Exhibit 10.47
                               SEVERANCE AGREEMENT

         THIS  SEVERANCE  AGREEMENT   ("Agreement")  is  made  effective  as  of
_________,  2000 between MEDTOX  Scientific,  Inc., a Delaware  corporation (the
"Company") and ______________ (the "Employee").


         WHEREAS,  the Company  desires to foster the  continuous  employment of
certain key management  personnel and to induce Employee to remain in the employ
of the Company,  and in  consideration of the agreement of Employee in Section 3
below, the Company and Employee agree as follows:

         1.       Definitions.  The following defined terms have the respective
                  meanings described below:

                  1.1      Cause.  Termination by the Company of the Employee's
                           employment for "Cause" shall mean termination upon:

                           (a)      the  willful  and  continued  failure by the
                                    Employee to substantially perform Employee's
                                    duties with the Company (other than any such
                                    failure resulting from Employee's incapacity
                                    due to physical or mental  illness)  after a
                                    written demand for  substantial  performance
                                    is   delivered   to  the   Employee  by  the
                                    Company's  Chief  Executive  Officer,  which
                                    demand specifically identifies the manner in
                                    which the Company believes that Employee has
                                    not   substantially   performed   Employee's
                                    duties; or

                           (b)      the willful engaging by the Employee in
                                    conduct which is demonstrably and
                                    materially injurious to the Company,
                                    monetarily or otherwise.

         For  purposes  of this  Section  1.1 no act,  or failure to act, on the
         Employee's part shall be deemed "willful" unless done, or omitted to be
         done, by the Employee not in good faith and without  reasonable  belief
         that the Employee's  action or omission was in the best interest of the

                  1.2      Company.  The term "Company" means MEDTOX Scientific,
                           Inc. and any successors and assigns of the Company.

         2.  Term of  Agreement.  This  Agreement  shall  commence  on the above
effective  date and  continue in effect  through  January 2, 2001 (the  "Term").
Commencing  on January 3, 2000 and each January 3  thereafter,  the Term of this
Agreement shall  automatically  be extended for one additional year unless,  not
later than July 1 of the  preceding  year,  the Company gives  Employee  written
notice  that it does not  desire  to  extend  this  Agreement.  The Term of this

Agreement  shall be subject to earlier  termination  as  described  in Section 4

         3. Notice and Date of  Termination.  If the Company elects to terminate
the  employment  of Employee,  the Company  will  provide  Employee a "Notice of
Termination"  which shall state Employee's final day of employment (the "Date of
Termination") and whether or not such termination is for Cause.

         4. Severance  Payment for  Termination by Company Other Than For Cause.
If during the Term of this  Agreement the Company  terminates  the employment of
Employee  other than for Cause,  Employee  shall be  entitled  to the  following
benefits subject to the provisions of Section 6 of this Agreement:

                  (a)      the Company will pay to Employee the Employee's  then
                           current  base  salary  during the  twelve  (12) month
                           period  following the Date of Termination  subject to
                           applicable  withholdings  and in accordance  with the
                           regular payroll practices of the Company.

                  (b)      continuous coverage, at the Company's expense,  under
                           any group health plan  maintained  by or on behalf of
                           the Company, in which Employee participated as of the
                           Date of  Termination,  during the  twelve  (12) month
                           period following the Date of Termination.

         Employee's  right to continued  coverage under this section shall in no
way reduce or limit any  continuation  coverage  under such group health plan to
which Employee or any of Employee's  qualified  beneficiaries are entitled under
the provisions of the  Consolidated  Omnibus Budget  Reconciliation  Act of 1985
("COBRA") or Minnesota Statutes ss.ss. 61A.092 and 62A.17 et seq. This extension
of  coverage,  however,  shall  be  coordinated  with,  and  shall  be  provided
concurrently  with, any benefits or continuation  rights otherwise  available to
Employee and Employee's eligible dependents under state or federal  continuation
of coverage  statutes,  including but not limited to, Minnesota  Statutes ss.ss.
61A.092  and  62A.17  et  seq.  and  the  federal  Consolidated  Omnibus  Budget
Reconciliation Act ("COBRA").  Accordingly,  within ten (10) days after the Date
of  Termination,  Employee and  Employee's  dependents who are eligible for such
statutory  continuation rights shall complete all forms and papers necessary and
customary to elect such continuation  coverage. The Parties expressly agree that
the  extension  of benefits  provided  for by this  Agreement is not intended to
create a  retiree  health  plan  covering  any  other  employees.  In all  other
respects, the payment of benefits,  including the amounts and timing thereof, to
Employee and  Employee's  eligible  dependents  will be governed by the terms of
applicable  employee benefit plans for which Employee and Employee's  dependents
are eligible.  Employer will answer any  reasonable  questions that Employee may
have  from  time to time and will  offer  him the same  assistance  given  other
participants  in  employee  benefit  plans so long as  Employee  is  entitled to
benefits as provided herein or under the terms of those plans.

         Nothing in this Agreement,  including the Severance  Payments described
in this  Section  4,  shall in any way be  construed  to  extend  the  period of

Employee's employment with the Company, and the Date of Termination shall not be
extended  beyond the date as specified  by the Company  pursuant to Section 4 of
this Agreement.

     5. Sole Remedy.  The payments  under  Section 4 shall be the sole remedy of
Employee in connection  with the  termination  of  Employee's  employment by the
Company under the circumstances described in Section 4 of this Agreement.

     6. Conditions of Receiving Severance Payments.  As a condition of receiving
the benefits  described in Section of this Agreement,  and in  consideration  of
receiving the Severance Payment described therein, Employee agrees as follows:

                  6.1  Release of Claims.  Employee  agrees to execute a general
         release in favor of the Company in the form attached  hereto as Exhibit
         A within ten (10) days of the Date of Termination.  Severance  benefits
         as  described  in  Section 4 shall be  provisionally  made to  Employee
         during this ten (10) day period, and during the  "Consideration  Period
         and  Rescission of Release"  period  described in Exhibit A, Section 3,
         provided that Employee shall immediately  reimburse the Company for any
         such payments upon Employee's  failure to sign Exhibit A within the ten
         (10) day period,  or upon Employee's  rescission of the general release
         contained in Exhibit A as provided  therein.  If Employee fails to sign
         the general release  contained in Exhibit A within ten (10) days of the
         Date of Termination,  or subsequently  rescinds the release as provided
         in  Exhibit A,  Section 3, the  Company  shall  have no  obligation  to
         provide  benefits  to  Employee  as  provided  in  Section  4  of  this

                  6.2 Covenant Not to Compete.  Employee  agrees that during the
         twelve (12) month period following the Date of Termination during which
         Employee  receives  Severance  Payments  as  described  in  Section  4,
         Employee will not directly or indirectly own, manage, operate, control,
         be employed by,  participate  in or be connected in any manner with the
         ownership,  management,  operation or control of any business providing
         or  delivering  products or services  which  compete with the business,
         products  or  services  of  the  Company  or  its  affiliates,  in  the
         geographic markets in which the Company operates.

                  The  parties  believe  that this  Covenant  Not to  Compete is
         reasonable and fully enforceable. Nevertheless, if a court of competent
         jurisdiction or arbitrator with authority to interpret and enforce this
         Agreement   finds  any  portion  of  this   Covenant   Not  to  Compete
         unreasonable in geographic scope or duration,  such court or arbitrator
         shall have the power to modify  this  Covenant  Not to Compete so as to
         render it  reasonable  and  enforceable,  while  still  protecting  the
         Company's legitimate employer interests.

                  6.3 Covenant Not to Solicit.  Employee  agrees that during the
         twelve (12) month period following the Date of Termination during which
         Employee  receives  Severance  Payments  as  described  in  Section  4,

         Employee will not,  either  personally,  or through an employer,  firm,
         agent,  servant,  employee,   partner,   shareholder,   representative,
         affiliate, or any other entity:

                           (a)      Solicit  any  customer  which  is  or  was a
                                    customer of the Company or its affiliates as
                                    of the  date of the Date of  Termination  or
                                    the  twelve  (12) month  period  immediately
                                    preceding the Date of  Termination,  for the
                                    purposes of providing or delivering products
                                    or services which compete with the business,
                                    products  or  services of the Company or its
                                    affiliates,   without   the  prior   written
                                    consent  of the  Company's  Chief  Executive

                           (b)      Employ  or offer to  employ  any  individual
                                    employed  by the  Company  within the twelve
                                    (12) month period immediately  preceding the
                                    Date of Termination,  or request,  advise or
                                    entice  any such  individual  to  leave  the
                                    employment of the Company, without the prior
                                    written consent of the Company.

                  6.4 Assignment of  Intellectual  Property.  Employee agrees to
         acknowledge that all documents and other tangible  property relating in
         any  way to the  business  of  the  Company  which  were  conceived  or
         generated  by Employee or came into  Employee's  possession  during the
         period  of  Employee's  employment  by the  Company  are the  exclusive
         property of the Company. By accepting payments pursuant to Section 4 of
         this Agreement,  Employee thereby assigns,  transfers, and sells to the
         Company any rights Employee may have in all  improvements,  inventions,
         designs, ideas, works of authorship,  copyrightable works, discoveries,
         trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, formulae, processes, techniques,
         know-how,  and data,  whether or not  patentable,  made or conceived or
         reduced to practice  or learned by  Employee,  either  alone or jointly
         with others,  during the period of Employee's employment by the Company
         (whether or not during  normal  working  hours),  or that resulted from
         tasks  assigned to  Employee  by the  Company or  resulted  from use of
         premises,  equipment,  or resources owned, leased, or contracted for by
         the Company (collectively referred to as "Inventions"). Employee agrees
         to provide all  reasonable  assistance to the Company in perfecting and
         maintaining  its rights to the  Inventions,  including the execution of
         documents and things  memorializing the assignment of ownership of such
         Inventions to the Company as provided herein.

                  6.5 Nondisclosure.  Employee agrees not to use or disclose any
         information  owned by,  developed by, for, or about the Company,  or in
         any respect  concerning or relating to the Company's  business,  or the
         business of any of its clients or customers, that Employee has acquired
         during   Employee's   employment   by   the   Company    ("Confidential
         Information").  Such Confidential Information shall include, but not be
         limited  to,  all   computer   programs,   product   designs,   product
         specifications, pricing, discounting, marketing, research, development,
         business  affairs,   future  plans,  technical  data,  customer  lists,
         Inventions  (as defined in  Paragraph  6.4 of this  Agreement),  or any
         other information which Employee has received as a result of Employee's

         employment by the Company,  whether or not acquired or developed by the
         Company.   Employee   acknowledges  the  Company's  right  to  prohibit
         Employee's  disclosure of Confidential  Information and that the rights
         created by this Agreement are in addition to all other rights which the
         Company  has to prevent the  disclosure  of trade  secret  information.
         Employee  agrees not to use such  Confidential  Information  himself or
         disclose such  information  to any other party,  directly or indirectly
         without the prior  written  consent of the  Company.  To the extent not
         inconsistent  with this  Section 6.5,  nothing  herein shall in any way
         prevent   Employee  from   utilizing   Employee's   general   business,
         management,   and  financial  skills,  techniques,  and  abilities.  By
         accepting  payments  pursuant to Section 4 of this Agreement,  Employee
         thereby agrees to the terms provided in this Section 6.5.

                  6.6 Return of Records,  Documents and Property.  Employee will
         return to the  Company all its  records,  equipment,  machinery,  keys,
         correspondence,  documents,  Inventions (as defined in Paragraph 6.4 of
         this Agreement),  and Confidential Information (as defined in Paragraph
         6.5 of this Agreement) in Employee's  possession  within three (3) days
         of the Date of Termination. By accepting payments pursuant to Section 4
         of this  Agreement,  Employee  thereby  agrees to the terms provided in
         this Section 6.6.

                  6.7  Remedy  for  Breach.  Employee  agrees  that in the event
         Employee breaches any of the covenants  contained in Sections 6.1, 6.2,
         6.3, 6.4, 6.5,  and/or 6.6 of this Agreement,  irreparable  injury will
         result to the Company,  the Company's remedy at law will be inadequate,
         and the  Company  will be  entitled to an  injunction  to restrain  the
         continuing  breach  of  this  Agreement  by  Employee,   or  Employee's
         partners, agents, servants, employees, or representatives, or any other
         persons or  entities  acting for or with  Employee,  in addition to any
         other  rights  or  remedies  which  the  Company  may have at law or in
         equity.  In the event of any  violation  by Employee of this Section 6,
         Employee  agrees to pay the reasonable  costs and attorneys' fees which
         the Company  incurs in pursuing  any of its rights with respect to this
         Section 6, in addition to the damages sustained by the Company.

         7.  Termination  of  Agreement.  If  (a)  the  Company  terminates  the
employment  of Employee for Cause,  (b) Employee  voluntarily  resigns from full
time employment with the Company, (c) Employee retires from full time employment
with the  Company,  (d)  Employee  dies or (e)  Employee  is no longer  actively
employed  by the Company due to  disability  (as such term is defined  under the
Company's employee benefit programs);  then (1) the Term of this Agreement shall
automatically  terminate  and (2) Employee  shall have no right to any severance
payments  or other  benefits  from the  Company  (except  for  applicable  COBRA
requirements  or applicable  benefits under the Company's stock option plans) or
any other right or remedy under this Agreement.

         8.  Confidentiality.  The existence of this Agreement,  and each of the
terms  and  provisions  of this  Agreement,  are  confidential  and shall not be
disclosed by Employee in any manner (other than to Employee's counsel who agrees
to comply with this  provision  of  confidentiality)  without the prior  written
consent of the Company's Chief Executive Officer.

         9.  Arbitration.  Except as provided in Section 6.7 of this  Agreement,
any dispute or claim under this Agreement, not resolved by the parties, shall be
resolved by final and binding  arbitration.  Unless the parties agree otherwise,
the arbitration  shall be conducted in accordance with the rules of the American
Arbitration Association.  There shall be a single arbitrator,  whose award shall
become  final ten (10) days after it is  delivered in writing to the parties for
their final  comment.  The  arbitration  shall be governed by the United  States
Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C. ss. 1 et seq. Judgment upon the arbitrator's award may
be entered by any court having jurisdiction  thereof. The prevailing party shall
also be entitled to recovery of  reasonable  attorneys'  fees.  The  arbitration
shall be conducted in Minneapolis,  Minnesota and any awards shall be subject to
the limitations of liability expressed in this Agreement.

     10. No Employment Contract. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to
require the Company to continue the employment of Employee.

     11.  Assignment.  This  Agreement  shall be  binding  upon and inure to the
benefit  of  the   parties   hereto  and  their   respective   heirs,   personal
representatives,  successors  and assigns.  Employee  may not assign  Employee's
rights under this Agreement.

     12.  Notice.  Any notice given under this  Agreement must be in writing and
delivered to the last known address of the party receiving said notice.

     13.  Governing  Law. This  Agreement  and any disputes  arising under or in
connection with it, shall be governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota.

     14. Entire  Agreement and  Amendment.  This  Agreement  contains the entire
agreement  between the parties  pertaining to the subject  matter  hereof.  This
Agreement  may only be amended in writing  signed by  Employee  and by the Chief
Executive  Officer  acting on behalf of the  Company.  IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the
Company and Employee have executed  this  Agreement  effective as of the day and
year first above written.

MEDTOX SCIENTIFIC, INC.                     Employee Name

By   ------------------------------         -----------------------------------
Its: ------------------------------         (Employee's signature)

Date                                        Date
     -------------------------------        ------------------------------

                                    EXHIBIT A
                                 GENERAL RELEASE

1.  Definitions.  I intend  all words used in this  Release to have their  plain
meanings in ordinary  English.  Technical legal words are not needed to describe
what I mean. Specific terms I use in this Release have the following meanings:

     a. "I" "me" and "my", as used herein,  shall at all times mean Employee and
anyone who has or obtains any legal rights or claims through said named person.

     b.  "the  Company",  as  used  herein,  shall  at  all  times  mean  MEDTOX
Scientific, Inc., its parent corporations, subsidiaries, successors and assigns,
partners,  any  affiliated  and  predecessor  companies,  their  affiliated  and
predecessor  or management  companies,  their  successors  and assigns,  and the
present  and former  officers,  directors,  shareholders,  partners,  employees,
attorneys,  and agents of any of them,  whether in their  individual or official
capacities,  and the  current  and  former  trustees  or  administrators  of any
pension,  welfare,  or other  employee  benefit  plan of the  Company,  in their
official and individual capacities.

     c. "My  Claims"  mean all of the  claims I have now  against  the  Company,
whether or not I know about those  claims,  including but not limited to, claims
for any action or inaction,  loss,  expense,  or any damages of whatever  nature
arising from any occurrence or occurrences  from the beginning of time until the
date of this  Release,  including  claims for:  breach of  contract;  payment of
wages, commissions,  reimbursements,  sick pay, vacation pay, employee benefits,
insurance, pension, or other compensation; fraud or misrepresentation; violation
of any federal,  state, and/or local law, regulation or rule,  including but not
limited to, the Minnesota Human Rights Act, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of
1964,  the Americans  with  Disabilities  Act, the  Rehabilitation  Act, the Age
Discrimination  in Employment Act, the Employee  Retirement Income Security Act,
the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act, the Family and Medical Leave
Act,  the Fair  Labor  Standards  Act,  the  Worker  Adjustment  and  Retraining
Notification Act, and all other federal,  state,  and/or local civil rights laws
prohibiting  discrimination  or other  unlawful  activity  on the basis of race,
color, creed, marital status, sex, age, religion,  national origin,  disability,
pregnancy,  sexual orientation,  political  affiliation,  status with respect to
public assistance,  membership in local commission, or any other protected class
status;  sexual harassment;  retaliation;  defamation;  intentional or negligent
infliction of emotional distress;  breach of the covenant of good faith and fair
dealing;   promissory   estoppel;   unjust  enrichment;   negligence;   wrongful
termination  of  employment;   constructive  discharge;   invasion  of  privacy;

fraudulent   inducement;   negligent   hiring,   retention,   training,   and/or
supervision;  all other claims for unlawful employment practices; all claims for
attorney's fees, costs,  disbursements,  fees, or other payments;  and all other
common law, legal,  equitable or statutory claims (whether on a contract,  tort,
or other theory),  whether they could be brought directly by me on my own behalf
or by any other person, agency, or organization on my behalf.

2.  Agreement to Release My Claims.  On behalf of myself,  my attorneys,  heirs,
executors,   administrators,   successors  and  assigns,  I  agree  to  release,
discharge,  and give up all My Claims  against the  Company in exchange  for the
compensation,  promises and undertakings as described in the Severance Agreement
between me and the  Company.  I agree to release and  discharge  the Company not
only from any and all of My Claims that I could make on my own behalf,  but also
from  those  claims  that  may or  could  be  brought  by any  other  person  or
organization on my behalf.  I have not caused or permitted to be served,  filed,
or commenced,  and I will not cause or permit to be served, filed, or commenced,
any lawsuits,  charges,  complaints,  actions, notices, or other demands against
the Company with any federal,  state, or local judicial or administrative agency
or body based on My Claims. In the event any such claim has been or is asserted,
I  agree  that  this  Release  shall  act  as a  total  and  complete  bar to my
re-employment or to recovery of any relief or sum or amount  whatsoever from the
Company, whether labeled award, liability,  damages,  judgment,  backpay, wages,
fine,  or  penalty,  or  otherwise  resulting  directly or  indirectly  from any
lawsuit,  remedy,  charge,  or complaint,  whether brought privately by me or by
anyone else,  including any federal,  state, or local judicial or administrative
agency or body, whether or not on my behalf or at my request.  The payments I am
receiving represent full and fair compensation for the release of all My Claims.
The Company  shall not be obligated  and does not owe me anything in addition to
that  described  above.  This release shall not affect any claims which could be
made under any employee  welfare  benefit plan or any pension or retirement plan
through the Company.

3. Non-Admission. Even though the Company is paying me to release My Claims, the
Company  does not admit that it is  responsible  or legally  obligated to me. In
fact, the Company  denies that it is  responsible or legally  obligated to me or
that it has engaged in any wrongdoing.

4. Consideration  Period and Rescission of Release. I understand that I may take
up to  twenty-one  (21) calendar days after  receiving  this General  Release to
consider whether I wish to sign this General Release. In addition,  I understand
that I may rescind (i.e.,  revoke and cancel) my release of claims arising under
the federal Age  Discrimination  in  Employment  Act, 29 U.S.C.ss.  621 et seq.,
within seven (7) calendar  days of signing  this General  Release.  I understand
that I also may rescind  (i.e.,  revoke and cancel) my release of claims arising

under the  Minnesota  Human  Rights Act within  fifteen  (15)  calendar  days of
signing  this  General  Release.   I  understand  that  to  be  effective,   the
rescission/revocation  must be in writing and delivered to the Company,  in care
of Richard Braun, Chief Executive Officer,  either by hand or by mail within the
respective  rescission/revocation  periods. If sent by mail, the rescission must

         1.       Postmarked within the respective rescission/revocation
                  periods as stated above;

         2.       Properly addressed, as stated above; and

         3.       Sent by certified mail, return receipt requested.

5.  Knowing  and  Voluntary.  I have read this  General  Release  carefully  and
understand  and agree to all of its terms.  I have been  advised to discuss this
Release with my own attorney.  In agreeing to sign this and Release,  I have not
relied on any statements or explanations made by the Company or its attorneys.


this ____ day of ________________, 2000

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Notary Public