Business Corporation
                      Restated Articles of Incorporation of
                         WASHINGTON TRUST BANCORP, INC.

Pursuant to the  provisions of Section  7-1.1-59 of the  General Laws,  1956, as
amended,  the undersigned  corporation adopts the following Restated Articles of

FIRST. Name. The name of the Corporation is Washington Trust Bancorp, Inc.

SECOND. Duration. The period of its duration is perpetual.

THIRD.  Purposes and Powers.  The purposes for which the Corporation is organize
are to act as a holding company whose  subsidiaries will engage, as permitted by
law, in banking and other financial services and businesses; and to transact and
engage  in,  directly,  through  subsidiaries  or  otherwise,  any other  lawful

The Corporation shall have power
(a) To have  perpetual  succession by its corporate name unless a limited period
of duration is stated in its Articles of Incorporation.

(b) To sue and be sued, complain and defend, in its corporate name.

(c) To have a corporate  seal which may be altered at  pleasure,  and to sue the
same by causing it, or a facsimile thereof, to be impressed or affixed or in any
other manner reproduced.

(d) To purchase, take, receive, lease, or otherwise acquire, own, hold, improve,
use and otherwise deal in and with, real or personal  property,  or any interest
therein, wherever situated.

(e) To sell, convey, mortgage,  pledge, lease, exchange,  transfer and otherwise
dispose of all or any part of its property and assets.

(f) To lend money and to use its credit to assist its employees.

(g) To purchase, take, receive,  subscribe for, or otherwise acquire, own, hold,
vote, use, employ,  sell,  mortgage,  lend,  pledge or otherwise dispose of, and
otherwise use and deal in and with, shares or other interests in, or obligations
of,  other  domestic  or foreign  corporations,  associations,  partnerships  or
individuals,  or direct or indirect  obligations  of the United States or of any
other government, state, territory,  governmental district or municipality or of
any instrumentality thereof.

(h) To make contracts and guarantees and incur liabilities, borrow money at such
rates of interest as the Corporation may determine,  issue its notes, bonds, and
other  obligations,  and secure any of its  obligations by mortgage or pledge of
all or any of its property, franchises, and income.

(i) To lend money for its corporate purposes, invest and reinvest its funds, and
take and hold real and personal property as security for the payment of funds so
loaned or invested.

(j) To conduct  its  business,  carry on its  operations,  and have  offices and
exercise the powers  granted by the Rhode Island  Business  Corporation  Act, as
amended, from time to time, within or without this state.

(k) To elect or appoint officers and agents of the Corporation, and define their
duties and fix their compensation.

(l) To  make  and  alter  by-laws,  not  inconsistent  with  these  Articles  of
Incorporation  or with  the  laws  of this  state,  for the  administration  and
regulation of the affairs of the Corporation.

(m) To make  donations for the public welfare or for  charitable,  scientific or
educational purposes.

(n) To transact any lawful business which the Board of Directors shall find will
be in aid of governmental authority.

(o) To pay pensions and establish pension plans, pension trusts,  profit-sharing
plans,  stock bonus plans,  stock option plans and other incentive plans for any
or all of its directors, officers and employees.

(p) To provide  insurance  for its benefit on the life of any of its directors ,
officers,  or employees,  or on the life of any  stockholder  for the purpose of
acquiring at his death shares of its stock owned by such stockholder.

(q) To be a promoter, partner, member, associate, or manager of any partnership,
joint venture, trust or other enterprise.

(r) To have and exercise all other powers  necessary or convenient to effect its

FOURTH.  Capital  Stock.  The aggregate  number of shares which the  Corporation
shall have authority to issue is 10,000,000,  par value $.0625 per share, all of
which shares are to be a class designated as "Common Stock".

Subject to the  provisions  of these  Articles  of  Incorporation  and except as
otherwise  provided by law, the shares of stock of the Corporation may be issued
for such consideration and for such corporate purposes as the Board of Directors
may from time to time determine.

FIFTH. No Preemptive Rights. No holder of stock of any class of the Corporation,
whether now or hereafter authorized, shall have any preemptive,  preferential or
other rights to subscribe  for or purchase or acquire any shares of any class or
any other  securities of the Corporation,  whether now or hereafter  authorized,
and whether or not  convertible  into,  or  evidencing  or carrying the right to
purchase,  shares  of  any  class  or any  other  securities  now  or  hereafter
authorized, and whether the same shall be issued for cash, services or property,
or by way of dividend or otherwise.

SIXTH. Approval of Certain Business  Combinations.  Whether or not a vote of the
stockholders is otherwise  required in connection with the transaction,  neither
the Corporation nor any of its Subsidiaries shall become a party to any Business
Combination without prior compliance with the provisions of Section(a) or (b) or
(c)  hereinbelow,  in addition to such additional vote of the Preferred Stock as
may be required by the provisions of any series thereof or by applicable law.

(a) Prior  Approval by the Board of  Directors.  Such Business  Combination  was
approved by the Board of Directors of the Corporation~by the affirmative vote of
at least 80% of the Board of Directors of the  Corporation  either (i) at a time
prior to the acquisition of 10% or more of the outstanding  Voting Shares of the
Corporation by a Related  Person,  or (ii) after such  acquisition,  but only so
long as such Related Person sought and obtained the approval, by the affirmative
vote of at  least  80% of the  Board of  Directors  of the  Corporation,  of the
acquisition  of 10% or more  of the  outstanding  Voting  Shares  prior  to such
acquisition being consummated.

(b) Approval by Continuing Directors and Additional Requirements.  Such Business
Combination  (i) shall be approved at a meeting of the Board of Directors by the
affirmative vote of 80% of the Continuing  Directors and a majority of the Board
of Directors, and (ii) all of the conditions hereinafter set forth in subsection
(1) through (5) below shall be satisfied:

     (1) The ratio of (i) the  aggregate  amount of the cash and the fair market
     value of other  consideration  to be received  per share of Common Stock in
     such Business Combination by holders of Common Stock other than the Related
     Person involved in such Business Combination,  to (ii) the market price per
     share of the Common  Stock  immediately  prior to the  announcement  of the
     proposed Business Combination, is at least as great as the ratio of (x) the
     highest per share price (including  brokerage  commissions,  transfer taxes
     and soliciting  dealers'  fees) which such Related  Person has  theretofore
     paid in acquiring any Common Stock prior to such Business  Combination,  to
     (y) the market  price per share of Common  Stock  immediately  prior to the
     initial  acquisition  by such Related Person of any shares of Common Stock;

     (2) The  aggregate  amount of the cash and the fair  market  value of other
     consideration  to be received  per share of Common  Stock in such  Business
     Combination  by holders of Common  Stock,  other  than the  Related  Person
     involved in such Business Combination, (i) is not less than the highest per
     share price (including brokerage commissions, transfer taxes and soliciting
     dealers' fees) paid by such Related Person in acquiring any of its holdings
     of Common  Stock,  (ii) is not less than the  earnings  per share of Common
     Stock for the four full  consecutive  fiscal  quarters  of the  Corporation
     immediately   preceding  the  Date  of   Determination   of  such  Business
     Combination multiplied by the then price-earnings multiple (if any) of such
     Related  Person as  customarily  computed  and  reported  in the  financial
     community;  provided,  that for the purposes of this clause  (ii),  if more
     than one Person  constitutes  the Related  Person  involved in the Business
     Combination,  the price-earnings multiple (if any) of the Person having the
     highest  price-earnings  multiple shall be used for the computation in this
     clause  (ii),  and (iii) is not less than the book  value of a share of the
     Common Stock,  as reflected in the balance sheet of the  Corporation  as of
     the last day of the last fiscal  quarter of the  Corporation  preceding the
     Date of Determination; and

     (3) The consideration (if any) to be received in such Business  Combination
     by holders of Common Stock other than the Related Person involved shall, to
     the extent that a  stockholder  agrees  otherwise  as to all or part of the
     shares  which he or she  owns,  be in the same form and of the same kind as
     the  consideration  paid by the Related  Person in  acquiring  Common Stock
     already owned by it; and

     (4) After  such  Related  Person  became a Related  Person and prior to the
     consummation  of such Business  Combination:  (i) such Related Person shall
     have taken steps to insure that the Board of Directors  of the  Corporation
     included at all times representation by Continuing Directors  proportionate
     to the ratio that the number of Voting Shares of the Corporation  from time
     to time owned by  stockholders  who are not  Related  Persons  bears to all
     Voting Shares of the Corporation  outstanding at the time in question (with
     a Continuing Director to occupy any resulting fractional position among the
     directors);  (ii) such  Related  Person  shall not have  acquired  from the
     Corporation,  directly or indirectly, any shares of the Corporation (except
     (x) upon  conversion  of  convertible  securities  acquired  by it prior to
     becoming a Related Person or (y) as a result of a pro rata stock  dividend,
     stock split or division of shares or (z) in a transaction consummated after
     this Article SIXTH was added to these Articles of  Incorporation  and which
     satisfied all applicable  requirements  of this Article  SIXTH;  (iii) such
     Related Person shall not have acquired any additional  Voting Shares of the
     Corporation  or  securities  convertible  into or  exchangeable  for Voting
     Shares except as a part of the  transaction  which resulted in such Related
     Person's becoming a Related Person;  and (iv) such Related Person shall not
     have  (x)   received   the   benefit,   directly  or   indirectly   (except
     proportionately  as a  stockholder),  of any loans,  advances,  guarantees,
     pledges  or other  financial  assistance  or tax  credits  provided  by the
     Corporation  or any  Subsidiary,  or  (y)  made  any  major  change  in the
     Corporation's  business or equity  capital  structure  or entered  into any
     contract, arrangement or understanding with the Corporation except any such
     change, contract, arrangement or understanding as may have been approved by
     the favorable vote of not less than 80% of the  Continuing  Directors and a
     majority of the Board of Directors of the Corporation; and

     (5) A proxy  statement  complying with the  requirements  of the Securities
     Exchange Act of 1934 shall have been mailed to all holders of Voting Shares
     for the  purpose  of  soliciting  stockholder  approval  of  such  Business
     Combination.  Such proxy statement shall contain at the front thereof, in a
     prominent   place,   any   recommendations   as  to  the  advisability  (or
     inadvisability) of the Business Combination which the Continuing Directors,
     or any of them, may have  furnished in writing and, if deemed  advisable by
     two-thirds  of  the  Continuing  Directors,   an  opinion  of  a  reputable
     investment  banking  firm as to the  fairness  (or lack of fairness) of the
     terms of such Business Combination from the point of view of the holders of
     Voting Shares other than any Related Person (such  investment  banking firm
     to be selected by two-thirds of the Continuing  Directors,  to be furnished
     with  all  information  it  reasonably  requests,  and  to be  paid  by the
     Corporation  a  reasonable  fee  for  its  services  upon  receipt  by  the
     Corporation of such opinion).

     For purposes of Sections (b)(1) and (2) hereof,  in the event of a Business
     Combination  upon  consummation  of  which  the  Corporation  would  be the
     surviving  corporation  or company or would continue to exist (unless it is
     provided,   contemplated   or  intended  that  as  part  of  such  Business
     Combination  or  within  one  year  after  consummation  thereof  a plan of
     liquidation or dissolution of the Corporation  will be effected),  the term
     "other  consideration  to be received" shall include  (without  limitation)
     Common Stock retained by stockholders of the Corporation other than Related
     Persons who are parties to such Business Combination.

(c)  Approval  by  Stockholders.  If  there  is not  full  compliance  with  the
provisions  of Section (a) or (b) of this  Article,  such  Business  Combination
shall be  approved  by the  affirmative  vote of 80% of the  outstanding  Voting
Shares, voting as a single class; provided that a proxy statement complying with
the  requirements of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 shall have been mailed
to all  holders of Voting  Shares  for the  purpose  of  soliciting  stockholder
approval of such Business Combination. Such proxy statement shall contain at the
front thereof,  in a prominent place, any recommendations as to the advisability
(or inadvisability) of the Business Combination which the Continuing  Directors,
or any of them,  may have  furnished  in writing  and,  if deemed  advisable  by
two-thirds of the  Continuing  Directors,  an opinion of a reputable  investment
banking  firm as to the  fairness  (or lack of  fairness)  of the  terms of such
Business  Combination  from the point of view of the  holders  of Voting  Shares
other than any Related  Person (such  investment  banking firm to be selected by
two-thirds of the Continuing Directors,  to be furnished with all information it
reasonably requests,  and to be paid a reasonable fee by the Corporation for its
services upon receipt by the Corporation of such opinion).

(d) Evaluation of Business Combinations, etc. In connection with the exercise of
its judgment in determining  what is in the best interest of the Corporation and
its stockholders when evaluating a Business Combination or a proposal by another
Person or Persons to make a Business  Combination  or a tender or exchange offer
or a proposal by another  Person or Persons to make a tender or exchange  offer,
the Board of Directors of the Corporation  shall, in addition to considering the
adequacy  of the  amount  to be paid in  connection  with any such  transaction,
consider  all of the  following  factors  and any other  factors  which it deems
relevant:  (i)  the  social  and  economic  effects  of the  transaction  on the
Corporation  and  its  Subsidiaries,   employees,  depositors,  loan  and  other
customers,  creditors  and  other  elements  of the  communities  in  which  the
Corporation and its Subsidiaries  operate or are located;  (ii) the business and
financial  condition and earnings  prospects of the acquiring Person or Persons,
including,  but not  limited  to,  debt  service  and other  existing  or likely
financial  obligations  of the  acquiring  Person or Persons,  and the  possible
effect of such  conditions upon the  Corporation  and its  Subsidiaries  and the
other elements of the communities in which the Corporation and its  Subsidiaries
operate or are located; and (iii) the competence,  experience,  and integrity of
the acquiring Person or Persons and its or their management.

(e) Amendments to this Article SIXTH.  Notwithstanding  any other  provisions of
these  Articles  of  Incorporation  or  the  By-laws  of  the  Corporation  (and
notwithstanding  the fact that some lesser  percentage  may be specified by law,
these  Articles  of  Incorporation  or the By-laws of the  Corporation),  and in
addition to such  additional  vote of any Preferred  Stock that may hereafter be
authorized  as may be required  by the  provisions  of any series  thereof or by
applicable  law,  this Article SIXTH shall not be amended,  altered,  changed or
repealed without:

     (1) The affirmative vote of 80% of the Board of Directors and a majority of
     the Continuing Directors; and

     (2) The affirmative vote as to all stock held by the holders of 80% or more
     of the outstanding Voting Shares, voting separately as a class.

(f) Amendments Recommended by Directors. The provisions of paragraph (e) of this
Article  SIXTH shall not apply to, and the vote referred to therein shall not be
required for, any amendment,  addition, alteration or repeal of any provision of
this Article SIXTH that is recommended to the stockholders by the favorable vote
of (1) a majority  of the Board of  Directors,  and (2) not less than 80% of the
Continuing Directors, and any such amendment,  addition, alteration or repeal so
recommended  shall require only the vote, if any,  required under the applicable
provisions of the Rhode Island Business Corporation Law.

SEVENTH.  Registered Office. The address of the initial registered office of the
Corporation is 126 Franklin Street,  Westerly,  Rhode Island and the name of its
initial registered agent at such address is Louis J. Luzzi.

EIGHTH. Board of Directors; Amendment of By-Laws.

(a) The business and affairs of the Corporation shall be managed by or under the
direction of the Board of Directors.  The number of directors of the Corporation
(exclusive  of  directors to be elected by the holders of any one or more series
of any Preferred Stock that may hereafter be authorized  voting  separately as a
class or classes)  that shall  constitute  the Board of  Directors  shall be 20,
unless  otherwise  determined  from time to time by  resolution  adopted  by the
affirmative vote of:

     (1) At least 80% of the Board of Directors; and

     (2) A majority of the Continuing Directors.

(b) The names and  addresses  and  classes  of the  persons  who are to serve as
directors  of the  Corporation  until  the  expiration  of  the  term  of  their
respective  classes or until their successors are duly elected and shall qualify

     Name                     Address                                      Class

     William Atherton         Sherwood Court, Westerly, RI 02891            1986
     Charles C. Buffum        73 Avondale Rd., Westerly, RI 02891           1987
     Steven J. Crandall       24 Saratoga Ave., Westerly, RI 02891          1985
     David Curtis             365 Pine Hill Rd., Wakefield, RI 02879        1986
     Jacques deLaporte        P.O. Box 448, Skunk Hill Rd.,
                                Hope Valley, RI 02832                       1986
     Richard A. Grills        Oak St., Ashaway, RI 02804                    1985
     Joseph J. Kirby          38 Elm St., Westerly, RI 02891                1987
     James W. McCormick, Jr.  "Sunny Hill", Watch Hill, RI 02891            1985
     Thomas F. Moore, Jr.     RFD 2, Box 9, North Main St.,
                                Stonington, CT 06378                        1987
     Brendan P. O'Donnell     P.O. Box 278, Money Point Rd.,
                                Mason's Island, Mystic, CT 06355            1986
     Victor J. Orsinger,II    51 Elm St., Westerly, RI 02891                1985
     Arthur Perry             71 Spencer Brook Rd., Concord, MA 01742       1985
     Robert B. Perry          Taylor Lane, Weekapaug, RI 02891              1987
     Joseph H. Potter         Midway Ave., Westerly, RI 02891               1986
     Joseph E. Pucci          34 Elm St., Westerly, RI 02891                1987
     Anthony J. Rose, Jr.     80 Pine Hill Rd., Wakefield, RI 02879         1986
     James P. Sullivan        125 Watch Hill Rd., Westerly, RI 02891        1985
     James D. Thornton        185 East Ave., Westerly, RI 02891             1987
     Neil H. Thorp            14 Cedarcrest Dr., Westerly, RI 02891         1985
     Albert E. Wilson         Box 215, Nathaniel Lewis Rd.,
                                Ashaway, RI 02804                           1986

(c) Subject to  applicable  law, the  directors  shall be divided into three (3)
classes,  each class to be as nearly  equal in number as  possible.  The term of
office of  directors  of the first class shall  expire at the annual  meeting of
stockholders to be held in 1985 and until their  respective  successors are duly
elected and qualified. The term of office of directors of the second class shall
expire at the annual meeting of  stockholders to be held in 1986 and until their
respective  successors  are duly  elected and  qualified.  The term of office of
directors of the third class shall expire at the annual meeting of  stockholders
to be held in 1987 and until their  respective  successors  are duly elected and
qualified.  Subject to the foregoing,  at each annual  meeting of  stockholders,
commencing at the annual meeting to be held in 1985, the successors to the class
of directors  whose term shall then expire shall be elected to hold office for a
term expiring at the third succeeding  annual meeting and until their successors
shall be duly elected and qualified. Any vacancies in the Board of Directors for
any reason, and any newly created  directorships  resulting from any increase in
the number of directors, may be filled only by the Board of Directors, acting by
vote of 80% of the directors  then in office,  although less than a quorum,  and
any  directors so chosen shall hold office until the next  election of the class
for which such  directors  shall have been  chosen  and until  their  respective
successors  shall be duly  elected and  qualified.  No decrease in the number of
directors shall shorten the term of any incumbent director.  Notwithstanding the
foregoing,  and except as otherwise required by law, whenever the holders of any
one or more series of any Preferred Stock that may hereafter be authorized shall
have the right,  voting separately as a class, to elect one or more directors of
the  Corporation,  (i) the terms of the  director or  directors  elected by such
holders shall expire at the next succeeding  annual meeting of stockholders  and
vacancies  created with respect to any  directorship of the directors so elected
may be filled in the manner  specified by such  Preferred  Stock,  and (ii) this
Article EIGHTH shall be deemed to be construed  and/or  modified so as to permit
the full  implementation  of the terms and  conditions  relating  to election of
directors of any series of Preferred  Stock that has been or will be  designated
by the Board of Directors.

(d)  Notwithstanding  any other provisions of these Articles of Incorporation or
the By-laws of the Corporation  (and  notwithstanding  the fact that some lesser
percentage  may be  specified by law,  these  Articles of  Incorporation  or the
By-laws of the Corporation), any one or more directors of the Corporation may be
removed at any time,  but only for cause and only by either (1) the  affirmative
vote of a majority of the  Continuing  Directors  and a majority of the Board of
Directors or (2) the affirmative  vote, at a meeting of the stockholders  called
for that  purpose,  as to all stock  held by the  holders  of 80% or more of the
outstanding Voting Shares, voting separately as a class.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, and except as otherwise required by law, whenever
the holders of any one or more series of Preferred  Stock that may  hereafter be
authorized shall have the right,  voting  separately as a class, to elect one or
more directors of the Corporation,  the provisions of this Section (d) shall not
apply with  respect to the  director  or  directors  elected by such  holders of
Preferred Stock.

(e) In addition to the right of the Board of  Directors  of the  Corporation  to
make nominations for the election of directors,  nominations for the election of
directors  may be made by any  stockholder  entitled to vote for the election of
directors  if that  stockholder  complies  with  all of the  provisions  of this
Section (e).

     (1) Advance written notice of such proposed nomination shall be received by
     the  Secretary  of the  Corporation  not less than 14 days nor more than 60
     days prior to any meeting of the  stockholders  called for the  election of
     directors;  provided,  however,  that if fewer than 21 days'  notice of the
     meeting is given to  stockholders,  such  written  notice of such  proposed
     nomination  shall be received by the Secretary of the Corporation not later
     than the close of the tenth day  following  the day on which  notice of the
     meeting was mailed to stockholders.

     (2) Each notice under  Section  (e)(1)  shall set forth (i) the name,  age,
     business address and, if known,  residence address of each nominee proposed
     in such notice,  (ii) the  principal  occupation or employment of each such
     nominee,  (iii) the number of shares of stock of the Corporation  which are
     Beneficially  Owned  by each  such  nominee,  (iv)  any  other  information
     reasonably  requested  by the  Corporation.

     (3) The nomination  made by a stockholder  may only be made in a meeting of
     the stockholders of the Corporation called for the election of directors at
     which such  stockholder  is present in person or by proxy,  and can only be
     made  by a  stockholder  who  has  theretofore  complied  with  the  notice
     provisions of Sections (e)(1) and (2) above.

     (4) The chairman of the meeting may, if the facts  warrant,  determine  and
     declare to the meeting that a nomination  was not made in  accordance  with
     the  foregoing  procedures,  and if he  should  so  determine,  he shall so
     declare to the meeting and the defective nomination shall be disregarded.

(f) The By-laws of the  Corporation  may be altered,  amended or repealed or new
By-laws  may be  adopted  by the Board of  Directors  at any  regular or special
meeting solely upon the  affirmative  vote of both 80% of the Board of Directors
and a majority of the Continuing  Directors.  If such vote is to be taken at any
special  meeting of the Board of Directors,  notice of such proposed  action and
the substance thereof shall be contained in the notice of such special meeting.

(g)  Notwithstanding  any other provisions of these Articles of Incorporation or
the By-laws of the Corporation  (and  notwithstanding the  fact that some lesser
percentage  may be  specified by law,  these  Articles of  Incorporation  or the
By-laws of the  Corporation),  and in  addition to such  additional  vote of any
Preferred  Stock that may  hereafter  be  authorized  as may be  required by the
provisions of any series thereof or by applicable law, this Article EIGHTH shall
not be amended, altered, changed or repealed without:

     (1) The affirmative vote of 80% of the Board of Directors and of a majority
     of Continuing Directors; and

     (2) The affirmative vote as to all stock held by the holders of 80% or more
     of the outstanding Voting Shares, voting separately as a class.

NINTH.  Certain  Definitions.  For  purposes of Articles  SIXTH and EIGHTH,  the
following definitions shall apply:

(a) Affiliate.  An "Affiliate"  of, or a Person " affiliated  with", a specified
Person,  means  a  Person  that  directly  or  indirectly,  through  one or more
intermediaries,  controls, or is controlled by, or is under common control with,
the Person specified.

(b) Associate.  The term  "Associate"  used to indicate a relationship  with any
Person means:

     (1) Any  corporation  or  organization  (other  than the  Corporation  or a
     Subsidiary  of the  Corporation)  of which  such  Person is an  officer  or
     partner or is, directly or indirectly,  the beneficial owner of ten percent
     or more of any class of equity securities;

     (2) Any trust or other  estate in which such  Person  has a ten  percent or
     greater beneficial interest or as to which such Person serves as trustee or
     in a similar fiduciary capacity;

     (3) Any relative or spouse of such Person,  or any relative of such spouse,
     who has the same home as such Person; or

     (4) Any investment  company  registered under the Investment Company Act of
     1940 for which such Person or any  Affiliate  or  Associate  of such Person
     serves as investment advisor.

(c) Beneficial Owner. A Person shall be considered the "Beneficial Owner" of any
shares of stock (whether or not owned of record):

     (1) With respect to which such Person or any Affiliate or Associate of such
     Person directly or indirectly has or shares (i) voting power, including the
     power to vote or to direct the voting of such shares of stock,  and/or (ii)
     investment  power,  including  the power to  dispose  of or to  direct  the
     disposition of such shares of stock;

     (2) Which such Person or any  Affiliate or Associate of such Person has (i)
     the right to acquire (whether such right is exercisable immediately or only
     after the  passage  of time)  pursuant  to any  agreement,  arrangement  or
     understanding or upon the exercise of conversion  rights,  exchange rights,
     warrants or options,  or otherwise,  and/or (ii) the right to vote pursuant
     to any  agreement,  arrangement  or  understanding  (whether  such right is
     exercisable immediately or only after the passage of time); or

     (3) Which are  Beneficially  Owned within the meaning of (1) or (2) of this
     Section (c) by any other Person with which such first  mentioned  Person or
     any of its  Affiliates  or Associates  has any  agreement,  arrangement  or
     understanding,  written or oral, with respect to acquiring, holding, voting
     or disposing of any shares of stock of the Corporation or any Subsidiary of
     the Corporation or acquiring,  holding or disposing of all or substantially
     all,  or  any  Substantial  Part,  of  the  assets  or  businesses  of  the
     Corporation or a Subsidiary of the Corporation.

For the purpose only of determining  whether a Person is the Beneficial Owner of
a percentage  specified in Article  SIXTH or Article  EIGHTH of the  outstanding
Voting  Shares,  such shares shall be deemed to include any Voting  Shares which
may be issuable pursuant to any agreement,  arrangement or understanding or upon
the  exercise  of  conversion  rights,  exchange  rights,  warrants,  options or
otherwise  and which are  deemed to be  beneficially  owned by only such  Person
pursuant to the foregoing provisions of this Section (c).

(d) Business Combination. A "Business Combination" means:

     (1) The sale, exchange,  lease,  transfer or other disposition to or with a
     Related  Person or any Affiliate or Associate of such Related Person by the
     Corporation or any of its Subsidiaries (in a single transaction or a series
     of related  transactions) of all or  substantially  all, or any Substantial
     Part, of its or their assets or businesses (including,  without limitation,
     any securities issued by a Subsidiary);

     (2) The purchase,  exchange,  lease or other acquisition by the Corporation
     or any of its Subsidiaries (in a single  transaction or a series of related
     transactions) of all or substantially all, or any Substantial Part , of the
     assets or business of a Related  Person or any  Affiliate  or  Associate of
     such Related Person;

     (3) Any  merger  or  consolidation  of the  Corporation  or any  Subsidiary
     thereof into or with a Related Person or any Affiliate or Associate of such
     Related  Person,  irrespective  of which Person is the surviving  entity in
     such  merger or  consolidation;

     (4)  Any   reclassification   of  securities,   recapitalization  or  other
     transaction  (other than a redemption in  accordance  with the terms of the
     security  redeemed)  which  has the  effect,  directly  or  indirectly,  of
     increasing the proportionate  amount of Voting Shares of the Corporation or
     any Subsidiary thereof which are Beneficially Owned by a Related Person, or
     any partial or complete liquidation, spin-off, split-off or split-up of the
     Corporation or any Subsidiary thereof; provided, however, that this Section
     (d)(4) shall not relate to any  transaction of the types  specified  herein
     that has been  approved  by (i) a majority of the Board of  Directors,  and
     (ii) 80% of the Continuing Directors; or

     (5) The acquisition upon the issuance thereof of Beneficial  Ownership by a
     Related  Person of Voting  Shares or  securities  convertible  into  Voting
     Shares or any voting  securities  or  securities  convertible  into  voting
     securities of any Subsidiary of the  Corporation,  or the acquisition  upon
     the issuance  thereof of  Beneficial  Ownership by a Related  Person of any
     rights,  warrants  or  options  to  acquire  any  of the  foregoing  or any
     combination  of the  foregoing  Voting  Shares  or voting  securities  of a
     Subsidiary of the Corporation.

As used in this definition,  a "series of related  transactions" shall be deemed
to include not only a series of  transactions  with the same Related  Person but
also a series of separate transactions with a Related Person or any Affiliate or
Associate of such Related Person.

Anything in this  definition to the contrary  notwithstanding,  this  definition
shall not be deemed to include any transaction of the type set forth in Sections
(d)(1) through (d)(3) above between or among any two or more Subsidiaries of the
Corporation or the Corporation  and one or more  Subsidiaries of the Corporation
if such transaction has been approved by the affirmative vote of at least 80% of
the Board of Directors and a majority of the Continuing Directors on or prior to
the Date of Determination.

(e) Continuing Director.
A "Continuing Director" shall mean:

     (1) An individual  who was designated as a member of the Board of Directors
     of the  Corporation  in these Articles of  Incorporation  as filed with the
     Secretary of State of the State of Rhode Island; or

     (2) An individual  designated (before such individual's initial election as
     a director) as a Continuing  Director by a majority of the then  Continuing

(f) Date of Determination. The term "Date of Determination" means:

     (1) The date on which a binding  agreement  (except for the  fulfillment of
     conditions precedent,  including, without limitation, votes of stockholders
     to  approve  such  transaction)  is  entered  into by the  Corporation,  as
     authorized by its Board of Directors,  and another Person providing for any
     Business Combination; or

     (2) If such an agreement as referred to in Section  (f)(1) above is amended
     so as to make it less favorable to the  Corporation  and its  stockholders,
     the date on which such  amendment  is approved by the Board of Directors of
     the Corporation; or

     (3) In cases where neither Section (f)(1) or (2) above shall be applicable,
     the record date for the  determination  of  stockholders of the Corporation
     entitled to notice of and to vote upon the transaction in question.

A  majority  of the  Continuing  Directors  shall  have  the  power  and duty to
determine the Date of Determination as to any transaction under Article SIXTH or
Article EIGHTH. Any such  determination  shall be conclusive and binding for all
purposes in either of such Articles.

(g)  Person.   The  term  "Person"  shall  mean  any  individual,   partnership,
corporation,  group or other entity (other than the Corporation,  any Subsidiary
of the  Corporation  for itself or as a fiduciary  for customers in the ordinary
course,  or a  trustee  holding  stock  for  the  benefit  of  employees  of the
Corporation  or its  Subsidiaries,  or any one of them,  pursuant to one or more
employee  benefit  plans or  arrangements).  When two or more  Persons  act as a
partnership, limited partnership,  syndicate, association or other group for the
purpose of acquiring, holding or disposing of shares of stock, such partnership,
syndicate, association or group shall be deemed a "Person".

(h) Related  Person.  "Related  Person" means any Person which is the Beneficial
Owner, as of the Date of Determination or immediately  prior to the consummation
of a Business Combination,  or both, of 10% or more of the Voting Shares, or any
Person who is an Affiliate of the  Corporation and at any time within five years
preceding the Date of  Determination  was the Beneficial Owner of 10% or more of
the then  outstanding  Voting  Shares,  but does not include any one or group of
more than one Continuing Director.

(i) Substantial Part. The term "Substantial  Part" as used with reference to the
assets of the  Corporation,  of any  Subsidiary  or of any Related  Person means
assets having a value of more than five percent of the total consolidated assets
of the Corporation and its Subsidiaries as of the end of the Corporation's  most
recent fiscal year ending prior to the time the determination is being made.

(j) Subsidiary.  "Subsidiary"  shall mean any corporation or entity of which the
Person in  question  owns not less  than 50% of any class of equity  securities,
directly or indirectly.

(k)  Voting  Shares.  "Voting  Shares"  shall mean  shares of the  Corporation's
capital stock entitled to vote generally in the election of directors.

(l) Certain Determinations with Respect to Articles SIXTH and EIGHTH.

     (1) A majority of the Continuing  Directors shall have the conclusive power
     and authority to determine,  for the purposes of Articles SIXTH and EIGHTH,
     on the basis of information  known to them: (i) the number of Voting Shares
     of which any Person is the  Beneficial  Owner,  (ii) whether a Person is an
     Affiliate or Associate of another, (iii) whether a person has an agreement,
     arrangement or understanding  with another as to the matters referred to in
     the definition of "Beneficial Owner" as hereinabove  defined,  (iv) whether
     the assets  subject to any Business  Combination  constitute a "Substantial
     Part"  as  hereinabove  defined,  (v)  whether  two  or  more  transactions
     constitute a "series of related  transactions" as hereinabove defined, (vi)
     any matters  referred to in subsection  (l)(2) below,  and (vii) such other
     matters with respect to which a  determination  is required  under  Article
     SIXTH or EIGHTH. Any such determination  shall be final and binding for all
     purposes hereunder.

     (2) A Related Person shall be deemed to have acquired a Voting Share of the
     Corporation  at the time when such  Related  Person  became the  Beneficial
     Owner  thereof.   With  respect  to  Voting  Shares  owned  by  Affiliates,
     Associates  or other  Persons  whose  ownership is  attributed to a Related
     Person under the foregoing  definition of  Beneficial  Owner,  if the price
     paid by such Related Person for such shares is not determinable,  the price
     so paid  shall be  deemed  to be the  higher  of (i) the  price  paid  upon
     acquisition thereof by the Affiliate, Associate or other Person or (ii) the
     market price of the shares in question (as  determined by a majority of the
     Continuing  Directors)  at the time  when the  Related  Person  became  the
     Beneficial Owner thereof.

Notwithstanding  any other  provisions of these Articles of Incorporation or the
By-laws  of the  Corporation  (and  notwithstanding  the fact that  some  lesser
percentage may be specified by law, these Articles of  Incorporation  or By-laws
of the  Corporation),  and in addition to such  additional vote of any Preferred
Stock that may hereafter be  authorized as may be required by the  provisions of
any  series  thereof or by  applicable  law,  this  Article  NINTH  shall not be
amended, altered, changed or repealed without:

     (1) The affirmative vote of 80% of the Board of Directors and of a majority
     of Continuing Directors; and

     (2) The affirmative vote as to all stock held by the holders of 80% or more
     of the outstanding Voting Shares, voting separately as a class.

TENTH. Amendments.

(a) The  Corporation  reserves  the  right at any time and from  time to time to
amend,  alter,  change or repeal any  provision  contained in these  Articles of
Incorporation, and other provisions authorized by the laws of the State of Rhode
Island  at the time in  force  may be added or  inserted  in these  Articles  of
Incorporation, in the manner (i) now or hereafter prescribed by law, and (ii) as
has  otherwise  been  provided  in  Articles  SIXTH,  EIGHTH  and NINTH of these
Articles  of  Incorporation;  and all  rights,  preferences  and  privileges  of
whatsoever  nature conferred upon  stockholders,  directors or any other persons
whomsoever by and pursuant to these Articles of  Incorporation  in their present
form or as hereafter  amended are granted  subject to the right reserved in this
Article TENTH.

(b)  Notwithstanding  any other provisions of these Articles of Incorporation or
the By-laws of the Corporation  (and  notwithstanding  the fact that some lesser
percentage  may be  specified by law,  these  Articles of  Incorporation  or the
By-laws of the  Corporation),  and in  addition to such  additional  vote of any
Preferred  Stock that may  hereafter  be  authorized  as may be  required by the
provisions of any series thereof or by applicable  law, this Article TENTH shall
not be amended,  altered, changed or repealed without the affirmative vote as to
all stock held by the  holders of 80% or more of the  outstanding  shares of the
Corporation's  capital  stock  entitled  to vote  generally  in the  election of
directors, voting separately as a class.

ELEVENTH. Limiting Director Liability.

(c) No director of the Corporation  shall be liable to the Corporation or to its
stockholders  for  monetary  damages  for  breach  of the  director's  duty as a
director;  provided,  however, that this Article ELEVENTH shall not eliminate or
limit the liability of a director (i) for any breach of the  director's  duty of
loyalty to the Corporation or its stockholders;  ( ii) for acts or omissions not
in good faith or which involve intentional  misconduct or a knowing violation of
law; (iii) the liability imposed pursuant to the provisions of R.I.G.L.  Section
7-1.1-43 (as in effect or as  hereafter  amended);  or (iv) for any  transaction
from which the  director  derived  an  improper  personal  benefit  unless  said
transaction  is  permitted  by R.I.G.L.  Section 7- 1.1-37.1 (as in effect or as
hereafter  amended).  If the Rhode  Island  General  Laws are amended  after the
adoption  of  this  Article  ELEVENTH  to  authorize  corporate  action  further
eliminating or limiting the personal liability of directors,  then the liability
of each  director  of the  Corporation  shall be  eliminated  or  limited to the
fullest  extent  permitted  by the Rhode  Island  General  Laws,  as so amended.
Neither the  amendment  nor repeal of this Article  ELEVENTH nor the adoption of
any provision of these Articles of Incorporation  inconsistent with this Article
ELEVENTH  shall  eliminate  or reduce the  effect of this  Article  ELEVENTH  in
respect of any matter occurring, or any cause of action, suit or claim that, but
for this Article ELEVENTH, would occur or arise, prior to such amendment, repeal
or adoption of an inconsistent provision.

(a)  Notwithstanding  any other  provisions of these Articles of  Incorporation,
including   Section  TENTH  (a),  or  the  By-laws  of  the   Corporation   (and
notwithstanding  the fact that some lesser  percentage  may be specified by law,
these  Articles  of  Incorporation  or the By-laws of the  Corporation),  and in
addition to such  additional  vote of any Preferred  Stock that may hereafter be
authorized  as may be required  by the  provisions  of any series  thereof or by
applicable law, this Article ELEVENTH shall not be amended,  altered, changed or
repealed without:

     (1) The affirmative vote of 80% of the Board of Directors and of a majority
     of Continuing  Directors (as defined in Article NINTH of these  Articles of
     Incorporation), and

     (2) The affirmative vote as to all stock held by the holders of 80% or more
     of the  outstanding  Voting  Shares (as  defined in Article  NINTH of these
     Articles of Incorporation), voting separately as a class.

TWELFTH.  The Restated  Articles of  Incorporation  correctly  set forth without
change  the  corresponding  provisions  of  the  Articles  of  Incorporation  as
heretofore  restated  and  amended,  and  supersede  the  original  Articles  of
Incorporation and all amendments thereto.

                                                  Washington Trust Bancorp, Inc.

     Dated:  August 8, 1994                       By  Joseph J. Kirby
                                                  Its President

                                                  and  Harvey C. Perry, II
                                                  Its Secretary


At Westerly in said county on this 9th day of August, 1994,  personally appeared
before me Joseph J. Kirby, who being by me first duly sworn, declared that he is
the President of Washington  Trust Bancorp,  Inc.,  that he signed the foregoing
document  as  President  of the  Corporation,  and that the  statements  therein
contained are true.

                                                  Yvonne Mole
                                                  Notary Public

     {Notarial Seal}