EXHIBIT 10.38
                                                             Account Number

P.A.  (collectively,  the  "Borrowers")  and BRANCH BANKING AND TRUST COMPANY OF
Agreement  ("Original Loan Agreement") on June 16, 2005, for a loan in amount of
$3,200,000.00 (the "Loan"); and

WHEREAS, the Original Loan Agreement was modified on November 30, 2007 to revise
certain provisions of the Loan terms ("First Loan Modification"); and

WHEREAS, the Original Loan Agreement was modified on January 22, 2009 to revise
certain provisions of the Loan terms and extend the maturity date of the Loan
("Second Loan Modification"); and

WHEREAS, the Borrowers and Branch Banking and Trust Company have agreed to renew
and modify the terms of the Loan as set forth herein and on any attachments
hereto (the "Third Loan Modification"); and

WHEREAS, as consideration for the Third Loan Modification, Branch Banking and
Trust Company has requested and the Borrowers have agreed to execute this First
Amended and Restated Loan Agreement to set forth the terms of the Third Loan
Modification and to amend, modify and replace the Original Loan Agreement in its
entirety with this agreement.

NOW THEREFORE, this First Amended and Restated Loan Agreement (the "Agreement")
is made this 23rd day of NOVEMBER, 2009 by and between BRANCH BANKING AND TRUST
COMPANY, a North Carolina banking corporation ("Bank"), and:

     UCI MEDICAL  AFFILIATES,  INC.,  a Delaware  corporation,  having its chief
executive office at Columbia, South Carolina,

     UCI  MEDICAL   AFFILIATES  OF  SOUTH  CAROLINA,   INC.,  a  South  Carolina
corporation, having its chief executive office at Columbia, South Carolina,

     DOCTORS  CARE,  P.A.,  a  South  Carolina  corporation,  having  its  chief
executive office at Columbia, South Carolina,

     DOCTOR'S CARE OF TENNESSEE, P.C., a Tennessee corporation, having its chief
executive office at Columbia, South Carolina,

     PROGRESSIVE PHYSICAL THERAPY,  P.A., a South Carolina  corporation,  having
its chief executive office at Columbia, South Carolina, and

     CAROLINA ORTHOPEDIC & SPORTS MEDICINE,  P.A., a South Carolina corporation,
having its chief executive office at Columbia, South Carolina

(individually, each a "Borrower" and collectively, the "Borrowers").

The Borrowers have applied to Bank for and the Bank has agreed to make, subject
to the terms of this Agreement, the following loan(s) (hereinafter referred to,
singularly or collectively, if more than one, as "Loan(s)"):

Term Loan ("Term Loan") in the original principal amount of $3,200,000.00 for
the original purpose of refinancing existing debt of the Borrowers which was
evidenced by Borrowers' Promissory Note, dated June 16, 2005, as hereinafter
amended by Modification, Increase, Renewal and Restatement of Promissory Note,
dated of even date herewith payable in 48 consecutive monthly installments and
shall bear interest at a rate as described more particularly in such note, the
terms of which are incorporated herein by reference. The Term Loan shall mature
on October 5, 2013, when the entire unpaid principal balance then outstanding
plus accrued interest thereon shall be paid in full.

Additional terms, conditions and covenants of this Agreement are described in
Schedule DD, or other schedule attached hereto, the terms of which are
incorporated herein by reference. The promissory notes evidencing the Term Loan
are referred to herein as the "Note(s)" and shall include all extensions,
renewals, modifications and substitutions thereof. The Term Loan shall be
secured by the collateral described in the security documents described below.

Section 1 Conditions Precedent

The Bank shall not be obligated to make any disbursement of Loan proceeds until
all of the following conditions have been satisfied by proper evidence,
execution, and/or delivery to the Bank of the following items in addition to
this Agreement, all in form and substance satisfactory to the Bank and the
Bank's counsel in their sole discretion:
Note(s): The Note, originally dated June 15, 2005, as modified by Modification,
     Increase, Renewal and Restatement of Promissory Note of even date,
     evidencing the Loan(s) duly executed by the Borrowers.
Security Agreement(s): Security Agreement(s) in which Borrowers and any other
     owner (a "Debtor") of personal property collateral shall grant to Bank a
     first priority security interest in the personal property specified
     therein. (If Bank has or will have a security interest in any collateral
     which is inferior to the security interest of another creditor, Borrowers
     must fully disclose to Bank any and all prior security interests, and Bank
     must specifically approve any such security interest which will continue
     during the Loan.)
Control Agreement: A Control Agreement pertaining to Deposit Accounts,
     Letter-of-Credit Rights and/or Electronic Chattel Paper, as required in
     connection with the Security Agreement(s).
UCC  Financing Statements: Acknowledged copies of UCC Financing Statements duly
     filed in Borrower's or other owner's state of incorporation, organization
     or residence, and in all jurisdictions necessary, or in the opinion of the
     Bank desirable, to perfect the security interests granted in the Security
     Agreement(s), and certified copies of Information Requests identifying all
     previous financing statements on record for the Borrowers or other owner,
     as appropriate from all jurisdictions indicating that no security interest
     has previously been granted in any of the collateral described in the
     Security Agreement(s), unless prior approval has been given by the Bank.
Authorization and Certificate: An Authorization and Certificate executed by each
     Debtor under which such Debtor authorizes Bank to file a UCC Financing
     Statement describing collateral owned by such Debtor.
Corporate Resolution: A Corporate Resolution duly adopted by the Board of
     Directors of the Borrowers authorizing the execution, delivery, and
     performance of the Loan Documents on or in a form provided by or acceptable
     to Bank.
Articles of Incorporation: A copy of the Articles of Incorporation and all other
     charter documents of the Borrowers, all filed with and certified by the
     Secretary of State of the State of each Borrower's incorporation.
By-Laws: A copy of the By-Laws of the Borrowers, certified by the Secretary of
     the Borrowers as to their completeness and accuracy.
Certificate of Incumbency: A certificate of the Secretary of the Borrowers
     certifying the names and true signatures of the officers of the Borrowers
     authorized to sign the Loan Documents.
Certificate of Existence: A certification of the Secretary of State (or other
     government authority) of the State of each Borrower's Incorporation or
     Organization as to the existence or good standing of the Borrowers and
     their charter documents on file.
     Opinion of Counsel: An opinion of counsel for the Borrowers satisfactory to
the Bank and the Bank's counsel.  Additional  Documents:  Receipt by the Bank of
other approvals, opinions, or documents as the Bank may reasonably request.

Section 2 Representations and Warranties

The Borrowers and any Guarantor(s) represent and warrant to Bank that:
2.01. Financial Statements. The balance sheet of each Borrower and its
     subsidiaries, if any, and the related Statements of Income and Retained
     Earnings of each Borrower and its subsidiaries, the accompanying footnotes
     together with the accountant's opinion thereon, and all other financial
     information previously furnished to the Bank, are true and correct and
     fairly reflect the financial condition of each Borrower and its
     subsidiaries as of the dates thereof, including all contingent liabilities
     of every type, and the financial condition of each Borrower and its
     subsidiaries as stated therein has not changed materially and adversely
     since the date thereof. Each Guarantor further represents and warrants that
     all financial statements provided by such Guarantor to Bank concerning such
     Guarantor's financial condition are true and correct and fairly represent
     such Guarantor's financial condition as of the dates thereof.
2.02. Name, Capacity and Standing. Each Borrower's exact legal name is correctly
     stated in the initial paragraph of the Agreement. If the Borrower and/or
     any Guarantor is a corporation, general partnership, limited partnership,
     limited liability partnership, or limited liability company, each warrants
     and represents that it is duly organized and validly existing under the
     laws of its respective state of incorporation or organization; that it
     and/or its subsidiaries, if any, are duly qualified and in good standing in
     every other state in which the nature of their business shall require such
     qualification, and are each duly authorized by their board of directors,
     general partners or member/manager(s), respectively, to enter into and
     perform the obligations under the Loan Documents.
2.03. No Violation of Other Agreements. The execution of the Loan Documents, and
     the performance by each Borrower, by any and all pledgors (whether the
     Borrowers or other owners of collateral property securing payment of the
     Loan (hereinafter sometimes referred to as the "Pledgor")) or by the
     Guarantor(s) thereunder will not violate any provision, as applicable, of
     its articles of incorporation, by-laws, articles of organization, operating
     agreement, agreement of partnership, limited partnership or limited
     liability partnership, or, of any law, other agreement, indenture, note, or
     other instrument binding upon the Borrower, Pledgor or Guarantor(s), or
     give cause for the acceleration of any of the respective obligations of the
     Borrowers or Guarantor(s).
2.04. Authority. All authority from and approval by any federal, state, or local
     governmental body, commission or agency necessary to the making, validity,
     or enforceability of this Agreement and the other Loan Documents has been
2.05. Asset Ownership. The Borrowers and each Guarantor have good and marketable
     title to all of the properties and assets reflected on the balance sheets
     and financial statements furnished to the Bank, and all such properties and
     assets are free and clear of mortgages, deeds of trust, pledges, liens, and
     all other encumbrances except as otherwise disclosed by such financial
     statements. In addition, each other owner of collateral has good and
     marketable title to such collateral, free and clear of any liens, security
     interests and encumbrances, except as otherwise disclosed to Bank.
2.06. Discharge of Liens and Taxes. Each Borrower and its subsidiaries, if any,
     and each Guarantor have filed, paid, and/or discharged all taxes or other
     claims which may become a lien on any of their respective properties or
     assets, excepting to the extent that such items are being appropriately
     contested in good faith and for which an adequate reserve (in an amount
     acceptable to Bank) for the payment thereof is being maintained.
2.07. Regulation U. None of the Loan proceeds shall be used directly or
     indirectly for the purpose of purchasing or carrying any margin stock in
     violation of the provisions of Regulation U of the Board of Governors of
     the Federal Reserve System.
2.08. ERISA. Each employee benefit plan, as defined by the Employee Retirement
     Income Security Act of 1974, as amended ("ERISA"), maintained by each
     Borrower or by any subsidiary of the Borrowers or Guarantor(s) meets, as of
     the date hereof, the minimum funding standards of Section 302 of ERISA, all
     applicable requirements of ERISA and of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986,
     as amended, and no "Reportable Event" nor "Prohibited Transaction" (as
     defined by ERISA) has occurred with respect to any such plan.
2.09. Litigation. There is no claim, action, suit or proceeding pending,
     threatened or reasonably anticipated before any court, commission,
     administrative agency, whether State or Federal, or arbitration which will
     materially adversely affect the financial condition, operations,
     properties, or business of each Borrower or its subsidiaries, if any, or
     the Guarantor(s), or the ability of each Borrower or the Guarantor(s) to
     perform their obligations under the Loan Documents.
2.10. Other Agreements. The representations and warranties made by Borrower to
     Bank in the other Loan Documents are true and correct in all respects on
     the date hereof.
2.11. Binding and Enforceable. The Loan Documents, when executed, shall
     constitute valid and binding obligations of each Borrower and Guarantors
     respectively, the execution of such Loan Documents has been duly authorized
     by the parties thereto, and are enforceable in accordance with their terms,
     except as may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency, moratorium, or similar
     laws affecting creditors' rights generally.
2.12. Commercial Purpose. The Loan(s) are not "consumer transactions", as
     defined in the South Carolina Uniform Commercial Code, and none of the
     collateral was or will be purchased or held primarily for personal, family
     or household purposes.

Section 3 Affirmative Covenants

     The  Borrowers  covenant  and  agree  that from the date  hereof  and until
payment in full of all  indebtedness  and  performance of all  obligations  owed
under the Loan Documents, Borrowers shall:
     3.01.  Maintain Existence and Current Legal Form of Business.  (a) Maintain
its  existence  and  good  standing  in  the  state  of  its   incorporation  or
organization,  (b) maintain its current legal form of business  indicated above,
and, (c), as applicable,  qualify and remain qualified as a foreign corporation,
general  partnership,  limited  partnership,  limited  liability  partnership or
limited liability  company in each  jurisdiction in which such  qualification is
3.02. Maintain Records. Keep adequate records and books of account, in which
     complete entries will be made in accordance with GAAP consistently applied,
     reflecting all financial transactions of the Borrowers.
3.03. Maintain Properties. Maintain, keep, and preserve all of its properties
     (tangible and intangible) including the collateral necessary or useful in
     the conduct of its business in good working order and condition, ordinary
     wear and tear excepted.
3.04. Conduct of Business. Continue to engage in an efficient, prudent, and
     economical manner in a business of the same general type as now conducted.
3.05. Maintain Insurance. Maintain insurance with financially sound and
     reputable insurance companies or associations in such amounts and covering
     such risks as are usually carried by companies engaged in the same or a
     similar business, and business interruption insurance if required by Bank,
     which insurance may provide for reasonable deductible(s). The Bank shall be
     named as loss payee (Long Form) on all policies which apply to the Bank's
     collateral, and the Borrowers shall deliver certificates of insurance at
     closing evidencing same. All such insurance policies shall provide, and the
     certificates shall state, that no policy will be terminated without 20 days
     prior written notice to Bank.
3.06. Comply With Laws. Comply in all respects with all applicable laws, rules,
     regulations, and orders including, without limitation, paying before the
     delinquency of all taxes, assessments, and governmental charges imposed
     upon it or upon its property, and all Environmental Laws.
3.07. Right of Inspection. Permit the officers and authorized agents of the
     Bank, at any reasonable time or times in the Bank's sole discretion, to
     examine and make copies of the records and books of account of, to visit
     the properties of the Borrowers, and to discuss such matters with any
     officers, directors, managers, members or partners, limited or general of
     the Borrowers, and the Borrowers' independent accountant as the Bank deems
     necessary and proper.
3.08. Reporting Requirements. Furnish to the Bank:
           Financial Statements: As soon as available and not more than sixty
           (60) days after the end of each quarter, balance sheets, statements
           of income, cash flow, and retained earnings for the period ended and
           a statement of changes in the financial position, all in reasonable
           detail, and all prepared in accordance with GAAP consistently applied
           and certified as true and correct by an officer, general partner or
           manager (or member(s)) of the Borrowers, as appropriate.
           Annual Financial Statements: As soon as available and not more than
           one hundred twenty (120) days after the end of each fiscal year,
           balance sheets, statements of income, and retained earnings for the
           period ended and a statement of changes in the financial position,
           all in reasonable detail, and all prepared in accordance with GAAP
           consistently applied. The financial statements must be of the
           following quality or better: Audited.
           Loan Base Report: On or before the 15th day of each Month, or as
           provided and/or required in accordance with Schedule DD, Schedule GC
           or Schedule DD-FC, a Loan Base Report in a form acceptable to Bank
           signed by the President, chief financial officer, general partner or
           manager (or members) of the Borrowers, as appropriate.
           Notice of Litigation: Promptly after the receipt by the Borrowers, or
           by any Guarantor of which Borrowers have knowledge, of notice or
           complaint of any action, suit, and proceeding before any court or
           administrative agency of any type which, if determined adversely,
           could have a material adverse effect on the financial condition,
           properties, or operations of the Borrowers or Guarantor, as
           Tax Returns: As soon as available each year, complete copies
           (including all schedules) of all state and federal tax returns filed
           by Borrowers. Notice of Default: Promptly upon discovery or knowledge
           thereof, notice of the existence of any event of default under this
           Agreement or any other Loan Documents.
     Other Information: Such other information as the Bank may from time to time
reasonably request.
     3.09.   Deposit  Accounts.   Maintain   substantially  all  of  its  demand
deposit/operating accounts with the Bank.
     3.10.  Affirmative  Covenants from other Loan  Documents.  All  affirmative
covenants  contained  in  any  Mortgage,  Deed  of  Trust,  Security  Agreement,
Assignment  of Leases and Rents,  or other  security  document  executed  by the
Borrowers  which are described in paragraph 2 hereof are hereby  incorporated by
reference herein.
3.11. Lockbox. All receivables of Borrowers shall be collected through a lockbox
maintained with Bank.

Section 4 Guarantor(s) Covenants:  [INTENTIONALLY DELETED]

Section 5 Financial Covenants

Borrowers covenant and agree that from the date hereof until payment in full of
all indebtedness and the performance of all obligations under the Loan
Documents, the Borrowers shall at all times maintain the following financial
covenants and ratios all in accordance with GAAP unless otherwise specified:

Debt Service Coverage Ratio. Maintained at a ratio greater than 1.45 times. Debt
Service Coverage is defined as earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and
amortization divided by Annual Debt Service.

Maximum Funded Debt to EBDITA Ratio. Maximum Funded Debt divided by earnings
before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization maintained at a ratio less
than 2.5 times. Maximum Funded Debt is defined as all notes payable, long-term
debt, current maturities of long-term debt and all pre-petition debt.

Tangible Net Worth. A minimum tangible net worth of not less than $8,000,000.00.
Tangible Net Worth is defined as net worth, plus obligations contractually
subordinated to debts owed to Bank, minus goodwill, contract rights, and assets
representing claims on stockholders or affiliated entities.

     Maximum  Debt to  Tangible  Net  Worth.  A ratio  of total  liabilities  to
tangible net worth of not greater than 2.50 to 1.00.(1)

Section 6 Negative Covenants

Each Borrower covenants and agrees that from the date hereof and until payment
in full of all indebtedness and performance of all obligations under the Loan
Documents, the Borrowers shall not, without the prior written consent of the
     6.01. Liens. Create, incur, assume, or suffer to exist any lien upon or
     with respect to any of Borrower's properties, or the properties of any
     Pledgor securing payment of the Loan, now owned or hereafter acquired,
       (a) Liens and security interests in favor of the Bank;
       (b) Liens for taxes not yet due and payable or otherwise being contested
       in good faith and for which appropriate reserves are maintained; (c)
       Other liens imposed by law not yet due and payable, or otherwise being
       contested in good faith and for which appropriate reserves are
(d)        Purchase money security interests on any property hereafter acquired,
           provided that such lien shall attach only to the property acquired.
6.02.   Debt. Create, incur, assume, or suffer to exist any debt, except: (a)
        Debt to the Bank;
(b)     Debt outstanding on the date hereof and shown on the most recent
        financial statements submitted to the Bank;
(c)     Accounts payable to trade creditors incurred in the ordinary course of
        business; (d) Debt secured by purchase money security interests as
        outlined above in Section 6.01 (d); (e) [Intentionally Deleted.] 6.03.
        [Intentionally Deleted.] 6.04. Change of Legal Form of Business;
        Purchase of Assets. Change Borrower's name or the legal form of
     Borrower's business as shown above, whether by merger, consolidation,
     conversion or otherwise, or purchase all or substantially all of the assets
     or business of any Person.
6.05. [Intentionally Deleted.]
6.06. Dividends or Distributions; Acquisition of Capital Stock or Other
     Ownership Interests. Declare or pay any dividends or distributions of any
     kind, or purchase or redeem, retire, or otherwise acquire any of Borrower's
     capital stock or other ownership interests, now or hereafter outstanding.
6.07. [Intentionally Deleted.]
6.08. Guaranties. Assume, guarantee, endorse, or otherwise be or become directly
     or contingently liable for obligations of any Person, except guaranties by
     endorsement of negotiable instruments for deposit or collection or similar
     transactions in the ordinary course of business.
6.09. Loans. Loans to directors, officers, partners, members, shareholders,
     subsidiaries and affiliates. Any loans currently outstanding shall be and
     shall remain subordinate to the Loan(s).
6.10. Disposition of Assets. Sell, lease, or otherwise dispose of any of its
     assets or properties except in the ordinary and usual course of its
6.11. Transfer of Ownership. If Borrower is a corporation, (a) issue, transfer
     or sell any new class of stock, or (b) issue, transfer or sell, in the
     aggregate, from its treasury stock and/or currently authorized but unissued
     shares of any class of stock, more than 10% of the total number of all such
     issued and outstanding shares as of the date of this Agreement.
     BlueCross/BlueShield shall maintain its ownership interest in UCI Medical
     Affiliates, Inc. at 48% or higher.
6.12. Negative Covenants from other Loan Documents. All negative covenants
     contained in any Mortgage, Security Agreement, Assignment of Leases or
     Rents, or other security document executed by the Borrowers which are
     described in paragraph 2 hereof are hereby incorporated by reference

     Section 7 Hazardous  Materials  and  Compliance  with  Environmental  Laws:

Section 8 Events of Default

The following shall be "Events of Default" by Borrowers or any Guarantor:
     8.01. The failure to make prompt payment of any installment of principal or
     interest on any of the Note(s) when due or payable. 8.02. Should any
     representation or warranty made in the Loan Documents prove to be false or
     misleading in any material respect.
     8.03. Should any report, certificate, financial statement, or other
     document furnished prior to the execution of or pursuant to the terms of
     this Agreement prove to be false or misleading in any material respect.
     8.04. Should the Borrowers or any Guarantor default on the performance of
     any other obligation of indebtedness when due or in the performance of any
     obligation incurred in connection with money borrowed. 8.05. Should the
     Borrowers, any Guarantor or any Pledgor breach any covenant, condition, or
     agreement made under any of the Loan Documents.
     8.06. Should a custodian be appointed for or take possession of any or all
     of the assets of the Borrowers or any Guarantor, or should the Borrowers or
     any Guarantor either voluntarily or involuntarily become subject to any
     insolvency proceeding, including becoming a debtor under the United States
     Bankruptcy Code, any proceeding to dissolve the Borrowers or any Guarantor,
     any proceeding to have a receiver appointed, or should the Borrowers or any
     Guarantor make an assignment for the benefit of creditors, or should there
     be an attachment, execution, or other judicial seizure of all or any
     portion of each Borrower's or any Guarantor's assets, including an action
     or proceeding to seize any funds on deposit with the Bank, and such seizure
     is not discharged within 30 days.
     8.07. Should final judgment for the payment of money be rendered against
     the Borrowers or any Guarantor which is not covered by insurance and shall
     remain undischarged for a period of 30 days unless such judgment or
     execution thereon be effectively stayed.
     8.08. Upon the death of, or termination of existence of, or dissolution of,
     any Borrower, Pledgor or Guarantor. 8.09. Should the Bank in good faith
     deem itself, its liens and security interests, if any, or any debt
     thereunder unsafe or insecure, or should the Bank believe in good faith
     that the prospect of payment of any debt or other performance by the
     Borrowers or any Guarantor is impaired.
     8.10. Should any lien or security interest granted to Bank to secure
     payment of the Note(s) terminate, fail for any reason to have the priority
     agreed to by Bank on the date granted, or become unperfected or invalid for
     any reason.
     8.11. An Event of Default under the Term Loan shall constitute and event of
     default under (i) all other loans between Bank and the Borrowers, and (ii)
     that certain between Bank and UCI Properties, LLC, dated February 13, 2009
     ("UCI Properties Loan").
     8.12. An Event of Default under the UCI Properties Loan shall constitute an
     Event of Default under the Term Loan.

Section 9 Remedies Upon Default

Upon the occurrence of any of the above listed Events of Default, the Bank may
at any time thereafter, at its option, take any or all of the following actions,
at the same or at different times:
     9.01. Declare the balance(s) of the Note(s) to be immediately due and
     payable, both as to principal and interest, without presentment, demand,
     protest, or notice of any kind, all of which are hereby expressly waived by
     Borrowers and each Guarantor, and such balance(s) shall accrue interest at
     the Default Rate as provided herein until paid in full; 9.02. Require the
     Borrowers or Guarantor(s) to pledge additional collateral to the Bank from
     each Borrower's or any Guarantor's assets and properties, the acceptability
     and sufficiency of such collateral to be determined in the Bank's sole
     discretion; 9.03. Take immediate possession of and foreclose upon any or
     all collateral which may be granted to the Bank as security for the
     indebtedness and obligations of Borrowers or any Guarantor under the Loan
     Documents; 9.04. Exercise any and all other rights and remedies available
     to the Bank under the terms of the Loan Documents and applicable law,
     including the South Carolina Uniform Commercial Code; 9.05. Any obligation
     of the Bank to advance funds to the Borrowers or any other Person under the
     terms of under the Note(s) and all other obligations, if any, of the Bank
     under the Loan Documents shall immediately cease and terminate unless and
     until Bank shall reinstate such obligation in writing.

Section 10 Miscellaneous Provisions

     10.01. Definitions.
         "Default Rate" shall mean a rate of interest equal to Bank's Prime Rate
     plus five percent (5%) per annum (not to exceed the legal maximum rate)
     from and after the date of an Event of Default hereunder which shall apply,
     in the Bank's sole discretion, to all sums owing, including principal and
     interest, on such date.
         "Environmental Laws" shall mean all applicable federal and state
     environmental laws and regulations which affect or may affect the Mortgaged
     Property, including without limitation the Comprehensive Environmental
     Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (42 U.S.C. Sections 9601 et
     seq.), the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (42 U.S.C. Sections 6901
     et seq.), the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C. Sections 1251
     et seq.), the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. Section 7401 et seq.), the Toxic
     Substances Control Act (15 U.S.C. Section 2601 et seq.) as such laws or
     regulations have been amended or may be amended.
         "Loan Documents" shall mean this Agreement including any schedule
     attached hereto, the Note(s), the Deed(s) of Trust, the Mortgage(s), the
     Security Agreement(s), the Assignment(s) of Leases and Rents, all UCC
     Financing Statements, the Guaranty Agreement(s), and all other documents,
     certificates, and instruments executed in connection therewith, and all
     renewals, extensions, modifications, substitutions, and replacements
     thereto and therefore.
         "Person" shall mean an individual, partnership, corporation, trust,
     unincorporated organization, limited liability company, limited liability
     partnership, association, joint venture, or a government agency or
     political subdivision thereof.
         "GAAP" shall mean generally accepted accounting principles as
     established by the Financial Accounting Standards Board or the American
     Institute of Certified Public Accountants, as amended and supplemented from
     time to time.
         "Prime Rate" shall mean the rate of interest per annum announced by the
     Bank from time to time and adopted as its Prime Rate, which is one of
     several rate indexes employed by the Bank when extending credit, and may
     not necessarily be the Bank's lowest lending rate.
     10.02. Non-impairment. If any one or more provisions contained in the Loan
     Documents shall be held invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respect,
     the validity, legality, and enforceability of the remaining provisions
     contained therein shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby and
     shall otherwise remain in full force and effect.
     10.03. Applicable Law. The Loan Documents shall be construed in accordance
     with and governed by the laws of the State of South Carolina. 10.04.
     Waiver. Neither the failure nor any delay on the part of the Bank in
     exercising any right, power or privilege granted in the Loan Documents
     shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise
     thereof preclude any other or further exercise of any other right, power,
     or privilege which may be provided by law.
     10.05. Modification. No modification, amendment, or waiver of any provision
     of any of the Loan Documents shall be effective unless in writing and
     signed by the Borrowers and Bank. 10.06. Payment Amount Adjustment. In the
     event that any Loan(s) referenced herein has a variable (floating) interest
     rate and the interest rate increases, Bank, at its sole discretion, may at
     any time adjust the Borrowers' payment amount(s) to prevent the amount of
     interest accrued in a given period to exceed the periodic payment amount or
     to cause the Loan(s) to be repaid within the same period of time as
     originally agreed upon.
     10.07 Stamps and Fees. The Borrowers shall pay all federal or state stamps,
     taxes, or other fees or charges, if any are payable or are determined to be
     payable by reason of the execution, delivery, or issuance of the Loan
     Documents or any security granted to the Bank; and the Borrowers and
     Guarantor agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Bank against any and all
     liability in respect thereof.
     10.08. Attorneys' Fees. In the event the Borrowers or any Pledgor or
     Guarantor shall default in any of its obligations hereunder and the Bank
     believes it necessary to employ an attorney to assist in the enforcement or
     collection of the indebtedness of the Borrowers to the Bank, to enforce the
     terms and provisions of the Loan Documents, to modify the Loan Documents,
     or in the event the Bank voluntarily or otherwise should become a party to
     any suit or legal proceeding (including a proceeding conducted under the
     Bankruptcy Code), the Borrowers and Guarantors agree to pay the reasonable
     attorneys' fees of the Bank and all related costs of collection or
     enforcement that may be incurred by the Bank. The Borrowers and Guarantor
     shall be liable for such attorneys' fees and costs whether or not any suit
     or proceeding is actually commenced. 10.09. Bank Making Required Payments.
     In the event Borrowers shall fail to maintain insurance, pay taxes or
     assessments, costs and expenses which Borrowers are, under any of the terms
     hereof or of any Loan Documents, required to pay, or fail to keep any of
     the properties and assets constituting collateral free from new security
     interests, liens, or encumbrances, except as permitted herein, Bank may at
     its election make expenditures for any or all such purposes and the amounts
     expended together with interest thereon at the Default Rate, shall become
     immediately due and payable to Bank, and shall have benefit of and be
     secured by the collateral; provided, however, the Bank shall be under no
     duty or obligation to make any such payments or expenditures.
     10.10. Right of Offset. Any indebtedness owing from Bank to Borrowers may
     be set off and applied by Bank on any indebtedness or liability of
     Borrowers to Bank, at any time and from time to time after maturity,
     whether by acceleration or otherwise, and without demand or notice to
     Borrowers. Bank may sell participations in or make assignments of any Loan
     made under this Agreement, and Borrowers agree that any such participant or
     assignee shall have the same right of setoff as is granted to the Bank
     herein. 10.11. UCC Authorization. Borrowers authorize Bank to file such UCC
     Financing Statements describing the collateral in any location deemed
     necessary and appropriate by Bank.
     10.12. Modification and Renewal Fees. Bank may, at its option, charge any
     fees for modification, renewal, extension, or amendment of any terms of the
     Note(s) permitted by permitted by law. 10.13. Conflicting Provisions. If
     provisions of this Agreement shall conflict with any terms or provisions of
     any of the Note(s), Mortgage(s) or security document(s) or any schedule
     attached hereto, the provisions of such Note(s), Mortgage(s), or security
     document(s) or any schedule attached hereto, as appropriate, shall take
     priority over any provisions in this Agreement.
     10.14. Notices. Any notice permitted or required by the provisions of this
     Agreement shall be deemed to have been given when delivered in writing to
     the City Executive or any Vice President of the Bank at its offices in
     Columbia, South Carolina, and to the President of the Borrowers at its
     offices in Columbia, South Carolina when sent by certified mail and return
     receipt requested.
     10.15. Consent to Jurisdiction. Borrowers hereby irrevocably agree that any
     legal action or proceeding arising out of or relating to this Agreement may
     be instituted in the Court of Common Pleas in Richland County, South
     Carolina, or the United States District Court for South Carolina, Columbia
     Division or in such other appropriate court and venue as Bank may choose in
     its sole discretion. Borrowers consent to the jurisdiction of such courts
     and waive any objection relating to the basis for personal or in rem
     jurisdiction or to venue which Borrowers may now or hereafter have in any
     such legal action or proceedings. 10.16. Counterparts. This Agreement may
     be executed by one or more parties on any number of separate counterparts
     and all of such counterparts taken together shall be deemed to constitute
     one and the same instrument.
     10.17. Entire Agreement. The Loan Documents embody the entire agreement
     between Borrowers and Bank with respect to the Loans, and there are no oral
     or parol agreements existing between Bank and Borrowers with respect to the
     Loans which are not expressly set forth in the Loan Documents. 10.18.
     Cross-Collateralization. The collateral securing the Term Loan shall also
     serve as collateral securing the UCI Properties Loan. The collateral
     securing the UCI Properties Loan shall also serve as collateral securing
     the Term Loan.

                         [SIGNATURES ON FOLLOWING PAGE]

                                 SIGNATURE PAGE

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Bank, Borrowers and Guarantor(s) have caused this
Agreement to be duly executed under seal all as of the date first above written.


                         Each Borrower is a Corporation:
WITNESS:                                                                               UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES, INC.
                                                                                           Name of Corporation

           /s Julian Hennig III                                   By:       /s D. Michael Stout
- ---------- -------------------------------------------------             ----------------------------------------------------------
- ----------

                                                                  Title:    Chief Executive Officer

WITNESS:                                                                      UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES OF SOUTH CAROLINA, INC.
                                                                                           Name of Corporation

           /s Julian Hennig III                                   By:       /s D. Michael Stout
- ---------- -------------------------------------------------             ----------------------------------------------------------
- ----------

                                                                  Title:    Chief Executive Officer

WITNESS:                                                                                    DOCTORS CARE, P.A.
                                                                                           Name of Corporation

           /s Julian Hennig III                                   By:       /s D. Michael Stout
- ---------- -------------------------------------------------             ----------------------------------------------------------
- ----------

                                                                  Title:    President

WITNESS:                                                                             DOCTOR'S CARE OF TENNESSEE, P.C.
                                                                                           Name of Corporation

           /s Julian Hennig III                                   By:       /s D. Michael Stout
- ---------- -------------------------------------------------             ----------------------------------------------------------
- ----------

                                                                  Title:    President

WITNESS:                                                                            PROGRESSIVE PHYSICAL THERAPY, P.A.
                                                                                           Name of Corporation

           /s Julian Hennig III                                   By:       /s Joseph A. Boyle
- ---------- -------------------------------------------------             ----------------------------------------------------------
- ----------

                                                                  Title:    Treasurer

WITNESS:                                                                        CAROLINA ORTHOPEDIC & SPORTS MEDICINE, P.A
                                                                                           Name of Corporation

           /s Julian Hennig III                                   By:       /s D. Michael Stout
- ---------- -------------------------------------------------             ----------------------------------------------------------
- ----------

                                                                  Title:    President

WITNESS:                                                          BRANCH BANKING AND TRUST COMPANY

                /s Karen A. Decker                                By:      /s H. B. Armstrong, Jr.
- --------------- --------------------------------------------             ----------------------------------------------------------
                                                                           H. B.
                                                                  Armstrong, Jr.
                                                                  Title: Senior
                                                                  Vice President

                      SCHEDULE "DD" TO BB&T LOAN AGREEMENT

     This Schedule  "DD" is an  attachment  to and a part of the Loan  Agreement
(the "Loan  Agreement") dated NOVEMBER 23, 2009 between BRANCH BANKING AND TRUST
P.A. (hereinafter referred to collectively as the "Borrowers").

DD.01. Definitions. In addition to the words and terms defined elsewhere in this
     Schedule DD, the Loan Agreement and the Uniform Commercial Code of South
     Carolina, as amended from time to time, (the "UCC") the following terms
     shall have the following specified meanings:

(a)  Account Debtor. Any Person obligated to Borrowers on an Account.

(b)  Account(s). Any right to payment of a monetary obligation, whether or not
     earned by performance, including without limitation any receivable,
     contract right, note, draft, instrument, acceptance, chattel paper, lease,
     or other writing or open account resulting from the sale, lease, license,
     assignment or other disposal of property by Borrowers, or from services
     rendered or to be rendered by Borrowers.

(c)  Advance Rate. The percentage of the total value of Eligible Accounts,
     Eligible Inventory, Eligible Export-Related Accounts, Eligible
     Export-Related Inventory, or Other Collateral Bank will lend to Borrowers,
     as set forth in Section DD.02.

(d)  Asset Based Lending Credit Line Sweep Services Agreement. If applicable,
     that agreement between Bank and Borrowers whereby Borrowers agree that all
     remittances in payment of Accounts shall be deposited in its designated
     Collateral Reserve Account, Operating Account, or Medicare Receivables
     Account, as applicable, and shall be administered and applied in accordance
     with the ABL Credit Line Sweep Services Agreement. This agreement is to be
     read in conjunction with, and is a part of, the Treasury Management
     Agreement, the Loan Agreement and this Schedule DD.

(e)  Asset Based Sweep Services Attachment. If applicable, that agreement
     between Bank and Borrowers whereby Borrowers agree that all remittances in
     payment of Accounts which are deposited to the Collateral Reserve Account
     will be applied to the outstanding Line of Credit, as well as other
     provisions of the Loan Documents. This agreement is to be read in
     conjunction with, and is a part of, the Treasury Management Agreement, the
     Loan Agreement, and this Schedule DD.

(f)  Availability. The lesser of the Bank's Line of Credit or Collateral Loan
     Value reduced by (i) the principal balance outstanding under the Line of
     Credit, (ii) the Letter of Credit Exposure Reserve, and (iii) the
     Availability Reserve as determined by Bank from the most recent Loan Base
     Report and otherwise in the sole discretion of the Bank after consideration
     of Collections.

(g)  Availability Reserve. A reserve against Availability determined by Bank in
     its sole discretion from time to time to reflect events, conditions,
     contingencies or risks or other loans of Bank which without limitation do
     or may affect the Collateral Loan Value, the business prospects of
     Borrowers or any Account Debtor, or the security interest of Bank,
     including enforceability, perfection and the priority thereof.

(h)  Bill and Hold. An Account generated by the sale of goods for which an
     invoice has been issued to the buyer, but the goods represented by such
     Account remain undelivered to the buyer and/or under the control of
     Borrowers or Borrowers' representative.

(i)  Collateral. Collateral shall mean the assets and property described in the
     Security Agreement including, without limitation, Borrowers' Accounts,
     Inventory and Other Collateral.

(j)  Collections. Collections shall be deemed to include Proceeds of Collateral,
     in any form received by Bank pursuant to a Lockbox Agreement, or deposited
     in a Collateral Reserve Account or an Operating Account or a Medicare
     Receivables Account or other account maintained with Bank, or any other
     account maintained for the benefit of the Bank, such as a blocked account,
     which Collections shall be the exclusive and sole property of Bank to the
     extent applied to the outstanding balance of the Line of Credit.

(k)  Collateral Loan Value. The aggregate value of the Advance Rate as applied
     to the Eligible Accounts, and/or Eligible Export-Related Accounts, the
     Advance Rate as applied to the Eligible Inventory and/or Eligible
     Export-Related Inventory and the Advance Rate applied to the value of Other
     Collateral, if any.

(l)  Collateral Reserve Account. The demand deposit account maintained with Bank
     by Borrowers into which all proceeds of the Collateral shall be deposited
     and to which only Bank will have access. On the date hereof, the Collateral
     Reserve Account number with respect to the Line of Credit (domestic and/or
     foreign) is n/a (domestic) and n/a (foreign) and shall be deemed to include
     any substitute or replacement account at Bank.

(m)  Contra Account. An Account subject to offset, in the sole discretion of
     Bank, by an Account Debtor of Borrowers.

(n)  Credit Insurance. A policy of credit insurance, satisfactory to Bank,
     insuring Accounts collaterally assigned to Bank naming Bank as a "loss

(o)  Cross Aging Rule. Should any Account due Borrowers from an Account Debtor
     have 50% (upon notice, such other percentage as Bank in its discretion
     shall determine) or more of their total aggregate Accounts aged in excess
     of the Eligibility Period, then all Accounts from such Account Debtor shall
     be deemed ineligible.

(p)  Eligible Account and/or Eligible Inventory. An Eligible Account is an
     Account which is not an Ineligible Account, as defined in Section DD.03
     hereof; and Eligible Inventory is Inventory which is not Ineligible
     Inventory, as defined in Section DD.04 hereof.

(q)  Eligible Export-Related Account and/or Eligible Export-Related Inventory.
     An Eligible Export-Related Account is a foreign account which is not an
     Ineligible Foreign Account, as defined in Section DD.03 hereof; and
     Eligible Export-Related Inventory is Inventory which is not Ineligible
     Export-Related Inventory as defined in Section DD.04 hereof.

(r)  Eligibility Period. The Eligibility Period for any Account shall mean not
     more than 90 days from the original invoice date.

(s)  Exam. Exam means those examinations on the premises of Borrowers or
     wherever books, records, or Collateral are located, however maintained,
     including but not limited to the inspection of Inventory, and standard
     testing of such books and records by Bank's representatives, at any time
     during normal business hours of Borrowers, with or without prior notice to
     Borrowers from Bank, as provided in Section DD.06(b).

(t)  Excess Inventory. That level of Inventory on hand determined by Bank to be
     in excess of a n/a months supply of Borrowers' requirements therefor
     unless, upon written notice by Bank, Bank in its discretion shall determine
     a greater or lesser level of Inventory.

(u)  Fees. Those fees which Borrowers will pay to Bank in conjunction with
     Bank's asset based lending services as set forth in Section DD-07 hereof,
     whether or not actual loan obligations exist, while the Loan Agreement is
     in force.

(v)  Foreign Accounts. Any Account due from any Person located outside the fifty
     states comprising the United States of America and the District of Columbia
     unless the Account is due from a Person located in a country, commonwealth
     and/or possession identified in Section DD.02(f) hereof.

(w)  Government Account. Any Account owed by the United States of America or any
     state or political subdivision thereof, or any department, agency,
     authority, board or instrumentality thereof.

(x)  Ineligible Accounts and/or Ineligible Inventory. Shall have the meanings
     given in Sections DD.03 and DD.04 hereof.

(y)  Ineligible Export-Related Accounts and/or Ineligible Export-Related
     Inventory. Shall have the meaning given in Sections DD.03 and DD.04 hereof.

(z)  Intellectual Property. Property of any Person constituting under any
     applicable federal or state law a patent, copyright, trademark, service
     mark, trade name, trade secret, or license or other right to use any of the

(aa) Inter-Company Account. With the exception of Blue Cross/Blue Shield and its
     family of companies, any Account from any Account Debtor with Borrowers in
     any manner including, without limitation, as owner, member, partner,
     shareholder, officer, director, employee, agent, or which is an affiliate
     of Borrowers.

(bb) Inventory. Goods which are leased or held by Borrowers for sale or lease as
     lessor or furnished under a contract of service, and shall include goods,
     finished goods, raw materials, work-in-process, and materials to be used
     and/or consumed in a business and proceeds thereof including Accounts and
     Chattel Paper.

(cc) Inventory Caps. The maximum loan amount Bank may lend against the Eligible
     Inventory and/or Eligible Export-Related Inventory, as set forth in Section
     DD.02(c) and (d).

(dd) Letter of Credit. Any Letter of Credit issued by Bank on behalf of
     Borrowers, as Applicant; provided, however, inclusion of this definition
     shall not imply, or be construed as, a commitment by Bank to issue any
     Letters of Credit.

(ee) Letter of Credit Exposure Reserve. At any given date, the aggregate face
     amount of outstanding Letters of Credit on such date plus the aggregate
     amount of drafts drawn under or purporting to be drawn under Letters of
     Credit that have been paid by Bank and for which Bank has not been

(ff) License Agreement. An agreement between Borrowers and Licensor pursuant to
     which Borrowers are authorized to use such Licensor's Intellectual Property
     in connection with the manufacturing, sale or other transfer or
     distribution of Inventory.

(gg) Licensor. Any Person from whom Borrowers obtain a License Agreement.

(hh) Licensor/Bank Agreement. An agreement satisfactory to Bank among Borrowers,
     Bank and Licensor pursuant to which Licensor consents and authorizes Bank
     to enforce its security interests and liens against Inventory with the
     benefit of the Intellectual Property regardless of whether Borrowers have
     defaulted under a License Agreement therefor.

(ii) Line of Credit. The amount of each Line of Credit (domestic and/or foreign)
     approved by Bank and set forth in the Loan Agreement.

(jj) Loan Base Report. That report on Bank's standard form, or in a form
     otherwise acceptable to Bank, to be prepared, signed, dated and delivered
     by Borrowers in accordance with Bank's instructions, and submitted to Bank
     by Borrowers at specified intervals and/or occasions, and detailing
     pertinent information as regards Accounts and/or Inventory and/or Other
     Collateral, Reserves, Collateral Loan Value, outstanding Line of Credit
     balance, and Availability.

(kk) Lockbox Agreement. That agreement on Bank's standard form, or in a form
     otherwise acceptable to Bank, to be executed by Borrowers relating to the
     provision for lockbox services and requirements.

(ll) Medicare Receivable. A Government Account arising from the provision of
     Medicare products and services by Borrowers as an eligible provider and/or
     supplier of Medicare products or services.

(mm) Medicare Receivables Account. A deposit account in Borrowers' name only
     maintained at Bank into which proceeds/payments of Medicare Receivables
     shall be deposited; and, notwithstanding any provision in the Loan
     Agreement, this Schedule or other agreements between Borrowers and Bank,
     the Bank shall not have a right of offset, and by execution hereof does
     hereby waive, such right of offset to the proceeds/payments of Medicare
     Receivables deposited to such account.

(nn) Operating Account. Operating Account shall mean the Borrowers' demand
     deposit account at any time with Bank, currently account number 5123946008
     or any substitute or replacement account at Bank.

(oo) Other Collateral. Collateral that shall be included in Collateral Loan
     Value, other than Accounts or Inventory, as specifically approved and
     determined by Bank in its sole discretion.

(pp) Person. Any individual, corporation, general or limited partnership,
     limited liability company or partnership, limited liability limited
     partnership, trust, unincorporated organization, association, joint
     venture, or a state or federal government agency or political subdivision

(qq) Proceeds. Proceeds shall have the meaning given to it under the UCC and
     shall include without limitation the collections and distributions of
     Collateral, cash or non-cash.

(rr) Reserves. Aggregate deductions from the Collateral Loan Value and/or
     Availability as determined by Bank from time to time, including, but not
     limited to, Letter of Credit Exposure Reserve and the Availability Reserve.

DD.02. Advance Rates/Advances/ Prepayment and Other Provisions.

         Bank agrees that the Advance Rates to be used to calculate the
         Collateral Loan Value shall be: (a) 55% against the Eligible Accounts.
         (b) 25% against the Borrowers' Medicare, Medicaid and other Federal
         account receivables shal be eligible collateral to the extent
         Borrowers' have an interest and are permitted by all applicable laws to
         have an interest in such accounts.


         (c)  Against the Eligible Inventory as follows:                                Inventory Sublimits:
              n/a%      Finished Inventory                                              $ n/a
              ---                                                                        ----
              n/a %     Raw Materials Inventory                                         $ n/a
              ---                                                                        ----
              n/a %     Work in Process Inventory                                       $ n/a
              ---                                                                        ----
              n/a %     In Transit Inventory                                            $ n/a
              ---                                                                        ----
              n/a %     Other Eligible Inventory n/a                            $ n/a
              ----                                                               ----
                                                                                Subtotal:        $ n/a

         (d) Against Eligible Export-Related Inventory as follows:
              n/a %     Finished Inventory                                              $ n/a
              ---                                                                        ----
              n/a %     Raw Materials Inventory                                         $ n/a
              ---                                                                        ----
              n/a %     Work in Process Inventory                                       $ n/a
              ---                                                                        ----
              n/a %     Other Eligible Inventory n/a                                    $ n/a
              ---                                ---                                     ----
                                                                                Subtotal:        $ n/a

         Inventory values will not exceed the lower of cost or market and, if
         required by Bank, will be reduced by the LIFO reserve. The aggregate
         loan advances against Eligible Inventory shall not exceed at any time
         the foregoing Inventory Sublimits or Subtotals or an Aggregate
         Inventory Sublimit of $ n/a (the "Inventory Caps").
         (e) Other Collateral shall be included in the Collateral Loan Value as
         approved by Bank from time to time, together with an Advance Rate
         determined by Bank from time to time. (f) Any Account due from a Person
         located in the following identified countries, commonwealths, and/or
         possessions shall not be deemed a Foreign Account: (list) n/a.
         (g) Notwithstanding that the following Account Debtor(s) shall be
         ineligible pursuant to the terms hereof, such Account Debtor(s) shall
         nonetheless be deemed eligible by Bank, subject to any limitations
         and/or advance provisions set forth below, until Bank, upon written
         notice, in its sole discretion, shall provide otherwise:

    Account Debtor/Address                   Limitations/Advance Provisions

              n/a                                                    n/a
              ---                                                    ---
              n/a                                                    n/a
              ---                                                    ---
              n/a                                                    n/a
              ---                                                    ---
              n/a                                                    n/a
              ---                                                    ---
              n/a                                                    n/a
              ---                                                    ---
              n/a                                                    n/a
              ---                                                    ---
              n/a                                                    n/a
              ---                                                    ---

         Bank reserves the right, upon notice, in its sole discretion, to amend
         the Eligibility Period, Inventory Caps, Reserves, or the provisions of
         Section DD.02(f) and (g) at any time; and, the Loan Base Report, upon
         receipt by Bank, shall be subject to Bank's satisfactory review,
         acceptance or correction.

         Bank agrees to (i) make advances under the Line of Credit
         automatically, without any request by Borrowers upon the presentment of
         items drawn against Borrowers' operating account, provided the
         Availability, as shown upon a current acceptable Loan Base Report as
         required herein, and otherwise determined by Bank in its sole
         discretion after consideration of Collections, is sufficient to cover
         such advances, or (ii) fund the operating account based on request(s)
         for advances from Borrowers orally or in writing provided the
         Availability is sufficient to cover such advances. Borrowers shall
         submit a completed Loan Base Report to Bank as required, so long as the
         Line of Credit shall exist, regardless of the outstanding balance
         thereof. It is further provided that Borrowers release Bank from any
         liability or obligation for and agrees to indemnify and hold Bank
         harmless from and against any loss, cost, damage or expense (including
         Bank's reasonable attorneys' fees) incurred or suffered as a result of
         the payment by Bank of any item drawn against Borrowers' checking
         account that is subsequently determined to have been improperly paid
         for any reason, except for the gross negligence or willful misconduct
         of Bank. Bank also reserves the right, upon notice, in its sole
         discretion, to discontinue the automatic payment of items presented to
         Bank, and to require written or oral advance requests to be made by

         Bank is authorized (without any further request from Borrowers) to
         advance on behalf of Borrowers as a Loan all sums required to be paid
         by Borrowers to Bank in respect of any Letter of Credit pursuant to the
         terms of the Application for Letter of Credit (including all fees
         associated therewith), but Bank shall have no obligation to make such a

         Bank may debit the amount of any payment due under the Loan Agreement
         and this Schedule DD from the Operating Account, any deposit account or
         loan account of Borrowers maintained with Bank, but Bank shall have no
         obligation to do so.

         If the principal balance outstanding at any time under the Line of
         Credit exceeds the lesser of the approved maximum amount of the Line of
         Credit or the Collateral Loan Value reduced by the Reserves (herein an
         "Overadvance"), Borrowers shall immediately prepay the Line of Credit
         to the extent necessary to eliminate such excess. For so long as the
         Overadvance shall exist and be continuing, and without prejudice to any
         other rights Bank may have hereunder, Bank shall be authorized upon
         written notice to Borrowers to assess an overadvance fee as determined
         by Bank in its discretion in an amount up to 1% of the Overadvance but
         not less than $1,000.00, subject to such other minimum amount as Bank
         in its discretion upon notice to Borrowers shall determine.
DD.03. Ineligible Accounts.

Ineligible Accounts shall include the following:
     (a) The amount of any Account outside of the Eligibility Period. (b) Any
     Account which is a Contra Account.
     (c) Any Account subject to the Cross Aging Rule.
     (d) Any Account which has been bonded or become subject to a suretyship or
     other similar arrangement. (e) With the exception of BlueCross/Blue Shield
     and its family of companies, any Inter-Company Account. (f) Any Foreign
     Account, including any Export-Related Account, unless such Account shall be
     insured by Credit Insurance, or such Account shall be supported by a letter
     of credit for the benefit of and acceptable to Bank, or such Account shall
     be eligible pursuant to a duly executed Loan Authorization Agreement issued
     by the Small Business Administration of the United States Government in
     favor of Bank, or such Account is eligible pursuant to a duly executed
     Borrowers Agreement issued by the Export-Import Bank of the United States
     in favor of Bank, or such Account is otherwise expressly approved in
     writing by the Bank. (g) Any Account representing a Bill and Hold or
     similar arrangement.
     (h) Any Government Account due from any branch, agency, or political
     subdivision of the State or Federal Government, including without
     limitation, any municipality, county, or board for which the proper
     Assignment of Claims form, governmental consents, approvals, or Notice of
     Assignment form have not been fully executed or warrant issued for payment
     thereof by the state if such assignments, consents, approvals or warrants
     for payment shall be required by Bank in writing.
     (i) Any Account due from any government agency which, by contract,
     precludes and/or prohibits the collateral assignment of such Account,
     unless otherwise expressly approved by Bank in writing. (j) Any Account
     which, at the discretion of Bank, is deemed doubtful for collection for any
     reason, including but not limited to, those involving disputes, returns,
     credit worthiness, legal proceedings, whether in process, pending or
     threatened, conditional payments, is not free of all liens, encumbrances,
     charges, rights and interest except those in favor of Bank; or represent
     deposits, retainages, or progress billings, or are not payable in U.S.
     (k) [Intentionally Deleted.]
     (l) That portion of Accounts which represent a credit balance on any
     Account outside of the Eligibility Period. (m) Any Chattel Paper unless
     expressly made an Eligible Account in writing by Bank. (n) Any Account
     otherwise deemed ineligible by Bank in its sole discretion.

     (o) Any Consumer or Patient-Pay Account.

     (p) All Accounts from companies with greater than fifty (50%) percent of
     Accounts that are ineligible, Medicare and Medicaid receivables and retail,
     non-insurance company Accoutns.

     Bank reserves the right, upon notice, in its sole discretion, to amend the
     terms of the Ineligible Accounts at any time.

DD.04. Ineligible Inventory. Ineligible Inventory shall include the following:
     (a) Inventory not legally owned by Borrowers, including but not be limited
         to, goods on consignment from any supplier, vendor, and/or individual,
         or goods on demonstration and/or for trial, and not subject to the
         first lien priority security interest in favor of Bank.
     (b) Inventory not in new and/or salable condition, including but not
     limited to, damaged goods, goods used by Borrowers and/or potential buyers,
     goods with missing components/parts and not in a whole condition.
     (c) Inventory which has been held by Borrowers more than n/a months without
     being sold and/or leased. (d) Inventory representing work-in-process unless
     authorized by Bank pursuant to DD.02(c) and/or (d). (e) Inventory deemed by
     Bank, at its sole discretion, to cause and/or represent unusual danger to
     the health
         and/or safety of individual(s) and/or the environment.
     (f) Inventory which violates any federal law and/or laws of the city,
         county, or state where the goods are stored.
     (g) Inventory of which Borrowers are the legal owner but which is being
         stored and/or housed at a location other than the place of business of
         Borrowers or in transit (unless otherwise approved by Bank in writing
         including conditions thereof) or is otherwise authorized as set forth
         hereinabove in Section DD.02(c) and/or (d).
(h) Inventory deemed otherwise ineligible by Bank in its sole discretion.
(i) Inventory subject to a security interest, lien or other encumbrance in favor
of any other Person. (j) Inventory, if Export-Related Inventory, unless such
Inventory is eligible pursuant to a duly executed
         Loan Authorization Agreement issued by the Small Business
         Administration of the United States Government in favor of Bank, or
         such Inventory is eligible pursuant to a duly executed Borrowers
         Agreement issued by the Export-Import Bank of the United States in
         favor of Bank, or such Inventory is otherwise expressly approved in
         writing by Bank.
(k)      Inventory determined by Bank to be Excess Inventory.
(l)      Inventory subject to a License Agreement for which Bank shall have
         required in writing a Licensor/Bank Agreement and such agreement shall
         not have been obtained.

     Bank reserves the right, upon notice, in its sole discretion, to amend the
     terms of the Ineligible Inventory at any time.

DD.05.            Proceeds of Collateral and Application of Proceeds. (Check
                  either (b) or (c); and (a) if applicable.) (a) Borrowers shall
                  execute a Lockbox Agreement with Bank and shall notify, or
                  cause to be notified, all Account Debtors to forward all
                  remittances to the lockbox in accordance with such Lockbox
                  Agreement. Customer shall pay all costs of such lockbox,
                  including set up and administration thereof.
                  (b) Borrowers agree to deposit all Proceeds of the Collateral
                  in a Collateral Reserve Account at Bank, except that Medicare
                  Receivables proceeds shall be deposited to the Medicare
                  Receivables Account.
                  (c) Borrowers agree to deposit all Proceeds of the Collateral
         in an Operating Account. Borrowers agree that all Proceeds shall be
         applied as described in the Loan Documents (including the Asset-Based
         Sweep Services Attachment or the ABL Credit Line Sweep Services
         Agreement, if applicable). Bank reserves the right, in its sole
         discretion, to require Borrowers to implement DD.05 (b) and/or DD.05
         (a) immediately upon written notification from Bank.

DD.06. Reporting / Exam.

         (a) Reporting. (Check all that apply)
         Borrowers shall provide the following reports, financial statements,
         list of Account Debtors and addresses and other reports to Bank upon
         execution hereof and thereafter as indicated below (herein the
         "Required Information"). Unless and until the Bank shall agree
         otherwise, such Required Information shall be submitted to Bank
         electronically in non-scanned PDF format acceptable to Bank via the
         internet as an electronic record thereof or in such other format
         acceptable to Bank.

         Weekly    Quarterly    Annually   Month-End
                                                     Monthly Loan Base Reports.
                                                     Monthly Loan Base Reports,
                                                     prepared as of the end of
                                                     each reporting period.
                                                     Except as set forth below,
                                                     Loan Base Reports are
                                                     required for all loans
                                                     covered by this Agreement
                                                     no later than 15 days
                                                     following each reporting
                                                     period end. Additionally,
                                                     all other required reports
                                                     indicated below will also
                                                     be due on the fifteenth
                                                     (15th) day of each
                                                     reporting period. Weekly
                                                     Loan Base Reports. Weekly
                                                     Loan Base Reports, based on
                                                     information with an "as of"
                                                     date no more than three (3)
                                                     business days old when
                                                     received by Bank. Sales and
                                                     cash receipts journals
                                                     shall accompany each
                                                     report. The last Weekly
                                                     Loan Base Report provided
                                                     each month shall be a full
                                                     or partial week with an "as
                                                     of" date consistent with
                                                     Borrowers' fiscal month
                                                     end, subject to reconciling
                                                     adjustments, if any, in the
                                                     monthly reports hereinafter
                                                     Accounts Aging based upon
                                                     invoice date by the
                                                     fifteenth (15th) day of
                                                     each reporting period.
                                                     Inventory Report by the
                                                     fifteenth (15th) day of
         reporting period.
     Accounts  Payable  Aging  by the  fifteenth  (15th)  day of each  reporting
     Monthly  Balance  Sheets,  which  shall be due on the 15th day ---- of each
     To the extent permitted by applicable Federal or State law or HIPAA, a list
of Account Debtors with current addresses. Other: n/a ---

         Borrowers shall forward to Bank any of these reports at such other
         times as Bank may require them, upon notice to Borrowers, and/or any
         other reports deemed necessary by Bank in its discretion to monitor the
         Collateral for the Line of Credit. Notwithstanding any provision to the
         contrary, if any, in the Loan Agreement, the foregoing reporting
         requirements shall not be subject to notice of default by Bank, or
         right to cure by Borrowers, it being expressly understood and agreed
         that timely receipt of same are material and fundamental to the Bank's
         administration and funding of the Line of Credit. Upon written notice,
         Bank shall be authorized to impose a late reporting fee as determined
         by Bank for failure of Borrowers to timely comply with the reporting
         requirements of this section.

     (b)  Exam.  From  time to time,  as  deemed  necessary  by Bank in its sole
discretion to monitor  Collateral,  ----- Borrowers hereby authorize Bank or any
agent or  representative  thereof to inspect,  examine and verify the  Accounts,
Inventory, and Other Collateral,  make copies of and make abstracts from all the
records and books of account of, and visit the properties of, Borrowers,  and to
discuss the affairs, finances, and Collateral generally of Borrowers with any of
its respective owners, officers, directors,  shareholders,  members, or partners
and Borrowers' independent accountants and consultants. Without expense to Bank,
Bank  may  use  any  of  Borrowers'  personnel,  equipment,  including  computer
equipment,  programs and computer  readable media as deemed necessary by Bank to
conduct such Exam.

DD.07.   Fees.
         (a)  Borrowers shall pay to Bank the sum of $200.00 per month as a fee
              for the use of Bank's asset based lending services which shall be
              in addition to any fees or other charges for the treasury services
              of Bank. This fee may be changed by written notice to Borrowers.
(b)           Borrowers shall pay to Bank for each Exam of Borrowers, an
              examination fee of $750.00 per diem per examiner plus expenses
              such as, but not limited to, travel expense(s), specialized
              equipment needed to count and/or value goods pledged as Collateral
              to Bank, the use of outside firms to perform any Exam as deemed
              necessary by Bank in its sole discretion to monitor Collateral,
              with said reimbursement being represented by receipts and/or
              listing of expense(s) submitted to Borrowers by Bank along with
              Bank's invoice for reimbursement. Bank reserves the right to
              change the examination fee upon notice to Borrowers.
(c)           Borrowers shall pay to Bank the actual cost of any appraisal of
              Inventory and/or Other Collateral performed by an independent
              appraiser as required by Bank.
(d)           Bank in its discretion may charge a late reporting fee for
              Borrowers' failure to provide timely reports required under
              Section DD.06.
(e)           Bank reserves the right to debit all Fees from the Operating
              Account of Borrowers.

DD.08.        Events of Default. In addition to those Events of Default
              appearing elsewhere in the Loan Agreement, each of the following
              shall constitute an additional Event of Default under the Loan

(a)           The refusal by Borrowers to permit Bank to inspect, examine or
              verify the books and records in accordance with the Exam
              provisions of this Loan Agreement.
(b)           Failure to execute a Lockbox Agreement and notify Account Debtors
              to remit payments to the Lockbox, if required by Bank.
(c)           Failure to deposit checks or other remittances received in payment
              of Accounts into the Collateral Reserve Account or Operating
              Account, as required pursuant to Section DD.05.
(d)           If the outstanding principal balance under the Line of Credit plus
              the Reserves exceeds the Collateral Loan Value or the amount of
              the Line of Credit and Borrowers fail immediately to prepay the
              Line of Credit by an amount sufficient to bring Borrowers in
              compliance with this Schedule DD.
(e)           If Borrowers fail to comply with the Reporting requirements of
(f)           If Borrowers fail to otherwise comply with any of the provisions
              of this Schedule "DD" or the Loan Agreement.

DD.09.        Other Provisions.
         (a)  Notice. Any notice required to be given herein shall be effective
              when made and, notwithstanding any provisions in the Loan
              Agreement to the contrary, may be made by hand delivery, confirmed
              facsimile transmission, overnight courier, first class or
              certified mail return receipt requested.
         (b)  Operating Account. Notwithstanding any provision in the Loan
              Agreement to the contrary, Borrowers shall establish and maintain
              its Operating Account and Medicare Receivables Account with Bank
              during the term hereof.
         (c)  Certain Events. Upon execution hereof and with each borrowing made
              hereunder pursuant to the Loan Base Report, Borrowers shall be
              deemed to certify to Bank that (i) no Event of Default shall have
              occurred and be continuing, and no event shall have occurred and
              be continuing that, with the giving of notice or passage of time
              or both, would be an Event of Default; (ii) no material adverse
              change shall have occurred in the financial or operating condition
              or prospects of Borrowers since the date of the Loan Agreement;
              (iii) all Loan Documents shall have remained in full force and
              effect; and (iv) the representations and warranties contained in
              the Loan Agreement shall be true and correct as of such date.
         (d)  Electronic Transactions. Borrowers and Bank agree that the
              electronic reporting of Required Information authorized herein
              shall constitute an agreement under the Uniform Electronic
              Transfer Act (the "Act"), in effect in the State of North
              Carolina; and any dispute or controversy relating to such
              reporting shall be interpreted in accordance with the provisions
              of the Act. With respect to such reporting, Borrowers acknowledge
              that Bank shall not be responsible (i) for any failure,
              interruption, or delay in the performance of the internet; (ii)
              for any unauthorized, inadvertent, or fraudulent access, use or
              disclosure to third parties of the Required Information should it
              occur by error of transmission of Customer or reply thereto by
              Bank or otherwise; (iii) for Bank's failure to maintain security
              measures at the time of transmission or reply thereto to prevent
              unauthorized access, misappropriation and use of Required
              Information by third parties. Borrowers expressly assume the risk
              of unauthorized access, use or misappropriation by third parties
              of the Required Information transmitted to Bank via the internet
              and will hold harmless and indemnify Bank from any claim or
              expense, including reasonable attorneys fees associated therewith.
              Until Bank shall receive written notice otherwise from Borrowers,
              the following persons may be contacted by Bank with any questions
              or issues about the Required Information:


                                Primary Contact Person                                        Secondary Contact Person

              -----------------------------------------------------------     -----------------------------------------------------
              -----------------------------------------------------------     -----------------------------------------------------
              Name:  Joseph A. Boyle                                          Name  Jacqueline Moye

              -----------------------------------------------------------     -----------------------------------------------------
              -----------------------------------------------------------     -----------------------------------------------------
              Title:  Executive Vice President and Chief Executive            Title  Vice President of Human Relations

              -----------------------------------------------------------     -----------------------------------------------------
              -----------------------------------------------------------     -----------------------------------------------------
              Telephone Number:   803.790.5122                                Telephone Number  803.782.4278

              -----------------------------------------------------------     -----------------------------------------------------
              -----------------------------------------------------------     ----------------------------------------------------
              E-mail Address:                  E-mail Address

This Agreement is made and entered into for the sole protection and benefit of
Bank and Borrowers, their successors and assigns, and no third person or persons
shall have any right(s) to action hereon.

                           [SIGNATURE PAGES TO FOLLOW]

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Borrowers and Bank have executed this Schedule "DD" as of
this date and have adopted as their respective seal the "seal" appearing beside
or near their signatures below.

                         Each Borrower is a Corporation:


WITNESS:                                                                               UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES, INC.
                                                                                           Name of Corporation

           /s Julian Hennig  III                                  By:       /s D. Michael Stout
- ---------- -------------------------------------------------           ------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------

                                                                  Title:    Chief Executive Officer

WITNESS:                                                                      UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES OF SOUTH CAROLINA, INC.
                                                                                           Name of Corporation

           /s Julian Hennig  III                                  By:       /s D. Michael Stout
- ---------- -------------------------------------------------           ------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------

                                                                  Title:    Chief Executive Officer

WITNESS:                                                                                    DOCTORS CARE, P.A.
                                                                                           Name of Corporation

           /s Julian Hennig  III                                  By:       /s D. Michael Stout
- ---------- -------------------------------------------------           ------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------


WITNESS:                                                                             DOCTOR'S CARE OF TENNESSEE, P.C.
                                                                                           Name of Corporation

           /s Julian Hennig  III                                  By:       /s D. Michael Stout
- ---------- -------------------------------------------------           ------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------

                                                                  Title:    President

WITNESS:                                                                            PROGRESSIVE PHYSICAL THERAPY, P.A.
                                                                                           Name of Corporation

           /s Julian Hennig  III                                  By:       /s D. Michael Stout
- ---------- -------------------------------------------------           ------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------

                                                                  Title:    President

WITNESS:                                                                        CAROLINA ORTHOPEDIC & SPORTS MEDICINE, P.A
                                                                                           Name of Corporation

           /s Julian Hennig  III                                  By:       /s D. Michael Stout
- ---------- -------------------------------------------------           ------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------

                                                                  Title:    President


WITNESS:                                                          BRANCH BANKING AND TRUST COMPANY

                /s Karen A. Decker                                By:    /s H. B. Armstrong, Jr.
- --------------- --------------------------------------------           ------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                         H. B.
                                                                  Armstrong, Jr.
                                                                  Title: Senior
                                                                  Vice President

(1)      Note: Borrower's options under the Maximum Debt to Tangible Net Worth
         Covenant were to choose (i) a ratio of total liabilities to tangible
         net worth of not greater than 2.50 to 1.00; or (ii) a ratio of total
         liabilities to tangible net worth of not greater than 3.00 to 1.00 with
         the interest rate of the real estate loan between BB&T and UCI
         Properties, LLC being modified to have a floor rate of 400 basis