Confidential Materials omitted and filed separately with the
        Securities and Exchange Commission. Asterisks denote omissions.

                                                           [LAUREATEPHARMA LOGO]
                                                             [GRAPHIC OMITTED]


                               Laureate Pharma, LP


                               Cytogen Corporation

                 For the manufacture, conjugation and packaging



                                  Page 1 of 17

                           Standard Quality Agreement

This Quality Agreement is a required and integral part of the Contract
Manufacturing Agreement between Cytogen Corporation and Laureate Pharma, LP,
dated January 15, 2003 ("Agreement"). The parties hereto have each caused this
Quality Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives on the
date indicated below. This Agreement will be in effect during the term of the
Contract Manufacturing Agreement. Renewal of the Quality Agreement will require
re-approval of this document.

   Cytogen Approval                                 Laureate Pharma, LP Approval
   ----------------                                 ----------------------------

By: /s/ William F. Goeckeler                      By: /s/ Robert J. Broeze
    --------------------------------                  --------------------------
             (Signature)                                   (Signature)

By:  William F. Goeckeler, Ph.D.                  By: Robert J. Broeze, Ph.D.
    --------------------------------                  --------------------------
               (Print)                                           (Print)

Title:  Vice President Research and Development   Title: President
        ---------------------------------------          -----------------------
                      (Print)                                    (Print)

Date:  January 15, 2003                           Date:  January 15, 2003
      ------------------------------                    ------------------------

                                  Page 2 of 17

Matrix of Responsibilities Index


- --------- --------------------------------------------- ---------------- --------------- --------------- ---------
  No.     Subject                                         Applicable        Cytogen         Laureate       Page
- --------- --------------------------------------------- ---------------- --------------- --------------- ---------

- --------- --------------------------------------------- ---------------- --------------- --------------- ---------
   1      Annual Product Reviews                        X                X                                  7
- --------- --------------------------------------------- ---------------- --------------- --------------- ---------

   2      Annual Reports                                X                X                                  7
- --------- --------------------------------------------- ---------------- --------------- --------------- ---------

   3      Drug Master Files                             NA                                                  7
- --------- --------------------------------------------- ---------------- --------------- --------------- ---------

   4      New Submissions                               X                X                                  7
- --------- --------------------------------------------- ---------------- --------------- --------------- ---------

   5      Deficiency Letters                            X                X                                  8
- --------- --------------------------------------------- ---------------- --------------- --------------- ---------

   6      Audits and Re-inspections                     X                X                                  8
- --------- --------------------------------------------- ---------------- --------------- --------------- ---------

   7      Regulatory Authority Inspections              X                X               X                  9
- --------- --------------------------------------------- ---------------- --------------- --------------- ---------

   8      Certificates of Analysis                      X                X               X                  9
- --------- --------------------------------------------- ---------------- --------------- --------------- ---------

   9      Product Dating                                X                X                                  10
- --------- --------------------------------------------- ---------------- --------------- --------------- ---------

   10     Stability Testing                             X                X                                  10
- --------- --------------------------------------------- ---------------- --------------- --------------- ---------

   11     Reserve Samples                               X                X               X                  10
- --------- --------------------------------------------- ---------------- --------------- --------------- ---------

   12     Change Control                                X                X*              X                  11
- --------- --------------------------------------------- ---------------- --------------- --------------- ---------

   13     Equipment, Calibration and Preventative       X                                X                  11
- --------- --------------------------------------------- ---------------- --------------- --------------- ---------

   14     Process Validation and Qualification          X                X               X                  12
- --------- --------------------------------------------- ---------------- --------------- --------------- ---------

   15     Computer Systems and Software                 NA                                                  13
- --------- --------------------------------------------- ---------------- --------------- --------------- ---------

   17     Components and Packaging Commodity Vendors    X                X                                  13
- --------- --------------------------------------------- ---------------- --------------- --------------- ---------

   18     Labeling                                      X                X               X                  13
- --------- --------------------------------------------- ---------------- --------------- --------------- ---------

   19     Manufacturing Process                         X                X               X                  14
- --------- --------------------------------------------- ---------------- --------------- --------------- ---------

   20     Batch Size                                    X                X                                  14
- --------- --------------------------------------------- ---------------- --------------- --------------- ---------

   21     Deviations, Incidents and Investigations      X                X               X                  14
- --------- --------------------------------------------- ---------------- --------------- --------------- ---------

   23     Batch Records                                 X                X                                  15
- --------- --------------------------------------------- ---------------- --------------- --------------- ---------

   24     Product Testing and Lot Release               X                X               X                  15
- --------- --------------------------------------------- ---------------- --------------- --------------- ---------

   25     Contract Laboratories                         X                X               X                  15
- --------- --------------------------------------------- ---------------- --------------- --------------- ---------

   26     Product Storage and Transportation            X                X               X                  16
- --------- --------------------------------------------- ---------------- --------------- --------------- ---------

   27     Record Retention                              X                X               X                  16
- --------- --------------------------------------------- ---------------- --------------- --------------- ---------

   28     Product Complaints                            X                X                                  16
- --------- --------------------------------------------- ---------------- --------------- --------------- ---------

   29     Returned Goods                                X                X                                  17
- --------- --------------------------------------------- ---------------- --------------- --------------- ---------

   30     Field Alerts and Recalls                      X                X                                  17
- --------- --------------------------------------------- ---------------- --------------- --------------- ---------

X = applicable
* Only as applicable to Cytogen product N/A = not applicable A.

                                  Page 3 of 17

Quality Agreement

A.1      Provisions

         This agreement outlines the responsibilities of Cytogen Corporation
         (Cytogen) and Laureate Pharma L.P. (Laureate) with respect to the
         quality assurance of Product referenced in the Agreement. Laureate
         agrees to manufacture Cytogen's Product to cGMPs. Laureate agrees not
         to subcontract any of the manufacturing, packaging, labeling, testing,
         release and/or handling of Cytogen's Product unless prior written
         authorization is obtained from Cytogen. If subcontracting is necessary,
         the vendor must be qualified to perform the required work. Cytogen must
         approve all subcontractors.

         The `Matrix of Responsibilities' listed on page 3 of this document
         delineates the primary party responsible for the various aspects of the
         Quality Agreement.

         The Quality Agreement is effective upon final signature approvals, will
         be updated as needed and will terminate on the expiration date of the
         last batch produced for commercial distribution. In the event that the
         Supply Agreement with Cytogen is terminated for any reason, the Quality
         Agreement shall also immediately terminate. In addition all stability
         samples, studies, storage and holding of bulk, finished or in process
         intermediates, if applicable, will be immediately returned to Cytogen.

A.2      Approvals

         The Quality Agreement will be approved by the Heads (i.e., Vice
         President or Director) of Quality Assurance for Cytogen and Laureate
         and the duly authorized Officers of each company.

A.3      Procedures for Revision

         If revisions to this Quality Agreement are required, Laureate Quality
         Assurance Department will circulate the revised document to Heads of
         Quality Assurance at Cytogen and Laureate for approval. If Cytogen
         identifies a necessary change, a written description of the change will
         be provided to Laureate QA for processing.

A.4      Abbreviations

         Certificate of Analysis:  COA
         current Good Manufacturing Practices:  cGMP's
         Standard Operating Procedures:  SOPs

                                  Page 4 of 17

A.5      Definitions of Terms

         All defined terms unless otherwise set forth below, have the meaning
         set forth in the Agreement.

         The term "Product" hereby refers to the manufacturing, conjugation and
         filling of ProstaScint; CYT-351, CYT-356 and Sodium Acetate solution

         Contractor, Sub-Contractor
         Any manufacturer, packager, analytical laboratory or other Product
         support service provider who performs processing, testing and/or
         packaging of a Product or any intermediate step of manufacture, or
         other Product support service, is a contractor, sub-contractor.

         Batch Record
         The batch record consists of the master manufacturing formula,
         appropriate bills of material, equipment, components, packaging and
         shipping instructions, and exception documentation, such as,
         deviations, incidents and investigation reports, and additional
         documentation which may have been generated as part of the production
         record of the batch. The Master Batch Record will remain the property
         of Cytogen and will be issues to Laureate when requested. The Cytogen
         lot-numbering system will be used to identify the lot of Product,
         following Cytogen's SOP.

         Deviation Report
         This document is used to obtain approvals to temporarily modify or to
         document excursions from operating, manufacturing, testing
         instructions, target/informational test results, or procedures. The
         deviation does not permanently change existing instructions/SOP's or
         procedures; it is intended to be a specific or one time use document
         for a specific lot of Product.

         Formal Investigation
         Formal Investigations: Written reports detailing the specifics of an
         investigation resulting from an exceptional event. The investigation
         includes a description of the incident, investigation, conclusions and
         corrective action or action plan, if applicable. Laureate Pharma will
         provide notification to Cytogen prior to commencing an investigation.
         The final report will be approved by Laureate's and Cytogen's Quality

         Lot Number
         A Lot Number is used to identify a specific lot or batch of
         manufactured material. Note:  This definition may be elaborated upon
         to include Part Number or other additional supporting information.

         All raw materials, components, printed or unprinted commodities that
         are used during the manufacturing or finishing process for Product.

         A visual or mechanical evaluation performed to remove or correct
         defective units for which the process is not expected to have an
         adverse effect on Product quality. Re-inspection should involve the use
         of a deviation, or investigation, except where standard procedure
         allows for such routine activity in the course of normal processing.

                                  Page 5 of 17

         Proprietary Information

         Information owned by Cytogen or Laureate as defined in the Contract
         Manufacturing Agreement.

A.6      Documents

         Product Requirements
         Manufacturing and Product testing requirements utilized to release
         Product to Cytogen These requirements have been approved in the Cytogen
         BLA and will be adhered to in the manufacture, conjugation and filling
         of the Product. Cytogen will provide the current, approved versions of
         the test methods, SOPs, and specifications to Laureate prior to the
         commencement of manufacturing or testing.

         Product Specifications
         The chemical, physical, microbiological and biological test methods and
         specifications required for the release of Product by Cytogen. These
         specifications have been approved in Cytogen's BLA and will be provided
         to Laureate by Cytogen prior to the commencement of manufacturing or

         Commodity Specifications
         A composite of the specifications and testing instructions for raw
         materials. It describes the chemical, physical, microbiological and
         biological requirements of the raw materials. It also contains testing
         instructions that are used to test the raw materials.

         Summary of Specifications
         A summary of specifications pertinent to the manufacturing, packaging,
         labeling, testing and release of Product. Only Cytogen approved
         specifications will be used.

         Standard Test Method
         Describes uniform chemical testing procedures and equipment within
         Laureate's laboratories. Only Cytogen approved methods will be used.

         Printed Material Authorization to Label Documents
         A summary of approved controlled labeling and stencil copy along with
         implementation instructions for the manufacturing plant including an
         Authorization to Label document signed by Cytogen prior to the
         initiation of labeling activities. Only Cytogen approved labeling will
         be used.

                                  Page 6 of 17

B.       Key Contacts

              Cytogen*                                    Laureate
              --------                                    --------
              Quality Assurance                           Quality Assurance
              -----------------                           -----------------

Name          John L. Tedesco  78                           Mary Joan Hampson-Carlin

Title         Director, Quality and Operations            Executive Director, Quality Systems

Phone         609- 750- 8271                              609 919 3375

Fax           609- 452- 2363                              609 452 7653

E-mail        jtedesco@cyctogen.com                       Mary.Hampson-carlin@laureatepharma.com

              Product Complaints                          Product Complaints
              ------------------                          ------------------

Name          Maria P. Cimarusti                          Michiel Ultee, Ph. D.

Title         Manager, Regulatory Affairs and Quality     Sr. Director, Manufacturing

Phone         609- 750-8288                               609 919 3390

Fax           609- 452- 2363

E-mail        mcimarusti@cytogen.com                      Michiel.ultee@laureatepharma.com

              Commercial Manager, Labeling                Commercial Manager, Labeling
              ----------------------------                ----------------------------

Name          Maria P. Cimarusti                          Keith Smith

Title         Manager, Regulatory Affairs and Quality     Manager, Manufacturing

Phone         609- 750-8288                                  609 919 3405

Fax           609- 452- 2363                                 609 452 7653

E-mail        mcimarusti@cytogen.com                         Keith.smith@laureatepharma.com

 *Either Cytogen contact may be used

1.       Annual Product Reviews

         Cytogen will handle annual Product Reviews. Laureate Pharma, when
         requested, in writing will provide necessary information.

2.       Annual Reports

         Cytogen will handle Annual Reports. Laureate Pharma when requested in
         writing will provide necessary information.

3.       Drug Master Files
         Laureate Pharma does not have a Drug Master File for its facility

4.       New Submissions
         Cytogen and Laureate will handle any new submissions under a separate

                                  Page 7 of 17

5.       Deficiency Letters

         Cytogen shall notify Laureate within 2 working days of receipt of any
         deficiency letter that contains observations pertaining to Laureate
         Pharma's manufacturing operations as they relate to Product, or in the
         case of an investigation, within 2 working days of a determinant cause
         involving Laureate's facility or operations. Cytogen shall provide a
         copy of the deficiency letter to Laureate, redacted to exclude any
         information proprietary to Cytogen. Cytogen shall submit a written
         response to each minor observation to Laureate within 10 working days
         of notification. Timing of responses to major observations will be
         negotiated between Laureate and Cytogen on a case-by-case basis.
         Laureate is only obligated to provide regulatory support in regard to
         the systems and facilities at the Laureate site specifically used for
         the manufacture of the Cytogen Product.

6.       Audits and Re-Inspections

         Cytogen may audit Laureate's facilities and systems one time each year,
         such time being scheduled at least 2 weeks in advance and agreed upon
         by both parties and such audit not to exceed 3 days in length, as they
         relate to the manufacture of Product, with the exception of information
         and operations regarded by Laureate Pharma as Proprietary Information.
         Proprietary Information may include, but is not limited to, information
         pertaining to proprietary products and/or processes developed and/or
         owned by Laureate Pharma, and products and/or processes developed
         and/or owned by other third party companies (client companies of
         Laureate). Cytogen's Quality and Regulatory personnel may schedule a
         visit and/or request Product specific documents (as defined by the
         appropriate specification) for review to assure continued adherence to
         the agreed upon manufacturing process, cGMPs and other applicable
         requirements. Written communication will be used to document audit
         observations and to resolve specific issues. Access to Laureate's
         facilities for Product specific audits will be granted subject to
         facility availability - for example, Regulatory Authority inspections
         take the highest priority, and therefore the facility may not be
         accessible at a given time for an audit by Cytogen

         To assure adequate time and resources are provided for an audit, an
         audit plan and audit duration must be agreed upon by the Quality
         Assurance representatives of Laureate Pharma and Cytogen prior to
         initiation of the audit. Where there is a periodic
         re-certification/approval process, the requirements of the program must
         be outlined herein. Cytogen will retain possession of all batch record
         and ancillary documentation for each Product or subpart thereof. Audits
         will therefore be limited to the Laureate Pharma facilities and process
         systems only as they affect the Product.

         Manufacturer Confidentiality
         Laureate Pharma will maintain manufacturer confidentiality in all
         audits, visits or reviews. All documentation reviewed remains the
         property of Cytogen and is not for communication outside Cytogen and
         Laureate unless otherwise agreed to in writing or required by law or
         regulation. When utilizing a third-party consultant for periodic
         audits, all confidentiality agreements must cover Laureate. Specific
         confidentiality provisions are set forth in the Supply Agreement.

         Resolution of Findings
         Cytogen will issue Laureate a confidential audit report summarizing any
         and all audit observations. Laureate will issue responses to all
         observations in writing to Cytogen Quality Assurance within 30 calendar
         days of receipt, unless an alternate agreement is reached. Cytogen will

                                  Page 8 of 17

         be responsible for audit findings associated with the documentation
         they retain. Laureate will be responsible for the facilities, personnel
         and systems. Responses that are deemed not acceptable or incomplete or
         inadequate, and impact either Laureate or Cytogen quality systems will
         be reviewed with the respective Quality Assurance management and
         commercial business representatives from both companies for resolution.

7.       Regulatory Authority Inspections

         Cytogen shall inform Laureate of any communication or action (e.g.,
         telephone call, record or sample request, pre-approval inspection,
         recall, etc.) initiated by a pharmaceutical Regulatory Authority (US or
         international) as it pertains to the manufacturing of Cytogen's Product
         at Laureate's facility within 1 working day of the occurrence.

         Cytogen shall provide a copy of the Regulatory Authority inspection
         report, deficiency letter, or regulatory compliance observations
         redacted to exclude any Proprietary Information to Cytogen within 5
         days of receipt. Laureate will be allowed to review and comment on
         Product deficiency letter responses prior to Cytogen submission to the
         Regulatory Authority.

8.       Certificates of Analysis

         A Certificate of Analysis (COA) will be generated for each batch of
         Product manufactured for Cytogen. The COA will certify that Product was
         manufactured in a cGMP compliant facility and was tested in accordance
         with the batch record and associated specifications. COA's for Product
         will contain the following information:

         -   Part number
         -   Lot number (as provided by Cytogen)
         -   Name of Product
         -   Name(s) of the test (s)
         -   Specification limit (s)
         -   Test result (s) as a numerical value unless designated Pass/Fail in
             the specification limit (s)
         -   Signature indicting review by Laureate Quality Assurance and date
         -   Date of manufacture
         -   Expiration Date (as provided by Cytogen)

9.       Product Dating

         Laureate is responsible for labeling the primary package for Product
         with dating information. Cytogen agrees that the following Product
         dating information (to be completed as available) will appear on the
         primary package:

                                  Page 9 of 17

         Country #1:  United States
         -   Product Name:
         -   Expiration Date: (date format)
         -   Manufacturing Date:  (date format)
         -   Lot Number:  (number format)
         -   Storage Conditions

         Cytogen is responsible for labeling the final product vials with
         approved labels for the market. Such labels will include expiry-dating
         information as determined by Cytogen.

         Cytogen is responsible for obtaining approval to extend the expiration
         dating of Product. If extension of the expiration dating is approved,
         Cytogen will provide Laureate with a copy of the approval letter from
         the respective Regulatory Authority. Laureate will then update Product
         dating documents appropriately.

10.      Stability Testing

         Cytogen will be responsible for stability testing of raw materials,
         intermediates and Product. Laureate will assume no responsibility for
         any missed time points. Laureate will assume no responsibility for the
         Regulatory Actions that may occur as a result of missed or failing
         stability points.

         In the event that Cytogen, through an amendment to the Contract
         Manufacturing Supply Agreement or a separate agreement, contracts with
         Laureate to perform stability testing, this Quality Agreement will be
         amended accordingly and attached to that agreement and a specific
         stability protocol will be established and approved by Cytogen and

11.      Reserve Samples

         Laureate shall maintain reserve samples of Product, under appropriate
         environmental conditions, in concurrence with Product labeling if so
         provided in the Supply Agreement. The number of reserve samples shall
         be sufficient to perform all release tests twice except for sterility,
         BET and the identification of objectionable microorganisms. The numbers
         of reserve samples per batch shall be specified in the manufacturing
         batch record. Reserve samples will be held for a minimum of one year
         after Product expiration date provided the terms of the Supply
         Agreement continue to be honored. Upon completion of the terms of the
         Agreement, Laureate will aid Cytogen in the transfer of reserve

         Reserve samples of the active and inactive ingredients used in the
         manufacture of Product will be maintained in quantities similar to that
         for Product. Active ingredients will be held for a minimum of three
         years after receipt, or as specified above. Inactive ingredients will
         be held a minimum of two years after receipt. If any ingredient is
         retested (to extend expiration past one year) a new reserve sample will
         be pulled and held with written approval from both companies.

         Solvents, which do not appear in the final formula, compressed gases
         and water, are not retained.

                                 Page 10 of 17

         All reserve samples will be inspected visually on an annual basis
         provided the terms of the Supply Agreement are in effect.

12.      Change Control

         Laureate utilizes a documented Change Control procedure for the control
         of changes to manufacturing components, packaging materials, labeling,
         and the method of manufacturing, Product Specifications, and commodity
         vendors. Any changes that affect the Cytogen specific materials must be
         reviewed and approved by Cytogen and Laureate prior to implementation
         and use.

         When a change is known to require or has the potential to require a
         regulatory submission Cytogen will develop a strategy to secure the
         appropriate regulatory approval(s) in sufficient time for the change to
         be implemented. The change may be approved and secured in Laureate's
         documentation system prior to regulatory approval.

         Batch record change control is governed by the guidelines and
         procedures of Cytogen. Cytogen maintains the Master Batch Record,
         issues Batch Records and is responsible for any changes to the Master
         Batch Record. Cytogen will maintain original, executed batch records.

13.      Equipment, Calibration and Preventive Maintenance

         Laureate is responsible for calibration (where applicable), balance
         verification, and maintenance of equipment utilized in the manufacture,
         testing and release of Product.

         IQ, OQ, PQ
         Laureate will perform appropriate installation qualification (IQ),
         operational qualification (OQ), and/or performance qualification (PQ)
         for the required classes of utilities and services used for the
         production and control of Product. Periodic re-evaluation and/or
         re-validation of equipment specific to Cytogen's Product (the [**]
         purification unit only) are the responsibility of Cytogen and will be
         conducted in conjunction with Laureate under a separate written
         Agreement and in accordance with appropriate specifications/procedures.
         Cytogen will be responsible for protocol and final report approval.

         Documentation of such activities and/or schedule of revalidation shall
         be the responsibility of Laureate. Documentation shall be reviewed and
         approved by Cytogen for the [**] purification unit. Copies of Product
         specific documentation will be made available at the request of
         Cytogen. All other documentation, if so agreed to be provided, is
         considered Confidential Information of Laureate and is not to be
         divulged outside of Cytogen's control without prior written permission
         by Laureate. Such document might include the annual re-certification of
         the aseptic area, validation protocols for facilities and systems
         common to the Product and other products, etc. These documents must not
         to be used for submission or inspection purposes without the prior
         written agreement of Laureate.

                                 Page 11 of 17

         Calibration & Preventative Maintenance - Commitment to Execute Program
         Laureate will maintain a calibration, preventative maintenance and user
         standardization programs to support the manufacture and validation of
         Product. Manufacturing and laboratory equipment calibration data will
         be documented and made available upon request by Cytogen or a
         Regulatory Authority. All equipment will be tagged, as appropriate, so
         that the operating personnel are aware of the calibration status of all
         equipment. Product specific documentation will be made available at the
         request of Cytogen. All other documentation, if agreed to be provided,
         is considered Confidential Information of Laureate and is not to be
         divulged outside of Cytogen's control without prior written permission
         by Laureate. These documents must not to be used for Submission or
         Inspection purposes without the prior written agreement of Laureate.

         Customer Notification of Significant Equipment Changes
         Laureate will notify Cytogen of any significant reportable changes to
         utilities, systems and equipment (e.g., HEPA filters, WFI systems,
         autoclaves, etc.), including location of the equipment if different
         from the location in the regulatory filing used for manufacture of
         Product that may result in a change to the regulatory application,
         prior to implementation.

14.      Process Validation and Qualification

                                New Products Only
         The process, manufacturing and control procedures (including cleaning
         procedures, hold times, mixing studies, sterilization, etc.) shall be
         validated and qualified by Laureate utilizing equipment and personnel
         in the facility intended for manufacture of new products for Cytogen,
         or changes to Product. This will be accomplished under a separate

         For Validation of equipment or procedures requested by Cytogen,
         Laureate will draft a Validation Protocol containing all required
         activities, acceptance criteria and documentation and will submit the
         protocol to Cytogen for review and approval. The Validation Protocol
         will be executed on at least three (3) batches of new product or
         changes to Product, unless otherwise agreed upon between Cytogen and
         Laureate. Exceptions encountered during the execution of the Validation
         Protocol will be documented and communicated within 30 days to Cytogen.
         Exceptions that cannot be resolved may require the Validation Protocol
         to be repeated on additional batches until at least three (3)
         consecutive batches meet all specification requirements. Laureate must
         document any exceptions encountered during the execution of the
         Validation Protocol.

         All related validation/qualification documents would be assembled in a
         validation summary report and provided to Cytogen for review and
         approval. Laureate would retain the original of the approved protocol
         and final report.

         Additional test methods may be developed and/or portions of validation
         testing may be performed by Laureate and included in the Validation
         Protocol. These commitments shall be detailed in the Validation

         All validation work performed by Laureate in support of any new Cytogen
         Product will be handled in a separate Supply Agreement. Any additional
         validation work performed by Laureate in support of the current Product
         will be handled in an amendment to the current supply agreement.

                                 Page 12 of 17

15.      Computer Systems and Software

         Laureate shall use commercially reasonable efforts to validate computer
         systems and associated software if used in the manufacturing,
         packaging, storage or controls of Product. Revisions to computer
         hardware systems and software packages shall be validated and recorded
         in a revision history summary. All computer and software validation
         packages, if used in the production of the Product, will be made
         available upon request to Cytogen or a Regulatory Authority. Laureate
         has a "Part 11 Compliance Plan" in place and is using its commercially
         reasonable efforts to complete this program. Cytogen Corporation
         acknowledges that the [**] purification unit that is used to purify
         CYT-351 does not currently meet the requirements set forth in 21 CFR,
         Part 11. Laureate presently does not intend to use the unit for
         manufacture of any commercial products other than the purification of
         ProstaScint for Cytogen.

16.      Irradiation Facilities  (not-applicable)

17.      Components and Packaging Commodity Vendors

         Cytogen  Corp must approve components and packaging commodity vendors
         used by Laureate in the manufacture of Product for Cytogen in
         accordance with existing governmental regulations and Cytogen policies.

18.      Labeling

         Shipment of Unlabeled Product for Commercial Supply
         Laureate will not ship Product without Cytogen's written authorization.
         Shipment of trays of unlabeled Product vials will be performed
         according to approved Cytogen procedures. The tray label will contain
         Product-specific information (e.g., lot number, part number, etc.).
         Laureate will perform a 100% verification of all containers prior to
         packaging. Cytogen will perform a 100% verification upon delivery to
         insure that each container bears the correct label prior to application
         of the final labeling. Approved Cytogen procedures will be used for the
         investigation of containers that do not pass 100% verification and for
         the establishment and review of corrective actions.

         Note:  It is recognized that clinical materials could have different
         specific labeling requirements.

19.      Manufacturing Process

         Laureate will manufacture Product in accordance with approved Cytogen
         procedures. Excursions from such procedures will be documented by a
         Deviation Report following Laureate's procedures and included in the

                                 Page 13 of 17

         batch record. Cytogen must approve the exception document prior to
         final release of Product to the market (See section 21).

         Laureate shall notify Cytogen of environmental action level outages
         that negatively impact the manufacture of Product. Such outages will be
         included in an investigation and an exception document within the batch
         record that will require Cytogen approval prior to Product release.

20.      Batch Size

         Batch size is based on cell culture out put and has been consistent.
         This topic is addressed in the supply agreement.

21.      Deviations and Investigations

         Laureate will utilize a documented exception reporting procedure (e.g.,
         SOPs) for the identification and disposition of nonconforming materials
         and/or processes used in the manufacture of Product. The procedure will
         include processes for batch specific corrective actions and for
         long-term preventive actions. The procedure will also include provision
         and process for assuring the performance of adequate and appropriate
         failure investigations.

         Cytogen shall approve all deviations or investigations issued for a
         specific batch or during the manufacture of Product. Product will not
         be released to Cytogen until all Product related deviations and
         incidents have been approved and closed. Investigations that are part
         of the facilities and systems of Laureate will be shared with Cytogen
         and will be closed prior to the release of a batch of Product. Laureate
         will approve any facilities related deviations or incidents. Laureate
         shall also approve all deviations and incidents and supply a copy with
         each batch record.

22. Batch Adjustments and Re-inspection

         Approval Requirement
         Cytogen and Laureate must have prior agreement on the execution of
         batch adjustments.

         Batch Adjustments
         Batch adjustments (e.g., pH) may be performed to adjust the bulk
         Product solution within the range of an in-process control point.
         Manufacturing directions must be established to define the process
         criteria and adjustment prior to execution. Batch adjustments require a
         documented deviation, and Product samples should be placed on stability
         when appropriate.

         Re-inspection is performed when Product quality requires
         re-verification. The re-inspection work shall be approved by both
         Laureate and Cytogen and performed by Laureate according to established
         procedures. A documented reason, justification and the results of the
         re-inspection must be filed in the batch records.

23.      Batch Records

         A summary of all Product testing, lot release data and exception
         documents (e.g., deviations) will be documented in the batch record.
         The original batch records will be maintained in accordance with

                                 Page 14 of 17

         Cytogen retention requirements. Cytogen will retain all original batch

         Laureate will review and approve all batch records for Product prior to
         release to Cytogen. Batch records are considered Confidential
         Information for use by Cytogen and are not to be divulged to a third
         party without prior written permission.

24.      Product Testing and Lot Release

         Final Product testing will be performed per the current version of the
         Cytogen test methods and specifications in the Cytogen BLA.

         Responsibility for Release of Product
         Laureate is responsible for the Quality Assurance and technical review
         of batch documentation for accuracy and completeness. Release of
         Product for commercial or clinical use is the responsibility of
         Cytogen. Laureate will not ship Product to any destination without the
         prior written authorization of Cytogen.

         In situations where Product is required to support a clinical study,
         Laureate will implement sufficient controls such that clinical supplies
         are accounted for and maintained at its facility until Cytogen
         completes final Product release. Cytogen may distribute no clinical
         supplies beyond Laureate's immediate facility/control until final
         Product release.

         Shipping & Receiving
         All units of manufactured Product will be accounted for prior to
         shipping. All shipping quantities will be verified and signed at the
         time of loading. The documentation of the shipping amounts will be
         forwarded to Cytogen

         Cytogen will verify received quantities, via a signature receipt and
         adequate procedures, to ensure control of shipped material. A copy
         confirming the receiving quantities will be forwarded to Laureate
         Materials Management. Cytogen assumes responsibility for control of
         Product once it leaves Laureate Pharma's facility.
         Laureate assumes responsibility for proper packing and loading and will
         provide an inspection of the shipment prior to release of the shipment
         from its dock.

25.      Contract Laboratories

         Laureate maintains a comprehensive listing of approved third party
         contractors who may be contracted to perform analytical services.
         Laureate requires all contract laboratories to operate in compliance
         with cGMP/GLP, compendia requirements and any other applicable
         regulations. Under no circumstances will a contract laboratory
         subcontract services to another laboratory without prior written
         approval from Cytogen

26.      Product Storage and Transportation

         Product will be stored under conditions specified in Product labeling
         and in a controlled area. If special storage conditions are agreed to
         as part of the Supply Agreement, Laureate shall use commercially
         reasonable efforts to maintain such conditions. Laureate shall be
         responsible for establishment and maintenance of an environmental
         monitoring program to document such specified storage conditions.

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         In the event of an environmental condition that may impact the Product,
         Laureate may move the Product to another suitable storage area.
         Laureate shall notify Cytogen of the situation within one business day
         of becoming aware of the event. Documentation of the event and
         subsequent investigation will be performed in conjunction with
         Cytogen's Quality Assurance Department upon their request.

27.      Record Retention

         Cytogen shall retain records pertaining to the manufacture of Product
         according to their record retention program. Records retained by
         Cytogen will include manufacturing batch record data, incoming,
         in-process and final test data, stability records, customer complaints
         and, customer, vendor and Regulatory Authority audits. Records of
         Laureate Pharma's labeling, equipment and use logs, equipment and
         process validation, software validation, preventative maintenance that
         support the Cytogen Product must be retained permanently by Laureate
         and shall not be destroyed.

28.      Product Complaints

         Cytogen will notify Laureate within 5 working days of verification of a
         determinant cause of any product complaints that implicate Cytogen's
         processes (e.g., manufacturing, filling, packaging and/or
         distribution). Laureate Pharma, as requested by Cytogen, will conduct
         internal investigations to determine the validity of the complaint.
         Laureate will use commercially reasonable efforts to report the
         findings of the investigation to Cytogen within 10 working days of
         notification. Cytogen will be responsible for customer response
         communications and for following their approved procedures for handling
         product complaints. Medical Adverse Event Reports will be reported to
         Laureate if a Product quality record review or analysis of a sample is
         required, or if the Adverse Event is related to the manufacture of the
         Product. Medical Adverse Event Reports are the responsibility of

         Any complaint received by Laureate for Product will be forwarded to
         Cytogen within 2 business days via phone or written communication. This
         communication will be directed to those specified in Section B
         "Contacts" of this document.

29.      Returned Goods

         Handled through a distributor.

30.      Field Alerts and Recalls

         Cytogen and Laureate must notify each other within 2 working days of
         confirmation of the event, by telephone or other rapid communication
         means, when there is information concerning any Product issues that may
         impact the quality, purity, safety and effectiveness of Product in the
         field. Examples of such information include any bacterial
         contamination, stability failure, certain confirmed Product complaints
         or any significant chemical, physical or other change or deterioration
         in the distributed Product.

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         In the case where a Field Alert or Recall is deemed necessary, Cytogen
         will develop the strategy. Cytogen will be responsible for the
         initiation, implementation and support of the recall.

         In the event that inventory of the subject material remains at the
         Laureate facility, Laureate is responsible for providing to Cytogen a
         comprehensive list of the remaining quantities on a monthly basis and
         for placement of the Product in quarantine if so requested by Cytogen.

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