FOTHERGILL TYGAFLOR DIVISION OF COURTAULDS AEROSPACE LIMITED ACCOUNTS 17 FEBRUARY 1995 REPORT OF INDEPENDENT AUDITORS TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND THE SHAREHOLDERS OF CHEMFAB CORPORATION WE HAVE AUDITED THE ACCOMPANYING BALANCE SHEETS OF THE FOTHERGILL TYGAFLOR DIVISION OF COURTAULDS AEROSPACE LIMITED AS AT 17 FEBRUARY 1995 AND 31 MARCH 1994 AND THE RELATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNTS AND CASH FLOW STATEMENTS FOR THE PERIODS THEN ENDED. THESE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE DIVISION'S MANAGEMENT. OUR RESPONSIBILITY IS TO EXPRESS AN OPINION ON THESE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BASED ON OUR AUDITS. WE CONDUCTED OUR AUDITS IN ACCORDANCE WITH UNITED KINGDOM AUDITING STANDARDS WHICH DO NOT DIFFER IN ANY SIGNIFICANT RESPECT FROM THOSE GENERALLY ACCEPTED IN THE UNITED STATES. THOSE STANDARDS REQUIRE THAT WE PLAN AND PERFORM THE AUDIT TO OBTAIN REASONABLE ASSURANCE ABOUT WHETHER THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ARE FREE OF MATERIAL MISSTATEMENT. AN AUDIT INCLUDES EXAMINING, ON A TEST BASIS, EVIDENCE SUPPORTING THE AMOUNTS AND DISCLOSURES IN THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS. AN AUDIT ALSO INCLUDES ASSESSING THE ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES USED AND SIGNIFICANT ESTIMATES MADE BY MANAGEMENT, AS WELL AS EVALUATING THE OVERALL FINANCIAL STATEMENT PRESENTATION. WE BELIEVE THAT OUR AUDITS PROVIDES A REASONABLE BASIS FOR OUR OPINION. IN OUR OPINION, THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS REFERRED TO ABOVE PRESENT FAIRLY, IN ALL MATERIAL RESPECTS, THE FINANCIAL POSITION OF THE FOTHERGILL TYGAFLOR DIVISION OF COURTAULDS AEROSPACE LIMITED AT 17 FEBRUARY 1995 AND 31 MARCH 1994 AND THE RESULTS OF ITS OPERATIONS AND ITS CASH FLOWS FOR THE PERIODS THEN ENDED, IN CONFORMITY WITH ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES GENERALLY ACCEPTED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM WHICH DIFFER IN CERTAIN RESPECTS FROM THOSE FOLLOWED IN THE UNITED STATES (SEE NOTE 18 OF THE NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS). ERNST & YOUNG CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS MANCHESTER ENGLAND 28 APRIL 1995 PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT PERIOD YEAR ENDED ENDED 17 FEBRUARY 31 MARCH 1995 1994 POUNDS POUNDS NOTES STLG000 STLG000 TURNOVER 2 5,813 5,952 COST OF SALES 3,693 3,887 ----- ----- GROSS PROFIT 2,120 2,065 ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES 1,304 1,290 ----- ----- OPERATING PROFIT 3 816 775 INTEREST PAYABLE AND SIMILAR CHARGES 4 - - ----- ----- PROFIT ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES BEFORE TAXATION 816 775 TAXATION ON PROFIT ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES 6 270 260 ----- ----- PROFIT FOR THE FINANCIAL PERIOD/YEAR 546 515 ===== ===== A SUMMARY OF THE SIGNIFICANT ESTIMATED ADJUSTMENTS TO PROFIT FOR THE FINANCIAL PERIOD/YEAR THAT WOULD BE REQUIRED HAD UNITED STATES GENERALLY ACCEPTED ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES BEEN APPLIED INSTEAD OF THOSE GENERALLY ACCEPTED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM IS SET OUT IN NOTE 18 TO THE ACCOUNTS. STATEMENT OF TOTAL RECOGNISED GAINS AND LOSSES THERE ARE NO RECOGNISED GAINS OR LOSSES OTHER THAN THE PROFIT OF POUNDS STLG 546,000 FOR THE PERIOD ENDED 17 FEBRUARY 1995 AND THE PROFIT OF POUNDS STLG 515,000 FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 1994. BALANCE SHEET 17 FEBRUARY 31 MARCH 1995 1994 POUNDS POUNDS NOTES STLG000 STLG000 FIXED ASSETS TANGIBLE ASSETS 7 980 1,164 ----- ----- CURRENT ASSETS STOCK 8 1,104 1,327 DEBTORS 9 1,419 1,400 CASH AT BANK AND IN HAND 1,484 643 ----- ----- 4,007 3,370 CREDITORS: AMOUNTS FALLING DUE WITHIN ONE YEAR 10 867 952 ----- ----- NET CURRENT ASSETS 3,140 2,418 ----- ----- TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES 4,120 3,582 PROVISIONS FOR LIABILITIES AND CHARGES DEFERRED TAXATION 11 123 131 ----- ----- 3,997 3,451 ===== ===== NET WORTH AS AT 1 APRIL 3,451 2,936 RETAINED PROFIT FOR THE FINANCIAL PERIOD/YEAR 546 515 ----- ----- 3,997 3,451 ===== ===== A SUMMARY OF THE ESTIMATED SIGNIFICANT ADJUSTMENTS TO NET WORTH THAT WOULD BE REQUIRED HAD UNITED STATES GENERALLY ACCEPTED ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES BEEN APPLIED INSTEAD OF THOSE GENERALLY ACCEPTED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM IS SET OUT IN NOTE 18 TO THE ACCOUNTS. CASH FLOW STATEMENT NOTES PERIOD YEAR TO THE ENDED ENDED CASH 17 FEBRUARY 31 MARCH FLOW 1995 1994 STATEMENT POUNDS POUNDS STLG000 STLG000 NET CASH INFLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES 1 1,135 955 ----- ----- RETURNS ON INVESTMENTS AND SERVICING OF FINANCE INTEREST PAID - - ----- ----- NET CASH INFLOW FROM RETURNS ON INVESTMENTS AND SERVICING OF FINANCE - - TAXATION TAXATION PAID 3 (244) - INVESTING ACTIVITIES PAYMENTS TO ACQUIRE TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS (50) (312) ----- ----- INCREASE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 2 841 643 ===== ===== THE SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE CASH FLOW STATEMENT PRESENTED ABOVE AND THAT REQUIRED UNDER UNITED STATES GENERALLY ACCEPTED ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES IS SET OUT IN NOTE 18 TO THE ACCOUNTS. NOTES TO CASH FLOW STATEMENT 1. RECONCILIATION OF OPERATING PROFIT TO NET CASH INFLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES PERIOD YEAR ENDED ENDED 17 FEBRUARY 31 MARCH 1995 1994 POUNDS POUNDS STLG000 STLG000 OPERATING PROFIT 816 775 DEPRECIATION CHARGE 234 238 DECREASE/(INCREASE) IN STOCK 223 (102) (INCREASE)/DECREASE IN DEBTORS (19) 141 (DECREASE) IN CREDITORS (119) (97) ----- ----- 1,135 955 ===== ===== 2. ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS DURING THE PERIOD/YEAR PERIOD YEAR ENDED ENDED 17 FEBRUARY 31 MARCH 1995 1994 POUNDS POUNDS STLG000 STLG000 BALANCE AT 1 APRIL 643 - NET CASH INFLOW 841 643 ----- ----- BALANCE AT 17 FEBRUARY/31 MARCH 1,484 643 ===== ===== THE FOTHERGILL TYGAFLOR DIVISION DID NOT MAINTAIN ITS OWN BANK ACCOUNT BUT UTILISED THE TOTAL FACILITIES OF THE PERFORMANCE FABRICS DIVISION. FOR THE PURPOSES OF THESE ACCOUNTS IT HAS BEEN ASSUMED THAT THE DIVISION HAD NO CASH AND BANK BALANCE AS AT 1 APRIL 1993. THE NET CASH INFLOWS IN THE YEAR TO 31 MARCH 1994 AND THE PERIOD TO 17 FEBRUARY 1995 ARE REFLECTED IN THE CASH AND BANK BALANCES AS AT THOSE DATES. 3. TAXATION THE TAXATION CHARGES IN THE PERIOD ENDED 17 FEBRUARY 1995 AND THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 1994 ARE NOTIONAL CHARGES (SEE NOTE 1 TO THE ACCOUNTS). TAXATION DUE IN RESPECT OF EARLIER PERIODS HAS NOT BEEN CALCULATED. AS A RESULT NO PAYMENT OF CORPORATION TAX IS SHOWN IN THE CASH FLOW STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 1994. NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS as at 17 February 1995 1. ACCOUNTING POLICIES Basis of preparation Prior to 17 February 1995 the business was part of the Performance Fabrics Division of Courtaulds Aerospace Limited. These accounts have been prepared on the basis of the results and balances of the Performance Fabrics Division that were included in the statutory accounts for Courtaulds Aerospace Limited for the year ended 31 March 1994 and the management accounts of the Performance Fabrics Division for the period ended 17 February 1995. The results and balances relating to the Fothergill Tygaflor division have been extracted from those accounts. Allocation of common costs Certain of the operating costs of the Performance Fabrics Division were not specifically identified as relating to either the Fothergill Tygaflor division or the other parts of the Division. These common costs have been allocated to the business on the basis considered most appropriate. These bases include turnover, headcount and site occupancy. Accounting convention The accounts have been prepared under the historical cost convention and in accordance with applicable United Kingdom accounting standards. Depreciation Depreciation is calculated so as to write off the cost of tangible fixed assets by equal instalments over their estimated useful lives at the following rates: Motor vehicles 20% per annum Plant and machinery 10% per annum Micro computers 33 1/3% per annum Mini computers 20% per annum Fixtures and fittings 10% per annum Depreciation is charged in the financial year following the year in which assets are brought in to use, except for motor vehicles, which are depreciated as from the year in which they are brought in to use. A full year's depreciation is charged in the year of disposal. All computer software is expensed on receipt and not capitalised and depreciated. Stocks Stocks are stated at the lower of cost incurred in bringing each product to its present location and condition, and net realisable value as follows: Raw materials, consumables and goods for resale - purchase cost on a first-in, first-out basis Work in progress and finished goods - cost of direct materials and labour plus attributable overheads based on a normal level of activity. Net realisable value is based on estimated selling price less any further costs expected to be incurred to completion and disposal. Taxation The division has never incurred charges in respect of taxation as this was previously accounted for by Courtaulds Aerospace Limited. For the purpose of these accounts a notional tax charge has been calculated. These charges are based on the results for the periods adjusted to reflect the different treatment of certain items for taxation purposes and the rates of UK corporation taxation. It has been assumed that the notional taxation charges calculated were paid nine months after the end of the financial year. Deferred taxation Notional deferred taxation is provided using the liability method on all timing differences which are expected to reverse in the future without being replaced, calculated at the rate at which it is anticipated the timing differences will reverse. Foreign currencies Assets and liabilities in foreign currencies are translated into pounds stlg at the rate of exchange ruling at the period end or more usually at the forward cover rate. Profits and losses on exchange arising in the normal course of trading are dealt with in the profit and loss account. Leases Rentals payable under operating leases are charged to the profit and loss account in the period in which they fall due. Pensions costs The expected cost of pensions is charged to the profit and loss account so as to spread the cost of pensions over the service life of employees in the pension scheme. Variations from the regular cost are spread over the expected remaining service lives of current employees in the scheme. Research and development Expenditure on research and development is charged to the profit and loss account in the year in which it is incurred. 2. TURNOVER Turnover represents the net invoiced value of goods and services sold, excluding value added tax. 3. OPERATING PROFIT This is stated after charging/(crediting): Period Year ended ended 17 February 31 March 1995 1994 POUNDS POUNDS STLG000 STLG000 Depreciation of fixed assets 234 238 Research and development expenditure 179 249 Hire of plant and machinery 71 96 Exchange gain on foreign currency transactions (2) 51 ===== ===== 4 INTEREST PAYABLE AND SIMILAR CHARGES Period Year ended ended 17 February 31 March 1995 1994 POUNDS POUNDS STLG000 STLG000 Interest payable on bank loans and overdrafts wholly repayable within five years - - ===== ===== 5. STAFF COSTS Period Year ended ended 17 February 31 March 1995 1994 POUNDS POUNDS STLG000 STLG000 Wages and salaries 1,587 1,518 Social security costs 130 150 Other pension costs - - ----- ----- 1,717 1,668 ===== ===== The average weekly number of employees during the period was as follows: Period Year ended ended 17 February 31 March 1995 1994 No. No. Production 59 55 Administration 41 44 ----- ----- 100 99 ===== ===== 6. TAXATION ON PROFIT ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES Period Year ended ended 17 February 31 March 1995 1994 POUNDS POUNDS STLG000 STLG000 Based on the profit for the year: Corporation tax at 33% (1994: 33%) 278 244 Deferred taxation (8) 16 ----- ----- 270 260 ===== ===== 7. TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS Furniture Plant and and fixtures machinery Total POUNDS POUNDS POUNDS STLG000 STLG000 STLG000 Cost: At 1 April 1994 511 1,336 1,847 Additions 29 21 50 ----- ----- ----- At 17 February 1995 540 1,357 1,897 ----- ----- ----- Depreciation: At 1 April 1994 204 479 683 Charge for the year 142 92 234 ----- ----- ----- At 17 February 1995 346 571 917 ----- ----- ----- Net book value: At 17 February 1995 194 786 980 ===== ===== ===== At 31 March 1994 307 857 1,164 ===== ===== ===== 8. STOCKS 17 February 31 March 1995 1994 POUNDS POUNDS STLG000 STLG000 Raw materials 185 198 Work in progress 333 506 Finished goods 586 623 ----- ----- 1,104 1,327 ===== ===== 9. DEBTORS 17 February 31 March 1995 1994 POUNDS POUNDS STLG000 STLG000 Trade debtors 1,392 1,371 Prepayments and accrued income 27 29 ----- ----- 1,419 1,400 ===== ===== 10. CREDITORS: amounts falling due within one year 17 February 31 March 1995 1994 POUNDS POUNDS STLG000 STLG000 Trade creditors 445 600 Corporation tax 278 244 Other taxes and social security costs 57 52 Accruals and deferred income 87 56 ----- ----- 867 952 ===== ===== 11. DEFERRED TAXATION Deferred taxation provided in the accounts and the amounts not provided are as follows: Provided Not provided 17 February 31 March 17 February 31 March 1995 1994 1995 1994 POUNDS POUNDS POUNDS POUNDS STLG000 STLG000 STLG000 STLG000 Accelerated capital allowances 123 131 - - Other timing differences - - - - ----- ----- ----- ----- 123 131 - - ===== ===== ===== ===== 12. CAPITAL COMMITMENTS 17 February 31 March 1995 1994 POUNDS POUNDS STLG000 STLG000 Contracted - 5 ===== ===== Authorised but not contracted 1 22 ===== ===== 13. OTHER FINANCIAL COMMITMENTS At 17 February 1995 the division had annual commitments under non-cancellable operating leases as set out below: 17 February 31 March 1995 1994 Land and Land and buildings Other buildings Other POUNDS POUNDS POUNDS POUNDS STLG000 STLG000 STLG000 STLG000 Operating leases which expire: within one year - 4 - 14 within two to five years - 66 - 42 in over five years - - - - ----- ----- ----- ----- - 70 - 56 ===== ===== ===== ===== 14. ULTIMATE HOLDING COMPANY Prior to 17 February 1995 the division was part of Courtaulds Aerospace Limited which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Courtaulds plc, a company incorporated in the United Kingdom. 15. RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS The division purchases high performance fabric and other raw material from fellow divisions of Courtaulds plc. These purchases are recorded at cost and do not include any commercial margin. The total of such purchases in the period ended 17 February 1995 were Pounds Stlg 710,000 and in the year ended 31 March 1994 were Pounds Stlg 605,000. The amounts due to fellow divisions at 17 February 1995 was Pounds Stlg 175,000 and at 31 March 1994 was Pounds Stlg 132,000. 16. PENSIONS Eligible employees are members of the Courtaulds plc defined benefit pension scheme with assets held in separate trustee administered funds. The scheme was valued by independent actuaries as at 31 March 1993. The valuation used the projected unit method and was carried out on two different bases, using a conservative set of actuarial assumptions for funding purposes and a best estimate set for accounting purposes (as required by SSAP 24). After allowing for benefit improvements announced in December 1993, and future increases in pensionable remuneration, the actuarial value of the assets was sufficient to cover the benefits that had accrued to members by 114% on the funding basis and by 124% on the SSAP 24 basis. The market value of the Scheme assets at the date of the valuation was Pounds Stlg 883 million. The principal actuarial assumptions used in the valuation were: Funding SSAP 24 basis basis Long term annual rate of return on investments 9.5% 10.0% Annual increase in dividends 5.0% 5.5% Average annual increase in total pensionable remuneration 7.5% 7.5% Average annual increase in present and future pension payments 5.0% 5.0% Period Year ended ended 17 February 31 March 1995 1994 POUNDS POUNDS STLG000 STLG000 Regular cost 102 105 Variation from regular cost (102) (105) ----- ----- Net charge to operating profit - - ===== ===== 17. COMPANIES ACT 1985 These accounts do not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985, as amended, of Great Britain insofar as such accounts have to comply with the disclosure and other provisions of that Act. 18. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN UNITED KINGDOM AND UNITED STATES GENERALLY ACCEPTED ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES The company's financial statements are prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United Kingdom ("UK GAAP") which differ in certain respects from United States generally accepted accounting principles ("US GAAP"). The following significant differences apply to the company. Pensions Pension costs, based on actuarial assumptions and methods, are charged in the financial statements so as to allocate the cost of providing benefits over the service lives of employees in a consistent manner approved by the actuary. US GAAP as set out in Financial Accounting Standards 87 prescribes the method of actuarial valuation and also requires assets to be assessed at fair value and the assessment of liabilities to be based on current interest rates. The calculations in accordance with Financial Accounting Standards 87 are as follows: 17 February 31 March 1995 1994 POUNDS POUNDS STLG000 STLG000 Actuarial present value of accumulated benefit obligation (1,573) (1,286) ----- ----- Actuarial present value of projected benefit obligation (PBO) for services rendered to date (2,178) (1,759) Plan assets at fair value 1,923 1,925 ----- ----- Funded status (excess of plan assets over the PBO) (255) 166 Unrecognised net (gain)/loss from past experience different from that assumed and effects of changes in assumptions 208 (145) Prior service cost not yet recognised in net periodic pension cost 30 32 Unrecognised net transition (asset)/obligation (109) (118) ----- ----- Prepaid/(accrued) pension costs (126) (65) ===== ===== Period Year ended ended 17 February 31 March 1995 1994 POUNDS POUNDS STLG000 STLG000 Service cost benefits earned during the period 89 96 Interest cost on projected benefit obligation 131 139 Actual return on plan assets (6) (239) Net amortisation and deferral (153) 69 ----- ----- Net periodic pension cost (NPPC) 61 65 ===== ===== The assumptions used in the above calculations differ from those used for UK GAAP purposes mainly due to the market value bias under US GAAP. The principal financial assumptions used to calculate the above figures are set out below: Valuation date 17 February 1 April 1995 1994 Expected long term rate of return on scheme assets 9.5% 9.0% Discount rate 9.0% 8.5% Rate of increase in compensation levels 7.0% 6.5% Rate of increase of pensions in payment 5.0% 4.5% Cash flow statement The cash flow statement included in these accounts presents substantially the same information as that requested under US GAAP by US Statement of Financial Accounting Standards 95, "Statement of Cash Flows". These standards differ, however, with regard to classification of items within the statement and as regards the definition of cash and cash equivalents. Under UK GAAP, cash flows are presented separately for operating activities, returns on investments and servicing of finance, taxation, investing activities and financing activities. US GAAP, however, requires only three categories of cash flow activity to be reported: operating, investing and financing. Cash flows from taxation and servicing of finance and returns on investments shown under UK GAAP would be included as operating activities under US GAAP. Reconciliation The following is a summary of adjustments to profit which would be required if US GAAP had been applied instead of UK GAAP. Period Year ended ended 17 February 31 March 1995 1994 POUNDS POUNDS STLG000 STLG000 Profit on ordinary activities before tax Pension 816 775 costs (61) (65) ----- ----- Income before tax according to generally accepted accounting principles in the United States 755 710 ===== ===== CONSENT OF INDEPENDENT AUDITORS We consent to the incorporation by reference in the Registration Statements (Forms S-8 No 2-89831 and No 33-61946 and Form S-3 No 33-18264) pertaining to the 1986 Stock Option Plan, the 1991 Stock Option Plan and the 1991 Chemfab Employee Stock Option Plan and the 1986 Stock Option Plan and the 1983 Incentive Stock Option Plan, respectively, of Chemfab Corporation of our report dated 28 April 1995 with respect to the financial statements of the Fothergill Tygaflor division of Courtaulds Aerospace Limited included in the Current Report (Form 8-K/A) dated 5 May 1995 of Chemfab Corporation filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Ernst & Young Chartered Accountants Manchester England 4 May 1995