FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                         Contact: Gary Riepl


St. Louis, MO, April 25, 1994 . . . Jefferson Smurfit Corporation
announced preliminary financial results for the first quarter of
1994.  For the three months ended March 31, 1994, the Company's net
sales decreased 1.1% to $727.7 million compared to $735.9 million
for the same period last year, its income from operations increased
17.6% to $46.8 million compared to $39.8 million last year and its
net loss decreased to $11.8 million compared to a net loss of $32.0
million last year.  

The decrease in net sales was due primarily to the shutdown of
several of the Company's operating facilities which have
experienced continuing poor performance over the last several
years, including the Lockland, Ohio coated recycled boxboard mill,
two folding carton plants, three shipping container plants and two
reclamation facilities.  The shutdowns were provided for in the
Company's Restructuring Program announced last September.  The
Company believes that much of the improvement in operating income
for 1994, in addition to that resulting from the shutdown of the
facilities listed above, was due to the Company's new six year plan
to reduce costs, increase volume and improve product mix.  The net
loss for the three months ended March 31, 1993 included a loss of
$16.5 million for the cumulative effects of accounting changes
related to the adoption of SFAS No. 106, "Employers' Accounting for
Postretirement Benefits Other Than Pensions" and SFAS No. 109,
"Accounting for Income Taxes".

Jefferson Smurfit Corporation, headquartered in St. Louis,
Missouri, is one of the nation's most broadly based paper,
paperboard and packaging companies.  JSC operates 147 mills and
converting facilities in the United States, Canada, Mexico and
Puerto Rico.