AMENDED AND RESTATED



                                   A.L. PHARMA INC.
                     (formerly known as A.L. Laboratories, Inc.)

                                A Delaware Corporation

                                     ARTICLE ONE


                    Section 1.1    Principal   Executive   Office.      The
          corporation's headquarters  and principal executive  office shall
          be located at One Executive Drive, Fort Lee, New Jersey 07024.

                    Section 1.2.   Other Offices.  The corporation may also
          have  offices at such other  places, both within  and without the
          State of Delaware,  as the  Board of Directors  may from time  to
          time determine or the business of the corporation may require.

                                     ARTICLE TWO

                               Meetings of Stockholders

                    Section 2.1.   Annual Meetings.   An annual  meeting of
          the  stockholders  shall be  held  for  the  purpose of  electing
          directors  and conducting such other  business as may come before
          the meeting.   The  date, time  and place of  the annual  meeting
          shall  be  determined  by or  under  authority  of  the Board  of

                    Section 2.2.   Special Meetings.  A special  meeting of
          stockholders  for any purpose may  be called by  the President of
          the  Corporation, and  shall be  called by  the Secretary  at the
          request in  writing of a majority of the Board of Directors or of
          the stockholders entitled to cast at least one-tenth of the votes
          which all  stockholders are  entitled to  cast at  the particular
          meeting.  Such request shall state the purpose or purposes of the
          proposed special meeting.   The  time and place  of each  special
          meeting  of stockholders  shall  be determined  by  or under  the
          authority of the  Board of  Directors, provided that  if no  such
          determination  shall be made prior  to the mailing  of the notice
          for such meeting,  the time and  place for such meeting  shall be
          determined by the President.

                    Section 2.3.   Notice.  Written  or  printed notice  of
          every annual or special meeting of the  stockholders, stating the

          place,  date, time,  and, in  the case  of special  meetings, the
          purpose  or  purposes  of   such  meeting,  shall  be  given   to
          titleholders  entitled to vote at such meeting not less than ten,
          nor more  than sixty, days before  the date of the  meeting.  All
          such notices shall be given by mail or  by other means reasonably
          selected by or  at the direction  of the Board of  Directors, the
          President  or the Secretary.  Notices which shall be mailed shall
          be deemed to  be "given" when deposited in the United States mail
          addressed to the stockholder at his  or her address as it appears
          on  the records of the corporation, with postage prepaid, and any
          notice transmitted other  than by  mail shall be  deemed to  have
          been "given" when delivered  either to the stockholder or  to any
          person  reasonably   requested  to   cause  such  notice   to  be
          transmitted to such stockholder.

                    Section 2.4    Stockholders  List.   The  corporation's
          Secretary  shall cause  to be  maintained a  stock ledger  of the
          corporation.  The corporation's Secretary shall cause to be made,
          at least ten  days before  every meeting of  the stockholders,  a
          complete  list  of  the stockholders  entitled  to  vote  at such
          meeting arranged in alphabetical order, specifying the address of
          and  the  number  of  shares  registered  in  the  name  of  each
          stockholder.  Such  list shall be open to  the examination of any
          stockholder,  for  any purpose  germane  to  the meeting,  during
          ordinary business hours, for  a period of at least ten days prior
          to the  meeting, either at  the corporation's headquarters  or at
          such other place as  the corporation's Secretary shall reasonably
          designate.  The list shall also be produced and kept  at the time
          and place of the  meeting during the whole time  thereof, and may
          be inspected by any stockholder who is present.

                    Section 2.5.   Quorum.  Except as otherwise provided by
          statute or by the Certificate of Incorporation, a quorum shall be
          deemed  to be present at any meeting of stockholders for purposes
          of any  given matter  to be  voted upon at  such meeting  if such
          meeting shall be attended  by persons entitled (either personally
          or by proxy) to vote stock  representing a majority of the poten-
          tial  voting power  with respect  to such  matter (as  defined in
          Section  2.9(c)  of these  bylaws).   If  a  quorum shall  not be
          present for purposes of any given matter to be voted  upon at any
          meeting, the holders of the relevant stock (as defined in Section
          2.9(d)  of  these  bylaws) may,  by  the  affirmative  vote of  a
          majority of the  voting power represented by such relevant stock,
          adjourn the meeting insofar as it relates to the  given matter to
          another  time and/or place.   Unless the adjournment  is for more
          than  thirty days  or unless  a new  record date  is set  for the
          adjourned  meeting, no  notice of  the adjourned meeting  need be
          given to any stockholder provided that  the time and place of the
          adjourned meeting shall  have been  announced at  the meeting  at
          which such adjournment shall  have been taken.  At  the adjourned
          meeting  the corporation  may transact  any business  which might
          have been transacted  at the original  meeting, provided that  no
          business shall be  transacted at such adjourned  meeting on which
          any class  of stock is entitled to be voted which class shall not

          have  been permitted to participate  in the vote  to postpone the

                    Section 2.6.   Vote Required.  When a quorum is present
          at  any meeting with  respect to any given  matter, a majority of
          the voting power represented by the relevant stock (as defined in
          Section 2.9(c) of these bylaws) shall be necessary and sufficient
          to approve such matter, except that:  (i) if the given matter  is
          one  upon which by express provisions of an applicable statute or
          of the Certificate of Incorporation a different vote is required,
          such express provision shall  govern and control the decision  of
          such question, and  (ii) directors shall be  elected by plurality

                    Section 2.7.   Proxies.      At    all   meetings    of
          stockholders, a stockholder may vote by proxy executed in writing
          by  the stockholder or by  his duly authorized  attorney in fact.
          Such proxy shall be  filed with the Secretary of  the corporation
          before commencement of the meeting or at such later time as shall
          be expressly permitted by the corporate officer presiding at such
          meeting.  No proxy shall be valid after three years from the date
          of its execution, unless otherwise provided in the proxy.

                    Section 2.8.   Governing  Rules.   The  President shall
          preside at any  meeting of any of the corporation's stockholders,
          provided that if the President shall be unable or unwilling to so
          preside, then a person designated by the Board of Directors shall
          preside.   The person  presiding  at any  meeting of  any of  the
          corporation's stockholders shall have the power to make rules and
          decisions  (i) as to whether and to what extent proxies presented
          at  the meeting  shall be  recognized as  valid, (ii)  as to  the
          procedure for taking and counting votes at such meeting, (iii) as
          to  procedures for  the  conduct of  such  meeting, and  (iv)  to
          resolve any questions  which may be raised at  such meeting.  The
          person  presiding at  any  meeting of  any  of the  corporation's
          stockholders shall have the  right to delegate any of  the powers
          contemplated  by this Section 2.8 to such other person or persons
          as the person presiding deems desirable.

                    Section 2.9.   Certain Definitions.

                    (a)  Entitled  to be Voted.  A share in any given class
          of  the  corporation's  capital  stock  shall  be  deemed  to  be
          "entitled to  be voted" with  respect to any given  matter at any
          meeting of  the  corporation's stockholders  if (i)  it shall  be
          outstanding at the record date for such meeting and (ii) stock in
          such class shall  have the right to be voted  with respect to the
          given matter at such meeting.

                    (b)  Voting Power.  The "voting power" of any  share of
          stock  issued by the corporation with respect to any given matter
          to be voted upon at any meeting of the corporation's stockholders
          shall be  equal to the  size of the  vote which such  share would
          entitle its owner of record at the  regular date for such meeting

          to cast  at such meeting with  respect to a given  matter if such
          record owner were  present at  such meeting.   For example,  with
          respect to  any matter  on which  the holders  of Class A  Common
          Stock and Class B Common Stock  are entitled to vote together and
          neither the Class A Common Stock  nor the Class B Common Stock is
          entitled to vote  as a separate  class, the "voting  power" of  a
          share  of Class A Common Stock shall  be one vote and the "voting
          power" of a share of Class B Common Stock shall be four votes.

                    (c)  Potential  Voting  Power.   The  "potential voting
          power" with respect  to any given matter to be  voted upon at any
          meeting of any  of the corporation's stockholders  shall be equal
          to the  aggregate voting power of all shares of stock entitled to
          be voted with respect to such matter at such meeting.

                    (d)  Relevant Stock.   Stock issued  by the corporation
          shall be deemed to be "relevant stock" with respect to  any given
          matter  to  be  voted   upon  at  any  meeting  of   any  of  the
          corporation's stockholders if both (i) such stock is entitled  to
          be voted with respect to the given matter and (ii) one or more of
          the persons attending  the meeting in  person or  by proxy has  a
          right to vote such stock by reason of being the  record holder of
          such stock at the record date established for such meeting or  by
          reason of  holding voting  rights assigned by  the record  holder
          entitled to vote such stock.

                                    ARTICLE THREE


                    Section 3.1.   General  Powers.     The  business   and
          affairs  of  the corporation  shall be  managed  by its  Board of
          Directors.  The term "Board" whenever it is used  in these bylaws
          means the corporation's Board  of Directors.  In addition  to the
          powers  and  authorities expressly  conferred  upon  it by  these
          bylaws,  the Board of Directors  may exercise all  such powers of
          the corporation and do all such lawful acts and things as are not
          by statute or  by the  Certificate of Incorporation  or by  these
          bylaws  directed or  required  to be  exercised  or done  by  the

                    Section 3.2.   Number of Directorship Positions.

                    (a)  Number of Directors.  Except as otherwise provided
          in  paragraph  (b)  of this  Section  3.2,  there  shall be  nine
          positions on the corporation's Board of Directors.

                    (b)  Board's Power  to Alter  The Number of  Directors.
          The  corporation's  Board  of  Directors  shall  have  the  power
          (subject  to any  limitations  prescribed by  the Certificate  of
          Incorporation) by  a  resolution  adopted  by  not  less  than  a
          majority of  all directors  serving on the  Board at the  time of


          such  adoption to  alter at any  time and  from time  to time the
          number  of total directorship positions  on the Board.   Upon the
          adoption  of  any  resolution  in  the  manner  provided  in  the
          preceding sentence, the total number of directorship positions on
          the corporation's Board of Directors shall be equal to the number
          specified  in such resolution.   If the Board  shall determine to
          reduce the  number of  directorship positions,  then the term  of
          each incumbent member shall end upon the election of directors at
          the  next annual meeting  of stockholders of  the corporation and
          the persons  elected to fill such reduced  number of directorship
          positions shall be deemed to be the successors to all persons who
          shall have previously held such directorship positions.

                    Section 3.3.   Regular Meetings.   Regular meetings  of
          the Board  of Directors may be  held without notice at  such time
          and at such  place as shall  from time to  time be determined  by
          resolution of the Board.

                    Section 3.4.   Special Meetings.   Special meetings  of
          the Board of Directors may be called by  or at the request of the
          President  or any  three directors.   The  person or  persons who
          call(s) an special meeting of the Board of Directors  may fix the
          time and place at which the meeting shall be held.

                    Section 3.5.   Notice.  Notice  of any special  meeting
          shall be given at least twenty-four hours prior thereto if notice
          is given directly to the director by telephone or in person or at
          least  two days  prior thereto  if notice  is given  by telegram,
          telex or by any  other method reasonably calculated to  cause the
          notice  to  be  delivered  within  twenty-four  hours  after  its
          transmission or at least  five days prior thereto  if transmitted
          by mail.   If mailed, such  notice shall be deemed  to be "given"
          when deposited  in  the  United  States  mail  addressed  to  the
          director  at either his business address or such other address as
          the   officer  sending  such   notice  shall  reasonably  believe
          appropriate, with postage thereon prepaid.  If notice be given by
          telegram, telex,  or other method reasonably  calculated to reach
          the  director within  twenty-four hours  after its  transmission,
          such  notice shall  be deemed to  be "given"  when the  notice so
          addressed  either is  delivered  to an  independent company  with
          instructions  for prompt  transmission  or is  transmitted.   Any
          director may waive  notice of  any meeting by  signing a  written
          waiver  of  notice  either before  or  after  the  meeting.   The
          attendance of a director at any meeting shall constitute a waiver
          of  notice of  such meeting,  except where  a director  attends a
          meeting for  the express purpose of objecting  to the transaction
          of any business  because the  meeting is not  lawfully called  or
          convened.   Neither  the business  to be  transacted at,  nor the
          purpose  of, any  regular  or special  meeting  of the  Board  of
          Directors need be specified in the notice or waiver of  notice of
          such meeting.


                    Section 3.6.   Quorum.  Except as otherwise provided in
          the corporation's  Certificate of Incorporation  or by applicable
          law, directors holding a  majority of the positions on  the Board
          of Directors established pursuant to Section  3.2 of these bylaws
          shall  constitute a  quorum  for transaction  of business  at any
          meeting of  the Board of Directors; provided  that if less than a
          majority  of such number of directors are present at any meeting,
          a  majority of the directors present may adjourn the meeting from
          time to time without further notice until a quorum is obtained.

                    Section 3.7.   Manner of  Voting.  Except  as otherwise
          provided by  applicable law, in the  corporation's Certificate of
          Incorporation  or  in these  bylaws, the  affirmative vote  by at
          least a majority of the directors present at any meeting at which
          a  quorum shall be present  shall be necessary  and sufficient to
          approve  any action within the  Board's power, and  any action so
          approved by such a majority shall be deemed to have been approved
          by the  Board of Directors.  A director of the corporation who is
          present at a meeting of the Board of Directors at which action on
          any corporate matter is  taken shall be conclusively presumed  to
          have asserted to  the action  taken unless his  dissent shall  be
          entered in the minutes of the meeting or unless he shall file his
          written  dissent to  such action  with the  person acting  as the
          Secretary  of the meeting before the adjournment thereof or shall
          forward such dissent by  registered mail to the Secretary  of the
          corporation  immediately  after the  adjournment of  the meeting.
          Such right  to dissent shall not apply to a director who voted in
          favor of such action.

                    Section 3.8.   Action by Directors  Without a  Meeting.
          Any action  required or permitted to  be taken at any  meeting of
          the  Board of  Directors  or any  Board  Committee may  be  taken
          without a  meeting if all  members of the Board  or Committee (as
          the case may  be) consent thereto in writing,  and the writing or
          writings are filed with  the minutes of proceedings of  the Board
          or Committee.  In the event one or more positions on the Board or
          any Board Committee shall be vacant  at the time of the execution
          of any such consent, such consent shall nevertheless be effective
          if it  shall be signed by  all persons serving as  members of the
          Board or such Committee  (as the case may be) at such time and if
          the persons signing  the consent would be able to take the action
          called  for by the consent  at a properly  constituted meeting of
          the Board or such Committee (as the case may be).

                    Section 3.9.   Compensation.   No  director who  is  an
          employee of  the corporation  or  any of  its subsidiaries  shall
          receive any stated salary or fee  for his service as director.  A
          director who is not an employee may receive such compensation for
          his services  as  a director  as is  fixed by  resolution of  the
          Board.  Members of any Board or other Committee may  receive such
          compensation for their duties as committee members as is fixed by
          resolution  of the Board of Directors.  All directors and members


          of  Board  Committees  shall  be reimbursed  for  their  expenses
          reasonably incurred to attend meetings.

                                     ARTICLE FOUR

                                   Board Committees

                    Section 4.1.   General.

                    (a)  Establishment.  The Board  shall have the power to
          establish committees consisting exclusively of  directors of this
          corporation and (subject to the limitations  set forth in Section
          4.1(d)  of these bylaws) delegate to any such committee any power
          exercisable  by   the  Board  of  Directors,   including  without
          limitation the power  and authority to  declare dividends and  to
          authorize the issuance of  stock.  The term "Board  Committee" as
          used in these bylaws means any committee comprised exclusively of
          directors of  the corporation  which  is identified  as a  "Board
          Committee" either in these  bylaws or in any resolutions  adopted
          by the Board.

                    (b)  Membership.   The Board  shall have the  power to:
          (i)  establish the number  of membership positions  on each Board
          Committee from time to  time and change the number  of membership
          positions on such Committee  from time to time; (ii)  appoint any
          director  to  membership  on  any Board  Committee  who  shall be
          willing  to serve on such Committee; (iii) remove any person from
          membership on any Board Committee without cause; and (iv) appoint
          any director to membership on any Board Committee as an alternate
          member.    A person s  membership  on any  Board  Committee shall
          automatically terminate when such person ceases to be  a director
          of the corporation.

                    (c)  Powers.   Except as  otherwise provided in Section
          4.1(d) of these bylaws,  each Board Committee shall have  and may
          exercise all the powers  and authority of the Board  of Directors
          in  the management of the business and affairs of the corporation
          to the  extent (but  only  to the  extent) such  powers shall  be
          expressly delegated to it by the Board or by these bylaws.

                    (d)  Reserved  Powers.  No  Board Committee  shall have
          the right or  power to: amend  the Certificate of  Incorporation;
          adopt an agreement  of merger or consolidation;  recommend to the
          stockholders the sale, lease or exchange of  all or substantially
          all of the  corporation's property and  assets; recommend to  the
          stockholders a  dissolution of the corporation or a revocation of
          a dissolution; amend the bylaws  of the corporation; amend, alter
          or repeal any resolution adopted by the Board  which by its terms
          precludes  such action  by  such Committee;  or  take any  action
          contrary to an express directive issued by the Board.


                    (e)   Vote Required.   The  members holding at  least a
          majority of the positions on any Board Committee shall constitute
          a quorum  for purposes  of any  meeting of  such committee.   The
          affirmative  vote of members holding  at least a  majority of the
          positions  on   any  Board  Committee  shall   be  necessary  and
          sufficient to  approve any  action within the  Committee s power,
          and any action so approved by such a majority shall  be deemed to
          have  been taken  by the  Committee  and to  be the  act of  such

                    (f)   Governance.  The Board  may designate  the person
          who is  to serve as chairman  of any Board Committee,  and in the
          absence of  any such designation by the Board, the members of the
          Committee may either designate one member of the Committee as its
          chairman  or elect  to operate  without a  chairman.   Each Board
          Committee may appoint a Secretary who need not be a member of the
          Committee or  a member of the Board.   Each Board Committee shall
          have the right to establish  such rules and procedures  governing
          its  meetings  and  operations   as  such  Committee  shall  deem
          desirable  provided  such  rules  and  procedures  shall  not  be
          inconsistent with the Certificate of Incorporation, these bylaws,
          or any direction to the Committee issued by the Board.

                    (f)  Alternate  Committee  Members.    The   Board  may
          designate one or more directors as alternate members of any Board
          Committee, and any  such director may replace  any regular member
          of such  Board  Committee who  for any  reason is  absent from  a
          meeting of such Board Committee or is otherwise disqualified from
          serving on such Board Committee.

                    Section 4.2.   Executive Committee.

                    (a)  Authorization.    The  corporation  shall  have an
          Executive Committee.   The Executive Committee  shall be a  Board
          Committee and shall be  subject to the provisions of  Section 4.1
          of these bylaws.

                    (b)  Duties.  The Executive  Committee shall assist the
          Board in developing and evaluating general corporate policies and
          objectives.  The Executive  Committee shall perform such specific
          assignments  as shall be expressly  delegated to it  from time to
          time  by the  Board  of  Directors  and  shall  (subject  to  the
          limitations  specified  in  Section  4.1(d) of  these  bylaws  or
          imposed by  law) have the  power to exercise fully  the powers of
          the  Board except to  the extent  expressly limited  or precluded
          from exercising  such powers  in  resolutions from  time to  time
          adopted by the Board.

                    (c)  Membership.  Membership on the Executive Committee
          shall be determined from time to time by the Board  in accordance
          with the provisions of Section 4.1(b) of these bylaws.


                    (d)  Meetings.   Meetings of  the   Executive Committee
          may be  called at any time  by any two members  of the Committee.
          The  time and place for each meeting  shall be established by the
          members calling the meeting.

                    Section 4.3    Audit Committee.

                    (a)   Authorization.  The  corporation  shall  have  an
          Audit  Committee.  The Audit Committee shall be a Board Committee
          and shall be  subject to the provisions  of Section 4.1 of  these

                    (b)  Duties.   The Audit Committee shall: (i) recommend
          to the Board of  Directors annually a firm of  independent public
          accountants  to act as  auditors of the  corporation; (ii) review
          with the auditors  in advance  the scope of  their annual  audit;
          (iii) review with the  auditors and the management, from  time to
          time,  the  corporation's  accounting  principles,  policies, and
          practices and  its reporting policies and  practices; (iv) review
          with the auditors annually the results of their audit; (v) review
          from  time  to  time  with the  auditors  and  the  corporation's
          financial personnel the adequacy of the corporation's accounting,
          financial and  operating controls; (vi)  review all  transactions
          between  the corporation or any subsidiary of the corporation and
          any stockholder who  holds at  least fifty percent  of the  total
          number of shares outstanding of  the corporation's Class A Common
          Stock  or Class B  Common Stock (a  "Controlling Shareholder") or
          any  subsidiary of  such Controlling Shareholder  on at  least an
          annual basis  in accordance with  policies adopted by  the Board;
          and (vii) perform such other duties as shall from time to time be
          delegated to the Committee by the Board.

                    (c)  Membership.  The membership of the Audit Committee
          shall  always  be  such that  all  of the  members  of  the Audit
          Committee  shall not  be full-time  employees of  any Controlling
          Shareholder,  the   corporation  or   any  of   their  respective
          subsidiaries.  Within the limitations prescribed in the preceding
          sentence, the  membership on the Committee shall be determined by
          the Board as provided in Section 4.1 of these bylaws.

                                     ARTICLE FIVE


                    Section 5.1    Corporate and Divisional Officers.   The
          corporate officers  of the  corporation shall  be  chosen by  the
          Board of Directors and shall consist  of a Chairman of the Board,
          a Vice  Chairman  of the  Board, a  President, one  or more  Vice
          Presidents, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and such other officers and
          assistant officers as may be deemed necessary or desirable by the
          Board.  In  its discretion, the Board of Directors may choose not


          to  fill any  office for  any  period as  it may  deem advisable,
          [provided that at all times one or more officers shall be elected
          or appointed with the authority  (irrespective of title) to carry
          out  all  responsibilities   of  the  President,   Treasurer  and
          Secretary required by law].  The Chairman of  the Board, the Vice
          Chairman of  the Board, and the President  must be members of the
          Board  of Directors but no other officer  need be a member of the
          Board.  Any number of offices may be held by the same person.  In
          addition to the corporate officers, the Board of Directors or the
          chief executive officer may  appoint divisional officers having a
          title which indicates that the divisional officer's authority and
          responsibilities are limited  to a designated operation  division
          of the corporation.   Divisional officers shall have  such duties
          and  responsibilities as the Board of  Directors or the corporate
          officers  shall determine.   Any  person may  hold more  than one
          corporate and/or divisional office.

                    Section 5.2.   Appointment and  Term  of Office.    The
          corporate officers of the corporation shall be appointed annually
          by  the Board  of Directors  at its  first meeting  following the
          annual meeting of  stockholders.  If the  appointment of officers
          shall not be held at such meeting, such appointment shall be held
          as soon thereafter  as conveniently  may be.   Vacancies in  cor-
          porate offices may be filled  and new offices may be  created and
          filled  at any  meeting of  the Board  of Directors.   Divisional
          officers may be  appointed at any time.  Each  officer shall hold
          office until the earlier of: (i) the time at which a successor is
          duly appointed and  qualified or  (ii) his or  her death,  resig-
          nation  or removal  as  hereinafter provided.    In case  of  the
          absence  of  any officer  of the  corporation,  or for  any other
          reason  that the Board may  deem sufficient, the  Board may dele-
          gate, for the  time being, the powers or duties,  or any of them,
          of such  officer to any other  officer, or to any  director.  The
          Board shall  have the  right to  enter into employment  contracts
          providing for the  employment of  any officer for  a term  longer
          than one year, but no such contract shall preclude the Board from
          removing  any  person  from  any position  with  the  corporation
          whenever  in  the  Board's judgment  the  best  interests  of the
          corporation would be served thereby.

                    Section 5.3.   Removal.   Any officer  or agent may  be
          removed by the Board at  any time with or without cause,  and any
          divisional officer may be removed by the chief executive officer,
          but  such removal  shall  be without  prejudice  to the  contract
          rights, if any, of the person so removed.  Appointment shall  not
          of itself create contract rights.

                    Section 5.4.   General  Powers of Officers.   The chief
          executive  officer  of  the  corporation shall,  subject  to  the
          control  of the  Board  of Directors,  in  general supervise  and
          control  all of the business  and affairs of  the corporation and
          shall  have  all the  authority  and  shall  perform  all  duties


          incident to the office of chief executive officer.  The Board  of
          Directors may designate  any of  the Chairman of  the Board,  the
          Vice  Chairman of  the  Board  or  the  President  as  the  chief
          executive  officer of the corporation, and in the absence of such
          designation the President shall be the chief executive officer of
          the corporation.   For  purposes of these  bylaws, the  corporate
          Chairman  of the  Board,  the Vice  Chairman  of the  Board,  the
          President and each corporate Vice President shall be deemed to be
          a  "senior  officer."  Whenever  any resolution  adopted  by  the
          corporation's stockholders, Board of Directors or Board Committee
          shall  authorize  the "proper  officers"  of  the corporation  to
          execute any note, contract or other document or to take any other
          action or shall generally authorize any action without specifying
          the  officer or  officers  authorized to  take  such action,  any
          senior  officer acting  alone and  without countersignatures  may
          take  such action on  behalf of the corporation.   Any officer of
          the corporation may on behalf  of the corporation sign contracts,
          reports to governmental agencies,  or other instruments which are
          in the regular  course of business (provided that, in the case of
          divisional officers,  such items  relate to such  officer's divi-
          sion), except  where the signing  and execution thereof  shall be
          expressly  delegated by the Board of Directors or by these bylaws
          to some other officer  or agent of  the corporation, or shall  be
          required by law to be otherwise signed or executed.

                    Section 5.5.   The Chairman and the Vice Chairman.  The
          Chairman of the Board shall preside at all  meetings of the Board
          of Directors and consult with the Vice Chairman of the  Board and
          the President  regarding corporate  policies and have  such other
          duties as may be assigned to him by the Board.  The Vice Chairman
          of  the Board shall consult  with the Chairman  and the President
          regarding corporate policies and shall have such other  duties as
          shall be  assigned to him  by the  Board or  the chief  executive
          officer (if other than the Vice Chairman) of the Corporation.  In
          the absence  of the Chairman of  the Board, the  Vice Chairman of
          the Board shall preside at meetings of the Board of Directors.

                    Section 5.6.   The President.  The  corporate President
          shall, when present, preside at all meetings of the stockholders,
          shall  consult with the Chairman of the Board and the Vice Chair-
          man  of the  Board  regarding corporate  policies and  in general
          shall  perform all duties incident to the office of President and
          have  such  other duties  as may  be prescribed  by the  Board of
          Directors or the chief executive officer (if the President is not
          the Chief Executive Officer) from time to time.

                    Section 5.7.   Vice  Presidents.   Each  corporate Vice
          President shall perform such  duties and have such powers  as the
          Board of Directors may from time to time prescribe.  The Board of
          Directors may  designate any vice  president as  being senior  in
          rank  or  degree of  responsibility and  may  accord such  a Vice
          President an  appropriate title designating his  senior rank such


          as  "Executive  Vice President"  or  "Senior  Vice President"  or
          "Group  Vice President."  The  Board of  Directors  may assign  a
          certain  corporate Vice  President responsibility  for designated
          group, division or function of the corporation's business and add
          an appropriate descriptive designation to his title.

                    Section 5.8.   Secretary.

                    (a)  The Secretary.   The Secretary  shall (subject  to
          the   control  of  the  Board):  (i)  keep  the  minutes  of  the
          stockholders, and the Board of Directors' meetings in one or more
          books  provided for that purpose;  (ii) see that  all notices are
          duly given in accordance  with the provisions of these  bylaws or
          as required by law;  (iii) be custodian of the  corporate records
          and of the seal of the  corporation and see that the seal  of the
          corporation  is affixed to all  documents, the execution of which
          on behalf of the  corporation under its seal is  duly Authorized;
          (iv)  keep or  cause to  be kept  a register  of the  post office
          address  of  each stockholder  which  shall be  furnished  to the
          Secretary  by such  stockholder; (v)  have general charge  of the
          stock  transfer books  of the  corporation; (vi)  supply in  such
          circumstances  as   the  Secretary   deems  appropriate   to  any
          governmental  agency or  other  person a  copy of  any resolution
          adopted by the corporation's  stockholders, Board of Directors or
          Board  Committee,  any corporate  record  or  document, or  other
          information  concerning  the  corporation  and its  officers  and
          certify  on  behalf of  the corporation  as  to the  accuracy and
          completeness  of the resolution,  record, document or information
          supplied; and  (vii) in general,  perform all duties  incident to
          the  office of Secretary and  perform such other  duties and have
          such  other powers  as  the  Board  of  Directors  or  the  chief
          executive officer may from time to time prescribe.

                    (b)  Assistant  Secretary.    Each Assistant  Secretary
          shall (subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the
          Secretary)  assist  the  Secretary  in  the  performance  of  the
          Secretary's  duties and be entitled to exercise the powers of the
          Secretary.   Any person dealing  with the corporation  shall have
          the  right to  presume (in the  absence of  actual notice  to the
          contrary) that  each Assistant Secretary is  entitled to exercise
          the powers of the Secretary.

                    Section 5.10.  Treasurer.

                    (a)  The Treasurer.   The Treasurer shall:  have charge
          and custody of and be responsible for all funds and securities of
          the  corporation; receive  and give  receipts for monies  due and
          payable  to  the  corporation  from any  source  whatsoever,  and
          deposit  all such monies  in the name of  the corporation in such
          banks, trust companies or other depositories as shall be selected
          by or under authority of the Board of Directors; and, in general,
          perform all of the duties incident to the office of Treasurer and


          such other duties as  from time to time may be assigned to him by
          the chief  executive officer.  The Treasurer shall give a bond if
          required  by the Board of Directors for the faithful discharge of
          his duties in a sum and with one or more sureties satisfactory to
          the Board.

                    (b)  Assistant  Treasurer.    Each Assistant  Treasurer
          shall (subject to the direction of the vice President-Finance and
          Treasurer)  assist  the  Treasurer  in  the  performance  of  the
          Treasurer's  duties and be entitled to exercise the powers of the
          Treasurer.  Each person  dealing with the corporation shall  have
          the right  to presume  (in the absence  of actual  notice to  the
          contrary) that  each Assistant Treasurer is  entitled to exercise
          the powers of the Treasurer.

                                     ARTICLE SIX


                    Section 6.1.   Each  officer  and  director   shall  be
          entitled  to indemnification  as  provided  in the  corporation's
          Certificate of Incorporation, and the Board of Directors,  or any
          duly  authorized Board Committee, shall have the power to provide
          such additional indemnification, whether through specific action,
          by contract  or otherwise, to officers,  directors, employees and
          agents  of  the  corporation  as  may  be   deemed  desirable  or
          appropriate under the circumstances.

                                    ARTICLE SEVEN

                                   Corporate Stock

                    Section  7.1. Certificates  for  Shares.   Certificates
          representing  shares  of  any  class  of  stock   issued  by  the
          corporation (herein  called "corporate shares") shall  be in such
          form as  may  be determined  by  the Board  of Directors.    Such
          certificates  shall  be signed  by  the  President and  shall  be
          countersigned by the Secretary and shall be sealed with the seal,
          or a facsimile of the seal, of the corporation.  If a certificate
          is countersigned by a transfer agent or registrar, other than the
          corporation  itself  or its  employees,  any  other signature  or
          countersignature  on the certificate may be a facsimile.  In case
          any officer of the corporation, or any officer or employee of the
          transfer  agent or  registrar who has  signed or  whose facsimile
          signature has been placed  upon such certificate ceases to  be an
          officer  of the  corporation, or  an officer  or employee  of the
          transfer agent  or registrar  before such certificate  is issued,
          the  certificate may be issued  by the corporation  with the same
          effect  as if the officer  of the corporation,  or the officer or
          employee of the  transfer agent or registrar had not ceased to be


          such at the date of its issue.  All certificates for shares shall
          be consecutively numbered or  otherwise identified.  The name  of
          the person  to whom  the shares  represented thereby  are issued,
          with the number of shares and date of issue, shall  be entered on
          the books  of the corporation.   All certificates  surrendered to
          the  corporation  for transfer  shall  be  canceled,  and no  new
          certificate  shall  be issued  in  replacement  until the  former
          certificate  for  a  like  number   of  shares  shall  have  been
          surrendered and canceled, except as otherwise provided in Section
          7.4 with respect to lost, destroyed or mutilated certificates.

                    Section 7.2.   Transfer Agent and Registrar.  The Board
          of Directors may from time to time with respect to  each class of
          stock issuable  by the  corporation appoint such  transfer agents
          and  registrars in such locations as it shall determine, and may,
          in its discretion, appoint a single entity to act in the capacity
          of both transfer agent and registrar in any one location.

                    Section 7.3.   Transfers  of  Shares.     Transfers  of
          corporate  shares shall be made  only on the  books maintained by
          the corporation or a transfer  agent appointed as contemplated by
          Section 7.2 at the request of the holder of record  thereof or of
          his attorney,  lawfully constituted in writing,  and on surrender
          for cancellation  of  the  certificate  for  such  shares.    The
          corporation may (but shall  not be required to) treat  the person
          in  whose name  corporate  shares  stand  on  the  books  of  the
          corporation as the only person having any interest in such shares
          and as  the only person having the  right to receive dividends on
          and to vote such  shares, and the corporation shall  not be bound
          to recognize any  equitable or other claim to or interest in such
          shares  on the part of the other  person, whether or not it shall
          have express or other notice thereof.

                    Section 7.4.   Lost   Certificates.     The   Board  of
          Directors  may direct  a new  certificate or  certificates to  be
          issued in  place of  any certificate or  certificates theretofore
          issued by the corporation  alleged to have been lost,  stolen, or
          destroyed,  upon the making  of an affidavit of  that fact by the
          person claiming the certificate  of stock to be lost,  stolen, or
          destroyed.  When authorizing  such issue of a new  certificate or
          certificates,  the Board of Directors may,  in its discretion and
          as a  condition precedent  to the issuance  thereof, require  the
          person requesting such new certificate or certificates, or his or
          her  legal representative, to give the corporation a bond in such
          sum as it may direct  as indemnity against any claim that  may be
          made  against the  corporation  with respect  to the  certificate
          alleged to have been lost, stolen or destroyed.

                    Section 7.5.   Dividends.  Dividends  upon the  capital
          stock of  the  corporation,  subject  to the  provisions  of  the
          Certificate  of Incorporation,  if any,  may  be declared  by the
          Board of Directors at any regular or special meeting, pursuant to


          law.  Dividends may be paid in cash, in property, or in shares of
          the capital stock, subject  to the provisions of the  Certificate
          of Incorporation.

                                    ARTICLE EIGHT

                                  General Provisions

                    Section  8.1.  Fiscal Year.    The fiscal  year  of the
          corporation shall  begin on the  first day of January  and end on
          the last day of December in each year.

                    Section 8.2.   Seal.   The  corporate  seal shall  have
          inscribed  thereon the name of  the corporation, the  year of its
          organization and  the words "Corporate Seal,  Delaware." The seal
          may be used by causing it  or a facsimile thereof to be impressed
          or affixed or reproduced or otherwise.

                    Section  8.3.  Voting   Securities  Issued  By  Another
          Corporation.  Voting securities in  any other corporation held by
          the  corporation  shall be  voted by  the  President or  any Vice
          President,  unless the  Board  of Directors  specifically confers
          authority to vote with  respect thereto (which may be  general or
          confined  to  specific  instances)  upon  some  other  person  or
          officer.  Any person authorized to vote securities shall have the
          power to appoint proxies, with general power of substitution.

                                     ARTICLE NINE


                    These bylaws  may be amended, altered,  or repealed and
          new  bylaws   adopted  by  the  affirmative   vote  of  directors
          constituting  at least a majority of the number of directors then
          constituting the  entire Board.   The corporation's  stockholders
          shall have the power to  amend, alter or repeal these bylaws  and
          to adopt new bylaws  in the manner provided in  the corporation's
          Certificate of Incorporation.

                                     ARTICLE TEN

                         Delaware Corporation Law Section 203

                    The Corporation expressly elects  not to be governed by
          203  of  the General  Corporation Law  of  Delaware.   The bylaw
          amendment adopting this provision shall not be further amended by
          the  Board of  Directors except  to the  extent permitted  by the
          General Corporation Law of Delaware.

