Sale and Purchase Agreement


               Schwarz Pharma Aktiengesellschaft
                    Alfred-Nobel-Strabe 10,
                         40789 Monheim
                  Federal Republic of Germany

- - hereinafter sometimes referred to as "Schwarz Pharma AG" or
the "Seller" -

                                - on the one side -


                    Alpharma GmbH & Co. KG

     - hereinafter sometimes referred to as the "Purchaser" -


                         Alpharma Inc.
     - hereinafter sometime referred to as the "Parent" -

                                  - one the other side -


1   Corporate Ownership/Structure of the Acquisition
2   Sale and Purchase of the Shares
3   Effective Date/Closing Date
4   Purchase Price
5   Financial Statements
6   Net-Equity Guarantee/Adjustment of the Purchase Price
7   Taxes and Other Public Impositions
8   Warranties of the Seller
9   Remedies for Breach of Warranties
10  Warranties of Purchaser
11  Guarantees of the Purchaser and the Parent
12  Reference to Arbiters
13  Right of Companies' Name
14  Inter-Company and other Agreements
15  Antitrust Clearing
16  Costs
17  Assignment of Rights and Undertakings
18  Confidentiality
19  Non-Compete
20  Insurance
21  Notices
22  Arbitration
23  Miscellaneous


Annex A:           Austrittsvereinbarung   zwischen    Schwarz
            Pharma  Aktiengesellschaft und  ISIS  Pharma  GmbH
            und Sanol GmbH

Annex B:    Notarial Deed on the Transfer of all Shares of
       ISIS Pharma GmbH
Annex C:         Shareholders' Resolution of ISIS Pharma  GmbH
            upon  the Distribution of the Consolidated Profits
            of the Companies

Annex D:    Shareholders' Resolution of ISIS Pharma GmbH upon
            the Increase of the Capital Surplus

Annex E:    Production and Supply Agreement

Annex F:    Logistic Agreement

Annex G:    Service Agreements

Annex H:    Lease Agreement

Annex J:    Trademark Licence Agreement with respect to

Annex K:    Distribution Agreement with respect to Obsidan

Annex L:    Sublicence Agreement with respect to Omeprazol

Annex M:    Arbitration Agreement

Annex 4.6:  Termination of Certain Contracts

Annex 4.8:  Compensation in case of non-transferable ownership

Annex 5.1:  Financial Statements of the Companies for the
            business year ended December 31, 1998

Annex 5.2:  Consolidated Financial Statements for the
            business year ended December 31, 1998

Annex 6.10: Example of the calculation of the Adjusted Net
            Equity and the payments due

Annex 8.1.1(4):   Abstract  from the Commercial  Register  and
            Articles of Association of the Companies

Annex 8.1.2:Dividends  having been declared or distributed  by
            ISIS Pharma GmbH since December 31, 1998

Annex 8.1.3:  Certain Events between January 1, 1999 and the
         Closing Date

Annex 8.1.4 (2): List of Lease Agreements with any payment
            obligations of more than DM 100,000 p.a.

Annex 8.1.5 (1a):  Industrial Property Rights (Patents,
         Design Patents, Trademarks)

Annex 8.1.5 (1b):Violation  of  any third persons'  rights  by
            Industrial  Property  Rights or  Other  Intangible
            Property of the Companies

Annex 8.1.5 (2):   Industrial   Property   Rights   or   Other
            Intangible  Property  granted  for  use  by  third
            parties  including  Schwarz  Pharma  AG  and   its
            affiliated companies

Annex 8.1.5 (3): Industrial Property Rights challenged or
            threatended to be challenged by third parties

Annex 8.1. (4):  Pentalong - Priority Rights Agreements

Annex 8.1.6 (2): Products of the Companies and Registrations
            and Marketing Authorizations

Annex 8.1.6 (3): Pending Actions or Investigations with
            respect to Marketing Authorizations

Annex 8.1.6 (5): List of products planned to be placed on the
       Market by 2003

Annex 8.1.6 (7): Termination of so called Mitvertriebsrechte

Annex 8.1.7 (1): Guarantees, sureties and similar
            undertakings provided by the Companies in favour
            of (a) third persons and (b) the Seller and
            affiliated companies

Annex 8.1.7 (2): Liabilites, Credit Lines and Loans

Annex 8.1.7 (4): All (one time) payments due after the
            Closing Date and exceeding an annual amount of DM
            100,000 per contract for the licence or purchase
            of product registration or dossiers

Annex 8.1.7 (6): Breaches of contracts and contracts related
            to Products which are subject to a change of
            ownership clause

Annex 8.1.8 (1): List of Employees (which shall exclude Mr.

Annex 8.1.8 (2): Pension or Old-age Plans or similar
       Arrangements with Employees

Annex 8.1.8 (3): Shop-Agreements

Annex 8.1.8 (4): Powers of Attorney and Authority

Annex 8.1.9:Legal Proceedings pending or administrative
       investigations opened

Annex 8.1.10 (2):List of Insurance Policies

Annex 8.1.10 (3):Product Liability Claims of the last five
            years and products discontinued within the same

Annex 9.1:  Representatives and advisers of the Purchaser
       and/or the Parent

Annex 9.6:  List of persons which knowledge is relevant on the
       Seller's side

Annex 14.1: Intercompany Agreements which are not terminated

Annex 15.1: Non-action  Letter  issued by the  Federal  Cartel
            Office (Bundeskartellamt)

Annex 23.1: Termination of a certain employment.

These  Annexes  are  attached to the notarial  deed  of  today
(Notarial  Deed No. 645/1999 T of the Notary Public  Dr.  Jorg
Troder  in  Dusseldorf, hereinafter referred to as  "Reference
Deed").   The  parties  refer  to  the  Reference  Deed.   The
individuals  thereupon declared that they  are  aware  of  the
Reference Deed and waive the right to have the Reference  Deed
read  to them. Furthermore the individuals declared that  they
waive  the right to have the Reference Deed attached  to  this
Agreement.  The  Notary  informed  the  individuals  that  the
Reference  Deed  is  an integral part of this  Agreement.  The
original  document  of the Reference Deed has  been  available
during the notarization of this Notarial Deed.


    WHEREAS  Schwarz  Pharma  Aktiengesellschaft  is  a  stock
    corporation/Aktiengesellschaft duly  organized  under  the
    laws  of  the Federal Republic of Germany with  registered
    offices  in  Monheim  and registered with  the  Commercial
    Register  of  the Amtsgericht Langenfeld under  HRB  1506;

    WHEREAS  Purchaser is a company duly organized  under  the
    laws  of  the Federal Republic of Germany with  registered
    offices in Dusseldorf;  and

    WHEREAS  Parent, a Company duly organized under  the  laws
    of  Delaware (USA) with registered offices in Ft. Lee, New
    Jersey, is the indirect owner of 100% of the equity  stock
    (Kommanditkapital) of Purchaser.

    WHEREAS  ISIS Pharma GmbH and its subsidiaries are  active
    in   the  marketing  and  distribution  of  pharmaceutical
    products, in particular but not limited to in the area  of
    branded generics;

    WHEREAS Schwarz Pharma Aktiengesellschaft intends to  sell
    all   of   its  shares  in  ISIS  Pharma  GmbH   and   its
    subsidiaries; and

    WHEREAS  the Purchaser has had the opportunity to  make  a
    legal,  financial and business due diligence review within
    the  data room provided by Seller, and to receive  certain
    further  information regarding the current  financial  and
    commercial   situation  of  ISIS  Pharma  GmbH   and   its
    subsidiaries; and

    WHEREAS  the Purchaser is interested in acquiring  all  of
    the  shares of ISIS Pharma GmbH and Seller desires to sell
    and  to  assign all of the shares in ISIS Pharma  GmbH  to

    NOW, therefore, the parties agreed as follows:
                     Corporate Ownership/
                 Structure of the Acquisition

1.1 Schwarz   Pharma   AG   is  the  sole   and   unrestricted
    shareholder  of  ISIS  Pharma GmbH,  a  limited  liability
    company/Gesellschaft   mit  beschraenkter   Haftung   duly
    incorporated  and validly existing under German  Law  with
    registered offices in Zwickau/Federal Republic of  Germany
    and   registered  with  the  Commercial  Register  of  the
    Amtsgericht   Chemnitz  under  HRB  6549   -   hereinafter
    sometimes referred to as the "Company".

1.2 The  registered  (share)  capital (Stammkapital)  of  ISIS
    Pharma  GmbH  amounts to nominal DM 15,000,000.--  and  is
    divided as follows:

    1.2.1   One  share in the nominal  amount  of  DM  21,000.-
    1.2.2   One  share in the nominal amount  of   DM  29,000.--
    1.2.3   One share in the nominal amount of   DM 2.950.000.--
    1.2.4   One share in the nominal amount of  DM 12.000.000,--

                                                DM 15,000,000.--

    All  contributions to the share capital are fully  paid-in
    and are non-assessable.

1.3 ISIS  Pharma GmbH is the sole and unrestricted shareholder
    of  ISIS  PUREN  Verwaltungs  GmbH,  a  limited  liability
    company/Gesellschaft   mit  beschraenkter   Haftung   duly
    incorporated  and validly existing under German  Law  with
    registered offices in Zwickau/Federal Republic of  Germany
    and   registered  with  the  Commercial  Register  of  the
    Amtsgericht   Chemnitz  under  HRB  13918  -   hereinafter
    sometimes referred to as "ISIS PUREN GmbH".

1.4 The  registered  (share)  capital (Stammkapital)  of  ISIS
    PUREN  GmbH amounts to nominal DM 50,000.-- and is divided
    as follows:

    1.4.1    One share in the nominal amount of  DM 32,500.--
    1.4.2    One share in the nominal amount of  DM 17,500.--

                                                 DM 50,000.--

    All  contributions to the share capital are fully  paid-in
    and are non-assessable.

1.5 ISIS  Pharma  GmbH  is  the sole and unrestricted  limited
    partner  of  ISIS  PUREN Arzneimittel GmbH  &  Co.  KG,  a
    limited  partnership/Kommanditgesellschaft duly  organized
    and  validly  existing under German  Law  with  registered
    offices   in  Zwickau/Federal  Republic  of  Germany   and
    registered   with   the   Commercial   Register   of   the
    Amtsgericht   Chemnitz  under  HRA  3062   -   hereinafter
    sometimes referred to as "ISIS PUREN GmbH & Co. KG".

1.6 The  equity stock (Kommanditkapital) of ISIS PUREN GmbH  &
    Co.   KG   amounts   to   nominal  DM  5,000,000.--,   and
    constitutes  the partnership interest (Gesellschaftanteil)
    of  ISIS  Pharma  GmbH as the limited  partner.  The  sole
    general partner of ISIS PUREN GmbH & Co. KG is ISIS  PUREN
    GmbH  which  does not hold any interest in the capital  of
    said  company.  All  contributions  to  the  equity  stock
    (Kommanditkapital)  are  fully  paid-in   and   are   non-

1.7 ISIS  Pharma GmbH is further shareholder of Schwarz &  Co.
    Immobiliengesellschaft   Zwickau   and   Schwarz   &   Co.
    Industriegebaudegesellschaft    Zwickau    without     any
    interests   in   the  capital  of  said  companies.   Said
    companies  are  both unlimited partnerships  under  German
    Law  with  registered  offices in Zwickau  and  registered
    under  the Commercial Register of the Amtsgericht Chemnitz
    under HRA 770 and HRA 769.

1.8 ISIS  Pharma GmbH, ISIS PUREN GmbH and ISIS PUREN  GmbH  &
    Co. KG are hereinafter collectively sometimes referred  to
    as   the  "Companies".The  shares  (Geschaftsanteile)   of
    Schwarz  Pharma  AG in ISIS Pharma GmbH  as  described  in
    Section  1.2  above are hereinafter collectively  referred
    to as the "Shares".

1.9 Schwarz  Pharma  AG  will sell to the  Purchaser  and  the
    Purchaser will purchase from Schwarz Pharma AG all  Shares
    of   Schwarz  Pharma  AG  held  in  ISIS  Pharma  GmbH  in
    accordance with this Agreement.

1.10The   shares  of  ISIS  Pharma  GmbH  in  Schwarz  &   Co.
    Immobiliengesellschaft   Zwickau   and   Schwarz   &   Co.
    Industriegebaudegesellschaft Zwickau are not sold  to  the
    Purchaser.  ISIS  Pharma  GmbH  will  withdraw  from  said
    Companies  and thereby ceases to be a shareholder  of  the
    Companies  prior  to the Closing Date in  accordance  with
    the  agreement attached as Annex A to the Reference  Deed.
    Seller  will  release  and  indemnify  Purchaser  and  the
    Companies  from  all possible obligations with  regard  to
    such  companies  including but not limited  to  any  taxes
    such  as  corporate income tax and real property  transfer
    taxes resulting from the transactions, if any.

                Sale and Purchase of the Shares

2.1 Schwarz  Pharma  AG hereby sells and the Purchaser  hereby
    purchases,  subject  to the terms and conditions  of  this
    Agreement  with effect as of the Effective  Date  (Section
    3.1),  all  of the Shares of ISIS Pharma GmbH as described
    in  Section 1.2 hereof in the aggregate nominal amount  of
    DM 15,000,000.--.

2.2 The  sale  and  purchase includes any and all  rights  and
    duties  attached  to such Share as of the Effective  Date.
    Any  and  all  consolidated profits and dividends  of  the
    Companies  for the period as from January 1,  1999  up  to
    and  including the Effective Date shall be for the account
    of  the  Seller and shall be distributed to Seller on  the
    basis of the shareholders' resolution attached as Annex  C
    to   the  Reference  Deed  and  in  accordance  with   the
    provisions in Section 6.8 hereof.

2.3 The  parties  agree that the Shares as sold and  purchased
    hereunder   are   not  transferred  by  virtue   of   this
    Agreement. The Shares shall be transferred at the  Closing
    Date  with economical effect as of the Effective  Date  by
    means   of  a  separate  notarial  transfer  document   as
    attached as Annex B to the Reference Deed.

                  Effective Date/Closing Date

3.1 This   Agreement   and   all   transactions   contemplated
    hereunder    shall   become   effective   (erfolgen    mit
    wirtschaftlicher Wirkung zum) as of June 15,  1999,  24:00
    hours  - heretofore and hereinafter sometimes referred  to
    as the "Effective Date".

3.2 The  execution  of this Agreement and the closing  of  the
    transactions  contemplated by this  Agreement  shall  take
    place on June 18, 1999 at such place and at such time  the
    parties  will  have unanimously agreed upon  -  heretofore
    and    hereinafter   sometimes   referred   to   as    the
    "Closing"/"Closing Date".)

3.3 At  the closing the following documents shall be delivered
    or executed and the following measures shall be taken:

3.3.1     Shareholders'  Resolution of ISIS Pharma  GmbH  upon
    the  distribution  of  the  consolidated  profits  of  the
    Companies  for  the  period  from  January  1  up  to  and
    including  the Effective Date as attached as  Annex  C  to
    the Reference Deed.

3.3.2     Shareholders'  Resolution of ISIS Pharma  GmbH  upon
    the  increase  of  the  capital surplus  (Kapitalrucklage)
    through  Waiver  of  the  Seller  with  respect   to   the
    repayment  of  the  loan in the amount  of  DM  50,000,000
    granted by the Seller to the Company as attached as  Annex
    D to the Reference Deed.

3.3.3      Resignation  letter  of  Mr.  Noweski  as  Managing
    Director  of the Companies with confirmation that  he  has
    no   claims   or   rights  against   the   Companies   and
    Shareholders'  Resolution of ISIS  Pharma  GmbH  and  ISIS
    PUREN GmbH thereupon

3.3.4    Execution of this Agreement by Notarial Deed

3.3.5    Payment of the Purchase Price

3.3.6     Execution  of  the Supply Agreement between  Schwarz
    Pharma  AG  on  the  one side and the  Purchaser  and  the
    Companies  on the other side in accordance with Sec.  14.2

3.3.7     Execution of the Logistics Agreement between Schwarz
    Pharma  AG on the one side and the Companies on the  other
    side in accordance with Section 14.3 hereof

3.3.8     Execution of the Service Agreements between  Schwarz
    Pharma  AG on the one side and the Companies on the  other
    side in accordance with Sec. 14.4 hereof

3.3.9     Execution of the Lease Agreement in accordance  with
    Sec. 14.5 hereof

3.3.10    Execution of the Trademark License Agreement between
    Schwarz  Pharma  AG on the one side and the  Companies  on
    the other side in accordance with Section 14.6 hereof

3.3.11    Execution  of  the  Distribution  Agreement  between
    Schwarz  Pharma  AG on the one side and the  Companies  on
    the other side in accordance with Section 14.7 hereof

3.3.12     Execution  of  the  Sublicense  Agreement   between
    Schwarz  Pharma  AG on the one side and the  Companies  on
    the other side in accordance with Section 14.8 hereof

3.3.13    Transfer  of the Shares by a separate Notarial  Deed
    in  accordance with Sec. 2.3 hereof and in the  same  form
    of Annex B of the Reference Deed.

3.3.14    Delivery  of  Waiver declaration,  by  which  Seller
    waives  all  option  rights, sale rights  (Vorkaufsrechte)
    and    rights    of   first   receipt    of    an    offer
    (Voranbietungsrechte), to which Seller might  be  entitled
    regarding  the  Shares and partnership  interests  in  the

                        Purchase Price

4.1 The  purchase  price for  all Shares of the  Company  sold
    under  Section 2.1 hereof and representing 100  %  of  the
    total share capital of the Company shall be

                       DM 285,000,000.00
        (say: twohundredeightyfivemillionDeutschmarks)

    -  hereinafter and heretofore sometimes referred to as the
    "Purchase Price".

4.2 The  Purchase  Price shall become due and payable  against
    transfer  of  the Share in accordance with this  Agreement
    on the Closing Date.

4.3 The  Purchase  Price  shall be  paid  in  Deutschmarks  in
    immediately available funds to the following bank  account
    of Seller

    Accountholder:Schwarz Pharma AG
    Bank:    Deutsche Bank AG, Dusseldorf, Filiale
    BenrathBank Account:    657 1970
    Bank Code:        300 700 10

    Payment  of  the Purchase Price shall be effected  on  the
    Closing  Date  by wire transfer, free of any bank  charges
    and commissions.

4.4 Any  right  of the Purchaser and/or the Companies  to  set
    off  and/or  to  withhold  any  payments  due  under  this
    Agreement   and/or   any  Agreements   entered   into   in
    accordance  with  section 13 hereof  is  hereby  expressly
    waived  and  excluded. Any right of the Companies  to  set
    off  and/or  to withhold payments due under  an  Agreement
    entered  into in accordance with section 13 hereof against
    or  in  connection  with  claims  arising  out  of  or  in
    connection  with  the respective Agreement  shall  not  be
    affected thereby.

4.5 Schwarz  Pharma AG shall return to Purchaser the following
    portion  of  the  Purchase Price in  the  event  that  the
    appropriate German regulatory agency has denied through  a
    formal  letter  ("formlicher  Ablehnungsbescheid")  on  or
    before  the  date  indicated below the previously  applied
    for  re-registration of Pentalong 50 mg  and/or  Pentalong
    80 mg in accordance with the following stipulations:

    Pentalong 50 mg

    Amount to be Returned   Date of Denial of Registration
        DM 21 Million     Before July 1, 2000
    DM 12 Million     On or after July 1, 2000 but on
                             or before July 1, 2001

    Pentalong 80 mg

    Amount to be Returned   Date of Denial of Registration
        DM 14 Million         Before July 1, 2000
        DM  8  Million       On or  after July 1,  2000
                                  on or before July 1, 2001

    Any  payment  required  under this Clause  shall  be  made
    within  10 business days after Purchaser provides  a  copy
    of   the   aforesaid   letter   of   denial   ("formlicher
    Ablehnungsbescheid") to Schwarz Pharma AG.

4.6 The  aforesaid shall apply mutatis mutandis if  due  to  a
    change   in   the  German  Drug  Law  (AMG)  the   present
    registrations   (fiktive  Zulassungen)  shall   cease   by
    operation  of law (kraft Gesetzes erloschen) although  the
    Companies have properly and in time performed any and  all
    obligations and requirements stipulated by the  change  in
    the  German  Drug  Law (AMG) in connection  with  the  re-
    registration  of  Pentalong. Any repayment  obligation  of
    the  Seller, however, does only exist if the Purchaser can
    evidence  assuming  the  burden  of  the  proof  therefore
    (beweisen     unter    Ubernahme    der     vollen     und
    uneingeschrankten Beweislast) that the Companies have  met
    any  and  all  obligations and requirements in  accordance
    with  the change of the German Drug Law (AMG) in a  proper
    and   timely  manner.  In  such  case  the  date  of   the
    publication  of  the  ceasement of the re-registration  in
    the  Federal  Gazette (Bundesanzeiger) shall  replace  the
    letter of Denial (formlicher Ablehnungsbescheid).

4.7 The  aforesaid  agreement  about  the  risk  sharing  with
    respect  to  the re-registration of Pentalong  50  mg  and
    Pentalong  80 mg is accepted by Schwarz Pharma AG  on  the
    basis that neither the Purchaser nor the Parent or any  of
    the  Companies  or any of their employees, representatives
    or  advisers  shall  make  any  declarations  towards  the
    competent  authorities in connection with the pending  re-
    registration process without prior consultation  with  and
    the  written consent of the Schwarz Pharma AG, which shall
    not  be  unreasonably  withheld in  order  to  enable  the
    Purchaser  to truthfully, accurately and timely  make  all
    filings  required  by  law  or truthfully  and  accurately
    respond to inquiries of the governmental authorities.

4.8 Schwarz  Pharma  AG  shall  further  return  to  Purchaser
    portions  of the Purchase Price in the event that  certain
    contracts are terminated as specified in Annex 4.8 to  the
    Reference Deed in more detail.

                     Financial Statements

5.1 Schwarz  Pharma  AG  has submitted to  the  Purchaser  the
    audited  financial statements (balance sheet,  profit  and
    loss  account  and  the annex) of the  Companies  for  the
    business   year  ended  December  31,  1998  prepared   in
    accordance   with   generally  accepted   accounting   and
    valuation  principles  under  German  law,  including  the
    auditing    reports   and   the   auditor's    unqualified
    certificates (hereinafter sometimes collectively  referred
    to  as  "Financial Statements"). The Financial  Statements
    (without  the auditing reports) are attached as Annex  5.1
    to the Reference Deed.

5.2 Schwarz  Pharma AG has further submitted to the Purchaser,
    on  the  basis  of the Financial Statements,  consolidated
    financial   statements  for  the   business   year   ended
    December  31,  1998 prepared in accordance with  generally
    accepted accounting and valuation principles under  German
    law    (hereinafter   sometimes   referred   to   as   the
    "Consolidated  Financial  Statements").  The  Consolidated
    Financial  Statements are attached as  Annex  5.2  to  the
    Reference Deed.

5.3 Schwarz  Pharma  AG  shall establish financial  statements
    (balance sheet, profit and loss account and the annex)  of
    the  Companies for the period from January 1, 1999 through
    the  Effective Date (hereinafter sometimes referred to  as
    "Interim Financial Statements").

5.4 The  Interim Financial Statements shall be prepared on the
    basis  of  a  physical inventory and shall be prepared  in
    accordance   with   generally  accepted   accounting   and
    valuation  principles  under German  Law  as  consistently
    applied  by  the Companies. For the purpose  of  computing
    the  distributable profits, a German corporate income  tax
    rate  of  30%  upon  the taxable income shall  be  applied
    which   shall  be  reflected  in  the  Interim   Financial
    Statements. Irrespective hereof the distributable  profits
    shall   not   be   reflected  in  the  Interim   Financial
    Statements as liabilities vis a vis the Seller  but  shall
    be  accounted for as part of the stockholders equity.  The
    pension  obligations assumed by the Companies  vis  a  vis
    the   employees  the  employmentship  of  which  has  been
    transferred  from the Schwarz Pharma AG to  the  Companies
    as  identified  in Annex 8.1.8 (1) to the  Reference  Deed
    shall  be provided for in the Interim Financial Statements
    irrespective  of  at  what time such  transfer  has  taken

5.5 Schwarz Pharma AG shall further establish on the basis  of
    the   Interim   Financial  Statements  of  the   Companies
    consolidated  financial statements  for  the  period  from
    January  1,  1999 through the Effective Date - hereinafter
    sometimes  referred to as "Interim Consolidated  Financial
    Statements".    The    Interim   Consolidated    Financial
    Statements shall be prepared in accordance with  generally
    accepted accounting and valuation principles under  German
    law  to  be  applied  consistently with  the  Consolidated
    Financial  Statements.; within such  Interim  Consolidated
    Financial  Statements,  the capitalized  goodwill  of  the
    business  of  Puren for the period from  January  1,  1999
    through the Effective Date shall be depreciated at a  rate
    of  6.67% per annum. In determining the amount of deferred
    taxes  on  the  Closing Consolidated Financial  Statements
    the   amount   of  deferred  taxes  on  the   Consolidated
    Financial Statements shall be deemed to be correct and  no
    further  deferred taxes shall be build for the periods  up
    to  and  including December 31, 1998. Section 7 shall  not
    be  affected  by  the  previous  sentence.  The  last  two
    sentences of Clause 5.4 shall apply mutatis mutandis.

5.6 The   Interim   Financial  Statements  and   the   Interim
    Consolidated  Financial Statements  shall  be  audited  by
    Deloitte  &  Touche  GmbH  Wirtschaftsprufungsgesellschaft
    ("Deloitte") as the Companies' auditors.

5.7 The Purchaser is entitled to review the Interim Financial
    Statements and Interim Consolidated Financial Statements
    by PriceWaterhouseCoopers GmbH Wirt
    chaftsprufungsgesellschaft ("PriceWaterhouseCoopers") as
    the auditors of the Purchaser.

5.8 Schwarz  Pharma AG will do its best efforts to submit  the
    audited  Interim  Financial  Statements  and  the  audited
    Interim   Consolidated   Financial   Statements   to   the
    Purchaser  not later than August 15, 1999. Schwarz  Pharma
    AG   and  the  Companies  will  release  Deloitte  as  the
    Companies'   auditors   from  its   professional   secrecy
    obligations  and  authorize Deloitte to  grant  access  to
    PriceWaterhouseCoopers  as the auditor  of  the  Purchaser
    with respect to its papers and audit records.

5.9 If  the Purchaser does not notify Schwarz Pharma AG within
    30   days   following  receipt  of  the  audited   Interim
    Financial  Statements and the audited Interim Consolidated
    Financial Statements according to Section 5.8 hereof  that
    it  has  any  objections  against  any  of  the  aforesaid
    financial   statements,   specifying   in   writing   each
    individual   item  and  the  reasons  for  the  objections
    thereupon,  the  audited Interim Financial Statements  and
    the  audited  Interim  Consolidated  Financial  Statements
    shall  become  the final Closing Financial Statements  and
    the  final  Closing Consolidated Financial Statements  for
    the  purpose  of  this  Agreement - hereinafter  sometimes
    collectively   referred  to  as  the  "Closing   Financial

5.10If  the Purchaser does notify Schwarz Pharma AG within  30
    days   following   receipt  of   the   Interim   Financial
    Statements, the Interim Consolidated Financial  Statements
    and  the  auditors'  reports  of  any  objections  to  the
    aforesaid  financial  statements,  specifying  in  writing
    each  individual item objected to and the reason  for  the
    objections  thereupon,  both parties  shall  then  try  to
    reach  an  agreement  in the adjustment  required  to  the
    Interim    Financial   Statements   and/or   the   Interim
    Consolidated  Financial Statements.  If  the  parties  are
    unable  to  reach an agreement on the aforesaid  financial
    statements  within  30 days of receipt of  the  Purchaser'
    objections  by  Schwarz Pharma AG, the  items  in  dispute
    shall be referred to the arbiters proceedings referred  to
    in  Section  11  in order to obtain the Closing  Financial

5.11All  costs arising out of and in connection with the audit
    of  the  Interim  Financial  Statements  and  the  Interim
    Consolidated  Financial Statements  referred  to  in  this
    Section  5 shall be borne by theSeller. All costs  arising
    out   of  and  in  connection  with  any  review  of  such
    financial statements referred to in this Section 5 by  the
    Purchaser  shall be borne by Purchaser. All  external  and
    internal  labour  costs  and  other  internal  costs   and
    expenses   of  the  Companies  for  the  preparation   and
    establishment of the Interim Financial Statements and  the
    Interim  Consolidated Financial Statements shall be  borne
    by  the  Companies but shall not be accrued  and  provided
    for   (nicht   als   Verbindlichkeiten  auszuweisen   oder
    zuruckzustellen) in such financial statements.

5.12Purchaser  and  Parent shall procure  that  the  Companies
    assist  Seller in any respect and to the extent  necessary
    to  establish  the  Interim Financial Statements  and  the
    Closing   Consolidated  Financial  Statements,   including
    provision  of  unrestricted access to all Companies'  data
    required   for   the  establishment  of   such   financial
    statements  and of personnel qualified for such task  also
    including  assistance by the management of  the  Companies
    which   shall   for  this  purpose  be  subject   to   the
    instructions of the Seller.

     Net-Equity Guarantee/Adjustment of the Purchase Price

6.1 Schwarz Pharma AG hereby guarantees that the Adjusted Net-
    Equity  , as hereinafter defined, of ISIS Pharma  GmbH  at
    book  value  as of the Effective Date and as reflected  in
    the   Closing  Consolidated  Financial  Statements   shall
    amount    to    at    least    DM     81,288,000     (say:
    Deutschmarks) in the aggregate, provided however that  the
    sum  set forth in this sentence shall be increased by  any
    interest  on the DM 50 million Shareholders'loan  for  the
    period from January 1, 1998 through December 31, 1998  not
    being  settled by the Companies at the latest on  December
    31, 1998.

6.2 For  purposes  of  this Agreement and the consummation  of
    the  transactions contemplated hereunder,  "Adjusted  Net-
    Equity"  shall be defined as (a) the total of  all  assets
    other  than cash and cash equivalents minus (b) the  total
    of  all  liabilities other than stockholders'  equity  and
    liabilities  due to banks and accounts due to  the  Seller
    and  its  affiliated companies, except trade payables  due
    to    the    Seller    and   its   affiliated    companies
    (Verbindlichkeiten   aus   Lieferungen   und    Leistungen
    gegenuber    der   Verkauferin   und   ihren   verbundenen
    Unternehmen),   each   as   reflected   in   the   Closing
    Consolidated  Financial  Statements  plus  (c)  a   deemed
    amount  of DM 1 million in recognition of the depreciation
    of  the capitalized goodwill of the business of Puren  for
    the  period  from  January 1, 1999 through  the  Effective
    Date  in  accordance  with Section  5.5  hereof.  For  the
    purpose  of  this  Section  6, the  term  "cash  and  cash
    equivalent" shall have the meaning as defined  in  Section
    266  para 2 lit. B. IV. German Commercial Code (HGB),  and
    the  term  "trade  payables"  shall  mean  obligations  in
    connection with the purchase of goods by the Companies  or
    the  provision of services to the Companies as defined  in
    Section  266  para  3  lit. C 4.  German  Commercial  Code

6.3 The  parties will use their best efforts to hold  a  Post-
    Closing ("Post-Closing") on September 20, 1999 (the "Post-
    Closing  Date")  for  the  purpose  of  establishing   the
    Adjusted Net Equity as of the Effective Date.

6.4 In  the  event  that  (a) the Adjusted Net-Equity  on  the
    Closing  Consolidated Financial Statements plus  (b)  cash
    and   cash   equivalents   on  the  Consolidated   Closing
    Financial  Statements  ("Closing  Cash")  minus  (c)   any
    dividends  (Bardividenden) the Seller is  entitled  to  in
    accordance  with section 2.2 and Annex C to the  Reference
    Deed  ("Dividend 1999") exceeds the amount as referred  to
    in  Section 6.1 above, the exceeding amount shall be  paid
    by the Purchaser to the Seller on the Post-Closing Date  -
    hereinafter  sometimes  referred  to  as  the  "Additional
    Purchase Price".

6.5 Payments  to  be made by the Seller according  to  Section
    6.4  above shall bear interest at the annual rate of  4  %
    from the Effective Date to the date of payment.

6.6 In  the  event  that  (a) the Adjusted Net-Equity  on  the
    Closing  Consolidated Financial Statements  plus  (b)  the
    Closing Cash minus (c) the Dividend 1999 is less than  the
    amount  referred to in Section 6.1 above,  the  amount  of
    the deficiency shall be paid to the Purchaser on the Post-
    Closing Date.

6.7 Payments  to  be  made by Schwarz Pharma AG  according  to
    Section  6.6  above shall bear interest at an annual  rate
    of  4  %  from  the  Effective Date through  the  date  of

6.8 The  Dividend  1999 shall be distributed  by  ISIS  Pharma
    GmbH  to  the  Seller in accordance with the shareholders'
    resolution  attached as Annex C to the Reference  Deed  at
    the  latest on the Post Closing Date. Any payment  of  the
    Dividend  1999  prior  to the Post Closing Date  shall  be
    limited  to the cash or cash equivalent available  in  the
    Companies  on  the Effective Date. The Purchaser  and  the
    Parent guarantee the
    proper  payment of any part of the Dividend 1999 remaining
    after any cash payment made pursuant to this clause 6.8.

6.9 If  and  to the extent that any liabilities due  to  banks
    and   accounts  due  to  the  Seller  and  its  affiliated
    companies,  except trade payables due to  the  Seller  and
    its  affiliated  companies are reflected  in  the  Closing
    Consolidated   Financial  Statements,  the  Seller   shall
    reimburse  to the Purchaser the amount of such liabilities
    and  accounts at the Post-Closing Date. In such case,  the
    Purchaser,  however, guarantees that  the  Companies  will
    fully  comply  with  their  obligations  out  of  and   in
    connection with such liabilities and accounts.

6.10For  clarity the parties agree that, had the Closing  Date
    been  April 30, 1999, the calculation of the Adjusted  Net
    Equity  and  the  payments due under this clause  6  would
    have  been  as  set forth in Annex 6.10 to  the  Reference

6.11The  payment  of  the  Purchase Price in  accordance  with
    Section  4  hereof shall not be affected  by  any  of  the
    foregoing provisions.

6.12The  guarantee assumed by the Seller under Clause 6.1  and
    the  undertaking  of the Seller under  Clause   6.9  above
    shall not survive the Post Closing Date provided that  the
    payments  of  Seller required by this Clause 6  are  fully

              Taxes and Other Public Impositions

7.1 The   Seller  hereby  represents  and  warrants   to   the
    Purchaser,  effective  as of the Closing  Date,  that  the
    Companies  have  filed all returns with regard  to  taxes,
    public  impositions and charges as defined in  the  German
    Fiscal  Code (Steuern, Abgaben und Gebuhren im  Sinne  der
    Abgabenordnung)  and  all  social  security  contributions
    (Sozialabgaben)  including  any  interest  and   penalties
    thereupon   (steuerliche  Nebenleistungen  im  Sinne   der
    Abgabenordnung oder vergleichbare Leistungen in bezug  auf
    Sozialabgaben)   -   hereinafter  sometimes   collectively
    referred  to  as  "Taxes and other Public  Impositions"  -
    required  to be filed by the Companies up to the Effective
    Date  under  any  mandatory law, and all Taxes  and  other
    Public  Impositions related to any time period up  to  the
    Effective  Date  have  been paid by,  or  will  have  been
    accrued   and  provided  for  in  the  Closing   Financial
    Statements  and  none  of the Companies  have  waived  any
    statute  of  limitation in respect of Taxes or  agreed  to
    any  extention  of time with respect to a  tax  assessment
    and there are no liens of any Taxes.

7.2 The  Seller shall reimburse the Purchaser any amounts  due
    as   outstanding   Taxes  and  other  Public   Impositions
    assessed  or  to be assessed against any  or  all  of  the
    Companies  for  any time period up to the  Effective  Date
    including  Taxes on distributed profits for  said  period,
    regardless  of  when paid except to the extent  any  taxes
    are  withheld  from  said distribution after  the  Closing
    Date   (mit   Ausnahme  einbehaltener  und   abzufuhrender
    Kapitalertragsteuer), provided, however, that  this  shall
    not  apply  with respect to any applicable tax rate  other
    than  that  agreed  upon in section 5.4 on  the  following
    terms and conditions.

7.2.1     In  calculating  any amount payable  by  the  Seller
    hereunder,  the relevant amount of Taxes and other  Public
    Impositions assessed shall first be reduced by the  amount
    of  accruals  and  provisions made  for  Taxes  and  other
    Public  Impositions  in the Closing Financial  Statements,
    if any.

7.2.2     Secondly,  any  amount  of Taxes  and  other  Public
    Impositions  payable  by  the Seller  hereunder  shall  be
    further  reduced by the amount of any refund of Taxes  and
    other Public Impositions to the extent not capitalized  in
    the  Closing Financial Statements for any time periods  up
    to  the Effective Date, which the Companies may receive in
    cash  or  by  means of setoff from their  liabilities  for
    Taxes  and  other Public Impositions before or  after  the
    Effective Date.

7.2.3     Thirdly,  if a tax field audit of the Companies  for
    any  time  period up to and including the  Effective  Date
    results  in  a  step-up  in the tax basis  of  capitalized
    assets, or in the first-time capitalization of assets  for
    tax   purposes,  which  provides  the  Companies  with   a
    potential  of  increased depreciation on  such  assets  in
    subsequent  time periods, then all possible  corresponding
    net  reductions of Taxes and other Public Impositions  due
    by  the  relevant  Companies in  subsequent  time  periods
    shall  be  calculated on the basis of a deemed  total  tax
    rate  of  40  %  and  their aggregate  net  present  value
    (applying  a  discount rate of 8 %) at the Effective  Date
    shall  be  deducted  from any amount of  Taxes  and  other
    Public  Impositions  payable  by  the  Seller  under  this
    Section  7.  The aforesaid shall not apply to  the  extent
    that  the  same tax field audit results in a  decrease  in
    the  tax  basis of capitalized assets, which provides  the
    Companies  with  a potential of decreased depreciation  on
    such  assets  in subsequent time periods; in  such  event,
    possible  corresponding net increases of Taxes  and  other
    Public  Impositions  due  by  the  relevant  Companies  in
    subsequent time periods shall be caluclated on  the  basis
    of  a  deemed  total tax rate of 40 % and their  aggregate
    net  present value (applying a discount rate of  8  %)  at
    the  Effective  Date  shall be  set-off  against  the  net
    present  value set out in the previous sentence.  For  the
    avoidance  of  doubt, the Seller shall not compensate  the
    Purchaser  any  net  present value of potential  decreased
    depreciation exceeding any net present value of  potential
    increased depreciation.

7.3 Any  refund of Taxes and other Public Impositions  to  the
    Companies  for any time periods up to the Effective  Date,
    which  the  Companies may receive in cash or by  means  of
    setoff  from their liabilities for Taxes and other  Public
    Impositions  which  are  not capitalized  in  the  Closing
    Financial Statements and which are not reducted  from  any
    payments due by the Seller under Section 7.2 hereof  shall
    be reimbursed by the Purchaser to the Seller in cash.

7.4 The  Purchaser is not entitled to any payment  under  this
    Section,  if the aggregate amount of all claims  does  not
    exceed DM -50,000.--. In case the aggregate amount  of  DM
    50,000.--  is  exceeded the Purchaser can only  claim  the
    exceeding amount.

7.5 All  claims of the Purchaser in connection with Taxes  and
    other   Public  Impositions  shall  become  statute-barred
    within  six  (6)  months  from the  date  upon  which  the
    assessment,  or  any amended assessment, of  the  relevant
    Taxes and other Public Impositions becomes res iudicata.

7.6 The  Purchaser shall immediately notify the Seller of  any
    tax  audit  of the Companies and any announcement  thereof
    relating to any time period up to the Effective Date.  The
    Seller  and/or  its  representative shall  be  given  full
    access  to and the right to participate in such tax  audit
    and  to  contest,  where  possible,  any  findings  and/or
    assessments  of the relevant tax authorities which  relate
    to  time  periods up to the Effective Date. Any  such  tax
    audit  shall be conducted under the exclusive  control  of
    the  Seller  for which purposes the Purchaser shall  cause
    the  Companies to appoint such advisers nominated  by  the
    Seller  as  their  sole  representatives  vis  a  vis  the
    relevant  authorities and to refrain from  any  statements
    or  declarations  vis  a vis the authorities  without  the
    prior  approval  of  the  Seller  or  the  representatives
    nominated. The representatives nominated by Seller and  to
    be  appointed  by the Companies shall be released  by  the
    Companies  from their secrecy obligation  vis  a  vis  the
    Seller  and shall have the unrestricted authority to  make
    any   statements   and  declarations,   subject   to   any
    instructions of the Seller, in the name and on  behalf  of
    the  Companies  vis  a vis the authorities  in  connection
    with  such  tax audits; the representatives shall  further
    be   appointed  as  process  agent  (Zustellungsbevollmach
    tigter)   of   the   Companies.  The  representatives   so
    appointed  shall  inform the Companies about  any  filings
    made  in  connection with the tax audits and shall discuss
    any  filings with the Companies which may have an material
    adverse  impact on the tax situation of the Companies  for
    the  periods  after the Effective Date;  in  case  of  the
    latter  the Seller and the Purchaser will unanimously  and
    in   good  faith  take  a  decision  which  balances   the
    interests  of both parties. The Purchaser shall  upon  the
    request  of  the  Seller further cause  the  Companies  to
    initiate   appropriate  appeals  proceedings  to   contest
    assessments   for  Taxes  and  other  Public   Impositions
    relating  to  time periods up to the Effective  Date  and,
    where  necessary,  take  the  matter  to  the  appropriate
    courts  in accordance with the instructions of the Seller.
    The  aforesaid provisions shall apply mutatis mutandis  to
    any    such   proceedings.   The   costs   of   any   such
    administrative and/or legal proceedings and actions  shall
    be borne by the Seller.

7.7 If  the  Purchaser fails to notify the Seller of  any  tax
    audit  of  the Companies and any announcements thereof  in
    due  time,  which prevents the Seller and/or  any  of  its
    representatives to participate in such tax audit from  the
    very  beginning,  or  if  the Seller  and/or  any  of  its
    representatives is not given full access to and the  right
    to  participate in and control of such tax  audit  in  due
    time  or if the Companies do not comply with any other  of
    the  stipulations pursuant to Section 7.6 hereof or do not
    initiate   appropriate  appeals  proceeding   to   contest
    assessments  for  Taxes and other Public Impositions  upon
    request of the Seller in a proper form, any claims of  the
    Purchaser  and/or the Companies under this Section  7  out
    of  and  in  connection  with such tax  audit  are  hereby
    expressly waived and excluded.

7.8 Any  upside  or  downside adjustments  of  taxable  income
    ("steuerliche Mehr- und Minderergebnisse") resulting  from
    any  tax  audit and any additional liability or refund  of
    the  Companies for Taxes and other Public Impositions  for
    time  periods up to and including the Effective Date which
    the  other party may become aware of, shall not affect the
    Purchase  Price and shall not have any impact on  the  Net
    Equity  as  reflected in the Closing Financial Statements.
    Furthermore,  the Seller is in such case not  entitled  to
    any  further distribution of profits nor is he obliged  to
    pay back any profits already received.

                   Warranties of the Seller

8.1 Schwarz  Pharma AG hereby represents and warrants  to  the
    Purchaser   by   way  of  an  independent   guarantee   in
    accordance  with  305 German Civil Code (gewahrleistet  in
    Form  eines selbstandigen Garantieversprechens i.S.d.  305
    BGB),- subject to the provision of Section 9.3 - that  the
    following  statements  and  declarations  are   true   and
    correct as of the Closing Date:

8.1.1    Corporate Issues and Authority of the Seller

    (1) The  Companies  are  properly  organized  and  validly
         existing  under the laws of the Federal  Republic  of
         Germany.  The statements in Sec. 1 of this  agreement
         relating  to  the  Companies,  the  shares  and   the
         subsidiaries  are  complete  and  correct  in   every
         respect.  The Shares have been continously  held  for
         the   last   ten   (10)  years  by  Corporations   or
         individuals  who: (1) are entitled to  German  income
         tax  credit, and (2) would be subject to tax  on  the
         sale  of the Shares. The Companies have the corporate
         power to carry on their respective business as it  is
         now  conducted.  All information and  data  regarding
         ownership,   corporate  rights  and   privileges   of
         Schwarz  Pharma AG and the Companies, as specifically
         referred  to  in  Section  1  above,  are  true   and
         correct.   All   resolutions  and   other   documents
         necessary  to be filed with the Commercial  Registers
         of  the  Companies  have been  duly  filed  and  were
         correct once filed.

    (2) All     contributions    to    the    share    capital
         (Stammkapital)     and     the      equity      stock
         (Kommanditkapital) of the Companies are  fully  paid-
         in  and  are  non-assessable and no  repayments  have
         been  made.  All  applicable  provisions  under   the
         respective   laws   have  been  duly   observed,   in
         particular  regarding  the  increase  of  the   share
         capital  of  the  Companies. The Shares  are  validly
         existing,  free  and clear of any  lien,  rights  and
         privileges  of  third parties and Schwarz  Pharma  AG
         may  freely dispose of the Shares without limitations
         or  restrictions.  There are no options,  shareholder
         agreements  or  understanding  with  respect  to  the
         Shares  or the Interests including without limitation
         individual shareholders' rights.

         (3)  The execution, delivery and performance of  this
         Agreement  including  the  transactions  contemplated
         hereunder  do  not violate any other undertakings  or
         obligations of Schwarz Pharma AG. Schwarz  Pharma  AG
         has  the  full authority to enter into this Agreement
         and to perform its obligations hereunder.

         (4)  Annex 8.1.1(4) to the Reference Deed contains  a
         most  recent  abstract from the competent  Commercial
         Register and the true, accurate and complete  version
         of  the  articles  of association  of  the  Companies
         presently valid and in full force and effect. All  of
         the   corporate   rights  and  obligations   of   the
         shareholders  are fully and exclusively contained  in
         such  Articles of Associations as far as not provided
         by  law  or  mentioned  in  this  Agreement,  and  no
         changes   have   been  made   to  the   Articles   of
         Association   and   the  Commercial   Register.   The
         Companies  do  not  have  established  a  Supervisory
         Board  or any similar corporate board such as  a  so-
         called "Verwaltungrat" or "Beirat" or the like.

         (5)  The  Companies and any of its  subsidiaries  are
         not   bound  by  a  domination  or  profit  and  loss
         absorption    agreement   (Beherrschungs-    und/oder
         Gewinnabfuhrungsvertrag)  or  any  other   agreements
         (andere  Unternehmensvertrage) within the meaning  of
         Art.  291  et  seq.  of the German Stock  Corporation

         (6)  The  Companies  do not own  or  hold  any  other
         equity, interest or shares in any other legal  entity
         (Gesellschaft)  and  are  not  party  to  any  joint-
         venture agreement.

         (7)  With  the  transfer of the Shares in  accordance
         with Sec. 2 Purchaser acquires full unrestricted  and
         unencumbered  title  to  such  Shares,  to  his  free

         (8)   The  Companies  are  neither  overindebted  nor
         insolvent (uberschuldet oder zahlungsunfahig).

8.1.2    Financial Statements

    (1) Schwarz  Pharma AG has delivered to the Purchaser  the
         audited  Financial  Statements of the  Companies  for
         the  business  year  ended  December  31,  1998.  The
         Financial   Statements   have   been   prepared    in
         accordance  with  generally accepted  accounting  and
         valuation  principles as applied  in  the  past.  The
         Financial  Statements give a true and  fair  view  of
         the   financial   status  and  of  the   results   of
         operations  of  the Companies within the  meaning  of
           264  para.  2  German Commercial  Code/HGB  at  the
         relevant date of the balance sheet.

    (2) The  Closing Financial Statements will be prepared  in
         accordance  with  generally accepted  accounting  and
         valuation  principles as more specifically  described
         in  Section  5.4.  The  Closing Financial  Statements
         will  give  a  true  and fair view of  the  financial
         status  and  of  the  results of  operations  of  the
         Companies  within the meaning of 264 para.  2  German
         Commercial  Code/HGB  at the  relevant  date  of  the
         balance sheet.

         (3)  Since December 31, 1998, no dividends have  been
         declared   or   distributed   (sind   keine   offenen
         Gewinnausschuttungen  beschlossen  oder   vorgenommen
         worden)  by  the  Company to the  Seller  other  than
         those stated in Annex 8.1.2 to the Reference Deed.

         (4)   The  stock  (Vorrate)  stated  in  the  Closing
         Financial  Statements is only encumbered  with  title
         retention  rights or other securities for liabilities
         which  came into existance during the ordinary course
         of the business.

         (5)  The  Companies have no liabilities or  repayment
         obligations  with  regard  to  public  grants  except
         those   accrued  and  provided  for  in  the  Closing
         Financial Statements.

         (6)  The  Companies have no liabilities due to  banks
         or   other  accounts  due  to  the  Seller  and   its
         affiliated  companies  as  of  the  Effective   Date,
         except  trade  payables due to  the  Seller  and  its
         affiliated   Companies  other  than   those   to   be
         reimbursed   by  the  Seller  to  the  Purchaser   in
         accordance with Section 6.9 hereof

8.1.3     Course of Business as of January 1, 1999 through the
    Closing Date

    During  the period from January 1, 1999 up to the  Closing
    Date,  the  Companies have been operated in  the  ordinary
    course  of business and in accordance with this Agreement.
    In  particular,  there  has not been  to  the  extent  not
    disclosed  in  Annex 8.1.3 to the Reference  Deed  to  the

         (i)  any  material adverse effect on the  properties,
         business and financial position of the Companies;

         (ii)any    material   sale,   lease,   transfer    or
         assignment of any assets, tangible or intangible,  of
         the  Companies, other than in the ordinary course  of
         (iii)     any material damage, destruction  or  loss,
         whether or not covered by an insurance;

         (iv)any  mortgage or pledge of, or any subjection  to
         any  lien,  charge, security interest or  encumbrance
         of  any  kind of the Shares, or on any of the  assets
         of the Companies;

         (v)  any  increase  or  commitment  to  increase  the
         compensation  of  employees,  other   than   in   the
         ordinary  course  of business, or as necessitated  by
         legal   requirements  or  any  applicable  collective
         bargaining agreements.

8.1.4    Real Estate and Tangible Assets

    (1) The  Companies  do not own any real estate  and  there
         are  no  obligations  and liabilities  of  or  claims
         against   the  Companies  arising  out   of   or   in
         connection  with ownership or use of real  estate  in
         the  past, except those accrued and provided  for  in
         the  Closing Financial Statements for the real estate
         presently leased in Monheim and Zwickau.

    (2) The  operational  and  office equipment  belonging  to
         the  business  of the Companies as of  the  Effective
         Date   is   reflected   in  the   Closing   Financial
         Statements,  and these assets are the  sole  property
         of  the  Companies or are leased by them, not subject
         to  any  rights, liens or interest of  third  parties
         except  as  subject to statutory liens and  retention
         of  title  clauses in the ordinary course of business
         which  do  not  materially and adversely  affect  the
         Companies use of said assets. All such assets are  in
         satisfactory  operating condition  and  in  a  normal
         state  of  maintenance and repair, except for  normal
         wear  and  tear  of such property. All assets  leased
         under  agreements requiring in each  individual  case
         the  payment of more than DM 100,000.-- per annum are
         listed in Annex 8.1.4 (2) to the Reference Deed.

8.1.5    Intangible Assets

    (1) The  Companies  have registered or  are  the  licensee
         under such patents, de-
         sign  patents and trademarks as identified  in  Annex
         8.1.5   (1a)   to  the  Reference  Deed  (hereinafter
         collectively referred to as the "Industrial  Property
         Rights")  attached.  To  the best  knowledge  of  the
         Seller, the Industrial Property Rights and all  other
         trade  secrets, know-how, technical and manufacturing
         processess  (Other  Intangible  Property)   presently
         used  in the business of the Companies do not violate
         the  rights  of  any third persons and the  Companies
         have  the  right to use the same in the  business  of
         the  Companies  as it is presently conducted  and  as
         they  are  presently  used, except  as  disclosed  in
         Annex 8.1.5 (1b) to the Reference Deed.

    (2) The  Companies have granted only such licences to  use
         the   Industrial  Property  Rights   or   the   Other
         Intangible Property to any third party including  the
         Seller and his affiliated companies as are listed  in
         Annex 8.1.5 (2) to the Reference Deed.

         (3)  To  the  best  knowledge  of  the  Seller  third
         parties  do  not  infringe  the  Industrial  Property
         Rights of the Companies and the products sold by  the
         Companies  do  not  infringe  or  conflict  with  any
         intellectual  property rights of  any  other  person.
         Third  parties  neither  have  challenged  nor   have
         threatened  in  writing to challenge  the  Industrial
         Property  Rights  by  means of filing  objections  or
         taking  action for cancellations, except as disclosed
         in Annex 8.1.5 (3) to the Reference Deed.

         (4)  The  representations and warranties  under  this
         section  8.1.5  are  subject  to  (stehen  unter  dem
         Vorbehalt   von)   all  priority  rights   agreements
         (Vorrechtsvereinbarungen) the Companies have  entered
         into  in  the  normal course of business relating  to
         trademarks   provided  that  those  priority   rights
         agreements  with respect to the trademark "Pentalong"
         are listed in Annex 8.1.5(4) to the Reference Deed.

8.1.6    Permits and Licences

    (1) All  general public permits and licences required  for
         the conduct of the
         business of the Companies have been obtained and  are
         in full force and effect.

    (2) The  Companies  hold  for each  of  its  products  all
         necessary  registrations  (fiktive  Zulassungen)   or
         marketing    authorizations   (arzneimittelrechtliche
         Zulassungen)  or  so-called "Mitvertriebsrechte"  for
         the  sale  of  the products of the Companies  in  the
         Federal  Republic  of Germany. The products  and  the
         respective  registrations,  marketing  authorizations
         or  Mitvertriebsrechte are listed in Annex 8.1.6  (2)
         to  the  Reference  Deed. Such Annex  will  show  the
         current   status  of  the  registrations,   marketing
         authorizations   or   Mitvertriebsrechte   and    the
         relevant  information under which law and  regulation
         the   registrations,  marketing   authorizations   or
         Mitvertriebsrechte have been obtained and whether  or
         not  the Companies have received and/or answered  any
         deficiency letters (Mangelbescheide).

    (3) All  marketing authorizations are valid and have  been
         issued  pursuant to applications or filings  made  in
         accordance  with the applicable laws and  regulations
         in   all  material  respect.  All  applications   for
         renewal,  for subsequent admission and other  filings
         necessary  to obtain or maintain the right to  market
         the  products  have been filed in due  time.  To  the
         best  knowledge of the Seller, all conditions imposed
         by  the  German Regulatory Authorities in  connection
         with  the marketing authorizations have been complied
         with.  There  is  no pending action or  investigation
         against  the Companies by any governmental  authority
         (behordlicherseits     eingeleitete      und      den
         Gesellschaften mitgeteilte Verwaltungsverfahren  oder
         Untersuchungen) or by any third party (erhobener  und
         den Gesellschaften mitgeteilter Drittwiderspruch)  to
         withdraw, revoke, suspend or limit the present  scope
         of  use  of any marketing authorization nor is  there
         any   written   notice  explicitly   threatening   to
         commence such actions or investigations except  those
         disclosed in Annex 8.1.6 (3) to the Reference Deed.

    (4) All  applications and filings regarding  the  products
         listed in Annex 8.1.6 (2) to the Reference Deed  have
         been   made   without  breach  of   any   contractual
         obligation of the Companies in relation to any  third
         party  and  to  the  best  knowledge  of  the  Seller
         without  infringement of any other right or  property
         of any third party.

    (5) The  products  which have not yet been placed  on  the
         market  but  which are planned to be  placed  on  the
         market by the year 2003 are specified in Annex  8.1.6
         (5)  to the Reference Deed. This Annex also shows the
         calendar  quarter for which the introduction  on  the
         market  is  contemplated. As far as applications  for
         marketing authorizations have already been  filed  by
         the  Companies,  but not granted  to  the  Companies,
         they,  to  the  best knowledge of  the  Seller,  were
         filed  without infringing third parties'  rights.  It
         is  hereby  expressly  stated and  confirmed  by  the
         Purchaser that no representations and warranties  are
         assumed  by  the Seller with respect to the  granting
         of   marketing   authorizations  for  such   products
         specified  in  Annex 8.1.6 (5) to the Reference  Deed
         by   making   the  statements  in  this  Section   or
         otherwise, whether explicitly nor implicitly.

         (6)  To  the  knowledge of Seller, the Companies  are
         not  in  violation of any law which  has  a  material
         adverse effect on the business or the assets  of  the

         (7)    To   the   knowledge   of   the   Seller   the
         Mitvertriebsrechte have not been terminated nor  have
         they  been  threatened in writing  to  be  terminated
         except  as  disclosed  in  Annex  8.1.6  (7)  to  the
         Reference Deed.

8.1.7    Major Contracts and Obligations

    (1) The  Companies have given no guarantees,  sureties  or
         similar undertakings surviving the Effective Date  to
         secure  liabilities  of  (a) third  persons,  or  (b)
         liabilities   of   the  Seller  and  its   affiliated
         companies  except those disclosed in Annex 8.1.7  (1)
         to the Reference Deed.

    (2) As  of  the  Effective Date there are no credit  lines
         with  banks,  and no loans outstanding, except  those
         liabilities,  credit lines and loans  outstanding  as
         are  disclosed  in Annex 8.1.7 (2) to  the  Reference
         Deed  other than those to be reimbursed by the Seller
         to the Purchaser in accordance with Sec. 6.9 hereof.

         (3)  There are no further contracts entered  into  by
         the   Companies  which  were  not  disclosed  to  the
         Purchaser   in  the Data Room , which  in  each  case
         might  result  in  a liability of  the  Companies  in
         excess  of DM 250,000.-- or which in each case  might
         lead  to an obligation of the Companies with a  value
         in excess of DM 250,000.--.

         (4)  Annex  8.1.7(4) to the Reference Deed lists  all
         payments due after the Closing Date and exceeding  an
         annual  amount  of  DM 100,000 per contract  for  the
         licence  or  purchase  of products,  registration  or
         dossiers,  provided, however, that  such  Annex  does
         not   list  any  royalties  and  the  like  or  other
         payments  based upon the sales level (umsatzabhangige
         Vergutungen) of the Companies.

         (5) The Companies are not party or subject to

                   (a)  contractual competition restraints  to
              the detriment of the Companies or
                   (b)  any  judgement or  order  rendered  by
              court  or  administrative  proceedings  or   any
              settlement  entered in such context which  would
              substantially  impair or restrict the  Companies
              in their businesses as presently conducted

         (6)   The  Companies  are  not  in  breach   of   any
         contracts  which might result in a liability  of  the
         Companies  in excess of DM 250,000 in each individual
         case,  or  which, in each individual case might  lead
         to  an  obligation of the Companies with a  value  in
         excess   of  DM  250,000,  and  there  are  no   such
         contracts directly related to the Products which  are
         subject  to change of ownership clauses except  those
         as  disclosed  in  Annex 8.1.7(6)  to  the  Reference

         (7)    The    manufacturing   and   related    assets
         transferred to Schwarz Pharma AG by the Companies  on
         or  about  December 31, 1998, included a transfer  to
         Schwarz Pharma AG of all liabilities (whether  known,
         unknown,  absolute  or contingent) relating  directly
         or   indirectly   to   the  manufacturing   business,
         operation  and assets of the Companies  except  those
         as  accrued and provided for in the Closing Financial
         Statements, and the Companies do not have  any  other
         liabilities  (whether  known,  unknown,  absolute  or
         contingent) from any other manufacturing activities.

8.1.8    Labour Matters

    (1) The  Companies  employ  not more  than  185  employees
         details  of  which are listed in Annex 8.1.8  (1)  to
         the   Reference   Deed.   Employees   identified   as
         "Austritt       30.6."       and       the       five
         "Leiharbeitsverhaltnisse" do not  count.  Such  Annex
         contains  all relevant information about the salaries
         and bonuses the employees are entitled to.

         (2)  There  are  in  excess of any  statutory  rights
         (gesetzliche Rentenversicherung) no pension  or  old-
         age  plans  or  similar arrangements with  employees,
         except  those  disclosed in Annex 8.1.8  (2)  to  the
         Reference  Deed  or with respect to former  employees
         of   the  Seller  as  provided  for  in  the  Closing
         financial statement.

    (3) The  Companies  have  only  entered  into  such  shop-
         agreements  (Betriebsvereinbarungen), as referred  to
         in Annex 8.1.8 (3) to the Reference Deed.

    (4) Only  those  persons  who are  referred  to  in  Annex
         8.1.8  (4)  to  the Reference Deed  attached  to  the
         Reference  Deed have power of attorney and  authority
         (gesetzliche Vertretungsmacht oder Bankvollmacht)  to
         sign  and  to represent the Companies in  general  or
         vis-a-vis banks or other financial institutions.

8.1.9    Litigation

    There     are     no     legal     proceedings     pending
    (Rechtsstreitigkeiten    anhangig)    or    administrative
    investigations    opened   by   any    public    authority
    (behordlicherseits   eroffnete  und   den   Gesellschaften
    mitgeteilte  offentlich-rechtliche  Verwaltungsverfahren),
    or  -  to  the knowledge of Seller - threatened explicitly
    in  writing,  to  which the Companies or - resulting  from
    the  business  and the operation of the  Companies  -  its
    management  are  a  party as defendant  or  plaintiff,  or
    which  to  Seller's knowledge could adversely  affect  the
    Companies'  business  or assets except  those  proceedings
    which are disclosed in Annex 8.1.9 to the Reference Deed.

8.1.10   Product Liability/Insurance

    (1) There  are  no  reasons to believe, after the  inquiry
         and  investigation of the senior staff and management
         of  the  Companies,  that  product  liability  claims
         might be brought against the Companies.

    (2) Annex  8.1.10  (2)  to the Reference Deed  contains  a
         true,  accurate  and complete list of  all  insurance
         policies   applicable  to  the  Companies  (and   its
         respective  business and assets). The Companies  have
         performed  all  obligations  arising  out   of   such
         insurance  contracts except those which  are  accrued
         and   provided   for   in   the   Closing   Financial
         Statements.  All  insurances are in  full  force  and
         effect for the period up to the Closing Date.

    (3) Annex  8.1.10  (3)  to the Reference  Deed  lists  all
         product  liability claims existing  within  the  last
         five  (5) years and all products discontinued  within
         the same time period.

8.1.11   Environmental

    There  is  no  liability, whether asserted or  unasserted,
    fixed  or  contingent, relating to the property presently,
    or  prior  hereto, leased or used by the  Companies  which
    results  from  any environmental matters,  including,  the
    use,    discharge,   disposal,   storage,    accumulation,
    transport,  leakage,  spillage or  other  actions  by  the
    Companies   with   respect  to  any   harmful   or   toxic
    substances,   hazardous   waste   or   other   pollutants,
    contaminants or nuisances and no claim has been made  with
    respect  to  the operation of facilities of the  Companies
    resulting from any harmful substance, hazardous  waste  or
    from  any  asbestos  or  similar  materials  used  in  the
    construction thereof and there is no valid basis  for  any
    such claim.

8.1.12   Miscellaneous

         (1)  Neither the Purchaser nor any affiliate  of  the
         Purchaser  nor  the Companies has or shall  have  any
         liability  or  otherwise suffer or  incur  any  loss,
         cost  or damage as a result of or in connection  with
         any brokerage or finder's fee or other commission  of
         any  person  retained by the Seller or the  Companies
         in   connection   with   any  of   the   transactions
         contemplated by this Agreement.

         (2)   The   Companies   have   no   liabilities    or
         obligations out of the acquisitions of the  Companies
         by  Seller or by ISIS PHARMA GmbH, including  without
         limitation  obligations to make  certain  investments
         or  to employ a certain number of employees except as
         to  obligations under licence agreements with respect
         to Products of the Companies are concerned.

         (3)  The  Companies have no liabilities or  repayment
         obligations with regard to public grants.

8.2 No  further  representations and warranties of  whatsoever
    nature  and  on whatsoever legal basis are requested  from
    and  assumed by the Seller; the Seller does in  particular
    not   assume  any  representations  and  warranties   with
    respect  to  any  future earnings of the Companies  and/or
    their profitability.

               Remedies for Breach of Warranties

9.1 If  any  of  the representations and warranties stated  in
    Section 8 hereof should turn
    out  to  be  breached, in such event the Seller shall  put
    the  Companies, or the Purchaser to the extent any of  the
    representations and warranties as stated in Section  8.1.1
    are   concerned,  in  a  position  as  if  the  respective
    representation  and warranty had been  correct  and  shall
    compensate  the Companies or the Purchaser to  the  extent
    any  of  the representations and warranties as  stated  in
    Section  8.1.1 are concerned, for the damage  suffered  by
    the relevant breach, provided, however, that

         (i)  the  Purchaser shall inform the  Seller  at  the
         latest  within fourteen (14) days  after  members  of
         the   management   board  or  any  senior   executive
         (Geschaftsfuhrer, Prokuristen sowie  die  Leiter  des
         Bereiches  Finanzen, Controlling oder Recht)  or  any
         of  the  persons named in Annex 9.1 to the  Reference
         Deed  have  become  aware of facts  or  circumstances
         which  to  the  assessment of a  prudent  businessman
         indicate  a breach of a representation and  warranty,

         (ii)the  Purchaser  shall, first  of  all,  give  the
         Seller  the  opportunity  to  remedy  any  breach  of
         representations  and warranties within  a  reasonable
         period of time of at least 45 days, and

         (iii)     the  Purchaser  shall  use  all  reasonable
         efforts to mitigate the damage suffered by him  as  a
         result   of  the  breach  of  a  representation   and
         warranty, and

         (iv)the  Seller shall not be liable for any  indirect
         or  consequential  damages or  damages  for  loss  of
         profits   of  the  Purchaser  and/or  the  Companies,
         including any loss of contract, loss of use  and  the
         like;   any  claims  for  such  damages  are   hereby
         expressly  waived  and excluded,  provided,  however,
         that  the  aforesaid shall not apply to consequential
         damages  suffered  by  third parties  and  caused  by
         circumstances  which  constitute  a  breach  of   any
         representation and warranty under this Agreement  and
         for  which  the  respective third  party  has  damage
         claims against the Purchaser and/or the Companies

9.2 The  Seller  shall  be  given the unrestricted  right  and
    opportunity  to  defend, at his own risk,  discretion  and
    expense,  any  asserted  claims  or  any  action   brought
    against  the  Companies and/or the Purchaser  which  might
    result  in  any  liability  of  the  Seller  towards   the
    Purchaser  in  connection with this  Agreement,  including
    the  transactions  contemplated hereunder.  The  Purchaser
    shall  give  the Seller the right to inspect, at  his  own
    expense,  the  books and records of the  Companies  during
    ordinary  business  hours  to  the  extent  that  such  an
    inspection   might  be  necessary  under  the   reasonable
    discretion  of  the Seller for the defence of  any  claims
    asserted  or  any  action brought against  the  Comapanies
    and/or  the Purchaser which might result in any  liability
    of the Seller towards the Purchaser.

9.3 In  case  the Purchaser fails to comply with  one  of  the
    obligations  under  section 9.1 (i)  hereto  or  fails  to
    comply with the obligations under Clauses 9.1 (ii) or  9.2
    hereto   within  14  days  after  Seller  gives  Purchaser
    written  notice  of  non-compliance  all  claims  of   the
    Purchaser with respect to such asserted claims or  actions
    brought  against  the Companies and/or the  Purchaser  are
    hereby expressly waived and excluded.

9.4 Any  facts or circumstances mentioned or included  in  any
    of  the  Annexes to this Agreement shall be deemed to  be,
    at  the  same  time, a disclosure and Annex to  any  other
    representation   and   warranty   under   this   Agreement
    excluding a liability of the Seller. The same shall  apply
    to  those  facts and circumstances which upon  signing  of
    this  Agreement are known otherwise by the representatives
    of  the Purchaser and/or the Parent named in Annex 9.1  to
    the  Reference  Deed and/or by its advisers including  all
    members  and  associates of the  law  firm  of  Wessing  &
    Berenberg   -   Gossler  and/or  the  auditing   firm   of
    PriceWaterhouseCoopers to the extend  such  advisers  have
    disclosed  their  knowledge in writing  to  the  aforesaid
    representatives of the Purchaser and/or the Parent.

9.5 Insofar  as  specific representations and  warranties  are
    given  to  individual aspects, circumstances  or  matters,
    then  any warranty claim can only be based on the specific
    representation  and  warranty,  but  not  on  any  general
    warranty which may also cover this aspect.

9.6 To  the  extent  the  representations  and  warranties  in
    Section  8  hereof  are based upon the knowledge  or  best
    knowledge of the Seller, exclusively the knowledge of  the
    members  of  the  Management Board of the  Seller  or  the
    persons  listed in Annex 9.6 to the Reference  Deed  shall
    be relevant.

9.7 Except  for  Clause 8.1.2 (6) the Purchaser shall  not  be
    entitled  to  any  claims  based  upon  a  breach  of  any
    representation  and  warranty if and to  the  extent  each
    individual claim does not exceed an amount of DM 250,000.-
    -  and if, in addition, the aggregate amount of all claims
    does  not  exceed DM 2.5 million; this shall not apply  to
    any  claims under section 7 hereof. In case the  aggregate
    amount  of  DM 2.5 million is exceeded, the Purchaser  can
    only  claim  the exceeding amount. The total liability  of
    the  Seller  for  all claims based upon a  breach  of  any
    representation  and  warranty  under  Section  8.1.1  (7),
    8.1.7  (1) (b) and 8.1.7 (7) of this Agreement is  limited
    to  the  Purchase  Price and all other claims  under  this
    Agreement  to  50  %  of the Purchase  Price  as  adjusted
    pursuant to Section 6 hereof.

9.8 All  claims  for  any  breach of any  representations  and
    warranties  assumed by the Seller in this Agreement  shall
    become  statute-barred  (verjahren)  on  June  30,   2001,
    except as otherwise agreed upon under this Agreement.  The
    aforesaid limitation period shall not apply to any  claims
    based  on any breach of the representations and warranties
    under  (a)  Section  8.1.1  (except  subclause  (7))   and which shall become statute-barred within five  (5)
    years  following  the Closing Date and (b)  Section  8.1.1
    (7),  8.1.7  (5) (b), 8.1.7 (7) which claims shall  become
    statute  barred  thirty (30) years following  the  Closing

9.9 Any   further  explicit  or  implied  representations   or
    warranties  and/or  remedies, irrespective  of  whatsoever
    legal  nature, amount or legal basis other than  expressly
    conceded  heretofore, are expressly waived  and  excluded.
    This  applies,  in particular without limitation,  to  any
    claims  and remedies under contractual and pre-contractual
    fault    (Positive    Forderungsverletzung,    culpa    in
    contrahendo),  and  especially without, however,  limiting
    the  generality  of  the  foregoing,  to  all  rights  and
    remedies  which  should result in a  cancellation  of,  or
    rescission  from,  this Agreement or any  other  right  or
    remedy which would have a similar effect.

                    Warranties of Purchaser

10.1The  Purchaser  hereby  warrants  and  represents  to  the
    Seller  by  way of an independent guarantee in  accordance
    with  305  German Civil Code that the following statements
    and  declarations are true and correct as of  the  Closing

10.1.1    The  Purchaser  is a corporation  duly  and  validly
    existing  and  in  good standing under  the  laws  of  the
    Federal   Republic  of  Germany  and  the  Parent   is   a
    corporation duly incorporated and validly existing and  in
    good standing under the laws of Delaware/USA.

10.1.2    The  Purchaser and Parent have full corporate  power
    and  authority to enter into this Agreement and to perform
    their obligations hereunder. This Agreement constitutes  a
    valid and legally binding obligation of the Purchaser  and
    Parent  enforceable  in  accordance  with  its  terms  and

10.1.3    The execution and delivery of this Agreement and the
    consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby  will
    not conflict with, or result in a breach, or constitute  a
    default  or  an  acceleration under any provision  of  the
    Articles  of Incorporation or By-Laws of the Purchaser  or
    Parent,  or  any  material contract,  including  any  loan
    agreement,  or other obligation to which the Purchaser  or
    Parent is a party or by which the Purchaser or Parent  are

10.1.4    Neither  the  execution of this  Agreement  nor  the
    consummation  of the transactions contemplated  hereby  by
    Purchaser  or Parent will violate, or result in  a  breach
    of,  or  constitute a default under, any judgment, decree,
    order,  rule,  regulation, statute, or other  restrictions
    of any court, government, or governmental agency.

10.1.5    The  Companies  will not request  repayment  of  the
    dividends  distributed to the Seller for the  period  from
    January  1,  1999 through the Effective Date in accordance
    with this Agreement.
10.2If  any  of  the representations and warranties stated  in
    Section  10.1  hereof should turn out to be  breached,  in
    such  event  the  Purchaser shall  put  the  Seller  in  a
    position  as if the respective representation and warranty
    had  been correct and shall compensate the Seller for  the
    damage suffered by the relevant breach.

10.3Any   claims   of   the   Seller   under   the   aforesaid
    representations  and  warranties  shall   become   statute
    barred  five (5) years following the Effective Date except
    the  representations  and warranties under  Clause  10.1.5
    which  shall become statute barred six (6) years following
    the Effective Date.

           Guarantee of the Purchaser and the Parent

11.1The Purchaser hereby warrants and represents by way of  an
    independent  guarantee  in  accordance  with  Section  305
    German   Civil  Code  to  the  Seller  the  complete   and
    unrestricted  fulfillment of all and  any  obligations  of
    the  Companies'  vis  a vis the Seller  and  the  Seller's
    affiliates out of and in connection with the Annexes  E  -
    L to the Reference Deed.

11.2The  Parent hereby warrants and represents by  way  of  an
    independent  guarantee  in  accordance  with  Section  305
    German   Civil  Code  to  the  Seller  the  complete   and
    unrestricted  fulfillment of all and any  obligations  (a)
    of   the   Purchaser  vis  a  vis  the  Seller   and   the
    Sellers'affiliates  out  of or  in  connection  with  this
    Agreement and  (b) the Companies vis a vis the Seller  and
    the  Sellers'affiliates out of or in connection  with  the
    Annexes E - L to the Reference Deed.

11.3Any  claims  of the Seller under the aforesaid  guarantees
    (a)  shall  become  statute barred at the  same  time  the
    respective  claim  of  the Seller  against  the  Purchaser
    and/or the Companies becomes statute barred and (b)  shall
    not   be   any   broader  in  scope  than  the  underlying
    obligation of the Purchaser and/or the Companies.

                     Reference to Arbiters

12.1In  the  event that the parties should not reach agreement
    upon  any  balance  sheet  items,  in  particular  without
    limitation  in  connection with the  Financial  Statements
    and/or  the Closing Financial Statements and/or  valuation
    and  assessment  of any such items within twenty-one  (21)
    days  following  notice by the Purchaser respectively  the
    Seller,  each  party  shall  appoint  one  arbiter,  whose
    concurring decision shall be final and conclusive for  the
    parties. The Seller and the Purchaser may appoint each  as
    arbiters  those  accountants  who  assisted  the   parties
    during the negotiations of this Agreement.

12.2The  arbiters  shall  deliver  a  written  opinion  within
    thirty  (30)  days  after the appointment  of  the  second
    arbiter.  If  the  arbiters cannot reach  a  decision,  in
    which  both  of them concur, within such period  of  time,
    they  shall  each deliver a reasoned opinion  in  writing.
    Within  the  scope  and  limits set  by  two  opinions  as
    delivered,  a  third  arbiter  shall  deliver  a   written
    opinion, which opinion shall be final and conclusive  upon
    the  parties. The third arbiter shall be appointed by  the
    parties jointly.

12.3If,  upon  the request of one party, the other party  does
    not  appoint  its own arbiter within a period of  fourteen
    (14)  days,  or  does  not agree upon  the  third  arbiter
    within  a  period of fourteen (14) days after  receipt  of
    the  opinions  of  the two arbiters, then  the  respective
    arbiter  shall  be  appointed upon the request  of  either
    party  by  the  President of the Chamber  of  Commerce  in
    Duesseldorf.  The  third  arbiter  shall  not  have   been
    employed  by  the  parties or their affiliated  companies.
    Upon  the request of either party, the third arbiter shall
    be appointed from a major international accounting firm.

12.4The  Seller and the Purchaser may present and submit their
    case  to  the  arbiters  both in writing  or  orally.  The
    arbiters  shall discuss and give reasons with  respect  to
    the various issues from which they wish to deviate.

12.5Accounting  and  valuation  standards  and  criteria,   as
    referred  to  in  this  Agreement, including  any  of  the
    Annexes  attached to the Reference Deed, shall be  binding
    upon  the  arbiters.  The arbiters shall  act  as  experts
    (Schiedsgutachter)  and  shall  not  decide   upon   legal

12.6All   costs   and  expenses  of  the  arbiters   and   the
    proceedings hereunder shall be advanced and borne  by  the
    parties, upon first request, in equal amounts. Each  party
    shall  bear  its own costs and the costs of  its  advisors
    and  counsel, except where their advisors act as  arbiters
    and except the arbiters decide otherwise.

12.7The  arbiters  may  decide in their  equitable  discretion
    upon  the  final allocation to the parties of their  costs
    and  expenses  as well as the costs and expenses   of  the
    proceedings  hereunder,  including  reasonable  fees   and
    expenses of the parties and their advisors and counsel  in
    these  proceedings, taking into account the  decision  and
    the original positions and motions of the parties.

                   Right of Companies' Name

    The  Purchaser,  the  Companies and their  successors  and
    assigns  shall  be  entitled, but in no  way  obliged,  to
    operate  under the present names of the Companies  or  any
    variation   thereof.   Seller  and  its   affiliates   are
    prohibited to use such names in the future.

              Inter-Company and other Agreements

14.1Seller  shall on or prior to the Effective Date  terminate
    any   and   all  existing  agreements  including   supply,
    management,  service,  loan and lease  agreements  between
    the  Companies  on  the one side and the  Seller  and  its
    affiliated  companies  on  the  other  side  except  those
    agreements  as  disclosed in Annex 14.1 to  the  Reference

14.2As  of  the  Effective Date the supply of all Products  of
    the  Companies shall be supplied by the Seller  under  the
    Production  and  Supply  Agreement  negotiated  with   the
    Purchaser and attached as Annex  E to the Reference Deed.

14.3As of the Effective Date the Companies shall enter into  a
    Logistic  Agreement with Schwarz Pharma AG as attached  as
    Annex F to the Reference Deed.

14.4As  of the Effective Date, the performance of services  to
    be  rendered  by  Schwarz Pharma AG and/or any  affiliated
    company  of  Schwarz  Pharma AG  and  of  services  to  be
    rendered  by  ISIS PUREN GmbH & Co. KG shall be  performed
    under   the   Service  Agreements  negotiated   with   the
    Purchaser  and  attached  as  Annex   G1  and  G2  to  the
    Reference Deed.

14.5As of the Effective Date the Companies shall enter into  a
    Lease  Agreement about the premises in Monheim and Zwickau
    as  presently used by the Companies in accordance with the
    Lease  Agreement as attached as Annex H to  the  Reference

14.6As of the Effective Date the Companies shall enter into  a
    Trademark Licence Agreement with Schwarz Pharma  AG  under
    which  Schwarz  Pharma  AG and/or any  of  its  affiliates
    shall  be granted the exclusive right to use the trademark
    "Obsidan"  for  the  sale  and marketing  of  its  product
    Ferroduo within the territory of Finland for a fixed  term
    of  three  years  for a royalty equal to 2%  of  sales  of
    Ferroduo  (ex  Monheim) in accordance with  the  Trademark
    Licence  Agreement as attached as Annex J to the Reference

14.7As of the Effective Date the Companies shall enter into  a
    Distribution Agreement with Schwarz Pharma AG under  which
    Schwarz  Pharma AG and/or any of its affiliates  shall  be
    granted  the  non-exclusive right to sell and  market  the
    product  Obsidan of the Companies within the territory  of
    Russia  for  a  fixed term of three years  for  a  royalty
    equal   to  2%  of  sales  of  Obsidan  (ex  Monheim)   in
    accordance with the Distribution Agreement as attached  as
    Annex K to the Reference Deed.

14.8In  addition  to  the license agreement  entered  into  on
    November   2,   1998  between  Seller   and   ISIS   PUREN
    Arzneimittel  GmbH & Co. KG with respect to Omeprazol  for
    the  territory of the Federal Republic of Germany,  as  of
    the  Effective Date Schwarz Pharma AG shall enter  into  a
    Sublicence  Agreement  with  the  Companies  under   which
    Schwarz  Pharma  AG  will sublicense on  a  semi-exclusive
    basis  such  rights for Omeprazol for the  territories  of
    the   present   member  states  of  the  European   Union,
    excluding  the  territory  of  the  Federal  Republic   of
    Germany,  Schwarz  Pharma  AG is  entitled  to  under  the
    agreements  Schwarz Pharma has entered  into  with  Pharma
    Pass/USA,  including  rights, if any,  to  future  dossier
    additions, in accordance with the Sublicence Agreement  as
    attached as Annex L to the Reference Deed.

                 Antitrust Clearing/Approvals

15.1The   Purchaser  has  obtained  a  non-action  letter  and
    positive   clearance   of   the  Federal   Cartel   Office
    (Bundeskartellamt)  attached  to  as  Annex  15.1  to  the
    Reference Deed.

15.2Schwarz  Pharma  AG  and  the Purchaser  will  immediately
    notify   the   Federal   Cartel   Office   following   the
    consummation of the transaction by way of transfer of  the
    Shares of ISIS Pharma GmbH.


16.1Each  party  shall  bear  its own costs  and  expenses  in
    connection    with   the   preparation,   execution    and
    implementation of this Agreement, including  any  and  all
    professional  fees of their advisers, as  well  costs  and
    expenses  for granting and issuing the necessary power-of-

16.2All commissions, fees costs and expenses of Mr. Niggli  in
    connection  with the transactions contemplated under  this
    Agreement  shall  be  for the account  of  Seller.  Seller
    hereby  indemnifies Purchaser and the  Companies  for  any
    obligations to Mr.  Niggli (whether paid before  or  after
    this   date)   in   connection   with   the   transactions
    contemplated  under this Agreement. Parent  and  Purchaser
    guarantee  that  they have not entered into  an  Agreement
    with  Mr.  Niggli triggering any commissions, fees,  costs
    and expenses of Mr. Niggli.

16.3  All notarial fees and registration costs as well as  the
    costs   of   the  Federal  Cartel  Office  (Gebuhren   des
    Bundeskartellamtes)  in connection  with  the  preparation
    and  implementation of this Agreement and the transactions
    contemplated  hereunder shall be borne by  the  Purchaser,
    except as otherwise expressly agreed between the parties.
             Assignment of Rights and Undertakings

17.1This  Agreement  and any rights and obligations  hereunder
    may  not  be assigned and transferred in whole or in  part
    without  the  prior  written consent of  the  other  party

17.2The  Purchaser  may transfer or assign this  Agreement  or
    any   rights  and  obligations  hereunder  to  any   other
    affiliated  company  or may perform any  undertakings  and
    obligations   hereunder  by  any  such  other   affiliated
    company.  Costs  and  expenses  including  any  taxes  and
    notarial  fees  resulting  from any  such  assignment  and
    transfer shall be borne by the Purchaser. In case  of  any
    transfer or assignment, the Purchaser shall guarantee  the
    performance  of  the  obligation  of  the  transferee   or
    assignee under this Agreement.


18.1The   Purchaser  and  Schwarz  Pharma  AG  agree  to  keep
    confidential  and  secret the contents of  this  Agreement
    from  third parties, except as they are obliged or advised
    by  legal  counsel that it is in its best  interest  under
    relevant  securities or similar laws to  disclose  and  to
    give  notice  of  the same to any court or  administrative
    authorities  or  otherwise.  They  will  use  their   best
    efforts    even   in   such   cases   to   ensure    that,
    notwithstanding any disclosure and notice  to  courts  and
    administrative authorities, confidentiality is  maintained
    to  the maximum possible extent. Parties are permitted  to
    disclose  the content to their advisors, as long  as  such
    advisors are bound by professional secrecy.

18.2The  Purchaser and Schwarz Pharma AG have mutually  agreed
    prior  to  Closing  Date upon the language  of  individual
    press  releases and additional information to be  released
    to   the  press,  customers  and  the  business  community
    relating   to  the  transactions  contemplated   by   this
    Agreement  which  is  to be published  after  the  Closing
    Date.  Each  party  may thereafter answer  all  reasonable
    inquiries  resulting  from  such  press  releases  in  the
    manner  (and  containing such information) recommended  by
    its  professional advisors, such answers,  however,  being
    subject to the restrictions stipulated in 18.1 heretofor.


    Schwarz  Pharma AG agrees that, for a period of  four  (4)
    years  after  the  Effective  Date,  neither  it  nor  its
    affiliates  (abhaengige Unternehmen)  in  the  meaning  of
    section   17   of   the  German  Stock   Corporation   Act
    (Aktiengesetz)  will, directly or indirectly  manufacture,
    market  or  sell  products  which  have  identical  active
    substances  as  the Products presently being  marketed  or
    sold  by  the Companies as of the Effective Date; provided
    that  this  restriction does not apply to those  products,
    which differ in dosage, form and/or formulation, are  used
    in  new  indications  or  which  reduce  side  effects  or
    improve  compliance, or to any products being marketed  or
    sold  by  Schwarz Pharma AG or its affiliates  as  of  the
    Effective  Date  and  provided,  furthermore,  that   this
    restriction does not apply to the manufacture of  products
    of  any  kind  for  third parties.  It  is  further  being
    understood  that  the aforesaid does not  prevent  Schwarz
    Pharma AG directly or indirectly to acquire or merge  with
    pharmaceutical  businesses  (and  to  maintain  any   such
    acquired  or  merged businesses) which  also  manufacture,
    market  or  sell products being subject to  the  aforesaid
    restrictions  except where such businesses  are  known  in
    the market as mere generic businesses.


20.1Schwarz  Pharma shall take all action necessary  so  that,
    the  insurance  for  clinical  trials  (test  persons)  of
    Schwarz  Pharma will cover all trials commenced  prior  to
    the  Closing  Date  and Schwarz Pharma  shall  assist  the
    Companies  in  making any claims appropriate  under  these
    and  any  other insurance policies entered into by Schwarz
    Pharma  in  favour  of the Companies,  and  which  offered
    coverage  for  the  Companies at any  time  prior  to  the
    Effective Date.

20.2Subject  to the limitations of Clause 9.7 hereof,  Schwarz
    Pharma shall indemnify the Companies for any increases  in
    premium  with respect to the Companies' policy  under  the
    German  Pharmaceutical Act (Arzneimittelgesetz)  reinsured
    into   the   Pharmaceutical  Reinsurance   Pool   (Pharma-
    Ruckversicherungs-Gemeinschaft)   to   the   extent   such
    increase  is  directly related to claims with  respect  to
    products manufactured prior to the Closing Date.


21.1Notices  in  connection  with  this  Agreement  shall   be
    addressed to the following

    21.1.1   The Seller

                      Schwarz Pharma Aktiengesellschaft
                      Alfred-Nobel-Strabe 10
                      D-40789 Monheim
                      Federal Republic of Germany

    21.1.2   The Purchaser

            Alpharma International Pharmaceutical Division
            Habitizalleen 3
            N-0275 Oslo
            Attention: President

            With a copy to:

            Alpharma Inc.
            One Executive Drive
            Ft. Lee, New Jersey 07924
            United States
            Attention: Vice President and Chief Legal

21.2The  aforesaid addresses shall remain valid and  in  force
    unless  and  until  the other party has been  notified  in
    writing by registered mail of any other address.

21.3All  notices in connection with this Agreement must be  in
    writing  and shall become effective upon receipt.  Notices
    by  telefax,  telegram  or  telex  must  be  confirmed  in


22.1Any  and  all  disputes, controversies and claims  arising
    out  of  or  in  connection with this  Agreement  and  its
    performance  shall not be decided by the ordinary  courts,
    but  by  arbitration  in accordance with  the  Arbitration
    Agreement attached as Annex M to the Reference Deed.

22.2The   Board  of  Arbitration  shall  also  decide  on  the
    validity,   the   legality  and  interpretation   of   the
    Arbitration Agreement.


23.1The  Parties shall with respect to the termination of  the
    employment  relationship with a certain  employee  of  the
    Companies assume certain obligations as specified in  more
    detail in Annex 23.1 to the Reference Deed.

23.2This  Agreement  is  subject to the laws  of  the  Federal
    Republic of Germany.

23.3Jurisdiction  for any disputes, controversies  and  claims
    arising  out  of or in connection with this Agreement  and
    its  performance  shall be with the  competent  courts  of
    Duesseldorf,  except  as  otherwise  agreed  to   in   the
    Arbitration Agreement.

23.4All   amendments  to  this  Agreement,  including  without
    limitation  a change of this clause itself, must  be  made
    in   writing  and  with  the  express  reference  to  this
    Agreement,  unless  notarization  or  any  other  form  is

23.5All Annexes shall be an integral part of this Agreement.

23.6This  Agreement is written in the English language (except
    that  Annexes  may  be in the German language).  Terms  to
    which  a  German  translation  has  been  added  shall  be
    interpreted  throughout  this  Agreement  in  the  meaning
    assigned    to    them   by   the   German    translation.
    Notwithstanding the generality of the aforesaid all  terms
    expressed  in the English language shall have the  meaning
    assigned to them by German law.

23.7This  Agreement including the Annexes hereto contains  all
    terms,  conditions, representations and warranties  agreed
    upon  between  the parties relating to the subject  matter
    of  this  Agreement and supersedes all prior negotiations,
    agreements and undertaking of the parties, oral,  written,
    with  respect  to  the subject matter  hereof.  Oral  side
    agreements to this Agreement do not exist.

23.8Each  party  shall from time to time execute  and  deliver
    all   such   additional  documents  and  take   all   such
    additional  actions  as  the other  party  may  reasonably
    require  in order to effectively consummate this Agreement
    as provided herein.

23.9At  the  full risk, cost and expense of Purchaser,  Seller
    agrees   to   cooperate  with  Purchaser,  and  facilitate
    Deloitte    &   Touche,   Seller's   independent    public
    accountants,  to provide to Purchaser audited consolidated
    financial  statements of the Companies for  the  1997  and
    1998   fiscal  years  prepared  in  conformity   with   US
    generally  accepted accounting practices  and  such  other
    requirements  applicable  to filings  required  of  Parent
    under  the rules and regulations of the US Securities  and
    Exchange Commission.

23.10     If  any  of  the provisions of this Agreement  shall
    become  or  be held invalid, ineffective or unenforceable,
    all  other  provisions hereof shall remain in  full  force
    and  effect.  The  invalid, ineffective  or  unenforceable
    provision shall be deemed to be automatically amended  and
    replaced  without the necessity of further action  by  the
    parties hereto by such form, substance, time, measure  and
    jurisdiction as shall be valid, effective and  enforceable
    and  as  shall accomplish as far as possible  the  purpose
    and  intent  of  the invalid, ineffective or unenforceable
    provision. The aforesaid shall apply mutatis mutandis  for
    any   situation  not  contemplated  and  covered  by  this