Washington, DC. 20549

                                   FORM 10-Q

(Mark one)
     For the quarterly period ended July 1, 1995 OR


     For the transition period from _______________ to ________________

                         Commission file number 0-11691

                          ELEXSYS INTERNATIONAL, INC.
              (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

                          Delaware                           95-3534864  
              (State or other jurisdiction of                (I.R.S. Employer
               incorporation or organization)                Identification No.)

               18522 Von Karman Avenue, Irvine, California 92715
              (Address of principal executive offices) (Zip Code)

                                 (714) 833-0870
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the  registrant  was
required  to file  such  reports),  and  (2) has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days.
                                   Yes X No__

               At August 7,  1995,  there were  8,921,560 outstanding  shares of
common stock.

                          ELEXSYS INTERNATIONAL, INC.
                                   FORM 10-Q

Part I.            Financial Information:

                   Item 1.
                   Consolidated Balance Sheets as of July 1, 1995 and September  30, 1994...........    2

                   Consolidated Statements of Operations for the Three and Nine Months
                   Ended July 1, 1995 and July 2, 1994..............................................    3

                   Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the Nine Months
                   Ended July 1, 1995 and July 2, 1994..............................................    4

                   Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements...................................    5

                   Item 2.
                   Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
                   Results of Operations...........................................................     8

Part II.           Other Information...............................................................    12

                          ELEXSYS INTERNATIONAL, INC.
                          CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                   (Thousands of dollars, except share data)

                                                          July 1,  September 30,
                                                            1995        1994
Current assets
  Cash and cash equivalents ...........................   $   1,098    $   1,562
  Accounts receivable - net ...........................      13,669        9,063
  Inventories .........................................       7,364        7,277
  Prepaid expenses and other current assets ...........         622          381
                                                          ---------    ---------
         Total current assets .........................      22,753       18,283
                                                          ---------    ---------
Property, plant and equipment .........................      72,270       65,481
  Less accumulated depreciation and amortization ......     (53,509)     (47,703)
                                                          ---------    ---------
         Property, plant and equipment, net ...........      18,761       17,778
                                                          ---------    ---------
Other assets ..........................................         997          922
                                                          ---------    ---------
             Total assets .............................   $  42,511    $  36,983
                                                          =========    =========

Current liabilities
  Accounts payable ....................................   $   7,231    $   6,170
  Accrued payroll and related costs ...................       2,511        1,950
  Other current liabilities ...........................       2,387        2,866
  Short-term borrowings ...............................       5,806        3,456
  Current portion of long-term debt ...................         316           50
                                                          ---------    ---------
         Total current liabilities ....................      18,251       14,492
                                                          ---------    ---------
Long term debt ........................................       1,516          406
Convertible subordinated debentures ...................      12,000       16,000
Stockholders' equity
Common stock, $1.00 par value, 20,000,000 shares
  authorized, 8,903,560 and 8,334,960 shares issued and
  outstanding at July 1, 1995 and at September 30, 1994       8,904        8,335
Additional paid-in capital ............................       5,359        3,373
Accumulated deficit ...................................      (3,509)      (5,623)
Cumulative foreign currency translation adjustment ....         (10)
                                                          ---------    ---------
         Net stockholders' equity .....................      10,744        6,085
                                                          ---------    ---------

             Total liabilities and stockholders' equity   $  42,511    $  36,983
                                                          =========    =========


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                          ELEXSYS INTERNATIONAL, INC.
                     (In thousands, except per share data)

                                                    Three Months Ended      Nine Months Ended
                                                    July 1,     July 2,     July 1,    July 2,
                                                      1995        1994        1995       1994

Net sales .......................................   $ 27,298   $ 23,943    $ 73,458    $ 74,407
Cost of sales ...................................     23,010     21,539      64,434      68,536
                                                    --------   --------    --------    --------
  Gross profit ..................................      4,288      2,404       9,024       5,871

Operating expenses:
  Selling, general and administrative ...........      2,780      2,602       7,046       7,933
  Research and development ......................        115        156         364         593
  Provision for restructuring of operations .....          0          0           0         600
                                                    --------   --------    --------    --------
         Total operating expenses ...............      2,895      2,758       7,410       9,126
                                                    --------   --------    --------    --------
Income/(loss) from operations ...................      1,393       (354)      1,614      (3,255)

Other (income) expenses:
  Interest expense ..............................        470        638       1,312       1,698
  Interest income ...............................          0          0         (1)         (26)
                                                    --------   --------    --------    --------
Income (loss) before income taxes ...............        923       (992)        303      (4,927)
Provision for income taxes ......................         22          0          22           0
                                                    --------   --------    --------    --------
Income (loss) before extraordinary item .........        901       (992)        281      (4,927)

Extraordinary item: (Note 5)
  Gain from exchange of 5 1/2 percent Convertible
  Subordinated Debentures due 2012 for common
  stock, net of expenses ........................          0     10,167       1,833      10,167
                                                    --------   --------    --------    --------
         Net income .............................   $    901   $  9,175    $  2,114    $  5,240
                                                    ========   ========    ========    ========
Earnings per share (Note 3)
Primary .........................................   $   0.10   $   1.67    $   0.24    $   1.02
Fully diluted ...................................   $   0.10   $   1.07    $   0.23    $   0.63
                                                    --------   --------    --------    --------

Weighted average common shares and common
equivalent shares outstanding
Primary .........................................      9,285      5,610       8,947       5,158
Fully diluted ...................................      9,319      8,740       9,319       8,335
                                                    ========   ========    ========    ========


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                          ELEXSYS INTERNATIONAL, INC.
                             (Thousands of dollars)

                                                                                    Nine Months Ended
                                                                                    July 1,     July 2,
                                                                                      1995        1994

Net income .....................................................................   $  2,114    $  5,240
Adjustments to reconcile net income to
 net cash provided (used) by operating activities:
  Extraordinary gain ...........................................................     (1,833)    (10,167)
  Depreciation and amortization ................................................      4,063       4,948
  Provision for restructuring of operations ....................................                    600
  Change in assets and liabilities, net of effects from purchase of Technet Ltd.:
  Increase in accounts receivable ..............................................     (3,749)       (455)
  Decrease in inventories ......................................................        350         731
  (Increase) decrease in prepaid expenses and other
  current assets ...............................................................       (195)        244
  Increase (decrease) in accounts payable ......................................        407      (6,252)
  Increase (decrease) in accrued payroll and related taxes .....................        415        (560)
  Decrease in other current liabilities ........................................       (791)     (1,445)
  Other ........................................................................       (187)        (94)
                                                                                   --------    --------
  Net cash provided (used) by operating activities .............................        594      (7,210)
                                                                                   --------    --------
Proceeds from maturity of short-term investments ...............................                  4,000
Purchase of Technet Ltd., net of cash acquired .................................       (560)
Purchase of property, plant and equipment ......................................     (3,087)     (1,796)
                                                                                   --------    --------
  Net cash (used) provided by investing activities .............................     (3,647)      2,204
                                                                                   --------    --------
Net borrowings on short-term borrowings ........................................      2,350       3,354
Principal payments on long term debt ...........................................       (280)        (33)
Proceeds from options exercised ................................................        529
                                                                                   --------    --------
  Net cash provided by financing activities ....................................      2,599       3,321
                                                                                   --------    --------
Effects of exchange rate changes on cash flows .................................        (10)
Net decrease  in cash and cash equivalents .....................................       (464)     (1,685)
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period .................................      1,562       2,415
                                                                                   --------    --------
Cash and cash equivalents, end of period .......................................   $  1,098    $    730
                                                                                   ========    ========

Interest payments ..............................................................   $    481    $  1,212
                                                                                   ========    ========
Income tax payments ............................................................   $     24    $     30
                                                                                   ========    ========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                          ELEXSYS INTERNATIONAL, INC.

Note 1 - Basis of Presentation

         The accompanying unaudited consolidated financial statements of Elexsys
         International,  Inc. and its subsidiaries  (the "Company")  contain all
         adjustments, consisting of only normal recurring adjustments, which, in
         the  opinion  of  management,  are  necessary  to  present  fairly  the
         financial  position of the Company as of July 1, 1995 and September 30,
         1994, the results of its operations for the three and nine months ended
         July 1,  1995 and July 2, 1994 and its cash  flows for the nine  months
         ended July 1, 1995 and July 2, 1994.  Certain  information and footnote
         disclosures  normally  included in the financial  statements  have been
         condensed  or  omitted   pursuant  to  rules  and  regulations  of  the
         Securities and Exchange Commission,  although the Company believes that
         the disclosures in the consolidated  financial  statements are adequate
         to make the information presented not misleading.

         The consolidated financial statements included herein should be read in
         conjunction with the consolidated  financial  statements of the Company
         for the year ended September 30, 1994, included in the Company's Annual
         Report on Form 10-K for that fiscal year.

Note 2 - Inventories

Inventories consist of the following (thousands of dollars):

                                                    July 1,        September 30,
                                                      1995               1994

Raw materials ............................             $2,910             $4,233
Work in progress .........................              4,454              3,044
                                                       ------             ------
Totals ...................................             $7,364             $7,277
                                                       ======             ======

Note 3 - Income Taxes

         As of September 30, 1994,  the Company had net  operating  losses carry
         forwards for federal and state income tax purposes of  $29,636,000  and
         $25,296,000,  respectively.  Provision  for income taxes  resulted from
         income from the Company's  United Kingdom  subsidiary for the three and
         nine months ended July 1, 1995.  Net operating loss carry forwards were
         used to offset  income  from the  Company's  United  States  operations
         resulting  in no income  tax  provision  for the three and nine  months
         ended July 1, 1995, respectively,  for these operations.  The remaining
         carry forwards, for which future benefit is not assured, expire through

                          ELEXSYS INTERNATIONAL, INC.

Note 4 - Earnings Per Common Share

         Earnings  per common  share for the three and nine months ended July 1,
         1995  has  been  computed  based  on  weighted  average  common  shares
         outstanding and common stock equivalents as of the above dates and does
         not  include the assumed  conversion  of the 5 1/2 percent  Convertible
         Subordinated  Debentures  due  2012  as such  effect  would  have  been
         anti-dilutive.  The  earnings per share for the three months ended July
         2, 1994 has been computed based on average common shares outstanding as
         of July 2,  1994  and  includes  the  assumed  conversion  of the 5 1/2
         percent Convertible  Subordinated Debentures due 2012. The earnings per
         share for the nine months ended July 2, 1994 has been computed based on
         average  common  shares  outstanding  as of July 2,  1994  and does not
         include  the  assumed  conversion  of  the  5 1/2  percent  Convertible
         Subordinated  Debentures  due  2012  as such  effect  would  have  been

                                                         Three Months    Nine Months
                                                          July 1,1995    July 1, 1995
                                                          (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)
Net income before extraordinary item .....................     $  901     $  281
Net income ...............................................     $  901     $2,114

Earnings per common share and common share
equivalent, primary
Income before extraordinary item .........................     $ 0.10     $ 0.03
     Extraordinary item ..................................     $ 0.00     $ 0.20
     Net income ..........................................     $ 0.10     $ 0.24

Earnings per common share and common share
equivalent, fully diluted
     Income before extraordinary item ....................     $ 0.10     $ 0.03
     Extraordinary item ..................................     $ 0.00     $ 0.20
     Net income ..........................................     $ 0.10     $ 0.23

Weighted average of common and dilutive common
equivalent shares outstanding
    Primary weighted average shares ......................      8,870      8,532
     Stock option equivalent .............................        415        415
     Primary common and common equivalent shares .........      9,285      8,947

    Fully diluted weighted average shares ................      8,904      8,809
     Stock option equivalent .............................        415        415
     Fully diluted common and common equivalent share ....      9,319      9,319

                          ELEXSYS INTERNATIONAL, INC.

Note 5 - Stock Options

         During the first nine  months of fiscal  1995,  the Company has granted
         pursuant to the 1994  Incentive  Stock  Option Plan options to purchase
         234,500 shares of common stock,  including 100,000 options to the Chief
         Operating  Officer,  at option  prices  ranging from $2.88 to $3.63 per
         share.  All of these  options  vest at the rate of  either 25 or 33 1/3
         percent per year commencing one year from the date of grant.

Note 6 - Acquisition

         On April 28, 1995, the Company announced it had acquired  substantially
         all the  assets of  Technet  Electronics  Limited,  a  manufacturer  of
         printed  circuit  boards located in Great  Britain,  for  approximately
         $3,300,000  which  consisted  of  $560,000  of cash and  assumption  of
         liabilities of approximately  $2,740,000 including its current lines of
         credit. To complete the transaction, the Company borrowed $1,300,000 on
         its line of credit from an asset based lender of which $740,000 will be
         utilized as working capital.  Subsequent to the acquisition,  long term
         debt of approximately $182,000 was paid.

Note 7 - Extraordinary Item

         On March 31, 1995,  the Company  exchanged for  $4,000,000 of its 5 1/2
         percent  Convertible  Subordinated  Debentures due 2012 an aggregate of
         400,000 newly issued shares of common stock, par value $1.00 per share,
         to Mr. Milan  Mandaric.  The net gain of $1,833,000  was recorded as an
         extraordinary  item. The net gain included a reduction of debt issuance
         costs related to the 5 1/2 percent Convertible  Subordinated Debentures
         due  2012  and  additional   professional   fees  associated  with  the
         transaction.  The transaction included a payment of $18,333 for accrued
         interest on the Debentures exchanged.

Note 8 - Translation of Foreign Currencies:

         Assets and liabilities of the Company's  United Kingdom  subsidiary are
         translated  into US. dollars at the exchange rates in effect at the end
         of the  period.  Revenue  and  expense  accounts  are  translated  at a
         weighted  average of  exchange  rates  which were in effect  during the
         year. Translation adjustments that arise from translating the Company's
         United  Kingdom  subsidiary's   financial  statements  from  the  pound
         sterling to US.  dollars are  accumulated  in a separate  component  of
         stockholders'  equity.  Transaction  gains and  losses  that arise from
         exchange rate changes on  transactions  denominated in a currency other
         than the local  currency  are  included  in  results of  operations  as
         incurred.  For the three and nine months ended July 1, 1995, there were
         no transaction gains or losses.

                          ELEXSYS INTERNATIONAL, INC.

The following  discussion  should be read in conjunction  with the  Consolidated
Financial Statements and Notes thereto contained elsewhere within this Report on
Form 10-Q.

Results of Operations

         Net sales
         Net sales for the three months ended July 1, 1995  increased 14 percent
         compared to the third quarter of fiscal year 1994.  The increase in net
         sales  resulted from increased  demand for the Company's  circuit board
         products from the Company's  recurring  customer base and two months of
         sales from the Company's recent  acquisition in the United Kingdom. The
         increase  in net sales was  partially  offset by lower  volume of sales
         from the  Company's  back panel line due to changes in product  mix and
         lower  pricing on all  products  due to the  competitive  nature of the
         printed circuit board industry.

         Net sales for the nine months ended July 1, 1995  decreased 1.3 percent
         from the  comparable  nine month period of fiscal 1994. The decrease in
         net sales  resulted from lower volume of sales from the Company's  back
         panel line due to changes in product mix. Circuit board sales decreased
         due to changes in product mix and competitive pricing, partially offset
         by  increased  demand  for  circuit  board  products.   Management  has
         reorganized  its sales and technical team for the purpose,  among other
         things,  of improving  sales of its back panel product  line;  however,
         management does not expect improvement to occur in the near future.

         Cost of sales
         Cost of sales as a percentage of net sales decreased from 90 percent in
         the third  quarter of fiscal  year 1994 to 84.3  percent  for the third
         quarter of fiscal year 1995.  For the nine  months  ended July 1, 1995,
         cost of sales as a percentage of net sales  decreased from 92.1 percent
         to 87.7 percent for the nine months ended July 2, 1994. The decrease in
         cost of sales as a  percentage  of net  sales  for the  three  and nine
         months  ended July 1, 1995 was  attributable  to a favorable  change in
         product mix,  cost  reductions,  and improved  efficiencies  in circuit
         board operations resulting in lower material, labor, and overhead costs
         per unit shipped.  The improvement in the circuit board  operations was
         partially offset by increased  material,  labor, and overhead costs per
         units shipped for the Company's  back panel product line due to changes
         in product mix.  Management  believes it has corrected  the  previously
         reported  problem of matching  circuit board  products with the circuit
         board  operations'  capabilities,  but there can be no  assurance  that
         increased operational efficiencies will result.

         Selling, General and Administrative
         Selling, general and administrative (SG&A) expense for the three months
         ended July 1, 1995 increased 6.8 percent  compared to the third quarter
         of fiscal 1994. As a percentage of net sales,  SG&A decreased from 10.9
         percent for the third  quarter of fiscal year 1994 to 10.2  percent for
         the third  quarter of fiscal  1995.  The increase in SG&A for the three
         months ended July 1, 1995 was  primarily due to higher  commissions  to
         manufacturers'  representatives,  profit sharing, costs associated with
         reorganizing the sales and technical team, and two months of SG&A costs
         for the Company's  United Kingdom  acquisition,  partially  offset by a
         reduction in legal and consulting fees.

                          ELEXSYS INTERNATIONAL, INC.

         For the nine months  ended July 1, 1995,  SG&A  decreased  11.2 percent
         from the  comparable  nine month period of fiscal 1994. As a percentage
         of net sales,  SG&A  decreased  from 10.7  percent  for the nine months
         ended July 2, 1994 to 9.6  percent  for the nine  months  ended July 1,
         1995.  The  decrease in SG&A for the nine months ended July 1, 1995 was
         primarily  due to a  reduction  in legal and  consulting  fees and cost
         reductions,   partially   offset   by   higher   commission   costs  to
         manufacturers' representatives and profit sharing.

         Research and development
         Research and development expenditures decreased 26.3 percent during the
         three months ended July 1, 1995 compared to the third quarter of fiscal
         1994. For the nine months ended July 1, 1995,  research and development
         expenditures  decreased  38.6  percent from the  comparable  nine month
         period of  fiscal  1994.  The  decrease  in  expenditures  is  directly
         attributable  to lower labor and benefit costs of engineers  related to
         the past restructuring by the Company.

         At  the   beginning  of  fiscal  1995,   the   Company's   balance  for
         restructuring reserve was $861,000,  which is expected to be fully paid
         out by the end of the current fiscal year, mainly to executives who had
         severance agreements.  During the first nine months of fiscal 1995, the
         Company reduced its restructuring reserve by $572,000 through severance
         payments to such  executives.  As of July 1, 1995, the Company's  other
         current liabilities included $289,000 of restructuring reserve.

         Interest income and interest expense
         Interest  income  decreased  100 percent and 96.2 percent for the three
         and nine months ended July 1, 1995,  respectively,  from the comparable
         fiscal 1994  periods.  The decrease was primarily due to a reduction in
         interest  bearing  investments  held by the Company  during fiscal 1995
         compared to fiscal 1994.

         Interest expense  decreased 26.3 percent and 22.7 percent for the three
         and nine months  ended July 1, 1995,  respectively,  as compared to the
         similar  fiscal 1994  periods.  The decrease is  attributable  to lower
         interest expense due to the exchange of $16,000,000 in principal amount
         of the Company's 5 1/2 percent Convertible  Subordinated Debentures due
         2012 (the  "Debentures") held by Mr. Milan Mandaric for 3,200,000 newly
         issued shares of the Company's  common stock in a two part  transaction
         which  closed on June 30,  1994 and July 13,  1994 and the  exchange of
         $4,000,000 in principal  amount of Debentures  held by Mr. Mandaric for
         400,000  newly issued  shares of the  Company's  stock in a transaction
         which closed on March 31, 1995. Partially offsetting the lower interest
         expense was interest due to  short-term  borrowings  from the Company's
         asset based lender.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

         At July 1, 1995, the Company had cash, cash  equivalents and short-term
         investments  of $1,098,000,  which reflects a $464,000  decrease in the
         balance from  September 30, 1994.  Cash of $594,000 was generated  from
         operating   activities.   The  increase  in  accounts   receivable   is
         attributable  to higher net sales for the third  quarter of fiscal year
         1995 compared to the fourth  quarter of fiscal year 1994.  The decrease
         in inventories is  attributable to better  purchasing  practices of raw
         materials utilized in the Company's back panel product line,  partially
         offset by an  increase  in work in process  due to  improvement  in the
         order cycle.

                          ELEXSYS INTERNATIONAL, INC.

         The  decrease  in  other  current  liabilities  was  due in part to the
         $572,000 decrease in restructuring reserve during the nine month period
         ended July 1, 1995. All other operating  activities  experienced normal

         The cash generated  from  operating  activities was offset by investing
         activities of  $3,087,000  for the purchase of capital  equipment.  The
         purchase of capital equipment was for normal replacement, equipment for
         processes that the Company has outsourced, and equipment to enhance our
         assembly capabilities.

         Financing  activities  were  partially  funded by the exercise of stock
         options by certain  employees,  offset  by  payment  of  approximately 
         $182,000 of long term debt of Technet Electronics Limited.

         As of July 1, 1995, the Company had borrowed  $6,732,000 under the line
         of credit that was  established  December  17, 1993 with an asset based
         lender.  In the first nine months of fiscal  1995,  the Company  repaid
         borrowings of $520,000,  leaving net  borrowings  of  $6,212,000  Also,
         under  the  terms  of the loan  agreement,  all of the  Company's  cash
         collections are applied to any outstanding borrowings upon the receipts
         clearing  the bank.  At July 1,  1995,  the asset  based  lender was in
         possession  of  $406,000  of  the  Company's  cash   collections   and,
         accordingly,  such  funds  have  been  applied  to  reduce  the  amount
         outstanding under the Company's line of credit to $5,806,000.

         As of July 1, 1995,  the Company's  ratio of current  assets to current
         liabilities  was 1.2 to 1. In addition,  the Company had  $1,098,000 in
         cash and cash equivalents  which are available for current  operations,
         capital  expenditures  and other purposes.  The Company has no material
         cash  obligations or requirements for capital  expenditures  other than
         normal  replacements.  Management  believes that the Company's existing
         working capital, the remaining borrowing capacity,  and funds generated
         from  operations  will  be  sufficient  to meet  presently  anticipated
         working capital requirements.

         In June 1994,  the Company  agreed with Mr. Milan  Mandaric to exchange
         $16,000,000 of Debentures  for 3,200,000  newly issued shares of common
         stock.  The  transaction  included a payment of  $293,000  for  accrued
         interest on the Debentures  exchanged and  reimbursement of $50,000 for
         Mr. Mandaric's  professional  expenses.  All legal and consulting costs
         related to this  transaction  were accrued for in the third  quarter of
         fiscal 1994 and were applied against the extraordinary gain recorded in
         the third  quarter of fiscal 1994.  There was no cash  infusion made by
         Mr. Mandaric as a result of this transaction.  The Company subsequently
         delivered those Debentures to the Trustee for credit against the future
         sinking fund payments under the terms of the Indenture  relating to the

         In March  1995,  the  Company  agreed  with Mr.  Mandaric  to  exchange
         $4,000,000  of  Debentures  for 400,000  newly issued  shares of common
         stock.  The  transaction  included  a payment of  $18,333  for  accrued
         interest on the Debentures  exchanged.  All legal and consulting  costs
         related to this  transaction  were accrued for in the second quarter of
         fiscal 1995 and were applied against the extraordinary gain recorded in
         that  quarter.  There was no cash  infusion  made by Mr.  Mandaric as a
         result of this transaction.  The Company  subsequently  delivered those
         Debentures  to the Trustee for credit  against the future  sinking fund
         payments under the terms of the Indenture relating to the Debentures.

                          ELEXSYS INTERNATIONAL, INC.

         The Company's manufacturing processes utilize substantial quantities of
         heavy  metals,  acids  and  other  hazardous  substances,  as  well  as
         substantial  quantities  of water.  The  Company is subject to federal,
         state and local environmental laws and regulations regarding air, water
         and land use, the  generation,  use,  storage and disposal of hazardous
         materials and wastes,  and the  operation and closure of  manufacturing
         facilities at which  hazardous  materials are used or hazardous  wastes
         are generated. The Company is aware of contamination of soil and ground
         water  (principally  by  metals  and  solvents)  at two  of its  former
         facilities in Northern California. At one of these facilities, soil has
         been remediated,  but the likely future cost of ground water cleanup at
         that facility is not yet reasonably  estimable.  Investigative costs of
         $30,000 have been  incurred.  At the other former  facility in Northern
         California,  the Company incurred costs of  approximately  $137,000 for
         cleanup of soil  contamination  and the  property  was  returned to its
         owner  during  the second  quarter  of fiscal  1995.  In  addition  the
         facility is adjacent to an existing  State of  California  administered
         Superfund  site and may become  part of a related  State of  California
         administered  regional  ground water  investigation;  the likely future
         cost to the Company in connection with possible ground water cleanup is
         not  yet  reasonably  estimable.  At  a  former  facility  in  Southern
         California,  the Company  conducted  limited  ground water  sampling in
         connection   with  a   potential   sale  of  the   property,   and  low
         concentrations of solvents were detected.  Notification was made to the
         proper agencies.  At this time, it is not possible to determine whether
         any response actions will need to be taken; and accordingly, the likely
         future cost to the Company is not yet reasonably estimable.

         The  Company is further  aware of soil and ground  water  contamination
         (principally by metals and solvents) at two currently used  facilities,
         one in  Northern  California  and one in  Southern  California.  At its
         Northern California facility,  the Company is indemnified by the former
         property  owner  who  acknowledged  his  obligation.  At  its  Southern
         California  facility,  the Company's  preliminary  estimate of remedial
         costs,  expected to be incurred  over five to seven years,  ranges from
         approximately  $880,000 to $1,480,000  (including between approximately
         $300,000  and  $400,000   estimated  capital   expenditures  for  waste
         treatment  equipment   acquisition  and  installation  costs).  At  its
         Northern California facility, the Company has also received notice that
         regulatory   authorities  plan  to  reduce  the  discharge  limits  for
         industrial waste water discharge  containing  heavy metals.  New limits
         are  expected to become  effective in October  1996.  Based on proposed
         limits,  the cost to the Company of  additional  equipment  and process
         modifications needed to comply with the reduced limits is preliminarily
         estimated  by the Company to be between  $100,000 and  $250,000.  As of
         July 1, 1995, the Company  believes it has  appropriately  recorded all
         known costs  related to  environmental  matters,  including the minimum
         amounts where the estimated costs are within a range, and are primarily
         accrued  in  other   current   liabilities.   However,   actual  future
         environmental    related   expenditures   are   subject   to   numerous
         uncertainties,  including  the  discovery of  additional  environmental
         concerns,  further  development  of cost  estimates,  new and  changing
         environmental laws and requirements, or new interpretations of existing
         laws and  requirements.  Accordingly,  there can be no  assurance  that
         future environmental related expenditures will not exceed the Company's
         current  estimates,  or that  they will not have a  materially  adverse
         effect on the Company.


Item 6   a. Exhibits

        3.1     Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation of the Company
        3.2     Amended and Restated Bylaws of the Company
        27      Financial Data Schedule

         b. Current reports on Form 8-K



Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                        ELEXSYS INTERNATIONAL, INC.

Date: August 14, 1995                       By: /s/ Michael S. Shimada
      ---------------                           ----------------------
                                            Michael S. Shimada
                                            Chief Financial Officer
                                            (Principal Financial Officer
                                            and Duly Authorized Officer)