Washington, D.C. 20549

                                   FORM 8-K/A

                                 CURRENT REPORT
     Pursuant to Section 13 OR 15(d) of The Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Date of earliest event reported:                        November 1, 1997

                          UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)


           Delaware                                         0-13265                       59-2225346
(State or other jurisdiction of incorporation)       (Commission File Number) (IRS Employer Identification No.)

   1901 Main Street, Suite 1200, Mail Code 1105, Columbia, South Carolina 29201
(Address of principal executive offices)                             (Zip Code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code:             (803) 252-3661

                                    No Change
                   (Former name or former address, if changed
                              since last report.)

This document contains a total of 17 pages.

This Form  8-K/A  amends  the Form 8-K filed with the  Securities  and  Exchange
Commission  on  November  5, 1997 by UCI Medical  Affiliates,  Inc.,  a Delaware
corporation  (the "Company"),  and is filed to include the financial  statements
required by Item 7 of Form 8-K.

Item 7.  Financial Statements and Exhibits

         a)    Financial Statements of Business Acquired

                  The financial  statements for Marvin Dees,  M.D., the business
                  acquired by the  wholly-owned  subsidiary of the Company,  are
                  included in this report beginning on page number three (3).

         b)    Pro Forma Financial Information

                  The pro forma financial information for Marvin Dees, M.D., the
                  business  acquired  by  the  wholly-owned  subsidiary  of  the
                  Company,  is included in this report  following  the financial
                  information herein in response to Item 7(a) above.

         c)    Exhibits

                  The  following  exhibit is  incorporated  by  reference to the
                  exhibit of the same number filed with the  Company's  Form 8-K
                  filed on November 5, 1997.

                           Exhibit 2.1 - Asset  Purchase  Agreement  executed on
                           October 31, 1997,  to be effective  November 1, 1997,
                           by, between and among UCI Medical Affiliates of South
                           Carolina, Inc., a South Carolina corporation ("UCI of
                           SC")   Doctor's   Care,   P.A.,   a  South   Carolina
                           professional  corporation  ("Doctor's Care");  Marvin
                           Dees, M.D., a South Carolina resident ("Seller"); and
                           Landlord  (defined as Seller and  Katherine  R. Dees,

                 Report on Audits of the Financial Statements of

                                Marvin Dees, M.D.

                        as of December 31, 1996 and 1995



Report of Independent Accountants.............................................5

Marvin Dees, M.D. Financial Statements
     as of December 31, 1996 and 1995......................................6-12

UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc. Pro Forma Combining Financial Statements
     Combining Balance Sheet at September 30, 1997...........................13
     Note to Combining Balance Sheet.........................................14
     Combining Statement of Operations and Accumulated Deficit
        for year ended September 30, 1997....................................15
     Note to Combining Statement of Operations...............................16

                        Report of Independent Accountants

Board of Directors
UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc.

We  have  audited  the  accompanying  balance  sheets  Marvin  Dees,  M.D.  (the
"Practice")  as of  December  31, 1996 and 1995 and the  related  statements  of
operations,  changes in owner's equity, and cash flows for the years then ended.
These financial statements are the responsibility of the Practice's  management.
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial  statements based
on our audits.

We  conducted  our  audits  in  accordance  with  generally   accepted  auditing
standards.  Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  An audit also includes
assessing the  accounting  principles  used and  significant  estimates  made by
management,  as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion,  the financial  statements  referred to above present fairly, in
all  material  respects,  the  financial  position  of Marvin  Dees,  M.D. as of
December 31, 1996 and 1995, and the results of its operations and its cash flows
for the years  then  ended in  conformity  with  generally  accepted  accounting

The financial  statements  have been prepared solely from the accounts of Marvin
Dees, M.D. and do not include the personal accounts of the owner or those of any
other operations in which he may be engaged.

Columbia, South Carolina
December 22, 1997


                                Marvin Dees, M.D.
                                 Balance Sheets
                                  December 31,
                                                1996                    1995
                                   -------------------     -------------------
Current assets:
    Cash and cash equivalents            $    -                  $    33,824
    Accounts receivable, net                  47,148                  49,342
                                   -------------------     -------------------
        Total current assets                  47,148                  83,166
                                   -------------------     -------------------

Property and equipment, net                  145,986                144,346
                                   -------------------     -------------------

        Total assets                  $     193,134           $    227,512
                                   ===================     ===================

Liabilities and Owner's Equity Current liabilities:
Accounts payable and accrued expenses $       8,799             $    3,664
    Current maturities of capital leases      4,151                  1,486
    Current maturities of long-term debt     12,209                  10,942
                                       ---------------     -------------------
        Total current liabilities            25,159                  16,092

Capital leases payable, net 
   of current portion                        13,013                  2,588
Long-term debt, net of current portion       42,530                  54,740
                                      -----------------     -------------------
        Total liabilities                    80,702                  73,420
                                      -----------------     -------------------

Owner's equity:
     Owner's capital                        112,432                 154,092
                                      -----------------     -------------------
        Total owner's equity                112,432                 154,092
                                      -----------------     -------------------

        Total liabilities and 
           owner's equity             $     193,134           $    227,512
                                      =================     ===================

                 The accompanying notes are an integral part of
                          these financial statements.

                                Marvin Dees, M.D.
                            Statements of Operations
                        for the years ended December 31,

                                                 1996                  1995
                                       ------------------    ------------------

Net medical revenue                     $       406,195       $       445,822
Operating costs                                 227,253               205,051
                                       ------------------    ------------------
         Operating margin                       178,942               240,771

Depreciation and amortization                    29,402                25,305
General and administrative expenses              34,339                38,560
                                       ------------------    ------------------
         Income from operations                 115,201               176,906

Interest expense                                  6,738                 8,729
                                       ------------------    ------------------

         Net income                     $       108,463       $       168,177
                                       ==================    ==================

                 The accompanying notes are an integral part of
                          these financial statements.

                                Marvin Dees, M.D.
                     Statements of Changes in Owner's Equity
                 for the years ended December 31, 1996 and 1995


Balance, January 1, 1995                              $   179,702
Net income                                                168,177
Owner's draws                                            (193,787)

Balance, December 31, 1995                                154,092
Net income                                                108,463
Owner's draws                                            (150,123)

Balance, December 31, 1996                           $    112,432

                 The accompanying notes are an integral part of
                          these financial statements.

                                Marvin Dees, M.D.
                            Statements of Cash Flows
                        for the years ended December 31,


                                                                        1996                  1995
                                                                  ------------------    ------------------
Operating activities:
Net income                                                        $       108,463       $       168,177
Adjustments to reconcile net income to cash provided by
      operating activities:
   Depreciation and amortization                                           29,402                25,305
   Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
       Accounts receivable                                                  2,194                 9,050
       Accounts payable and accrued expenses                                5,135                    95
                                                                  ------------------    ------------------
         Cash provided by operating activities                            145,194               202,627
                                                                  ------------------    ------------------

Investing activities:
Purchases of property and equipment                                       (15,697)              (25,281)
                                                                  ------------------    ------------------
         Cash used by investing activities                                (15,697)              (25,281)
                                                                  ------------------    ------------------

Financing activities:
Repayments on capital leases                                               (2,255)               (1,332)
Repayments on long-term debt                                              (10,943)               (9,808)
Owner's draws                                                            (150,123)             (193,787)
                                                                  ------------------    ------------------
         Cash used by financing activities                               (163,321)             (204,927)
                                                                  ------------------    ------------------

Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents                                 (33,824)              (27,581)

Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of year                               33,824                61,405
                                                                  ------------------    ------------------

Cash and cash equivalents, end of year                            $             -       $        33,824
                                                                  ==================    ==================
                                                                  ==================    ==================

Supplemental cash flow information:
    Cash paid for interest                                        $         6,738       $         8,729
                                                                  ==================    ==================

                 The accompanying notes are an integral part of
                          these financial statements.

                                MARVIN DEES, M.D.
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

Note 1.  Significant Accounting Policies

Organization  - Marvin Dees,  M.D. is the sole owner of Marvin Dees,  M.D.  (the
"Practice")  located in New Ellenton,  South Carolina.  The Practice  operates a
family practice  medical office that provides  treatments on an outpatient basis
for medical conditions not involving an immediate threat to life.

The  financial  statements  have been  prepared  solely from the accounts of the
Practice and do not include the  personal  accounts of the owner or those of any
other activities in which he may be engaged. Management makes estimates that are
a necessary part of the  preparation of financial  statements.  These  estimates
include the useful lives of equipment, some of which is subject to technological
obsolescence,  and the net realizable value of patient accounts  receivable.  At
December  31,  1996,  management  is not  aware  of any  conditions  that  could
significantly  affect the estimates employed in the preparation of the financial

Accounts Receivable - Accounts receivable  represents amounts due from patients,
employers and various third-party payors.  Provisions for uncollectable  amounts
are made based on management's estimates of future collectability and historical
payment percentages.

Property  and   Equipment  -  Property  and   equipment  is  reported  at  cost.
Depreciation  for financial  reporting  purposes is computed  using  accelerated
methods  for  furniture  and  equipment  and by  the  straight-line  method  for
buildings.  Estimated  useful lives range from five to seven years for equipment
and 19 years for buildings.  Depreciation  expense  includes the amortization of
capital lease assets.  Maintenance,  repairs and the cost of minor equipment are
charged to expense. Major renewals or betterments, which prolong the life of the
assets,  are  capitalized.  Upon  disposal of  depreciable  property,  the asset
accounts  are  reduced by the related  cost and  accumulated  depreciation.  The
resulting gains and losses are reflected in the statements of operations.

Income  Taxes - The  Practice  operates  as a sole  proprietorship.  Under  this
election,  the revenues and expenses of the Practice are reported on the owner's
personal income tax returns.  Accordingly, the accompanying financial statements
have no provision for income tax expense.

Cash Equivalents - The Practice considers all short-term debt instruments with a
maturity  of  three  months  or  less  at the  date  of  acquisition  to be cash

Supplemental  disclosure of non-cash financing and investing activities:  During
1996, the Practice placed into service  certain medical  equipment and furniture
totaling $15,345 acquired under capital leases.

Fair Value of Financial  Investments - The fair value of accounts receivable and
accrued  expenses  payable are  estimated by  management  to  approximate  their
respective  carrying  values.  Management  estimates the fair value of long-term
debt  approximates  its carrying  value  because the interest rate is similar to
that presently offered in the marketplace for credit instruments having the same
risk profile and term to maturity.

Note 2.  Description of Leasing Arrangements

The Practice leases certain  medical  equipment under capital leases expiring on
various dates through August,  2001. At the end of the lease terms, the Practice
is  generally  transferred  title to the leased  equipment.  In some cases,  the
payment of a fee representing residual value is required.

Included in property and equipment  are the following  assets held under capital

                                             1996                  1995
                                    -------------------    ------------------

Office and medical equipment        $         21,945       $         6,600
Less, accumulated amortization                 8,528                 4,699
                                    -------------------    ------------------
                                    $         13,417       $         1,901
                                    ===================    ==================

The following is a schedule by years of the future  minimum lease payments under
capital leases together with the present value of the net minimum lease payments
as of December 31, 1996:

          1997                                    $        5,929
          1998                                             5,031
          1999                                             4,069
          2000                                             4,069
          2001                                             2,713

          Total minimum lease payments                    21,811
          Less amounts representing interest               4,647

          Present value of net minimum lease payments     17,164
          Less current portion of lease obligations        4,151

          Capital lease obligations               $       13,013

Note 3.  Property and Equipment

At  December  31,  1996  and  1995,  property  and  equipment  consisted  of the

                                                  1996                  1995
                                        -----------------    ------------------

Land                                    $        29,513       $        29,513
Building                                        135,249               130,361
Furniture and equipment                         151,644               125,490
Vehicle                                          21,000                21,000
                                        -----------------    ------------------
                                                337,406               306,364
Accumulated  depreciation                       191,420               162,018
                                        -----------------    ------------------
      Property and equipment, net       $       145,986       $       144,346
                                        =================    ==================

Note 4.  Long-term Debt

The Practice's long-term debt at December 31, 1996 and 1995, follows:

                                                    1996                 1995
                                               -----------    ------------------
Note   payable  to  financial  institution  in 
monthly  installments  of $1,469, including 
interest at 11%, through November, 2000.  
Collateralized by a mortgage on real estate.   $   54,739      $        65,682
       Less current portion                        12,209               10,942
                                               -----------    ------------------

                                               $   42,530      $        54,740
                                               ===========    ==================

The  aggregate  maturities  of  long-term  debt as of  December  31, 1996 are as

          Maturing during the year ended December 31,

                      1997                           $       12,209
                      1998                                   13,622
                      1999                                   15,198
                      2000                                   13,710
                                                     $       54,739

Note 5.  Retirement Plan

The  Practice  sponsors a  trusteed  profit  sharing  retirement  plan  covering
substantially all employees. Under the plan, employees age 21 or older that work
a minimum of 1,000 hours are permitted to participate. Employer contributions to
the plan are discretionary. Employee contributions are not permitted. During the
years ended  December 31, 1996 and 1995,  expense of the profit sharing plan was
$0 and $1,211, respectively.

Note 6.  Related Party Transactions

The owner participates in the medical  activities of Practice.  All payments for
services and benefits to the owner are recorded as draws and are not included in
cost of operations in the financial  statements.  For the periods ended December
31, 1996 and 1995, owner's draws totalled  approximately  $150,000 and $194,000,

Note 7.  Concentration of Credit Risk

In the normal course of providing  health care  services,  the Practice  extends
credit to  patients in its  service  area  without  requiring  collateral.  Each
individual's  ability to pay  balances due the Practice is assessed and reserves
are established to provide for management's estimate of uncollectable  balances.
Future revenues of the Practice are largely dependent on third-party  payors and
include  Medicare  and  private  insurance  companies.  The  amount  of loss the
Practice  would incur in the event of  non-payment  by the counter  party is the
amount of the patient billing.

Note 8.  Subsequent Event

On October 31, 1997,  UCI Medical  Affiliates of South  Carolina,  Inc.  ("UCI")
acquired the  accounts  receivable,  certain  office and medical  equipment  and
substantially all of the Practice's  intangible assets (including  patient lists
and  goodwill)  for  $279,168.  The price paid consists of $85,000 in restricted
common  stock,  two notes  payable  totalling  $159,536,  certain  assumed lease
liabilities totalling $17,164, and cash of $17,468. UCI also entered into a five
year lease agreement to rent the Practice's  office space for $19,200  annually.
Dr. Dees entered into a five-year  physician services  agreement to provide,  on
average, forty hours per week of physician services.

                          UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc.
                        Pro Forma Combining Balance Sheet
                               September 30, 1997

The  following  pro forma  combining  balance  sheet is based on the  individual
balance sheets of UCI Medical Affiliates,  Inc. as of September 30, 1997 per the
Company's  Annual Report and Marvin Dees, M.D. as of December 31, 1996 appearing
in Item 7(a) of this filing.  The  information  has been prepared to reflect the
acquisition by UCI Medical  Affiliates,  Inc. of Marvin Dees,  M.D. after giving
effect to the pro forma  adjustments  described in Note 1. This statement should
be read in conjunction with each entity's financial statements and footnotes.


                                     UCI Medical
                                        Inc.           Marvin Dees,        Pro Forma              Pro Forma
                                                           M.D.           Adjustments              Combined
                                    --------------     --------------    ---------------        ---------------
Cash and cash equivalents           $      14,676      $          --     $                      $      14,676
Accounts receivable, net                5,943,884             47,148                --              5,991,032
Medical supplies inventory                502,888                 --                --                502,888
Deferred taxes                            334,945                 --                --                334,945
Prepaids and other assets                 579,217                 --                --                579,217
                                    --------------     --------------    ---------------        ---------------
          Total current assets          7,375,610             47,148                                7,422,758
Property, plant and equipment, net
                                        4,002,699            145,986           (96,830)  (a.)       4,051,855
Deferred taxes                          1,417,237                 --                --              1,417,237
Goodwill                                7,801,607                 --           182,864   (a.)
                                                                               (12,190)  (b.)       7,972,281
Other assets                              266,379                 --                                  266,379
                                    ==============     ==============    ===============        ===============
          Total assets              $  20,863,532      $     193,134     $      73,844          $  21,130,510
                                    ==============     ==============    ===============        ===============

Liabilities and Capital
Current portion - long-term debt    $     840,879      $      16,360     $     (12,209)  (a.)   $     845,030
Current long- debt to employees           177,445                 --            42,500   (a.)         219,945
Accounts payable                        2,039,506              8,799            (8,799)  (a.)
                                                                                17,468   (a.)       2,056,974
Accrued payroll                           959,068                 --                --                959,068
Other accrued liabilities                 437,667                 --           (15,000)  (c.)
                                                                                 9,100   (e.)
                                                                                 5,000   (d.)         436,767
                                    --------------     --------------    ---------------        ---------------
           Total current                4,454,565             25,159            38,060              4,517,784
Long-term debt, net of current          6,438,655             55,543           (42,530)  (a.)       6,451,668
Non-current debt to employees             481,815                 --           117,036   (a.)         598,851
                                    --------------     --------------    ---------------        ---------------
        Total liabilities              11,375,035             80,702           112,566             11,568,303
                                    --------------     --------------    ---------------        ---------------
Common stock                              287,248                 --             1,511   (a.)         288,759
Paid-in capital                        15,435,535                 --            83,489   (a.)      15,519,024
Accumulated earnings (deficit)         (6,234,286)           112,432          (112,432)  (a.)
                                                                               (11,290)  (f.)      (6,245,576)
                                    --------------     --------------    ---------------        ---------------
           Total capital                9,488,497            112,432           (38,722)             9,562,207
                                    ==============     ==============    ===============        ===============
    Total liabilities and capital   $  20,863,532      $     193,134     $      73,844          $  21,130,510

                                    ==============     ==============    ===============        ===============

                          UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc.
                    Note to Pro Forma Combining Balance Sheet
                               September 30, 1997

1. The pro forma  combining  balance  sheet has been  prepared  to  reflect  the
acquisition  of  Marvin  Dees,  M.D.  by UCI  Medical  Affiliates,  Inc.  for an
aggregate  price of  $279,168.  The purchase  occurred on October 30, 1997.  The
combining  balance sheet  reflects the balances of UCI at September 30, 1997 and
Marvin  Dees,  M.D. at December  31,  1996.  Pro forma  adjustments  are made to

(a.)     The assets acquired consisted of:     The purchase price consisted of:

$  47,148   Accounts receivable         $   1,511  Common stock
   49,156  Furniture, equipment            83,489  Additional paid-in-capital
  182,864   Goodwill                      159,536  Notes payable issued
 --------                                  17,161  Lease liabilities assumed
$ 279,168                                  17,468  Cash paid at closing
 ========                                --------
                                        $ 279,168

     Issuance of 30,223 shares of restricted common stock valued at $85,000,  an
estimated per share value of $2.81. Cash paid at closing is recorded in accounts

     Certain property and equipment ($96,830) was not acquired. Accounts payable
($8,799), long-term debt ($54,739), and prior owner's equity ($112,432) were not

     (b.) Excess of acquisition cost over the fair values of net assets acquired
(goodwill)  less  one  year's  amortization.  ($182,864  goodwill  less  $12,190

     (c.) Net decrease in fees for physician services is $15,000 annually, based
on the physician's service agreement compared to the acquired practice's owner's

     (d.) Net  increase  in  rental  expense  for  office  facilities  is $5,000
annually, based on the rental agreements executed between the parties.

     (e.) First year  increase  in  interest  costs of  $9,100.  Computed  using
contractual  interest rates on notes payable of $159,536  issued to the acquired
practice's owner at closing.

     (f.) Effects of pro forma  adjustments on statement of  operations,  closed
into pro forma retained earnings.

                          UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc.
            Pro Forma Statement of Operations and Accumulated Deficit
                      for the year ended September 30, 1997

The  following  pro  forma  combining  statement  is  based  on  the  individual
statements of operations and accumulated deficit of UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc.
as of September 30, 1997 per the Company's  Annual Report and Marvin Dees,  M.D.
as of December 31, 1996 appearing in item 7(a) of this filing.  The  information
has been prepared to reflect the acquisition by UCI Medical Affiliates,  Inc. of
Marvin Dees, M.D. after giving effect to the pro forma adjustments  described in
Note 1.  This  statement  should  be  read in  conjunction  with  each  entity's
financial statements and footnotes.


                                     UCI Medical      Marvin Dees,        Pro Forma              Pro Forma
                                   Affiliates, Inc.       M.D.           Adjustments              Combined
                                  ----------------    --------------    ---------------       -----------------

Revenue                           $   27,924,772      $    406,195      $           --        $   28,330,967
Operating costs                        26,466,294          227,253             (15,000) (a.)
                                                                               150,123  (e.)
                                                                                 5,000  (c.)     26,833,670
                                  ----------------    --------------    ---------------       -----------------
  Operating margin                      1,458,478          178,942            (140,123)           1,497,297

General and administrative
   expenses                               153,445           34,339                  --              187,784
Depreciation and amortization           1,250,349           29,402              12,190  (b.)      1,291,941
                                  ----------------    --------------    ---------------       -----------------
  Income from operations                   54,684          115,201            (152,313)              17,572

Interest expense, net                    (812,749)          (6,738)             (9,100) (d.)       (828,587)
Gain on equipment                           8,809               --                  --                8,809
                                  ----------------    --------------    ---------------       -----------------

Income before income tax                 (749,256)         108,463            (161,413)            (802,206)
Income tax benefit                        665,530               --                  --               665,530
                                  ----------------    --------------    ---------------       -----------------

Net (loss) income                         (83,726)         108,463            (161,413)            (136,676)

Accumulated deficit - beginning
   of year                             (6,150,560)         154,092            (112,432)          (6,108,900)
 Distribution to stockholders                  --         (150,123)            150,123                   --
                                  ----------------    --------------    ---------------       -----------------

Accumulated deficit - end of
   year                           $   (6,234,286)     $    112,432            (123,722)       $ (6,245,576)
                                  ================    ==============    ===============       =================

Net income (loss) per common
   and common
     equivalent share             $       (.02)                 (f.)                --        $       (.03)
                                  ================    ==============    ===============       =================

Weighted average common shares
   outstanding                          5,005,081               (f.)                --            5,035,304
                                  ================    ==============    ===============       =================

                          UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc.
                           Note to Pro Forma Combining
                           Statement of Operations and
                           Accumulated Deficit for the
                          year ended September 30, 1997

1. The above  statement  gives  effect to the  following  pro forma  adjustments
necessary  to  reflect  the  acquisition  outlined  in Note 1. to the pro  forma
balance sheet:

(a.)   Net change in physician  salary  computed  based on employment  agreement
       compared with the Practice's  former owner's draws.  Does not include any
       potential  fees or  productivity  or  other  incentives  provided  for in
       employment  contract  between  the owner of  Marvin  Dees,  M.D.  and UCI
       Medical Affiliates, Inc.

     (b.) Addition for amortization of goodwill on a straight line basis over 15

     (c.) Net increase in rental expense for office  facilities  based on rental
agreements executed between the parties.

     (d.) First year increase in interest costs, related to notes payable issued
to Dr. Dees.

     (e.)   Reclassification  of  owner's  draws  to  compensation  expense  per
employment agreement.

     (f.) Not applicable; Marvin Dees, M.D. was a sole proprietorship entity.


Pursuant  to the  requirements  of The  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

         UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc.

/s/ Marion F. McFarland, III, M.D.           /s/ Jerry F. Wells, Jr.
Marion F. McFarland, III, M.D.              Jerry F. Wells, Jr., CPA
President, Chief Executive Officer and      Executive Vice President of
Chairman of the Board                       Finance and Chief Financial Officer

Date:                   January 7, 1998