FIRST AMENDMENT DATED AS OF June 29,2004

          This Amendment ("Amendment") is entered into as of June
29,  2004,  among  DeVry Inc., a Delaware corporation  ("DeVry"),
Global  Education  International, Inc.,  a  Barbados  corporation
("GEI" and together with DeVry a "Borrower" and collectively  the
"Borrowers"),   the  lenders  party  hereto  (collectively,   the
"Lenders"  and  individually, a "Lender"), and BANK  OF  AMERICA,
N.A., as Administrative Agent, Swing Line Lender and L/C Issuer.

                      W I T N E S S E T H:

          WHEREAS,  the  Borrowers,  the  Lenders  and  Bank   of
America, N.A., as Administration Agent, Swing Line Lender and L/C
Issuer are parties to that certain Credit Agreement, dated as  of
May  16,  2003  (the "Credit Agreement") (terms  defined  in  the
Credit  Agreement  shall have the same respective  meanings  when
used herein);

          WHEREAS, the Borrowers have requested that the  Lenders
agree to amend or modify the Credit Agreement in certain respects
so  as  to,  among other things: (i) change the Applicable  Rate,
(ii)   provide  for  a  procedure  wherein  Commitments  may   be
increased,  (iii) revise certain financial tests, and  (iv)  make
certain other changes to the Credit Agreement, all as more  fully
hereinafter set forth; and

          WHEREAS,  the Lenders are willing to amend  the  Credit
Agreement on the terms and conditions contained herein;

          NOW,  THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises,  the
mutual  covenants  herein contained and other good  and  valuable
consideration (the receipt, adequacy and sufficiency of which  is
hereby acknowledged), the parties hereto, intending legally to be
bound, hereby agree as follows:

                            ARTICLE I

          Amendments.  The Credit Agreement is hereby amended  as

          1.1  Section 1.1 of the Credit Agreement is amended so that the
table  in the definition of "Applicable Rate" shall read  in  its
entirety as follows:

                           Applicable Rate

               Consolidated                      Rate Loans
    Pricing      Leverage           Commitment   and Letters  Base Rate
     Level        Ratio                Fee       of Credit    Loans
       1      >= 2.00:1              35 bps      150 bps      25 bps

       2  >=1.50:1 but < 2.00:1      30 bps      125 bps       0 bps

       3  >=1:00:1 but < 1.50:1      25 bps      100 bps       0 bps

       4  >=0.50:1 but < 1.00:1      20 bps      87.5 bps      0 bps

       5        < 0.50:1             20 bps      75 bps        0 bps

          1.2  Section 1.1 of the Credit Agreement is further amended so
that  the  period  at the end of the definition of  "Consolidated
Funded  Indebtedness" shall be deleted and replaced with a  semi-
colon and the following text inserted after such semi-colon:

     provided,  however, that, effective on and  after  June  25,
     2005,  the  definition of Consolidated  Funded  Indebtedness
     shall  not  include  any outstanding principal  amounts  for
     Obligations  borrowed hereunder within 5  business  days  of
     June 30 of each year; it being understood, however, that the
     total  of all Obligations not included in the definition  of
     Consolidated  Funded  Indebtedness  pursuant  to  the  first
     proviso  of  this  paragraph, shall (i) be repaid  within  5
     business days after June 30, (ii) not exceed $50,000,000  at
     any  time,  (iii)  only be excluded from the  definition  of
     Consolidated  Funded Indebtedness as  of  June  30  of  each
     applicable year and not at any other date, and (iv) only  be
     excluded   from   the  definition  of  Consolidated   Funded
     Indebtedness  for  the express purpose  of  determining  the
     Consolidated  Leverage  Ratio for  use  in  determining  the
     Applicable Rate at June 30 of each year following  the  year
     ended  June  30,  2004, based on such Consolidated  Leverage

          1.3  Section 1.1 of the Credit Agreement is further amended so
that the definition of "GEI Letter of Credit Sublimit" shall read
in its entirety as follows:

               "GEI  Letter of Credit Sublimit" means  an  amount
     equal  to $5,000,000.  The GEI Letter of Credit Sublimit  is
     part  of,  and  not  in  addition  to,  the  Aggregate   GEI

          1.4  Section 1.1 of the Credit Agreement is further amended so
that  the  definition of Maturity date shall read in its entirety
as follows:

               "Maturity Date" means July 1, 2009.

          1.5  Section 2.6(a) of the Credit Agreement is amended by
deleting "On June 30, 2004, the Aggregate DeVry Commitments shall
be  reduced  by  $25,000,000" and inserting in lieu  thereof  the
following:   "[Pursuant  to  the  First  Amendment  hereto,  this
Section  has  been  deleted, it being  understood  that  (i)  the
$25,000,000  reduction  of  the Aggregate  DeVry  Commitments  as
provided for in Section 2.6(a) before giving effect to such First
Amendment  is of no further force or effect and (ii)  immediately
after  giving  effect to such First Amendment the Commitments  of
the  Lenders are as set forth in Schedule 2.1 as revised by  such
First Amendment.]"

          1.6  Section 2 of the Credit Agreement is amended by adding
Section 2.14 as follows:

          2.14 Increase in Commitments.

          (a)   Upon  notice to the Administrative  Agent  (which
     shall  promptly notify the Lenders), DeVry may from time  to
     time  (but not more than twice), request an increase in  the
     Aggregate  DeVry  Commitments by an  amount  (for  all  such
     requests) not exceeding $75,000,000; provided, however, that
     (i)  any  increase  shall  be  in  an  aggregate  amount  of
     $15,000,000  or any whole multiple of $1,000,000  in  excess
     thereof, and (ii) no Default shall then exist.  At the  time

     of  sending  such  notice, DeVry (in consultation  with  the
     Administrative Agent) shall specify the time  period  within
     which each Lender is requested to respond (which shall in no
     event  be  less  than ten Business Days  from  the  date  of
     delivery of such notice to the Lenders).  Each Lender  shall
     notify  the  Administrative Agent within  such  time  period
     whether or not it agrees to increase its Commitment and,  if
     so,  whether  by an amount equal to, greater than,  or  less
     than  its  Pro  Rata Share of such requested increase.   Any
     Lender  not  responding within such  time  period  shall  be
     deemed to have declined to increase its Commitment, it being
     understood  that  no  Lender shall have  any  obligation  to
     increase  its  Commitment.  The Administrative  Agent  shall
     notify  DeVry  and each Lender of the Lenders' responses  to
     each request made hereunder.  To achieve the full amount  of
     a  requested  increase,  DeVry may  also  invite  additional
     Eligible  Assignees to become Lenders pursuant to a  joinder
     agreement  in  form  and  substance  satisfactory   to   the
     Administrative Agent and its counsel.

          (b)   If  the Aggregate DeVry Commitments are increased
     in  accordance  with this Section, the Administrative  Agent
     and  DeVry shall determine the effective date (the "Increase
     Effective  Date") and the final allocation of such increase.
     The Administrative Agent shall promptly notify DeVry and the
     Lenders  of  the final allocation of such increase  and  the
     Increase Effective Date.  As a condition precedent  to  such
     increase,  DeVry  shall deliver to the Administrative  Agent
     the  following,  in form and substance satisfactory  to  the
     Administrative  Agent, dated as of such  Increase  Effective
     Date, and in sufficient copies for each Lender:

               (i)  a certificate signed by the Secretary or Assistant
          Secretary of DeVry certifying and attaching the resolutions
          adopted by DeVry approving  such increase,

               (ii) a certificate signed by a Responsible Officer of DeVry
          certifying that, before and after giving effect to such increase,
          (A) the representations and warranties contained in Article V and
          the other Loan Documents are true and correct on and as of the
          Extension Effective Date (except to the extent that such
          representations and warranties specifically refer to an earlier
          date, in which case they are true and correct as of such earlier
          date, and except that for purposes of this Section 2.14, the
          representations and warranties contained in Section 5.5(a) and
          (b) hereof shall be deemed to refer to the most recent statements
          furnished pursuant to Section 6.1 (a) and (b) hereof), and (B) no
          Default exists,

               (iii) an acknowledgment signed by each other Loan Party
          consenting to such increase and reaffirming its obligations under
          the Loan Documents; and

               (iv) to the extent requested by the Administrative Agent, such
          opinions of counsel (including opinions of counsel for its Non-
          U.S. Subsidiaries) reaffirming the opinions furnished pursuant to
          Sections 4.1 and 6.15 as applied to the increase in Commitments
          pursuant to this Section and confirming that the Collateral
          secures the Obligations as so increased.

     On  the  Increase  Effective Date, the Administrative  Agent
     shall  revise  Schedule  2.1  to  reflect  the  increase  in
     Commitments and the allocation thereof, it being  understood that

     (i)  each Lender's Pro Rata Share shall be revised  to
     reflect a fraction (expressed as a decimal, carried  out  to
     the  ninth  decimal place) the numerator  of  which  is  the
     amount  of the aggregate Commitment of such Lender  at  such
     time (i.e., such Lender's aggregate Commitment to DeVry  and
     GEI)  and  the  denominator of which is the  amount  of  the
     Aggregate   Commitments  of  all  Lenders,  and   (ii)   the
     allocation   of such Lender's Commitment  (as between  Devry
     and GEI)  shall be revised to reflect such Lender's Pro Rata
     Share  of  the  Aggregate Commitments as so revised.   DeVry
     shall prepay any Revolving Loans outstanding on the Increase
     Effective  Date  (and  pay any additional  amounts  required
     pursuant to Section 3.5) to the extent necessary to keep all
     outstanding  Revolving Loans ratable with  any  revised  Pro
     Rata  Shares  arising from any nonratable  increase  in  the
     Commitments under this Section.

          (c)   This  Section shall supersede any  provisions  in
     Sections 2.13 or 11.1 to the contrary.

          1.7  Section 5.5(c) of the Credit Agreement is amended to read in
its entirety as follows:

          5.5(c)    Since March 31, 2004, there has been no event
     or  circumstance, either individually or in  the  aggregate,
     that  has  had  or could reasonably be expected  to  have  a
     Material Adverse Effect.

          1.8  Section 6.11 of the Credit Agreement is amended to read in
its entirety as follows:

          6.11  Use of Proceeds.  Use the proceeds of the  Credit
     Extensions  to  (i)  finance the Dominica Acquisition,  (ii)
     support  the  issuance of standby letters of  credit,  (iii)
     finance  working  capital  and  capital  expenditures,  (iv)
     refinance  existing Indebtedness, and (v) for other  general
     corporate purposes not in contravention of any Law or of any
     Loan Document.

          1.9  Section 7.15(a) of the Credit Agreement is amended to read
in its entirety as follows:

          (a)  Consolidated Net Worth.  Permit Consolidated Net Worth at
     any time to be less than the sum of (a) $375,000,000, (b) an
     amount equal to 50% of the Consolidated Net Income earned in each
     full  fiscal  quarter ending after March 31, 2004  (with  no
     deduction for a net loss in any such fiscal quarter) and (c) an
     amount equal to 100 % of the aggregate increases in Shareholders'
     Equity of DeVry and its Subsidiaries after the date hereof by
     reason of the issuance and sale of capital stock or other equity
     interests of DeVry  or any Subsidiary (other than issuances to
     DeVry  or  a  wholly-owned Subsidiary), including  upon  any
     conversion of debt securities of DeVry into such capital stock or
     other equity interests.

          1.10 Section 7.15(c) of the Credit Agreement is amended to read
in its entirety as follows:

          (c)    Consolidated   Leverage   Ratio.    Permit   the
     Consolidated   Leverage  Ratio  for  any  period   of   four
     consecutive fiscal quarters to exceed 2.25:1.

          1.11 Section 7.15(d) of the Credit Agreement is amended to read
in its entirety as follows:

          (d)   Composite  DOE  Financial  Responsibility  Ratio.
     Permit  the DOE Ratio to be less than 1.40:1 as of June  30,
     2004 or less than 1.50:1 as of the end of any fiscal year of
     DeVry thereafter.

          1.12 Schedule 2.1 is revised to read in its entirety as set forth
in Schedule 2.1 attached hereto.

                           ARTICLE II

          Each  Borrower  hereby represents and warrants  to  the
Administrative Agent and the Lenders that:

          2.1  Each Loan Party is a corporation, partnership or limited
liability company duly organized or formed, validly existing  and
in  good  standing  under  the Laws of the  jurisdiction  of  its
incorporation or organization.

          2.2  The execution, delivery and performance by each Loan Party
of this Amendment have been duly authorized by all necessary
corporate or other organizational action, and do not and will not
(a) contravene the terms of any of such Person's Organization
Documents; (b) conflict with or result in any breach or
contravention of (i) any Contractual Obligation to which such
Person is a party or (ii) any order, injunction, writ or decree
of any Governmental Authority or any arbitral award to which such
Person or its property is subject; or (c) violate any Law.

          2.3  No approval, consent, exemption, authorization, or other
action by, or notice to, or filing with, any Governmental
Authority or any other Person not previously obtained or made is
necessary or required in connection with the execution, delivery
or performance by, or enforcement against, any Loan Party of this

          2.4  This Amendment has been duly executed and delivered by each
Loan Party that is party to the Credit Agreement.  This Amendment
constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation of each Loan
Party, enforceable against each Loan Party, that is party hereto
in accordance with its terms, except as such enforceability may
be limited by (i) applicable Debtor Relief Laws and (ii) general
principles of equity (regardless of whether such enforceability
is considered in a proceeding in equity or at law).

          2.5  The representations and warranties of the Borrower set forth
in Article V of the Credit Agreement are true and correct as of
the date hereof as though made on the date hereof and as though
applied to the Credit Agreement as amended by this Amendment
(except to the extent that such representations and warranties
specifically refer to an earlier date, in which case they are
true and correct as of such earlier date, and except that for
purposes of this Section 2.5, the representations and warranties
contained in Section 5.5(a) and (b) of the Credit Agreement shall
be deemed to refer to the most recent statements furnished
pursuant to Section 6.1 (a) and (b) of the Credit Agreement).

          2.6  No Default or Event of Default has occurred and is

                           ARTICLE III

          This  Amendment shall become effective as of  the  date
hereof (the "First Amendment Closing Date"), subject, however, to
the  receipt  by  the Administrative Agent of  each  of  all  the
following,  each  appropriately completed and  duly  executed  as
required   and   otherwise  in  form  and  substance   reasonably
satisfactory to the Administrative Agent:

          3.1  Counterparts of this Amendment, executed by the Borrowers,
the   other  Loan  Parties  whose  signatures  are  provided  for
hereinbelow, and the Lenders;

          3.2  Evidence of the receipt by the Administrative Agent of (i)
an upfront fee for the benefit of the Lenders (it being
understood that the upfront fee payable to each Lender shall be
equal to 0.1% of the amount of such Lender's Commitment under the
Credit Agreement as amended hereby and that the Administrative
Agent shall pay over such fee to such Lender promptly following
the effectiveness of this Amendment), (ii) such additional fees
as shall be payable to the Administrative Agent pursuant to a
separate fee letter between the Borrower and the Administrative
Agent, and (iii) the legal fees and expenses of counsel for the
Administrative Agent to the extent theretofore invoiced to DeVry;

          3.3  Certified copies of resolutions of the Board of Directors of
each of the Borrowers authorizing or ratifying the execution,
delivery and performance by the Borrowers of this Amendment;

          3.4  A certificate of the Secretary or Assistant Secretary of
each of the Borrowers, certifying the name(s) of the officer(s)
of each of the Borrowers authorized to sign this Amendment and
the documents related hereto;

          3.5  Opinions of Marilynn Cason, General Counsel of DeVry, and of
Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw; and

          3.6  Such other instruments, agreements and documents as the
Lenders may reasonably request.

                           ARTICLE IV

          4.1  As amended or modified by this Amendment, the Loan Documents
shall  remain in full force and effect.  References to the Credit
Agreement in any of the Loan Documents shall be deemed to include
a  reference  to  the  Credit Agreement as  amended  or  modified
hereby,  whether  or  not reference is made  to  this  Amendment.
Section  headings used in this Amendment are for  convenience  of
reference  only,  and shall not affect the construction  of  this

          4.2  This Amendment may be executed in any number of counterparts
(each of which shall be deemed an original, but all such
counterparts together shall constitute but one and the same

          4.3  Each of the Borrowers agrees to pay to or reimburse the
Administrative Agent, upon demand, for all costs and expenses
incurred (including legal expenses) in connection with the

development, preparation, negotiation, execution and delivery of
this Amendment and the other Loan Documents.

          4.4  All obligations of the Borrowers and rights of the
Administrative Agent and the Lenders, that are expressed herein,
shall be in addition to and not in limitation to those provided
by applicable law.  This Amendment shall be a contract made under
and governed by the internal laws of the State of New York,
without giving effect to principles of conflicts of laws.
Whenever possible, each provision of this Amendment shall be
interpreted in such manner as to be effective and valid under
applicable law; but if any provision of this Amendment shall be
prohibited by or invalid under applicable law, such provision
shall be ineffective to the extent of such prohibition or
invalidity, without invalidating the remainder of such provision
or the remaining provisions of this Amendment.

          4.5  Each of the Borrowers acknowledges and agrees that the
execution and delivery by the Administrative Agent and the
Lenders of this Amendment shall not be deemed to create a course
of dealing or otherwise obligate the Lenders to forbear or
execute similar amendments under the same or similar
circumstances in the future.

          4.6  This Amendment shall be binding upon and inure to the
benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and
assigns.  No third party beneficiaries are intended in connection
with this Amendment.

          4.7  This Amendment, together with the Credit Agreement, contains
the entire and exclusive agreement of the parties hereto with
reference to the matters discussed herein and therein.  This
Amendment supercedes all prior drafts and communications with
respect hereto.  This Amendment may not be amended except in
accordance with the provisions of Section 11.1 of the Credit
                    [Signature Page Follows]

IN   WITNESS   WHEREOF,  the  parties  hereto  have  caused   the
execution and delivery hereof by their respective representatives
as of the date hereof.

                                DEVRY INC.


                                GLOBAL EDUCATION INTERNATIONAL,


                                BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., as
                                Administrative Agent


                                BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., as a
                                Lender, L/C Issuer and Swing
                                Line Lender


                                JPMORGAN CHASE BANK


                                SUNTRUST BANK


                                NATIONAL CITY BANK OF THE
                                MIDWEST (fka NATIONAL CITY BANK
                                OF MICHIGAN/ILLINOIS)


                                HARRIS TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK


                                THE NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY


                                LASALLE BANK NATIONAL


                                MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL LIFE
                                INSURANCE COMPANY

                                By:  David L. Babson & Company,
                                Inc., as Investment Adviser


                                MASSMUTUAL ASIA LIMITED

                                By:  David L. Babson & Company,
                                Inc., as Investment Adviser


                                C.M. LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, C/O
                                MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL LIFE
                                INSURANCE COMPANY

                                By:  David L. Babson & Company,
                                Inc., as  Investment Sub-Adviser




The undersigned hereby acknowledges and agrees to the foregoing
Amendment and confirms that its Loan Documents remain in full
force and effect and are hereby reaffirmed.

                              DeVry University, Inc.
                              Dominica Management, Inc.
                              Ross University Services, Inc.
                              International Education Holdings,
                              Ross University Management, Inc.


                              U.S. Guarantors
                              DeVry Educational Products, Inc.
                              DeVry Leasing Corporation
                              DeVry/Becker Educational
                              Development Corp.
                              DeVry Educational Development
                              DeVry Florida LLC
                              DeVry Canada LLC
                              Ross University Services, Inc.
                              DeVry University, Inc.
                              Becker CPA Review Corp.
                              International Education Holdings,
                              Dominica Management, Inc.
                              DeVry/New York, Inc.


                              Offshore Guarantors
                              Ross University Management, Inc.
                              Ross University School of Medicine
                                School of Veterinary Medicine
                              Ross University School of Medicine
                              School of Veterinary Medicine (St.
                              Kitts) Limited



                                                     SCHEDULE 2.1
                       AND PRO RATA SHARES

    Lender           DeVry              GEI      Aggregate     Pro Rata
                   Commitment       Commitment   Commitments     Share
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
BANK OF AMERICA                                  39,000,000  22.28571429%
N.A.             27,857,142.86    11,142,857.14

CM LIFE                                           1,000,000  0.571428571%
INSURANCE           714,285.71       285,714.29

HARRIS TRUST &                                   27,000,000  15.42857143%
SAVINGS BANK     19,285,714.29     7,714,285.71

JPMORGAN CHASE                                   15,000,000  8.571428571%
BANK             10,714,285.71     4,285,714.29

LASALLE BANK                                     27,000,000  15.42857143%
NATIONAL         19,285,714.29    7,714,285.71

MASSMUTUAL ASIA                                     500,000  0.285714286%
LIMITED             357,142.86      142,857.14

MASSMUTUAL LONG                                   4,500,000  2.571428571%
TERM POOL         3,214,285.71    1,285,714.29

MASSMUTUAL SPOT                                   3,000,000  1.714285714%
PRICED CONTRACT   2,142,857.14      857,142.86

MASSMUTUTAL IFM                                   1,000,000  0.571428571%
NON TRADITIONAL     714,285.71      285,714.29

NATIONAL CITY                                    15,000,000  8.571428571%
BANK OF THE      10,714,285.71    4,285,714.29

NORTHERN TRUST                                   27,000,000  15.42857143%
COMPANY          19,285,714.29    7,714,285.71

SUNTRUST BANK,                                   15,000,000  8.571428571%
INC.             10,714,285.71    4,285,714.29
Total          $125,000,000.00  $50,000,000.00 $175,000,000 100.00000000%