THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into as of September 19, 1995, by and 
between Ebbe Skov, 25652 Santo Drive, Mission Viejo, CA 92691 ("CONSULTANT")
and SGI INTERNATIONAL, a Utah  corporation, 1200 Prospect Street, Suite 325,
La Jolla, California 92037 ("COMPANY").

WITNESSETH that: COMPANY agrees to retain CONSULTANT and CONSULTANT agrees 
to serve as a consultant to COMPANY upon the following terms and conditions:

1.     Independent Contractor: CONSULTANT shall have sole discretion as to 
the manner in which the consulting services performed hereunder are carried 
out and shall be an independent contractor and not an agent or employee of 

2.    Technical and/or Marketing Consulting Services: CONSULTANT shall 
provide technical and/or marketing consulting services at such time as 
COMPANY may from time to time reasonably designate, with due regard for 
other obligations of the CONSULTANT, on a project-by-project basis, for a 
consulting fee of $500.00 per day plus expenses, except as otherwise 
expressly agreed in writing.

3.    Advance Estimates: Upon the request of the COMPANY, CONSULTANT shall 
without cost to COMPANY, provide an advance estimate which shall state:

(a)  The estimated total cost of consulting services and expenses for such 

(b)  The estimated completion date for the performance of such services and 
a not-to-exceed final completion date, assuming no scope changes in the 

4.    Project Definition:  Upon receipt of such advance estimates by COMPANY,
COMPANY and CONSULTANT shall cooperate in defining the project, payments, 
times and all other provisions related to the performance of services by 
CONSULTANT with respect to such project, and shall enter into a supplemental
letter agreement specifying the same.

5.    Advance Authorization: COMPANY shall have no obligation to pay any 
fees, costs or expenses not authorized in writing by COMPANY before such 
fees, costs or expenses are incurred.

6.    Records:  CONSULTANT shall provide statements for services, fees and 
costs according to generally accepted accounting standards in sufficient 
detail to satisfy all state and federal taxing authorities.

7.    Term:  This AGREEMENT shall commence on September 19, 1995, and shall 
continue until September 18, 1996, unless extended by mutual agreement.  
Either party may terminate this AGREEMENT upon thirty (30) days prior written 

8.    Enforcement:  In the event of any litigation to enforce or interpret 
any provision of this Agreement, a court of competent jurisdiction may award 
either party reasonable attorneys fees and costs, in addition to any other 
appropriate relief.

9.    Confidentiality  Agreement:  This AGREEMENT includes a Confidentiality 
Agreement which is attached hereto and made a part hereof.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this AGREEMENT is executed as of the day and year first 
written above.

SGI INTERNATIONAL                            Ebbe Skov

By:        /s/					                           			/s/
     =====================		               		================
     Joseph A. Savoca

                              Exhibit 4.26