Exhibit 10(h)

                               Acxiom Corporation
                        Leadership Team Compensation Plan
                                Fiscal Year 2001


The objective of the  Leadership  Team  compensation  plan is to implement a pay
plan that reflects the leader's  responsibility,  provide  compensation  that is
both equitable and competitive, and which will:

     Align the leader's interests with shareholder/investor's interest.

     Motivate leaders to achieve the highest level of performance.

     Retain key  leaders  by linking  leadership  team  compensation  to company

     Attract the best leaders through competitive, growth-oriented plans.

     Enable  sharing  of  growth  &  success  between  associates,  leaders  and


For purposes of the Leadership Team Compensation Plan,  eligible associates will
include Division leaders,  Group leaders,  Business Unit leaders, Sales leaders,
Business Development leaders,  Industry Application Development leaders, Finance
and Accounting leaders,  Organizational  Development leaders,  Legal leaders and
Corporate Office leaders.


The components of the Leadership Team Compensation Plan are as follows:

          Base salary (not at risk)
          Base salary (at risk)
          Long-term incentive (stock options)
          Retention/Recruiting Bonus (Special Situations Only)

Exhibit 1 of this document reflects the above components for the 5 levels of the
Leadership  Team  Compensation  Plan.  In  addition,  it reflects  the  Business
Development / Sales Leadership Plan.

Each level of the plan has the following:

     Base salary based on comparable market salary for the equivalent  position.

     Plan  structure  reflects  percentages  for each  plan  component  to total
     compensation as well as number of years for which options are granted under
     the long-term incentive component of the plan.

Each leader is slotted into one of the five levels based on experience, scope of
responsibility  and past performance.  The individual to whom the leader reports
is responsible for managing his/her respective  slotting.  Division leaders must
approve all level 3 slottings.  Additionally,  Division leaders must approve all
slottings  of  individuals  on  the  Business  Development  /  Sales  Leadership
Compensation Plan. The Company leader must approve all slottings of levels 4 and


Leaders  slotted in the Business  Development / Sales  Leadership Plan must be a
senior level business development / sales leader responsible for:

     developing new business and  relationships  at senior  executive  levels of
     customers  and  prospects,  or  providing  leadership  to two or more sales
     associates for a Group or Division.

     providing  leadership means assigning  quotas and  territories,  conducting
     regular  reviews of  salesperson's  call  activity,  hiring,  terminations,
     preparing associate  effectiveness plans,  performance  reviews,  coaching,
     mentoring and overseeing the overall sales process for the area.


Based on market data,  guidelines  have been  established for base salary ranges
and base salary  increases for leaders.  The target market for senior leaders is
the 75th  percentile.  The  target  market  for all  other  leaders  is the 50th
percentile.  Leaders who are substantially below market for their role should be
placed on a 3 to 4 year  market  adjustment  plan to bring  their base salary in
line with the market.

The percentage increase guidelines are revised / validated annually.



Base salary at risk  (referred to as at risk  throughout  the  remainder of this
document) is  determined  based on the level in which the leader is slotted.  At
risk is based on the eligible associate's base salary as of May 1. No adjustment
is made to at risk amounts during the plan year unless the leader moves from one
plan level to  another  or is  assigned  a  different  job role that  warrants a
change.  In the event there is a change in at risk, it will be prorated based on
the date of the change.

Eligible  associates  must be  employed  on the date of the  actual  payment  to
receive  payment for the  quarterly  and/or  year-end  at risk.  The at risk for
eligible  associates who joined the  Leadership  Team after the beginning of the
quarter will be pro-rated based on hire date. Additionally, the year-end at risk
amount will be prorated in the same manner.

Division  leaders have the right to withhold a leader's  quarterly and/or annual
at risk payment if the leader is on a performance improvement plan or has failed
to deliver against his/her objectives.

At Risk Attainment

At risk attainment is determined based on Company Pre-investment EVA attainment.

Pre-investment  EVA  targets  for Q1 and Q2 are shown  below.  Due to Acxiom's 6
month planning cycle,  targets for Q3, Q4 and year-end will be determined  later
in the year and communicated at that time.

Pre-investment EVA Targets - FY2001

               First Quarter            $ 2,404,000
               Second Quarter           $ 1,733,000

EVA Incentive Principles

      Target Incentive
          Represents the competitive total compensation opportunity.


Expected EVA Improvement

     Performance  standard to achieve the company  "target  EVA" and to meet the
     market expectation of EVA improvement  required to support the price of the
     Company's stock.

     Achievement  of Expected EVA  Improvement  results in Target  Incentive (at
     risk) Pool.

Sharing of EVA  Improvement  Above/Below  Expected

     Associates and shareholders share risks and rewards.

     Sharing of incremental EVA (above/below "Expected") is constant.

          50% of every $1 of EVA  above  expected  is  added  to  incentive  (at
          risk )pool
          50% of every $1 of EVA below expected is subtracted from incentive (at
          risk) pool (EVA improvement can be below zero).

     Associates/leaders share in all risks and rewards with no caps or floors.

At Risk Pool Funding

      At risk pool is funded from earnings  after  meeting the Company's  target
EPS gate.

All at risk  payments  are  subject to EPS gate  except the  commission/specific
objective  component of the Business  Development / Sales Leadership  plans. See
page 5 - Commission/specific objective at risk targets.

At risk pool funding is subject to pro rata  reduction if full funding above EPS
Gate is not achieved.

EPS targets for Q1, Q2 and end of year are shown below.  Due to Acxiom's 6 month
planning cycle,  targets for Q3 and Q4 will be determined  later in the year and
communicated at that time.

EPS Targets - FY2001

     First Quarter $ .20
     Second Quarter $ .28
     Full Year $1.18

At Risk Pool Distribution

Distribution of the at risk pool to the divisions, shared services organizations
and  the  corporate  office  will be  determined  by the  CLT  quarterly  and at

Divisions will be measured based on their own  performance.  Shared Services and
the Corporate Office will be measured on the Company's total performance.

Guideline criteria for distributions are:

     Actual EVA  Improvement  (60%)
     Contribution Improvement of Business Plan Submitted (20%)
     Other - Major Wins, DSO Improvement Targets, etc. (20%)

Quarterly At Risk Pool Distribution

     CLT will discuss attainment versus guideline criteria.

     Compensation Committee will make recommendation for distribution.

     CLT will make the final determination of distribution of the funded at risk
     pool to each of the Divisions, Shared Services and Corporate Office.


Annual At Risk Pool Distribution

CLT will discuss attainment versus guideline criteria.

CLT will rate each division's performance against criteria (anonymously).

Compensation Committee will rate each division's performance.

Outside   consultant  on  EVA  incentive  plans  (Scott  Olsen)  will  recommend

CLT will make the final determination of distribution of the funded at risk pool
to each of the Divisions, Shared Services and Corporate Office.

Allocation of At Risk to Each Individual

Individual at risk attainment is to be determined by Table 1 shown below.

Individual at risk paid equals  adjusted  attainment  based on the percentage of
distribution  (determined  above) compared to total at risk opportunity for your
affiliated area of the business (Division, Shared Services or Corporate Office).

Any excess over targeted at risk is retained until year-end and will be included
in the overachievement incentive calculations.

Standard At Risk Targets

The  following  represents a breakdown of the standard at risk targets that will
be used to determine individual attainment.

Table 1:

- ----------- --------- -------- ------------- ------------ --------------
            Corporate Division Group Leaders Revenue Unit Shared
            Office    Leaders  OD/FA         Leaders      Services
                               Leaders**                  Unit Leaders
- ----------- --------- -------- ------------- ------------ --------------
Common      100%      60%      40%           25%          75%
Fate        Co. EVA   Co. EVA  Co. EVA       Co. EVA      Co. EVA

- ----------- --------- -------- ------------- ------------ --------------
Unit        0%        30%      25%           75%*         25%
Performance           Div EVA  Div. EVA                   Bus. Plan

                      10% A/R  25%           (20%Div.
                               Group EVA     EVA)*

                               10% A/R       (45% Group

                                             10% A/R
- ----------- --------- -------- ------------- ------------- --------------

* These are the  default  percentages  unless the  corporate  office  approves a
different  documented plan. The Division leader should submit differences to the
corporate  office  by June  30 and by  October  31 for  mid-year  revisions.

**Organizational Development and Finance/Accounting leaders' at risk targets are
50% Company EVA and 50% Division EVA.

EVA Targets for Divisions, Groups and Units (Except Data Products Division)

The  Division,  Group and unit EVA is the  controllable  EVA for a Division  and
revenue  Group/Unit  which  includes  the direct  revenue and  expenses  for the
unit(s)  less  appropriate  ABM  charges  including  data  center   consumption,
application software and facilities. Also included will be a charge for the cost
of capital including accounts receivable, data center equipment, workstation/LAN
and facilities.  The target for your Group/Unit EVA will be negotiated with your
Division leader.

Exceptions granted during the current fiscal year will affect next year's
EVA targets.


EVA Targets for Data Products Division - Groups/Units

The  definition  for EVA for the Data  Products  Division is the same as for all
other divisions except it is calculated on a product line view. Product line EVA
targets and attainment must be certified by the Corporate Office.

Business Plan Targets for Shared Services - Groups/Units

The  business  plan target  component  for Shared  Services is to maintain  your
expenses at or below your current fiscal year budget.

Commission/Specific Objective At Risk Targets

These targets apply only to Business Development / Sales Leadership Plan.

The commission/specific objective portion of at risk under this plan is based on
revenue and/or EVA percentage of quota  attainment for the territories  assigned
to  the  business  development/sales  leader.  It is the  responsibility  of the
individual's Division and/or Group leader to establish these targets.

The  commission/specific  objective portion will be funded by the Unit, Group or
Division  and is not subject to the EPS gate as is the common fate portion of at
risk.  Budgets and EVA targets  will not be adjusted for  additional  commission
expense due to these plans.

All commissions are calculated on a YTD, cumulative basis.

The Division leader may change commission plan provisions and assigned
quotas at any time.

The Division leader may choose not to accept additional  business when resources
are not available to process the work. It is the sales  leader's  responsibility
to make certain that the work will be accepted before  customer  commitments are

Method Of Payment

It is Acxiom's intention to pay at risk in cash. However,  from time to time the
Company  Leadership  Team  (CLT),  may elect to pay at risk in stock  options if
conditions of the business  justify it. In the event this decision is made,  the
CLT will make  every  effort to notify  the  Leadership  Team  members  within 5
business  days of the  decision  being  finalized.  If at risk is paid in  stock
options in lieu of cash, the  Black-Scholes  model will be used to calculate the
option value and number of options.  A two-year  valuation  will be used for the
calculation.  All of the options  will be issued at the market price and will be
100% vested.

Payments will be made quarterly  based on attainment of financial  objectives up
to the target incentive and are subject to the EPS funding gate calculation,  as

     First Quarter - 1/8th of total opportunity
     Second Quarter - 1/8th of total opportunity
     Third Quarter - 1/8th of total opportunity
     Fourth Quarter - 5/8th of total  opportunity (1/8 for the 4th Quarter & 1/2
     for the Annual Target)

All over  achievement  incentive  calculations  will be deferred until year-end.
Over  attainment  distributions  will be either in Stock  Options or cash at the
discretion of the Compensation Committee.

All payments will be made within 60 days of the end of the quarter.

All EVA and EPS gate  calculations  will be done on a  year-to-date,  cumulative


For the first,  second,  third and fourth quarters,  the objectives are equal to
the year-to-date  financial targets as of the end of each respective quarter and
are subject to the EPS gate calculation.

Incentive Bank

Cumulative performance and incentive linked.

Over/Under  achievement by Division for current year  "deposited" into incentive

Bank balance distributed:

     Up to 33% of the resulting bank balance will be distributed.

     It is the intent of the plan to  distribute  33% of the bank balance  under
     normal circumstances.

     Actual payout % to be  determined  annually by the  Compensation  Committee
     based on business conditions, financial results and funding considerations.

     The  Compensation  Committee  may  adjust  the  payout % based  on  special
     circumstances  and may elect to not  distribute  any of the remaining  bank
     balance and to carry all of it forward to the next year.

     The  Compensation  Committee  may  elect  to pay  all or a  portion  of the
     distribution in stock options.

Remaining bank balance reserved for future payment subject to sustained business
performance of the Division and Acxiom Corporation.

Bank balances are subject to forfeiture to satisfy EPS Gate.

"Negative" bank balance  "repaid" before future  overachievement  incentives are

In order to receive any  distributions  from the incentive  bank,  the associate
must be employed at the time of  distribution.  Bank  balances will be forfeited
upon termination.

Over/Under Achievement

Above/below  targeted  EVA,  50% of all  Incremental  EVA  will  be  added  to /
subtracted from the Incentive Banks.

Above/Below  target  funds  will be  added  to/subtracted  from  the  respective
incentive  banks based on the performance of the affiliated area of the business
(Division, Shared Services or Corporate Office).

The  over/under  achievement  EVA will be primarily  calculated  at the Division
level. However, the Compensation Committee has the authority to make adjustments
based on business circumstances. In no cases will the sum of the over attainment
banked be greater than the total company's over attainment.


For  purposes  of  determination  of the  long-term  incentive  (LTI),  eligible
associates  must be employed and be a member of the Leadership  Team on the date
the Board of  Directors  reviews  the LTI  grants  for that  year (May  Board of
Directors  meeting).  These  options fall under the Acxiom stock option plan and
will be subject to all standard provisions.

The  long-term  incentive  will  be in the  form  of  stock  options  and  other
performance  vehicles as  necessary.  The  current  year  vehicle  will be stock


Stock options will be awarded under three categories:

     Category A - Fair market value at date of grant
     Category B - 25% above fair market value
     Category C - 50% above fair market value

Using the  Black-Scholes  stock options pricing model,  the mix of options to be
awarded as an approximate percentage of the total long-term incentive are:

     Category A - 50% of total long-term incentive
     Category B - 25% of total long-term incentive
     Category C - 25% of total long-term incentive

Under the  long-term  incentive  plan,  participants  will be awarded a grant of
stock  options on a cycle  corresponding  to the level of  compensation  plan to
which the leader has been assigned.  Multi-year  grants are awarded for levels 3
through 5.

In the event a leader is assigned a level with multi-year  grants,  they will be
awarded the number of years of options  necessary  to put them on the same cycle
as all other leaders on that level.

Stock  options  awarded will vest over 6 years,  20% after years 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6
respectively,  following the date of grant. Stock options may not be exercisable
later than fifteen years after their date of grant.

Stock  options may also be granted at the  October  Board  Meeting.  The October
options  include new Leadership  Team members as well as  adjustments  for those
moving from one level to another.

It is the current  intent of the Board of Directors to continue  this plan (or a
similar  plan) in future  years.  The Board of  Directors  reserves the right to
modify or cancel this plan in at any time for any reason at its sole discretion.


Retention Bonus

The  objective  of the  retention  bonus is to  provide a vehicle  to retain key
senior leaders who we are at risk of losing.

Each Retention Bonus Plan for a senior leader must by approved by Charles Morgan
and Rodger Kline.

In addition to the standard at risk plan, a retention  bonus can be put in place
for a leader with the following plan provisions:

     Up to 25% of base salary  (determined by Division leader,  Rodger Kline and
     Charles Morgan)

     To be paid at same time as at risk payments

     Not subject to Corporate gate

     Based on achieving predetermined, documented, individual objectives

    Distribution amounts to be determined by Division leader

Recruiting Bonus

With the  current  demand  for  talent,  it may be  necessary  to pay a one-time
recruiting bonus to recruit key leaders to Acxiom.


In addition to the standard at risk plan, a retention  bonus can be put in place
for a leader  with  the  following  plan  provisions:  Up to 25% of base  salary
(determined by Division leader, Rodger Kline and Charles Morgan) To be paid upon
hiring Not subject to Corporate gate


Any  modification  to this  standard  plan must be approved in advance by Rodger

                                    Exhibit 1

                               Acxiom Corporation
                        Compensation Guidelines - FY2001
                                 Leadership Team

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    General Leadership Team Plan
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Leader         'Not at Risk' Base       Plan Structure
Classification  Salary Ranges
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                        Base     At Risk    LTI    Yrs. Granted
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   Level 5                              35%      25%        40%    3
                Salary ranges
   Level 4      determined by           40%      25%        35%    3
                market data for
                individual area of
   Level 3      responsibility.         50%      25%        25%    2

   Level 2                              60%      20%        20%    1

   Level 1                              70%      15%        15%    1

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

NOTE:  At Risk  Opportunity  for the fiscal  year is  established  based on Base
Salary as of May 1, 2000.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                Business Development / Sales Leadership Team Plan
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Leader         'Not at Risk' Base            Plan Structure
Classification  Salary Ranges
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                             Base    At Risk   LTI   Yrs Granted
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Level 3                                   40%     40%       20%   2
                Salary ranges determined
   Level 2      by market data for           40%     40%       20%   1
                individual area of
   Level 1                                   50%     30%       20%   1

                                           Common Fate  Commissions

                                           75%          25%

                                           50%          50%

                                           25%          75%

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NOTE:  At Risk  Opportunity  for the fiscal  year is  established  based on Base
Salary as of May 1, 2000.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               % Increase Guidelines for Salaries
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------- ------------- ------------ -------------------------------------
   Perf. &     Within Range   In Excess                  Below Range
Comp. Average                 of Range
- -------------- ------------- ------------ -------------------------------------

1-4            0%            0%           Multi-year market adjustment plans
                                          to be put in place to reach market.
5-8            Up to 6%      Up to 2%
9-10           Up to 8%      Up to 4%
- -------------- ------------- ------------ -------------------------------------