Exhibit 10.52

                           PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT

                                 by and between

                  PHL-OPCO, LP, a Delaware limited partnership,

                                   as Seller,


               MEDTOX LABORATORIES, INC., a Delaware corporation,

                                  as Purchaser

                            Dated: December 29, 2000

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS                     Page

1.       Purchase and Sale.............................................1
2.       Purchase Price................................................2
3.       Deposit; Escrow...............................................3
4.       Seller's Initial Deliveries...................................4
5.       Purchaser's Investigations....................................5
6.       Covenants.....................................................6
7.       Subsequent Title Defects......................................8
8.       Fire and Other Casualty.......................................9
9.       Condemnation.................................................10
10.      The Closing..................................................10
11.      Prorations...................................................12
12.      Remedies.....................................................16
13.      Real Estate Commissions......................................17
14.      Notice.......................................................17
15.      Assignment...................................................19
16.      Representations of Seller....................................19
17.      Representations of Purchaser.................................22
18.      No Representations; "As Is" Purchase.........................22
19.      Attorney's Fees and Legal Expenses...........................24
20.      Section Headings; Other Terms................................24
21.      Interpretation...............................................24
22.      Entire Agreement.............................................24
24.      Reporting of Foreign Investment..............................25
25.      Exhibits.....................................................25
26.      Applicable Law...............................................25
27.      Confidentiality..............................................25
28.      Tax Reduction Proceedings....................................25
29.      Counterparts.................................................26
30.      Facsimile Signatures.........................................26
31.      No Offer.....................................................26
32.      Business Day.................................................27
33.      Strict Performance...........................................27
34.      Non-Solicitation of Employees................................27

Exhibit A     LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE LAND .........................A-1
Exhibit B     FORM OF ESTOPPEL CERTIFICATE ..........................B-1
Exhibit C     FORM OF DEED ..........................................C-1
              SECURITY DEPOSITS .....................................E-1
Exhibit F     FORM OF TENANT NOTICE .................................F-1

Exhibit H     DESIGNATION AGREEMENT .................................H-1
              WARRANTIES ............................................I-1
              COMMISSIONS PAYABLE BY SELLER..........................J-1

                           PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT

 .........THIS PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT (this "Agreement") made as of December
29,  2000,  by  and  between  PHL-OPCO,   LP,  a  Delaware  limited  partnership
("Seller"), and MEDTOX LABORATORIES, INC., a Delaware corporation ("Purchaser").

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

 .........WHEREAS, Seller is the fee owner of the Land and the Improvements (each
as  defined  in  Section  1  below)  known  as New  Brighton  I and II,  as more
particularly described on Exhibit A hereto; ---------

 .........WHEREAS,  Seller  desires to sell its entire right,  title and interest
in, and  Purchaser  desires to  purchase,  the Property (as defined in Section 1
below) upon and subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth;

     .........NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration of the foregoing and for other
     good and valuable  consideration,  the receipt and sufficiency of which are
     hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows:

         .........1........Purchase and Sale.

     .........Seller  hereby agrees to sell and convey, subject to the Permitted
     Encumbrances  (as defined in Section  4(a)  below),  and  Purchaser  hereby
     agrees to purchase and pay for, notwithstanding the Permitted Encumbrances,

                           (a) that certain tract of land (the "Land")  situated
         in  New  Brighton,  Ramsey  County,  Minnesota,  as  more  particularly
         described on Exhibit A hereto;

               (b) all buildings, together with all other permanent improvements
          situated  on the Land and all  fixtures  and  other  property  affixed
          thereto (collectively, the "Improvements");

                           (c) all rights and  appurtenances  pertaining  to the
         Land and the Improvements,  including any right,  title and interest of
         Seller (but without warranty whether statutory,  express or implied) in
         and to adjacent streets, alleys or rights-of-way;

                           (d) any furniture,  furnishings,  equipment, systems,
         facilities  and machinery,  and conduits to provide life safety,  heat,
         ventilation,  air conditioning,  electrical power, lighting,  plumbing,
         security,  gas, sewer and water thereto,  to the extent owned by Seller
         and now located on or within the Land and the  Improvements and used in
         connection therewith (collectively, the "Personal Property");

                           (e) all of  Seller's  right,  title and  interest  as
         landlord  in the leases  for space  situated  within  the  Improvements
         (collectively,  the "Space Leases"),  all prepaid rents under the Space

         Leases  applicable to the period from and after the Closing (as defined
         in Section 10 below),  and security and other  deposits under the Space

                           (f) all of  Seller's  interest,  to the  extent  such
         interest may be lawfully  assigned to Purchaser without cost to Seller,
         in all contracts relating to the improvement,  maintenance or operation
         of, or the  provision  of  services  or  supplies  to,  the Land or the
         Improvements  (such as trash removal or elevator,  HVAC or  landscaping
         maintenance contracts) which have been delivered to Purchaser by Seller
         according to Section  4(e),  but  excluding  any contract with Seller's
         managing  or leasing  agents and  excluding  any other  contracts  that
         Seller is required to terminate by Closing in  accordance  with Section
         6(h) (collectively, the "Service Contracts");

                           (g) all of  Seller's  interest,  to the  extent  such
         interest may be lawfully  assigned to Purchaser without cost to Seller,
         in  all  unexpired   warranties,   guaranties   and  bonds   (including
         manufacturers'   warranties  on  Personal   Property  and  contractors'
         warranties   for  tenant  finish  work)  that  relate  to  any  of  the
         Improvements or Personal Property (the "Warranties");

                           (h) all of  Seller's  interest,  to the  extent  such
         interest may be lawfully  assigned to Purchaser without cost to Seller,
         in all governmental permits, licenses, certificates and authorizations,
         including, without limitation,  certificates of occupancy,  relating to
         the Land, Improvements or Personal Property (the "Permits"); and

                           (i) all of  Seller's  interest,  to the  extent  such
         interest may be lawfully  assigned to Purchaser without cost to Seller,
         in all intangible  property,  including,  without limitation,  the name
         "New Brighton Business  Center," relating to the Land,  Improvements or
         Personal Property.

         .........The  matters  described  in items  (a)  through  (i) above are
hereinafter  collectively  referred to as the "Property." To the extent that any
of the  personal  property  described in clause (d) above is owned by tenants or
other  occupants  of space at the  Property  or  owned by any  service  provider
pursuant to any of the Service  Contracts or owned by a utility  pursuant to one
or more Permitted Encumbrances,  it shall be excluded from the definition of the
term Property and from the term Personal Property as used in this Agreement.

         .........2........Purchase Price.

     .........The  total  purchase  price (the  "Purchase  Price") to be paid by
     Purchaser to Seller for the  Property is SIX MILLION  THREE  HUNDRED  FIFTY
     THOUSAND  DOLLARS  ($6,350,000).  The  Purchase  Price  is  to be  paid  by
     Purchaser as follows:

                           (a) the amount of ONE HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND  DOLLARS
         ($150,000)  (the "Initial  Deposit") upon the execution by Purchaser of
         this Agreement by check,  subject to  collection,  payable to the order
         of, or by wire transfer in immediately  available funds sent to Chicago
         Title Insurance Company, 222 South 9th Avenue, Suite 3250, Minneapolis,

         Minnesota 55402, Attn: John Haley (in such capacity, "Escrow Agent") to
         be held in escrow pursuant to the terms set forth in Section 3 below;

                           (b)  the  amount  of  TWO  HUNDRED  THOUSAND  DOLLARS
         ($200,000) (the "Additional  Deposit"),  prior to the expiration of the
         Inspection Period (as defined in Section 5) if Purchaser does not elect
         to  terminate  this  Agreement  pursuant to Section 5, by  cashier's or
         certified  check  payable  to the  order  of,  or by wire  transfer  in
         immediately  available  funds sent to Escrow Agent to be held in escrow
         pursuant to the terms set forth in Section 3 below;

                           (c) In the  event  Purchaser  elects  to  extend  the
         originally-scheduled  Closing Date as provided in Section 10 below, the
         amount of TWO  HUNDRED  THOUSAND  DOLLARS  ($200,000)  (the  "Extension
         Deposit"),  by cashier's or certified check payable to the order of, or
         wire transfer in immediately available funds sent to Escrow Agent to be
         held in escrow  pursuant to the terms set forth in Section 3 below (the
         Initial  Deposit and,  when and if made by  Purchaser,  the  Additional
         Deposit and the Extension Deposit are collectively  referred to in this
         Agreement as the "Deposit");

                           (d) the balance of the  Purchase  Price,  as adjusted
         pursuant  to the  terms  of  this  Agreement,  at the  Closing  by wire
         transfer in immediately  available funds sent to Escrow Agent. The wire
         transfer required by this Section 2(d) must be received by Escrow Agent
         not later than 12:00 noon  (Minneapolis  time) on the Closing  Date (as
         defined in Section 10 below).  If such wire transfer is received  later
         than  12:00  noon  (Minneapolis  time)  on  the  Closing  Date,  but is
         nevertheless  received by 5:00 p.m.  (Minneapolis  time) on the Closing
         Date,  then all  prorations  made  pursuant  to Section 11 hereof  will
         remain  unchanged  but Purchaser  will pay to Seller an additional  ONE
         THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED EIGHTY DOLLARS  ($1,680) to compensate  Seller for
         the  additional  day's  interest  Seller will be  obligated  to pay its
         lender and the  interest  income  Seller  will not be able to obtain by
         investing its proceeds on the Closing Date.

         .........3........Deposit; Escrow.

         .........At  the  Closing,  Escrow  Agent shall  deliver the Deposit to
Seller and/or otherwise in accordance with written instructions signed by Seller
and the Deposit  shall be applied to the Purchase  Price.  The Deposit  shall be
held in an  interest-bearing  account  at a bank or trust  company  selected  by
Escrow  Agent and approved by Seller and all interest  earned  thereon  shall be
paid to the party to which the  Deposit  shall be paid.  Escrow  Agent  makes no
representations or warranties as to the yield of the interest-bearing account in
which the Deposit is held.  In all other  cases,  if either party makes a demand
upon Escrow  Agent for  delivery of the Deposit,  or any portion  thereof,  then
Escrow  Agent  shall  give  notice to the  non-demanding  party of such  demand;
provided, however, no such notice shall be required with respect to a demand for
delivery of the Deposit made by Purchaser  upon Escrow Agent in connection  with
the termination of this Agreement by Purchaser  during the Inspection  Period in
accordance  with Section 5. If a notice of objection to the proposed  payment is
not  received by Escrow  Agent from the  non-demanding  party  within  seven (7)
business  days  after the  giving of notice by Escrow  Agent,  time being of the
essence,  then Escrow Agent is hereby  authorized  to deliver the Deposit or the

demanded portion to the party which made the demand.  If Escrow Agent receives a
notice of objection  within such seven (7)  business  day period,  or if for any
other reason Escrow Agent in good faith elects not to deliver the Deposit or the
demanded portion  thereof,  then Escrow Agent shall continue to hold the Deposit
or the  demanded  portion  thereof  and  thereafter  pay the  same to the  party
entitled when Escrow Agent receives (a) a notice from the  non-requesting  party
withdrawing  the  objection,  (b) a notice signed by both parties  directing the
disposition of the Deposit or the demanded  portion thereof or (c) a judgment or
order of a court of competent jurisdiction. In the event of any dispute or doubt
as to the genuineness of any document or signature,  or uncertainty as to Escrow
Agent's  duties,  then Escrow  Agent shall have the right to either  continue to
hold the Deposit or the demanded portion thereof in escrow or to pay the Deposit
or the demanded  portion  thereof into court pursuant to relevant  statute.  The
parties  agree  jointly to defend,  indemnify  and hold  harmless  Escrow  Agent
against  and  from  any  claim,  judgment,  loss,  liability,  cost  or  expense
(including,  without limitation,  reasonable  attorneys' fees and disbursements)
resulting  from any dispute or litigation  arising out of or  concerning  Escrow
Agent's duties or services  hereunder.  Escrow Agent shall not be liable for any
error in judgment or for any act done or step taken or omitted in good faith, or
for any  mistake of fact or law,  except for Escrow  Agent's own  negligence  or
willful  misconduct.  The  parties  acknowledge  that  Escrow  Agent is merely a
stakeholder.  In the event Escrow Agent shall require the execution and delivery
of any  additional  escrow  instructions  as a condition to its acting as Escrow
Agent,  the terms and  provisions of this Section 3 shall govern in the event of
any conflict.  The signing of this Agreement by Escrow Agent is only to evidence
Escrow Agent's acceptance of the terms and conditions of this Section 3.

         .........4........Seller's Initial Deliveries.

     .........Prior  to the  execution  and  delivery of this  Agreement by both
     Seller and  Purchaser,  Seller has  delivered  or caused to be delivered to
     Purchaser the following:

                           (a)  a  current   title   insurance   commitment   or
         preliminary  title report  issued by Chicago  Title  Insurance  Company
         ("Title Company"), including copies of all recorded exceptions to title
         referred to therein (collectively, the "Title Commitment"), showing the
         status  of title to the Land and  Improvements  according  to the Title
         Company.  Purchaser  will  review the Title  Commitment  as part of its
         investigations  hereunder  and will  have the right to  negotiate  with
         Title  Company  in order to cause  Title  Company  to modify  the Title
         Commitment  to  reflect  only  those   exceptions  to  title  that  are
         acceptable to Purchaser. If Purchaser does not terminate this Agreement
         pursuant to Section 5, then the  exceptions  to title  disclosed in the
         Title  Commitment  as of the  expiration of the  Inspection  Period (as
         defined in Section 5), i.e.,  including any endorsements or supplements
         to the Title  Commitment  issued  prior to such  expiration,  and those
         matters affecting title that are reflected on the Survey (as defined in
         Section  4(b) below) will be the  "Permitted  Encumbrances"  hereunder,
         excluding (i) any delinquent taxes or assessments, or (ii) any monetary
         liens or encumbrances  arising by, through or under Seller. At or prior
         to Closing,  Seller will cause any delinquent  taxes or assessments and
         any monetary liens or encumbrances  arising by, through or under Seller
         to be paid off or otherwise removed of record;

                           (b) a copy of the survey of the Land and Improvements
         obtained by Seller when Seller acquired the same, or any update thereof
         since obtained by Seller (the "Survey").  As part of its investigations
         hereunder,  Purchaser will have the right, at its expense,  to have the
         Survey  updated by the  surveyor  who  prepared  the same or by another
         surveyor selected by Purchaser.  If Purchaser elects to obtain any such
         update,  Purchaser  will  provide  copies  thereof  to Seller and Title
         Company,  any matters  affecting  title shown  thereon will be deemed a
         part of the Permitted  Encumbrances  and such update will  otherwise be
         deemed a part of the "Survey" under this Agreement;

     (c) a list of all movable furniture and equipment  included in the Personal

                           (d)   copies   of  all  Space   Leases  in   Seller's
         possession,  excluding,  however,  that  certain  Space  Lease  between
         Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance  Company,  a  predecessor-in-interest  to
         Seller,    as   landlord,    and   Medtox    Laboratories,    Inc.,   a
         predecessor-in-interest   to  Psychiatric  Diagnostic  Laboratories  of
         America, Inc., now known as Purchaser,  as tenant, executed as of March
         5, 1992 (as amended from time to time, the "Purchaser's Space Lease");

                    (e) copies of all  written  Services  Contracts  in Seller's

                           (f) a current rent roll for the  Property  (the "Rent
         Roll") and copies of the real  property  tax bills for the last two (2)
         tax years of the  jurisdiction in which the Property is located (or for
         such shorter period as Seller has owned the Property) and a copy of any
         notice of valuation received by Seller since the last tax bill; and

                           (g) copies of all  environmental  assessment  reports
         prepared by third parties concerning the Property,  addressed to Seller
         and  in  Seller's  possession,  including  the  Phase  I  environmental
         assessment  report  concerning  the Property  that Seller  caused to be
         prepared in connection with Seller's acquisition of the Property.

         .........5........Purchaser's Investigations.

         .........Purchaser  will have  until 5:00 p.m.,  Minneapolis  time,  on
January 31, 2001 (the  "Inspection  Period") to investigate the Property and all
matters relevant to its acquisition,  ownership and operation.  If, prior to the
expiration of the  Inspection  Period,  Purchaser  gives Seller  written  notice
setting  forth  Purchaser's  dissatisfaction  with the  Property  for any reason
whatsoever,  and  states in such  notice  Purchaser's  unequivocal  election  to
terminate this Agreement, then (i) Escrow Agent will promptly return the Deposit
to Purchaser,  and (ii) Purchaser will, as consideration  for the  investigation
privileges  afforded to Purchaser by Seller hereunder,  deliver to Seller copies
of all studies,  inspection  reports and similar  matters made for  Purchaser by
third  parties  engaged  by  Purchaser  to do so during  the  Inspection  Period
concerning  the  Property,  whereupon  this  Agreement  will  terminate and both
parties will be relieved of any further obligations hereunder,  except for those
obligations  which expressly  survive any termination  hereof. If Purchaser does
not give such  termination  notice  prior to the  expiration  of the  Inspection
Period,  then this  Agreement will remain in full force and effect in accordance

with its terms and the Deposit will become  nonrefundable  to Purchaser  for any
reason whatsoever, except as expressly provided to the contrary in Section 6(e),
7, 8, 9, 12(a) or 16. If Purchaser does not give such  termination  notice prior
to the expiration of the  Inspection  Period but fails to deliver the Additional
Deposit in  accordance  with Section 2(b) above prior to the  expiration  of the
Inspection  Period,  then this Agreement will remain in full force and effect as
provided  above,  but Purchaser will be deemed in default and, if Purchaser does
not cure such  default  within one (1)  business  day after  delivery  of notice
thereof by Seller to Purchaser,  Seller may, at Seller's option,  terminate this
Agreement by notice to Purchaser and Escrow Agent whereupon Seller shall receive
the Deposit as liquidated damages and not as a penalty.


         .........Purchaser  covenants  and agrees with Seller that prior to the
Closing,  Purchaser,  in the conduct of its due diligence  investigation  of the
Property or otherwise,  will not  interfere  with or hinder the operation of the
Property or the other tenants or occupants  thereof.  Seller and Purchaser  each
acknowledge  that  Purchaser is a tenant of the Property  under the  Purchaser's
Space Lease, and that the foregoing covenant shall not apply to Purchaser in its
capacity as "tenant" under the  Purchaser's  Space Lease.  Seller  covenants and
agrees with Purchaser that, from the date hereof until the Closing, Seller will:

                           (a)  provide  Purchaser  and  Purchaser's  agents and
         representatives  with  reasonable  access to the Property  between 9:00
         a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on weekdays, subject to the rights of the Property's
         tenants or  occupants  and provided  that:  (i)  Purchaser  will notify
         Seller not less than three (3) business days in advance of entering the
         Property;  (ii) neither  Purchaser nor any agent or  representative  of
         Purchaser  will  communicate  directly  with any tenant of the Property
         without the approval of and with, at Seller's option, the accompaniment
         by, Seller or Seller's  manager for the Property;  (iii) Purchaser will
         keep the Property  free and clear of any  mechanic's  or  materialmen's
         liens arising out of any such entry, promptly restore any damage caused
         by Purchaser or its  representatives,  perform all  investigations in a
         safe and  professional  manner,  not allow any  dangerous  or hazardous
         conditions  and  comply  with  all  applicable  laws  and  governmental
         regulations;  (iv) Seller or any of its  representatives  or agents may
         accompany  Purchaser and any of its  representatives  and agents during
         their  visit  to the  Property;  (v)  Purchaser  will not  perform  any
         invasive  testing  of  the  Property  without  Seller's  prior  written
         consent;   and  (vi)   prior  to   Purchaser's   or  its   agent's   or
         representative's  entry upon the  Property,  Purchaser  will deliver to
         Seller  evidence of such  party's  liability  insurance  coverage by an
         insurer reasonably acceptable to Seller and with combined single limits
         of not less  than ONE  MILLION  DOLLARS  ($1,000,000)  per  occurrence.
         Purchaser  agrees to indemnify  and hold  harmless  Seller,  and hereby
         waives and releases Seller,  from all liability,  claims,  loss, liens,
         costs,  expenses and damages,  including reasonable attorneys' fees and
         expenses,  arising out of, and will repair any damages resulting to the
         Property  due to, such  access or, if  requested  by Seller,  reimburse
         Seller for all expenses incurred by Seller in repairing such damages if
         Purchaser  does  not  promptly  repair  such  damages.   The  foregoing
         agreement of indemnity,  repair and reimbursement shall survive Closing
         and/or any termination of this Agreement;

                           (b)  provide  Purchaser  and  Purchaser's  agents and
         representatives with reasonable access, between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
         on weekdays,  and upon at least one (1) business day's prior notice, to
         all tenant files and books and records  concerning  the  operation  and
         maintenance  of  the  Property  (including,   without  limitation,  the
         Property's  operating  income and expenses),  to the extent that any of
         the same are in Seller's possession, at the offices in Denver, Colorado
         and Bloomington, Minnesota where Seller maintains the same;

                           (c) not enter into (i) any new Space  Lease,  or (ii)
         any  termination,  modification,  amendment  or renewal of any existing
         Space  Lease,  except  pursuant to an existing  provision of such Space
         Lease (collectively,  a "New Lease"), without Purchaser's prior written
         approval,  which approval will not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.
         If Seller  desires  to enter  into a New  Lease,  Seller  will  deliver
         written notice to Purchaser requesting Purchaser's approval thereof and
         providing  therewith  the most current  draft of the proposed New Lease
         and copies of such information concerning the proposed tenant as Seller
         may have in its possession.  Purchaser will respond to Seller's request
         for approval of the New Lease transaction within five (5) business days
         after the  delivery  of  Seller's  notice.  Unless  Purchaser  delivers
         written  notice to Seller  disapproving  the  proposed New Lease within
         such five (5) business days,  Purchaser will be deemed to have approved
         such New Lease  transaction  for all  purposes  of this  Agreement  and
         Seller  may  proceed  to  consummate  such New  Lease in the form  most
         recently approved (or deemed approved) by Purchaser;

                           (d) not enter into any new  Service  Contracts  which
         cannot by their  express  terms be  terminated  on not more than thirty
         (30) days' notice and that will survive Closing or otherwise affect the
         use,  operation or enjoyment of the  Property  after  Closing,  without
         Purchaser's   prior  written   consent,   which  consent  will  not  be
         unreasonably  withheld or delayed,  and which consent will be deemed to
         have been given by Purchaser if Purchaser does not notify Seller to the
         contrary  within  five (5)  business  days after  receipt  of  Seller's
         request for such consent;

                           (e) except with respect to  Purchaser's  Space Lease,
         use commercially  reasonable efforts to obtain and deliver to Purchaser
         a signed estoppel certificate in substantially in the form of Exhibit B
         attached hereto from each of the tenants under the Space Leases (except
         that if any  Space  Lease  prescribes  a  different  form  of  estoppel
         certificate,   Seller  will  only  be  required  to  use   commercially
         reasonable  efforts to obtain an estoppel  certificate from such tenant
         in such  prescribed  form). In the event Seller is unable to obtain and
         deliver to  Purchaser  on or before the date which is five (5) business
         days prior to the Closing Date a Conforming Estoppel (as defined below)
         from tenants occupying not less than seventy-five  percent (75%) of the
         leasable space within the Property that has been leased under the Space
         Leases,  excluding the leasable  space under  Purchaser's  Space Lease,
         Purchaser  may elect to terminate  this  Agreement by giving  notice to
         Seller and to receive a refund in full of the Deposit by giving  Seller
         notice of such  termination.  As used herein,  a "Conforming  Estoppel"
         will mean either (1) an estoppel certificate signed by the tenant under
         a Space  Lease  and in the form of  Exhibit  B (or if any  Space  Lease
         prescribes a different form of estoppel  certificate,  then an estoppel

         certificate  for such Space Lease in such  prescribed form will also be
         deemed  acceptable),  with all blanks filled in with  information  that
         conforms to the  information  set forth in the Rent Roll  delivered  to
         Purchaser  pursuant  to  Section  4(f)  above  and  with no  additional
         information added that is inconsistent with the statements set forth in
         such form or with the  information  set forth in such Rent Roll; or (2)
         an estoppel  certificate  that is otherwise  acceptable to Purchaser in
         its sole and absolute  discretion,  provided that if Seller  delivers a
         signed estoppel  certificate to Purchaser for review and Purchaser does
         not notify Seller that such estoppel certificate is unacceptable within
         five (5)  business  days after  delivery  thereof,  then such  estoppel
         certificate will be deemed accepted by Purchaser;

                           (f) not  create or permit the  creation  of any title
         exceptions, such as easements or liens encumbering the Property (unless
         caused by Purchaser), without Purchaser's prior written approval, which
         shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed;

               (g) continue to maintain the Property  consistent  with  industry
               standards in the marketplace; and

                           (h)  at  or  prior  to  Closing,  terminate  (i)  any
         contract with Seller's managing or leasing agents for the Property; and
         (ii) any contract that would  otherwise  constitute a Service  Contract
         but as to which  Purchaser  notifies  Seller,  by the expiration of the
         Inspection  Period,  that  Purchaser  desires  Seller to  terminate  by
         Closing,  provided  that any contract  Purchaser so requests  Seller to
         terminate must, in accordance with the terms and provisions thereof, be
         terminable by Seller without  penalty (unless  Purchaser  agrees to pay
         such penalty) at or prior to Closing.

         .........7........Subsequent Title Defects.

         .........If,  subsequent to the expiration of the Inspection Period and
prior to Closing,  Purchaser becomes aware of the existence of any encumbrances,
encroachments,  defects  in or other  matters  affecting  title,  other than the
Permitted Encumbrances and other than any delinquent taxes or assessments or any
monetary liens or encumbrances  arising by, through or under Seller which Seller
is obligated to remove prior to Closing  pursuant to Section  4(a),  that render
title to the Property unmarketable and are unacceptable to Purchaser,  Purchaser
shall as soon as  practicable  notify  Seller  in  writing  of such fact and the
reasons therefor  ("Purchaser's Title Objections").  Seller shall have the right
but  not the  obligation  to  eliminate  or  otherwise  cure  Purchaser's  Title
Objections  (which shall include  causing the Title Company to "insure over" any
Purchaser's  Title  Objections),  provided that (i) Seller shall be obligated to
cure any liens  created  by  Seller  after  the date  hereof  and (ii) if Seller
receives  notice  of any  Purchaser's  Title  Objections,  Seller  shall  notify
Purchaser in writing within five (5) business days after its receipt  thereof as
to whether Seller intends to eliminate or cure Purchaser's  Title Objections and
if Seller, in its sole discretion, elects to eliminate or cure Purchaser's Title
Objections,  Seller shall have the right to postpone the Closing for a period of
up to  thirty  (30)  days  anything  else  in  this  Agreement  to the  contrary
notwithstanding.  If Seller is unable or  unwilling  to cure  Purchaser's  Title
Objections,  Purchaser  (as its sole and exclusive  remedy) may  terminate  this
Agreement  by notice in writing to Seller on or before  five (5)  business  days
following  notice from Seller that it is  unwilling  or unable to cure or modify

Purchaser's Title Objections, failing which Purchaser shall accept such title as
Seller is able or willing to  deliver  without  any  reduction  in the  Purchase
Price,  in which  event  such  uncured  Purchaser's  Title  Objections  shall be
included in the term "Permitted  Encumbrances."  Upon a termination  pursuant to
this Section, the parties shall have no further rights or obligations hereunder,
except  those which  expressly  survive  termination,  and the Deposit  shall be
returned to Purchaser.

         .........8........Fire and Other Casualty.

                           (a)  Notice  and  Estimate.  In the  event  that  the
         Improvements should be damaged by any casualty prior to Closing, Seller
         will promptly give Purchaser written notice of such occurrence,  and as
         soon thereafter as practicable, will provide Purchaser with an estimate
         made by an  architect,  engineer or  contractor  selected by Seller and
         approved by Purchaser (which approval will not be unreasonably withheld
         or  delayed)  of the cost and amount of time  required  to repair  such
         damage.  If it is so estimated  that it will take longer than until the
         Closing Date to repair such damage and if neither party terminates this
         Agreement  pursuant to Section 8(c),  then  Purchaser  will be given an
         opportunity  to review and  approve  any  construction  contract  which
         Seller  proposes  to  enter  into  to have  such  damage  repaired  and
         Purchaser will not unreasonably withhold or delay such approval.

                           (b) Minor Damage.  If the estimated cost of repairing
         such damage is less than or equal to ten percent  (10%) of the Purchase
         Price,  then Seller will promptly contract for and commence the repairs
         and  complete  so much  thereof  as may be  accomplished  prior  to the
         Closing  Date. In the event such repairs are not completed on or before
         the  Closing  Date,  Seller  will  assign to  Purchaser  so much of the
         insurance  proceeds  resulting  from such  damage as have not then been
         expended for repairs,  Seller will assign to  Purchaser,  and Purchaser
         will assume, the rights and obligations under the construction contract
         pursuant to which such repairs are being completed, and at Closing, the
         Purchase  Price  will be reduced  both to the extent of any  deductible
         provided for in Seller's  casualty policy that has not been expended by
         Seller as of  Closing  for  repairs  and to the  extent  the  insurance
         proceeds  are   insufficient   to  cover  the  amounts  due  under  the
         construction  contract or amounts  estimated  to make or complete  such

                           (c)  Major  Damage.  If the  estimated  cost  of such
         repairs is more than ten  percent  (10%) of the  Purchase  Price,  then
         either Seller or Purchaser may elect to terminate  this  Agreement upon
         written  notice to the other  given  within  ten (10) days  after  both
         parties'  receipt of the  estimate  in which  event  Escrow  Agent will
         return the Deposit to  Purchaser  and both  parties will be relieved of
         any further obligations  hereunder,  except for those obligations which
         expressly  survive any termination  hereof;  however,  if neither party
         elects to so terminate this Agreement,  then this Agreement will remain
         in full force and effect and the  parties  will  proceed in  accordance
         with Section 8(b).


         .........Within  seven (7) business  days after  service on Seller of a
suit for condemnation of any part of the Property by an appropriate governmental
authority,  Seller will notify Purchaser of the pendency of such proceedings. In
the event of the  condemnation of any portion of the Property or the sale of any
portion of the Property in lieu of condemnation,  this Agreement shall remain in
full force and effect,  and in such event Seller at the Closing  shall assign to
Purchaser  any and  all  claims  for the  proceeds  of  such  condemnation,  and
Purchaser  shall take title to the remainder of the Property with the assignment
of such proceeds and subject to such  condemnation and without  reduction in the
Purchase Price; provided, however, that if such condemnation would result in the
taking (but not the forced  grant of an  easement or right of way for  municipal
sewerage  or utility  lines) of at least  fifteen  percent  (15%) of the Land on
which Improvements are situated,  then Purchaser may terminate this Agreement by
notice in  writing  to Seller  sent  within  ten (10) days  following  notice in
writing by Seller to Purchaser of such  condemnation  of the Property,  in which
event the parties shall have no further rights or obligations  hereunder (except
those which expressly survive  termination) and the Deposit shall be returned to
Purchaser.  If Purchaser  does not elect to terminate in writing within said ten
(10) day period  following such notice by Seller,  Purchaser  shall be deemed to
have waived all rights to terminate  pursuant to this Section and this Agreement
shall  remain in full force and  effect.  Purchaser  shall  perform  its own due
diligence  to  determine,  to  Purchaser's  satisfaction,  whether  there is any
pending or threatened  condemnation  or eminent  domain  proceeding  which would
affect the Property.

         .........10.......The Closing.

         .........The  consummation  of the  transaction  contemplated  by  this
Agreement (the  "Closing")  shall take place through an escrow with Escrow Agent
on or before  February  15, 2001  ("Closing  Date"),  TIME BEING OF THE ESSENCE.
Purchaser  will have the one-time  right to extend the Closing Date by up to ten
(10) business days by delivering written notice of Purchaser's  exercise of such
extension  right to Seller and Escrow  Agent at least five (5) days prior to the
originally-scheduled Closing Date and simultaneously delivering to Escrow Agent,
by cashier's or certified  check or by wire  transfer of  immediately  available
funds, the Extension  Deposit,  which Extension Deposit will be deemed a part of
the Deposit under this  Agreement,  will apply as a credit  against the Purchase
Price and will not be refundable to Purchaser for any reason except as expressly
provided  to the  contrary  in  Sections  6(e),  7, 8, 9,  12(a)  and 16. At the
Closing, the following shall occur:

                           (a) Seller shall deliver to Purchaser a duly executed
         and  acknowledged  Limited  Warranty Deed (the "Deed") in substantially
         the form attached  hereto as Exhibit C, and Seller and Purchaser  shall
         each  execute  and  deliver  to each  other a  General  Assignment  and
         Assumption  in  substantially  the form  attached  hereto as Exhibit D.
         Seller  shall  include  a  statement  on the Deed  that  Seller  has no
         knowledge  of any "Wells" on the  Property  within the meaning of Minn.
         Stat. ss. 103I.005, subdivision 21.

                           (b)  Purchaser  shall pay the balance of the Purchase
         Price as provided in Section 2(d) hereof and the parties  shall execute
         settlement  statements  reflecting the Purchase Price,  the Deposit and
         the prorations, adjustments and closing costs described in Section 11.

                           (c)  Seller  and   Purchaser   shall  enter  into  an
         Assignment and Assumption of Leases and Security Deposits substantially
         in the form attached  hereto as Exhibit E whereby  Seller shall deliver
         as provided in this Agreement and assign to Purchaser Seller's interest
         as landlord in the (i) the existing Space Leases affecting the Property
         and (ii) any and all deposits paid to Seller under the Space Leases and
         not previously  applied in accordance  with the applicable  Space Lease
         and whereby  Purchaser  shall  assume from and after the Closing all of
         the  obligations of the landlord  under the Space Leases  including the
         obligation to account for the security deposits assigned to Purchaser.

                           (d)  The  parties  shall  execute  a  written  notice
         addressed to each tenant under the Space Leases  notifying  such tenant
         of the  acquisition of the Property by Purchaser in  substantially  the
         form  attached  hereto as Exhibit F. The notices  shall be delivered to
         Escrow Agent with  instructions  to forward the notices to Purchaser at
         Closing,  whereupon  Purchaser shall deliver the notices to the tenants
         immediately  after the Closing.  The costs of sending the notices shall
         be shared equally by Purchaser and Seller.

                           (e) Seller  shall  deliver to  Purchaser  each of the
         executed  Space  Leases  (to the extent  such  Space  Leases are within
         Seller's possession).

                           (f) The present  insurance  coverage on the  Property
         shall be terminated at Closing and there shall be no proration.  Public
         utility  services  shall be transferred or terminated as of the date of
         Closing. The provisions of this Section shall survive Closing.

                           (g)  Pursuant  to the  terms and  conditions  of this
         Agreement,  possession of the Property  shall be delivered to Purchaser
         at Closing, subject to the rights of tenants under the Space Leases and
         the other Permitted Encumbrances.

               (h) Seller shall  deliver to  Purchaser  all keys to all locks on
          the Property  within  Seller's  possession  (or the  possession of its

                           (i) Purchaser shall execute,  acknowledge and deliver
         such state and local  transfer or sales tax returns and  statements  as
         are  required  for  the  transfer  of  the  Property   (including   the
         Certificate of Real Estate Value required in order to record the Deed).

                           (j) Seller shall deliver to Purchaser a  "non-foreign
         affidavit" in  substantially  the form of Exhibit G acknowledging  that
         Seller is not a nonresident alien within the meaning of Section 1445 of
         the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

                           (k)  Seller and  Purchaser  shall  each  execute  and
         deliver  to the other  party such  disclosures  as may be  required  by
         applicable law.

                           (l)  Seller  and  Purchaser   shall  each  reasonably
         cooperate  with  each  other  to  effect  a  tax-free  exchange  of the
         Property,  but only to the extent  that such  cooperation  does not (i)
         cause such party to incur any  liability  or  otherwise  increase  such
         party's  risk  relating  to  the   transaction   contemplated  by  this
         Agreement,  (ii) cause such party to incur any monetary  obligations or
         to otherwise  expend any monies other than those  amounts that would be
         payable  notwithstanding  a tax-free exchange of the Property and which
         amounts are otherwise  expressly assumed by such party pursuant to this
         Agreement  or (iii)  otherwise  result in a reduction  of such  party's
         rights,  remedies and privileges hereunder or under applicable federal,
         state, local or other law or an increase of such party's obligations or
         duties hereunder or under any applicable federal, state, local or other

                           (m) Each party shall  deliver to the other party such
         documentary  and other  evidence as may be reasonably  required by such
         other party or the Title Company including,  without  limitation,  such
         documents  evidencing its good standing and the authority of the person
         or persons who are  executing  the various  documents  on its behalf in
         connection   with  this   Agreement,   a   Designation   Agreement   in
         substantially  the form attached hereto as Exhibit H, and a certificate
         confirming such party's representations and warranties in substantially
         the form attached hereto as Exhibit I.


                           (a) Taxes.  General real estate taxes,  sewer charges
         and assessments  payable in the then current  calendar year relating to
         the  Property  shall be prorated as of the  Closing.  If Closing  shall
         occur  before the actual taxes for the then current tax year are known,
         Purchaser  shall  assume  and  pay  all  such  unknown  taxes  and  the
         apportionment  of taxes  shall be upon the  basis of the  taxes for the
         Property for the immediately  preceding year. Such proration shall be a
         final  settlement  between Seller and Purchaser,  regardless of whether
         the taxes for the current tax year are thereafter determined to be more
         or less than the taxes upon which such proration was based. All special
         taxes or assessments payable on or before the Closing shall be prorated
         as set forth above,  and those  payable after the Closing shall be paid
         by Purchaser.

                           (b) Fixed, Minimum and Base Rents. Subject to Section
         11 (h) below, Seller shall be entitled to fixed, minimum and base rents
         which are due or past due or not yet due but accrued under the terms of
         the Space Leases, prorated to midnight of the day prior to the Closing,
         regardless of when such payments are actually  made. At Closing,  rents
         received  by  Seller  for the  month of  Closing  will be  prorated  as
         provided below, but there shall be no proration at Closing of unpaid or
         delinquent rents. All payments of fixed, minimum or base rents received
         by either party for the month of Closing  shall be prorated  based upon
         the number of days in that month occurring before the Closing,  and the
         party  receiving  the  payment  shall  credit  (in the case of  payment
         received by Seller before the Closing) or remit (in the case of payment

         received by  Purchaser  on or after the Closing) to the other party its
         proportionate share.

                           (c)  Adjustment  of  Reimbursable  Expenses.  To  the
         extent  tenants  under the Space Leases are  obligated to reimburse the
         landlord for operating expenses, common area maintenance charges, taxes
         or other costs (collectively, "Reimbursable Expenses"), whether through
         the   payment  of  monthly   estimated   payments   subject  to  annual
         reconciliation  or otherwise,  Seller and Purchaser will adjust between
         themselves the difference  between the Reimbursable  Expenses  actually
         incurred by Seller during the portion of the calendar year in which the
         Closing occurs prior to the Closing  ("Seller's  Ownership Period") and
         the estimated payments of Reimbursable Expenses received by Seller from
         the tenants during Seller's  Ownership Period.  At the Closing,  Seller
         will  deliver to  Purchaser a  statement  (the  "Reimbursable  Expenses
         Statement")  showing (i) the actual  Reimbursable  Expenses incurred by
         Seller during Seller's  Ownership  Period (with respect to taxes,  only
         those taxes paid by Seller during Seller's  Ownership  Period for which
         estimated  payments  are being made by the  tenants  during such period
         will be included in such  statement  of actual  Reimbursable  Expenses;
         taxes paid  during such period but for which  estimated  payments  were
         collected in a prior period will not be  included);  (ii) the estimated
         payments  of  Reimbursable   Expenses  for  Seller's  Ownership  Period
         received by Seller from each tenant (only estimated  payments  received
         for Seller's  Ownership  Period will be included;  payments for a prior
         period or that  constitute  reconciliation  payments for a prior period
         will not be included), (iii) each tenant's share (pursuant to its Space
         Lease) of the actual  Reimbursable  Expenses  incurred by Seller during
         Seller's  Ownership  Period;  (iv) the  amount,  if any,  by which each
         tenant's  estimated  payments exceeds its share of actual  Reimbursable
         Expenses  for  Seller's  Ownership  Period (an  "Overpayment"),  or the
         amount,  if any, by which each  tenant's  share of actual  Reimbursable
         Expenses for Seller's  Ownership Period exceeds its estimated  payments
         (an  "Underpayment");  and  (v)  a  summary  of  all  Overpayments  and
         Underpayments for all tenants. If the total of all Overpayments exceeds
         the total of all  Underpayments,  Purchaser  will receive a credit from
         Seller  at  Closing   for  the   difference.   If  the  amount  of  all
         Underpayments  exceeds  the  amount of all  Overpayments,  Seller  will
         receive a credit from Purchaser at Closing for the  difference.  Seller
         will  prepare the  Reimbursable  Expenses  Statement  based on the best
         information available to Seller at that time. However, Seller will have
         the right, within sixty (60) days after Closing, to prepare and deliver
         to Purchaser a supplemental Reimbursable Expenses Statement showing any
         Reimbursable  Expenses  incurred by Seller,  or  payments of  estimated
         Reimbursable  Expenses  made by  tenants  to  Seller,  during  Seller's
         Ownership  Period that were not known to Seller as of  Closing.  Within
         ten (10)  days  after  delivery  of such  supplemental  statement,  the
         parties will adjust in cash any additional  amounts due to or from each
         other.  The  adjustment of  Reimbursable  Expenses  between  Seller and
         Purchaser   provided  for  in  this  Section   11(c),   including   the
         supplemental  statement and adjustment described above, will constitute
         a final  settlement and,  notwithstanding  the provisions of Section 11
         (h)  below,  Purchaser  will be  entitled  to retain  all  payments  of
         Reimbursable  Expenses received from the tenants under the Space Leases
         subsequent to Closing.

                           (d) Prepaid Rents and Security Deposits.  All prepaid
         rents and security and other deposits of all tenants under Space Leases
         paid to Seller and not theretofore  applied in accordance with any such
         Space  Lease,  with  interest  thereon to the extent  any  interest  is
         required to be paid to such  tenants,  shall be  delivered by Seller to
         Purchaser at the Closing,  or Purchaser shall receive a credit therefor
         at Closing.

                           (e) Tenant Inducement Costs;  Brokerage  Commissions.
         Seller shall be  responsible  for the payment of all Tenant  Inducement
         Costs and Leasing  Commissions (as such terms are hereinafter  defined)
         that are  required  to be paid as a result of any Space  Lease,  or any
         amendment to a Space Lease, that was signed by Seller during the period
         from  Seller's  acquisition  of  the  Property  to  the  date  of  this
         Agreement,  including,  without  limitation,  those outstanding  Tenant
         Inducement Costs and Leasing  Commissions  listed on Exhibit J attached
         hereto,  and  including  any New Lease  approved or deemed  approved by
         Purchaser  pursuant to Section 6(c) and entered into between Seller, as
         landlord,  and  Qualex,  Inc.,  as tenant,  prior to Closing  (the "New
         Qualex  Lease"),  but  excluding  (i) any  refurbishment  allowance  or
         similar Tenant  Inducement Cost that may become payable pursuant to the
         express  terms  of  such a  Space  Lease  or  amendment  if the  tenant
         thereunder  exercises  subsequent  to the  date  of  this  Agreement  a
         renewal,  extension,  expansion or similar option thereunder;  and (ii)
         any Leasing  Commissions that Purchaser  obligates itself to pay to its
         broker  or  a  tenant's  broker  with  respect  to  any  such  renewal,
         extension,  expansion or similar option. Except with respect to the New
         Qualex  Lease,  Seller shall have no  obligation  to Purchaser  for the
         payment of any other Tenant  Inducement  Costs or Leasing  Commissions,
         including,  without limitation,  any Tenant Inducement Costs or Leasing
         Commissions  payable with  respect to any New Lease  approved or deemed
         approved  by  Purchaser  pursuant  to  Section  6(c).  If  any  Leasing
         Commission or Tenant  Inducement  Cost the payment of which is Seller's
         responsibility,  as provided above, has not been paid by Closing,  then
         Purchaser  will receive a credit at Closing for the unpaid  amount.  If
         before Closing Seller pays any Leasing  Commission or Tenant Inducement
         Cost  required  to be paid  before  Closing but the payment of which is
         Purchaser's  responsibility  (such  as a  Leasing  Commission  due upon
         execution  of a New Lease  approved  or deemed  approved  by  Purchaser
         pursuant to Section  6(c)) but  excluding  the New Qualex  Lease,  then
         Seller will  receive a credit from  Purchaser at Closing for the amount
         so paid. For the purposes hereof,  "Tenant Inducement Costs" shall mean
         any  out-of-pocket  payments required under a Space Lease to be paid by
         the landlord  thereunder to or for the benefit of the tenant thereunder
         which is in the  nature  of a  tenant  inducement,  including,  without
         limitation,  tenant  improvement costs (whether paid by the landlord to
         the tenant as a cash  allowance  or  incurred  by the  landlord  in the
         performance  of such tenant  improvements),  lease  buyout  costs,  and
         moving,   design  and  refurbishment   allowances.   The  term  "Tenant
         Inducement  Costs" shall not include loss of income  resulting from any
         free rental  period,  it being  agreed that Seller  shall bear the loss
         resulting  from any free rental  period until the Closing Date and that
         Purchaser  shall  bear the loss from and after  the  Closing.  The term
         "Leasing Commissions" shall mean any brokerage commission, fee or other
         compensation owing in connection with any Space Lease.

                           (f) Other  Items of  Expense  or  Receipt.  All other
         customarily  prorated  items of expense or  receipt  shall be  prorated
         between the parties  hereto as of the  Closing.  Except with respect to
         items prorated at the Closing,  Seller shall be responsible for payment
         of any and all bills or charges incurred on or prior to the Closing for
         work,  services,   supplies  or  materials,   and  Purchaser  shall  be
         responsible for payment of any and all bills or charges  incurred after
         the Closing for work, services, supplies or materials. Unless otherwise
         provided for in this Agreement, Purchaser shall not purchase, nor shall
         there be any  proration  credit given for, any of Seller's  receivables
         arising from the operation of the Property.

               (g)   Adjustments.   Prorations   shall  be  accomplished  by  an
          adjustment  in  the  -----------  Purchase  Price  due  Seller  on the
          Closing, except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement.

                           (h)  Collections  and  Application  of Payments after
         Closing.  After the  Closing,  Purchaser  shall  bill  tenants  for all
         amounts due under Space Leases, including amounts accruing prior to the
         Closing.  Any  amounts  or  charges  payable by tenants on or after the
         Closing  with  respect to which  Seller is  entitled to receive a share
         under this  Agreement,  which are not paid within sixty (60) days after
         the due date, and any amount due and owing Seller before the Closing by
         tenants under the Space Leases which ere unpaid as of the Closing,  are
         collectively  herein called "Delinquent  Amounts".  Notwithstanding the
         foregoing or any  direction  from tenants to the  contrary,  rental and
         other  payments  received by Purchaser or Seller from tenants  shall be
         first  applied  toward the  payment of rent and other  charges  owed to
         Purchaser  for the month in which the payment is received,  then toward
         the payment of rent and other  charges  owed for the month in which the
         Closing  occurs,  in which case such  payment  shall be prorated to the
         Closing,  then toward any  Delinquent  Amounts,  and any excess  monies
         received  shall be applied  toward any other  amounts due to Purchaser.
         Purchaser may not waive any Delinquent Amounts nor modify a Space Lease
         so as to reduce  amounts or charges owed under Leases for any period in
         which  Seller is  entitled  to receive a share of  charges or  amounts,
         without first  obtaining  Seller's  written  consent.  During the first
         twelve  months  after the  Closing,  Seller shall have and reserves the
         right to pursue any remedy against any tenant owing Delinquent  Amounts
         provided  that (i)  Seller  shall  notify  Purchaser  of its  intent to
         institute any legal  proceeding  relating  thereto not less than thirty
         (30) days  prior to the  institution  thereof,  (ii)  Seller  shall not
         institute any legal  proceedings  for collection of Delinquent  Amounts
         prior to the  expiration  of ninety (90) days  following  the  Closing,
         (iii) Seller shall in no event  institute  any  proceeding  to evict or
         dispossess  a tenant from the  Property  and (iv) Seller shall not take
         any action  which would limit  Purchaser's  rights to pursue any remedy
         Purchaser may have for a default under any Space Lease.  Purchaser may,
         by  written  notice to Seller  within  twenty  (20) days of  receipt of
         Seller's  notice,  restrict  Seller  from  collecting  such  Delinquent
         Amounts,  but only if  Purchaser  first  pays  Seller  such  Delinquent
         Amounts in exchange  for  Seller's  assignment  to  Purchaser of all of
         Seller's rights and causes of action with respect thereto. With respect
         to Delinquent  Amounts owed by tenants who are no longer tenants of the
         Property as of the Closing,  Seller  shall  retain all rights  relating

                           (i) Service Contract Charges. Amounts due and payable
         under any Service  Contract  assigned to Purchaser shall be prorated as
         of the Closing, and, at the Closing,  Seller or Purchaser,  as the case
         may be, shall pay to the other any amount  required as a result of such
         adjustment,  and this covenant  shall not merge with the deed delivered
         hereunder but shall survive the Closing.

                           (j)  Closing  Costs.  Seller  will pay  for:  (i) any
         recording  fees  necessary  to remove of record any  monetary  liens or
         encumbrances  required hereunder to be paid by Seller; (ii) one-half of
         any closing or escrow fees charged by Escrow Agent;  and (iii) the fees
         of Seller's attorneys, if any. Purchaser will pay for: (i) all costs of
         conducting  its  investigation  of the  Property;  (ii) the premium for
         Purchaser's or its lender's title insurance policy;  (iii) the cost, if
         any,  charged by the Title Company to make  Purchaser's or its lender's
         title policy "extended coverage" or to delete the "standard exceptions"
         therefrom  and the  costs  of any  special  endorsements  requested  by
         Purchaser or its lender;  (iv) all recording  fees in addition to those
         required  to be paid by Seller;  (v)  one-half of any closing or escrow
         fees charged by Escrow Agent;  (vi) the fees of Purchaser's  attorneys,
         if any; and (vii) any local or state transfer or sales taxes, including
         the deed tax.  Except as aforesaid,  any other fees or charges shall be
         paid by the  party who  would  otherwise  be  responsible  therefor  in
         accordance with the customs and practices in Ramsey County, Minnesota.

               (k) Survival.  Unless otherwise  expressly provided herein,  this
          Section 11 shall --------  survive until the first  anniversary of the


                           (a) Seller's  Default.  Except if due to  Purchaser's
         default or a  termination  of this  Agreement  by  Purchaser  or Seller
         pursuant to a right to do so under the provisions  hereof, in the event
         that Seller shall fail to  consummate  this  Agreement  for any reason,
         Purchaser,  as its sole and exclusive remedy,  may either (i) terminate
         this  Agreement  by  giving  written  notice of  termination  to Seller
         whereupon  Escrow Agent will return the Deposit to  Purchaser  and both
         Purchaser  and Seller will be relieved  of any further  obligations  or
         liabilities  hereunder,  except for those  obligations  which expressly
         survive any  termination  hereof;  or (ii)  Purchaser may seek specific
         performance  of this  Agreement,  but Purchaser will not be entitled to
         damages and hereby waives all claims therefor;  provided, however, that
         if  Purchaser is denied the remedy of specific  performance  by a final
         and nonappealable judgment,  Purchaser will be entitled to seek damages
         in an amount not to exceed the Cap (as defined in Section  16).  Except
         as expressly  provided  above,  Seller shall not be liable to Purchaser
         for any further actual, punitive,  speculative or consequential damages
         or any other remedy at law or in equity.  In addition,  Purchaser shall
         look solely to Seller's  estate and  interest in the  Property  (or the
         proceeds  thereof) for the  collection of a judgment or other  judicial
         process requiring the payment of money by Seller in connection with any
         claim arising under this Agreement,  and in no event  whatsoever  shall
         Purchaser  look for  recourse  to any of Seller's  other  assets or the
         assets of any of Seller's constituent partners, agents or affiliates or
         any of their  respective  successors and assigns in connection with any

         breach or alleged  breach of any  representation,  warranty or covenant
         hereunder  or under any other  document  or  certificate  delivered  in
         connection herewith.

                           (b) Purchaser's  Default. In the event that Purchaser
         shall fail to consummate this Agreement for any reason, except Seller's
         default or the  termination  of this  Agreement  by Purchaser or Seller
         pursuant to a right to do so under the provisions hereof,  then Seller,
         as its sole and exclusive  remedy under this  Agreement,  may terminate
         this  Agreement by  notifying  Purchaser  and Escrow Agent  thereof and
         shall receive the Deposit as  liquidated  damages and not as a penalty.
         The  parties  agree that  Seller  will  suffer  damages in the event of
         Purchaser's  default on its  obligations.  Although  the amount of such
         damages at this time is  difficult  or  impossible  to  determine,  the
         parties  agree that the amount of the Deposit is a reasonable  estimate
         of  Seller's  loss in the  event  of  Purchaser's  default  under  this
         Agreement.  Thus,  Seller  shall  accept  and  retain  the  Deposit  as
         liquidated damages but not as a penalty.  Such liquidated damages shall
         constitute  Seller's sole and exclusive remedy for Purchaser's  failure
         to consummate this Agreement.

                           (c)  Post-Closing   Defaults.   Notwithstanding   the
         provisions of Sections  12(a) and (b) above,  if after  termination  of
         this  Agreement  or the  Closing,  as the  case  may be,  a party  (the
         "Defaulting  Party")  breaches an obligation under this Agreement which
         is expressly stated to survive the termination of this Agreement or the
         Closing,  as the case may be, the  Defaulting  Party shall be liable to
         the other party (the  "Non-Defaulting  Party")  for the actual  damages
         incurred by the Non-Defaulting Party as a direct result of such breach.
         In no event shall the Non-Defaulting  Party be entitled to recover from
         the  Defaulting  Party  any  punitive,   consequential  or  speculative

         .........13.......Real Estate Commissions.

               .........Each  party hereto  represents  to the other that it has
          not authorized any broker or finder to act on its behalf in connection
          with the sale and purchase hereunder,  except C.B. Richard Ellis, Inc.
          (the  "Broker"),  and that such party has not dealt with any broker or
          finder  purporting  to act on behalf of any other  party.  Each  party
          hereto  agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the other party from and
          against any and all losses,  liens,  claims,  judgments,  liabilities,
          costs,  expenses or damages (including  reasonable attorneys' fees and
          disbursements and court costs) of any kind or character arising out of
          or resulting from any agreement,  arrangement or understanding alleged
          to have been made or dealing  by such party or on its behalf  with any
          broker or finder in connection  with this Agreement or the transaction
          contemplated  hereby,  other than the Broker.  Purchaser shall pay any
          commission or fee due to the Broker pursuant to a separate agreement.


         .........Any  notice required hereunder shall be given in writing (by a
party or by such party's attorney), sent by (a) personal delivery, (b) overnight
delivery  service  with proof of delivery,  (c) United  States  Postal  Service,
postage prepaid,  registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, or (d)
telecopy  (provided that such telecopy is confirmed by  simultaneous  sending by

one of the other means  provided  for  notice),  except as  otherwise  expressly
provided in this Agreement, addressed as follows:

         .........If to Seller:

                           PHL-OPCO, LP c/o Beta West, Ltd.
                           1050 Seventeenth Street, Suite 1000
                           Denver, Colorado 80265
                           Attention:  Stephanie Lawrence
                           Telephone:  (303) 893-7087
                           Telecopy:  (303) 893-7001

                  with a copy to:

                           Otten, Johnson, Robinson, Neff & Ragonetti, P.C.
                           950 Seventeenth Street, Suite 1600
                           Denver, Colorado 80202
                           Attention:  John D. Sternberg
                           Telephone:  (303) 575-7505
                           Telecopy:  (303) 825-6525

                  If to Purchaser:

                           Medtox Laboratories, Inc.
                           402 West County Road D
                           Saint Paul, Minnesota 55112
                           Attention:  James Lockhart, Chief Financial Officer
                           Telephone:  (651) 286-6225
                           Telecopy:  (651) 286-6299

                  with a copy to:

                           Fredrikson & Byron
                           1100 International Centre
                           900 2nd Avenue South
                           Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402
                           Attention:  Paul B. Jones
                           Telephone:  (612) 347-7000
                           Telecopy:  (612) 347-7077

                           If to Escrow Agent:

                           Chicago Title Insurance Company
                           222 South 9th Avenue, Suite 3250
                           Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402
                           Attention:  John Haley
                           Telephone:  (612) 339-5370
                           Telecopy:  (612) 337-0331
                           Order No. _______________

Any such notice shall be deemed to have been given and received  either,  in the
case of  personal  delivery,  at the time of personal  delivery,  in the case of
delivery service,  as of the date of the first attempted delivery at the address
and in the manner provided herein, in the case of mailing,  three (3) days after
depositing  with the U.S.  Postal  Service,  or in the  case of  telecopy,  upon
transmission;  provided,  however,  that if the last date  permitted  for notice
shall be the business  day before the Closing or the  Closing,  then such notice
must be given so that it is actually received on such day.


         .........Purchaser  may not  assign  its  interest  in  this  Agreement
without obtaining the prior written consent of Seller,  provided,  however, that
Purchaser  may assign its  interest  in this  Agreement  to any entity  which is
controlled  directly or  indirectly by Purchaser so long as Seller is advised of
such  assignment  not less than seven (7)  business  days prior to the  Closing,
accompanied by satisfactory  evidence of such control.  Purchaser  hereby agrees
that any assignment by Purchaser in  contravention  of this  provision  shall be
void ab initio and shall not relieve  Purchaser  of any of its  obligations  and
liabilities hereunder.

         .........16.......Representations of Seller.

               .........Seller  represents and warrants to Purchaser that, as of
               the date hereof and on the Closing Date:

                           (a) Seller is a limited  partnership  duly formed and
         validly  existing  under the laws of the State of Delaware.  Seller has
         the full right, power and authority to enter into this Agreement and to
         perform Seller's obligations hereunder.

                           (b) This Agreement and all other  documents  executed
         and delivered by Seller prior to or at Closing in connection  therewith
         (i) have been, or shall be, duly authorized, executed, and delivered by
         Seller; (ii) are, or shall be, binding obligations of Seller;  (iii) do
         not, and shall not, violate the formation documents of Seller.

                           (c) No filing or  petition  under the  United  States
         Bankruptcy Law or any insolvency  laws, or any laws for  composition of
         indebtedness or for the  reorganization  of debtors has been filed with
         regard to Seller.

                           (d) Seller has not  granted,  other than to Purchaser
         and other than as may be set forth in the Space Leases, any outstanding
         option,  right of first  refusal or any other right with respect to the
         purchase of all or any portion of the Property.

                           (e) To Seller's actual knowledge, except as set forth
         in  any  documents   delivered  to  Purchaser   (including   the  Title
         Commitment),  Seller has not received any written notice of any pending
         or threatened condemnation actions against the Property.

                           (f) To Seller's actual  knowledge,  the copies of the
         Space  Leases,  Service  Contracts,  and the  environmental  assessment
         reports  delivered  by  Seller to  Purchaser  are  true,  accurate  and
         complete copies of the documents in Seller's possession that purport to
         be  the  Space  Leases,   Service  Contracts  and  such   environmental
         assessment reports.

                           (g) To Seller's actual knowledge, except as set forth
         in  any  documents   delivered  to  Purchaser   (including   the  Title
         Commitment),  Seller has not  received  written  notice of any  action,
         suit,   arbitration,   unsatisfied  order  or  judgment,   governmental
         investigation or proceeding  pending against Seller which, if adversely
         determined, could individually or in the aggregate materially interfere
         with  the   consummation  of  the  transaction   contemplated  by  this

          (h) To Seller's actual knowledge, except as set forth in any documents
          delivered  to  Purchaser,  Seller  does not know of any "Wells" on the
          Property   within  the   meaning   of  Minn.   Stat.ss.   103I.   This
          representation  is  intended  to  satisfy  the  requirements  of  that

               (i) To  Seller's  actual  knowledge,  except  as set forth in any
          documents  delivered to Purchaser,  no "above ground storage tanks" or
          "underground tanks" (within the meaning of Minn. Stat. ss. 116.46) are
          located in or about the Property,  or have been located  under,  in or
          about the Property and have subsequently been removed or filled.

               (j) Solely for purposes of satisfying the  requirements  of Minn.
          Stat.ss.  115.55,  there is no "individual  sewage  treatment  system"
          (within the meaning of that statute) on or serving the Property.

                           (k) To Seller's actual  knowledge,  (i) the Rent Roll
         is true and accurate and includes all of the leases currently in effect
         demising space with the  Improvements;  and (ii) no one is in occupancy
         of the  Improvements  other than those  tenants shown on the Rent Roll.
         For purposes of the foregoing representation, persons holding easements
         or similar interests pursuant to any of the Permitted Encumbrances will
         not be deemed "in occupancy" of the  Improvements.  Further,  if any of
         the estoppel certificates signed by the tenants under the Spaces Leases
         and  delivered to Purchaser  prior to Closing  pursuant to Section 6(e)
         above contain any  information or statement that is  inconsistent  with
         the Rent Roll and if Purchaser waives any right it may have as a result
         thereof  to  terminate   this  Agreement  and  proceeds  to  close  the
         transaction  contemplated  hereby,  then for purposes of the  foregoing
         representation  the  Rent  Roll  will  be  deemed  modified  so  as  to

         incorporate any such inconsistent  information or statement and to omit
         any matter that is  inconsistent  with the  information or statement so

         .........As used herein, the expression "to the knowledge of Seller" or
"to  Seller's  actual  knowledge,"  or  words of  similar  import,  shall  refer
exclusively to matters within the current,  actual, conscious knowledge of Brian
Roach, after inquiry of Seller's property manager of the Property (Rob Loftus of
United  Properties,  LLC),  and shall not be  construed to impose upon Seller or
such  person any duty  (other  than such  inquiry of such  property  manager) to
investigate the matter to which such actual  knowledge,  or the absence thereof,
pertains or impose upon such person or Seller's  property  manager any liability
or personal responsibility whatsoever hereunder.  Seller represents to Purchaser
that Brian  Roach is the  employee of Seller's  asset  manager  with the primary
responsibility for the matters which are the subject of the  representations and
warranties set forth in this Agreement.

         .........At  Closing,  Seller will deliver to Purchaser the certificate
described in Section 10(m)  pursuant to which Seller will reaffirm the foregoing
representations  and  warranties  as of the date of Closing,  provided that such
certificate  may reflect any changes to such  representations  and warranties of
which  Seller  has  become  aware  prior to  Closing.  In the  event  that  such
certificate indicates any material changes to the foregoing  representations and
warranties,  Seller will not be deemed in default hereunder and Purchaser's sole
remedy will be to terminate  this Agreement  whereupon  Escrow Agent will return
the  Deposit to  Purchaser  and both  parties  will be  relieved  of any further
obligations hereunder,  except for those obligations which expressly survive any
termination hereof. In the event such certificate does indicate any such changes
and Purchaser does not elect to terminate this  Agreement,  the  representations
and warranties made by Seller to Purchaser  pursuant to this Agreement as of the
date of Closing  will be deemed made  subject to any such  changes  reflected in
such certificate.

         .........The  representations and warranties  contained in this Section
16 shall  survive  the  Closing  for two  hundred  seventy  (270) days after the
Closing. No claim for a breach of any representation or warranty of Seller shall
be actionable or payable if the breach in question results from or is based on a
condition,  state of facts or other matter which was known to Purchaser prior to
Closing.  Except for the representation and warranty set forth in Section 16(j),
Seller shall have no liability to Purchaser  for a breach of any  representation
or  warranty:  (i) unless the valid  claims for all such  breaches  collectively
aggregate more than TWENTY-FIVE  THOUSAND DOLLARS ($25,000),  in which event the
full  amount  of  such  valid  claims  shall  be  actionable,  up to the Cap (as
hereinafter defined), and (ii) unless written notice containing a description of
the specific  nature of such breach shall have been given by Purchaser to Seller
within two hundred  seventy (270) days after the Closing.  Any suit by Purchaser
for any breach by Seller of any  representation,  warranty or covenant contained
herein  must be filed on or before  one (1) year  after the  Closing or shall be
forever  barred.  As used herein,  the term "Cap" shall mean the total aggregate

         .........17.......Representations of Purchaser.

               .........Purchaser  represents and warrants to Seller that, as of
          the date hereof and on the Closing Date:

                           (a)  Purchaser  is  a  corporation  duly  formed  and
         validly existing under the laws of the State of Delaware. Purchaser has
         the full right, power and authority to enter into this Agreement and to
         perform Purchaser's obligations hereunder.

                           (b) This Agreement and all other  documents  executed
         and  delivered  by  Purchaser  prior  to or at  Closing  in  connection
         therewith (i) have been, or shall be, duly  authorized,  executed,  and
         delivered by Purchaser;  (ii) are, or shall be, binding  obligations of
         Purchaser; (iii) do not, and shall not, violate the formation documents
         of Purchaser.

                           (c)   Purchaser  is  an   experienced   investor  and
         Purchaser  shall  purchase  the  Property  on  the  basis  of  its  own
         independent  investigation  of the  Property  and shall not rely on any
         projections provided by Seller or Seller's agents.

                           (d) No filing or  petition  under the  United  States
         Bankruptcy Law or any insolvency  laws, or any laws for  composition of
         indebtedness or for the  reorganization  of debtors has been filed with
         regard to Purchaser.

               (e) Purchaser's taxpayer identification number is 52-1130579.

                           (f)  Neither  Purchaser  nor  any of its  constituent
         partners,  members or  shareholders  is  acquiring  the Property or any
         interest therein with the "plan assets" of any "employee  benefit plan"
         (or its  related  trust),  as defined in Section  3(3) of the  Employee
         Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended,  or with the assets
         of any "plan" (or its related trust), as defined in Section  4975(e)(1)
         of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

The  representations  and warranties  contained in this Section 17 shall survive
the Closing.

         .........18.......No Representations; "As Is" Purchase.

         .........Except  as expressly  set forth herein or called for herein or
called for in any of the instruments  attached as exhibits hereto,  SELLER MAKES
NO WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS  of any kind or character,  express or implied,
with  respect to the  Property,  its  physical  condition,  income to be derived
therefrom or expenses to be incurred  with respect  thereto,  or with respect to
information  or  documents  previously  furnished  to  Purchaser or furnished to
Purchaser pursuant to this Agreement, or with respect to Seller's obligations or
any other matter or thing  relating to or affecting  the same,  and there are no
oral agreements,  warranties or  representations  collateral to or affecting the
Property except as may otherwise be expressly set forth herein.  Notwithstanding
anything  contained  herein to the  contrary,  this  Section  shall  survive the
Closing or any termination of this Agreement.





         .........19.......Attorney's Fees and Legal Expenses.

         .........In the event that either party hereto institutes any action or
proceeding in court to enforce or interpret any provision  hereof or for damages
by reason of any alleged  breach of any  provision of this  Agreement or for any
other judicial  remedy,  the prevailing  party shall be entitled to receive from
the losing party all reasonable  attorneys' fees and disbursements and all court
costs in connection with said proceedings.

         .........20.......Section Headings; Other Terms.

               .........The section headings contained in this Agreement are for
          convenience  only and  shall in no way  enlarge  or limit the scope or
          meaning  of the  various  and  several  paragraphs  hereof.  The words
          "herein,"  "hereof,"  "hereto,"  "hereunder,"  and  others of  similar
          import  refer to the  Agreement  as a whole and not to any  particular
          section,  subsection  or  clause  contained  in  this  Agreement.  The
          singular  of a term shall  include  the  plural  and the plural  shall
          include the singular.  The terms  "includes" and  "including"  are not


         .........Although  this  Agreement  was  drafted by counsel for Seller,
such fact shall not result in any provision of this  Agreement  being  construed
against Seller by reason of Seller having drafted this Agreement.

         .........22.......Entire Agreement.

               .........This Agreement embodies the entire agreement between the
          parties hereto and supersedes any prior  understandings  or written or
          oral agreements between the parties concerning the Property.  Further,
          this  Agreement  cannot  be  varied,  modified,  amended,  altered  or
          terminated except by the written agreement of the parties.


         .........The  terms and provisions of this  Agreement  shall be binding
upon and  inure to the  benefit  of the  parties  hereto  and  their  respective
permitted successors and assigns, except as expressly set forth herein.

         .........24.......Reporting of Foreign Investment.

         .........Seller  and  Purchaser  agree  to  comply  with  any  and  all
reporting requirements applicable to this transaction which are set forth in any
law,  statute,  ordinance,  rule,  regulation,  order  or  determination  of any
governmental  authority,  including The  International  Investment Survey Act of
1976, The Agricultural  Foreign  Investment  Disclosure Act of 1978, The Foreign
Investment in Real Property Tax Act of 1980 and the Tax Reform Act of 1984,  and
further agree upon request of one party to furnish the other party with evidence
of such compliance.


               .........All exhibits and schedules described herein and attached
          hereto are fully  incorporated  into this  Agreement by this reference
          for all purposes.

         .........26.......Applicable Law.

               .........This  Agreement  shall be construed and  interpreted  in
          accordance  with the internal  laws of the State of Minnesota  without
          regard to principles of conflict of law.


         .........Seller  and Purchaser  hereby  covenant and agree that, at all
times after the date hereof and prior to the  Closing,  unless  consented  to in
writing  by the  other  party,  no  press  release  or other  public  disclosure
concerning this transaction shall be made, and each party agrees to use its best
efforts to prevent disclosure of this transaction,  other than (a) to agents and
affiliates  of the parties who are involved in the  ordinary  course of business
with this transaction and prospective  investors and lenders, all of which shall
be  instructed  to  comply  with the  nondisclosure  provisions  hereof;  (b) in
response to lawful process or subpoena or other valid or enforceable  order of a
court  of  competent  jurisdiction;  and (c) in any  filings  with  governmental
authorities  required by reason of the  transactions  provided  for herein or if
required as a result of Purchaser's status as a publicly held company. Purchaser
hereby  covenants  and agrees  that,  at all times  after the date of  execution
hereof  and prior to the  Closing,  unless  consented  to in  writing by Seller,
Purchaser shall keep in strict confidence,  and shall not disclose, the contents
of, or Purchaser's analysis of the contents of, any documentation made available
to  Purchaser  by  Seller or any of  Seller's  agents  in  connection  with this
transaction,  and the content of any appraisal,  engineering,  environmental  or
other  third  party  report  prepared  on behalf of  Purchaser,  subject  to the
qualifications  set forth in  subsections  (a),  (b),  and (c) in the  preceding

         .........28.......Tax Reduction Proceedings.

         .........Seller  may  file  and/or  prosecute  an  application  for the
reduction of the assessed  valuation of the Property or any portion  thereof for
real estate taxes payable in 2001 (the  "Apportionment Tax Year").  Seller shall
have the right to  withdraw,  settle or  otherwise  compromise  any  protest  or
reduction  proceeding  affecting real estate taxes assessed against the Property
(i) for the Apportionment Tax Year provided  Purchaser shall have consented with
respect thereto, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed and
(ii)  for all or any part of any tax year  prior to the  Apportionment  Tax Year

without the prior written  consent of  Purchaser.  The amount of any tax refunds
(net of  attorneys'  fees and other costs of obtaining  such tax  refunds)  with
respect to any portion of the Property for the  Apportionment  Tax Year shall be
apportioned between Seller and Purchaser as of the Closing. If, in lieu of a tax
refund, a tax credit is received with respect to any portion of the Property for
the  Apportionment  Tax Year,  then (x) within thirty (30) days after receipt by
Seller or  Purchaser,  as the case may be, of evidence  of the actual  amount of
such tax credit (net of  attorneys'  fees and other costs of obtaining  such tax
credit),  the tax credit  apportionment  shall be readjusted  between Seller and
Purchaser,  and (y) upon realization by Purchaser of a tax savings on account of
such  credit  (that is, at the time the tax savings is  actually  realized,  for
example,  when the taxes are paid to which the credit relates),  Purchaser shall
pay to Seller an amount  equal to the savings  realized  (as  apportioned).  All
refunds,  credits  and other  benefits  applicable  to any tax year (or  portion
thereof) prior to the  Apportionment Tax Year shall belong solely to Seller (and
Purchaser  shall have no  interest  therein)  and,  if the same shall be paid to
Seller  within  thirty (30) days  following  receipt  thereof and, if not timely
paid, with interest thereon from the thirtieth (30th) day following such receipt
until  paid to  Seller  at a rate  equal to the rate of  interest  announced  by
Citibank,  N.A. from time to time as its base rate plus three percent (3%).  The
provisions of this Section 28 shall survive the Closing.


         .........This  Agreement  may be  executed  in  counterparts,  all such
executed counterparts shall constitute the same agreement,  and the signature of
any party to any counterpart shall be deemed a signature to, and may be appended
to, any other counterpart.

         .........30.......Facsimile Signatures.

         .........In  order to expedite  the  transaction  contemplated  herein,
telecopied  signatures  may be used in  place  of  original  signatures  on this
Agreement.  Seller and  Purchaser  intend to be bound by the  signatures  on the
telecopied  document,  and are  aware  that the  other  party  will  rely on the
telecopied  signatures,  and hereby waive any defenses to the enforcement of the
terms  of this  Agreement  based  upon  the  form of  signature.  If  telecopied
signatures  are  delivered,  Seller and  Purchaser  will each  forward  original
counterpart  signatures to the other  promptly  after delivery of the telecopied
signatures as set forth herein.

         .........31.......No Offer.

         .........The  submission of this Agreement to Purchaser  shall and does
not  constitute an option or offer to sell the Property to  Purchaser,  it being
intended that this Agreement shall not be enforceable unless and until such time
as each of  Purchaser,  Seller and Escrow Agent shall have fully  executed  this
Agreement and a copy of such fully executed  Agreement  shall have been given to
each of Purchaser, Seller and Escrow Agent.

         .........32.......Business Day.

         .........As  used herein,  the term "business day" shall mean all days,
excluding  Saturdays,  Sundays and all days  observed by either the State of New
York or the Federal Government as legal holidays. In the event that any date for
performance  falls on a day other than a business day, then performance shall be
postponed until the next business day.

         .........33.......Strict Performance.

               .........It is specifically  agreed that "time is of the essence"
          as to all matters provided for in this Agreement.

         .........34.......Non-Solicitation of Employees.

                           (a) For a period of one (1) year  after the  Closing,
         Purchaser  shall  not,  and shall use its best  efforts  to cause  each
         business or entity with which it is or shall employ or associate in any
         capacity,  not to solicit for  employment,  employ or engage any person
         who is  then,  or who  was  at any  time  during  the  period  of  this
         Agreement,   employed  or  engaged  by  BetaWest,   Ltd.  ("BetaWest"),
         including  but not limited to the  employee(s)  set forth in Section 16
         hereof,  or any affiliate of BetaWest,  except such BetaWest  employees
         which are  employed  exclusively  on-site  at the  Property  and not at
         BetaWest's corporate offices in Denver, Colorado or elsewhere.

                           (b)  Purchaser   acknowledges  and  agrees  that  the
         covenants  and  obligations  contained  in this  Section  34  relate to
         special, unique, extraordinary and sensitive matters and are reasonable
         and necessary to protect the legitimate  interests of Seller,  BetaWest
         and their respective affiliates,  and that a breach of any of the terms
         of such  covenants  and  obligations  will cause  Seller  and  BetaWest
         irreparable   injury  for  which  adequate  remedies  at  law  are  not
         available.  Therefore,  Purchaser agrees that,  before any trial of the
         merits,  Seller  and  BetaWest  shall  be  entitled  to an  injunction,
         restraining order or other equitable relief from any court of competent
         jurisdiction restraining Purchaser from any such breach.

               (c) The  representations  and covenants set forth in this Section
          34 shall survive the Closing.

          .........IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  this Agreement is executed in multiple
          originals by Seller and Purchaser.


                          PHL-OPCO, LP, a Delaware limited partnership

                         By: PHL-GP, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company,
its general partner
                         By: PHL-HOLDCO, LLC, a Delaware
liability company, its managing member

Date: January 5, 2001......    By:        /s/ Laura L. Hahn
      ---------------                   --------------------------------------
         ..................    Name:    Laura L. Hahn
         ..................    Title:   Authorized Agent


                                   MEDTOX LABORATORIES, INC., a Delaware

Date:  01/02, 2001.........     By:        /s/ James Lockhart
      ------------                       --------------------------------------
         ..................     Name:    James Lockhart
         ..................     Title:   CFO



By:        /s/ illegible...

Date:    January 9, 2001

                                    Exhibit A

                          LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE LAND

New Brighton I:

That part of the  North  489.9  feet of the South  846.84  feet of  Section  32,
Township 30 North, Range 23 West of the 4th Principal  Meridian,  lying westerly
of the  westerly  right-of-way  line  of  U.S.  Interstate  Highway  No.  35W as
described in Final Certificate  Document No. 1695522,  and lying easterly of the
easterly  right-of-way  line of Minnesota  Transfer  Railway Co.,  said property
being a part of Lot 2, Auditor's Subdivision No. 26, Ramsey County, Minnesota.

Together  with the  easements  created by  Declaration  of Easements and Partial
Releases of Mortgages dated as of December 1, 1983,  recorded  January 12, 1984,
as Document No. 2206885.

New Brighton II:


That part of the North  253.16  feet of the South  1100.0  feet of  Section  32,
Township 30 North, Range 23 West of the 4th Principal  Meridian,  lying Westerly
of the  Westerly  Right  of Way  line  of U.S.  Interstate  Highway  No.  35W as
described in Final Certificate  Document No. 1695522,  and lying Easterly of the
Easterly Right of Way line of Minnesota Transfer Railway Co. Said property being
a part of Lot 2, Auditor's Subdivision No. 26, Ramsey County, Minnesota.


That part of Lot 2, Auditor's Subdivision No. 26, Ramsey County, Minnesota lying
Westerly and Southerly of the following described line:

Beginning at a point on the South line of Section 32,  Township 30 North,  Range
23 West,  distant  677.15 feet West of the Southeast  corner of said Section 32;
thence run  Northeasterly  at an angle of 82 degrees 22 minutes 53 seconds  with
said South Section line 1233.54 feet;  thence run  Northwesterly at right angles
500 feet and terminating, except the Southerly 1100 feet of said Section 32, and
except the Easterly 168 feet thereof;  subject to United States Pipe Line Tract,
said  tract  being 33 feet in width  the  centerline  of which is  described  as

Beginning  at a point  on the  Easterly  line of said  Section  32,  867.2  feet
Southerly of the Northeast  corner of the Southeast  Quarter of said Section 32;
thence South 57 degrees 31 minutes West,  1147.7 feet,  more or less, to a point
on the  Easterly  right  of way  line,  Minnesota  Transfer  Railway  and  there
terminating,  said point  being  1118.0 feet due North of the South line of said
Section 32.