Metropolitan Financial Corporation ("Metropolitan") having requested the 
resignation of Stan K. Dardis ("Dardis") and both parties to this 
agreement desiring to settle and resolve in a final and binding way all 
issues between them, Metropolitan and Dardis hereby agree as follows:

1.  Dardis hereby resigns his employment as President, Chief Executive 
Officer and Director of Metropolitan Federal Bank and all his other 
positions and responsibilities as officer, employee and member of the 
board of directors of Metropolitan and all of its subsidiary and 
affiliated corporations and business, effective June 15, 1993.

2.  Upon expiration of the rescission period described in paragraph 8 
below, Metropolitan shall pay Dardis his current monthly base salary up 
to December 31, 1993.  Dardis will continue to be covered under Medical, 
Dental, and Life Insurance only until December 31, 1993.  Long Term 
Disability, Pension, 401K, and all other employee benefits will cease on 
June 15, 1993.  Dardis will have 90 days from the December 31, 1993 date 
to exercise any outstanding Metropolitan Corporation stock options.

3.  Metropolitan will pay all reasonable invoices of reputable providers 
of outplacement services to Dardis up to a maximum of Twelve Thousand 
Dollars ($12,000).

4.  Dardis agrees to fully and finally release Metropolitan and all of 
Metropolitan's subsidiaries and affiliates and all officers, employees 
and agents of those corporations from all claims he has or might have 
arising to the date hereof relating in any way to his employment or the 
termination of his employment with those corporations and persons.  This 
release specifically includes, but is not limited to, all claims of age 
or other discrimination in employment arising under the federal Age 
Discrimination in Employment Act, the Minnesota Human Rights Act or any 
other federal, state or local statue in ordinance as well as all claims 
of reprisal, retaliation, defamation, invasion of privacy, breach of 
express or implied contract, promissory, estoppel, intentional or 
negligent infliction of emotional distress, intentional or negligent 
misrepresentation or fraud, "whistleblowing," breach of public policy, 
intentional or negligent interference with contract, improper 
administration of employee benefits and any other claim, whether legal 
or equitable.  It is understood that this release will not impair any 
existing rights Dardis may have under any presently existing pension, 
retirement or employee benefit plan of Metropolitan, nor will it impair 
any rights Dardis may have to seek unemployment compensation benefits.

5.  Dardis agrees, as an essential and material element of this 
Separation Agreement, that he will maintain all of the terms of this 
Separation Agreement and any negative opinions about Metropolitan and 
all of Metropolitan's subsidiaries and affiliates and their employees in 
strictest confidence and that he will not disclose the facts or terms of 
this Separation Agreement or those opinions to any person, except as 
required by law.

6.  Dardis agrees to hold in confidence and not to directly or 
indirectly reveal, disclose or transfer any "Confidential Information" 
at any time hereafter to any person or entity and promises and 
represents that he has not done so heretofore.  The term "Confidential 
Information" means all information or material proprietary to 
Metropolitan, its subsidiaries or affiliates and not generally known, 
about which Dardis obtained knowledge of or access to through Dardis' 
relationship with Metropolitan.  "Confidential Information" includes, 
but is not limited to the following types of information and other 
information of a similar nature whether or not in writing:  
Metropolitan's, its subsidiaries' or affiliates' financial information:  
buying, marketing and pricing methods, plans and techniques; concepts, 
compilations, know-how, procedures, manuals; reports; lists of existing 
and contemplated clients and customers' financial information, employee 
lists and confidential information entrusted by clients, customers and 
other third parties to Metropolitan, its subsidiaries and affiliates.  
Dardis agrees to promptly refer any requests for Confidential 
Information he receives to the Vice President-Human Resources of 

7.  In responding to inquiries by third parties (other than governmental 
regulators) regarding the reasons for Dardis' separation from 
Metropolitan, the parties will only state that Dardis resigned for 
"personal reasons to pursue other interests" and the dates of Dardis' 
employment and nothing further.

8.  Dardis acknowledges that he has had a 21 day opportunity to review 
and reflect on the terms of this Separation Agreement.  Dardis further 
understands that he may rescind this Separation Agreement and the 
Release contained within it within 15 days of signing it.  To be 
effective, his rescission must be in writing and delivered to 
Metropolitan in care of Gordon Schroeder, within the 15 day period.  If 
sent by mail, the rescission must be 1) post-marked within the 15 day 
period; 2) properly addressed to Metropolitan; and 3) sent by certified 
mail, return receipt requested.

9.  This Separation Agreement and the attached Release constitute the 
entire agreement of the parties.  No other agreement not expressed 
within this Separation Agreement shall have any force or effect, and no 
modification, amendment or change of any kind to this Separation 
Agreement shall be effective unless it is in writing and signed by each 
of the parties to this Separation Agreement.

10. The laws of the State of Minnesota shall apply to any disputes that 
may arise relative to the construction of this agreement.

11. Dardis represents and agrees that he has carefully read and fully 
understands all of the provisions of this Separation Agreement and the 
attached Released, that he has had a full opportunity to have all of the 
terms of this Separation Agreement and Release explained to him by legal 
counsel of his choosing and at his expense and that he fully understands 
that by signing this Separation Agreement and the attached Release, he 
is giving up all rights to pursue any further claims against 
Metropolitan and others mentioned in the Release for any reason arising 
in or having roots in anything that happened up to the time of his 
signature.  Dardis therefore represents and agrees that he is signing 
this Separation Agreement knowingly, freely and voluntarily.

    Dated:                           ______________ 
                                     Stan K. Dardis

                                     Metropolitan Financial Corporation

      Date: June 15, 1993           By__________________________________
                                  Its __________________________________