                                  UNITED STATES
                            Washington, D. C.  20549
                                    FORM 10-Q

ACT OF 1934

For the quarter period ended June 30, 1995

Commission File Number:  2-88617

                               QUESTECH, INC.
             (Exact name of Registrant as specified in its charter)

                                 Virginia                       54-0844913
         (State or other jurisdiction of incorporation or organization 
                         (I.R.S. Employer I.D. No.)

               7600A Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, Virginia  22043
                  (Address of principal executive offices)          (Zip code)

                                (703) 760-1000
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

              (Former name, former address and former fiscal year,
                         if changed since last report) 

     Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the
registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to
such filing requirements for the past 90 days.

                               Yes  X      No ____

     Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the issuer's classes
of common stock, as of the latest practicable date.

     As of the close of business August 1, 1995, the registrant had  1,568,000
shares of Common Stock outstanding, par value $.05 per share.

                         QuesTech, Inc. and Subsidiaries

                                    I N D E X
                                  June 30, 1995

                                                               Page No.

PART I.   Financial Information

  Item 1  Financial Statements (Unaudited)

     and December 31, 1994                                        2

     ended June 30, 1995 and 1994; Six Months ended June 30,
     1995 and 1994                                                4

     Months ended June 30, 1995 and 1994                          5

     Months ended June 30, 1995 and 1994                          6

     1995 and June 30, 1994                                       7

  Item 2  Management's Discussion and Analysis of
          Financial Condition and Results of Operations           8

PART II.  Other Information

  Item 1  Legal Proceedings                                      12

  Item 5  Other Information                                      13

  Item 6  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K                       13

Officers' Signatures                                             14



Appendix A

                         QuesTech, Inc. and Subsidiaries


                                                  June 30       Dec. 31
                                                   1995           1994 
                                                (Unaudited)      (Note)
  Cash and cash equivalents .................   $   130,400   $   261,900
  Accounts receivable .......................     7,697,100     9,232,900
  Inventories ...............................           --           --
  Prepaid expenses and other ................       266,000       335,500
  Deferred income taxes .....................       968,500       968,500

       Total current assets .................   $ 9,062,000   $10,798,800

  cost less accumulated depreciation and
  amortization of $6,619,200 and
  $6,503,800, respectively ..................     1,106,900       938,500
GOODWILL, less accumulated amortization of
  $1,339,700 and $1,262,500, respectively ...     1,596,900     1,674,100
DEFERRED INCOME TAXES, net of valuation
  allowance of $148,000 .....................       805,200       805,200
OTHER ASSETS ................................     2,077,200     1,542,700 

  TOTAL ASSETS                                  $14,648,200   $15,759,300

NOTE:  The balance sheet at December 31, 1994 has  been  derived  from  the
       audited financial statements at that date.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.

                         QuesTech, Inc. and Subsidiaries



                                                  June 30       Dec. 31
                                                   1995           1994 
                                                (Unaudited)      (Note)
  Line of Credit ............................   $   336,100  $   254,200
  Current maturities of long-term
    obligations .............................        54,100       51,100
  Accounts payable ..........................     1,789,700    2,126,900
  Accrued liabilities .......................     4,097,900    5,344,300
  Income taxes - Currently payable ..........       222,800      119,900 

       Total current liabilities ............   $ 6,500,600  $ 7,896,400

LONG-TERM OBLIGATIONS .......................       184,800      213,300

INDEBTEDNESS TO RELATED PARTIES .............     1,205,800    1,188,800

ACCRUED POST-RETIREMENT BENEFIT COST ........     1,047,800      976,800

OTHER LONG TERM OBLIGATIONS .................       794,000      831,300

       Total Liabilities ....................   $ 9,733,000  $11,106,600

  Common stock - authorized 3,000,000
      shares of $.05 par value, issued
      1,578,000 shares, outstanding
      1,568,000 shares at June 30, 1995
      and December 31, 1994 .................        78,900       78,900
  Additional paid in capital ................     2,720,100    2,722,700
  Retained earnings .........................     2,553,000    2,313,600
  Less Treasury Stock at cost ...............       <30,000>     <30,000>
  Due from SECT .............................      <406,800>    <432,500>

       Total Stockholders' Equity ...........   $ 4,915,200  $ 4,652,700


NOTE:  The balance sheet at December 31, 1994 has  been  derived  from  the
       audited financial statements at that date.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.

                                      QuesTech, Inc. and Subsidiaries



                                             Three Months Ended June 30,  Six Months Ended June 30,
                                                  1995          1994          1995          1994

Revenues ...................................  $15,479,800   $13,666,700   $27,733,200   $25,447,500

Operating expenses
  Salaries, wages and employee benefits ....    7,209,700     6,865,500    14,394,100    13,733,100 
  Other operating expenses .................    7,665,800     6,486,100    12,440,200    11,121,000

        Total operating expenses ...........  $14,875,500   $13,351,600   $26,834,300   $24,854,100
        Income from operations .............      604,300       315,100       898,900       593,400

  Other expense ............................     <223,000>          --       <223,000>          --
  Interest expense .........................      <94,700>      <81,400>     <187,500>     <195,300>

        Earnings before income taxes .......  $   286,600   $   233,700   $   488,400   $   398,100

Provision for income taxes .................      146,100       109,900       249,000      <187,200>

        Net earnings .......................  $   140,500   $   123,800   $   239,400   $   210,900

Earnings per share:
   Primary .................................  $       .10   $       .09   $       .17   $       .15
   Fully diluted ...........................          .09           .09           .16           .15

Weighted average number of common shares
   Primary .................................    1,425,570     1,385,520     1,415,718    1,374,026
   Fully diluted ...........................    1,547,144     1,405,029     1,547,144    1,405,029

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.
                         QuesTech, Inc. and Subsidiaries


                                                         Six Months
                                                       Ended June 30   
                                                     1995          1994
Increase <Decrease> in Cash and Cash Equivalents

Cash flows from operating activities:
Net Earnings ..................................  $   239,400   $   210,900
Adjustments to reconcile net earnings to
  net cash flows from operating activities:
      Depreciation and amortization ...........      306,700       332,000
      Amortization of deferred credits ........          --       <103,000>
      Other accrued costs .....................          --        <84,900>
      Increase in fund values of nonqualifying
        plan assets ...........................     <102,000>      <59,000>
      Accrued post-employment benefits ........       47,600        41,200
      Accrued post-retirement benefits ........      240,000       267,100
      Changes in assets and liabilities .......     <362,200>      510,500

      Net cash provided by operating activities  $   369,500   $ 1,114,800

Cash flows from investing activities:
    Capital expenditures ......................     <459,300>     <137,400>
    Proceeds from return on investment in
      whole life policies .....................          --         90,000

      Net cash used in investing activities ...     <459,300>      <47,400>

Cash flows from financing activities:
    Increase/Decrease in Line of Credit .......       81,900      <535,200>
    Cash advance to SECT for stock acquisition                    <432,500>
    Cash proceeds from exercise of stock
      options .................................       25,700           --
    Repayment of long-term debt ...............      <25,500>      <72,900>
    Repayment of indebtedness
      to related parties ......................      <89,300>      <83,600>
    Repayment of other long-term debt .........      <34,500>      <27,400>

      Net cash used in financing activities ...      <41,700>  $<1,151,600>

Net decrease in cash ..........................  $  <131,500>  $   <84,200>
Cash, Beginning of period .....................      261,900       172,500

Cash, End of period ...........................  $   130,400   $    88,300

Cash payments for:
      Interest ................................  $    53,600   $    72,000
      Income taxes ............................      155,800       435,100

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.

                         QuesTech, Inc. and Subsidiaries


                                                       Six Months
                                                     Ended June 30  
                                                   1995         1994

Common Stock issued 1,578,000 shares
  (including 10,000 treasury shares) ........   $   78,900   $   78,900

Additional paid in capital ..................   $2,720,100   $2,722,700

Retained Earnings:

  Balance at January 1 ......................    2,313,600    1,995,800
  Net Earnings ..............................      239,400      210,900

  Balance at June 30 ........................   $2,553,000   $2,206,700

Cost of Treasury Stock:

  Balance at June 30 ........................   $  <30,000>  $  <30,000> 

Due from SECT ...............................     <406,800>    <432,500>

Total Stockholders' Equity ..................   $4,915,200   $4,545,800

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.

                         QuesTech, Inc. and Subsidiaries

                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
                             June 30, 1995 and 1994

Basis of Presentation

     The accompanying unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements
have been prepared pursuant to the rules and regulations of the Securities and
Exchange Commission.  Certain information and note disclosures normally
included in the annual financial statements prepared in accordance with
generally accepted accounting principles have been condensed or omitted
pursuant to those rules and regulations, although the Company believes that
the disclosures made are adequate to make the information presented not

     In the opinion of management, the accompanying condensed financial
statements reflect all necessary adjustments and reclassifications that are
necessary for fair presentation for the periods presented.  It is suggested
that these condensed financial statements be read in conjunction with the
consolidated financial statements and the notes thereto included in the
company's latest annual report to the Securities and Exchange Commission on
Form 10-K.  The results of operations for the three and six-month periods
ended June 30, 1995 are not necessarily indicative of the results to be
expected for the full year.

Earnings Per Share

     Under the treasury stock method, per share earnings are calculated based
on weighted average shares, after accounting for dilutive common stock
equivalents, which consist of previously granted stock options with exercise
prices at $1.75, $1.875, and $4.00 per share.  Outstanding shares are reduced
by the shares held by the Stock Employee Compensation Trust (SECT).  See
Exhibit 11.  For primary earnings per share, the computation for the period
prior to exercise is based on the average market price of common stock during
the period the exercised options were outstanding.  For fully diluted earnings
per share, the computation for the period prior to exercise is based on the
market price of common stock when the options were exercised.  Incremental
shares are weighted for the period that the options are outstanding.  The bid
price of the stock at June 30, 1995 was $8.625 per share.

Statement of Cash Flows

     For purposes of the statement of cash flows, the Company considers all
highly liquid debt instruments purchased with an original maturity of three
months or less to be cash equivalents.

Item 2.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
                       and Results of Operations


     The following table sets forth the percentages of major items reflected
in the Unaudited Consolidated Statements of Earnings as a percentage of

                                                   Six Months Ended
                                                       June 30     
                                                   1995        1994

Revenues                                          100.00%     100.00%
Operating Expenses                                 96.76       97.67

Income from operations                              3.24%       2.33%
Other expense                                       <.80>         --
Interest                                            <.68>       <.77>
Provision for income taxes                          <.90>       <.74>

     Net Earnings                                    .86%        .82%

     For the quarter ended June 30, 1995, the Company posted revenues of $15.5
million, up by $1.8 million or 13% over last year; for the first half of the
year, revenues were $27.7 million, up $2.3 million or 9% over last year. 
Continued business growth was due mainly to QuesTech Research Division
("QTRD"), which experienced a contract revenue increase of 19% for the quarter
and 16% for the half year, when compared to last year.  Contract revenues rose
as a result of an increase in billable labor hours.  QTRD was recently awarded
a five-year contract with a potential value of $300 million, the largest
contract in the Company's history.  The contract calls for technical
engineering and fabrication support services for the Department of the Army. 
Performance on this contract has stalled, pending the government's resolution
of an award protest filed by a competitor.  Competitor bid protests are not
unusual in awards involving large contracts; although optimistic, management
does not provide any assurance of favorable results of the protest.  QuesTech
Ventures, Inc., a subsidiary, did not report any sales during the quarter. 
QuesTech Service Company continues to operate at half of last year's levels
but with improved margins.

     Operating expenses were $14.9 million and $26.8 million for the quarter
and the half year, up $1.5 million and $2.0 million, respectively when
compared to last year.  Most of the cost increase was driven by labor and
materials requirements of government contracts.  Additional costs were
incurred in connection with the following:  equipment set-up and other start-
up costs at QVI; site inspection and travel; on-going building repairs, moving
and re-arrangement expenses engendered by the consolidation of the
headquarters' staff in office space that has been reduced by over 60%; and new
employee relocation and recruitment.  These expenses were mitigated in part by
cost savings arising from the renegotiated lease at the headquarters' facility
and from reduced B&P efforts.

     Income from operations increased 92% and 51% for the quarter and the half
year, respectively, due to the combined effects of improved project management
and corporate efforts to streamline and consolidate operations.  Since 1989,
management has undertaken a massive cost-restructuring initiative which runs
the gamut from the downsizing of indirect costs and judicious B&P/IR&D
planning to renegotiation of its facility lease. 

     During the quarter, litigation involving the Company's former landlord
was concluded on terms unfavorable to the Company.  The costs incurred on
these legal proceedings, amounted to approximately $222,000 and are reported
as Other Expense in the financial statements.  These costs do not include any
provision for attorney's fees sought by the former landlord in a court
petition to be filed during the next quarter.  See Part II, Item 1.

     Interest expense rose during the quarter due to more frequent line of
credit borrowings to finance the growth in operations.  The increase in
interest expense, coupled with Other Expense as described, scaled back the
quarterly earnings growth on both the pre-tax and net bases, which were up
22.6% and 13.5% respectively.  For the six-month period pre-tax and net
earnings reflected slightly higher growth rates than the quarterly results due
to year-to-date interest cost savings.

     Earnings per share calculation reflects, in its base, the inclusion of
13,200 shares released by the Stock Employee Compensation Trust and dilutive
common stock equivalents for 304,000 stock option shares.  Reflecting full
dilution, earnings per share for the quarter were $0.09, which were the same
as last year, and $.16, up $.01 for the half year.  Primary earnings per share
were $.10 and $.17, up $.01 and $.02, for the quarter and half year


     The following table sets forth certain financial data with respect to
changes in the Company's liquidity and capital resources since December 31,
1994: (in thousands of dollars except ratios)


                             6/30/95       12/31/94    NET CHANGES

Working capital              $2,561        $ 2,903       $  <342>    
Current assets                9,062         10,799        <1,737>
Current liabilities           6,501          7,896        <1,395>
Working capital ratio (1)      1.39           1.37           .02

(1)  Current assets over current liabilities.

     During the second quarter, the Company benefited from improved cash flows
due to increased income from operations, supplemented by short-term
borrowings.  The Company also received cash from certain officers and

directors who exercised their options to purchase 13,200 shares of stock. 
Shares held by the Stock Employee Compensation Trust were released
accordingly.  Cash proceeds were applied towards the following:

     - paydowns on long-term debt.

     - capital acquisition and investments including leasehold improvements at
the corporate headquarters' office; new personal computers and furniture; and
facility and equipment build-out at QVI.  These amounted to $459,300 in the

     The Company is outfitting QVI's existing plant to begin production at a
capacity that will enable it to partially satisfy Munchkin's sales
requirements for infant bottle liners for next year.  QVI is expected to
undertake a multi-million dollar investment in plant and machinery to meet its
contractual requirements.  As an alternative to leasing a larger production
plant, management is exploring the financial viability of  purchasing a
turnkey facility, developed according to certain technical specifications. 
Financing terms through 10-year Industrial Revenue Bonds are currently being
negotiated subject to approval by the Board of Directors.


     The impact of inflation on the Company's costs should be minimal due to
the fact that increased costs of this type are normally included in the
pricing structure or otherwise recovered through reimbursement of contract
costs incurred.


     The term "backlog" as used herein includes the aggregate contract
revenues, remaining to be earned at the stated time, to the extent of the
value of the contract award thereunder.  Virtually all of the Company's
backlog is expected to be completed within four years.  The following table
reflects the Company's funded and unfunded backlog as of June 30, 1995 and
June 30, 1994.

                Funded Backlog                 Unfunded Backlog
                    June 30                         June 30
              1995          1994              1995          1994

          $31,679,000   $33,300,000     *$472,071,000  $146,017,000

     *The unfunded backlog includes the $300 million contract value of the
recently awarded Department of the Army contract which is currently the
subject of a protest.

The term "funded" used herein refers to the portion of aggregate contract
revenues remaining to be earned that is covered by funding appropriations and
allotments to the contract by the procuring agency.  The term "unfunded"
refers to the excess of the value of the contract award over the funded value. 
Management does not provide any assurance that the customer will authorize

funding amounts in addition to funding commitments existing as of the period
just ended.

                                     PART II

Item 1.  Legal Proceedings

     The following information is furnished regarding material pending
litigation involving the Company and specifically, proceedings which have been
terminated during the period covered by this Report.  Litigation as reported
in the Company's 1994 Annual Report, in which there have been no material
developments during the second quarter, has been omitted.

     a.   QuesTech, Inc. v. 7600 Limited Partnership.

          This civil action for damages against the Company's former landlord
at the Headquarters Building, 7600 Limited Partnership ("7600 L.P."), pending
in the Circuit Court for Fairfax County, Virginia, was concluded on May 22,
1995.  In this case, the Company sought damages of approximately $500,000 as
a result of 7600 L.P. having charged the Company for 114,759 square feet of
office space which was an improper calculation under any recognized standard
for measuring space.  The error caused the Company to be charged rent on
approximately 5,500 square feet it never received.  The landlord originally
defended the case on the grounds that the Company's lease was unambiguous
because it set forth the amount of total square footage. After extensive
motions, practice and argument, the Circuit Court determined that the lease
was ambiguous in this regard and ordered the case for trial to take evidence
on the parties' intention on the amount of square footage.  On May 22, 1995,
when the case was to be tried to a jury, the Circuit Court (a different judge
from the one that had ruled on the motion) overruled the first ruling, and
declared the lease to be unambiguous regarding the amount of square footage. 
Accordingly, the case was dismissed on a motion before the jury was empaneled.

          Management has determined not to take an appeal of the Court's
ruling on May 22, 1995 because it does not believe the expenditure of any
further attorney's fees and costs in the case is warranted, in view of the
chance of obtaining a new trial.  The Company will have to defend 7600 L.P.'s
Petition for Attorneys' Fees which it expects to be filed in the next quarter.

     b.   QuesTech, Inc. v. 7600 Limited Partnership.

          This civil action for damages sought in excess of $500,000 against
7600 L.P., and was pending in the Circuit Court for Fairfax County.  The basis
of the case, concluded on June 14, 1995, was that under paragraph 19 of the
Company's Headquarters' lease, the Company was relieved of all liability for
9,250 square feet of the second floor of the Headquarters Building when it
entered into a sublease with Science Applications International Corporation
for that space in April, 1992.  On 7600 L.P.'s motion for summary judgment in
the early stages of the case, the Circuit Court had ruled that the language of
paragraph 19 indicated that the Company had been released of liability for
this space and that 7600 L.P. had the burden of proving waiver or estoppel on
the part of the Company.  The Company sought a trial by jury as to these

          On June 13-14, 1995, the circuit Court held a preliminary
evidentiary hearing on whether the provisions were ambiguous.  The Court
decided that while paragraph 19 was ambiguous as to whether the Company was
released of liability, the subject language in effect should be disregarded;
therefore there was no release of the Company as to this space.  The Company
objected to this ruling specifically because of the fact that it was made
without empaneling a jury to decide these issues.

          The management of the Company has determined not to take an appeal
of the Circuit Court's decision because of its determination not to expand
further attorneys' fees and costs for this litigation.  7600 L.P. will be
filing the Petition for Attorneys' Fees in the next quarter which the Company
will actively defend.

          The Company, including its subsidiaries, are not subject to any
other material pending legal proceedings, and none of the assets of the
Company or its subsidiaries are subject to any such proceedings, other than
what constitutes routine litigation incidental to the business and against
which the Company is either adequately insured or which is not material.

Item 5.  Other Information

Item 6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K.

(a)  Exhibits:

     10.  Material Contracts

          (z1) Loan and Security Agreement between the Company and Signet Bank
               of Virginia dated May 31, 1995, Amendment No. 10.

     ll.  Statement of Computation of Earnings Per Share.

(b)  Reports on Form 8-K:

          No reports on Form 8-K were required to be filed during the second
          quarter of 1995.

                                S.E.C. FORM 10-Q

                                  June 30, 1995

     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                               QUESTECH, INC.           

Date:  ______________________           ________________________________
                                          Vincent L. Salvatori 
                                          Chief Executive Officer
                                          and Chairman of the Board

Date:  ______________________           ________________________________
                                          Joseph P. O'Connell, Jr.
                                          Vice President and
                                          Chief Financial Officer

                                                                   EXHIBIT 10


dated as of the 31st day of May, 1995, is made by and among QuesTech, Inc., a
Virginia Corporation, QuesTech Service Company, a Virginia Corporation (the
"Borrowers") and SIGNET BANK/VIRGINIA, a Virginia banking corporation (the


A.  The Lender and the Borrowers entered into a Loan and Security Agreement,
dated as of July 15, 1991, (as amended through the date hereof, the
"Agreement") pursuant to which the Lender has agreed to extend credit to the
Borrowers, and the Borrowers have agreed to obtain credit from the Lender, on
the terms and conditions set forth in such Agreement.

B.  The Borrowers have requested that the Lender modify the Termination Date,
and the Lender has consented to such request subject to the execution of this
Amendment and the satisfaction of the conditions specified herein.

C.  The Borrowers and the Lender now desire to execute this Amendment to set
forth their agreements with respect to the modifications to the Agreement.

     Accordingly, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and
sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Lender and the Borrowers
agree as follows:

     SECTION 1.  Definitions.  Capitalized terms used in this Amendment and
not defined herein are defined in the Agreement.

     SECTION 2.   Amendments to Agreement.  The Agreement is hereby amended as

                    2.1  Amendments to Section 1.  Section 1 of the Agreement
is amended as follows:

                         Termination Date.  The definition of the term
Termination Date is replaced in its entirety with the following definition:

                              "Termination Date" means August 31, 1995, and
any extension or extensions hereof granted by the Lender in its sole

     SECTION 3.   Representations and Warranties of Borrowers.  The Borrowers
represent and warrant to the Lender that:

          (a)  They have the power and authority to enter into and to perform
this Amendment, to execute and deliver all documents relating to this
Amendment, and to incur the obligations provided for in this Amendment, all of
which have been duly authorized and approved in accordance with the Borrowers'
corporate documents;

          (b)  This Amendment, together with all documents executed pursuant
hereto, shall constitute when executed the valid and legally binding
obligations of the Borrowers in accordance with their respective terms;

          (c)  Except with respect to events or circumstances occurring
subsequent to the date thereof and known to the Lender, all representations
and warranties made in the Agreement are true and correct as of the date
hereof, with the same force and effect as if all representations  and
warranties were fully set forth herein;

          (d)  The Borrowers' obligations under the Loan Documents remain
valid and enforceable obligations, and the execution and delivery of the
amendment and the other documents executed in connection herewith shall not be
construed as a novation of the Agreement or any of the other Loan Documents;

          (e)  As of the date hereof, the Borrowers have no offsets or
defenses against the payment of any of the Obligations.

     SECTION 4.  Waiver of Claims.  As a specific inducement to the Lender
without which the Borrowers acknowledge the Lender would not enter into this
Amendment and the other documents executed in connection herewith, the
Borrowers hereby waive any and all claims that it may have against the Lender,
as of the date hereof, arising out of or relating to the Agreement or any
other Loan Document whether sounding in contract, tort or any other basis.

     SECTION 5.  Conditions of Effectiveness.  This Amendment shall become
effective when, and only when the Lender shall have received this Amendment,
executed and completed by the Borrowers.

     SECTION 6.   Miscellaneous.

                    6.1  Reference to Agreement.  Upon the effectiveness of
this Amendment, each reference in the Agreement to 'this Agreement" and each
reference in the other Loan Documents to the Agreement, shall mean and be a
reference to the Agreement as amended hereby.

                    6.2  Effect on Loan Documents.  Except as specifically
amended above, the Agreement and all other Loan Documents shall remain in full
force and effect and are hereby ratified and confirmed.  Without limiting the
generality of the foregoing, all Collateral given to secure the Obligations of
the Borrowers under the Agreement and the other Loan Documents prior to the
date hereof does and shall continue to secure all Obligations of the Borrowers
under the Agreement, as amended hereby and the other Loan Documents, and,
except as provided in the Agreement and the other Loan Documents, no such
Collateral shall be released until all Obligations are satisfied and
completely discharged.

                    6.3  No Waiver.  The execution, delivery and effectiveness
of this Amendment shall not operate as a waiver of any right, power or remedy
of the Lender under any of the Loan Documents, nor constitute a waiver of any
provision of any of the Loan Documents.

                    6.4  Costs, Expenses and Taxes.  The Borrowers agree to 
pay on demand all costs and expenses of the Lender in connection with the
preparation, reproduction, execution and delivery of this Amendment and the
other instruments and documents to be delivered hereunder, including the
reasonable fees and out-of-pocket expenses of counsel for the Lender with
respect hereto.

                    6.5  Governing Law.  This Amendment shall be governed by
and construed in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia,
without giving effect to conflict of law provisions.

          IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Borrowers and the Lender have caused this
Amendment to be signed by their duly authorized representatives under seal all
as of the day and year first above written.

                                             QuesTech, Inc.
                                             a Virginia corporation

ATTEST:                                      By: _____________________
                                             Name:  ___________________
                                             Title: ___________________
[corporate seal]  

                                             QuesTech Service Company,
                                             a Virginia corporation

ATTEST:                                      By: _____________________
                                             Name:  ___________________
                                             Title: ___________________
[corporate seal]  

                                             SIGNET BANK/VIRGINIA, a
                                             Virginia banking corporation

                                             By: _______________________
                                                  Loriana  Cipolletti
                                                  Vice President

                                                                  EXHIBIT 11

                                 QuesTech, Inc.



                                    Three Months           Six Months
                                   Ended June 30         Ended June 30 
                                  1995       1994       1995       1994

Net income ...................  $ 140,500  $ 123,800  $ 239,400  $ 210,900

Actual shares outstanding ....  1,568,000  1,568,000  1,568,000  1,568,000

Less:  Shares held by the SECT   <208,592>  <221,792>  <208,592>  <221,792>

Number of shares used for
  calculating earnings per
  share ......................  1,359,408  1,346,208  1,359,408  1,346,208

Weighted average number of
  shares outstanding:
  Primary ....................  1,425,570  1,385,520  1,415,718  1,374,026
  Fully diluted ..............  1,547,144  1,405,029  1,547,144  1,405,029

Earnings per share:
  Primary ....................  $     .10        .09        .17        .15
  Fully diluted ..............  $     .09  $     .09  $     .16  $     .15


                  Appendix A To Item 601(c) of Registration S-K
                       Commercial and Industrial Companies
                           Article 5 of Regulation S-X

                                  June 30, 1995

Item Number              Item Description                    Y-T-D

5-02(1)           Cash and cash items                        130,400
5-02(2)           Marketable securities                            0
5-02(3)(a)(1)     Notes and accounts receivable-trade      7,697,100
5-02(4)           Allowances for doubtful accounts                 0
5-02(6)           Inventory                                        0
5-02(9)           Total current assets                     9,062,000
5-02(13)          Property, plant and equipment            7,726,100
5-02(14)          Accumulated depreciation                 6,619,200
5-02(18)          Total assets                            14,648,200
5-02(21)          Total current liabilities                6,500,600
5-02(22)          Bonds, mortgages and similar debt        3,232,400
5-02(28)          Preferred stock - mandatory
                      redemption                                   0
5-02(29)          Preferred stock - no mandatory
                      redemption                                   0
5-02(3)           Common stock                                78,900
5-02(31)          Other stockholders' equity               4,836,300
5-02(32)          Total liabilities and stockholders'
                      equity                              14,648,200
5-03(b)1(a)       Net sales of tangible products                   0
5-03(b)1          Total revenue                           27,733,200
5-03(b)2(a)       Cost of tangible goods sold                      0  
5-03(b)2          Total costs and expenses applicable
                      to sales and revenues               26,834,300
5-03(b)3          Other costs and expenses                   223,000
5-03(b)5          Provision of doubtful accounts and
                      notes                                        0
5-03(b)(8)        Interest and amortization of debt
                      discount                               187,500
5-03(b)(10)       Income before taxes and other items        488,400
5-03(b)(11)       Income tax expense                         249,000
5-03(b)(14)       Income/loss continuing operations          239,400
5-03(b)(15)       Discontinued operations                          0
5-03(b)(17)       Extraordinary items                              0
5-03(b)(18)       Cumulative effect-changes in
                      accounting principles                        0
5-03(b)(19)       Net income of loss                         239,400
5-03(b)(20)       Earnings per share - primary                   .17
5-03(b)(20)       Earnings per share - fully diluted             .16
(Added by Sec Act Rel No. 6977, eff 4/26/93.)