Exhibit 10.43
                              EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT

         THIS   AGREEMENT,   dated  January  1,  1997,  by  and  between  MEDTOX
Scientific,  Inc., a corporation (the "Company") and Richard J. Braun a resident
of Minnesota ("Executive").

         WHEREAS,  the Company  desires to employ  Executive upon and subject to
the terms and conditions set forth in this agreement,  and Executive  desires to
render services for the Company on such terms and conditions.

         NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the premises and the respective
undertakings  of the  Company and  Executive  set forth  below,  the Company and
Executive agree as follows:

          1.1     Definitions. The following defined terms have the respective
meanings described below:

                  1.1      Change in Control. A "Change in Control" of the 
Company shall mean any of the following:
     (a) a change in control of a nature  that would be  required to be reported
in response to Item 6(e) of Schedule 14A of Regulation 14A promulgated under the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act"), whether or not
the Company is then subject to such reporting requirement; or

     (b) a merger or consolidation to which the Company is a party if, following
the effective date of such merger or consolidation, the individuals and entities
who were  shareholders of the Company prior to the effective date of such merger
or consolidation  have beneficial  ownership (as defined in Rule 13d-3 under the
Exchange Act) of less than fifty  percent (50%) of the combined  voting power of
the  surviving  corporation  following  the  effective  date of such  merger  or
consolidation; or

     (c) when,  during any period of twenty-four (24) consecutive  months during
the term of this  Agreement,  the  individuals  who,  at the  beginning  of such
period,  constitute the Board (the "Incumbent  Directors")  cease for any reason
other than death to constitute at least a majority thereof;  provided,  however,
that a director who was not a director at the beginning of such twenty-four (24)
month  period  shall be deemed to have  satisfied  such  twenty-four  (24) month

requirement,  and be an Incumbent Director,  if such director was elected by, or
on the  recommendation  of or with the approval of, at least  two-thirds  of the
directors who then qualified as Incumbent  Directors  either  actually,  because
they were directors at the beginning of such twenty-four  (24) month period,  or
by prior operation of this Section.

         1.2      Potential Change in Control. A "Potential Change in Control" 
of the Company shall be deemed to have occurred if:

                  (a)      the Company enters into an agreement, the 
consummation of which would result in the occurrence of a Change in Control;

                  (b)      any person (including the Company) publicly announces
 an intention to take or to consider taking actions which if consummated would 
constitute a Change in Control;

                  (c)      any person becomes the beneficial owner,  directly or
                           indirectly, of securities of the Company representing
                           ten  percent  (10%)  or more of the  combined  voting
                           power of the Company's then  outstanding  securities;

                  (d)      the Board adopts a resolution to the effect that, for
                           the purposes of this Agreement,  a "Potential  Change
                           in Control" of the Company has occurred.

         1.3      Cause. Termination by the Company of the Executive's 
employment for "Cause" shall mean termination upon:

                  (a)      the willful and continued failure by the Executive to
                           substantially  perform  Executive's  duties  with the
                           Company  (other than any such failure  resulting from
                           Executive's  incapacity  due to  physical  or  mental
                           illness)  after  a  written  demand  for  substantial
                           performance  is  delivered  to the  Executive  by the
                           Company's   Board   of   Directors,    which   demand
                           specifically  identifies  the  manner  in  which  the
                           Company believes that Executive has not substantially
                           performed Executive's duties; or

                  (b)      the willful engaging by the Executive in conduct 
which is demonstrably and materially injurious to the Company, monetarily or 

For purposes of this Section 1.3, no act, or failure to act, on the  Executive's
part shall be deemed  "willful"  unless  done,  or  omitted  to be done,  by the
Executive not in good faith and without  reasonable  belief that the Executive's
action or omission was in the best interest of the Company.

         1.4      Company. The term "Company" means MEDTOX Scientific, Inc. 
and any successors and assigns of the Company.

     2.  Employment.  The Company  hereby employs  Executive as Chief  Executive
Officer,  and Executive  accepts such employment and agrees to perform  services
for the  Company,  for the period and upon the other  terms and  conditions  set
forth in this agreement.

         3. Term of  Employment.  The term of Executive's  employment  hereunder
("Term of Employment")  shall commence on the date hereof and shall continue for
a three year period  ending on December 31, 1999 (unless  earlier  terminated in
accordance  with the  provisions of Section 13 of this  agreement).  The Term of
Employment  shall  be  automatically  extended  by  successive  12  month  terms

         4.       Position and Duties.

                  4.1  Service  with  Company.  During  his Term of  Employment,
         Executive  agrees  to  perform  such  reasonable   employment   duties,
         consistent with the terms of this agreement,  as the Board of Directors
         of the Company  shall assign to him from time to time.  Such duties and
         employment  responsibilities  shall be performed in accordance with the
         Company's rules, regulations and instructions now in force or which may
         be adopted by the Company in the future. During the Executive's Term of
         Employment,  the Board of Directors  shall  nominate  and  recommend to
         shareholders the election of, and vote all shareholder proxies in favor
         of, Executive's election to the Company's Board of Directors.

                  4.2 Performance of Duties. During his Term of Employment,  the
         Executive  agrees to serve the Company  exclusively  and to the best of
         his ability.  The Executive shall have active  involvement and be fully
         committed to the business and affairs of the Company,  and shall devote
         one hundred percent of his business time to the affairs of the Company,
         except for (i) vacations and excused  leaves of absence as permitted in
         accordance with Company policy; (ii) service on the Boards of Directors
         of  other  companies  at the  discretion  of  the  Company's  Board  of
         Directors;  (iii) service on the Boards of Directors of  not-for-profit
         entities without approval of the Company's Board of Directors; and (iv)
         a  reasonable  amount of time  during  the  business  day to handle his
         personal  affairs.  Executive  hereby  confirms  that  he is  under  no
         contractual commitments  inconsistent with his obligations set forth in
         this  agreement  and that  during  his Term of  Employment,  except  as
         provided  herein,  he will not render or perform services for any other
         corporation, firm, entity or person, nor will he become involved in the
         operations  or management of any other  commercial  corporation,  firm,
         entity or person.

         5.       Compensation.

                  5.1 Base Salary. Initial base compensation for all services to
          be rendered by the Executive  under this agreement  during the Term of
          Employment,  the Company  shall pay to Executive an annual base salary
          of $199,656 per year,  which salary shall be paid in  accordance  with
          the Company's normal payroll procedures and policies.

                  5.2 Options.  Executive shall be eligible for annual awards of
         options to purchase shares of the Company's  common Stock  ("Options").
         All such awards  shall vest daily on a pro rata basis over a three-year
         period  from  the  date of  grant.  Executive  and the  Company  hereby
         acknowledge  that Executive was granted  Options to purchase  1,000,000
         shares  of the  Company's  common  stock  effective  January  1,  1997,
         pursuant to the Option Agreement attached hereto as Attachment 1.

     5.3 Annual Bonus Plan. Executive shall participate in the Annual Bonus Plan
of the Company set forth in Attachment 2 to this Agreement.

     5.4 Performance Unit Plan.  Executive shall  participate in the Performance
Unit Plan of the Company set forth in Attachment 3 to this Agreement.

                  5.5   Benefits.   Executive   shall   be   entitled   to  such
         Company-sponsored  benefits as are provided to  executive  employees of
         the  Company,  subject to the terms and  conditions  of the  applicable
         policies  and/or  plans.  Executive  shall be entitled to the  specific
         additional benefits enumerated in Attachment 4 to this Agreement.

         6. Executive's Agreement to Continue Employment for Six (6) Months. The
         Executive  agrees  that,  subject to the terms and  conditions  of this
         Agreement, in the event of a Potential Change in Control of the Company
         occurring  during  the  Term  of  Employment,  if so  requested  by the
         Company,  Executive  will  remain in the  employ of the  Company  for a
         period of six (6) months after the occurrence of such Potential  Change
         in  Control  of the  Company.  If more  than one  "Potential  Change in
         Control"  occurs during the Term of Employment,  the provisions of this
         Section 6 shall be  applicable  to each  "Potential  Change of Control"
         occurring prior to the occurrence of a Change in Control.

         7. Severance Payments. If during the Term of Employment, (i) whether or
         not a Change in Control or  Potential  Change in Control has  occurred,
         the Company  terminates  the  employment  of  Executive  other than for
         Cause, (ji) a Change in Control has occurred and Executive has complied
         with  Section 6 of this  Agreement,  or (iii) the  Executive's  duties,
         responsibilities  or  authority  (including  status,   office,   title,
         reporting  relationships  or working  conditions)  have been materially
         altered  from those in effect on the date of this  Agreement,  (iv) the

         Executive has been required to relocate to an office or related  entity
         more than fifty (50) miles from the office where  Executive was located
         on the  date  hereof,  or  (v)  the  Company  has  breached  any of its
         obligations  under  this  Agreement,  then,  in any such  event (at the
         Executive's  option in the case of any event  described  in clause (ii)
         through (v) above),  the Executive's  employment  hereunder shall cease
         and Executive shall be entitled to the following benefits:

                  (a)      the Company  will pay to  Executive  the  Executive's
                           then  current  base salary for the greater of (i) the
                           twelve (12) month period  following  the date of such
                           termination,  or  (ii)  the  balance  of the  Term of
                           Employment  hereunder,  in  either  case  subject  to
                           applicable  withholdings  and in accordance  with the
                           regular payroll practices of the Company; and

                   (b)     continuous coverage, at the Company's expense,  under
                           any group health plan  maintained  by or on behalf of
                           the Company,  in which  Executive  participated as of
                           the Date of  Termination,  for the greater of (i) the
                           twelve  (12)  month  period  following  the  date  of
                           termination,  or  (ii)  the  balance  of the  Term of
                           Employment hereunder; and

                  (c)      continued  participation  in the  Annual  Bonus  Plan
                           referenced  in Section 5.3, on a pro rata basis,  and
                           continued benefits referenced in Attachment 4 to this
                           Agreement,  for the same period as base salary  shall
                           be payable pursuant to Section 7(a).

         Executive's right to continued  coverage under this section shall in no
way reduce or limit any  continuation  coverage  under such group health plan to
which Executive or any of Executive's qualified beneficiaries are entitled under
the provisions of the  Consolidated  Omnibus Budget  Reconciliation  Act of 1985
("COBRA") or Minnesota  Statutes  61A.092 and 62A. 17 et seq. This
extension of coverage, however, shall be coordinated with, and shall be provided
concurrently  with, any benefits or continuation  rights otherwise  available to
Executive  and   Executive's   eligible   dependents   under  state  or  federal
continuation  of coverage  statutes,  including  but not  limited to,  Minnesota
Statutes  61A.092 and 62A. 17 et seq. and the federal Consolidated
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act ("COBRA").  Accordingly,  within ten (10) days
after the date of  termination,  Executive and  Executive's  dependents  who are
eligible for such  statutory  continuation  rights shall  complete all forms and
papers necessary and customary to elect such continuation  coverage. The Parties
expressly agree that the extension of benefits provided for by this Agreement is
not intended to create a retiree  health plan covering any other  employees.  In
all other  respects,  the payment of benefits,  including the amounts and timing
thereof,  to Executive and Executive's  eligible  dependents will be governed by
the  terms  of  applicable  employee  benefit  plans  for  which  Executive  and
Executive's  dependents  are  eligible.  The Company will answer any  reasonable
questions  that Executive may have from time to time and will offer him the same
assistance  given  other  participants  in  employee  benefit  plans  so long as
Executive is entitled to benefits as provided herein or under the terms of those

         Nothing in this Agreement,  including the Severance  Payments described
in this  Section  7,  shall in any way be  construed  to  extend  the  period of
Executive's employment with the Company.

     8.  Confidential  Information.  Except  as  permitted  or  directed  by the
Company's  Board of Directors,  during the term of this Agreement or at any time
thereafter Executive shall not divulge,  furnish or make accessible to anyone or
use in any way  (other  than  in the  ordinary  course  of the  business  of the
Company) any  confidential  or secret  knowledge or  information  of the Company
which Executive has acquired or become acquainted with or will acquire or become
acquainted  with prior to the termination of the period of his employment by the
Company (including  employment by the Company or any affiliated  companies prior
to the date of this  agreement),  whether  developed  by  himself  or by others,
concerning  any  trade  secrets,  confidential  or  secret  designs,  processes,
formulae,  plans,  devices or material  (whether or not patented or  patentable)
directly or indirectly useful in any aspect of the business of the Company,  any
customer  or  supplier  lists  of  the  Company,   any  confidential  or  secret
development  or  research  work  of  the  Company,  or  any  other  confidential
information  or  secret  aspects  of  the  business  of the  Company.  Executive
acknowledges  that the  above-described  knowledge or information  constitutes a
unique and valuable asset of the Company and represents a substantial investment
of time and expense by the Company and its predecessors, and that any disclosure
or other use of such knowledge or information other than for the sole benefit of
the Company would be wrongful and would cause  irreparable  harm to the Company.
Both during and after the term of this  agreement,  Executive  will refrain from
any  acts or  omissions  that  would  reduce  the  value  of such  knowledge  or
information  to the  Company.  The  foregoing  obligations  of  confidentiality,
however,  shall not apply to any knowledge or information which is now published
or which  subsequently  becomes generally publicly known in the form in which it
was obtained from the Company,  other than as a direct or indirect result of the
breach of this agreement by Executive.  It is hereby acknowledged that it is not
the intention of the forgoing provisions to preclude the Executive from securing
gainful  employment  with  subsequent  employers who are not  competitors of the
Company or who would  otherwise  have no reasonable  commercial use of the above
described knowledge or information, but only to protect the Company's legitimate
proprietary information or knowledge.

         9.  Ventures.  If,  during  the term of this  Agreement,  Executive  is
engaged in or  associated  with the  planning or  implementing  of any  project,
program or venture  involving  the Company  and a third  party or  parties,  all
rights in such project,  program or venture shall belong to the Company.  Except
as formally approved by the Company's Board of Directors, Executive shall not be
entitled  to  any  interest  in  such  project,  program  or  venture  or to any
commission,  finder's fee or other  compensation  in connection  therewith other
than the salary or other  compensation  to be paid to  Executive  as provided in
this Agreement.

         10.      Noncompetition Covenant.

                  10.1 Agreement Not to Compete.  Executive agrees that,  during
         his Term of Employment with the Company and for a period of twelve (12)
         months  after  the  termination  of  such   employment   (whether  such
         termination  is with or without Cause,  or whether such  termination is
         occasioned  by Executive  or the  Company),  he shall not,  directly or
         indirectly,  engage in  competition  with the  Company in any manner or
         capacity  (e.g., as an advisor,  principal,  agent,  partner,  officer,
         director,  stockholder,  employee,  or  otherwise)  in any phase of the
         business  which  the  Company  is  conducting  during  the term of this
         Agreement.  In  addition,  during this same  twelve  (12) month  period
         following  Executive's Term of Employment,  Executive shall not solicit
         or otherwise encourage any third party or representative  thereof,  who
         was at the end of  Executive's  Term of  Employment,  a customer of the
         Company,  for the  purpose of causing  such  customer or  customers  to
         purchase,  lease or  otherwise  use any  product or service  offered by
         Executive or any organization  with which Executive is affiliated.  Nor
         during this same twelve (12) month  period shall  Executive  solicit or
         otherwise  encourage any employee of the Company to leave the employ of
         the Company for any reason.

     10.2  Geographic  Extent of Covenant.  The  obligations of Executive  under
Section 11.1 shall apply to any geographic area in which the Company:

     (a) has  engaged  in  business  during the term of this  agreement  through
     production, promotional, sales or marketing activity, or otherwise, or

     (b) has otherwise  established its goodwill,  business  reputation,  or any
customer or supplier relations.

         10.3  Limitation  on  Covenant.  Ownership by  Executive,  as a passive
investment,  of less than five percent (5%) of the outstanding shares of capital
stock of any corporation  listed on a national  securities  exchange or publicly
traded in the  over-the-counter  market  shall not  constitute  a breach of this
Section 11.

         10.4 Indirect  Competition.  Executive  further agrees that, during his
Term of  Employment  and within  twelve  (12)  months  thereafter,  he will not,
directly or  indirectly,  assist or encourage  any other person in carrying out,
directly or  indirectly,  any  activity  that would be  prohibited  by the above
provisions  of this Section 11 if such  activity  were carried out by Executive,
either directly or indirectly;  and in particular  Executive agrees that he will
not,  directly or  indirectly,  induce any employee of the Company to carry out,
directly or indirectly, any such activity.

11.      Patent, Copyrights and Related Matters.

         11.1  Disclosure and  Assignment.  Executive will promptly  disclose in

writing to the Company complete information concerning each and every invention,
discovery,  improvement, device, design, apparatus, practice, process, method or
product,  whether  patentable  or  not,  made,  developed,  perfected,  devised,
conceived  or first  reduced  to  practice  by  Executive,  either  solely or in
collaboration  with  others,  during the term of this  agreement,  or within six
months thereafter,  whether or not during regular working hours, relating to any
phase  of the  business  of the  Company  conducted  at such  time  (hereinafter
referred to as "Developments").  Executive,  to the extent that he has the legal
right to do so, hereby  acknowledges  that any and all of said  Developments are
the  property  of the  Company  and hereby  assigns  and agrees to assign to the
Company and all of the Executive's  right,  title and interest in and to any and
all of such Developments.

         11.2  Future  Developments.  As to  any  future  Developments  made  by
Executive and which are first  conceived or reduced to practice  during the term
of  Executive's  employment,  or within  six  months  thereafter,  but which are
claimed for any reason to belong to an entity or person  other than the Company,
Executive  will  promptly  disclose the same in writing to the Company and shall
not  disclose  the same to  others  if the  Company,  within  ninety  (90)  days
thereafter,  shall claim ownership of such Developments  under the terms of this
agreement.  If the Company makes such claim,  Executive agrees that,  insofar as
the rights (if any) of Executive are involved, it will be settled by arbitration
in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association. The locale
of the arbitration  shall be Minneapolis,  Minnesota (or other locale convenient
to the  Company's  principal  executive  offices).  If the Company makes no such
claim,  Executive  hereby  acknowledges  that the Company has made no promise to
receive and hold in confidence any such information disclosed by Executive.

     11.3  Limitation on Sections 11.1 and 11.2. The provisions of sections 11.1
and 11.2 shall not apply to any Development meeting the following conditions:

     (a) such Development was developed entirely on Executive's own time; and

                  (b) such  Development  was made without the use of any Company
                  equipment, supplies, facility or trade secret information; and
                  (c) such  Development  does not  relate  (i)  directly  to the
                  business of the Company, or (ii) to the Company's actual or
                           demonstrably anticipated research or development.

         11.4  Executive  Assistance.  Executive  agrees  to assist  Company  in
obtaining patents or copyrights on any Developments assigned to the Company that
the Company,  in its sole  discretion,  seeks to patent or copyright.  Executive
also agrees to sign all documents and do all things deemed  necessary by Company
to obtain and/or maintain such patents or copyrights, to assign them to Company,
and to protect them against infringement. The obligations of this Section 11 are
continuing  and shall survive the  termination of  Executive's  employment  with

         11.5 Appointment of Agent.  Executive irrevocably appoints the Chairman
of the Board of the Company to act as Executive's  agent and attorney in fact to
perform all acts  necessary to obtain and/or  maintain  patents or copyrights to
any  Developments  assigned by Executive to the Company under this  Agreement if
(i) Executive  refuses to perform those acts or (ii) is unavailable,  within the
meaning of the United States patent and copyright laws.  Executive  acknowledges
that the grant of the  foregoing  power of attorney is coupled  with an interest
and shall survive the death or disability  of Executive and the  termination  of
Executive's employment with the Company.

         11.6  Notice  and  Acknowledgment.  Executive  acknowledges  that  this
section of this Agreement does not apply to a Development for which there was no
equipment,  supplies, facilities or trade secret information of the Company used
and which was developed  entirely on  Executive's  own time,  and which does not
relate  directly  to the  business  of the  Company or the  Company's  actual or
demonstrably anticipated research or development,  or which does not result from
any work performed by Executive for the Company.

12.      Termination.

     12.1 Grounds for Termination.  This agreement shall be terminated under the
following circumstances:

                  (a)      By mutual agreement of Executive and the Company;

                  (b)      Immediately upon the death of Executive;

                  (c)      Upon delivery by Executive of a notice of termination
                           to the Company,  in which event this agreement  shall
                           be  terminated  sixty (60) days after receipt of such

     (d) At  Executive's  option,  upon the  occurrence of any of the events set
forth in clauses (ii) through (v) of the first paragraph of Section 7;

     (e) Upon the  occurrence  of an event  constituting  "Cause"  as defined in
Section 1.3.

Notwithstanding any termination of this agreement,  Executive,  in consideration
of his employment hereunder to the date of such termination,  shall remain bound
by the  provisions  of this  agreement  which  specifically  relate to  periods,
activities or obligations  upon or subsequent to the  termination of Executive's
employment,  and the Company  shall remain bound by the  provisions of Section 5
(to the  extent  that  they  relate  to time  periods  prior to the date of such
termination),  and  Section  7 except  in the case of a  termination  for  Cause
pursuant to Section  12.1(e) or a termination  by Executive  pursuant to Section

         12.2  Surrender  of  Records  and  Property.  Upon  termination  of his

employment with the Company, Executive shall deliver promptly to the Company all
records,  manuals, books, blank forms,  documents,  letters,  memoranda,  notes,
notebooks,  reports, data, tables, calculations or copies thereof, which are the
property of the Company or which  relate in any way to the  business,  products,
practices or techniques of the Company,  and all other  property,  trade secrets
and confidential information of the Company,  including, but not limited to, all
documents  which in whole or in part contain any trade  secrets or  confidential
information of the Company; which in any of these cases are in his possession or
under his control. Provided, however, that Executive shall be entitled to retain
items of sentimental value,  copies of which shall be provided to the Company at
the request of the Company and at the Company's expense.

13.      Miscellaneous.

     13.1  Governing  Law. This Agreement is made under and shall be governed by
and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota.

         13.2 Prior Agreements.  This Agreement contains the entire agreement of
the parties  relating  to the subject  matter  hereof and  supersedes  all prior
agreements  and  understandings  with  respect to such subject  matter,  and the
parties hereto have made no agreements,  representations or warranties  relating
to the subject matter of this agreement which are not set forth herein.

         13.3  Withholding  Taxes.  The  Company may  withhold  from all salary,
bonus, severance pay or other benefits payable under this agreement all federal,
state,  city  or  other  taxes  as  shall  be  required  pursuant  to any law or
governmental regulation or ruling.

     13.4  Amendments.  No amendment or  modification of this agreement shall be
deemed effective unless made in writing and signed by the parties hereto.

         13.5 No Waiver.  No term or condition of this agreement shall be deemed
to have been waived,  nor shall there be any estoppel to enforce any  provisions
of this  agreement,  except by a statement  in writing  signed by the party whom
enforcement of the waiver or estoppel is sought. Any written waiver shall not be
deemed a continuing waiver unless specifically  stated, shall operate only as to
the specific term or condition  waived and shall not constitute a waiver of such
term or  condition  for the  future  or as to any act  other  than  specifically

         13.6 Severability.  To the extent any provision of this agreement shall
be invalid or  unenforceable,  it shall be considered  deleted here from and the
remainder of such provision and of this agreement  shall be unaffected and shall
continue in full force and effect.  In furtherance  and not in limitation of the
foregoing, should the duration or geographical extent of, or business activities
covered by, any provision of this  agreement be in excess of that which is valid
and enforceable  under applicable law, then such provision shall be construed to
cover only that duration, extent or activities which may validly and enforceably

be covered.  Executive  acknowledges  the uncertainty of the law in this respect
and expressly  stipulates  that this agreement be given the  construction  which
renders  its  provisions  valid  and  enforceable  to the  maximum  extent  (not
exceeding its express terms) possible under applicable law.

     13.7  Assignment.  This agreement  shall not be assignable,  in whole or in
part, by either party without the written consent of the other party.

         13.8 Injunctive Relief.  Executive agrees that it would be difficult to
compensate  the Company fully for damages for any violation of the provisions of
this agreement,  including without  limitation the provisions of Sections 9, 10,
11 and 12.2.  Accordingly,  Executive specifically agrees that the Company shall
be  entitled  to  temporary  and  permanent  injunctive  relief to  enforce  the
provisions  of this  agreement  and that such relief may be granted  without the
necessity of proving actual  damages.  This provision with respect to injunctive
relief  shall  not,  however,  diminish  the right of the  Company  to claim and
recover damages in addition to injunctive relief.


     Its ___________________________

Richard J. Braun



         THIS  AGREEMENT  is dated  effective  as of the grant date set forth on
Exhibit  A  attached  hereto,  between  MEDTOX  Scientific,   Inc.,  a  Delaware
corporation  (the  "Corporation"),  and  the  individual  listed  on  Exhibit  A

         WHEREAS,  the  Corporation  desires to grant and the Grantee desires to
accept  the  Nonqualified   Stock  Options  to  purchase  Common  Stock  of  the
Corporation (as defined below);

         NOW THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the premises and of the covenants
and agreements set forth below, it is mutually agreed as follows:

         1. Grant of Options. The Corporation hereby grants to Grantee an Option
to purchase from the Corporation  all or any part of an aggregate  amount of the
shares of the  Common  Stock of the  Corporation,  $.15 par value per share (the
"Common Stock"), at the Option price and on other terms, as set forth in Exhibit
A attached  hereto and made a part  hereof.  The date of this  Agreement  is the
effective  date of the  grant.  This  Option is not  intended  to  qualify as an
Incentive Stock Option as described in Section 422 of the Internal  Revenue Code
of 1986 and is referred to as a Nonqualified Stock Option.

         2. Exercise  Period.  This Option shall vest and become  exercisable in
accordance  with the  schedule  attached  hereto  as  Exhibit  A and made a part
hereof.  All vested Options must be exercised on or before the earlier of a date
ten (10) years from the date vesting.  Vesting shall continue in accordance with
Exhibit  A  notwithstanding  the  termination  of  Grantee's  employment  by the

         3.  Exercise  of  Option.  The  vested  portion  of this  Option may be
exercised only by written  notice of intent to the  Corporation at its office at
402 West County Road D, New Brighton,  Minnesota 55112.  Such notice shall state
the  number of shares of Common  Stock in  respect  of which the Option is being
exercised  and shall be  accompanied  by payment for such Common  Stock in cash,
certified  or  cashier's  check  or by  personal  check,  if  acceptable  to the
Corporation,  by  tendering  previously  held  shares  of  Common  Stock  of the
Corporation  held for at least  six  months.  A form of Notice  of  Exercise  is
attached hereto.

         4.  Withholding.  In the event that the Grantee elects to exercise this
Option or any part thereof, and if the Corporation shall be required to withhold
any  amounts  by  reasons  of any  federal,  state or local tax  laws,  rules or
regulations in respect of the issuance of shares to the Grantee  pursuant to the
Option,  the  Corporation  shall be entitled to deduct and withhold such amounts
from any payments to be made to the  Grantee.  In any event,  the Grantee  shall
make available to the  Corporation,  promptly when requested by the Corporation,
sufficient  funds or shares of Common Stock of the Corporation held for at least
six months,  to meet the requirements of such  withholding;  and the Corporation

shall be entitled to take and authorize  such steps as it may deem  advisable in
order to have  such  funds  available  to the  Corporation  out of any  funds or
property due or to become to the Grantee.

     5. No  Shareholder  Rights.  Grantee  shall have no rights as a stockholder
with respect to any shares of Common  Stock  subject to this Option prior to the
date of issuance of a certificate or certificates for such shares.

     6.  Investment  Representation.  Notice of the  exercise of this Option may
include  a  representation  that any of the  Option  shares  purchased  shall be
acquired  as an  investment  and not with a view to,  or for sale in  connection
with, any public distribution.

         7. Compliance with Law and Regulations.  The Grantee  acknowledges that
this Option may not be  exercised  until the  Corporation  has taken all actions
then required to comply with all  applicable  federal and state laws,  rules and
regulations  and any exchange on which the Common Stock may then be listed.  The
certificates  representing the shares purchased upon the exercise of this Option
may bear a legend in substantially the following form:

          These  shares have not been  registered  either  under any  applicable
          federal law and rules and resale will not be permitted under state law
          unless the shares are first registered under the Minnesota  Securities
          law.  Further,  no sale,  offer to sell,  or transfer of these  shares
          shall be made  unless  a  registration  statement  under  the  federal
          Securities  Act of 1933,  as amended,  with  respect to such shares is
          then in effect or an exemption from the  registration  requirements of
          such Act is then in fact applicable to such shares.

     8. Non-Transferability. This Option shall not be transferable other than by
will or by laws of descent and distribution. During the lifetime of the Grantee,
this Option shall be exercisable only by such Grantee.

         9. Other  Assistance.  Upon the  exercise of this Option the Grantee or
other person  exercising the Option must execute a  shareholder's  agreement and
make any  representation  or give  any  commitment  which  the  Company,  in its
discretion, deems necessary or advisable by reason of the securities laws of the
United States or any state,  and execute any document or pay any sum of money in
respect  of taxes or  undertake  to pay or have  paid  any  such sum  which  the
Company, in its discretion, deems necessary be reason of the Code or any rule or
regulation thereunder, or by reason of the tax laws of any state.

     10. Binding  Agreement.  This Agreement  shall be binding upon and inure to
the benefit of the legal representatives,  executors, administrators, successors
and assigns of each party to this Agreement.

     11. Complete Agreement.  This Agreement sets forth the entire understanding
of the parties hereto and shall not be amended,  changed or terminated except by
an instrument in writing signed by the parties to this Agreement.

     12.  Counterparts  and  Governing  Law.  This  Agreement may be executed in
counterparts, and its validity,  construction and performance, shall be governed
by the laws of the state of Minnesota.

     13.  Certain  Definitions.  For purposes of this  Agreement,  the following
terms shall have the meanings described below.

     (a) Cause.  Termination  by the Company of the  Executive's  employment for
"Cause" shall mean termination upon:

                           (1)      the  willful  and  continued  failure by the
                                    Executive    to    substantially     perform
                                    Executive's  duties with the Company  (other
                                    than  any  such   failure   resulting   from
                                    Executive's  incapacity  due to  physical or
                                    mental  illness)  after a written demand for
                                    substantial  performance is delivered to the
                                    Executive   by  the   Company's   Board   of
                                    Directors,    which   demand    specifically
                                    identifies  the manner in which the  Company
                                    believes    that     Executive    has    not
                                    substantially  performed Executive's duties;

     (2) the willful  engaging by the Executive in conduct which is demonstrably
and materially injurious to the Company, monetarily or otherwise.

          For  purposes  of this  Section,  no act,  or failure  to act,  on the
          Executive's  part shall be deemed "willful" unless done, or omitted to
          be done,  by the  Executive  not in good faith and without  reasonable
          belief  that  the  Executive's  action  or  omission  was in the  best
          interest of the Company.

     (b) Change in Control.  A "Change in Control" of the Company shall mean any
of the following:

                           (1)      a change in control  of a nature  that would
                                    be  required  to be  reported in response to
                                    Item 6(e) of Schedule 14A of Regulation  14A
                                    promulgated  under the  Securities  Exchange
                                    Act  of  1934,  as  amended  (the  "Exchange
                                    Act"),  whether  or not the  Company is then
                                    subject to such reporting requirement; or

                           (2)      a  merger  or  consolidation  to  which  the
                                    Company  is  a  party  if,   following   the
                                    effective    date   of   such    merger   or
                                    consolidation,  the individuals and entities

                                    who were  shareholders  of the Company prior
                                    to the  effective  date  of such  merger  or
                                    consolidation have beneficial  ownership (as
                                    defined  in Rule  13d-3  under the  Exchange
                                    Act) of less than fifty percent (50%) of the
                                    combined   voting  power  of  the  surviving
                                    corporation  following the effective date of
                                    such merger or consolidation; or

                           (3)      when,  during any period of twenty-four (24)
                                    consecutive  months  during the term of this
                                    Agreement,   the  individuals  who,  at  the
                                    beginning  of such  period,  constitute  the
                                    Board (the "Incumbent  Directors") cease for
                                    any reason other than death to constitute at
                                    least a majority thereof; provided, however,
                                    that a director  who was not a  director  at
                                    the beginning of such twenty-four (24) month
                                    period  shall be  deemed  to have  satisfied
                                    such twenty-four (24) month requirement, and
                                    be an Incumbent  Director,  if such director
                                    was elected by, or on the  recommendation of
                                    or with the approval of, at least two-thirds
                                    of  the  directors  who  then  qualified  as
                                    Incumbent Directors either actually, because
                                    they were directors at the beginning of such
                                    twenty-four  (24) month period,  or by prior
                                    operation of this Section.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the parties have executed this Agreement effective
the date first above written.

                                     MEDTOX SCIENTIFIC, INC.


                                     Print Name:_________________________



                         [Grantee's signature is set forth on Exhibit 
                         A attached hereto and made a part hereof.]


MEDTOX Scientific, Inc.
402 West County Road D
New Brighton, Minnesota 55112

         The  undersigned  is the holder of a Stock  Option  (the  "Option")  to
purchase shares of Common Stock of MEDTOX Scientific, Inc. (the "Corporation "),
pursuant to the terms of the Stock Option Agreement  between the Corporation and
the undersigned (the "Agreement").  The undersigned hereby irrevocably elects to
exercise  the Option to purchase  _______  shares of Common  Stock (the  "Option
Shares").  Enclosed  herewith are (1) the  original  signed  Agreement,  and (2)
payment for the Option Shares as required under the Agreement.  The  undersigned
requests that the  certificate  representing  the Option Shares be issued in the
name of the undersigned and delivered to the address set forth below.

         In   connection   with  the  issuance  of  the  Option  Shares  to  the
undersigned,  the undersigned hereby certifies and represents to the Corporation
that the  undersigned is acquiring such shares for the purpose of investment and
not with a view toward  distribution.  The  undersigned  understands  that these
securities have not been registered either under any applicable  federal law and
rules or  applicable  state law and rules and that resale will not be  permitted
under  state law unless the  securities  are first  registered  or the sale is a
transaction exempt from registration under the applicable state securities law.

         The undersigned  further  understands  that no sale,  offer to sell, or
transfer  of the Option  Shares  shall be made unless a  registration  statement
under the federal  Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Act"),  with respect
to the Option  Shares is then in effect or an  exemption  from the  registration
requirements  of the Act is then in fact  applicable to the Option  Shares.  The
undersigned  understands that a legend reciting this investment  restriction may
be placed on any stock certificate that may be issued to the undersigned.


- ----------------------------------
               (Grantee Signature)
- ----------------------------------

S.S. No.______________________

                                    EXHIBIT A
                            TO STOCK OPTION AGREEMENT
                             MEDTOX SCIENTIFIC, INC.

Name of Grantee:           Richard Braun

Date of Grant:             March 1, 1998

Number of Shares Granted:  1,000,000

Exercise Price:            $0.4375 per share
Type of Option
(Qualified or Non-Qualified):Non-Qualified

Vesting:   The  Options  shall vest pro rata on a daily
           basis  during  the  period   commencing   on
           January 1, 1997 and ending on  December  31,
           1999.  All  Options  shall vest  immediately
           upon the  occurrence  of a Change in Control
           or a termination of Grantees'  employment by
           the  Company  other than for Cause.  Vesting
           shall   continue   after    termination   of
           employment  as long  as  Grantee  remains  a
           Director of the Company.

MEDTOX Scientific, Inc.                     Accepted and agreed to by
                                            the undersigned Grantee

By_____________________________             ______________________________
     Signature                              Signature
                                            Richard Braun
Title   _______________________

                  [Please execute two copies of this Exhibit A
                    and return one copy to the Corporation.]

                                ANNUAL BONUS PLAN

Participants:     Richard Braun
                  other Senior Technical and Managerial staff as recommended by 
                  the Executive Management of the Company
Purpose:          To align Senior Management's financial incentives with the 
                  objectives of the Shareholders.
Philosophy:       That Senior Management should be rewarded for creating 
                  economic value on behalf of shareholders but should not be 
                  rewarded for returns  less than the risk free rate which  
                  could be achieved by shareholders.

Plan Function: (Example) Beginning equity of equal to $20 Million. Approximate 
Base Salaries of members of the pool of $1,000,000.

     Earnings               Operating       % of Salaries     Pool $
     Pre-tax                ROE
     1.2                        6%           0                   $  0
     1.6                        8%           5               $ 50,000
     2.0                       10%          10               $100,000
     2.4                       12%          25               $250,000
     3.0                       15%          30               $300,000
     3.4                       17%          40               $400,000
     4~0                       20%          50               $500,000
     4.4                       22%          60               $600,000
     4.8                       24%          70               $700,000
     5.2                       26%          80               $800,000
     5.6                       28%          90               $900,000
     6.0                       30%         100             $1,000,000

 Amounts  in  excess  of 30%  ROE  will  be at  discretion  of  Compensation


                          PERFORMANCE UNIT PLAN FOR CEO

   Purpose:          The  purpose  of the Plan is to provide a means of paying a
                     longer term incentive  compensation,  in addition to salary
                     and  annual  incentive  bonus,  to the CEO who  contributes
                     materially  to the success of the Company and to  structure
                     that   incentive  to  achieve   economic  value  added  for
                     Shareholders  that may be inhibited by the annual Incentive


   The Compensation Committee will administer the Plan.  The CEO will receive a 
bonus as follows:

    1.  $50,000 per year if over the prior three year period the Company has 
achieved an average annual revenue growth rate of 15% and achieved an average 
ROE of 15%.

    2.  $75,000 per year if over the prior three year period the Company has 
achieved an average annual revenue growth rate of 20% and achieved an average 
ROE of 20%.

    3.  $100,000 per year if over the prior three year period the Company has 
achieved an average annual revenue growth rate of 25% and achieved an average 
ROE of 25%.

   The plan will begin on January 1, 1997 and first awards will
    be  eligible  to be paid on January 1, 2000.  The  employee
    must be at the Company to receive  the award  except in the
    event  of a  change  of  control  or  retirement  from  the


Fringe Benefits:    Vacation 3 weeks
                    Health Care - Standard Company Plan
                    Dental - Standard Company Plan
                    Flexible Spending Account - Standard Company Plan
                    Matching  401(k) - up to 6% of Compensation -
                    Standard Company Plan 
                    Life Insurance/ ADD 
                    Car allowance provided by Company 
                    Club membership at one  club of  choice  
                    LTD  Policy  paid by Company  
                    Training and  Development  budget of $10,000   
                    Financial   Planning/Tax   Planning budget of $2,500