited
  Partnership Unit              $  8.84       $  8.84       $26.52     $26.52
  The above net income and cash distributions per Limited Partnership Unit are
based upon the 35,794 Units of Limited Partnership Interest outstanding during
each period.

                            See accompanying notes.


                            STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS

                For the nine months ended May 31, 1995 and 1994
                Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents
                                                        1995           1994
Cash flows from operating activities:
 Net income                                        $1,125,254     $1,038,274
 Adjustments to reconcile net income
 to net cash provided by operating activities:
   Gain on sale of investment in operating property   (61,079)             -
   Amortization of deferred expenses                    2,745          2,745
   Changes in assets and liabilities:
    Tax and tenant security deposit escrows              (501)         5,173
    Prepaid expenses                                   16,374         11,513
    Accounts payable - affiliates                           -        (28,925)
    Accounts payable and accrued expenses             (17,919)       (13,520)
    Tenant security deposits                               18             89
       Total adjustments                              (60,362)       (22,925)
       Net cash provided by
        operating activities                        1,064,892      1,015,349

Cash flows from investing activities:
 Proceeds from sale of investment
   in operating property                              311,079              -

Cash flows from financing activities:
 Distributions to partners                           (958,943)      (958,943)

Net increase in cash and cash equivalents             417,028         56,406

Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period      1,853,703      1,769,705

Cash and cash equivalents, end of period          $ 2,270,731    $ 1,826,111

                            See accompanying notes.

  The accompanying financial statements, footnotes and discussion should be
  read in conjunction with the financial statements and footnotes contained in
  the Partnership's Annual Report for the year ended August 31, 1994.

  In the opinion of management, the accompanying financial statements, which
  have not been audited, reflect all adjustments necessary to present fairly
  the results for the interim period.  All of the accounting adjustments
  reflected in the accompanying interim financial statements are of a normal
  recurring nature.

2.Mortgage Loan and Land Investments

  The outstanding first mortgage loans and the cost of the related land to the
  Partnership at May 31, 1995 and August 31, 1994 are as follows:

                                   Amount of
     Property                     Mortgage Loan       Cost of Land

    Appletree Apartments         $ 4,850,000           $  650,000
    Omaha, NE

    Woodcroft Shopping Center
     Durham, NC
     Phase I                       3,100,000              360,000
     Phase II                      1,235,000              140,000

                                 $ 9,185,000           $1,150,000

  The interest rates on the mortgage loans range from 11% to 11.25% per annum.
  The land leases have terms of 40 years.  Among the provisions of the lease
  agreements, the Partnership is entitled to additional rent based upon the
  gross revenues from the operating properties in excess of a base amount, as
  defined.  For the nine months ended May 31, 1995, additional rent of $29,452
  was earned from the Woodcroft Shopping Center investment.  For the nine
  months ended May 31, 1994, additional rent of $30,830 was earned from the
  Woodcroft Shopping Center investment.  The lessees have the option to
  purchase the land for specified periods of time, as discussed in the Annual
  Report, at a price based on fair market value, as defined, but in no event
  less than the original cost to the Partnership.  As of May 31, 1995, the
  option to purchase the land underlying the Appletree Apartments was
  exercisable.  The Partnership's investments are structured to share in the
  appreciation in value of the underlying real estate.  Accordingly, upon
  either sale, refinancing, maturity of the mortgage or exercise of the option
  to purchase the land, the Partnership will receive a 33% to 50% share of the
  appreciation above a specified base amount.

  During fiscal 1995, the Partnership has received formal notice from the
  Appletree borrower of its intent to prepay the Partnership's mortgage loan
  and repurchase the underlying land.  The amount to be received by the
  Partnership as its share of the appreciation of the Appletree property cannot
  be determined with certainty at the present time.  The terms of the Appletree
  mortgage loan would require a prepayment penalty which would be equal to
  3.75% of the outstanding principal balance.  If completed, the proceeds of
  this prepayment transaction would be distributed to the Limited Partners.
  However, the prepayment transaction remains contingent on, amount other
  things, the borrower obtaining sufficient financing to repay its obligations

  to the Partnership.  Accordingly, there are no assurances that this
  transaction will be consummated.

3.Investment Properties

  As discussed in the Annual Report, the Partnership foreclosed under the terms
  of the mortgage loan secured by Westside Creek Apartments on March 23, 1989
  due to nonpayment of the required debt service.  The Adviser has employed a
  local property management company to conduct the day-to-day operations of the
  property under the direction of the Managing General Partner.  The property
  consists of 142 units and is located in Little Rock, Arkansas.  The net
  carrying value of the Partnership's investment in the Westside Creek
  Apartments, of $4,720,000, is classified as investment property held for sale
  on the accompanying balance sheets as of May 31, 1995 and August 31, 1994.

  The Partnership recognizes income from the operations of investment property
  held for sale in the amount of the excess of the property's gross revenues
  over the sum of property operating expenses (including capital improvement
  costs), taxes and insurance.  Summarized operating results of the Westside
  Creek investment property for the three and nine months ended May 31, 1995
  and 1994 are as follows:

                                 Three Months Ended       Nine Months Ended 
                                        May 31,                 May 31,
                                    1995      1994         1995       1994

   Rental income                $219,115    $229,493    $690,620    $689,875
   Other income                    8,153       9,464      25,054      25,757
                                 227,268     238,957     715,674     715,632

   Property operating expenses    84,499      88,311     235,343     236,702
   Property taxes and insurance   25,107      20,991      66,435      62,641
                                 109,606     109,302     301,778     299,343
   Income from operations, net  $117,662    $129,655    $413,896    $416,289

  During the quarter ended February 28, 1995, the Partnership executed a
  purchase and sale agreement to sell the Westside Creek Apartments to an
  unaffiliated third party for $6,775,000.  Subsequently, the prospective
  purchaser, which is a national pension fund advisor, encountered internal tax
  regulation compliance issues related to the sale which prevented the sale
  from closing.  Accordingly, management has begun to actively re-market the
  property to other potential buyers.  There are no assurances that a sale
  transaction will be completed in the near future.

  Also, as discussed in the Annual Report, an affiliate of the Partnership,
  which held the mortgage and land lease on the Cordova Creek Apartments,
  foreclosed on the property in fiscal 1990 due to nonpayment of the required
  interest payments.  The Partnership had held a 3.5% interest in the mortgage
  loan and land investments through an agreement with this affiliate.
  Subsequent to foreclosure, the Partnership recorded its investment at the net
  combined carrying value of its previous interest in the land and mortgage
  loan of $250,000.  The Partnership's investment, which consisted of a 3.5%
  equity ownership in the operations and eventual sales proceeds of the Cordova
  Creek property, was accounted for on the cost method.  The affiliate which
  held title to the operating property sold the Cordova Creek Apartments to an
  unaffiliated third party on April 12, 1995.  The Partnership's share of the
  net sales proceeds was approximately $311,000, resulting in a $61,000 gain
  over the Partnership's cost basis of $250,000.  A special distribution of $42
  per original $1,000 investment, or $1,503,000,  was made to Limited Partners
  on June 15, 1995, which represented approximately $9 from Cordova Creek net
  sales proceeds and $33 as a distribution from cash reserves which were deemed
  to be in excess of the Partnership's expected future requirements.

4.  Related Party Transactions

  The Adviser earned basic management fees of $67,804 for each of the nine-
  month periods ended May 31, 1995 and 1994.  Accounts payable - affiliates at
  both May 31, 1995 and August 31, 1994 consists of management fees of $19,373
  payable to the Adviser.

  Included in general and administrative expenses for the nine months ended May
  31, 1995 and 1994 is $133,501 and $120,755, respectively, representing
  reimbursements to an affiliate of the Managing General Partner for providing
  certain financial, accounting and investor communication services to the

  Also included in general and administrative expenses for the nine months
  ended May 31, 1995 and 1994 is $3,307 and $1,965, respectively, representing
  fees earned by Mitchell Hutchins Institutional Investors, Inc. for managing
  the Partnership's cash assets.

5. Contingencies

  The Partnership is involved in certain legal actions.  The Managing General
Partner believes these actions will       be resolved  without material adverse
effect on the Partnership's financial statements, taken as a whole.




  As previously reported, the affiliated partnership which held the title to
the Cordova Creek Apartments, PaineWebber Qualified Plan Property Fund Four, LP,
sold the property to an unaffiliated third party for $9,100,000 on April 12,
1995.  The Partnership had an ownership interest of 3.5% in the Cordova Creek
property.  The Partnership's share of the net sales proceeds was approximately
$311,000, which represented a $61,000 premium over the Partnership's cost basis.
A special distribution of $42 per original $1,000 investment, or $1,503,000 was
made to Limited Partners on June 15, 1995, which represented approximately $9
from Cordova Creek net sales proceeds and $33 as a distribution from cash
reserves which were deemed to be in excess of the Partnership's expected future

     Also as previously reported, in January 1995 the Partnership executed a
purchase and sale agreement to sell the Westside Creek Apartments to an
unaffiliated third party for $6,775,000.  Subsequently, the prospective
purchaser, which is a national pension fund, encountered internal tax regulation
compliance issues related to the sale which prevented the sale from closing.
Accordingly, management has begun to actively re-market the property to other
potential buyers.  However, there are no assurances that a sale transaction will
be completed in the near future.  Management will base its hold/sell decision
with respect to Westside Creek on an assessment of the impact on the overall
returns to the Limited Partners.  Management continues to believe that the
Partnership will realize a substantial gain over its original investment of
$4,850,000 upon the eventual sale of the Westside Creek property.

     Operations of the properties securing the Partnership's two remaining
mortgage loan investments remained strong during the first nine months of fiscal
1995 and continue to fully support the debt service and land rent payments owed
to the Partnership.  During the nine months ended May 31, 1995, the Partnership
received additional rent of $29,452 under the terms of the Woodcroft Shopping

Center ground lease because cash flow from the property was in excess of certain
base amounts specified in the lease agreement.  Leasing levels at the Appletree
Apartments and Woodcroft Shopping Center were 98% and 97%, respectively, as of
May 31, 1995.  The mortgage loans secured by the Appletree Apartments and
Woodcroft Shopping Center bear interest at annual rates of 11.00% and 11.25%,
respectively.  With real estate market conditions improving along with the state
of the overall economy, and with credit in the capital markets for real estate
transactions more accessible than in prior years, it is possible, that the
current loans secured by these projects could be refinanced at lower rates.
However, the Appletree loan includes a prepayment premium for any prepayment
between May 1994 and April 1998 at rates between 5% and 1.25% of the mortgage
loan balance.  In addition to repaying the outstanding mortgage loans, the
borrowers would also have to exercise their options to purchase the underlying
land as part of any prepayment transaction, including in such purchase the
Partnership's share, if any, of the property's appreciation called for under the
terms of the ground lease.  As a practical matter, this requirement could make
it difficult for the borrowers to finance a prepayment transaction.
Nonetheless, it is possible that the loans secured by the Woodcroft Shopping
Center and/or the Appletree Apartments could be prepaid in the near term.

    Subsequent to quarter ended May 31, 1995, the Partnership has received
formal notice from the Appletree borrower of its intent to prepay the
Partnership's mortgage loan and repurchase the underlying land.  The amount to
be received by the Partnership as its share of the appreciation of the Appletree
property cannot be determined with certainty at the present time.  The terms of
the Appletree mortgage loan would require a prepayment penalty which would be
equal to 3.75% of the outstanding principal balance of $4,850,000.  If
completed, the proceeds of this prepayment transaction would be distributed to
the Limited Partners.  However, the prepayment transaction remains contingent
on, amount other things, the borrower obtaining sufficient financing to repay

its obligations to the Partnership.  Accordingly, there are no assurances that
this transaction will be consummated.

   At May 31, 1995, the Partnership had available cash and cash equivalents of
approximately $2,270,000.  Such cash balance includes the $1,503,000 referred to
above which was distributed to the Limited Partners in June 1995.  The remaining
amount of cash and cash equivalents will be used for the working capital needs
of the Partnership and for distributions to the partners.  The source of future
liquidity and distributions to the partners is expected to be through cash
generated from the Partnership's real estate investments, the repayment of the
mortgage loans receivable and the future sales or refinancings of the underlying
land and the investment properties.  Such sources of liquidity are expected to
be adequate to meet the Partnership's needs on both a short-term and long-term


Three Months Ended May 31, 1995

    The Partnership's net income increased by approximately $63,000 for the
three month period ended May 31, 1995, when compared to the same period in the
prior year.  The primary reason for the increase in net income during the
current quarter is the gain realized by the Partnership from the sale of the
Cordova Creek Apartments on April 12, 1995.  As discussed further above, the
Partnership held a 3.5% interest in Cordova Creek and realized a gain of
approximately $61,000 from the sale of the property.  Operating income also
increased during the current quarter by approximately $14,000 as a result of an
increase in interest income earned on short term investments.  Interest income
increased due to an increase in the interest rate earned on short term

investments over the same period in the prior year.  In addition, the
Partnership's average outstanding cash reserve balances has increased over the
prior period, due in part to the receipt of the Cordova proceeds.  The gain from
the sale of Cordova Creek and the increase in operating income were partially
offset by a decrease in the income from the operations of the Westside Creek
Apartments of approximately $12,000 due to a slight decrease in rental income.

Nine Months Ended May 31, 1995

     The Partnership's net income increased by approximately $87,000 for the
nine month period ended May 31, 1995, when compared to the same period in the
prior year.  The primary reason for the increase in net income is the
aforementioned gain realized by the Partnership from the sale of Cordova Creek.
In addition, operating income increased by approximately $28,000 primarily as a
result of an increase in interest income earned on short term investments of
approximately $37,000.  Interest income increased due to an increase in the
interest rates earned on short term investments and an increase in average cash
balances over the same period in the prior year.  This increase in interest
income was partially offset by an increase in general and administrative
expenses of approximately $12,000 for the current nine-month period.  General
and administrative expenses increased mainly due to certain legal expenses which
were incurred in conjunction with the proposed sale of the Westside Creek
Apartments. Income from the operations of the Westside Creek Apartments
decreased by $2,000 due to a small increase in real estate tax expense.

                                    PART II

                               OTHER INFORMATION

Item 1. Legal Proceedings

    As discussed in the Partnership's quarterly report on Form 10-Q for the
period ended February 28, 1995, in November 1994, a series of purported class
actions (the "New York Limited Partnership Actions") were filed in the United
States District Court for the Southern District of New York concerning
PaineWebber Incorporated's sale and sponsorship of various limited partnership
investments, including those offered by the Partnership.  On May 30, 1995, the
court certified class action treatment of the claims asserted in the litigation.
Refer to the description of the claims in the prior quarterly report for further
information.  The General Partners continue to believe that the action will be
resolved without material adverse effect on the Partnership's financial
statements, taken as a whole.

Item 2. through 5.                      NONE

Item 6. Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

(a) Exhibits:                           NONE

(b) Reports on Form 8-K:

    No reports on Form 8-K have been filed by the registrant during the quarter
for which this report is filed.



Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.


                        By:  THIRD QUALIFIED PROPERTIES, INC.
                                Managing General Partner

                         By:  /s/ Walter V. Arnold
                            Walter V. Arnold
                            Senior Vice President and Chief
                            Financial Officer

Dated:  July 14, 1995