(Last amended in Rel. No. 34-34832, eff. 11/23/94.)

                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

           Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
                      Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No.)

Filed by the  Registrant  [ X ]
Filed by a Party other than the  Registrant  [ ]
Check the  appropriate  box:
 [ ]  Preliminary  Proxy  Statement
 [ X ] Definitive Proxy  Statement
 [ ] Definitive  Additional  Materials
 [ ]  Soliciting  Material Pursuant to 240.14a-11(c) or 240.14a-12

Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter                IMTEC. Inc.

Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement             George S. Norfleet III
                                                     Secretary - Treasurer

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
[ ] $125 per Exchange Act Rules 0-11(c)(1)(ii), 14a-6(i)(1), or 14a-6(j)(2).
[ ] $500 per each  party to the  controversy  pursuant  to  Exchange  Act  Rule
[ ] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.
         1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

         2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

         3) Per  unit  price  or  underlying  value  of  transaction  computed
            pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11:

         4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

         Set forth the amount on which the filing  fee is  calculated  and state
         how it was determined.

[ ] Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange  Act Rule
0-11(a)(2)  and  identify  the  filing  for  which the  offsetting  fee was paid
previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration  statement  number, or
the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.
         1)  Amount previously paid:

         2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

         3)  Filing Party:

         4)  Date Filed:

                                   IMTEC, INC.
                                 One Imtec Lane
                               Post Office Box 809
                             Bellows Falls, VT 05101

     _________________________________________________________________ _____

                                NOVEMBER 1. 1999
     _________________________________________________________________ _____

To the Stockholders of IMTEC, INC.

Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of  Stockholders  (the "Meeting")
of IMTEC, INC., a Delaware corporation (the "Company"), will be held on November
1, 1999, 800 Third Avenue,  30th Floor, New York, New York, at the hour of 10:00
a.m., for the following purposes:

1) To elect four Directors of the Company for the coming year.

2) To transact such other business as may properly come before the Meeting.

Only  stockholders  of record at the close of business on  September 6, 1999 are
entitled to notice of and to vote at the Meeting or any adjournment thereof.

                                                         George S. Norfleet III

Bellows Falls, Vermont
September 24, 1999


                                   IMTEC, INC.
                                 One Imtec Lane
                               Post Office Box 809
                          Bellows Falls, Vermont 05101


                                 PROXY STATEMENT

This Proxy  Statement  is being  mailed on or about  September  27,  1999 to all
stockholders  of  record  at the  close of  business  on  September  6,  1999 in
connection  with the  solicitation  of Proxies by the Board of Directors for the
Annual Meeting of  Stockholders  (the "Meeting") to be held on November 1, 1999.
Proxies will be solicited by mail,  and all expenses of preparing and soliciting
such proxies will be paid by the Company. All Proxies duly executed and received
by the  persons  designated  as  proxy  therein  will be  voted  on all  matters
presented at the Meeting in accordance with the specifications  given therein by
the person  executing  such Proxy or, in the absence of  specific  instructions,
will be voted for the named nominees to the Company's  Board of Directors and in
favor of each of the proposals  indicated on such Proxy. The Board does not know
of any other  matter that may be brought  before the  Meeting  but, in the event
that any other matter should come before the Meeting,  or any nominee should not
be available  for election,  the persons  named as proxy will have  authority to
vote all Proxies not marked to the  contrary  in their  discretion  as they deem
advisable.  Any  stockholder may revoke his Proxy at any time before the Meeting
by written  notice to such  effect  received  by the  Company at the address set
forth above, attention: Corporate Secretary, by delivery of a subsequently dated
Proxy or by attending the Meeting and voting in person.

The total  number of shares of Common  Stock of the  Company  outstanding  as of
September  6,  1999  was  1,587,313.  The  Common  Stock  is the  only  class of
securities  of the Company  entitled to vote,  each share being  entitled to one
non-cumulative  vote. Only stockholders of record as of the close of business on
September  6, 1999 will be entitled to vote.  A majority of the shares of Common
Stock  outstanding and entitled to vote, or 793,657  shares,  must be present at
the  Meeting  in person or by proxy,  in order to  constitute  a quorum  for the
transaction of business.  The  affirmative  vote of the holders of a majority of
the shares of Common  Stock  present and voting,  in person or by proxy,  at the
Meeting is required to pass upon each of the matters presented.

Abstentions will be counted in tabulations of the votes on each of the proposals
presented  at the  Meeting,  whereas  broker  nonvotes  will not be counted  for
purposes of determining whether a proposal has been approved.  "Broker nonvotes"
are proxies  received  from  brokers  who,  in the  absence of  specific  voting
instructions  from  beneficial  owners of shares held in  brokerage  name,  have
declined to vote such shares in those  instances where  discretionary  voting by
brokers is permitted.

A list of stockholders  entitled to vote at the Meeting will be available at the
Company's offices,  One Imtec Lane, Bellows Falls, Vermont 05101 for a period of
ten (10) days prior to the Meeting and at the  Meeting  for  examination  by any

                                     page 1

                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

Four  directors are to be elected at the Meeting to serve for a term of one year
or until  their  respective  successors  shall have been  elected and shall have

Information Concerning Nominees

The following table sets forth the positions and offices presently held with the
Company by each  nominee,  his age, his tenure as a director and his  beneficial
ownership of shares of the Company's Common Stock owned as of September 6, 1999:

                                                                       Shares of Common
                                                         Year          Stock Beneficially       Approximate
                                                         Became        Owned as of              Percentage
Name                  Age           Position             Director      September 6, 1999 (1)    of Class
- ----                  ---           --------             --------      ---------------------    -----------

Ralph E. Crump        76            Director             1983          310,430 (2)                19.56%

David Sturdevant      50            Director             1990          81,875                      5.16%

Robert W. Ham         64            Director             1993          26,500                      1.67%

Doug Granat           30            Director             1997          261,120                     16.45%

- ----------------
(1) Includes all shares issuable pursuant to presently  exercisable  options and
    warrants and all options and warrants which will become  exercisable  within
    sixty (60) days of September 6, 1999.
(2) Includes  157,965 shares owned of record by Mr. Crump's spouse,  as to which
    shares he disclaims beneficial ownership.

RALPH E. CRUMP was co-founder and is currently a director of Osmonics, Inc. (New
York Stock  Exchange),  Chairman of  Structural  Instrumentation,  Inc.  (Nasdaq
SmallCap  Market),  a director of Mitylite Inc.  (Nasdaq  National Market) and a
director of Stratasys Corp. (Nasdaq SmallCap Market).  Between November 1981 and
October  1986,  Mr.  Crump was  Chairman of Med-Chem  Products,  Inc..  Prior to
November 1986, Mr. Crump was Chairman, President and a director of Frigitronics,
Inc.,  a  manufacturer  of eye  care  products,  which  he  co-founded  in 1962.
Frigitronics'  Common Stock was listed on the New York Stock  Exchange until its
acquisition by Revlon in November 1986.

DAVID  STURDEVANT was founder and since October 1981 has been a principal of AVI
Management  Partners,  the General Partner of three venture capital partnerships
whose  collective  assets  aggregate  approximately  $18 million dollars with an
investment  concentration  in early stage,  high-technology  companies.  He is a
co-founder and, since September 1994, a principal of Managed Investments,  Inc.,
a NASD  registered  Broker  Dealer  &  Investment  Advisor.  Mr.  Sturdevant  is
currently a director of Unity Systems Corporation, a privately held company.

ROBERT  W.  HAM  has  been  a  management   consultant   specializing  in  sales
organization, sales management and customer focus strategies since 1992. Between
1964 and 1992,  Mr. Ham held various sales  management  positions  with Dennison
Manufacturing  Corp., a Fortune 500 company,  leading to Division Vice President
of Dennison..  During his tenure at Dennison,  he led a sales  organization with
sales  of  $90MM,   he  chaired  task  teams  to  merge   divisions,   achieving
reorganization with minimal disruption to customers' and organizations'  morale.
In  addition,  he had  total  profit  and loss  responsibility  for two  foreign
subsidiary  companies  and  supported  customers  and company  operations in the
United States, Mexico, Canada, and Hong Kong.

DOUGLAS T. GRANAT is the founder and President of Trigran  Investments,  Inc., a
position he has held since August 1991. Trigran Investments, Inc. is the general
partner and manager of Trigran  Investments,  L.P.  and  manages  several  other
private  partnerships.  These entities make  investments in publicly  traded and
privately held businesses. Trigran Investments,  L.P.'s main focus is investment
in publicly traded companies with market capitalization's under $150 million.

                                     Page 2

All directors hold office until the next annual meeting of stockholders  and the
election and qualification of their successors.  Executive  officers are elected
annually by the Board of Directors to hold office until the first meeting of the
Board  following  the  next  annual  meeting  of  stockholders  or  until  their
successors are chosen and qualified.

Identification of Executive Officers
(other than executive officers who are also directors)

STEVEN D. ANTON,  age 48, has been President and Chief Executive  Officer of the
Company  since  April  1999.   Between  1995  and  1999,   Mr.  Anton  was  Vice
President/General   Manager  of  the  Stadia  Corporation,   a  manufacturer  of
industrial  identification  equipment and related consumables.  Between 1993 and
1995, Mr. Anton was Vice President of Business Development for a division of the
Rand McNally  Company.  From 1983 to 1993,  Mr.  Anton held  various  management
positions within Monarch Marking  Systems,  leading to Director of Marketing for
their  domestic  bar code  business.  From 1977 to 1983,  Mr. Anton held various
positions within the Budd Company, leading to Production Manager.

GEORGE S. NORFLEET III, age 52, has been Controller since joining the Company in
1985.  He was  appointed  Secretary of the Company in 1988 and  Treasurer of the
Company in 1990.

Information Concerning the Board

The Board of Directors held five (5) meetings  during the fiscal year ended June
30, 1999 with no Director attending fewer then 80% of such meetings.

The Audit  Committee  of the  Board  reviews  the  activities  of the  Company's
independent  auditors  (including  fees,  services and scope of the audit).  The
Audit Committee is presently composed of Messrs. Crump and Sturdevant. The Audit
Committee  held one meeting  during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1999 at which
all committee members were present.

The Company has no standing  nominating or compensation  committees of its Board
of Directors,  nor any committees  performing  similar  functions.  The Board of
Directors as a whole  searches for  potential  nominees for Board  positions and
periodically  reviews the  compensation of the Company's  officers and employees
and  makes  appropriate  adjustments.  The  Board  of  Directors  will  consider
stockholder recommendations for Board positions which are made in writing to the
Company's President.

Directors' Compensation

All directors of the Company receive $6,000 per annum for their services in such
capacities,  as well as reimbursement  for direct expenses incurred in attending
meetings of the Board of Directors.

                                     Page 3

                           EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION AND

Summary Compensation

Set forth  below is the  aggregate  compensation  for  services  rendered in all
capacities to the Company during the fiscal years ended June 30, 1999,  1998 and
1997 by its  chief  executive  officer.  No other  executive  officers  received
compensation which exceeded $100,000 during its fiscal year ended June 30, 1999.

                                                 Annual Compensation               Long-Term Compensation
                                          -------------------------------------    ----------------------
Name and                    Fiscal                             Other Annual        Securities Underlying
Principal Position          Year.        Salary(1)  Bonus(2)   Compensation (3)      Otions Granted
- ----------------------      -----        ---------  --------   ----------------    ----------------------
Steven D. Anton              1999         $37,500                   $ 1,800              -        -
  President and
  Chief Executive Officer

Richard L. Kalich            1999        $110,000      $50,000      $ 5,400              -        -
  Former President and       1998         114,066       18,334        7,200              -        -
  Chief Executive Officer    1997         113,516                     7,200              -        -

- ---------
(1) Includes the Company's  matching 401(k)  contribution.  (2) Bonuses are paid
based on the prior year's performance.
(3)  Represents a vehicle use allowance.

Mr. Kalich left the Company April 2, 1999 and will be compensated at the rate of
$110,000 per year through March 31, 2000. The right to exercise his  outstanding
options was extended to December 31, 1999.

Options and Warrant Grants in Last Fiscal Year

There were no grants of stock options during the year ended June 30, 1998 to the
executive officer named in the Summary Compensation table.

Aggregated Option and Warrant Exercises in Last Fiscal Year
and Fiscal Year End Option and Warrant Values

Set forth below is  information  with respect to options and warrants  exercised
during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1999 and options and warrants held at June
30, 1999 by the executive officers named in the Summary Compensation table:

                    Number of                        Number of unexercised              Value of unexercised
                    Shares                           Options and Warrants               In-the Money Options and
                    Acquired on     Value            at June 30, 1999                   Warrants  at June 30, 1999
                                                     ---------------------------        -------------------------
  Name              Exercise        Realized         Exercisable   Unexercisable       Exercisable    Unexercisable
Richard L. Kalich        0                           37,500            -                $225,000          -

Stock Option Plans

The Company's  1993  Incentive  Stock Option Plan (the "1993 Plan") and the 1997
Incentive  Stock  Option  Plan (the "1997  Plan")  provide  for the  granting of
options  which are intended to qualify as incentive  stock  options  ("Options")
within the meanings of Section 422 of the Code. Options to purchase stock may be
granted under the Plans to persons who are executive officers or other employees
of the Company.

                                     Page 4

The exercise price of all Options granted under the Plans must be at least equal
to the fair market value of such shares on the date of the grant or, in the case
of Options granted to the holder of ten percent of more of the Company's  Common
Stock,  at least 110% of the fair market value of such shares on the date of the
grant.  The maximum  term for which the options may be granted is ten years from
the date of grant.  The aggregate  fair market value  (determined at the date of
the option  grant) of shares with respect to which Options are  exercisable  for
the first time by the holder of the option  during any  calendar  year shall not
exceed $100,000.

As of September 6, 1999, there were outstanding,  under the 1993 and 1997 Plans,
options to purchase 179,200 shares of Common Stock, with exercise prices ranging
form $2.25 to $10.87, of which Options to purchase 60,000 shares of Common Stock
were held by  executive  officers  of the  Company,  exercisable  to July  2008.
Options to purchase 132,086 shares were available for grant on that date.

                           PRINCIPAL SECURITY HOLDERS

The following table sets forth, as of September 6, 1999,  information  regarding
the Company's Common Stock beneficially owned (i) by each person who is known by
the Company to own beneficially, or who exercises voting or dispositive control,
over more than five (5%) percent of the Company's  Common Stock, and (ii) by all
directors and executive officers as a group:

                                    Number of Shares                   Percentage of
                                    of Common Stock                      Beneficial
Name and Address                    Beneficially Owned (1)             Ownership (1)
- ----------------                    ---------------------              -------------
Ralph E. Crump                           310,430 (2)                     17.57% (2)
28 Twisted Oak Circle
Trumbull, CT  06611

Marjorie L. Crump                        310,430 (3)                     17.57% (3)
28 Twisted Oak Circle
Trumbull, CT  06611

Richard L. Kalich                        138,600 (4)                      7.85% (4)
16 North Shore Road
Spofford, NH  03462

TRIGRAN INVESTMENTS. L.P.                276,120 (5)                     15.63%
155 Pfingsten Road, Suite 360
Deerfield, IL  60015

Laifer Capital Management, Inc.          189,100 (5)                     10.70%
Hilltop Partners, L.P.
45 West 45th Street
New York, NY  10036

All Directors and                        700,430  (2)-(4) (6)            44.13% (2)-(4) (6)
  executive officers as
  a group (6 persons)

- ----------------------
(1)  Includes all shares issuable pursuant to presently  exercisable options and
     warrants and all options and warrants that will become  exercisable  within
     sixty (60) days of September 6, 1999.
(2)  Includes 157,465 shares owned of record by Mr. Crump's spouse,  as to which
     shares he disclaims beneficial ownership.
(3)  Includes 152,965 shares owned of record by Mrs. Crump's spouse, as to which
     shares she disclaims beneficial ownership.
(4)  Includes 28,700 shares owned of record by Mr. Kalich's spouse,  as to which
     shares he disclaims beneficial ownership.
(5) Based on the most  resent  Form 4 filed  with the  Securities  and  Exchange
Commission. (6) Represents shares owned by Trigran Investments,  LP of which Mr.
Granat is Founder and President.

Section 16(a) of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange
Act"),  requires the Company's officers and directors,  and persons who own more
than 10% of a  registered  class of the  Company's  equity  securities,  to file
reports of ownership and changes in ownership  with the  Securities and Exchange
Commission (the "SEC").  Officers,  directors and greater than 10%  stockholders
are required by regulations of the SEC to furnish the Company with copies of all
such reports.  Based solely on its review of the copies of such reports received
by it, or written  representation from certain reporting persons that no reports
were required for those persons,  the Company  believes that,  during the period
from July 1, 1998 to June 30,  1999 all filing  requirements  applicable  to its
officers, directors and greater than 10% stockholders were complied with.

                                     Page 5

                              STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS

Stockholder  proposals  intended to be  presented at the  Company's  2000 Annual
Meeting  of  Stockholders  pursuant  to the  provisions  of  Rule  14a-8  of the
Securities and Exchange  Commission,  promulgated under the Securities  Exchange
Act of 1934, as amended,  must be received at the  Company's  offices in Bellows
Falls,  Vermont by June 30, 2000, for inclusion in the Company's Proxy Statement
and form of Proxy relating to that meeting.

Bellows Falls, Vermont                                  George S. Norfleet III
September 24, 1999                                            Secretary

                                     page 6