WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-K

    X                OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
                   For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2000


                         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
                        For the transition period from to

                         Commission File Number 0-25280
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

               New York                                        13-5570651
    (State or other jurisdiction of                         (I.R.S. Employer
     incorporation or organization)                        Identification No.)

1290 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York                     10104
  (Address of principal executive offices)                        (Zip Code)

        Registrant's telephone number, including area code (212) 554-1234

           Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:

                                                    Name of each exchange on
          Title of each class                           which registered
- ----------------------------------------------  --------------------------------
                    None                                             None

           Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:
                    Common Stock (Par Value $1.25 Per Share)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the  registrant  was
required  to file  such  reports),  and  (2) has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days.  Yes X     No

Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent  filers  pursuant to Item 405
of Regulation  S-K is not contained  herein,  and will not be contained,  to the
best of registrant's  knowledge,  in definitive proxy or information  statements
incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any amendment to this
Form 10-K.  X

No  voting  or  non-voting   common   equity  of  the   registrant  is  held  by
non-affiliates of the registrant as of March 26, 2001.

As of March 26, 2001,  2,000,000  shares of the  registrant's  Common Stock were


                                TABLE OF CONTENTS
Part I                                                                             Page
Item 1.         Business.........................................................  1-1
                Overview.........................................................  1-1
                Recent Events....................................................  1-1
                Segment Information..............................................  1-2
                Discontinued Operations..........................................  1-5
                General Account Investment Portfolio.............................  1-5
                Employees and Financial Professionals............................  1-6
                Competition......................................................  1-6
                Regulation.......................................................  1-6
                Parent Company...................................................  1-8

Item 2.         Properties.......................................................  2-1
Item 3.         Legal Proceedings................................................  3-1
Item 4.         Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders*.............  4-1

Part II

Item 5.         Market for Registrant's Common Equity and Related Stockholders
                  Matters........................................................  5-1
Item 6.         Selected Financial Data*.........................................  6-1
Item 7.         Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
                  Results of Operations ("Management Narrative").................  7-1
Item 7A.        Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk.......  7A-1
Item 8.         Financial Statements and Supplementary Data......................  FS-1
Item 9.         Changes In and Disagreements With Accountants On Accounting and
                  Financial Disclosure...........................................  9-1

Part III

Item 10.        Directors and Executive Officers of the Registrant*..............  10-1
Item 11.        Executive Compensation*..........................................  11-1
Item 12.        Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and
                  Management*....................................................  12-1
Item 13.        Certain Relationships and Related Transactions*..................  13-1

Part IV

Item 14.        Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules, and Reports on
                  Form 8-K.......................................................  14-1

Signatures      .................................................................  S-1
Index to
Exhibits        .................................................................  E-1

*Omitted pursuant to General Instruction I to Form 10-K

Part I, Item 1.
                                   BUSINESS 1


Equitable Life, which was established in the State of New York in 1859, is among
the largest life insurance  companies in the United States, with more than three
million  policy and  contractholders  as of December 31, 2000.  Equitable  Life,
through its ownership of an approximate  39% economic interest in Alliance and
its affiliation with AXA, AXA Advisors and AXA Network, is part of a diversified
financial services organization offering a broad spectrum of financial advisory,
insurance and investment management services.  The Company is one of the world's
largest asset managers,  with total assets under  management of  approximately $
483.08  billion at December  31,  2000.  Equitable  Life's  insurance  business,
conducted  principally  by Equitable Life and its  subsidiaries  EOC and EDI, is
reported in the Insurance segment. The investment  management business conducted
by  Alliance   Capital   Management   L.P.,  a  Delaware   limited   partnership
("Alliance"),  is reported in the Investment  Services  segment.  For additional
information on Equitable Life's business segments,  see the management narrative
("Management  Narrative")  provided  in lieu  of  "Management's  Discussion  and
Analysis of Financial  Condition and Results of Operations - Combined  Operating
Results  by  Segment"  and  Notes 1 and 18 of  Notes to  Consolidated  Financial
Statements.  Operating results and segment  information are presented on a basis
which adjusts amounts as reported in the consolidated GAAP financial  statements
to include Discontinued Operations and to exclude investment  gains/losses,  net
of related  DAC and other  charges,  and the effect of unusual or  non-recurring
events  and  transactions.   For  additional   information   relating  to  these
adjustments,  see  "Management  Narrative -  General".  Since  Equitable  Life's
demutualization  in 1992,  it has been a wholly owned  subsidiary of the Holding
Company.  AXA, a French holding company for an international  group of insurance
and  related  financial  services  companies,  is  the  Holding  Company's  sole
shareholder.  AXA is subject to the  reporting  requirements  of the  Securities
Exchange  Act of 1934  and  files  annual  reports  on Form  20-F.  See  "Parent

Recent Events

In July 2000,  Equitable Life  transferred,  at no gain or loss, all the risk of
its  directly  written  disability  income  business for years 1993 and prior to
Centre Life Insurance  Company, a subsidiary of Zurich Financial  Services.  The
transfer  of  risk  to  Centre  Life  was  accomplished   through  an  indemnity
reinsurance  contract.  The cost of the  arrangement  will be amortized over the
expected lives of the contracts reinsured and will not have a significant impact
on the results of operations in any specific period.

In October 2000,  Alliance  completed its  acquisition of Sanford C.  Bernstein,
Inc.  ("Bernstein")  for an aggregate  value of $3.50 billion  ($1.48 billion in
cash and 40.8 million newly issued Alliance Units). The Holding Company provided
Alliance with the cash portion of the consideration by purchasing  approximately
32.6 million newly issued  Alliance  Units for $1.60  billion in June 2000.  AXA
Financial's  consolidated  economic  interest in Alliance was  approximately 53%
upon  consummation of the Bernstein  acquisition,  including the 39% held by the

On November  3, 2000,  the  Company  and the  Holding  Company  sold their 63.0%
interest in Donaldson,  Lufkin & Jenrette,  Inc.  ("DLJ") to Credit Suisse Group
("CSG").  The Company  received $1.05 billion in cash and $2.19 billion (or 11.4
million shares) in CSG common stock.  The value of the stock  consideration  was
based on the exchange rate and stock price at the time the  transaction  closed.
CSG repurchased $530.2 million (2.8 million shares) of its common stock from the
Company at closing,  and the Company has since disposed of all of the CSG common
stock acquired in the transaction.

1 As used in this Form 10-K, the term  "Equitable  Life" refers to The Equitable
Life  Assurance  Society of the United  States,  a New York stock life insurance
corporation,  "Holding  Company"  refers  to AXA  Financial,  Inc.,  a  Delaware
corporation  formerly  known  as  The  Equitable  Companies  Incorporated,  "AXA
Financial" refers to the Holding Company and its subsidiaries, and the "Company"
refers to Equitable Life and its consolidated subsidiaries.  The term "Insurance
Group" refers  collectively  to Equitable  Life and certain of its  subsidiaries
engaged in  insurance-related  businesses,  including The Equitable of Colorado,
Inc.  ("EOC") and Equitable  Distributors,  Inc.  ("EDI").  The term  "Financial
Advisory/Insurance  Group" refers  collectively to Equitable Life, EOC, EDI, AXA
Advisors,  LLC, a Delaware limited liability  company ("AXA Advisors"),  and AXA
Network,  LLC,  a  Delaware  limited  liability  company  and  its  subsidiaries
(collectively  "AXA Network").  The term "General  Account" refers to the assets
held in the respective general accounts of Equitable Life and EOC and all of the
investment assets held in certain of Equitable Life's separate accounts on which
the Insurance  Group bears the investment  risk.  The term  "Separate  Accounts"
refers to the Separate Account investment assets of Equitable Life excluding the
assets held in those  separate  accounts on which the Insurance  Group bears the
investment risk. The term "General Account  Investment  Assets" refers to assets
held in the General  Account  associated with the Insurance  Group's  continuing
operations (which includes the Closed Block) and does not include assets held in
the General Account associated primarily with the Insurance Group's discontinued
Wind-Up Annuity line of business ("Discontinued Operations").

In November  2000,  AXA and AXA Merger Corp. (a wholly owned  subsidiary of AXA)
commenced a joint  exchange  offer for all  outstanding  publicly held shares of
common stock of the Holding Company for 0.295 of an American Depositary Share of
AXA and $35.75 net to the seller in cash per Holding Company common share. After
giving effect to the  acquisition of Holding  Company shares tendered during the
initial  and  subsequent  offering  periods,  AXA  and  its  subsidiaries  owned
approximately  92.4% of the issued and outstanding  Holding Company shares as of
December 31, 2000. On January 2, 2001, AXA Merger Corp. was merged with and into
the Holding  Company,  resulting in the Holding Company  becoming a wholly owned
subsidiary of AXA.

In recent years AXA Financial has implemented a number of strategic initiatives.
In 1999, the Holding Company changed its name to "AXA Financial, Inc." to better
communicate the broad range of products and services offered by its subsidiaries
and to embody the  positive  attributes  of a global  company  with  significant
resources.  AXA Advisors, the successor to EQ Financial Consultants,  Inc., is a
significant  new brand for AXA  Financial  that focuses on the  development  and
management of retail customer  relationships  with a greater  emphasis on advice
and financial planning.  AXA Network,  successor to EquiSource of New York, Inc.
and its  subsidiaries,  was  established  in first  quarter 2000 as an insurance
general  agency  for the sale,  on a retail  basis,  of  insurance  products  of
Equitable Life and unaffiliated insurance companies.

Segment Information


The   Insurance   Group   offers  a  variety  of   traditional,   variable   and
interest-sensitive  life  insurance  products and  variable  and  fixed-interest
annuity products to individuals, small groups, small and medium-size businesses,
state  and  local  governments  and   not-for-profit   organizations.   It  also
administers  traditional  participating  group annuity contracts with conversion
features, generally for corporate qualified pension plans, and association plans
which provide full service retirement  programs for individuals  affiliated with
professional and trade associations. This segment includes Separate Accounts for
individual  and group  insurance and annuity  products.  The  Insurance  segment
accounted for  approximately  $5.66 billion (or 68.9% of total segment revenues)
for the year ended December 31, 2000.  AXA Advisors,  a  broker-dealer,  and AXA
Network,  an insurance  general agency,  market Insurance  segment products on a
retail basis in all 50 states,  the  District of  Columbia,  Puerto Rico and the
U.S.  Virgin  Islands  through  more  than  7,500  financial  professionals.  In
addition,  EDI,  a  broker-dealer  subsidiary  of  Equitable  Life,  distributes
Equitable  Life products on a wholesale  basis through major  securities  firms,
other  broker-dealers  and banks.  Association  plans are  marketed  directly to
clients by the Insurance Group. For additional  information on this segment, see
"Management Narrative - Combined Operating Results by Segment - Insurance", Note
18 of Notes to  Consolidated  Financial  Statements,  as well as "Employees  and
Agents", "Competition" and "Regulation".

Products and  Services.  The  Insurance  Group offers a portfolio of  insurance,
annuity and investment products designed to meet a broad range of its customers'
needs throughout their financial life-cycles.  These products include individual
variable and  interest-sensitive  life insurance  policies and variable  annuity
contracts,  which in 2000 accounted for 18.2% and 66.6%,  respectively  of total
life  insurance and annuity  sales.  The Insurance  Group is among the country's
leading issuers of variable life insurance and variable annuity products.

Variable life insurance  products  include  Incentive Life sm,  Equitable Life's
flagship life insurance product, as well as a second-to-die policy and a product
for the corporate  owned life  insurance  ("COLI")  market.  Equitable Life also
offers traditional whole life insurance,  universal life insurance and term life
insurance policies.

Variable  annuity  products  include  Equi-Vest(R) and Accumulator sm, which are
individual  variable  deferred  annuities,  and the  Momentumsm  series of group
annuities for the employer retirement plan market. Individual deferred annuities
may be purchased on either a single or flexible  premium basis;  group annuities
generally  have  recurring  premium from the  retirement  plans they fund.  Most
individual  variable annuity products offer one or more enhanced features,  such
as an extra-credit to the initial account value, a dollar cost averaging account
that pays an above-market  rate of interest while new money is being transferred
into investment  portfolios,  an enhanced death benefit (Protection Plus(R)) and
Equitable Life's  baseBuilder(R)  minimum  guaranteed income benefit.  Equitable
Life also offers individual single premium deferred  annuities,  which credit an
initial and subsequent  annually  declared  interest  rates,  and payout annuity
products which include  traditional  life  annuities,  variable life  annuities,
which provide lifetime  periodic payments that fluctuate with the performance of
underlying  investment  portfolios,  and the Income  Manager sm, which  provides
guaranteed lifetime payments with cash values during an initial period.


The continued growth of third-party  assets under management remains a strategic
objective of the Insurance Group,  which seeks to increase the percentage of its
income that is fee-based and derived from  managing  funds,  including  Separate
Account assets, for its clients (who bear the investment risk and reward).  Over
the past five years,  Separate  Account assets for individual  variable life and
variable  annuities  have  increased  by $30.29  billion  to $43.45  billion  at
December 31, 2000,  including  approximately  $41.43 billion invested through EQ
Advisors  Trust  ("EQAT"),  a mutual  fund  offering  variable  life and annuity
contractholders  investment  portfolios  advised by Alliance and by unaffiliated
investment advisors. At December 31, 2000, EQAT had 44 investment portfolios, 16
of which were managed by Alliance, representing 81.2% of the assets in EQAT, and
28 of which were managed by  unaffiliated  investment  advisors.  Equitable Life
serves as Investment Manager of EQAT and is in the process of developing a brand
of retail mutual funds.

In addition to products  issued by the  Insurance  Group,  AXA  Advisors and AXA
Network  provide  their  financial  professionals  with access to  products  and
services from unaffiliated insurers and from other financial services firms. AXA
Advisors also offers financial  planning  services,  an asset management account
and money management products.

Markets.  Targeted  customers for the Company's  products  include  affluent and
emerging  affluent  individuals  such  as  professionals  and  owners  of  small
businesses, as well as employees of public schools, universities, not-for-profit
entities and certain other  tax-exempt  organizations,  and existing  customers.
Variable life insurance is targeted particularly at executive benefit plans, the
estate planning market and the market for business continuation needs (e.g., the
use  of  variable  life  insurance  to  fund  buy/sell  agreements  and  similar
arrangements),  as well as the  middle-to-upper  income life protection markets.

Target  markets for  variable  annuities  include,  in addition to the  personal
retirement savings market, the tax-exempt markets (particularly retirement plans
for  educational  and  non-profit   organizations),   corporate   pension  plans
(particularly  401(k) defined contribution plans covering 25 to 3,000 employees)
and the IRA  retirement  planning  market.  The Income Manager series of annuity
products includes products designed to address the growing market of those at or
near retirement who need to convert  retirement  savings into retirement income.
Mutual  funds and other  investment  products are intended for new and existing
financial  planning,  annuity and brokerage  clients to add breadth and depth to
the range of products the Insurance Group is able to provide.

Distribution.  Retail  distribution  of products and services is accomplished by
more than 7,500  financial  professionals  of AXA  Advisors  and/or AXA  Network
organized  into 18  geographic  regions  across  the  United  States.  Wholesale
distribution  of products is undertaken  through EDI, which at year end 2000 had
461 selling agreements, including arrangements with five major securities firms,
61 banks or similar financial institutions, and 395 broker-dealers.  Three major
securities  firms  were  responsible  for  approximately  18.0%,  11.2% and 6.4%
respectively  of  EDI's  2000  premiums.   In  2000,  EDI  was  responsible  for
approximately 40.3% of product sales.

Equitable Life has entered into agreements  pursuant to which it compensates AXA
Advisors  and AXA  Network  for  distributing  and  servicing  Equitable  Life's
products.   The  agreements  provide  that  compensation  will  not  exceed  any
limitations imposed by applicable law. Equitable Life agreements provide to each
of AXA Advisors and AXA Network  personnel,  property,  and services  reasonably
necessary for their operations.  AXA Advisors and AXA Network pay Equitable Life
their actual costs  (direct and  indirect)  and  expenses  under the  respective

Reinsurance.   The  Insurance   Group  now  cedes  90%  of  mortality   risk  on
substantially all new variable life, universal life and term life policies,  and
generally  limits risk retention on new policies to a maximum of $5.0 million on
single-life policies, and $15.0 million on second-to-die  policies. New policies
are automatically reinsured,  subject to limits that range from $25.0 million to
$50.0 million per policy,  depending  upon the product.  A contingent  liability
exists with respect to reinsurance ceded should the reinsurers be unable to meet
their  obligations.  Therefore,  the  Insurance  Group  carefully  evaluates the
financial  condition of its  reinsurers to minimize its exposure to  significant
losses from reinsurer insolvencies. The Insurance Group is not party to any risk
reinsurance  arrangement  with any  reinsurer  pursuant  to which the  amount of
reserves on reinsurance ceded to such reinsurer equals more than 2% of the total
policy life reserves of the Insurance Group (including Separate Accounts).


The Insurance Group acts as a retrocessionaire by assuming life reinsurance from
reinsurers.  Mortality  risk  through  reinsurance  assumed  is  limited to $5.0
million on single-life  policies and on second-to-die  policies.  For additional
information  on the Insurance  Group's  reinsurance  agreements,  see Note 11 of
Notes to Consolidated  Financial  Statements.

Investment Services

General.  The Investment  Services segment comprises the operations of Alliance,
which provides  diversified  investment  management and related  services to the
Insurance  Group  and  to  a  broad  range  of  other  clients,   including  (a)
institutional  investors,  consisting of unaffiliated entities such as corporate
and public  employee  pension  funds,  endowment  funds,  domestic  and  foreign
institutions  and  governments,  by means  of  separate  accounts,  sub-advisory
relationships   resulting  from  the  efforts  of  the  institutional  marketing
department,  structured products,  group trusts, and mutual funds and classes of
mutual fund shares sold  exclusively  to  institutional  investors  and high net
worth   individuals,   (b)  private  clients,   consisting  of  high  net  worth
individuals, trusts and estates, charitable foundations,  partnerships,  private
and family corporations and other entities, by means of separate accounts, hedge
funds, and certain other vehicles,  (c) individual  investors by means of retail
mutual funds  sponsored by  Alliance,  its  subsidiaries  and  affiliated  joint
venture companies  including cash management products such as money market funds
and deposit accounts and  sub-advisory  relationships in respect of mutual funds
sponsored by third parties  resulting from the efforts of Alliance's mutual fund
marketing  department  and "wrap"  products and (d)  institutional  investors by
means of in-depth  research,  portfolio  strategy trading and  brokerage-related
services.   Alliance  and  its  subsidiaries   provide  investment   management,
distribution  and  shareholder and  administrative  services to the mutual funds
described in this  paragraph.  The  acquisition  of  Bernstein,  a leading value
investment manager,  complements Alliance's growth investment orientation,  adds
significantly to the base of high net worth clients and provides Alliance with a
new institutional  research  function.  The Investment  Services segment in 2000
accounted for approximately  $2.55 billion (or 31.1% of total segment revenues).
As of December 31, 2000,  Alliance had  approximately  $453.68 billion in assets
under  management  including  approximately  $253.54 billion from  institutional
investors,  $36.83 billion for private clients and approximately $163.31 billion
from retail mutual fund  accounts.  As of December 31, 2000,  assets of AXA, the
Holding  Company  and  the  Insurance  Group,  including  investments  in  EQAT,
represented  approximately 15% of Alliance's total assets under management,  and
approximately 6% of Alliance's total revenues.

Interest in Alliance. At December 31, 2000, the Holding Company,  Equitable Life
and certain  subsidiaries  had combined  holdings  equaling an  approximate  53%
economic interest in Alliance's  operations,  including the general  partnership
interest  held  indirectly  by  Equitable  Life as the sole  shareholder  of the
general partner of Alliance Holding and Alliance. Alliance Holding is subject to
an annual 3.5%  Federal  tax on its  proportionate  share of the gross  business
income of Alliance.  Alliance, as a private partnership,  is not subject to this
3.5% tax.  Alliance  Holding and Alliance are generally not subject to state and
local  income  taxes,  with the  exception  of the New York City  unincorporated
business tax of 4%.

For additional information about Alliance,  including its results of operations,
see "Regulation"  and "Management  Narrative - Combined Results of Operations by
Segment - Investment  Management" and Alliance's  Annual Report on Form 10-K for
the year ended December 31, 2000.

Assets Under  Management and Fees. The Company  continues to pursue its strategy
of  increasing  third party assets under  management.  The  Investment  Services
segment  continues to add third party assets  under  management,  and to provide
asset  management  services to the Insurance  Group.  Of the $483.08  billion of
assets under  management at December 31, 2000,  $445.34  billion (or 92.2%) were
managed for third parties,  including  $393.63 billion from  unaffiliated  third
parties and $51.71  billion for the Insurance  Group's  Separate  Accounts,  and
$37.74  billion were  managed  principally  for the  Insurance  Group's  General
Accounts and invested assets of  subsidiaries.  Of the $1.69 billion of fees for
assets under  management  received for the year ended  December 31, 2000,  $1.65
billion  were  received  from  third  parties,   including  $1.54  billion  from
unaffiliated  third parties and $113.3 million in respect of Separate  Accounts,
and $38.6 million in respect of the General Account. For additional  information
on assets  under  management,  see  "Management  Narrative - Combined  Operating
Results by Segment - Assets Under Management."


Discontinued Operations

Discontinued  Operations includes primarily Wind-Up Annuity products,  the terms
of which  were  fixed  at  issue,  which  were  sold to  corporate  sponsors  of
terminating qualified defined benefit plans. These contracts have fixed maturity
dates on which funds are to be returned to the  contractholder.  At December 31,
2000,  $966.8  million  of  contractholder  liabilities  were  outstanding.  For
additional  information about  discontinued  operations,  see Note 8 of Notes to
Consolidated Financial Statements.

General Account Investment Portfolio

General.  The  Insurance  Group's  General  Accounts  consist  of a  diversified
portfolio of investments.  The General  Account  liabilities can be divided into
two  primary  types,  participating  and  non-participating.  For  participating
products, the investment results of the underlying assets determine,  to a large
extent,  the return to the  policyholder,  and the Insurance Group's profits are
earned  from   investment   management,   mortality  and  other   charges.   For
non-participating or interest-sensitive  products, the Insurance Group's profits
are  earned  from a  positive  spread  between  the  investment  return  and the
crediting or reserve interest rate.

The Insurance Group has developed an  asset/liability  management  approach with
separate investment objectives for specific classes of product liabilities, such
as insurance, annuity and group pension. As part of this approach, the Insurance
Group develops investment  guidelines for each product line which form the basis
for investment  strategies to manage such product line's  investment  return and
liquidity   requirements,   consistent  with  management's   overall  investment
objectives for the General Account Investment Portfolio.  Investments frequently
meet the  investment  objectives of more than one class of product  liabilities;
each such class may be allocated a pro rata interest in such investments and the
returns therefrom.

The  Closed  Block  assets  are a part of  continuing  operations  and have been
combined in the Management Narrative on a line-by-line basis with assets outside
of the Closed  Block.  Therefore,  the Closed  Block  assets are included in the
table below.  Most  individual  investments  in the  portfolios of  Discontinued
Operations  are also included in General  Account  Investment  Assets.  For more
information  on the  Closed  Block,  see Notes 2 and 7 of Notes to  Consolidated
Financial Statements.

The  following  table  summarizes  General  Account  Investment  Assets by asset
category at December 31, 2000.

                        General Account Investment Assets
                               Net Amortized Cost
                              (Dollars in Millions)

                                                 Amount             % of Total
                                            ------------------   ------------------
Fixed maturities(1)....................     $      21,477.0              61.8%
Mortgages..............................             5,090.8              14.6
Equity real estate.....................             1,025.5               3.0
Other equity investments...............             1,000.4               2.9
Policy loans...........................             4,034.0              11.6
Cash and short-term investments(2).....             2,136.3               6.1
                                            -----------------    ------------------
Total..................................     $      34,764.0             100.0%
                                            =================    ==================
(1) Excludes unrealized gains of $48.4 million on fixed maturities classified as
available for sale. Fixed maturities  includes  approximately  $2.20 billion net
amortized cost of below investment grade securities.
(2) Comprised of "Cash and cash equivalents" and short-term investments included
within the "Other invested assets" caption on the consolidated balance sheet.

Investment Surveillance.  As part of the Insurance Group's investment management
process, management, with the assistance of its investment advisors,  constantly
monitors General Account  investment  performance.  This internal review process
culminates  with a quarterly  review of certain assets by the Insurance  Group's
Surveillance  Committee which  evaluates  whether any investments are other than
temporarily  impaired,  whether  specific  investments  should be  classified as
problems,  potential problems or restructures,  and whether specific investments
should be put on an interest non-accrual basis.


Employees and Financial Professionals

As of December 31, 2000, the Insurance Group had  approximately  5,500 employees
and Alliance had  approximately  4,400  employees.  In addition,  the  Financial
Advisory/Insurance Group had more than 7,500 financial professionals,  including
approximately 350 field force managers.


Insurance Group. There is strong competition among companies seeking clients for
the types of insurance, annuity and group pension products sold by the Insurance
Group.  Many other  insurance  companies  offer one or more products  similar to
those offered by the Insurance Group and in some cases through similar marketing
techniques.  In addition,  there is competition  with banks and other  financial
institutions for sales of insurance,  annuity and other investment  products and
with mutual  funds,  investment  advisers and other  financial  entities for the
investment of savings dollars.  The principal  competitive factors affecting the
Insurance Group's business are price, financial and claims-paying ratings, size,
strength,  professionalism  and objectivity of the sales force, range of product
lines, product quality, reputation and visibility in the marketplace, quality of
service and,  with respect to variable  insurance and annuity  products,  mutual
funds and other investment products, investment management performance.

Ratings are an important  factor in  establishing  the  competitive  position of
insurance  companies.  As of  December  31,  2000,  the  financial  strength  or
claims-paying rating of Equitable Life was AA from Standard & Poor's Corporation
(3rd highest of 22 ratings),  Aa3 from Moody's Investors Service (4th highest of
21 ratings), A+ from A.M. Best Company, Inc. (2nd highest of 16 ratings), and AA
from Fitch Investors Service, L.P. (3rd highest of 24 ratings).

Management from time to time explores selective acquisition opportunities in AXA
Financial's insurance and investment management businesses.

Investment  Services.  The financial services industry is highly competitive and
new entrants continually are attracted to it. No single competitor, or any small
group of  competitors,  is  dominant  in the  industry.  Alliance  is subject to
substantial   competition  in  all  aspects  of  its  business.   Pension  fund,
institutional  and corporate assets are managed by investment  management firms,
broker-dealers,   banks  and  insurance  companies.   Many  of  these  financial
institutions  have  substantially  greater  resources  than  Alliance.  Alliance
competes with other providers of institutional  investment products primarily on
the  basis  of  the  range  of  investment  products  offered,   the  investment
performance of such products, and the services provided to clients.  Consultants
also play a major role in the selection of managers for pension funds.

Many of the firms competing with Alliance for  institutional  clients also offer
mutual  fund  shares  and cash  management  services  to  individual  investors.
Competitiveness  in this area is chiefly a function of the range of mutual funds
and  cash  management  services  offered,  investment  performance,  quality  in
servicing customer accounts and the capacity to provide financial  incentives to
financial  intermediaries  through  distribution  assistance and  administrative
services payments funded by "Rule 12b-1"  distribution  plans and the investment
adviser's own resources.

AXA,  AXA  Financial,  Equitable  Life and certain of their  direct and indirect
subsidiaries  provide  financial  products  and  services,  some  of  which  are
competitive  with those offered by Alliance.  Alliance's  partnership  agreement
specifically  allows Equitable Life and its subsidiaries (other than the general
partner of Alliance ) to compete with Alliance and to exploit opportunities that
may  be  available  to  Alliance.  In  addition,  Alliance  provides  investment
management services to unaffiliated insurance companies.


State  Supervision.  Members of the  Insurance  Group are  licensed  to transact
insurance  business in, and are subject to extensive  regulation and supervision
by,  insurance  regulators  in all 50 of the  United  States,  the  District  of
Columbia,  Puerto Rico, the U.S.  Virgin Islands and Canada and nine of Canada's
twelve provinces and territories. Equitable Life is domiciled in New York and is
primarily regulated by the Superintendent (the "Superintendent") of the New York
Insurance Department (the "NYID"). EOC is domiciled in Colorado and is primarily
regulated  by  the  Commissioner  of  Insurance  of  the  Colorado  Division  of
Insurance.  The extent of state regulation  varies,  but most jurisdictions have
laws and regulations governing sales practices, standards of solvency, levels of
reserves, risk-based capital, permitted types and concentrations of investments,
and business  conduct to be maintained  by insurance  companies as well as agent
licensing,  approval  of policy  forms  and,  for  certain  lines of  insurance,
approval or filing of rates.  Additionally,  the New York  Insurance  Law limits


sales  commissions and certain other marketing  expenses that may be incurred by
Equitable  Life.  Each of  Equitable  Life and EOC is required to file  detailed
annual financial  statements,  prepared on a statutory  accounting  basis,  with
supervisory  agencies in each of the  jurisdictions  in which it does  business.
Such agencies may conduct regular or targeted  examinations of Equitable  Life's
and EOC's operations and accounts,  and make occasional  requests for particular
information  from the  Insurance  Group.  In January  1998 the Florida  Attorney
General and the Florida  Department of Insurance  issued  subpoenas to Equitable
Life,  and in December 1999 the Florida  Attorney  General  issued an additional
subpoena  to  Equitable  Life,  in each case  requesting,  among  other  things,
documents  relating to various sales practices.  Equitable Life has responded to
the subpoenas.  A number of states have enacted  legislation  requiring insurers
who sold  policies  in Europe  prior to and during the Second  World War to file
information concerning those policies with state authorities. Although Equitable
Life intends to comply with these laws with respect to its own  activities,  the
ability of AXA and its European  affiliates to comply may be impacted by privacy
laws in  effect in  various  European  countries,  which  could  result in state
regulatory  authorities  seeking to take enforcement actions against AXA and its
U.S.  affiliates,  including Equitable Life, even though Equitable Life does not
control AXA.

Holding Company and Shareholder Dividend Regulation.  Several states,  including
New York,  regulate  transactions  between an insurer and its  affiliates  under
insurance   holding  company  acts.   These  acts  contain   certain   reporting
requirements and restrictions on provision of services and on transactions, such
as asset  transfers,  loans  and  shareholder  dividend  payments  by  insurers.
Depending on their size, such  transactions and payments may be subject to prior
notice or  approval  by the NYID.  Equitable  Life has agreed with the NYID that
similar approval  requirements  also apply to transactions  between (i) material
subsidiaries  of  Equitable  Life  and (ii) AXA  Client  Solutions,  LLC and the
Holding Company (and certain affiliates,  including AXA). In 2000 Equitable Life
paid  shareholder  dividends  of $250  million,  and expects to pay  substantial
additional dividends in 2001, including $1.5 billion in early April 2001.

Statutory  Surplus and  Capital.  Insurance  regulators  have the  discretionary
authority to limit or prohibit new issuances of business to policyholders within
their jurisdiction when, in their judgment,  such regulators  determine that the
issuing company is not maintaining adequate statutory surplus or capital.

In 1998, the NAIC adopted the  Codification of Statutory  Accounting  Principles
("Codification").  Codification  provides  regulators  and insurers with uniform
statutory guidance,  addressing areas where statutory  accounting was previously
silent and changing  certain  existing  statutory  positions.  The NYID recently
adopted Regulation 72 implementing a version of Codification,  effective January
1, 2001,  but did not adopt several key  provisions of  Codification,  including
deferred  income  taxes and the  establishment  of  goodwill  as an  asset.  The
application of these rules as adopted by New York currently is estimated to have
no  significant  effect on Equitable  Life.  The  Insurance  Group  expects that
statutory  surplus  after  adoption will continue to be in excess of the minimum
regulatory risk-based capital levels required to avoid regulatory action.

Federal Initiatives. Although the Federal government generally does not directly
regulate  the  insurance  business,  many  Federal laws affect the business in a
variety of ways.  There are a number of  existing,  newly  enacted  or  recently
proposed Federal initiatives which may significantly affect the Insurance Group,
including  employee benefits  regulation,  removal of barriers  preventing banks
from engaging in the insurance  and mutual fund  businesses  and the taxation of
insurance  products.  The  Administration's  tax proposals announced in February
2001 contain provisions which, if enacted, could have an adverse impact on sales
of life insurance in connection with estate planning. Other proposals could have
a  positive  impact on  funding  levels of tax  qualified  retirement  products.
Management cannot predict what other proposals may be made, what legislation, if
any,  may be  introduced  or enacted or what the effect of any such  legislation
might be.

Securities Laws. Equitable Life, EOC, and certain policies and contracts offered
by the Insurance  Group are subject to regulation  under the Federal  securities
laws  administered  by the  Securities and Exchange  Commission  (the "SEC") and
under certain state securities  laws. The SEC conducts  regular  examinations of
the Insurance Group's  operations,  and makes occasional requests for particular
information  from the Insurance Group.  Certain  Separate  Accounts of Equitable
Life are registered as investment  companies under the Investment Company Act of
1940, as amended (the  "Investment  Company Act").  Separate  Account  interests
under certain annuity contracts and insurance  policies issued by Equitable Life
are  also  registered  under  the  Securities  Act  of  1933,  as  amended  (the
"Securities Act"). AXA Advisors, EDI, Alliance Fund Distributors,  Inc., Sanford
C.  Bernstein & Co., LLC and certain  other  subsidiaries  of AXA  Financial are
registered  as  broker-dealers  (collectively  the  "Broker-Dealers")  under the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act").


The  Broker-Dealers  are subject to  extensive  regulation  by the SEC,  and are
members of, and subject to regulation by, the NASD.  Broker-dealers  are subject
to regulation by state securities  administrators  in those states in which they
conduct business. The SEC, other governmental regulatory authorities,  including
state securities  administrators,  and the NASD may institute  administrative or
judicial  proceedings  which may  result  in  censure,  fine,  the  issuance  of
cease-and-desist  orders,  the  suspension  or expulsion of a  broker-dealer  or
member, its officers or employees or other similar consequences.

As broker-dealers registered with the SEC, the Broker-Dealers are subject to the
capital  requirements of the SEC and/or NASD. These capital requirements specify
minimum levels of capital,  computed in accordance with regulatory  requirements
("net capital"), that the Broker-Dealers are required to maintain and also limit
the  amount  of  leverage  that the  Broker-Dealers  are able to obtain in their

Equitable Life, AXA Advisors,  Alliance and certain  affiliates of Alliance also
are registered as investment advisors under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940,
as amended (the  "Investment  Advisers Act").  Many of the investment  companies
managed  by  Alliance,  including  a variety  of mutual  funds and other  pooled
investment  vehicles,  are registered with the SEC under the Investment  Company
Act. All aspects of the investment  advisory  activities of Equitable  Life, AXA
Advisors  and  Alliance  are  subject  to  various  Federal  and state  laws and
regulations  and to the laws in those  foreign  countries  in which they conduct

Parent Company

AXA, the sole shareholder of the Holding Company,  is the holding company for an
international group of insurance and related financial services companies. AXA's
insurance operations include activities in life insurance, property and casualty
insurance and reinsurance.  The insurance operations are diverse geographically,
with  activities   principally  in  Western  Europe,   North  America,  and  the
Asia/Pacific area and, to a lesser extent,  in Africa and South America.  AXA is
also engaged in asset  management,  brokerage,  real estate and other  financial
services  activities  principally in the United  States,  Western Europe and the
Asia/Pacific area.

Neither AXA nor any affiliate of AXA has any  obligation  to provide  additional
capital or credit support to the Holding Company or any of its subsidiaries.

Voting Trust. In connection  with AXA's  application to the  Superintendent  for
approval of its acquisition of capital stock of the Holding Company, AXA and the
initial  Trustees of the Voting Trust (Claude Bebear,  Patrice Garnier and Henri
de Clermont-Tonnerre)  entered into a Voting Trust Agreement dated as of May 12,
1992 (as amended by the First  Amendment  dated  January 22,  1997,  the "Voting
Trust  Agreement").  Pursuant  to  the  Voting  Trust  Agreement,  AXA  and  its
affiliates  ("AXA  Parties") have deposited the shares of the Holding  Company's
Common Stock held by them in the Voting  Trust.  The purpose of the Voting Trust
is to ensure for insurance  regulatory  purposes that certain indirect  minority
shareholders  of AXA  will not be able to  exercise  control  over  the  Holding
Company or Equitable Life.

AXA and any other holder of voting trust certificates will remain the beneficial
owner of the shares  deposited by it,  except that the Trustees will be entitled
to exercise all voting rights  attaching to the deposited shares so long as such
shares remain subject to the Voting Trust. In voting the deposited  shares,  the
Trustees must act to protect the  legitimate  economic  interests of AXA and any
other  holders of voting trust  certificates  (but with a view to ensuring  that
certain indirect  minority  shareholders of AXA do not exercise control over the
Holding Company or Equitable Life). All dividends and distributions  (other than
those  which  are paid in the form of shares  required  to be  deposited  in the
Voting  Trust) in respect  of  deposited  shares  will be paid  directly  to the
holders of voting trust  certificates.  If a holder of voting trust certificates
sells or transfers deposited shares to a person which is not an AXA Party and is
not (and does not, in connection with such sale or transfer, become) a holder of
voting trust certificates,  the shares sold or transferred will be released from
the Voting  Trust.  The Voting  Trust has an initial  term ending in 2002 and is
subject to extension with the prior approval of the Superintendent.


Part I, Item 2.



Equitable Life leases on a long-term basis approximately  830,000 square feet of
office space located at 1290 Avenue of the Americas,  New York, NY, which serves
as the  Holding  Company's  and  Equitable  Life's  headquarters.  Additionally,
Equitable  Life leases an  aggregate  of  approximately  250,000  square feet of
office space at four other  locations in New York,  NY.  Equitable Life also has
the following  significant leases:  244,000 square feet in Secaucus,  NJ under a
lease that expires in 2011 for its Annuity  Operations use;  185,000 square feet
in  Charlotte,  NC,  under a lease that  expires in 2013 for use by its National
Operations  Center;  104,000 square feet in  Alpharetta,  GA, under a lease that
expires in 2006 for its  Distribution  Organizations'  training and support use;
and 67,800 square feet in Leonia, NJ, under a lease that expires in 2009 for its
Information  Technology  processing  use.  In  addition,  Equitable  Life leases
property both  domestically  and abroad,  the majority of which houses sales and
distribution operations. Management believes its facilities are adequate for its
present needs in all material respects. For additional information, see Notes 19
and 20 of Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

Equitable  Life subleases its office space at 1290 Avenue of the Americas to the
New York City Industrial  Development Agency (the "IDA"), and sub-subleases that
space back from the IDA,  in  connection  with the IDA's  granting  of sales tax
benefits to Equitable Life.

Investment Services

Alliance's principal executive offices at 1345 Avenue of the Americas, New York,
NY are occupied pursuant to a lease that extends until 2019.  Alliance currently
occupies  approximately 494,127 square feet of space at this location.  Alliance
also  occupies  approximately  114,097  square  feet of space  at 135 West  50th
Street,  New York,  NY, and  approximately  161,340  square feet of space at 767
Fifth Avenue,  New York,  NY, under leases  expiring in 2016, and 2002 and 2005,
respectively. Alliance also occupies approximately 4,594 square feet of space at
709  Westchester  Avenue,  White Plains,  NY, 42,254 square feet of space at 925
Westchester  Avenue,  White Plains,  NY, 4,341 square feet of space at One North
Broadway,  White  Plains,  NY,  and  128,587  square  feet of space at One North
Lexington, White Plains, NY, under leases expiring in 2008, 2008, 2008 and 2013,
respectively.  Alliance and two of its subsidiaries occupy approximately 134,211
square feet of space in Secaucus,  New Jersey,  approximately 92,067 square feet
of space in San Antonio, Texas, and approximately 60,653 square feet of space in
Scranton,   Pennsylvania,  under  leases  expiring  in  2016,  2009,  and  2005,

Alliance  also  leases  space  in  10  cities  in  the  United  States  and  its
subsidiaries and affiliates lease space in London,  England, Tokyo, Japan and 24
other cities outside the United States.


Part I, Item 3.

                                LEGAL PROCEEDINGS

A number of lawsuits  have been filed  against  life and health  insurers in the
jurisdictions in which Equitable Life and its subsidiaries do business involving
insurers' sales practices, alleged agent misconduct, alleged failure to properly
supervise agents,  and other matters.  Some of the lawsuits have resulted in the
award of  substantial  judgments  against  other  insurers,  including  material
amounts of punitive  damages,  or in  substantial  settlements.  In some states,
juries have substantial discretion in awarding punitive damages. Equitable Life,
Equitable  Variable  Life  Insurance  Company  ("EVLICO,"  which was merged into
Equitable Life  effective  January 1, 1997,  but whose  existence  continues for
certain limited purposes, including the defense of litigation) and The Equitable
of Colorado,  Inc.  ("EOC"),  like other life and health insurers,  from time to
time are involved in such litigation.  Among litigations against Equitable Life,
EVLICO and EOC of the type  referred to in this  paragraph  are the  litigations
described in the following six paragraphs.

In January 1996,  an amended  complaint  was filed in an action  entitled  Frank
Franze Jr. and George Busher, individually and on behalf of all others similarly
situated v. The  Equitable  Life  Assurance  Society of the United  States,  and
Equitable  Variable Life Insurance  Company in the United States  District Court
for the Southern District of Florida.  The action was brought by two individuals
who purchased  variable  life  insurance  policies.  The  plaintiffs  purport to
represent a nationwide  class  consisting of all persons who purchased  variable
life insurance policies from Equitable Life and EVLICO since September 30, 1991.
The amended  complaint  alleges that Equitable  Life's and EVLICO's  agents were
trained not to disclose  fully that the product  being sold was life  insurance.
Plaintiffs allege violations of the Federal  securities laws and seek rescission
of the  contracts or  compensatory  damages and  attorneys'  fees and  expenses.
Equitable  Life and EVLICO  have  answered  the amended  complaint,  denying the
material  allegations and asserting certain affirmative  defenses.  In May 1999,
the Magistrate Judge issued a Report and  Recommendation  recommending  that the
District Judge deny Equitable  Life's and EVLICO's  motion for summary  judgment
and grant plaintiffs' motion for class  certification.  In July 1999,  Equitable
Life and EVLICO filed Objections to the Report and Recommendation and urged that
the District Judge reject the Magistrate's  recommendations  and grant Equitable
Life's and EVLICO's motion for summary judgment and deny plaintiffs'  motion for
class   certification.   In  October  2000,  the  District  Judge  affirmed  the
Magistrate's Report and Recommendation and, accordingly, denied Equitable Life's
and  EVILCO's  motion for summary  judgment and granted  plaintiffs'  motion for
class  certification.  Equitable  Life and  EVLICO  have  filed a  petition  for
permission  to appeal the order  denying  summary  judgment and  granting  class

In March  2000,  an action  entitled  Brenda  McEachern  v. The  Equitable  Life
Assurance  Society of the  United  States and Gary  Raymond,  Jr. was  commenced
against  Equitable Life and one of its agents in Circuit  Court,  Mobile County,
Alabama,  and  asserts  claims  under  state law.  The action was  brought by an
individual who alleges that she purchased a variable annuity from Equitable Life
in 1997.  The  action  purports  to be on  behalf of a class  consisting  of all
persons who from January 1, 1989 (i) purchased a variable annuity from Equitable
Life  to  fund  a  qualified   retirement  plan,  (ii)  were  charged  allegedly
unnecessary  fees for tax  deferral  for  variable  annuities  held in qualified
retirement  accounts,  or (iii)  were sold a  variable  annuity  while  owning a
qualified  retirement  plan from Equitable  Life. The complaint  alleges various
improper sales practices,  including  misrepresentations  in connection with the
use of variable annuities in a qualified retirement plan or similar arrangement,
charging  inflated  or hidden  fees,  and failure to  disclose  unnecessary  tax
deferral  fees.  Plaintiff  seeks damages,  including  punitive  damages,  in an
unspecified amount and attorneys' fees and expenses. In May 2000, Equitable Life
removed the case to the United States  District Court for the Southern  District
of Alabama and filed a motion to dismiss the  complaint,  and the  plaintiff has
filed a motion to remand the case to state court.

In June  2000,  an action  entitled  Raymond  Patenaude  v. The  Equitable  Life
Assurance  Society  of the  United  States,  AXA  Advisors,  LLC  and  Equitable
Distributors,  Inc. was commenced in the Superior Court of California, County of
San Diego. The complaint  alleges that the defendants  engaged in fraudulent and
deceptive  practices  in  connection  with the  marketing  and sale of  deferred
annuity products to fund tax-qualified  contributory retirement plans. The named
plaintiff purports to act as a private attorney general on behalf of the general
public of the State of California under California  consumer protection statutes
and also asserts individual  common-law claims. On behalf of the named plaintiff
and the general  public,  the complaint  asserts claims for unlawful,  unfair or
fraudulent business acts and practices and for false or misleading  advertising.
On behalf of the named plaintiff alone, the complaint  alleges claims for fraud,
fraudulent concealment and deceit,  negligent  misrepresentation and negligence.


The complaint seeks  injunctive  relief,  restitution for members of the general
public of the State of California who have been harmed by  defendants'  conduct,
compensatory  and  punitive  damages  on  behalf  of the  named  plaintiff,  and
attorneys'  fees, costs and expenses.  In July 2000, the defendants  removed the
case to the United States District Court for the Southern District of California
and filed a motion to dismiss the complaint. In August 2000, the plaintiff filed
a motion to remand the case to state court.  In October 2000, the District Court
denied  plaintiff's  motion to remand and granted  defendants' motion to dismiss
the action.  In November 2000, the plaintiff  filed a notice of appeal,  and the
defendants  thereafter  filed a motion to dismiss the appeal.  By order filed in
February 2001,  defendants' motion to dismiss the appeal was denied;  defendants
filed a motion for reconsideration in March 2001.

In October 2000, an action entitled Sham Malhotra,  et al. v. The Equitable Life
Assurance  Society  of the  United  States,  AXA  Advisors,  LLC  and  Equitable
Distributors,  Inc. was commenced in the Supreme Court of the State of New York,
County of Nassau.  The  action was  brought  by two  individuals  who  purchased
Equitable Life deferred annuity products. The action purports to be on behalf of
a class  consisting of all persons who purchased an individual  deferred annuity
contract or who received a certificate  to a group  deferred  annuity  contract,
sold by one of the defendants,  which was used to fund a contributory retirement
plan or arrangement qualified for favorable income tax treatment;  excluded from
the class are officers,  directors and agents of the  defendants.  The complaint
alleges that the  defendants  engaged in fraudulent  and deceptive  practices in
connection  with the  marketing  and sale of deferred  annuity  products to fund
tax-qualified  contributory  retirement plans. The complaint asserts claims for:
deceptive  business  acts and  practices  in  violation  of the New York General
Business Law ("GBL");  use of  misrepresentations  and misleading  statements in
violation of the New York  Insurance  Law;  false or misleading  advertising  in
violation  of the GBL;  fraud,  fraudulent  concealment  and  deceit;  negligent
misrepresentation;   negligence;   unjust   enrichment   and   imposition  of  a
constructive  trust;  declaratory and injunctive  relief; and reformation of the
annuity  contracts.  The complaint seeks injunctive and declaratory  relief,  an
unspecified  amount of compensatory  and punitive  damages,  restitution for all
members of the class, and an award of attorneys'  fees,  costs and expenses.  In
October 2000,  the defendants  removed the action to the United States  District
Court for the Eastern  District of New York,  and  thereafter  filed a motion to
dismiss. Plaintiffs filed a motion to remand the case to state court.

In March 2001,  an action  entitled  John E. Wood,  on behalf of himself and all
others  similarly  situated v.  Equitable  Variable Life  Insurance  Company was
commenced  in the  Superior  Court  of  California,  County  of San  Diego.  The
plaintiff  purports to represent a class  consisting of all  policyholders  with
Flexible  Premium  Variable Life Insurance  Policies  similar to the plaintiff's
policy  "issued  at any  time on or  before  May  1987 up to the  present."  The
complaint  alleges  that,  beginning  in or about July 1991,  EVLICO  improperly
increased the cost of insurance  under the policies at issue in order to recover
expenses  incurred  as a result of tax  legislation  that  changed the manner by
which life  insurance  companies  could deduct  policy  acquisition  costs.  The
complaint  alleges claims under California common law for breach of contract and
breach of the duty of good faith and fair dealing, and, on behalf of the general
public,  a claim for unfair,  deceptive or fraudulent  business  practices under
California   consumer  protection   statutes.   The  relief  requested  includes
compensatory  and  punitive  damages,   injunctive  relief,   restitution,   and
attorneys' fees and expenses. EVLICO has not yet responded to the complaint.

In three previously  disclosed actions,  Sidney C. Cole, et al. v. The Equitable
Life Assurance Society of the United States and The Equitable of Colorado, Inc.,
Elton F.  Duncan,  III v. The  Equitable  Life  Assurance  Society of the United
States and Michael  Bradley v. Equitable  Variable Life Insurance  Company,  the
parties have agreed to settle the plaintiffs'  claims on an individual basis and
the actions have been dismissed.  In February 2001, the six named  plaintiffs in
the  Duncan  case  moved,  in both the Civil  District  Court for the  Parish of
Orleans and the Fourth  Circuit Court of Appeal for the State of  Louisiana,  to
set aside the orders of dismissal  with  prejudice in that case and to reinstate
their individual  claims. A hearing has been scheduled in the District Court for
May 2001.

In October 2000, an action entitled  American National Bank and Trust Company of
Chicago,  as trustee f/b/o Emerald  Investments LP and Emerald Investments LP v.
AXA Client  Solutions,  LLC; The Equitable Life Assurance  Society of the United
States;  and AXA  Financial,  Inc. was commenced in the United  States  District
Court for the Northern  District of  Illinois.  The  complaint  alleges that the
defendants  (i) in connection  with certain  annuities  issued by Equitable Life
breached an agreement with the plaintiffs involving the execution of mutual fund
transfers,  and (ii) wrongfully  withheld  withdrawal charges in connection with
the termination of such annuities.  Plaintiffs seek unspecified lost profits and
injunctive  relief,  punitive damages and attorneys' fees.  Plaintiffs also seek
return of the withdrawal  charges.  In February 2001, the District Court granted
in part and denied in part defendants' motion to dismiss the complaint.  In late
March, plaintiffs filed an amended complaint. Defendants have not yet responded.


On  September  12,  1997,  the United  States  District  Court for the  Northern
District of Alabama, Southern Division,  entered an order certifying James Brown
as the  representative  of a class  consisting of "[a]ll  African-Americans  who
applied but were not hired for,  were  discouraged  from  applying for, or would
have   applied  for  the   position  of  Sales  Agent  in  the  absence  of  the
discriminatory  practices,  and/or procedures in the [former] Southern Region of
AXA Financial from May 16, 1987 to the present." The second amended complaint in
James W. Brown,  on behalf of others  similarly  situated v. The Equitable  Life
Assurance  Society  of the United  States  alleges,  among  other  things,  that
Equitable  Life  discriminated  on the  basis of race  against  African-American
applicants  and  potential  applicants  in hiring  individuals  as sales agents.
Plaintiffs seek a declaratory  judgment and affirmative and negative  injunctive
relief, including the payment of back-pay,  pension and other compensation.  The
court  referred the case to mediation,  which has been  successful.  The parties
have  reached  a  tentative  agreement  for the  settlement  of  this  case as a
nationwide class action.  In connection with the proposed  settlement,  the case
will be dismissed in the United States District Court for the Northern  District
of Alabama,  Southern Division and will be refiled in the United States District
Court for Georgia,  Atlanta  Division.  The final settlement  requires notice to
class members and is subject to court approval.

In November 1997, an amended complaint was filed in Peter Fischel, et al. v. The
Equitable  Life  Assurance  Society of the United States  alleging,  among other
things, that Equitable Life violated ERISA by eliminating  certain  alternatives
pursuant  to which  agents of  Equitable  Life could  qualify  for  health  care
coverage.  In March 1999,  the United  States  District  Court for the  Northern
District of California  entered an order certifying a class consisting of "[a]ll
current,  former  and  retired  Equitable  agents,  who  while  associated  with
Equitable  satisfied  [certain  alternatives]  to qualify for health coverage or
contributions  thereto under applicable plans." Plaintiffs allege various causes
of action under ERISA,  including  claims for  enforcement  of alleged  promises
contained in plan documents and for enforcement of agent bulletins,  breach of a
unilateral  contract,  breach of fiduciary  duty and  promissory  estoppel.  The
parties completed discovery in February 2001. In June 2000,  plaintiffs appealed
to the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit  contesting  the District  Court's
award of legal fees to  plaintiffs'  counsel  in  connection  with a  previously
settled count of the complaint  unrelated to the health benefit claims.  In that
appeal,   plaintiffs  have  challenged  the  District   Court's  subject  matter
jurisdiction  over the health benefit claims.  Briefing has been completed,  but
the appeal has not yet been decided.

In September 1999, a complaint was filed in an action  entitled R.S.M.  Inc., et
al. v. Alliance  Capital  Management  L.P., et al. in the Chancery  Court of the
State of  Delaware.  The action was  brought on behalf of a  purported  class of
owners of limited  partnership units of Alliance Capital Management Holding L.P.
("Alliance  Holding")  challenging the then-proposed  reorganization of Alliance
Holding.  Named  defendants  include  Alliance  Holding,  four Alliance  Holding
executives,  the general  partner of Alliance  Holding and Alliance,  which is a
wholly owned indirect  subsidiary of Equitable Life, and Alliance,  which is the
operating  partnership  whose units are not publicly  traded.  Equitable Life is
obligated to indemnify the defendants for losses and expenses arising out of the
litigation.   Plaintiffs   allege,   inter  alia,   inadequate   and  misleading
disclosures,  breaches of  fiduciary  duties,  and the  improper  adoption of an
amended  partnership  agreement by Alliance Holding.  The complaint seeks, inter
alia,  payment of  unspecified  money  damages and an accounting of all benefits
alleged to have been  improperly  obtained by the  defendants.  In August  2000,
plaintiffs filed a first amended and supplemental  class action  complaint.  The
amended  complaint  alleges in connection with the  reorganization  that,  inter
alia, the partnership agreement of Alliance Holding was not validly amended, the
reorganization  of Alliance  Holding was not validly  effected,  the information
disseminated  to holders of units of limited  partnership  interests in Alliance
Holding was materially false and misleading,  and the defendants  breached their
fiduciary duties by structuring the  reorganization in a manner that was grossly
unfair to  plaintiffs.  Plaintiffs  seek  declaratory,  monetary and  injunctive
relief  relating  to the  allegations  contained  in the amended  complaint.  In
September 2000, all defendants other than Robert H. Joseph, Jr., filed an answer
to the amended complaint denying the material allegations  contained therein. In
lieu of joining in the  answer to the  amended  complaint,  Mr.  Joseph  filed a
motion to dismiss in September  2000. In November 2000,  defendants,  other than
Mr. Joseph,  filed a motion to dismiss the amended complaint.  In December 2000,
plaintiffs  filed a motion for  partial  summary  judgment on the claim that the
Alliance Holding partnership agreement was not validly amended. Oral argument of
the motions was held in January 2001.

In January 2000, the California  Supreme Court denied  Equitable Life's petition
for review of an October 1999 decision by the  California  Court of Appeal which
reversed the dismissal by the Superior Court of Orange County,  California of an
action  entitled  BT-I v. The  Equitable  Life  Assurance  Society of the United
States.  The  action  was  commenced  in  1995  by a real  estate  developer  in
connection  with a limited  partnership  formed in 1991 with  Equitable  Life on
behalf of Prime  Property  Fund  ("PPF").  Equitable  Life serves as  investment
manager  for PPF,  an  open-end,  commingled  real  estate  separate  account of
Equitable Life for pension clients.  Plaintiff alleges, among other claims, that


Equitable  Life  breached its fiduciary  duty as general  partner of the limited
partnership  principally  in connection  with the 1995  purchase and  subsequent
foreclosure  by Equitable  Life on behalf of PPF of the loan which  financed the
partnership's  property.  The plaintiff seeks compensatory and punitive damages.
In reversing the Superior Court's dismissal of the plaintiff's claims, the Court
of Appeal held that a general  partner  who  acquires a  partnership  obligation
breaches its fiduciary duty by foreclosing on partnership  assets.  The case was
remanded  to the  Superior  Court  for  further  proceedings.  In  August  2000,
Equitable Life filed a motion for summary  adjudication  on plaintiff's  claims,
based on the purchase and subsequent  foreclosure of the loan which financed the
partnership's  property,  for punitive  damages.  In November 2000, the Superior
Court  granted  Equitable  Life's  motion  as  to  one  of  plaintiff's  claims,
dismissing the claim for punitive damages sought in conjunction with plaintiff's
claim for breach of the  covenant of good faith and fair  dealing.  The Superior
Court  denied  Equitable  Life's  motion with respect to  plaintiff's  claim for
punitive  damages sought in  conjunction  with its claim for breach of fiduciary
duty. In March 2001,  plaintiff  filed an amended  supplemental  complaint that,
among other things,  adds  allegations  that the  post-foreclosure  transfers of
certain funds from the partnership to Equitable Life constitute self-dealing and
breach of fiduciary duty.  Plaintiff  seeks  compensatory  and punitive  damages
based on such  conduct.  Equitable  Life has not yet  responded  to the  amended
supplemental  complaint.  A jury trial  previously  scheduled  for February 2001
tentatively has been rescheduled for March 2001.

Subsequent to the August 30, 2000 announcement of AXA's proposal to purchase the
outstanding  shares of AXA  Financial  common stock that it did not already own,
the following  fourteen  putative  class action  lawsuits were  commenced in the
Delaware  Court of Chancery:  Fred Buff v. AXA  Financial,  Inc., et al.,  Sarah
Wolhendler v. Claude  Bebear,  et al.;  Jerome and Selma Stone v. AXA Financial,
Inc., et al.; Louis Deranieri v. AXA Financial, Inc., et al.; Maxine Phillips v.
AXA  Financial,  Inc., et al.; Ruth  Ravnitsky v. AXA  Financial,  Inc., et al.;
Richard Kager v. AXA Financial,  Inc., et al.;  Mortimer Cohen v. AXA Financial,
Inc.,  et al.;  Lee  Koneche,  et al. v. AXA  Financial,  Inc.,  et al.;  Denver
Employees  Retirement Plan v. AXA Financial,  Inc., et al.; Harry Hoffman v. AXA
Financial,  Inc., et al.;  Joseph  Villari v. AXA  Financial,  Inc., et al.; Max
Boimal v. AXA Financial,  Inc., et al.; and Jay Gottlieb v. AXA Financial, Inc.,
et al. AXA Financial,  AXA, and directors  and/or  officers of AXA Financial are
named as  defendants  in each of these  lawsuits.  The various  plaintiffs  each
purport to represent a class  consisting of owners of AXA Financial common stock
and their  successors in interest,  excluding the  defendants  and any person or
entity related to or affiliated with any of the  defendants.  They challenge the
adequacy  of the offer  announced  by AXA and allege  that the  defendants  have
engaged or will engage in unfair dealing,  overreaching  and/or have breached or
will breach fiduciary duties owed to the minority shareholders of AXA Financial.
The complaints  seek  declaratory  and  injunctive  relief,  an accounting,  and
unspecified compensatory damages, costs and expenses, including attorneys' fees.
The Delaware suits have been  consolidated.  A similar  lawsuit was filed in the
Supreme Court of the State of New York,  County of New York, after the filing of
the first  Delaware  action;  it is  captioned  Harbor  Finance  Partners v. AXA
Financial,  Inc.,  et al. In December  2000,  the parties to the Delaware  suits
reached a tentative  agreement  for  settlement  and  executed a  Memorandum  of
Understanding.  Shortly thereafter,  agreement was reached with the plaintiff in
the New York suit to stay  proceedings  in New York and to participate in and be
bound by the terms of the  settlement  of the Delaware  suits.  The  settlement,
which does not involve any payment by AXA  Financial,  is subject to a number of
conditions,  including  confirmatory  discovery,  the  preparation of definitive
documentation and approval by the Delaware Court of Chancery after a hearing.

Subsequent to the August 30, 2000 announcement of the proposed sale of DLJ, four
putative class action lawsuits have been filed in the Delaware Court of Chancery
naming AXA Financial as one of the  defendants and  challenging  the sale of DLJ
because the  transaction  did not include the sale of DLJdirect  tracking stock.
These actions are captioned  Irvin Woods,  et al. v. Joe L. Roby, et al.; Thomas
Rolle v. Joe L. Roby,  et al.;  Andrew  Loguercio  v. Joe L. Roby,  et al.;  and
Robert  Holschen v. Joe L. Roby, et al. The plaintiffs in these cases purport to
represent a class  consisting  of the holders of  DLJdirect  tracking  stock and
their successors in interest,  excluding the defendants and any person or entity
related to or affiliated with any of the defendants. Named as defendants are AXA
Financial,  DLJ and the DLJ directors. The complaints assert claims for breaches
of fiduciary duties, and seek an unspecified amount of compensatory  damages and
costs and expenses,  including  attorneys' fees. The parties in these cases have
agreed to extend the time for defendants to respond to the complaints.

Subsequent  to the August 30, 2000  announcement  of the proposed sale of DLJ, a
putative  class action  lawsuit was filed in the United States  District  Court,
Southern District of New York, captioned Siamac Sedighim v. Donaldson,  Lufkin &
Jenrette,  Inc., et al. This action challenges the sale of DLJ (for omitting the
DLJdirect  tracking  stock)  and also  alleges  Federal  securities  law  claims
relating to the initial public  offering of the DLJdirect  tracking  stock.  The
complaint alleges claims for violations of the securities laws,  breaches of the
fiduciary duties of loyalty,  good faith and due care,  aiding and abetting such
breaches,  and breach of contract.  The plaintiff  purports to represent a class
consisting of: all purchasers of DLJdirect  tracking stock in the initial public
offering and thereafter  (with respect to the  securities  law claims);  and all


owners of DLJdirect tracking stock who allegedly have been or will be injured by
the sale of DLJ (with respect to all other claims).  Named as defendants are AXA
Financial,  Equitable Life, AXA, DLJ,  Donaldson,  Lufkin & Jenrette  Securities
Corporation,   Credit  Suisse  Group,   Diamond  Acquisition  Corp.,  and  DLJ's
directors. The complaint seeks declaratory and injunctive relief, an unspecified
amount of  damages,  and costs  and  expenses,  including  attorney's  fees.  In
February 2001, defendants moved to dismiss the complaint.

Since AXA  Financial  sold its  interest  in DLJ to the Credit  Suisse  Group on
November  3, 2000,  neither  AXA  Financial  nor the  Company  will  continue to
disclose in its Exchange Act reports and filings legal  proceedings  and related
matters arising out of DLJ's and its subsidiaries' operations.

Although the outcome of litigation generally cannot be predicted with certainty,
the  Company's  management  believes  that  (i)  the  settlement  of  the  Brown
litigation will not have a material adverse effect on the consolidated financial
position  or  results  of  operations  of the  Company  and  (ii)  the  ultimate
resolution of the other  litigations  described above should not have a material
adverse  effect on the  consolidated  financial  position  of the  Company.  The
Company's management cannot make an estimate of loss, if any, or predict whether
or not any of such  other  litigations  described  above  will  have a  material
adverse  effect on the  Company's  consolidated  results  of  operations  in any
particular period.

In addition to the matters described above,  Equitable Life and its subsidiaries
are involved in various legal actions and  proceedings in connection  with their
businesses.  Some of the actions and proceedings  have been brought on behalf of
various alleged classes of claimants and certain of these claimants seek damages
of  unspecified  amounts.  While the ultimate  outcome of such matters cannot be
predicted with certainty,  in the opinion of management no such matter is likely
to have a  material  adverse  effect  on the  Company's  consolidated  financial
position or results of operations.


Part I, Item 4.


             Omitted pursuant to General Instruction I to Form 10-K.


Part II, Item 5.

                         AND RELATED STOCKHOLDER MATTERS

All of Equitable Life's common equity is owned by AXA Client  Solutions,  LLC, a
wholly owned direct  subsidiary of AXA  Financial,  Inc. which is a wholly owned
subsidiary of AXA.  Consequently,  there is no established public trading market
for Equitable  Life's common equity.  In 2000,  Equitable Life paid  shareholder
dividends of $250  million.  For  information  on Equitable  Life's  present and
future ability to pay dividends,  see Note 17 of Notes to Consolidated Financial
Statements (Item 8 of this report).


Part II, Item 6.

                             SELECTED FINANCIAL DATA

             Omitted pursuant to General Instruction I to Form 10-K.


Part I, Item 7.


Management's  discussion and analysis is omitted pursuant to General Instruction
I(2)(a) of Form 10-K.  The  management  narrative  for the Company  that follows
should be read in conjunction  with the  consolidated  financial  statements and
related footnotes included elsewhere in this report.


The  discussions of the Insurance and Investment  Services  segments that follow
are presented on a pre-tax adjusted earnings basis, which is a non-GAAP measure.
Amounts reported in the GAAP financial  statements have been adjusted to include
Discontinued  Operations and to exclude the amortization of acquisition  related
goodwill and intangible assets and investment  gains/losses,  net of related DAC
and other charges, as well as the effect of unusual or non-recurring  events and
transactions.  These  adjustments  are  discussed  below.  Certain  prior period
reclassifications  have been made to conform  the 1999  period  with the current
presentation.  The  excluded  items are  important  to an  understanding  of our
overall  results of  operations.  The  following  table  presents the  Company's
operating results of continuing  operations outside of the Closed Block combined
on a line-by-line  basis with the operating results of both the Closed Block and
Discontinued  Operations.  This  management  narrative  addresses  the  combined
operating results unless otherwise noted.

Combined Operating Results  (In Millions)                                          2000               1999
                                                                             ------------------  ----------------
Operating Results:
  Policy fee income and premiums...........................................  $      2,588.5      $     2,431.2
  Net investment income....................................................         2,897.3            2,908.4
  Commissions, fees and other income.......................................         2,731.2            2,178.1
                                                                             ------------------  ----------------
      Total revenues.......................................................         8,217.0            7,517.7
                                                                             ------------------  ----------------

  Interest credited to policyholders' account balances.....................         1,048.5            1,095.7
  Policyholders' benefits..................................................         2,058.3            2,079.4
  Other operating costs and expenses.......................................         3,092.9            2,744.8
                                                                             ------------------  ----------------
      Total benefits and other deductions..................................         6,199.7            5,919.9
                                                                             ------------------  ----------------
  Pre-tax adjusted earnings before minority interest.......................         2,017.3            1,597.8
  Minority interest........................................................          (337.8)            (216.8)
                                                                             ------------------  ----------------
  Pre-tax adjusted earnings................................................         1,679.5            1,381.0

Pre-tax Adjustments:
  Gain on sale of DLJ......................................................         1,962.0                -
  Investment gains (losses), net of related DAC and other charges..........          (731.9)            (109.7)
  Minority purchase related expenses.......................................          (493.9)               -
  Investment income (loss) on CSG shares...................................           (43.2)               -
  Amortization of goodwill and intangible assets...........................           (34.6)              (3.2)
  Non-recurring DAC adjustments............................................             -               (131.7)
                                                                             ------------------  ----------------
      Total pre-tax adjustments............................................           658.4             (244.6)
  Minority interest........................................................           337.8              216.8
  Discontinued Operations..................................................           (90.2)             (43.3)
                                                                             ------------------  ----------------

  GAAP Reported:
  Earnings from continuing operations before
     Federal income taxes and minority interest............................         2,585.5            1,309.9
  Federal income taxes.....................................................          (958.3)            (332.0)
  Minority interest in net income of consolidated subsidiaries.............          (330.3)            (199.4)
                                                                             ------------------  ----------------
  Earnings from continuing operations......................................         1,296.9              778.5
  Earnings from discontinued operations, net of Federal income taxes.......            58.6               28.1
                                                                             ------------------  ----------------
  Net Earnings.............................................................  $      1,355.5      $       806.6
                                                                             ==================  ================


Adjustments to GAAP pre-tax reported earnings from continuing  operations before
Federal income taxes and minority interest for 2000 resulted in the exclusion of
the $1.96 billion gain  recognized by Equitable  Life when it sold its shares in
DLJ to CSG in fourth quarter 2000. See Note 5 of Notes to Consolidated Financial
Statements for further  information on that  transaction.  The 2000  adjustments
also excluded  $731.9 million in net  investment  losses (net of related DAC and
other  charges  totaling  $77.0  million).  The losses in 2000  included  $639.9
million of writedowns and $159.2 million of realized losses on fixed  maturities
sold from the General Account's portfolio. These writedowns principally occurred
in fourth  quarter 2000,  when broad  weakness in credit  markets from a slowing
economy resulted in management's determination that a large number of securities
with  sustained  declines in current  market prices were  permanently  impaired.
These losses were  partially  offset by gains of $42.7 million from the exercise
of subsidiaries'  options.  In the 1999 period,  net investment losses of $109.7
million  (net of  related  DAC and other  charges  and  credits  totaling  $12.9
million) were excluded.  The 1999 investment losses were primarily due to losses
of $309.5 million on writedowns and sales of General  Account fixed  maturities,
partially offset by gains of $87.8 million on other equity investments. The 1999
writedowns were primarily on domestic and emerging market high-yield securities.
Gains of $95.8 million related to the sale of DLJdirect's  tracking stock, $83.5
million  recognized  in first  quarter 1999 upon  reclassifying  publicly-traded
common  equities to a trading  portfolio  and $14.7 million  resulting  from the
exercise of subsidiaries'  options and DLJ RSU conversions  further offset these
1999 losses.

There were two  non-recurring  events in 2000 that resulted in adjustments.  AXA
acquired the minority  interest shares of the Holding Company's Common Stock. As
a result of this purchase,  management amended the terms of substantially all of
the outstanding  stock options.  See Note 1 of Notes to  Consolidated  Financial
Statements  for  further  information.   The  approximately  $493.9  million  of
expenses,  principally  related to modifications  to and accelerated  vesting of
employee stock options that resulted from the AXA minority  interest  buyout are
excluded from pre-tax adjusted earnings.  Also in 2000, the Company received CSG
stock as well as cash  when it sold its  shares  of DLJ.  See Note 5 of Notes to
Consolidated   Financial  Statements  for  further  information.   Realized  and
unrealized  holding losses on the CSG shares of $43.2 million have been excluded
from pre-tax adjusted earnings.

In  addition,  in  October  2000,  Alliance  purchased  Bernstein.  For  further
information on the Bernstein  acquisition,  see Note 1 of Notes to  Consolidated
Financial  Statements.  The  amortization  of goodwill  and  intangible  assets,
substantially  related to the  acquisition of Bernstein,  totaling $34.6 million
was excluded from pre-tax adjusted  earnings in 2000 as compared to $3.2 million
of amortization in 1999.

In second quarter 1999, there was a $131.7 million  non-recurring DAC adjustment
resulting  from the revisions to estimated  future gross profits  related to the
investment asset reallocation.

GAAP net earnings  increased  $548.9  million to $1.36 billion in 2000 primarily
due to the $1.96 billion net gain on the sale of DLJ  partially  offset by lower
equity in DLJ's earnings through the date of sale and by the after-tax effect of
the adjustments mentioned above. The increase in minority interest in net income
of consolidated subsidiaries was principally due to the Company's lower economic
ownership  interest in Alliance  (approximately  39.4% at  December  31,  2000),
principally due to the Bernstein acquisition.


Combined Operating Results By Segment


                     Insurance - Combined Operating Results
                                  (In Millions)

                                           Insurance        Closed       Discontinued                      1999
                                           Operations        Block        Operations      Combined       Combined
                                         --------------- --------------- -------------- -------------- -------------
Operating Results:
  Universal life and investment-type
    product policy fee income........... $   1,413.3     $       -       $        -     $  1,413.3     $    1,253.9
  Premiums..............................       579.9           595.1              .2       1,175.2          1,177.3
  Net investment income.................     2,117.6           578.7           102.2       2,798.5          2,843.7
  Commissions, fees and other income....       275.3             (.4)             .5         275.4            213.9
  Contribution from the Closed
    Block(1)............................        99.9           (99.9)            -            -                 -
                                         --------------- --------------- -------------- -------------- -------------
      Total revenues....................     4,486.0         1,073.5           102.9       5,662.4          5,488.8
                                         --------------- --------------- -------------- -------------- -------------

  Interest credited to policyholders'
    account balances....................     1,034.3            14.2             -         1,048.5          1,095.7
  Policyholders' benefits...............     1,049.3         1,011.0            (2.0)      2,058.3          2,079.4
  Deferred policy acquisition costs.....      (422.5)           43.1           (12.7)       (392.1)          (304.2)
  All other operating costs
    and expenses........................     1,735.5             5.2             8.1       1,748.8          1,667.1
                                         --------------- --------------- -------------- -------------- -------------
      Total benefits and
        other deductions................     3,396.6         1,073.5            (6.6)      4,463.5          4,538.0
                                         --------------- --------------- -------------- -------------- -------------
  Pre-tax adjusted earnings.............     1,089.4             -             109.5       1,198.9            950.8

Pre-tax Adjustments:
  Investment (losses) gains, net of
    related DAC and other charges.......      (737.6)           (7.2)(1)       (19.3)       (764.1)          (220.2)
  Minority interest purchase related
    expenses............................      (493.9)            -               -          (493.9)           -
  Investment (loss) income on
    CSG shares..........................       (43.2)            -               -           (43.2)           -
  Non-recurring DAC adjustments.........         -               -               -             -             (131.7)
                                         --------------- --------------- -------------- -------------- -------------
      Total pre-tax adjustments.........    (1,274.7)           (7.2)          (19.3)     (1,301.2)          (351.9)
Contribution from the Closed
   Block(1).............................        (7.2)            7.2             -            -                 -
Discontinued Operations.................         -               -             (90.2)        (90.2)           (43.3)
                                         --------------- --------------- -------------- -------------- -------------
GAAP Reported:
  Earnings from Continuing
    Operations before Federal
    Income Taxes ....................... $    (192.5)    $       -       $        -     $   (192.5)    $      555.6
                                         =============== =============== ============== ============== =============
(1)  When  investment  losses net of related DAC and other charges are excluded,
     the Insurance  segment's  contribution  from the Closed Block totaled $92.7
     million on a GAAP reported basis for 2000.


2000 Compared to 1999 - For 2000,  Insurance pre-tax adjusted earnings reflected
an increase of $248.1 million from the prior year period.  Higher policy fees on
individual  annuity  contracts,  favorable  life  mortality  and the  impact  of
projected  favorable  investment  results on  Discontinued  Operations'  reserve
requirement  contributed  to  improved  earnings,  partially  offset  by  higher

Segment revenues  increased $173.6 million (3.2%) over the prior year period due
to a $159.4  million  net  increase  in policy fee  income  and a $61.5  million
increase  in  commissions,  fees and other  income,  offset  by a $45.2  million
decrease in investment income.  Policy fee income increased to $1.41 billion due
to higher average annuity account balances.  Commissions,  fees and other income
increased  28.8% in 2000 as compared  to 1999  principally  due to higher  gross
investment  management  fees received  from EQ Advisors  Trust and higher mutual
fund and investment  product sales. The increase in gross investment  management
fees was partially  offset by an increase in subadvisory  fees included in total
benefits  and other  deductions.  Net  investment  income  declined  1.6% as the
positive  effect of an overall yield  increase from 8.31% to 8.40% was more than
offset by a $2.27 billion decline in General Account investment assets to $34.16
billion at December 31, 2000. During 2000, net investment income in three of the
investment  categories declined $42.3 million,  $35.1 million and $24.8 million,
respectively, to totals of $1.80 billion for fixed maturities, $90.0 million for
equity  real  estate  and $426.1  million  for  mortgages.  While  other  equity
investments  grew  $117.0  million to $1.00  billion,  there was a $4.9  million
decline in their net investment  principally due to equity market performance in
the  last  half of  2000.  Income  on  policy  loans  and  cash  and  short-term
investments grew $11.5 million and $6.8 million,  respectively,  principally due
to higher  asset  bases.  The cash and  short-term  investment  balance of $2.14
billion at December 31, 2000  reflects the cash  proceeds  from the sales of DLJ
and of CSG stock in the fourth quarter.

Total benefits and other deductions in 2000 decreased $74.5 million from 1999 as
$81.7 million higher other operating costs and expenses were more than offset by
higher DAC  capitalization,  a $47.2 million decrease in interest credited and a
$21.1  million  decrease in  policyholder  benefits.  The  increase in all other
operating  costs and  expenses  was  principally  due to $113.5  million  higher
subadvisory fees and increases in expenses  related to the national  roll-out of
fee  based  financial  planning,   enhanced  service  delivery  initiatives  and
strategic information technology and E-commerce expenditures in 2000 as compared
to 1999 partially offset by charges to AXA  Distribution  and its  subsidiaries,
AXA  Advisors  and AXA  Network,  for their  applicable  share of the  operating

First year premiums and deposits for life and annuity products in 2000 decreased
from prior year levels by $7.0 million to $5.92 billion  primarily due to $290.7
million lower retail sales of individual annuities which was partially offset by
increases in wholesale sales.  Sales of variable  annuities slowed in the second
half of 2000.  Fourth  quarter  2000  annuity  deposits  decreased  17% from the
comparable  prior year's  quarter.  Renewal  premiums and deposits  increased by
$99.1  million to $4.55 billion in 2000 due to increases in the block of annuity
and variable life  business  which were  partially  offset by decreases in other
products and in traditional  life policies.  Mutual fund sales increased  $789.7
million to $3.58 billion in 2000.

Policy and contract surrenders and withdrawals  increased $1.15 billion to $5.66
billion  during 2000  compared to 1999  principally  due to the growing size and
maturity of the book of  annuities  and  variable  and  interest-sensitive  life
business.  The annuities'  surrender rate increased from 8.8% in 1999 to 9.6% in
2000, while the surrender rate for fourth quarter 2000 was 9.3% compared to 9.2%
for fourth  quarter 1999.  The trends in surrenders  and  withdrawals  discussed
above continue to fall within the range of expected experience.


Investment  Services.  The table below  presents  the  operating  results of the
Investment Services segment,  consisting  principally of Alliance's  operations.
Information on the 1999 Alliance  reorganization  can be found in Notes 1 and 18
of Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements and in the Alliance Holding Annual
Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2000.

                     Investment Services - Operating Results
                                  (In Millions)

                                                                                 2000             1999
                                                                            ---------------  ----------------
Operating Results:
  Investment advisory and services fees(1)..............................    $    1,689.9     $    1,331.7
  Distribution revenues.................................................           621.6            441.8
  Equity in DLJ's earnings                                                         139.1            183.0
  Other revenues(1).....................................................           217.1             96.2
                                                                            ---------------  ----------------
      Total revenues....................................................         2,667.7          2,052.7
                                                                            ---------------  ----------------

  Promotion and servicing...............................................           844.4            620.7
  Employee compensation and benefits....................................           651.9            508.6
  All other operating expenses..........................................           353.0            276.4
                                                                            ---------------  ----------------
      Total expenses....................................................         1,849.3          1,405.7
                                                                            ---------------  ----------------
  Pre-tax adjusted earnings before minority interest....................           818.4            647.0
  Minority interest.....................................................          (337.8)          (216.8)
                                                                            ---------------  ----------------
  Pre-tax adjusted earnings.............................................           480.6            430.2

Pre-tax Adjustments:
  Gain on sale of DLJ                                                            1,962.0              -
  Amortization of goodwill and intangible assets........................           (34.6)            (3.2)
  Investment gains (losses), net of DAC.................................            32.2            110.5
                                                                            ---------------  ----------------
      Total pre-tax adjustments.........................................         1,959.6            107.3
Minority interest.......................................................           337.8            216.8
                                                                            ---------------  ----------------
GAAP Reported:
  Earnings from Continuing Operations before
    Federal Income Taxes and Minority Interest..........................    $    2,778.0     $      754.3
                                                                            ===============  ================
(1)  Includes fees earned by Alliance  totaling  $39.6 million and $44.3 million
     in 2000 and 1999,  respectively,  for  services  provided to the  Insurance

2000 Compared to 1999 - Investment  Services' pre-tax adjusted earnings for 2000
were $480.6 million, an increase of $50.4 million from the prior year. Bernstein
contributed $65.7 million to the segment's  earnings before minority interest in
fourth  quarter  2000.  Revenues  totaled  $2.67 billion in 2000, an increase of
$615.0 million from 1999,  principally  due to $358.2 million higher  investment
advisory and services fees and $179.8 million higher distribution  revenues. The
increase in  investment  advisory  and services  fees  primarily  resulted  from
increases in average assets under  management  partially  offset by a decline in
performance  fees of  $89.7  million  to $72.5  million  in  2000.  These  lower
performance fees were principally the result of the market decline in growth and
technology  stocks  during  2000.  The  growth  in  distribution   revenues  was
principally due to higher average mutual fund assets under management attributed
to continuing  sales.  Other  revenues  include  $56.3 million of  institutional
research  services  revenues for both the fourth quarter and full year 2000 as a
result of the Bernstein  acquisition.  Also included in other  revenues for 2000
was $29.8  million of interest  earned on the proceeds of the Holding  Company's
purchase  of  Alliance  Units in June 2000.  The  resolution  of a class  action
lawsuit  resulted  in the  recognition  of a  one-time,  non-cash  gain of $23.9
million in 2000, which reduced all other operating expenses for the 2000 period.
When  this  one-time  gain is  excluded,  Investment  Services'  total  expenses
increased  $467.5  million in 2000  primarily  due to  increases  in mutual fund
promotional  expenditures and employee compensation and benefits.  Promotion and
servicing increased 36.0% primarily due to increased  distribution plan payments
resulting  from higher average  domestic,  offshore and cash  management  assets
under management and higher amortization of deferred sales commissions,  as well
as higher travel,  entertainment and promotional expenses incurred in connection
with mutual fund sales  initiatives.  Higher  compensation and benefits were the
result of higher  incentive and base  compensation  and  commissions  reflecting
increased headcounts,  principally due to the Bernstein acquisition,  along with
salary increases.


Assets Under Management

A breakdown of assets under management follows:

                             Assets Under Management
                                  (In Millions)

                                                                                         December 31,
                                                                                   2000                1999
                                                                             ------------------  ------------------

Third party(1)...........................................................    $     393,633       $    301,366
Equitable Life General Account, the Holding Company
  and its other affiliates(2)............................................           37,740             38,249
Separate Accounts........................................................           51,706             54,454
                                                                             ------------------  ------------------
    Total Assets Under Management........................................    $     483,079       $    394,069
                                                                             ==================  ==================
(1)   Includes  $4.91 billion and $2.47  billion of assets  managed on behalf of
      AXA  affiliates at December 31, 2000 and 1999,  respectively.  Third party
      assets under  management  include 100% of the estimated fair value of real
      estate  owned by  joint  ventures  in which  third  party  clients  own an
(2)   Includes  invested  assets of the Company and AXA Financial not managed by
      Alliance,  principally  cash and short-term  investments and policy loans,
      totaling  approximately  $9.02  billion and $4.76  billion at December 31,
      2000 and 1999,  respectively,  as well as mortgages and equity real estate
      totaling  $6.41  billion  and $7.11  billion  December  31, 2000 and 1999,

General Account and other assets under management declined $509.0 million as the
proceeds on the sale of DLJ were more than offset by asset reductions related to
the DI indemnity  reinsurance and to tax  settlements.  The decrease in Separate
Account assets under  management  resulted from market  depreciation  which more
than offset net new deposits.

Alliance's  assets under management grew to $453.68 billion in 2000 from $368.32
billion in 1999 primarily as a result of the Bernstein acquisition,  which added
$85.8  billion at October 2, 2000,  and  continuing  net sales of mutual  funds,
offset by $29.05 billion in net market depreciation.


Equitable Life

The principal sources of Equitable Life's cash flows are premiums,  deposits and
charges on policies and contracts,  investment  income,  repayments of principal
and proceeds from maturities and sales of General Account  Investment Assets and
dividends and distributions from subsidiaries.

Equitable Life's liquidity  requirements  principally  relate to the liabilities
associated with its various life insurance,  annuity and group pension  products
in its  continuing  operations;  the  liabilities  of  discontinued  operations;
shareholder dividends to AXA Financial;  and operating expenses,  including debt
service. Equitable Life's liabilities include the payment of benefits under life
insurance,  annuity  and group  pension  products,  as well as cash  payments in
connection with policy surrenders,  withdrawals and loans.  Management from time
to time explores selective acquisition opportunities in insurance and investment
management businesses.

Sources of Liquidity. Equitable Life's primary source of short-term liquidity to
support  continuing and  discontinued  insurance  operations is a pool of highly
liquid, high quality short-term  instruments  structured to provide liquidity in
excess of the expected cash requirements.  At December 31, 2000, this asset pool
included an aggregate of $2.14 billion in highly liquid short-term  investments,
as compared to $1.39  billion at December 31, 1999.  In addition,  a substantial
portfolio of public bonds  including  U.S.  Treasury and agency  securities  and
other  investment  grade fixed  maturities is available to meet Equitable Life's
liquidity needs.

In fourth  quarter 2000,  Equitable Life received cash proceeds of $1.05 billion
from the sale of its shares in DLJ and a further  $557.3 million from sales of a
portion of the CSG shares through December 31, 2000. All remaining shares of CSG
stock were sold during first quarter 2001.


Other liquidity sources include dividends and  distributions  from Alliance.  In
2000, Equitable Life received cash distributions from Alliance of $341.2 million
as compared to $203.5 million in 1999.

Management  believes  there is  sufficient  liquidity in the form of  short-term
assets  and its  bond  portfolio  together  with  cash  flows  from  operations,
scheduled  maturities of fixed  maturities  and borrowings  available  under its
commercial paper program and bank credit  facilities to satisfy Equitable Life's
liquidity needs.

Factors  Affecting  Liquidity.  Equitable Life's liquidity needs are affected by
fluctuations in the level of surrenders and withdrawals  previously discussed in
"Combined  Operating  Results by Segment - Insurance".  In 2000,  Equitable Life
paid dividends totaling $250.0 million to AXA Financial,  up from $150.0 million
in  1999.  In  2001,  Equitable  Life  expects  to  pay  substantial  additional
shareholder  dividends,  including $1.5 billion in early April 2001.  Management
believes  the  Insurance  Group has adequate  internal  sources of funds for its
presently anticipated needs.


Alliance's  principal  sources of liquidity have been cash flows from operations
and the  issuance,  both  publicly and  privately,  of debt and Units.  Alliance
requires  financial  resources to fund commissions paid on certain back-end load
mutual  fund  sales,  to fund  distributions  to  Unitholders,  to fund  capital
expenditures and for general working capital purposes. In 2000,  subsidiaries of
Alliance  purchased  Alliance Holding units totaling $146.6 million for deferred
compensation plans.  Management believes Alliance's substantial equity base, its
access to public  and  private  debt and its cash  flows  from  operations  will
provide  the  financial  resources  to meet its  capital  and  general  business
requirements. For further information, see Alliance's Annual Report on Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2000.


The Company's management has made in this report, and from time to time may make
in its public  filings and press releases as well as in oral  presentations  and
discussions,  forward-looking  statements  concerning the Company's  operations,
economic  performance  and  financial  condition.   Forward-looking   statements
include,  among other things,  discussions  concerning  the Company's  potential
exposure  to  market  risks,  as  well  as  statements  expressing  management's
expectations,  beliefs,  estimates,  forecasts,  projections and assumptions, as
indicated by words such as "believes,"  "estimates,"  "intends,"  "anticipates,"
"expects,"   "projects,"   "should,"   "probably,"  "risk,"  "target,"  "goals,"
"objectives," or similar expressions. The Company claims the protection afforded
by the safe  harbor for  forward-looking  statements  contained  in the  Private
Securities  Litigation  Reform  Act of 1995,  and  assumes no duty to update any
forward-looking statement.  Forward-looking statements are based on management's
expectations  and beliefs  concerning  future  developments  and their potential
effects and are subject to risks and uncertainties.  Actual results could differ
materially from those anticipated by forward-looking  statements due to a number
of important factors  including those discussed  elsewhere in this report and in
the Company's  other public  filings,  press releases,  oral  presentations  and
discussions.  The following  discussion  highlights  some of the more  important
factors that could cause such differences.

Market Risk.  The Company's  businesses are subject to market risks arising from
its insurance  asset/liability  management,  investment  management  and trading
activities.  Primary  market risk exposures  exist in the Insurance  segment and
result from interest rate  fluctuations,  equity price  movements and changes in
credit quality. The nature of each of these risks is discussed under the caption
"Quantitative  and Qualitative  Disclosures  About Market Risk" contained herein
and in Note 13 of Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

Insurance.  The  Insurance  Group's  future sales of life  insurance and annuity
products  and  financial  planning  services are  dependent on numerous  factors
including: the successful implementation of the Company's strategic initiatives;
the intensity of competition  from other  insurance  companies,  banks and other
financial  institutions;  conditions in the securities markets; the strength and
professionalism  of  distribution   channels;   the  continued   development  of
additional channels;  the financial and claims paying ratings of Equitable Life;
its  reputation  and  visibility  in the market  place;  its ability to develop,
distribute  and  administer  competitive  products  and  services  in a  timely,
cost-effective manner; and its investment management  performance.  In addition,
the nature and extent of  competition  and the markets for products  sold by the
Insurance Group may be materially  affected by changes in laws and  regulations,
including  changes  relating to savings,  retirement  funding and taxation.  See
"Business - Regulation".  The  profitability of the Insurance Group depends on a
number of factors  including:  levels of gross operating expenses and the amount
which  can  be  deferred  as  DAC;  secular  trends;  the  Company's  mortality,
morbidity,  persistency  and  claims  experience,  and  profit  margins  between
investment  results from General Account Investment Assets and interest credited
on individual  insurance and annuity products;  and the adequacy of reserves and
the extent to which subsequent  experience  differs from management's  estimates


and assumptions used in determining  those reserves.  The performance of General
Account  Investment  Assets depends,  among other things,  on levels of interest
rates and the markets for equity securities and real estate,  the need for asset
valuation  allowances and writedowns,  and the performance of equity investments
which have  created,  and in the future may create,  significant  volatility  in
investment  income.  The ability of the Company to continue its accelerated real
estate sales  program  without  incurring  net losses will depend on real estate
markets  for the  remaining  properties  held for sale  and the  negotiation  of
transactions which confirm management's expectations on property values.

Investment  Services.  Alliance's  revenues  are largely  dependent on the total
value  and  composition  of  assets  under its  management  and are,  therefore,
affected by market  appreciation and depreciation,  additions and withdrawals of
assets,  purchases and  redemptions of mutual funds and shifts of assets between
accounts or products with  different  fee  structures.  See "Combined  Operating
Results by Segment - Investment Services".

Discontinued  Operations.  The  determination of the allowance for future losses
for the discontinued  Wind-Up Annuities  continues to involve numerous estimates
and subjective  judgments  including  those  regarding  expected  performance of
investment assets,  ultimate mortality experience and other factors which affect
investment  and  benefit  projections.  There  can be no  assurance  the  losses
provided for will not differ from the losses ultimately realized.  To the extent
actual results or future  projections  of  Discontinued  Operations  differ from
management's  current best estimates  underlying  the allowance,  the difference
would be reflected as earnings or loss from  discontinued  operations within the
consolidated statements of earnings. In particular,  to the extent income, sales
proceeds  and holding  periods for equity real estate  differ from  management's
previous  assumptions,  periodic  adjustments  to the  allowance  are  likely to

Technology  and  Information  Systems.  The  Company's  information  systems are
central to, among other things,  designing and pricing  products,  marketing and
selling   products   and   services,   processing   policyholder   and  investor
transactions, client recordkeeping,  communicating with retail sales associates,
employees and clients,  and recording  information for accounting and management
information purposes.  Any significant  difficulty associated with the operation
of such  systems,  or any material  delay or inability to develop  needed system
capabilities,  could have a material adverse effect on the Company's  results of
operations and, ultimately, its ability to achieve its strategic goals.

Legal Environment.  A number of lawsuits have been filed against life and health
insurers involving insurers' sales practices, alleged agent misconduct,  failure
to  properly  supervise  agents and other  matters.  Some of the  lawsuits  have
resulted in the award of substantial judgments against other insurers, including
material amounts of punitive  damages,  or in substantial  settlements.  In some
states,  juries have substantial  discretion in awarding punitive  damages.  The
Holding Company's insurance  subsidiaries,  including Equitable Life, like other
life and health insurers, are involved in such litigation. While no such lawsuit
has  resulted  in an award or  settlement  of any  material  amount  against the
Company to date,  its results of  operations  and financial  condition  could be
affected by defense and  settlement  costs and any unexpected  material  adverse
outcomes in such  litigations as well as in other material  litigations  pending
against the Holding Company and its subsidiaries.  In addition,  examinations by
Federal and state  regulators could result in adverse  publicity,  sanctions and
fines.  For  further  information,   see  "Business  -  Regulation"  and  "Legal

Future Accounting  Pronouncements.  In the future, new accounting pronouncements
may have material effects on the Company's  consolidated  statements of earnings
and  shareholder's  equity.  See  Note  2 of  Notes  to  Consolidated  Financial
Statements for pronouncements  issued but not effective at December 31, 2000. In
addition,  the NAIC's  Codification  guidance became effective  January 1, 2001.
Codification  addresses areas where statutory  accounting  previously was silent
and changed certain existing statutory  positions.  Equitable Life is subject to
Codification to the extent and in the form adopted in New York State.  Equitable
Life's application of the codification rules adopted by New York is not expected
to have a significant effect.

Regulation.  The  businesses  conducted by the Holding  Company's  subsidiaries,
including Equitable Life, are subject to extensive regulation and supervision by
state  insurance  departments and Federal and state agencies  regulating,  among
other  things,  insurance and  annuities,  securities  transactions,  investment
companies and investment advisors.  Changes in the regulatory  environment could
have a  material  impact  on  operations  and  results.  The  activities  of the
Insurance  Group are subject to the  supervision of the insurance  regulators of
each of the 50 states. See "Business - Regulation".


Part II, Item 7A.

                                ABOUT MARKET RISK

The Company's  businesses are subject to market risks arising from its insurance
asset/liability  management and asset  management.  Such risks are evaluated and
managed by each business on a decentralized basis. Primary market risk exposures
result from interest rate  fluctuations,  equity price  movements and changes in
credit quality.

Investment Services

Alliance's  investments  are divided  into two  portfolios:  available  for sale
investments  and other  investments.  Alliance's  available  for sale  portfolio
primarily  includes  equity  and fixed  income  mutual  funds  and money  market
investments.  The carrying value of money market  investments  approximates fair
value.  Although  these  assets are  purchased  for  long-term  investment,  the
portfolio  strategy  considers  them available for sale due to changes in market
interest  rates,  equity prices and other relevant  factors.  Other  investments
include  Alliance's  hedge fund  investments.  At December 31, 2000,  Alliance's
interest  rate,  equity  price,  derivative  and credit  quality  risks were not
material to the Company.  For further  information,  see Alliance  Holding's and
Alliance's Annual Reports on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2000.

Insurance Group

Insurance  Group  results   significantly   depend  on  profit  margins  between
investment  results from General Account Investment Assets and interest credited
on individual insurance and annuity products. Management believes its fixed rate
liabilities  should be  supported by a portfolio  principally  composed of fixed
rate investments that can generate predictable, steady rates of return. Although
these assets are purchased for long-term  investment,  the portfolio  management
strategy  considers  them  available  for sale in  response to changes in market
interest rates,  changes in prepayment risk, changes in relative values of asset
sectors and individual  securities and loans,  changes in credit quality outlook
and other relevant factors. The objective of portfolio management is to maximize
returns,   taking  into  account  interest  rate  and  credit  risks.  Insurance
asset/liability  management  includes strategies to minimize exposure to loss as
interest rates and economic and market conditions change. As a result, the fixed
maturity  portfolio has modest exposure to call and prepayment risk and the vast
majority  of  mortgage  holdings  are fixed  rate  mortgages  that  carry  yield
maintenance and prepayment provisions.

Insurance  Group assets with  interest rate risk include  fixed  maturities  and
mortgage  loans  which make up 77.6% of the  carrying  value of General  Account
Investment  Assets.  As part  of its  asset/liability  management,  quantitative
analyses are used to model the impact various  changes in interest rates have on
assets  with  interest  rate risk.  The table that  follows  shows the impact an
immediate 100 basis point  increase in interest rates at December 31, 2000 would
have on the fair value of fixed maturities and mortgage loans:


                                             Interest Rate Risk Exposure
                                                   (In Millions)

                                                 December 31, 2000                       December 31, 1999
                                          ----------------------------------------  ------------------------------------
                                                 Fair             +100 Basis            Fair             +100 Basis
                                                 Value           Point Change           Value           Point Change
                                          -------------------- -------------------  ---------------- -------------------
   Continuing Operations:
    Fixed maturities:
      Fixed rate........................  $     20,254.0       $    19,265.3        $    21,498.2    $     20,341.1
      Floating rate.....................           610.0               610.0              1,241.2           1,206.1
    Mortgage loans......................         4,767.0             4,584.7              4,889.6           4,700.7

  Discontinued Operations:
    Fixed maturities:
      Fixed rate........................  $        336.5       $       317.0        $        85.4    $         81.4
      Floating rate.....................             -                   -                     .1                .1
    Mortgage loans......................           347.7               339.4                467.0             454.2

A 100 basis point  fluctuation in interest rates is a hypothetical rate scenario
used to demonstrate  potential risk; it does not represent  management's view of
future  market  changes.   While  these  fair  value   measurements   provide  a
representation  of interest rate  sensitivity  of fixed  maturities and mortgage
loans,  they are based on various  portfolio  exposures at a particular point in
time and may not be  representative  of future market  results.  These exposures
will  change  as a  result  of  ongoing  portfolio  activities  in  response  to
management's  assessment of changing market conditions and available  investment

The investment portfolios also have direct holdings of public and private equity
securities.  In  addition,  the General  Account is exposed to equity price risk
from the excess of Separate Accounts assets over Separate Accounts  liabilities.
The  following  table shows the potential  exposure  from those equity  security
investments, measured in terms of fair value, to an immediate 10% drop in equity
prices from those prevailing at December 31, 2000 and 1999:

                                             Equity Price Risk Exposure
                                                   (In Millions)

                                                 December 31, 2000                       December 31, 1999
                                        ---------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
                                               Fair          -10% Equity           Fair           -10% Equity
                                              Value          Price Change          Value          Price Change
                                        ------------------ --------------------- -------------- ---------------------
Insurance Group:
  Continuing operations...............  $     1,596.6      $      1,436.9        $      33.2    $        29.9
  Discontinued Operations.............            2.5                 2.2                5.7              5.1
  Excess of Separate Accounts assets
    over Separate Accounts
    liabilities.......................           73.8                66.4              121.4            109.3


A 10% decrease in equity  prices is a  hypothetical  scenario  used to calibrate
potential  risk  and does  not  represent  management's  view of  future  market
changes.  The fair value  measurements  shown are based on the equity securities
portfolio  exposures  at a  particular  point in time and these  exposures  will
change as a result of ongoing  portfolio  activities in response to management's
assessment of changing market conditions and available investment opportunities.

At the end of 2000 and of 1999, the aggregate  carrying  value of  policyholders
liabilities  were  $34,780.0  million  and  $36,134.0   million,   respectively,
including $11,515.2 million and $12,796.4 million,  respectively, of the General
Account's  investment  contracts.  The aggregate fair value of those  investment
contracts at the end of 2000 and of 1999 were  $11,687.2  million and  $12,850.5
million,  respectively.  The impact of a relative 1% decrease in interest  rates
would  be an  increase  in the  fair  value of  those  investment  contracts  to
$11,837.3  million  and  $12,977.7  million,   respectively.   Those  investment
contracts represent only a portion of total policyholders liabilities.  As such,
meaningful  assessment of net market risk  exposure  cannot be made by comparing
the results of the invested assets sensitivity  analyses presented herein to the
potential  exposure  from  the  policyholders'  liabilities  quantified  in this

Asset/liability  management  is  integrated  into many aspects of the  Insurance
Group's  operations,  including  investment  decisions,  product development and
determination  of  crediting  rates.  As part of its  risk  management  process,
numerous  economic  scenarios are modeled,  including cash flow testing required
for  insurance  regulatory  purposes,  to determine if existing  assets would be
sufficient  to meet  projected  liability  cash  flows.  Key  variables  include
policyholder  behavior,  such as  persistency,  under  differing  crediting rate
strategies.  On the  basis  of these  more  comprehensive  analyses,  management
believes  there is no material  solvency risk to Equitable  Life with respect to
interest rate movements up or down of 100 basis points from year end 2000 levels
or with respect to a 10% drop in equity prices from year end 2000 levels.

As more fully  described  in Notes 2 and 13 of Notes to  Consolidated  Financial
Statements, various derivative financial instruments are used to manage exposure
to fluctuations in interest  rates,  including  interest rate caps and floors to
hedge crediting rates on interest-sensitive  products, and interest rate futures
to offset a decline in interest  rates between  receipt of funds and purchase of
appropriate  assets.  To  minimize  credit  risk  exposure  associated  with its
derivative,  transactions,  each counterparty's credit is appraised and approved
and risk control limits and monitoring procedures are applied. Credit limits are
established  and monitored on the basis of potential  exposures  which take into
consideration  current market values and estimates of potential future movements
in market values given potential fluctuations in market interest rates.

While  notional  amount  is the most  commonly  used  measure  of  volume in the
derivatives  market,  it is not used by the Insurance Group as a measure of risk
because the notional  amount greatly exceeds the possible credit and market loss
that  could  arise  from  such  transactions.  Mark  to  market  exposure  is  a
point-in-time  measure of the value of a derivative contract in the open market.
A positive  value  indicates  existence of credit risk for the  Insurance  Group
because the counterparty  would owe money to the Insurance Group if the contract
were closed. Alternatively, a negative value indicates the Insurance Group would
owe money to the counterparty if the contract were closed. If there is more than
one derivatives  transaction  outstanding with a counterparty,  a master netting
arrangement  exists  with  the  counterparty.  In that  case,  the  market  risk
represents  the net of the  positive  and  negative  exposures  with the  single
counterparty.  In  management's  view, the net potential  exposure is the better
measure of credit risk.

At the end of 2000 and of 1999,  the net market value  exposure of the Insurance
Group's derivatives was $7.5 million and $53.7 million, respectively. There were
no swaps  outstanding  at December  31, 2000.  The table that follows  shows the
interest rate sensitivity of those derivatives, measured in terms of fair value.
These exposures will change as a result of ongoing portfolio and risk management


               Insurance Group - Derivative Financial Instruments
                 (In Millions, Except for Weighted Average Term)

                              Notional          Term           -100 Basis            Fair            +100 Basis
                               Amount          (Years)        Point Change           Value          Point Change
                           ---------------  --------------  -----------------   ---------------- -------------------
December 31, 2000
  Caps...................  $    6,775.0           2.61      $       1.4         $      7.2       $        24.3
  Floors.................       2,000.0           1.28              1.6                 .3                  -
                           ---------------                  -----------------   ---------------- -------------------
Total....................  $    8,775.0           2.31      $       3.0         $      7.5       $        24.3
                           ===============  ==============  =================   ================ ===================

December 31, 1999
  Floating to fixed
    rate.................  $      92.3            0.35      $      41.4         $      9.8       $       (19.5)
  Fixed to floating
    rate.................        705.0            5.58             (2.1)              (1.8)               (1.9)
  Caps...................      7,775.0            3.25             16.0               45.5               103.1
  Floors.................      2,000.0            2.28               .8                 .2                  -
                           ---------------                  -----------------   ---------------- -------------------
Total....................  $  10,572.3            3.20      $      56.1         $     53.7       $        81.7
                           ===============  ==============  =================   ================ ===================

At the end of 2000 and of 1999,  the  aggregate  fair values of  long-term  debt
issued by Equitable Life were $949.6 million and $936.8  million,  respectively.
The table below shows the  potential  fair value  exposure to an  immediate  100
basis point decrease in interest rates from those  prevailing at the end of 2000
and of 1999.

                                              Interest Rate Risk Exposure
                                                     (In Millions)

                                                   December 31, 2000                      December 31, 1999
                                      --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
                                            Fair             -100 Basis             Fair             -100 Basis
                                            Value           Point Change            Value           Point Change
                                      ------------------ -------------------- ----------------- --------------------
 Continuing Operations:
   Fixed rate.......................  $     599.7        $      635.4         $      583.5      $      621.4
   Floating rate....................        248.3               248.3                251.4             251.3

 Discontinued Operations:
   Floating rate....................  $     101.7        $      101.7         $      101.9      $      101.9


Part II, Item 8.




Report of Independent Accountants...........................................................  F-1
Consolidated Financial Statements:
  Consolidated Balance Sheets, December 31, 2000 and 1999...................................  F-2
  Consolidated Statements of Earnings, Years Ended December 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998.........  F-3
  Consolidated Statements of Shareholder's Equity, Years Ended December 31, 2000,
    1999 and 1998...........................................................................  F-4
  Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows, Years Ended December 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998.......  F-5
  Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements................................................  F-7

Report of Independent Accountants on Financial Statement Schedules..........................  F-43

Consolidated Financial Statement Schedules:
Schedule I - Summary of Investments -  Other than Investments in Related Parties,
  December 31, 2000.........................................................................  F-44
Schedule II - Balance Sheets (Parent Company), December 31, 2000 and 1999...................  F-45
Schedule II - Statements of Earnings (Parent Company), Years Ended December 31, 2000,
  1999 and 1998.............................................................................  F-47
Schedule II - Statements of Cash Flows (Parent Company), Years Ended December 31, 2000,
  1999 and 1998.............................................................................  F-48
Schedule III - Supplementary Insurance Information, Years Ended December 31, 2000,
  1999 and 1998.............................................................................  F-49
Schedule IV - Reinsurance, Years Ended December 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998.....................  F-52



To the Board of Directors and Shareholder of
The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States

In our opinion,  the  accompanying  consolidated  balance sheets and the related
consolidated  statements of earnings,  of shareholder's equity and comprehensive
income and of cash flows present fairly, in all material respects, the financial
position of The Equitable  Life  Assurance  Society of the United States and its
subsidiaries  ("Equitable Life") at December 31, 2000 and December 31, 1999, and
the results of their operations and their cash flows for each of the three years
in the period ended December 31, 2000 in conformity with  accounting  principles
generally accepted in the United States of America.  These financial  statements
are the responsibility of Equitable Life's management;  our responsibility is to
express  an  opinion  on these  financial  statements  based on our  audits.  We
conducted our audits of these  statements in accordance with auditing  standards
generally  accepted in the United States of America,  which require that we plan
and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial
statements are free of material misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a
test basis,  evidence  supporting  the amounts and  disclosures in the financial
statements,  assessing the accounting  principles used and significant estimates
made by management, and evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

/s/PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
New York, New York

February 5, 2001


                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                           DECEMBER 31, 2000 AND 1999

                                                                                    2000                 1999
                                                                              -----------------    -----------------
                                                                                          (IN MILLIONS)


  Fixed maturities:
    Available for sale, at estimated fair value.............................   $    16,251.4        $    18,599.7
    Held to maturity, at amortized cost.....................................           204.6                133.2
  Mortgage loans on real estate.............................................         3,130.8              3,270.0
  Equity real estate........................................................           975.5              1,160.2
  Policy loans..............................................................         2,476.9              2,257.3
  Other equity investments..................................................         2,392.8                671.2
  Investment in and loans to affiliates.....................................             -                1,201.8
  Other invested assets.....................................................           762.5                911.6
                                                                              -----------------    -----------------
      Total investments.....................................................        26,194.5             28,205.0
Cash and cash equivalents...................................................         2,022.1                628.0
Cash and securities segregated, at estimated fair value.....................         1,306.3                  -
Broker-dealer related receivables...........................................         1,900.3                521.3
Deferred policy acquisition costs...........................................         4,429.1              4,033.0
Intangible assets, net......................................................         3,525.8                114.5
Amounts due from reinsurers.................................................         1,989.2                881.5
Other assets................................................................         3,594.3              2,351.0
Closed Block assets.........................................................         8,659.0              8,607.3
Separate Accounts assets....................................................        51,705.9             54,453.9
                                                                              -----------------    -----------------

TOTAL ASSETS................................................................   $   105,326.5        $    99,795.5
                                                                              =================    =================


Policyholders' account balances.............................................   $    19,866.4        $    21,351.4
Future policy benefits and other policyholders liabilities..................         4,920.4              4,777.6
Broker-dealer related payables..............................................         1,283.0                319.3
Customers related payables..................................................         1,636.9                  -
Amounts due to reinsurers...................................................           730.3                682.5
Short-term and long-term debt...............................................         1,630.1              1,407.9
Federal income taxes payable................................................         1,988.2                496.0
Other liabilities...........................................................         1,642.1              1,379.0
Closed Block liabilities....................................................         9,050.2              9,025.0
Separate Accounts liabilities...............................................        51,632.1             54,332.5
Minority interest in equity of consolidated subsidiaries....................         1,820.4                256.8
Minority interest subject to redemption rights..............................           681.1                  -
                                                                              -----------------    -----------------
      Total liabilities.....................................................        96,881.2             94,028.0
                                                                              -----------------    -----------------

Commitments and contingencies (Notes 11, 13, 14, 15 and 16)


Common stock, $1.25 par value, 2.0 million shares authorized, issued
  and outstanding...........................................................             2.5                  2.5
Capital in excess of par value..............................................         4,723.8              3,557.2
Retained earnings...........................................................         3,706.2              2,600.7
Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)...............................            12.8               (392.9)
                                                                              -----------------    -----------------
      Total shareholder's equity............................................         8,445.3              5,767.5
                                                                              -----------------    -----------------

TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDER'S EQUITY..................................   $   105,326.5        $    99,795.5
                                                                              =================    =================

                 See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.


                  YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2000, 1999 AND 1998

                                                                      2000               1999               1998
                                                                -----------------  -----------------  -----------------
                                                                                    (IN MILLIONS)

Universal life and investment-type product policy fee
  income......................................................   $    1,413.3       $     1,257.5      $     1,056.2
Premiums......................................................          579.9               558.2              588.1
Net investment income.........................................        2,173.2             2,240.9            2,228.1
Gain on sale of equity investee...............................        1,962.0                 -                  -
Investment (losses) gains, net................................         (756.0)              (96.9)             100.2
Commissions, fees and other income............................        2,731.1             2,177.9            1,503.0
Contribution from the Closed Block............................           92.7                86.4               87.1
                                                                -----------------  -----------------  -----------------

      Total revenues..........................................        8,196.2             6,224.0            5,562.7
                                                                -----------------  -----------------  -----------------


Interest credited to policyholders' account balances..........        1,034.3             1,078.2            1,153.0
Policyholders' benefits.......................................        1,049.3             1,038.6            1,024.7
Compensation and benefits.....................................        1,081.2             1,010.6              772.0
Commissions...................................................          779.2               549.5              478.1
Distribution plan payments....................................          476.0               346.6              266.4
Amortization of deferred sales commissions....................          219.7               163.9              108.9
Interest expense..............................................          116.3                93.0              110.7
Amortization of deferred policy acquisition costs.............          294.5               314.5              292.7
Capitalization of deferred policy acquisition costs...........         (778.1)             (709.9)            (609.1)
Writedown of deferred policy acquisition costs................            -                 131.7                -
Rent expense..................................................          146.4               113.9              100.0
Expenses related to AXA's minority interest acquisition
   of the Holding Company.....................................          493.9                 -                  -
Other operating costs and expenses............................          698.0               783.5              681.5
                                                                -----------------  -----------------  -----------------

      Total benefits and other deductions.....................        5,610.7             4,914.1            4,378.9
                                                                -----------------  -----------------  -----------------

Earnings from continuing operations before Federal
  income taxes and minority interest..........................        2,585.5             1,309.9            1,183.8
Federal income taxes..........................................         (958.3)             (332.0)            (353.1)
Minority interest in net income of consolidated subsidiaries..         (330.3)             (199.4)            (125.2)
                                                                -----------------  -----------------  -----------------
Earnings from continuing operations...........................        1,296.9               778.5              705.5
Earnings from discontinued operations, net of Federal
   income taxes...............................................           58.6                28.1                2.7
                                                                -----------------  -----------------  -----------------

Net Earnings..................................................   $    1,355.5       $       806.6      $       708.2
                                                                =================  =================  =================

                 See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.


                  YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2000, 1999 AND 1998

                                                                      2000               1999               1998
                                                                -----------------  -----------------  -----------------
                                                                                    (IN MILLIONS)

Common stock, at par value, beginning and end of year.........   $        2.5       $         2.5      $         2.5
                                                                -----------------  -----------------  -----------------

Capital in excess of par value, beginning of year.............        3,557.2             3,110.2            3,105.8
Capital contributions.........................................        1,166.6               447.0                4.4
                                                                -----------------  -----------------  -----------------
Capital in excess of par value, end of year...................        4,723.8             3,557.2            3,110.2
                                                                -----------------  -----------------  -----------------

Retained earnings, beginning of year..........................        2,600.7             1,944.1            1,235.9
Net earnings..................................................        1,355.5               806.6              708.2
Dividends paid to AXA Financial...............................         (250.0)             (150.0)               -
                                                                -----------------  -----------------  -----------------
Retained earnings, end of year................................        3,706.2             2,600.7            1,944.1
                                                                -----------------  -----------------  -----------------

Accumulated other comprehensive (loss) income,
  beginning of year...........................................         (392.9)              355.8              516.3
Other comprehensive income (loss).............................          405.7              (748.7)            (160.5)
                                                                -----------------  -----------------  -----------------
Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss), end of year....           12.8              (392.9)             355.8
                                                                -----------------  -----------------  -----------------

Total Shareholder's Equity, End of Year.......................   $    8,445.3       $     5,767.5      $     5,412.6
                                                                =================  =================  =================


Net earnings..................................................   $    1,355.5       $       806.6      $       708.2
                                                                -----------------  -----------------  -----------------
Change in unrealized gains (losses), net of reclassification
   adjustments................................................          405.7              (776.9)            (149.5)
Minimum pension liability adjustment..........................            -                  28.2              (11.0)
                                                                -----------------  -----------------  -----------------
Other comprehensive income (loss).............................          405.7              (748.7)            (160.5)
                                                                -----------------  -----------------  -----------------
Comprehensive Income..........................................   $    1,761.2       $        57.9      $       547.7
                                                                =================  =================  =================

                 See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.


                  YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2000, 1999 AND 1998

                                                                      2000               1999               1998
                                                                -----------------  -----------------  -----------------
                                                                                    (IN MILLIONS)

Net earnings..................................................   $    1,355.5       $       806.6      $       708.2
Adjustments to reconcile net earnings to net cash
  provided by operating activities:
  Interest credited to policyholders' account balances........        1,034.3             1,078.2            1,153.0
  Universal life and investment-type product
    policy fee income.........................................       (1,413.3)           (1,257.5)          (1,056.2)
  Investment losses (gains)...................................          756.0                96.9             (100.2)
  Net change in broker-dealer and customer related
    receivables/payables......................................         (422.9)             (119.9)             (17.5)
  Gain on sale of equity investee.............................       (1,962.0)                -                  -
  Change in Federal income tax payable........................        2,078.4               157.4              123.1
  Change in future policy benefits............................         (850.6)               22.8               66.8
  Change in property and equipment............................         (321.0)             (256.3)             (81.8)
  Change in deferred acquisition costs........................         (476.9)             (260.7)            (314.0)
  Expenses related to AXA's acquisition
    of the Holding Company's minority interest................          493.9                 -                  -
  Purchase of segregated cash and securities, net.............         (610.4)                -                  -
  Other, net..................................................         (560.8)              (71.7)              21.6
                                                                -----------------  -----------------  -----------------

Net cash (used) provided by operating activities..............          (54.0)              195.8              503.0
                                                                -----------------  -----------------  -----------------

Cash flows from investing activities:

  Maturities and repayments...................................        2,091.0             2,019.0            2,289.0
  Sales.......................................................        7,810.2             7,572.9           16,972.1
  Purchases...................................................       (8,895.1)          (10,737.3)         (18,578.5)
  Decrease (increase) in short-term investments...............          142.6              (178.3)             102.4
  Decrease in loans to discontinued operations................            -                   -                660.0
  Sale of equity investee.....................................        1,580.6                 -                  -
  Subsidiary acquisition .....................................       (1,480.0)                -                  -
  Other, net..................................................         (164.5)             (134.8)            (341.8)
                                                                -----------------  -----------------  -----------------

Net cash provided (used) by investing activities..............        1,084.8            (1,458.5)           1,103.2
                                                                -----------------  -----------------  -----------------

Cash flows from financing activities:
  Policyholders' account balances:
    Deposits..................................................        2,659.9             2,366.2            1,508.1
    Withdrawals and transfers to Separate Accounts............       (3,887.7)           (1,765.8)          (1,724.6)
  Net increase (decrease) in short-term financings............          225.2               378.2             (243.5)
  Repayments of long-term debt................................            -                 (41.3)             (24.5)
  Payment of obligation to fund accumulated deficit of
    discontinued operations...................................            -                   -                (87.2)
  Proceeds from newly issued Alliance Units...................        1,600.0                 -                  -
  Dividends paid to AXA Financial.............................         (250.0)             (150.0)               -
  Other, net..................................................           15.9              (142.1)             (89.5)
                                                                -----------------  -----------------  -----------------

Net cash provided (used) by financing activities..............          363.3               645.2             (661.2)
                                                                -----------------  -----------------  -----------------

Change in cash and cash equivalents...........................        1,394.1              (617.5)             945.0
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of year..................          628.0             1,245.5              300.5
                                                                -----------------  -----------------  -----------------

Cash and Cash Equivalents, End of Year........................   $    2,022.1       $       628.0      $     1,245.5
                                                                =================  =================  =================


                  YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2000, 1999 AND 1998

                                                                      2000               1999               1998
                                                                -----------------  -----------------  -----------------
                                                                                    (IN MILLIONS)

Supplemental cash flow information
  Interest Paid...............................................   $       97.0       $        92.2      $       130.7
                                                                =================  =================  =================
  Income Taxes Paid...........................................   $      358.2       $       116.5      $       254.3
                                                                =================  =================  =================

                 See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.




        The Equitable  Life Assurance  Society of the United States  ("Equitable
        Life") is an indirect,  wholly owned  subsidiary of AXA Financial,  Inc.
        (the  "Holding   Company,"  and   collectively   with  its  consolidated
        subsidiaries,  "AXA Financial").  Equitable Life's insurance business is
        conducted  principally  by  Equitable  Life and its  wholly  owned  life
        insurance  subsidiary,  Equitable of Colorado ("EOC").  Equitable Life's
        investment management business,  which comprises the Investment Services
        segment,  is principally  conducted by Alliance Capital  Management L.P.
        ("Alliance"),  and,  through  November  3,  2000,  Donaldson,  Lufkin  &
        Jenrette,  Inc. ("DLJ"),  an investment banking and brokerage  affiliate
        which  was sold.  On  September  20,  1999,  as part of AXA  Financial's
        "branding"  strategic  initiative,  EQ  Financial  Consultants,  Inc., a
        broker-dealer  subsidiary  of  Equitable  Life,  was  merged  into a new
        company,  AXA  Advisors,  LLC ("AXA  Advisors").  Also, on September 21,
        1999, AXA Advisors was transferred by Equitable Life to AXA Distribution
        Holding  Corporation  ("AXA  Distribution"),  a  wholly  owned  indirect
        subsidiary of the Holding Company,  for $15.3 million. The excess of the
        sales price over AXA Advisors' book value has been recorded in Equitable
        Life's  books as a capital  contribution.  Equitable  Life  continues to
        develop and market the "Equitable"  brand of life and annuity  products,
        while AXA Distribution and its subsidiaries  provide financial  planning
        services,  distribute  products and manage  customer  relationships.  In
        February  2000,  Equitable  Life  transferred  AXA  Network,  LLC  ("AXA
        Network") to AXA  Distribution,  an indirect wholly owned  subsidiary of
        the Holding Company for $8.7 million. The excess of sales price over AXA
        Network's  book value has been  recorded in Equitable  Life's  financial
        statements as a capital contribution.

        In October 2000,  Alliance acquired  substantially all of the assets and
        liabilities of Sanford C. Bernstein Inc.  ("Bernstein") for an aggregate
        current value of approximately  $3.50 billion ($1.48 billion in cash and
        40.8 million newly issued Alliance units).  The Holding Company provided
        Alliance  with the  cash  portion  of the  consideration  by  purchasing
        approximately 32.6 million newly issued Alliance Units for $1.60 billion
        in June 2000.  Equitable Life and,  collectively  with its  consolidated
        subsidiaries (the "Company"), recorded a non-cash gain of $416.2 million
        (net of related  Federal  income tax of $224.1  million)  related to the
        Holding  Company's  purchase of Alliance  Units which is reflected as an
        addition  to  capital  in  excess  of par  value.  The  acquisition  was
        accounted  for under the  purchase  method with the results of Bernstein
        included in the consolidated  financial  statements from the acquisition
        date. The excess of the purchase price over the fair value of net assets
        acquired  resulted in the recognition of goodwill and intangible  assets
        of approximately  $3.40 billion and is being amortized over an estimated
        overall 20 year life. In connection  with the issuance of Alliance Units
        to former Bernstein  shareholders,  the Company recorded a non-cash gain
        of $393.5 million (net of related  Federal income tax of $211.9 million)
        which is reflected as an addition to capital in excess of par value. The
        Company's  consolidated  economic  interest  in  Alliance  was 39.43% at
        December 31, 2000. In 1999,  Alliance  reorganized into Alliance Capital
        Management  Holding L.P.  ("Alliance  Holding") and  Alliance.  Alliance
        Holding's  principal  asset is its interest in Alliance and it functions
        as a holding entity  through which holders of its publicly  traded units
        own an indirect  interest in Alliance,  the operating  partnership.  The
        Company  exchanged  substantially  all of its Alliance Holding units for
        units in Alliance ("Alliance Units").

        AXA, a French holding  company for an  international  group of insurance
        and related financial services companies, has been the Holding Company's
        largest  shareholder since 1992. In October 2000, the Board of Directors
        of the Holding  Company,  acting upon a  unanimous  recommendation  of a
        special committee of independent  directors,  approved an agreement with
        AXA for the acquisition of the approximately 40% of outstanding  Holding
        Company  common stock  ("Common  Stock") it did not already  own.  Under
        terms of the agreement, the minority shareholders of the Holding Company
        would  receive  $35.75 in cash and 0.295 of an AXA  American  Depositary
        Share  ("ADS") for each  Holding  Company  share.  When the tender offer
        expired on December  29, 2000,  approximately  148.1  million  shares of
        Common Stock had been  acquired by AXA and its wholly owned  subsidiary,
        AXA Merger Corp.  On January 2, 2001,  AXA Merger Corp.  was merged with
        and into the Holding Company,  resulting in the Holding Company becoming
        a wholly owned subsidiary of AXA.



        Basis of Presentation and Principles of Consolidation

        The  accompanying  consolidated  financial  statements  are  prepared in
        conformity with generally accepted accounting  principles ("GAAP") which
        require  management to make  estimates and  assumptions  that affect the
        reported  amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent
        assets and  liabilities at the date of the financial  statements and the
        reported  amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting  period.
        Actual results could differ from those estimates.

        The accompanying  consolidated financial statements include the accounts
        of  Equitable  Life and its  subsidiary  engaged  in  insurance  related
        businesses  (collectively,  the "Insurance Group");  other subsidiaries,
        principally Alliance; and those partnerships and joint ventures in which
        Equitable Life or its  subsidiaries  has control or a majority  economic
        interest.  The  Company's  investment  in DLJ was reported on the equity
        basis of  accounting.  Closed Block assets,  liabilities  and results of
        operations  are presented in the  consolidated  financial  statements as
        single line items (see Note 7). Unless  specifically  stated,  all other
        footnote  disclosures  contained herein exclude the Closed Block related

        All significant intercompany transactions and balances except those with
        the Closed Block, DLJ and discontinued operations (see Note 8) have been
        eliminated in  consolidation.  The years "2000," "1999" and "1998" refer
        to the years  ended  December  31,  2000,  1999 and 1998,  respectively.
        Certain  reclassifications  have been made in the amounts  presented for
        prior periods to conform these periods with the 2000 presentation.

        Closed Block

        When it  demutualized  on July 22, 1992,  Equitable  Life  established a
        Closed  Block  for  the  benefit  of  certain  individual  participating
        policies which were in force on that date.  The assets  allocated to the
        Closed Block,  together with anticipated revenues from policies included
        in the Closed  Block,  were  reasonably  expected  to be  sufficient  to
        support such  business,  including  provision for the payment of claims,
        certain  expenses and taxes,  and for  continuation  of dividend  scales
        payable  in  1991,  assuming  the  experience   underlying  such  scales

        Assets  allocated to the Closed Block inure solely to the benefit of the
        Closed  Block  policyholders  and will not revert to the  benefit of the
        Holding  Company.  No  reallocation,  transfer,  borrowing or lending of
        assets  can be made  between  the  Closed  Block and other  portions  of
        Equitable  Life's General Account,  any of its Separate  Accounts or any
        affiliate  of  Equitable  Life  without  the  approval  of the New  York
        Superintendent of Insurance (the "Superintendent").  Closed Block assets
        and  liabilities  are  carried on the same  basis as similar  assets and
        liabilities  held in the  General  Account.  The excess of Closed  Block
        liabilities  over Closed Block  assets  represents  the expected  future
        post-tax contribution from the Closed Block which would be recognized in
        income over the period the  policies  and  contracts in the Closed Block
        remain in force.

        Discontinued Operations

        In  1991,  management  discontinued  the  business  of  certain  pension
        operations  ("Discontinued  Operations").   Discontinued  Operations  at
        December 31, 2000  principally  consists of the Group  Non-Participating
        Wind-Up Annuities ("Wind-Up Annuities"),  for which a premium deficiency
        reserve has been  established.  Management  reviews the  adequacy of the
        allowance  for future  losses each  quarter and makes  adjustments  when
        necessary.  Management  believes  the  allowance  for  future  losses at
        December 31, 2000 is adequate to provide for all future losses; however,
        the quarterly  allowance review continues to involve numerous  estimates
        and subjective  judgments regarding the expected performance of invested
        assets   ("Discontinued   Operations   Investment   Assets")   held   by
        Discontinued  Operations.  There can be no assurance the losses provided
        for will not differ from the losses ultimately  realized.  To the extent
        actual results or future  projections of discontinued  operations differ
        from management's current best estimates and assumptions  underlying the
        allowance for future losses,  the  difference  would be reflected in the
        consolidated  statements  of earnings  in  discontinued  operations.  In
        particular, to the extent income, sales proceeds and holding periods for
        equity  real  estate  differ  from  management's  previous  assumptions,
        periodic adjustments to the allowance are likely to result (see Note 8).


        New Accounting Pronouncements

        As required  beginning January 1, 2001, the Company adopted Statement of
        Financial   Accounting  Standards  ("SFAS")  No.  133,  "Accounting  for
        Derivative  Instruments  and  Hedging  Activities",   as  amended,  that
        establishes  new accounting  and reporting  standards for all derivative
        instruments,  including certain derivatives embedded in other contracts,
        and for hedging activities.  As further described and quantified in Note
        13, the only  free-standing  derivative  instruments  maintained  by the
        Company at January 1, 2001 were interest  rate caps,  floors and collars
        intended  to  hedge  crediting  rates on  interest-sensitive  individual
        annuities  contracts.  However,  based upon  guidance from the Financial
        Accounting  Standards Board ("FASB") and the Derivatives  Implementation
        Group  ("DIG"),  these  contracts  cannot be  designated in a qualifying
        hedging   relationship   under  FAS  133  and,   consequently,   require
        mark-to-market  accounting  through  earnings  for changes in their fair
        values  beginning  January 1, 2001.  With  respect  to  adoption  of the
        requirements on embedded  derivatives,  the Company elected a January 1,
        1999 transition  date,  thereby  effectively  "grandfathering"  existing
        accounting  for  derivatives  embedded in hybrid  instruments  acquired,
        issued,  or  substantively  modified  on  or  before  that  date.  As  a
        consequence of this election,  coupled with recent interpretive guidance
        from the FASB and the DIG with respect to issues specifically related to
        insurance  contracts and features,  adoption of the new requirements for
        embedded  derivatives  did not have a material  impact on the  Company's
        consolidated financial position or earnings.

        In  September  2000,  the FASB  issued  SFAS No.  140,  "Accounting  for
        Transfers  and  Servicing of  Financial  Assets and  Extinguishments  of
        Liabilities,  a replacement of SFAS No. 125". SFAS No. 140 specifies the
        accounting  and reporting  requirements  for  securitizations  and other
        transfers  of  financial  assets and  collateral,  the  recognition  and
        measurement of servicing  assets and liabilities and the  extinguishment
        of liabilities. SFAS No. 140 is effective for transfers and servicing of
        financial  assets and  extinguishments  of liabilities  occurring  after
        March  31,  2001  and  is  to  be  applied  prospectively  with  certain
        exceptions.   This   statement  is   effective   for   recognition   and
        reclassification   of  collateral  and  for   disclosures   relating  to
        securitization transactions and collateral for fiscal years ending after
        December 15, 2000.  Adoption of the new  requirements is not expected to
        have a  significant  impact  on  the  Company's  consolidated  financial
        position or earnings.

        In December 2000, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
        (the "AICPA") issued Statement of Position ("SOP") 00-3,  "Accounting by
        Insurance  Enterprises  for  Demutualizations  and  Formations of Mutual
        Insurance Holding Companies and for Certain Long-Duration  Participating
        Contracts".  Since Equitable Life's July 1992  demutualization  occurred
        before  December  31,  2000,  SOP 00-3  should be applied  retroactively
        through  restatement  or  reclassification,   as  appropriate,   of  all
        previously  issued  financial  statements  no later  than the end of the
        fiscal  year  that  begins  after   December  15,  2000.   However,   if
        implementation  is impracticable  because the  demutualization  occurred
        many  years  prior to  January  1, 2001 no  retroactive  restatement  is
        required. The Company has determined it is not practicable to produce an
        actuarial   calculation  as  of  the  July  1992  demutualization  date.
        Therefore,  SOP 00-3 will be adopted prospectively as of January 1, 2001
        with no financial  impact  associated  with its initial  implementation.
        However,  future  earnings  will be affected to the extent actual Closed
        Block  earnings  exceed those assumed at January 1, 2001.  Additionally,
        the presentation of all previously  issued financial  statements will be
        revised to include Closed Block assets and liabilities on a line-by-line
        basis as required by SOP 00-3.

        In December 1999,  the staff of the  Securities and Exchange  Commission
        (the "SEC") issued Staff Accounting  Bulletin ("SAB") No. 101,  "Revenue
        Recognition in Financial Statements," which was effective fourth quarter
        2000.   SAB  No.  101  addresses   revenue   recognition   issues;   its
        implementation   did  not  have  a  material  impact  on  the  Company's
        consolidated financial position or earnings.


        Fixed  maturities  identified  as  available  for sale are  reported  at
        estimated fair value.  Those fixed maturities which the Company has both
        the ability and the intent to hold to maturity,  are stated  principally
        at amortized  cost. The amortized  cost of fixed  maturities is adjusted
        for impairments in value deemed to be other than temporary.


        Mortgage loans on real estate are stated at unpaid  principal  balances,
        net  of  unamortized  discounts  and  valuation  allowances.   Valuation
        allowances are based on the present value of expected  future cash flows
        discounted  at the loan's  original  effective  interest  rate or on its
        collateral  value  if the  loan is  collateral  dependent.  However,  if
        foreclosure is or becomes  probable,  the collateral  value  measurement
        method is used.

        Impaired mortgage loans without provision for losses are loans where the
        fair value of the  collateral  or the net present  value of the expected
        future cash flows  related to the loan  equals or exceeds  the  recorded
        investment.  Interest income earned on loans where the collateral  value
        is used to measure  impairment  is recorded  on a cash  basis.  Interest
        income  on loans  where the  present  value  method  is used to  measure
        impairment  is accrued on the net  carrying  value amount of the loan at
        the  interest  rate used to  discount  the cash  flows.  Changes  in the
        present  value  attributable  to  changes  in the  amount  or  timing of
        expected cash flows are reported as investment gains or losses.

        Real estate,  including real estate acquired in satisfaction of debt, is
        stated at  depreciated  cost less valuation  allowances.  At the date of
        foreclosure (including in-substance  foreclosure),  real estate acquired
        in satisfaction of debt is valued at estimated fair value. Impaired real
        estate is  written  down to fair value  with the  impairment  loss being
        included in investment gains (losses), net. Valuation allowances on real
        estate held for sale are computed using the lower of depreciated cost or
        current estimated fair value, net of disposition costs.  Depreciation is
        discontinued on real estate held for sale.

        Depreciation  of real estate held for  production  of income is computed
        using the  straight-line  method over the estimated  useful lives of the
        properties, which generally range from 40 to 50 years.

        Valuation  allowances are netted  against the asset  categories to which
        they apply.

        Policy loans are stated at unpaid principal balances.

        Partnerships  and  joint  venture  interests  in which the  Company  has
        control or a majority  economic  interest  (that is, greater than 50% of
        the economic return generated by the entity) are consolidated;  those in
        which the Company does not have control or a majority  economic interest
        are reported on the equity basis of accounting  and are included  either
        with equity real estate or other equity investments, as appropriate.

        Equity  securities  includes common stock classified as both trading and
        available for sale securities and  non-redeemable  preferred stock; they
        are carried at  estimated  fair value and are  included in other  equity

        Short-term  investments are stated at amortized cost which  approximates
        fair value and are included with other invested assets.

        Cash and cash equivalents  includes cash on hand, amounts due from banks
        and highly liquid debt instruments  purchased with an original  maturity
        of three months or less.

        All  securities  owned as well as United  States  government  and agency
        securities,    mortgage-backed   securities,    futures   and   forwards
        transactions are recorded in the consolidated  financial statements on a
        trade date basis.

        Net Investment Income, Investment Gains (Losses), Net
        and Unrealized Investment Gains (Losses)

        Net investment income and realized  investment gains (losses) related to
        certain  participating  group annuity contracts which are passed through
        to  the   contractholders   are   reflected  as  interest   credited  to
        policyholders' account balances.

        Realized investment gains (losses) are determined by identification with
        the specific asset and are presented as a component of revenue.  Changes
        in the valuation allowances are included in investment gains or losses.

        Realized and unrealized holding gains (losses) on trading securities are
        reflected in net investment income.

        Unrealized  investment  gains and losses on fixed  maturities and equity
        securities available for sale held by the Company are accounted for as a
        separate component of accumulated  comprehensive  income, net of related
        deferred  Federal income taxes,  amounts  attributable  to  Discontinued
        Operations,  participating  group annuity  contracts and deferred policy
        acquisition costs ("DAC") related to universal life and  investment-type
        products and participating traditional life contracts.


        Net investment income and investment gains (losses), net related to
        investment assets are collectively referred to as "investment results."

        Recognition of Insurance Income and Related Expenses

        Premiums from universal life and investment-type  contracts are reported
        as deposits to  policyholders'  account  balances.  Revenues  from these
        contracts   consist  of  amounts  assessed  during  the  period  against
        policyholders'   account   balances  for   mortality   charges,   policy
        administration charges and surrender charges. Policy benefits and claims
        that are  charged to expense  include  benefit  claims  incurred  in the
        period in excess of related policyholders' account balances.

        Premiums from participating and  non-participating  traditional life and
        annuity  policies with life  contingencies  generally are  recognized as
        income when due.  Benefits  and expenses are matched with such income so
        as to  result  in the  recognition  of  profits  over  the  life  of the
        contracts.  This match is  accomplished  by means of the  provision  for
        liabilities  for future policy  benefits and the deferral and subsequent
        amortization of policy acquisition costs.

        For  contracts  with a single  premium  or a limited  number of  premium
        payments due over a  significantly  shorter period than the total period
        over which  benefits are provided,  premiums are recorded as income when
        due with any  excess  profit  deferred  and  recognized  in  income in a
        constant  relationship  to  insurance  in force or, for  annuities,  the
        amount of expected future benefit payments.

        Premiums from individual  health contracts are recognized as income over
        the period to which the premiums  relate in  proportion to the amount of
        insurance protection provided.

        The Insurance Group assumes and cedes  reinsurance  with other insurance
        companies.  The Insurance Group evaluates the financial condition of its
        reinsurers to minimize its exposure to significant losses from reinsurer
        insolvencies. Ceded reinsurance does not relieve the originating insurer
        of liability.

        Deferred Policy Acquisition Costs

        Acquisition  costs,  including  commissions,  underwriting,  agency  and
        policy issue expenses,  all of which vary with and primarily are related
        to new business,  are deferred. DAC is subject to recoverability testing
        at the time of policy issue and loss  recognition  testing at the end of
        each accounting period.

        For  universal  life  products  and  investment-type  products,  DAC  is
        amortized  over  the  expected  total  life of the  contract  group as a
        constant  percentage of estimated gross profits arising principally from
        investment results,  mortality and expense margins and surrender charges
        based on historical and anticipated  future  experience,  updated at the
        end of each accounting  period. The effect on the amortization of DAC of
        revisions  to  estimated  gross  profits is reflected in earnings in the
        period such estimated  gross profits are revised.  The effect on the DAC
        asset that would result from realization of unrealized gains (losses) is
        recognized  with  an  offset  to  accumulated  comprehensive  income  in
        consolidated shareholder's equity as of the balance sheet date.

        For participating  traditional life policies (substantially all of which
        are in the Closed Block),  DAC is amortized over the expected total life
        of the  contract  group as a constant  percentage  based on the  present
        value of the estimated gross margin amounts expected to be realized over
        the life of the  contracts  using  the  expected  investment  yield.  At
        December  31, 2000,  the expected  investment  yield,  excluding  policy
        loans,  was 7.6% over a 40 year period.  Estimated gross margin includes
        anticipated   premiums   and   investment   results   less   claims  and
        administrative  expenses,  changes in the net level premium  reserve and
        expected annual policyholder  dividends.  The effect on the amortization
        of DAC of revisions to estimated  gross margins is reflected in earnings
        in the period such  estimated  gross margins are revised.  The effect on
        the DAC asset that would result from  realization  of  unrealized  gains
        (losses)  is  recognized  with an  offset to  accumulated  comprehensive
        income in  consolidated  shareholder's  equity as of the  balance  sheet

        For  non-participating  traditional  life policies,  DAC is amortized in
        proportion  to  anticipated  premiums.  Assumptions  as  to  anticipated
        premiums are estimated at the date of policy issue and are  consistently
        applied  during the life of the  contracts.  Deviations  from  estimated
        experience  are  reflected  in earnings  in the period  such  deviations
        occur. For these contracts,  the amortization  periods generally are for
        the total life of the policy.


        In second quarter 1999,  management  completed a study of the cash flows
        and liability characteristics of its insurance product lines as compared
        to the  expected  cash flows of the  underlying  assets.  That  analysis
        reflected an assessment of the potential impact on future operating cash
        flows from current  economic  conditions  and trends,  including  rising
        interest  rates  and  securities  market  volatility  and the  impact of
        increasing  competitiveness within the insurance marketplace (evidenced,
        for example, by the proliferation of bonus annuity products) on in-force
        business. The review indicated that changes to the then-current invested
        asset  allocation  strategy  were  required  to  reposition  assets with
        greater  price  volatility  away from  products  with  demand  liquidity
        characteristics to support those products with lower liquidity needs. To
        implement  these  findings,   the  existing  investment   portfolio  was
        reallocated, and prospective investment allocation targets were revised.
        The reallocation of the assets impacted  investment  results by product,
        thereby  impacting  the future  gross margin  estimates  utilized in the
        amortization of DAC for universal life and investment-type products. The
        revisions to estimated  future  gross  profits  resulted in an after-tax
        writedown of DAC of $85.6  million (net of a Federal  income tax benefit
        of $46.1 million) in 1999.

        Policyholders' Account Balances and Future Policy Benefits

        Policyholders'  account balances for universal life and  investment-type
        contracts are equal to the policy  account  values.  The policy  account
        values represent an accumulation of gross premium payments plus credited
        interest less expense and mortality charges and withdrawals.

        For  participating  traditional  life  policies,  future policy  benefit
        liabilities are calculated using a net level premium method on the basis
        of actuarial assumptions equal to guaranteed mortality and dividend fund
        interest  rates.  The  liability  for annual  dividends  represents  the
        accrual of annual dividends  earned.  Terminal  dividends are accrued in
        proportion to gross margins over the life of the contract.

        For non-participating traditional life insurance policies, future policy
        benefit  liabilities  are estimated  using a net level premium method on
        the basis of actuarial  assumptions  as to  mortality,  persistency  and
        interest established at policy issue.  Assumptions established at policy
        issue as to mortality and persistency are based on the Insurance Group's
        experience  which,  together  with  interest  and  expense  assumptions,
        includes a margin for adverse deviation. When the liabilities for future
        policy benefits plus the present value of expected future gross premiums
        for a product are  insufficient  to provide for expected  future  policy
        benefits  and  expenses  for  that  product,  DAC  is  written  off  and
        thereafter,  if required, a premium deficiency reserve is established by
        a charge to earnings.  Benefit  liabilities  for  traditional  annuities
        during the accumulation period are equal to accumulated contractholders'
        fund balances and after  annuitization are equal to the present value of
        expected  future  payments.  Interest  rates used in  establishing  such
        liabilities range from 2.25% to 10.9% for life insurance liabilities and
        from 2.25% to 8.15% for annuity liabilities.

        Individual  health  benefit  liabilities  for active lives are estimated
        using  the  net  level  premium  method  and  assumptions  as to  future
        morbidity,  withdrawals and interest.  Benefit  liabilities for disabled
        lives are  estimated  using the  present  value of  benefits  method and
        experience assumptions as to claim terminations,  expenses and interest.
        While  management  believes its disability  income ("DI")  reserves have
        been calculated on a reasonable basis and are adequate,  there can be no
        assurance reserves will be sufficient to provide for future liabilities.


        Claim  reserves and associated  liabilities  for individual DI and major
        medical  policies were $120.3 million and $948.4 million at December 31,
        2000 and 1999,  respectively.  At December 31, 2000, $1,046.5 million of
        DI reserves and associated  liabilities  were ceded through an indemnity
        reinsurance  agreement (see Note 14). Incurred  benefits  (benefits paid
        plus changes in claim  reserves) and benefits paid for individual DI and
        major medical are summarized as follows:

                                                                  2000               1999                1998
                                                            -----------------   ----------------   -----------------
                                                                                 (IN MILLIONS)

        Incurred benefits related to current year..........  $        56.1       $      150.7       $      140.1
        Incurred benefits related to prior years...........           15.0               64.7               84.2
                                                            -----------------   ----------------   -----------------
        Total Incurred Benefits............................  $        71.1       $      215.4       $      224.3
                                                            =================   ================   =================

        Benefits paid related to current year..............  $        14.8       $       28.9       $       17.0
        Benefits paid related to prior years...............          106.0              189.8              155.4
                                                            -----------------   ----------------   -----------------
        Total Benefits Paid................................  $       120.8       $      218.7       $      172.4
                                                            =================   ================   =================

        Policyholders' Dividends

        The amount of policyholders'  dividends to be paid (including  dividends
        on policies  included  in the Closed  Block) is  determined  annually by
        Equitable   Life's  board  of  directors.   The   aggregate   amount  of
        policyholders'  dividends  is  related  to actual  interest,  mortality,
        morbidity  and expense  experience  for the year and  judgment as to the
        appropriate level of statutory surplus to be retained by Equitable Life.

        At December 31, 2000,  participating  policies,  including  those in the
        Closed Block, represent  approximately 20.8% ($41.1 billion) of directly
        written life insurance in force, net of amounts ceded.

        Separate Accounts

        Separate  Accounts  established  under  New  York  State  Insurance  Law
        generally are not chargeable with  liabilities that arise from any other
        business of the Insurance Group. Separate Accounts assets are subject to
        General  Account  claims  only to the extent  Separate  Accounts  assets
        exceed Separate Accounts liabilities.

        Assets  and  liabilities  of the  Separate  Accounts  represent  the net
        deposits  and  accumulated  net  investment  earnings  less  fees,  held
        primarily  for  the  benefit  of  contractholders,  and  for  which  the
        Insurance  Group does not bear the  investment  risk.  They are shown as
        separate lines in the consolidated  balance sheets.  The Insurance Group
        bears  the  investment  risk on  assets  held in one  Separate  Account;
        therefore,  such assets are carried on the same basis as similar  assets
        held in the General Account portfolio. Assets held in the other Separate
        Accounts are carried at quoted market values or, where quoted values are
        not  available,  at estimated fair values as determined by the Insurance

        The investment results of Separate Accounts on which the Insurance Group
        does not bear the  investment  risk are  reflected  directly in Separate
        Accounts  liabilities.  For 2000, 1999 and 1998,  investment  results of
        such  Separate  Accounts  were $8,051.7  million,  $6,045.5  million and
        $4,591.0 million, respectively.

        Deposits to Separate  Accounts  are  reported as  increases  in Separate
        Accounts liabilities and are not reported in revenues. Mortality, policy
        administration  and  surrender  charges  on all  Separate  Accounts  are
        included in revenues.

        Other Accounting Policies

        In accordance with regulations of the SEC,  securities with a fair value
        of $1.31 billion have been  segregated in a special reserve bank custody
        account for the  exclusive  benefit of  customers  under Rule 15c-3-3 at
        December 31, 2000.


        Intangible  assets  consist   principally  of  goodwill  resulting  from
        acquisitions  and costs  assigned to contracts of  businesses  acquired.
        Goodwill is being  amortized  on a  straight-line  basis over  estimated
        useful  lives  ranging  from twenty to forty  years.  Costs  assigned to
        investment  contracts of  businesses  acquired are being  amortized on a
        straight-line  basis  over  estimated  useful  lives  of  twenty  years.
        Impairment   of   intangible   assets  is  evaluated  by  comparing  the
        undiscounted cash flows expected to be realized from those intangible

        assets to their recorded values,  pursuant to SFAS No. 121,  "Accounting
        for the Impairment of Long-Lived  Assets and for Long-Lived Assets to be
        Disposed  Of".  If the  expected  future  cash  flows  are less than the
        carrying value of intangible  assets,  an impairment  loss is recognized
        for the  difference  between the carrying  amount and the estimated fair
        value of those intangible assets.

        Capitalized  internal-use software is amortized on a straight-line basis
        over the estimated useful life of the software.

        The  Company  files a  consolidated  Federal  income tax return with the
        Holding  Company  and its  consolidated  subsidiaries.  Current  Federal
        income  taxes are charged or credited to  operations  based upon amounts
        estimated to be payable or recoverable as a result of taxable operations
        for the current year.  Deferred  income tax assets and  liabilities  are
        recognized based on the difference between financial  statement carrying
        amounts  and income tax bases of assets and  liabilities  using  enacted
        income tax rates and laws.

        Minority  interest  subject to  redemption  rights  represents  the 40.8
        million private Alliance Units issued to former  Bernstein  shareholders
        in connection  with  Alliance's  acquisition  of Bernstein.  The Holding
        Company  has  agreed to  provide  liquidity  to these  former  Bernstein
        shareholders  after a  two-year  period  by  allowing  the 40.8  million
        Alliance  Units to be sold to the Holding  Company  over the  subsequent
        eight  years but  generally  not more than 20% of such  Units in any one
        annual period.

        Commissions,  fees  and  other  income  principally  include  Investment
        Management advisory and service fees. Investment Management advisory and
        service  fees are  recorded  as  revenue  as the  related  services  are
        performed.   Certain   investment   advisory  contracts  provide  for  a
        performance  fee,  in  addition  to or in  lieu of a base  fee,  that is
        calculated  as a  percentage  of the related  investment  results over a
        specified  period of time.  Performance  fees are recorded as revenue at
        the end of the measurement period.

        Sales  commissions paid to financial  intermediaries  in connection with
        the sale of shares of  open-end  Alliance  mutual  funds sold  without a
        front-end  sales charge are  capitalized  and amortized over periods not
        exceeding  five and  one-half  years,  the period of time  during  which
        deferred   sales   commissions   are  expected  to  be  recovered   from
        distribution plan payments received from those funds upon the redemption
        of their shares.  Contingent  deferred sales charges reduce  unamortized
        deferred sales commissions when received. At December 31, 2000 and 1999,
        respectively,  deferred  sales  commissions  totaled  $715.7 million and
        $604.7 million and are included with other assets.

        The Company  accounts for its stock option plans in accordance  with the
        provisions  of  Accounting  Principles  Board  Opinion  ("APB")  No. 25,
        "Accounting for Stock Issued to Employees," and related interpretations.
        In accordance with the opinion,  compensation expense is recorded on the
        date of grant only if the current market price of the  underlying  stock
        exceeds the option  strike price at the grant date.  See Note 20 for the
        pro  forma  disclosures  required  by  SFAS  No.  123,  "Accounting  for
        Stock-Based Compensation".



        The following tables provide  additional  information  relating to fixed
        maturities and equity securities:

                                                                        GROSS               GROSS
                                                   AMORTIZED          UNREALIZED         UNREALIZED          ESTIMATED
                                                      COST              GAINS              LOSSES            FAIR VALUE
                                                -----------------  -----------------   ----------------   -----------------
                                                                              (IN MILLIONS)

        DECEMBER 31, 2000
        Fixed Maturities:

          Available for Sale:
            Corporate..........................  $    12,481.0      $       241.5       $      298.9       $    12,423.6
            Mortgage-backed....................        2,215.1               19.2                7.8             2,226.5
            U.S. Treasury, government and
              agency securities................          938.1               40.2                 .5               977.8
            States and political subdivisions..          110.4                4.5                1.0               113.9
            Foreign governments................          177.4               17.3                5.2               189.5
            Redeemable preferred stock.........          315.5               13.4                8.7               320.1
                                                -----------------  -----------------   ----------------   -----------------
        Total Available for Sale...............  $    16,237.5      $       336.1       $      322.1       $    16,251.4
                                                =================  =================   ================   =================

          Held to Maturity:  Corporate.........  $       204.6      $         6.0       $         .1       $       210.5
                                                =================  =================   ================   =================

        Equity Securities:
          Available for sale...................  $        22.0      $         1.7       $        4.7       $        19.0
          Trading securities...................        1,606.3                1.8               46.2             1,561.9
                                                -----------------  -----------------   ----------------   -----------------
        Total Equity Securities................  $     1,628.3      $         3.5       $       50.9       $     1,580.9
                                                =================  =================   ================   =================

        December 31, 1999
        Fixed Maturities:

          Available for Sale:
            Corporate..........................  $    14,866.8      $       139.5       $      787.0       $    14,219.3
            Mortgage-backed....................        2,554.5                2.3               87.8             2,469.0
            U.S. Treasury, government and
              agency securities................        1,194.1               18.9               23.4             1,189.6
            States and political subdivisions..          110.0                1.4                4.9               106.5
            Foreign governments................          361.8               16.2               14.8               363.2
            Redeemable preferred stock.........          286.4                1.7               36.0               252.1
                                                -----------------  -----------------   ----------------   -----------------
        Total Available for Sale...............  $    19,373.6      $       180.0       $      953.9       $    18,599.7
                                                =================  =================   ================   =================

          Held to Maturity:  Corporate.........  $       133.2      $         -         $        -         $       133.2
                                                =================  =================   ================   =================

        Equity Securities:
          Available for sale...................  $        25.5      $         1.5       $       17.8       $         9.2
          Trading securities...................            7.2                9.1                2.2                14.1
                                                -----------------  -----------------   ----------------   -----------------
        Total Equity Securities................  $        32.7      $        10.6       $       20.0       $        23.3
                                                =================  =================   ================   =================

        For  publicly-traded  fixed maturities and equity securities,  estimated
        fair  value  is  determined  using  quoted  market  prices.   For  fixed
        maturities  without a readily  ascertainable  market value,  the Company
        determines  estimated fair values using a discounted cash flow approach,
        including  provisions for credit risk, generally based on the assumption
        such securities will be held to maturity.  Such estimated fair values do
        not necessarily  represent the values for which these  securities  could
        have been  sold at the  dates of the  consolidated  balance  sheets.  At
        December 31, 2000 and 1999,  securities without a readily  ascertainable
        market value having an amortized  cost of $2,820.2  million and $3,322.2
        million, respectively, had estimated fair values of $2,838.2 million and
        $3,177.7 million, respectively.


        The contractual maturity of bonds at December 31, 2000 is shown below:

                                                                                        AVAILABLE FOR SALE
                                                                                   AMORTIZED          ESTIMATED
                                                                                     COST             FAIR VALUE

                                                                                ----------------   -----------------
                                                                                           (IN MILLIONS)

        Due in one year or less................................................  $      568.2       $      568.2
        Due in years two through five..........................................       2,850.0            2,848.1
        Due in years six through ten...........................................       5,277.2            5,239.9
        Due after ten years....................................................       5,011.6            5,048.6
        Mortgage-backed securities.............................................       2,215.1            2,226.5
                                                                                ----------------   -----------------
        Total..................................................................  $   15,922.1       $   15,931.3
                                                                                ================   =================

        Corporate  bonds held to maturity  with an amortized  cost and estimated
        fair value of $142.4 million are due from one to five years.

        Bonds not due at a single  maturity date have been included in the above
        table in the year of final maturity.  Actual maturities will differ from
        contractual  maturities  because borrowers may have the right to call or
        prepay obligations with or without call or prepayment penalties.

        The  Insurance  Group's fixed  maturity  investment  portfolio  includes
        corporate high yield  securities  consisting of public high yield bonds,
        redeemable  preferred  stocks and directly  negotiated debt in leveraged
        buyout  transactions.  The Insurance  Group seeks to minimize the higher
        than normal credit risks  associated  with such securities by monitoring
        concentrations  in any single  issuer or a  particular  industry  group.
        Certain of these corporate high yield securities are classified as other
        than  investment  grade by the various rating  agencies,  i.e., a rating
        below Baa or National  Association of Insurance  Commissioners  ("NAIC")
        designation of 3 (medium grade),  4 or 5 (below  investment  grade) or 6
        (in or near  default).  At December 31, 2000,  approximately  12% of the
        $16,126.6 million aggregate  amortized cost of bonds held by the Company
        was considered to be other than investment grade.

        The Insurance Group holds equity in limited partnership  interests which
        primarily  invest in securities  considered to be other than  investment
        grade.  The  carrying  values at December  31, 2000 and 1999 were $811.9
        million and $647.9 million, respectively.

        At December 31, 2000, the carrying value of fixed  maturities  which are
        non-income  producing for the twelve months  preceding the  consolidated
        balance sheet date was $60.3 million.

        The payment terms of mortgage loans on real estate may from time to time
        be  restructured or modified.  The investment in  restructured  mortgage
        loans on real estate, based on amortized cost, amounted to $92.9 million
        and $106.0  million at December 31, 2000 and 1999,  respectively.  Gross
        interest  income  on  these  loans  included  in net  investment  income
        aggregated $7.8 million, $8.2 million and $8.3 million in 2000, 1999 and
        1998, respectively. Gross interest income on restructured mortgage loans
        on real estate  that would have been  recorded  in  accordance  with the
        original terms of such loans amounted to $8.7 million,  $9.5 million and
        $10.3 million in 2000, 1999 and 1998, respectively.

        Impaired mortgage loans along with the related provision for losses were
        as follows:

                                                                                         DECEMBER 31,
                                                                                   2000                 1999
                                                                            -------------------  -------------------
                                                                                         (IN MILLIONS)
        Impaired mortgage loans with provision for losses..................  $        144.2       $        142.4
        Impaired mortgage loans without provision for losses...............             1.8                  2.2
                                                                            -------------------  -------------------
        Recorded investment in impaired mortgage loans.....................           146.0                144.6
        Provision for losses...............................................           (37.0)               (23.0)
                                                                            -------------------  -------------------
        Net Impaired Mortgage Loans........................................  $        109.0       $        121.6
                                                                            ===================  ===================


        During 2000, 1999 and 1998, respectively, the Company's average recorded
        investment in impaired mortgage loans was $138.8 million, $141.7 million
        and  $161.3  million.  Interest  income  recognized  on  these  impaired
        mortgage  loans totaled $10.4  million,  $12.0 million and $12.3 million
        ($.5  million,  $.0 million and $.9 million  recognized on a cash basis)
        for 2000, 1999 and 1998, respectively.

        The Insurance Group's investment in equity real estate is through direct
        ownership  and through  investments  in real estate joint  ventures.  At
        December  31, 2000 and 1999,  the  carrying  value of equity real estate
        held  for  sale   amounted  to  $526.3   million  and  $382.2   million,
        respectively. For 2000, 1999 and 1998, respectively,  real estate of $.3
        million,  $20.5 million and $7.1 million was acquired in satisfaction of
        debt. At December 31, 2000 and 1999,  the Company  owned $322.3  million
        and  $443.9   million,   respectively,   of  real  estate   acquired  in
        satisfaction of debt.

        Accumulated  depreciation  on real estate was $208.8  million and $251.6
        million  at  December  31,  2000 and  1999,  respectively.  Depreciation
        expense on real estate  totaled $21.7  million,  $21.8 million and $30.5
        million for 2000, 1999 and 1998, respectively.

        Investment valuation allowances and changes thereto are shown below:

                                                                  2000               1999                1998
                                                            -----------------   ----------------   -----------------
                                                                                 (IN MILLIONS)

        Balances, beginning of year........................  $       148.6       $      230.6       $      384.5
        Additions charged to income........................           53.7               68.2               86.2
        Deductions for writedowns and
          asset dispositions...............................         (102.4)            (150.2)            (240.1)
                                                            -----------------   ----------------   -----------------
        Balances, End of Year..............................  $        99.9       $      148.6       $      230.6
                                                            =================   ================   =================

        Balances, end of year comprise:
          Mortgage loans on real estate....................  $        41.4       $       27.5       $       34.3
          Equity real estate...............................           58.5              121.1              196.3
                                                            -----------------   ----------------   -----------------
        Total..............................................  $        99.9       $      148.6       $      230.6
                                                            =================   ================   =================



        Summarized combined financial information for unconsolidated real estate
        joint  ventures (14  individual  ventures at both  December 31, 2000 and
        1999) and for  limited  partnership  interests  accounted  for under the
        equity  method,  in which the Company has an investment of $10.0 million
        or greater and an equity interest of 10% or greater, follows:

                                                                                           DECEMBER 31,
                                                                                     2000                1999
                                                                                ----------------   -----------------
                                                                                           (IN MILLIONS)

        Investments in real estate, at depreciated cost........................  $       730.1      $       861.1
        Investments in securities, generally at estimated fair value...........          226.6              262.0
        Cash and cash equivalents..............................................           43.9               68.4
        Other assets...........................................................           65.5              232.5
                                                                                ----------------   -----------------
        Total Assets...........................................................  $     1,066.1      $     1,424.0
                                                                                ================   =================

        Borrowed funds - third party...........................................  $       249.9      $       354.2
        Borrowed funds - AXA Financial.........................................           12.9               28.9
        Other liabilities......................................................           26.3              191.2
                                                                                ----------------   -----------------
        Total liabilities......................................................          289.1              574.3
                                                                                ----------------   -----------------

        Partners' capital......................................................          777.0              849.7
                                                                                ----------------   -----------------
        Total Liabilities and Partners' Capital................................  $     1,066.1      $     1,424.0
                                                                                ================   =================

        Equity in partners' capital included above.............................  $       272.3      $       298.5
        Equity in limited partnership interests not included above and other...          720.7              542.1
                                                                                ----------------   -----------------
        Carrying Value.........................................................  $       993.0      $       840.6
                                                                                ================   =================

                                                                  2000               1999                1998
                                                            -----------------   ----------------   -----------------
                                                                                 (IN MILLIONS)
        Revenues of real estate joint ventures.............  $       187.1       $      180.5       $      246.1
        Revenues of other limited partnership interests....           16.5               85.0              128.9
        Interest expense - third party.....................          (32.5)             (26.6)             (33.3)
        Interest expense - AXA Financial...................           (2.0)              (2.5)              (2.6)
        Other expenses.....................................         (126.4)            (133.0)            (197.0)
                                                            -----------------   ----------------   -----------------
        Net Earnings.......................................  $        42.7       $      103.4       $      142.1
                                                            =================   ================   =================

        Equity in net earnings included above..............  $        17.7       $        9.4       $       44.4
        Equity in net earnings of limited partnership
          interests not included above.....................          216.3               77.1               37.9
                                                            -----------------   ----------------   -----------------
        Total Equity in Net Earnings.......................  $       234.0       $       86.5       $       82.3
                                                            =================   ================   =================



        The sources of net investment income follows:

                                                                  2000               1999                1998
                                                            -----------------   ----------------   -----------------
                                                                                 (IN MILLIONS)

        Fixed maturities...................................  $     1,439.2       $    1,499.8       $    1,489.0
        Mortgage loans on real estate......................          257.3              253.4              235.4
        Equity real estate.................................          191.6              250.2              356.1
        Other equity investments...........................          129.8              165.1               83.8
        Policy loans.......................................          156.7              143.8              144.9
        Other investment income............................          199.3              161.3              185.7
                                                            -----------------   ----------------   -----------------

          Gross investment income..........................        2,373.9            2,473.6            2,494.9

          Investment expenses..............................         (200.7)            (232.7)            (266.8)
                                                            -----------------   ----------------   -----------------

        Net Investment Income..............................  $     2,173.2       $    2,240.9       $    2,228.1
                                                            =================   ================   =================

        Investment (losses) gains, net, including changes in the valuation
        allowances, follow:

                                                                  2000               1999                1998
                                                            -----------------   ----------------   -----------------
                                                                                 (IN MILLIONS)

        Fixed maturities...................................  $      (766.1)      $     (290.9)      $      (24.3)
        Mortgage loans on real estate......................          (15.1)              (3.3)             (10.9)
        Equity real estate.................................            4.8               (2.4)              74.5
        Other equity investments...........................          (22.6)              88.1               29.9
        Sale of subsidiaries...............................            -                  -                 (2.6)
        Issuance and sales of Alliance Units...............            3.9                5.5               19.8
        Issuance and sales of DLJ common stock.............           38.8              106.0               18.2
        Other..............................................             .3                 .1               (4.4)
                                                            -----------------   ----------------   -----------------
        Investment (Losses) Gains, Net.....................  $      (756.0)      $      (96.9)      $      100.2
                                                            =================   ================   =================

        Writedowns  of fixed  maturities  amounted  to  $607.8  million,  $223.2
        million  and  $101.6  million  for 2000,  1999 and  1998,  respectively,
        including $472.2 million in fourth quarter 2000.

        For 2000,  1999 and 1998,  respectively,  proceeds  received on sales of
        fixed  maturities  classified as available for sale amounted to $7,361.5
        million,  $7,138.6 million and $15,961.0  million.  Gross gains of $78.7
        million,  $74.7  million and $149.3  million and gross  losses of $215.4
        million, $214.3 million and $95.1 million,  respectively,  were realized
        on these  sales.  The change in  unrealized  investment  gains  (losses)
        related to fixed  maturities  classified as available for sale for 2000,
        1999 and  1998  amounted  to  $789.1  million,  $(1,313.8)  million  and
        $(331.7) million, respectively.

        On November  3, 2000,  the  Company  sold its  interest in DLJ to Credit
        Suisse Group  ("CSG").  The Company  received  $1.05 billion in cash and
        $2.19 billion (or 11.4 million shares) in CSG common stock,  2.8 million
        shares of which were immediately  repurchased by CSG at closing. The CSG
        shares have been designated as trading account securities. The remaining
        8.2 million  shares  held by the  Company had a carrying  value of $1.56
        billion  at  December  31,  2000  and were  sold in  January  2001.  Net
        investment  income for 2000 included  holding losses of $43.2 million on
        the CSG shares.

        On  January  1,  1999,  investments  in  publicly-traded  common  equity
        securities  in  the  General  Account   portfolio  within  other  equity
        investments  amounting to $102.3 million were transferred from available
        for sale securities to trading securities. As a result of this transfer,
        unrealized  investment  gains of $83.3  million  ($43.2  million  net of
        related  DAC and  Federal  income  taxes)  were  recognized  as realized
        investment gains in the consolidated statements of earnings. In 2000 and
        1999,  respectively,  net unrealized  holding  (losses) gains of $(44.4)
        million and $6.9 million were included in net investment income in the


        consolidated  statements  of earnings.  These trading  securities  had a
        carrying  value of  $1,561.9  million  and  $14.1  million  and costs of
        $1,606.3  million  and $7.2  million  at  December  31,  2000 and  1999,

        For 2000,  1999 and 1998,  investment  results passed through to certain
        participating   group   annuity   contracts  as  interest   credited  to
        policyholders'  account  balances  amounted  to $110.6  million,  $131.5
        million and $136.9 million, respectively.

        Net unrealized  investment gains (losses),  included in the consolidated
        balance  sheets as a component of accumulated  comprehensive  income and
        the changes  for the  corresponding  years  including  Closed  Block and
        Discontinued Operations on a line-by-line basis, follow:

                                                                  2000               1999                1998
                                                            -----------------   ----------------   -----------------
                                                                                 (IN MILLIONS)

        Balance, beginning of year.........................  $      (392.8)      $      384.1       $      533.6
        Changes in unrealized investment (losses) gains....          979.7           (1,821.3)            (168.7)
        Changes in unrealized investment losses
          (gains) attributable to:
            Participating group annuity contracts
             and other.....................................          (18.3)              25.0               (5.4)
            DAC............................................         (262.1)             493.1              (28.8)
            Deferred Federal income taxes..................         (293.6)             526.3               53.4
                                                            -----------------   ----------------   -----------------
        Balance, End of Year...............................  $        12.9       $     (392.8)      $      384.1
                                                            =================   ================   =================

        Balance, end of year comprises:
          Unrealized investment gains (losses) on:
            Fixed maturities...............................  $        65.9       $     (904.6)      $      766.0
            Other equity investments.......................           (2.3)             (22.2)              86.5
            Other..........................................           (1.2)               9.4               51.6
                                                            -----------------   ----------------   -----------------
              Total........................................           62.4             (917.4)             904.1
          Amounts of unrealized investment (losses) gains
            attributable to:
              Participating group annuity contracts
              and other....................................          (15.3)               3.0              (22.0)
              DAC..........................................          (28.3)             233.8             (259.3)
              Deferred Federal income taxes................           (5.9)             287.8             (238.7)
                                                            -----------------   ----------------   -----------------
        Total..............................................  $        12.9       $     (392.8)      $      384.1
                                                            =================   ================   =================

        Changes in unrealized  gains (losses)  reflect  changes in fair value of
        only  those  fixed  maturities  and  equity  securities   classified  as
        available  for sale and do not  reflect  any  changes  in fair  value of
        policyholders' account balances and future policy benefits.



        Accumulated  other  comprehensive  income (loss)  represents  cumulative
        gains and  losses  on items  that are not  reflected  in  earnings.  The
        balances for the past three years follow:

                                                                  2000               1999                1998
                                                            -----------------   ----------------   -----------------
                                                                                 (IN MILLIONS)

        Unrealized gains (losses) on investments...........  $        12.9       $     (392.8)      $      384.1
        Minimum pension liability..........................            (.1)               (.1)             (28.3)
                                                            -----------------   ----------------   -----------------
        Total Accumulated Other

          Comprehensive Income (Loss)......................  $        12.8       $     (392.9)      $      355.8
                                                            =================   ================   =================

        The components of other comprehensive income (loss) for the past three
        years follow:

                                                                  2000               1999                1998
                                                            -----------------   ----------------   -----------------
                                                                                 (IN MILLIONS)

        Net unrealized gains (losses) on investments:
          Net unrealized gains (losses) arising during
            the period.....................................  $       191.0       $    (1,625.6)     $     (112.4)
          Losses (gains) reclassified into net earnings
            during the period..............................          788.7              (195.7)            (56.3)
                                                            -----------------   ----------------   -----------------
        Net unrealized gains (losses) on investments.......          979.7            (1,821.3)           (168.7)
        Adjustments for policyholders liabilities,
            DAC and deferred Federal income taxes..........         (574.0)            1,044.4              19.2
                                                            -----------------   ----------------   -----------------

        Change in unrealized gains (losses), net of
            adjustments....................................          405.7              (776.9)           (149.5)
        Change in minimum pension liability................            -                  28.2             (11.0)
                                                            -----------------   ----------------   -----------------
        Total Other Comprehensive Income (Loss)............  $       405.7       $      (748.7)     $     (160.5)
                                                            =================   ================   =================



        Summarized financial information for the Closed Block follows:

                                                                                          DECEMBER 31,
                                                                                    2000                 1999
                                                                              -----------------    -----------------
                                                                                          (IN MILLIONS)
        Fixed Maturities:
        Available for sale, at estimated fair value (amortized cost,
            $4,373.5 and $4,144.8)...........................................  $    4,408.0         $    4,014.0
        Mortgage loans on real estate........................................       1,581.8              1,704.2
        Policy loans.........................................................       1,557.7              1,593.9
        Cash and other invested assets.......................................         174.7                194.4
        Deferred policy acquisitions costs...................................         699.7                895.5
        Other assets.........................................................         237.1                205.3
                                                                              -----------------    -----------------
        Total Assets.........................................................  $    8,659.0         $    8,607.3
                                                                              =================    =================

        Future policy benefits and policyholders' account balances...........  $    9,026.4         $    9,011.7
        Other liabilities....................................................          23.8                 13.3
                                                                              -----------------    -----------------
        Total Liabilities....................................................  $    9,050.2         $    9,025.0
                                                                              =================    =================

                                                                  2000               1999                1998
                                                            -----------------   ----------------   -----------------
                                                                                 (IN MILLIONS)

        Premiums and other revenue.........................  $       594.7       $      619.1       $      661.7
        Investment income (net of investment
          expenses of $8.1, $15.8 and $15.5)...............          578.7              574.2              569.7
        Investment (losses) gains, net.....................          (35.8)             (11.3)                .5
                                                            -----------------   ----------------   -----------------
              Total revenues...............................        1,137.6            1,182.0            1,231.9
                                                            -----------------   ----------------   -----------------

        Policyholders' benefits and dividends..............        1,025.2            1,024.7            1,082.0
        Other operating costs and expenses.................           19.7               70.9               62.8
                                                            -----------------   ----------------   -----------------
              Total benefits and other deductions..........        1,044.9            1,095.6            1,144.8
                                                            -----------------   ----------------   -----------------

        Contribution from the Closed Block.................  $        92.7       $       86.4       $       87.1
                                                            =================   ================   =================

        Impaired mortgage loans along with the related provision for losses

                                                                                           DECEMBER 31,
                                                                                     2000                1999
                                                                                ----------------   -----------------
                                                                                           (IN MILLIONS)
        Impaired mortgage loans with provision for losses......................  $        26.7      $        26.8
        Impaired mortgage loans without provision for losses...................            4.0                4.5
                                                                                ----------------   -----------------
        Recorded investment in impaired mortgages..............................           30.7               31.3
        Provision for losses...................................................           (8.7)              (4.1)
                                                                                ----------------   -----------------
        Net Impaired Mortgage Loans............................................  $        22.0      $        27.2
                                                                                ================   =================

        During  2000,  1999  and  1998,  the  Closed  Block's  average  recorded
        investment in impaired  mortgage loans was $31.0 million,  $37.0 million
        and $85.5 million,  respectively.  Interest  income  recognized on these
        impaired  mortgage  loans  totaled $2.0  million,  $3.3 million and $4.7
        million ($.1 million,  $.3 million and $1.5 million recognized on a cash
        basis) for 2000, 1999 and 1998, respectively.


        Valuation  allowances  amounted  to $9.1  million  and $4.6  million  on
        mortgage  loans on real estate and $17.2  million  and $24.7  million on
        equity  real  estate  at  December  31,  2000  and  1999,  respectively.
        Writedowns of fixed maturities amounted to $27.7 million and 3.3 million
        for 2000 and  1999,  respectively,  including  $20.0  million  in fourth
        quarter 2000.

        Many  expenses  related  to  Closed  Block  operations  are  charged  to
        operations  outside of the Closed Block;  accordingly,  the contribution
        from the Closed Block does not represent the actual profitability of the
        Closed Block  operations.  Operating  costs and expenses  outside of the
        Closed Block are, therefore, disproportionate to the business outside of
        the Closed Block.


        Summarized financial information for Discontinued Operations follows:

                                                                                          DECEMBER 31,
                                                                                    2000                 1999
                                                                              -----------------    -----------------
                                                                                          (IN MILLIONS)

        Mortgage loans on real estate........................................  $      330.9         $      454.6
        Equity real estate...................................................         350.9                426.6
        Fixed maturities, available for sale, at estimated fair value
          (amortized cost of $321.5 and $85.3)...............................         336.5                 85.5
        Other equity investments.............................................          43.1                 55.8
        Other invested assets................................................           1.9                  1.6
                                                                              -----------------    -----------------
          Total investments..................................................       1,063.3              1,024.1
        Cash and cash equivalents............................................          84.3                164.5
        Other assets.........................................................         148.8                213.0
                                                                              -----------------    -----------------
        Total Assets.........................................................  $    1,296.4         $    1,401.6
                                                                              =================    =================

        Policyholder liabilities.............................................  $      966.8         $      993.3
        Allowance for future losses..........................................         159.8                242.2
        Other liabilities....................................................         169.8                166.1
                                                                              -----------------    -----------------
        Total Liabilities....................................................  $    1,296.4         $    1,401.6
                                                                              =================    =================

                                                                  2000               1999                1998
                                                            -----------------   ----------------   -----------------
                                                                                 (IN MILLIONS)

        Investment income (net of investment
          expenses of $37.0, $49.3 and $63.3)..............  $       102.2       $       98.7       $      160.4
        Investment (losses) gains, net.....................           (6.6)             (13.4)              35.7
        Policy fees, premiums and other income.............             .7                 .2               (4.3)
                                                            -----------------   ----------------   -----------------
        Total revenues.....................................           96.3               85.5              191.8

        Benefits and other deductions......................          106.9              104.8              141.5
        (Losses charged) earnings credited to allowance
          for future losses................................          (10.6)             (19.3)              50.3
                                                            -----------------   ----------------   -----------------
        Pre-tax loss from operations.......................            -                  -                  -
        Pre-tax earnings from releasing the allowance
          for future losses................................           90.2               43.3                4.2
        Federal income tax expense.........................          (31.6)             (15.2)              (1.5)
                                                            -----------------   ----------------   -----------------
        Earnings from
          Discontinued Operations..........................  $        58.6       $       28.1       $        2.7
                                                            =================   ================   =================


        The Company's  quarterly process for evaluating the allowance for future
        losses applies the current period's  results of discontinued  operations
        against  the  allowance,  re-estimates  future  losses and  adjusts  the
        allowance, if appropriate. Additionally, as part of the Company's annual
        planning  process which takes place in the fourth  quarter of each year,
        investment and benefit cash flow projections are prepared. These updated
        assumptions and estimates  resulted in a release of allowance in each of
        the three years presented.

        Benefits and other deductions included $26.6 million of interest expense
        related to amounts borrowed from continuing operations in 1998.

        Valuation  allowances of $2.9 million and $1.9 million on mortgage loans
        on real estate and $11.4 million and $54.8 million on equity real estate
        were held at December 31, 2000 and 1999, respectively. During 2000, 1999
        and 1998, other discontinued  operations' average recorded investment in
        impaired  mortgage  loans was $11.3  million,  $13.8  million  and $73.3
        million,  respectively.  Interest  income  recognized on these  impaired
        mortgage  loans totaled $.9 million,  $1.7 million and $4.7 million ($.5
        million,  $.0 million and $3.4 million  recognized  on a cash basis) for
        2000, 1999 and 1998, respectively.

        At December 31, 2000 and 1999,  Discontinued  Operations had real estate
        acquired in  satisfaction  of debt with carrying  values of $4.5 million
        and $24.1 million, respectively.


        Short-term and long-term debt consists of the following:

                                                                                          DECEMBER 31,
                                                                                    2000                 1999
                                                                              -----------------    -----------------
                                                                                          (IN MILLIONS)

        Short-term debt......................................................  $      782.2         $      557.0
                                                                              -----------------    -----------------
        Long-term debt:
        Equitable Life:
          Surplus notes, 6.95% due 2005......................................         399.6                399.5
          Surplus notes, 7.70% due 2015......................................         199.7                199.7
          Other..............................................................            .3                   .4
                                                                              -----------------    -----------------
              Total Equitable Life...........................................         599.6                599.6
                                                                              -----------------    -----------------
        Wholly Owned and Joint Venture Real Estate:
          Mortgage notes, 5.43% - 9.5%, due through 2017.....................         248.3                251.3
                                                                              -----------------    -----------------
        Total long-term debt.................................................         847.9                850.9
                                                                              -----------------    -----------------

        Total Short-term and Long-term Debt..................................  $    1,630.1         $    1,407.9
                                                                              =================    =================

        Short-term Debt

        Equitable Life has a $350.0  million  5-year bank credit  facility and a
        $350.0 million 364-day credit facility.  The interest rates are based on
        external indices  dependent on the type of borrowing  ranging from 6.93%
        to 6.97%. No amounts were outstanding  under these credit  facilities at
        December 31, 2000.

        Equitable  Life has a  commercial  paper  program with an issue limit of
        $1.0 billion.  This program is available for general corporate  purposes
        used to support  Equitable  Life's  liquidity  needs and is supported by
        Equitable  Life's  existing  $700.0 million bank credit  facilities.  At
        December 31, 2000, there were no amounts outstanding under this program.

        Alliance has a $425.0 million five-year  revolving credit facility and a
        $200.0  million  three-year  revolving  credit  facility with a group of
        commercial banks.  Borrowings from the revolving credit facility and the
        original  commercial  paper program may not exceed $425.0 million in the
        aggregate.  Under the  facilities,  the interest  rate, at the option of
        Alliance,  is a floating rate generally based upon a defined prime rate,
        a rate related to the London  Interbank  Offered  Rate  ("LIBOR") or the
        Federal Funds Rate. A facility fee is payable on the total facility.  In
        October 2000,  Alliance entered into a $250.0 million two-year revolving
        credit facility using terms substantially  similar to the $425.0 million
        and $200.0 million  revolving  credit  facilities.  The revolving credit
        facilities will be used to provide backup liquidity for Alliance's


        commercial   program,   to  fund   commission   payments  to   financial
        intermediaries  for the sale of  certain  mutual  funds and for  general
        working  capital  purposes.  The  revolving  credit  facilities  contain
        covenants  that require  Alliance to, among other  things,  meet certain
        financial  ratios.  At December 31, 2000,  Alliance had commercial paper
        outstanding  totaling  $396.9  million at an effective  interest rate of
        6.7%;  and  $284.0  million  at an  effective  interest  rate of 7.0% in
        borrowings outstanding under Alliance's revolving credit facilities.

        In December  1999,  Alliance  established  a $100.0  million  extendible
        commercial  notes ("ECN")  program to supplement  its  commercial  paper
        program.  ECN's are short-term debt  instruments that do not require any
        back-up  liquidity  support.  At December  31, 2000,  $98.2  million was
        outstanding  under the ECN program  with an effective  interest  rate of

        Long-term Debt

        Several of the long-term  debt  agreements  have  restrictive  covenants
        related  to the total  amount of debt,  net  tangible  assets  and other
        matters.  At December 31, 2000,  the Company is in  compliance  with all
        debt covenants.

        At  December  31, 2000 and 1999,  respectively,  the Company has pledged
        real  estate of $298.8  million  and $323.6  million as  collateral  for
        certain long-term debt.

        At December 31, 2000,  aggregate  maturities of the long-term debt based
        on required  principal  payments at maturity is $248.6 million for 2001,
        $400.0 million for 2005 and $200.0 million for 2006 and thereafter.


        A summary of the Federal income tax expense in the consolidated
        statements of earnings follows:

                                                                  2000               1999                1998
                                                            -----------------   ----------------   -----------------
                                                                                 (IN MILLIONS)

        Federal income tax expense:
          Current..........................................  $       820.6       $      174.0       $      283.3
          Deferred.........................................          137.7              158.0               69.8
                                                            -----------------   ----------------   -----------------
        Total..............................................  $       958.3       $      332.0       $      353.1
                                                            =================   ================   =================

        The Federal income taxes  attributable  to  consolidated  operations are
        different from the amounts determined by multiplying the earnings before
        Federal  income  taxes and  minority  interest by the  expected  Federal
        income  tax rate of 35%.  The  sources of the  difference  and their tax
        effects follow:

                                                                  2000               1999                1998
                                                            -----------------   ----------------   -----------------
                                                                                 (IN MILLIONS)

        Expected Federal income tax expense................  $       904.9       $      458.4       $      414.3
        Minority interest..................................         (117.9)             (47.8)             (33.2)
        Non deductible stock option compensation
          expense..........................................           34.4                -                  -
        Subsidiary gains...................................          161.4              (37.1)              (6.4)
        Adjustment of tax audit reserves...................           17.9               27.8               16.0
        Equity in unconsolidated subsidiaries..............          (48.7)             (64.0)             (39.3)
        Other..............................................            6.3               (5.3)               1.7
                                                            -----------------   ----------------   -----------------
        Federal Income Tax Expense.........................  $       958.3       $      332.0       $      353.1
                                                            =================   ================   =================


        The components of the net deferred Federal income taxes are as follows:

                                                       DECEMBER 31, 2000                  DECEMBER 31, 1999
                                                ---------------------------------  ---------------------------------
                                                    ASSETS         LIABILITIES         ASSETS         LIABILITIES
                                                ---------------  ----------------  ---------------   ---------------
                                                                           (IN MILLIONS)

        Compensation and related benefits......  $       -        $       79.7      $        -        $      37.7
        Other..................................          4.9               -                 -               20.6
        DAC, reserves and reinsurance..........          -               733.0               -              329.7
        Investments............................          -               229.2             115.1              -
                                                ---------------  ----------------  ---------------   ---------------
        Total..................................  $       4.9      $    1,041.9      $      115.1      $     388.0
                                                ===============  ================  ===============   ===============

        At  December  31,  1999,  $236.8  million in  deferred  tax assets  were
        transferred to the Holding Company in conjunction with its assumption of
        the  non-qualified  employee  benefit  liabilities.   See  Note  12  for
        discussion of the benefit plans transferred.

        The deferred Federal income taxes impacting  operations  reflect the net
        tax effects of temporary  differences  between the  carrying  amounts of
        assets and liabilities for financial  reporting purposes and the amounts
        used for income tax purposes. The sources of these temporary differences
        and their tax effects follow:

                                                                  2000               1999                1998
                                                            -----------------   ----------------   -----------------
                                                                                 (IN MILLIONS)

        DAC, reserves and reinsurance......................  $       403.3       $       83.2       $       (7.7)
        Investments........................................         (140.7)               3.2               46.8
        Compensation and related benefits..................          (96.4)              21.0               28.6
        Other..............................................          (28.5)              50.6                2.1
                                                            -----------------   ----------------   -----------------
        Deferred Federal Income Tax
          Expense..........................................  $       137.7       $      158.0       $       69.8
                                                            =================   ================   =================

        Federal  income  taxes  payable at  December  31, 2000  included  $858.2
        million of taxes related to the gain on disposal of DLJ.

        The Internal  Revenue Service (the "IRS") is in the process of examining
        the Holding  Company's  consolidated  Federal income tax returns for the
        years 1992 through 1996.  Management  believes these audits will have no
        material adverse effect on the Company's results of operations.


        The effect of reinsurance (excluding group life and health) is
        summarized as follows:

                                                                  2000               1999                1998
                                                            -----------------   ----------------   -----------------
                                                                                 (IN MILLIONS)

        Direct premiums....................................  $       508.6       $      420.6       $      438.8
        Reinsurance assumed................................          194.2              206.7              203.6
        Reinsurance ceded..................................         (122.9)             (69.1)             (54.3)
                                                            -----------------   ----------------   -----------------
        Premiums...........................................  $       579.9       $      558.2       $      588.1
                                                            =================   ================   =================
        Universal Life and Investment-type Product
          Policy Fee Income Ceded..........................  $        92.1       $       69.7       $       75.7
                                                            =================   ================   =================
        Policyholders' Benefits Ceded......................  $       202.6       $       99.6       $       85.9
                                                            =================   ================   =================
        Interest Credited to Policyholders' Account
          Balances Ceded...................................  $        46.5       $       38.5       $       39.5
                                                            =================   ================   =================


        Since 1997, the Company  reinsures on a yearly renewal term basis 90% of
        the mortality risk on new issues of certain term, universal and variable
        life  products.  The  Company's  retention  limit on joint  survivorship
        policies  is $15.0  million.  All  other in force  business  above  $5.0
        million is reinsured. The Insurance Group also reinsures the entire risk
        on certain substandard underwriting risks and in certain other cases.

        During July 2000,  Equitable Life  transferred,  at no gain or loss, all
        the risk of its  directly  written DI business  for years 1993 and prior
        through an indemnity reinsurance  contract.  The cost of the arrangement
        will be amortized over the expected lives of the contracts reinsured and
        will not have a  significant  impact on the results of operations in any
        specific period.

        At December 31, 2000 and 1999,  respectively,  reinsurance  recoverables
        related to insurance  contracts outside of the Closed Block amounting to
        $1,989.2  million and $881.5  million are  included in the  consolidated
        balance  sheets in other  assets  and  reinsurance  payables  related to
        insurance  contracts  outside of the Closed  Block  amounting  to $730.3
        million and $682.5 million are included in other liabilities.

        The Insurance  Group cedes 100% of its group life and health business to
        a third  party  insurer.  Insurance  liabilities  ceded  totaled  $487.7
        million and $510.5 million at December 31, 2000 and 1999, respectively.


        The Company sponsors  qualified and non-qualified  defined benefit plans
        covering   substantially  all  employees  (including  certain  qualified
        part-time employees), managers and certain agents. The pension plans are
        non-contributory.  Equitable Life's benefits are based on a cash balance
        formula or years of service  and final  average  earnings,  if  greater,
        under certain grandfathering rules in the plans. Alliance's benefits are
        based on years of  credited  service,  average  final  base  salary  and
        primary social  security  benefits.  The Company's  funding policy is to
        make the minimum contribution required by the Employee Retirement Income
        Security Act of 1974 ("ERISA").

        Effective December 31, 1999, the Holding Company legally assumed primary
        liability from Equitable Life for all current and future  obligations of
        its Excess Retirement Plan,  Supplemental  Executive Retirement Plan and
        certain  other  employee  benefit plans that provide  participants  with
        medical, life insurance,  and deferred compensation benefits;  Equitable
        Life remains secondarily liable. The amount of the liability  associated
        with employee benefits transferred was $676.5 million,  including $183.0
        million of non-qualified  pension benefit obligations and $394.1 million
        of  postretirement  benefits  obligations  at December  31,  1999.  This
        transfer was recorded as a non-cash  capital  contribution  to Equitable

        Components  of  net  periodic  pension  credit  for  the  qualified  and
        non-qualified plans follow:

                                                                  2000               1999                1998
                                                            -----------------   ----------------   -----------------
                                                                                 (IN MILLIONS)

        Service cost.......................................  $        29.5       $       36.7       $       33.2
        Interest cost on projected benefit obligations.....          124.2              131.6              129.2
        Actual return on assets............................         (223.2)            (189.8)            (175.6)
        Net amortization and deferrals.....................            (.6)               7.5                6.1
                                                            -----------------   ----------------   -----------------
        Net Periodic Pension Credit........................  $       (70.1)      $      (14.0)      $       (7.1)
                                                            =================   ================   =================


        The projected benefit  obligations under the qualified and non-qualified
        pension plans were comprised of:

                                                                                           DECEMBER 31,
                                                                                     2000                1999
                                                                                ----------------   -----------------
                                                                                           (IN MILLIONS)

        Benefit obligations, beginning of year.................................  $    1,659.6       $    1,933.4
        Service cost...........................................................          29.5               36.7
        Interest cost..........................................................         124.2              131.6
        Actuarial losses (gains)...............................................           6.5              (53.3)
        Benefits paid..........................................................        (110.0)            (123.1)
                                                                                ----------------   -----------------
        Subtotal before transfer...............................................       1,709.8            1,925.3
        Transfer of Non-qualified Pension Benefit Obligation
          to the Holding Company...............................................           -               (265.7)
                                                                                ----------------   -----------------
        Benefit Obligation, End of Year........................................  $    1,709.8       $    1,659.6
                                                                                ================   =================

        The funded status of the qualified and  non-qualified  pension plans was
        as follows:

                                                                                           DECEMBER 31,
                                                                                     2000                1999
                                                                                ----------------   -----------------
                                                                                           (IN MILLIONS)

        Plan assets at fair value, beginning of year...........................  $    2,341.6       $    2,083.1
        Actual return on plan assets...........................................        (107.7)             369.0
        Contributions..........................................................           -                   .1
        Benefits paid and fees.................................................        (114.6)            (108.5)
                                                                                ----------------   -----------------
        Plan assets at fair value, end of year.................................       2,119.3            2,343.7
        Projected benefit obligations..........................................       1,709.8            1,925.3
                                                                                ----------------   -----------------
        Excess of plan assets over projected benefit obligations...............         409.5              418.4
        Unrecognized prior service cost........................................           1.2               (5.2)
        Unrecognized net gain (loss) from past experience different
          from that assumed....................................................          61.2             (197.3)
        Unrecognized net asset at transition...................................          (1.9)               (.1)
        Subtotal before transfer...............................................         470.0              215.8
        Transfer of Accrued Non-qualified Pension Benefit Obligation
          to the Holding Company...............................................           -                184.3
                                                                                ----------------   -----------------
        Prepaid Pension Cost, Net..............................................  $      470.0       $      400.1
                                                                                ================   =================

        The  prepaid  pension  cost for  pension  plans with assets in excess of
        projected benefit  obligations was $483.5 million and $412.2 million and
        the  accrued   liability  for  pension  plans  with  projected   benefit
        obligations in excess of plan assets was $13.5 million and $12.2 million
        at December 31, 2000 and 1999, respectively.

        The  pension  plan  assets  include   corporate  and   government   debt
        securities,  equity  securities,  equity real estate and shares of group
        trusts  managed by Alliance.  The discount  rate and rate of increase in
        future  compensation  levels used in determining  the actuarial  present
        value  of   projected   benefit   obligations   were  7.75%  and  7.19%,
        respectively,  at December 31, 2000 and 8.0% and 6.38%, respectively, at
        December  31,  1999.  As of  January  1,  2000 and  1999,  the  expected
        long-term rate of return on assets for the retirement plan was 10.5% and
        10.0%, respectively.

        The  Company  recorded,  as a  reduction  of  shareholder's  equity,  an
        additional  minimum  pension  liability of $.1 million,  $.1 million and
        $28.3 million,  net of Federal income taxes,  at December 31, 2000, 1999
        and  1998,  respectively,  primarily  representing  the  excess  of  the
        accumulated  benefit  obligation of the non-qualified  pension plan over
        the accrued liability.  The aggregate accumulated benefit obligation and
        fair value of plan assets for  pension  plans with  accumulated  benefit
        obligations  in excess of plan  assets  were  $333.5  million  and $42.1
        million, respectively, at December 31, 2000 and $325.7 million and $36.3
        million, respectively, at December 31, 1999.


        Prior to 1987, the qualified plan funded participants'  benefits through
        the purchase of non-participating annuity contracts from Equitable Life.
        Benefit payments under these contracts were approximately $28.7 million,
        $30.2 million and $31.8 million for 2000, 1999 and 1998, respectively.

        The  Company  provides  certain  medical  and  life  insurance  benefits
        (collectively,  "postretirement  benefits")  for  qualifying  employees,
        managers and agents  retiring from the Company (i) on or after attaining
        age 55 who  have at  least  10  years  of  service  or (ii) on or  after
        attaining  age 65 or (iii) whose jobs have been  abolished  and who have
        attained age 50 with 20 years of service.  The life  insurance  benefits
        are related to age and salary at retirement. The costs of postretirement
        benefits are  recognized in accordance  with the  provisions of SFAS No.
        106. The Company  continues to fund  postretirement  benefits costs on a
        pay-as-you-go  basis and,  for 2000,  1999 and 1998,  the  Company  made
        estimated postretirement benefits payments of $.9 million, $29.5 million
        and $28.4 million, respectively.

        The  following  table  sets  forth the  postretirement  benefits  plan's
        status,  reconciled to amounts recognized in the Company's  consolidated
        financial statements:

                                                                  2000               1999                1998
                                                            -----------------   ----------------   -----------------
                                                                                 (IN MILLIONS)

        Service cost.......................................  $         -         $        4.7       $        4.6
        Interest cost on accumulated postretirement
          benefits obligation..............................             .7               34.4               33.6
        Unrecognized prior service costs...................            -                 (7.0)               -
        Net amortization and deferrals.....................            (.2)               8.4                 .5
                                                            -----------------   ----------------   -----------------
        Net Periodic Postretirement Benefits Costs.........  $          .5       $       40.5       $       38.7
                                                            =================   ================   =================

                                                                                           DECEMBER 31,
                                                                                     2000                1999
                                                                                ----------------   -----------------
                                                                                           (IN MILLIONS)

        Accumulated postretirement benefits obligation, beginning
          of year..............................................................  $       17.8       $      490.4
        Service cost...........................................................           -                  4.7
        Interest cost..........................................................            .5               34.4
        Contributions and benefits paid........................................           (.9)             (29.5)
        Actuarial gains........................................................           -                (29.0)
                                                                                ----------------   -----------------
        Accumulated postretirement benefits obligation, end of year............          17.4              471.0
        Unrecognized prior service cost........................................           -                 26.9
        Unrecognized net gain from past experience different
          from that assumed and from changes in assumptions....................           -                (86.0)
                                                                                ----------------   -----------------
        Subtotal before transfer...............................................          17.4              411.9
        Transfer to the Holding Company........................................           -               (394.1)
                                                                                ----------------   -----------------
        Accrued Postretirement Benefits Cost...................................  $       17.4       $       17.8
                                                                                ================   =================

        Since January 1, 1994,  costs to the Company for providing these medical
        benefits  available  to  retirees  under  age 65 are the  same as  those
        offered to active employees and medical benefits will be limited to 200%
        of 1993 costs for all participants.

        The  assumed   health  care  cost  trend  rate  used  in  measuring  the
        accumulated   postretirement  benefits  obligation  was  7.0%  in  2000,
        gradually  declining  to 4.25% in the year  2010,  and in 1999 was 7.5%,
        gradually declining to 4.75% in the year 2009. The discount rate used in
        determining the accumulated postretirement benefits obligation was 7.75%
        and 8.0% at December 31, 2000 and 1999, respectively.


        If the health care cost trend rate assumptions were increased by 1%, the
        accumulated  postretirement  benefits obligation as of December 31, 2000
        would be  increased  3.5%.  The effect of this  change on the sum of the
        service  cost and  interest  cost would be an increase  of 3.5%.  If the
        health  care  cost  trend  rate  assumptions  were  decreased  by 1% the
        accumulated  postretirement  benefits obligation as of December 31, 2000
        would be decreased by 4.4%.  The effect of this change on the sum of the
        service cost and interest cost would be a decrease of 4.4%.


        The Insurance Group primarily uses derivatives for asset/liability  risk
        management and for hedging individual securities. Derivatives mainly are
        utilized to reduce the  Insurance  Group's  exposure  to  interest  rate
        fluctuations.  Accounting for interest rate swap  transactions  is on an
        accrual   basis.   Gains  and  losses  related  to  interest  rate  swap
        transactions are amortized as yield  adjustments over the remaining life
        of the underlying  hedged  security.  Income and expense  resulting from
        interest rate swap  activities are reflected in net  investment  income.
        There were no swaps  outstanding  as of December 31, 2000.  The notional
        amount of matched  interest rate swaps  outstanding at December 31, 1999
        was $797.3  million.  Equitable  Life  maintains  an  interest  rate cap
        program    designed   to   offset    crediting    rate    increases   on
        interest-sensitive   individual  annuities  contracts.  The  outstanding
        notional  amounts at December 31, 2000 of contracts  purchased  and sold
        were $6,775.0 million and $375.0 million,  respectively. The net premium
        paid by Equitable Life on these contracts was $46.7 million and is being
        amortized  ratably over the contract  periods ranging from 1 to 3 years.
        Income and  expense  resulting  from this  program are  reflected  as an
        adjustment to interest credited to policyholders' account balances.

        Fair Value of Financial Instruments

        The Company  defines  fair value as the quoted  market  prices for those
        instruments  that are  actively  traded in financial  markets.  In cases
        where quoted market prices are not available,  fair values are estimated
        using  present  value  or other  valuation  techniques.  The fair  value
        estimates  are made at a  specific  point in  time,  based on  available
        market  information  and  judgments  about  the  financial   instrument,
        including  estimates  of the timing and amount of  expected  future cash
        flows and the credit standing of  counterparties.  Such estimates do not
        reflect any premium or discount that could result from offering for sale
        at one time the  Company's  entire  holdings of a  particular  financial
        instrument,  nor do they consider the tax impact of the  realization  of
        unrealized  gains or losses.  In many  cases,  the fair value  estimates
        cannot be  substantiated by comparison to independent  markets,  nor can
        the  disclosed  value  be  realized  in  immediate   settlement  of  the

        Certain  financial  instruments  are  excluded,  particularly  insurance
        liabilities  other than financial  guarantees and investment  contracts.
        Fair market  value of  off-balance-sheet  financial  instruments  of the
        Insurance Group was not material at December 31, 2000 and 1999.

        Fair  values  for  mortgage  loans  on  real  estate  are  estimated  by
        discounting  future contractual cash flows using interest rates at which
        loans with similar  characteristics  and credit  quality  would be made.
        Fair values for foreclosed mortgage loans and problem mortgage loans are
        limited to the  estimated  fair value of the  underlying  collateral  if

        Fair values of policy loans are estimated by discounting  the face value
        of the  loans  from the time of the next  interest  rate  review  to the
        present,  at a rate equal to the excess of the current  estimated market
        rates over the current interest rate charged on the loan.

        The estimated fair values for the Company's  association plan contracts,
        supplementary contracts not involving life contingencies  ("SCNILC") and
        annuities  certain,   which  are  included  in  policyholders'   account
        balances,   and  guaranteed   interest  contracts  are  estimated  using
        projected cash flows  discounted at rates  reflecting  expected  current
        offering rates.

        The  estimated  fair values for variable  deferred  annuities and single
        premium deferred annuities, which are included in policyholders' account
        balances,  are estimated by discounting  the account value back from the
        time of the next crediting  rate review to the present,  at a rate equal
        to the excess of current  estimated market rates offered on new policies
        over the current crediting rates.


        Fair values for long-term debt are  determined  using  published  market
        values, where available,  or contractual cash flows discounted at market
        interest rates. The estimated fair values for non-recourse mortgage debt
        are  determined by  discounting  contractual  cash flows at a rate which
        takes  into  account  the level of  current  market  interest  rates and
        collateral  risk. The estimated  fair values for recourse  mortgage debt
        are  determined by  discounting  contractual  cash flows at a rate based
        upon  current  interest  rates of other  companies  with credit  ratings
        similar to the  Company.  The  Company's  carrying  value of  short-term
        borrowings approximates their estimated fair value.

        The carrying  value and estimated  fair value for financial  instruments
        not previously disclosed in Notes 3, 7 and 8:

                                                                           DECEMBER 31,
                                                              2000                               1999
                                                ---------------------------------  ---------------------------------
                                                   CARRYING         ESTIMATED         Carrying         Estimated
                                                    VALUE          FAIR VALUE          Value           Fair Value
                                                ---------------  ----------------  ---------------   ---------------
                                                                           (IN MILLIONS)

        Mortgage loans on real estate..........  $    3,130.8     $     3,184.4     $     3,270.0     $    3,239.3
        Other limited partnership interests....         811.9             811.9             647.9            647.9
        Policy loans...........................       2,476.9           2,622.4           2,257.3          2,359.5
        Policyholders' account balances -
          investment contracts.................      11,468.6          11,643.7          12,740.4         12,800.5
        Long-term debt.........................         847.9             847.5             850.9            834.9

        Closed Block:

        Mortgage loans on real estate..........  $    1,581.8     $     1,582.6     $     1,704.2     $    1,650.3
        Other equity investments...............          34.4              34.4              36.3             36.3
        Policy loans...........................       1,557.7           1,667.6           1,593.9          1,712.0
        SCNILC liability.......................          20.2              20.1              22.8             22.5

        Discontinued Operations:
        Mortgage loans on real estate..........  $      330.9     $       347.7     $       454.6     $      467.0
        Fixed maturities.......................         336.5             336.5              85.5             85.5
        Other equity investments...............          43.1              43.1              55.8             55.8
        Guaranteed interest contracts..........          26.4              23.4              33.2             27.5
        Long-term debt.........................         101.8             101.7             101.9            101.9



        From time to time,  the  Company  has  provided  certain  guarantees  or
        commitments to affiliates,  investors and others.  At December 31, 2000,
        these  arrangements  include  commitments by the Company,  under certain
        conditions:  to make  capital  contributions  of up to $9.3  million  to
        affiliated real estate joint ventures;  and to provide equity  financing
        to certain limited partnerships of $303.1 million under existing loan or
        loan  commitment  agreements.  Management  believes the Company will not
        incur any material losses as a result of these commitments.

        Equitable  Life  is the  obligor  under  certain  structured  settlement
        agreements  which  it  had  entered  into  with  unaffiliated  insurance
        companies  and  beneficiaries.  To satisfy its  obligations  under these
        agreements,  Equitable  Life owns  single  premium  annuities  issued by
        previously wholly owned life insurance subsidiaries.  Equitable Life has
        directed  payment  under  these  annuities  to be made  directly  to the
        beneficiaries under the structured settlement  agreements.  A contingent
        liability exists with respect to these agreements  should the previously
        wholly  owned   subsidiaries  be  unable  to  meet  their   obligations.
        Management  believes  the  need  for  Equitable  Life to  satisfy  those
        obligations is remote.

        The Insurance  Group had $14.9 million of letters of credit  outstanding
        at December 31, 2000.

        The  Holding  Company  has  entered  into  continuity   agreements  with
        forty-three  executives of the Company in connection with AXA's minority
        interest  acquisition.  The continuity agreements generally provide cash
        severance payments ranging from 1.5 times to 3 times an executive's base
        salary plus bonus and other benefits.  Such cash severance payments will
        generally be made if an executive's employment is terminated at any time
        within two years from  December  27, 2000 for any reason  other than the
        executive's  death,  disability,  retirement  or  for  cause,  or if the
        executive resigns for good reason as defined in the agreements.


        Life Insurance and Annuity Sales Cases

        A number of lawsuits  are  pending as  individual  claims and  purported
        class actions against  Equitable Life, its subsidiary  insurance company
        and a former insurance  subsidiary.  These actions involve,  among other
        things, sales of life and annuity products for varying periods from 1980
        to the  present,  and allege,  among other  things,  (i) sales  practice
        misrepresentation  primarily  involving:  the number of premium payments
        required;  the  propriety  of a product as an  investment  vehicle;  the
        propriety  of a product as a  replacement  of an  existing  policy;  and
        failure to  disclose a product  as life  insurance;  and (ii) the use of
        fraudulent and deceptive  practices in connection with the marketing and
        sale of deferred  annuity  products to fund  tax-qualified  contributory
        retirement  plans.  Some  actions are in state  courts and others are in
        U.S.  District  Courts in  different  jurisdictions,  and are in varying
        stages of discovery and motions for class certification.

        In general,  the plaintiffs  request an  unspecified  amount of damages,
        compensatory   and  punitive   damages,   recession  of  the  contracts,
        enjoinment   from   the   described   practices,   prohibition   against
        cancellation  of policies for  non-payment of premium or other remedies,
        as well as attorneys' fees and expenses. Similar actions have been filed
        against other life and health insurers and have resulted in the award of
        substantial  judgments,  including material amounts of punitive damages,
        or in substantial settlements.

        Annuity Contract Case

        In October 2000,  an action was commenced in the United States  District
        Court for the Northern District of Illinois.  The complaint alleges that
        the  defendants  (i) in  connection  with  certain  annuities  issued by
        Equitable Life breached an agreement  with the plaintiffs  involving the
        execution  of  mutual  fund  transfers  and  (ii)  wrongfully   withheld
        withdrawal charges in connection with the termination of such annuities.
        Plaintiffs seek unspecified lost profits and injunctive relief, punitive
        damages and  attorneys'  fees.  The  plaintiffs  also seek return of the
        withdrawal charges. In February 2001, the District Court granted in part
        and denied in part defendants' motion to dismiss the complaint,  without
        prejudice to the plaintiffs to seek leave to file an amended complaint.


        Discrimination Case

        Equitable Life is a defendant in an action,  certified as a class action
        in September  1997, in the United States District Court for the Northern
        District of Alabama, Southern Division, involving alleged discrimination
        on the basis of race against  African-American  applicants and potential
        applicants  in hiring  individuals  as sales agents.  Plaintiffs  seek a
        declaratory  judgment and  affirmative and negative  injunctive  relief,
        including the payment of back-pay,  pension and other compensation.  The
        court  referred the case to mediation,  which has been  successful.  The
        parties have reached a tentative  agreement  for the  settlement of this
        case as a  nationwide  class  action.  In  connection  with the proposed
        settlement,  the case will be  dismissed in the United  States  District
        Court for the Northern  District of Alabama,  Southern Division and will
        be refiled in the United  States  District  Court for  Georgia,  Atlanta
        Division.  The final settlement  requires notice to class members and is
        subject to court approval.  The Company's  management  believes that the
        settlement of this matter will not have a material adverse effect on the
        consolidated financial position or results of operations of the Company.

        Agent Health Benefits Case

        Equitable Life is a defendant in an action,  certified as a class action
        in March 1999,  in the United  States  District  Court for the  Northern
        District of  California,  alleging,  among other things,  that Equitable
        Life violated  ERISA by  eliminating  certain  alternatives  pursuant to
        which agents of Equitable  Life could qualify for health care  coverage.
        The class  consists  of "[a]ll  current,  former and  retired  Equitable
        agents,   who  while  associated  with  Equitable   satisfied   [certain
        alternatives]  to qualify for health coverage or  contributions  thereto
        under  applicable  plans."  Plaintiffs  allege  various causes of action
        under  ERISA,  including  claims for  enforcement  of  alleged  promises
        contained in plan  documents  and for  enforcement  of agent  bulletins,
        breach of a unilateral contract, breach of fiduciary duty and promissory
        estoppel. The parties are currently engaged in discovery.  In June 2000,
        plaintiffs  appealed  to the  Court of  Appeals  for the  Ninth  Circuit
        contesting  the  District  Court's  award of legal  fees to  plaintiffs'
        counsel in connection  with a previously  settled count of the complaint
        unrelated to the health benefit claims. In that appeal,  plaintiffs have
        challenged the District  Court's  subject matter  jurisdiction  over the
        health benefit claims.  Briefing has been completed,  but the appeal has
        not yet been decided.

        Prime Property Fund Case

        In January 2000, the California  Supreme Court denied  Equitable  Life's
        petition  for  review of an  October  1999  decision  by the  California
        Superior  Court of Appeal.  Such decision  reversed the dismissal by the
        Supreme  Court of  Orange  County,  California  of an  action  which was
        commenced  in 1995  by a real  estate  developer  in  connection  with a
        limited  partnership  formed  in 1991 with  Equitable  Life on behalf of
        Prime Property Fund ("PPF"). Equitable Life serves as investment manager
        for PPF,  an  open-end,  commingled  real  estate  separate  account  of
        Equitable  Life  for  pension  clients.   Plaintiff  alleges  breach  of
        fiduciary  duty and other claims  principally  in connection  with PPF's
        1995 purchase and subsequent  foreclosure of the loan which financed the
        partnership's  property.   Plaintiff  seeks  compensatory  and  punitive
        damages.  In reversing the Superior Court's dismissal of the plaintiff's
        claims,  the Court of Appeal held that a general  partner who acquires a
        partnership  obligation  breaches its fiduciary  duty by  foreclosing on
        partnership  assets.  The case was  remanded to the  Superior  Court for
        further  proceedings.  In August 2000, Equitable Life filed a motion for
        summary  adjudication on plaintiff's  claims,  based on the purchase and
        subsequent  foreclosure  of the loan which  financed  the  partnership's
        property,  for punitive  damages.  In November  2000, the Superior Court
        granted  Equitable  Life's  motion  as to  one  of  plaintiff's  claims,
        dismissing the claim for punitive  damages  sought in  conjunction  with
        plaintiff's  claim for  breach of the  covenant  of good  faith and fair
        dealing.  The Superior Court denied Equitable Life's motion with respect
        to plaintiff's claim for punitive damages sought in conjunction with its
        claim for breach of fiduciary duty. In December 2000, the Superior Court
        granted plaintiff's motion for leave to file a supplemental complaint to
        add  allegations  relating to the  post-foreclosure  transfer of certain
        funds from the partnership to Equitable Life. The supplemental complaint
        alleges, among other things, that such conduct constitutes  self-dealing
        and  breach of  fiduciary  duty,  and seeks  compensatory  and  punitive
        damages based on such  conduct.  A jury trial  previously  scheduled for
        February 2001 tentatively has been rescheduled for May 2001.


        Alliance Reorganization Case

        In September  1999, an action was brought on behalf of a purported class
        of owners of limited  partnership units of Alliance Holding  challenging
        the then-proposed  reorganization of Alliance Holding.  Named defendants
        include Alliance Holding, Alliance, four Alliance Holding executives and
        the general partner of Alliance Holding and Alliance.  Equitable Life is
        obligated to indemnify the  defendants  for losses and expenses  arising
        out of the  litigation.  Plaintiffs  allege  inadequate  and  misleading
        disclosures,  breaches of fiduciary duties, and the improper adoption of
        an amended partnership agreement by Alliance Holding and seek payment of
        unspecified  money damages and an accounting of all benefits  alleged to
        have  been  improperly  obtained  by the  defendants.  In  August  2000,
        plaintiffs  filed  a  first  amended  and   supplemental   class  action
        complaint.   The  amended  complaint  alleges  in  connection  with  the
        reorganization  that the partnership  agreement of Alliance  Holding was
        not validly  amended,  the  reorganization  of Alliance  Holding was not
        validly  effected,  the information  disseminated to holders of units of
        limited  partnership  interests in Alliance Holding was materially false
        and misleading,  and the defendants  breached their fiduciary  duties by
        structuring  the  reorganization  in a manner that was grossly unfair to
        plaintiffs.  Plaintiffs seek declaratory, monetary and injunctive relief
        relating  to the  allegations  contained  in the amended  complaint.  In
        September 2000, all defendants,  except one Alliance Holding  executive,
        filed  an  answer  to  the  amended   complaint   denying  the  material
        allegations  contained therein;  in lieu of joining in the answer to the
        amended  complaint,  the Alliance  Holding  executive  filed a motion to
        dismiss in September  2000. In November 2000,  the remaining  defendants
        filed a motion to dismiss  the  amended  complaint.  In  December  2000,
        plaintiffs filed a motion for partial summary judgment on the claim that
        the Alliance Holding partnership agreement was not validly amended. Oral
        argument of the motions was held in January 2001.

        Disposal of DLJ

        Subsequent to the August 30, 2000  announcement  of the proposed sale of
        DLJ, four putative class action lawsuits have been filed in the Delaware
        Court of Chancery  naming AXA  Financial  as one of the  defendants  and
        challenging  the sale of DLJ because the transaction did not include the
        sale of DLJdirect  tracking stock. The plaintiffs in these cases purport
        to represent a class  consisting  of the holders of  DLJdirect  tracking
        stock and their successors in interest, excluding the defendants and any
        person or entity  related to or affiliated  with any of the  defendants.
        AXA Financial,  DLJ and the DLJ directors are named as  defendants.  The
        complaints assert claims for breaches of fiduciary  duties,  and seek an
        unspecified  amount of  compensatory  damages  and  costs and  expenses,
        including  attorneys'  fees.  The  parties in these cases have agreed to
        extend the time for defendants to respond to the complaints.

        Subsequent to the August 30, 2000  announcement  of the proposed sale of
        DLJ, a putative class action  lawsuit was filed in New York  challenging
        the sale of DLJ (for  omitting the  DLJdirect  tracking  stock) and also
        alleges  Federal  securities  law claims  relating to the initial public
        offering of the DLJdirect  tracking stock. The complaint  alleges claims
        for violations of the securities laws,  breaches of the fiduciary duties
        of loyalty,  good faith and due care, aiding and abetting such breaches,
        and breach of  contract.  The  plaintiff  purports to  represent a class
        consisting of: all purchasers of DLJdirect tracking stock in the initial
        public  offering and  thereafter  (with  respect to the  securities  law
        claims);  and all owners of DLJdirect  tracking stock who allegedly have
        been or will be injured by the proposed sale of DLJ (with respect to all
        other  claims).  AXA Financial,  Equitable  Life,  AXA, DLJ,  Donaldson,
        Lufkin &  Jenrette  Securities  Corporation,  CSG,  Diamond  Acquisition
        Corp., and DLJ's directors are named as defendants.  The complaint seeks
        declaratory and injunctive relief, an unspecified amount of damages, and
        costs and expenses,  including  attorney's  fees.  Defendants have until
        February 28, 2001 to respond to plaintiffs' complaint.

        AXA's Purchase of Holding Company Minority Interest

        Subsequent  to the August 30,  2000  announcement  of AXA's  proposal to
        purchase the outstanding  shares of Holding Company Common Stock that it
        did not already  own,  fourteen  putative  class  action  lawsuits  were
        commenced in the Delaware Court of Chancery.  The Holding Company,  AXA,
        and  directors  and/or  officers  of the  Holding  Company  are named as
        defendants  in each of  these  lawsuits.  The  various  plaintiffs  each
        purport to  represent a class  consisting  of owners of Holding  Company
        Common Stock and their successors in interest,  excluding the defendants
        and any  person  or  entity  related  to or  affiliated  with any of the
        defendants.  They  challenge the adequacy of the offer  announced by AXA
        and allege  that the  defendants  have  engaged or will engage in unfair
        dealing,  overreaching  and/or have  breached  or will breach  fiduciary
        duties owed to the minority  shareholders  of the Holding  Company.  The
        complaints seek declaratory and


        injunctive relief, an accounting,  and unspecified compensatory damages,
        costs and expenses,  including  attorneys'  fees. A similar  lawsuit was
        filed in the Supreme Court of the State of New York, County of New York,
        after the filing of the first  Delaware  action.  In December  2000, the
        parties  to  the  Delaware  suits  reached  a  tentative  agreement  for
        settlement   and  executed  a  Memorandum  of   Understanding.   Shortly
        thereafter,  agreement  was reached  with the  plaintiff in the New York
        suit to stay  proceedings in New York and to participate in and be bound
        by the terms of the settlement of the Delaware  suits.  The  settlement,
        which does not involve any payment by the Holding Company, is subject to
        a  number  of  conditions,   including   confirmatory   discovery,   the
        preparation  of  definitive  documentation  and approval by the Delaware
        Court of Chancery after a hearing.

        Outcome of Litigation

        Although the outcome of litigation  cannot be predicted with  certainty,
        particularly in the early stages of an action, the Company's  management
        believes  that the ultimate  resolution of the matters  described  above
        should not have a material adverse effect on the consolidated  financial
        position  of the  Company.  The  Company's  management  cannot  make  an
        estimate of loss, if any, or predict  whether or not any such litigation
        will  have a  material  adverse  effect  on the  Company's  consolidated
        results of operations in any particular period.

        Other Matters

        In  addition  to the  matters  described  above,  the  Company  and  its
        subsidiaries  are involved in various legal actions and  proceedings  in
        connection  with their  businesses.  Some of the actions and proceedings
        have been brought on behalf of various  alleged classes of claimants and
        certain of these  claimants seek damages of unspecified  amounts.  While
        the ultimate outcome of such matters cannot be predicted with certainty,
        in the opinion of management no such matter is likely to have a material
        adverse  effect on the  Company's  consolidated  financial  position  or
        results of operations.

16)     LEASES

        The Company  has  entered  into  operating  leases for office  space and
        certain other assets,  principally  information technology equipment and
        office   furniture  and  equipment.   Future   minimum   payments  under
        noncancelable  leases for 2001 and the four successive  years are $123.9
        million,  $110.8 million,  $101.6 million, $108.5 million, $97.4 million
        and $896.5 million thereafter.  Minimum future sublease rental income on
        these  noncancelable  leases for 2001 and the four  successive  years is
        $5.2 million, $4.3 million, $5.1 million, $3.3 million, $2.9 million and
        $22.0 million thereafter.

        At December 31, 2000, the minimum future rental income on non-cancelable
        operating  leases for wholly owned  investments  in real estate for 2001
        and the four  successive  years is $95.2 million,  $61.4 million,  $72.9
        million, $66.2 million, $59.2 million and $76.6 million thereafter.


        Equitable  Life is  restricted as to the amounts it may pay as dividends
        to  the  Holding  Company.   Under  the  New  York  Insurance  Law,  the
        Superintendent  has broad discretion to determine  whether the financial
        condition of a stock life insurance company would support the payment of
        dividends to its  shareholders.  For 2000, 1999 and 1998,  statutory net
        income  (loss)  totaled  $1,068.6  million,  $547.0  million  and $384.4
        million,  respectively.  Statutory  surplus,  capital  stock  and  Asset
        Valuation  Reserve ("AVR") totaled $6,226.5 million and $5,570.6 million
        at  December  31,  2000  and  1999,  respectively.  In  2000  and  1999,
        respectively,  $250.0  million and $150.0 million in dividends were paid
        to the Holding Company by Equitable Life.

        At December 31, 2000, the Insurance  Group,  in accordance  with various
        government  and state  regulations,  had  $26.4  million  of  securities
        deposited with such government or state agencies.

        In 1998,  the NAIC  adopted the  Codification  of  Statutory  Accounting
        Principles   ("Codification").   Codification  provides  regulators  and
        insurers  with  uniform  statutory  guidance,   addressing  areas  where
        statutory accounting was previously silent and changing certain existing
        statutory positions.  The New York Insurance Department recently adopted
        Regulation 172 concerning  Codification,  effective January 1, 2001, but
        did not adopt several key provisions of Codification, including deferred
        income  taxes  and  the  establishment  of  goodwill  as an  asset.  The
        application of the  codification  rules as adopted by New York currently
        is  estimated  to have no  significant  effect on  Equitable  Life.  The
        Insurance  Group  expects that  statutory  surplus  after  adoption will
        continue  to  be  in  excess  of  the  regulatory   risk-based   capital


        The differences  between  statutory surplus and capital stock determined
        in accordance  with Statutory  Accounting  Principles  ("SAP") and total
        shareholders' equity under GAAP are primarily:  (a) the inclusion in SAP
        of an AVR intended to stabilize  surplus from  fluctuations in the value
        of  the   investment   portfolio;   (b)  future   policy   benefits  and
        policyholders'  account  balances  under  SAP  differ  from  GAAP due to
        differences between actuarial  assumptions and reserving  methodologies;
        (c) certain policy acquisition costs are expensed under SAP but deferred
        under GAAP and  amortized  over future  periods to achieve a matching of
        revenues and expenses;  (d) external and certain internal costs incurred
        to  obtain  or  develop  internal  use  computer   software  during  the
        application  development  stage is  capitalized  under GAAP but expensed
        under SAP; (e) Federal  income  taxes are  generally  accrued  under SAP
        based upon revenues and expenses in the Federal  income tax return while
        under  GAAP  deferred  taxes  provide  for  timing  differences  between
        recognition of revenues and expenses for financial  reporting and income
        tax purposes;  (f) the valuation of assets under SAP and GAAP differ due
        to different  investment  valuation and depreciation  methodologies,  as
        well as the  deferral of  interest-related  realized  capital  gains and
        losses on fixed income  investments;  and (g) differences in the accrual
        methodologies for post-employment and retirement benefit plans.

        Accounting  practices used to prepare statutory financial statements for
        regulatory  filings of stock life insurance  companies differ in certain
        instances  from GAAP.  The following  reconciles  the Insurance  Group's
        statutory change in surplus and capital stock and statutory  surplus and
        capital  stock  determined  in  accordance  with  accounting   practices
        prescribed by the New York  Insurance  Department  with net earnings and
        equity on a GAAP basis.

                                                                  2000               1999                1998
                                                            -----------------   ----------------   -----------------
                                                                                 (IN MILLIONS)
        Net change in statutory surplus and
          capital stock....................................  $     1,321.4       $      848.8       $      709.2
        Change in asset valuation reserves.................         (665.5)              (6.3)             111.8
                                                            -----------------   ----------------   -----------------
        Net change in statutory surplus, capital stock
          and asset valuation reserves.....................          655.9              842.5              821.0
          Future policy benefits and policyholders'
            account balances...............................          259.0              (85.0)            (189.9)
          DAC..............................................          483.6              263.6              316.5
          Deferred Federal income taxes....................         (128.3)            (161.4)             (67.6)
          Valuation of investments.........................         (126.2)              23.2               83.6
          Valuation of investment subsidiary...............          (29.2)            (133.6)            (419.5)
          Limited risk reinsurance.........................            -                128.4               83.7
          Dividends paid to the Holding
            Company........................................          250.0              150.0                -
          Capital contribution.............................            -               (470.8)               -
          Postretirement benefits..........................            -                  -                 54.8
          Stock option expense related to AXA's minority
            Interest acquisition...........................         (493.9)               -                  -
          Other, net.......................................          443.7              248.2              134.7
          GAAP adjustments of Closed Block.................          (13.4)             (49.8)             (27.1)
          GAAP adjustments of discontinued
            operations.....................................           54.3               51.3              (82.0)
                                                            -----------------   ----------------   -----------------
        Net Earnings of the Insurance Group................  $     1,355.5       $      806.6       $      708.2
                                                            =================   ================   =================


                                                                                 DECEMBER 31,
                                                                  2000               1999                1998
                                                            -----------------   ----------------   -----------------
                                                                                 (IN MILLIONS)

        Statutory surplus and capital stock................  $     5,341.9       $    4,020.5       $    3,171.7
        Asset valuation reserves...........................          884.6            1,550.1            1,556.4
                                                            -----------------   ----------------   -----------------
        Statutory surplus, capital stock and asset
          valuation reserves...............................        6,226.5            5,570.6            4,728.1
          Future policy benefits and policyholders'
            account balances...............................       (1,363.0)          (1,622.0)          (1,526.0)
          DAC..............................................        4,429.1            4,033.0            3,563.8
          Deferred Federal income taxes....................         (681.9)            (283.9)            (346.9)
          Valuation of investments.........................           99.7             (568.2)             626.9
          Valuation of investment subsidiary...............       (1,082.9)          (1,891.7)          (1,758.1)
          Limited risk reinsurance.........................            -                (39.6)            (168.0)
          Issuance of surplus notes........................         (539.1)            (539.1)            (539.1)
          Postretirement benefits..........................            -                  -               (262.7)
          Other, net.......................................          844.1              544.8              313.4
          GAAP adjustments of Closed Block.................          677.1              723.6              795.4
          GAAP adjustments of discontinued operations......         (164.3)            (160.0)             (14.2)
                                                            -----------------   ----------------   -----------------
        Equity of the Insurance Group......................  $     8,445.3       $    5,767.5       $    5,412.6
                                                            =================   ================   =================


        The Company's  operations consist of Insurance and Investment  Services.
        The  Company's  management  evaluates the  performance  of each of these
        segments  independently  and  allocates  resources  based on current and
        future   requirements   of  each  segment.   Management   evaluates  the
        performance  of each segment based upon  operating  results  adjusted to
        exclude the effect of unusual or  non-recurring  events and transactions
        and  certain  revenue  and  expense  categories  not related to the base
        operations of the particular  business net of minority  interest.  AXA's
        acquisition of the Company's  minority interest shares has resulted in a
        change  in  the  measurement  of  the  Company's   reportable  operating
        segments. Discontinued Operations,  discontinued by the Company in 1991,
        are included in the Life Insurance  segment  results  reported by AXA in
        their French GAAP  financial  statements.  To more  closely  conform the
        Company's  management  reporting  to  that of its  parent,  Discontinued
        Operations  is now  reported  together  with  continuing  operations  in
        measuring profits or losses for the Company's  Insurance segment.  Prior
        period amounts have been restated to conform to this presentation.

        The  Insurance  segment  offers a variety of  traditional,  variable and
        interest-sensitive  life insurance products,  disability income, annuity
        products,  mutual fund and other investment  products to individuals and
        small  groups.  It  also  administers  traditional  participating  group
        annuity  contracts  with  conversion  features,  generally for corporate
        qualified  pension  plans,  and  association  plans which  provide  full
        service retirement programs for individuals affiliated with professional
        and trade  associations.  This segment  includes  Separate  Accounts for
        individual insurance and annuity products.

        The Investment Services segment includes Alliance and the results of DLJ
        which  are  accounted  for  on  an  equity  basis.  In  1999,   Alliance
        reorganized into Alliance  Capital  Management  Holding L.P.  ("Alliance
        Holding")  and  Alliance  (the  "Reorganization").   Alliance  Holding's
        principal  asset is its  interest  in  Alliance  and it  functions  as a
        holding entity through which holders of its publicly traded units own an
        indirect  interest in the operating  partnership.  The Company exchanged
        substantially  all of its Alliance  Holding  units for units in Alliance
        ("Alliance Units").  As a result of the reorganization,  the Company was
        the beneficial  owner of approximately 2% of Alliance Holding and 37% of
        Alliance.  Alliance  provides  diversified  investment  fund  management
        services to a variety of institutional clients, including pension funds,
        endowments, and foreign financial institutions, as well as to individual
        investors,  principally  through  a broad  line of  mutual  funds.  This
        segment includes  institutional  Separate Accounts which provide various
        investment  options for large group pension clients,  primarily deferred
        benefit contribution plans, through pooled or single group accounts.


        Intersegment  investment advisory and other fees of approximately $153.2
        million,  $75.6  million  and $61.8  million  for  2000,  1999 and 1998,
        respectively,  are included in total revenues of the Investment Services

        The following tables reconcile segment revenues and adjusted earnings to
        consolidated  revenues and earnings from  continuing  operations  before
        Federal  income  taxes as reported  on the  consolidated  statements  of
        earnings and the  segments'  assets to total assets on the  consolidated
        balance sheets, respectively.

                                                         2000                  1999                   1998
                                                  --------------------  -------------------   ----------------------
                                                                         (IN MILLIONS)
        Segment revenues:
        Insurance...............................   $     5,662.4         $     5,488.8                5,330.2
        Investment Services.....................         2,667.7               2,052.7                1,438.4
        Consolidation/elimination...............          (113.1)                (23.8)                  (5.7)
                                                  --------------------  -------------------   ----------------------
        Total segment revenues..................         8,217.0               7,517.7                6,762.9
        Loss on CSG shares......................           (43.2)                  -                      -
        Investment (losses) gains, net of other
           charges..............................          (798.4)               (112.6)                 136.4
        Gain on sale of equity investee.........         1,962.0                   -                      -
        Closed Block............................        (1,044.9)             (1,095.6)              (1,144.8)
        Discontinued Operations.................           (96.3)                (85.5)                (191.8)
                                                  --------------------  -------------------   ----------------------
        Total Consolidated Revenues.............   $     8,196.2         $     6,224.0         $      5,562.7
                                                  ====================  ===================   ======================

        Pre-tax adjusted earnings:
        Insurance...............................   $     1,198.9         $       950.8         $        656.9
        Investment Services.....................           480.6                 430.2                  287.7
                                                  --------------------  -------------------   ----------------------
        Total pre-tax adjusted earnings.........         1,679.5               1,381.0                  944.6
        Loss on CSG shares......................           (43.2)                  -                      -
        Investment (losses) gains, net of
           related DAC and other charges........          (731.9)               (109.7)                 105.3
        Gain on sale of equity investee.........         1,962.0                   -                      -
        Amortization of acquisition related
           goodwill and intangible assets.......           (34.6)                 (3.2)                  (3.4)
        Minority purchase transaction
           related expenses.....................          (493.9)                  -                      -
        Discontinued Operations.................           (90.2)                (43.3)                  (4.2)
        Pre-tax subsidiary minority interest....           337.8                 216.8                  141.5
        Non-recurring DAC adjustments...........             -                  (131.7)                   -
                                                  --------------------  -------------------   ----------------------
        Earnings from Continuing
           Operations before Federal Income
            Taxes and Minority Interest.........   $     2,585.5         $     1,309.9         $      1,183.8
                                                  ====================  ===================   ======================
        Insurance...............................   $    88,576.4         $    86,842.7         $     75,626.0
        Investment Services.....................        16,807.2              12,961.7               12,379.2
        Consolidation/elimination...............           (57.1)                 (8.9)                 (64.4)
                                                  --------------------  -------------------   ----------------------
        Total Assets............................   $   105,326.5         $    99,795.5         $     87,940.8
                                                  ====================  ===================   ======================



        The  quarterly  results of operations  for 2000 and 1999 are  summarized

                                                                    THREE MONTHS ENDED
                                           MARCH 31           JUNE 30           SEPTEMBER 30          DECEMBER 31
                                       -----------------  -----------------   ------------------   ------------------
                                                                       (IN MILLIONS)

        Total Revenues................  $     1,622.5      $     1,684.7       $    1,728.3         $    3,160.7
                                       =================  =================   ==================   ==================

        Earnings from Continuing
          Operations..................  $       226.6      $       256.9       $       70.5         $      742.9
                                       =================  =================   ==================   ==================

        Net Earnings..................  $       221.7      $       255.4       $       70.5         $      807.9
                                       =================  =================   ==================   ==================

        Total Revenues................  $     1,489.0      $     1,615.6       $    1,512.1         $    1,607.3
                                       =================  =================   ==================   ==================

        Earnings from Continuing
          Operations..................  $       187.3      $       222.6       $      186.5         $      182.1
                                       =================  =================   ==================   ==================

        Net Earnings..................  $       182.0      $       221.3       $      183.1         $      220.2
                                       =================  =================   ==================   ==================



        The Holding  Company  sponsors a stock  incentive  plan for employees of
        Equitable Life. Alliance sponsors its own stock option plans for certain
        employees.   The   Company  has  elected  to  continue  to  account  for
        stock-based  compensation using the intrinsic value method prescribed in
        APB No.  25.  Had  compensation  expense  for the  Holding  Company  and
        Alliance Stock Option  Incentive Plan options been  determined  based on
        SFAS No.  123's fair value based  method,  the  Company's  pro forma net
        earnings  for 2000,  1999 and 1998  would  have been  $1,627.3  million,
        $757.1 million and $678.4 million, respectively.

        In conjunction  with approval of the agreement for AXA's  acquisition of
        the minority interest in the Holding  Company's Common Stock,  generally
        all outstanding  options awarded under the 1997 and 1991 Stock Incentive
        Plans were amended to become immediately and fully exercisable  pursuant
        to their terms upon expiration of the initial tender offer. In addition,
        the agreement  provided that at the  effective  time of the merger,  the
        terms of all  outstanding  options  granted  under  those Plans would be
        further amended and converted into options of equivalent intrinsic value
        to  acquire a number  of AXA  ordinary  shares  in the form of  American
        Depository  Shares (ADSs).  Also pursuant to the  agreement,  holders of
        non-qualified  options  were  provided  with  an  alternative  to  elect
        cancellation  of those  options at the  effective  time of the merger in
        exchange for a cash payment from the Holding Company. For the year ended
        December 31, 2000, the Company recognized compensation expense of $493.9
        million,   representing   the  cost  of  these   Plan   amendments   and
        modifications offset by an addition to capital in excess of par value.

        The fair values of options  granted after  December 31, 1994,  used as a
        basis for the pro forma  disclosures  above,  were  estimated  as of the
        grant dates using the  Black-Scholes  option pricing  model.  The option
        pricing assumptions for 2000, 1999 and 1998 follow:

                                       HOLDING COMPANY                           ALLIANCE
                           -----------------------------------------  -------------------------------
                               2000           1999         1998          2000      1999       1998
                           -------------  ------------- ------------  --------------------- ---------

        Dividend yield....        0.32%          0.31%        0.32%        7.20%     8.70%     6.50%

          volatility......          28%            28%          28%          30%       29%       29%

        Risk-free interest
          rate............        6.24%          5.46%        5.48%        5.90%     5.70%     4.40%

        Expected life
          in years........          5              5            5           7.4         7       7.2

        Weighted average
          fair value per
          option at
          grant-date......     $11.08         $10.78        $11.32       $8.32      $3.88     $3.86


        A summary of the Holding Company and Alliance's option plans follows:

                                         HOLDING COMPANY                       ALLIANCE
                                   -----------------------------  -----------------------------------
                                                    Weighted                            Weighted
                                                     Average                            Average
                                                    Exercise                            Exercise
                                                    Price of                            Price of
                                       Shares        Options           Units            Options
                                   (In Millions)   Outstanding    (In Millions)       Outstanding
                                   -------------   -----------    -------------       -----------

        Balance as of
          January 1, 1998........       15.8          $14.53           10.6             $11.41
          Granted................        8.6          $33.13            2.8             $26.28
          Exercised..............       (2.2)         $10.59            (.9)            $ 8.91
          Forfeited..............        (.8)         $23.51            (.2)            $13.14
                                   ---------------                ----------------

        Balance as of
          December 31, 1998......       21.4          $22.00           12.3             $14.92
          Granted................        4.3          $31.70            2.0             $30.18
          Exercised..............       (2.4)         $13.26           (1.5)            $ 9.51
          Forfeited..............        (.6)         $24.29            (.3)            $17.79
                                   ---------------                ----------------

        Balance as of
          December 31, 1999......       22.7          $24.60           12.5             $17.95
          Granted................        6.5          $31.06            4.7             $50.93
          Exercised..............       (4.5)         $18.57           (1.7)            $10.90
          Forfeited..............       (1.2)         $26.15            (.1)            $26.62
                                   ---------------                ----------------

        Balance as of
          December 31, 2000......       23.5          $27.20           15.4             $17.95
                                   ===============                ================

        Information about options outstanding and exercisable at December 31,
        2000 follows:

                                            OPTIONS OUTSTANDING                            OPTIONS EXERCISABLE
                             ---------------------------------------------------   -------------------------------------
                                                    Average         Weighted                               Weighted
              Range of             Number          Remaining        Average             Number              Average
              Exercise          Outstanding       Contractual       Exercise          Exercisable          Exercise
               Prices          (In Millions)     Life (Years)        Price           (In Millions)           Price
        --------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------   ------------------   ----------------

        $ 9.06   -$13.88             3.4               3.3            $10.58             22.7                $27.14
        $14.25   -$22.63             3.9               6.7            $20.81              -                    -
        $25.32   -$34.59            13.0               8.4            $29.76              -                    -
        $40.97   -$41.28             3.2               7.6            $41.28              -                    -
        $52.25   -$52.25              .1               9.7            $52.25              -                    -
                              -----------------                                    ------------------
        $ 9.06   -$41.28            23.5               7.3            $27.20             22.7                $27.14
                              ================= ================ ===============   ==================   ================

        $ 6.63   -$11.13             3.6               3.6            $ 9.60              3.6                $ 9.60
        $12.44   -$26.31             5.2               7.3            $21.29              2.6                $19.85
        $27.31   -$30.94             1.9               8.9            $30.24               .4                $30.24
        $48.50   -$53.75             2.5               9.5            $48.50              -                    -
        $48.50   -$53.75             2.2              10.0            $53.75              -                    -
                              -----------------                                    ------------------
        $ 6.63   -$53.75            15.4               7.4            $28.73              6.6                $14.87
                              ================= ================ ===============   ==================   ================



        Beginning  January 1, 2000, the Company  reimbursed the Holding  Company
        for  expenses  relating  to the  Excess  Retirement  Plan,  Supplemental
        Executive  Retirement Plan and certain other employee benefit plans that
        provide  participants  with  medical,   life  insurance,   and  deferred
        compensation  benefits.  Such reimbursement was based on the cost to the
        Holding Company of the benefits provided which totaled $16.0 million for
        2000.  Also in 2000, the Company paid $678.9 million of commissions  and
        fees to AXA  Distribution  and its  subsidiaries  for sales of insurance
        products in 2000. The Company  charged AXA  Distribution's  subsidiaries
        $395.0 million for their applicable share of operating  expenses in 2000
        pursuant to the Agreements for Services.


        Assuming  the  Bernstein  acquisition  had  occurred on January 1, 1999,
        revenues for the Company would have been $8.79 billion and $7.05 billion
        for 2000 and 1999, respectively, on a pro forma basis. The impact of the
        acquisition  on net  earnings on a  pro-forma  basis would not have been

        This pro forma financial  information  does not necessarily  reflect the
        results  of  operations  that  would  have  resulted  had the  Bernstein
        acquisition  actually  occurred on January 1, 1999, nor is the pro forma
        financial   information   necessarily   indicative  of  the  results  of
        operations that may be achieved for any future period.


                      Report of Independent Accountants on
                   Consolidated Financial Statement Schedules

To the Board of Directors of
The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States

Our audits of the consolidated  financial  statements  referred to in our report
dated  February 5, 2001 appearing on page F-1 of this Annual Report on Form 10-K
also included an audit of the consolidated  financial statement schedules listed
in Item 14.(A)2 of this Form 10-K. In our opinion,  these consolidated financial
statement  schedules present fairly, in all material  respects,  the information
set  forth  therein  when  read in  conjunction  with the  related  consolidated
financial statements.

/s/PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
New York, New York

February 5, 2001


                                   SCHEDULE I
                                DECEMBER 31, 2000

                                                                                   Estimated          Carrying
Type of Investment                                              Cost (A)          Fair Value           Value
- ------------------                                          -----------------   ----------------   ---------------
                                                                                          (In Millions)
Fixed maturities:
U.S. government, agencies and authorities.................  $        938.1      $       977.8      $       977.8
State, municipalities and political subdivisions..........           110.4              113.9              113.9
Foreign governments.......................................           177.4              189.5              189.5
Public utilities..........................................         1,220.0            1,242.8            1,242.8
All other corporate bonds.................................        13,680.7           13,617.8           13,611.9
Redeemable preferred stocks...............................           315.5              320.1              320.1
                                                            -----------------   ----------------   ---------------
Total fixed maturities....................................        16,442.1           16,461.9           16,456.0
                                                            -----------------   ----------------   ---------------
Equity securities:
  Common stocks:
    Industrial, miscellaneous and all other...............         1,628.3            1,580.9            1,580.9
Mortgage loans on real estate.............................         3,130.8            3,184.4            3,130.8
Real estate...............................................           472.1              xxx                472.1
Real estate acquired in satisfaction of debt..............           322.3              xxx                322.3
Real estate joint ventures................................           181.1              xxx                181.1
Policy loans..............................................         2,476.9            2,622.4            2,476.9
Other limited partnership interests.......................           811.9              811.9              811.9
Other invested assets.....................................           762.5              762.5              762.5
                                                            -----------------   ----------------   ---------------

Total Investments.........................................   $    26,228.0       $   25,424.0       $   26,194.5
                                                            =================   ================   ===============
(A)  Cost for fixed maturities  represents  original cost, reduced by repayments
     and  writedowns and adjusted for  amortization  of premiums or accretion of
     discount;  for equity securities,  cost represents original cost reduced by
     writedowns;  for  other  limited  partnership  interests,  cost  represents
     original cost adjusted for equity in earnings and distributions.


                                   SCHEDULE II
                         BALANCE SHEETS (PARENT COMPANY)
                           DECEMBER 31, 2000 AND 1999

                                                                                   2000                 1999
                                                                              -----------------    -----------------
                                                                                         (In Millions)
  Fixed maturities:
    Available for sale, at estimated fair value (amortized cost of
      $15,995.2 and $19,111.3, respectively)................................  $     16,008.0       $     18,345.8
    Held to maturity, at amortized cost.....................................           204.6                133.2
  Mortgage loans on real estate.............................................         3,130.8              3,270.0
  Equity real estate........................................................         1,105.2              1,280.7
  Policy loans..............................................................         2,267.1              2,054.8
  Investments in and loans to affiliates....................................         1,827.1              1,400.7
  Other equity investments..................................................           835.0                670.9
  Other invested assets.....................................................           357.5                741.7
                                                                              -----------------    -----------------
      Total investments.....................................................        25,735.3             27,897.8
Cash and cash equivalents...................................................         1,670.7                495.7
Deferred policy acquisition costs...........................................         4,372.3              3,977.4
Other assets................................................................         3,809.9              1,737.2
Closed Block assets.........................................................         8,659.0              8,607.3
Separate Accounts assets....................................................        51,705.9             54,453.9
                                                                              -----------------    -----------------

Total Assets................................................................  $     95,953.1       $     97,169.3
                                                                              =================    =================

Policyholders' account balances.............................................  $     19,490.5       $     20,974.4
Future policy benefits and other policyholders liabilities..................         4,854.4              4,714.4
Short-term and long-term debt...............................................           847.9              1,014.8
Federal income taxes payable................................................           654.5                477.0
Other liabilities...........................................................           978.2                863.7
Closed Block liabilities....................................................         9,050.2              9,025.0
Separate Accounts liabilities...............................................        51,632.1             54,332.5
                                                                              -----------------    -----------------
      Total liabilities.....................................................        87,507.8             91,401.8
                                                                              -----------------    -----------------

Common stock, $1.25 par value, 2.0 million shares authorized, issued
  and outstanding...........................................................             2.5                  2.5
Capital in excess of par value..............................................         4,723.8              3,557.2
Retained earnings...........................................................         3,706.2              2,600.7
Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)...............................            12.8               (392.9)
                                                                              -----------------    -----------------
      Total shareholder's equity............................................         8,445.3              5,767.5
                                                                              -----------------    -----------------

Total Liabilities and Shareholder's Equity..................................  $     95,953.1       $     97,169.3
                                                                              =================    =================

The financial  information of The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United
States  (Parent  Company)  should be read in conjunction  with the  Consolidated
Financial  Statements and Notes thereto.  For information  regarding  capital in
excess  of  par  value  refer  to  Note 1 of  Notes  to  Consolidated  Financial

Effective  December 31, 1999, the Holding Company assumed primary liability from
Equitable Life for all current and future  obligations of its Excess  Retirement
Plan,  Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan and certain other employee benefit
plans that  provide  participants  with  medical,  life  insurance  and deferred
compensation benefits;  Equitable Life remains secondarily liable. The amount of
liability   associated  with  employee  benefits  assumed  was  $676.5  million,
including $183.0 million of non-qualified pension benefit obligations and $394.1
million of postretirement benefit obligations at December 31, 1999. In addition,
Equitable  Life  transferred  to the  Holding  Company the  deferred  tax assets
totaling $236.8 million related to the assumed employee benefit plans.


                                   SCHEDULE II
                    YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2000, 1999, 1998

                                                                      2000                1999               1998
                                                                 -----------------   -----------------   ---------------
                                                                                     (In Millions)
Universal life and investment-type product policy fee
  income........................................................ $      1,409.7      $     1,252.5       $     1,051.3
Premiums........................................................          568.8              549.5               577.1
Net investment income...........................................        2,103.0            2,180.6             2,111.5
Investment (losses) gains, net..................................         (798.5)            (223.9)               15.7
Equity in earnings of subsidiaries .............................        1,409.9              411.2               269.7
Commissions, fees and other income..............................          127.8               82.6                35.4
Contribution from the Closed Block..............................           92.7               86.4                87.1
                                                                 -----------------   -----------------   ---------------
      Total revenues............................................        4,913.4            4,338.9             4,147.8
                                                                 -----------------   -----------------   ---------------

Interest credited to policyholders' account balances............        1,010.8            1,056.1             1,122.6
Policyholders' benefits.........................................        1,043.5            1,029.1             1,014.5
Compensation and benefits.......................................          412.1              508.4               433.4
Commissions.....................................................          782.8              522.3               464.8
Interest Expense................................................           89.6               77.6                91.5
Amortization of deferred policy acquisition costs...............          290.5              310.9               287.6
Capitalization of deferred policy acquisition costs.............         (772.4)            (704.3)             (598.6)
Writedown of deferred policy acquisition costs..................            -                131.7                 -
Rent expense....................................................           85.7               70.4                65.7
Expenses related to AXA's minority interest acquisition
   of the Holding Company.......................................          493.9                -                   -
Other operating costs and expenses..............................          192.2              348.3               311.5
                                                                 -----------------   -----------------   ---------------
      Total benefits and other deductions.......................        3,628.7            3,350.5             3,193.0
                                                                 -----------------   -----------------   ---------------

Earnings from continuing operations before Federal income
  taxes.........................................................        1,284.7              988.4               954.8
Federal income tax benefit (expense)............................           12.2             (209.9)             (249.3)
                                                                 -----------------   -----------------   ---------------
Earnings from continuing operations.............................        1,296.9              778.5               705.5
Earnings from discontinued operations, net of Federal
   income taxes.................................................           58.6               28.1                 2.7
                                                                 -----------------   -----------------   ---------------

Net Earnings....................................................  $     1,355.5      $       806.6       $       708.2
                                                                 =================   =================   ===============


                                   SCHEDULE II
                  YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2000, 1999 AND 1998

                                                                      2000                1999                1998
                                                                 -----------------   -----------------   ----------------
                                                                                      (In Millions)

Net earnings.................................................... $      1,355.5      $       806.6       $       708.2
Adjustments to reconcile net earnings to net cash
  provided by operating activities:
  Interest credited to policyholders' account balances..........        1,010.8            1,056.1             1,122.6
  Universal life and investment-type policy fee income..........       (1,409.7)          (1,252.5)           (1,051.3)
  Investment losses (gains), net................................          798.5              223.9               (15.7)
  Equity in net earnings of subsidiaries........................       (1,409.9)            (411.2)             (269.7)
  Dividends from subsidiaries...................................        1,717.3              155.3               120.3
  Change in deferred policy acquisition costs...................         (475.2)            (258.8)             (308.6)
  Change in future policy benefits and other policyholder
    funds.......................................................         (870.7)              61.7                81.6
  Other, net....................................................         (758.5)             (53.6)                5.2
                                                                 -----------------   -----------------   ----------------

Net cash (used) provided by operating activities................          (41.9)             327.5               392.6
                                                                 -----------------   -----------------   ----------------

Cash flows from investing activities:
  Maturities and repayments.....................................        2,058.3            1,997.8             2,250.6
  Sales.........................................................        7,752.2            7,494.2            16,883.8
  Purchases.....................................................       (7,216.7)         (10,640.0)          (18,347.2)
  (Decrease) increase in loans to discontinued operations.......            -                (28.1)              660.0
  Decrease (increase) in short-term investments.................          382.4             (100.3)               18.3
  Increase in policy loans......................................         (212.1)            (160.6)             (153.7)
  Other, net....................................................           27.5             (142.0)             (104.2)
                                                                 -----------------   -----------------   ----------------

Net cash provided (used) by investing activities................        2,791.6           (1,579.0)            1,207.6
                                                                 -----------------   -----------------   ----------------

Cash flows from financing activities:
  Policyholders' account balances:
    Deposits....................................................        2,693.5            2,405.7             1,535.1
    Withdrawals and transfers to Separate Accounts..............       (3,852.3)          (1,753.1)           (1,713.5)
  Net (decrease) increase in short-term financings..............         (167.6)             167.6              (351.1)
  Repayments of long-term debt..................................            -                (30.5)              (16.7)
  Payment of obligation to fund accumulated deficit of
    discontinued operations.....................................            -                  -                 (87.2)
  Dividends paid to AXA Financial...............................         (250.0)            (150.0)                -
  Other, net....................................................            1.7                 .1                12.7
                                                                 -----------------   -----------------   ----------------

Net cash provided (used) by financing activities................       (1,574.7)             639.8              (620.7)
                                                                 -----------------   -----------------   ----------------

Change in cash and cash equivalents.............................        1,175.0             (611.7)              979.5

Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of year....................          495.7            1,107.4               127.9
                                                                 -----------------   -----------------   ----------------

Cash and Cash Equivalents, End of Year.......................... $      1,670.7      $       495.7       $     1,107.4
                                                                 =================   =================   ================

Supplemental cash flow information
  Interest Paid................................................. $         97.0      $        92.2       $       130.7
                                                                 =================   =================   ================
  Income Taxes Paid............................................. $        358.2      $       116.5       $       254.3
                                                                 =================   =================   ================


                                         SCHEDULE III
                         AT AND FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2000

                                                Future Policy     Policy                                Amortization
                      Deferred                    Benefits        Charges      (1)      Policyholders'  of Deferred       (2)
                       Policy     Policyholders'  and Other         and        Net       Benefits and     Policy         Other
                      Acquisition    Account     Policyholders'   Premium   Investment    Interest      Acquisition     Operating
      Segment           Costs        Balance        Funds         Revenue     Income      Credited          Cost         Expense
- --------------------  ----------- -------------- --------------  ---------- ----------- -------------   -------------  -----------
                                                                       (In Millions)
Insurance..........   $  4,429.1  $  19,866.4    $   4,920.4     $  1,993.2 $  2,074.4  $  2,083.6      $     294.5    $  1,451.3
  Services.........          -             -             -             -          67.5         -                -         1,894.4
  Elimination......          -             -             -             -          31.3         -                -          (113.1)
                      ----------- -------------- --------------  ---------- ----------- -------------   -------------  -----------
Total..............   $  4,429.1  $  19,866.4    $   4,920.4     $  1,993.2 $  2,173.2  $  2,083.6      $     294.5    $  3,232.6
                      =========== ============== ==============  ========== =========== =============   =============  ===========

(1)  Net investment  income is based upon specific  identification of portfolios
     within segments.

(2)  Operating expenses are principally incurred directly by a segment.


                                         SCHEDULE III
                         AT AND FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1999

                                                 Future Policy     Policy                               Amortization
                      Deferred                     Benefits        Charges     (1)      Policyholders'  of Deferred       (2)
                       Policy     Policyholders'  and Other         and        Net       Benefits and     Policy         Other
                      Acquisition    Account     Policyholders'   Premium   Investment    Interest      Acquisition     Operating
      Segment           Costs        Balance        Funds         Revenue     Income      Credited          Cost         Expense
- --------------------  ----------- -------------- --------------  ---------- ----------- --------------  -------------  -----------
                                                                       (In Millions)
Insurance...........  $  4,033.0  $  21,351.4    $  4,777.6      $  1,815.7 $ 2,176.2   $  2,116.8      $     446.2    $    965.0
  Services..........          -            -             -             -         12.9         -              -            1,409.9
  Elimination.......          -            -             -             -         51.8         -              -              (23.8)
                      ----------- -------------- --------------  ---------- ----------- --------------  -------------  -----------
Total...............  $  4,033.0  $  21,351.4    $  4,777.6      $  1,815.7 $ 2,240.9   $  2,116.8      $     446.2    $  2,351.1
                      =========== ============== ==============  ========== =========== ==============  =============  ===========

(1)  Net investment  income is based upon specific  identification of portfolios
     within segments.

(2)  Operating expenses are principally incurred directly by a segment.


                                  SCHEDULE III
                      FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1998

                                                       Policy                                 Amortization
                                                      Charges        (1)      Policyholders'  of Deferred       (2)
                                                        and          Net      Benefits and       Policy        Other
                                                      Premium     Investment    Interest      Acquisition    Operating
                      Segment                         Revenue       Income      Credited          Cost        Expense
- -------------------------------------------------   ----------- ------------ --------------- ------------- ------------
                                                                           (In Millions)
Insurance........................................   $  1,644.3  $  2,162.4   $     2,177.6   $     292.7   $    894.0
  Services.......................................        -            12.2              .1           -        1,020.2
  Elimination....................................        -            53.5            -              -           (5.7)
                                                    ----------- ------------ --------------- ------------- ------------
Total............................................   $  1,644.3  $  2,228.1   $     2,177.7   $     292.7   $  1,908.5
                                                    =========== ============ =============== ============= ============

(1)  Net investment  income is based upon specific  identification of portfolios
     within segments.

(2)  Operating expenses are principally incurred directly by a segment.


                                   SCHEDULE IV
                                 REINSURANCE (A)
           AT AND FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2000, 1999 AND 1998

                                                                         Assumed                              Percentage
                                                     Ceded to              from                               of Amount
                                   Gross               Other              Other               Net              Assumed
                                   Amount            Companies          Companies            Amount             to Net
                              -----------------   ----------------   -----------------  -----------------   ---------------
                                                                     (Dollars In Millions)
Life Insurance In Force(B)... $     260,762.0     $     54,418.0     $     42,588.0     $     248,932.0          17.11%
                              =================   ================   =================  =================

Life insurance and
  annuities.................. $         344.4     $         52.9     $        130.8     $         422.3          30.97%
Accident and health..........           164.6               70.4               63.4               157.6          40.23%
                              -----------------   ----------------   -----------------  -----------------
Total Premiums............... $         509.0     $        123.3     $        194.2     $         579.9          33.49%
                              =================   ================   =================  =================

Life Insurance In Force(B)... $     256,231.0     $     40,892.0     $     44,725.0     $     260,064.0          17.2%
                              =================   ================   =================  =================

Life insurance and
  annuities.................. $         247.9     $         42.6     $        131.9     $         337.2          39.12%
Accident and health..........           172.8               26.6               74.8               221.0          33.85%
                              -----------------   ----------------   -----------------  -----------------
Total Premiums............... $         420.7     $         69.2     $        206.7     $         558.2          37.03%
                              =================   ================   =================  =================

Life Insurance In Force(B)... $     246,910.0     $     34,471.0     $     47,957.0     $     260,396.0          18.42%
                              =================   ================   =================  =================

Life insurance and
  annuities.................. $         254.6     $         30.2     $        122.7     $         347.1          35.35%
Accident and health..........           185.5               25.4               80.9               241.0          33.57%
                              -----------------   ----------------   -----------------  -----------------
Total Premiums............... $         440.1     $         55.6     $        203.6     $         588.1          34.62%
                              =================   ================   =================  =================

(A) Includes amounts related to the discontinued group life and health business.

(B) Includes in force business related to the Closed Block.


Part II, Item 9.




Part III, Item 10.


             Omitted pursuant to General Instruction I to Form 10-K.


Part III, Item 11.

                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

             Omitted pursuant to General Instruction I to Form 10-K.


Part III, Item 12.


             Omitted pursuant to General Instruction I to Form 10-K.


Part III, Item 13.


             Omitted pursuant to General Instruction I to Form 10-K.


Part IV, Item 14.

                               REPORTS ON FORM 8-K

(A) The following documents are filed as part of this report:

1.      Financial Statements

        The  financial  statements  are  listed  in the  Index  to  Consolidated
        Financial Statements and Schedules on page FS-1.

2.      Consolidated Financial Statement Schedules

        The consolidated  financial  statement schedules are listed in the Index
        to Consolidated Financial Statements and Schedules on page FS-1.

3.      Exhibits:

        The  exhibits  are listed in the Index to Exhibits  which begins on page

(B)     Reports on Form 8-K

        On November 17, 2000  Equitable  Life filed a Current Report on Form 8-K
        relating  to its  sale  of the  common  stock  of  Donaldson,  Lufkin  &
        Jenrette, Inc.



Pursuant to the  requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities  Exchange
Act of 1934, The Equitable Life Assurance  Society of the United States has duly
caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly

Date:   March 30, 2001              THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF THE
                                    UNITED STATES

                                        /s/Edward D. Miller
                                        Name:  Edward D. Miller
                                               Chairman of the Board and
                                               Chief Executive Officer, Director

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, this report
has been signed below by the following  persons on behalf of the  registrant and
in the capacities and on the dates indicated.


                                      Chairman of the Board and Chief        March 30, 2001
/s/Edward D. Miller                   Executive
- ------------------------------------  Officer, Director
Edward D. Miller

/s/Michael Hegarty                    President and                          March 30, 2001
- ------------------------------------  Chief Operating Officer, Director
Michael Hegarty

/s/Stanley B. Tulin                   Vice Chairman of the Board and         March 30, 2001
- ------------------------------------  Chief Financial Officer, Director
Stanley B. Tulin

/s/Alvin H. Fenichel                  Senior Vice President and Controller   March 30, 2001
- ------------------------------------
Alvin H. Fenichel

/s/Henri de Castries                  Director                               March 30, 2001
- ------------------------------------
Henri de Castries

/s/Francoise Colloc'h                 Director                               March 30, 2001
- ------------------------------------
Francoise Colloc'h

/s/Claus-Michael Dill                 Director                               March 20, 2001
- ------------------------------------
Claus-Michael Dill

/s/Joseph L. Dionne                   Director                               March 30, 2001
- ------------------------------------
Joseph L. Dionne

/s/Denis Duverne                      Director                               March 30, 2001
- ------------------------------------
Denis Duverne

/s/Jean-Rene Fourtou                  Director                               March 30, 2001
- ------------------------------------
Jean-Rene Fourtou

/s/Norman C. Francis                  Director                               March 20, 2001
- ------------------------------------
Norman C. Francis

/s/Donald J. Greene                   Director                               March 23, 2001
- ------------------------------------
Donald J. Greene



/s/John T. Hartley                    Director                               March 30, 2001
- ------------------------------------
John T. Hartley

/s/John H. F. Haskell, Jr.            Director                               March 20, 2001
- ------------------------------------
John H. F. Haskell, Jr.

/s/Nina Henderson                     Director                               March 30, 2001
- ------------------------------------
Nina Henderson

/s/W. Edwin Jarmain                   Director                               March 21, 2001
- ------------------------------------
W. Edwin Jarmain

/s/George T. Lowy                     Director                               March 19, 2001
- ------------------------------------
George T. Lowy

/s/Didier Pineau-Valencienne          Director                               March 19, 2001
- ------------------------------------
Didier Pineau-Valencienne

/s/George J. Sella, Jr.               Director                               March 30, 2001
- ------------------------------------
George J. Sella, Jr.

/s/Peter J. Tobin                     Director                               March 30, 2001
- ------------------------------------
Peter J. Tobin

/s/Dave H. Williams                   Director                               March 19, 2001
- ------------------------------------
Dave H. Williams


                                INDEX TO EXHIBITS

 Number                    Description                                 Method of Filing                   Value
- ----------   -----------------------------------------   ---------------------------------------------  ----------

   2.1       Stock  Purchase  Agreement  dated as of     Filed as Exhibit 2.1 to the Holding
             August 30, 2000 among CSG, AXA,             Company's Current Report on Form 8-K
             Equitable Life, AXA Participations          dated November 14, 2000 and incorporated
             Belgium  and  the  Holding  Company         herein by reference

   2.2       Letter Agreement dated as of October 6,     Filed as Exhibit 2.2 to the Holding
             2000 to the Stock  Purchase  Agreement      Company's Current Report on Form 8-K
             among CSG, AXA, Equitable Life, AXA         dated November 14, 2000 and incorporated
             Participations  Belgium and the Holding     herein by reference

   3.1       Restated Charter of Equitable Life, as      Filed as Exhibit 3.1(a) to registrant's
             amended January 1, 1997                     annual report on Form 10-K for the year
                                                         ended December 31, 1996 and incorporated
                                                         herein by reference

   3.2       Restated By-laws of Equitable Life, as      Filed as Exhibit 3.2(a) to registrant's
             amended November 21, 1996                   annual report on Form 10-K for the year
                                                         ended December 31, 1996 and incorporated
                                                         herein by reference

  10.1       Cooperation Agreement, dated as of July     Filed as Exhibit 10(d) to the Holding
             18, 1991, as amended among Equitable        Company's Form S-1 Registration Statement
             Life, the Holding Company and AXA           (No. 33-48115), dated May 26, 1992 and
                                                         incorporated herein by reference

  10.2       Letter Agreement, dated May12, 1992,        Filed as Exhibit 10(e) to the Holding
             among the Holding Company, Equitable        Company's Form S-1 Registration Statement
             Life and AXA                                (No. 33-48115), dated May 26, 1992 and
                                                         incorporated herein by reference

  10.3       Amended and Restated Reinsurance            Filed as Exhibit 10(o) to the Holding
             Agreement, dated as of March 29, 1990,      Company's Form S-1 Registration Statement
             between Equitable Life and First            (No. 33-48115), dated May 26, 1992 and
             Equicor Life Insurance Company              incorporated herein by reference

  10.4       Fiscal Agency Agreement between             Filed as Exhibit 10.5 to registrant's
             Equitable Life and The Chase Manhattan      annual report on Form 10-K for the year
             Bank, N.A.                                  ended December 31, 1995 and incorporated
                                                         herein by reference

 10.5(a)     Lease, dated as of July 20, 1995,           Filed as Exhibit 10.26(a) to the Holding
             between 1290 Associates and Equitable       Company's annual report on Form 10-K for
             Life                                        the year ended December 31, 1996 and
                                                         incorporated herein by reference

 10.5(b)     First Amendment of Lease Agreement,         Filed as Exhibit 10.26(b) to the Holding
             dated as of December 28, 1995, between      Company's annual report on Form 10-K for
             1290 Associates, L.L.C. and Equitable       the year ended December 31, 1996 and
             Life                                        incorporated herein by reference


 Number                    Description                                 Method of Filing                   Value
- ----------   -----------------------------------------   ---------------------------------------------  ----------

 10.5(c)     Amended and Restated Company Lease          Filed as Exhibit 10.26(c) to the Holding
             Agreement  (Facility  Realty),  made as of  Company's annual report on Form 10-K for
             May 1, 1996,  by and between  Equitable     the year  ended  December  31,  1996
             and Life and the IDA  incorporated          herein by reference

 10.5(d)     Amended and Restated Company Lease          Filed as Exhibit 10.26(d) to the Holding
             Agreement  (Project  Property),  made and   Company's annual report on Form 10-K for
             entered into as of May 1, 1996,  by and     the year ended  December 31, 1996 and
             and between the IDA,  Equitable  Life       incorporated herein by reference

  10.6       Distribution and Servicing Agreement        Filed as Exhibit 10.7 to the registrant's
             between AXA Advisors (as successor to       annual report on Form 10-K for the year
             Equico Securities, Inc.) and Equitable      ended December 31, 1999 and incorporated
             Life dated as of May 1, 1994                herein by reference

  10.7       Agreement  for  Cooperative  and Joint Use  Filed as Exhibit 10.8 to the registrant's
             of Personnel,  Property and Services        annual report on Form 10-K for the year
             between Equitable  Life and AXA Advisors    ended December 31, 1999 and incorporated
             dated as of September 21, 1999              herein by reference

  10.8       General Agent Sales Agreement  between      Filed as Exhibit 10.9 to the registrant's
               Equitable Life and AXA Network,  LLC      annual report on Form 10-K for the year
              dated as of  January 1, 2000               ended  December 31, 1999 and incorporated
                                                         herein by reference

  10.9       Agreement for Services by Equitable         Filed as Exhibit 10.10 to the registrant's
             Life to AXA Network dated as of January     annual report on Form 10-K for the year
             1, 2000                                     ended December 31, 1999 and incorporated
                                                         herein by reference

   21        Subsidiaries of the registrant              Omitted pursuant to General Instruction I
                                                         of Form 10-K
