This is an Employment Agreement (the "Agreement") made effective as of 
April 1, 1995, between ASSEMBLY & MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS INC. (fka "Automation
Tooling Systems Corp."), a California corporation having its principal place
of business located at 2222 Shasta Way, Simi Valley, California 93065

Section 1.0 - Recitals

          1.1  EMPLOYEE has rendered services to EMPLOYER over a period of 
many months in various capacities, e.g. just prior to the recent sale of 
EMPLOYER, EMPLOYEE was general manager of EMPLOYER.

          l.2   EMPLOYEE represents that he has extensive experience and 
comprehensive knowledge of the business of EMPLOYER, Based upon EMPLOYEE'S 
representation regarding his experience and abilities, EMPLOYER has a 
compelling need for his continued association as executive, officer and 
director of EMPLOYER. To assure the continued association and services of
EMPLOYEE, to retain and utilize his experience, skills, abilities, 
background and knowledge, and to facilitate long-range planning and growth 
of the business of EMPLOYER in an orderly and efficient manner, EMPLOYER is 
willing to continue to employ EMPLOYEE upon the terms and conditions set 
forth hereinafter.

          l.3  EMPLOYEE is willing to continue rendering services to EMPLOYER
 upon the terms and conditions set forth hereinafter.

          l.4  NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing recitals and
of the promises aid conditions herein contained, the parties agree as set 
forth below.

Section 2.0 - Employment

          2.1  Powers and Duties.  EMPLOYEE shall be employed by EMPLOYER 
with the following titles: president, chief  executive officer and member of 
the board of directors of EMPLOYER. EMPLOYEE shall have powers and duties 
consistent with such positions including, but not limited to, those related 
to or involving the sales and marketing of all products of EMPLOYER within 
and without the United  States, compliance with any strategic plan and 
approved budgetary allocations for EMPLOYER and the hiring and firing all 
employees of EMPLOYER.

          2.2   Term  of Employment.  The term of this Agreement and 
EMPLOYEE'S employment shall be two (2) years, unless sooner terminated as 
a result of the following: (i) retirement of the EMPLOYEE;  (ii) death of
EMPLOYEE; (iii) an Involuntary Termination pursuant to a Disabling Event 
under Section 6.1; (iv) an Employer Termination For Cause pursuant to 
Section 6.2; (v) an Employer Termination For Cause pursuant to Section 6.3;
(vi) an Employer Termination Without Cause pursuant to Section 6.4 or (vii)
a Voluntary Termination pursuant to Section 6.5. The initial and any 
subsequent term of this Agreement shall be automatically renewed for a 
period of one year unless EMPLOYEE notifies EMPLOYER, or EMPLOYER notifies 
EMPLOYEE, in writing at least 30 days prior' to expiration of the then 
current term of this Agreement that the Agreement shall not be renewed.

         2.3   Time to be Devoted to Employment.  Except for annual vacations
taken pursuant to Section 4.1 and absences due to temporary illness as 
contemplated by Section 4.2 during the employment term EMPLOYEE shall devote 
his full time and energy to the business of EMPLOYER.  EMPLOYEE shall not be
engaged in any other business activity which, in the reasonable judgment of 
the Board of Directors of EMPLOYER, conflicts with the  duties of EMPLOYEE 
hereunder, whether or not such activity is pursued for gain, profit or other
pecuniary advantage; provided, however, that EMPLOYEE may, without violating
the provisions of this Section 2.3 own less than 5% of the outstanding 
capital stock of a company whose shares are actively traded on a public 
securities exchange or a public over-the-counter market.

Section 3.0 - Compensation of EMPLOYEE

         3.1    Annual Salary.  As compensation for the services to be 
performed hereunder, EMPLOYEE shall receive a salary at the rate of One 
Hundred Twenty Thousand Dollars ($120,,000) per annum, payable in equal 
weekly installments ("Regular Compensation") which shall be adjusted semi
annually for any change upward from the preceding semi-annual period in the
cost-of-living index for the Los Angeles/Long Beach region as compiled by the
United States Department of Labor (the "semi-annual COLA").
         3.2    Salary Reviews.  In addition to the adjustments provided for
in Section 3.1 EMPLOYEE shall receive annual merit reviews and such salary 
increases, if any, as may be determined by the non-employee members of the 
Board of Directors of EMPLOYER at its annual meeting.

         3.3  Salary Continuation During Disability. - If EMPLOYEE for any 
reason whatsoever suffers a Disabling Event (defined in Section 6.1) during 
the term of his employment, EMPLOYER agrees that, if EMPLOYEE is 
involuntarily terminated pursuant to Section 6.11 it will pay EMPLOYEE an 
amount equal to seventy percent (70%) of the Regular Compensation he is 
receiving at the time of occurrence of the Disabling Event, payable as set 
forth above. Such payment shall be increased semi-annually by COLA and shall
continue for so long as EMPLOYEE is disabled and thereafter until the earlier
of the following events occurs: (i) EMPLOYEE is rehired by EMPLOYER for a 
salary and executive position at least equal to his executive position and his
Regular Compensation at the time of occurrence of the Disabling Event plus 
accrued semi-annual COLA, or (ii) the second anniversary date of the Disabling

          3.4  Tax Withholding.  EMPLOYER shall have the right to deduct or 
withhold, from any amounts of money due EMPLOYEE and/or his spouse, any and 
all sums required for federal income and Social Security taxes, together 
with all state and local taxes now applicable or that may be enacted and 
become applicable in the future.

          3.5  Incentive Compensation.

              3.5.1  In addition to Regular Compensation, EMPLOYEE shall be 
entitled to incentive compensation ("Incentive Compensation") from EMPLOYER,
payable in a lump sum on or before thirty days (30) following each 
anniversary date of this Agreement, including its expiration date.  EMPLOYER'S
obligation to pay Incentive Compensation shall survive expiration of this 

              3.5.2  The amount of Incentive Compensation payable to EMPLOYEE 
shall be based on the following percentages of the Pretax Earnings (defined 
below) of EMPLOYER, determined as of each anniversary date of this Agreement,
for the immediately preceding 12-month period:

          If Pretax Earnings for the applicable 12-month 
period equal or exceed the Projected Pretax Earnings (defined below) for such
12-month period, EMPLOYEE shall receive Incentive Compensation equal to 20% of
EMPLOYEE'S then current annual Regular Compensation, payable as aforesaid.

          If  Pretax Earnings for the applicable 12-month 
period exceed the Projected Pretax Earnings (defined below) for such 12-month 
period by 20% or more, EMPLOYEE shall receive additional Incentive Compensation
(in addition to the Incentive Compensation payable under Section above)]
equal to 20% of EMPLOYEE'S then current annual Regular Compensation, payable 
as aforesaid.

              3.5.3 "Pretax Earnings" means the pretax earnings of the EMPLOYER
in whatever form the businesses of EMPLOYER may be conducted [including, without
limitation, as a subsidiary or subsidiaries, as a division or divisions, or as 
part of a subsidiary or division of any current or future parent of EMPLOYER, or
any subsidiary or affiliate thereof (collectively, "Parent Company")], 
determined in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles 
consistently applied, except that solely for the purpose of such definition (i)
no deduction shall be made for federal, state or local income or excise taxes;
(ii) no deduction shall be made for Parent Company head office or corporate 
charges, other than charges for specific necessary services supplied at fair 
market value; (iii) no deduction shall be made for amortization of goodwill;
(iv) no deduction for interest on funds advanced by the Parent Company shall be
made for any fiscal period, other than interest (at not greater than the then 
fair market rate) on funds advanced by the Parent Company at the request of 
EMPLOYEE for operating capital; (v) a net loss incurred for any fiscal period 
shall not be carried back to offset earnings for any prior fiscal period, but 
it shall be carried forward to offset pretax earnings for subsequent fiscal
periods until such net loss is depleted; (vi) no deduction shall be made for 
management fees paid by EMPLOYER to the Parent Company, provided that this 
clause shall not be deemed to prevent the deduction of head office or corporate
charges subject to the limitation specified in clause (ii); and (vii) no 
deduction shall be made for any dividend or redemption payments.

          3.5.4 "Projected Pretax Earnings" means the Pretax Earnings projected
in a EMPLOYER budget approved by EMPLOYEE and EMPLOYER.

               3.5.5 Past due Incentive Compensation shall earn interest at the
rate of 10% per annum, compounded daily, until paid.

Section 4.0 - Employee Benefits

        4.1  Annual Vacation.  EMPLOYEE shall be entitled to three (3) weeks 
vacation time each year without loss of compensation. If EMPLOYEE is unable for 
any reason to take the total amount of vacation time authorized herein during 
any year, he may elect to do either or both of the following: (i) accrue the 
unused time and add it to vacation time for the following year provided the
number of vacation days accrued may not result in EMPLOYEE being entitled to 
more than four (4) weeks vacation time for that following year and/or (ii) 
receive a cash payment for all or such part thereof not accrued as aforesaid in
an amount equal to the amount of Regular Compensation attributable to that 
period of time. If EMPLOYEE fails to make an election by notice to EMPLOYER 
prior to the end of such following year, he shall be deemed to have elected a 
cash payment as provided in clause  (ii) above for all unused time, and EMPLOYER
shall deliver the payment to EMPLOYEE within thirty (30) days following the end 
of such following year.

          4.2  Illness.  EMPLOYEE shall be entitled to sick leave of one (1) 
day per month during the employment term.  Sick leave may be accumulated or 
EMPLOYEE may receive a cash payment therefor in an amount equal to the amount 
of Regular Compensationa attributable to that period of time, such payment to 
be made according to the procedure for annual vacation time provided in 
Section 4.1.

          4.3  Automobile Allowance.  Within ten (10) days following the 
beginning of each month during the term of this Agreement, EMPLOYER shall pay 
EMPLOYEE the sum of Seven Hundred Dollars ($700.00) as an automobile allowance.
Such sum shall be increased within thirty (30) days following the January 1 of
each fourth calendar year during the term of EMPLOYEE'S employment to reflect 
the semi-annual COLA.

          4.4  Contributory Savings Plan.  EMPLOYEE shall continue to be 
entitled to be a participant in any EMPLOYER savings plan established under 
Section 401(k) of the Internal Revenue Code.

          4.5 Medical, Etc., Insurance Coverage. EMPLOYER agrees to include 
EMPLOYEE, and those of his children who qualify as EMPLOYEE'S dependents 
under Section 152 of the Internal Revenue Code, in the coverage of all of 
EMPLOYER'S medical, hospital, surgical, dental and other group health and 
accident insurance plan(s).

          4.6  Death Benefits. If EMPLOYEE should die during the employment 
term, EMPLOYER agrees to pay the premiums upon the health and dental 
insurance of EMPLOYER to which EMPLOYER'S dependents are then entitled to 
subscribe under the Consolidated omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1986 ("Cobra");
such premium payments by EMPLOYER shall continue for the extension period of
thirty-six (36) months following the death of EMPLOYEE.
          4.7  Split Dollar Life Insurance.

                4.7.1  If at any time during the term of this Agreement the 
Pretax Earnings (as defined in Section 3.5.3) exceed the Projected Pretax 
Earnings (as defined in Section 3.5.4) by $50,000 or more, EMPLOYER shall 
obtain and maintain a whole-life or universal life insurance policy on the life
of EMPLOYEE having a death benefit of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000) 
payable to the beneficiary or beneficiaries designated by EMPLOYEE.

EMPLOYER further agrees to pay all premiums on the policy during EMPLOYEE'S 
employment term.

              4.7.2  Title and ownership of the policy shall reside in EMPLOYER
for its use and for the use of EMPLOYEE all in accordance with this Agreement, 
EMPLOYER alone may, to the extent of its interest, exercise the right to borrow 
on the policy.

               4.7.3  EMPLOYEE (or his assignee) shall have the right and power
to designate a beneficiary or beneficiaries to receive proceeds payable on his 
death and to elect and change a payment option for such beneficiaries, but 
subject always to any right or interest EMPLOYER may have in such proceeds as 
provided herein.

               4.7.4  Premiums shall be paid upon each premium due date 
specified by the policy. If either EMPLOYER fails to fulfill the obligation 
to pay premiums under this Section 4.7.4.  EMPLOYEE may assume such obligation,
in which event the rights of the parties hereunder shall be altered in the 
manner described in Section 4.7.8.

               4.7.5  Where premiums are paid in strict accordance with Section
4.7.4 or when EMPLOYEE'S death occurs before the end of the grace period for 
any premium in default, death proceeds of the policy shall be divided as 
follows: EMPLOYER shall be entitled to an amount equal to the policy's tabular 
cash value determined as of the date to which premiums are paid, plus any 
outstanding dividend accumulations or the cash value of any paid-up additions 
and any postmortem dividend, less any indebtedness to be determined as of the 
date of death, The  beneficiaries designated by EMPLOYEE shall be entitled to 
the remainder of such proceeds. EMPLOYER and EMPLOYEE (or his assignee) shall 
share in any interest due on the death proceeds as their respective share of the
proceeds bears to the total proceeds, excluding any such interest.

               4.7.6  Where there is a refund of unearned premium as provided 
in the contract of insurance, any refund shall be apportioned as follows:

             Where EMPLOYEE (or his assignee) has contributed 
to the policy premium at the last required premium interval, the refund of 
unearned premiums shall be divided between EMPLOYER and EMPLOYEE (or his 
assignee) as their respective share of the premium payment obligation bears 
to the total required for such interval.

              Where EMPLOYEE (or his assignee) has not 
contributed to the premium at the last required premium interval, the refund 
of unearned premium shall be refunded in total to EMPLOYER.

               4.7.7   When premiums are paid in strict accordance with Section
4.7.4 and where surrender occurs not later than sixty (60) days after due date 
of any premium in default, the net cash surrender value of the policy shall be
distributed as follows: EMPLOYER shall be entitled to an amount equal to the 
policy's tabular cash value, plus any outstanding dividend accumulations or 
cash value of any paid-up additions, less any indebtedness against, the policy,
such cash values, accumulations, and cash value of paid-up additions and 
indebtedness to be determined as of the date of surrender.

              4.7.8   Where premiums are not paid in strict accordance with 
Section 4.7.4 death proceeds or net cash value of the policy shall be divided 
as follows:

            If EMPLOYER pays less in the aggregate than its 
share of the premiums specified in Section 4.7.4.  EMPLOYER'S share of death 
proceeds or of the net cash value of the policy on surrender shall be decreased
within the limits of such proceeds or net cash value, as the case may be, by
the total amount of such decreased premiums.  EMPLOYER'S (or his assignees) 
designated beneficiary, in the event of death, and EMPLOYEE (or his assignee) 
in the event of surrender, shall be entitled to any remainder of proceeds or 
net cash value, as thecase may be. 

           If EMPLOYER pays more in the aggregate than the 
share of premiums specified in Section 4.7.4.  EMPLOYER'S share of death 
proceeds or of the net cash value of the policy on surrender shall be increased 
within the limits of such proceeds or net cash value, as the case may be, by 
the total amount of such increased premiums to the extent that such increased 
share does not exceed the sum of EMPLOYERTS premiums paid, EMPLOYEE'S (or his 
assignees) designated beneficiary, in the event of death, and EMPLOYEE (or his 
assignee) in the event of surrender, shall be entitled to any remainder of 
proceeds or net cash value, as the case may be.

                 4.7.9  EMPLOYER'S share of death proceeds payable on EMPLOYEE'S
death while the policy is in force under any of its nonforfeiture provisions 
shall be an amount equal to the excess, if any, of EMPLOYER'S share of the 
polices net cash value at the date of default in premium payment (such share 
determined in the manner prescribed in Sections 4.7.5 or 4.7.8 in relation to 
the facts presented) over any indebtedness against the policy at EMPLOYEE'S
death. The designated beneficiary(s) shall be entitled to any remainder of 
such proceeds.
                   4.7.10  EMPLOYER'S share of the net cash value payable on 
surrender of the policy while it is in force under any of its non-forfeiture 
provisions shall be an amount equal to the lesser of the net cash value at 
date of surrender or (ii) the excess, if any, of EMPLOYER'S share of the 
policy's net cash value at the date of default in premium (such share determined
in the manner prescribed in Sections 4.7.7, 4.7.8 or 4.7.9 in relation to the 
facts presented), over any indebtedness on the policy at the date of surrender,
EMPLOYEE (or his assignee) shall be entitled to any remainder of such net cash 

              4.7.11  If the policy contains a premium waiver provision, any 
premium waived shall be considered for all purposes of this Agreement as having
been paid by EMPLOYER.

         4.8  Key-Man Insurance. In addition to the insurance required under 
Section 4.7.  EMPLOYER may, at its election and for its benefit, purchase 
"key-man" insurance insuring EMPLOYEE against accidental loss or death, 
EMPLOYEE shall submit to such physical examination and supply such information 
as may be required in connection therewith.

          4.9  Miscellaneous.

              4.9.1 It is understood and agreed that the services required by 
EMPLOYER will require EMPLOYEE to incur entertainment expenses during the 
employment term on behalf of EMPLOYER.  EMPLOYER shall make available to 
EMPLOYEE sufficient funds for this purpose at such times as EMPLOYEE shall 
request.  In each instance, EMPLOYEE shall furnish to EMPLOYER adequate
records and other documentary evidence required by federal and state (or 
their equivalents) statutes and regulations for the substantiation of each such
expenditure as an income tax deduction.

              4.9.2  During the employment term EMPLOYER shall pay all 
reasonable dues and fees necessary to maintain EMPLOYEE'S membership in such 
professional organizations as EMPLOYEE may reasonably select.

              4.9.3  In addition to the foregoing specifically provided 
benefits, EMPLOYEE shall be entitled to and shall receive during the employment
term all other benefits and conditions of employment generally available to 
full-time salaried employees of EMPLOYER.

Section 5.0 - Business Expenses

          5.1  Use of Credit Card, All business expenses reasonably incurred by
EMPLOYEE in promoting the business of EMPLOYER, including but not limited to 
expenditures for entertainment, gifts, and travel, shall be paid for, insofar 
as is, reasonably possible, by the use of credit cards in the name of an 
EMPLOYER and furnished to EMPLOYEE.

          5.2 Reimbursement of Other Business Expenses.

              5.2.l  EMPLOYER shall promptly reimburse EMPLOYEE for all other 
reasonable business expenditures reasonably incurred by EMPLOYEE in connection
with the business of EMPLOYER.

              5.2.2  Each such expenditure shall be reimbursable only if it is 
of a nature qualifying it as a proper deduction on the federal and state income
tax return of the applicable EMPLOYER.

Section 6.0 - Termination of the Agreement

          6.1   Involuntary Termination.  If EMPLOYEE for any reason whatsoever
becomes permanently incapacitated or disabled so that he is mentally or 
physically incapable of performing the duties prescribed herein for a period of
(i) three (3) months or longer (defined as a "Disabling Event"), EMPLOYER may, 
at that time or at any time thereafter, at its option, terminate the employment
of EMPLOYEE under this Agreement immediately upon giving him notice to that 
effect (such termination and (i) a termination by operation of clause (ii) of
Section 2.2 being hereinafter called "Involuntary Termination"), An Involuntary
Termination under this Section 6,1 (for a Disabling Event) shall be subject to 
the provisions of Section 3.3.

          6.2.  EMPLOYER Termination f or cause EMPLOYER may, with the approval
of its Boards of Directors, terminate the employment of EMPLOYEE hereunder at 
any time during the employment tern for "cause" (such termination being herein 
called a "EMPLOYER Termination for Cause") by giving EMPLOYEE written notice of
such termination, which shall be effective no sooner than sixty (60) days after 
delivery of the notice to EMPLOYEE provided, however, that EMPLOYER may relieve 
EMPLOYEE from the obligation to perform his duties during such sixty (60) days
after delivery of the notice.  For the purposes of this Section 6.2. "cause"  
means (i) EMPLOYEE'S willful and substantial misconduct with respect to the 
business and affairs of EMPLOYER; (ii) the commission by EMPLOYEE of 
embezzlement, fraud, or other like crime involving money or other property of 
EMPLOYER; or (iii)  EMPLOYEE'S material breach of an expressly stated material
obligation under this Agreement; and (iv) EMPLOYEE'S failure to cure the same 
to EMPLOYER'S reasonable satisfaction within sixty (60) days after receiving 
notice from EMPLOYER specifying the grounds upon which EMPLOYER seeks to 
terminate the employment of EMPLOYEE.

          6.3  EMPLOYEE Termination For Cause.  EMPLOYEE may terminate this 
Agreement at any time during the employment term for "cause" (such termination 
being, herein called an "EMPLOYEE Termination for Cause") by giving EMPLOYER 
notice of such termination which shall be effective no sooner than sixty (60)
days after delivery of the notice to EMPLOYER provided, however, that EMPLOYER 
may relieve EMPLOYEE from the obligation to perform his duties during such 
sixty (60) days after delivery of the notice.  For the purposes of this Section
6.3 "cause" means material breach by EMPLOYER of one or more of its obligations
under this Agreement.

          6.4  EMPLOYER Termination Without Cause. EMPLOYER may, with the 
approval of its Board of Directors, terminate the employment of EMPLOYEE 
hereunder at any time during the employment term without "cause" (such 
termination being herein called an "EMPLOYER Termination Without Cause") by 
giving EMPLOYEE notice of such termination which shall be effective immediately
upon delivery of the notice to EMPLOYEE. 

          6.5  Voluntary Termination.  Any termination of the employment of 
EMPLOYEE otherwise than as a result of an Involuntary Termination, an EMPLOYER 
Termination For Cause, an EMPLOYER Termination Without Cause or an EMPLOYEE 
Termination For Cause shall be deemed to be a "Voluntary Termination", A 
Voluntary Termination shall be effective as specified in a written notice of 
termination provided, however, that EMPLOYER may relieve EMPLOYEE of the 
obligation to perform his duties after the delivery of the written notice of 

          6.6  Effect of Termination of EMPLOYEE'S Employment.

               6.6.1   Upon the termination of EMPLOYEE'S employment hereunder 
pursuant to a Voluntary Termination or an EMPLOYER Termination For Cause, 
neither EMPLOYEE nor his beneficiary(s) or estate shall have any surviving 
rights or claims against any of EMPLOYER except to receive promptly upon
such termination: (i) any unpaid portion of EMPLOYEE'S Regular compensation 
provided for in Section 3.1 and Incentive Compensation provided for in Section 
3.5 computed on a pro rata basis to the date of termination; (ii) reimbursement
for any expenses for which EMPLOYEE is entitled to reimbursement under this 
Agreement and for, which he shall not have received payment; (iii) payment for 
any unused annual vacation time and sick leave for which EMPLOYEE has not been 
compensated as of the date of termination; (iv) all employee benefits vested in
EMPLOYEE and/or his dependents, including, without limitation, the benefits
specified in Section 7.2 and (v) in the case of an EMPLOYER Termination for 
Cause only, payment of an amount equal to the lesser of (x) three (3) months' 
of EMPLOYEE'S Regular Compensation or (y) Employee's Regular Compensation for 
the remainder of the term of the Agreement, in, each case computed at the 
rate in effect on the date of such termination and in each case payable in equal
weekly installments.

               6.6.2   Upon the termination of EMPLOYEE'S employment hereunder 
pursuant to an Involuntary Termination, neither EMPLOYEE nor his beneficiary(s)
or estate shall have any surviving rights or claims against EMPLOYER except to 
receive promptly upon such termination: (i) payments and benefits specified in 
Section 6.6.1 and 7.2; (ii) if such Involuntary Termination is due to a 
Disabling Event, payments pursuant to Section 3.3; and (iii) if such Involuntary
Termination is due to the death of EMPLOYEE, payment of all death benefits 
provided under Sections 4.6 and 4.7.

              6.6.3    Upon the termination of EMPLOYEE'S employment under this 
Agreement pursuant to an EMPLOYER Termination Without Cause or an EMPLOYEE 
Termination For Cause, neither EMPLOYEE nor his beneficiary(s) or estate shall 
have any surviving rights or claims against EMPLOYER except benefits specified 
in Sections  6.6.1 and 7.2; (ii) payment of an to receive promptly upon such 
termination: (i) payments and amount equal to the greater of (x) six (6) months'
of EMPLOYEE'S Regular Compensation or (y) Employee's Regular Compensation for 
the remainder of the term of the Agreement, in each case computed at the rate 
in effect on the date of such termination and in each case payable in equal 
weekly installments; (iii) payment of the premium payments due upon the health
and dental insurance for the entire  period to which EMPLOYEE is entitled to 
subscribe under Cobra as a result of such termination; and (iv) transfer without
charge to EMPLOYEE of the entire interest, if any, which EMPLOYEE does not own 
on the date of such termination in the life insurance policy on EMPLOYEE'S life
provided for in Section 4.7.

Section 7.0 - Stock Bonus Plan

          7.1  Stock Purchase Agreement.

               7.1.1   Upon execution of this Agreement, EMPLOYER shall issue 
and sell one thousand eight hundred eighty eight (1188) shares of its common 
stock, representing twenty percent (20%) of EMPLOYER'S outstanding shares after 
issuance, to EMPLOYEE for the sum of $20,000, payable in immediately available 

          7.2  Restricted Stock Option.

               7.2.1  EMPLOYER hereby grants EMPLOYEE the option to purchase 
additional shares of its common stock, exercisable on and after each anniversary
date of this Agreement and any extensions  thereof (each such anniversary date 
being hereinafter referred to as "Exercise Date"), at a price equal to 75% of 
its fair market value on the Exercise Date ("Option").

               7.2.2  The number of shares subject to the Option on each 
Exercise Date shall be determined by dividing 40% of EMPLOYEE'S Regular 
Compensation on the applicable Exercise Date by the exercise price.  For 
example, if EMPLOYEE'S Regular Compensation is $100,000 per annum on the first 
anniversary date of this Agreement (i.e., the first Exercise Date), the number 
of shares subject to the Option vesting on such anniversary date would 
determined by dividing 40,000 (40% of $100,000) by the then fair market per 
share value of EMPLOYER'S shares.  If the fair market value is $1.00 per share,
the maximum number of shares subject to such option would be 40,000 shares.

              7.2.3  The Option shall be exercisable as to the shares optioned 
on the applicable Exercise Date for a period of ten 10) years following such 
Exercise Date.

               7.2.4  If EMPLOYEE'S employment by EMPLOYER is terminated for 
any reason, only that portion of the Option exercisable at the time of such 
termination of employment may thereafter be exercised by EMPLOYEE or, in the 
case of termination by EMPLOYER'S death, by EMPLOYEE'S legal representative(s).

               7.2.5  The Option is not intended to be and shall not be treated 
as an incentive stock option under Section 4.2.2 of the Internal Revenue Code 
unless this sentence has been manually lined out and its deletion is followed 
by the signature of a corporate officer of EMPLOYER and EMPLOYEE.

EMPLOYER Officer signature

EMPLOYEE Signature

If the parties elect to treat the option as an incentive stock option under 
Section 4.2.2 as herein provided, the Option shall be subject to, and EMPLOYER 
and EMPLOYEE agree to be bound by, all of the terms and conditions of the 
EMPLOYER stock option plan to which the  Option shall be subject, as the same 
may be amended from time to time in accordance with the terms thereof, provided
no such amendment shall deprive EMPLOYEE of the option or any of his rights 

               7.2.6  EMPLOYEE may not transfer the Option except by will or 
the laws of descent and distribution. The Option shall not be otherwise 
transferred, assigned, pledged, hypothecated or disposed of in any way, whether
by operation of law or otherwise, and shall be exercisable during EMPLOYEE'S 
lifetime only by EMPLOYEE or his guardian or legal representative.

          7.3  Piggyback Registration and Preemptive Rights.

               7.3.1  For purposes of this Section 7.3 the following terms shall
 have the following meanings:

             "Shares" shall mean those shares of common stock 
of EMPLOYER acquired by EMPLOYEE pursuant to the option or otherwise.

            "Holder" shall mean any person or entity holding 
Shares, including EMPLOYEE.

            "Registration Expenses" shall mean all expenses, 
except Selling Expenses as defined below, incurred by the EMPLOYER in complying 
with Section 7.3.2 hereof, including, without limitation, all registration, 
qualification and filing fees, printing expenses, escrow  fees, fees and 
disbursements of counsel for the EMPLOYER, blue sky fees and expenses, the 
expense of any  special audits incident to or required by any such registration 
(but excluding the compensation of regular employees of the EMPLOYER which shall
be paid in any event by EMPLOYER) and the reasonable fees and disbursements of 
one counsel for all Holders.

             "Selling Expenses" shall mean all underwriting 
discounts, selling commissions and stock transfer taxes applicable to the 
securities registered by the Holders and, except as set forth in the definition
of Registration Expenses, all reasonable fees and disbursements of counsel for 
any Holder.

              7.3.2  If the EMPLOYER shall determine to register any of its 
securities, whether pursuant to an underwriting or not, either for its own 
account or the account of a security holder or holders, other than a 
registration relating solely to employee benefit plans, EMPLOYER will (i) 
promptly give to each Holder written notice thereof; and (ii) include in such 
initial registration only (and any related qualification under blue sky laws or 
other compliance), and in any underwriting involved wherein, all the Shares of 
each Holder specified in a written request or requests, made within 20 days 
after receipt of such written notice from the EMPLOYER, by any Holder.

              7.3.3  If the registration of which EMPLOYER gives notice is for 
a registered public offering involving an underwriting, EMPLOYER shall so advise
the Holders in writing.  In such event, the right of any Holder to registration
pursuant to Section 7.3.2 shall be conditioned upon such Holder's participation 
in such underwriting and the inclusion of such Holder's Shares in the 
underwriting to the extent provided herein.  All Holders proposing to distribute
their Shares through such underwriting shall (together with the EMPLOYER and 
any other shareholders distributing their securities through such underwriting) 
enter into an underwriting agreement in customary form with the managing 
underwriter selected for such underwriting by the EMPLOYER.  Notwithstanding 
any other provision of this Section 7.3.3 if the managing underwriter in good 
faith determines that marketing factors require a limitation of the number of 
shares to be underwritten, the managing underwriter may limit the Shares to be 
included in such registration, but only in proportion to the limits imposed on 
the number of other issued and outstanding shares to be included in the 
registration.  EMPLOYER shall so advise all Holders and the number of Shares
that may be included in the registration and underwriting shall be allocated 
among all Holders in proportion, as nearly as practicable, to the respective 
amounts of Shares held by such holders at the time of filing the registration 
statement.  To facilitate the allocation of shares in accordance with the above
provisions, EMPLOYER may round the number of shares allocated to any Holder or 
other shareholder to the nearest 100 shares. If any Holder disapproves of the 
terms of any such underwriting, he may elect to withdraw therefrom by written 
notice to EMPLOYER and the managing underwriter.  Any Shares excluded or 
withdrawn from such underwriting shall be withdrawn from such registration and 
shall not be transferred in a public distribution prior to 90 days after the 
effective date of the registration statement relating thereto, or such other 
shorter period of time as the underwriters may require.

               7.3.4   All Registration Expenses incurred in connection with 
(i) a registration pursuant to Section 7.3.2 shall be borne by the EMPLOYER. 
Unless otherwise stated, all Selling Expenses relating to Shares registered on 
behalf of the Holders shall be borne by the Holders of such securities pro rata
on the basis of the number of Shares so registered.

               7.3.5       In the case of a registration, qualification or 
compliance effected by the EMPLOYER pursuant to Section 7.3.2.  EMPLOYER will 
keep each Holder advised in writing as to the initiation of each registration, 
qualification and compliance and as to the completion thereof.
         7. 4

               7.4.1  EMPLOYEE shall have full preemptive or preferential 
rights, as defined by law, to subscribe for or purchase his proportional part 
of any shares that may be issued at any time by EMPLOYER, EMPLOYER'S articles 
of incorporation shall be amended to include such preemptive and preferential
rights, EMPLOYER shall notify EMPLOYEE in writing at least sixty (60) days 
prior to any issuance of EMPLOYER'S shares, Such notice shall be accompanied by 
the subscription agreement, if any, and shall specify the date of the 
contemplated issuance, the identity of the subscriber(s) for the shares, total 
number of shares to be issued to such subscribers, the price per share and the 
total number of shares of such issuance EMPLOYEE is entitled to purchase 
pursuant to EMPLOYER'S preemptive and preferrential rights.  At any time prior 
to the date of issuance specified in the notice, EMPLOYEE may purchase all or 
any portion of the shares EMPLOYEE is entitled to purchase by delivering to 
EMPLOYER the subscription agreement, if any, signed by EMPLOYEE and the 
consideration specified in the notice.

               7.4.2  If the outstanding shares of the class then subject to 
the Option are increased or decreased, or are changed into or exchanged for a 
different number or kind of shares or securities, as a result of one or more 
reorganizations, recapitalizations, stock splits, reverse stock splits, stock
dividends or the like, appropriate adjustments shall be made in the number
and/or kind of shares or securities for which the unexercised portions of the 
Option may thereafter be exercised, all without any change in the aggregate 
exercise price applicable to the unexercised portions of the Option, but with a
corresponding adjustment in the exercise price per share or other unit. No 
fractional share of stock shall be issued under the Option or in connection 
with any such adjustment.

               7.4.3  EMPLOYER shall not, by amendment to its articles of 
incorporation or through any reorganization, sale of assets, consolidation, 
merger, dissolution, issue or sale of securities, or any other voluntary action,
avoid or seek to avoid the observance or performance of any of the terms of the 
option, but will at all times in good faith assist in the carrying out of
all such terms.  Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, EMPLOYER 
will not (i) issue any capital stock of any class which is preferred as to 
dividends or as to the distribution of assets upon voluntary or involuntary 
dissolution or (ii) transfer all or substantially all of its properties and 
assets to any other person (corporate or otherwise), or consolidate with or 
merge into any other person or permit any such person to consolidate with or 
merge into EMPLOYER (if EMPLOYER is not the surviving person) unless such
other person shall expressly assume in writing and will be bound by all the 
terms of the option.

          7.5  Treatment of Shares upon Acquisition of EMPLOYER.

               7.5.1 If EMPLOYER is acquired by a publicly-traded company, 
EMPLOYEE shall have the continuing right to exchange his Shares (including 
those held by him as of the acquisition and any issued in the future under the 
option) for registered stock of the acquiring company having an equivalent 
market value on the date of the exchange.

              7.5.2  Subject to the provisions of paragraph 7.3 if any current
or future parent of EMPLOYER shall determine to register any of its securities, 
whether pursuant to an underwriting or not, either for its own account or the 
account of a security  holder or holders, other than a registration relating 
solely to employee benefit plans, EMPLOYEE shall have the right to participate
in such registration through an exchange of his shares (on an equivalent market 
value basis) for registrable shares in such parent.

     8.0  General Provisions

          8.1   Notices.  Notices and other communications among the parties 
shall be in writing and shall be delivered personally or sent by air courier 
or first class certified or registered mail, return receipt requested and 
postage prepaid, addressed as follows:

Mr. Dominick Savo
12021 Pradera Road
Camarillo, California 93012


Assembly and Manufacturing Systems, Inc.
2222 Shasta Way,
Simi Valley, California 93065
Attention:     Mr. Lee Brukman

All notices and other communications given to any party in accordance with the 
provisions of this Agreement shall be deemed to have been given on the date of 
delivery if personally delivered; on the business day after the date when sent 
if sent by air courier; and on the third business day after the date when sent 
if sent by mail, in each case addressed to such party as provided in this 
Section 8.1 or in accordance with the latest unrevoked direction from such 

          8.2   Binding Agreement; Benefit.  The provisions of this Agreement 
will be binding upon, and will inure to the benefit of, the respective heirs, 
representatives, assigns and successors of the parties.

          8.3   Governing Laws This Agreement shall be governed by, and 
construed and enforced in accordance with, the laws of the State of California, 

          8.4   Waiver of Breach.  The waiver by any party of a breach of any 
provision of this Agreement by any other party(s) must be in writing and shall 
not operate or be construed as a waiver of any subsequent breach by such other 

          8.5   Severability.  Any provision of this Agreement that is 
prohibited or unenforceable in any jurisdiction shall, as to such jurisdiction, 
be ineffective to the extent of such prohibition or unenforceability without 
invalidating the remaining provisions hereof, and any such prohibition or 
unenforceability in any jurisdiction shall not invalidate or render 
unenforceable such provision in any other jurisdiction.

          8.6   EMPLOYEE Liability to EMPLOYER.  EMPLOYEE shall not be liable 
to EMPLOYER for any action taken or omitted to be taken by him except in the 
case of his own failure to exercise the care, skill, prudence prevailing that 
skill, prudence and diligence under the circumstances then prevailing that a 
prudent man acting in a like capacity and familiar with such matters would use 
in the conduct of a company with similar purposes. 

          8.7   Indemnification of EMPLOYEE, To the extent not expressly 
prohibited by applicable law, and regardless of whether or not EMPLOYEE succeeds
on the merits of any litigation, EMPLOYER, jointly and severally, shall defend, 
EMPLOYEE from any and all costs, indemnify and hold harmless expenses, damages, 
claims, liabilities and judgments (including the reasonable costs of the defense
of any claim or action and any sums which may be paid with the consent of 
EMPLOYER in settlement thereof) which may be incurred by or awarded against 
EMPLOYEE, by reason of any action taken or omitted to be taken on behalf of 
EMPLOYER or in furtherance of its interest.  EMPLOYEE shall not be entitled to 
claim any indemnity or reimbursement under this Section 8.7 to the extent the 
same is in respect of any cost, expense, damage or claim that may be incurred 
by EMPLOYEE which results from the failure of EMPLOYEE to act in accordance with
the provisions of this Agreement and the "prudent man" standard of care set 
forth in Section 8.6. To the extent permitted by applicable law, EMPLOYER shall 
make prompt payment of litigation expenses at the request of EMPLOYEE in advance
of payment of indemnification. In defending any appeal by EMPLOYEE of a 
determination that EMPLOYEE has not met the requisite standard of conduct 
required for indemnification under this Section 8.8. EMPLOYER shall be 
required to prove under applicable standards of proof that EMPLOYEE has not met
such standard of conduct in order to prevail, 

          8.8  Assignment.  This Agreement is personal in its nature and no 
party shall, without the consent of all the others, assign or transfer this 
Agreement or any rights or obligations hereunder; provided, however, that the 
provisions hereof shall inure to the benefit of, and be binding upon (i) each 
successor of any of the corporate parties, whether by merger, consolidation,
transfer of all or substantially all assets, or otherwise and (ii) the heirs 
and legal representatives of EMPLOYEE. 

          8.9  Section Headings and Cross-References. The section headings 
contained in this Agreement are for convenience only and will not be construed 
as part of this Agreement. Cross-references to section numbers in this Agreement
shall be construed to refer only to the sections of this Agreement and not to 
the sections of any exhibit incorporated into or referred to herein, unless 
expressly indicated otherwise, 

          8.10  Amendments.  No amendments or additions to this Agreement shall
be binding unless reduced to writing and signed by all the parties, except as 
otherwise may be specifically provided herein.

         9.0  Covenant Not To Compete During the term  hereof, EMPLOYEE shall 
not compete, directly or indirectly, with EMPLOYER, or interfere with, 
solicit, disrupt or attempt to disrupt the relationship, contractual or 
otherwise, between the EMPLOYER and any customer, client, supplier, consultant 
or employee of the EMPLOYER.  An activity competitive with an activity engaged 
in by EMPLOYER shall include becoming an employee, officer, consultant or 
director of, or being an investor in, lender to, or owner of, an entity or 
person engaged in the business then engaged in by the EMPLOYER.

          10.0  Confidential Information.  EMPLOYEE recognizes and acknowledges
that EMPLOYER'S trade secrets and proprietary information and processes, as 
they may exist from time to time, are valuable, special and unique assets of 
EMPLOYER's business, access to and knowledge of which are essential to the 
performance of EMPLOYEE's duties hereunder.  EMPLOYEE will not, in whole or 
in part, disclose such secrets, information or processes to any persons 
(legal or natural), firm, corporation, association or other entity for any 
reasons or purpose whatsoever, nor shall EMPLOYEE make use of any such property 
for his own purposes or for the benefit of any person, firm, corporation or 
other entity (except the EMPLOYER) under any circumstances, provided that these
restrictions shall not apply to such secrets, information and processes which
are then in the public domain (provided that EMPLOYEE was not responsible, 
directly or indirectly, for such secrets, information or processes entering the 
public domain without EMPLOYER's consent), EMPLOYEE agrees to hold as EMPLOYER'S
property, all memoranda, books, papers, letters, formulas and other data, and
all copies thereof and therefrom, in any way relating to EMPLOYER's business 
and affairs, whether made by him or otherwise coming into his possession, and 
on termination or expiration of his employment to deliver all of the same 
(including all copies) to the EMPLOYER.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have entered into and made effective this 
Agreement as of the day and year first above written,
                  " EMPLOYER"


                       /s/Lee Brukman
                  By: __________________


                  DOMINICK SAVO
                                Exhibit 4.25