Exhibit 10.53
Record and return to:

Principal Life Insurance Company
801 Grand Avenue
Des Moines, IA  50392-1360
Attn:  David L. Graves

                         MORTGAGE AND SECURITY AGREEMENT

                           AN ADJUSTABLE INTEREST RATE


A.  THIS  MORTGAGE  AND  SECURITY  AGREEMENT  (as the same may from time to time
hereafter be modified,  supplemented or amended,  this "Mortgage") is made as of
March 16,  2001,  by and between NEW  BRIGHTON  BUSINESS  CENTER LLC, a Delaware
limited  liability  company,  having its  principal  place of business  and post
office  address at c/o Medtox  Scientific,  Inc.,  402 West  County Road D., St.
Paul,  Minnesota  55112,  Attention:  Chief  Financial  Officer,  as  "Borrower"
("Borrower"  to be construed as  "Borrowers"  if the context so  requires),  and
Principal Life Insurance Company, an Iowa corporation,  having a principal place
of business and post office address c/o Principal Capital Management, LLC at 801
Grand Avenue, Des Moines, Iowa 50392-1450, as "Lender".


B. Borrower is justly  indebted to Lender for money borrowed (the "Loan") in the
original  principal sum of Six Million Two Hundred  Thousand and 00/100  Dollars
($6,200,000.00)  (the "Loan Amount")  evidenced by Borrower's secured promissory
note of even date  herewith,  made  payable and  delivered  to Lender (as may be
modified,  amended,  supplemented,  extended or  consolidated in writing and any
note(s)  issued in exchange  therefor or replacement  thereof) (the "Note"),  in
which Note Borrower  promises to pay to Lender the Loan Amount together with all
accrued and unpaid interest  thereon,  interest  accrued at the Default Rate (if
any),  Late  Charges (if any),  the Make Whole  Premium (if any),  and all other
obligations  and liabilities due or to become due to Lender pursuant to the Loan
Documents and all other amounts,  sums and expenses paid by or payable to Lender
pursuant to the Loan Documents and the Environmental Indemnity (collectively the
"Indebtedness")  until the  Indebtedness  has been paid,  but in any event,  the
unpaid  balance (if any)  remaining  due on the Note shall be due and payable on
April 1,  2011 or such  earlier  date  resulting  from the  acceleration  of the
Indebtedness by Lender (the "Maturity Date").  Capitalized terms used herein and
not otherwise  defined shall have those meanings given to them in the other Loan

C. NOW, THEREFORE,  to secure the payment of the Indebtedness in accordance with
the  terms  and  conditions  of  the  Loan   Documents,   and  all   extensions,
modifications  and renewals  thereof and the  performance  of the  covenants and
agreements  contained  therein,  and also to secure  the  payment of any and all
other Indebtedness, direct or contingent, that may now or hereafter become owing
from  Borrower  to  Lender  in  connection  with  the  Loan  Documents,  and  in
consideration  of the Loan  Amount  in hand  paid,  receipt  of which is  hereby
acknowledged,  Borrower  does  by  these  presents  Mortgage  unto  Lender,  its
successors and assigns  forever,  that certain real estate and all of Borrower's
estate,  right,  title and  interest  therein,  located in the county of Ramsey,
state of Minnesota, more particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto and
made a part  hereof  (the  "Land"),  which  Land,  together  with the  following
described property,  rights and interests, is collectively referred to herein as
the "Premises".

D.  Together  with  Borrower's  interest  as lessor in and to all Leases and all
Rents,  which  are  pledged  primarily  and on a  parity  with  the Land and not

E.  Together  with all and singular  the  tenements,  hereditaments,  easements,
appurtenances,  passages,  waters, water courses, riparian rights, sewer rights,
rights in trade names,  licenses,  permits and contracts,  and all other rights,
liberties  and  privileges  of any kind or character in any way now or hereafter
appertaining to the Land,  including but not limited to, homestead and any other
claim at law or in  equity as well as any  after-acquired  title,  franchise  or
license and the reversion and reversions and remainder and remainders thereof.

F.  Together  with  the  right  in the  case  of  foreclosure  hereunder  of the
encumbered  property for Lender to take and use the name by which the  buildings
and all other  improvements  situated on the Premises are commonly known and the
right to manage and operate the said buildings  under any such name and variants

G.  Together  with all right,  title and  interest  of  Borrower  in any and all
buildings  and  improvements  of every  kind and  description  now or  hereafter
erected or placed on the said Land and all materials  intended for construction,
reconstruction, alteration and repairs of such buildings and improvements now or
hereafter erected thereon, all of which materials shall be deemed to be included
within the Premises  immediately upon the delivery thereof to the Premises,  and
all fixtures now or hereafter  owned by Borrower and attached to or contained in
and used in  connection  with the  Premises  including,  but not limited to, all
machinery, motors, elevators, fittings, radiators, awnings, shades, screens, and
all  plumbing,  heating,  lighting,  ventilating,  refrigerating,  incinerating,
air-conditioning and sprinkler equipment and fixtures and appurtenances thereto;
and all items of furniture,  furnishings,  equipment and personal property owned
by Borrower used or useful in the operation of the Premises; and all renewals or
replacements  of all of the aforesaid  property owned by Borrower or articles in
substitution therefor,  whether or not the same are or shall be attached to said
buildings or improvements in any manner (collectively,  the "Improvements");  it

being  mutually  agreed,  intended and declared that all the aforesaid  property
owned by Borrower  and placed by it on the Land or used in  connection  with the
operation or maintenance of the Premises  shall,  so far as permitted by law, be
deemed  to form a part  and  parcel  of the  Land  and for the  purpose  of this
Mortgage to be Land and covered by this Mortgage,  and as to any of the property
aforesaid  which  does  not  form a part  and  parcel  of the  Land or does  not
constitute a "fixture" (as such term is defined in the Uniform  Commercial Code)
this  Mortgage is hereby deemed to be, as well, a security  agreement  under the
Uniform  Commercial Code for the purpose of creating hereby a security  interest
in such property which Borrower hereby grants to Lender as secured party.

H.  Together  with all right,  title and interest of Borrower,  now or hereafter
acquired, in and to any and all strips and gores of land adjacent to and used in
connection with the Premises and all right, title and interest of Borrower,  now
owned or hereafter acquired, in, to, over and under the ways, streets, sidewalks
and alleys adjoining the Premises.

I.  Together  with all funds now or  hereafter  held by Lender  under any escrow
security  agreement or under any of the terms hereof,  including but not limited
to funds held under the  provisions  of paragraph 5 hereof,  insurance  proceeds
from all insurance policies required to be maintained by Borrower under the Loan
Documents, and all awards, decrees,  proceeds,  settlements or claims for damage
now or hereafter  made to or for the benefit of Borrower by reason of any damage
to,  destruction  of or taking of the Premises or any part thereof,  whether the
same shall be made by reason of the  exercise of the right of eminent  domain or
by condemnation or otherwise (a "Taking").

J. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto the  Lender,  its  successors  and  assigns
forever, for the purposes and uses herein expressed.

K.  Borrower  represents  that it is the  absolute  owner in fee  simple  of the
Premises  described in Exhibit A, which Premises are free and clear of any liens
or encumbrances  except as set out in Exhibit B attached hereto,  and except for
taxes which are not yet due or delinquent.  Borrower  shall forever  warrant and
defend the title to the  Premises  against all claims and demands of all persons
whomsoever  and will on demand execute any  additional  instrument  which may be
required to give Lender a valid  first lien on all of the  Premises,  subject to
the "Permitted Encumbrances" set forth in Exhibit B.

L.  Borrower  further  represents  that (i) the  Premises  is not subject to any
casualty  damage;  (ii)  Borrower  has not  received  any written  notice of any
eminent domain or condemnation  proceeding affecting the Premises;  and (iii) to
the best of Borrower's knowledge,  following due and diligent inquiry, there are
no actions,  suits or proceedings  pending,  completed or threatened  against or
affecting  Borrower  or any person or entity  owning an  interest  (directly  or
indirectly) in Borrower ("Interest Owner(s)") or any property of Borrower or any
Interest Owner in any court or before any arbitrator of any kind or before or by
any  governmental  authority  (whether local,  state,  federal or foreign) that,

individually or in the aggregate,  could  reasonably be expected by Lender to be
materially adverse to the transaction contemplated hereby.


       1.     Borrower shall

               (a) pay each item of  Indebtedness  secured by this Mortgage when
          due according to the terms of the Loan Documents;

               (b) pay a Late Charge on any payment of principal, interest, Make
          Whole Premium or  Indebtedness  which is not paid on or before the due
          date  thereof to cover the  expense  involved  in  handling  such late

               (c)  pay on or  before  the due  date  thereof  any  Indebtedness
          permitted  to be incurred by Borrower  pursuant to the Loan  Documents
          and any other claims which could become a lien on the Premises (unless
          otherwise  specifically  addressed in paragraph 1(e) hereof), and upon
          request  of Lender  exhibit  satisfactory  evidence  of the  discharge

               (d) complete  within a reasonable  time, the  construction of any
          Improvements  now or at any time in process of  construction  upon the

               (e)  manage,  operate  and  maintain  the  Premises  and keep the
          Premises,  including  but not  limited to, the  Improvements,  in good
          condition and repair and free from mechanics'  liens or other liens or
          claims for liens,  provided however,  that Borrower may in good faith,
          with reasonable diligence and upon written Notice to Lender within ten
          (10) days after Borrower has knowledge of such lien or claim,  contest
          the validity or amount of any such lien or claim and defer payment and
          discharge  thereof  during the  pendency of such contest in the manner
          provided by law,  provided  that (i) such  contest may be made without
          the  payment  thereof;  (ii) such  contest  shall  prevent the sale or
          forfeiture  of the  Premises  or any  part  thereof,  or any  interest
          therein,  to satisfy  such lien or claim;  (iii)  Borrower  shall have
          obtained  a bond  over  such  lien or  claim  from a  bonding  company
          acceptable  to Lender  which has the effect of  removing  such lien or
          collection of the claim or lien so contested;  and (iv) Borrower shall
          pay all costs and expenses  incidental  to such  contest;  and further
          provided,  that in the event of a ruling or  adjudication  adverse  to
          Borrower,  Borrower  shall  promptly  pay such  claim  or lien,  shall
          indemnify and hold Lender and the Premises  harmless from any loss for
          damage  arising  from such  contest  and shall  take  whatever  action
          necessary to prevent  sale,  forfeiture or any other loss or damage to
          the Premises or to the Lender;

              (f)   comply,  and use  commercially  reasonable  efforts to cause
                    each lessee or other user of the  Premises  to comply,  with
                    all  requirements  of law and  ordinance,  and all rules and
                    regulations, now or hereafter enacted, by authorities having
                    jurisdiction of the Premises and the use thereof,  including
                    but  not   limited   to  all   covenants,   conditions   and
                    restrictions  of  record  pertaining  to the  Premises,  the
                    Improvements,  and the  use  thereof  (collectively,  "Legal

              (g)   subject to the  provisions  of paragraph 6 hereof,  promptly
                    repair, restore or rebuild any Improvements now or hereafter
                    a part  of the  Premises  which  may  become  damaged  or be
                    destroyed by any cause  whatsoever,  so that upon completion
                    of  the  repair,   restoration   and   rebuilding   of  such
                    Improvements  there will be no liens of any  nature  arising
                    out  of  the  construction  and  the  Premises  will  be  of
                    substantially the same character and quality as it was prior
                    to the damage or destruction;

              (h)   if other than a natural person,  do all things  necessary to
                    preserve  and keep in full force and  effect its  existence,
                    franchises,  rights  and  privileges  under  the laws of the
                    state  of its  formation  and,  if other  than its  state of
                    formation, the state where the Premises is located;

              (i)   do all things  necessary  to preserve and keep in full force
                    and effect  Lender's title insurance  coverage  insuring the
                    lien of this  Mortgage  as a first and prior  lien,  subject
                    only to the Permitted  Encumbrances  stated in Exhibit B and
                    any  other  exceptions  after  the  date  of  this  Mortgage
                    approved in writing by Lender, including without limitation,
                    delivering  to  Lender  not less  than 30 days  prior to the
                    effective  date  of any  rate  adjustment,  modification  or
                    extension  of the Note or any other Loan  Document,  any new
                    policy or endorsement which may be required to assure Lender
                    of such continuing coverage; and

              (j)   execute  any and all  documents  which  may be  required  to
                    perfect the security interest granted by this Mortgage.

       2.     Borrower shall not:

              (a)   make any alteration or addition exceeding  $50,000.00 (other
                    than normal repair and  maintenance)  to (i) the roof or any
                    structural component of any Improvements on the Premises, or
                    (ii)  the  building  operating  systems,  including  but not
                    limited to the mechanical,  electrical,  heating, cooling or
                    ventilation  systems (other than  replacement  with equal or
                    better  quality and  capacity),  without  the prior  written

                    consent of Lender, except such as are required by applicable
                    Legal Requirements;

               (b) remove or demolish any material Improvements,  or any portion
          thereof, which at any time constitutes a part of the Premises;

               (c) cause or permit any change to be made in the  general  use of
          the Premises without Lender's prior written consent;

               (d) initiate any or  acquiesce  to a zoning  reclassification  or
          material  change in zoning  without  Lender's  prior written  consent.
          Borrower shall use all  reasonable  efforts to contest any such zoning
          reclassification or change;

               (e) make or permit  any use of the  Premises  that could with the
          passage of time  result in the  creation  of any right of use,  or any
          claim of adverse  possession or easement on, to or against any part of
          the Premises in favor of any person or entity or the public;

               (f)  allow any of the  following  to occur  (unless  a  Permitted

                    (i) a Transfer of all or any portion of the  Premises or any
               interest in the Premises;

                    (ii)   a Transfer of any  ownership  interest in Borrower or
                           any entity  which owns,  directly or  indirectly,  an
                           interest in  Borrower  at any level of the  ownership
                           structure; or

                   (iii)   in addition to (i) and (ii) above, if the Borrower is
                           a trust or if a trust owns an  interest,  directly or
                           indirectly,  in any entity  which owns an interest in
                           Borrower at any level of the ownership structure, the
                           addition,  deletion or  substitution  of a trustee of
                           such trust.

                    If any of such events  occur,  it shall be null and void and
                    shall   constitute  an  Event  of  Default  under  the  Loan

                    It is understood and agreed that the Indebtedness  evidenced
                    by the Note is  personal to Borrower  and in  accepting  the
                    same  Lender  has  relied  upon  what  it  perceived  as the
                    willingness   and   ability  of   Borrower  to  perform  its
                    obligations  under the Loan Documents and the  Environmental
                    Indemnity  and as lessor  under the Leases of the  Premises.
                    Furthermore,  Lender may consent to a Transfer and expressly
                    waive Borrower's covenants contained in this paragraph 2(f),
                    in writing to Borrower;  however any such consent and waiver

                    shall not constitute any consent or waiver of such covenants
                    as to any Transfer other than that for which the consent and
                    waiver  was   expressly   granted.   Furthermore,   Lender's
                    willingness to consent to any Transfer and waive  Borrower's
                    covenants  contained  in this  paragraph  2(f),  implies  no
                    standard of  reasonableness  in  determining  whether or not
                    such consent shall be granted and the same may be based upon
                    what Lender solely deems to be in its best interest.

                    For  purposes of the Loan  Documents,  the  following  terms
                    shall have the respective meanings set forth below:

                    "Transfer" or  "Transferred"  shall mean with respect to the
                    Premises,  an  interest  in the  Premises,  or an  ownership
                    interest or interest therein:

                         (i) a sale, assignment,  transfer,  conveyance or other
                    disposition (whether voluntary,  involuntary or by operation
                    of law);

                         (ii) the creation,  sufferance or granting of any lien,
                    encumbrance,  security  interest  or  collateral  assignment
                    (whether voluntarily, involuntarily or by operation of law),
                    other  than the lien  hereof,  the  leases  of the  Premises
                    assigned to Lender,  the  Permitted  Encumbrances  and those
                    liens which  Borrower is contesting  in accordance  with the
                    provisions of paragraph 1(e);

                         (iii)  the  issuance  or other  creation  of  ownership
                    interests  in  an  entity;

                         (iv) the  reconstitution  or conversion from one entity
                    to another type of entity; or

                         (v) a  merger,  consolidation,  reorganization  or  any
                    other business combination.

                    "Permitted Transfer" shall mean:

                    (i)    a minor (as  determined  by Lender)  conveyance of an
                           interest  in the  Premises  by  Borrower,  such  as a
                           utility easement,  and for which Lender has given its
                           prior written  consent and imposed such conditions as
                           Lender deems advisable and appropriate;
                    (ii)   a sale, assignment,  transfer or conveyance of all or
                           any  portion of the  Premises  or an  interest in the
                           Premises for which  Borrower has complied with all of
                           the Property Transfer Requirements;
                    (iii)  any of the following Transfers for which Borrower has
                           complied   with   all  of  the   Ownership   Transfer
                           Requirements  as applicable  and Lender has given its
                           prior written  consent (and in  connection  with such
                           consent,  Lender may impose any  conditions it wishes
                           in its  sole  discretion);

                         (A) a sale,  assignment,  transfer, or conveyance of an
                    ownership interest or interest therein;

                         (B)  the  issuance  or  other   creation  of  ownership
                    interests in an entity;

                         (C) the reconstitution or conversion from one entity to
                    another  type of  entity;  or

                         (D) a  merger,  consolidation,  reorganization  or  any
                    other business combination; or

                (iv) transfers of shares in Medtox Scientific, Inc.

                    "Property Transfer Requirements" are all of the following:

                    1.     Prior review and  approval of the proposed  purchaser
                           or other  transferee  and the subject  transaction by
                           Lender,  at Lender's sole  discretion.  Review of the
                           proposed   purchaser  or  other  transferee  and  the
                           subject  transaction shall encompass various factors,
                           including,   but  not   limited   to,  the   proposed
                           purchaser's or other  transferee's  creditworthiness,
                           financial  strength,  and real estate  management and
                           leasing   expertise   as   well   as   the   proposed
                           transaction's  effect on the Premises,  the Borrower,
                           and other security for the Loan;

                    2.     Payment to Lender of an  assumption  fee equal to the
                           greater  of: (a) one  percent  (1%) of the  principal
                           balance  of the Note;  or (b)  $15,000.00;  provided,
                           however,  that Lender will require $15,000.00 of such
                           fee to be paid at the  beginning  of Lender's  review
                           process,  and such sum  shall  be  nonrefundable  and
                           earned  upon  receipt  by Lender  whether  or not the
                           transaction   is   ultimately   completed  or  Lender
                           ultimately  approves the proposed  purchaser or other

                    3.     Receipt,   at  Borrower's   expense,  of  either  (at
                           Lender's  discretion) a new ALTA standard loan policy
                           or an endorsement updating the Lender's existing loan
                           policy in the full amount of the Loan, in form and by
                           an issuer  satisfactory to Lender,  and which insures
                           this  Mortgage  to be a first and prior lien  subject
                           only  to  those   exceptions  which  were  previously
                           approved  by Lender  and  provides  coverage  against
                           usury and mechanic's liens;

                    4. Receipt by Lender of copies of all  relevant  information
                    and  documentation  relating  to or  required  by  Lender in
                    connection  with the  proposed  transfer  including  but not
                    limited to (a) the organizational  documents of the proposed
                    transferee and an opinion of counsel  satisfactory to Lender
                    as to its due  formation,  valid  existence and authority to
                    enter into and carry out the proposed  transaction;  (b) the

                    deeds  or  other   instruments  of  transfer  and  documents
                    relating to the  assignment  and  assumption of Leases;  (c)
                    evidence  of  compliance  with  the  insurance  requirements
                    contained in the Loan  Documents;  and (d)  compliance  with
                    such other closing  requirements as are customarily  imposed
                    by Lender in connection with such transactions;

                    5.     Execution, delivery,  acknowledgment and recordation,
                           as applicable,  of new,  revised  and/or  replacement
                           assumption agreements,  loan modification agreements,
                           indemnification    agreements,     escrow    security
                           agreements,    security    instruments,     financing
                           statements,  UCCs,  new or revised  letters of credit
                           and/or guarantees in form and substance  satisfactory
                           to Lender;

                    6.  Payment  of  outside  counsel  fees  and  costs,   other
                    applicable  professional's fees and costs, taxes,  recording
                    fees and the like,  and any other  fees and costs  incurred;

                    7.  Receipt by Lender of 60 days advance  written  notice of
                    the proposed Transfer in question.

                    "Ownership  Transfer  Requirements"  are all of the Property
                    Transfer  Requirements which Lender deems appropriate in its
                    discretion,  as well as a  reasonable  processing  fee to be
                    determined  by  Lender;  provided,  however,  that  (i) with
                    respect to item 2 of the Property Transfer Requirements, the
                    1% component of the fee shall be prorated (subject, however,
                    to the $15,000 minimum) based on Lender's calculation of the
                    effective percentage interest in Borrower  transferred,  and
                    (ii) item 3 of the Property Transfer  Requirements  shall be
                    required, at Lender's discretion, only in the event of (A) a
                    merger, consolidation,  reorganization or any other business
                    combination,  or (B) a reconstitution or conversion from one
                    entity to another type of entity.

     3. (a) Except as provided in Section 5,  Borrower  shall pay or cause to be
     paid when due and before any  penalty  attaches  or  interest  accrues  all
     general  taxes,  special  taxes,  assessments  (including  assessments  for
     benefits from public works or  improvements  whenever  begun or completed),
     utility  charges,  water  charges,  sewer  service  charges,   common  area
     maintenance  charges,  if any,  vault or space  charges  and all other like
     charges  against or  affecting  the  Premises  or against  any  property or
     equipment  located on the  Premises,  or which  might  become a lien on the
     Premises, and shall, within 10 days following Lender's request,  furnish to
     Lender a duplicate receipt of such payment.  If any such tax, assessment or

     charge may legally be paid in  installments,  Borrower  may, at its option,
     pay such tax, assessment or charge in installments.

     (b) If Borrower  desires to contest any tax,  assessment or charge relating
     to the  Premises,  Borrower  may do so by  paying  the same in full,  under
     protest, in the manner provided by law; provided, however, that

          (i) if contest of any tax,  assessment  or charge may be made  without
          the payment thereof, and

          (ii) such contest shall have the effect of preventing  the  collection
          of the  tax,  assessment  or  charge  so  contested  and  the  sale or
          forfeiture of the Premises or any part thereof or any interest therein
          to satisfy the same,

     then Borrower may in its  discretion  and upon the giving of written notice
     to Lender of its intended  action and upon the furnishing to Lender of such
     security or bond as Lender may require, contest any such tax, assessment or
     charge  in good  faith and in the  manner  provided  by law.  All costs and
     expenses incidental to such contest shall be paid by Borrower. In the event
     of a ruling or  adjudication  adverse to Borrower,  Borrower shall promptly
     pay such tax,  assessment  or charge.  Borrower  shall  indemnify  and save
     harmless the Lender and the Premises  from any loss or damage  arising from
     any such contest and shall, if necessary to prevent sale, forfeiture or any
     other loss or damage to the Premises or to Lender, pay such tax, assessment
     or charge  or take  whatever  action  is  necessary  to  prevent  any sale,
     forfeiture or loss.

     4. (a)  Borrower  shall at all times keep in force (i)  property  insurance
     insuring all  Improvements  which now are or hereafter become a part of the
     Premises  for perils  covered by a causes of  loss-special  form  insurance
     policy  with an  ordinance  or law  coverage  endorsement  containing  both
     replacement cost and agreed amount endorsements or options; (ii) commercial
     general  liability   insurance  naming  Lender  as  an  additional  insured
     protecting  Borrower  and Lender  against  liability  for bodily  injury or
     property   damage   occurring  in,  on  or  adjacent  to  the  Premises  in
     commercially  reasonable  amounts;  (iii) boiler and machinery insurance if
     the  property  has a boiler or is an office  building;  (iv)  rental  value
     insurance for the perils specified herein for one hundred percent (100%) of
     the Rents (including operating expenses, real estate taxes, assessments and
     insurance  costs which are lessee's  liability) for a period of twelve (12)
     months; (v) builders risk insurance during all periods of construction; and
     (vi) insurance  against all other hazards as may be reasonably  required by
     Lender, including, without limitation,  insurance against loss or damage by
     flood and earthquake.

     (b) All insurance shall be in form,  content and amounts approved by Lender
     and written by an insurance  company or companies  rated A, class size X or
     better in the most current issue of Best's  Insurance  Reports and which is
     licensed to do business in the state in which the  Premises are located and
     domiciled in the United States or a governmental  agency or instrumentality
     approved by Lender.  The policies for such  insurance  shall have  attached
     thereto  standard  mortgagee  clauses in favor of and permitting  Lender to
     collect any and all proceeds payable  thereunder and shall include a 30 day
     (except  for  nonpayment  of premium,  in which  case,  a 10 day) notice of
     cancellation  clause in favor of Lender.  All policies or  certificates  of
     insurance shall be delivered to and held by Lender as further  security for
     the payment of the Note and any other  obligations  arising  under the Loan
     Documents,  with evidence of renewal coverage  delivered to Lender at least
     30 days before the expiration date of any policy.  Borrower shall not carry
     separate  insurance,  concurrent  in kind or form and  contributing  in the
     event of loss, with any insurance required in the Loan Documents.

5. (a) Borrower shall deposit with and pay to Lender, on the Closing Date and/or
on each  payment  date  specified  in the Note,  sums  calculated  by Lender for
payment of the following as they become due and payable: (i) the estimated taxes
and assessments assessed or levied against the Premises,  and (ii) the estimated
premiums for  insurance  required by the Loan  Documents,  excluding  commercial
general  liability  insurance.  Lender shall use such deposits to pay the taxes,
assessments  and premiums when the same become due.  Borrower  shall procure and
deliver  to  Lender,  in  advance,  statements  for such  charges.  If the total
payments  made by Borrower  under this  paragraph  exceed the amount of payments
actually  made by Lender for taxes,  assessments  and insurance  premiums,  such
excess  shall  be  credited  by  Lender  on  subsequent  deposits  to be made by
Borrower.  If,  however,  the  deposits  are  insufficient  to  pay  the  taxes,
assessments  and  insurance  premiums  when the same  shall be due and  payable,
Borrower will pay to Lender any amount necessary to make up the deficiency, five
(5) business  days before the date when payment of such taxes,  assessments  and
insurance premiums shall be due. If at any time Borrower shall tender to Lender,
in accordance  with the  provisions of the Note secured by this  Mortgage,  full
payment  of the  entire  Indebtedness  represented  thereby,  Lender  shall,  in
computing the amount of such Indebtedness, credit to the account of Borrower any
balance  remaining  in the  funds  accumulated  and  held by  Lender  under  the
provisions  of this  paragraph.  If there is an Event of Default  resulting in a
public sale of the Premises,  or if Lender otherwise acquires the Premises after
an Event of Default,  Lender shall apply,  at the time of  commencement  of such

proceedings, or at the time the Premises is otherwise acquired, the balance then
remaining in the funds  accumulated  under this paragraph as a credit toward any
delinquent  or accrued  taxes and then in such  priority as Lender elects to the
other Indebtedness.

     (b) Any funds held under this paragraph shall not constitute any deposit or
     account of the  Borrower or moneys to which the  Borrower is entitled  upon
     demand,  or upon the mere passage of time.  Lender shall not be required to
     segregate  such deposits and may hold such deposits in its general  account
     or any other account and may commingle  such deposits with any other moneys
     of Lender or moneys  which  Lender is holding on behalf of any other person
     or entity.

6. In the event of any damage to or  destruction  of the  Premises,  or any part

     (a) Borrower will immediately  notify Lender thereof in the manner provided
     in this  Mortgage  for the giving of notices.  Lender  shall have the right
     (which may be waived by Lender in  writing)  to settle and adjust any claim
     under such insurance policies required to be maintained by Borrower. In all
     circumstances,  the proceeds  thereof shall be paid to Lender and Lender is
     authorized to collect and to give receipts  therefor.  Borrower  agrees and
     acknowledges  that  such  proceeds  shall  be held by  Lender  without  any
     allowance of interest and that in any  bankruptcy  proceeding  of Borrower,
     all such proceeds  shall be deemed to be "Cash  Collateral" as that term is
     defined in Section 363 of the  Bankruptcy  Code.  Provided that no Event of
     Default  exists,  Borrower  shall  have  the  right to  participate  in any
     settlement  or  adjustment;  provided,  however,  that  any  settlement  or
     adjustment  shall be subject to the written  approval of Lender,  not to be
     unreasonably withheld.

     (b) Such  proceeds,  after  deducting  therefrom  any expenses  incurred by
     Lender in the collection  thereof  (including but not limited to reasonable
     attorneys'  fees  and  costs),  shall  be  applied  by  Lender  to pay  the
     Indebtedness  secured hereby  including,  but not limited to the Make Whole
     Premium, whether or not then due and payable, provided, however, that if no
     Event of  Default  exists at the time of such  application,  no Make  Whole
     Premium shall be due.

     Notwithstanding anything hereinabove to the contrary,

                    (i)    in the event the  casualty  occurs  more than six (6)
                           months  prior  to the  Maturity  Date and no Event of
                           Default  exists,  Lender shall apply such proceeds as

                           (A)      If the aggregate  amount of such proceeds is
                                    less  than  $50,000,  Lender  shall pay such
                                    proceeds directly to Borrower, to be held in
                                    trust for Lender and  applied to the cost of
                                    rebuilding and restoring the Premises.

                           (B)      If the  aggregate  amount  of such  proceeds
                                    equals  or  exceeds   $50,000  Lender  shall
                                    disburse  such  amounts of the  proceeds  as
                                    Lender  reasonably  deems  necessary for the
                                    repair  or   replacement  of  the  Premises,
                                    subject  to  the  conditions  set  forth  in
                                    paragraph 6(c) below.

                    (ii)   in the event (x) an Event of Default  exists,  or (y)
                           the  casualty  occurs  during the last six (6) months
                           prior to the Maturity Date and Lender determines that
                           the repair and restoration of such casualty cannot be
                           completed  prior  to the  Maturity  Date,  or (z) the
                           conditions  set forth in paragraph  6(c) are not met,
                           then Lender, in its sole and absolute  discretion may

                           (A)      declare  the  entire   Indebtedness   to  be
                                    immediately  due and  payable  and apply all
                                    such  proceeds  to pay the  Indebtedness  in
                                    such  priority as Lender  elects,  provided,
                                    however,  that if no Event of Default exists
                                    at the  time  of such  application,  no Make
                                    Whole Premium shall be due; or

                           (B)      disburse such proceeds as Lender  reasonably
                                    deems    necessary   for   the   repair   or
                                    replacement of the Premises subject to those
                                    conditions set forth in paragraph 6(c) which
                                    Lender in its sole and  absolute  discretion
                                    may require.

               (c) (i) In the event that Borrower is to be reimbursed out of the
               insurance  proceeds or out of any award or payment  received with
               respect  to a  Taking,  Lender  shall  from  time  to  time  make
               available such proceeds, subject to the following conditions: (a)
               there continues to exist no Event of Default; (b) the delivery to
               Lender  of  satisfactory   evidence  of  the  estimated  cost  of
               completion   of  such  repair  and   restoration   work  and  any
               architect's  certificates,  waivers of lien,  contractor's  sworn
               statements,  and other evidence of cost and of payment and of the
               continued priority of the lien hereof over any potential liens of
               mechanics and materialmen (including,  without limitation,  title
               policy  endorsements) as Lender may require and approve;  (c) the
               time required to complete the repair and restoration work and for
               the income from the  Premises to return to the level it was prior
               to the loss will not  exceed  the  coverage  period of the rental

               value insurance required hereunder;  (d) the annual net operating
               income from all  approved  executed  Leases,  having at least two
               years  remaining  prior to the expiration of their term,  with no
               uncured  defaults,  shall  equal or exceed  1.35 times the annual
               debt  service on the Note,  and Medtox  Laboratories  confirms in
               writing  to Lender  that it will  occupy the  Premises  after the
               restoration is completed,  its lease is in full force and effect,
               and no defaults have occurred and are continuing thereunder;  (e)
               Lender approves the plans and  specifications of such work before
               such work is commenced if the estimated  cost of  rebuilding  and
               restoration  exceeds  25% of the  Indebtedness  or  involves  any
               structural   changes   or   modifications.   If  said  plans  and
               specifications   substantially   comply  with  those   previously
               approved by Lender,  Lender's  approval shall not be unreasonably
               withheld;  (f) if the amount of any insurance proceeds,  award or
               other payment is  insufficient to cover the cost of restoring and
               rebuilding  the Premises,  Borrower shall pay such cost in excess
               of such proceeds, award or other payment before being entitled to
               reimbursement  out of such funds;  (g) Borrower  pays to Lender a
               non-refundable  processing  fee equal to the greater of $5,000.00
               or .25% of the amount of such proceeds  within sixty (60) days of
               the  occurrence  of any such  damage or  destruction  and  before
               Lender  disburses any proceeds;  and (h) such other conditions to
               such  disbursements,   in  Lender's   discretion,   as  would  be
               customarily  required by a construction  lender doing business in
               the area where the  Premises  is  located or which are  otherwise
               required by any rating agency rating a securitization transaction
               with respect to the Loan.

               (ii) No payment made by Lender prior to the final  completion  of
               the repair or restoration work shall,  together with all payments
               theretofore  made,  exceed 90% of the cost of such work performed
               to the time of payment,  and at all times the undisbursed balance
               of said proceeds shall be at least sufficient to pay for the cost
               of  completion  of such  work free and  clear of all  liens.  Any
               proceeds  remaining  after payment of the cost of rebuilding  and
               restoration shall, at the option of Lender, either be (a) applied
               in  reduction  of  the  Indebtedness  secured  hereby,  provided,
               however,  that if no Event of Default  exists at the time of such
               application,  no Make Whole  Premium shall be due, or (b) paid to

               (iii) Repair and  restoration  of the Premises shall be commenced
               promptly after the occurrence of the loss and shall be prosecuted
               to completion  diligently,  and the Premises shall be so restored
               and rebuilt to  substantially  the same  character and quality as

               prior to such damage and  destruction  and shall  comply with all
               building codes and zoning requirements.

               (d) Should such damage or destruction  occur after foreclosure or
               sale proceedings  have been instituted,  the proceeds of any such
               insurance  policy or policies,  if not applied in  rebuilding  or
               restoration  of the  Improvements,  shall  be used to pay (i) the
               Indebtedness  then due and owing in the  event of a  non-judicial
               sale in such priority as Lender elects, or (ii) the amount due in
               accordance with any decree of foreclosure or deficiency  judgment
               that may be entered in connection with such proceedings,  and the
               balance,  if any,  shall be paid to the  owner of the  equity  of
               redemption if he shall then be entitled to the same, or otherwise
               as any court having jurisdiction may direct.

       7.     In the event of the commencement of a Taking affecting the

              (a)   Borrower shall notify Lender thereof in the manner  provided
                    in this  Mortgage  for the  giving of  notices.  Lender  may
                    participate in such  proceeding,  and Borrower shall deliver
                    to Lender  all  documents  requested  by it to  permit  such

              (b)   Borrower  shall  cause  the  proceeds  of any award or other
                    payment made  relating to a Taking,  to be paid  directly to
                    Lender. Lender, in its sole and absolute discretion: (i) may
                    apply  all such  proceeds  to pay the  Indebtedness  in such
                    priority  as Lender  elects,  provided  however,  that if no
                    Event of Default  exists at the time of such  application no
                    Make Whole  Premium  shall be due; or (ii) subject to and in
                    accordance  with the  provisions set forth in paragraph 6(c)
                    above,  may disburse  such amounts of the proceeds as Lender
                    reasonably  deems necessary for the repair or replacement of
                    the Premises.

     8. If by the  laws of the  United  States  of  America  or of any  state or
     governmental  subdivision  having  jurisdiction  over  Borrower  or of  the
     Premises or of the Loan  evidenced by the Loan  Documents or any amendments
     or  modifications  thereof,  any  tax or fee  is due or  becomes  due or is
     imposed upon Lender in respect of the  issuance of the Note hereby  secured
     or the making,  recording and registration of this Mortgage or otherwise in
     connection  with the Loan  Documents,  the  Environmental  Indemnity or the
     Loan, except for Lender's income or franchise tax,  Borrower  covenants and
     agrees to pay such tax or fee in the manner  required  by such law,  and to
     hold harmless and indemnify Lender, its successors and assigns, against any
     liability incurred by reason of the imposition of any such tax or fee.

     9. (a) Upon the  occurrence  of any Event of Default,  Lender may, but need
     not,  make any payment or perform any act herein  required of Borrower,  in

     any form and manner  deemed  expedient  and may, but need not, make full or
     partial  payments of principal or interest on prior  encumbrances,  if any,
     and purchase,  discharge,  compromise or settle any tax lien or other prior
     lien or title or claim  thereof,  or redeem from any tax sale or forfeiture
     affecting said Premises, or contest any tax or assessment.  All moneys paid
     for any of the purposes herein authorized and all reasonable  expenses paid
     or  incurred  in  connection  therewith,  including  but  not  limited  to,
     reasonable  attorneys'  fees and costs and reasonable  attorneys'  fees and
     costs on appeal,  and any other  money  advanced  by Lender to protect  the
     Premises  and the lien  hereof,  shall be so much  additional  Indebtedness
     secured hereby and shall become  immediately due and payable without notice
     and with interest  thereon at the Default Rate from the date of expenditure
     or advance until paid.

     (b)  In  making  any  payment  hereby  authorized   relating  to  taxes  or
     assessments or for the purchase, discharge, compromise or settlement of any
     prior lien, Lender may make such payment  according to any bill,  statement
     or estimate secured from the appropriate public office without inquiry into
     the  accuracy  thereof or into the validity of any tax,  assessment,  sale,
     forfeiture, tax lien or title or claim thereof or without inquiry as to the
     validity or amount of any claim for lien which may be asserted.

10. If one or more of the following events (herein called "Event(s) of Default")
shall have occurred:

     (a) failure to pay when due any principal,  interest, Make Whole Premium or
     other Indebtedness,  utilities,  taxes or assessments or insurance premiums
     required pursuant to the Loan Documents or the Environmental Indemnity, and
     such failure shall have continued for 10 days, provided,  however,  that if
     (i) the default  provided for in this  subparagraph  10(a) is due solely to
     the negligence of Borrower's  bank,  (ii) the amount  necessary to make the
     payment in question  was in the bank  account from which the payment was to
     be made, (iii) Borrower had properly  authorized and instructed its bank to
     make such  payment,  and (iv) payment is made within two  business  days of
     written Notice from Lender,  then there shall be no Event of Default and no
     Late Charges shall be assessed on said payment;  but further  provided that
     in the event two such  Notices  are  given  over the term of the  Mortgage,
     thereafter  an Event of  Default  shall  occur  and Late  Charges  shall be
     assessed both without notice by Lender to Borrower; or

     (b)  Borrower,  Interest  Owner  or any  guarantor  voluntarily  brings  or
     acquiesces to any of the following: (A) any action for dissolution,  act of
     dissolution or  dissolution or the like of Borrower,  Interest Owner or any

     guarantor   under  the  Federal   Bankruptcy   Code  as  now  or  hereafter
     constituted;  (B)  the  filing  of  a  petition  or  answer  proposing  the
     adjudication of Borrower,  Interest Owner or any guarantor as a bankrupt or
     its  reorganization  or  arrangement,  or  any  composition,  readjustment,
     liquidation,  dissolution  or similar relief with respect to it pursuant to
     any present or future  federal or state  bankruptcy  or similar law; or (C)
     the  appointment  by  order  of a  court  of  competent  jurisdiction  of a
     receiver,  trustee or  liquidator of the Premises or any part thereof or of
     Borrower,  Interest Owner or any guarantor or of  substantially  all of the
     assets of Borrower, Interest Owner or any guarantor; or

     (c) one or more of the items set forth in paragraph 10(b) above occur which
     were either not (i) voluntarily brought by Borrower,  Interest Owner or any
     guarantor  or  (ii)  acquiesced  in by  Borrower,  Interest  Owner  or  any
     guarantor,  and which are not discharged or dismissed  within 90 days after
     the action, filing or appointment, as the case may be; or

     With  respect  to the  matters in (b) and (c) above for an  Interest  Owner
     only, no Event of Default shall occur until an interested party or Interest
     Owner  asserts a claim or right against  Borrower or the Premises  which in
     any manner may affect Lender's rights, remedies, or interests granted under
     the Loan Documents (whether or not such assertion is successful).

     (d) with respect to the matters not described in the other subparagraphs of
     this  paragraph  10,  failure  to duly  observe or  perform  any  covenant,
     condition or agreement of the Borrower or any  guarantor  contained in this
     Mortgage,  the Note or the  Assignment of Leases from Borrower to Lender or
     in any other  instrument or agreement  which  evidences or secures the Loan
     (the "Loan Documents"), or in the Environmental Indemnity, and such failure
     shall have  continued for 30 days after Notice  specifying  such failure is
     given by Lender to Borrower; or

     If any  failure  to observe  or  perform  under (d) above  shall be of such
     nature that it cannot be cured or remedied  within 30 days,  Borrower shall
     be entitled to a  reasonable  period of time to cure or remedy such failure
     (not to exceed 90 days following the giving of Notice),  provided  Borrower
     commences the cure or remedy thereof within the 30 day period following the
     giving of Notice and thereafter  proceeds with diligence,  as determined by
     Lender, to complete such cure or remedy.

     (e)  the  failure  of  Borrower  to  duly  observe  or  perform  any of the
     covenants, conditions and agreements of the Borrower contained in paragraph
     2(f) of this Mortgage; or

              (f)   any  representation  made  by  or  on  behalf  of  Borrower,
                    Interest Owner or any guarantor regarding the Premises,  the
                    making  or  delivery  of any of the  Loan  Documents  or the
                    Environmental   Indemnity   or  in  any   material   written
                    information  provided by or on behalf of Borrower,  Interest
                    Owner or any  guarantor  in  connection  with the Loan shall
                    prove to be untrue or inaccurate in any material respect; or

              (g)   the failure of  Borrower to give Notice to Lender  within 60
                    days  after the death of any  individual  who is  personally
                    liable for any  obligation  under the Loan  Documents or the
                    Environmental   Indemnity,   as  Borrower,   indemnitor   or
                    guarantor,  whether or not such  individual had executed the
                    Note or this Mortgage; or

              (h)   subject to the provisions of paragraph  2(f), the failure of
                    Borrower to provide  Lender with an assumption  agreement in
                    form  and   substance   and   executed  by  a  person(s)  or
                    entity(ies)  acceptable to Lender in its sole  discretion to
                    assume the  obligations  of any deceased  individual  who is
                    personally   liable  for  any  obligation   under  the  Loan
                    Documents  or  the  Environmental  Indemnity,  as  Borrower,
                    indemnitor or guarantor,  whether or not such individual had
                    executed the Note or this  Mortgage,  and such failure shall
                    have   continued  for  60  days  after  the  death  of  such

              then, in each and every such case, the whole of said principal sum
              hereby  secured  shall,  at the option of the  Lender and  without
              further  notice to Borrower,  become  immediately  due and payable
              together  with  accrued  interest  thereon,  a Make Whole  Premium
              calculated in accordance with the provisions of the Loan Documents
              and  all  other  Indebtedness,  and  whether  or  not  Lender  has
              exercised  said  option,  interest  shall  accrue  on  the  entire
              principal  balance and any interest or Make Whole Premium or other
              Indebtedness  then due, at the Default Rate until fully paid or if
              Lender has not  exercised  said  option,  for the  duration of any
              Event of Default.

       11.    Borrower  agrees that if Lender  accelerates the whole or any part
              of the  principal  sum hereby  secured,  or applies  any  proceeds
              pursuant to the provisions  hereof,  Borrower  waives any right to
              prepay  the  principal  sum  hereby  secured  in  whole or in part
              without premium and agrees to pay, as yield maintenance protection
              and not as a penalty,  a "Make  Whole  Premium".  However,  in the
              event any  proceeds  from a casualty or Taking of the Premises are
              applied to reduce the  principal  balance  under the Note, no Make
              Whole Premium  shall be due so long as no Event of Default  exists
              at the time of such application.

              The Make Whole Premium shall be the greater of one percent (1%) of
              the  principal  amount to be  prepaid or a premium  calculated  as

              (a)   Determine the "Reinvestment  Yield." The Reinvestment  Yield
                    will be equal to the yield on the applicable* U.S.  Treasury
                    Issue  ("Primary  Issue")**  published one week prior to the
                    date of prepayment  and  converted to an equivalent  monthly
                    compounded nominal yield.

                    **In the event  there is no market  activity  involving  the
                    Primary Issue at the time of prepayment, Lender shall choose
                    a comparable Treasury Bond, Note or Bill ("Secondary Issue")
                    which Lender  reasonably  deems to be similar to the Primary
                    Issue's  characteristics  (i.e.,  rate,  remaining  time  to
                    maturity, yield).

               (b) Calculate the "Present  Value of the  Mortgage."  The Present
               Value of the Mortgage is the present  value of the payments to be
               made in accordance  with the Note (all  installment  payments and
               any  remaining  payment due on the Call Date, or if the Call Date
               has already  passed,  on the  Maturity  Date)  discounted  at the
               Reinvestment  Yield for the number of months  remaining  from the
               date of  prepayment  to the Call  Date,  or if the Call  Date has
               already  passed,  to the Maturity Date. In the event of a partial
               prepayment  as a  result  of the  aforementioned  application  of
               proceeds,  the Present Value of the Mortgage  shall be calculated
               in  accordance  with the  preceding  sentence  multiplied  by the
               fraction  which  results from  dividing the amount of the prepaid
               proceeds  by  the   principal   balance   immediately   prior  to

               (c) Subtract the amount of the prepaid  proceeds from the Present
               Value of the Mortgage as of the date of prepayment. Any resulting
               positive differential shall be the premium.

               As set forth above,  the U.S.  Treasury Issue applicable for each
               prepayment period is as follows:

              Prepayment Period                         U.S. Treasury Issue

              To March 1, 2006                                *
              March 1, 2006 to March 1, 2011                  *

              **At  this  time  there  is not a U.S.  Treasury  Issue  for  this
              prepayment period. At the time of prepayment,  Lender shall select
              in its sole and  absolute  discretion a U.S.  Treasury  Issue with
              similar  remaining  time to the end of the  applicable  prepayment

12. Upon the occurrence of any Event of Default, in addition to any other rights
or remedies  provided  in the Loan  Documents,  at law, in equity or  otherwise,
Lender  shall have the right to  foreclose  the lien  hereof,  and to the extent
permitted  herein and by applicable law to sell the Premises by sale independent
of the foreclosure proceedings. In any suit to foreclose the lien hereof, and in
any sale of the  Premises,  there  shall be allowed and  included as  additional
Indebtedness  payable by Borrower to Lender and secured hereby all  expenditures
and  expenses  which may be paid or  incurred  by or on  behalf  of  Lender  for
attorneys'  fees and  costs,  including  attorneys'  fees and  costs on  appeal,
appraisers'   fees,   expenditures   for   documentary   and  expert   evidence,
stenographer's  charges,   publication  and  advertising  costs,  survey  costs,
environmental  audits  and  costs  (which  may be  estimated  as to  items to be
expended  after the entry of any  decree) of  procuring  all such  abstracts  of
title,  title  searches and  examinations,  title  insurance  policies,  torrens
certificates  and similar  data and  assurances  with respect to title as Lender
deems  reasonably  necessary either to prosecute such suit or to consummate such
sale or to evidence to bidders at any sale the true condition of the title to or
the value of the Premises.

13. The  proceeds  of any  foreclosure  sale,  or other sale of the  Premises in
accordance  with the terms hereof or as permitted by law,  shall be  distributed
and applied in the  following  order of priority:  first,  to the payment of all
costs  and  expenses  incident  to  the  foreclosure  and/or  sale  proceedings,
including all items as are  mentioned in any  preceding or succeeding  paragraph
hereof;  second,  to the payment of all other items which under the terms hereof
constitute secured  Indebtedness in addition to that evidenced by the Note, with
interest  thereon as herein  provided;  third,  to the payment of all principal,
accrued interest  remaining  unpaid on the Note and Make Whole Premium;  fourth,
any surplus to the Borrower or Borrower's successors or assigns, as their rights
may appear.

14.  Following the  occurrence of an Event of Default,  unless the same has been
specifically  waived in writing,  Borrower shall forthwith upon demand of Lender
surrender to Lender possession of the Premises,  and Lender shall be entitled to
take actual possession of the Premises or any part thereof  personally or by its
agents or attorneys, and Lender in its discretion may, with or without force and
with or without  process of law, enter upon and take and maintain  possession of
all or any part of the Premises  together with all  documents,  books,  records,
papers and accounts of the  Borrower or the then owner of the Premises  relating
thereto, and may exclude Borrower,  its agents or assigns wholly therefrom,  and
may as attorney-in-fact  or agent of the Borrower,  or in its own name as Lender
and under the powers herein granted:

          (a) hold, operate, maintain, repair, rebuild, replace, alter, improve,
          manage or  control  the  Premises  as it deems  judicious,  insure and
          reinsure  the same  and any  risks  related  to  Lender's  possession,
          operation  and  management  thereof  and  receive  all  Rents,  either
          personally or by its agents, and with full power to use such measures,
          legal or equitable,  as in its discretion it deems proper or necessary
          to enforce the payment or security of the Rents, including actions for
          the  recovery  of Rent,  actions in forcible  detainer  and actions in
          distress  for  Rents,  hereby  granting  full power and  authority  to
          exercise  each and every of the rights,  privileges  and powers herein
          granted at any and all times  hereafter,  without  notice to Borrower;

          (b)  conduct  leasing  activity  pursuant  to  the  provisions  of the
          Assignment of Leases.

Lender  shall not be  obligated  to  perform  or  discharge,  nor does it hereby
undertake to perform or discharge,  any obligation,  duty or liability under any
Lease.  Should Lender incur any liability,  loss or damage under any Leases,  or
under or by reason of the Assignment of Leases,  or in the defense of any claims
or demands  whatsoever  which may be  asserted  against  Lender by reason of any
alleged  obligations or  undertakings on its part to perform or discharge any of
the terms,  covenants or agreements in any Lease, the amount thereof,  including
costs, expenses and reasonable  attorneys' fees and costs,  including reasonable
attorneys'  fees and costs on  appeal,  shall be added to the  Indebtedness  and
secured hereby.

15. Lender in the exercise of the rights and powers conferred upon it shall have
the full power to use and apply the Rents, less costs and expenses of collection
to the payment of or on account of the items  listed in (a) - (c) below,  at the
election of Lender and in such order as Lender may  determine  unless  otherwise
specifically provided in the Assignment. The manner of the application of Rents,
the  reasonableness of the costs and charges to which such Rents are applied and
the item or items which shall be credited  thereby  shall be within the sole and
unlimited  discretion of Lender unless  otherwise  specifically  provided in the

     (a) to the payment of (i) the expenses of  operating  and  maintaining  the
     Premises,  including,  but not limited to the cost of  management,  leasing
     (which shall  include  reasonable  compensation  to Lender and its agent or
     agents if  management  and/or  leasing is delegated to an agent or agents),
     repairing, rebuilding, replacing, altering and improving the Premises, (ii)
     premiums on insurance as  hereinabove  authorized,  (iii) taxes and special
     assessments  now due or which may hereafter  become due on the Premises and
     (iv)  expenses of placing the Premises in such  condition  as will,  in the
     sole judgment of Lender, make it readily rentable;

          (b)  to  the  payment  of  any   principal,   interest  or  any  other
     Indebtedness  secured  hereby or any  deficiency  which may result from any
     foreclosure sale;

          (c)  to the  payment  of  established  claims  for  damages,  if  any,
     reasonable  attorneys'  fees and costs and reasonable  attorneys'  fees and
     costs on appeal.

     To the extent  that the costs and  expenses  in (a) - (c) above  exceed the
     amounts  collected,  the  excess  shall be added  to the  Indebtedness  and
     secured hereby.

16.  Upon the  occurrence  of any  Event of  Default,  unless  the same has been
specifically   waived  in  writing,   Lender  may  apply  to  any  court  having
jurisdiction for the appointment of a receiver of the Premises. Such appointment
may be made either before or after sale,  without notice,  without regard to the
solvency or insolvency of Borrower at the time of application  for such receiver
and without regard to the then value of the Premises or the adequacy of Lender's
security.  Lender may be appointed  as such  receiver.  The receiver  shall have
power to collect the Rents  during the pendency of any  foreclosure  proceedings
and, in case of a sale, during the full statutory period of redemption,  if any,
as well as during any further times when Borrower,  except for the  intervention
of such  receiver,  would be entitled to collect such Rents.  In  addition,  the
receiver  shall have all other  powers  which shall be necessary or are usual in
such cases for the protection,  possession, control, management and operation of
the Premises  during the whole of said  period.  The court from time to time may
authorize  the  receiver to apply the net income in its  possession  at Lender's
election and in such order as Lender may determine in payment in full or in part
of those items listed in paragraph 15.

17. (a)  Borrower  agrees  that all  reasonable  costs,  charges  and  expenses,
including but not limited to, reasonable  attorneys' fees and costs, incurred or
expended by Lender arising out of or in connection  with any action,  proceeding
or hearing, legal, equitable or quasi-legal,  including the preparation therefor
and any  appeal  therefrom,  in any way  affecting  or  pertaining  to the  Loan
Documents,  the Environmental Indemnity or the Premises,  shall be promptly paid
by Borrower.  All such sums not promptly paid by Borrower  shall be added to the
Indebtedness secured hereby and shall bear interest at the Default Rate from the
date of such advance and shall be due and payable on demand.

(b) Borrower  hereby agrees that upon the  occurrence of an Event of Default and
the  acceleration of the principal sum secured hereby pursuant to this Mortgage,
to the full  extent that such rights can be  lawfully  waived,  Borrower  hereby
waives and agrees not to insist upon, plead, or in any manner take advantage of,
any  notice  of  acceleration,  any  stay,  extension,   exemption,   homestead,

marshaling  or  moratorium  law  or any  law  providing  for  the  valuation  or
appraisement  of all or any  part of the  Premises  prior  to any  sale or sales
thereof  under any  provision  of this  Mortgage  or before or after any decree,
judgment or order of any court or confirmation thereof, or claim or exercise any
right to redeem all or any part of the  Premises  so sold and  hereby  expressly
waives to the full extent  permitted by  applicable  law on behalf of itself and
each and every person or entity acquiring any right,  title or interest in or to
all or any part of the  Premises,  all  benefit and  advantage  of any such laws
which would otherwise be available to Borrower or any such person or entity, and
agrees  that  neither  Borrower  nor any such  person or entity  will  invoke or
utilize any such law to  otherwise  hinder,  delay or impede the exercise of any
remedy  granted or  delegated  to Lender  herein but will permit the exercise of
such  remedy  as  though  any such laws had not been  enacted.  Borrower  hereby
further  expressly  waives to the full extent  permitted  by  applicable  law on
behalf of itself and each and every person or entity acquiring any right,  title
or  interest  in or to all or any part of the  Premises  any and all  rights  of
redemption from any sale or any order or decree of foreclosure obtained pursuant
to provisions of this Mortgage.

18. Borrower  hereby assigns to Lender  directly and absolutely,  and not merely
collaterally,  the  interest  of  Borrower  as lessor  under  the  Leases of the
Premises,  and the Rents  payable under any Lease and/or with respect to the use
of the Premises, or portion thereof, including any oil, gas or mineral lease, or
any  installments of money payable  pursuant to any agreement or any sale of the
Premises or any part  thereof,  subject  only to a license,  if any,  granted by
Lender to Borrower with respect  thereto prior to the  occurrence of an Event of
Default.  Borrower has executed and  delivered  the  Assignment  of Leases which
grants to Lender  specific  rights and  remedies  in respect of said  Leases and
governs the collection of Rents thereunder and from the use of the Premises, and
such rights and remedies so granted shall be cumulative of those granted herein.

The collection of such Rents and the application  thereof as aforesaid shall not
cure or waive any Event of Default or notice of default  hereunder or invalidate
any act done  pursuant  to such  notice,  except to the extent any such Event of
Default is fully cured. Failure or discontinuance of Lender at any time, or from
time to time,  to  collect  any such  moneys  shall not impair in any manner the
subsequent  enforcement  by Lender of the  right,  power  and  authority  herein
conferred on Lender.  Nothing  contained  herein,  including the exercise of any
right, power or authority herein granted to Lender, shall be, or be construed to
be, an affirmation by Lender of any tenancy,  Lease or option,  or an assumption
of liability under, or the  subordination of the lien or charge of this Mortgage
to any such tenancy, Lease or option.  Borrower hereby agrees that, in the event
Lender  exercises  its  rights  as  provided  for in  this  paragraph  or in the

Assignment of Leases,  Borrower waives any right to compensation  for the use of
Borrower's  furniture,  furnishings  or equipment in the Premises for the period
such assignment of rents or receivership is in effect,  it being understood that
the Rents  derived from the use of any such items shall be applied to Borrower's
obligations hereunder as above provided.

19. All rights and remedies  granted to Lender in the Loan Documents shall be in
addition  to and not in  limitation  of any rights and  remedies  to which it is
entitled in equity,  at law or by statute,  and the  invalidity  of any right or
remedy herein  provided by reason of its conflict with applicable law or statute
shall not affect any other valid right or remedy  afforded to Lender.  No waiver
of any default or Event of Default under any of the Loan Documents  shall at any
time  thereafter  be held to be a waiver of any rights of the Lender  hereunder,
nor shall any waiver of a prior Event of Default or default operate to waive any
subsequent  Event of Default or default.  All remedies  provided for in the Loan
Documents  are  cumulative  and may,  at the  election of Lender,  be  exercised
alternatively,  successively,  or  concurrently.  No  act  of  Lender  shall  be
construed  as an  election  to  proceed  under any one  provision  herein to the
exclusion  of any other  provision  or to  proceed  against  one  portion of the
Premises to the  exclusion of any other  portion.  Time is of the essence  under
this Mortgage and the Loan Documents.

20. By accepting  payment of any sum secured  hereby after its due date,  Lender
does not waive its right either to require  prompt payment when due of all other
sums or  installments so secured or to declare a default for failure to pay such
other sums or installments.

21.  The usury  provisions  of  paragraph  6 of the Note and the  limitation  of
recourse liability  provisions of paragraph 9 of the Note are fully incorporated
herein by reference as if the same were specifically stated here.

22. In the event one or more  provisions of the Loan Documents  shall be held to
be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality
or  unenforceability  shall not affect any other provision hereof,  and the Loan
Documents  shall be construed as if any such  provision had never been contained

23. If the payment of the  Indebtedness  secured  hereby or of any part  thereof
shall be extended or varied,  or if any part of the  security be  released,  all
persons now or at any time  hereafter  liable  therefor,  or  interested in said
Premises,  shall be held to assent to such extension,  variation or release, and
their  liability and the lien and all  provisions  hereof shall continue in full

force, the right of recourse  against all such persons being expressly  reserved
by Lender notwithstanding such variation or release.

24. Upon payment in full of the principal sum,  interest and other  Indebtedness
secured by the Loan Documents, these presents shall be null and void, and Lender
shall release this Mortgage and the lien hereof by proper instrument executed in
recordable form.

25. (a) Borrower hereby grants to Lender and its respective  agents,  attorneys,
employees,  consultants,  contractors  and  assigns an  irrevocable  license and
authorization to enter upon and inspect the Premises and all facilities  located
thereon at reasonable times. Lender shall make reasonable efforts to ensure that
the operations of the tenants are not disrupted.

     (b) In connection  with any sale or conveyance of this  Mortgage,  Borrower
     grants  to  Lender  and  its  respective  agents,   attorneys,   employees,
     consultants,   contractors   and   assigns  an   irrevocable   license  and
     authorization  to conduct,  at Lender's  expense,  a Phase I  environmental
     audit of the Premises.

     (c) In the event there has been an Event of Default or in the event  Lender
     has formed a reasonable belief,  based on its inspection of the Premises or
     other factors known to it, that  Hazardous  Materials may be present on the
     Premises,  then  Borrower  grants  to  Lender  and its  respective  agents,
     attorneys, employees,  consultants,  contractors and assigns an irrevocable
     license and authorization to conduct, at Borrower's expense,  environmental
     tests  of  the  Premises,   including   without   limitation,   a  Phase  I
     environmental audit, subsurface testing, soil and ground water testing, and
     other tests which may  physically  invade the Premises or  facilities  (the
     "Tests"). The scope of the Tests shall be such as Lender, in its sole -----
     discretion, determines is necessary to (i) investigate the condition of the
     Premises,  (ii) protect the security interests created under this Mortgage,
     or (iii) determine  compliance with  Environmental  Laws, the provisions of
     the Loan  Documents  and the  Environmental  Indemnity  and  other  matters
     relating thereto.  Notwithstanding  anything  contained  hereinabove to the
     contrary,  except in the event there has been an Event of  Default,  Lender
     shall  provide prior  written  notice prior to conducting  any tests in the

     (d) The foregoing licenses and authorizations are intended to be a means of
     protection  of  Lender's  security  interest  in the  Premises  and  not as
     participation in the management of the Premises.

26. Within 15 days after any written  request by either party to this  Mortgage,
the requested party shall certify, by a written statement duly acknowledged, the
amount of principal, interest and other Indebtedness then owing on the Note, the
terms of payment,  Maturity  Date and the date to which  interest has been paid.
Borrower shall further certify  whether any defaults,  offsets or defenses exist
against the Indebtedness secured hereby.  Borrower shall also furnish to Lender,
within  30 days of its  request  therefor,  tenant  estoppel  letters  from such
tenants of the  Premises as Lender may  require;  which Lender shall not request
more than one (1) time per annum nor more than one (1) time prior to the date of
the Securitization Transaction.

27. (a) Borrower  shall  furnish to Lender  within 90 days after the end of each
fiscal year of Borrower,  a detailed and analytical financial report prepared in
accordance with generally accepted accounting  principles  consistently applied,
certified in a manner and  otherwise  in form  reasonably  acceptable  to Lender
covering the full and  complete  operation of the  Premises,  including  without
limitation:  (i) income and expense statements, and (ii) a report of the leasing
status of the  Premises  as of the end of such  year,  identifying  the  lessee,
square footage leased, rental amount, base rental increases,  rental concessions
and/or rental  deferments,  if any, an commencement  and expiration  dates under
each Lease of the Premises,  and (iii) a budget and an aged accounts  receivable
report.  Such reports shall be prepared by an accountant  who may be an employee
of Borrower,  or of an affiliate of Borrower,  acceptable to Lender. In addition
to the reports referred to herein, Borrower shall promptly supply any additional
information  or records  relating to the Premises or its operation as Lender may
from time to time reasonably request.  Notwithstanding  anything  hereinabove to
the contrary,  Lender agrees to accept the financial reports  referenced herein,
prepared by the Chief Financial  Officer of Borrower's  parent  company,  Medtox
Scientific, Inc., or such other designee acceptable to Lender.

     (b) Borrower  shall submit to Lender,  within 90 days  following the end of
     each fiscal year, annual balance sheets and income statements for Borrower.

28. Each notice,  consent,  request,  report or other  communication  under this
Mortgage or any other Loan Document (each a "Notice") which any party hereto may
desire  or be  required  to give to the  other  ------  shall be deemed to be an
adequate and sufficient notice if given in writing and service is made by either
(i) registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, in which case notice shall be
deemed to have been received three (3) business days  following  deposit to U.S.
mail; or (ii) nationally  recognized  overnight air courier,  next day delivery,
prepaid, in which case such notice shall be deemed to have been received one (1)
business day  following  delivery to such  nationally  recognized  overnight air
courier.  All Notices shall be addressed to Borrower at its address given on the

first page hereof or to Lender at c/o  Principal  Capital  Management,  LLC, 801
Grand  Avenue,  Des  Moines,  Iowa  50392-1450,  Attn:  Commercial  Real  Estate
Servicing,  Loan No.  752834,  or to such  other  place as  either  party may by
written  notice to the other  hereafter  designate  as a place  for  service  of

29. This  Mortgage and all  provisions  hereof shall inure to the benefit of the
heirs,  successors  and assigns of Lender and shall bind the heirs and permitted
successors and assigns of Borrower.

30.  Borrower has had the  opportunity  to fully  negotiate the terms hereof and
modify the draftsmanship of this Mortgage. Therefore, the terms of this Mortgage
shall be construed and interpreted without any presumption,  inference,  or rule
requiring  construction  or  interpretation  of any  provision of this  Mortgage
against the interest of the party  causing this Mortgage or any portion of it to
be drafted.  Borrower  is entering  into this  Mortgage  freely and  voluntarily
without any duress, economic or otherwise.

31. This Mortgage  shall be governed by, and  construed in  accordance  with the
laws  of  the  state  of  Minnesota,  without  regard  to its  conflicts  of law

32. As used herein,  the term "Default Rate" means a rate equal to the lesser of
(i) four percent (4%) per annum above the then applicable  interest rate payable
under the Note or (ii) the maximum rate allowed by applicable law.


34. This Mortgage and the Indebtedness secured hereby is for the sole purpose of
conducting or acquiring a lawful business,  professional or commercial  activity
or for  the  acquisition  or  management  of  real  or  personal  property  as a
commercial  investment,  and all proceeds of such Indebtedness shall be used for
said business or commercial  investment purpose.  Such proceeds will not be used
for the purchase of any security  within the meaning of the Securities  Exchange
Act of 1934, as amended,  or any regulation issued pursuant  thereto,  including
without  limitation,  Regulations  U, T and X of the Board of  Governors  of the
Federal Reserve System.  This is not a purchase money mortgage where a seller is

providing  financing  to a buyer for the  payment  of all or any  portion of the
purchase price,  and the Premises secured hereby is not a residence or homestead
or used for mining, grazing, agriculture, timber or farming purposes.

35. Unless Lender shall  otherwise  direct in writing,  Borrower shall appear in
and  defend  all  actions  or  proceedings  purporting  to affect  the  security
hereunder,  or any right or power of the Lender. The Lender shall have the right
to appear in such actions or  proceedings.  Borrower shall save Lender  harmless
from all costs and expenses, including but not limited to, reasonable attorneys'
fees and  costs,  and costs of a title  search,  continuation  of  abstract  and
preparation  of  survey  incurred  by reason of any  action,  suit,  proceeding,
hearing, motion or application before any court or administrative body in and to
which Lender may be or become a party by reason hereof.  Such proceedings  shall
include   but  not  be  limited  to   condemnation,   bankruptcy,   probate  and
administration  proceedings,  as well as any  other  action,  suit,  proceeding,
right,  motion or  application  wherein  proof of claim is by law required to be
filed or in which it  becomes  necessary  to defend or uphold  the terms of this
Mortgage or the Loan  Documents or otherwise  purporting  to affect the security
hereof or the rights or powers of Lender.  All money paid or  expended by Lender
in that regard,  together with interest thereon from date of such payment at the
Default  Rate  shall be  additional  Indebtedness  secured  hereby  and shall be
immediately due and payable by Borrower without notice.

36.  Upon  the  occurrence  of an  Event of  Default,  unless  the same has been
specifically  waived in  writing,  all Rents  collected  or received by Borrower
shall be accepted and held for Lender in trust and shall not be commingled  with
the funds and property of Borrower, but shall be promptly paid over to Lender.

37. If more than one,  all  obligations  and  agreements  of Borrower and of any
general partner of Borrower are joint and several.

38. This Mortgage may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed
an original;  and such counterparts when taken together shall constitute but one

39.  Borrower  has  delivered to Lender an  irrevocable  letter of credit in the
amount of  $300,000.00  having an expiration  date not earlier than 1 year after
its issue date, to be held by Lender as additional security for the Loan;

              Borrower  shall  deliver to Lender not later than 30 days prior to
              the  expiration  date of said  letter of credit and any renewal or
              replacement letter of credit, a renewal or replacement irrevocable
              bank letter of credit  identical in terms and amount,  issued by a
              United States bank acceptable to Lender.

              Except as hereinafter  provided and so long as no Event of Default
              has occurred under the Loan Documents,  the Letter of Credit shall
              be released at which time Medtox  Scientific,  Inc.  has  achieved
              audited net income after taxes in excess of $1,000,000.00  for two
              consecutive fiscal years as determined by Lender.

              Upon  the  occurrence  of an  Event  of  Default  under  the  Loan
              Documents, Lender may, with respect to the letter of credit or any
              renewal or replacement  thereof,  exercise all enforcement  rights
              and  remedies  granted to Lender under the Loan  Documents  and in
              addition to all other rights and remedies  granted to Lender under
              the Loan  Documents,  Lender  may,  at its  option,  draw upon the
              letter of credit and any renewal or  replacement  letter of credit
              and the  proceeds  of  such  letter  of  credit  shall  constitute
              additional  security for the Loan. Lender may, at its option,  use
              such funds to (1) cure or partially cure any Event of Default; (2)
              prepay the principal  amount of the Loan or any part thereof;  (3)
              pay any interest  accrued under the terms of the Note; (4) pay any
              other  Indebtedness;  (5) pay the Make Whole Premium,  if any, due
              and  payable;  or (6) hold  such  funds in a  non-interest-bearing
              account as additional  security for the Loan, all in such order as
              Lender  may  determine.  In the  event  the  funds or any  portion
              thereof are applied to prepay the principal  amount of the Loan or
              any  part  thereof,  Borrower  waives  any  right  to  prepay  the
              principal amount in whole or in part without  premium,  and agrees
              to pay, as liquidated  damages and not as a penalty,  a Make Whole
              Premium on any principal amount prepaid. The Make Whole Premium on
              any  principal  amount  prepaid  shall be calculated in accordance
              with the provisions of the Loan Documents.

              The letter of credit  and any  renewal  or  replacement  letter of
              credit shall be returned to Borrower and Borrower's  obligation to
              deliver such letter of credit shall  expire,  upon payment in full
              of all sums due to Lender under the Loan Documents.

              Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary,  Lender
              will  accept  $300,000  to be  deposited  with and held by  Lender
              pursuant to an escrow  security  agreement  between  Borrower  and
              Lender   under  terms   acceptable   to  Lender  in  lieu  of  the
              above-referenced letter of credit.

        40.   From the date of its  recording,  this Mortgage shall be effective
              as a financing statement filed as a fixture financing with respect
              to  all  goods   constituting   part  of  the  Premises  (as  more
              particularly  described in the granting  clause of this  Mortgage)
              which are or are to become fixtures  related to the Land described
              herein. For this purpose, the following information is set forth:

              (a)   Name and Address of Debtor:

                    Medtox Scientific, Inc.
                    402 West County Road
                    St. Paul, Minnesota 55112
                    Attention:  Chief Financial Officer

              (b)   Name and Address of Secured Party:

                    Principal Life Insurance Company
                    c/o Principal Capital Management, LLC
                    801 Grand Avenue
                    Des Moines, Iowa 50392-1450

              (c)   This document covers goods which are or are to become

              (d)   The name of the record owner of the Premises is the Debtor
                    described above.

              (e)   Borrowers tax identification number is 41-1997061.

       41.    The  maximum  principal  amount of  indebtedness  secured  by this
              Mortgage  at any one time,  excluding  advances  made by Lender in
              protection  of the Premises or the lien of this Mortgage and other
              indeterminate amounts shall be $12,400,000.00.

                            (Signatures on next page)

       IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Borrower has caused this Mortgage to be duly executed
and delivered as of the date first above written.

               a Delaware limited liability company

               By    ____________________________________

STATE OF __________________         )
                                            ) ss.
COUNTY OF ________________ )

                The  foregoing  instrument  was  acknowledged  before  me this
______     day     of     ______________________,      ________________     by
______________________________,        the      ____________________        of
_______________________________________,                             a
____________________________________________ organized  under  the laws of the
state of ____________________, on behalf of said _____________________________.

                                           Notary Public